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Saint Francis of Assisi, part 2
The beginnings of the Foundation
Beginnings of the Foundations
His first disciple was Bernardo de Quintavalle who was a rich merchant
from Assisi who sold everything he had to give to the poor.
His second disciple was Pedro de Cattaneo. San Francisco granted
them habits to both in April 1209. Others of the first were Fray Gil,
Morico, Bárbaro, Sabatino, Bernardo Vigilante, Juan de San Constanzo,
Angelo Tancredo, Felipe and Giovanni de la Capella
When there wasn't enough work, they used to beg from door to door,
work that Francis encouraged with joy for having chosen the path of poverty
Francis consults
the gospel to
discern what
the spirit
of the order
should be
Francis received the definitive revelation of his mission, probably on
February 24, 1208, when he heard these words from the Gospel: "Do
not carry a purse, bag, or sandals, or stop to visit acquaintances”(Lk. 10).
Under the poverty that Francis preached and demanded, the friars
did their daily work tending lepers, employing humble tasks for
monasteries and private homes, and working for farmers.
The first years
of the order
were a period
of training in
poverty and
He exchanged his desire to rebuild the churches for an austere life and the preaching
of the Gospel. After submitting to the ridicule of those who saw him dressed almost
in rags, now his message was listened to with attention, and contrary to other reform
groups of the time, his was not a message of disqualification or anathema.
Francis preaches in Assisi
First campaign of apostolate and testimony
he moved to a little
chapel called
Porziuncola, of the
Benedictines, which
was on a plain near
Assisi. Francis liked its
quiet atmosphere
When they were twelve disciples, St. Francis wrote a short and
informal rule that was mainly evangelical advice to achieve perfection.
After several years the rule was authorized by Pope Innocent III
and he gave them the mission to preach penance.
Approval of the constitutions April 1209 - the pope dreamed that
a very poor friar supported the Lateran Basilica with his shoulders.
Then he sent for Francis and, although he objected many times,
after hearing him tell a parable about God's providential care for his
brothers, he was convinced that he was a man of God and
approved the Rule provisionally, with permission to preach.
On the way back from Rome to Assisi, he and his companions settled in
a place called Rivotorto, where they consolidated their principles of living
in poverty, living among local peasants and caring for lepers; since then
they called themselves Friars Minor or Friars Minor (the founding name
of the congregation is Ordo Fratrum Minorum, abbreviated O.F.M.).
The Franciscan Spirit
All of Francis’ effort was aimed at building himself on
the humility learned from Christ, so he only looked at
his failures and his greatest hope was to grow in
virtue. Humble in dress, in feelings and in self-esteem,
he appeared to others as the least of the minors.
There was no arrogance in his words, no affectation
in his gestures, no ostentation in his works.
He willingly submitted to others,
allowing himself to be guided
better by the advice of a
colleague than by his own; and
he preferred criticism to praise,
because criticism forced him to
correct himself, while praise put
him in danger of falling.
Humility - Saint Francis only received the diaconate because
he considered himself unworthy of the priesthood
The spirit and
discipline of
the order
San Francis did
not want the
study to remove
the spirit of his
order. He said
that they could
study if the study
did not take time
away from their
prayer and if they
did not do it
out of vanity.
He feared that
science would
become the
enemy of poverty.
Contemplative and apostolic life –
Francis was struck by an anguished question: should they
mainly dedicate themselves to the contemplative life or
was it better to go out into the world to proclaim the
Gospel? … .. Fray Rufino and Santa Clara advised him -
The Lord had not called them for themselves, but "to reap
souls and may many be saved for him".
The spread of the evangelical message also began,
and for this he encouraged them to travel two by two
Spring 1212 –
Francis gathered his
brothers (no more than 20
or 25) and after
submitting them to
examination, sent them
two by two, on the
roads of the world.
Thus a new stage was
opened for the Order,
decidedly itinerant
and missionary
Saint Francis’
route in Italy
1213-1214 - was able to travel the northern half of Spain
(Navarra, Aragon, Catalonia, Castile, León, Portugal
and Galicia), as some testimonies and traditions show,
they are chronologically consistent with each other.
He also visited Santiago de Compostela
Growth, organization, territories and missions
(1214-1215). - The 12 friars of 1209 were more than 3000 in 1221, which represents
an average annual growth of 100%. Upon his return from Spain, Francis was joined
by some nobles, lawyers and artists, such as Fray Pacífico, "the king of verses",
Tomás de Celano, his future biographer, and Juan Parenti, Fray Elías and Alberto de
Pisa, his future successors, as general ministers of the Order. Also at that time there
was Fray Esteban de Narni, companion of the Saint between 1217 and 1219.
Innocent III - The IV Lateran Council, Nov 1215
Among the 2,212 representatives of the universal
Church: patriarchs, bishops, theologians, abbots and
priors, there was also Saint Francis, as superior general
of an Order recognized by the Holy See. Among the
conciliar decisions it is necessary to highlight
1 - the convocation of the V Crusade,
2 - the promotion of Eucharistic worship,
3 - The prohibition of new rules of religious life,
which fully affected the foundations of Santa Clare
and Saint Dominic de Guzmán,
4 - the obligation for all religious congregations to
celebrate a general chapter of superiors and abbots
every three years, as the Cistercians did.
First official general chapter of the Order
(spring, 1216). - Francis already used to gather his
brothers every spring in the Porziuncola and in his
Order there were no more superiors than him;
but he immediately adhered to the conciliar norm
and summoned his first 300 friars to a general
chapter, together with the Benedictine monastery
of San Verecundo, near Gubbio.
Meeting with Cardinal Hugolino - June-July, 1217.- In Florence he came to greet
Cardinal Hugolino of the Counts of Segni, Pontifical legate in the regions of Tuscany
and Lombardy. Pope Honorius III named Hugolino cardinal protector of the Order
(January-February 1218), who was later elected pope and took the name Gregory IX.
Holy Week 1218 - Saint Francis met Saint Dominic in Rome, who had
preached faith and penance in the south of France. Saint Dominic de
Guzmán met with San Francis at the home of Cardinal Hugolino in Assisi.
He also visited Saint Claire in the church or Saint Damien.
Hugolino and Saint Dominic in the General Chapter (June 3, 1218). The first general
chapters were called "of the mats" because the brothers, they were distributed next
to the church of the Porziuncola in sheds of mats. In 1218, about a thousand friars
attended and also Cardinal Hugolino, who was in Perusa, and Saint Dominic, who
was returning from Bologna with some companions. The prelate presided over the
Eucharist and preached to the brothers, joyful to see them on the ground, in groups,
talking about the things of God, in prayer or engaged in other activities and services.
"Really," he said, "this is God's camp."
Saint Dominic did not understand how such a large group could
live so carefree, but he soon found that people from all the
region came to witness that unprecedented assembly and each
one brought for the brothers something to eat and drink, and
they served them. Since then, he made a point of observing
evangelical poverty, and a year later, in Paris, he made his
brothers embrace it, encouraged by the example of Francis.
Creation of the ministers and provinces - (May 14, 1217). - At the general chapter of this year about 600 friars
from all over Italy came to Santa Maria de la Porziúncula and Francis understood that responsibility had to be
shared, so the Order was divided into "provinces", which encompassed entire regions or countries. The chapter
decided to send friars to the Christian kingdoms of Spain, France, Germany, Hungary (and the Balkan countries)
and Overseas (Malta, Cyprus and the Kingdom of Jerusalem), in addition to the Italian regions of Lombardy,
Marche, Tuscany, Tierra de Labor , Calabria and Puglia. At the head of each province he put a "minister" (servant),
with the mission to distribute, visit and correct the friars in the territory of their jurisdiction.
The bull "Cum dilecti" in favor of Minors (June 11, 1218).
It helped the friars to present themselves before the
bishops and clergy inside and outside Italy.
Fray Juan Parenti replaced Bernardo de
Quintavalle as minister of the Spanish
province. He was accompanied by a
hundred brothers, who celebrated their
first provincial chapter in Zaragoza,
August 15. The houses founded by Juan
Parenti between 1219 and 1227, were
very numerous in all the kingdoms of
the Peninsula. He was the first
successor to Saint Francis
Foundation of the Poor Clares
Clare was eleven years younger than him, so that when the saint renounced everything,
she was only twelve years old, but she determined to do the same when she came of age.
Daughter of Favarone de Offreduccio.
She heard Saint Francis preach and
decided to follow him in March 28-29, 1211).
When she was 18 years old,
at dawn on Holy Monday she
left her house in secret, and
went to Santa María, where
Francis was waiting for her
with the brothers to
consecrate her to the Lord.
The next day they took her to the Benedictine monastery of Saint Paul of
the Abadesses (in what is now Bastía Umbra cemetery), from where her
uncle Monaldo and the entire family clan tried to remove her, in vain.
From there he went to the
monastery of Saint Ángel of
Panzo on the slopes of Subasio.
Here she was joined by her
sister Catalina (Santa Inés de
Asís) and other friends.
Together they then moved to
Saint Damien, where they
founded the Order of Minor
Sisters, later renamed by
Francis as "Poor Ladies
Francis, seeing them so enthusiastic, wrote them a way or rule of life
that was not approved, and he promised to always take care of them,
visiting them frequently and encouraging them by word and example.
They were popularly called Damianitas and only after death
of Clare (1253), they began to call them "Poor Clare Sisters".
Indulgence of the
In June-July 1216
Innocent III was in
Perugia. Saint Clare,
forced to profess the
Benedictine Rule, that
allowed the possession
of goods and income,
she took advantage of
the circumstance to ask
the pope for a "privilege
of poverty", by which no
one could force the
Damianite sisters to
have property.
The pope died in Perugia on July 16, assisted personally by Saint
Francis. - His successor, Honorius III, granted him, a few days later, a
plenary indulgence for the church of Santa María de la Porziúncula
Foundation of the Third Order of Secular Penitents year 1221
1209 - In nearby Cannara he preached in such a way that many, even married
couples, wanted to go with him, so he came up with the idea of ​​founding a
Secular Order (the Third Order), so that they could live the Gospel and in
penance, without abandoning their homes or their commitments.
Blessed Luquesio, of the
third order or St Francis
Revised 17-1-2021
Advent and Christmas – time of hope and peace
Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – In the Light of the Word
Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – The Experiences and Challenges of Families
Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 - Looking to Jesus, the Vocation of the Family
Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - Love in Marriage
Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Love made Fruitfuol
Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Some Pastoral Perspectives
Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Towards a better education of children
Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Accompanying, discerning and integrating weaknwss
Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – The Spirituality of Marriage and the Family
Beloved Amazon 1ª – A Social Dream
Beloved Amazon 2 - A Cultural Dream
Beloved Amazon 3 – An Ecological Dream
Beloved Amazon 4 - An Ecclesiastical Dream
Christ is Alive
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – Church and Family today
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - God’s plan for the family
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – family as a Community
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – serving life and education
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – mission of the family in society
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - Family in the Church
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar
Football in Spain
Haurietis aquas – devotion to the Sacred Heart by Pius XII
Holidays and Holy Days
Holy Spirit
Holy Week – drawings for children
Holy Week – glmjpses of the last hours of JC
Inauguration of President Donald Trump
Juno explores Jupiter
Laudato si 1 – care for the common home
Laudato si 2 – Gospel of creation
Laudato si 3 – Human roots of the ecological crisis
Laudato si 4 – integral ecology
Laudato si 5 – lines of approach and action
Laudato si 6 – Education y Ecological Spirituality
Love and Marriage 1-
Love and Marriage 2 – growing up to sexual maturity
Love and Marriage 3 – psychological differences and complimentarity
Love and Marriage 4- causes of sexual attraction
Love and Marriage 5- freedom and intimacy
Love and Marriage 6 - human love
Love and Marriage 7 - destiny of human love
Love and Marriage 8- marriage between Christian believers
Love and Marriage 9 – sacrament of marriage
Lumen Fidei – ch 1,2,3,4
Medjugore Pilgrimage
Misericordiae Vultus in English
Mother Teresa of Calcuta – Saint
Pope Franciss in Thailand
Pope Francis in Japan
Pope Francis in Sweden
Pope Francis in America
Pope Francis in the WYD in Poland 2016
Querida Amazonia
Resurrection of Jesus Christ –according to the Gospels
Russian Revolution and Communismo 3 civil war 1918.1921
Russian Revolution and Communism 1
Russian Revolution and Communismo 2
Saint Joseph
Saint Patrick and Ireland
Signs of hope
Sunday – day of the Lord
Thanksgiving – History and Customs
The Body, the cult – (Eucharist)
Vocation –
Way of the Cross – drawings for children
For commentaries – email –
Fb – Martin M Flynn
Donations to - Congregazione di Legionari di Cristo
Conto corrente - IT89T0306909606 100000139496-EUR-CA CATANIA
IBAN: ES3700491749852910000635
Revisado 17-1-2021
Adviento y Navidad, tiempo de esperanza
Amor y Matrimonio 1 - 9
Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – A la luz de la Palabre
Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – Realidad y Desafíos de las Familias
Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 La mirada puesta en Jesús: Vocación de la Familia
Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - El Amor en el Matrimonio
Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Amor que se vuelve fecundo
Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Algunas Perspectivas Pastorales
Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Fortalecer la educacion de los hijos
Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Acompañar, discernir e integrar la fragilidad
Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – Espiritualidad Matrimonial y Familiar
Cristo Vive
Domingo – día del Señor
El camino de la cruz de JC en dibujos para niños
El Cuerpo, el culto – (eucarisía)
Espíritu Santo
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – iglesia y familia hoy
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - el plan de Dios para la familia
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – familia como comunidad
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – servicio a la vida y educación
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – misión de la familia en la sociedad
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - participación de la familia en la iglesia
Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar
Fátima – Historia de las Apariciones de la Virgen
Feria de Sevilla
Haurietis aquas – el culto al Sagrado Corazón
Hermandades y cofradías
Laudato si 1 – cuidado del hogar común
Laudato si 2 – evangelio de creación
Laudato si 3 – La raíz de la crisis ecológica
Laudato si 4 – ecología integral
Laudato si 5 – líneas de acción
Laudato si 6 – Educación y Espiritualidad Ecológica
Lumen Fidei – cap 1,2,3,4
Madre Teresa de Calcuta – Santa
María y la Biblia
Medjugore peregrinación
Misericordiae Vultus en Español
Papa Francisco en Bulgaria
Papa Francisco en Rumania
Papa Francisco en Marruecos
Papa Francisco en México
Papa Francisco – mensaje para la Jornada Mundial Juventud 2016
Papa Francisco – visita a Chile
Papa Francisco – visita a Perú
Papa Francisco en Colombia 1 + 2
Papa Francisco en Cuba
Papa Francisco en Fátima
Papa Francisco en la JMJ 2016 – Polonia
Queridas Amazoznia 1 un sueños social
Queridas Amazoznia 2 un suepo cultural
Queridas Amazoznia 3 un seuños ecologico
Queridas Amazoznia 4 un sueño eclesial
Resurrección de Jesucristo – según los Evangelios
Revolución Rusa y Comunismo 1, 2, 3
San Francisco de Asis 1,2,3,4
San José
San Juan de la Cruz
San Padre Pio de Pietralcina
Santiago Apóstol
Semana santa – Vistas de las últimas horas de JC
Vacaciones Cristianas
Virgen de Guadalupe
Vocación – www.vocació
Vocación a evangelizar
Para comentarios – email –
fb – martin m. flynn
Donations to - Congregazione di Legionari di Cristo
Conto corrente - IT89T0306909606 100000139496-EUR-CA CATANIA
IBAN: ES3700491749852910000635
Saint francis of assisi part 2   the beginnings of the foundation

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Saint francis of assisi part 2 the beginnings of the foundation

  • 1. Saint Francis of Assisi, part 2 The beginnings of the Foundation
  • 2. Beginnings of the Foundations .
  • 3. His first disciple was Bernardo de Quintavalle who was a rich merchant from Assisi who sold everything he had to give to the poor.
  • 4. His second disciple was Pedro de Cattaneo. San Francisco granted them habits to both in April 1209. Others of the first were Fray Gil, Morico, Bárbaro, Sabatino, Bernardo Vigilante, Juan de San Constanzo, Angelo Tancredo, Felipe and Giovanni de la Capella
  • 5. When there wasn't enough work, they used to beg from door to door, work that Francis encouraged with joy for having chosen the path of poverty
  • 6. Francis consults the gospel to discern what the spirit of the order should be
  • 7. Francis received the definitive revelation of his mission, probably on February 24, 1208, when he heard these words from the Gospel: "Do not carry a purse, bag, or sandals, or stop to visit acquaintances”(Lk. 10).
  • 8. Under the poverty that Francis preached and demanded, the friars did their daily work tending lepers, employing humble tasks for monasteries and private homes, and working for farmers.
  • 9. The first years of the order were a period of training in poverty and fraternal charity.
  • 10. He exchanged his desire to rebuild the churches for an austere life and the preaching of the Gospel. After submitting to the ridicule of those who saw him dressed almost in rags, now his message was listened to with attention, and contrary to other reform groups of the time, his was not a message of disqualification or anathema.
  • 12. First campaign of apostolate and testimony
  • 13. he moved to a little chapel called Porziuncola, of the Benedictines, which was on a plain near Assisi. Francis liked its quiet atmosphere
  • 14. When they were twelve disciples, St. Francis wrote a short and informal rule that was mainly evangelical advice to achieve perfection. After several years the rule was authorized by Pope Innocent III and he gave them the mission to preach penance.
  • 15. Approval of the constitutions April 1209 - the pope dreamed that a very poor friar supported the Lateran Basilica with his shoulders. Then he sent for Francis and, although he objected many times, after hearing him tell a parable about God's providential care for his brothers, he was convinced that he was a man of God and approved the Rule provisionally, with permission to preach.
  • 16. On the way back from Rome to Assisi, he and his companions settled in a place called Rivotorto, where they consolidated their principles of living in poverty, living among local peasants and caring for lepers; since then they called themselves Friars Minor or Friars Minor (the founding name of the congregation is Ordo Fratrum Minorum, abbreviated O.F.M.). The Franciscan Spirit
  • 17. All of Francis’ effort was aimed at building himself on the humility learned from Christ, so he only looked at his failures and his greatest hope was to grow in virtue. Humble in dress, in feelings and in self-esteem, he appeared to others as the least of the minors. There was no arrogance in his words, no affectation in his gestures, no ostentation in his works. He willingly submitted to others, allowing himself to be guided better by the advice of a colleague than by his own; and he preferred criticism to praise, because criticism forced him to correct himself, while praise put him in danger of falling.
  • 18. Humility - Saint Francis only received the diaconate because he considered himself unworthy of the priesthood
  • 19. The spirit and discipline of the order San Francis did not want the study to remove the spirit of his order. He said that they could study if the study did not take time away from their prayer and if they did not do it out of vanity. He feared that science would become the enemy of poverty.
  • 20. Contemplative and apostolic life – Francis was struck by an anguished question: should they mainly dedicate themselves to the contemplative life or was it better to go out into the world to proclaim the Gospel? … .. Fray Rufino and Santa Clara advised him - The Lord had not called them for themselves, but "to reap souls and may many be saved for him".
  • 21. The spread of the evangelical message also began, and for this he encouraged them to travel two by two
  • 22. Spring 1212 – Francis gathered his brothers (no more than 20 or 25) and after submitting them to examination, sent them two by two, on the roads of the world. Thus a new stage was opened for the Order, decidedly itinerant and missionary
  • 24. 1213-1214 - was able to travel the northern half of Spain (Navarra, Aragon, Catalonia, Castile, León, Portugal and Galicia), as some testimonies and traditions show, they are chronologically consistent with each other. He also visited Santiago de Compostela
  • 25. Growth, organization, territories and missions (1214-1215). - The 12 friars of 1209 were more than 3000 in 1221, which represents an average annual growth of 100%. Upon his return from Spain, Francis was joined by some nobles, lawyers and artists, such as Fray Pacífico, "the king of verses", Tomás de Celano, his future biographer, and Juan Parenti, Fray Elías and Alberto de Pisa, his future successors, as general ministers of the Order. Also at that time there was Fray Esteban de Narni, companion of the Saint between 1217 and 1219.
  • 26. Innocent III - The IV Lateran Council, Nov 1215 Among the 2,212 representatives of the universal Church: patriarchs, bishops, theologians, abbots and priors, there was also Saint Francis, as superior general of an Order recognized by the Holy See. Among the conciliar decisions it is necessary to highlight 1 - the convocation of the V Crusade, 2 - the promotion of Eucharistic worship, 3 - The prohibition of new rules of religious life, which fully affected the foundations of Santa Clare and Saint Dominic de Guzmán, 4 - the obligation for all religious congregations to celebrate a general chapter of superiors and abbots every three years, as the Cistercians did.
  • 27. First official general chapter of the Order (spring, 1216). - Francis already used to gather his brothers every spring in the Porziuncola and in his Order there were no more superiors than him; but he immediately adhered to the conciliar norm and summoned his first 300 friars to a general chapter, together with the Benedictine monastery of San Verecundo, near Gubbio.
  • 28. Meeting with Cardinal Hugolino - June-July, 1217.- In Florence he came to greet Cardinal Hugolino of the Counts of Segni, Pontifical legate in the regions of Tuscany and Lombardy. Pope Honorius III named Hugolino cardinal protector of the Order (January-February 1218), who was later elected pope and took the name Gregory IX.
  • 29. Holy Week 1218 - Saint Francis met Saint Dominic in Rome, who had preached faith and penance in the south of France. Saint Dominic de Guzmán met with San Francis at the home of Cardinal Hugolino in Assisi. He also visited Saint Claire in the church or Saint Damien.
  • 30. Hugolino and Saint Dominic in the General Chapter (June 3, 1218). The first general chapters were called "of the mats" because the brothers, they were distributed next to the church of the Porziuncola in sheds of mats. In 1218, about a thousand friars attended and also Cardinal Hugolino, who was in Perusa, and Saint Dominic, who was returning from Bologna with some companions. The prelate presided over the Eucharist and preached to the brothers, joyful to see them on the ground, in groups, talking about the things of God, in prayer or engaged in other activities and services. "Really," he said, "this is God's camp."
  • 31. Saint Dominic did not understand how such a large group could live so carefree, but he soon found that people from all the region came to witness that unprecedented assembly and each one brought for the brothers something to eat and drink, and they served them. Since then, he made a point of observing evangelical poverty, and a year later, in Paris, he made his brothers embrace it, encouraged by the example of Francis.
  • 32. Creation of the ministers and provinces - (May 14, 1217). - At the general chapter of this year about 600 friars from all over Italy came to Santa Maria de la Porziúncula and Francis understood that responsibility had to be shared, so the Order was divided into "provinces", which encompassed entire regions or countries. The chapter decided to send friars to the Christian kingdoms of Spain, France, Germany, Hungary (and the Balkan countries) and Overseas (Malta, Cyprus and the Kingdom of Jerusalem), in addition to the Italian regions of Lombardy, Marche, Tuscany, Tierra de Labor , Calabria and Puglia. At the head of each province he put a "minister" (servant), with the mission to distribute, visit and correct the friars in the territory of their jurisdiction.
  • 33. The bull "Cum dilecti" in favor of Minors (June 11, 1218). It helped the friars to present themselves before the bishops and clergy inside and outside Italy.
  • 34. Fray Juan Parenti replaced Bernardo de Quintavalle as minister of the Spanish province. He was accompanied by a hundred brothers, who celebrated their first provincial chapter in Zaragoza, August 15. The houses founded by Juan Parenti between 1219 and 1227, were very numerous in all the kingdoms of the Peninsula. He was the first successor to Saint Francis
  • 35. Foundation of the Poor Clares
  • 36. Clare was eleven years younger than him, so that when the saint renounced everything, she was only twelve years old, but she determined to do the same when she came of age.
  • 37. Daughter of Favarone de Offreduccio. She heard Saint Francis preach and decided to follow him in March 28-29, 1211).
  • 38. When she was 18 years old, at dawn on Holy Monday she left her house in secret, and went to Santa María, where Francis was waiting for her with the brothers to consecrate her to the Lord.
  • 39. The next day they took her to the Benedictine monastery of Saint Paul of the Abadesses (in what is now Bastía Umbra cemetery), from where her uncle Monaldo and the entire family clan tried to remove her, in vain.
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  • 41. From there he went to the monastery of Saint Ángel of Panzo on the slopes of Subasio. Here she was joined by her sister Catalina (Santa Inés de Asís) and other friends. Together they then moved to Saint Damien, where they founded the Order of Minor Sisters, later renamed by Francis as "Poor Ladies
  • 42. Francis, seeing them so enthusiastic, wrote them a way or rule of life that was not approved, and he promised to always take care of them, visiting them frequently and encouraging them by word and example.
  • 43. They were popularly called Damianitas and only after death of Clare (1253), they began to call them "Poor Clare Sisters".
  • 44. Indulgence of the Porziuncula In June-July 1216 Innocent III was in Perugia. Saint Clare, forced to profess the Benedictine Rule, that allowed the possession of goods and income, she took advantage of the circumstance to ask the pope for a "privilege of poverty", by which no one could force the Damianite sisters to have property.
  • 45. The pope died in Perugia on July 16, assisted personally by Saint Francis. - His successor, Honorius III, granted him, a few days later, a plenary indulgence for the church of Santa María de la Porziúncula
  • 46. Foundation of the Third Order of Secular Penitents year 1221
  • 47. 1209 - In nearby Cannara he preached in such a way that many, even married couples, wanted to go with him, so he came up with the idea of ​​founding a Secular Order (the Third Order), so that they could live the Gospel and in penance, without abandoning their homes or their commitments.
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  • 49. Blessed Luquesio, of the third order or St Francis
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  • 52. LIST OF PRESENTATIONS IN ENGLISH Revised 17-1-2021 Advent and Christmas – time of hope and peace Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – In the Light of the Word Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – The Experiences and Challenges of Families Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 - Looking to Jesus, the Vocation of the Family Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - Love in Marriage Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Love made Fruitfuol Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Some Pastoral Perspectives Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Towards a better education of children Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Accompanying, discerning and integrating weaknwss Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – The Spirituality of Marriage and the Family Beloved Amazon 1ª – A Social Dream Beloved Amazon 2 - A Cultural Dream Beloved Amazon 3 – An Ecological Dream Beloved Amazon 4 - An Ecclesiastical Dream Carnival Christ is Alive Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – Church and Family today Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - God’s plan for the family Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – family as a Community Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – serving life and education Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – mission of the family in society Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - Family in the Church Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar Football in Spain Haurietis aquas – devotion to the Sacred Heart by Pius XII Holidays and Holy Days Holy Spirit Holy Week – drawings for children Holy Week – glmjpses of the last hours of JC Inauguration of President Donald Trump Juno explores Jupiter Laudato si 1 – care for the common home Laudato si 2 – Gospel of creation Laudato si 3 – Human roots of the ecological crisis Laudato si 4 – integral ecology Laudato si 5 – lines of approach and action Laudato si 6 – Education y Ecological Spirituality Love and Marriage 1- Love and Marriage 2 – growing up to sexual maturity Love and Marriage 3 – psychological differences and complimentarity Love and Marriage 4- causes of sexual attraction Love and Marriage 5- freedom and intimacy Love and Marriage 6 - human love Love and Marriage 7 - destiny of human love Love and Marriage 8- marriage between Christian believers Love and Marriage 9 – sacrament of marriage Lumen Fidei – ch 1,2,3,4 Medjugore Pilgrimage Misericordiae Vultus in English Mother Teresa of Calcuta – Saint Pope Franciss in Thailand Pope Francis in Japan Pope Francis in Sweden Pope Francis in America Pope Francis in the WYD in Poland 2016 Querida Amazonia Resurrection of Jesus Christ –according to the Gospels Russian Revolution and Communismo 3 civil war 1918.1921 Russian Revolution and Communism 1 Russian Revolution and Communismo 2 Saint Joseph Saint Patrick and Ireland Signs of hope Sunday – day of the Lord Thanksgiving – History and Customs The Body, the cult – (Eucharist) Valentine Vocation – Way of the Cross – drawings for children For commentaries – email – Fb – Martin M Flynn Donations to - Congregazione di Legionari di Cristo BANCO - 03069 INTESA SANPAOLO SPA Conto corrente - IT89T0306909606 100000139496-EUR-CA CATANIA IBAN: ES3700491749852910000635
  • 53. LISTA DE PRESENTACIONES EN ESPAÑOL Revisado 17-1-2021 Abuelos Adviento y Navidad, tiempo de esperanza Amor y Matrimonio 1 - 9 Amoris Laetitia – ch 1 – A la luz de la Palabre Amoris Laetitia – ch 2 – Realidad y Desafíos de las Familias Amoris Laetitia – ch 3 La mirada puesta en Jesús: Vocación de la Familia Amoris Laetitia – ch 4 - El Amor en el Matrimonio Amoris Laetitia – ch 5 – Amor que se vuelve fecundo Amoris Laetitia – ch 6 – Algunas Perspectivas Pastorales Amoris Laetitia – ch 7 – Fortalecer la educacion de los hijos Amoris Laetitia – ch 8 – Acompañar, discernir e integrar la fragilidad Amoris Laetitia – ch 9 – Espiritualidad Matrimonial y Familiar Carnaval Cristo Vive Domingo – día del Señor El camino de la cruz de JC en dibujos para niños El Cuerpo, el culto – (eucarisía) Espíritu Santo Familiaris Consortio (FC) 1 – iglesia y familia hoy Familiaris Consortio (FC) 2 - el plan de Dios para la familia Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 1 – familia como comunidad Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 2 – servicio a la vida y educación Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 3 – misión de la familia en la sociedad Familiaris Consortio (FC) 3 – 4 - participación de la familia en la iglesia Familiaris Consortio (FC) 4 Pastoral familiar Fátima – Historia de las Apariciones de la Virgen Feria de Sevilla Haurietis aquas – el culto al Sagrado Corazón Hermandades y cofradías Hispanidad Laudato si 1 – cuidado del hogar común Laudato si 2 – evangelio de creación Laudato si 3 – La raíz de la crisis ecológica Laudato si 4 – ecología integral Laudato si 5 – líneas de acción Laudato si 6 – Educación y Espiritualidad Ecológica Lumen Fidei – cap 1,2,3,4 Madre Teresa de Calcuta – Santa María y la Biblia Medjugore peregrinación Misericordiae Vultus en Español Papa Francisco en Bulgaria Papa Francisco en Rumania Papa Francisco en Marruecos Papa Francisco en México Papa Francisco – mensaje para la Jornada Mundial Juventud 2016 Papa Francisco – visita a Chile Papa Francisco – visita a Perú Papa Francisco en Colombia 1 + 2 Papa Francisco en Cuba Papa Francisco en Fátima Papa Francisco en la JMJ 2016 – Polonia Queridas Amazoznia 1 un sueños social Queridas Amazoznia 2 un suepo cultural Queridas Amazoznia 3 un seuños ecologico Queridas Amazoznia 4 un sueño eclesial Resurrección de Jesucristo – según los Evangelios Revolución Rusa y Comunismo 1, 2, 3 San Francisco de Asis 1,2,3,4 San José San Juan de la Cruz San Padre Pio de Pietralcina Santiago Apóstol Semana santa – Vistas de las últimas horas de JC Vacaciones Cristianas Valentín Virgen de Guadalupe Vocación – www.vocació Vocación a evangelizar Para comentarios – email – fb – martin m. flynn Donations to - Congregazione di Legionari di Cristo BANCO - 03069 INTESA SANPAOLO SPA Conto corrente - IT89T0306909606 100000139496-EUR-CA CATANIA IBAN: ES3700491749852910000635