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Chapter 21: Metamorphism
Fresh basalt and
weathered basalt
The IUGS-SCMR proposed this definition:
“Metamorphism is a subsolidus process leading to
changes in mineralogy and/or texture (for example grain
size) and often in chemical composition in a rock. These
changes are due to physical and/or chemical conditions
that differ from those normally occurring at the surface
of planets and in zones of cementation and diagenesis
below this surface. They may coexist with partial
Chapter 21: Metamorphism
The Limits of Metamorphism
Low-temperature limit grades into diagenesis
• Processes are indistinguishable
• Metamorphism begins in the range of 100-150oC
for the more unstable types of protolith
• Some zeolites are considered diagenetic and
others metamorphic – pretty arbitrary
The Limits of Metamorphism
• High-temperature limit grades into melting
• Over the melting range solids and liquids coexist
• Xenoliths, restites, and other enclaves?
• Migmatites (“mixed rocks”) are gradational
Metamorphic Agents and Changes
• Temperature: typically
the most important factor
in metamorphism
Figure 1.9. Estimated ranges of oceanic and
continental steady-state geotherms to a depth of
100 km using upper and lower limits based on heat
flows measured near the surface. After Sclater et
al. (1980), Earth. Rev. Geophys. Space Sci., 18,
Metamorphic Agents and Changes
Increasing temperature has several effects
1) Promotes recrystallization  increased grain
2) Drive reactions (endothermic)
3) Overcomes kinetic barriers
Metamorphic Agents and Changes
• “Normal” gradients perturbed in several ways,
most commonly:
 High T/P geotherms in areas of plutonic
activity or rifting
 Low T/P geotherms in subduction zones
Figure 21.1. Metamorphic field gradients (estimated P-T conditions along surface traverses directly up metamorphic grade) for
several metamorphic areas. After Turner (1981). Metamorphic Petrology: Mineralogical, Field, and Tectonic Aspects. McGraw-
Metamorphic Agents and Changes
• Metamorphic grade: a general increase in
degree of metamorphism without specifying
the exact relationship between temperature
and pressure
Metamorphic Agents and Changes
• Lithostatic pressure - uniform stress (hydrostatic)
• Deviatoric stress = pressure unequal in different
• Resolved into three mutually perpendicular stress
(s) components:
s1 is the maximum principal stress
s2 is an intermediate principal stress
s3 is the minimum principal stress
• In hydrostatic situations all three are equal
Metamorphic Agents and Changes
• Stress
• Strain  deformation
• Deviatoric stress affects the textures and
structures, but not the equilibrium mineral
• Strain energy may overcome kinetic barriers to
• Foliation is a common result, which allows us to
estimate the orientation of s1
 s1 > s2 = s3  foliation and no lineation
 s1 = s2 > s3  lineation and no foliation
 s1 > s2 > s3  both foliation and lineation
Figure 21.3. Flattening of a ductile homogeneous sphere (a) containing randomly oriented flat disks or flakes. In (b), the matrix
flows with progressive flattening, and the flakes are rotated toward parallelism normal to the predominant stress. Winter
(2001) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Metamorphic Agents and Changes
Shear motion occurs along planes at an angle to s1
Figure 21.2. The three main types of deviatoric stress with an example of possible resulting structures. b. Shear, causing slip
along parallel planes and rotation. Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Metamorphic Agents and Changes
Evidence for the existence of a metamorphic fluid:
• Fluid inclusions
• Fluids are required for hydrous or carbonate
• Volatile-involving reactions occur at
temperatures and pressures that require finite
fluid pressures
Metamorphic Agents and Changes
• Pfluid = S partial pressures of each
component (Pfluid = pH2O + pCO2
+ …)
• Mole fractions of components must sum to
1.0 (XH2O + XCO2
+ … = 1.0)
• pH2O = XH2O x Pfluid
• Gradients in T, P, Xfluid
•  Zonation in mineral assemblages
The Types of Metamorphism
Different approaches to classification
1. Based on principal process or agent
• Dynamic Metamorphism
• Thermal Metamorphism
• Dynamo-thermal Metamorphism
The Types of Metamorphism
Different approaches to classification
2. Based on setting
• Contact Metamorphism
 Pyrometamorphism
• Regional Metamorphism
 Orogenic Metamorphism
 Burial Metamorphism
 Ocean Floor Metamorphism
• Hydrothermal Metamorphism
• Fault-Zone Metamorphism
• Impact or Shock Metamorphism
The Types of Metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism
The size and shape of an aureole is controlled by:
• The nature of the pluton
• The nature of the country rocks
 Size
 Shape
 Orientation
 Temperature
 Composition
 Composition
 Depth and metamorphic grade prior to intrusion
 Permeability
Contact Metamorphism
• Adjacent to igneous intrusions
• Thermal (± metasomatic) effects of hot magma
intruding cooler shallow rocks
• Occurs over a wide range of pressures, including
very low
• Contact aureole
The Types of Metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism
Most easily recognized where a pluton is introduced into
shallow rocks in a static environment
 Hornfelses (granofelses) commonly with relict
textures and structures
The Types of Metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism
Polymetamorphic rocks are common, usually
representing an orogenic event followed by a
contact one
• Spotted phyllite (or slate)
• Overprint may be due to:
 Lag time for magma migration
 A separate phase of post-orogenic collapse
magmatism (Chapter 18)
The Types of Metamorphism
Very high temperatures at low pressures,
generated by a volcanic or sub-volcanic body
Also developed in xenoliths
The Types of Metamorphism
Regional Metamorphism sensu lato: metamorphism
that affects a large body of rock, and thus covers a
great lateral extent
Three principal types:
 Orogenic metamorphism
 Burial metamorphism
 Ocean-floor metamorphism
The Types of Metamorphism
Orogenic Metamorphism is the type of metamorphism
associated with convergent plate margins
• Dynamo-thermal: one or more episodes of
orogeny with combined elevated geothermal
gradients and deformation (deviatoric stress)
• Foliated rocks are a characteristic product
The Types of Metamorphism
Figure 21.6. Schematic model for
the sequential (a  c) development
of a “Cordilleran-type” or active
continental margin orogen. The
dashed and black layers on the
right represent the basaltic and
gabbroic layers of the oceanic
crust. From Dewey and Bird (1970)
J. Geophys. Res., 75, 2625-2647;
and Miyashiro et al. (1979)
Orogeny. John Wiley & Sons.
The Types of Metamorphism
Orogenic Metamorphism
The Types of Metamorphism
Orogenic Metamorphism
• Uplift and erosion
• Metamorphism often continues after major
deformation ceases
 Metamorphic pattern is simpler than the
structural one
• Pattern of increasing metamorphic grade from
both directions toward the core area
From Understanding
Earth, Press and Siever.
The Types of Metamorphism
Orogenic Metamorphism
• Polymetamorphic patterns
• Continental collision
• Batholiths are usually present in the highest grade areas
• If plentiful and closely spaced, may be called regional
contact metamorphism
The Types of Metamorphism
Burial metamorphism
• Southland Syncline in New Zealand: thick pile (> 10 km)
of Mesozoic volcaniclastics
• Mild deformation, no igneous intrusions discovered
• Fine-grained, high-temperature phases, glassy ash: very
susceptible to metamorphic alteration
• Metamorphic effects attributed to increased temperature
and pressure due to burial
• Diagenesis grades into the formation of zeolites, prehnite,
pumpellyite, laumontite, etc.
The Types of Metamorphism
Hydrothermal metamorphism
• Hot H2O-rich fluids
• Usually involves metasomatism
• Difficult type to constrain: hydrothermal effects
often play some role in most of the other types of
The Types of Metamorphism
Burial metamorphism occurs in areas that have not
experienced significant deformation or orogeny
• Restricted to large, relatively undisturbed
sedimentary piles away from active plate margins
 The Gulf of Mexico?
 Bengal Fan?
The Types of Metamorphism
Burial metamorphism occurs in areas that have not
experienced significant deformation or orogeny
• Bengal Fan  sedimentary pile > 22 km
• Extrap.  250-300oC at the base (P ~ 0.6 GPa)
• Passive margins often become active
• Areas of burial metamorphism may thus become
areas of orogenic metamorphism
The Types of Metamorphism
Ocean-Floor Metamorphism affects the oceanic
crust at ocean ridge spreading centers
• Considerable metasomatic alteration, notably loss
of Ca and Si and gain of Mg and Na
• Highly altered chlorite-quartz rocks- distinctive
high-Mg, low-Ca composition
• Exchange between basalt and hot seawater
• Another example of hydrothermal metamorphism
The Types of Metamorphism
 Impact metamorphism at meteorite (or other
bolide) impact craters
 Both correlate with dynamic metamorphism,
based on process
Fault-Zone and Impact Metamorphism
 High rates of deformation and strain with only
minor recrystallization
(a) Shallow fault
zone with fault
(b) Slightly deeper
fault zone (exposed
by erosion) with
some ductile flow
and fault mylonite
Figure 21.7. Schematic cross
section across fault zones. After
Mason (1978) Petrology of the
Metamorphic Rocks. George Allen
& Unwin. London.
Prograde Metamorphism
• Prograde: increase in metamorphic grade with time
as a rock is subjected to gradually more severe
 Prograde metamorphism: changes in a rock that
accompany increasing metamorphic grade
• Retrograde: decreasing grade as rock cools and
recovers from a metamorphic or igneous event
 Retrograde metamorphism: any accompanying
The Progressive Nature of Metamorphism
A rock at a high metamorphic grade probably
progressed through a sequence of mineral
assemblages rather than hopping directly from an
unmetamorphosed rock to the metamorphic rock
that we find today
The Progressive Nature of Metamorphism
Retrograde metamorphism typically of minor
• Prograde reactions are endothermic and easily
driven by increasing T
• Devolatilization reactions are easier than
reintroducing the volatiles
• Geothermometry indicates that the mineral
compositions commonly preserve the maximum
Types of Protolith
Lump the common types of sedimentary and igneous
rocks into six chemically based-groups
1. Ultramafic - very high Mg, Fe, Ni, Cr
2. Mafic - high Fe, Mg, and Ca
3. Shales (pelitic) - high Al, K, Si
4. Carbonates - high Ca, Mg, CO2
5. Quartz - nearly pure SiO2.
6. Quartzo-feldspathic - high Si, Na, K, Al
Why Study Metamorphism?
• Interpretation of the conditions and evolution of
metamorphic bodies, mountain belts, and ultimately the
state and evolution of the Earth's crust
• Metamorphic rocks may retain enough inherited
information from their protolith to allow us to interpret
much of the pre-metamorphic history as well
Orogenic Regional Metamorphism of
the Scottish Highlands
• George Barrow (1893, 1912)
• SE Highlands of Scotland - Caledonian Orogeny
~ 500 Ma
• Nappes
• Granites
Figure 21.8. Regional metamorphic
map of the Scottish Highlands,
showing the zones of minerals that
develop with increasing metamorphic
grade. From Gillen (1982)
Metamorphic Geology. An
Introduction to Tectonic and
Metamorphic Processes. George
Allen & Unwin. London.
Orogenic Regional Metamorphism of
the Scottish Highlands
• Barrow studied the pelitic rocks
• Could subdivide the area into a series of
metamorphic zones, each based on the appearance
of a new mineral as metamorphic grade increased
The sequence of zones now recognized, and the typical
metamorphic mineral assemblage in each, are:
• Chlorite zone. Pelitic rocks are slates or phyllites and typically
contain chlorite, muscovite, quartz and albite
• Biotite zone. Slates give way to phyllites and schists, with biotite,
chlorite, muscovite, quartz, and albite
• Garnet zone. Schists with conspicuous red almandine garnet,
usually with biotite, chlorite, muscovite, quartz, and albite or
• Staurolite zone. Schists with staurolite, biotite, muscovite, quartz,
garnet, and plagioclase. Some chlorite may persist
• Kyanite zone. Schists with kyanite, biotite, muscovite, quartz,
plagioclase, and usually garnet and staurolite
• Sillimanite zone. Schists and gneisses with sillimanite, biotite,
muscovite, uartz, plagioclase, garnet, and perhaps staurolite. Some
kyanite may also be present (although kyanite and sillimanite are
both polymorphs of Al2SiO5)
• Sequence = “Barrovian zones”
• The P-T conditions referred to as “Barrovian-type”
metamorphism (fairly typical of many belts)
• Now extended to a much larger area of the Highlands
• Isograd = line that separates the zones (a line in the field
of constant metamorphic grade)
Figure 21.8. Regional
metamorphic map of the
Scottish Highlands, showing
the zones of minerals that
develop with increasing
metamorphic grade. From
Gillen (1982) Metamorphic
Geology. An Introduction to
Tectonic and Metamorphic
Processes. George Allen &
Unwin. London.
To summarize:
• An isograd represents the first appearance of a particular
metamorphic index mineral in the field as one progresses
up metamorphic grade
• When one crosses an isograd, such as the biotite isograd,
one enters the biotite zone
• Zones thus have the same name as the isograd that forms
the low-grade boundary of that zone
• Because classic isograds are based on the first appearance
of a mineral, and not its disappearance, an index mineral
may still be stable in higher grade zones
A variation occurs in the area just to the north of
Barrow’s, in the Banff and Buchan district
• Pelitic compositions are similar, but the sequence
of isograds is:
 chlorite
 biotite
 cordierite
 andalusite
 sillimanite
The stability field of andalusite occurs at pressures less than
0.37 GPa (~ 10 km), while kyanite  sillimanite at the
sillimanite isograd only above this pressure
Figure 21.9. The P-T phase diagram for the system Al2SiO5 showing the stability fields for the three polymorphs andalusite, kyanite, and
sillimanite. Also shown is the hydration of Al2SiO5 to pyrophyllite, which limits the occurrence of an Al2SiO5 polymorph at low grades in the
presence of excess silica and water. The diagram was calculated using the program TWQ (Berman, 1988, 1990, 1991).
Regional Burial Metamorphism
Otago, New Zealand
• Jurassic graywackes, tuffs, and volcanics in a deep
trough metamorphosed in the Cretaceous
• Fine grain size and immature material is highly
susceptible to alteration (even at low grades)
Regional Burial Metamorphism
Otago, New Zealand
Section X-Y shows more detail
Figure 21.10. Geologic sketch map of the South Island of New
Zealand showing the Mesozoic metamorphic rocks east of the
older Tasman Belt and the Alpine Fault. The Torlese Group is
metamorphosed predominantly in the prehnite-pumpellyite
zone, and the Otago Schist in higher grade zones. X-Y is the
Haast River Section of Figure 21-11. From Turner (1981)
Metamorphic Petrology: Mineralogical, Field, and Tectonic
Aspects. McGraw-Hill.
Regional Burial Metamorphism
Otago, New Zealand
Isograds mapped at the lower grades:
1) Zeolite
2) Prehnite-Pumpellyite
3) Pumpellyite (-actinolite)
4) Chlorite (-clinozoisite)
5) Biotite
6) Almandine (garnet)
7) Oligoclase (albite at lower grades is replaced by a
more calcic plagioclase)
Regional Burial Metamorphism
Figure 21.11. Metamorphic zones of the Haast
Group (along section X-Y in Figure 21-10). After
Cooper and Lovering (1970) Contrib. Mineral.
Petrol., 27, 11-24.
Paired Metamorphic Belts of Japan
Figure 21.12. The Sanbagawa and Ryoke
metamorphic belts of Japan. From Turner
(1981) Metamorphic Petrology:
Mineralogical, Field, and Tectonic Aspects.
McGraw-Hill and Miyashiro (1994)
Metamorphic Petrology. Oxford University
Paired Metamorphic Belts of Japan
Figure 21.13. Some of the
paired metamorphic belts
in the circum-Pacific
region. From Miyashiro
(1994) Metamorphic
Petrology. Oxford
University Press.
Contact Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks
in the Skiddaw Aureole, UK
• Ordovician Skiddaw Slates (English Lake District)
intruded by several granitic bodies
• Intrusions are shallow
• Contact effects overprinted on an earlier low-grade
regional orogenic metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks
in the Skiddaw Aureole, UK
• The aureole around the Skiddaw granite was sub-
divided into three zones, principally on the basis of
• Unaltered slates
• Outer zone of spotted slates
• Middle zone of andalusite slates
• Inner zone of hornfels
• Skiddaw granite
Figure 21.14. Geologic
Map and cross-section of
the area around the
Skiddaw granite, Lake
District, UK. After
Eastwood et al (1968).
Geology of the Country
around Cockermouth and
Caldbeck. Explanation
accompanying the 1-inch
Geological Sheet 23, New
Series. Institute of
Geological Sciences.
Contact Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks
in the Skiddaw Aureole, UK
• Middle zone: slates more thoroughly recrystallized, contain
biotite + muscovite + cordierite + andalusite + quartz
Figure 21.15. Cordierite-
andalusite slate from the
middle zone of the Skiddaw
aureole. From Mason (1978)
Petrology of the
Metamorphic Rocks. George
Allen & Unwin. London.
1 mm
Contact Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks
in the Skiddaw Aureole, UK
Inner zone:
Thoroughly recrystallized
Lose foliation
Figure 21.16. Andalusite-cordierite
schist from the inner zone of the
Skiddaw aureole. Note the chiastolite
cross in andalusite (see also Figure 22-
49). From Mason (1978) Petrology of
the Metamorphic Rocks. George Allen &
Unwin. London.
1 mm
Contact Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks
in the Skiddaw Aureole, UK
• The zones determined on a textural basis
• Prefer to use the sequential appearance of
minerals and isograds to define zones
• But low-P isograds converge in P-T
• Skiddaw sequence of mineral development with
grade is difficult to determine accurately
Contact Metamorphism and Skarn
Formation at Crestmore, CA, USA
• Crestmore quarry in the Los Angeles basin
• Quartz monzonite porphry intrudes Mg-bearing
carbonates (either late Paleozoic or Triassic)
• Burnham (1959) mapped the following zones and the
mineral assemblages in each (listed in order of increasing
• Forsterite Zone:
 calcite + brucite + clinohumite + spinel
 calcite + clinohumite + forsterite + spinel
 calcite + forsterite + spinel + clintonite
• Monticellite Zone:
 calcite + forsterite + monticellite + clintonite
 calcite + monticellite + melilite + clintonite
 calcite + monticellite + spurrite (or tilleyite) + clintonite
 monticellite + spurrite + merwinite + melilite
• Vesuvianite Zone:
 vesuvianite + monticellite + spurrite + merwinite +
 vesuvianite + monticellite + diopside + wollastonite
• Garnet Zone:
 grossular + diopside + wollastonite
Contact Metamorphism and Skarn
Formation at Crestmore, CA, USA
An idealized cross-section through the aureole
Figure 21.17.
Idealized N-S cross
section (not to scale)
through the quartz
monzonite and the
aureole at Crestmore,
CA. From Burnham
(1959) Geol. Soc.
Amer. Bull., 70, 879-
Contact Metamorphism and Skarn
Formation at Crestmore, CA, USA
1. The mineral associations in successive zones (in all
metamorphic terranes) vary by the formation of new
minerals as grade increases
This can only occur by a chemical reaction in which some
minerals are consumed and others produced
Contact Metamorphism and Skarn
Formation at Crestmore, CA, USA
a) Calcite + brucite + clinohumite + spinel zone to the
Calcite + clinohumite + forsterite + spinel sub-zone
involves the reaction:
2 Clinohumite + SiO2  9 Forsterite + 2 H2O
b) Formation of the vesuvianite zone involves the reaction:
Monticellite + 2 Spurrite + 3 Merwinite + 4 Melilite
+ 15 SiO2 + 12 H2O  6 Vesuvianite + 2 CO2
Contact Metamorphism and Skarn
Formation at Crestmore, CA, USA
2) Find a way to display data in simple, yet useful ways
If we think of the aureole as a chemical system, we note
that most of the minerals consist of the components
CaO-MgO-SiO2-CO2-H2O (with minor Al2O3)
Zones are numbered
(from outside inward)
Figure 21.18. CaO-MgO-SiO2 diagram at a fixed
pressure and temperature showing the
compositional relationships among the minerals
and zones at Crestmore. Numbers correspond to
zones listed in the text. After Burnham (1959) Geol.
Soc. Amer. Bull., 70, 879-920; and Best (1982)
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. W. H.
Figures not used
Figure 21.4. A situation in which lithostatic
pressure (Plith) exerted by the mineral grains
is greater than the intergranular fluid
pressure (Pfluid). At a depth around 10 km
(or T around 300oC) minerals begin to yield
or dissolve at the contact points and shift
toward or precipitate in the fluid-filled
areas, allowing the rock to compress. The
decreased volume of the pore spaces will
raise Pfluid until it equals Plith. Winter (2001)
An Introduction to Igneous and
Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Figures not used
Figure 21.5. Temperature distribution within a 1-km thick vertical dike and in the country rocks (initially at 0oC) as a function of time. Curves are
labeled in years. The model assumes an initial intrusion temperature of 1200oC and cooling by conduction only. After Jaeger, (1968) Cooling and
solidification of igneous rocks. In H. H. Hess and A. Poldervaart (eds.), Basalts, vol. 2. John Wiley & Sons. New York, pp. 503-536.

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  • 1. Chapter 21: Metamorphism Fresh basalt and weathered basalt
  • 2. The IUGS-SCMR proposed this definition: “Metamorphism is a subsolidus process leading to changes in mineralogy and/or texture (for example grain size) and often in chemical composition in a rock. These changes are due to physical and/or chemical conditions that differ from those normally occurring at the surface of planets and in zones of cementation and diagenesis below this surface. They may coexist with partial melting.” Chapter 21: Metamorphism
  • 3. The Limits of Metamorphism Low-temperature limit grades into diagenesis • Processes are indistinguishable • Metamorphism begins in the range of 100-150oC for the more unstable types of protolith • Some zeolites are considered diagenetic and others metamorphic – pretty arbitrary
  • 4. The Limits of Metamorphism • High-temperature limit grades into melting • Over the melting range solids and liquids coexist • Xenoliths, restites, and other enclaves? • Migmatites (“mixed rocks”) are gradational
  • 5. Metamorphic Agents and Changes • Temperature: typically the most important factor in metamorphism Figure 1.9. Estimated ranges of oceanic and continental steady-state geotherms to a depth of 100 km using upper and lower limits based on heat flows measured near the surface. After Sclater et al. (1980), Earth. Rev. Geophys. Space Sci., 18, 269-311.
  • 6. Metamorphic Agents and Changes Increasing temperature has several effects 1) Promotes recrystallization  increased grain size 2) Drive reactions (endothermic) 3) Overcomes kinetic barriers
  • 7. Metamorphic Agents and Changes Pressure • “Normal” gradients perturbed in several ways, most commonly:  High T/P geotherms in areas of plutonic activity or rifting  Low T/P geotherms in subduction zones
  • 8. Figure 21.1. Metamorphic field gradients (estimated P-T conditions along surface traverses directly up metamorphic grade) for several metamorphic areas. After Turner (1981). Metamorphic Petrology: Mineralogical, Field, and Tectonic Aspects. McGraw- Hill.
  • 9. Metamorphic Agents and Changes • Metamorphic grade: a general increase in degree of metamorphism without specifying the exact relationship between temperature and pressure
  • 10. Metamorphic Agents and Changes • Lithostatic pressure - uniform stress (hydrostatic) • Deviatoric stress = pressure unequal in different directions • Resolved into three mutually perpendicular stress (s) components: s1 is the maximum principal stress s2 is an intermediate principal stress s3 is the minimum principal stress • In hydrostatic situations all three are equal
  • 11. Metamorphic Agents and Changes • Stress • Strain  deformation • Deviatoric stress affects the textures and structures, but not the equilibrium mineral assemblage • Strain energy may overcome kinetic barriers to reactions
  • 12. • Foliation is a common result, which allows us to estimate the orientation of s1  s1 > s2 = s3  foliation and no lineation  s1 = s2 > s3  lineation and no foliation  s1 > s2 > s3  both foliation and lineation Figure 21.3. Flattening of a ductile homogeneous sphere (a) containing randomly oriented flat disks or flakes. In (b), the matrix flows with progressive flattening, and the flakes are rotated toward parallelism normal to the predominant stress. Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall. s1 Strain ellipsoid
  • 13. Metamorphic Agents and Changes Shear motion occurs along planes at an angle to s1 Figure 21.2. The three main types of deviatoric stress with an example of possible resulting structures. b. Shear, causing slip along parallel planes and rotation. Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall. s1
  • 14. Metamorphic Agents and Changes Fluids Evidence for the existence of a metamorphic fluid: • Fluid inclusions • Fluids are required for hydrous or carbonate phases • Volatile-involving reactions occur at temperatures and pressures that require finite fluid pressures
  • 15. Metamorphic Agents and Changes • Pfluid = S partial pressures of each component (Pfluid = pH2O + pCO2 + …) • Mole fractions of components must sum to 1.0 (XH2O + XCO2 + … = 1.0) • pH2O = XH2O x Pfluid • Gradients in T, P, Xfluid •  Zonation in mineral assemblages
  • 16. The Types of Metamorphism Different approaches to classification 1. Based on principal process or agent • Dynamic Metamorphism • Thermal Metamorphism • Dynamo-thermal Metamorphism
  • 17. The Types of Metamorphism Different approaches to classification 2. Based on setting • Contact Metamorphism  Pyrometamorphism • Regional Metamorphism  Orogenic Metamorphism  Burial Metamorphism  Ocean Floor Metamorphism • Hydrothermal Metamorphism • Fault-Zone Metamorphism • Impact or Shock Metamorphism
  • 18. The Types of Metamorphism Contact Metamorphism The size and shape of an aureole is controlled by: • The nature of the pluton • The nature of the country rocks  Size  Shape  Orientation  Temperature  Composition  Composition  Depth and metamorphic grade prior to intrusion  Permeability
  • 19. Contact Metamorphism • Adjacent to igneous intrusions • Thermal (± metasomatic) effects of hot magma intruding cooler shallow rocks • Occurs over a wide range of pressures, including very low • Contact aureole
  • 20. The Types of Metamorphism Contact Metamorphism Most easily recognized where a pluton is introduced into shallow rocks in a static environment  Hornfelses (granofelses) commonly with relict textures and structures
  • 21. The Types of Metamorphism Contact Metamorphism Polymetamorphic rocks are common, usually representing an orogenic event followed by a contact one • Spotted phyllite (or slate) • Overprint may be due to:  Lag time for magma migration  A separate phase of post-orogenic collapse magmatism (Chapter 18)
  • 22. The Types of Metamorphism Pyrometamorphism Very high temperatures at low pressures, generated by a volcanic or sub-volcanic body Also developed in xenoliths
  • 23. The Types of Metamorphism Regional Metamorphism sensu lato: metamorphism that affects a large body of rock, and thus covers a great lateral extent Three principal types:  Orogenic metamorphism  Burial metamorphism  Ocean-floor metamorphism
  • 24. The Types of Metamorphism Orogenic Metamorphism is the type of metamorphism associated with convergent plate margins • Dynamo-thermal: one or more episodes of orogeny with combined elevated geothermal gradients and deformation (deviatoric stress) • Foliated rocks are a characteristic product
  • 25. The Types of Metamorphism Orogenic Metamorphism Figure 21.6. Schematic model for the sequential (a  c) development of a “Cordilleran-type” or active continental margin orogen. The dashed and black layers on the right represent the basaltic and gabbroic layers of the oceanic crust. From Dewey and Bird (1970) J. Geophys. Res., 75, 2625-2647; and Miyashiro et al. (1979) Orogeny. John Wiley & Sons.
  • 26. The Types of Metamorphism Orogenic Metamorphism
  • 27. The Types of Metamorphism Orogenic Metamorphism • Uplift and erosion • Metamorphism often continues after major deformation ceases  Metamorphic pattern is simpler than the structural one • Pattern of increasing metamorphic grade from both directions toward the core area From Understanding Earth, Press and Siever. Freeman.
  • 28. The Types of Metamorphism Orogenic Metamorphism • Polymetamorphic patterns • Continental collision • Batholiths are usually present in the highest grade areas • If plentiful and closely spaced, may be called regional contact metamorphism
  • 29. The Types of Metamorphism Burial metamorphism • Southland Syncline in New Zealand: thick pile (> 10 km) of Mesozoic volcaniclastics • Mild deformation, no igneous intrusions discovered • Fine-grained, high-temperature phases, glassy ash: very susceptible to metamorphic alteration • Metamorphic effects attributed to increased temperature and pressure due to burial • Diagenesis grades into the formation of zeolites, prehnite, pumpellyite, laumontite, etc.
  • 30. The Types of Metamorphism Hydrothermal metamorphism • Hot H2O-rich fluids • Usually involves metasomatism • Difficult type to constrain: hydrothermal effects often play some role in most of the other types of metamorphism
  • 31. The Types of Metamorphism Burial metamorphism occurs in areas that have not experienced significant deformation or orogeny • Restricted to large, relatively undisturbed sedimentary piles away from active plate margins  The Gulf of Mexico?  Bengal Fan?
  • 32. The Types of Metamorphism Burial metamorphism occurs in areas that have not experienced significant deformation or orogeny • Bengal Fan  sedimentary pile > 22 km • Extrap.  250-300oC at the base (P ~ 0.6 GPa) • Passive margins often become active • Areas of burial metamorphism may thus become areas of orogenic metamorphism
  • 33. The Types of Metamorphism Ocean-Floor Metamorphism affects the oceanic crust at ocean ridge spreading centers • Considerable metasomatic alteration, notably loss of Ca and Si and gain of Mg and Na • Highly altered chlorite-quartz rocks- distinctive high-Mg, low-Ca composition • Exchange between basalt and hot seawater • Another example of hydrothermal metamorphism
  • 34. The Types of Metamorphism  Impact metamorphism at meteorite (or other bolide) impact craters  Both correlate with dynamic metamorphism, based on process Fault-Zone and Impact Metamorphism  High rates of deformation and strain with only minor recrystallization
  • 35. (a) Shallow fault zone with fault breccia (b) Slightly deeper fault zone (exposed by erosion) with some ductile flow and fault mylonite Figure 21.7. Schematic cross section across fault zones. After Mason (1978) Petrology of the Metamorphic Rocks. George Allen & Unwin. London.
  • 36. Prograde Metamorphism • Prograde: increase in metamorphic grade with time as a rock is subjected to gradually more severe conditions  Prograde metamorphism: changes in a rock that accompany increasing metamorphic grade • Retrograde: decreasing grade as rock cools and recovers from a metamorphic or igneous event  Retrograde metamorphism: any accompanying changes
  • 37. The Progressive Nature of Metamorphism A rock at a high metamorphic grade probably progressed through a sequence of mineral assemblages rather than hopping directly from an unmetamorphosed rock to the metamorphic rock that we find today
  • 38. The Progressive Nature of Metamorphism Retrograde metamorphism typically of minor significance • Prograde reactions are endothermic and easily driven by increasing T • Devolatilization reactions are easier than reintroducing the volatiles • Geothermometry indicates that the mineral compositions commonly preserve the maximum temperature
  • 39. Types of Protolith Lump the common types of sedimentary and igneous rocks into six chemically based-groups 1. Ultramafic - very high Mg, Fe, Ni, Cr 2. Mafic - high Fe, Mg, and Ca 3. Shales (pelitic) - high Al, K, Si 4. Carbonates - high Ca, Mg, CO2 5. Quartz - nearly pure SiO2. 6. Quartzo-feldspathic - high Si, Na, K, Al
  • 40. Why Study Metamorphism? • Interpretation of the conditions and evolution of metamorphic bodies, mountain belts, and ultimately the state and evolution of the Earth's crust • Metamorphic rocks may retain enough inherited information from their protolith to allow us to interpret much of the pre-metamorphic history as well
  • 41. Orogenic Regional Metamorphism of the Scottish Highlands • George Barrow (1893, 1912) • SE Highlands of Scotland - Caledonian Orogeny ~ 500 Ma • Nappes • Granites
  • 42. Barrow’s Area Figure 21.8. Regional metamorphic map of the Scottish Highlands, showing the zones of minerals that develop with increasing metamorphic grade. From Gillen (1982) Metamorphic Geology. An Introduction to Tectonic and Metamorphic Processes. George Allen & Unwin. London.
  • 43. Orogenic Regional Metamorphism of the Scottish Highlands • Barrow studied the pelitic rocks • Could subdivide the area into a series of metamorphic zones, each based on the appearance of a new mineral as metamorphic grade increased
  • 44. The sequence of zones now recognized, and the typical metamorphic mineral assemblage in each, are: • Chlorite zone. Pelitic rocks are slates or phyllites and typically contain chlorite, muscovite, quartz and albite • Biotite zone. Slates give way to phyllites and schists, with biotite, chlorite, muscovite, quartz, and albite • Garnet zone. Schists with conspicuous red almandine garnet, usually with biotite, chlorite, muscovite, quartz, and albite or oligoclase • Staurolite zone. Schists with staurolite, biotite, muscovite, quartz, garnet, and plagioclase. Some chlorite may persist • Kyanite zone. Schists with kyanite, biotite, muscovite, quartz, plagioclase, and usually garnet and staurolite • Sillimanite zone. Schists and gneisses with sillimanite, biotite, muscovite, uartz, plagioclase, garnet, and perhaps staurolite. Some kyanite may also be present (although kyanite and sillimanite are both polymorphs of Al2SiO5)
  • 45. • Sequence = “Barrovian zones” • The P-T conditions referred to as “Barrovian-type” metamorphism (fairly typical of many belts) • Now extended to a much larger area of the Highlands • Isograd = line that separates the zones (a line in the field of constant metamorphic grade)
  • 46. Figure 21.8. Regional metamorphic map of the Scottish Highlands, showing the zones of minerals that develop with increasing metamorphic grade. From Gillen (1982) Metamorphic Geology. An Introduction to Tectonic and Metamorphic Processes. George Allen & Unwin. London.
  • 47. To summarize: • An isograd represents the first appearance of a particular metamorphic index mineral in the field as one progresses up metamorphic grade • When one crosses an isograd, such as the biotite isograd, one enters the biotite zone • Zones thus have the same name as the isograd that forms the low-grade boundary of that zone • Because classic isograds are based on the first appearance of a mineral, and not its disappearance, an index mineral may still be stable in higher grade zones
  • 48. A variation occurs in the area just to the north of Barrow’s, in the Banff and Buchan district • Pelitic compositions are similar, but the sequence of isograds is:  chlorite  biotite  cordierite  andalusite  sillimanite
  • 49. The stability field of andalusite occurs at pressures less than 0.37 GPa (~ 10 km), while kyanite  sillimanite at the sillimanite isograd only above this pressure Figure 21.9. The P-T phase diagram for the system Al2SiO5 showing the stability fields for the three polymorphs andalusite, kyanite, and sillimanite. Also shown is the hydration of Al2SiO5 to pyrophyllite, which limits the occurrence of an Al2SiO5 polymorph at low grades in the presence of excess silica and water. The diagram was calculated using the program TWQ (Berman, 1988, 1990, 1991).
  • 50. Regional Burial Metamorphism Otago, New Zealand • Jurassic graywackes, tuffs, and volcanics in a deep trough metamorphosed in the Cretaceous • Fine grain size and immature material is highly susceptible to alteration (even at low grades)
  • 51. Regional Burial Metamorphism Otago, New Zealand Section X-Y shows more detail Figure 21.10. Geologic sketch map of the South Island of New Zealand showing the Mesozoic metamorphic rocks east of the older Tasman Belt and the Alpine Fault. The Torlese Group is metamorphosed predominantly in the prehnite-pumpellyite zone, and the Otago Schist in higher grade zones. X-Y is the Haast River Section of Figure 21-11. From Turner (1981) Metamorphic Petrology: Mineralogical, Field, and Tectonic Aspects. McGraw-Hill.
  • 52. Regional Burial Metamorphism Otago, New Zealand Isograds mapped at the lower grades: 1) Zeolite 2) Prehnite-Pumpellyite 3) Pumpellyite (-actinolite) 4) Chlorite (-clinozoisite) 5) Biotite 6) Almandine (garnet) 7) Oligoclase (albite at lower grades is replaced by a more calcic plagioclase)
  • 53. Regional Burial Metamorphism Figure 21.11. Metamorphic zones of the Haast Group (along section X-Y in Figure 21-10). After Cooper and Lovering (1970) Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 27, 11-24.
  • 54. Paired Metamorphic Belts of Japan Figure 21.12. The Sanbagawa and Ryoke metamorphic belts of Japan. From Turner (1981) Metamorphic Petrology: Mineralogical, Field, and Tectonic Aspects. McGraw-Hill and Miyashiro (1994) Metamorphic Petrology. Oxford University Press.
  • 56. Figure 21.13. Some of the paired metamorphic belts in the circum-Pacific region. From Miyashiro (1994) Metamorphic Petrology. Oxford University Press.
  • 57. Contact Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks in the Skiddaw Aureole, UK • Ordovician Skiddaw Slates (English Lake District) intruded by several granitic bodies • Intrusions are shallow • Contact effects overprinted on an earlier low-grade regional orogenic metamorphism
  • 58. Contact Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks in the Skiddaw Aureole, UK • The aureole around the Skiddaw granite was sub- divided into three zones, principally on the basis of textures: • Unaltered slates • Outer zone of spotted slates • Middle zone of andalusite slates • Inner zone of hornfels • Skiddaw granite Increasing Metamorphic Grade Contact
  • 59. Figure 21.14. Geologic Map and cross-section of the area around the Skiddaw granite, Lake District, UK. After Eastwood et al (1968). Geology of the Country around Cockermouth and Caldbeck. Explanation accompanying the 1-inch Geological Sheet 23, New Series. Institute of Geological Sciences. London.
  • 60. Contact Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks in the Skiddaw Aureole, UK • Middle zone: slates more thoroughly recrystallized, contain biotite + muscovite + cordierite + andalusite + quartz Figure 21.15. Cordierite- andalusite slate from the middle zone of the Skiddaw aureole. From Mason (1978) Petrology of the Metamorphic Rocks. George Allen & Unwin. London. 1 mm
  • 61.
  • 62. Contact Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks in the Skiddaw Aureole, UK Inner zone: Thoroughly recrystallized Lose foliation Figure 21.16. Andalusite-cordierite schist from the inner zone of the Skiddaw aureole. Note the chiastolite cross in andalusite (see also Figure 22- 49). From Mason (1978) Petrology of the Metamorphic Rocks. George Allen & Unwin. London. 1 mm
  • 63. Contact Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks in the Skiddaw Aureole, UK • The zones determined on a textural basis • Prefer to use the sequential appearance of minerals and isograds to define zones • But low-P isograds converge in P-T • Skiddaw sequence of mineral development with grade is difficult to determine accurately
  • 64. Contact Metamorphism and Skarn Formation at Crestmore, CA, USA • Crestmore quarry in the Los Angeles basin • Quartz monzonite porphry intrudes Mg-bearing carbonates (either late Paleozoic or Triassic) • Burnham (1959) mapped the following zones and the mineral assemblages in each (listed in order of increasing grade):
  • 65. • Forsterite Zone:  calcite + brucite + clinohumite + spinel  calcite + clinohumite + forsterite + spinel  calcite + forsterite + spinel + clintonite • Monticellite Zone:  calcite + forsterite + monticellite + clintonite  calcite + monticellite + melilite + clintonite  calcite + monticellite + spurrite (or tilleyite) + clintonite  monticellite + spurrite + merwinite + melilite • Vesuvianite Zone:  vesuvianite + monticellite + spurrite + merwinite + melilite  vesuvianite + monticellite + diopside + wollastonite • Garnet Zone:  grossular + diopside + wollastonite
  • 66. Contact Metamorphism and Skarn Formation at Crestmore, CA, USA An idealized cross-section through the aureole Figure 21.17. Idealized N-S cross section (not to scale) through the quartz monzonite and the aureole at Crestmore, CA. From Burnham (1959) Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 70, 879- 920.
  • 67. Contact Metamorphism and Skarn Formation at Crestmore, CA, USA 1. The mineral associations in successive zones (in all metamorphic terranes) vary by the formation of new minerals as grade increases This can only occur by a chemical reaction in which some minerals are consumed and others produced
  • 68. Contact Metamorphism and Skarn Formation at Crestmore, CA, USA a) Calcite + brucite + clinohumite + spinel zone to the Calcite + clinohumite + forsterite + spinel sub-zone involves the reaction: 2 Clinohumite + SiO2  9 Forsterite + 2 H2O b) Formation of the vesuvianite zone involves the reaction: Monticellite + 2 Spurrite + 3 Merwinite + 4 Melilite + 15 SiO2 + 12 H2O  6 Vesuvianite + 2 CO2
  • 69. Contact Metamorphism and Skarn Formation at Crestmore, CA, USA 2) Find a way to display data in simple, yet useful ways If we think of the aureole as a chemical system, we note that most of the minerals consist of the components CaO-MgO-SiO2-CO2-H2O (with minor Al2O3)
  • 70. Zones are numbered (from outside inward) Figure 21.18. CaO-MgO-SiO2 diagram at a fixed pressure and temperature showing the compositional relationships among the minerals and zones at Crestmore. Numbers correspond to zones listed in the text. After Burnham (1959) Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 70, 879-920; and Best (1982) Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. W. H. Freeman.
  • 71. Figures not used Figure 21.4. A situation in which lithostatic pressure (Plith) exerted by the mineral grains is greater than the intergranular fluid pressure (Pfluid). At a depth around 10 km (or T around 300oC) minerals begin to yield or dissolve at the contact points and shift toward or precipitate in the fluid-filled areas, allowing the rock to compress. The decreased volume of the pore spaces will raise Pfluid until it equals Plith. Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
  • 72. Figures not used Figure 21.5. Temperature distribution within a 1-km thick vertical dike and in the country rocks (initially at 0oC) as a function of time. Curves are labeled in years. The model assumes an initial intrusion temperature of 1200oC and cooling by conduction only. After Jaeger, (1968) Cooling and solidification of igneous rocks. In H. H. Hess and A. Poldervaart (eds.), Basalts, vol. 2. John Wiley & Sons. New York, pp. 503-536.

Editor's Notes

  1. Rocks as chemical systems (Ch. 5) -> a particular assemblage of coexisting phases (thermodynamic equilibrium and the phase rule) A basaltic composition can be either: Melt Cpx + plag ( olivine, ilmenite…) Or any combination of melt + minerals along the liquid line of descent If uplifted and eroded  surface, will weather  a combinations of clays, oxides… Between these is the realm of metamorphism We shall see that the chemistry of a basalt can  a number of different mineral assemblages between the conditions under which plag + cpx and clays + oxides are stable The mineralogy is dependent upon P, T, and X
  2. Deformation alone does not count: requires crystallization or recrystallization
  3. The boundary is somewhat arbitrary Diagenetic/weathering processes are indistinguishable from metamorphic Some zeolites are considered diagenetic and others metamorphic – pretty arbitrary Metamorphism begins in the range of 100-150oC for the more unstable types of protolith Marked by the formation of minerals such as laumontite, analcime, heulandite, carpholite, paragonite, prehnite, pumpellyite, lawsonite, glaucophane or stilpnomelane
  4. If we heat a metamorphic rock until it melts, at what point in the melting process does it become “igneous”? Xenoliths, restites, and other enclaves are considered part of the igneous realm because melt is dominant, but the distinction is certainly vague and disputable We may all recognize a melt, but we may not be so good at recognizing the solid products crystallized from one Small, elongate, fairly coarse-grained and cross-cutting segregations of granitoid material in gneisses: Thin dikes of melt or precipitates from fluids, or fluid-enhanced recrystallization along fluid-filled fractures? The distinction between a silicate-saturated aqueous fluid and a fluid-saturated silicate melt
  5. Continental geotherm is higher than oceanic due to concentration of radioactive (LIL) elements
  6. 1) Promotes recrystallization  increased grain size Larger surface/volume ratio of a mineral  lower stability Fine aggregates coalesce to larger grains Especially for fine-grained and unstable materials in a static environment (shear stresses often reduce grain size) 2) Drives reactions that consume unstable mineral(s) and produces new minerals that are stable under the new conditions 3) Overcomes kinetic barriers that might otherwise preclude the attainment of equilibrium Disequilibrium is relatively common in sediments and diagenesis Mineral assemblages are usually simpler at higher grades and the phase rule is applicable
  7. Temperature rarely increases without an accompanying increase in pressure (geothermal gradients) Most disturbances are transient and eventually return to “normal”
  8. Fig. 21-1 = estimates of metamorphic temperature-pressure relationships from ancient orogenic belts Based on P-T estimates for rocks exposed at the surface in these areas along a traverse from lowest to highest metamorphic conditions: metamorphic field gradients – not same as geotherms
  9. We may thus refer to “high-grade” rocks or “low-grade” rocks from any area depicted in Fig. 21-1 Consider pressure as a modifier, in the sense that temperature can increase along any number of pressure-varied paths High T/P paths (low P) favor the formation of low-density metamorphic minerals as temperature rises Low T/P paths (high P) favor denser minerals
  10. Stress is an applied force acting on a rock (over a particular cross-sectional area) Strain is the response of the rock to an applied stress (= yielding or deformation) Deviatoric stress can be maintained only if application keeps pace with the tendency of the rock to yield This occur most often in orogenic belts, extending rifts, or in shear zones. (i.e. generally at or near plate boundaries)
  11. Deviatoric stress affects the textures and structures, but not the equilibrium mineral assemblage Strain energy may overcome kinetic barriers to reactions
  12. In shear motion occurs along planes at an angle to s1 May occur as slip along spaced cleavages or as flow Distinguishing shear from flattening may be hard
  13. Metamorphic fluids dominated by H2O, but CO2 may also be present in rocks with a significant carbonate CH4, S, and N2 may be minor components, as well as dissolved species, notably alkalis and halides Nature and source of fluids? Are they present at the higher metamorphic grades? Fluids can be meteoric, juvenile magmatic, subducted material, trapped sedimentary brines, or degassing of the mantle The motion of fluids may transport various chemical species over considerable distances- metasomatism Gradients in temperature, pressure, and fluid composition across an area are the norm As a result, zonation in the mineral assemblages constituting the rocks that equilibrate spanning these gradients Along a traverse in an eroded metamorphic area cross from non-metamorphosed rocks through zones of progressively higher metamorphic grade (or through zones reflecting metasomatic composition gradients)
  14. Dynamic Metamorphism when deviatoric stress is dominant and deformation + recrystallization is the main process Thermal Metamorphism when temperature in a near-static stress field is the main agent Dynamo-thermal Metamorphism when both temperature and deformation are prevalent
  15. Plutons can rise and transmit heat to the shallow crust, so may occur over a wide range of pressures, including very low
  16. The foliated phyllite formed during a regional event and the later ovoid “spots” are minerals that grew during the contact event Overprint may be due to: Lag time between the creation of the magma at depth during T maximum, and its migration to the lower grade rocks above Plutonism may reflect a separate phase of post-orogenic collapse magmatism (Chapter 18)
  17. A minor type of contact metamorphism characterized by very high temperatures at very low pressures, generated by a volcanic or subvolcanic body Also developed in xenoliths Pyrometamorphism may be accompanied by various degrees of partial melting
  18. Island arcs, active continental margins, and continental collision zones Most studies focus on orogenic belts, and the term, “regional metamorphism” is often used synonymously with “orogenic metamorphism”
  19. (a) = the incipient stages of subduction (b) “orogenic welt” created by compression, crustal thickening, thrust stacking of oceanic slices, and addition of magmatic material from below Underthrusting in the forearc migrates trenchward, adding successive slabs to the base of the outer welt (tectonic underplating) Heat added by rising plutons, magmatically underplated magma, and induced mantle convection Temperature increases both downward and toward the axial portion of the welt where plutons concentrated
  20. Temperature increases both downward and toward the axial portion of the welt where plutons concentrated
  21. Uplift and erosion results in exposure of the metamorphic rocks Heat dissipates slowly, so the metamorphism often continues after major deformation ceases When this occurs, the metamorphic pattern is simpler than the structural one Folding and thrusting are often complex, but the metamorphic pattern may be a simple thermal dome, centering on the metamorphic/igneous core where heat input, thickening, and uplift are the greatest Exposed surface pattern of increasing metamorphic grade from both directions toward the core area
  22. Most orogenic belts have several episodes of deformation and metamorphism, creating a more complex polymetamorphic pattern Continental collision involves interaction of a continental arc with a continental mass having a “passive” margin and an apron of sediments extending from the continental shelf. Such collisions will usually produce even more complex structural, magmatic, and metamorphic patterns Although batholiths are usually present in the highest grade areas of regional terranes, the metamorphism isn’t considered contact metamorphism because it develops regionally, and the pattern of metamorphic grade does not relate directly to the proximity of the igneous contacts Contact metamorphism typically occurs locally within regional terranes In many cases intrusive rocks may be plentiful and closely spaced, so that it is difficult or impossible to distinguish regional metamorphism from overlapping contact aureoles. Spear (1993) calls such situations regional contact metamorphism
  23. Burial metamorphism = for low-grade metamorphism in sedimentary basins due to burial A term coined by Coombs (1961) for low-grade metamorphism that occurs in sedimentary basins due to burial by successive layers Coombs worked in the Southland Syncline in New Zealand, where a thick pile (> 10 km) of Mesozoic volcaniclastics had accumulated
  24. Coombs (1961) also proposed hydrothermal metamorphism Many areas of burial metamorphism are also hydrothermal fields, suggesting an elevated geothermal gradient and fluids may be important elements in at least some cases of burial metamorphism
  25. It is thus restricted to large, relatively undisturbed sedimentary piles away from active plate margins The Gulf of Mexico may represent a modern example Bengal Fan is another, fed by the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers, has the form of a sedimentary wedge accumulating along a passive continental margin
  26. It is thus restricted to large, relatively undisturbed sedimentary piles away from active plate margins The Gulf of Mexico may represent a modern example Bengal Fan is another, fed by the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers, has the form of a sedimentary wedge accumulating along a passive continental margin Seismic data in Bengal Fan  sedimentary pile > 22 km Extrapolating the low geothermal gradient at the surface (18-22oC/km)  250-300oC at the base (P ~ 0.6 GPa) Conditions are well into the metamorphic range, and the weight of the overlying sediments  sufficient compression to impart a foliation to the metamorphic rocks forming at depth It may be impossible to distinguish a hand specimen of a rock retrieved from these depths with one from the lower grade regions of an orogenic belt End: Typical examples of burial and regional metamorphism are easily recognized today, but transitional types are common
  27. Variety of metamorphic minerals in ocean-floor rocks, representing a wide range of temperatures at relatively low pressure Alteration concentrated along vein systems, presumably associated with hydrothermal activity (note black smokers) Seawater penetrates down ubiquitous fracture systems, where it becomes heated, and leaches metals and silica from the hot basalts
  28. “Fault” includes zones of distributed shear that can be up to several kilometers across Impact metamorphism (also called shock metamorphism) occurs at meteorite (or other bolide) impact craters Both fault-zone and impact metamorphism correlate with dynamic metamorphism, based on process
  29. Schematic cross-section across fault zones
  30. Metamorphic rocks usually maintain equilibrium as grade increases High-grade metamorphic rock probably progressed through a sequence of mineral assemblages as it adjusted to increasing temperature and pressure, rather than hopping directly from un-met to the metamorphic rock that we find today If a metamorphosed sedimentary rock experienced a cycle of increasing metamorphic grade, followed by decreasing grade, at what point on this cyclic P-T-t path did its present mineral assemblage last equilibrate? The zonal distribution of metamorphic rock types preserved in a geographic sequence of increased metamorphic grade suggests that each rock preserves the conditions of the maximum metamorphic grade (temperature) experienced by that rock during metamorphism
  31. Retrograde is usually detectable by observing textures, such as the incipient replacement of high-grade minerals by low-grade ones at their rims
  32. Chemistry of the protolith is the most important clue toward deducing the parent rock 1. Ultramafic rocks. Mantle rocks, komatiites, or cumulates 2. Mafic rocks. Basalts or gabbros, some graywackes 3. Shales (or pelitic rocks). Fine grained clastic clays and silts deposited in stable platforms or offshore wedges. 4. Carbonates. Mostly sedimentary limestones and dolostones. Impure carbonates (marls) may contain sand or shale components 5. Quartz rocks. Cherts are oceanic, and sands are moderately high energy continental clastics. Nearly pure SiO2. 6. Quartzo-feldspathic rocks. Arkose or granitoid and rhyolitic rocks. High Si, Na, K, Al Categories are often gradational, and cannot include the full range of possible parental rocks One common gradational rock type is a sand-shale mixture:psammite Other rocks: evaporites, ironstones, manganese sediments, phosphates, laterites, alkaline igneous rocks, coal, and ore bodies
  33. George Barrow (1893, 1912): one of the first systematic studies of the variation in rock types and mineral assemblages with progressive metamorphism Caledonian orogeny, ~500 Ma ago Deformation was intense: rocks folded into a series of nappes Numerous granites also intruded toward the end of the orogeny, after main regional metamorphism
  34. Barrow noted significant and systematic mineralogical changes in the pelitic rocks He found that he could subdivide the area into a series of metamorphic zones, each based on the appearance of a new mineral as metamorphic grade increased (which he could correlate to increased grain size) The new mineral that characterizes a zone is termed an index mineral
  35. This sequence of zones now recognized in other orogenic belts, and is now so well established in the literature that the zones are often referred to as the Barrovian zones Tilley, Kennedy, etc. confirmed Barrow’s zones, and extended them over a much larger area of the Highlands Tilley coined the term isograd for the line that separates the zones An isograd, then, is meant to indicate a line in the field of constant metamorphic grade Really = the intersection of the isogradic surface with the Earth’s surface
  36. Later we shall see broader categories: metamorphic facies Barrovian zones have become the norm to which we compare all other areas of regional metamorphism OK practice, but we shouldn’t let these zones constrain our thinking or our observations Other zones may be important and useful locally A chloritoid zone is prevalent in the Appalachians (X)
  37. The molar volume of cordierite is also quite high, indicating that it too is a low-pressure mineral The geothermal gradient in this northern district was higher than in Barrow’s area, and rocks at any equivalent temperature must have been at a lower pressure This lower P/T variation has been called Buchan-type metamorphism. It too is relatively common Miyashiro (1961), from his work in the Abukuma Plateau of Japan, called such a low P/T variant Abukuma-type Both terms are common in the literature, and mean essentially the same thing
  38. Voluminous Permian through Jurassic sedimentation and volcanism  graywackes, tuffs, and some volcanics in a deep trough that was metamorphosed in the Cretaceous The fine grain size and immature nature of the material makes it highly susceptible to metamorphic alteration, even at low grades The “type locality” of burial metamorphism
  39. The isograds mapped at the lower grades are listed below and are well represented in the Haast River section (Fig. 21-11 - next frame)
  40. Orogenic belts typically proceed directly from diagenesis to chlorite or biotite zones The development of low-grade zones in New Zealand may reflect the highly unstable nature of the tuffs and graywackes, and the availability of hot water, whereas pelitic sediments may not react until higher grades
  41. Shikoku and Honshu in Japan: a pair of parallel metamorphic belts are exposed along a NE-SW axis parallel to the active subduction zone These belts are of the same age, suggesting that they developed together The NW belt (“inner” belt, inward, or away from the trench) is the Ryoke (or Abukuma) Belt Low P/T Buchan-type of regional orogenic metamorphism Dominant meta-pelitic sediments, and isograds up to the sillimanite zone have been mapped A high-temperature-low-pressure belt, and granitic plutons are common Outer belt, called the Sanbagawa Belt It is of a high-pressure-low-temperature nature Only reaches the garnet zone in the pelitic rocks Basic rocks are more common than in the Ryoke belt, however, and in these glaucophane is developed (giving way to hornblende at higher grades) Rocks are commonly called blueschists Two belts are in contact along their whole length across a major fault zone (the Median Line) Ryoke-Abukuma lithologies are similar to seds derived from a relatively mature volcanic arc Sanbagawa lithologies more akin to the oceanward accretionary wedge where distal arc-derived sediments and volcanics mix with oceanic crust and marine sediment
  42. Fig. 16-15 suggests that the 600oC isotherm, for example, could be as deep as 100 km in the trench-subduction zone area, and as shallow as 20 km beneath the volcanic arc
  43. Miyashiro (1961, 1973) noted the paired nature of the Ryoke-Sanbagawa belts, and suggested … Coeval metamorphic belts, an outer, high-P/T belt, and an inner, lower-P/T belt ought to be a common Called these paired metamorphic belts May be separated by 100-200 km of less metamorphosed and deformed material (“arc-trench gap”) or closely juxtaposed (Ryoke-Sanbagawa) In the latter cases the contact is commonly a major fault Most of these belts are quite complex, and are not always coeval
  44. First effects (1-2 km from contact) = 0.2 - 2.0 mm sized black ovoid “spots” in the slates At the same time, recrystallization -> slight coarsening of the grains and degradation of the slaty cleavage Spots were probably cordierite or andalusite, since re-hydrated and retrograded back to fine aggregates of mostly muscovite Both cordierite and andalusite occur at higher grades, where they are often partly retrograded, but not farther out Spots that we now see in most of the spotted slates are probably pseudomorphs
  45. Cordierite forms ovoid xls with irregular outlines and numerous inclusions, in this case of biotite, muscovite, and opaques The biotite and muscovite inclusions often retain the orientation of the slaty cleavage outside the cordierites This indicates that the growing cordierite crystals enveloped aligned micas that grew during the regional event Excellent textural evidence for the overprint of contact metamorphism on an earlier regional one Micas outside the cordierites are larger and more randomly oriented, suggesting that they formed or recrystallized during the later thermal event Andalusites have fewer inclusions than cordierite, and many show the cruciform pattern of fine opaque inclusions known as chiastolite
  46. Both andalusite and cordierite are minerals characteristic of low-pressure metamorphism, which is certainly the case in the Skiddaw aureole, where heat is carried up into the shallow crust by the granites The rocks of the inner zone at Skiddaw are characterized by coarser and more thoroughly recrystallized textures Same mineral assemblage as the middle zone Some rocks are schistose, but in the innermost portions the rock fabric loses the foliation, and the rocks are typical hornfelses
  47. The zones determined on a textural basis A more modern approach conform to the regional example above, and use sequential appearance of minerals and isograds to define the zones First new mineral in most slates is biotite, followed by the approximately simultaneous development of cordierite and andalusite Perhaps the textural zonation is more useful in some cases Comrie: hotter- Orthopyroxene occurs in pelitic and quartzo-feldspathic rocks only at the very highest grades of contact and regional metamorphism, grades that may not be reached prior to melting in many instances Typical mineral assemblages = hypersthene + cordierite + orthoclase + biotite + opaques Some very interesting silica-undersaturated rocks also occur in the inner aureole Contain such non-silicate high-temperature phases as corundum and Fe-Mg spinel Tilley noted that the low-silica rocks occur only in the inner aureole, and attributed their origin to loss of SiO2 into the diorite Better explanation is that SiO2 (and H2O) were scavenged by granitic partial melts formed in the sediments adjacent to the contact with the hot diorite
  48. In this progression we can see the sequential development of index minerals, such as clinohumite, followed by forsterite, clintonite, monticellite, melilite, spurrite/tillyite, merwinite, vesuvianite, diopside, wollastonite, and finally grossular garnet
  49. The list of zones is at first quite confusing, and again serves to illustrate a common problem faced by petrologists (and probably all scientists) We can collect quality data, but can become overwhelmed by the quantity at times, and it is often difficult to recognize meaningful patterns Two approaches are helpful in this case:
  50. If this is so, one ought to be able to relate minerals in the lower and next higher zone by a balanced chemical reaction
  51. For example, the step from the first zone to the second zone is (a) When we address isograds as reactions we can then turn to what variables are involved In the present case, we discover than the majority of these prograde reactions consume SiO2 Since quartz is not found in the Crestmore aureole, the SiO2 must be added in the form or dissolved silica in hydrothermal fluids We can thus conclude that diffusion of silica from the monzonite into the country rocks must play a critical role in the aureole development
  52. Addressing the list of mineral assemblages in the zones at Crestmore can be bewildering Find a way to display… What if we graphically plot the minerals on a triangular CaO-MgO-SiO2 diagram?
  53. Silica-saturated water escaping from the porphry permeates the silica-free marbles and a gradient in silica content results due to the diffusion Silica reacts with the carbonates to produce skarns consisting of Ca-Mg silicates, while CO2 is liberated by the reactions The porphyritic nature of the pluton thus supports the idea of fluid release The zones at Crestmore could have formed at constant temperature, and reflect a diffusion gradient in SiO2 only This is probably not the case, however, since temperature should also increase toward the pluton Only by knowing the pressure-temperature stability ranges of the minerals, and the pressure-temperature dependence of the reactions relating them, could we fully understand the processes at Crestmore