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Corporate HC-2023
Nabati Group
Effective Leadership Module Lay-out
Opening & Ice Breaking
The Important of GRIT
Games for Leader Manager Intro
The Role of Leader Manager
Employee Experience Journey
Ice Breaking
Right People is an Asset
Talent Acquisition Feat. BEI
Business Simulation 2
Overview Coaching
Activities Time Output
11.55 - 12.00
08.30 - 08.45
08.45 - 09.00
09.00 - 09.15
09.15 - 09.35
09.35 - 10.00
10.00 - 10.15
10.15 - 10.25
10.25 - 10.40
10.40 - 11.40
11.40 - 11.55
Wrap the training material as key take away for implementation.
Engage participant & gathering focus.
Motivate and recognize the R&D Managers roles.
Simulation about Leader’s direction, communication and coordination
Understanding about managing people and task is a must not an option.
Managers understand the flow of employee experience journey.
Leader must have understood about managing talent.
One of Leader’s roles is managing team performance.
Train the analytical thinking, leadership, problem solving, initiative.
Brief discussion about the coaching philosophy and actions
Resilience, Stress
Tolerance and
Originality, and
Analytical Thinking &
Complex Problem
Technology Use,
Monitoring & Control
Leadership &
Social Influence
Critical Thinking,
Analysis, and planning
Facilitator will draw a pattern
The 1st person will be draw the same
pattern to the team and so on
The drawing result from the last
member of the team will be check and
compare with original instructions
Leadership is about inspiring and influencing people to
achieve a shared vision or goal. It's centered around
motivation, inspiration, and cultivating a sense of purpose
among team members.
Management is about organizing, planning, and ensuring
that resources (human, financial, or material) are used
effectively and efficiently to achieve specific objectives. It's
more process-driven and task-oriented.
Focuses on people. Leaders work to develop their team
members, fostering growth, and empowering them to take
Focuses on tasks and systems. Managers ensure that
operations run smoothly, processes are adhered to, and goals
are met.
Emphasizes the "why" and the "what". Leaders set direction,
create a vision, and define overarching goals for the future.
Emphasizes the "how". Managers develop strategies,
implement plans, and establish the step-by-step path to
reach the set goals.
Often more willing to take risks in pursuit of innovation and
long-term growth. Leaders embrace change and challenge
the status quo.
Typically more risk-averse, focusing on control,
consistency, and predictability to meet the current
Sees failures as learning opportunities. Leaders encourage
innovation and understand that setbacks can be a part of
the journey towards success.
Focuses on analyzing failures to improve systems and
processes, ensuring that mistakes aren't repeated.
Derives power from influence, charisma, and the respect of
their followers. It's often about leading by example.
Derives power from formal authority and the hierarchical
position in the organizational structure.
Tends to have a long-term perspective, looking at the
bigger picture and setting the course for the future.
Often operates with a short-to-mid-term perspective,
focusing on achieving immediate objectives and quarterly
or annual goals.
4 6
Employee Experience Journey
Job Advertisement
Job Portal
Onboarding and
Managing Employee
Succesion Plan
Total Reward
Employee and
Industrial Relationship
Termination or
Human Resource
Management System help
provide real time and
employee self service
feature for better
employee experience
Employee Experience Journey
"is it employee is
Manpower Planning
Right People
Right Numbers
Total amount of people
Total rewards
Right Capability
Portfolio related
Potential development
Talent Acquisition
Behavior Event Interview
Teknik interview untuk menggali informasi
tentang perilaku yang dilakukan pada peristiwa
atau kejadian yang telah lalu.
Dorongan berprestasi
Keterampilan berkomunikasi
Berpikir analitis
Berpikir strategis
Mampu bekerja dalam tim
Penyelesaian masalah atau konflik
Integritas bekerja
Kompetensi perilaku apa saja yang biasanya
dicari dari kandidat:
Bisa ceritakan apa pencapaian terbesar kamu?
Bagaimana kamu menghadapi tantangan dalam
Pernahkah kamu mendapati situasi dimana atasan
kamu belum bisa mendukung ide kamu, apa yang
kamu lakukan?
Bagaimana kamu menyikapi pekerjaan yang
menumpuk untuk dikerjakan?
Apakah pernah memiliki pengalaman memimpin?
menurut kamu bagaimana seorang pemimpin yang
Dan lain-lain
Beberapa contoh pertanyaan BEI:
Managing Your Talent
“Every Manager is
People Manager”
Employee A
Employee B
Matrix Skill Example
Submission Approval Process Presentation
Manager mengisi
form promosi
Corporate HC u.p. Dept
Talent Management
proses H+7 hari kerja Penyesuaian upah
dengan Acting
Tergantung dari
Pihak-pihak yang
Maksimal H+14 Setelah
proses selesai, dapat lebih
lama jika panelist tidak
menemukan jadwal yang
sesuai atau sedang Dinas luar
kota atau luar negeri
Setelah 6 bulan
semenjak Surat
Keputusan (SK) diterima
maka pegawai presentasi
komitmen selama
periode acting
Talent Dev.
Untuk promosi dengan perubahan golongan jabatan contoh:
Grade 3C ke 4A atau dari 4C ke 5A menggunakan online
assessment pihak ke-3.
Assessment tersebut akan menilai: IQ (intelligence quotient),
GTQ global training quotient), Work Personality (kepribadian
kerja), Work Behavior (perilaku kerja);
Untuk promosi dengan perubahan perubahan grade dalam
golongan jabatan yang sama contoh:
Grade 3A ke 3B atau dari 4A ke 4B menggunakan online
assessment internal yang akan menilai IQ (min.106),
kepribadian (sesuai standar), gaya kerja (sesuai standar) dan
ditambah functional test (nilai minimum 90)
Copyright Rangga Irawan 2023
Potential Performance
Talent Committee
Career Aspiration
High Potential - Low Performance High Potential - Moderate Performance High Potential - High Performance
Moderate Potential - High Performance
Low Potential - High Performance
Moderate Potential - Moderate Performance
Low Potential - Moderate Performance
Moderate Potential - Low Performance
Low Potential - Low Performance
Copyright Rangga Irawan 2023
This group needs immediate attention
They might be in the wrong role
Consider repositioning them within the
Provide intensive coaching and frequent
Provide coaching to improve current job
Assign projects that allow them to
demonstrate higher capability
Encourage participation in leadership
development initiatives
Leadership programs
Stretch assignments
Potential early promotions
Mentoring by senior leaders
Preparing for strategic roles
Address performance issues immediately
Offer additional training, set clear
performance expectations, and monitor
Regular training and development
programs to improve current skills
Set clear performance expectations and
provide feedback
Continue challenging with complex tasks
Recognize and reward their contributions
Offer lateral movements to gain broader
This is a critical group
Immediate performance improvement
plans are essential
Consider if the employee is a fit for the
organization or the specific role they're in.
Identify barriers to performance and
address them.
Provide clear feedback and perhaps re-
evaluate their role fit.
Recognize their achievements
Provide them with opportunities to
master their current roles
They can also be used as mentors for
less experienced employees
Staff, Foreman
Assistant Manager
Grade 5A
Senior Manager
100% Effort 100% God Decide 100% God Bless Us
3P’s of Compensation
Pay for
Pay for
Pay for
Tergantung dari pendidikan
Gaji di perusahaan sebelumnya
Kompetensi, sertifikasi
pengalaman kerja
Posisi apa yang diduduki
Grade untuk posisi jabatan tersebut
Memimpin tim atau tidak
Berdasarkan kinerja
Kenaikan gaji tahunan
Bonus, insentif
Kenapa Satu Jabatan Bisa Berbeda
Upahnya, Contoh Pay for Performance
Pegawai A masuk sebagai Foreman dengan Upah 3juta
Tahun 2022 kinerja pegawai A kurang baik dan
mendapatkan kinerja dengan nilai D.
Nilai D tersebut memberikan dampak pada kenaikan
gaji Pegawai B sebesar 2,5%. Sehingga upahnya naik
menjadi 3,075 juta di tahun 2023.
Pegawai B masuk sebagai Foreman dengan Upah 3juta
Tahun 2022 kinerja pegawai B sangat baik dan
mendapatkan kinerja dengan nilai A.
Nilai A tersebut memberikan dampak pada kenaikan gaji
Pegawai B sebesar 10%. Sehingga upahnya naik menjadi
3,3 juta di tahun 2023.
Disclaimer: angka upah yang digunakan hanya simulasi bukan angka sebenarnya
Kenapa Satu Jabatan Bisa Berbeda
Upahnya, Contoh Pay for People
Pegawai A masuk sebagai Foreman dengan pengalaman
kerja selama 1 tahun di posisi yang sama di perusahaan
sebelumnya dengan Upah 2,87juta. Salary sebelumnya
adalah 2,5 juta sehingga mendapatkan kenaikan 15%
Pegawai B menjabat sebagai foreman dengan masa kerja
3 tahun dari tahun 2021-2022-2023, upah awal saat
masuk adalah 2,5 juta.
ternyata selama tiga tahun memiliki minerja baik
sehingga naik 10% per tahun
2021: 2,5 juta
2022: 2,5 juta x 10% = 2,75 juta
2023: 2,75 juta x 10% = 3.03 juta
Disclaimer: angka upah yang digunakan hanya simulasi bukan angka sebenarnya
Job Grade Minimum Median Maksimum
3C 2.300.000 2.800.000 3.300.000
3B 1.500.000 1.900.000 2.300.000
3A 1.000.000 1.250.000 1.500.000
Kenapa Satu Jabatan Bisa Berbeda
Upahnya, Contoh Pay for Position
Disclaimer: Tabel ini hanya simulasi bukan angka sebenarnya
Struktur Skala Upah (simulasi, bukan angka sebenarnya)
Selama Upah masih ada dalam rentang skala grade yang terkait maka
disitulah kemungkinan Upah yang diterima
Mattress Thread
USD 1,000
Ice Cream Stick
USD 500/10 pcs
USD 5,000
Divide into 2 groups in class
1. You are asked to build a bridge that can be climbed by cars and trucks
2. Please purchase the raw materials needed for the bridge
3. The bridge has a minimum total length of 50 CM
4. Make a good bridge design that can be passed by vehicles weighing 2.5 KG
5. Make sure you buy raw materials that are effective and efficient
Business Simulation (45' min.)
Coaching Mindset
Invite them to talk, and
still show them respect
Prepare data/concrete
evidence about the "difficult
behavior" that they have
Encourage them to be willing
and able to see the impact of
the difficult behavior they
Speak in a "friendly" manner, but
remain assertive/firm. Don't judge,
don't show "worry/reluctance", but
communicate as is
Try to allow enough time for C&C, so
that the atmosphere created is truly
Coaching Role Play Scenario
Budi, seorang Manajer R&D di sebuah perusahaan teknologi, merasa
kesulitan memotivasi timnya untuk berinovasi. Ia merasa tekanan
dari pihak atas untuk menghasilkan produk dan solusi baru, namun
merasa timnya terlalu nyaman dengan cara kerja saat ini.
Budi, an R&D Manager at a technology company,
finds it difficult to motivate his team to innovate.
He felt pressure from above to produce new
products and solutions, but felt his team was too
comfortable with the current way of working.
Coaching Role Play Scenario
Coach: "Selamat pagi, Budi. Aku mendengar kamu sedang menghadapi tantangan dalam memotivasi tim R&D.
Bolehkah kamu ceritakan lebih lanjut?"
Budi: "Ya, Coach. Aku merasa timku saat ini kurang bersemangat untuk mencari ide-ide baru. Mereka terlalu
nyaman dengan metode kerja saat ini dan aku merasa sulit untuk mendorong mereka keluar dari zona
nyaman mereka."
Coach: "Terima kasih sudah berbagi. Menurutmu, apa yang menjadi hambatan terbesar timmu dalam
Budi: "Mungkin mereka takut gagal atau mereka merasa apa yang sudah mereka kerjakan saat ini sudah cukup
baik. Tapi aku merasa kita perlu terus berinovasi untuk tetap kompetitif di pasar."
Coach: "Paham. Menurutmu, apa yang bisa kamu lakukan sebagai manajer untuk mendukung mereka dalam
mengatasi ketakutan atau hambatan tersebut?"
Budi: "Aku bisa menyediakan sumber daya atau pelatihan tambahan, atau mungkin menciptakan lingkungan di
mana kesalahan dilihat sebagai peluang belajar, bukan sesuatu yang harus dihindari."
Coach: "Itu ide yang bagus. Bagaimana jika kita mulai dengan workshop inovasi bulanan? Di mana setiap
anggota tim dapat mempresentasikan ide-ide baru dan mendapatkan masukan dari rekan-rekan
mereka. Ini bisa menjadi langkah awal untuk mendorong pemikiran kreatif dan menerima feedback dalam
setting yang mendukung."
Budi: "Itu kedengarannya menarik. Aku pikir tim akan merespons dengan baik terhadap pendekatan semacam itu.
Terima kasih atas saranmu!"
Coach: "Tentu saja! Ingatlah untuk selalu mendukung timmu dan memberikan mereka ruang untuk tumbuh dan
belajar. Semangat, Budi!"
What You Have
Corporate HC-2023
Nabati Group

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Unlocking Productivity and Personal Growth through the Importance-Urgency Matrix
Unlocking Productivity and Personal Growth through the Importance-Urgency MatrixUnlocking Productivity and Personal Growth through the Importance-Urgency Matrix
Unlocking Productivity and Personal Growth through the Importance-Urgency Matrix

People Manager One on One For 1st Manager

  • 2. Effective Leadership Module Lay-out Opening & Ice Breaking The Important of GRIT Games for Leader Manager Intro The Role of Leader Manager Employee Experience Journey Ice Breaking Right People is an Asset Talent Acquisition Feat. BEI Business Simulation 2 Overview Coaching Closing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Activities Time Output 11.55 - 12.00 08.30 - 08.45 08.45 - 09.00 09.00 - 09.15 09.15 - 09.35 09.35 - 10.00 10.00 - 10.15 10.15 - 10.25 10.25 - 10.40 10.40 - 11.40 11.40 - 11.55 Wrap the training material as key take away for implementation. Engage participant & gathering focus. Motivate and recognize the R&D Managers roles. Simulation about Leader’s direction, communication and coordination Understanding about managing people and task is a must not an option. Managers understand the flow of employee experience journey. Refreshment Leader must have understood about managing talent. One of Leader’s roles is managing team performance. Train the analytical thinking, leadership, problem solving, initiative. Brief discussion about the coaching philosophy and actions
  • 3. GRIT Resilience, Stress Tolerance and flexibility Creativity, Originality, and initiative Analytical Thinking & Innovation Complex Problem Solving Technology Use, Monitoring & Control Leadership & Social Influence Critical Thinking, Analysis, and planning
  • 4. LET’S PLAYING GAMES Facilitator will draw a pattern The 1st person will be draw the same pattern to the team and so on The drawing result from the last member of the team will be check and compare with original instructions
  • 6. CORE ESSENCE LEADERSHIP Leadership is about inspiring and influencing people to achieve a shared vision or goal. It's centered around motivation, inspiration, and cultivating a sense of purpose among team members. MANAGEMENT Management is about organizing, planning, and ensuring that resources (human, financial, or material) are used effectively and efficiently to achieve specific objectives. It's more process-driven and task-oriented. Focuses on people. Leaders work to develop their team members, fostering growth, and empowering them to take initiative. Focuses on tasks and systems. Managers ensure that operations run smoothly, processes are adhered to, and goals are met. Emphasizes the "why" and the "what". Leaders set direction, create a vision, and define overarching goals for the future. Emphasizes the "how". Managers develop strategies, implement plans, and establish the step-by-step path to reach the set goals. Often more willing to take risks in pursuit of innovation and long-term growth. Leaders embrace change and challenge the status quo. Typically more risk-averse, focusing on control, consistency, and predictability to meet the current objectives. Sees failures as learning opportunities. Leaders encourage innovation and understand that setbacks can be a part of the journey towards success. Focuses on analyzing failures to improve systems and processes, ensuring that mistakes aren't repeated. Derives power from influence, charisma, and the respect of their followers. It's often about leading by example. Derives power from formal authority and the hierarchical position in the organizational structure. Tends to have a long-term perspective, looking at the bigger picture and setting the course for the future. Often operates with a short-to-mid-term perspective, focusing on achieving immediate objectives and quarterly or annual goals. FOCUS VISION VS. EXECUTION RISK PERSPECTIVE APPROACH TO FAILURES POWER BASE TIME PERSPECTIVE
  • 7. 1 2 3 4 6 7 5 Employee Experience Journey Job Advertisement Job Portal Selection Onboarding and Administration People Development Managing Employee Performance Talent Management
  • 8. 8 9 Career Management Succesion Plan Total Reward System Employee and Industrial Relationship Termination or Retirement Human Resource Management System help provide real time and employee self service feature for better employee experience 10 11 12 Employee Experience Journey
  • 9. "is it employee is asset?" JIM COLINS AUTHOR GOOD TO GREAT
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 13. Manpower Planning Right People Attitude Knowledge Skills Culture Right Numbers Total amount of people Total rewards Right Capability Portfolio related Potential development
  • 15. Behavior Event Interview Teknik interview untuk menggali informasi tentang perilaku yang dilakukan pada peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah lalu. Dorongan berprestasi Keterampilan berkomunikasi Kepemimpinan Berpikir analitis Berpikir strategis Mampu bekerja dalam tim Penyelesaian masalah atau konflik Integritas bekerja Kompetensi perilaku apa saja yang biasanya dicari dari kandidat: Bisa ceritakan apa pencapaian terbesar kamu? Bagaimana kamu menghadapi tantangan dalam bekerja? Pernahkah kamu mendapati situasi dimana atasan kamu belum bisa mendukung ide kamu, apa yang kamu lakukan? Bagaimana kamu menyikapi pekerjaan yang menumpuk untuk dikerjakan? Apakah pernah memiliki pengalaman memimpin? menurut kamu bagaimana seorang pemimpin yang baik? Dan lain-lain Beberapa contoh pertanyaan BEI:
  • 16.
  • 21. Submission Approval Process Presentation Compesation Graduation Panel Manager mengisi form promosi Corporate HC u.p. Dept Talent Management proses H+7 hari kerja Penyesuaian upah dengan Acting Allowance. Tergantung dari Pihak-pihak yang memberikan persetujuan Maksimal H+14 Setelah proses selesai, dapat lebih lama jika panelist tidak menemukan jadwal yang sesuai atau sedang Dinas luar kota atau luar negeri Setelah 6 bulan semenjak Surat Keputusan (SK) diterima maka pegawai presentasi komitmen selama periode acting PROMOTION SCHEME Talent Review Talent Dev.
  • 22. Untuk promosi dengan perubahan golongan jabatan contoh: Grade 3C ke 4A atau dari 4C ke 5A menggunakan online assessment pihak ke-3. Assessment tersebut akan menilai: IQ (intelligence quotient), GTQ global training quotient), Work Personality (kepribadian kerja), Work Behavior (perilaku kerja); Untuk promosi dengan perubahan perubahan grade dalam golongan jabatan yang sama contoh: Grade 3A ke 3B atau dari 4A ke 4B menggunakan online assessment internal yang akan menilai IQ (min.106), kepribadian (sesuai standar), gaya kerja (sesuai standar) dan ditambah functional test (nilai minimum 90) TES KEMAMPUAN POTENSI
  • 23. HUMAN ASSET VALUE (HAV)/TALENT GRID Copyright Rangga Irawan 2023 High Moderate Low High Moderate Low Performance Potential Potential Performance Talent IQ GTQ Competencies WPA WBA Talent Committee Performance appraisal Project assignment Career Aspiration
  • 24. High Potential - Low Performance High Potential - Moderate Performance High Potential - High Performance Moderate Potential - High Performance Low Potential - High Performance Moderate Potential - Moderate Performance Low Potential - Moderate Performance Moderate Potential - Low Performance Low Potential - Low Performance OBSERVE/TERMINATE OBSERVE DEVELOP DEVELOP STRETCH/DEVELOP OBSERVE DEVELOP DEVELOP/STRETCH STRETCH High Moderate Low High Moderate Low Performance Potential 9 BOX TALENT MANAGEMENT Copyright Rangga Irawan 2023 This group needs immediate attention They might be in the wrong role Consider repositioning them within the organization Provide intensive coaching and frequent feedback Provide coaching to improve current job performance Assign projects that allow them to demonstrate higher capability Encourage participation in leadership development initiatives Leadership programs Stretch assignments Potential early promotions Mentoring by senior leaders Preparing for strategic roles Address performance issues immediately Offer additional training, set clear performance expectations, and monitor closely Regular training and development programs to improve current skills Set clear performance expectations and provide feedback Continue challenging with complex tasks Recognize and reward their contributions Offer lateral movements to gain broader experience This is a critical group Immediate performance improvement plans are essential Consider if the employee is a fit for the organization or the specific role they're in. Identify barriers to performance and address them. Provide clear feedback and perhaps re- evaluate their role fit. Recognize their achievements Provide them with opportunities to master their current roles They can also be used as mentors for less experienced employees
  • 26. GRADE 2A-2C Operator GRADE 3A-3C Staff, Foreman GRADE 4A-4B Supervisor Specialist GRADE 4C Assistant Manager Grade 5A Manager GRADE 5B Senior Manager 1 6 5 4 3 2 CAREER PATH
  • 28. 100% Effort 100% God Decide 100% God Bless Us CAREER FORMULA READINESS OPPORTUNITY SUCCESS
  • 29.
  • 30. 3P’s of Compensation Pay for People Pay for Position Pay for Performance Tergantung dari pendidikan Gaji di perusahaan sebelumnya Kompetensi, sertifikasi pengalaman kerja Posisi apa yang diduduki Grade untuk posisi jabatan tersebut Memimpin tim atau tidak Berdasarkan kinerja Kenaikan gaji tahunan Bonus, insentif
  • 31. Kenapa Satu Jabatan Bisa Berbeda Upahnya, Contoh Pay for Performance Pegawai A masuk sebagai Foreman dengan Upah 3juta Tahun 2022 kinerja pegawai A kurang baik dan mendapatkan kinerja dengan nilai D. Nilai D tersebut memberikan dampak pada kenaikan gaji Pegawai B sebesar 2,5%. Sehingga upahnya naik menjadi 3,075 juta di tahun 2023. Pegawai B masuk sebagai Foreman dengan Upah 3juta Tahun 2022 kinerja pegawai B sangat baik dan mendapatkan kinerja dengan nilai A. Nilai A tersebut memberikan dampak pada kenaikan gaji Pegawai B sebesar 10%. Sehingga upahnya naik menjadi 3,3 juta di tahun 2023. Disclaimer: angka upah yang digunakan hanya simulasi bukan angka sebenarnya
  • 32. Kenapa Satu Jabatan Bisa Berbeda Upahnya, Contoh Pay for People Pegawai A masuk sebagai Foreman dengan pengalaman kerja selama 1 tahun di posisi yang sama di perusahaan sebelumnya dengan Upah 2,87juta. Salary sebelumnya adalah 2,5 juta sehingga mendapatkan kenaikan 15% Pegawai B menjabat sebagai foreman dengan masa kerja 3 tahun dari tahun 2021-2022-2023, upah awal saat masuk adalah 2,5 juta. ternyata selama tiga tahun memiliki minerja baik sehingga naik 10% per tahun 2021: 2,5 juta 2022: 2,5 juta x 10% = 2,75 juta 2023: 2,75 juta x 10% = 3.03 juta Disclaimer: angka upah yang digunakan hanya simulasi bukan angka sebenarnya
  • 33. Job Grade Minimum Median Maksimum 3C 2.300.000 2.800.000 3.300.000 3B 1.500.000 1.900.000 2.300.000 3A 1.000.000 1.250.000 1.500.000 Kenapa Satu Jabatan Bisa Berbeda Upahnya, Contoh Pay for Position Disclaimer: Tabel ini hanya simulasi bukan angka sebenarnya Struktur Skala Upah (simulasi, bukan angka sebenarnya) Selama Upah masih ada dalam rentang skala grade yang terkait maka disitulah kemungkinan Upah yang diterima
  • 34. Mattress Thread USD 1,000 Ice Cream Stick USD 500/10 pcs Chopstick USD 5,000 Divide into 2 groups in class Instructions: 1. You are asked to build a bridge that can be climbed by cars and trucks 2. Please purchase the raw materials needed for the bridge 3. The bridge has a minimum total length of 50 CM 4. Make a good bridge design that can be passed by vehicles weighing 2.5 KG 5. Make sure you buy raw materials that are effective and efficient Business Simulation (45' min.)
  • 36. Coaching Mindset Invite them to talk, and still show them respect Prepare data/concrete evidence about the "difficult behavior" that they have demonstrated Encourage them to be willing and able to see the impact of the difficult behavior they show Speak in a "friendly" manner, but remain assertive/firm. Don't judge, don't show "worry/reluctance", but communicate as is Try to allow enough time for C&C, so that the atmosphere created is truly conducive.
  • 37. Coaching Role Play Scenario Budi, seorang Manajer R&D di sebuah perusahaan teknologi, merasa kesulitan memotivasi timnya untuk berinovasi. Ia merasa tekanan dari pihak atas untuk menghasilkan produk dan solusi baru, namun merasa timnya terlalu nyaman dengan cara kerja saat ini. Budi, an R&D Manager at a technology company, finds it difficult to motivate his team to innovate. He felt pressure from above to produce new products and solutions, but felt his team was too comfortable with the current way of working.
  • 38. Coaching Role Play Scenario Coach: "Selamat pagi, Budi. Aku mendengar kamu sedang menghadapi tantangan dalam memotivasi tim R&D. Bolehkah kamu ceritakan lebih lanjut?" Budi: "Ya, Coach. Aku merasa timku saat ini kurang bersemangat untuk mencari ide-ide baru. Mereka terlalu nyaman dengan metode kerja saat ini dan aku merasa sulit untuk mendorong mereka keluar dari zona nyaman mereka." Coach: "Terima kasih sudah berbagi. Menurutmu, apa yang menjadi hambatan terbesar timmu dalam berinovasi?" Budi: "Mungkin mereka takut gagal atau mereka merasa apa yang sudah mereka kerjakan saat ini sudah cukup baik. Tapi aku merasa kita perlu terus berinovasi untuk tetap kompetitif di pasar." Coach: "Paham. Menurutmu, apa yang bisa kamu lakukan sebagai manajer untuk mendukung mereka dalam mengatasi ketakutan atau hambatan tersebut?" Budi: "Aku bisa menyediakan sumber daya atau pelatihan tambahan, atau mungkin menciptakan lingkungan di mana kesalahan dilihat sebagai peluang belajar, bukan sesuatu yang harus dihindari." Coach: "Itu ide yang bagus. Bagaimana jika kita mulai dengan workshop inovasi bulanan? Di mana setiap anggota tim dapat mempresentasikan ide-ide baru dan mendapatkan masukan dari rekan-rekan mereka. Ini bisa menjadi langkah awal untuk mendorong pemikiran kreatif dan menerima feedback dalam setting yang mendukung." Budi: "Itu kedengarannya menarik. Aku pikir tim akan merespons dengan baik terhadap pendekatan semacam itu. Terima kasih atas saranmu!" Coach: "Tentu saja! Ingatlah untuk selalu mendukung timmu dan memberikan mereka ruang untuk tumbuh dan belajar. Semangat, Budi!"
  • 39.