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2010 Chile Earthquake Case Study
Earthquake Case History:
2010 Mw = 8.8 Mega–thrust Earthquake, Maule, Chile
By Travis Eddy
1. Introduction
In early 2010 central south Chile experienced a Mw = 8.8 earthquake and large tsunami waves that devastated
areas on the Chilean Pacific coast, nearby offshore islands, and areas near the epicenter. In addition to the
tsunami, the earthquake had many other geological consequences including aftershocks, terrestrial and submarine
land–sliding, elevation changes, and a gravity shift. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and analyze the
earthquake, its consequences, the resulting damages, and mitigation.
2. Geologic Setting
Figure 1: Profile of area around the epicenter (Moscoso,, 2011)
The site of the ... Show more content on ...
The most severe impacts were observed on the Chilean coastline adjacent to the epicenter from San Antonio –
Tirua, and 670 km offshore on the Juan Fernandez Archipelago (Synolakis, 2011; Yamazaki and Cheung, 2011).
The tsunami hit many areas close to the epicenter within 30 minutes of the main event, however due to
bathymetry and coastline shape, tsunami directions, impacts, and arrival times vary. (Synolakis, 2011; Yamazaki
and Cheung, 2011). For example, Talcahuano Harbor located in The Bay of Concepcion 100 kilometers south of
the epicenter experienced an impact from a resonated 129 minute period oscillating wave three hours after the
main event (Yamazaki and Cheung, 2011). Resonance such as this occurred in various areas along the Chilean
coastline, and was caused by standing and partial standing wave systems produced along the coast due to wave
reflection between the continental shelf and the headlands, resulting in radiated tsunami energy to become
trapped over the continental margin (Yamazaki and Cheung, 2011).
6. Land sliding
The main event caused both terrestrial and submarine land sliding to occur in the area. Around 30 slides were
delineated, with a majority of them being submarine (Volker,, 2011). These submarine slides were confined
to the walls of various submarine canyons, and were characterized as thin transitional slides retrograding into
open slopes adjacent to the canyons (Volker,, 2011).
7. Ground Changes
Figure 6:
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Tsunami disaster, implication on economy Essay
We view with awe a release of power on this scale. We know that this power is greater than that of our species –
nature holds us in its hands. We may be able to mitigate some of the consequences; in some cases we may be able
to give advance warning of the threat; but we are not in control; the tsunami has demonstrated this ancient truth.
William Rees–Mogg
1. On the morning of December 26, 2004 a magnitude 9.3 earthquake struck off the Northwest coast of the
Indonesian island of Sumatra. The earthquake resulted from complex slip on the fault where the oceanic portion
of the Indian Plate slides under Sumatra, part of the ... Show more content on ...
4. Scope of this paper are as follows:
a. Tsunami – What Are They?
b. South East Asia Economic Resources.
c. Aftershock And Aftermath Loses.
d. Economic Impact.
e. Conclusion.
f. Recommendations.
5. Tsunamis are not wind–generated waves. Rather, they are shallow–water waves, with long periods (time
between two sucessional waves) and wave lengths (distance between two sucessional waves). The wind–
generated swell one sees at a California beach, for example, spawned by a storm out in the Pacific and
rhythmically rolling in might have a period of about 10 seconds and a wave length of 150 m. A tsunami, on the
other hand, can have a wavelength in excess of 100 kilometer and period on the order of one hour. As a result of
their long wave lengths, tsunamis behave as shallow–water waves . A wave becomes a shallow–water wave when
the ratio between the water depth and its wave length gets very small. Shallow–water waves move at a speed that
is equal to the square root of the product of the acceleration of gravity and the water depth. In the Pacific Ocean,
where the typical water depth is about 4,000 meter, a tsunami travels at about 200
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Tsunami Killer Wave Study Guide
Patricia Ann Deriquito
Oceanography (Friday class)
Tsunami: Killer Wave – Movie Review
National Geographic
A tsunami is one of nature's most catastrophic and destructive forces in the world. Unlike hurricanes or storms,
there are no warning signs, the weather doesn't get bad, and the earth doesn't shake. This documentary explores
the origins of tsunami waves and what causes them. We are also taken to past events where survivors tells us
enthralling stories of tsunami incidents that they had encountered in Hawaii, Japan, and the Pacific Northwest.
While scientists and researchers alike, tries to find better ways to warn people and prepare them for such
disastrous phenomenon.
As a product of undersea earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, these
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Ap Human Geography Week 7 Geography Research Paper
Introduction to Geography
Research paper week 7 I learned more than I anticipated while studying the Introduction to Geography. There are
Four Geographic Traditions; Earth Science Tradition, Culture–Environment Tradition, Location Tradition and
Area Analysis Tradition. The Earth Science Tradition covers physical geography such as landforms, natural
resources, weather and climate. I found the text on natural resources to be very helpful, informative and
important for our current economy. The Culture–Environment Tradition discusses population geography, spatial
interaction and culture geography. During one of the class discussions about population I learned that in just 22
hours the world population increased by more than 233,000 people. ... Show more content on ...
The weather affects us constantly, whether rain or shine. Tropical storms and hurricanes have been in the news a
lot lately. Since I live on the Gulf of Mexico I have learned that during hurricane season it is critical to pay
attention to the weather and be prepared for a hurricane. I think about how much more damage would be caused
and how many lives could be lost if we didn't have an understanding of the weather. Even today with resources
such as the weather channel and local news reports we cannot prevent damage to the environment completely. We
can however evacuate people to save lives and build better hurricane resistant buildings in hurricane prone areas.
"The National Hurricane Center is a component of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction."
( The National Hurricane Center is a great on–line tool. It has information such as; local forecast,
cyclone forecast, marine forecast, tools, data and information about outreach and education. It's so detailed that
you can even get a list of items needed to be prepared for a hurricane. "A hurricane begins in a low pressure zone
over warm waters, usually in the Northern Hemisphere." (Introduction to Geography, Getis, page 97) "The
central core of the storm that is calm is known as the eye." (Introduction to Geography, Getis, page 97) "In the
western Pacific these storms are known as typhoons." (Introduction to Geography, Getis, page 97) Thanks to
weather research we now know
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Headlands Description
To the north end of the bridge presides an adjacent county named after the great chief of the tribe of Licatiut.
Blue rays of light temporarily illuminate a metropolis cesspool southernmost end of the battle between factions.
A figure emerges from the sparkling phenomena his black straight hair waving over dark brown almond–shape
eyes. Darkness quickly engulfs the headlands as he adjusts his eye sight while mounted on a theropodous reptile.
The reptile features a light body, athletic legs, and sharp, sickle–like claws. A black belt around his waist includes
a Travel Portal Projector permitting maximum coverage in a short period. Upon completion of extensive training
a Hybrid Aide Belt is assigned by the Council of Elders. The wealthiest ... Show more content on
The string of communities with abundant natural beauty within displaying drowsy towns with The First Colony
spawning from pure evil inhabits the area. The desiccate headlands are a hygroscopic substance full of deadly
underworld creatures. Absent are the world famous landmarks, providing unforgettable electric backdrops for the
surrounding neighborhoods. Compact downtown streets with the impossible gradients rise no longer reveal the
stunning views of the city, the bay and beyond. All structures to the left of the center district have been reduced to
rubble. Downtown streets once arranged in simple grid patterns, with the exception of a few. District transit buses
traveling from the outer neighborhoods have been completely waned. leaving desolated the commercial hub a
thick forest land. Hotels and department stores crammed into the surrounding square with Nonexistent are the
upscale boutiques, restaurants, and galleries tucked between the larger buildings. Buildings complexes serve as a
refuge for the defenseless creatures and human caste. The plaza landscaped is over grown with tropical
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The Causes And Effects Of The Natural Disaster In Japan
The devastation that occurred on March 11, 2011. An earthquake destroyed northeastern Japan, unleashing a
terrible tsunami. As of February 2017, there were still about 150,000 evacuees who lost their homes, 50,000 of
them were still living in temporary housing. Honshu earthquake on March 11, 2011 was a surprise. This
unexpected disaster was not the largest or the deadliest earthquake and tsunami to strike. More than 120,000
buildings were destroyed, 278,000. The total economic cost could reach up to $235 billion, the World Bank
estimated, making it the costliest natural disaster in world history. That record goes to the 2004 Banda Aceh
earthquake and tsunami in Sumatra, which killed more than 230,000 people. The March 11 earthquake started on
a Friday at 2:46 p.m. local time. Japan's scientists had forecast a smaller earthquake would strike the northern
region of Honshu, the country's main island. The direct financial damage from the disaster is estimated to be
about $199 billion dollars. In Japan, residents are still recovering from the disaster. In a subduction zone, one
plate slides beneath another into the mantle, the hotter layer beneath the crust. Less than an hour after the
earthquake, the first of many tsunami waves hit Japan's coastline. In the decade before the 2011 Tohoku
earthquake, a handful of Japanese geologists had begun to recognize that a large earthquake and tsunami had
struck the northern Honshu region in 869. The country recently unveiled a newly
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Natural Disasters : A Natural Disaster
Natural disasters have a colossal effect on the inhabitants that live on Earth. A natural disaster is a major event
resulting from natural processes of the Earth; for example: tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, and etc. That impact in
an isolated area can causes the inhabitants of this planet to converge and avail provide resources to avail the
instauration process. That is just a minute effect that a natural disaster has on the inhabitants of Earth. There are
natural disasters that have warning signs afore the will occur. Then there are natural disasters that will occur with
no caveat signs. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis are just three natural disasters that will strike will
no caveat.
The obviation of natural disaster is infeasible since we genuinely don't ken when one might occur. Potential
disasters can be 'managed ' to minimize loss of life. Remote sensing like satellites are the most precise in
monitoring potential natural disasters. Satellites offer precise, frequent and virtually instantaneous data over
immensely colossal areas anywhere in the world. When a disaster strikes, remote sensing is often the only way to
view what is transpiring on the ground (Lewis, 2009). Satellites are subsidiary in accumulating information, but
there are two types of satellites that are being used to amass the information.
Polar–orbiting satellites fly in a relatively low orbit often providing relatively high spatial resolution. But they
only amass data over the same point
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The Killing Sea Quotes Analysis
In the book The Killing Sea by Richard Lewis, Sarah and Ruslan have very different point of views on the word
"respect" and its meaning. In Chapter one, page 5, Sarah is complaining about what she needed to dress like to
respect their culture, "The mother whispered to the girl, 'Put on your scarf' 'This stupid dress is enough. I'm
drowning in sweat.'" First, this quote shows that Sarah doesn't want to dress like the people from their land
because she is not from there. While Ruslan is more respectful, "Ruslan hesitated. 'Bapa, last week I borrowed
your motor scooter without asking. I'm sorry.'"(The Killing Sea, page 10) Second, this quote shows how Ruslan
told his dad what he did because he felt guilt for doing something that he shouldn't done. ... Show more content
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Characters change in good ways and the book itself shows the readers how something terrible changes people,
even real life. Parents will always say to their little children "little things matter so help", Mrs.Reffel, also they
would told them in desperate measures help anyone that needs it. In The Killing Sea, Sarah was a little brat, she
thought that she was the center of attention and didn't care about anyone, only herself. When the disaster hit
Indonesia, where she went for vacation, something in her says, "We need to change to survive". Sometimes the
world needs to lose something valuable to know they have a lot things that they do not say "Thank you" for.
Sarah lost her mom, after she saw her mom dead, she changed. She helped Peter and a whole lot of strangers, and
when they were going to a conference to know her story, she decided to wear a scarf, because where she is that is
their tradition. Remember that you don't need to lose something that is important in your life to change and help
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Drought In The Dust Bowl
The Dust Bowl drought was the worst in U.S. history that was around 1930. It was in the mid west where it
covered sixty percent of the country. Millions of people had to move to other parts because it lasted four years. It
was "at its peak in 1934" according to "National Climate Data Center". We already have a lot of drought in
California and west although one might say it is all of the U.S. With little rain and high tempatures in the
summers drys out the vegatation which become a hazard for fires. Global warming might have some to do with
the problem of drought. High populations need more water, with more water being used, depletes resources of
water supplies which causes drought also. People need to become more aware of the use of the use of water, a lot
of people take it for granite that there is plenty out there for all of us to share. In fact, if we don't start to conserve,
we might not have water like we do in the future. ... Show more content on ...
That is the image of a tsunami and they strike somewhere in the world almost every year. Some archeologists say
that a mediterranean tsunami hit the north shore of Crete about 3500 years ago which sent Minoan civilization to
surrender to Mycenaen Greeks. In the fifth century B.C. the Greek historian, Thuydides, was the first to
document the connection between earthquakes and tsunamis. The majority of tsunamis are in the Indian and
Pacific oceans where the Tectonic plated collide and the one carrying dense oceanic crust dives under the more
floatable one forming a deep ocean trench. Normally it happens smoothly, but sometimes they become stuck and
friction strain builds up, then it releases energy which raise and lower the water above it which becomes a
tsunami. Created from the seafloor up they grow in dangerous heights in shallow waters only because in the deep
oceans it barely
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Hawaii Earthquake Research Paper
Brittyn Chaloupka
Earth Science 6A
December 1, 2017
2006 Hawaii Earthquake
On the islands of Hawaii a 6.6 earthquake hit the island Honolulu. The lack of electricity gave them no
communication with the mainland.
After and the aftershocks, there was fear of a tsunami people started to worry. The Pacific Tsunami Warning
Center issued a report saying that "no tsunami is expected," although officials at the center warned of the
possibility of one in Hawaii. There was so much damage they did not know what to do.
Knocking out electrical power to many of the islands and forming a landslide that rained boulders on the major
highway on the biggest island. Emergency management officials also told residents and others to stay put if they
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The Boxing Day Tsunami And The Real World Tsunami
Tsunamis are unfortunate events that humanity will have to deal with for eternity. They one of the most versatile
forms of a natural disaster, as they can be caused by a rockslide, underwater earthquake, certain volcanic
eruptions, or a high velocity impact of a sizeable object within a body of water (1). The media and scientific
research has done a sufficient job in covering real world tsunamis and relief efforts, which in turn has help trigger
natural human curiosity regarding the subject. The film industry has capitalized off of this, and has made a
numerous amount of movies either based on, or featuring these devastating waves. As depicted through real
events and in the movies, tsunamis generally behave in the same manner, yet each one has a different speed and
height due to various factors. Furthermore, every location of possible impact treats the way they prepare and
react to a disaster differently. Through the examination of the real–life Boxing Day Tsunami, and the fictional
tsunami in Roar Uthaug's The Wave, these claims can be further expanded upon and reinforced.
December 26, 2004 is a date that will live in infamy, and has personal value for millions of people around the
world. What started out as a fine day in Southeast Asia, would turn into a catastrophic nightmare that would go
on to be dubbed the Boxing Day Tsunami. The tsunami was triggered by an underwater earthquake that ranks
fourth all–time in terms of seismic measurements. On a portion of the seafloor
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Database Security, Recovery And Emergency
Every part of the given task will incorporate abridging every section of the book named Database Security, 1st
Edition, Alfred Basta; Melissa Zgola,Copyright 2012, Cengage Technology on data security which will offer us
some assistance with building a manual for arrangements and methodology for keeping the database secured. The
center of this task will be on section one which worries about security of data frameworks. The target of this
paper is to make report in view of the discoveries online and how it relates with the substance said in the book.
Looking into how national trade data model aides in database security is something which will likewise be talked
about in this paper. This task gives true experience of really building a manual which can be useful amid
emergency, moreover it will likewise offer us some assistance with applying abilities and demonstrate ways how
progression in innovation can have a colossal effect.
Keywords: Database Management Security, recovery and emergency
As indicated by The Catholic Charities USA Disaster Response report "almost 70 percent of respondents don 't
have adequate measures set up to guarantee they would have the capacity to recoup in the case of a Disaster"
Securing data of organization is something which should be thought during and after disaster . The need to secure
the database emerge as a result of different reasons, some of which incorporate shielding the information from
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The Popular Coastal Cities, Beaches, And Towns
Some of the popular coastal cities, beaches, and towns are:
Cannon Beach – The Haystack Rock on this beach is 2353 feet high and ranked the "third coastal monolith in the
world". Some other interesting coastal towns are: Seaside, Gleneden, Depoe Bay, Florence, Reedsport, North
bend, Coos Bay, Brandon, Gold Beach, Bookings, Rockaway Beach, and Lincoln City.
The Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport is where "Keiko" the famous whale who starred in the hit movie Free
Willy live. This aquarium houses sharks, sea lions, sea otters, octopuses, and pelicans. Visitors can interact with
these animals safely while watching the staff feed them daily. Passionate visitors can scuba dive with rockfish,
sturgeon, halibut, and sharks. The Seaside ... Show more content on ...
The water is extremely blue, pure, and so crystal clear that you can see through it. The cliffs and mountains
surrounding the lake is where adventurers can jump off from great heights and swim in the water below. There's
also a scenic 33–mile Rim Drive around the lake that gives motorists spectacular views of the area without
leaving their cars. The Rim Village Historic District has a gift shop, visitors center, and lodging for people who
want to stay there. Also, there's hiking trails and an observation station for a staring down at the trees and the
mountains surrounding the lake.
Visit The Smallest River In The World
"D" River is the smallest in the world at only 121 feet is in Lincoln City.
Visit A Hot Spring
There are about 16 of them and one worth mentioning is:
Crystal Crane Hot Springs (Burns, OR) – This hot springs has mineral water that will help restore balance in the
body, mind, and soul.
Visit Some Museums
High Desert Museum (Bend, OR) – This museum covers the history of exotic wildlife in Oregon with live
exhibits and artifacts early human history.
Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum – This museum has replica models of vehicles and warheads from different
eras on display.
The Science Factory Children 's Museum and Planetarium – This museum gives kids the opportunity to interact
with exhibits while learning about science and technology.
Four Rivers Cultural Centre and Museum – This museum
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eosc 114 full notes
EOSC 114 – Final Review Notes Get A's or die trying. Jason Kim Unit 1: A Fragile System At least 3 earthquake
recording stations are required to find the location of the earthquake epicenter. A single recording station can only
calculate distance, but not direction; to cover all possibilities, a complete circle is drawn around that station. If
only two earthquake recording stations are used, the circles will overlap at two points. Data from a third
recording station will eliminate one of these points. Explain what density is & how it relates to stratification.
Density = mass/volume; how much mass fits into a space. Unit: kg/m3 3 Stratification = less–dense materials
float on top of denser materials This is found in the ... Show more content on ...
1. Hazards can be predicted through scientific analysis Scientific method used Predicted by Identifying location,
finding probability, looking for precursor events, forecasting, warning 2. Risk analysis is an important element in
understand the effects of hazards Risk = probability * consequences 3. Linkages among different hazards exist 4.
Damage from natural disasters is increasing 5. 6. Damage and loss of life can be minimized Explain (with
examples) how energy conservation applies to natural disasters. Energy is conserved when it changes form. Most
sources of energy are diffuse: weak, but cover a wide area Disasters generally have a concentration of energy into
a small area Describe relationships between force, pressure, stress, strain, energy, and power. Power:
work/consuming energy per second = measured in watts Pressure: force per unit surface area applied
perpendicular to a surface Stress: force per unit area applied parallel to a surface Stress tends to strain deform
objects Describe population n growth and explain why it is important for natural disasters. Population growth
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Disadvantages Of California
The Earth can be characterized by its unknown natural phenomenon There are different types of natural hazards
that can happen, from Tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides ect. For instance, earthquakes are natural disasters that
are characterized by vibrations and shaking within the ground, some earthquakes have the potential to become
deadly. These quakes are among a number of natural disasters that can happen without warning. Earthquakes,
tsunamis, landslides are some of these dangers that can vary in magnitude and size, from small, barely noticeable
waves, shake, or slides to violent waves, shaking, or slides that carry the potential to destroy buildings and
threaten life. Due to the uncertainty of when these disasters might happen, these ... Show more content on ...
The reason that California has the greatest amount of earthquakes within the U.S is due to the fact that the state is
located on the San Andreas Fault, which consist of both the Atlantic and Pacific plates. Due to their unpredictable
nature, it can be difficult to know when and where an earthquake will happen. Seismologists make use of
technology such as seismographs in order to record and measure ground motion, according to the book,
Foundations of Earth Science, the authors Frederick K. Lutgens and Edward J. Tarbuck explain that the
utilization of seismographs are tools utilized by seismologists in order to measure the motion of the ground. This
form of measurement allows seismologists to measure and map the specific area of the motion and to determine
the proportions of these seismic waves, "To detect very weak earthquakes or a great earthquake that has occurred
in another part of the world, most seismographs are designed to amplify ground motion. (Lutgens and Tarbuck,
pg. 195) There is currently no way to control earthquakes, earthquakes can happen at any time without warning.
Loss of life can be reduced by the implementation of hurricane warning systems, but these systems only notify
the public while it is taking place. Along with earthquakes, tsunamis also serve as another dangerous natural
hazard caused by seismic activity. A tsunami consists or massive waves causing large displacement of water by
underwater earthquakes. In addition to
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1999 Earthquake
Over a decade ago on December 26,2004, a catastrophic event occurred on the coast of Asia that changed
millions of lives forever and caused ripple affects that are still being felt 11 years later( such as the accounts of
Hailey being displaced and seeking answers about her families where abouts ). A undersea mega thrust
earthquake measuring at 9.0 on the Richter scale hit the coast of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean
causing a devastating landslide . As a result Plates on the ocean floor shifted manifesting 100 foot waves that led
to the third–largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph.
The destruction that this powerful wall of water made when it hit like a concrete fist on the shores of Indonesia,
India , Sri Lanka and Thailand consumed almost everything in its path. The number of deaths reported by World
News reporter Allan Johnson were a staggering 230,000 the number of Injuries were estimated at 125,000 and the
number of missing persons reported were 45,000 over 1.69 Million homes were lost. Many families were
separated and many children where made orphans in a matter of hours (Hailey was one of the unfortunate
children that was made an orphan when she lost both her parents in the tsunami). ... Show more content on ...
It was in one of these shelters that was most likely set up by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
where tragedy did not have the final say and Hailey met the Vacationist turned volunteer, named Pheobe that she
will later call her
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Natural Disasters in India with Special Reference to Tamil...
J. Acad. Indus. Res. Vol. 1(2) July 2012 59 ISSN: 2278–5213 REVIEW Natural disasters in India with special
reference to Tamil Nadu A. Stephen Dept. of Ecology, French Institute of Pondicherry, Puducherry–605001, India; +91 9841890069
Abstract Natural disasters in India, many of them related to the climate of India, cause massive losses of Indian
life and property. Droughts, flash floods, cyclones, avalanches, landslides brought on by torrential rains and
snowstorms pose the greatest threats. Landslides are common in the Lower Himalayas. Parts of the Western
Ghats also suffer from low–intensity landslides. ... Show more content on ...
Every year, on average thousands of people are affected, a few hundred lives are lost, thousands are rendered
homeless and several hectares of crops are damaged. Every year, Flooding in India affects Tamil Nadu and the
other Indian states of Assam, Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat, Orissa, Uttaranchal, and Maharashtra (Kuppusamy
and Rajarathnam, 2009). Floods are the most frequent and often the most devastating. The cause of flood is
mainly the peculiarities of rainfall in North east monsoon period in the state. Out of the total annual rainfall in the
state, 90% is concentrated over short monsoon season of three months. As a result, heavy discharges from the
rivers during this period causing widespread floods in the delta regions. Floods occur mainly in the coastal
districts basin that carries 100% of the state total river flows (Ponnuraj, 2006). Cyclones Cyclone refers to a whirl
in the atmosphere with very strong winds circulating around it in anti–clockwise direction in the Northern
Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Cyclones are intense low pressure areas with pressure
increasing outwards. Cyclones can be hazardous as Cyclones are normally associated with strong winds. A storm
surge is an abnormal rise of sea level near the coast caused by a Fig. 1. Flood hazard map of India. highly
vulnerable to Floods. The most vulnerable states of India are Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, West Bengal, Gujarat,
Orissa, Andhra
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Natural Disasters : A Natural Disaster It 's A Major...
Mother Earth Learning and understanding the definition on what is a natural disaster it's a major concern for
every human being. A natural disaster is a major event caused by nature or natural processes of our planet Earth.
The cruelty and severity of the accident is and will be measured on how many lives are lost, how much damaged
they get from the disaster, the economic catastrophe and loss taken by the population, and how long will it take
the population to rebuilt everything back again.
Many natural disasters will cause major loss, everything will depend on the cruelty and severity of the event, we
know many lives can and will be lost in any major disaster. Depending on the natural disaster we may loss lives,
suffer damaged to our properties, many homes will be destroyed by floods, hurricanes, cyclones, twisters,
avalanches, volcanic eruptions and a major earthquake. In case of tsunamis many fields will be saturated by salt
water and will take years to grow any produce or crops again, with landslides and avalanches homes are beyond
repair and will take many months to be repair. All your personal effects, vehicles, documentation will be lost
forever because of the natural disaster.
The major disaster in our planet
Earthquakes – it's a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that will create seismic waves.
Hurricanes – it's a major storm with violent winds, it's a tropical storm type cyclone that will have circulating
weather counterclockwise over tropical waters.
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Tsunami and People Essay examples
THESIS: The tsunami is a dangerous natural disaster that should be analyzed and studied to prevent unnecessary
What is a Tsunami?
A. Definition
B. Historical background
C. What effects do they cause
What causes Tsunami?
D. Why do tsunami occur?
E. Where do they occur?
F. How often do they occur
What damage do they cause?
G. The financial cost
H. The environmental cost
I. The human cost
Analyzing and researching
J. Detecting a tsunami
K. Planning
L. Learning from the past
Tsunami: Analyzing the tsunami to prevent future tragedy
The Encyclopedia Britannica defines tsunami as "a seismic sea wave or tidal wave that is ... Show more content
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All these tsunamis however took lives of the people who lived or were visiting the area at the time. In addition to
the death that a tsunami causes, there are also other effects. The towns or cities where the disasters took place are
also affected. Many structures are destroyed or damaged. Businesses may be destroyed. All these effects make it
difficult and slow for the areas to not only aid those that were hurt in the tsunami but also to rebuild the towns
and cities quickly. This has an effect on not only the economy of the town but also on its people. They may feel
like there is no hope as they try to rebuild and start again. Besides the economic effects after a tsunami and its
mental effect on the people, there may also be environmental effects. The result of the ocean coming on to land
has a bad effect on fresh water supplies. The drinking water may be affected. This alone may lead to diseases but
also other health problems are caused because of water left standing for long periods. The standing water may
help mosquitoes to develop and cause the spread of various diseases. The large number of dead in certain areas
may also cause problems as there is not enough room to place the dead and the bodies are left out in the open
until they can be buried. The effect of a tsunami are can also be global as in the 2004 tsunami that hit many
countries and killed citizens of many other
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Natural Disasters, A Study Of Events
Natural Disasters, A Study of Events 1
Natural Disasters, A Study of Events
Micheal Boor
GO125DL Natural Disasters
Park University
Ms. Jill Lockard
02 May 2017
Natural Disasters, A Study of Events 2
The intent of this paper is to describe three natural disasters; for this paper we will describe a hurricane, an
earthquake and a mudslide. We will briefly discuss how, or if, our ancestors were able to predict and therefore
mitigate loss of life or damage to infrastructure for these types of disasters 100 years ago. Then we will look at
how our modern society is able to accomplish this in current times. Finally, we will cover how we could better
predict future events and plan accordingly. We will explore the ... Show more content on ...
When a storm first begins to form over the ocean, meteorologists are now able to provide early warning on
weather systems that could develop into tropical depressions with the potential to become a tropical storm or
stronger. These meteorologists are better able to predict storm track and severity in order to allow county or state
officials to make informed decisions. Following along the same idea, as it pertains to meteorologists and their
ability to monitor weather activity, comes their increased ability to track non–tropical
Natural Disasters, A Study of Events 4 system related weather events in order to provide advanced warning for in
the event of flooding or mudslide events caused by flooding. Tsunami warning has also improved in large part to
previous incidents where there has been a significant amount of destruction and loss of life. In August 1992 a
tropical wave formed off the coast of Africa, traveling west across the Atlantic before forming into a tropical
storm that quickly grew into a strong category 5 hurricane, named Hurricane Andrew. Hurricane Andrew made
landfall in Miami–Dade County in the city of Homestead, Florida causing catastrophic damage in the area from
the strength of the wind from the storm. The accurate wind speed from this storm is unknown due to the majority
of measurement tools being destroyed in the storm, but sustained wind speeds of 140 were recorded by some of
the systems that remained (University of
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Earthquake : A Powerful Earthquake
A powerful earthquake occurred just off the coast of central Chile during Wednesday evening local time and has
produced a tsunami over the Pacific basin.
The quake is the third most powerful earthquake in five years to strike the South America nation.
According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the quake registered magnitude 8.3, at 7:54 p.m. local
time (4 p.m. PDT) on Wednesday. The quake lasted for approximately three minutes.
WATCH: Deadly 8.3 Earthquake Rocks Shoppers in Santiago, Chile
The temblor occurred 46 km (28 miles) west of Illapel, Chile, and 229 km (142 miles) northwest of Santiago,
Chile 's capital. It occurred as the result of thrust faulting on the interface between the Nazca and South America
plates in central Chile, the USGS said.
At least 10 people were killed as a result of the quake, according to the BBC. One million Chileans were
evacuated due to tsunami warnings. The tsunami warnings in the immediate area have been canceled.
Jump to the tsunami risk for Hawaii and Southern California.
Rescue and Recovery Weather Ideal, but Aftershock Risk Continues
Officials are citing preparedness and strict building codes in many areas for the low number of fatalities, despite
the massive quake.
Dry conditions across much of Chile, including near where the earthquake occurred, will not hinder cleanup and
recovery efforts, AccuWeather Meteorologist Jordan Root said.
"Dry weather will continue for the next few days including Chile 's Independence Day on
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The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
Sarah Byrnside
PhySci 111
Research Paper
24 April 2015
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred
in 2011 at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant following an underwater earthquake that produced tsunamis,
eventually resulting in a full nuclear meltdown and toxic amounts of radiation being dumped into the atmosphere.
This particular nuclear disaster is infamous because, despite the earthquake and tsunami, it is still considered a
man–made disaster. Had Fukushima plant workers been properly trained regarding what to do in the event of a
nuclear disaster and had the Japanese government reacted more swiftly and efficiently, the damage to the reactors
would have been less extensive and a full nuclear meltdown could have been prevented altogether. The factors
that led to the meltdown, however, can be learned from and used to develop better safety procedures and educate
people so that hopefully the next nuclear accident can be avoided in the future. Simply put, the nuclear reactors at
the Fukushima plant use chemical reactions to boil water, producing electricity. They achieve this through the
process of nuclear fission, which is the splitting of an atom in two and gives off energy in the form of heat. If one
of the pieces of the split atom collides with another atom, that atom will then undergo fission and hit other atoms
which will undergo the same process. This chain reaction of splitting atoms continues on
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The Killing Sea Chapter 1 Summary
In the book The Killing Sea by Richard Lewis the theme of the book is optimism because in chapter 9 when the
tsunami occurred, she kept thinking and looking for her dad when he's probably dead. On page 1 it says the book
was located in Ujung Karang, Indonesia.Wikipedia says, "In 2004 the earthquake and tsunami of Indonesia hit.
The tsunami was initially documented as moment magnitude 8.8. In February 2005 scientists revised the estimate
of the magnitude to 9.0. Although the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has accepted these new numbers, the
United States Geological Survey has so far not changed its estimate of 9.1. The most recent studies in 2006 have
obtained a magnitude of MW 9.1–9.3. Dr. Hiroo Kanamori of the California Institute of Technology ... Show
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In Indonesia the setting of the book is where it happened. On page 72 it says, "Forget the bottles! Get the hell out!
Everyone off, off! Run for the hill!" says the book when they saw a tsunami was coming. About 228,000 people
were killed as a result of the 9.1 magnitude quake and the giant waves that slammed into coastlines on 26
December 2004. After the quake struck, the resulting tsunami radiated across the Indian Ocean, from Indonesia to
Sri Lanka and beyond. Despite there being several hours between the earthquake and the impact of the tsunami,
nearly all the victims were taken completely by surprise. With no adequate warning systems in place, there was
no alert issued to people to seek safety. In the book nobody knew the tsunami was coming so this makes since
there was no warning systems. This was true because everyone was shocked when they saw that the tsunami was
coming. One thing that confused me was about and it was why nobody knew the tsunami was coming when they
are in a tsunami zone by an ocean. The events that happened all throughout the book like when the tsunami hit
changed the characters because when she was looking for her dad she still had optimism and hoped for the best
and this changed the character's
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The Really Big One By Kathryn Schulz
"The Really Big One" is an article by Kathryn Schulz about the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a fault line that runs
seven hundred miles along the West Coast. It consists of two tectonic plates where one plate is sliding underneath
another. In this case, the oceanic plate Juan de Fuca is sliding under the continental plate known as the North
American plate. In her article, Schulz repeats the words of seismologists and scientists alike in the opinion that
the Cascadia Subduction Zone is overdue for a magnitude 9.0 or higher earthquake and resulting tsunami. No one
in the Pacific Northwest is prepared for it. With historical stories and examples from around the world Schulz
warns of the damage to be done when the "Really Big One" finally makes itself known.
In her article, Schulz uses three rhetorical appeals. These appeals are called Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Aristotle,
the Greek philosopher, created these terms to refer specifically to the different ways they appeal to the reader.
Ethos is used to establish credibility, Pathos refers to emotion, and Logos is the appeal to logic.While the article
is packed full of history, science and facts, it's the appeal to emotion that really draws in the readers and instills
curiosity and a desire for action. Schulz's article is split into five sections. The first section introduces the readers
to Chris Goldfinger, a paleoseismologist at Oregon State University. Goldfinger was at a seismology conference
in Kashiwa, Japan when the 2011 Tohoku
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Cascadia Subduction Zone And San Andreas Fault
Cascadia Subduction Zone and San Andreas Fault
On August 24, 2014 a magnitude 6.0 earthquake occurred in and around the city of Napa, CA. The earthquake
killed one person and injured over 150 people. And these people were treated at Queen of the Valley Medical
Center in Napa [1]. More and more earthquakes occurred on this earth. So this grasps people's attention.
According to the research report, it will cause thousands of people die, towns submerged, buildings and bridges
damaged once a huge earthquake and tsunamis happened on the Pacific Northwest area near American coast. And
losses will be estimated at over 5 billion dollar US dollars. This shocking article was composed by seismic safety
advisory committee in Oregon. According to materials, a super–strong earthquake once happened in A.D. 1700
Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) on the Pacific Northwest coast. There are some experts forecast that another
super–huge earthquake will occur in the future. The report has shown that once the earthquake occurs, the regions
from North California to British Columbia Coastal region will suffer devastation, cause heavy casualties. Water
and electricity shortage issues definitely follow this heavy disaster, meanwhile, communication and heating
system and gas supply will definitely broken off in the light of this earthquake. The CSZ is a 1,000 km long
dipping fault that stretches from Northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino in northern California. It
separates the Juan de Fuca (Juan
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Japan Earthquake
Yaoguang Yang
Julie Anderson–Manrique
English 101:Essay 1:Cause and Effect Essay. 9,Oct.2011
I .Introduction: A. Hook: Japan was hit by the most powerful earthquake in recorded history on March 11, 2011.
B. The center of the nine–magnitude earthquake was near the east coast of Japan, C. Thesis statement: The
Earthquake in Japan, besides being a disaster, also caused other disasters, such as a tsunami and nuclear leaks.
II. Body: A. Earthquake B. Tsunami
1. The horrifying earthquake caused a tsunami unleashed;
2. Cities or towns are covered by the water. C. The Nuclear leak 1. Along with the destruction of the nuclear
plants, the radiation has affected the whole global ... Show more content on ...
The helicopter had been sent to the Japanese nuclear power plants, and took some pictures, which showed the
clear situation of the destruction. Before the United, States' government published those photos, they had sent
them to the Japanese government and requested permission to publish. The Japanese government gave an
unexpected answer in that they refused permission to publish. After the United, States' government knew the
severity of the radiation, the government asked American in Japan to move to other safe places. (Obama).the
people of a country experiencing a natural disaster. The people have the right to know anything. The country's
government should not hidden. They must also be honest to the rest of the world. The nuclear power plant
destruction not only affected the world's environment, but also affected production in Japan. There was less
energy available from the nuclear power plants, and no gas, which affected production. As the BCC news said
"Prime Minister Naoto Kan postponed plans to roll power cuts, saying they may not be needed if householders
could conserve energy." As to the shortage of gas, transportation stopped. There was a lack of food. Entire city
functions had shut down. There were worst things that we cannot imagine. The people suffered a critical shortage
of articles for daily use. The radiation also affected the water system of Japan. People there were afraid to drink
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Tsunamis Essay
Environmental Science
A tsunami (soo–NAH–mee) is a series of waves that occur in an ocean or other large body of water and that are
caused by some activity that displaces big amounts of water. Tsunami is the Japanese word for "harbor
Earthquakes that occur on the seafloor or in coastal areas usually cause tsunamis.
The energy generated by the earthquake is transmitted through the water. In deep oceans the energy in these
seismic sea waves can travel virtually unnoticed because the wave height may be only twelve inches. When this
energy reaches the shallow waters of coastlines, bays, or harbors, it forces the water into a giant wave. Some ...
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Fishermen twenty miles out to sea didn't notice the wave pass under their boats because it only had a height at the
time of about fifteen inches. They were totally unprepared for the devastation that awaited them when they
returned to the port of
Sanriku. Twenty–eight thousand people were killed and 170 miles of coastline were destroyed by the wave that
had passed under them.
Tsunamis in deep water can have a wavelength greater than 300 miles (500
kilometers) and a period of about an hour. This is very different from the normal
California tube, which generally has a wavelength of about 300 feet (100 meters) and a time of about ten
seconds. (The period of a wave is the time between two successive waves.) Tsunamis are shallow–water waves,
which means that the ratio between water depth and wavelength is very small. These shallow–water waves move
at a speed equal to the square root of the product of the acceleration of gravity (9.8m/s/s) and the water depth.
The deeper the water, the faster and shorter the wave is. For example, when the ocean is
20,000 feet deep, a tsunami travels at 550 miles per hour. At this speed, the wave can compete with a jet airplane,
traveling across the ocean in less than a day.
Another important factor in considering tsunamis is the rate at which they lose energy. Because a wave loses
energy at a rate inversely related to its
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Development Of Off Shore Wave Generator Systems And...
Development of off shore wave generator systems and integrating into Disaster Management systems.
Rahul Basu,
Visiting Professor
Alpha Institute of Technology
Kannur PO
Bangalore 56077, Ka, India
Paul T. Wegener
Waveberg Development
4016 Lark Street
San Diego, Ca 92013, USA
The SAARC region with over a billion populations is contiguous to the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and the
Arabian Sea. Utilization of ocean resources for power generation such as tidal, thermal solar and wind for energy,
along with other green technologies like seaweed farming and sustainable fisheries for food would need to be
incorporated in a broad framework for the region. Development of ocean–based energy systems can be integrated
with early warning networks linked by satellite which can give a few hours to days warning to help mitigate the
severity of natural disasters on human life. . Some of the calamities of note have been the Tsunami of 2004,
Bangladesh and Orissa floods, earthquakes in Nepal and Pakistan, and recent inundation of Chennai due to
weather and bad flood management. A SAARC comprehensive Framework on disaster management was
formulated in alignment with the Hyogo Framework (2005–2015). In addition to the broad objectives of disaster
management and cooperation in the Indian Ocean and surrounding regions, impeding disasters due to climate
change need to be anticipated. Ocean energy systems are still in their infancy, while ocean
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Compare And Contrast Earthquake And Miami Earthquake
Earthquakes occur daily as plates of lithosphere travel on asthenosphere; however, some earthquakes are larger
and cause more damage than others. Major earthquake zones include the circum–pacific region, Indonesia to
Europe, Caribbean and Sandwich Islands, mid–ocean ridges, and East Africa. Larger earthquakes are rarer than
smaller earthquakes, yet when they do occur, they are memorable. The Japan earthquake of 2011 and the Haiti
earthquake of 2010 are memorable for unfavorable circumstances, yet are excellent sources of study for
seismologists and geologists. March 11, 2011–– Japan experiences one of the most devastating earthquakes
recorded. The epicenter, located at 38.297 N, 142.372 E, produces a magnitude 9.0 earthquake at a depth ... Show
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In addition to the aforementioned information, the tsunami is also devastating to the Japanese population, as well
as nations surrounding the Pacific ocean. In fact, the tsunami is the greatest cause of damage during the quake. In
the tragic event, 15,890 people perished, 2,590 people reported missing, and 6,152 people suffered injuries in
Japan–– most of which as a result of the tsunami. The 2011 Japan earthquake could not have been prevented,
since natural disasters cannot be avoided, nor predicted; however, several steps could have been taken to reduce
the number of buildings damaged. The Japanese government possesses good communication with their people
(hence the issued tsunami warning), so the loss of life could not have been avoided. Despite strong
communication with the public, the Japanese government could implement building regulations to withstand
severe earthquakes and issue an "early warning" messaging system because sometimes, seconds make a
difference. Today, the Japanese government is actively working to reduce the amount of nuclear power plants to
avoid future complications with radioactivity and public health. January 12, 2010, 4:43 p.m. local time –– 25
kilometers southwest of Port–au–Prince, the capital of Haiti, the earth ruptures (18.44 N, 72.57 W) 13 kilometers
below the surface. Occurring on the Caribbean plate, particularly the
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Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
Even though people did not expect it. The December twenty sixth two thousand four tsunami in the Indian Ocean
claimed nearly all of its 200,000 victims on shores that had gone 200 years without a tsunami, and had not had an
earthquake larger than a magnitude 7.9.
The 2004 tsunami, coated Indonesia with a sheet of sand measured at 8 centimeters thick.
The earthquake destroyed the entire Indonesian coastline.
Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. Last December
marked the ten year anniversary of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster. This drove researchers and
surrounding governments to create tsunami warning systems. The Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation
System was built. Two thousand of the victims were tourists. The majority of deaths were a ... Show more content
on ...
Hazard Vulnerability Analysis are tool which are available as a planning resource and recognizing hazards that
may affect demand.
In early 1999 Osama Bin Laden recruited Afghanistans to using commercial aircraft as weapons. He developed a
list of his targets here in the U.S.
In April 1999 the recruits began to obtain passports and visas for travel to the United States.
Many of the hijackers in 1999 and 2001 prepared for the 9/11 attack while living in Germany.
With cash and travelers checks acquired in the Middle East, the hijackers began arriving in the U.S. on tourist
The hijackers enrolled in flight schools and conducted cross–country surveillance flights.
In 2001 Several of the hijackers were apprehended by U.S. law enforcement for various traffic violations.
On September 11, 2001, the hijackers passed through security checkpoints at four U.S. airports, with knives, box
cutters and concealed weapons on their body and in carry–on
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The Cascadia Earthquake: A Disaster that Could Happen
Imagine if a 9.0 earthquake struck the West Coast today, resulting in a giant tsunami. Coastal towns would be
washed away or completely isolated, and electricity would be lost (FOX5). There would be $70 billion in damage
and people would only have 15 minutest to evacuate or move to higher ground resulting in 10,000 deaths
(FOX5). This sounds like a plot for a scary movie, but this is actually a reality. The Oregon Coast in located on a
subduction zone, which makes it very susceptible to major earthquakes and tsunamis. With the Cascadia
subduction zone running along he West Coast the threat of a major tsunami is very real. The scenario mentioned
above was based on the rupture located along the Cascadia fault line. This fault system runs ... Show more
content on ...
Luckily, there was no tsunami, but California and Oregon had waves up to 2.4 m high and obtained at least $10
million in damage (Mueller, 2014,1). The waves from the tsunami in Japan swept cars, planes, houses, and over
1.5 million tons of Japanese debris into the ocean, which have slowly floated towards the Unite State's coast.
Light objects like bins, balls, and buoys were the first to reach the United States, while large objects like docks
took longer to wash ashore (Mueller, 2014,1). Along with the debris hundreds of organisms have made the long
journey across the ocean. Some of theses organisms are extremely unpredictable and may be invasive (Earth
Island Journal). As a result of the destruction of the Fukishima Nuclear Plant, large amounts of radiation could
also stat to head towards the United States (Oregon Live). Already there have been traces of airborne radiation
detected in milk in the United States (Oregon Live). As a result of the 2011 Japanese tsunami and earthquake, the
State of Oregon commissioned a study of the earthquake and tsunami preparedness of Oregon in the event of a
9.0 Cascadia earthquake, called the Oregon Resiliency Plan (Davidson). Its findings reported how long services
like electricity, water, sewage, police and fire stations, and health centers would take to be restores after such a
destructive event (Davidson). The report also included some very chilling statistics about the affect it would have
on Oregon alone:
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The Untold : Story Of Natural Disasters
Osjara' Duncan
English 4
Mrs. Humphrey
14 November, 2016 The Untold: Story of Natural Disasters Natural Disaster can occur at any place and any
giving time without much of a warning. With a Natural Disaster taking place the best way to be ready for a
Natural Disaster is to know about them and how they occur. In "Natural Disaster Facts" it says, "A natural
disaster is the consequence of the combination of a natural hazard (physical event like a volcanic eruption,
typhoon, tropical cyclone, tornadoes and earthquakes, a landslide or a tsunami) and human activities". Many of
these Natural Disasters cannot be predicted but knowing the environment can help us with whatever Mother
Nature throws our way. A Natural Disaster can happen any time and place it's just the fact of knowing what
Natural Disaster occurs in certain area. In "Earth Facts and Information" it says," The Definition of natural
disasters is any catastrophic event that caused by nature or the natural process of the earth". With that being said
Hurricanes, Flash Floods, Earthquakes, and Tornadoes are all considered as Natural Disasters. In "11 Facts about
Disasters" it says, "In 2012 there were 905 natural catastrophes worldwide severe storms, droughts, tornadoes,
earthquakes, floods, and hailstorm". Natural Disasters just don't take an effect on the world it also takes effect on
the people who have to live with the aftermath of a Natural Disaster. "Between 2000 and 2012, natural
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Southeast Asi Disaster Response Paper
Southeast Asia includes the countries of Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam,
Thailand, the Philippines, and East Timor. These countries are comprised of both developed and developing
countries and are among the most densely populated countries in the world with a total population exceeding 620
million people. United States foreign policy as well as significant global attention can attest to the strategic,
economic, and political importance of this region (Gursky, Burkle, Hamon, Walker, Benjamin, 2014). Arguably,
the critical link connecting the two major oceans of the region and some of the most important waterway transits
in the world, it is not difficult to understand why the United States and its military organizations have long been a
part of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) efforts in this region. This paper will examine the
disaster preparedness and response of the region as it shares the ... Show more content on ...
In the past decade alone, a person living in Asia–Pacific was twice as likely to be affected by a natural disaster as
a person living in Africa, almost six times as likely as someone from Latin America and the Caribbean, and 30
times more likely to suffer from a disaster than someone living in North America or Europe (ESCAP: 2013). If
history is any indicator of what the future has in store, the area will continue to suffer natural disasters at a pace
that far surpasses that of anywhere else in the world. The strategic, economic and humanitarian impact of such
disasters are devastating and improving our ability to respond and prevent such massive loss of life and
destruction is something that is well worth continued effort. The region has certainly come a long way in
improving its capabilities, but in the way ahead we must continue to train and plan together to reduce the impact
of future inevitable
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Tsunami Response Paper
Research by Goff et al.(2014) stated the following:
The traditional term tsunami means harbour wave (tsu: harbour, nami: wave)..., a tsunami is specifically
described as a series of travelling waves of extremely long length and period, usually generated by disturbances
associated with earthquakes occurring below or near the ocean floor.
Tsunami are commonly often associate with an earthquake but not all earthquakes generates tsunami. It depends
on the movement of earth's plate. If earth's plate moved vertically much damage from tsunami would occur. For
example, on December,26, 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami shook Indonesia and killed an estimated
230,000 people, most due to the tsunami and the lack of aid afterward. (Live Science ... Show more content on ...
JetStream featured, "Tsunamis range in size from inches to over a hundred feet. In deep water (greater than 600
feet/180 meters)." As JetStream also emphasized that the wave height can increase by over 10 times as tsunamis
propagate into shallow water, and the waves can be amplified by shoreline and bathymetric (seafloor) features,
Cheng and Weiss (2013) researched the link between the onshore slope, initial amplitude and the difference
between the maximum tsunami inundation and inland sediment by observing from 2011 Tohoku–oki tsunami in
Sendai. Cheng and Weiss (2013) found that for sand the grain size has little effect on the deposition ratio, but
initial amplitude and slope influence the deposition ratio; steep slopes and low amplitudes have the most sensitive
effect on deposition ratio.Thus, Cheng and Weiss (2013) argued that the application of the deposition ratio will
improve tsunami hazard assessments by providing a geophysically more realistic inundation limit than the cases
where only the inland extent of tsunami sediment is taken into account. Goto et al. (2014) also seemed to agree
with Cheng and Weiss's research, as they stated "For disaster prevention purpose, geological research is
undoubtedly of great value to tsunami risk assessment...we should be considering what the most
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Natalie Murillo: Tsunamis And Coastal Homes
Natalie Murillo:"Tsunamis and Coastal Homes" Research Room: 236
At the bottom of the ocean there seems to be a crack on the floor and causes an earthquake. What happens after
that? Well the thing that happens after there is a crack at the bottom of the ocean that causes an earthquake is
something called a tsunami. A tsunami is when a series of waves that are made in big bodies of water like a lake
and river or the ocean. Tsunamis can make a lot of damage to coastlines and can kill people. Some people who
have not seen a tsunami in real life call tsunamis "tidal waves", but in reality the waves are huge and can be
twenty to fifty feet long so tsunamis really don't relate at all with tides since tsunamis are huge ... Show more
content on ...
Once the tsunami finally reaches the coast, a tsunami may be seen as a falling tide or series of waves with a
towering height of thirty meters. Before a tsunami wave hits, you'll see that the water in the ocean is moving
away, which means you will be able to see the ocean floor. It is most likely that the first tsunami wave is small
and not big like everyone expects the first wave to be, and more waves each a different size arrive at the coast
every ten to sixty minutes. A fun fact about tsunamis is that the tsunami waves can go faster than how the average
human runs and can easily drown and kill you. Dangers from tsunamis can still happen for hours after the first
tsunami wave arrived at the coast. Tsunamis are not like normal waves, what normal waves do is curl up for a
while and then break and from what i know tsunamis do not do that therefore tsunamis are not like normal waves
you see at a lake or in the ocean. Places that have been hit by the gigantic tsunami waves like coast may wear
away into nothing. Just a single tsunami can cause flooding in hundreds of meters inland. Tsunamis are so
powerful that they are able to crush buildings and houses and kill millions of people. Tsunamis have
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The 9th Ward: The African American’s Struggle in The Wake...
In the wake of natural disasters, the minorities of America are down the pecking order in the government's list of
priorities. Specifically seen in the African–American people, the government fails to provide speedy response
time, supplies and other aid, as well as providing substantial compensation for the families devastated by
disasters, which could have been preventable or deterred from causing more havoc. In many cases, the African–
American people were exposed to poor living conditions, living in undesirable areas, and a lack of wealth,
education, and preventative warnings of oncoming disasters. This can be seen in the cases of the 1900 great
hurricane of Galveston, Texas and the 1995 Chicago Heat Wave, but the greatest example of ... Show more
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The 17th street Levee, located along the Lower Ninth Ward was breached, causing most of the flooding in New
Orleans. National Public Radio reported that many investigators are finding that the breaches of the London
Avenue Canal and the 17th Street Canal were caused by severe engineering flaws. The same walls both failed
when the water rose only about half way up the wall, proving that the levees were poorly constructed in the Ninth
Ward ( Bob Bea is an engineer and professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and was given the
task by the National Science Foundation to find the cause of the breaching of the levees. According the Bea, the
levees had a weak enough layer underground to allow the levees to break. The Army Corps, who are responsible
for building the hurricane–protection system of New Orleans, require that floodwalls be created 30% stronger
than what the minimum amount requires to hold back water. By the Army Corps guidelines, they are also
required that the underlying soil is weaker than what tests show, usually in the bottom third of the original
measurement ( The culprit to the breaching of the wall was a weak layer of clay that had no possibility of
holding back Katrina. How could the Army Corps engineers miss such an area? It is very reasonable that the
overseeing of the
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Research Paper On Hurricanes
Our team of meteorologists and seismologists from Purdue university have realised that Illinois is at a high risk
for hurricanes. We should worry about hurricanes because of the aftereffects like rain and high winds can affect
states that are farther away from the coast. The probability of a hurricane in Illinois is very low however there
was a hurricane in florida that just hit about a week ago. One reason this issue needs to be addressed is how and
where these storms are formed. Hurricanes occur in areas that have intensely low pressure, and are mainly fueled
by water vapor from the ocean. According to Weather, " The low pressure causes wind to begin to
spiral inward toward the center of the low. These winds help to evaporate ... Show more content on ...
According to the university of Illinois, "Strong winds are the most common means of destruction associated with
hurricanes. Their sometimes continuous barrage can uproot trees, knock over buildings and homes, fling
potentially deadly debris around, sink or ground boats, and flip cars." Furthermore, hurricanes can cause heavy
rain, riptides, changes in sea level, flooding, and even tornadoes. Homes can be destroyed, people could drown in
the floods or be swept away into the ocean, and with global warming increasing, there have been reports of
drastic changes in the ocean which could lead to even more hurricanes. In addition, Tsunamis can cause flooding
and erosion. The waves can push homes and vehicles with ease. According to UNESCO (United Nations
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), "Considerable damage is caused by the floating debris,
including boats and cars that become dangerous projectiles that may crash into buildings, brake power lines, and
may start fires." Tsunamis are also very destructive, yet they cannot go too far inland, like Illinois, for example.
Global warming doesn't affect the movement of the earth, or the cause of tsunamis,
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Geological History and Hazards in San Diego
Geological history and hazards in San Diego The formation of San Diego region involved numerous activities
which varied from volcano activities, the formation of Gulf, uplifting and tilting among others. These activities
happened in a long span of time creating three distinct geomorphic regions: the west of peninsular rangers,
peninsular ranges region, and the Salton Trough region. The geomorphic division reflects the basic difference
amid geographic parts containing Mesozoic metavolcanic, metasedimentary, and plutonic rock material. The
development of these features resulted to the occurrence of the current San Diego state. The integration of
different rocks, volcanic activities, and subduction processes resulted to the development of peninsular region
and Salton Trough. Cenozoic sedimentary rocks predominated to the west and east of the central mountain while
plutonic rocks predominated in the peninsular ranges. The irregular contact between these geologic regions
reflects the ancient topography of the area. The ancient oceanic crustal plate created an archipelago of a volcanic
island. The former's subduction created immense volumes of magma. This resulted to the congealation of
plutonic rock in the crust. The local rocks that existed before the tectonic forces uplifted, and erosion capped the
deeply buried plutonic rocks that formed a steep and rugged mountains coastline, similar to that present one,
which in the west coast of south America. In San Diego region,
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Japan 's Impact On Japan
Introduction: The 2011 Japan Earthquake was one of the most destructive earthquakes that the area had
experienced in centuries. Earthquakes regularly impact Japan due to the nearby subduction zone under the
northwestern Pacific Ocean. This is where the Pacific and North American tectonic plates meet, which ultimately
causes frequent seismic activity. The 2011 earthquake is the 5th largest recorded since 1900 worldwide, and is
classified as a 9.0 reverse fault mega–thrust earthquake (Mantanle 823). What furthered the destructive ability of
the earthquake was the upthrust and subsidence, which generated a series of massive tsunamis that struck the
coast of Honshu. These tsunamis ravaged low–lying coastal areas, which led to unmanageable flooding and the
meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Japan relies heavily on nuclear power; therefore this
became detrimental to local residents and industries relying on this power source. Japan has proved itself
somewhat capable to combat biophysical vulnerability with resilience. Japan has employed numerous structural
and non–structural measures to minimize losses for future hazards. Furthermore, Japan is considered to be one of
the world's most successful democracies, and has one of the largest economies. The preparedness of Japan is
what reduces vulnerability and probability of risk for future hazardous events, specifically earthquakes (Cutter
530). On a local level, the 2011 Japan earthquake is significant because
... Get more on ...

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  • 11. The Causes And Effects Of The Natural Disaster In Japan The devastation that occurred on March 11, 2011. An earthquake destroyed northeastern Japan, unleashing a terrible tsunami. As of February 2017, there were still about 150,000 evacuees who lost their homes, 50,000 of them were still living in temporary housing. Honshu earthquake on March 11, 2011 was a surprise. This unexpected disaster was not the largest or the deadliest earthquake and tsunami to strike. More than 120,000 buildings were destroyed, 278,000. The total economic cost could reach up to $235 billion, the World Bank estimated, making it the costliest natural disaster in world history. That record goes to the 2004 Banda Aceh earthquake and tsunami in Sumatra, which killed more than 230,000 people. The March 11 earthquake started on a Friday at 2:46 p.m. local time. Japan's scientists had forecast a smaller earthquake would strike the northern region of Honshu, the country's main island. The direct financial damage from the disaster is estimated to be about $199 billion dollars. In Japan, residents are still recovering from the disaster. In a subduction zone, one plate slides beneath another into the mantle, the hotter layer beneath the crust. Less than an hour after the earthquake, the first of many tsunami waves hit Japan's coastline. In the decade before the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, a handful of Japanese geologists had begun to recognize that a large earthquake and tsunami had struck the northern Honshu region in 869. The country recently unveiled a newly ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Natural Disasters : A Natural Disaster Natural disasters have a colossal effect on the inhabitants that live on Earth. A natural disaster is a major event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; for example: tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, and etc. That impact in an isolated area can causes the inhabitants of this planet to converge and avail provide resources to avail the instauration process. That is just a minute effect that a natural disaster has on the inhabitants of Earth. There are natural disasters that have warning signs afore the will occur. Then there are natural disasters that will occur with no caveat signs. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis are just three natural disasters that will strike will no caveat. The obviation of natural disaster is infeasible since we genuinely don't ken when one might occur. Potential disasters can be 'managed ' to minimize loss of life. Remote sensing like satellites are the most precise in monitoring potential natural disasters. Satellites offer precise, frequent and virtually instantaneous data over immensely colossal areas anywhere in the world. When a disaster strikes, remote sensing is often the only way to view what is transpiring on the ground (Lewis, 2009). Satellites are subsidiary in accumulating information, but there are two types of satellites that are being used to amass the information. Polar–orbiting satellites fly in a relatively low orbit often providing relatively high spatial resolution. But they only amass data over the same point ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. The Killing Sea Quotes Analysis In the book The Killing Sea by Richard Lewis, Sarah and Ruslan have very different point of views on the word "respect" and its meaning. In Chapter one, page 5, Sarah is complaining about what she needed to dress like to respect their culture, "The mother whispered to the girl, 'Put on your scarf' 'This stupid dress is enough. I'm drowning in sweat.'" First, this quote shows that Sarah doesn't want to dress like the people from their land because she is not from there. While Ruslan is more respectful, "Ruslan hesitated. 'Bapa, last week I borrowed your motor scooter without asking. I'm sorry.'"(The Killing Sea, page 10) Second, this quote shows how Ruslan told his dad what he did because he felt guilt for doing something that he shouldn't done. ... Show more content on ... Characters change in good ways and the book itself shows the readers how something terrible changes people, even real life. Parents will always say to their little children "little things matter so help", Mrs.Reffel, also they would told them in desperate measures help anyone that needs it. In The Killing Sea, Sarah was a little brat, she thought that she was the center of attention and didn't care about anyone, only herself. When the disaster hit Indonesia, where she went for vacation, something in her says, "We need to change to survive". Sometimes the world needs to lose something valuable to know they have a lot things that they do not say "Thank you" for. Sarah lost her mom, after she saw her mom dead, she changed. She helped Peter and a whole lot of strangers, and when they were going to a conference to know her story, she decided to wear a scarf, because where she is that is their tradition. Remember that you don't need to lose something that is important in your life to change and help other ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Drought In The Dust Bowl The Dust Bowl drought was the worst in U.S. history that was around 1930. It was in the mid west where it covered sixty percent of the country. Millions of people had to move to other parts because it lasted four years. It was "at its peak in 1934" according to "National Climate Data Center". We already have a lot of drought in California and west although one might say it is all of the U.S. With little rain and high tempatures in the summers drys out the vegatation which become a hazard for fires. Global warming might have some to do with the problem of drought. High populations need more water, with more water being used, depletes resources of water supplies which causes drought also. People need to become more aware of the use of the use of water, a lot of people take it for granite that there is plenty out there for all of us to share. In fact, if we don't start to conserve, we might not have water like we do in the future. ... Show more content on ... That is the image of a tsunami and they strike somewhere in the world almost every year. Some archeologists say that a mediterranean tsunami hit the north shore of Crete about 3500 years ago which sent Minoan civilization to surrender to Mycenaen Greeks. In the fifth century B.C. the Greek historian, Thuydides, was the first to document the connection between earthquakes and tsunamis. The majority of tsunamis are in the Indian and Pacific oceans where the Tectonic plated collide and the one carrying dense oceanic crust dives under the more floatable one forming a deep ocean trench. Normally it happens smoothly, but sometimes they become stuck and friction strain builds up, then it releases energy which raise and lower the water above it which becomes a tsunami. Created from the seafloor up they grow in dangerous heights in shallow waters only because in the deep oceans it barely ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Hawaii Earthquake Research Paper Brittyn Chaloupka Donner Earth Science 6A December 1, 2017 2006 Hawaii Earthquake On the islands of Hawaii a 6.6 earthquake hit the island Honolulu. The lack of electricity gave them no communication with the mainland. After and the aftershocks, there was fear of a tsunami people started to worry. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a report saying that "no tsunami is expected," although officials at the center warned of the possibility of one in Hawaii. There was so much damage they did not know what to do. Knocking out electrical power to many of the islands and forming a landslide that rained boulders on the major highway on the biggest island. Emergency management officials also told residents and others to stay put if they could, ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Boxing Day Tsunami And The Real World Tsunami Tsunamis are unfortunate events that humanity will have to deal with for eternity. They one of the most versatile forms of a natural disaster, as they can be caused by a rockslide, underwater earthquake, certain volcanic eruptions, or a high velocity impact of a sizeable object within a body of water (1). The media and scientific research has done a sufficient job in covering real world tsunamis and relief efforts, which in turn has help trigger natural human curiosity regarding the subject. The film industry has capitalized off of this, and has made a numerous amount of movies either based on, or featuring these devastating waves. As depicted through real events and in the movies, tsunamis generally behave in the same manner, yet each one has a different speed and height due to various factors. Furthermore, every location of possible impact treats the way they prepare and react to a disaster differently. Through the examination of the real–life Boxing Day Tsunami, and the fictional tsunami in Roar Uthaug's The Wave, these claims can be further expanded upon and reinforced. December 26, 2004 is a date that will live in infamy, and has personal value for millions of people around the world. What started out as a fine day in Southeast Asia, would turn into a catastrophic nightmare that would go on to be dubbed the Boxing Day Tsunami. The tsunami was triggered by an underwater earthquake that ranks fourth all–time in terms of seismic measurements. On a portion of the seafloor ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Database Security, Recovery And Emergency Abstract Every part of the given task will incorporate abridging every section of the book named Database Security, 1st Edition, Alfred Basta; Melissa Zgola,Copyright 2012, Cengage Technology on data security which will offer us some assistance with building a manual for arrangements and methodology for keeping the database secured. The center of this task will be on section one which worries about security of data frameworks. The target of this paper is to make report in view of the discoveries online and how it relates with the substance said in the book. Looking into how national trade data model aides in database security is something which will likewise be talked about in this paper. This task gives true experience of really building a manual which can be useful amid emergency, moreover it will likewise offer us some assistance with applying abilities and demonstrate ways how progression in innovation can have a colossal effect. Keywords: Database Management Security, recovery and emergency Introduction As indicated by The Catholic Charities USA Disaster Response report "almost 70 percent of respondents don 't have adequate measures set up to guarantee they would have the capacity to recoup in the case of a Disaster" Securing data of organization is something which should be thought during and after disaster . The need to secure the database emerge as a result of different reasons, some of which incorporate shielding the information from unapproved ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Popular Coastal Cities, Beaches, And Towns Some of the popular coastal cities, beaches, and towns are: Cannon Beach – The Haystack Rock on this beach is 2353 feet high and ranked the "third coastal monolith in the world". Some other interesting coastal towns are: Seaside, Gleneden, Depoe Bay, Florence, Reedsport, North bend, Coos Bay, Brandon, Gold Beach, Bookings, Rockaway Beach, and Lincoln City. Newport The Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport is where "Keiko" the famous whale who starred in the hit movie Free Willy live. This aquarium houses sharks, sea lions, sea otters, octopuses, and pelicans. Visitors can interact with these animals safely while watching the staff feed them daily. Passionate visitors can scuba dive with rockfish, sturgeon, halibut, and sharks. The Seaside ... Show more content on ... The water is extremely blue, pure, and so crystal clear that you can see through it. The cliffs and mountains surrounding the lake is where adventurers can jump off from great heights and swim in the water below. There's also a scenic 33–mile Rim Drive around the lake that gives motorists spectacular views of the area without leaving their cars. The Rim Village Historic District has a gift shop, visitors center, and lodging for people who want to stay there. Also, there's hiking trails and an observation station for a staring down at the trees and the mountains surrounding the lake. Visit The Smallest River In The World "D" River is the smallest in the world at only 121 feet is in Lincoln City. Visit A Hot Spring There are about 16 of them and one worth mentioning is: Crystal Crane Hot Springs (Burns, OR) – This hot springs has mineral water that will help restore balance in the body, mind, and soul. Visit Some Museums High Desert Museum (Bend, OR) – This museum covers the history of exotic wildlife in Oregon with live exhibits and artifacts early human history. Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum – This museum has replica models of vehicles and warheads from different eras on display. The Science Factory Children 's Museum and Planetarium – This museum gives kids the opportunity to interact with exhibits while learning about science and technology. Four Rivers Cultural Centre and Museum – This museum ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. eosc 114 full notes EOSC 114 – Final Review Notes Get A's or die trying. Jason Kim Unit 1: A Fragile System At least 3 earthquake recording stations are required to find the location of the earthquake epicenter. A single recording station can only calculate distance, but not direction; to cover all possibilities, a complete circle is drawn around that station. If only two earthquake recording stations are used, the circles will overlap at two points. Data from a third recording station will eliminate one of these points. Explain what density is & how it relates to stratification. Density = mass/volume; how much mass fits into a space. Unit: kg/m3 3 Stratification = less–dense materials float on top of denser materials This is found in the ... Show more content on ... 1. Hazards can be predicted through scientific analysis Scientific method used Predicted by Identifying location, finding probability, looking for precursor events, forecasting, warning 2. Risk analysis is an important element in understand the effects of hazards Risk = probability * consequences 3. Linkages among different hazards exist 4. Damage from natural disasters is increasing 5. 6. Damage and loss of life can be minimized Explain (with examples) how energy conservation applies to natural disasters. Energy is conserved when it changes form. Most sources of energy are diffuse: weak, but cover a wide area Disasters generally have a concentration of energy into a small area Describe relationships between force, pressure, stress, strain, energy, and power. Power: work/consuming energy per second = measured in watts Pressure: force per unit surface area applied perpendicular to a surface Stress: force per unit area applied parallel to a surface Stress tends to strain deform objects Describe population n growth and explain why it is important for natural disasters. Population growth was ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Disadvantages Of California The Earth can be characterized by its unknown natural phenomenon There are different types of natural hazards that can happen, from Tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides ect. For instance, earthquakes are natural disasters that are characterized by vibrations and shaking within the ground, some earthquakes have the potential to become deadly. These quakes are among a number of natural disasters that can happen without warning. Earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides are some of these dangers that can vary in magnitude and size, from small, barely noticeable waves, shake, or slides to violent waves, shaking, or slides that carry the potential to destroy buildings and threaten life. Due to the uncertainty of when these disasters might happen, these ... Show more content on ... The reason that California has the greatest amount of earthquakes within the U.S is due to the fact that the state is located on the San Andreas Fault, which consist of both the Atlantic and Pacific plates. Due to their unpredictable nature, it can be difficult to know when and where an earthquake will happen. Seismologists make use of technology such as seismographs in order to record and measure ground motion, according to the book, Foundations of Earth Science, the authors Frederick K. Lutgens and Edward J. Tarbuck explain that the utilization of seismographs are tools utilized by seismologists in order to measure the motion of the ground. This form of measurement allows seismologists to measure and map the specific area of the motion and to determine the proportions of these seismic waves, "To detect very weak earthquakes or a great earthquake that has occurred in another part of the world, most seismographs are designed to amplify ground motion. (Lutgens and Tarbuck, pg. 195) There is currently no way to control earthquakes, earthquakes can happen at any time without warning. Loss of life can be reduced by the implementation of hurricane warning systems, but these systems only notify the public while it is taking place. Along with earthquakes, tsunamis also serve as another dangerous natural hazard caused by seismic activity. A tsunami consists or massive waves causing large displacement of water by underwater earthquakes. In addition to ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. 1999 Earthquake Over a decade ago on December 26,2004, a catastrophic event occurred on the coast of Asia that changed millions of lives forever and caused ripple affects that are still being felt 11 years later( such as the accounts of Hailey being displaced and seeking answers about her families where abouts ). A undersea mega thrust earthquake measuring at 9.0 on the Richter scale hit the coast of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean causing a devastating landslide . As a result Plates on the ocean floor shifted manifesting 100 foot waves that led to the third–largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph. The destruction that this powerful wall of water made when it hit like a concrete fist on the shores of Indonesia, India , Sri Lanka and Thailand consumed almost everything in its path. The number of deaths reported by World News reporter Allan Johnson were a staggering 230,000 the number of Injuries were estimated at 125,000 and the number of missing persons reported were 45,000 over 1.69 Million homes were lost. Many families were separated and many children where made orphans in a matter of hours (Hailey was one of the unfortunate children that was made an orphan when she lost both her parents in the tsunami). ... Show more content on ... It was in one of these shelters that was most likely set up by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) where tragedy did not have the final say and Hailey met the Vacationist turned volunteer, named Pheobe that she will later call her ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Natural Disasters in India with Special Reference to Tamil... J. Acad. Indus. Res. Vol. 1(2) July 2012 59 ISSN: 2278–5213 REVIEW Natural disasters in India with special reference to Tamil Nadu A. Stephen Dept. of Ecology, French Institute of Pondicherry, Puducherry–605001, India; +91 9841890069 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Natural disasters in India, many of them related to the climate of India, cause massive losses of Indian life and property. Droughts, flash floods, cyclones, avalanches, landslides brought on by torrential rains and snowstorms pose the greatest threats. Landslides are common in the Lower Himalayas. Parts of the Western Ghats also suffer from low–intensity landslides. ... Show more content on ... Every year, on average thousands of people are affected, a few hundred lives are lost, thousands are rendered homeless and several hectares of crops are damaged. Every year, Flooding in India affects Tamil Nadu and the other Indian states of Assam, Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat, Orissa, Uttaranchal, and Maharashtra (Kuppusamy and Rajarathnam, 2009). Floods are the most frequent and often the most devastating. The cause of flood is mainly the peculiarities of rainfall in North east monsoon period in the state. Out of the total annual rainfall in the state, 90% is concentrated over short monsoon season of three months. As a result, heavy discharges from the rivers during this period causing widespread floods in the delta regions. Floods occur mainly in the coastal districts basin that carries 100% of the state total river flows (Ponnuraj, 2006). Cyclones Cyclone refers to a whirl in the atmosphere with very strong winds circulating around it in anti–clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Cyclones are intense low pressure areas with pressure increasing outwards. Cyclones can be hazardous as Cyclones are normally associated with strong winds. A storm surge is an abnormal rise of sea level near the coast caused by a Fig. 1. Flood hazard map of India. highly vulnerable to Floods. The most vulnerable states of India are Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, West Bengal, Gujarat, Orissa, Andhra ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Natural Disasters : A Natural Disaster It 's A Major... Mother Earth Learning and understanding the definition on what is a natural disaster it's a major concern for every human being. A natural disaster is a major event caused by nature or natural processes of our planet Earth. The cruelty and severity of the accident is and will be measured on how many lives are lost, how much damaged they get from the disaster, the economic catastrophe and loss taken by the population, and how long will it take the population to rebuilt everything back again. Many natural disasters will cause major loss, everything will depend on the cruelty and severity of the event, we know many lives can and will be lost in any major disaster. Depending on the natural disaster we may loss lives, suffer damaged to our properties, many homes will be destroyed by floods, hurricanes, cyclones, twisters, avalanches, volcanic eruptions and a major earthquake. In case of tsunamis many fields will be saturated by salt water and will take years to grow any produce or crops again, with landslides and avalanches homes are beyond repair and will take many months to be repair. All your personal effects, vehicles, documentation will be lost forever because of the natural disaster. The major disaster in our planet Earthquakes – it's a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that will create seismic waves. Hurricanes – it's a major storm with violent winds, it's a tropical storm type cyclone that will have circulating weather counterclockwise over tropical waters. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Tsunami and People Essay examples OUTLINE THESIS: The tsunami is a dangerous natural disaster that should be analyzed and studied to prevent unnecessary deaths. What is a Tsunami? A. Definition B. Historical background C. What effects do they cause What causes Tsunami? D. Why do tsunami occur? E. Where do they occur? F. How often do they occur What damage do they cause? G. The financial cost H. The environmental cost I. The human cost Analyzing and researching J. Detecting a tsunami K. Planning L. Learning from the past V. CONCLUSION Tsunami: Analyzing the tsunami to prevent future tragedy The Encyclopedia Britannica defines tsunami as "a seismic sea wave or tidal wave that is ... Show more content on ... All these tsunamis however took lives of the people who lived or were visiting the area at the time. In addition to the death that a tsunami causes, there are also other effects. The towns or cities where the disasters took place are also affected. Many structures are destroyed or damaged. Businesses may be destroyed. All these effects make it difficult and slow for the areas to not only aid those that were hurt in the tsunami but also to rebuild the towns and cities quickly. This has an effect on not only the economy of the town but also on its people. They may feel like there is no hope as they try to rebuild and start again. Besides the economic effects after a tsunami and its mental effect on the people, there may also be environmental effects. The result of the ocean coming on to land has a bad effect on fresh water supplies. The drinking water may be affected. This alone may lead to diseases but also other health problems are caused because of water left standing for long periods. The standing water may help mosquitoes to develop and cause the spread of various diseases. The large number of dead in certain areas
  • 38. may also cause problems as there is not enough room to place the dead and the bodies are left out in the open until they can be buried. The effect of a tsunami are can also be global as in the 2004 tsunami that hit many countries and killed citizens of many other ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Natural Disasters, A Study Of Events Natural Disasters, A Study of Events 1 Natural Disasters, A Study of Events Micheal Boor GO125DL Natural Disasters Park University Ms. Jill Lockard 02 May 2017 Natural Disasters, A Study of Events 2 Abstract The intent of this paper is to describe three natural disasters; for this paper we will describe a hurricane, an earthquake and a mudslide. We will briefly discuss how, or if, our ancestors were able to predict and therefore mitigate loss of life or damage to infrastructure for these types of disasters 100 years ago. Then we will look at how our modern society is able to accomplish this in current times. Finally, we will cover how we could better predict future events and plan accordingly. We will explore the ... Show more content on ... When a storm first begins to form over the ocean, meteorologists are now able to provide early warning on weather systems that could develop into tropical depressions with the potential to become a tropical storm or stronger. These meteorologists are better able to predict storm track and severity in order to allow county or state officials to make informed decisions. Following along the same idea, as it pertains to meteorologists and their ability to monitor weather activity, comes their increased ability to track non–tropical Natural Disasters, A Study of Events 4 system related weather events in order to provide advanced warning for in the event of flooding or mudslide events caused by flooding. Tsunami warning has also improved in large part to previous incidents where there has been a significant amount of destruction and loss of life. In August 1992 a tropical wave formed off the coast of Africa, traveling west across the Atlantic before forming into a tropical storm that quickly grew into a strong category 5 hurricane, named Hurricane Andrew. Hurricane Andrew made landfall in Miami–Dade County in the city of Homestead, Florida causing catastrophic damage in the area from the strength of the wind from the storm. The accurate wind speed from this storm is unknown due to the majority of measurement tools being destroyed in the storm, but sustained wind speeds of 140 were recorded by some of the systems that remained (University of ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Earthquake : A Powerful Earthquake A powerful earthquake occurred just off the coast of central Chile during Wednesday evening local time and has produced a tsunami over the Pacific basin. The quake is the third most powerful earthquake in five years to strike the South America nation. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the quake registered magnitude 8.3, at 7:54 p.m. local time (4 p.m. PDT) on Wednesday. The quake lasted for approximately three minutes. WATCH: Deadly 8.3 Earthquake Rocks Shoppers in Santiago, Chile The temblor occurred 46 km (28 miles) west of Illapel, Chile, and 229 km (142 miles) northwest of Santiago, Chile 's capital. It occurred as the result of thrust faulting on the interface between the Nazca and South America plates in central Chile, the USGS said. At least 10 people were killed as a result of the quake, according to the BBC. One million Chileans were evacuated due to tsunami warnings. The tsunami warnings in the immediate area have been canceled. Jump to the tsunami risk for Hawaii and Southern California. Rescue and Recovery Weather Ideal, but Aftershock Risk Continues Officials are citing preparedness and strict building codes in many areas for the low number of fatalities, despite the massive quake. Dry conditions across much of Chile, including near where the earthquake occurred, will not hinder cleanup and recovery efforts, AccuWeather Meteorologist Jordan Root said. "Dry weather will continue for the next few days including Chile 's Independence Day on ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster Sarah Byrnside PhySci 111 Research Paper 24 April 2015 The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred in 2011 at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant following an underwater earthquake that produced tsunamis, eventually resulting in a full nuclear meltdown and toxic amounts of radiation being dumped into the atmosphere. This particular nuclear disaster is infamous because, despite the earthquake and tsunami, it is still considered a man–made disaster. Had Fukushima plant workers been properly trained regarding what to do in the event of a nuclear disaster and had the Japanese government reacted more swiftly and efficiently, the damage to the reactors would have been less extensive and a full nuclear meltdown could have been prevented altogether. The factors that led to the meltdown, however, can be learned from and used to develop better safety procedures and educate people so that hopefully the next nuclear accident can be avoided in the future. Simply put, the nuclear reactors at the Fukushima plant use chemical reactions to boil water, producing electricity. They achieve this through the process of nuclear fission, which is the splitting of an atom in two and gives off energy in the form of heat. If one of the pieces of the split atom collides with another atom, that atom will then undergo fission and hit other atoms which will undergo the same process. This chain reaction of splitting atoms continues on ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Killing Sea Chapter 1 Summary In the book The Killing Sea by Richard Lewis the theme of the book is optimism because in chapter 9 when the tsunami occurred, she kept thinking and looking for her dad when he's probably dead. On page 1 it says the book was located in Ujung Karang, Indonesia.Wikipedia says, "In 2004 the earthquake and tsunami of Indonesia hit. The tsunami was initially documented as moment magnitude 8.8. In February 2005 scientists revised the estimate of the magnitude to 9.0. Although the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has accepted these new numbers, the United States Geological Survey has so far not changed its estimate of 9.1. The most recent studies in 2006 have obtained a magnitude of MW 9.1–9.3. Dr. Hiroo Kanamori of the California Institute of Technology ... Show more content on ... In Indonesia the setting of the book is where it happened. On page 72 it says, "Forget the bottles! Get the hell out! Everyone off, off! Run for the hill!" says the book when they saw a tsunami was coming. About 228,000 people were killed as a result of the 9.1 magnitude quake and the giant waves that slammed into coastlines on 26 December 2004. After the quake struck, the resulting tsunami radiated across the Indian Ocean, from Indonesia to Sri Lanka and beyond. Despite there being several hours between the earthquake and the impact of the tsunami, nearly all the victims were taken completely by surprise. With no adequate warning systems in place, there was no alert issued to people to seek safety. In the book nobody knew the tsunami was coming so this makes since there was no warning systems. This was true because everyone was shocked when they saw that the tsunami was coming. One thing that confused me was about and it was why nobody knew the tsunami was coming when they are in a tsunami zone by an ocean. The events that happened all throughout the book like when the tsunami hit changed the characters because when she was looking for her dad she still had optimism and hoped for the best and this changed the character's ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. The Really Big One By Kathryn Schulz "The Really Big One" is an article by Kathryn Schulz about the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a fault line that runs seven hundred miles along the West Coast. It consists of two tectonic plates where one plate is sliding underneath another. In this case, the oceanic plate Juan de Fuca is sliding under the continental plate known as the North American plate. In her article, Schulz repeats the words of seismologists and scientists alike in the opinion that the Cascadia Subduction Zone is overdue for a magnitude 9.0 or higher earthquake and resulting tsunami. No one in the Pacific Northwest is prepared for it. With historical stories and examples from around the world Schulz warns of the damage to be done when the "Really Big One" finally makes itself known. In her article, Schulz uses three rhetorical appeals. These appeals are called Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, created these terms to refer specifically to the different ways they appeal to the reader. Ethos is used to establish credibility, Pathos refers to emotion, and Logos is the appeal to logic.While the article is packed full of history, science and facts, it's the appeal to emotion that really draws in the readers and instills curiosity and a desire for action. Schulz's article is split into five sections. The first section introduces the readers to Chris Goldfinger, a paleoseismologist at Oregon State University. Goldfinger was at a seismology conference in Kashiwa, Japan when the 2011 Tohoku ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Cascadia Subduction Zone And San Andreas Fault Cascadia Subduction Zone and San Andreas Fault On August 24, 2014 a magnitude 6.0 earthquake occurred in and around the city of Napa, CA. The earthquake killed one person and injured over 150 people. And these people were treated at Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa [1]. More and more earthquakes occurred on this earth. So this grasps people's attention. According to the research report, it will cause thousands of people die, towns submerged, buildings and bridges damaged once a huge earthquake and tsunamis happened on the Pacific Northwest area near American coast. And losses will be estimated at over 5 billion dollar US dollars. This shocking article was composed by seismic safety advisory committee in Oregon. According to materials, a super–strong earthquake once happened in A.D. 1700 Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) on the Pacific Northwest coast. There are some experts forecast that another super–huge earthquake will occur in the future. The report has shown that once the earthquake occurs, the regions from North California to British Columbia Coastal region will suffer devastation, cause heavy casualties. Water and electricity shortage issues definitely follow this heavy disaster, meanwhile, communication and heating system and gas supply will definitely broken off in the light of this earthquake. The CSZ is a 1,000 km long dipping fault that stretches from Northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino in northern California. It separates the Juan de Fuca (Juan ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Japan Earthquake Yaoguang Yang Julie Anderson–Manrique English 101:Essay 1:Cause and Effect Essay. 9,Oct.2011 Outline I .Introduction: A. Hook: Japan was hit by the most powerful earthquake in recorded history on March 11, 2011. B. The center of the nine–magnitude earthquake was near the east coast of Japan, C. Thesis statement: The Earthquake in Japan, besides being a disaster, also caused other disasters, such as a tsunami and nuclear leaks. II. Body: A. Earthquake B. Tsunami 1. The horrifying earthquake caused a tsunami unleashed; 2. Cities or towns are covered by the water. C. The Nuclear leak 1. Along with the destruction of the nuclear plants, the radiation has affected the whole global ... Show more content on ... The helicopter had been sent to the Japanese nuclear power plants, and took some pictures, which showed the clear situation of the destruction. Before the United, States' government published those photos, they had sent them to the Japanese government and requested permission to publish. The Japanese government gave an unexpected answer in that they refused permission to publish. After the United, States' government knew the severity of the radiation, the government asked American in Japan to move to other safe places. (Obama).the people of a country experiencing a natural disaster. The people have the right to know anything. The country's government should not hidden. They must also be honest to the rest of the world. The nuclear power plant destruction not only affected the world's environment, but also affected production in Japan. There was less energy available from the nuclear power plants, and no gas, which affected production. As the BCC news said "Prime Minister Naoto Kan postponed plans to roll power cuts, saying they may not be needed if householders could conserve energy." As to the shortage of gas, transportation stopped. There was a lack of food. Entire city functions had shut down. There were worst things that we cannot imagine. The people suffered a critical shortage of articles for daily use. The radiation also affected the water system of Japan. People there were afraid to drink ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Tsunamis Essay Environmental Science Tsunamis A tsunami (soo–NAH–mee) is a series of waves that occur in an ocean or other large body of water and that are caused by some activity that displaces big amounts of water. Tsunami is the Japanese word for "harbor wave." Earthquakes that occur on the seafloor or in coastal areas usually cause tsunamis. The energy generated by the earthquake is transmitted through the water. In deep oceans the energy in these seismic sea waves can travel virtually unnoticed because the wave height may be only twelve inches. When this energy reaches the shallow waters of coastlines, bays, or harbors, it forces the water into a giant wave. Some ... Show more content on ... Fishermen twenty miles out to sea didn't notice the wave pass under their boats because it only had a height at the time of about fifteen inches. They were totally unprepared for the devastation that awaited them when they returned to the port of Sanriku. Twenty–eight thousand people were killed and 170 miles of coastline were destroyed by the wave that had passed under them. Tsunamis in deep water can have a wavelength greater than 300 miles (500 2) kilometers) and a period of about an hour. This is very different from the normal California tube, which generally has a wavelength of about 300 feet (100 meters) and a time of about ten seconds. (The period of a wave is the time between two successive waves.) Tsunamis are shallow–water waves, which means that the ratio between water depth and wavelength is very small. These shallow–water waves move at a speed equal to the square root of the product of the acceleration of gravity (9.8m/s/s) and the water depth. The deeper the water, the faster and shorter the wave is. For example, when the ocean is 20,000 feet deep, a tsunami travels at 550 miles per hour. At this speed, the wave can compete with a jet airplane, traveling across the ocean in less than a day. Another important factor in considering tsunamis is the rate at which they lose energy. Because a wave loses energy at a rate inversely related to its ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Development Of Off Shore Wave Generator Systems And... Development of off shore wave generator systems and integrating into Disaster Management systems. Rahul Basu, Visiting Professor Alpha Institute of Technology Kannur PO Bangalore 56077, Ka, India Paul T. Wegener Waveberg Development 4016 Lark Street San Diego, Ca 92013, USA Abstract The SAARC region with over a billion populations is contiguous to the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Utilization of ocean resources for power generation such as tidal, thermal solar and wind for energy, along with other green technologies like seaweed farming and sustainable fisheries for food would need to be incorporated in a broad framework for the region. Development of ocean–based energy systems can be integrated with early warning networks linked by satellite which can give a few hours to days warning to help mitigate the severity of natural disasters on human life. . Some of the calamities of note have been the Tsunami of 2004, Bangladesh and Orissa floods, earthquakes in Nepal and Pakistan, and recent inundation of Chennai due to weather and bad flood management. A SAARC comprehensive Framework on disaster management was formulated in alignment with the Hyogo Framework (2005–2015). In addition to the broad objectives of disaster management and cooperation in the Indian Ocean and surrounding regions, impeding disasters due to climate change need to be anticipated. Ocean energy systems are still in their infancy, while ocean ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Compare And Contrast Earthquake And Miami Earthquake Earthquakes occur daily as plates of lithosphere travel on asthenosphere; however, some earthquakes are larger and cause more damage than others. Major earthquake zones include the circum–pacific region, Indonesia to Europe, Caribbean and Sandwich Islands, mid–ocean ridges, and East Africa. Larger earthquakes are rarer than smaller earthquakes, yet when they do occur, they are memorable. The Japan earthquake of 2011 and the Haiti earthquake of 2010 are memorable for unfavorable circumstances, yet are excellent sources of study for seismologists and geologists. March 11, 2011–– Japan experiences one of the most devastating earthquakes recorded. The epicenter, located at 38.297 N, 142.372 E, produces a magnitude 9.0 earthquake at a depth ... Show more content on ... In addition to the aforementioned information, the tsunami is also devastating to the Japanese population, as well as nations surrounding the Pacific ocean. In fact, the tsunami is the greatest cause of damage during the quake. In the tragic event, 15,890 people perished, 2,590 people reported missing, and 6,152 people suffered injuries in Japan–– most of which as a result of the tsunami. The 2011 Japan earthquake could not have been prevented, since natural disasters cannot be avoided, nor predicted; however, several steps could have been taken to reduce the number of buildings damaged. The Japanese government possesses good communication with their people (hence the issued tsunami warning), so the loss of life could not have been avoided. Despite strong communication with the public, the Japanese government could implement building regulations to withstand severe earthquakes and issue an "early warning" messaging system because sometimes, seconds make a difference. Today, the Japanese government is actively working to reduce the amount of nuclear power plants to avoid future complications with radioactivity and public health. January 12, 2010, 4:43 p.m. local time –– 25 kilometers southwest of Port–au–Prince, the capital of Haiti, the earth ruptures (18.44 N, 72.57 W) 13 kilometers below the surface. Occurring on the Caribbean plate, particularly the ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Even though people did not expect it. The December twenty sixth two thousand four tsunami in the Indian Ocean claimed nearly all of its 200,000 victims on shores that had gone 200 years without a tsunami, and had not had an earthquake larger than a magnitude 7.9. Population The 2004 tsunami, coated Indonesia with a sheet of sand measured at 8 centimeters thick. Infrastructure The earthquake destroyed the entire Indonesian coastline. Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. Last December marked the ten year anniversary of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster. This drove researchers and surrounding governments to create tsunami warning systems. The Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System was built. Two thousand of the victims were tourists. The majority of deaths were a ... Show more content on ... Hazard Vulnerability Analysis are tool which are available as a planning resource and recognizing hazards that may affect demand. In early 1999 Osama Bin Laden recruited Afghanistans to using commercial aircraft as weapons. He developed a list of his targets here in the U.S. In April 1999 the recruits began to obtain passports and visas for travel to the United States. Many of the hijackers in 1999 and 2001 prepared for the 9/11 attack while living in Germany. With cash and travelers checks acquired in the Middle East, the hijackers began arriving in the U.S. on tourist visas The hijackers enrolled in flight schools and conducted cross–country surveillance flights. In 2001 Several of the hijackers were apprehended by U.S. law enforcement for various traffic violations. On September 11, 2001, the hijackers passed through security checkpoints at four U.S. airports, with knives, box cutters and concealed weapons on their body and in carry–on ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Cascadia Earthquake: A Disaster that Could Happen Imagine if a 9.0 earthquake struck the West Coast today, resulting in a giant tsunami. Coastal towns would be washed away or completely isolated, and electricity would be lost (FOX5). There would be $70 billion in damage and people would only have 15 minutest to evacuate or move to higher ground resulting in 10,000 deaths (FOX5). This sounds like a plot for a scary movie, but this is actually a reality. The Oregon Coast in located on a subduction zone, which makes it very susceptible to major earthquakes and tsunamis. With the Cascadia subduction zone running along he West Coast the threat of a major tsunami is very real. The scenario mentioned above was based on the rupture located along the Cascadia fault line. This fault system runs ... Show more content on ... Luckily, there was no tsunami, but California and Oregon had waves up to 2.4 m high and obtained at least $10 million in damage (Mueller, 2014,1). The waves from the tsunami in Japan swept cars, planes, houses, and over 1.5 million tons of Japanese debris into the ocean, which have slowly floated towards the Unite State's coast. Light objects like bins, balls, and buoys were the first to reach the United States, while large objects like docks took longer to wash ashore (Mueller, 2014,1). Along with the debris hundreds of organisms have made the long journey across the ocean. Some of theses organisms are extremely unpredictable and may be invasive (Earth Island Journal). As a result of the destruction of the Fukishima Nuclear Plant, large amounts of radiation could also stat to head towards the United States (Oregon Live). Already there have been traces of airborne radiation detected in milk in the United States (Oregon Live). As a result of the 2011 Japanese tsunami and earthquake, the State of Oregon commissioned a study of the earthquake and tsunami preparedness of Oregon in the event of a 9.0 Cascadia earthquake, called the Oregon Resiliency Plan (Davidson). Its findings reported how long services like electricity, water, sewage, police and fire stations, and health centers would take to be restores after such a destructive event (Davidson). The report also included some very chilling statistics about the affect it would have on Oregon alone: ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. The Untold : Story Of Natural Disasters Osjara' Duncan English 4 Mrs. Humphrey 14 November, 2016 The Untold: Story of Natural Disasters Natural Disaster can occur at any place and any giving time without much of a warning. With a Natural Disaster taking place the best way to be ready for a Natural Disaster is to know about them and how they occur. In "Natural Disaster Facts" it says, "A natural disaster is the consequence of the combination of a natural hazard (physical event like a volcanic eruption, typhoon, tropical cyclone, tornadoes and earthquakes, a landslide or a tsunami) and human activities". Many of these Natural Disasters cannot be predicted but knowing the environment can help us with whatever Mother Nature throws our way. A Natural Disaster can happen any time and place it's just the fact of knowing what Natural Disaster occurs in certain area. In "Earth Facts and Information" it says," The Definition of natural disasters is any catastrophic event that caused by nature or the natural process of the earth". With that being said Hurricanes, Flash Floods, Earthquakes, and Tornadoes are all considered as Natural Disasters. In "11 Facts about Disasters" it says, "In 2012 there were 905 natural catastrophes worldwide severe storms, droughts, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, and hailstorm". Natural Disasters just don't take an effect on the world it also takes effect on the people who have to live with the aftermath of a Natural Disaster. "Between 2000 and 2012, natural ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Southeast Asi Disaster Response Paper Southeast Asia includes the countries of Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, and East Timor. These countries are comprised of both developed and developing countries and are among the most densely populated countries in the world with a total population exceeding 620 million people. United States foreign policy as well as significant global attention can attest to the strategic, economic, and political importance of this region (Gursky, Burkle, Hamon, Walker, Benjamin, 2014). Arguably, the critical link connecting the two major oceans of the region and some of the most important waterway transits in the world, it is not difficult to understand why the United States and its military organizations have long been a part of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) efforts in this region. This paper will examine the disaster preparedness and response of the region as it shares the ... Show more content on ... In the past decade alone, a person living in Asia–Pacific was twice as likely to be affected by a natural disaster as a person living in Africa, almost six times as likely as someone from Latin America and the Caribbean, and 30 times more likely to suffer from a disaster than someone living in North America or Europe (ESCAP: 2013). If history is any indicator of what the future has in store, the area will continue to suffer natural disasters at a pace that far surpasses that of anywhere else in the world. The strategic, economic and humanitarian impact of such disasters are devastating and improving our ability to respond and prevent such massive loss of life and destruction is something that is well worth continued effort. The region has certainly come a long way in improving its capabilities, but in the way ahead we must continue to train and plan together to reduce the impact of future inevitable ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Tsunami Response Paper Research by Goff et al.(2014) stated the following: The traditional term tsunami means harbour wave (tsu: harbour, nami: wave)..., a tsunami is specifically described as a series of travelling waves of extremely long length and period, usually generated by disturbances associated with earthquakes occurring below or near the ocean floor. Tsunami are commonly often associate with an earthquake but not all earthquakes generates tsunami. It depends on the movement of earth's plate. If earth's plate moved vertically much damage from tsunami would occur. For example, on December,26, 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami shook Indonesia and killed an estimated 230,000 people, most due to the tsunami and the lack of aid afterward. (Live Science ... Show more content on ... JetStream featured, "Tsunamis range in size from inches to over a hundred feet. In deep water (greater than 600 feet/180 meters)." As JetStream also emphasized that the wave height can increase by over 10 times as tsunamis propagate into shallow water, and the waves can be amplified by shoreline and bathymetric (seafloor) features, Cheng and Weiss (2013) researched the link between the onshore slope, initial amplitude and the difference between the maximum tsunami inundation and inland sediment by observing from 2011 Tohoku–oki tsunami in Sendai. Cheng and Weiss (2013) found that for sand the grain size has little effect on the deposition ratio, but initial amplitude and slope influence the deposition ratio; steep slopes and low amplitudes have the most sensitive effect on deposition ratio.Thus, Cheng and Weiss (2013) argued that the application of the deposition ratio will improve tsunami hazard assessments by providing a geophysically more realistic inundation limit than the cases where only the inland extent of tsunami sediment is taken into account. Goto et al. (2014) also seemed to agree with Cheng and Weiss's research, as they stated "For disaster prevention purpose, geological research is undoubtedly of great value to tsunami risk assessment...we should be considering what the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Natalie Murillo: Tsunamis And Coastal Homes Natalie Murillo:"Tsunamis and Coastal Homes" Research Room: 236 At the bottom of the ocean there seems to be a crack on the floor and causes an earthquake. What happens after that? Well the thing that happens after there is a crack at the bottom of the ocean that causes an earthquake is something called a tsunami. A tsunami is when a series of waves that are made in big bodies of water like a lake and river or the ocean. Tsunamis can make a lot of damage to coastlines and can kill people. Some people who have not seen a tsunami in real life call tsunamis "tidal waves", but in reality the waves are huge and can be twenty to fifty feet long so tsunamis really don't relate at all with tides since tsunamis are huge ... Show more content on ... Once the tsunami finally reaches the coast, a tsunami may be seen as a falling tide or series of waves with a towering height of thirty meters. Before a tsunami wave hits, you'll see that the water in the ocean is moving away, which means you will be able to see the ocean floor. It is most likely that the first tsunami wave is small and not big like everyone expects the first wave to be, and more waves each a different size arrive at the coast every ten to sixty minutes. A fun fact about tsunamis is that the tsunami waves can go faster than how the average human runs and can easily drown and kill you. Dangers from tsunamis can still happen for hours after the first tsunami wave arrived at the coast. Tsunamis are not like normal waves, what normal waves do is curl up for a while and then break and from what i know tsunamis do not do that therefore tsunamis are not like normal waves you see at a lake or in the ocean. Places that have been hit by the gigantic tsunami waves like coast may wear away into nothing. Just a single tsunami can cause flooding in hundreds of meters inland. Tsunamis are so powerful that they are able to crush buildings and houses and kill millions of people. Tsunamis have ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The 9th Ward: The African American’s Struggle in The Wake... In the wake of natural disasters, the minorities of America are down the pecking order in the government's list of priorities. Specifically seen in the African–American people, the government fails to provide speedy response time, supplies and other aid, as well as providing substantial compensation for the families devastated by disasters, which could have been preventable or deterred from causing more havoc. In many cases, the African– American people were exposed to poor living conditions, living in undesirable areas, and a lack of wealth, education, and preventative warnings of oncoming disasters. This can be seen in the cases of the 1900 great hurricane of Galveston, Texas and the 1995 Chicago Heat Wave, but the greatest example of ... Show more content on ... The 17th street Levee, located along the Lower Ninth Ward was breached, causing most of the flooding in New Orleans. National Public Radio reported that many investigators are finding that the breaches of the London Avenue Canal and the 17th Street Canal were caused by severe engineering flaws. The same walls both failed when the water rose only about half way up the wall, proving that the levees were poorly constructed in the Ninth Ward ( Bob Bea is an engineer and professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and was given the task by the National Science Foundation to find the cause of the breaching of the levees. According the Bea, the levees had a weak enough layer underground to allow the levees to break. The Army Corps, who are responsible for building the hurricane–protection system of New Orleans, require that floodwalls be created 30% stronger than what the minimum amount requires to hold back water. By the Army Corps guidelines, they are also required that the underlying soil is weaker than what tests show, usually in the bottom third of the original measurement ( The culprit to the breaching of the wall was a weak layer of clay that had no possibility of holding back Katrina. How could the Army Corps engineers miss such an area? It is very reasonable that the overseeing of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Research Paper On Hurricanes Our team of meteorologists and seismologists from Purdue university have realised that Illinois is at a high risk for hurricanes. We should worry about hurricanes because of the aftereffects like rain and high winds can affect states that are farther away from the coast. The probability of a hurricane in Illinois is very low however there was a hurricane in florida that just hit about a week ago. One reason this issue needs to be addressed is how and where these storms are formed. Hurricanes occur in areas that have intensely low pressure, and are mainly fueled by water vapor from the ocean. According to Weather, " The low pressure causes wind to begin to spiral inward toward the center of the low. These winds help to evaporate ... Show more content on ... According to the university of Illinois, "Strong winds are the most common means of destruction associated with hurricanes. Their sometimes continuous barrage can uproot trees, knock over buildings and homes, fling potentially deadly debris around, sink or ground boats, and flip cars." Furthermore, hurricanes can cause heavy rain, riptides, changes in sea level, flooding, and even tornadoes. Homes can be destroyed, people could drown in the floods or be swept away into the ocean, and with global warming increasing, there have been reports of drastic changes in the ocean which could lead to even more hurricanes. In addition, Tsunamis can cause flooding and erosion. The waves can push homes and vehicles with ease. According to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), "Considerable damage is caused by the floating debris, including boats and cars that become dangerous projectiles that may crash into buildings, brake power lines, and may start fires." Tsunamis are also very destructive, yet they cannot go too far inland, like Illinois, for example. Global warming doesn't affect the movement of the earth, or the cause of tsunamis, ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Geological History and Hazards in San Diego Geological history and hazards in San Diego The formation of San Diego region involved numerous activities which varied from volcano activities, the formation of Gulf, uplifting and tilting among others. These activities happened in a long span of time creating three distinct geomorphic regions: the west of peninsular rangers, peninsular ranges region, and the Salton Trough region. The geomorphic division reflects the basic difference amid geographic parts containing Mesozoic metavolcanic, metasedimentary, and plutonic rock material. The development of these features resulted to the occurrence of the current San Diego state. The integration of different rocks, volcanic activities, and subduction processes resulted to the development of peninsular region and Salton Trough. Cenozoic sedimentary rocks predominated to the west and east of the central mountain while plutonic rocks predominated in the peninsular ranges. The irregular contact between these geologic regions reflects the ancient topography of the area. The ancient oceanic crustal plate created an archipelago of a volcanic island. The former's subduction created immense volumes of magma. This resulted to the congealation of plutonic rock in the crust. The local rocks that existed before the tectonic forces uplifted, and erosion capped the deeply buried plutonic rocks that formed a steep and rugged mountains coastline, similar to that present one, which in the west coast of south America. In San Diego region, ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Japan 's Impact On Japan Introduction: The 2011 Japan Earthquake was one of the most destructive earthquakes that the area had experienced in centuries. Earthquakes regularly impact Japan due to the nearby subduction zone under the northwestern Pacific Ocean. This is where the Pacific and North American tectonic plates meet, which ultimately causes frequent seismic activity. The 2011 earthquake is the 5th largest recorded since 1900 worldwide, and is classified as a 9.0 reverse fault mega–thrust earthquake (Mantanle 823). What furthered the destructive ability of the earthquake was the upthrust and subsidence, which generated a series of massive tsunamis that struck the coast of Honshu. These tsunamis ravaged low–lying coastal areas, which led to unmanageable flooding and the meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Japan relies heavily on nuclear power; therefore this became detrimental to local residents and industries relying on this power source. Japan has proved itself somewhat capable to combat biophysical vulnerability with resilience. Japan has employed numerous structural and non–structural measures to minimize losses for future hazards. Furthermore, Japan is considered to be one of the world's most successful democracies, and has one of the largest economies. The preparedness of Japan is what reduces vulnerability and probability of risk for future hazardous events, specifically earthquakes (Cutter 530). On a local level, the 2011 Japan earthquake is significant because ... Get more on ...