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Enhancing practical knowledge among students through
table top interface
Neeraj Talukdar, Avinandan Basu, Prince Bharali,
Linu George, Rupam Das, Ravi Mokashi Punekar
Department of Design
IIT Guwahati
North Guwahati-781039, Assam
{n.talukdar, avinadan, linu, b.prince, d.rupam, mokashi}
This paper analyses the current state of affairs in the context of
practical education in schools and proposes a solution in the form
of a table-top interface for conducting practical activities. At a
global level, one could argue that tabletops convey a socio-
constructivist flavor: they support small teams that solve problems
by exploring multiple solutions. The development of tabletop
applications also witnesses the growing importance of face-to-face
collaboration in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
(CSCL) and acknowledges the physicality of learning. Our
solution tries to incorporate the advantages of a table-top setup in
the context of Indian schools for facilitation of activity based
learning in a collaborative manner. We present an application
scenario dealing with a particular section and illustrate some
preliminary ideas.
ACM Classification Keywords
K.3 [Computing Milieux]: Computers and Education;H.5.3
[Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g., HCI)]:
Group and Organization Interfaces – computer-supported
co-operative work
General Terms
Design, Human Factors
Learning Science, Table-top interface, CSCW, Laboratory
Practical work is defined as learning experiences in which
students interact with materials or with secondary sources of data
to observe and understand the natural world (for example: aerial
photographs to examine lunar and earth geographic features;
spectra to examine the nature of stars and atmospheres; sonar
images to examine living systems[19].
Contemporary science education literature continue to suggest
that school science activities have the potential to be an important
medium for introducing students to central conceptual and
procedural knowledge and skills in science[18].Practical
knowledge is essential to conceive the relationship between nature
and science and is shown to have developed interest in the subject
among students (CBSE report, 2005).
The crucial role of hands on experiments in the STEM curriculum
to motivate and deepen understanding is universally accepted. In
India, many schools lack equipment in science labs and in rural
areas there is a lack of teachers depriving students of STEM
education. The intention of the project is to develop a
technological intervention at the classroom level which would
assist students to perform activities and experiments in a
collaborative manner.
CBSE and practical knowledge:
The CBSE intends to impart practical knowledge to students via
two mediums: Explicit Lab experiments and Textbook activities.
However, the accessibility and availability of pertinent resources
in completing the textbook activities is questionable (CBSE
report, 2005), as could be supported by the findings from the
ethnographic study.
Also according to CBSE lack of proper assessment of the
procedural knowledge of science due to large number of students
and improper planning and management is also another reason
behind the unfortunate marginalization or neglect of experimental
work in Indian schools.
According to Gunstone [5], using the laboratory to have students
restructure their knowledge may seem reasonable but this idea is
also naive since developing scientific ideas from practical
experiences is a very complex process. Gunstone and Champagne
[6] suggested that meaningful learning in the laboratory would
occur if students were given sufficient time and opportunities for
interaction and reflection. Students generally do not have time or
opportunity to interact and reflect on central ideas in the
laboratory since they are usually involved in technical activities
with few opportunities to express their interpretation and beliefs
about the meaning of their inquiry. They normally have few
opportunities for metacognitive activities. The same observations
were made in the field study.
Also it was observed that the explicit laboratory activities
provided by the CBSE were not conducted when the
corresponding theory was being taught. The lack of in-time
procedural knowledge is a factor behind the non-reflective nature
of the students’ interactions and also behind their lack of interest.
Attitude of Teachers
The factor of time has been observed (from ethnographic study) to
be a critical factor which hinders teachers from indulging the
students in exploratory, student directed inquiry methods. Less
time is generated due to pressure from CBSE in the form of
formative evaluation and lack of sufficient class hours.
Teachers are often confused about their role in instruction when
students are engaged in hands-on activity. Many teachers are
concerned about an adjustment they may have to make in their
teaching style to facilitate hands-on programs as well as how
students will react to increased responsibility and freedom [23]
and also validated by ethnographic study. Several studies have
reported that very often teachers involve students principally in
relatively low-level, routine activities in laboratories and that
teacher–student interactions focused principally on low-level
procedural knowledge.
Teachers might not perceive that laboratory activities can serve as
a principal means of enabling students to construct meaningful
knowledge of science, and they might not engage students in lab
activities in ways that are likely to promote the development of
science concepts [11].
In addition, many teachers do not perceive that helping students
understand how scientific knowledge is developed and used in a
scientific community is an especially important goal of laboratory
activities for their students [11].
Difficulty of tailoring laboratory activities to the needs of diverse
students caused some teachers to avoid laboratory investigations,
particularly when working with students having low motivation
and skill [79].
Brickhouse and Bodner [26] reported that students’ concerns
about their grades has a strong influence on teachers’ practices.
More specifically, they suggested that some teachers will
emphasize goals for learning and use teaching techniques that are
aligned with students’ ability to earn high grades. The very same
was supported by the field study.
A general consensus that was reached after the user survey
conducted with teachers from Faculty Higher Secondary School
strengthened our preliminary investigations and consolidated most
of the general findings that have been reported above.
Fig 1. User survey with teachers from Faculty
Higher Secondary School, Guwahati
Attitude of Students
It has been observed in the field study that students also lack time
due to the diverse activities they are involved in. Some students
were found to lack interest. An important point to note is that their
goals are highly influenced by grades and their parents. Parental
pressure is one of the major factor affecting the academic and
social goal of the students. So if a change is to be brought, it has
to be brought in the grass root level when the students start
developing attitude towards the subject.
Chang and Lederman [60] and others (e.g. Wilkenson & Ward
[61]) have found that often students do not have clear ideas about
the general or specific purposes for their work in science
activities. Many students engage in laboratory activities in which
they follow recipes and gather and record data without a clear
sense of the purposes and procedures of their investigation and
their interconnections. Other studies have shown that students
often perceive that the principal purpose for a laboratory
investigation is either following the instructions or getting the
right answer. They may perceive that manipulating equipment and
measuring are goals but fail to perceive much more important
conceptual or even procedural goals. Students often fail to
understand and to question the relationship between the purpose
of their investigation and the design of the experiment they have
conducted, they do not connect the experiment with what they
have done earlier, and they seldom note the discrepancies between
their own concepts, the concepts of their peers, and those of the
science community [62] [63] This can be attributed to the
temporal disconnect Consistent with the findings of Lunetta and
Tamir [65] and others, students seldom get the opportunities to
use higher-level cognitive skills or to discuss substantive
scientific knowledge associated with the investigation, and many
of the tasks presented to them continue to follow a “cookbook”
approach [78]. An exam-oriented approach towards academics
with significant parental pressure generates a competitive
environment, which subdues the curiosity of the students. All
these factors can lead to an indifferent attitude on the part of the
student regarding the lab activities. A change in the psychological
perspective of the student needs to be brought about and this is
possible if interventions are made at a primary stage of
development. The idea that “Lab” needs to be a place not for
manipulating equipment but manipulating ideas, must be brought
to focus. The following is the user survey data that we collected
from a group of 30 students of eighth standard from KV IIT,
Guwahati. Illustrations are in the form of bar graphs.
Fig 2. User survey data on the question
whether the activities are done in the class(X-
axis: Likert score and Y-axis: No. of students)
Fig 3. User survey data on the question
whether the facilities are available for
performing the activities in the class(X-axis:
Likert score and Y-axis: No. of students)
There is no doubt that lab-based courses play an important role in
scientific education. Nersessian [5] goes so far as to claim that
“hands-on experience is at the heart of science learning” and
Clough [2002] declares that laboratory experiences “make science
come alive.” Lab courses have a strong impact on students’
learning outcomes, according to Magin et al. [27].
Researchers have convincingly argued that information
technology has dramatically changed the laboratory education
landscape [28]. The nature and practices of laboratories have been
changed by two new technology-intensive automations: simulated
labs [29] and remote labs [30] as alternatives for conventional
hands-on labs. Each type of lab has been discussed from different
perspectives [31] [32] [33]. However, there is no conclusive
answer to the key question: Can technology promote students’
learning or not? The two new forms of laboratory are seen by
some as educational enablers [69] 70] [71] and by others as
inhibitors [72] [73]. The relative effectiveness of the two new
laboratories compared with traditional hands-on labs is seldom
Jing Ma et al. [74] categorizes labs into three categories: Hands-
on, simulated and remote. The three types of labs are sometimes
compared to each other, while in other cases the labs are merged.
A number of articles evaluated remote laboratories in comparison
to hands-on laboratories [67] [68] [40] or simulated laboratories
in comparison to hands-on laboratories. Engum et al. [66] showed
that hands-on labs were more effective than simulated; however, it
needs to be noted that the problem domain, the placement of an
intravenous catheter by nursing students, might reasonably be
expected to require hands-on training, which in turn biased the
outcome of the study in favour of Hands-on lab. The general
consensus of these comparison studies, with the exception of
Engum et al., is that there is no significant and consistent
difference between hands-on, simulated, and remote laboratories
as measured by the results of lab reports or testing.
Hands-On Labs. Hands-on labs involve a physically real
investigation process. Two characteristics distinguish hands-on
from the other two labs: (1) All the equipment required to perform
the laboratory is physically set up; and (2) the students who
perform the laboratory are physically present in the lab.
Advocates argue that hands-on labs provide the students with real
data and “unexpected clashes”—the disparity between theory and
practical experiments that is essential in order for students to
understand the role of experiments. Such experiences are missing
in simulated labs [39]. On the other hand, hands-on experiments
are seen as too costly. Hands-on labs put a high demand on space,
instructor time, and experimental infrastructure, all of which are
subject to rising costs [45] [58].A continuous decline in hands-on
laboratory courses has been noted. The ASEE [1987] suggested
that “making use of advances in information technology” might be
a “cost-effective approach” towards economizing laboratory-
based courses. Also, due to the limitation of space and resources,
hands-on labs are unable to meet some of the special needs of
disabled students [55] and distant users [38]. Additionally,
students’ assessments suggest that students are not satisfied with
current hands-on labs [56] [57] and also validated by qualitative
user survey.
Simulated Labs. Simulated labs are the imitations of real
experiments. All the infrastructure required for laboratories is not
real, but simulated on computers. The advocates of simulated labs
argue that they are not only necessary, but valuable. First,
simulated labs are seen as a way to the deal with the increasing
expenses of hands-on laboratories. Simulations purportedly
reduce the amount of time it takes to learn. Additionally,
simulated labs are seen as being at least as effective as traditional
hands-on labs [37] in that “the students using a simulator are able
to ‘stop the world’ and ‘step outside’ of the simulated process to
review and understand it better”[36]. Furthermore, they are also
embraced for creating an active mode of learning that thereby
improves students’ performance [44]. Detractors argue that
excessive exposure to simulation will result in a disconnection
between real and virtual worlds [39]. Data from simulated labs are
not real and therefore, the students can’t learn by trial-and-error
[76]. Another concern about simulation is its cost. Some note that
the cost of simulation is not necessarily lower than that of real
labs [54]. Realistic simulations take a large amount of time and
expense to develop and still may fail to faithfully model reality
[Papathanassiou et al. 1999]. The theory of situated learning [53]
would suggest that what students learn from simulations is
primarily how to run simulations.
Remote Labs. Remote labs are characterized by mediated reality.
Similar to hands-on labs, they require space and devices. What
makes them different from real labs is the distance between the
experiment and the experimenter. In real labs, the equipment
might be mediated through computer control, but co-located. By
contrast, in remote labs experimenters obtain data by controlling
geographically detached equipment. In other words, reality in
remote labs is mediated by distance. Remote labs are becoming
more popular [51] [52]. They have the potential to provide
affordable real experimental data through sharing experimental
devices with a pool of schools [40] [41]. Also, a remote lab can
extend the capability of a conventional laboratory. Along one
dimension, its flexibility increases the number of times and places
a student can perform experiments [43] [46]. Along another, its
availability is extended to more students [42]. Additionally,
comparative studies show that students are motivated and willing
to work in remote labs [42]. Some students even think remote labs
are more effective than working with simulators [59].
Several initiatives have been taken in the form of technological
interventions to assist activity and experiment oriented learning.
Amrita, in consortium projects with research grants from MHRD
and DIT, has developed a Multilingual Collaborative
platform(project CAPPS) that teachers can use to deploy
simulations, animations, remote access to remote equipment and
other media learning material to provide an interactive
supplemental learning environment to perform lab experiments
that promote STEM+ skills. The framework allows 'learning-
enabled assessment' of practical skills and allows evaluation of
both reporting and procedural skills. Various online scaffolds are
used during assessment which help students focus and redirect
their efforts to the appropriate task needed for mastery of the skill.
Laboratory experience is critical for effective science education,
but it is unfortunately not a possibility for many students in
developing countries with more limited resources. Remote
laboratories, which offer real equipment that can be accessed and
manipulated via the internet, are feasible lower-cost alternatives to
traditional in-person laboratories. With the ever-expanding
presence of mobile networks in even the most remote areas of
developing countries, there is an opportunity to provide laboratory
experiences to those students who would otherwise not have
them. ROSE (Remotely Operated Science Experiment) is a project
which works on the concept of Remote Labs to deliver practical
education to students in schools which lack facilities. A test was
carried out wherein the students were given the opportunity to see
the effects of temperature, water and air on the growth of a
particular plant species where they could control those parameters
via sensors. The ideal growth of the plant needed to be
maintained. Groups of three were divided and asked to come up
with the most accurate solution. Collaboration was observed to a
certain extent.
Lab@Future [75] is a prototype system for supporting secondary
school laboratory education. The Lab@Future platform is focused
on supporting novel pedagogical concepts and learning practices
based on constructivism, combined with action oriented learning
such as real-problem solving, collaborative learning, exploratory
learning and interdisciplinary learning by pioneering the
implementation of a “mixed and augmented reality” into an e-
learning platform incorporating: 3D, Virtual reality, mobile and
wireless technologies. It is important to highlight two concepts:
Activity Theory and Constructivist Model at this point.
Activity Theory
Activity theory and the theory of expansive learning determining
that ‘subjects’ or participants (e.g. students and teachers) in a
learning activity consciously and unconsciously are engaged in
dynamic learning goal or object formation. This entails that the
outcome from a learning experience or activity cannot always be
predicted because it will be influenced by several factors
operating within the contextual environment or community in
which teaching and learning takes place. This pedagogical stance
therefore, emphasizes the fact that knowledge emerges as a result
of disturbances or conflicts in learning activity, which results in
the construction of novel practical activity systems and artefacts
for use in real life contexts. Therefore, participants in a learning
activity are essentially involved in constructing new:
 Learning activities
 Methods for teaching and learning
 Tools for exploring and interacting with learning objects
(e.g. application sharing tools, content management
tools etc.).
Constructivist Model
Developing practical knowledge involves developing investigative
experiences upon which the students can construct scientific
concepts within a community of learners. These experiences are
generally developed out of teacher’s expectations. But we can
assist students to develop this using collaborative reflective
investigative activities designed for the specific context. The
investigative experiences are developed through “inquiry”.
Inquiry refers to diverse ways in which scientists study the natural
world, propose ideas, and explain and justify assertions based
upon evidence derived from scientific work. It also refers to more
authentic ways in which learners can investigate the natural world,
propose ideas, and explain and justify assertions based upon
evidence and, in the process, sense the spirit of science.
Baird (1990) is one of several persons who has observed that the
laboratory learning environment warrants a radical shift from
teacher-directed learning to “purposeful-inquiry” that is more
student-directed. The investigations to gain insight are
participatory and explorative in nature, the goals of which might
not be very discernable by the students when the inquiry is
teacher-directed. The goals of the instructions can be achieved
when the students can understand them.
Instructional Simulations in education
Interacting with instructional simulations can help students
understand a real system, process, or phenomenon. Lunetta and
Hofstein [64]. Both practical activities and instructional
simulations can enable students to confront and resolve problems,
to make decisions, and to observe the effects. Simulations can be
designed to provide meaningful representations of inquiry
experiences that are often not possible with real materials in many
science topics. In such cases, simulations engage students in
investigations that are too long or too slow, too dangerous, too
expensive, or too time or material consuming to conduct in school
laboratories. It is well established that engaging students in
appropriate simulations takes considerably less time than
engaging them in equivalent laboratory activities with materials.
This resolves the issue of time constraints which is often used as
an excuse on the part of the teacher in avoiding the textbook
activities. This also addresses the hurdle of unavailability of
resources. Presentation of the simulation at the time of imparting
the concept overcomes the problem of temporal disconnection,
which could facilitate better understanding of concepts.
Smart classes provides such type of instructional simulations. But
the frequency of use of smart classes in schools is questionable as
was observed in the field study.
The other advantage of instructional simulations is that it can be
used in a way to which the students can connect to easily and thus
reflect on it. Also it can be provided in-time with reference to the
theoretical framework. The simulations would provide a means of
personalization for each of the activities and would provide a
learning environment which could be incorporated with means for
shared understanding. Students learn not only from equipment,
but from interactions with peers and teachers [74]. A collaborative
approach in learning has been found to be fruitful in many cases,
leveraging cooperative decision making and equitable
participation by group members.
Table top interface in education
Desktop computers based on a single-user/single-computer
paradigm [20], which restricts the children in their behavior. Scott
et al. [19] have for instance shown that forcing children to share
one input device leads to boredom and off-task behavior. Children
rather enjoy technology that supports concurrent activities. These
findings are coherent with the results of Inkpen et al. [35]. They
found earlier that children exhibit a significantly higher level of
engagement and activity when working alongside each other.
Such findings are especially relevant for one particular activity
that most children share: education. A collaborative environment
is more likely to elicit increased intrinsic motivation, which is an
important factor in productive learning of new skills. This is
where table top interfaces have the upper hand.
Table top interfaces have been used in numerous settings,
especially in the domain of education. There are certain
advantages which it provides [16]. Tabletops have a specific
educational flavor. While most CSCL (Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning) environments are designed for on-line
activities, tabletops are designed for co-located teamwork [50].
Even if some on-line functionality is integrated in some tabletops,
it generally constitutes an enrichment of face-to-face interaction
rather than the central activity [50]. Tabletop devices illustrate the
evolution of CSCL from virtual spaces to the physical realm
(touching objects or co-learners, conveying intention through
gesture and posture, etc. Tabletops have a set of specific
affordances, including the ability to physically support objects and
to afford co-located collaboration and coordination.
Interactive tabletop technology inherently supports social
interaction and provides a shared experience for learners and
educators, both of which are central to one’s learning process
The distribution of large displays and their impact on
collaboration and social patterns has mostly been investigated in
the working domain. Vertical large displays provide affordances
for shared visualization and do not cause orientation conflicts, but
hinder active multi user simultaneous interaction. The physical
affordances of the table seem to provide social affordances [5]
suitable for co-located collaboration: in particular, it seems that
the horizontal orientation of the display is raising more
discussion, which is the parameter mostly adopted to assess co-
located collaboration. Collaboration and social patterns has
mostly been investigated in the working domain. Vertical large
displays provide affordances for shared visualization and do not
cause orientation conflicts, but hinder active multi user
simultaneous interaction. The physical affordances of the table
seem to provide social affordances [5] suitable for co-located
collaboration: in particular, it seems that the horizontal orientation
of the display is raising more discussion, which is the parameter
mostly adopted to assess co-located collaboration.
The goal of our application is not to teach activity based skills
explicitly, but rather to provide a motivating and supportive
paradigm through which students may practice social and group
work skills in the process of performing lab based activities and
experiments which are otherwise neglected.
We aimed to develop a cooperative, multi-player tabletop game
that encourages meaningful application of group work skills such
as negotiation, turn-taking, active listening, and peer-learning for
students to understand and perform practical activities.
User Profile
The user profile chosen was that of an eighth grade student and
content chosen was that of plants and its various processes like
germination, photosynthesis, transpiration, transportation,
reproduction etc. Various activities related to these processes have
been included in the NCERT textbooks which aim at creating a
practical mindset among the students regarding the various
Game Concept
We intend to create an entire game in the form of a package to
demonstrate the various practical activities in the chapter of plants
and their processes. A fictional world would be simulated and
level wise progression would take place where each level would
consist of a particular challenge that would require collaborative
effort from the students. Each challenge would correspond to a
particular practical concept that the students would need to master
before passing on the next level. Inquiry driven approach would
be engendered following a series of mini challenges that would be
inculcated in each level. For a quick prototype, we have taken the
process of germination.
Fig 4. Screenshots of the level involving
germination of the plant
Game rules
Each user has a small physical input device that can be placed on
the table, thus triggering the visualization of an overlapping
graphical interface. For simplicity, we have defined the context
based on a three player game where each player is provided a
marker representing a seed of different variety from one another
with significant difference in soil, water and manure requirement.
There are three markers, representing water, pesticide and manure
respectively. The maximum content is limited in both the cases, in
order to make the students manage the resources in a collaborative
manner and maintain interest throughout the process. The content
level is displayed through horizontal bars. Each student has the
responsibility to ensure proper growth of his/her plant. Besides
the individual health of each plant, the overall health is also
represented visually through health bars. Thus, any attempt of
isolated effort has negative repercussions. With each plant having
different growth requirements, optimization of limited resources
would be required in order to attain the growth of all the three
plants simultaneously. We realized that the challenge in designing
a compelling cooperative game for this audience would be to
create an engaging experience that does not directly focus on
traditional content but also involves challenging game mechanics
which would preserve interest levels in the students. A tool
representing a magnifying glass is also provided to the students to
help them analyze the various processes in and around the plant
that are not visible to the naked eye. As new challenges pop up,
the students need to use the “magnifying glass” to identify the
source or cause of the problem and take actions accordingly.
Prototyping was done on Processing IDE. Fiducial markers were
attached to the underside of the tokens representing the seeds,
water, manure, pesticide and magnifying glass. A camera beneath
the table captures images which are processed by reacTIVision to
recognise the location, orientation and identity of the fiducials.
The fiducials serve as points of reference for pre-defined
simulations and feedback. An acrylic sheet was used as the table-
top surface on which projection of all simulations were done from
the bottom. Following are some of the illustrations of the interface
that we came up with.
Students’ preferences, and perhaps their learning performance,
cannot be attributed to the technology of the laboratory alone. In
other words, it is important to focus on how students’ mental
activities are engaged in coping with the laboratory world. From
this point of view, other factors discussed in relation to the
effectiveness of laboratories, such as motivation [77], peer
collaboration [48], error-corrective feedback [76] and richness of
the media [47] should also be studied in order to produce more
interactive and immersive settings that ultimately lead to a space
students perceive as real. Research work in these areas seem
promising at this level.We might expect that students in a
simulated or remote lab where the reality is, respectively, faked or
mediated by distance may experience psychological presence, but
not physical presence. In a similar way, students in a real hands-
on experiment could be exposed to physically real apparatus, but
may not experience psychological presence. For example, student
might get bored or distracted if their role is only to passively
watch others interact with the device. Thus, it is important to
maintain the interest level of the student when such activities are
being done. As has been proven by several studies which have
been cited above, table-top interfaces have been found to be
successful in educational settings. However, table tops cannot be
considered as a placebo to solve all problems. Being cumbersome
in itself for carrying out user testing due to the lack of mobility
and also due to lack of an opportune moment due to holidays, the
usability testing of our prototype remains to be completed. Our
research investigation in the future would try to address the
question of efficiency and reliability of table-tops in the context of
practical activities and experiments in Indian schools.
Our special thanks to Dr. Ravi Mokashi Punekar, Keyur Sorathia,
Dr. Om Deshmukh and Kuldeep Yadav for guiding us and giving
us valuable inputs throughout our progress. Sincere gratitude must
also be expressed towards Dr. Dwivedi and Dr. Jugal Bora,
principal and vice-principal of KV IIT, Guwahati and Faculty
Higher Secondary School, Guwahati respectively for allowing us
to conduct user surveys at their respective schools. Without them
this project would not have been possible.
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Enhancing Practical Knowledge

  • 1. Enhancing practical knowledge among students through table top interface Neeraj Talukdar, Avinandan Basu, Prince Bharali, Linu George, Rupam Das, Ravi Mokashi Punekar Department of Design IIT Guwahati North Guwahati-781039, Assam {n.talukdar, avinadan, linu, b.prince, d.rupam, mokashi} ABSTRACT This paper analyses the current state of affairs in the context of practical education in schools and proposes a solution in the form of a table-top interface for conducting practical activities. At a global level, one could argue that tabletops convey a socio- constructivist flavor: they support small teams that solve problems by exploring multiple solutions. The development of tabletop applications also witnesses the growing importance of face-to-face collaboration in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and acknowledges the physicality of learning. Our solution tries to incorporate the advantages of a table-top setup in the context of Indian schools for facilitation of activity based learning in a collaborative manner. We present an application scenario dealing with a particular section and illustrate some preliminary ideas. ACM Classification Keywords K.3 [Computing Milieux]: Computers and Education;H.5.3 [Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g., HCI)]: Group and Organization Interfaces – computer-supported co-operative work General Terms Design, Human Factors Keywords Learning Science, Table-top interface, CSCW, Laboratory Instruction INTRODUCTION Practical work is defined as learning experiences in which students interact with materials or with secondary sources of data to observe and understand the natural world (for example: aerial photographs to examine lunar and earth geographic features; spectra to examine the nature of stars and atmospheres; sonar images to examine living systems[19]. Contemporary science education literature continue to suggest that school science activities have the potential to be an important medium for introducing students to central conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills in science[18].Practical knowledge is essential to conceive the relationship between nature and science and is shown to have developed interest in the subject among students (CBSE report, 2005). The crucial role of hands on experiments in the STEM curriculum to motivate and deepen understanding is universally accepted. In India, many schools lack equipment in science labs and in rural areas there is a lack of teachers depriving students of STEM education. The intention of the project is to develop a technological intervention at the classroom level which would assist students to perform activities and experiments in a collaborative manner. CURRENT SCENARIO CBSE and practical knowledge: The CBSE intends to impart practical knowledge to students via two mediums: Explicit Lab experiments and Textbook activities. However, the accessibility and availability of pertinent resources in completing the textbook activities is questionable (CBSE report, 2005), as could be supported by the findings from the ethnographic study. Also according to CBSE lack of proper assessment of the procedural knowledge of science due to large number of students and improper planning and management is also another reason behind the unfortunate marginalization or neglect of experimental work in Indian schools. According to Gunstone [5], using the laboratory to have students restructure their knowledge may seem reasonable but this idea is also naive since developing scientific ideas from practical experiences is a very complex process. Gunstone and Champagne [6] suggested that meaningful learning in the laboratory would occur if students were given sufficient time and opportunities for interaction and reflection. Students generally do not have time or opportunity to interact and reflect on central ideas in the laboratory since they are usually involved in technical activities with few opportunities to express their interpretation and beliefs about the meaning of their inquiry. They normally have few opportunities for metacognitive activities. The same observations were made in the field study. Also it was observed that the explicit laboratory activities provided by the CBSE were not conducted when the corresponding theory was being taught. The lack of in-time procedural knowledge is a factor behind the non-reflective nature of the students’ interactions and also behind their lack of interest.
  • 2. Attitude of Teachers The factor of time has been observed (from ethnographic study) to be a critical factor which hinders teachers from indulging the students in exploratory, student directed inquiry methods. Less time is generated due to pressure from CBSE in the form of formative evaluation and lack of sufficient class hours. Teachers are often confused about their role in instruction when students are engaged in hands-on activity. Many teachers are concerned about an adjustment they may have to make in their teaching style to facilitate hands-on programs as well as how students will react to increased responsibility and freedom [23] and also validated by ethnographic study. Several studies have reported that very often teachers involve students principally in relatively low-level, routine activities in laboratories and that teacher–student interactions focused principally on low-level procedural knowledge. Teachers might not perceive that laboratory activities can serve as a principal means of enabling students to construct meaningful knowledge of science, and they might not engage students in lab activities in ways that are likely to promote the development of science concepts [11]. In addition, many teachers do not perceive that helping students understand how scientific knowledge is developed and used in a scientific community is an especially important goal of laboratory activities for their students [11]. Difficulty of tailoring laboratory activities to the needs of diverse students caused some teachers to avoid laboratory investigations, particularly when working with students having low motivation and skill [79]. Brickhouse and Bodner [26] reported that students’ concerns about their grades has a strong influence on teachers’ practices. More specifically, they suggested that some teachers will emphasize goals for learning and use teaching techniques that are aligned with students’ ability to earn high grades. The very same was supported by the field study. A general consensus that was reached after the user survey conducted with teachers from Faculty Higher Secondary School strengthened our preliminary investigations and consolidated most of the general findings that have been reported above. Fig 1. User survey with teachers from Faculty Higher Secondary School, Guwahati Attitude of Students It has been observed in the field study that students also lack time due to the diverse activities they are involved in. Some students were found to lack interest. An important point to note is that their goals are highly influenced by grades and their parents. Parental pressure is one of the major factor affecting the academic and social goal of the students. So if a change is to be brought, it has to be brought in the grass root level when the students start developing attitude towards the subject. Chang and Lederman [60] and others (e.g. Wilkenson & Ward [61]) have found that often students do not have clear ideas about the general or specific purposes for their work in science activities. Many students engage in laboratory activities in which they follow recipes and gather and record data without a clear sense of the purposes and procedures of their investigation and their interconnections. Other studies have shown that students often perceive that the principal purpose for a laboratory investigation is either following the instructions or getting the right answer. They may perceive that manipulating equipment and measuring are goals but fail to perceive much more important conceptual or even procedural goals. Students often fail to understand and to question the relationship between the purpose of their investigation and the design of the experiment they have conducted, they do not connect the experiment with what they have done earlier, and they seldom note the discrepancies between their own concepts, the concepts of their peers, and those of the science community [62] [63] This can be attributed to the temporal disconnect Consistent with the findings of Lunetta and Tamir [65] and others, students seldom get the opportunities to use higher-level cognitive skills or to discuss substantive scientific knowledge associated with the investigation, and many of the tasks presented to them continue to follow a “cookbook” approach [78]. An exam-oriented approach towards academics with significant parental pressure generates a competitive environment, which subdues the curiosity of the students. All these factors can lead to an indifferent attitude on the part of the student regarding the lab activities. A change in the psychological perspective of the student needs to be brought about and this is possible if interventions are made at a primary stage of development. The idea that “Lab” needs to be a place not for manipulating equipment but manipulating ideas, must be brought to focus. The following is the user survey data that we collected from a group of 30 students of eighth standard from KV IIT, Guwahati. Illustrations are in the form of bar graphs. Fig 2. User survey data on the question whether the activities are done in the class(X- axis: Likert score and Y-axis: No. of students)
  • 3. Fig 3. User survey data on the question whether the facilities are available for performing the activities in the class(X-axis: Likert score and Y-axis: No. of students) LITERATURE REVIEW There is no doubt that lab-based courses play an important role in scientific education. Nersessian [5] goes so far as to claim that “hands-on experience is at the heart of science learning” and Clough [2002] declares that laboratory experiences “make science come alive.” Lab courses have a strong impact on students’ learning outcomes, according to Magin et al. [27]. Researchers have convincingly argued that information technology has dramatically changed the laboratory education landscape [28]. The nature and practices of laboratories have been changed by two new technology-intensive automations: simulated labs [29] and remote labs [30] as alternatives for conventional hands-on labs. Each type of lab has been discussed from different perspectives [31] [32] [33]. However, there is no conclusive answer to the key question: Can technology promote students’ learning or not? The two new forms of laboratory are seen by some as educational enablers [69] 70] [71] and by others as inhibitors [72] [73]. The relative effectiveness of the two new laboratories compared with traditional hands-on labs is seldom explored. Jing Ma et al. [74] categorizes labs into three categories: Hands- on, simulated and remote. The three types of labs are sometimes compared to each other, while in other cases the labs are merged. A number of articles evaluated remote laboratories in comparison to hands-on laboratories [67] [68] [40] or simulated laboratories in comparison to hands-on laboratories. Engum et al. [66] showed that hands-on labs were more effective than simulated; however, it needs to be noted that the problem domain, the placement of an intravenous catheter by nursing students, might reasonably be expected to require hands-on training, which in turn biased the outcome of the study in favour of Hands-on lab. The general consensus of these comparison studies, with the exception of Engum et al., is that there is no significant and consistent difference between hands-on, simulated, and remote laboratories as measured by the results of lab reports or testing. Hands-On Labs. Hands-on labs involve a physically real investigation process. Two characteristics distinguish hands-on from the other two labs: (1) All the equipment required to perform the laboratory is physically set up; and (2) the students who perform the laboratory are physically present in the lab. Advocates argue that hands-on labs provide the students with real data and “unexpected clashes”—the disparity between theory and practical experiments that is essential in order for students to understand the role of experiments. Such experiences are missing in simulated labs [39]. On the other hand, hands-on experiments are seen as too costly. Hands-on labs put a high demand on space, instructor time, and experimental infrastructure, all of which are subject to rising costs [45] [58].A continuous decline in hands-on laboratory courses has been noted. The ASEE [1987] suggested that “making use of advances in information technology” might be a “cost-effective approach” towards economizing laboratory- based courses. Also, due to the limitation of space and resources, hands-on labs are unable to meet some of the special needs of disabled students [55] and distant users [38]. Additionally, students’ assessments suggest that students are not satisfied with current hands-on labs [56] [57] and also validated by qualitative user survey. Simulated Labs. Simulated labs are the imitations of real experiments. All the infrastructure required for laboratories is not real, but simulated on computers. The advocates of simulated labs argue that they are not only necessary, but valuable. First, simulated labs are seen as a way to the deal with the increasing expenses of hands-on laboratories. Simulations purportedly reduce the amount of time it takes to learn. Additionally, simulated labs are seen as being at least as effective as traditional hands-on labs [37] in that “the students using a simulator are able to ‘stop the world’ and ‘step outside’ of the simulated process to review and understand it better”[36]. Furthermore, they are also embraced for creating an active mode of learning that thereby improves students’ performance [44]. Detractors argue that excessive exposure to simulation will result in a disconnection between real and virtual worlds [39]. Data from simulated labs are not real and therefore, the students can’t learn by trial-and-error [76]. Another concern about simulation is its cost. Some note that the cost of simulation is not necessarily lower than that of real labs [54]. Realistic simulations take a large amount of time and expense to develop and still may fail to faithfully model reality [Papathanassiou et al. 1999]. The theory of situated learning [53] would suggest that what students learn from simulations is primarily how to run simulations. Remote Labs. Remote labs are characterized by mediated reality. Similar to hands-on labs, they require space and devices. What makes them different from real labs is the distance between the experiment and the experimenter. In real labs, the equipment might be mediated through computer control, but co-located. By contrast, in remote labs experimenters obtain data by controlling geographically detached equipment. In other words, reality in remote labs is mediated by distance. Remote labs are becoming more popular [51] [52]. They have the potential to provide affordable real experimental data through sharing experimental devices with a pool of schools [40] [41]. Also, a remote lab can extend the capability of a conventional laboratory. Along one dimension, its flexibility increases the number of times and places a student can perform experiments [43] [46]. Along another, its availability is extended to more students [42]. Additionally, comparative studies show that students are motivated and willing to work in remote labs [42]. Some students even think remote labs are more effective than working with simulators [59].
  • 4. RELATED WORK Several initiatives have been taken in the form of technological interventions to assist activity and experiment oriented learning. Amrita, in consortium projects with research grants from MHRD and DIT, has developed a Multilingual Collaborative platform(project CAPPS) that teachers can use to deploy simulations, animations, remote access to remote equipment and other media learning material to provide an interactive supplemental learning environment to perform lab experiments that promote STEM+ skills. The framework allows 'learning- enabled assessment' of practical skills and allows evaluation of both reporting and procedural skills. Various online scaffolds are used during assessment which help students focus and redirect their efforts to the appropriate task needed for mastery of the skill. Laboratory experience is critical for effective science education, but it is unfortunately not a possibility for many students in developing countries with more limited resources. Remote laboratories, which offer real equipment that can be accessed and manipulated via the internet, are feasible lower-cost alternatives to traditional in-person laboratories. With the ever-expanding presence of mobile networks in even the most remote areas of developing countries, there is an opportunity to provide laboratory experiences to those students who would otherwise not have them. ROSE (Remotely Operated Science Experiment) is a project which works on the concept of Remote Labs to deliver practical education to students in schools which lack facilities. A test was carried out wherein the students were given the opportunity to see the effects of temperature, water and air on the growth of a particular plant species where they could control those parameters via sensors. The ideal growth of the plant needed to be maintained. Groups of three were divided and asked to come up with the most accurate solution. Collaboration was observed to a certain extent. Lab@Future [75] is a prototype system for supporting secondary school laboratory education. The Lab@Future platform is focused on supporting novel pedagogical concepts and learning practices based on constructivism, combined with action oriented learning such as real-problem solving, collaborative learning, exploratory learning and interdisciplinary learning by pioneering the implementation of a “mixed and augmented reality” into an e- learning platform incorporating: 3D, Virtual reality, mobile and wireless technologies. It is important to highlight two concepts: Activity Theory and Constructivist Model at this point. Activity Theory Activity theory and the theory of expansive learning determining that ‘subjects’ or participants (e.g. students and teachers) in a learning activity consciously and unconsciously are engaged in dynamic learning goal or object formation. This entails that the outcome from a learning experience or activity cannot always be predicted because it will be influenced by several factors operating within the contextual environment or community in which teaching and learning takes place. This pedagogical stance therefore, emphasizes the fact that knowledge emerges as a result of disturbances or conflicts in learning activity, which results in the construction of novel practical activity systems and artefacts for use in real life contexts. Therefore, participants in a learning activity are essentially involved in constructing new:  Learning activities  Methods for teaching and learning  Tools for exploring and interacting with learning objects (e.g. application sharing tools, content management tools etc.). Constructivist Model Developing practical knowledge involves developing investigative experiences upon which the students can construct scientific concepts within a community of learners. These experiences are generally developed out of teacher’s expectations. But we can assist students to develop this using collaborative reflective investigative activities designed for the specific context. The investigative experiences are developed through “inquiry”. Inquiry refers to diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world, propose ideas, and explain and justify assertions based upon evidence derived from scientific work. It also refers to more authentic ways in which learners can investigate the natural world, propose ideas, and explain and justify assertions based upon evidence and, in the process, sense the spirit of science. Baird (1990) is one of several persons who has observed that the laboratory learning environment warrants a radical shift from teacher-directed learning to “purposeful-inquiry” that is more student-directed. The investigations to gain insight are participatory and explorative in nature, the goals of which might not be very discernable by the students when the inquiry is teacher-directed. The goals of the instructions can be achieved when the students can understand them. Instructional Simulations in education Interacting with instructional simulations can help students understand a real system, process, or phenomenon. Lunetta and Hofstein [64]. Both practical activities and instructional simulations can enable students to confront and resolve problems, to make decisions, and to observe the effects. Simulations can be designed to provide meaningful representations of inquiry experiences that are often not possible with real materials in many science topics. In such cases, simulations engage students in investigations that are too long or too slow, too dangerous, too expensive, or too time or material consuming to conduct in school laboratories. It is well established that engaging students in appropriate simulations takes considerably less time than engaging them in equivalent laboratory activities with materials. This resolves the issue of time constraints which is often used as an excuse on the part of the teacher in avoiding the textbook activities. This also addresses the hurdle of unavailability of resources. Presentation of the simulation at the time of imparting the concept overcomes the problem of temporal disconnection, which could facilitate better understanding of concepts. Smart classes provides such type of instructional simulations. But the frequency of use of smart classes in schools is questionable as was observed in the field study. The other advantage of instructional simulations is that it can be used in a way to which the students can connect to easily and thus reflect on it. Also it can be provided in-time with reference to the theoretical framework. The simulations would provide a means of personalization for each of the activities and would provide a
  • 5. learning environment which could be incorporated with means for shared understanding. Students learn not only from equipment, but from interactions with peers and teachers [74]. A collaborative approach in learning has been found to be fruitful in many cases, leveraging cooperative decision making and equitable participation by group members. . Table top interface in education Desktop computers based on a single-user/single-computer paradigm [20], which restricts the children in their behavior. Scott et al. [19] have for instance shown that forcing children to share one input device leads to boredom and off-task behavior. Children rather enjoy technology that supports concurrent activities. These findings are coherent with the results of Inkpen et al. [35]. They found earlier that children exhibit a significantly higher level of engagement and activity when working alongside each other. Such findings are especially relevant for one particular activity that most children share: education. A collaborative environment is more likely to elicit increased intrinsic motivation, which is an important factor in productive learning of new skills. This is where table top interfaces have the upper hand. Table top interfaces have been used in numerous settings, especially in the domain of education. There are certain advantages which it provides [16]. Tabletops have a specific educational flavor. While most CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) environments are designed for on-line activities, tabletops are designed for co-located teamwork [50]. Even if some on-line functionality is integrated in some tabletops, it generally constitutes an enrichment of face-to-face interaction rather than the central activity [50]. Tabletop devices illustrate the evolution of CSCL from virtual spaces to the physical realm (touching objects or co-learners, conveying intention through gesture and posture, etc. Tabletops have a set of specific affordances, including the ability to physically support objects and to afford co-located collaboration and coordination. Interactive tabletop technology inherently supports social interaction and provides a shared experience for learners and educators, both of which are central to one’s learning process [24]. The distribution of large displays and their impact on collaboration and social patterns has mostly been investigated in the working domain. Vertical large displays provide affordances for shared visualization and do not cause orientation conflicts, but hinder active multi user simultaneous interaction. The physical affordances of the table seem to provide social affordances [5] suitable for co-located collaboration: in particular, it seems that the horizontal orientation of the display is raising more discussion, which is the parameter mostly adopted to assess co- located collaboration. Collaboration and social patterns has mostly been investigated in the working domain. Vertical large displays provide affordances for shared visualization and do not cause orientation conflicts, but hinder active multi user simultaneous interaction. The physical affordances of the table seem to provide social affordances [5] suitable for co-located collaboration: in particular, it seems that the horizontal orientation of the display is raising more discussion, which is the parameter mostly adopted to assess co-located collaboration. DESIGN-PROCESS The goal of our application is not to teach activity based skills explicitly, but rather to provide a motivating and supportive paradigm through which students may practice social and group work skills in the process of performing lab based activities and experiments which are otherwise neglected. We aimed to develop a cooperative, multi-player tabletop game that encourages meaningful application of group work skills such as negotiation, turn-taking, active listening, and peer-learning for students to understand and perform practical activities. User Profile The user profile chosen was that of an eighth grade student and content chosen was that of plants and its various processes like germination, photosynthesis, transpiration, transportation, reproduction etc. Various activities related to these processes have been included in the NCERT textbooks which aim at creating a practical mindset among the students regarding the various concepts. Game Concept We intend to create an entire game in the form of a package to demonstrate the various practical activities in the chapter of plants and their processes. A fictional world would be simulated and level wise progression would take place where each level would consist of a particular challenge that would require collaborative effort from the students. Each challenge would correspond to a particular practical concept that the students would need to master before passing on the next level. Inquiry driven approach would be engendered following a series of mini challenges that would be inculcated in each level. For a quick prototype, we have taken the process of germination. Fig 4. Screenshots of the level involving germination of the plant Game rules Each user has a small physical input device that can be placed on the table, thus triggering the visualization of an overlapping graphical interface. For simplicity, we have defined the context based on a three player game where each player is provided a marker representing a seed of different variety from one another with significant difference in soil, water and manure requirement. There are three markers, representing water, pesticide and manure respectively. The maximum content is limited in both the cases, in order to make the students manage the resources in a collaborative manner and maintain interest throughout the process. The content level is displayed through horizontal bars. Each student has the responsibility to ensure proper growth of his/her plant. Besides the individual health of each plant, the overall health is also represented visually through health bars. Thus, any attempt of isolated effort has negative repercussions. With each plant having
  • 6. different growth requirements, optimization of limited resources would be required in order to attain the growth of all the three plants simultaneously. We realized that the challenge in designing a compelling cooperative game for this audience would be to create an engaging experience that does not directly focus on traditional content but also involves challenging game mechanics which would preserve interest levels in the students. A tool representing a magnifying glass is also provided to the students to help them analyze the various processes in and around the plant that are not visible to the naked eye. As new challenges pop up, the students need to use the “magnifying glass” to identify the source or cause of the problem and take actions accordingly. Prototype Prototyping was done on Processing IDE. Fiducial markers were attached to the underside of the tokens representing the seeds, water, manure, pesticide and magnifying glass. A camera beneath the table captures images which are processed by reacTIVision to recognise the location, orientation and identity of the fiducials. The fiducials serve as points of reference for pre-defined simulations and feedback. An acrylic sheet was used as the table- top surface on which projection of all simulations were done from the bottom. Following are some of the illustrations of the interface that we came up with. DISCUSSIONS Students’ preferences, and perhaps their learning performance, cannot be attributed to the technology of the laboratory alone. In other words, it is important to focus on how students’ mental activities are engaged in coping with the laboratory world. From this point of view, other factors discussed in relation to the effectiveness of laboratories, such as motivation [77], peer collaboration [48], error-corrective feedback [76] and richness of the media [47] should also be studied in order to produce more interactive and immersive settings that ultimately lead to a space students perceive as real. Research work in these areas seem promising at this level.We might expect that students in a simulated or remote lab where the reality is, respectively, faked or mediated by distance may experience psychological presence, but not physical presence. In a similar way, students in a real hands- on experiment could be exposed to physically real apparatus, but may not experience psychological presence. For example, student might get bored or distracted if their role is only to passively watch others interact with the device. Thus, it is important to maintain the interest level of the student when such activities are being done. As has been proven by several studies which have been cited above, table-top interfaces have been found to be successful in educational settings. However, table tops cannot be considered as a placebo to solve all problems. Being cumbersome in itself for carrying out user testing due to the lack of mobility and also due to lack of an opportune moment due to holidays, the usability testing of our prototype remains to be completed. Our research investigation in the future would try to address the question of efficiency and reliability of table-tops in the context of practical activities and experiments in Indian schools. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Our special thanks to Dr. Ravi Mokashi Punekar, Keyur Sorathia, Dr. Om Deshmukh and Kuldeep Yadav for guiding us and giving us valuable inputs throughout our progress. Sincere gratitude must also be expressed towards Dr. Dwivedi and Dr. Jugal Bora, principal and vice-principal of KV IIT, Guwahati and Faculty Higher Secondary School, Guwahati respectively for allowing us to conduct user surveys at their respective schools. Without them this project would not have been possible. REFERENCES [1] Clough, M. P. (2002). Using the laboratory to enhance student learning. In Learning Science and the Science of Learning, R. W. Bybee, Ed. National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC, 85–97. [2] Cooper, M. (2005). Remote laboratories in teaching and learning – issues impinging on widespread adoption in science and engineering education. International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), 1(1), 1-7. [3] Hodson D., (1993), Re-thinking old ways: towards a more critical approach to practical work in school [4] Carlson, L. E. & Sullivan, J. F. (1999). Hands-on engineering: Learning by doing in the integrated teaching [5] Biggs, J. (1999). 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