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The Importance Of Censorship On The Internet
Jeremy Zachariah
Mr. Coleman
AP Government and Politics
October 30 2017
The internet is a vast database that allows for the entire world to be connected. However most people while surfing the internet have come across a
censored page, or a website saying that this site has been "legally" blocked by the government. Censorship is defined as the suppression or prohibition
of free speech by preventing a person from saying what they want to say. Typically in modern society, censorship takes place on the internet when
certain items are deemed obscene based upon societal norms. For example, violence in advertising and pornography are often censored because of their
indecent content. Although censorship allows for the government to ... Show more content on ...
In response, the state of Minnesota obtained an injunction in order to prohibit Near from printing such things, using a state law as justification. This
was later brought to The Supreme Court, where they had to decide whether or not the statutes proposed by the Court of Minnesota were consistent with
the concept of liberty of the press as originally intended by the Founding Fathers. An Associate Justice at the time, Pierce Butler, said,
"to restrain by injunction the business of publishing and circulating among the people malicious, scandalous and defamatory periodicals that in due
course of judicial procedure has been adjudged to be a public nuisance. It gives to freedom of the press a meaning and a scope not heretofore
recognized, and construes liberty". (Butler)
According the decision of the court, all states are not allowed to "restrain by injunction the business of publishing and circulating among the people
malicious, scandalous and defamatory periodicals" as it is in direct violation of the concept of freedom of the press. Thus censoring is unconstitutional
as it takes away our freedom to freely voice and express our opinions and manipulates the recognized definition of the word liberty.
Many people believe that with a lack of censorship the youth of the nation will have unrestricted access to sexual or violent content, causing them to be
emotionally scarred. However, censorship should be banned as is it is the responsibility of
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Internet Censorship
The internet, as it stands, is open and mostly untouched by the United States government. Instead, massive companies like Google and Facebook
dictate the current state of the internet in order to achieve huge profits while risking security and privacy for its users. Google and Facebook sell
personal information to advertisers and marketers to earn their revenue. This practice is harmful to each and every user of the internet, over one billion
people. When private companies are left to their own, unchecked devices, they will use potentially malicious methods just to make a buck. The stakes
are high in this controversy, and many people stand to gain or lose ground. The winners and losers of this conflict will depend upon the U.S.government
and the activity, or inactivity, it decides to employ. Google and Facebook have been successful in stymieing any hint of action from the government, but
knowing the truth and displaying the facts is what I ... Show more content on ...
Vinton Cerf, chief internet evangelist of the aforementioned giant, Google, is an advocate of an open and free internet that is not limited by any
standard of censorship, restriction, and regulation, whether it is domestic or international. Cerf, an early proponent of the internet in its dawning
days, believes that the internet has been "powered by the people" and that the early "organic" blossoming of the web was due to a lack of restrictions
imposed by governments during its inception (Cerf). Google believes that it would be shameful to suggest any form of change to this method of
internet policy. Additionally, Google believes that the internet has flourished as an integral piece of the world's economy that has become essential to
its users (Cerf). The internet has, in other words, become a necessary and irreplaceable force of economic and communicative
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Internet Censorship In The United States
When discussing internet censorship, one of the major concerns is what children can see on the internet. Internet censorship was a huge deal during
the 1990's and early 2000's and it still is to this very day. The internet back then was much different than it is today. Back then, we could only access the
internet from a computer and most people didn't own one back then. Nowadays, most people have multiple computers and a cell phone that can access
the internet. It was easier for parents to control what their children could have access to back then. Now, parents can still put restrictions on the router
settings and set a timer for when the internet shuts off but kids can always just go somewhere else that may have internet access to view any ... Show
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People say that if the government were to censor what users can have access to on the internet, it will make it harder for terrorists to recruit people
and even impossible to recruit them online. A problem arises if the government abuses its power. For example, if the government were to see
something that don't agree with say for instance a user on a website attempting to organize a peaceful protest, it could be labeled as an act of terrorism
by the government just to get it removed. Actions like these may not happen in the United States but they do happen in other countries where their
government has control over almost everything that its citizens have access to. Sally Driscoll and Tracey M. DiLasio said in the article titled
"Counterpoint: There is no Need to Create New Censorship Laws Specifically for the Internet" "the influence of the Internet continues to spread around
the world, many countries are struggling with the question of how best to control it. The worst censorship occurs in countries such as China, North
Korea, and Vietnam. Saudi Arabia and Iran maintain the tightest Internet controls in the Middle East. Some of these ideals may also violatehuman rights
laws." Punishment for anything that may seem controversial in the eyes of the government in some of these countries can range from imprisonment to
being tortured to death. There are people within some of these countries that may have family members outside of the country and their only means of
communicating are through the internet. In some countries, you can be sentenced to death just by talking with someone outside of the
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Censorship and the Internet Essay
With the bountiful amount of unrestricted information available on the internet many people believe that some of this information should be censored
by the United States Government. Who's to say what should be accessible and what should not? Where does it start and stop? Does internet censorship
make a nation a safer place to live? There are many countries that don't allow the use of the internet at all and some countries only censor what they
don't want their citizens to know. Daniel Calingaert said "The internet has provided greater space for free expression in countries where traditional
broadcast and print media are restricted" (64). Free expression is a very guarded privilege to United States citizens. Private citizens and ... Show more
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Should these practices be censored?
There are so many educational websites that it would be impossible to name them all.
One of the resources the writing center in the library at State College refers students to is the Purdue Owl, which is an internet source. Many of the
quizzes used by professors come from internet sources. The online databases used for research in order to properly write an essay with scholarly
citations, again an internet resource. In an article about technology and education Moez Limayem and Christy M. K. Cheung state "Internet–based
technologies create expanded opportunities for educators to provide students with better learning experiences" (91). Today's generation would be lost
without the internet, it has been a tool used to educate most students since kindergarten. Today we also have distance learning not only in college, but
also in high school. Wouldcensorship of the internet affect this type of use of the internet in any way?
Child pornography, ads for employment that are racially discriminatory, speech that is a copyright infringement and information used to create nuclear
weapons, are a few examples of the types of free speech that most would agree violate the laws of the United States; however, some of these things can
be found on the
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Internet Censorship
The conflict we are currently facing is a recent one. The freedom of speech and censorship of the internet is rather a complicated issue. That is due to
many misinterpretations that the people have about the same. Because the freedom and censorship are violated, this topic is one to discuss about.
Although it might doesn't look like, this affects Switzerland a lot. Whether it involves cyber crime or just disrespects the user's right of speech, it
affects the population up to a certain point. Illegal and obnoxious content gets leaked throughout the whole country. That does not only influence the
adult population but also the children in contact with it. How much the internet can alter their lives is beyond our own knowledge. The content ... Show
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Many are actually current and most of the people can take advantage of them. Freedom of expression, for example, is oneself's right to communicate
ideas without censorship. Some governments are radical and restrain the people's right to navigate through the web. Various examples are Asian
countries such as India, China, North Korea and Japan. Few to none liberties are available for the people of those countries. It is important to know
that many corrupt actions occur to try and censor content in many countries. Some examples are the ones mentioned before. In china, for instance, the
government blocks most of the social networks. The same happens in Vietnam and Egypt. By doing this they're violating the right of freedom of its
users. This is also due to the country's political position. One thing to recognise is that some countries do try to ban content related to pornography and
violence. In regard of cyber crimes, there is a lot to discuss. Cyber attacks are offensive manipulations or acts that target information of any type. This is
either to steal, destroy or alter the targeted information. Some potential targets in Switzerland are ministries, governmental entities and private
enterprises. This is most of all because of its advanced infrastructure, healthcare and private
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Internet Censorship Is Detrimental Essay
Internet Censorship is Detrimental to Society The Internet was designed to enable and facilitate communications with connected systems at the local,
state, national and international levels. The United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) launched a research campaign to
find effective ways to link computers to help the exchange of information. In the 1990s, the Internet took off and entered a growth phase which caused
an increase in communications worldwide. DARPA did not put any limitations on the Internet, which meant that anyone could upload or access
information. The Internet was made to be freely used so that anyone could share their ideologies without any censorship. But throughout history,
different types of societies have practiced censorship in one way or another. Censorship is any action taken by society to control access to ideas and
information. The issue is increasingly important due to the rapid development of new communication technology; that is easily accessible. With the
increase in technology many people are arguing over the controversial issue of Internet censorship whether it should or should not be allowed. The
Internet gives millions of people access to information they would not otherwise have had. As the Internet grows almost daily, new issues of censorship
and freedom of expression are arising. Internet censorship limits an individual 's freedom of speech, the press, and expression and that these limitations
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Internet Censorship In America
Did you know that 25.3% of people encounter at least one form of internet censorship while using the internet and the number of people that are
affected by internet censorship on any given day is 1.72 billion? ("32 Amazing Internet Censorship Statistics").This is because of the censorship
problems here in America. Censorship is defined as the act of "examining books, movies, letters, etc., and removing things that are considered to be
offensive, immoral, harmful to society, etc," according to Merriam–Webster Dictionary. However, censorship has now evolved to not only protecting,
but blocking the flow of ideas. Censorship also gives companies power to fire workers for stating their opinion. Our first amendment gives us the
freedom of speech. Is censorship taking that away? ... Show more content on ...
"Everyone in the truth movement now fully realizes that corporate–run social media will always be controlled by corporate interests. Thus, it is useless
for the kind of honest investigative journalism the world really needs right now in this era of unprecedented information oppression and propaganda.
An alternative social sharing network has long been sought which could serve as a trusted, independent, non–corporate gathering place for truth
seekers," ("Truth seekers rushing to Diaspora and to escape censorship of corporate–run social media"). This quote shows how much the
truth or other sides are hidden, so much that people are wanting to create a new outlet of media just to express other side of the argument. People
who have no opinion on an issue are bombarded with one side of the arguments, but not the other. Media is doing a great job of this. They only see
one side of the argument and they already made of their minds. If they look for any other points, they can't find them because they have been
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Persuasive Essay On Internet Censorship
Information is one of the most powerful tools in the world, even going so far as to make or break countries. There is a constant effort to censor
information that puts people or countries in a negative light. This makes the citizens of those countries blind to the truths of the government turning
them into sheep. The people shouldn't be sheep because we need them to shape the future. This bill has the sole purpose of loosening internet censorship
because it eliminates free will, causes people to have a dangerous amount of patriotism and ultimately makes the internet a more dangerous place than it
is. Censorship of the internet keeps people from important knowledge thereby believing that everything on the internet is true. A study was conducted
to look into a handful of billionaires who run tech companies in 24 hours and found "more than 137 examples of Silicon Valley companies brazenly
banning users, censoring content and manipulating search results to undermine the democratization of information on the web." (PR Newswire). The
people with money abuse internet censorship in order to further their own agenda with the support of the greedy. They completely ignore that the
internet is supposed to be a resource for everyone. Internet censorship makes countries rot because "When you have strict censorship of the internet,
young students cannot receive a full education. Their view of the world is imbalanced. There can be no true discussion of the issues." (Ai WeiWei).
The Futures of countries become full of ignorance to the reality of the world. The only truly successful internet censorship is China's system and
while it is impressive to maintain it "China employs 2 million to monitor websites" (YaleGlobal Online). This is an unreasonable amount to employ
for any country, while feasible for the US it would cost us one of the biggest resources in the world. This lack of free will causes citizens to have an
unhealthy amount of patriotism because of the lack of any knowledge of major screw ups as a country. Citizens show a disturbing amount of
patriotism which, while patriotism is good, too much is not caused by people not knowing the bads of their country. China, again as an example, have
pushed censorship to the
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The Importance Of Internet Censorship
Internet censorship is happening in countries across the globe. These governments have many reasons for why censorship is necessary for their
citizens. Some citizens agree with the censorship, some are not even aware of the censorship taking place. The governments involved an assortment of
options available to censor the internet, however the citizens are coming up with ways to circumvent the censorship that is taking place.
In the early days of the internet it was believed that censorship would be impossible (Murdoch & Roberts, 2013). Initially any censorship was
considered damage or a break in the system and the system was designed to re–direct traffic to alternate links to circumvent that block (Aug &
Nadarajan, 1996). Attempts to restrict information were easy to get around (Murdoch & Roberts, 2013). However, governments have learned how to
better control the flow of information over time (Murdoch & Roberts, 2013).
As of 2017 China Syria and Ethiopia were the highest in internet censorship ("Freedom on the net 2017", 2017). Countries like Venezuela, the
Philippines, and Turkey joined 30 other countries who were found to be spreading the government message and shape opinions ("Freedom on the net
2017", 2017). Recently some governments in countries like Belarus have blocked mobile connectivity to prevent live streaming videos during political
protest ("Freedom on the net 2017", 2017). Internet websites have been taken down by distributed denial of service attacks,
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Internet Censorship Essay
Internet Censorship Used Around The World Some people wonder who came up with the idea of internet censorship. Other people want to know
which countries use it. Some ponder over the idea of what really is internet censorship. Internet censorship is controlling what can be viewed, and
which sites can be used on the internet. Some things about internet censorship are countries that use it, and who started the idea of it.
There are lots of countries that use internet censorship. A few of them are China, North Korea, and Russia. China is one of the leaders in using and
censoring the internet. They have the biggest internet censorship system on the globe. Their system grew rapidly compared to most of the other
countries censorship systems. ... Show more content on ...
There is only one cyber cafe in North Korea, and it is in Pyongyang, North Korea's capital city. North Korea "built its own custom–built operating
system"(Lee), which is named Red Star. It is used on the computers in Pyongyang's cyber cafe. One crazy rule in North Korea is every time Kim
Jong Un's name shows up anywhere on any page on the internet, it has to be programmed on every pages code to be slightly bigger than the rest of
the text on that page, "just enough to make it stand out" (Lee). The people of North Korea are "intentionally starved" out of any information except
government propaganda (Lee). If you want to buy a computer in North Korea, it will probably cost about "three months of your salary, so people
rarely do. They only have one high–speed internet cable while other countries like the United Kingdom, and the United States of America have
"dozens" of them, so if one of the links fail we will be able to maintain it. North Korea won't be able to. It is easier for North Korea to control though
with only one cable. (Sparks) Other countries like Russia try to use other countries ideas. Russia is trying to "copy" what China is doing with their
internet. At first Russia's internet was mostly free of censorship, but after a large anti–corruption protest in russia that was created through the use of
the internet, Vladimir Putin feels that Russia's internet should be more like China's. In
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Internet Censorship
Technologies Used In Internet Censorship and Control
Murdoch (2013) opines the Internet as an entity where control is always fought over for by those that use it. He further demystifies the internet,
breaking it down to the two protocols that define it. These are the transmission control protocol – TCP– and the Internet Protocol –Ip. It is these
protocols that enable the connection of two separate networks to each other. The protocols enable the easy connection of separate networks, without the
need to make the hardware in the networks the same. It also enables restriction abstraction, where networks can be interoperable irrespective of the
underlying architecture. It is important to note that the protocols are not the product of a bug; ... Show more content on ...
The technological Trends
Bambauer (2013) points to the evolution of the technology used to censor the internet, classifying in a tri–faceted evolutionary cycle. Censorship has
adapted to stay in sync with the advances of the internet itself. At the moment the latest version of censorship 'Censorship v3.1, is particularly
pernicious because it's less visible, less transparent, and less vulnerable to challenge than previous iterations.' (Bambauer, 2013, p.26).
A way of working round this would be to seek alternative routes round the censorship. This bold idea was the brainchild of the belief that the internet
would just pass by any barriers to information. This marked the passing of censorship v1.0. The realization that screening of information was possible
marked the advent of Censorship v2.0. It also opened the window for the governments to set themselves at the center of the censorship. In this sense,
there was a checks and balances system to the governments too, to see that they were aligned to the norms. As such, only those governments that are
benighted would engage in censoring. Most internet users though felt that the act of censorship was tantamount to a government exercising
authoritarian rule.
'The list grew rapidly. France blocked hate speech; South Korea filtered
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Internet Censorship In Australia
The world is full of millions of people who simply surf the web at their own will, checking their e–mail or even going on social networking sites. In
Australia, however, this Internet freedom that we used to exercise is rapidly going down the drain. Ever since September 2013, the Abbott Government
has enforced their policy on Internet censorship and since then, it has become a government–regulated activity. Internet Censorship is too pervasive – it
invades privacy, problems are created abroad – after all, the Internet was made to be freely accessible by all and it should continue to be like that.
Whilst the majority of countries in the world are not Internet censored, some countries such as UK, Norway, India, Australia and China have already...
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Essentially, what a nation's Internet censorship scheme protects may not necessarily be the same as what other countries would censor. One could
define the Internet as a network comprising of many other networks that are connected globally. Hence, there are no whereabouts to determine the
exact start and end points of the Internet – it is just not possible. Nations have different views on what should be censored, depending on many factors
such as past history as well as the political and economical situation. Moreover, even if the government of a country censors risquГ© material in their
country, there would still be other business from overseas who will import this material into the nation and hence, the Internet censorship scheme
would be rendered as a failure.
Furthermore, a recent poll led by showed that 73 per cent of people disagree with the idea of Internet censorship. Their arguments mainly
addressed the issue of how Internet censorship does not just block out sexually explicit content, but it also blocks out controversial websites, such as
euthanasia. As a result, the blockage hinders our freedom of speech because in the case of euthanasia, we should have the freedom to die mercifully,
yet we do not have the option to do
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Censorship On The Internet
No one wants to be censored, but sometimes there has to be a limit for the greater good. What kids are able to view and read on the internet must be
protected until they are old enough to handle the information that is available by the multitudes on the internet. Parents should have the right or the
ability to censor the information that comes into their home. Civil libertarian groups advocate the protection of the individual's freedoms from
infringement by the government. These include things like freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, and a free press (South
University Online, 2016). However, when trying to maintain a vast array of information such as on the internet, government support and intervention is
necessary. The internet is too large an entity to govern itself. Protecting citizens is a responsibility of the government. Therefore, regulating the internet
with laws and policies to protect the children in our society, is a responsibility of the government. ... Show more content on ...
I think it is more about protecting than censoring. Parents have always wanted to protect what their kids are able to hear or see. Before the age of
the internet, parents only allowed certain television programs to be viewed by their children, subsequently they would only allow their children to be
in the company of people that they felt were a "good influence," or they flipped through a book before giving it to their children. It is a parent's duty
to be sure their kids are not being exposed to information that could harm their perceptions of the world, or distort their views of their
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Internet Censorship Essays
Internet Censorship
There is a growing debate about censoring the internet. Some people think that the internet is protected under the first ammendment and cannot be
censored. Others think that some of the material that is on the net needs to be filtered and regulated. The word censorship is defined as examining any
material and prohibiting what is objectionable, according to Webster's II dictionary. Censoring theinternet is a violation of the first ammendment rights
of every citizen in the United States. There are two general truths that some people feel are attitudes towards censoring the internet. The first is that
very few people admit to favoring it. The second is that no matter who you are, in a matter of minutes ... Show more content on ...
Many teachers try to teach their students responsibility. This can be done in many ways, one of which is through the internet policy in our schools. By
not censoring the internet and trusting children to make the right decisions they can get a boost of self–esteem that so many children need these days
(Nellen 53). The filtering devices can obstruct a teacher in their quest to teach their students. For example, Ted Nellen wanted to use to obtain some
information on the AIDS virus to help him teach his class. He tried to get information of the internet at the school he teaches at and found that to be
impossible because the filtering devices that were installed worked (Nellen 53).
Another question that needs to be asked is who are the people that are determining whether a site should be filtered or not? Just because they find
something offensive does not mean that there is not some one out there who would find the site unoffensive. These people can filter what is put on the
internet, so what is stopping them from doing this sort of thing in other areas of American culture. Filtering the internet is not the answer to the
problem. Children and adults should be educated on what is right and wrong on the internet and not treated like they are criminals (Nellen 53).
The software that is available for the purpose of internet filtering and blocking has been able to block out certain web sites, but
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In Support of Internet Censorship Essay
In Support of Internet Censorship
Censoring the Internet would keep children and adults from obtaining
harmful materials. Online there are all kinds of information on horrible things such as pornography, alcohol, drugs, guns, bombs, credit card fraud,
etc. Censorship is needed. People say it takes away freedom from their lives but if there were not laws inhibiting freedom we would live in a world of
chaos and anarchy. Why should we censor the Internet? Why not? Should we not censor the information superhighway so people can be perverts and
terrorist. Think about all of the terrible people out there; an uncensored internet gives them an easier and more accessible way to harm and exploit
innocent people. One example of horrible ... Show more content on ...
Pornography goes much farther than this. Pedophiles use pornography on the Internet to abduct and exploit children. "The Washington Post reported
on a case where a group of investigators signed on to a major computer service with false identifications and pretended to be children. They posted a
few innocuous messages on teen bulletin boards and the next day they had 'solicitations for nude pictures, phone sex, and offers to meet in person for
sex'"(Exon, 436). This kind of situation needs to be prevented and censorship would do just that. The scariest by far is the access to terrorist, warfare,
and drug related materials. Everyone is more than likely aware of the Columbine shootings that occurred last year. The two kids involved in that
incident obtained their information on tactics and bombs off the Internet. There are things on the web that are hard for anyone to imagine. One
website that I located sent chills up and down my spine. This site was On a person can find
information on "making bombs, plastic explosives, picking locks, counterfeiting money, hot wiring cars, growing marijuana, LSD, as well as how to
kill some one"( Law's state all of the actions listed above as illegal, so why should information on how to perform them be
legal on the Internet. It makes no sense. Murder is a horrible thing that takes place around the world everyday. More horrible than a murder, is one that
goes unsolved.
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Internet Censorship In North Korea
In a country that has a long history of upholding the freedom of speech and advanced technologies, people in the United States have enjoyed the
internet to the largest scale for many decades. The internet made it possible to spread information worldwide, and thus it would not be strange for
most of the people to hear the phrase "Internet Censorship". Many people are familiar with this phrase, and are aware that this kind of censorship is in
almost every country. However, to what extent, and for what purpose,Internet censorship is used, is still a general obscurity with the public. In this
paper, I would like to explore how this technology is used and its impact on the three strictest countries regarding freedom of Internet access to
information: ... Show more content on ...
The "golden shield" is for domestic use that there are two major strategies. First, the Chinese Government employs a complex system of regulations,
surveillance, and punitive action to promote self–censorship among the public. Second, the government uses technology and human monitors to
physically filter unwanted content (International Debates 2010). Content–filtering is a big part of Chinese Internet surveillance. In China, routers are
programmed to channel URLs through proxy servers, which look for politically sensitive words and send back an error message to the Internet user
who requested the page (International Debates 2010). To prevent escaping from the content filtering, Chinese government further strengthened its
surveillance by employing human monitors who are paid to regularly check the online contents and to delete any materials that are considered
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Failures of Internet Censorship Essay
Internet censorship is the use of filters or 'blocks' to control what is published, access and viewed across the internet. It is used by parents,
organisations such as schools and corporations and governments to restrict what their citizen's access and post online. Internet censorship has occurred
since the early days of the public internet, where governments around the world have attempted to address the issue of illegal material, political
propaganda, harmful material or content deemed unsuitable for children. This essay will discuss the instances of internet censorship failing to work,
including when governments have attempted to introduce legislation to restrict access to the internet, and the reasons for the failure. Censorship across
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In this particular instance, internet censorship failed to work to some extent due to the cooperation of combined companies and government. However,
other techniques are used in order to restrict search engine results.
Governments use different techniques to censor and restrict the internet. As stated previously the Great Firewall of China, also known as the Golden
Shield Project is considered the advanced Internet censorship regime in the world and the largest in the world. The Chinese Government utilises many
techniques in the filtering and restriction of content. The most common techniques are IP Blocking, DNS filtering and redirection, URL filtering,
Packet filtering and Connection reset . In light of these filtering and censorship methods, citizens of china have managed to circumvent their
government's censorship by accessing the internet through proxies and VPN's. A proxy re–routs a users' request via another server, so that it appears
that the request is coming from that server. The website being access sends the data back to the proxy and the proxy forwards it to the user. The
proxy will only secure traffic via the internet browser. Unlike a Proxy, a VPN encrypts all traffic, not just the web browser. Programs like TOR (The
Onion Router) are designed to allow users to navigate around the firewall and encrypt their traffic. With programs such as TOR, Ultrasurf and Freegate
(just to name a few) residents in China have been
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Censorship on the Internet Essay
Censorship on the Internet
Five years after the first world wide web was launched at the end of 1991, The
Internet has become very popular in the United States. Although President
Clinton already signed the 1996 Telecommunication ActI on Thursday Feb 8, 1996, the censorship issue on the net still remains unresolved. In fact,
censorship in cyberspace is unconscionable and impossible. Trying to censor the Internet its problematic because the net is an international issue, there
is no standard for judging materials, and censorship is an abridgment of democratic spirit.
Firstly, censorship on the Internet is an international issue. The Internet was constructed by the U.S. military since 1960s, but no one actually owns it.
Thus, the Internet ... Show more content on ...
Why do people still argue about that?
It is all about personal points of views. Justice Douglas said, "To many the
Song of Solomon is obscene. I do not think we, the judges, were ever given the constitutional power to make definitions of obscenity."II. In cyberspace,
it is hard to set up a pool of judges to censor what could be displayed on the net.
Thirdly, censorship works against democratic spirit, it opposes the right of free speech and is a breach of the First Amendment. Do you remember
Rushdie and his book The Satanic Verses? Iranian government announced a death threat to kill Rushdie and his publishers because his book speaks
against Islam.
No one wants that to happen again. If you are one of the Internet users, you should have seen a blue ribbon logo. The blue ribbon symbolizes a
support for the essential human right of free speech. Let think about what happen if we lost the right of free speech. How can we stay online? Who
gives courage to the web's designers to put their opinion on the net? On the same day when the 1996
Telecommunication Act signed in law, a bill called House Bill 1630 was introduced by Georgia House of Representatives member Don Parsons. It is
so repel that this law even limits the right of choosing email addressesIII.
"Freedom of speech on the Internet deserves the same protection as freedom of the press, freedom of speech, or freedom of assembly." said Bill
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Censorship And Censorship Of The Internet
Censorship of the Internet is on the rise in highly populated states today. Although the Internet is considered as one of the most significant tools for the
public sphere, many users have decried the Internet's benefits and seen the Internet as a 'double–edged sword'. Even as the Internet connects most of
the world and gives valuable access to information, the same tool allows access to material that may be considered dangerous or harmful. The recent
increase in discussion on the act of censorship of the Internet is part of the reaction to institutionalised censorship, particularly governmental censorship,
of a public tool. Since censorship describes the suppression of public information in order to hide content that may be considered objectionable or
harmful to the audience, as determined by governments or institutions, this particular outcry stems from the idea that what is considered harmful to
society is subjective and should not be judged by an institution alone. Censorship can then become detrimental towards society by suppressing the
human right to freedom of expression as well as also becoming a tool in the act of limiting the rights of minorities. In contrast, supporters of Internet
censorship focus on the protection of inappropriate and harmful information from children and communities. By censoring certain websites that provide
content that are obscene or harmful to minors, illicit activities such as kidnappings or cyber–bullying become less common. With
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The Effects Of Internet Censorship
Like any other form of media the Internet can be censored, which means that full access to materials on the Internet can be restricted. To the general
public, this is not considered a good thing, since it restricts their access to knowledge. One of the hallmarks of a repressive government is the
restriction of information to keep its citizens under control. Yet, at the same time the unrestricted power of theInternet can cause much social and
political harm, which is why there are many who support the idea of Internet Censorship. At the same time this restriction dulls a community, diversity
and growth of ideas come from the unrestricted flow of information. An isolated community generally does not synthesize new ideas on its own.Thus,
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Therefore, in an act of self preservation, they strive to block the access of information among people by censoring what they can, the internet,
newspapers, media, etc. For example, "During public demonstrations over the abolishing of oil subsidies, in September and October 2013, the
government blocked access to the Internet for 24 hours to stop citizens from mobilizing others (Abubkr 2014)" (Gumede 5). Even if the average
citizen is not upset at the government, in an act of self preservation a regime still must censor the internet. There are people who make it their
objective in life to speak about anything, they are called journalists and protesters. While your average citizen may not care that their government was
doing some unspeakable evil thing elsewhere, journalists and protesters take it as their burden to inform their fellow citizens and spark action. In this
case it was the government of Sudan that was more interested in keeping its money supply flowing than the desires of its citizens. As we can see,
internet censorship restricts the flow of information, something regimes need in order to survive. Yet, even though censoring the internet creates
regimes, censoring the internet can also keep the societal peace. A very well known example is in China where the government takes an active role in
censoring the internet. In China the government censors information that "...disseminates rumors,
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Internet Censorship Essay
Internet Censorship
The freedom of speech that was possible on the Internet could now be subjected to governmental approvals. For example, China is attempting to restrict
political expression, in the name of security and social stability. It requires users of the Internet and electronic mail (e–mail) to register, so that it may
monitor their activities. In the United Kingdom, state secrets and personal attacks are off limits on the Internet. Laws are strict and the government is
extremely interested in regulating the Intern et with respect to these issues.10 Laws intended for other types of communication will not necessarily
apply in this medium.
Through all the components of the Internet it becomes easy to transfer material that ... Show more content on ...
Ideas should not be checked at the border.14 Another person attending that conference was Ann Breeson of the Ame rican Civil Liberties Union, an
organization dedicated to preserving many things including free speech. She is quoted as saying, Our big victory at Brussels was that we pressured
them enough so that Al Gore in his keynote address made a big point of stre ssing the importance of free speech on the Internet.15 Many other
organizations have fought against laws and have succeeded. A prime example of this is the fight that various groups put on against the recent
Communication Decency Act (CDA) of the U.S. Se nate.
The Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition on 26 February 1996 filed a historic lawsuit in Philadelphia against the U.S. Department of Justice and
Attorney General Janet Reno to make certain that the First Amendment of the U.S.A. would not be compr omised by the CDA. The sheer range of
plaintiffs alone, including the American Booksellers Association, the Freedom to Read Foundation, Apple, Microsoft, America Online, the Society of
Professional Journalists, the Commercial Internet eXchange Association , Wired, and HotWired, as well as thousands of netizens (citizens of the
Internet) shows the dedication that is
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Fallacies of Internet Censorship Essay
Fallacies of Internet Censorship
Laws, enforcements, and censorship have been developed since the beginning of civilization. With freedom, comes responsibility, and with
responsibility comes common sense. In a society or nation of few, laws and restriction tend to be smaller, and less complex. This is contributed by the
fact that in small groups, their will be less diversity amongst them. In larger society ranging in millions to billions, the need for a more complex,
organized government begins to form. No human is in fact alike, each person possess their own form of will, and much their own point–of–view. In a
large mass society, it becomes tedious, and complex to try and rule by anarchy. The need for acommon law amongst this ... Show more content on ...
Being able to censor a website based off of content is another fallacy. Putting aside morals of right or wrong of content, the simple fact of what one
country considers legal, is not always considered legal in another. However, this site is still available to be browsed by one citizen or resident of one
country to another as part of being interconnected through the world wide web, in order to truly consider censoring this information, the other country
would have to either disengage a form of connections (which is nearly impossible without disabling all connections), and or, have to go into said
country and destroy the computer and or, data that is housing and sharing the information. This act is commonly thought as intrusion and can create
wars between the two nations. Not to mention the fact of the said country having to literally probe into the other country's database and locate the
person's location.
The cost of trying to censor the internet, would be so incredibly expensive, time consuming, and problematic, that it would take decades, trillions of
dollars, and may even cause wars. The internet itself uses things called ports. Ports are short term for portals, gaps between one connections of
information to another. The numerical number of ports possible for a person to gain access from one computer to another is near infinite in
possibilities. To be able to fully censor, or block access
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The Importance Of Internet Censorship
The internet should not be censored for violent and sexual content. Parents should trust their children and hold them to the honor system. Additionally,
internet censorship may lead to a reduced amount of creativity and collaboration. Internet censorship would affect the public immensely as it is a direct
violation of the public's right to express themselves in whatever manner they choose. Parents should trust their children and hold them to the honor
system when it comes to using public resources such as the internet. Ideally, parents should not have to constantly worry about their children using the
internet. The reality of the situation is, parents do worry about everything their child might encounter as a result of the evil in the world. However,
parents ought to raise their children in a fashion where they are consciously able to determine right from wrong within their decisions. Regardless of
the manner in which parents discipline their children, children will always be curious to explore the realm of the internet whilst possibly encountering
something inappropriate for their viewing. Consequently, establishing an honor system between the parent and the child early on creates a mutual level
of understanding. Along with the establishment of trust, the parent is capable of frequently checking in with the child in regards to the child's use of
the internet. Furthermore, the parent should possess absolute access to the child's source of the internet and be consistent in
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Internet Censorship Essay
Positive benefits with Internet Censorship:
Internet censorship could be utilised as an effective tool to target criminal activities occurred on the Internet by denying criminals from sharing
information and influences via these malicious contents, hence stopping any other users from gaining knowledge and commit it themselves. It could
achieve the goal of deterring these illegal activities, strengthen public security and gain positive benefits from a general public's perspective.
Internet piracy is a major problem that been brought by the advancement with the Internet, and it affects not only just one area but across multiple
different fields worldwide, including movies, tv dramas, music and software industries. The biggest impact come with copyright infringement is
economic damage, film piracy was estimated to cost the economy up to $18.5 billion annually in Hollywood production (Bialik, 2013), and the
number raised to $20.5 billion to the industry (Gibbs, 2014) while still increasing to nowadays.
Digital music piracy has the greatest negative impact on the sale–oriented music authors, while it is the industry that has the largest scale of digital
piracy over creative–contents published and accessed through the Internet (Akulavicius et al., 2015), it is reported that music piracy causes $12.5
billion loss from the U.S. economy in 2007 from the the U.S. Institute for Policy Innovation report (Siwek, 2007). Other impacts including the
disencouraging of producing creative
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Summary: Internet Censorship In China
China is well known for their Great Firewall that blocks numerous of sites from the outside world. However, not many people may know the true
extent of China's censorship on the internet. Most people know China's block on almost all American social media websites such as Facebook and
Twitter. China not only censors materials from the outside, but also censors what their citizens post or what they see from Chinese websites.China's
internet is strictly censored and this has resulted in many rebellions from the Chinese citizens; on the other hand, China has become an influential figure
for their creations on the internet such as their mobile applications. China began their ventures into the internet in the twentieth century and since then
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However, this did not stop the internet citizens from reposting this information and spreading it around over the internet. Many of those who have
gone against the Chinese government over their censorships have been arrested. Osnos gives a few examples of the people who have gone against
the Chinese government. Most of these individuals who do go against China's censorships are mostly bloggers who want to expose China's
government. "Bloggers started identifying photos that had been doctored by Party propagandists to make the crowds look larger or the officials more
important" (Osnos 165). Osnos uses Ai WeiWei and Liu XiaoBo as examples of individuals who have gone against the Chinese government'scensorship
and was later arrested for their actions. Even though China's censorship is harsh; China's internet has made tremendous improvements compared to
when they were first introduced to the internet. China has greatly influenced the world with their mobile applications for example WeChat. WeChat has
become a highly influential application because of its multi–functional use. Not only is WeChat a texting application it can also help the user with daily
tasks such as paying utilities bills. Since WeChat is an application that gives their user a wide range of resources to use it has become a role model for
many other
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The Internet and Censorship
The internet is a diverse pool of information that anyone nowadays can have access to. One of the more controversial topics that involves the internet,
is the censorship of the internet. Internet censorship can be defined as the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published or viewed on the
internet. It's been hot topic in recent years because many government organizations have been trying to pass many reforms to help push the
censorship of the internet, either directly or indirectly. Things like Net neutrality and SOPA/PIPA have been playing major roles in censorship of the
internet. They show how both private companies and the government want to suppress our use of the internet as well as what we can do on it. The
most recent topic that has been playing a part in the censorship of the internet is Net neutrality. To sum the idea up, Net Neutrality is the idea that
ISPs or Internet Service Providers and the government need to treat all data on the internet equally. These companies and private sectors of the
government have been trying to come up with ways to make the way people surf the internet both more complicated and more expensive. Their
current mindset of distributing the internet is as follows. Currently, consumer like you and me pay ISPs to bring our own share of the Internet pool to
our homes. However, ISPs have been trying to milk the system in a very simple yet effective way. What they do is down throttle or slow down either
certain thing that you
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The Effect Of Censorship On The Internet
Censorship is a prevalent form of concealing fundamental information to the public, and has been imposed by governments throughout history. The
effectiveness of censorship is called to question when one discerns that there is crucial information missing. Individuals want to know about what is
going on in the world – they want to know the truth. In today's technologically advanced society, censorship on the Internet is a difficult task to perform
due to the complexities of IP banning, Internet relations with the government, and constant opposition to censorship. Censorship has been a prevalent
factor throughout history, which have been used to impede the spread of information. Some such censorships include wartime censorship and Internet
censorship. Although censorship is imposed to prevent certain information from being exposed to the public, it is often an inappropriate tactic used by
governments to conceal confidential information that the public has a right and obligation to know. This censorship often backfires on the imposer, as
individuals find methods of opposing censorship and exposing the government's efforts to conceal information through leaks to various websites. Thus,
governments should impose boundaries upon their use of censorship, especially when not in times of war.
Internet censorship is an ineffective method in concealing information to the public. The Internet contains an abundance of information easily
accessible to individuals around the world, thus
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Internet Censorship Essay
Internet Censorship
Max walks into the classroom five minutes late, his shirt untucked and hardly buttoned. He sits down a few desks away from Ben who had arrived
five minutes early and was waiting patiently for class to start. Although the boys seemed completely opposite, Ben the more conservative and shy one,
while Max, a little more rebellious and mischievous, they were best friends and did most everything together.
A few weeks into their fifth grade year, the teacher announced that they would begin doing reports on their favorite animal. They knew that this was
the first year they were able to use the computer lab in the library and the idea of being able to use the internet excited them.
Mrs. ... Show more content on ...
Howard had come up behind them and tapped them on the shoulder.
"What do you think you are doing kids?" she said.
"Uh, we just accidentally clicked on the wrong site" Max exclaimed, terrified.
"I don't think so mister, this is completely unacceptable. Both of you, follow me to the office right now!"
Mrs. Howard, infuriated yet shocked that they would do such a thing, walked them to the office and explained to the principle exactly what happened.
The two boys followed the teacher, almost in tears fearing what the principle would have to say to them. They knew they would have to face some
sort of consequences. Mrs. Howard spoke to Mr. Brooks, the principle, in private first and then let the boys meet with him after that. While the two
teachers were discussing the event, the boys whispered outside.
"I can't believe we got caught" said Max.
"I know, what are we gonna tell our parents? Mine are gonna kill me!" You could hear the fear in Ben's voice. He dreaded the moment that he would
have to tell his parents what he and Max had done that day. Max tried masking his fear with a careless attitude, and he played it off like he wasn't
really all that scared of getting in trouble.
"Whatever Ben, it's not that big of a deal. I don't care if we get suspended" Max said casually. Just then Mrs. Howard walked out and told the boys to
go talk to Mr. Brooks themselves. They walked in and sat down while their principle
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The Importance Of Internet Censorship
Incomprehensive is the only accurate way of describing the depth of the world wide web. Billions of resources on anything are now just minute away
for most North Americans. By having an open source database such as the internet, bad material, like pornography, is bound to come up leading some
to want national censorship. However, Internet censorship should not be put into effect. The internet has proven to be the most user friendly, creative
space and should not be handicapped in any way. Due to how accessible the internet is for anyone, some say the internet should be censored so that
everyone is in a safe environment. 88 percent of Americans use the internet some of which of which are minors (Aaron Smith). Even though they could
run into bad materials, everything on the internet can be found in real life. Therefore censoring would not have the desired effect as people would just
go somewhere else for the material. First and foremost, the First Amendment protects free speech in the United States under any circumstance.
Therefore speech cannot be restricted on the internet within the United States. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the Government for a redress of grievances." As stated by the First Amendment, (Censorship) the government does not have the right to restrict any
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The Censorship Of Internet Censorship
Internet Censorship
Student's Name:
Institution Name:
Internet Censorship
Internet censorship refers to the suppression and control of what people can access, publish, or view on the cyberspace (Reynolds, 2014). It may be
done by regimes or private firms at the command of the government. It can be a government's initiative is or carried out by regulators. Organizations
and individuals may practice self–censorship for religious, business or moral reasons to comply with societal norms, out of fear of consequences such
as legal impact, or owing to intimidation. The degree of cyberspace censorship differs on a nation–to–nations basis. Most democratic nations have
moderate cyberspace censorship. Other nations go as far as to restrict the information accessibility; they suppress discussion among citizens and limit
news. Internet censorship can also occur in anticipation of or in response to events like protests, riots or elections. An ideal example is the increased
level of censorship owing to the Arab Spring events. Other censorship areas include defamation, copyrights, obscene material and harassment.
Particular countries practice some forms of filtering. In the U.S., state–mandated cyberspace filtering takes place on particular information processing
systems in K–12 schools and libraries (Reichman, 2001). Content pertaining to Holocaust denial or Nazism is blocked in Germany and France. Hate
speech and child pornography are blocked in lots of countries across the
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The Pros And Cons Of Internet Censorship
In the modern society issues of discrimination, inequality, and violation of human rights often arise. Pakistan and the United States are both an
example of this act. For instance, many countries censor the internet, but few of the many countries tell their intentions as explicitly as Pakistan.
Furthermore, President Trump may reshape DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival Program, which gave young people who had come to the
United States illegally as kids a chance to work and study in the U.S. without the fear of deportation. Similarly, President Donald Trump and former
president Imran Khan had a similar political slogan for their campaign. For example, Trump's campaign slogan was he will make "America Great
Again" and Khan's slogan was that he would "Naya Pakistan" which means build the entire country anew. As a result, both want to attract the majority
of the population by addressing the popular sentiment. Both the United States and Pakistan are making their countrys and citizens isolated; by Trump
building the border wall and Khan and the government censoring the internet, destroying knowledge and opportunities.
The internet is a powerful medium for news, books, information, and ideas. It has become a brand–new field for conflict about media freedom and
censorship. For example, the Pakistan Government "recently published a public tender for the development deployment and operation of a
national–level URL filtering and blocking system" (Sutton 1). As a result,
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Internet Censorship In China
The technology revolution is already upon us. In today's world we are able to communicate over thousands of miles within seconds, whereas only 100
years ago it would take months. This is all due to computer technology and the creation of the internet. The internet connects billions of users
worldwide and is an essential part of how we work, play, communicate, educate, conduct commerce, and much much more. We literally use theinternet
to do most of our daily tasks and we are now able to do more things that used to seem unimaginable. This of course, comes with the good and the bad.
During the past decade, our society has become obsessed on the ability to move large amounts of information across large distances as quickly as
possible (Warf). Computerization and the internet has influenced... Show more content on ...
Many countries like China, already limit what negative political ads there are on the internet in the name of security and social stability. The Chinese
government mandates users of the Internet and e–mail to register within the government itself, so that they can monitor their internet activities (King).
That seems more like an authoritarian government than communism. Even in the United Kingdom, which we sometimes view similar to the US in
political ideology, have state secrets and personal attacks off limits on the Internet. But since the internet is a global system, many citizens within these
oppressive countries have used smartphone technology, specifically VPN, to override their government's big brother eyes. Using a virtual private
network (VPN) enables the user to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their device was directly connected to another network.
In other words, someone in China can use a VPN to make it seem like they were connecting to the internet via another location or even country with less
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The Pros And Cons Of Internet Censorship
Censorship comes in many forms and for a lot of different reasons but when it comes to the internet, for the most part it is beneficial. It can provide
security for sensitive material. The things that minors are exposed to can be limited. Also you can make sure that it is not used to cause chaos.
Furthermore it would seem to be a beneficial part of online life. It can provide security for important documents and conversations. Internet censorship
can help with cyber security when important information or secrets are at stake. SEcrets can be anything from the security detail to things such a
wartime movements, an article from New York Times Upfront, published by Scholastic Inc. says;
The military has a very important reason for controlling ... Show more content on ...
(32) Congress chose to promote the use of the Internet as a tool for communication and discourse which resulted in limited liability for defamation in
order to achieve these goals. (33) Since the CDA 's enactment, courts have interpreted it to immunize ISPs from tort liability arising from defamatory
content posted online by third parties. (34)
In other words the internet has and is continuing to be used to harass people and this is a step towards stopping that.
Internet censorship may make the virtual world a safer place by protecting the users from bad influences. Lee Baker, writer for Harvard Journal of
Law and Technology, notes that,"In April 2009, Moldovan youths used Twitter, Facebook, and other ICT to organize a flashmob after the results of a
parliamentary election indicated a Communist victory". This is just one of many examples of the way the internet can be used in negative ways to
cause chaos. Also, terror groups have been known to use the internet as a recruitment tool and that can affect anyone. These attempts can't be stopped
completely but it can help mitigate the impact. Nevertheless some see the censorship of the internet as a bad thing.
Some might see censorship as an infringement on their freedom. As stated in an article by, Dawn C. Nunziato, a writer for Georgetown Journal of
International Law "...many countries censor Internet
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Internet Censorship in China Essay
In the United States, every child, teenager and adult uses Wikipedia, YouTube and Facebook, among numerous other sites, regularly. The internet is
open and uncensored for the most part, other than parental controls. In China, most, if not all of those types of sites are or have been blocked. As in,
you could not go to them, unless you found some way around the web filters and firewalls the Chinese government runs in their country. While China
defends their practice of internet censorship, based on "protecting" the people, heavy internet censorship is a block to free speech and impedes economic
and social development in the 21st century. China says it has its reasons for censoring its internet. Wang Chen, minister for the State Council... Show
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The aim is to tighten political control and get Internet users to censor themselves by bringing them face to face with their censors or their
agents."(Anonymous) Reporters without Boarders further talked of why these regulations present a new block for free speech. "What Netizen will dare
to criticize the regime after meeting the person who could put them behind bars for one wrong word?"(Anonymous) Reporters Without Borders is
further stating that someone who might talk about something the government might find questionable will not do it at all if that person is met by
someone who could put them in prison. On the other hand, the US does not actively regulate the internet, relying on the public to regulate content on
the internet, with little government intervention. The internet in the US is relatively open, whereas in China, information on the internet is suppressed
based on what the Chinese government deems appropriate or inappropriate. Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, has stated, "Countries that heavily
censor the 'Net are creating a new 'Information Curtain' to rival the old Iron Curtain of the Cold War era."(Anderson) Clinton talked more of the US's
position on internet censorship. Further, "New technologies do not take sides," said Clinton. "But the United States does." The US supports an open
internet. (Anderson)
Corporations that move into China have long recognized that internet censorship is a fact of life. In 2006,
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Internet Censorship Essay example
Censorship of the Internet
"We should demand that all public schools and libraries install and configure Internet Filters." This statement shows how Jeffery Pollock, a candidate
for the 3rd Congressional District seat in Oregon, views the Internet. Unfortunately for him, the one thing that he ranted and raved about was the one
thing that gave him an unfair disadvantage in the in the upcoming elections. (Blind Ballots) Cyber Patrol, One of the leading Internet censoring
companies and is used in over 17,000 schools in the Untied States, actually blocked his website from potential voters. Needless to say, when Mr.Pollock
discovered this injustice, some of his views about Internet censorship changed. But Mr. Pollock isn't the only ... Show more content on
It would be beneficial to censor the Internet in schools if the censoring program actually worked; sadly none of the programs are good enough and
actually do more harm than good. If there is a student who wants to find porn on the Internet, he will because the censoring programs suck. Not only
will he find the porn, but also he will not get into trouble for it because since it is censored only good sites that are approved are available. When I
was in high school, I did an Ecology paper and the censoring program actually blocked out informational internet pages about black bears and bullfrogs,
simply because it contained information about mating habits, which is ridiculous.
Many highly respectable organizations are completely against Internet censorship. One such organization is the American Library Association or
ALA. The ALA is against any type of censoring software or programs in any of their affiliations across the nation. In Fact, a line in the ALA code of
ethics specifically states, "We uphold the principles of intellectual Freedom and resist all efforts to censor library resources."(Weckert 44) There is no
mistaking that the ALA is against censorship. Another highly regarded source is The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, In this Article 19 states
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and
import information and ideas through any
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The Causes Of Internet Censorship
There were 3,885,567,619 estimated internet users as of June 30, 2017. According to that statistic, that's nearly half the world population. One would
think that this unbridled access to information, news, communication and community would increase development. However, many countries, and
specifically, regions, lack regular, un–monitored access to the Internet. Deibert writes that there are three overarching reasons for states to participate in
filtering and censoring: advancing security, promoting politics and maintaining social norms. A few of the topics most commonly targeted by internet
blocking are foreign relations, sexual and LGBT content, opposing interest sites and "controversial history" (Deibert, 2008). Meanwhile, some states
choose to block certain websites as a defense mechanism, often to prevent cultural or political spillover, like in the case of China and North Korea.
However, the side effects of net neutrality and Internet censorship play into uneven global development. Furthermore, among developed societies,
censorship "hampers economic and social development, elevating a select number of voices and agendas that typically belong to the wealthy or elite
(Deibert, 2008)." This is a multifaceted issue with many control layers and gatekeepers, typically stemming from government agencies and Internet
Service Providers (ISPs) like Verizon or China Telecom.
There are several forms of covert and overt Internet censorship, with more advanced methods of censorship
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Censorship Freedom Of The Internet
Censorship the Freedom of the Internet? The government controls much of what we can and can't do, and also how and when we do it. For
instance "taxes", we all have to pay a certain amount to the government on a specific day where the IRS and their officials can determine how
much we have to pay. The state control our cars through smog checks and how fast we can drive on the roads through tickets and fines. When the
government has all of this control over us, should we give them more power? A power to control what is allowed to be posted or entered into one of
the greatest informational tools in the history of mankind? The answer is simply no; they should not be allowed that power. In the wise words of
Benjamin Franklin "those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one" If we give the government the power to
censor the internet, we have lost the right for freedom of speech, expression, and other ability's that we will lose having big brother hold our hand as
we navigate through the massive index that is know as the internet. The Internet is a great tool and essential in every day lives but it can also be a
very dangerous thing if you are not careful. But the same thing goes for every other tool such as a hammer or a nail gun. Everything just has to be
used properly in the way that is intended by each individual user in the way that the creator wanted the website/anything to use it. No one should be
told they can't post or upload
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Internet Censorship Essay
Internet Censorship
Presently, it seems that the Internet is playing a very important role in everyone's daily life. This multipurpose network has many different functions
useful for everyday work and entertainment. Due to the freedom of the Internet various debates and protests have come to disagree with its open form
of communication. Because of the misuse of the internet many people believe that there should be some kind of internet censorship, while others are
against internet censorship stating that "it is both unnecessary impossible to implement and that because of its nature the internet should be afforded
the same freedom and protection as the print media" (Bradsher 2). People that are in favor of internet censorship ... Show more content on ...
This makes it impossible to stop juveniles using it to access pornography because there is no way of knowing someone's age. People can use the
Internet to impose themselves on others; anonymous email can be sent by people; people can log onto chat servers and interrupt by saying things,
which offend or upset those already communicating. "People who have had no access to pornography and other depravities are using the Internet to get
at something that they would otherwise never be able to see" (Society 38). While there are people favoring Internet censorship there are others that are
against it. Bradsher sates that "to censor the Internet would fundamentally harm it and destroy the equality, which makes it most popular – its freedom"
(3). People like and use the Internet because they feel they can come onto it, talk and email hundreds of others across the world. Debaters against
Internet censorship believe that there are simply too many users of the Internet to be able to ensure that one doesn't offend anyone. Many of the most
important newspapers and news organizations are moving to the Internet. "If censorship is introduced our national media will be severely curtailed in
a way which would never be acceptable if it were to be done to the print media" (Bradsher 3).
Those against Internet censorship state that "making commercial providers responsible for the activities or their customers is fundamentally unfair"
(Society 38). If a
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Global Internet Censorship
What aspects of the internet make global censorship difficult? Why might a government be inclined to impose internet censorship on its citizens? Is
global internet censorship moral?
Internet Censorship has been a topic of much debate and growing concern in the past decade. According to the OpenNet Initiative, the number of
countries seeking to control access of content on the internet has been rising rapidly (Documenting Internet Content Filtering Worldwide n.d). Reporters
Without Borders published a list of thirteen countries as 'internet enemies' in 2006. The list consisted of Belarus, Burma, China, Cuba, Egypt, Iran,
North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam (List of the 13 Internet Enemies in... Show more content on ...
The second reason of protecting children would include keeping adult content from children and keeping the children safe from paedophiles. National
security is the other main reason why a country would be forced to impose internet censorship. The political sentiments of a country are likely to be
kept a secret by the government. On the other hand we do have countries like China whose suppression of important information has led to not only
national but international problems. 'The SARS crisis in 2004, and the contamination of the Songhua River in 2006, which affected millions of lives
in China and Russia, serve as particularly deadly examples' (New HRIC Report Details State Secrets System 2007). Terrorism is another reason. The
governments of most countries are keeping a strict watch out for any material posted on the internet linking to terrorism. 'The National Institute of
Justice defines computer crime as any illegal act for which knowledge of computer technology is used to commit the offence' (Stamatellos 2007:11).
On the fifth of July 2007, three "cyber–jihadis" who used the internet to urge Muslims to wage holy war on non–believers were jailed for between
six–and–a–half and ten years in the first case of its kind on Britain (Gulf News, 2007:20). The governments also censor content to protect the political
sentiments of the country. In Belarus, for example, 'in March 2006, several
... Get more on ...

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The Importance Of Censorship On The Internet

  • 1. The Importance Of Censorship On The Internet Jeremy Zachariah Mr. Coleman AP Government and Politics October 30 2017 Censorship The internet is a vast database that allows for the entire world to be connected. However most people while surfing the internet have come across a censored page, or a website saying that this site has been "legally" blocked by the government. Censorship is defined as the suppression or prohibition of free speech by preventing a person from saying what they want to say. Typically in modern society, censorship takes place on the internet when certain items are deemed obscene based upon societal norms. For example, violence in advertising and pornography are often censored because of their indecent content. Although censorship allows for the government to ... Show more content on ... In response, the state of Minnesota obtained an injunction in order to prohibit Near from printing such things, using a state law as justification. This was later brought to The Supreme Court, where they had to decide whether or not the statutes proposed by the Court of Minnesota were consistent with the concept of liberty of the press as originally intended by the Founding Fathers. An Associate Justice at the time, Pierce Butler, said, "to restrain by injunction the business of publishing and circulating among the people malicious, scandalous and defamatory periodicals that in due course of judicial procedure has been adjudged to be a public nuisance. It gives to freedom of the press a meaning and a scope not heretofore recognized, and construes liberty". (Butler) According the decision of the court, all states are not allowed to "restrain by injunction the business of publishing and circulating among the people malicious, scandalous and defamatory periodicals" as it is in direct violation of the concept of freedom of the press. Thus censoring is unconstitutional as it takes away our freedom to freely voice and express our opinions and manipulates the recognized definition of the word liberty. Many people believe that with a lack of censorship the youth of the nation will have unrestricted access to sexual or violent content, causing them to be emotionally scarred. However, censorship should be banned as is it is the responsibility of ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Internet Censorship The internet, as it stands, is open and mostly untouched by the United States government. Instead, massive companies like Google and Facebook dictate the current state of the internet in order to achieve huge profits while risking security and privacy for its users. Google and Facebook sell personal information to advertisers and marketers to earn their revenue. This practice is harmful to each and every user of the internet, over one billion people. When private companies are left to their own, unchecked devices, they will use potentially malicious methods just to make a buck. The stakes are high in this controversy, and many people stand to gain or lose ground. The winners and losers of this conflict will depend upon the U.S.government and the activity, or inactivity, it decides to employ. Google and Facebook have been successful in stymieing any hint of action from the government, but knowing the truth and displaying the facts is what I ... Show more content on ... Vinton Cerf, chief internet evangelist of the aforementioned giant, Google, is an advocate of an open and free internet that is not limited by any standard of censorship, restriction, and regulation, whether it is domestic or international. Cerf, an early proponent of the internet in its dawning days, believes that the internet has been "powered by the people" and that the early "organic" blossoming of the web was due to a lack of restrictions imposed by governments during its inception (Cerf). Google believes that it would be shameful to suggest any form of change to this method of internet policy. Additionally, Google believes that the internet has flourished as an integral piece of the world's economy that has become essential to its users (Cerf). The internet has, in other words, become a necessary and irreplaceable force of economic and communicative ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Internet Censorship In The United States When discussing internet censorship, one of the major concerns is what children can see on the internet. Internet censorship was a huge deal during the 1990's and early 2000's and it still is to this very day. The internet back then was much different than it is today. Back then, we could only access the internet from a computer and most people didn't own one back then. Nowadays, most people have multiple computers and a cell phone that can access the internet. It was easier for parents to control what their children could have access to back then. Now, parents can still put restrictions on the router settings and set a timer for when the internet shuts off but kids can always just go somewhere else that may have internet access to view any ... Show more content on ... People say that if the government were to censor what users can have access to on the internet, it will make it harder for terrorists to recruit people and even impossible to recruit them online. A problem arises if the government abuses its power. For example, if the government were to see something that don't agree with say for instance a user on a website attempting to organize a peaceful protest, it could be labeled as an act of terrorism by the government just to get it removed. Actions like these may not happen in the United States but they do happen in other countries where their government has control over almost everything that its citizens have access to. Sally Driscoll and Tracey M. DiLasio said in the article titled "Counterpoint: There is no Need to Create New Censorship Laws Specifically for the Internet" "the influence of the Internet continues to spread around the world, many countries are struggling with the question of how best to control it. The worst censorship occurs in countries such as China, North Korea, and Vietnam. Saudi Arabia and Iran maintain the tightest Internet controls in the Middle East. Some of these ideals may also violatehuman rights laws." Punishment for anything that may seem controversial in the eyes of the government in some of these countries can range from imprisonment to being tortured to death. There are people within some of these countries that may have family members outside of the country and their only means of communicating are through the internet. In some countries, you can be sentenced to death just by talking with someone outside of the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Censorship and the Internet Essay With the bountiful amount of unrestricted information available on the internet many people believe that some of this information should be censored by the United States Government. Who's to say what should be accessible and what should not? Where does it start and stop? Does internet censorship make a nation a safer place to live? There are many countries that don't allow the use of the internet at all and some countries only censor what they don't want their citizens to know. Daniel Calingaert said "The internet has provided greater space for free expression in countries where traditional broadcast and print media are restricted" (64). Free expression is a very guarded privilege to United States citizens. Private citizens and ... Show more content on ... Should these practices be censored? There are so many educational websites that it would be impossible to name them all. One of the resources the writing center in the library at State College refers students to is the Purdue Owl, which is an internet source. Many of the quizzes used by professors come from internet sources. The online databases used for research in order to properly write an essay with scholarly citations, again an internet resource. In an article about technology and education Moez Limayem and Christy M. K. Cheung state "Internet–based technologies create expanded opportunities for educators to provide students with better learning experiences" (91). Today's generation would be lost without the internet, it has been a tool used to educate most students since kindergarten. Today we also have distance learning not only in college, but also in high school. Wouldcensorship of the internet affect this type of use of the internet in any way? Child pornography, ads for employment that are racially discriminatory, speech that is a copyright infringement and information used to create nuclear weapons, are a few examples of the types of free speech that most would agree violate the laws of the United States; however, some of these things can be found on the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Internet Censorship The conflict we are currently facing is a recent one. The freedom of speech and censorship of the internet is rather a complicated issue. That is due to many misinterpretations that the people have about the same. Because the freedom and censorship are violated, this topic is one to discuss about. Although it might doesn't look like, this affects Switzerland a lot. Whether it involves cyber crime or just disrespects the user's right of speech, it affects the population up to a certain point. Illegal and obnoxious content gets leaked throughout the whole country. That does not only influence the adult population but also the children in contact with it. How much the internet can alter their lives is beyond our own knowledge. The content ... Show more content on ... Many are actually current and most of the people can take advantage of them. Freedom of expression, for example, is oneself's right to communicate ideas without censorship. Some governments are radical and restrain the people's right to navigate through the web. Various examples are Asian countries such as India, China, North Korea and Japan. Few to none liberties are available for the people of those countries. It is important to know that many corrupt actions occur to try and censor content in many countries. Some examples are the ones mentioned before. In china, for instance, the government blocks most of the social networks. The same happens in Vietnam and Egypt. By doing this they're violating the right of freedom of its users. This is also due to the country's political position. One thing to recognise is that some countries do try to ban content related to pornography and violence. In regard of cyber crimes, there is a lot to discuss. Cyber attacks are offensive manipulations or acts that target information of any type. This is either to steal, destroy or alter the targeted information. Some potential targets in Switzerland are ministries, governmental entities and private enterprises. This is most of all because of its advanced infrastructure, healthcare and private ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Internet Censorship Is Detrimental Essay Internet Censorship is Detrimental to Society The Internet was designed to enable and facilitate communications with connected systems at the local, state, national and international levels. The United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) launched a research campaign to find effective ways to link computers to help the exchange of information. In the 1990s, the Internet took off and entered a growth phase which caused an increase in communications worldwide. DARPA did not put any limitations on the Internet, which meant that anyone could upload or access information. The Internet was made to be freely used so that anyone could share their ideologies without any censorship. But throughout history, different types of societies have practiced censorship in one way or another. Censorship is any action taken by society to control access to ideas and information. The issue is increasingly important due to the rapid development of new communication technology; that is easily accessible. With the increase in technology many people are arguing over the controversial issue of Internet censorship whether it should or should not be allowed. The Internet gives millions of people access to information they would not otherwise have had. As the Internet grows almost daily, new issues of censorship and freedom of expression are arising. Internet censorship limits an individual 's freedom of speech, the press, and expression and that these limitations are ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Internet Censorship In America Did you know that 25.3% of people encounter at least one form of internet censorship while using the internet and the number of people that are affected by internet censorship on any given day is 1.72 billion? ("32 Amazing Internet Censorship Statistics").This is because of the censorship problems here in America. Censorship is defined as the act of "examining books, movies, letters, etc., and removing things that are considered to be offensive, immoral, harmful to society, etc," according to Merriam–Webster Dictionary. However, censorship has now evolved to not only protecting, but blocking the flow of ideas. Censorship also gives companies power to fire workers for stating their opinion. Our first amendment gives us the freedom of speech. Is censorship taking that away? ... Show more content on ... "Everyone in the truth movement now fully realizes that corporate–run social media will always be controlled by corporate interests. Thus, it is useless for the kind of honest investigative journalism the world really needs right now in this era of unprecedented information oppression and propaganda. An alternative social sharing network has long been sought which could serve as a trusted, independent, non–corporate gathering place for truth seekers," ("Truth seekers rushing to Diaspora and to escape censorship of corporate–run social media"). This quote shows how much the truth or other sides are hidden, so much that people are wanting to create a new outlet of media just to express other side of the argument. People who have no opinion on an issue are bombarded with one side of the arguments, but not the other. Media is doing a great job of this. They only see one side of the argument and they already made of their minds. If they look for any other points, they can't find them because they have been ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Persuasive Essay On Internet Censorship Information is one of the most powerful tools in the world, even going so far as to make or break countries. There is a constant effort to censor information that puts people or countries in a negative light. This makes the citizens of those countries blind to the truths of the government turning them into sheep. The people shouldn't be sheep because we need them to shape the future. This bill has the sole purpose of loosening internet censorship because it eliminates free will, causes people to have a dangerous amount of patriotism and ultimately makes the internet a more dangerous place than it is. Censorship of the internet keeps people from important knowledge thereby believing that everything on the internet is true. A study was conducted to look into a handful of billionaires who run tech companies in 24 hours and found "more than 137 examples of Silicon Valley companies brazenly banning users, censoring content and manipulating search results to undermine the democratization of information on the web." (PR Newswire). The people with money abuse internet censorship in order to further their own agenda with the support of the greedy. They completely ignore that the internet is supposed to be a resource for everyone. Internet censorship makes countries rot because "When you have strict censorship of the internet, young students cannot receive a full education. Their view of the world is imbalanced. There can be no true discussion of the issues." (Ai WeiWei). The Futures of countries become full of ignorance to the reality of the world. The only truly successful internet censorship is China's system and while it is impressive to maintain it "China employs 2 million to monitor websites" (YaleGlobal Online). This is an unreasonable amount to employ for any country, while feasible for the US it would cost us one of the biggest resources in the world. This lack of free will causes citizens to have an unhealthy amount of patriotism because of the lack of any knowledge of major screw ups as a country. Citizens show a disturbing amount of patriotism which, while patriotism is good, too much is not caused by people not knowing the bads of their country. China, again as an example, have pushed censorship to the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Importance Of Internet Censorship Internet censorship is happening in countries across the globe. These governments have many reasons for why censorship is necessary for their citizens. Some citizens agree with the censorship, some are not even aware of the censorship taking place. The governments involved an assortment of options available to censor the internet, however the citizens are coming up with ways to circumvent the censorship that is taking place. In the early days of the internet it was believed that censorship would be impossible (Murdoch & Roberts, 2013). Initially any censorship was considered damage or a break in the system and the system was designed to re–direct traffic to alternate links to circumvent that block (Aug & Nadarajan, 1996). Attempts to restrict information were easy to get around (Murdoch & Roberts, 2013). However, governments have learned how to better control the flow of information over time (Murdoch & Roberts, 2013). As of 2017 China Syria and Ethiopia were the highest in internet censorship ("Freedom on the net 2017", 2017). Countries like Venezuela, the Philippines, and Turkey joined 30 other countries who were found to be spreading the government message and shape opinions ("Freedom on the net 2017", 2017). Recently some governments in countries like Belarus have blocked mobile connectivity to prevent live streaming videos during political protest ("Freedom on the net 2017", 2017). Internet websites have been taken down by distributed denial of service attacks, ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Internet Censorship Essay Internet Censorship Used Around The World Some people wonder who came up with the idea of internet censorship. Other people want to know which countries use it. Some ponder over the idea of what really is internet censorship. Internet censorship is controlling what can be viewed, and which sites can be used on the internet. Some things about internet censorship are countries that use it, and who started the idea of it. There are lots of countries that use internet censorship. A few of them are China, North Korea, and Russia. China is one of the leaders in using and censoring the internet. They have the biggest internet censorship system on the globe. Their system grew rapidly compared to most of the other countries censorship systems. ... Show more content on ... There is only one cyber cafe in North Korea, and it is in Pyongyang, North Korea's capital city. North Korea "built its own custom–built operating system"(Lee), which is named Red Star. It is used on the computers in Pyongyang's cyber cafe. One crazy rule in North Korea is every time Kim Jong Un's name shows up anywhere on any page on the internet, it has to be programmed on every pages code to be slightly bigger than the rest of the text on that page, "just enough to make it stand out" (Lee). The people of North Korea are "intentionally starved" out of any information except government propaganda (Lee). If you want to buy a computer in North Korea, it will probably cost about "three months of your salary, so people rarely do. They only have one high–speed internet cable while other countries like the United Kingdom, and the United States of America have "dozens" of them, so if one of the links fail we will be able to maintain it. North Korea won't be able to. It is easier for North Korea to control though with only one cable. (Sparks) Other countries like Russia try to use other countries ideas. Russia is trying to "copy" what China is doing with their internet. At first Russia's internet was mostly free of censorship, but after a large anti–corruption protest in russia that was created through the use of the internet, Vladimir Putin feels that Russia's internet should be more like China's. In ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Internet Censorship Technologies Used In Internet Censorship and Control Murdoch (2013) opines the Internet as an entity where control is always fought over for by those that use it. He further demystifies the internet, breaking it down to the two protocols that define it. These are the transmission control protocol – TCP– and the Internet Protocol –Ip. It is these protocols that enable the connection of two separate networks to each other. The protocols enable the easy connection of separate networks, without the need to make the hardware in the networks the same. It also enables restriction abstraction, where networks can be interoperable irrespective of the underlying architecture. It is important to note that the protocols are not the product of a bug; ... Show more content on ... The technological Trends Bambauer (2013) points to the evolution of the technology used to censor the internet, classifying in a tri–faceted evolutionary cycle. Censorship has adapted to stay in sync with the advances of the internet itself. At the moment the latest version of censorship 'Censorship v3.1, is particularly pernicious because it's less visible, less transparent, and less vulnerable to challenge than previous iterations.' (Bambauer, 2013, p.26). A way of working round this would be to seek alternative routes round the censorship. This bold idea was the brainchild of the belief that the internet would just pass by any barriers to information. This marked the passing of censorship v1.0. The realization that screening of information was possible marked the advent of Censorship v2.0. It also opened the window for the governments to set themselves at the center of the censorship. In this sense, there was a checks and balances system to the governments too, to see that they were aligned to the norms. As such, only those governments that are benighted would engage in censoring. Most internet users though felt that the act of censorship was tantamount to a government exercising authoritarian rule. 'The list grew rapidly. France blocked hate speech; South Korea filtered ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Internet Censorship In Australia The world is full of millions of people who simply surf the web at their own will, checking their e–mail or even going on social networking sites. In Australia, however, this Internet freedom that we used to exercise is rapidly going down the drain. Ever since September 2013, the Abbott Government has enforced their policy on Internet censorship and since then, it has become a government–regulated activity. Internet Censorship is too pervasive – it invades privacy, problems are created abroad – after all, the Internet was made to be freely accessible by all and it should continue to be like that. Whilst the majority of countries in the world are not Internet censored, some countries such as UK, Norway, India, Australia and China have already... Show more content on ... Essentially, what a nation's Internet censorship scheme protects may not necessarily be the same as what other countries would censor. One could define the Internet as a network comprising of many other networks that are connected globally. Hence, there are no whereabouts to determine the exact start and end points of the Internet – it is just not possible. Nations have different views on what should be censored, depending on many factors such as past history as well as the political and economical situation. Moreover, even if the government of a country censors risquГ© material in their country, there would still be other business from overseas who will import this material into the nation and hence, the Internet censorship scheme would be rendered as a failure. Furthermore, a recent poll led by showed that 73 per cent of people disagree with the idea of Internet censorship. Their arguments mainly addressed the issue of how Internet censorship does not just block out sexually explicit content, but it also blocks out controversial websites, such as euthanasia. As a result, the blockage hinders our freedom of speech because in the case of euthanasia, we should have the freedom to die mercifully, yet we do not have the option to do ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Censorship On The Internet No one wants to be censored, but sometimes there has to be a limit for the greater good. What kids are able to view and read on the internet must be protected until they are old enough to handle the information that is available by the multitudes on the internet. Parents should have the right or the ability to censor the information that comes into their home. Civil libertarian groups advocate the protection of the individual's freedoms from infringement by the government. These include things like freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, and a free press (South University Online, 2016). However, when trying to maintain a vast array of information such as on the internet, government support and intervention is necessary. The internet is too large an entity to govern itself. Protecting citizens is a responsibility of the government. Therefore, regulating the internet with laws and policies to protect the children in our society, is a responsibility of the government. ... Show more content on ... I think it is more about protecting than censoring. Parents have always wanted to protect what their kids are able to hear or see. Before the age of the internet, parents only allowed certain television programs to be viewed by their children, subsequently they would only allow their children to be in the company of people that they felt were a "good influence," or they flipped through a book before giving it to their children. It is a parent's duty to be sure their kids are not being exposed to information that could harm their perceptions of the world, or distort their views of their ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Internet Censorship Essays Internet Censorship There is a growing debate about censoring the internet. Some people think that the internet is protected under the first ammendment and cannot be censored. Others think that some of the material that is on the net needs to be filtered and regulated. The word censorship is defined as examining any material and prohibiting what is objectionable, according to Webster's II dictionary. Censoring theinternet is a violation of the first ammendment rights of every citizen in the United States. There are two general truths that some people feel are attitudes towards censoring the internet. The first is that very few people admit to favoring it. The second is that no matter who you are, in a matter of minutes ... Show more content on ... Many teachers try to teach their students responsibility. This can be done in many ways, one of which is through the internet policy in our schools. By not censoring the internet and trusting children to make the right decisions they can get a boost of self–esteem that so many children need these days (Nellen 53). The filtering devices can obstruct a teacher in their quest to teach their students. For example, Ted Nellen wanted to use to obtain some information on the AIDS virus to help him teach his class. He tried to get information of the internet at the school he teaches at and found that to be impossible because the filtering devices that were installed worked (Nellen 53). Another question that needs to be asked is who are the people that are determining whether a site should be filtered or not? Just because they find something offensive does not mean that there is not some one out there who would find the site unoffensive. These people can filter what is put on the internet, so what is stopping them from doing this sort of thing in other areas of American culture. Filtering the internet is not the answer to the problem. Children and adults should be educated on what is right and wrong on the internet and not treated like they are criminals (Nellen 53). The software that is available for the purpose of internet filtering and blocking has been able to block out certain web sites, but ... Get more on ...
  • 15. In Support of Internet Censorship Essay In Support of Internet Censorship Censoring the Internet would keep children and adults from obtaining harmful materials. Online there are all kinds of information on horrible things such as pornography, alcohol, drugs, guns, bombs, credit card fraud, etc. Censorship is needed. People say it takes away freedom from their lives but if there were not laws inhibiting freedom we would live in a world of chaos and anarchy. Why should we censor the Internet? Why not? Should we not censor the information superhighway so people can be perverts and terrorist. Think about all of the terrible people out there; an uncensored internet gives them an easier and more accessible way to harm and exploit innocent people. One example of horrible ... Show more content on ... Pornography goes much farther than this. Pedophiles use pornography on the Internet to abduct and exploit children. "The Washington Post reported on a case where a group of investigators signed on to a major computer service with false identifications and pretended to be children. They posted a few innocuous messages on teen bulletin boards and the next day they had 'solicitations for nude pictures, phone sex, and offers to meet in person for sex'"(Exon, 436). This kind of situation needs to be prevented and censorship would do just that. The scariest by far is the access to terrorist, warfare, and drug related materials. Everyone is more than likely aware of the Columbine shootings that occurred last year. The two kids involved in that incident obtained their information on tactics and bombs off the Internet. There are things on the web that are hard for anyone to imagine. One website that I located sent chills up and down my spine. This site was On a person can find information on "making bombs, plastic explosives, picking locks, counterfeiting money, hot wiring cars, growing marijuana, LSD, as well as how to kill some one"( Law's state all of the actions listed above as illegal, so why should information on how to perform them be legal on the Internet. It makes no sense. Murder is a horrible thing that takes place around the world everyday. More horrible than a murder, is one that goes unsolved. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Internet Censorship In North Korea In a country that has a long history of upholding the freedom of speech and advanced technologies, people in the United States have enjoyed the internet to the largest scale for many decades. The internet made it possible to spread information worldwide, and thus it would not be strange for most of the people to hear the phrase "Internet Censorship". Many people are familiar with this phrase, and are aware that this kind of censorship is in almost every country. However, to what extent, and for what purpose,Internet censorship is used, is still a general obscurity with the public. In this paper, I would like to explore how this technology is used and its impact on the three strictest countries regarding freedom of Internet access to information: ... Show more content on ... The "golden shield" is for domestic use that there are two major strategies. First, the Chinese Government employs a complex system of regulations, surveillance, and punitive action to promote self–censorship among the public. Second, the government uses technology and human monitors to physically filter unwanted content (International Debates 2010). Content–filtering is a big part of Chinese Internet surveillance. In China, routers are programmed to channel URLs through proxy servers, which look for politically sensitive words and send back an error message to the Internet user who requested the page (International Debates 2010). To prevent escaping from the content filtering, Chinese government further strengthened its surveillance by employing human monitors who are paid to regularly check the online contents and to delete any materials that are considered "politically ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Failures of Internet Censorship Essay Internet censorship is the use of filters or 'blocks' to control what is published, access and viewed across the internet. It is used by parents, organisations such as schools and corporations and governments to restrict what their citizen's access and post online. Internet censorship has occurred since the early days of the public internet, where governments around the world have attempted to address the issue of illegal material, political propaganda, harmful material or content deemed unsuitable for children. This essay will discuss the instances of internet censorship failing to work, including when governments have attempted to introduce legislation to restrict access to the internet, and the reasons for the failure. Censorship across ... Show more content on ... In this particular instance, internet censorship failed to work to some extent due to the cooperation of combined companies and government. However, other techniques are used in order to restrict search engine results. Governments use different techniques to censor and restrict the internet. As stated previously the Great Firewall of China, also known as the Golden Shield Project is considered the advanced Internet censorship regime in the world and the largest in the world. The Chinese Government utilises many techniques in the filtering and restriction of content. The most common techniques are IP Blocking, DNS filtering and redirection, URL filtering, Packet filtering and Connection reset . In light of these filtering and censorship methods, citizens of china have managed to circumvent their government's censorship by accessing the internet through proxies and VPN's. A proxy re–routs a users' request via another server, so that it appears that the request is coming from that server. The website being access sends the data back to the proxy and the proxy forwards it to the user. The proxy will only secure traffic via the internet browser. Unlike a Proxy, a VPN encrypts all traffic, not just the web browser. Programs like TOR (The Onion Router) are designed to allow users to navigate around the firewall and encrypt their traffic. With programs such as TOR, Ultrasurf and Freegate (just to name a few) residents in China have been ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Censorship on the Internet Essay Censorship on the Internet Five years after the first world wide web was launched at the end of 1991, The Internet has become very popular in the United States. Although President Clinton already signed the 1996 Telecommunication ActI on Thursday Feb 8, 1996, the censorship issue on the net still remains unresolved. In fact, censorship in cyberspace is unconscionable and impossible. Trying to censor the Internet its problematic because the net is an international issue, there is no standard for judging materials, and censorship is an abridgment of democratic spirit. Firstly, censorship on the Internet is an international issue. The Internet was constructed by the U.S. military since 1960s, but no one actually owns it. Thus, the Internet ... Show more content on ... Why do people still argue about that? It is all about personal points of views. Justice Douglas said, "To many the Song of Solomon is obscene. I do not think we, the judges, were ever given the constitutional power to make definitions of obscenity."II. In cyberspace, it is hard to set up a pool of judges to censor what could be displayed on the net. Thirdly, censorship works against democratic spirit, it opposes the right of free speech and is a breach of the First Amendment. Do you remember Salman Rushdie and his book The Satanic Verses? Iranian government announced a death threat to kill Rushdie and his publishers because his book speaks against Islam. No one wants that to happen again. If you are one of the Internet users, you should have seen a blue ribbon logo. The blue ribbon symbolizes a support for the essential human right of free speech. Let think about what happen if we lost the right of free speech. How can we stay online? Who gives courage to the web's designers to put their opinion on the net? On the same day when the 1996 Telecommunication Act signed in law, a bill called House Bill 1630 was introduced by Georgia House of Representatives member Don Parsons. It is so repel that this law even limits the right of choosing email addressesIII. "Freedom of speech on the Internet deserves the same protection as freedom of the press, freedom of speech, or freedom of assembly." said Bill
  • 19. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Censorship And Censorship Of The Internet Censorship of the Internet is on the rise in highly populated states today. Although the Internet is considered as one of the most significant tools for the public sphere, many users have decried the Internet's benefits and seen the Internet as a 'double–edged sword'. Even as the Internet connects most of the world and gives valuable access to information, the same tool allows access to material that may be considered dangerous or harmful. The recent increase in discussion on the act of censorship of the Internet is part of the reaction to institutionalised censorship, particularly governmental censorship, of a public tool. Since censorship describes the suppression of public information in order to hide content that may be considered objectionable or harmful to the audience, as determined by governments or institutions, this particular outcry stems from the idea that what is considered harmful to society is subjective and should not be judged by an institution alone. Censorship can then become detrimental towards society by suppressing the human right to freedom of expression as well as also becoming a tool in the act of limiting the rights of minorities. In contrast, supporters of Internet censorship focus on the protection of inappropriate and harmful information from children and communities. By censoring certain websites that provide content that are obscene or harmful to minors, illicit activities such as kidnappings or cyber–bullying become less common. With ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Effects Of Internet Censorship Like any other form of media the Internet can be censored, which means that full access to materials on the Internet can be restricted. To the general public, this is not considered a good thing, since it restricts their access to knowledge. One of the hallmarks of a repressive government is the restriction of information to keep its citizens under control. Yet, at the same time the unrestricted power of theInternet can cause much social and political harm, which is why there are many who support the idea of Internet Censorship. At the same time this restriction dulls a community, diversity and growth of ideas come from the unrestricted flow of information. An isolated community generally does not synthesize new ideas on its own.Thus, ... Show more content on ... Therefore, in an act of self preservation, they strive to block the access of information among people by censoring what they can, the internet, newspapers, media, etc. For example, "During public demonstrations over the abolishing of oil subsidies, in September and October 2013, the government blocked access to the Internet for 24 hours to stop citizens from mobilizing others (Abubkr 2014)" (Gumede 5). Even if the average citizen is not upset at the government, in an act of self preservation a regime still must censor the internet. There are people who make it their objective in life to speak about anything, they are called journalists and protesters. While your average citizen may not care that their government was doing some unspeakable evil thing elsewhere, journalists and protesters take it as their burden to inform their fellow citizens and spark action. In this case it was the government of Sudan that was more interested in keeping its money supply flowing than the desires of its citizens. As we can see, internet censorship restricts the flow of information, something regimes need in order to survive. Yet, even though censoring the internet creates regimes, censoring the internet can also keep the societal peace. A very well known example is in China where the government takes an active role in censoring the internet. In China the government censors information that "...disseminates rumors, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Internet Censorship Essay Internet Censorship The freedom of speech that was possible on the Internet could now be subjected to governmental approvals. For example, China is attempting to restrict political expression, in the name of security and social stability. It requires users of the Internet and electronic mail (e–mail) to register, so that it may monitor their activities. In the United Kingdom, state secrets and personal attacks are off limits on the Internet. Laws are strict and the government is extremely interested in regulating the Intern et with respect to these issues.10 Laws intended for other types of communication will not necessarily apply in this medium. Through all the components of the Internet it becomes easy to transfer material that ... Show more content on ... Ideas should not be checked at the border.14 Another person attending that conference was Ann Breeson of the Ame rican Civil Liberties Union, an organization dedicated to preserving many things including free speech. She is quoted as saying, Our big victory at Brussels was that we pressured them enough so that Al Gore in his keynote address made a big point of stre ssing the importance of free speech on the Internet.15 Many other organizations have fought against laws and have succeeded. A prime example of this is the fight that various groups put on against the recent Communication Decency Act (CDA) of the U.S. Se nate. The Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition on 26 February 1996 filed a historic lawsuit in Philadelphia against the U.S. Department of Justice and Attorney General Janet Reno to make certain that the First Amendment of the U.S.A. would not be compr omised by the CDA. The sheer range of plaintiffs alone, including the American Booksellers Association, the Freedom to Read Foundation, Apple, Microsoft, America Online, the Society of Professional Journalists, the Commercial Internet eXchange Association , Wired, and HotWired, as well as thousands of netizens (citizens of the Internet) shows the dedication that is ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Fallacies of Internet Censorship Essay Fallacies of Internet Censorship Laws, enforcements, and censorship have been developed since the beginning of civilization. With freedom, comes responsibility, and with responsibility comes common sense. In a society or nation of few, laws and restriction tend to be smaller, and less complex. This is contributed by the fact that in small groups, their will be less diversity amongst them. In larger society ranging in millions to billions, the need for a more complex, organized government begins to form. No human is in fact alike, each person possess their own form of will, and much their own point–of–view. In a large mass society, it becomes tedious, and complex to try and rule by anarchy. The need for acommon law amongst this ... Show more content on ... Being able to censor a website based off of content is another fallacy. Putting aside morals of right or wrong of content, the simple fact of what one country considers legal, is not always considered legal in another. However, this site is still available to be browsed by one citizen or resident of one country to another as part of being interconnected through the world wide web, in order to truly consider censoring this information, the other country would have to either disengage a form of connections (which is nearly impossible without disabling all connections), and or, have to go into said country and destroy the computer and or, data that is housing and sharing the information. This act is commonly thought as intrusion and can create wars between the two nations. Not to mention the fact of the said country having to literally probe into the other country's database and locate the person's location. The cost of trying to censor the internet, would be so incredibly expensive, time consuming, and problematic, that it would take decades, trillions of dollars, and may even cause wars. The internet itself uses things called ports. Ports are short term for portals, gaps between one connections of information to another. The numerical number of ports possible for a person to gain access from one computer to another is near infinite in possibilities. To be able to fully censor, or block access ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Importance Of Internet Censorship The internet should not be censored for violent and sexual content. Parents should trust their children and hold them to the honor system. Additionally, internet censorship may lead to a reduced amount of creativity and collaboration. Internet censorship would affect the public immensely as it is a direct violation of the public's right to express themselves in whatever manner they choose. Parents should trust their children and hold them to the honor system when it comes to using public resources such as the internet. Ideally, parents should not have to constantly worry about their children using the internet. The reality of the situation is, parents do worry about everything their child might encounter as a result of the evil in the world. However, parents ought to raise their children in a fashion where they are consciously able to determine right from wrong within their decisions. Regardless of the manner in which parents discipline their children, children will always be curious to explore the realm of the internet whilst possibly encountering something inappropriate for their viewing. Consequently, establishing an honor system between the parent and the child early on creates a mutual level of understanding. Along with the establishment of trust, the parent is capable of frequently checking in with the child in regards to the child's use of the internet. Furthermore, the parent should possess absolute access to the child's source of the internet and be consistent in ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Internet Censorship Essay Positive benefits with Internet Censorship: Internet censorship could be utilised as an effective tool to target criminal activities occurred on the Internet by denying criminals from sharing information and influences via these malicious contents, hence stopping any other users from gaining knowledge and commit it themselves. It could achieve the goal of deterring these illegal activities, strengthen public security and gain positive benefits from a general public's perspective. Internet piracy is a major problem that been brought by the advancement with the Internet, and it affects not only just one area but across multiple different fields worldwide, including movies, tv dramas, music and software industries. The biggest impact come with copyright infringement is economic damage, film piracy was estimated to cost the economy up to $18.5 billion annually in Hollywood production (Bialik, 2013), and the number raised to $20.5 billion to the industry (Gibbs, 2014) while still increasing to nowadays. Digital music piracy has the greatest negative impact on the sale–oriented music authors, while it is the industry that has the largest scale of digital piracy over creative–contents published and accessed through the Internet (Akulavicius et al., 2015), it is reported that music piracy causes $12.5 billion loss from the U.S. economy in 2007 from the the U.S. Institute for Policy Innovation report (Siwek, 2007). Other impacts including the disencouraging of producing creative ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Summary: Internet Censorship In China China is well known for their Great Firewall that blocks numerous of sites from the outside world. However, not many people may know the true extent of China's censorship on the internet. Most people know China's block on almost all American social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. China not only censors materials from the outside, but also censors what their citizens post or what they see from Chinese websites.China's internet is strictly censored and this has resulted in many rebellions from the Chinese citizens; on the other hand, China has become an influential figure for their creations on the internet such as their mobile applications. China began their ventures into the internet in the twentieth century and since then ... Show more content on ... However, this did not stop the internet citizens from reposting this information and spreading it around over the internet. Many of those who have gone against the Chinese government over their censorships have been arrested. Osnos gives a few examples of the people who have gone against the Chinese government. Most of these individuals who do go against China's censorships are mostly bloggers who want to expose China's government. "Bloggers started identifying photos that had been doctored by Party propagandists to make the crowds look larger or the officials more important" (Osnos 165). Osnos uses Ai WeiWei and Liu XiaoBo as examples of individuals who have gone against the Chinese government'scensorship and was later arrested for their actions. Even though China's censorship is harsh; China's internet has made tremendous improvements compared to when they were first introduced to the internet. China has greatly influenced the world with their mobile applications for example WeChat. WeChat has become a highly influential application because of its multi–functional use. Not only is WeChat a texting application it can also help the user with daily tasks such as paying utilities bills. Since WeChat is an application that gives their user a wide range of resources to use it has become a role model for many other ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Internet and Censorship The internet is a diverse pool of information that anyone nowadays can have access to. One of the more controversial topics that involves the internet, is the censorship of the internet. Internet censorship can be defined as the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published or viewed on the internet. It's been hot topic in recent years because many government organizations have been trying to pass many reforms to help push the censorship of the internet, either directly or indirectly. Things like Net neutrality and SOPA/PIPA have been playing major roles in censorship of the internet. They show how both private companies and the government want to suppress our use of the internet as well as what we can do on it. The most recent topic that has been playing a part in the censorship of the internet is Net neutrality. To sum the idea up, Net Neutrality is the idea that ISPs or Internet Service Providers and the government need to treat all data on the internet equally. These companies and private sectors of the government have been trying to come up with ways to make the way people surf the internet both more complicated and more expensive. Their current mindset of distributing the internet is as follows. Currently, consumer like you and me pay ISPs to bring our own share of the Internet pool to our homes. However, ISPs have been trying to milk the system in a very simple yet effective way. What they do is down throttle or slow down either certain thing that you ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Effect Of Censorship On The Internet Censorship is a prevalent form of concealing fundamental information to the public, and has been imposed by governments throughout history. The effectiveness of censorship is called to question when one discerns that there is crucial information missing. Individuals want to know about what is going on in the world – they want to know the truth. In today's technologically advanced society, censorship on the Internet is a difficult task to perform due to the complexities of IP banning, Internet relations with the government, and constant opposition to censorship. Censorship has been a prevalent factor throughout history, which have been used to impede the spread of information. Some such censorships include wartime censorship and Internet censorship. Although censorship is imposed to prevent certain information from being exposed to the public, it is often an inappropriate tactic used by governments to conceal confidential information that the public has a right and obligation to know. This censorship often backfires on the imposer, as individuals find methods of opposing censorship and exposing the government's efforts to conceal information through leaks to various websites. Thus, governments should impose boundaries upon their use of censorship, especially when not in times of war. Internet censorship is an ineffective method in concealing information to the public. The Internet contains an abundance of information easily accessible to individuals around the world, thus ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Internet Censorship Essay Internet Censorship Max walks into the classroom five minutes late, his shirt untucked and hardly buttoned. He sits down a few desks away from Ben who had arrived five minutes early and was waiting patiently for class to start. Although the boys seemed completely opposite, Ben the more conservative and shy one, while Max, a little more rebellious and mischievous, they were best friends and did most everything together. A few weeks into their fifth grade year, the teacher announced that they would begin doing reports on their favorite animal. They knew that this was the first year they were able to use the computer lab in the library and the idea of being able to use the internet excited them. Mrs. ... Show more content on ... Howard had come up behind them and tapped them on the shoulder. "What do you think you are doing kids?" she said. "Uh, we just accidentally clicked on the wrong site" Max exclaimed, terrified. "I don't think so mister, this is completely unacceptable. Both of you, follow me to the office right now!" Mrs. Howard, infuriated yet shocked that they would do such a thing, walked them to the office and explained to the principle exactly what happened. The two boys followed the teacher, almost in tears fearing what the principle would have to say to them. They knew they would have to face some sort of consequences. Mrs. Howard spoke to Mr. Brooks, the principle, in private first and then let the boys meet with him after that. While the two teachers were discussing the event, the boys whispered outside. "I can't believe we got caught" said Max. "I know, what are we gonna tell our parents? Mine are gonna kill me!" You could hear the fear in Ben's voice. He dreaded the moment that he would have to tell his parents what he and Max had done that day. Max tried masking his fear with a careless attitude, and he played it off like he wasn't really all that scared of getting in trouble. "Whatever Ben, it's not that big of a deal. I don't care if we get suspended" Max said casually. Just then Mrs. Howard walked out and told the boys to
  • 30. go talk to Mr. Brooks themselves. They walked in and sat down while their principle ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Importance Of Internet Censorship Incomprehensive is the only accurate way of describing the depth of the world wide web. Billions of resources on anything are now just minute away for most North Americans. By having an open source database such as the internet, bad material, like pornography, is bound to come up leading some to want national censorship. However, Internet censorship should not be put into effect. The internet has proven to be the most user friendly, creative space and should not be handicapped in any way. Due to how accessible the internet is for anyone, some say the internet should be censored so that everyone is in a safe environment. 88 percent of Americans use the internet some of which of which are minors (Aaron Smith). Even though they could run into bad materials, everything on the internet can be found in real life. Therefore censoring would not have the desired effect as people would just go somewhere else for the material. First and foremost, the First Amendment protects free speech in the United States under any circumstance. Therefore speech cannot be restricted on the internet within the United States. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." As stated by the First Amendment, (Censorship) the government does not have the right to restrict any ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Censorship Of Internet Censorship Internet Censorship Student's Name: Institution Name: Internet Censorship Internet censorship refers to the suppression and control of what people can access, publish, or view on the cyberspace (Reynolds, 2014). It may be done by regimes or private firms at the command of the government. It can be a government's initiative is or carried out by regulators. Organizations and individuals may practice self–censorship for religious, business or moral reasons to comply with societal norms, out of fear of consequences such as legal impact, or owing to intimidation. The degree of cyberspace censorship differs on a nation–to–nations basis. Most democratic nations have moderate cyberspace censorship. Other nations go as far as to restrict the information accessibility; they suppress discussion among citizens and limit news. Internet censorship can also occur in anticipation of or in response to events like protests, riots or elections. An ideal example is the increased level of censorship owing to the Arab Spring events. Other censorship areas include defamation, copyrights, obscene material and harassment. Particular countries practice some forms of filtering. In the U.S., state–mandated cyberspace filtering takes place on particular information processing systems in K–12 schools and libraries (Reichman, 2001). Content pertaining to Holocaust denial or Nazism is blocked in Germany and France. Hate speech and child pornography are blocked in lots of countries across the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Pros And Cons Of Internet Censorship In the modern society issues of discrimination, inequality, and violation of human rights often arise. Pakistan and the United States are both an example of this act. For instance, many countries censor the internet, but few of the many countries tell their intentions as explicitly as Pakistan. Furthermore, President Trump may reshape DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival Program, which gave young people who had come to the United States illegally as kids a chance to work and study in the U.S. without the fear of deportation. Similarly, President Donald Trump and former president Imran Khan had a similar political slogan for their campaign. For example, Trump's campaign slogan was he will make "America Great Again" and Khan's slogan was that he would "Naya Pakistan" which means build the entire country anew. As a result, both want to attract the majority of the population by addressing the popular sentiment. Both the United States and Pakistan are making their countrys and citizens isolated; by Trump building the border wall and Khan and the government censoring the internet, destroying knowledge and opportunities. The internet is a powerful medium for news, books, information, and ideas. It has become a brand–new field for conflict about media freedom and censorship. For example, the Pakistan Government "recently published a public tender for the development deployment and operation of a national–level URL filtering and blocking system" (Sutton 1). As a result, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Internet Censorship In China The technology revolution is already upon us. In today's world we are able to communicate over thousands of miles within seconds, whereas only 100 years ago it would take months. This is all due to computer technology and the creation of the internet. The internet connects billions of users worldwide and is an essential part of how we work, play, communicate, educate, conduct commerce, and much much more. We literally use theinternet to do most of our daily tasks and we are now able to do more things that used to seem unimaginable. This of course, comes with the good and the bad. During the past decade, our society has become obsessed on the ability to move large amounts of information across large distances as quickly as possible (Warf). Computerization and the internet has influenced... Show more content on ... Many countries like China, already limit what negative political ads there are on the internet in the name of security and social stability. The Chinese government mandates users of the Internet and e–mail to register within the government itself, so that they can monitor their internet activities (King). That seems more like an authoritarian government than communism. Even in the United Kingdom, which we sometimes view similar to the US in political ideology, have state secrets and personal attacks off limits on the Internet. But since the internet is a global system, many citizens within these oppressive countries have used smartphone technology, specifically VPN, to override their government's big brother eyes. Using a virtual private network (VPN) enables the user to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their device was directly connected to another network. In other words, someone in China can use a VPN to make it seem like they were connecting to the internet via another location or even country with less ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Pros And Cons Of Internet Censorship Censorship comes in many forms and for a lot of different reasons but when it comes to the internet, for the most part it is beneficial. It can provide security for sensitive material. The things that minors are exposed to can be limited. Also you can make sure that it is not used to cause chaos. Furthermore it would seem to be a beneficial part of online life. It can provide security for important documents and conversations. Internet censorship can help with cyber security when important information or secrets are at stake. SEcrets can be anything from the security detail to things such a wartime movements, an article from New York Times Upfront, published by Scholastic Inc. says; The military has a very important reason for controlling ... Show more content on ... (32) Congress chose to promote the use of the Internet as a tool for communication and discourse which resulted in limited liability for defamation in order to achieve these goals. (33) Since the CDA 's enactment, courts have interpreted it to immunize ISPs from tort liability arising from defamatory content posted online by third parties. (34) In other words the internet has and is continuing to be used to harass people and this is a step towards stopping that. Internet censorship may make the virtual world a safer place by protecting the users from bad influences. Lee Baker, writer for Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, notes that,"In April 2009, Moldovan youths used Twitter, Facebook, and other ICT to organize a flashmob after the results of a parliamentary election indicated a Communist victory". This is just one of many examples of the way the internet can be used in negative ways to cause chaos. Also, terror groups have been known to use the internet as a recruitment tool and that can affect anyone. These attempts can't be stopped completely but it can help mitigate the impact. Nevertheless some see the censorship of the internet as a bad thing. Some might see censorship as an infringement on their freedom. As stated in an article by, Dawn C. Nunziato, a writer for Georgetown Journal of International Law "...many countries censor Internet ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Internet Censorship in China Essay In the United States, every child, teenager and adult uses Wikipedia, YouTube and Facebook, among numerous other sites, regularly. The internet is open and uncensored for the most part, other than parental controls. In China, most, if not all of those types of sites are or have been blocked. As in, you could not go to them, unless you found some way around the web filters and firewalls the Chinese government runs in their country. While China defends their practice of internet censorship, based on "protecting" the people, heavy internet censorship is a block to free speech and impedes economic and social development in the 21st century. China says it has its reasons for censoring its internet. Wang Chen, minister for the State Council... Show more content on ... The aim is to tighten political control and get Internet users to censor themselves by bringing them face to face with their censors or their agents."(Anonymous) Reporters without Boarders further talked of why these regulations present a new block for free speech. "What Netizen will dare to criticize the regime after meeting the person who could put them behind bars for one wrong word?"(Anonymous) Reporters Without Borders is further stating that someone who might talk about something the government might find questionable will not do it at all if that person is met by someone who could put them in prison. On the other hand, the US does not actively regulate the internet, relying on the public to regulate content on the internet, with little government intervention. The internet in the US is relatively open, whereas in China, information on the internet is suppressed based on what the Chinese government deems appropriate or inappropriate. Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, has stated, "Countries that heavily censor the 'Net are creating a new 'Information Curtain' to rival the old Iron Curtain of the Cold War era."(Anderson) Clinton talked more of the US's position on internet censorship. Further, "New technologies do not take sides," said Clinton. "But the United States does." The US supports an open internet. (Anderson) Corporations that move into China have long recognized that internet censorship is a fact of life. In 2006, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Internet Censorship Essay example Censorship of the Internet "We should demand that all public schools and libraries install and configure Internet Filters." This statement shows how Jeffery Pollock, a candidate for the 3rd Congressional District seat in Oregon, views the Internet. Unfortunately for him, the one thing that he ranted and raved about was the one thing that gave him an unfair disadvantage in the in the upcoming elections. (Blind Ballots) Cyber Patrol, One of the leading Internet censoring companies and is used in over 17,000 schools in the Untied States, actually blocked his website from potential voters. Needless to say, when Mr.Pollock discovered this injustice, some of his views about Internet censorship changed. But Mr. Pollock isn't the only ... Show more content on ... It would be beneficial to censor the Internet in schools if the censoring program actually worked; sadly none of the programs are good enough and actually do more harm than good. If there is a student who wants to find porn on the Internet, he will because the censoring programs suck. Not only will he find the porn, but also he will not get into trouble for it because since it is censored only good sites that are approved are available. When I was in high school, I did an Ecology paper and the censoring program actually blocked out informational internet pages about black bears and bullfrogs, simply because it contained information about mating habits, which is ridiculous. Many highly respectable organizations are completely against Internet censorship. One such organization is the American Library Association or ALA. The ALA is against any type of censoring software or programs in any of their affiliations across the nation. In Fact, a line in the ALA code of ethics specifically states, "We uphold the principles of intellectual Freedom and resist all efforts to censor library resources."(Weckert 44) There is no mistaking that the ALA is against censorship. Another highly regarded source is The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, In this Article 19 states "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and import information and ideas through any ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Causes Of Internet Censorship There were 3,885,567,619 estimated internet users as of June 30, 2017. According to that statistic, that's nearly half the world population. One would think that this unbridled access to information, news, communication and community would increase development. However, many countries, and specifically, regions, lack regular, un–monitored access to the Internet. Deibert writes that there are three overarching reasons for states to participate in filtering and censoring: advancing security, promoting politics and maintaining social norms. A few of the topics most commonly targeted by internet blocking are foreign relations, sexual and LGBT content, opposing interest sites and "controversial history" (Deibert, 2008). Meanwhile, some states choose to block certain websites as a defense mechanism, often to prevent cultural or political spillover, like in the case of China and North Korea. However, the side effects of net neutrality and Internet censorship play into uneven global development. Furthermore, among developed societies, censorship "hampers economic and social development, elevating a select number of voices and agendas that typically belong to the wealthy or elite (Deibert, 2008)." This is a multifaceted issue with many control layers and gatekeepers, typically stemming from government agencies and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Verizon or China Telecom. There are several forms of covert and overt Internet censorship, with more advanced methods of censorship ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Censorship Freedom Of The Internet Censorship the Freedom of the Internet? The government controls much of what we can and can't do, and also how and when we do it. For instance "taxes", we all have to pay a certain amount to the government on a specific day where the IRS and their officials can determine how much we have to pay. The state control our cars through smog checks and how fast we can drive on the roads through tickets and fines. When the government has all of this control over us, should we give them more power? A power to control what is allowed to be posted or entered into one of the greatest informational tools in the history of mankind? The answer is simply no; they should not be allowed that power. In the wise words of Benjamin Franklin "those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one" If we give the government the power to censor the internet, we have lost the right for freedom of speech, expression, and other ability's that we will lose having big brother hold our hand as we navigate through the massive index that is know as the internet. The Internet is a great tool and essential in every day lives but it can also be a very dangerous thing if you are not careful. But the same thing goes for every other tool such as a hammer or a nail gun. Everything just has to be used properly in the way that is intended by each individual user in the way that the creator wanted the website/anything to use it. No one should be told they can't post or upload ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Internet Censorship Essay Internet Censorship Presently, it seems that the Internet is playing a very important role in everyone's daily life. This multipurpose network has many different functions useful for everyday work and entertainment. Due to the freedom of the Internet various debates and protests have come to disagree with its open form of communication. Because of the misuse of the internet many people believe that there should be some kind of internet censorship, while others are against internet censorship stating that "it is both unnecessary impossible to implement and that because of its nature the internet should be afforded the same freedom and protection as the print media" (Bradsher 2). People that are in favor of internet censorship ... Show more content on ... This makes it impossible to stop juveniles using it to access pornography because there is no way of knowing someone's age. People can use the Internet to impose themselves on others; anonymous email can be sent by people; people can log onto chat servers and interrupt by saying things, which offend or upset those already communicating. "People who have had no access to pornography and other depravities are using the Internet to get at something that they would otherwise never be able to see" (Society 38). While there are people favoring Internet censorship there are others that are against it. Bradsher sates that "to censor the Internet would fundamentally harm it and destroy the equality, which makes it most popular – its freedom" (3). People like and use the Internet because they feel they can come onto it, talk and email hundreds of others across the world. Debaters against Internet censorship believe that there are simply too many users of the Internet to be able to ensure that one doesn't offend anyone. Many of the most important newspapers and news organizations are moving to the Internet. "If censorship is introduced our national media will be severely curtailed in a way which would never be acceptable if it were to be done to the print media" (Bradsher 3). Those against Internet censorship state that "making commercial providers responsible for the activities or their customers is fundamentally unfair" (Society 38). If a ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Global Internet Censorship What aspects of the internet make global censorship difficult? Why might a government be inclined to impose internet censorship on its citizens? Is global internet censorship moral? Internet Censorship has been a topic of much debate and growing concern in the past decade. According to the OpenNet Initiative, the number of countries seeking to control access of content on the internet has been rising rapidly (Documenting Internet Content Filtering Worldwide n.d). Reporters Without Borders published a list of thirteen countries as 'internet enemies' in 2006. The list consisted of Belarus, Burma, China, Cuba, Egypt, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam (List of the 13 Internet Enemies in... Show more content on ... The second reason of protecting children would include keeping adult content from children and keeping the children safe from paedophiles. National security is the other main reason why a country would be forced to impose internet censorship. The political sentiments of a country are likely to be kept a secret by the government. On the other hand we do have countries like China whose suppression of important information has led to not only national but international problems. 'The SARS crisis in 2004, and the contamination of the Songhua River in 2006, which affected millions of lives in China and Russia, serve as particularly deadly examples' (New HRIC Report Details State Secrets System 2007). Terrorism is another reason. The governments of most countries are keeping a strict watch out for any material posted on the internet linking to terrorism. 'The National Institute of Justice defines computer crime as any illegal act for which knowledge of computer technology is used to commit the offence' (Stamatellos 2007:11). On the fifth of July 2007, three "cyber–jihadis" who used the internet to urge Muslims to wage holy war on non–believers were jailed for between six–and–a–half and ten years in the first case of its kind on Britain (Gulf News, 2007:20). The governments also censor content to protect the political sentiments of the country. In Belarus, for example, 'in March 2006, several ... Get more on ...