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Week 5: Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Children and
Reminders for WEEK 5:
· Required Readings & Media
· Assignment: Patient Education for Children and Adolescents
· To Prepare
· By Day 1, your Instructor will assign a mood or anxiety
disorder diagnosis for you to use for this Assignment.
· Assignments:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
· Medication: duloxetine (age 7–17)
· Research signs and symptoms for your diagnosis,
pharmacological treatments, nonpharmacological treatments,
and appropriate community resources and referrals.
· The Assignment - In a 300- to 500-word blog post written for
a patient and/or caregiver audience, explain signs and symptoms
for your diagnosis, pharmacological treatments,
nonpharmacological treatments, and appropriate community
resources and referrals.
Case rethinking: a protocol for reviewing criminal
D. Kim Rossmo*
Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Investigation, School of
Criminal Justice, Texas State
University, San Marcos, TX, USA
Mistakes in decision-making have been identified as the most
common type of error
in police investigations. Consequently, wrongful convictions
and other types of crimi-
nal investigative failure may require a complete case
‘rethinking,’ particularly when
new evidence disrupts the existing theory. A rush to judgment
resulting in a prema-
ture shift from an evidence-based to a suspect-based
investigation can produce a
number of problematic thinking errors. Faulty assumptions,
tunnel vision, groupthink,
and other cognitive biases and organizational traps hinder
evidentiary interpretation
and evaluation. This article outlines a protocol for reviewing
evidence and rethinking
a wrongful conviction or unsolved crime when the existing
investigative theory
appears to be incorrect. The protocol involves four stages: (1)
evidence; (2) interpre-
tation; (3) patterns; and (4) analysis.
Keywords: criminal investigation; police detectives; criminal
investigative failures;
cold cases; wrongful convictions
Police agencies increasingly use sophisticated forensic
techniques and powerful
computers in their response to major crimes. What can
sometimes be forgotten in this
emphasis on technology, however, is the need to properly think
about the information
produced by these and other approaches. Police investigations
require rational analysis
and logical thinking. When cognitive biases and organizational
traps distort the
process, wrongful convictions and other types of criminal
investigative failure can
This article presents a case rethinking protocol that has been
successfully used on
unsolved crimes and wrongful convictions. The focus is on
inquiries of crimes, such as
murder, where what happened remains unknown. Reviewing a
case often involves the
effort to discover new evidence; however, this method is
concerned with rethinking
existing evidence. Aspects of the protocol may also be helpful
in guiding new investiga-
The types and causes of thinking errors that can obstruct a
criminal investigation are
first discussed. A protocol for the systematic review of a
wrongful conviction or
unsolved case in which the existing investigative theory appears
incorrect is then out-
lined. The protocol involves four stages: (1) evidence; (2)
interpretation; (3) patterns;
and (4) analysis.
*Email: [email protected]
© 2014 Taylor & Francis
Police Practice and Research, 2016
Vol. 17, No. 3, 212–228,
Criminal investigative failures
A criminal investigative failure is defined as an unsolved crime
that should have
been solved or a crime that was incorrectly ‘solved’ (i.e., a
wrongful conviction).
Many people tend to believe the criminal justice system is fair
and competent, with
police, prosecutors, and jurors logically basing their decisions
on reliable evidence.
Unfortunately, as The Innocence Project and similar groups
have shown, innocent
people are sometimes prosecuted and convicted. The reality is
the system makes
mistakes. It is difficult to determine how often such errors
happen, but estimates of
the frequency of wrongful convictions range from 0.5% (all
felonies; Huff, Rattner,
& Sagarin, 1996), to 4.1% (death row inmates; Gross, O’Brien,
Hu, & Kennedy,
2014), to 5% and higher (murder and sexual assaults; Roman,
Walsh, Lachman, &
Yahner, 2012).
Eyewitness misidentifications, improper forensic science, and
false confessions are
the major causes of wrongful convictions (Innocence Project,
2013). However, investiga-
tive thinking errors often underlie these direct causes. Mistakes
in decision-making have
been identified as the most common type of error in police
investigations (Irvine &
Dunningham, 1993). Problems can arise when police rush to
judgment during the early
stages of a case and prematurely shift the investigation from
evidence-based to
suspect-based. If this occurs before all the evidence has been
collected and analyzed,
there is a significant risk of tunnel vision.
Human beliefs are the product of expectations, desires, and
evidence; the more
ambiguous the last, the stronger the influence of expectations
and desires (Snook,
2000). ‘There can be little doubt that our beliefs influence the
processes by which we
seek out, store, and interpret relevant information’ (Ross &
Anderson, 1982, p. 149). It
is therefore important to collect as much evidence as possible
before theorizing about
the crime and suspects; once that has happened, expectations
and desires start influenc-
ing the thinking process.
The need for an alternative approach may become evident if
DNA reveals a wrong-
ful conviction or disrupts the dominant theory, or a crime is still
unsolved after a
lengthy period. However, rethinking an investigation can be
extremely difficult and
challenging. Cognitive biases and organizational traps may exist
that hinder evidence
interpretation and evaluation. As Heuer (1999, p. 125) warns,
‘once information rings a
bell, the bell cannot be unrung.’
Thinking errors
When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do
you do, sir? (John
Maynard Keynes)
In an ideal world, we would make the best possible decisions
after a careful evalua-
tion of all available evidence. In reality, our thinking is
frequently impaired by cognitive
biases. Within the context of a criminal investigation, such
systematic errors in thinking
can result in an unsolved crime or a wrongful conviction (Jones,
Grieve, & Milne,
2008a; Rossmo, 2009). Tunnel vision and confirmation bias are
amongst the most prob-
lematic thinking errors that can be made by detectives. Faulty
assumptions, probability
errors, and groupthink sometimes play supporting roles.
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 213
The initiating problem is often a rush to judgment – reaching a
conclusion before all
the evidence has been considered. A premature judgment can
lead to tunnel vision and
confirmation bias, prevent subsequent evidence from being
properly evaluated, and
result in a criminal investigative failure. These errors and the
aggravating role of
groupthink are discussed below.
Premature judgment
For many reasons, detectives may jump to conclusions before an
investigation is com-
plete. Community fear, media and political pressure,
organizational stresses, personal
ego, and a compelling desire to apprehend a dangerous offender
can all result in a pre-
mature arrest. The pressures are exacerbated if the crime is
particularly heinous or the
victim is a young child.
An overreliance on intuition can lock in a premature judgment.
Humans have both
intuitive and rational decision-making processes (Kahneman,
2003); while most people
are familiar with the former, the latter is often misunderstood.
Intuition (sometimes
mistakenly referred to as ‘gut instinct’) operates at a below-
consciousness level and is
automatic, fast, and powerful (Myers, 2002). It is learned
slowly and typically involves
the use of heuristics. Because of its implicit nature, intuition is
difficult to control and is
prone to error; it exists because it helps promote survival, not
because of its accuracy.
Different situations require different types of judgment and
when a decision has to be
made quickly under conditions of uncertainty, intuition can be
useful (Wright, 2013).
But when we have reliable data and adequate time, reasoning is
the better option; com-
plex tasks, such as major crime investigations, require analysis
and logic (Jones et al.,
‘Investigators need not be especially sure that they have the
right person to sway
their investigation toward an early suspect’ (O’Brien, 2009, p.
328). When that happens,
police prematurely move from an evidence-based to a suspect-
based investigation
(Rossmo, 2009). In the former mode, detectives have not yet
determined who the offen-
der is; they are still searching for and gathering information and
evidence to determine
what happened during the crime and who might be a suspect. In
the latter mode, detec-
tives have decided they know who the guilty person is, and their
investigation shifts to
preparing for prosecution.
The central problem therefore originates from judgments based
on only subsets
rather than the totality of evidence. Evidence discovered post-
judgment is then less
likely to be evaluated in an unbiased manner, and relevant
evidence that fails to support
the investigative conclusion may not be collected or properly
analyzed; in some
instances, it may not even be recognized as evidence.
If a flawed forensic test is done early in an investigation, it can
have a powerful
effect because of the authority given to science (Garrett &
Neufeld, 2009). However,
forensic science is not always very ‘scientific,’ and some
forensic analyses are more
subjective than objective. There have been a number of
wrongful convictions attrib-
uted to bad forensic science (National Research Council, 2009).
The uncritical accep-
tance of flawed forensic results at the beginning of a case can
result in premature
judgment and poor investigative decision-making, including the
dismissal of important
evidence later discovered simply because it conflicts with the
forensic findings. Inves-
tigations have been sent down the wrongful conviction road by
several types of
unsound forensic analyses, including time of death estimates
(Michael Morton, Texas),
214 D.K. Rossmo
sexual assault examinations (David Camm, Indiana), blood
testing (Greg Taylor, North
Carolina), bite mark comparisons (Willie Jackson, Louisiana),
and arson indicators
(Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas).
Faulty assumptions
Assumptions are often necessary in a criminal investigation,
especially during its early
stages when information tends to be limited. As evidence is
collected, however, it is
important to reevaluate all investigative assumptions and
discard those no longer valid.
Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Given enough time,
it is even possible
for an unsubstantiated assumption to reify and harden into
‘fact.’ If investigators
working from a faulty assumption develop tunnel vision, they
are unlikely to later
detect the underlying error. During the DC Sniper case, the
assumption that the killers
were driving a white van evolved into a near-certainty during
the early days of the
investigation (Horwitz & Ruane, 2003). However, this white
van – in fact, originally
reported as a white box truck – did not exist; the killers were
driving a blue Caprice
Probability errors
A detective may have to estimate the probability of a particular
event in order to
decide if it is significant to the investigation or merely
coincidence. However,
humans tend to have a poor understanding of probability,
particularly at the intuitive
level (Gigerenzer, 2002). As a result, probability mistakes
commonly occur; in the
context of a criminal investigation, these mistakes can create
tunnel vision and
sustain confirmation bias. Several cases have been sabotaged by
probability errors
originating from the flawed estimates of investigators, forensic
scientists, medical
pathologists, profilers, and prosecutors. Problem areas include
violating the laws of
probability, ignoring base rates, using vague language
(‘common,’ ‘rare,’ ‘risky’),
and failing to understand the nature of randomness in large
investigations involving
many suspects (Rossmo, 2009).
The tragic case of British solicitor Sally Clark is an infamous
example of injustice
caused by a probability error. Clark was convicted of murdering
her two sons who
died from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The only
evidence against her was
the assertion that the occurrence of two SIDS deaths in a single
family was highly
improbable, an estimate calculated by a pediatrician, Roy
Meadow. Unfortunately, he
made several errors in his analysis: he ignored genetic effects
and incorrectly assumed
SIDS cases are independent within families; he committed an
ecological fallacy by
equating individual-level risk to overall population risk; and he
failed to realize that
SIDS is common enough on a national level that a recurrence
happens to some unfor-
tunate family in England about once every 18 months (Hall,
1999). The Royal Statisti-
cal Society publically criticized Dr Meadow’s estimate and
Clark’s conviction was
eventually quashed on appeal, but only after she had spent more
than three years in
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 215
Tunnel vision
Tunnel vision (also called incrementalism) results from a
narrow focus on a limited
range of alternatives.
Tunnel vision is insidious …. It results in the [police] officer
becoming so focussed upon
an individual or incident that no other person or incident
registers in the officer’s thoughts.
Thus, tunnel vision can result in the elimination of other
suspects who should be investi-
gated. (Cory, 2001, p. 37)
Tunnel vision can be a product of satisficing, or the selection of
the first identified
alternative that appears ‘good enough’ (Findley & Scott, 2006;
Simon, 1956). Arrest-
ing the first likely suspect, then closing the investigation off to
alternative theories, is
a recipe for disaster. Not surprisingly, tunnel vision has been
identified as a major
cause of wrongful convictions (FPT Heads of Prosecutions
Committee Working
Group, 2004).
Gould, Carrano, Leo, and Young (2013) link tunnel vision to the
broader issue of
systemic failure in wrongful convictions: ‘tunnel vision helps
explain how one error
often leads to additional errors in an erroneous conviction. It
contributes and facilitates
system breakdown because it dismantles the rigorous testing of
evidence that makes the
investigative and adversarial processes function effectively’ (p.
xxi). They also connect
tunnel vision to the concept of escalation of commitment (also
known as sunk costs;
Brockner, 1992; Coleman, 2010; Staw, 1981) to explain why
entrenchment of beliefs
occur even when strong contradictory evidence has emerged:
As more resources – money, time, and emotions – are placed
into a narrative involving a
suspect, the actors involved are less willing or able to process
negative feedback that
refutes their conclusions. Instead, actors want to devote
additional resources in order to
recoup their original investment. As a result, evidence that
points away from a suspect is
ignored or devalued, and latent errors are overlooked. At this
point, the police are working
to rule in rather than rule out the suspect, and prosecutors have
moved from ‘inspection’
mode to ‘selling’ mode.1 Escalation of commitment contributes
and facilitates system
breakdown because it dismantles the rigorous testing of
evidence that makes the adversarial
process function effectively. (pp. 86–87)
Confirmation bias
Confirmation bias (also called verification bias) is a type of
selective thinking. Once a
hypothesis has been formed, our inclination is to confirm rather
than refute – we tend to
look for supporting information, interpret ambiguous
information as consistent with our
hypothesis, and minimize any inconsistent evidence (Koehler,
1991). Types of confirma-
tion bias include biased search for evidence, biased
interpretation of information, and
biased memory (selective recall).2
Confirmation bias can cause a detective to focus on evidence
confirming the investi-
gative theory, while ignoring or refusing to look for
contradicting evidence (Stelfox &
Pease, 2005). Existing evidence is interpreted in a biased
manner; evidence that
supports the investigative theory is taken at face value, while
contradicting evidence3
is skeptically scrutinized (Ross & Anderson, 1982). Research
has shown experienced
police investigators consider witnesses less credible if they
exonerate a preferred
suspect than if they help confirm guilt (Ask & Granhag, 2007).
Other manifestations
of confirmation bias include the failure to search for evidence
that might prove a
216 D.K. Rossmo
suspect’s alibi, not utilizing such evidence if found, and
refusing to consider alternative
While the recording and documenting functions integral to a
professional criminal
investigation minimize the risk of biased memory, there have
been some instances of
detectives ‘forgetting’ to document important evidence. There
have also been several
cases where a prosecutor decided exculpatory evidence was not
relevant to the case
and failed to share it with defense counsel. It is difficult to say
whether such actions
are the result of rationalizations fed by confirmation bias or the
product of outright
unethical behavior. In the wrongful conviction of Michael
Morton for his wife’s
murder, Ken Anderson, the district attorney of Williamson
County, Texas, failed to
inform Morton’s defense counsel of key physical and witness
evidence that
eventually identified the real killer (Colloff, 2012). Anderson
was eventually
sentenced to a jail term after being found in contempt of court
and disbarred (he
had become a judge).
Confirmation bias can be detected in a criminal investigation by
� evidence ‘missed’ post-judgment (ignored leads, unexplored
lines of inquiry, lost
evidence, unanalyzed evidence); and
� biased treatment of post-judgment evidence (disregarded,
downplayed, or distorted
evidence, illogically considered evidentiary implications).
Confirmation bias can be tested for by considering what would
happen if the order
of evidential discovery was changed. The conclusions reached
by detectives should not
depend on the particular sequence in which the evidence was
discovered. If altering the
evidential order changes the case conclusion, there is likely a
problem with the investi-
gative logic.
The strength and perseverance of confirmation bias is
dramatically illustrated by the
convoluted theories put forth by those prosecutors and police
who ‘never can admit a
mistake.’ Prosecutors are normally thankful for DNA evidence
in a criminal case;
however, their reaction can be quite different if the DNA
establishes the innocence of
someone they originally believed guilty. After the bodies of two
little girls were found
in a remote wooded area in Zion, Illinois, police arrested and
charged the father of one
of the victims with murder. When sperm recovered from the
girl’s vagina, mouth, and
anus was tested and found not to match her father’s DNA, the
prosecutor dismissed the
laboratory results, suggesting the victim contacted the sperm
while playing in the woods
where couples met to have sex (Martin, 2011). Later, after the
DNA was matched to a
convicted violent serial rapist who was a friend of the victim’s
brother, the prosecutor
again argued the sperm was unrelated to the crime. This time,
he theorized the rapist
masturbated while sleeping over at the house of the victim’s
brother. Later, while the
victim was watching a movie from the same bed, she touched
his sperm and
subsequently transferred it to her other body parts (i.e., the
inside of her vagina, mouth,
and anus).
In another example, from a Canadian case, DNA testing of
sperm found on the
victim’s clothing matched a convicted rapist from her own
neighborhood, not the
man who spent 23 years in prison for her murder. Rather than
the failure, some police officers tried to explain away the DNA
by suggesting the
convicted man had actually killed her. Then, after he left her
body in a back alley,
the rapist came along and had sex with her frozen corpse before
it was discovered
(Boyd & Rossmo, 1994).
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 217
Ross and Anderson (1982) observed:
it is clear that beliefs can survive potent logical or empirical
challenges. They can survive
and even be bolstered by evidence that most uncommitted
observers would agree logically
demands some weakening of such beliefs. They can even
survive the total destruction of
their original evidential bases. (p. 149)
Stubborn and irrational belief perseverance by the state in the
face of significant
conflicting new evidence is inconsistent with both justice and
Within organizations with strong subcultures like the police,
groupthink can enable and
exacerbate confirmation bias. Groupthink is the reluctance to
think critically and chal-
lenge the dominant theory. It occurs in highly cohesive groups
under pressure to make
important decisions. The main symptoms include (Janis, 1982):
(1) Power overestimation
(a) belief in the group’s invulnerability, resulting in
unwarranted optimism and
risk taking; and
(b) ignoring the ethical consequences of decisions because of a
belief in the
morality of the group’s purpose.
(2) Close-mindedness
(a) group rationalizations and the discrediting of warning signs;
(b) negative stereotyping of the group’s opponents (they are
regarded as evil,
(3) Uniformity pressures
(a) conformity pressures (those who disagree with the dominant
views or
decisions are seen as disloyal);
(b) self-censorship (the withholding of dissenting views and
(c) shared illusion of unanimity (silence is perceived as consent,
and there is an
unsubstantiated belief everyone agrees with the group’s
decision); and
(d) self-appointed mindguards (group members shield each
other from conflict-
ing information).
Groupthink has several negative outcomes (FPT Heads of
Prosecutions Committee
Working Group, 2004). Afflicted groups selectively gather
information and fail to seek
expert opinions. They neglect to critically assess their ideas,
examine few alternatives,
and fail to develop contingency plans. Groupthink in a major
crime investigation perpet-
uates confirmation bias and preserves flawed decisions.
Case rethinking protocol
The following protocol has been designed for the systematic
review of a case in which
the investigative theory appears to be wrong.4 Such a
realization may follow the discov-
ery of significant new evidence that disrupts the existing theory,
but it can also emerge
after a case has remained unsolved for an extended period of
time. Rethinking an
218 D.K. Rossmo
investigation first requires a detective to unravel the case –
wipe the slate clean, unlearn
what is believed, and abandon existing theories and suspects.
Crimes are solved by information derived from evidence
(Willmer, 1970). The
purpose of the protocol is to create a focus on the evidence, its
strengths and
weaknesses, and the overall evidentiary pattern. Facts must be
distinguished from
beliefs, certainties from suspicions, and probabilities from
possibilities. An investiga-
tor must be able to answer the question, ‘How do you know
what you think you
The protocol involves four stages: (1) evidence; (2)
interpretation; (3) patterns; and
(4) analysis. Each stage is explained in detail below, and then
briefly illustrated in a text
box using a short example based on an evidence item – the
written statement of an eye-
witness – from a sexual murder case.
Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true. (Francis
The first step in rethinking a case is to identify the evidence5 in
the investigation and
assess its reliability. Evidence is a tangible and recorded fact
relevant to the crime. In
some situations, the absence of something can be considered
evidence. Theories,
assumptions, and inferences are not evidence.
It is essential to identify the origin of each item of evidence,
whether it is a police
report, crime scene photograph, witness statement, or laboratory
analysis. Nothing
should be taken for granted. Rumors emerge in large
investigations that can solidify into
‘facts’ after sufficient retelling; ‘creeping credibility’ can turn a
hypothesis into received
knowledge over time. If a record cannot be found, then there is
no evidence. Identifying
the evidence and its supporting documentation establishes the
‘facts of the case’ and the
information content of the investigation.
There are only three ways to solve a crime: a witness; a
confession; or physical
evidence (Klockars & Mastrofski, 1991). Detectives typically
have a good
understanding of the technical nature of these evidence types,
including their benefits
and problems. However, they do not always fully understand the
probative value of
evidence (Robertson & Vignaux, 1995). Evidence has both
significance and reliability
(Griffith & Tversky, 2004). People tend to place more
importance on significant
evidence even if its reliability6 (the probability of its
truthfulness) is low. All evidence
has an error rate – eyewitnesses make misidentifications,
suspects give false confessions,
and scientific tests produce false positives. The possibility of
mistakes and human error
always exists. It is therefore necessary to estimate the reliability
of an item of evidence
in order to determine how much weight it should be given.
Source reliability, forensic
test error rates, research on evidentiary
consistency/trustworthiness, and any other
known issues should be considered. While it is usually
impossible to assign exact
probabilities, investigators can roughly evaluate evidence on an
ordinal scale from low
to high reliability. Evidence should not be considered more
reliable because the
investigator wants it to be, and it should not be deemed
unreliable simply because it is
inconsistent with the prevailing investigative theory.
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 219
The evidence item used to illustrate the protocol is a written
statement from an
eyewitness in a sexual murder that occurred in Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan. The victim
was Gail Miller, a nursing assistant who was attacked while
walking to the bus stop
on her way to work on an icy January morning. She was raped
and stabbed; her
body was later found lying in the snow in a back alley a block
from her home
(Boyd & Rossmo, 1994).
The witness, Nichol John, was one of three Regina teenagers,
along with David
Milgaard and Ron Wilson, who set out on a road trip to buy
drugs. They drove to
Saskatoon to pick up another friend (who had money), but
ended up lost before they
found his house and got stuck in the snow. It was very cold, so
John stayed in the
car while Milgaard and Wilson went for help. John told police
she then saw Milg-
aard attack a woman on the street.
Written statement from witness Nichol John:
After we got to Saskatoon we drove around for about 10 or 15
minutes. Then
we talked to this girl. This was in the area where Sgt. Mackie
drove me around.
Ron was driving the car at this time. He drove to the curb where
Dave spoke to
this girl.
Dave was on the outside passenger side of the front seat. Dave
opened the door
to talk to this girl as she approached along the sidewalk.
Dave asked this girl for directions to either down town or
Pleasant Hill. He
offered to give her a ride to where ever she was going. She
refused the ride.
Dave closed the door and said “The stupid bitch.”
We started to drive away and only went about half a block when
we got stuck.
We ended up stuck at the entrance to the alley behind the
funeral home.
Ron and Dave got out and they tried to push the car. They
couldn’t get it out.
I recall Dave going back in the direction we had spoke to the
girl. Ron went the
other way past the funeral home.
The next thing I recall is seeing Dave in the alley on the right
side of the car.
He had a hold of the same girl we spoke to a minute before. I
saw him grab her
purse. I saw her grab for her purse again. Dave reached into one
of his pockets and
pulled out the knife. I don’t know which pocket he got the knife
from. The knife
was in his right hand. I don’t know if Dave had a hold of this
girl or not at this
time. All I recall seeing is him stabbing her with the knife.
The next I recall is him taking her around the corner of the
alley. I think I ran
after that. I think I ran in the direction Ron had gone. I recall
running down the
street. I don’t recall seeing anyone. The next thing I knew I was
sitting in the car
again. I don’t know how I got back to the car.
Reliability assessment: uncertain. It is unlikely Nichol John is
mistaken in her
identification of the killer, as she knows Milgaard and was
apparently situated near
him when the attack occurred. However, John may be deceitful.
She is a 16-year-old
street girl who uses drugs. This statement is inconsistent with
her first statement to
the police. She was under pressure by detectives to talk about
the Miller case; the
day before she gave this statement she was arrested and spent
the night in jail. She
continued to travel with Milgaard after the murder. She now
claims she cannot
remember anything about the crime.
220 D.K. Rossmo
Evidence must be explained and interpreted to give it meaning.
Potential inferences
from the evidence and its context are identified in the protocol’s
second stage. These are
reasonable deductions that can be based on the evidence. An
inference can be thought
of as the extrapolation from the core facts of an item of
evidence to its logical, proba-
ble, or (reasonably) possible conclusions, not all of which will
necessarily be correct.
For example, DNA recovered from the vaginal vault of the
victim in a child sex murder
leads to a strong inference it was left by the killer. However,
that inference is not as
strong if the victim was a sex trade worker.
A likely inference from an unreliable item of evidence is still
not probable; similarly,
an unlikely inference from a reliable item of evidence is also
improbable. While infer-
ences are related to theories, they are distinct; the former is an
extension from a single
item of evidence, while the latter is built up from the totality of
evidence in an investi-
The explanation for an item of evidence – the theory of its
cause – is an important
inference. While there can be a tendency to focus on the most
obvious explanation, full
consideration should be given to all feasible options. Possible
explanations can be
ranked by likelihood; as this assessment might change once an
item of evidence is con-
sidered in relationship to the other evidence in the case, it is
important not to prema-
turely eliminate possibilities (existing biases become most
treacherous at this point).
John’s statement is significant and highly probative. If accurate,
it identifies
Milgaard as Miller’s murderer. The following high probability
inferences can be
made from this item of evidence (lower probability inferences
are not listed in this
(1) Nichol John’s statement provides an exact location for the
stabbing (a loca-
tion different from where Miller’s body was found), suggesting
there should
be blood and perhaps other physical evidence at the site.
(2) The location of the attack indicates the likely route walked
by Miller to her
bus stop the morning of the murder.
(3) As described, the attack dictates Miller should have stab
wounds and a
matching pattern of cuts in the clothing she was wearing (winter
coat and
nursing uniform).
The evidence in an investigation is simply a collection of facts.
To understand what
happened in a crime, potential causes and inferences from the
evidence have to be con-
nected and understood as a narrative or story. The third stage of
the protocol involves
looking for patterns that can be derived from the constellation
of evidence, and deter-
mining connections (influences between items of evidence) and
sequences (what flows
from what). It is also important at this point to analyze
consistencies among inferences
as these suggest reliable narratives.
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 221
In many cases, the pattern will be patchy and incomplete. In
such instances, it is
important to refrain from ‘filling in the blanks’ beyond what
can be supported by the
available evidence. In other cases, multiple competing patterns
of varying probabilities
will emerge. Despite the human tendency to avoid uncertainty,
it is necessary to con-
sider all viable options; this often requires consideration of
contradictory possibilities.
Part of Nichol John’s statement is consistent with the statement
of her friend,
Ron Wilson, who also said he saw Milgaard with a knife.
However, John’s description of the location of the attack is not
consistent with
the route the victim typically took to the bus stop. Miller
usually followed the short-
est path, a three-minute trip. On the morning of her murder, she
left her home five
minutes before the bus was due (the temperature was −42° F),
and it is unlikely she
would have been at the spot where John said the attack
John’s statement is also inconsistent with some of the physical
evidence. No
blood was found near the place where she claimed the attack
happened. (It is possi-
ble she was mistaken about the location, but no blood was found
anywhere other
than by Miller’s body.) Furthermore, while the pattern of cuts in
Miller’s winter coat
matched the pattern of her stab wounds, there were no cuts in
her nursing uniform.
This meant that, at some point, Miller’s coat was taken off, her
uniform was pulled
down, and her coat was put back on again – none of which was
described by John.
Up to this point the focus has been on the case evidence. In the
analysis stage, evi-
dence patterns are now used to generate and assess investigative
theories or hypothe-
ses (see Jones et al., 2008a). It is best to start with broad
comprehensive categories,
drilling down and becoming more specific as evidence permits.
Not all the evidence
may be helpful in this process. Caution is needed when working
with ambiguous evi-
dence, which is more vulnerable to expectations, desires, and
other biases (Snook,
2000). ‘When the evidence is ambiguous, subtle influences on
how an investigator
sees it could affect the outcome. A weak case can start to look
strong when the inves-
tigator overlooks potentially fruitful leads in another direction’
(O’Brien, 2009,
p. 329). To avoid this trap, it is important to consider the
diagnosticity of an item of
evidence.7 Diagnosticity originally referred to the ability of a
medical test to identify
a patient’s disease. In the context of a criminal investigation,
the diagnosticity of an
item of evidence is a function of its ability to distinguish
between different hypothe-
ses, such as a suspect’s guilt or innocence.
When developing case theories, investigators should remember
Occam’s razor, the
Principle of Parsimony – if more than one explanation for the
evidence is possible, it is
preferable to start with the simplest (the one with the fewest
assumptions). The narrative
of the crime should not be any more complicated than necessary
to properly explain the
evidence. An important principle in the physical sciences,
Occam’s razor can also be a
helpful investigative concept. While many things are possible in
a crime, only some are
222 D.K. Rossmo
In the special case of only two competing theories, the available
evidence can be
used to determine which is the most likely. The probability of
an item of evidence given
the first theory is compared to the probability of the evidence
given the second theory.8
This process is then repeated for all items of evidence and the
results combined. The
final product indicates which theory is the more likely based on
the totality of the evi-
dence (Blair & Rossmo, 2010).
The last step involves determining how particular suspects fit
into the various crime
theories and identifying any suspect-related information that
might link back to the
crime, such as a relationship with the victim or prior criminal
history. It should be
remembered, however, that a suspect’s bad character is not
direct evidence of a crime,
absent information that provides a connecting link (e.g., a
If it becomes necessary to use assumptions at this point, they
should be written
down and all the conclusions derived from them so identified.
To avoid tunnel vision,
the alternatives to an assumption (i.e., competing assumptions)
must also be identified
and considered.
There are significant inconsistencies between Nichol John’s
statement and other
reliable evidence in the case. Consequently, the reliability of
her statement should be
reduced to low. John most likely lied in order to get the police
to leave her alone.
Her statement should not be relied upon for theory generation or
suspect prioritiza-
Unfortunately, considerable weight was given to John’s
statement during the ori-
ginal investigation and trial, even though she continued to claim
she could not
remember anything. Milgaard was convicted of Miller’s murder
and spent over two
decades in prison. DNA testing eventually identified the real
killer, a man who used
the same bus stop as the victim every morning (Commission of
Inquiry Into the
Wrongful Conviction of David Milgaard, 2005).
It is important to be thorough when rethinking a case and the
results for each stage of
the protocol should be comprehensively recorded. It can be
helpful to graphically depict
the evidence in a diagram. Figure 1 shows an example of such a
diagram based on a tri-
ple murder case in Indiana. The wife and two children of David
Camm, a former Indi-
ana State Police trooper, were shot in the garage of their home.
Despite having an alibi,
David Camm was tried and convicted of their murders, the case
relying heavily on
blood spatter evidence. Following a successful appeal, DNA
found on a sweatshirt
recovered from the crime scene was linked to Charles Boney, a
violent felon with multi-
ple convictions for attacks against women. His palm print was
also found on the side of
the victims’ vehicle. Boney gave various conflicting
explanations for his presence at the
Camm house, the sixth and final version of which had him there
to sell David Camm a
handgun. The district attorney pursued murder charges against
Boney, but he also chose
to retry Camm. Figure 1 shows a simplified version of the
evidentiary support for each
of the three theories of the case: (1) David Camm did the
murders alone, the first
prosecution theory; (2) David Camm and Charles Boney did the
murders together, the
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 223
second prosecution theory; and (3) Charles Boney did the
murders alone, the defense
theory. Key evidence items are shown in small boxes situated
under the particular the-
ory they support (interpretations are not shown); the stronger
the reliability of the evi-
dence, the heavier the outline of the square. Clusters of
consistent evidence are circled.
The third theory won out in court – in separate trials, juries
found Boney guilty and
David Camm not guilty.
It is easy for detectives to become overwhelmed by the details
in a major crime investi-
gation. The signal-to-noise ratio is often low and larger patterns
can be missed because
of a focus on minutiae. There is a tendency to use cognitive
heuristics (‘mental short-
cuts’) under such conditions, even though these can lead to
cognitive biases and then to
errors. One need look no further than conspiracy theorists to
find examples of how
biases can cause individuals to interpret and distort evidence to
support the most amaz-
ing conclusions.
The purpose of this protocol is to assist investigators rethink a
case when the exist-
ing theory appears incorrect. It requires a detective to start over
by reexamining the
structure of the case, beginning with its foundation – the
evidence. Investigative hypoth-
eses are generated only after the evidence has been inventoried
and assessed, explained
and interpreted, and connections and patterns identified. By
focusing on and working
from the evidence, the investigation becomes grounded in
reality instead of being based
Figure 1. Case evidence pattern in the Camm triple murder
224 D.K. Rossmo
on beliefs, hunches, or biases. This method can help correct
thinking errors resulting
from a rush to judgment, tunnel vision, confirmation bias, and
similar cognitive and
organizational traps.
The rethinking approach requires an investigator to abandon the
existing theory and
adopt a completely open mind. However, this is much easier
said than done. Research
has shown that awareness of cognitive bias does not make it
easier to avoid (Heuer,
1999). Consequently, rethinking a case is more difficult for
those detectives with prior
involvement in the investigation. The protocol works best when
followed by someone
with no previous connection to the crime, ideally, an
investigator from an outside
agency. This is the policy in England; unsolved murders are
reviewed at prescribed time
periods (e.g., 28 days, 12 months) by a senior investigating
officer (SIO) who is not
involved in the case. In high profile, complex, or sensitive
investigations, it is recom-
mended the SIO be from another police force (ACPO, 2006).
External peer reviewers,
for all the psychological and organizational reasons discussed
above, are more apt to
notice mistakes and omissions and much more likely to point
them out.
The purpose of the case rethinking protocol is to shift the focus
of an investigation from
the prevailing theory/suspect to the evidence. Existing theories
and assumptions can cre-
ate cognitive traps that prevent a crime from being solved.
There is a tendency to
‘explain away’ inconsistent evidence discovered post-theory,
rather than letting it con-
tribute to the development and prioritization of investigative
hypotheses. This is confir-
mation bias.
The protocol does not provide a magic equation for the right
answer; it is nothing
more than a systematic thinking tool, an analytic framework to
help investigators objec-
tively rethink a case. It is still up to the detective to solve the
crime. However, pilots
and surgeons have found the use of checklists to be helpful in
minimizing mistakes –
and their subsequent tragedies (Gawande, 2011). Criminal
investigative failures that
result in innocent people being convicted or guilty parties going
free are no less tragic.
Following this protocol can help reduce the number of such
outcomes through a system-
atic and evidence-based approach to case rethinking.
I wish to thank Dr David Stubbins, Central Intelligence Agency
(ret.), Deputy Chief Constable
Doug LePard, Vancouver Police Department, Detective James
Trainum, DC Metropolitan Police
Department (ret.), Special Agent Gregg McCrary, Federal
Bureau of Investigation (ret.), and the
anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and
1. This is similar to moving from an evidence-based to a
suspect-based investigation (Rossmo,
2009), or from information generation to case building (Stelfox
& Pease, 2005).
2. A study on bias in criminal investigations found participants
who were asked to identify a
suspect early in the process showed a greater tendency to
confirm that hypothesis, and later
‘remembered’ the case evidence as being consistent with their
particular suspect’s guilt
(O’Brien, 2009).
3. Police investigators rarely test their theories by searching for
disconfirming evidence even
though it is more probative than confirmative evidence (e.g.,
exclusionary DNA). Once a
narrative of the crime has been adopted, police tend to focus
only on gathering confirmatory
evidence (Stubbins & Stubbins, 2009).
Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 225
4. Templates for reviewing major crimes and evaluating cold
cases have been previously
proposed (e.g., Adcock & Stein, 2013; Jones, Grieve, & Milne,
2008b). The present protocol
differs from these tools in its focus on how to rethink a case.
5. It may not be feasible to reanalyze every item of evidence in
an investigation. The goal is to
list all the nontrivial items that might have an influence on the
theory of the crime and its
suspects. Trivial, however, does not mean inconsistent or
6. Reliability is used here to refer to the accuracy or
‘truthfulness’ of evidence, consistent with
most of the legal literature. However, the correct scientific term
is validity.
7. Heuer’s (1999) analysis of competing hypotheses matrix can
be a useful tool here.
8. The probability of evidence given a theory is not equal to the
probability of the theory given
the evidence; confusing cause given effect with effect given
cause is known as the prosecu-
tor’s fallacy (Robertson & Vignaux, 1995). Bayes’ theorem
provides the mathematical rela-
tionship between the two probabilities (Taroni, Aitken,
Garbolino, & Biedermann, 2006).
Notes on contributor
D. Kim Rossmo is the University Endowed Chair in
Criminology and the director of the Center
for Geospatial Intelligence and Investigation in the School of
Criminal Justice at Texas State
University. He has researched and published in the areas of
environmental criminology, the
geography of crime, and criminal investigations. He is a
member of the International Association
of Chiefs of Police Advisory Committee for Police Investigative
Operations and is a full fellow of
the International Criminal Investigative Analysis Fellowship.
He has written books on criminal
investigative failures and geographic profiling.
ACPO. (2006). Murder investigation manual. Wyboston,
Bedfordshire: National Centre for
Policing Excellence (Association of Chief Police Officers).
Adcock, J. M., & Stein, S. L. (2013). Cold case models for
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Investigative Sciences Journal, 5, 19–28.
Ask, K., & Granhag, P. A. (2007). Motivational bias in criminal
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witness reliability. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37,
Blair, J. P., & Rossmo, D. K. (2010). Evidence in context:
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Police Quarterly, 13, 123–135.
Boyd, N., & Rossmo, D. K. (1994, February). David Milgaard,
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228 D.K. Rossmo
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Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Forensic Science International
journal homepage:
Forensic genetic genealogy using microarrays for the
identification of
human remains: The need for good quality samples – A pilot
A. Davawalaa, A. Stocka, M. Spidena, R. Danielc, J. McBaind,
D. Hartmana,b,⁎
a Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Victoria, Australia
b Department of Forensic Medicine, Monash University,
Victoria, Australia
c Office of the Chief Forensic Scientist, Victoria Police
Forensic Services Department, Victoria, Australia
d totheletterDNA, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 2 December 2021
Received in revised form 31 January 2022
Accepted 23 February 2022
Available online 25 February 2022
DNA analysis
Genetic Genealogy
Missing persons
a b s t r a c t
The successful application of forensic genetic genealogy (FGG)
to identify Jane and John Doe cases in the
United States has raised the prospect of using the technique in
Australia to assist in the reconciliation of
unidentified human remains (UHRs) with long term missing
persons. A study was conducted to explore the
feasibility of FGG using whole genome array (WGA) data from
both pristine control samples as well as
compromised casework samples, with the view to explore how
DNA quantity and quality impacted on the
ability to generate search results when compared to a genetic
genealogy database, such as GEDmatch. From
this study, several insights were gained as to the impact DNA
quantity and degradation had on the per-
centage of SNPs genotyped and heterozygote/homozygote ratio
– which are critical for successful matching
outcomes. It was noted in this study (using a control sample)
that successful matching occurred when
genotyping errors were 5% or less. Two UHR cases were
matched to kits on GEDmatch PRO, which provided
investigative leads for identification purposes. The
effectiveness of the FGG approach to match casework
samples (as well as volunteer samples used in the study) is
indicative of the usage of ‘direct-to-consumer’
(DTC) genetic testing by Australians. Given the (often) limited
availability of casework samples, findings
from this study will assist Australian agencies considering the
use of FGG, to determine if WGA is a suitable
method for their application.
Crown Copyright © 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights
1. Introduction
The identification of a deceased person is an integral part of the
medico-legal death investigation process in Victoria, Australia,
unidentified human remains (UHR) cases reported to the
Coroner for
investigation [1]. For these cases, the use of DNA matching is
on 1) the ability to recover a DNA profile from the deceased;
and 2)
the availability of a comparison sample (either from the missing
person or a relative). From a DNA point of view, if the DNA
from a UHR case is not matched in a local, state or national
persons DNA database, an identification cannot be achieved and
must wait for the appropriate Ante-Mortem (AM) data to be
available. In these instances, forensic genetic genealogy (FGG)
– an
emerging field for forensic investigation – has the potential to
vide an alternate avenue for identification [2–6].
FGG, also known as Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG),
combines DNA testing – using Whole Genome Array (WGA) or
Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data – with traditional
gical methods to infer (familial) relationships between
[3]. Unlike conventional Short Tandem Repeat (STR) analysis,
is only useful for matching to close relatives, FGG will enable
ches extending to more distant relatives (such as 1st, 2nd, or
cousins) due to the large number of DNA sites that are available
comparison. This is achieved by determining the DNA segments
shared by individuals – shared centimorgan (cM) – with the
segments you share with someone, the more closely related you
The familial connections can then be used to provide leads for
purpose of identification.
Our current awareness regarding the use of FGG for
purposes has come from law enforcement (LE) and other
and/or projects in the United States (U.S.). From a human
cation point of view, most notable is the DNA Doe project, a
profit organisation, which aims to identify Jane and John Does
in the
U.S. using FGG through donations and volunteer work of
0379-0738/Crown Copyright © 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.
All rights reserved.
⁎ Corresponding author at: Victorian Institute of Forensic
Medicine, Victoria,
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Hartman).
Forensic Science International 334 (2022) 111242
genealogists [7]; with early success stories including the an-
nouncement in April 2018 that a Jane Doe discovered in Ohio
who became known as the Buckskin Girl, had been identified
this approach [8]. However, it was the use of FGG to identify
Golden State Killer [6] that really thrust FGG into the public
Such is the interest in the use of FGG, that companies (such as
Parabon NanoLabs [9], Bode [10], and Othram [11]) are
offering FGG
as a service to assist with cold case and missing persons
tions. Nevertheless, further work is still required not only to
the scientific and technical aspects of FGG, such as in de Vries
et. al.
[12], but also consider the ethical, privacy and legal factors sur-
rounding FGG, given the use of public database held by direct-
consumer (DTC) companies, and the creation of large data sets
[13–15]. All these factors will impact on how FGG would
once operationalised, with forensic agencies needing to consider
of them in the context of their legislative frameworks.
FGG is in its infancy in Australia, with cases being considered
FGG particularly when all other avenues for identification have
exhausted [16]. Given that there is usually a finite amount of
available for analysis, it is imperative that the likelihood of
based on this approach is understood, as well as the limitations
compromised casework samples present. To this end, a pilot
was undertaken to evaluate FGG using both good quality control
samples as well as casework samples from UHR cases, with the
of providing preliminary information regarding DNA quality
ability to generate a match list when searched against a
database, such as GEDmatch/GEDmatch PRO.
PRO enables the comparison of DNA data from control and
samples to DNA data from users that have utilised one of
several DTC
companies and have uploaded their data to GEDmatch. Matches
categorised based on the total shared DNA segments (shared cM
values) between the questioned sample to the nearest matches,
the greater amount of shared DNA indicative of a closer
relationship. DNA samples recovered from the control and
samples were subjected to WGA using the OmniExpress
(previously routinely used by DTC companies). Data was
uploaded to
GEDmatch (control samples) or GEDmatch PRO (casework
with one casework sample further investigated using Family-
TreeDNA. The impact of DNA quantity and quality on the
ability to
generate SNP data suitable for upload and comparison on
genealogy databases were evaluated.
2. Methods
2.1. Sample Selection
Samples were collected (and analysed) with approval from the
Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Ethics Committee, EC
11–2019. As part of the approval process considerations were
as to the use of casework samples – for which all current
avenues for
identification had been exhausted – including data storage and
analysis, as well as privacy and ethical matters.
2.1.1. Ideal (Positive Control) Sample
A control sample (buccal swab or toenail clipping) was obtained
from a living donor who has known kits on GEDmatch. This
herein referred to as ‘ideal sample’, was expected to yield good
quality DNA (based on the degradation index (DI)) in enough
quantity for optimal processing on the microarray. Consent was
provided by the donor for their DNA to be genotyped and
to GEDmatch.
2.1.2. Casework Samples
Eight unidentified human remains cases were selected for FGG
(Table 1). The post-mortem interval (PMI) could only be
for two cases, as most (75%) were skeletal remains of unknown
antiquity. All cases had conventional nuclear DNA profiling
Identifiler™ Plus or GlobalFiler™ on a 3500 genetic analyser,
moFisher Scientific) and mitochondrial DNA profiling (using
sequencing on a 3500 genetic analyser) with either complete or
partial DNA profiles available for identification purposes
(Table 1).
Comparisons to the Victorian Missing Persons DNA Database
(VMPDD) – which at present holds more than 350 reference
for missing persons – failed to produce a familial match in these
cases. Where possible, biogeographical ancestry (BGA)
(previously derived using the Precision ID Ancestry Panel,
Fisher Scientific) were used to assist with case selection (Table
1), as
subjects of European ancestry have a higher probability of
due to their over-representation in genetic genealogy databases
Sample types were mostly bone samples, with one sample being
bloodstain sample (Table 1).
2.1.3. Control Samples
Four control samples were collected from laboratory staff in-
volved in the processing of the casework samples for
purposes. These samples were either toenail clipping (x3) or
(x1) samples. Toenail clippings were collected as a sample type,
this is a sample often analysed by the laboratory for casework,
the skin sample provided an additional sample type to analyse.
Consent was provided by the donors for their DNA to be
and uploaded to GEDmatch.
2.2. DNA Extractions
DNA was extracted from the ideal sample (buccal swab or
clipping) and other control samples (toenail clipping or skin)
ples using a QIAamp® DNA investigator kit (Qiagen) on a
platform following the manufacturer’s protocols, with an
volume of 100 μL.
Table 1
Case selection – unidentified human remains.
Case No. Age of
case (yrs)a
Body condition PMI Sample type for DNA
nDNA profile
available (No. loci)b
mtDNA profile available
(HVI and/or HVII)
BGA prediction
1 17 Intact Days Bloodstain 15/15 HVI & HVII Yes, European
2 14 Mandible with teeth Unknown Bone 15/15 HVI & HVII
Yes, European
3 31 Skeletal (complete) Unknown Bone 13/15 HVI & HVII
Yes, European
4 15 Skeletal (skull and other
Unknown Bone 13/15 HVI & HVII Yes, European
5 26 Skeletal (skull and other
Unknown Bone 15/15 HVI & HVII Yes, European
6 4 Skeletal (complete) Unknown Bone 21/21 HVI & HVII Yes,
7 11 Skeletal (humerus) Unknown Bone 12/15 HVI & HVII
Yes, European
8 1 Decomposed (complete) Days-month Bone 21/21 HVI &
a time since case reported – does not reflect the age of the
deceased or the time since death.
b Number of loci (not including sex determination markers) for
Identifiler™ Plus or GlobalFiler™ out of 15 or 21 respectively.
A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science
International 334 (2022) 111242
DNA was extracted from the bloodstain casework sample (Case
using a QIAamp® DNA investigator kit (Qiagen) completed
rather than on a robotic platform, following the manufacturer’s
protocols, with a total elution volume of 100 μL (4 ×25 μL).
For the bone casework samples, for the first extraction run,
was extracted from casework samples (cases 2–7) using a
chloroform DNA extraction method [17] using an input amount
1–4 g of bone powder. For the second extraction run, four of the
bone samples (cases 3, 4, 5 and 6), as well as Case 8, were
using higher quantities of bone powder (15–30 g of bone
and including a demineralisation step (demineralisation buffer -
0.5 M EDTA, pH 8.0, 1% (w/v) N-Lauroylsarcosine) prior to the
phenol/chloroform extraction. The demineralisation buffer was
at a ratio of 15 mL for every 1 g of bone and the sample was
placed in
a rotating incubator at 56 °C for 12–24 hrs.
All sample extractions included extraction blanks to detect any
laboratory contamination.
2.3. DNA Quantification and DNA Genotyping
Nuclear DNA concentration was determined using Quantifiler™
HP (Life Technologies) using a 7500 real-time PCR instrument
(ThermoFisher Scientific) under conditions specified by the
facturer [18].
DNA extracts were genotyped using an Illumina OmniExpress-
24 [19] at the Australian Genome Research Facility (AGRF)
conditions specified by the manufacturer. Samples were run on
chips with varying input amounts (Table 2). Two analyses were
conducted, the first consisted of running samples VIFM-01 -
24 on an OmniEpress-24 microarray (chip 1), and the second
sisting of samples VIFM-25 - VIFM-48 on a second
microarray (chip 2). Cases 1-7 were run in duplicate on chip 1,
while cases 3–6 as well as Case 8 were run in duplicate on chip
resulting in cases 3–6 not only having intra-chips duplicates,
also inter-chip duplicates (Table 2). VIFM-01 was a positive
Table 2
SNP analysis – Samples analysed on the Illumina OmniExpress-
24 microarray. Samples VIFM-01 - VIFM-24 were run on the
chip 1 and samples VIFM-25 - VIFM-48 were run on
chip 2. Gender and call rate obtained from the SNP analysis is
Sample ID Sample Sample Type Concentration (ng//μL) Deg
Index Input (ng) Gender Call Rate
VIFM-01 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 153.6384 √
VIFM-02 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 80.0000 √
VIFM-03 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 40.0000 √
VIFM-04 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 4.0000 √
VIFM-05 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 0.4000
Unknown 0.94
VIFM-06 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 0.0400
Unknown 0.66
VIFM-07 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 0.0040
Unknown 0.26
VIFM-08 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 0.0004
Unknown 0.74
VIFM-09 Case 1 Bloodstain 3.1455 0.62 12.5820 √ 0.99
VIFM-10 Case 1 Bloodstain 3.1455 0.62 12.5820 √ 0.98
VIFM-11 Case 2 Tooth/mandible 0.0091 2.09 0.0364 Unknown
VIFM-12 Case 2 Tooth/mandible 0.0091 2.09 0.0364 Unknown
VIFM-13 Case 3 Bone 0.0617 1.15 0.2468 Unknown 0.52
VIFM-14 Case 3 Bone 0.0617 1.15 0.2468 NR NR
VIFM-15 Case 4 Bone 0.0260 2.51 0.1040 Unknown 0.73
VIFM-16 Case 4 Bone 0.0260 2.51 0.1040 Unknown 0.66
VIFM-17 Case 5 Bone 0.1003 1.48 0.4012 Unknown 0.48
VIFM-18 Case 5 Bone 0.1003 1.48 0.4012 NR NR
VIFM-19 Case 6 Bone 0.0108 1.61 0.0432 NR NR
VIFM-20 Case 6 Bone 0.0108 1.61 0.0432 Unknown 0.27
VIFM-21 Case 7 Bone 0.0347 1.74 0.1388 NR NR
VIFM-22 Case 7 Bone 0.0347 1.74 0.1388 NR NR
VIFM-23 Mixture 5.8570 N/A 23.4280 Unknown 0.75
VIFM-24 Control -ve Unknown 0.22
VIFM-25 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 22.8000 √
VIFM-26 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.9000 √ 0.97
VIFM-27 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.8000 √ 0.98
VIFM-28 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.7000 √ 0.97
VIFM-29 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.6000
Unknown 0.96
VIFM-30 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.5000
Unknown 0.95
VIFM-31 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.1000
Unknown 0.88
VIFM-32 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.0400
Unknown 0.79
VIFM-33 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.0200
Unknown 0.64
VIFM-34 Case 5 Bone 0.1533 VD 0.6132 Unknown 0.88
VIFM-35 Case 5 Bone 0.1533 VD 0.6132 Unknown 0.89
VIFM-36 Case 3 Bone 0.1239 1.40 0.4955 Unknown 0.91
VIFM-37 Case 3 Bone 0.1239 1.40 0.4955 Unknown 0.93
VIFM-38 Case 4 Bone 0.5390 0.97 2.1560 Unknown 0.70
VIFM-39 Case 4 Bone 0.5390 0.97 2.1560 Unknown 0.77
VIFM-40 Case 6 Bone 0.2596 3.56 1.0384 Unknown 0.91
VIFM-41 Case 6 Bone 0.2596 3.56 1.0384 Unknown 0.90
VIFM-42 Case 8 Bone 3.4754 1.36 13.9015 Unknown 0.85
VIFM-43 Case 8 Bone 3.4754 1.36 13.9015 Unknown 0.87
VIFM-44 Ideal Sample Toenail 5.7277 2.64 22.9108 √ 0.97
VIFM-45 C-sample 1 Toenail 8.9482 2.30 35.7929 √ 0.98
VIFM-46 C-sample 2 Toenail 1.6843 4.96 6.7373 Unknown
VIFM-47 C-sample 3 Toenail 10.4638 1.88 41.8553 √ 0.98
VIFM-48 C-sample 4 Skin 16.2860 1.55 65.1439 Unknown
NR: no result obtained
√: gender call as expected for the donor
VD: very degraded
A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science
International 334 (2022) 111242
sample while VIFM-24 was a negative control (no DNA added)
Data analysis for the Illumina OmniExpress-24 runs was con-
ducted by AGRF using Illumina’s GenomeStudio 2.0.3 with
Genotyping module 2.0.3, using the default Illumina settings
Illumina InfiniumOmniExpress-24v1–3_A1 manifest and
OmniExpress-24v1–3-A1_ClusterFIle cluster files.
2.4. GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO Uploads
Data files were prepared for upload to GEDmatch or GEDmatch
PRO using Illumina’s GenomeStudio 2.0. An account was
under GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO, respectively, with ideal
control samples uploaded to GEDmatch, and although casework
samples were originally uploaded to GEDmatch these were
moved to
GEDmatch PRO when the terms and conditions for GEDmatch
updated in January 2021. While the VIFM is not a LE agency,
GEDmatch now requires all kits uploaded for the purpose of
tifying human remains to be processed using GEDmatch PRO.
data file uploaded to GEDmatch was assigned a unique kit
for subsequent searching, with all kits having a status of
‘research’ to
ensure that the kit’s DNA data would not be included in match
sults of other users [20]. Uploads to GEDmatch PRO were
assigned a unique kit identifier for subsequent searching.
For the casework samples that returned a poor match result –
defined as either returning no matches or matching known
(artificial) kits – on GEDmatch PRO, additional data files were
pared (as described above) for upload following data clean up
section below).
2.5. GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO Searching
For GEDmatch, the subscription fee was paid to enable access
to a
number of on-line search tools. On GEDmatch, kits derived
from the
ideal and control samples were queried against the entire data
set on
the database (‘one-to-many’ comparison). More detailed one-to-
comparisons were done using the ‘one-to-one’ comparison tool;
where the kit with the highest DNA input amount (150 ng) of
the ideal
sample was designated as having the correct SNP calls, to which
other ideal samples (with DNA input of 80 ng or less) would be
compared to evaluate match outcomes. Population admixture
portions were estimated using the Eurogenes K13 model [21]
as part of the GEDmatch tool kit. On GEDmatch PRO, kits
derived from
casework samples were queried against all kits that have opted-
in for
law-enforcement searches (‘one-to-many’ segment based
with population admixture proportions estimated using the
K13 model [21] offered as part of the GEDmatch PRO tool kit.
For all matches observed on GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO,
shared cM values were used to determine likely relationship to
kit/sample in question using the Shared cM project v4 tool in
Painter ( This was the
preferred method for determining relationships based on current
best practice (as advised by genetic genealogist) rather than
the ‘Gen’ value provided by GEDmatch or GEDmatch PRO.
from the ‘one-to-many’ comparisons in GEDmatch Pro were
gorised based on the total shared DNA segments (shared cM
between the sample and the nearest matches, with the greater
amount of shared DNA indicative of a closer relationship.
At the completion of the study, 13th October 2021, the kits for
ideal and control samples were removed from GEDmatch.
2.6. FamilyTreeDNA Upload
The data file for Case 1 (VIFM-09) was submitted to a DTC da-
tabase – FamilyTreeDNA – for comparison using the Gene By
Gene /
FamilyTreeDNA investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG)
Services [22].
2.7. Bioinformatics
2.7.1. Data Processing
Data analysed using Illumina’s GenomeStudio 2.0.3 as
in Section 2.3 Section 2.4 was further processed using Python
gramming language-based scripts for both data exploration and
generation of composite SNP profiles.
2.7.2. Heterozygote/Homozygote Ratio
The Heterozygote SNPs/Homozygote SNPs (Het/Hom) ratios
calculated as a ratio of the number of SNPs that were
and those that were homozygous, using all SNPs that yielded
otyping data for all the samples.
2.7.3. SNP Concordance, Drop-out and Drop-in
To evaluate concordance of SNP calls, a comparison was under-
taken for all dilutions of the ideal sample that yielded
data. VIFM-01, with the highest DNA input amount (150 ng)
designated as the ideal sample, to which all other samples (with
DNA input of 80 ng or less) would be compared to evaluate
SNP call
concordance, drop-out, and drop-in. Any SNPs which had no
available were removed prior to the concordance or drop-out
2.7.4. Genotyping Errors
The impact of DNA input on types of genotyping errors was
evaluated. The types of genotyping errors considered were: i)
genotype – homozygote (both reference and comparison
homozygote with different allele calls); ii) allele drop-out (false
homozygote); and iii) allele drop-in (false heterozygote). The
typing error was calculated as a percentage of total SNP calls
for the
2.7.5. Composite Profiles
Composite profiles were generated for the casework samples
failed to yield a search outcome with the aim of cleaning and
riching data for upload and searching. Described below are the
manipulations of the SNP data undertaken. SNP data for cases 3
(VIFM-13, VIFM-14, VIFM-36 and VIFM-37), 4 (VIFM-15,
VIFM-38 and VIFM-39), 5 (VIFM-17, VIFM-34 and VIFM-35)
and 6
(VIFM-20, VIFM-40 and VIFM-41) were interrogated and three
data files were created which had: (i) the removal non-
SNPs, as well as SNPs which had no data available, (ii) as (i)
with the
additional removal of all homozygote SNPs, and (iii) as (i) with
additional removal of all homozygote SNPs not seen in at least
two of
the replicates, created for each case.
3. Results
3.1. DNA Extracts & Genotyping
For the DNA extracts described below, SNP genotyping on mi-
croarrays was conducted by an external service provider
Reports detailing the performance of the two microarray runs
provided, with both runs passing all the required controls
the non-specific binding controls that target bacterial sequences
(data not shown).
3.1.1. Ideal (Positive Control) Sample
Two DNA extracts were prepared from buccal swabs with con-
centration (ng/μL)/ DI values of 38.4/0.83 (extract 1) and
(extract 2) respectively. An additional DNA extract was
from a toenail clipping with a concentration of 5.73 ng/μL and
value of 2.64. Results from the SNP analysis are shown in Table
Extract 1 was used to prepare samples VIFM-01 to VIFM-08 for
first microarray run, with DNA input ranging in amounts from
A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science
International 334 (2022) 111242
approximately 150 ng to 0.4 pg. Extract 2 was used to prepare
samples VIFM-25-VIFM-33 for the second microarray run
ranging in
input amounts from approximately 22 ng to 0.02 ng. The DNA
tract derived from the toenail clipping was analysed on the
microarray run with an input amount of 23 ng. Samples with an
input amount ranging from 150 ng to 0.7 ng all had call rates >
and were able to provide the expected gender (data not shown).
Samples with 0.6 ng to 0.4 ng input amounts had call rates >
and were not able to provide the expected gender. While
with 0.1 ng to 0.04 ng input had call rates between 0.66 and
and samples with 0.02 ng or less input having call rates < 0.74.
3.1.2. Control Samples
Three of the four control samples (C-samples) were DNA
recovered from toenail samples with concentration (ng/μL)/DI
of: 8.9/2.30 (C-sample 1), 1.7/4.96 (C-sample 2) and 10.5/1.88
sample 3); whereas the fourth DNA extract was recovered from
skin sample with a concentration of 16.3 ng/μL and DI value of
Results from the SNP analysis are shown in Table 2. Three of
the four
samples had call rates > 0.97 (C-samples 1, 3 and 4), with one
sample (C-sample 2) having a call rate of 0.64. Two of the four
samples (C-samples 1 and 3) with call rates > 0.976 were able
provide the expected gender for those samples, with the other
samples (C-samples 2 and 4) yielded an ‘unknown’ gender
3.1.3. Casework Samples
The DNA extracts for the casework samples ranged in con-
centration from 0.009 ng/μL to 3.5 ng/μL with DI values
ranging from
0.6 to 3.6, with results from the SNP analysis shown in Table 2.
In the first SNP analysis with Case 1-7, only one case (Case 1)
a call rate > 0.9, with some returning poorer call rates of <
0.73 in
either one (cases 3, 5 and 6) or both replicates (cases 2 and 4),
some failing to yield a result in either one or both replicates,
such as
case 7. Only one case (Case 1) provided gender determination,
other cases yielded an ‘unknown’ gender result.
In the second SNP analysis, where samples of additional extrac-
tions for cases 3–5 and an extra case not previously analysed
(Case 8)
were run, two cases (cases 3 and 6) had a call rate > 0.9; with
other cases yielding call rates between 0.7 and 0.8. None of the
were able to provide gender determination and were ‘unknown’.
casework samples, the expected gender was known from STR
filing (data not shown).
3.1.4. Sample Quality
For the samples that yielded SNP data, an analysis of how the
samples performed – the percentage of SNPs genotyped and
Hom ratios – was undertaken. Of the non-degraded samples
sample dilution series), DNA input amount was seen to correlate
with percentage of SNPs genotyped and Het/Hom ratio (Fig. 1).
When evaluating the combined impact of sample input amount
degradation on Het/Hom ratios, for samples with an input
amount > 1 ng of DNA in the SNP assay degradation did not
to have an adverse impact on the Het/Hom ratio; while for
with an input amount of < 1 ng, degradation did appear to have
adverse impact on the Het/Hom ratio (Fig. 2). Evaluation of the
impact of DNA input amount and degradation on the percentage
SNPs genotyped showed two clusters with a small overlap; one
samples that yielded > 85% SNPs genotyped, and one of
samples that
yielded < 85% SNPs genotyped (Fig. 2). Furthermore, when
ating DNA input amounts to GEDmatch outcomes based on the
percentage of SNPs genotyped or Het/Hom ratios, thresholds of
percentage SNPs genotyped and Het/Hom ratio of approximately
85% and range within 0.3–0.45, respectively, were observed in
to predict a GEDmatch search outcome (Fig. 1). Three samples
gave a
Het/Hom ratio > 1, likely due to genotyping error causing false
heterozygote SNP calls. All three samples also gave low SNP
call rates
(< 52%). While increased Het/Hom ratio has been observed for
tain populations [23,24], all three samples were processed in
plicate or triplicate with all associated repeats yielding a
ratio < 1. Possible reasons considered for genotyping errors are
sufficient DNA (input range 0.25 ng-0.04 ng), poor quality
(degradation index range 1.15–2.09) [25,26], artifacts
introduced due
to the deamination [27], contamination [28] or a combination of
To evaluate SNP call concordance, drop-out and drop-in, a pair-
wise comparison was undertaken of all the ideal samples with
input of 80 ng or less to VIFM-01 (150 ng input). A positive
tion (Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.94) was observed
concordance and a logarithmic increase in DNA input for
with DNA input of 0.9 ng and under (Fig. 3). This relationship
did not
sustain for samples with a DNA input of 4 ng and over, as these
samples reached close to maximum concordance. For drop-out,
comparisons showed that the number of drop-out decreased with
increasing DNA input; however, some drop-out (numbering in
10 s) were observed in samples with 0.4 ng DNA input up to 80
DNA input (Fig. 4). Similarly for drop-in, the comparisons
that the number of drop-ins decreased with an increasing DNA
input; however, some drop-ins (numbering in the 10–100 s)
observed in samples with 0.6 ng DNA input up to 80 ng input
DNA (Fig. 5).
3.2. Genetic Genealogy: Ideal sample – Dilution Series
The donor of the ideal sample identified as having Scottish,
and Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry (Supplementary Fig. S1); with
heritage going back two generations on the donor’s maternal
and Australian/Scottish heritage on the paternal side. The
ancestry was also determined using the admixture proportions
provided by Eurogenes K13 modelling (Fig. S1), with North
(45%), Baltic (20%), West Mediterranean (15%), West Asian
(10%) and
East Mediterranean (7%) making up the bulk of the admixture.
DNA groups that make up the North Atlantic population
Danish; French Basque; Irish; North Dutch; Norwegian;
Southeast English; Southwest English and West Scottish. The
mixture prediction for this sample using the Eurogenes K13
elling appeared to align with the donor’s reported ancestry.
The kits derived from the ideal sample – having incrementally
less input DNA (from 80 ng down to 0.4 pg) – were compared to
kit obtained when 150 ng was used for the SNP analysis using
‘one-to-one’ comparison tool in GEDmatch (Fig. S2). Kits down
80 ng to 0.1 ng shared > 99% of their SNPs with VIFM-01 (150
with greater than 550,000 SNPs used in the comparisons. For
two kits having 0.04 ng input (VIFM-06 and VIFM-32), they
81% and 95% respectively with VIFM-01 with 422,862 and
SNPs used in the comparisons. All the kits from 80 ng to 0.1 ng
yielded Total Half-Match segments (HIR) > 3500 cM with a
recent-common-ancestor (MRCA) of 1.0; while the two kits
0.4 ng (VIFM-06 and VIFM-32) yielding HIR/MRCA values of
and 3560/1.0 respectively. Kits with less than 0.02 ng failed to
any results using the ‘one-to-one’ comparisons.
VIFM-01 (150 ng), when searched against all kits available on
GEDmatch using the ‘one-to-many’ comparison, returned the
pected matches to other kits (five at the time of this
held by the donor on GEDmatch (data not shown). Kits from 80
ng to
0.1 ng yield the same top five hits compared to VIFM-01 (150
(Fig. S2) and while the top match was identical, the order of the
other four matches varied slightly – with the top match having >
3500 shared cM and MRCA of 1. For the two 0.4 ng kits
(VIFM-06 and
VIFM-32), only the top match was the same as that of VIFM-01
(150 ng) with shared cM/MRCA values of 3161/1.1 and
3577/1.0 re-
spectively. Kits with less than 0.02 ng returned what were con-
sidered ‘junk’ matches (matches to known artificial junk kits
A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science
International 334 (2022) 111242
in GEDmatch at the time) or no matches at all, likely as a result
having low SNP call rates (approximately 60% or less) in
with an increase in genotyping errors due to insufficient and/or
quality DNA available for typing.
3.3. Genetic Genealogy: Control samples
The donor ancestry for the C-samples was noted at the com-
mencement of the project (data not shown), with the admixture
proportions for the kits derived from the C-samples obtained
the Eurogenes K13 modelling (Fig. S3). While the bulk of the
mixtures were composed of populations in the North Atlantic,
and West Mediterranean, their proportions varied particularly
tween C-sample 1 and the others – with C-sample 1 having a
nificant Amerindian contribution (27%). This is not surprising
as the
donor of this sample reported a South American and European
cestry. The DNA groups that make up the Amerindian
include: Karitiana; Mayan; North Amerindian; and Pima. Hence
admixture prediction for this sample using the Eurogenes K13
modelling appeared to align with the donor’s reported ancestry.
Fig. 1. Quality – An assessment of input amount and GEDmatch
outcomes for non-degraded samples that yielded SNP data.
Panel A: DNA input to Het/Hom ratio and GEDmatch
outcomes. Panel B: DNA input to % SNP genotyped and
GEDmatch outcomes.
A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science
International 334 (2022) 111242
Fig. 2. Quality – assessment of input amount and degradation on
Het/Hom ratio and % SNPs genotyped for samples that yielded
SNP data. Shown is DNA input and degradation to
Het/Hom ratio and % SNPs genotyped.
Fig. 3. Quality – SNP call concordance for samples that yielded
SNP data. Panel A: DNA input to the number of identical SNP
calls between both samples. Panel B: DNA input to the
number of non-identical SNP calls between both samples.
A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science
International 334 (2022) 111242
Fig. 4. Quality – SNP drop-out for samples that yielded SNP
data. DNA input to drop-outs.
Fig. 5. Quality – SNP drop-in for samples that yielded SNP
data. DNA input to drop-ins.
A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science
International 334 (2022) 111242
addition, C-sample 3 and C-sample 4, (which were derived from
same donor) generated almost identical admixture proportions
not shown).
Of the ‘one-to-many’ comparisons, all kits for the C-samples
generated matches on GEDmatch which could be further in-
vestigated, these are detailed in Table 3. Kits for C-samples 3
and 4
(which originated from the same donor) produced the same
3.4. Genetic Genealogy: Casework Samples
Of the ‘one-to-many’ comparisons, only two of the eight case-
work samples analysed generated matches on GEDmatch PRO
could be further investigated, in both instances the duplicate
produced the same match outcomes. Of the remaining six cases,
returned what were considered ‘junk’ matches or no matches at
likely as a result of having poor SNP call rates and erroneous
typing due to insufficient DNA available for typing in some
or the DNA being degraded in others. This may indicate sample
quality as the reason to matching ‘junk’ kits on the database (as
different samples matched the same ‘junk’ kits) rather than not
having any suitable matching kits on the database.
3.4. .1. Case 1 (VIFM-09 & VIFM-10)
The admixture proportions for this case (Fig. S4) consisted of
populations in East Mediterranean (37%), West Mediterranean
North Atlantic (17%), Baltic (9%), West Asian 8%) and Red Sea
comprising the majority of the admixture. In addition, kits for
09 and VIFM-10 generated almost identical admixture
(data not shown).
Of the ‘one-to-many’ comparison in GEDmatch Pro, Case 1
(VIFM-09 and VIFM-10) had the closest matches in the 80–500
of total shared cM, indicative of second cousin (2 C) - third
(3 C) or first cousin once removed (1C1R) relationships (Table
3). The
comparison performed on FamilyTreeDNA yielded a closer
(616 cM) placing this in the 550–1200 range indicative of first
(1 C)− 1C1R (data not shown).
3.4.2. . Case 8. (VIFM-42 & VIFM-43)
The admixture proportions for this case (Fig. S4) consisted of
population in North Atlantic (49%), Baltic (22%), West
(19%), West Asian (5%) and East Mediterranean (4%)
comprising the
majority of the admixture. In addition, kits for VIFM-42 and
gave almost identical admixture proportions (data not shown).
Of the ‘one-to-many’ comparison in GEDmatch PRO, Case 8
(VIFM-42 and VIFM-43) had a match in the 1200–2200 range
dicative of half siblings, aunt, uncles, grand-parents/child
ships; as well as a further matches in the 80–500 range
indicative of
2–3 C or 1C1R (Table 3).
3.5. Genetic Genealogy: Pristine Versus Compromised Samples
A comparison of GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO outcomes for
samples that were successfully uploaded was undertaken. When
evaluating Het/Hom ratio and the percentage of SNPs genotyped
GEDmatch or GEDmatch PRO outcomes, a Het/Hom ratio in the
range of 0.3–0.45 was required to successfully match – even
the percentage of SNPs genotyped dropped below 90% (Fig. 6).
thermore, the Het/Hom ratio appears to be a better predictor of
match success rather than the percentage of SNPs genotyped
(Fig. 7).
Furthermore, the impact that DNA input has on three types of
genotyping errors (false allele call rate (homozygote); allele
out rate; and allele drop-in rate) was evaluated using the ideal
sample series (see Fig. 8). When considering the three typing
combined, it was noted that samples with an input of 0.02 ng or
had an observed genotyping error ranging from 19% to 63%;
samples with 0.1 ng or more had less than 1% genotyping
errors, of
which the majority were allele drop-ins. When looking at the
0.02 ng
or less samples in more detail, allele drop-out is more prevalent
samples with 0.02 ng and 0.004 ng input, whereas the false
rate at 32% and allele drop-out rate at 28%, are similar with the
smallest DNA input of 0.0004 ng. For the duplicate samples
with an
input of 0.04 ng, each had genotyping errors of 18% and 5%
3.6. Bioinformatic Analysis: Casework Samples
In order to improve the search outcome for casework samples,
bioinformatic analysis of the SNP data was undertaken to
any non-concordant and no-data SNPs from the combined SNP
for those cases. The removal of all homozygote SNPs, or those
seen in at least two replicates was also performed. While the
bioinformatic treatment improved the number of SNPs available
comparison for these casework samples (and thus the call rate)
– as
exemplified for case 4 (VIFM-15, VIFM-16, VIFM-38 and
(Table 4) – none of the kits generated from the upload of the
data resulted in any match data (data not shown), as they all had
Het/Hom ratios outside the range of 0.3–0.4 and failed this
4. Discussion
While the operationalisation of FGG outside of the U.S. is
others have commenced evaluation of FGG for cold case
tions and human identification purposes [15,29]. Tillmar
[29], for example, described the successful use of FGG to solve
a 16-
year old double murder case in Sweden; demonstrating the
utility of
genetic genealogy databases for countries other than the U.S. As
more countries consider the use of FGG, concerns have been
regarding the ethical use of public databases for criminal
Table 3
One-to-many – control and casework samples. For control
samples (VIFM-45, −46, −47 and −48) where a match list was
returned from GEDmatch, and for casework samples
(VIFM-09, −10, −42, and −43) where a match list was returned
from GEDmatch PRO, the number of close matches based on cM
is shown – with numbers capped to 500. Adapted
from Thomson et. al. 2020 [34]
Number of close matches
Range cM VIFM-09 VIFM-10 VIFM-42 VIFM-43 VIFM-45
VIFM-46 VIFM-47 VIFM-48 Likely relationship
~ 3570 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parent or child
2200–3300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Full sibling
1200–2200 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Half siblings, aunts, uncles,
550–1200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1–1 C1R
80–500 7 6 4 4 0 0 0 0 approximately 2–3 C or 1C1R
50–80 500 500 0 0 0 0 1 1 approximately 3–4 C
30–50 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 4 10 9 approximately 4 C or more
distant (could be closer)
N/A: not applicable
A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science
International 334 (2022) 111242
investigations, as well as the validity of methodology(ies) used
infer relationships [30–32]. Thus, case studies (using
relevant samples) to evaluate FGG are required to improve our
In order to better understand the impact of parameters such as
DNA input and degradation levels as well as SNP call rates on
ability to deliver enough DNA data for a kit to yield matches
uploaded to a genealogy database, an ideal sample (at various
amounts), as well as control samples (varying degradation
were analysed. For a good quality DNA sample with a low de-
gradation index (~ 1), as little as 0.1 ng was able to yield the
match profile when performing the ‘one-to-many’ comparisons,
however, an input of 0.04 ng resulted in the identification of the
same top match only. While inputs of 0.7 ng or greater were
to achieve the correct gender (as well as call rates above 0.97)
was not a requirement for success in yielding matches. Failure
correctly call the gender may be a result of not enough SNP
on the X and/or Y chromosomes being typed to enable gender
termination. However, this observation requires further
tion. Hence, the ability to predict the gender of the donor from
SNP analysis was not a requirement to successfully yield
when searched against GEDmatch, with samples returning
‘unknown’ for gender able to yield the expected matches.
with slightly worse degradation levels (ranging from 1.6 to 5.0)
Fig. 7. GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO outcomes. For all
samples that were successfully uploaded to GEDmatch and
GEDmatch Pro, an assessment of Het/Hom ratio and per-
centage of SNPs genotyped to GEDmatch outcomes, following
the removal of three outlier samples with Het/Hom ratios > 1.5.
Fig. 6. GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO outcomes. For all
samples that were successful uploaded to GEDmatch and
GEDmatch Pro, an assessment of Het/Hom ratio and percentage
of SNPs genotyped to GEDmatch outcomes.
A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science
International 334 (2022) 111242
inputs between 7 and 65 ng all generated matches when
the ‘one-to-many’ comparisons. These results were encouraging
many of the samples received by the laboratory from UHR cases
often yield low levels of DNA which are degraded. It was noted,
however, that for samples with an input < 1 ng, degradation ap-
peared to have an adverse impact on the Het/Hom ratio. For the
sample, it was observed that with DNA inputs less than 0.04 ng
than 5% genotyping errors were detected. Furthermore, the
rence of these genotyping errors coincided with the loss of a
match list when searched in GEDmatch. The presence of 5% or
of genotyping errors had a detrimental impact on the matching
FGG has been used successfully in the identification of UHR
particularly in the U.S., leading to the reconciliation of long-
missing persons with unidentified deceased [7]. This approach
dependent on having the appropriate data set (size and composi-
tion) in the genealogy database, such as GEDmatch and Family-
TreeDNA, to ensure matches occur [33]. In order to evaluate the
usefulness of FGG for the identification of UHR cases in an
context, eight cases were selected for analysis. These cases
represent the sample type (bone) and DNA yields and quality
concentration and degraded) encountered for UHR in the
Furthermore, as it was expected that cases with European
should yield results when searched on GEDmatch PRO, case
tion considered those cases which had BGA predictions
with seven of the eight cases predicted to have European
based on BGA analysis. Although Case 8 did not have any BGA
dictions available, mitochondrial haplotyping indicated
ancestry on the maternal side. The admixture predictions
using the Eurogenes K13 modelling appeared to be a good
of the ancestry for the known samples and could potentially be
as an indicator as to the likelihood of matches on the genealogy
database for the unknown samples. However, further assessment
the accuracy of Eurogenes K13 modelling would be required.
For all the casework samples, DNA input amounts fell within
range of 0.1–14 ng, with all but one having degradation values
0.6–3.6. Based on the results for the ideal sample, it was
that most would return a match result using ‘one-to-many’
Fig. 8. GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO outcomes. An
assessment of genotyping error (%) as a function of input DNA
for all samples that were successfully uploaded to GEDmatch
and GEDmatch Pro.
Table 4
Bioinformatic – Case 4. Number of SNPs available for
searching following three treatments: the removal (i) non-
concordant and no-data SNPs; (ii) as (i) and any homozygote
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  • 1. Week 5: Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents Reminders for WEEK 5: · Required Readings & Media · Assignment: Patient Education for Children and Adolescents · To Prepare · By Day 1, your Instructor will assign a mood or anxiety disorder diagnosis for you to use for this Assignment. · Assignments: Generalized Anxiety Disorder · Medication: duloxetine (age 7–17) · Research signs and symptoms for your diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, nonpharmacological treatments, and appropriate community resources and referrals. · The Assignment - In a 300- to 500-word blog post written for a patient and/or caregiver audience, explain signs and symptoms for your diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, nonpharmacological treatments, and appropriate community resources and referrals. RESEARCH ARTICLE Case rethinking: a protocol for reviewing criminal investigations D. Kim Rossmo* Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Investigation, School of Criminal Justice, Texas State
  • 2. University, San Marcos, TX, USA Mistakes in decision-making have been identified as the most common type of error in police investigations. Consequently, wrongful convictions and other types of crimi- nal investigative failure may require a complete case ‘rethinking,’ particularly when new evidence disrupts the existing theory. A rush to judgment resulting in a prema- ture shift from an evidence-based to a suspect-based investigation can produce a number of problematic thinking errors. Faulty assumptions, tunnel vision, groupthink, and other cognitive biases and organizational traps hinder evidentiary interpretation and evaluation. This article outlines a protocol for reviewing evidence and rethinking a wrongful conviction or unsolved crime when the existing investigative theory appears to be incorrect. The protocol involves four stages: (1) evidence; (2) interpre- tation; (3) patterns; and (4) analysis. Keywords: criminal investigation; police detectives; criminal investigative failures; cold cases; wrongful convictions Introduction Police agencies increasingly use sophisticated forensic techniques and powerful computers in their response to major crimes. What can sometimes be forgotten in this emphasis on technology, however, is the need to properly think about the information
  • 3. produced by these and other approaches. Police investigations require rational analysis and logical thinking. When cognitive biases and organizational traps distort the process, wrongful convictions and other types of criminal investigative failure can result. This article presents a case rethinking protocol that has been successfully used on unsolved crimes and wrongful convictions. The focus is on inquiries of crimes, such as murder, where what happened remains unknown. Reviewing a case often involves the effort to discover new evidence; however, this method is concerned with rethinking existing evidence. Aspects of the protocol may also be helpful in guiding new investiga- tions. The types and causes of thinking errors that can obstruct a criminal investigation are first discussed. A protocol for the systematic review of a wrongful conviction or unsolved case in which the existing investigative theory appears incorrect is then out- lined. The protocol involves four stages: (1) evidence; (2) interpretation; (3) patterns; and (4) analysis. *Email: [email protected] © 2014 Taylor & Francis Police Practice and Research, 2016 Vol. 17, No. 3, 212–228,
  • 4. Criminal investigative failures A criminal investigative failure is defined as an unsolved crime that should have been solved or a crime that was incorrectly ‘solved’ (i.e., a wrongful conviction). Many people tend to believe the criminal justice system is fair and competent, with police, prosecutors, and jurors logically basing their decisions on reliable evidence. Unfortunately, as The Innocence Project and similar groups have shown, innocent people are sometimes prosecuted and convicted. The reality is the system makes mistakes. It is difficult to determine how often such errors happen, but estimates of the frequency of wrongful convictions range from 0.5% (all felonies; Huff, Rattner, & Sagarin, 1996), to 4.1% (death row inmates; Gross, O’Brien, Hu, & Kennedy, 2014), to 5% and higher (murder and sexual assaults; Roman, Walsh, Lachman, & Yahner, 2012). Eyewitness misidentifications, improper forensic science, and false confessions are the major causes of wrongful convictions (Innocence Project, 2013). However, investiga- tive thinking errors often underlie these direct causes. Mistakes in decision-making have been identified as the most common type of error in police investigations (Irvine & Dunningham, 1993). Problems can arise when police rush to
  • 5. judgment during the early stages of a case and prematurely shift the investigation from evidence-based to suspect-based. If this occurs before all the evidence has been collected and analyzed, there is a significant risk of tunnel vision. Human beliefs are the product of expectations, desires, and evidence; the more ambiguous the last, the stronger the influence of expectations and desires (Snook, 2000). ‘There can be little doubt that our beliefs influence the processes by which we seek out, store, and interpret relevant information’ (Ross & Anderson, 1982, p. 149). It is therefore important to collect as much evidence as possible before theorizing about the crime and suspects; once that has happened, expectations and desires start influenc- ing the thinking process. The need for an alternative approach may become evident if DNA reveals a wrong- ful conviction or disrupts the dominant theory, or a crime is still unsolved after a lengthy period. However, rethinking an investigation can be extremely difficult and challenging. Cognitive biases and organizational traps may exist that hinder evidence interpretation and evaluation. As Heuer (1999, p. 125) warns, ‘once information rings a bell, the bell cannot be unrung.’ Thinking errors When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do
  • 6. you do, sir? (John Maynard Keynes) In an ideal world, we would make the best possible decisions after a careful evalua- tion of all available evidence. In reality, our thinking is frequently impaired by cognitive biases. Within the context of a criminal investigation, such systematic errors in thinking can result in an unsolved crime or a wrongful conviction (Jones, Grieve, & Milne, 2008a; Rossmo, 2009). Tunnel vision and confirmation bias are amongst the most prob- lematic thinking errors that can be made by detectives. Faulty assumptions, probability errors, and groupthink sometimes play supporting roles. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 213 The initiating problem is often a rush to judgment – reaching a conclusion before all the evidence has been considered. A premature judgment can lead to tunnel vision and confirmation bias, prevent subsequent evidence from being properly evaluated, and result in a criminal investigative failure. These errors and the aggravating role of groupthink are discussed below. Premature judgment For many reasons, detectives may jump to conclusions before an investigation is com- plete. Community fear, media and political pressure,
  • 7. organizational stresses, personal ego, and a compelling desire to apprehend a dangerous offender can all result in a pre- mature arrest. The pressures are exacerbated if the crime is particularly heinous or the victim is a young child. An overreliance on intuition can lock in a premature judgment. Humans have both intuitive and rational decision-making processes (Kahneman, 2003); while most people are familiar with the former, the latter is often misunderstood. Intuition (sometimes mistakenly referred to as ‘gut instinct’) operates at a below- consciousness level and is automatic, fast, and powerful (Myers, 2002). It is learned slowly and typically involves the use of heuristics. Because of its implicit nature, intuition is difficult to control and is prone to error; it exists because it helps promote survival, not because of its accuracy. Different situations require different types of judgment and when a decision has to be made quickly under conditions of uncertainty, intuition can be useful (Wright, 2013). But when we have reliable data and adequate time, reasoning is the better option; com- plex tasks, such as major crime investigations, require analysis and logic (Jones et al., 2008a). ‘Investigators need not be especially sure that they have the right person to sway their investigation toward an early suspect’ (O’Brien, 2009, p. 328). When that happens, police prematurely move from an evidence-based to a suspect-
  • 8. based investigation (Rossmo, 2009). In the former mode, detectives have not yet determined who the offen- der is; they are still searching for and gathering information and evidence to determine what happened during the crime and who might be a suspect. In the latter mode, detec- tives have decided they know who the guilty person is, and their investigation shifts to preparing for prosecution. The central problem therefore originates from judgments based on only subsets rather than the totality of evidence. Evidence discovered post- judgment is then less likely to be evaluated in an unbiased manner, and relevant evidence that fails to support the investigative conclusion may not be collected or properly analyzed; in some instances, it may not even be recognized as evidence. If a flawed forensic test is done early in an investigation, it can have a powerful effect because of the authority given to science (Garrett & Neufeld, 2009). However, forensic science is not always very ‘scientific,’ and some forensic analyses are more subjective than objective. There have been a number of wrongful convictions attrib- uted to bad forensic science (National Research Council, 2009). The uncritical accep- tance of flawed forensic results at the beginning of a case can result in premature judgment and poor investigative decision-making, including the dismissal of important evidence later discovered simply because it conflicts with the
  • 9. forensic findings. Inves- tigations have been sent down the wrongful conviction road by several types of unsound forensic analyses, including time of death estimates (Michael Morton, Texas), 214 D.K. Rossmo sexual assault examinations (David Camm, Indiana), blood testing (Greg Taylor, North Carolina), bite mark comparisons (Willie Jackson, Louisiana), and arson indicators (Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas). Faulty assumptions Assumptions are often necessary in a criminal investigation, especially during its early stages when information tends to be limited. As evidence is collected, however, it is important to reevaluate all investigative assumptions and discard those no longer valid. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Given enough time, it is even possible for an unsubstantiated assumption to reify and harden into ‘fact.’ If investigators working from a faulty assumption develop tunnel vision, they are unlikely to later detect the underlying error. During the DC Sniper case, the assumption that the killers were driving a white van evolved into a near-certainty during the early days of the investigation (Horwitz & Ruane, 2003). However, this white van – in fact, originally
  • 10. reported as a white box truck – did not exist; the killers were driving a blue Caprice sedan. Probability errors A detective may have to estimate the probability of a particular event in order to decide if it is significant to the investigation or merely coincidence. However, humans tend to have a poor understanding of probability, particularly at the intuitive level (Gigerenzer, 2002). As a result, probability mistakes commonly occur; in the context of a criminal investigation, these mistakes can create tunnel vision and sustain confirmation bias. Several cases have been sabotaged by probability errors originating from the flawed estimates of investigators, forensic scientists, medical pathologists, profilers, and prosecutors. Problem areas include violating the laws of probability, ignoring base rates, using vague language (‘common,’ ‘rare,’ ‘risky’), and failing to understand the nature of randomness in large investigations involving many suspects (Rossmo, 2009). The tragic case of British solicitor Sally Clark is an infamous example of injustice caused by a probability error. Clark was convicted of murdering her two sons who died from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The only evidence against her was the assertion that the occurrence of two SIDS deaths in a single family was highly
  • 11. improbable, an estimate calculated by a pediatrician, Roy Meadow. Unfortunately, he made several errors in his analysis: he ignored genetic effects and incorrectly assumed SIDS cases are independent within families; he committed an ecological fallacy by equating individual-level risk to overall population risk; and he failed to realize that SIDS is common enough on a national level that a recurrence happens to some unfor- tunate family in England about once every 18 months (Hall, 1999). The Royal Statisti- cal Society publically criticized Dr Meadow’s estimate and Clark’s conviction was eventually quashed on appeal, but only after she had spent more than three years in prison. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 215 Tunnel vision Tunnel vision (also called incrementalism) results from a narrow focus on a limited range of alternatives. Tunnel vision is insidious …. It results in the [police] officer becoming so focussed upon an individual or incident that no other person or incident registers in the officer’s thoughts. Thus, tunnel vision can result in the elimination of other suspects who should be investi- gated. (Cory, 2001, p. 37)
  • 12. Tunnel vision can be a product of satisficing, or the selection of the first identified alternative that appears ‘good enough’ (Findley & Scott, 2006; Simon, 1956). Arrest- ing the first likely suspect, then closing the investigation off to alternative theories, is a recipe for disaster. Not surprisingly, tunnel vision has been identified as a major cause of wrongful convictions (FPT Heads of Prosecutions Committee Working Group, 2004). Gould, Carrano, Leo, and Young (2013) link tunnel vision to the broader issue of systemic failure in wrongful convictions: ‘tunnel vision helps explain how one error often leads to additional errors in an erroneous conviction. It contributes and facilitates system breakdown because it dismantles the rigorous testing of evidence that makes the investigative and adversarial processes function effectively’ (p. xxi). They also connect tunnel vision to the concept of escalation of commitment (also known as sunk costs; Brockner, 1992; Coleman, 2010; Staw, 1981) to explain why entrenchment of beliefs occur even when strong contradictory evidence has emerged: As more resources – money, time, and emotions – are placed into a narrative involving a suspect, the actors involved are less willing or able to process negative feedback that refutes their conclusions. Instead, actors want to devote additional resources in order to recoup their original investment. As a result, evidence that points away from a suspect is
  • 13. ignored or devalued, and latent errors are overlooked. At this point, the police are working to rule in rather than rule out the suspect, and prosecutors have moved from ‘inspection’ mode to ‘selling’ mode.1 Escalation of commitment contributes and facilitates system breakdown because it dismantles the rigorous testing of evidence that makes the adversarial process function effectively. (pp. 86–87) Confirmation bias Confirmation bias (also called verification bias) is a type of selective thinking. Once a hypothesis has been formed, our inclination is to confirm rather than refute – we tend to look for supporting information, interpret ambiguous information as consistent with our hypothesis, and minimize any inconsistent evidence (Koehler, 1991). Types of confirma- tion bias include biased search for evidence, biased interpretation of information, and biased memory (selective recall).2 Confirmation bias can cause a detective to focus on evidence confirming the investi- gative theory, while ignoring or refusing to look for contradicting evidence (Stelfox & Pease, 2005). Existing evidence is interpreted in a biased manner; evidence that supports the investigative theory is taken at face value, while contradicting evidence3 is skeptically scrutinized (Ross & Anderson, 1982). Research has shown experienced police investigators consider witnesses less credible if they
  • 14. exonerate a preferred suspect than if they help confirm guilt (Ask & Granhag, 2007). Other manifestations of confirmation bias include the failure to search for evidence that might prove a 216 D.K. Rossmo suspect’s alibi, not utilizing such evidence if found, and refusing to consider alternative hypotheses. While the recording and documenting functions integral to a professional criminal investigation minimize the risk of biased memory, there have been some instances of detectives ‘forgetting’ to document important evidence. There have also been several cases where a prosecutor decided exculpatory evidence was not relevant to the case and failed to share it with defense counsel. It is difficult to say whether such actions are the result of rationalizations fed by confirmation bias or the product of outright unethical behavior. In the wrongful conviction of Michael Morton for his wife’s murder, Ken Anderson, the district attorney of Williamson County, Texas, failed to inform Morton’s defense counsel of key physical and witness evidence that eventually identified the real killer (Colloff, 2012). Anderson was eventually sentenced to a jail term after being found in contempt of court and disbarred (he
  • 15. had become a judge). Confirmation bias can be detected in a criminal investigation by identifying: � evidence ‘missed’ post-judgment (ignored leads, unexplored lines of inquiry, lost evidence, unanalyzed evidence); and � biased treatment of post-judgment evidence (disregarded, downplayed, or distorted evidence, illogically considered evidentiary implications). Confirmation bias can be tested for by considering what would happen if the order of evidential discovery was changed. The conclusions reached by detectives should not depend on the particular sequence in which the evidence was discovered. If altering the evidential order changes the case conclusion, there is likely a problem with the investi- gative logic. The strength and perseverance of confirmation bias is dramatically illustrated by the convoluted theories put forth by those prosecutors and police who ‘never can admit a mistake.’ Prosecutors are normally thankful for DNA evidence in a criminal case; however, their reaction can be quite different if the DNA establishes the innocence of someone they originally believed guilty. After the bodies of two little girls were found in a remote wooded area in Zion, Illinois, police arrested and charged the father of one of the victims with murder. When sperm recovered from the
  • 16. girl’s vagina, mouth, and anus was tested and found not to match her father’s DNA, the prosecutor dismissed the laboratory results, suggesting the victim contacted the sperm while playing in the woods where couples met to have sex (Martin, 2011). Later, after the DNA was matched to a convicted violent serial rapist who was a friend of the victim’s brother, the prosecutor again argued the sperm was unrelated to the crime. This time, he theorized the rapist masturbated while sleeping over at the house of the victim’s brother. Later, while the victim was watching a movie from the same bed, she touched his sperm and subsequently transferred it to her other body parts (i.e., the inside of her vagina, mouth, and anus). In another example, from a Canadian case, DNA testing of sperm found on the victim’s clothing matched a convicted rapist from her own neighborhood, not the man who spent 23 years in prison for her murder. Rather than acknowledging the failure, some police officers tried to explain away the DNA by suggesting the convicted man had actually killed her. Then, after he left her body in a back alley, the rapist came along and had sex with her frozen corpse before it was discovered (Boyd & Rossmo, 1994). Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 217
  • 17. Ross and Anderson (1982) observed: it is clear that beliefs can survive potent logical or empirical challenges. They can survive and even be bolstered by evidence that most uncommitted observers would agree logically demands some weakening of such beliefs. They can even survive the total destruction of their original evidential bases. (p. 149) Stubborn and irrational belief perseverance by the state in the face of significant conflicting new evidence is inconsistent with both justice and reality. Groupthink Within organizations with strong subcultures like the police, groupthink can enable and exacerbate confirmation bias. Groupthink is the reluctance to think critically and chal- lenge the dominant theory. It occurs in highly cohesive groups under pressure to make important decisions. The main symptoms include (Janis, 1982): (1) Power overestimation (a) belief in the group’s invulnerability, resulting in unwarranted optimism and risk taking; and (b) ignoring the ethical consequences of decisions because of a belief in the morality of the group’s purpose. (2) Close-mindedness
  • 18. (a) group rationalizations and the discrediting of warning signs; and (b) negative stereotyping of the group’s opponents (they are regarded as evil, stupid). (3) Uniformity pressures (a) conformity pressures (those who disagree with the dominant views or decisions are seen as disloyal); (b) self-censorship (the withholding of dissenting views and counterarguments); (c) shared illusion of unanimity (silence is perceived as consent, and there is an unsubstantiated belief everyone agrees with the group’s decision); and (d) self-appointed mindguards (group members shield each other from conflict- ing information). Groupthink has several negative outcomes (FPT Heads of Prosecutions Committee Working Group, 2004). Afflicted groups selectively gather information and fail to seek expert opinions. They neglect to critically assess their ideas, examine few alternatives, and fail to develop contingency plans. Groupthink in a major crime investigation perpet- uates confirmation bias and preserves flawed decisions. Case rethinking protocol
  • 19. The following protocol has been designed for the systematic review of a case in which the investigative theory appears to be wrong.4 Such a realization may follow the discov- ery of significant new evidence that disrupts the existing theory, but it can also emerge after a case has remained unsolved for an extended period of time. Rethinking an 218 D.K. Rossmo investigation first requires a detective to unravel the case – wipe the slate clean, unlearn what is believed, and abandon existing theories and suspects. Crimes are solved by information derived from evidence (Willmer, 1970). The purpose of the protocol is to create a focus on the evidence, its strengths and weaknesses, and the overall evidentiary pattern. Facts must be distinguished from beliefs, certainties from suspicions, and probabilities from possibilities. An investiga- tor must be able to answer the question, ‘How do you know what you think you know?’ The protocol involves four stages: (1) evidence; (2) interpretation; (3) patterns; and (4) analysis. Each stage is explained in detail below, and then briefly illustrated in a text box using a short example based on an evidence item – the written statement of an eye-
  • 20. witness – from a sexual murder case. Evidence Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true. (Francis Bacon) The first step in rethinking a case is to identify the evidence5 in the investigation and assess its reliability. Evidence is a tangible and recorded fact relevant to the crime. In some situations, the absence of something can be considered evidence. Theories, assumptions, and inferences are not evidence. It is essential to identify the origin of each item of evidence, whether it is a police report, crime scene photograph, witness statement, or laboratory analysis. Nothing should be taken for granted. Rumors emerge in large investigations that can solidify into ‘facts’ after sufficient retelling; ‘creeping credibility’ can turn a hypothesis into received knowledge over time. If a record cannot be found, then there is no evidence. Identifying the evidence and its supporting documentation establishes the ‘facts of the case’ and the information content of the investigation. There are only three ways to solve a crime: a witness; a confession; or physical evidence (Klockars & Mastrofski, 1991). Detectives typically have a good understanding of the technical nature of these evidence types, including their benefits and problems. However, they do not always fully understand the
  • 21. probative value of evidence (Robertson & Vignaux, 1995). Evidence has both significance and reliability (Griffith & Tversky, 2004). People tend to place more importance on significant evidence even if its reliability6 (the probability of its truthfulness) is low. All evidence has an error rate – eyewitnesses make misidentifications, suspects give false confessions, and scientific tests produce false positives. The possibility of mistakes and human error always exists. It is therefore necessary to estimate the reliability of an item of evidence in order to determine how much weight it should be given. Source reliability, forensic test error rates, research on evidentiary consistency/trustworthiness, and any other known issues should be considered. While it is usually impossible to assign exact probabilities, investigators can roughly evaluate evidence on an ordinal scale from low to high reliability. Evidence should not be considered more reliable because the investigator wants it to be, and it should not be deemed unreliable simply because it is inconsistent with the prevailing investigative theory. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 219 Evidence The evidence item used to illustrate the protocol is a written statement from an eyewitness in a sexual murder that occurred in Saskatoon,
  • 22. Saskatchewan. The victim was Gail Miller, a nursing assistant who was attacked while walking to the bus stop on her way to work on an icy January morning. She was raped and stabbed; her body was later found lying in the snow in a back alley a block from her home (Boyd & Rossmo, 1994). The witness, Nichol John, was one of three Regina teenagers, along with David Milgaard and Ron Wilson, who set out on a road trip to buy drugs. They drove to Saskatoon to pick up another friend (who had money), but ended up lost before they found his house and got stuck in the snow. It was very cold, so John stayed in the car while Milgaard and Wilson went for help. John told police she then saw Milg- aard attack a woman on the street. Written statement from witness Nichol John: After we got to Saskatoon we drove around for about 10 or 15 minutes. Then we talked to this girl. This was in the area where Sgt. Mackie drove me around. Ron was driving the car at this time. He drove to the curb where Dave spoke to this girl. Dave was on the outside passenger side of the front seat. Dave opened the door to talk to this girl as she approached along the sidewalk. Dave asked this girl for directions to either down town or
  • 23. Pleasant Hill. He offered to give her a ride to where ever she was going. She refused the ride. Dave closed the door and said “The stupid bitch.” We started to drive away and only went about half a block when we got stuck. We ended up stuck at the entrance to the alley behind the funeral home. Ron and Dave got out and they tried to push the car. They couldn’t get it out. I recall Dave going back in the direction we had spoke to the girl. Ron went the other way past the funeral home. The next thing I recall is seeing Dave in the alley on the right side of the car. He had a hold of the same girl we spoke to a minute before. I saw him grab her purse. I saw her grab for her purse again. Dave reached into one of his pockets and pulled out the knife. I don’t know which pocket he got the knife from. The knife was in his right hand. I don’t know if Dave had a hold of this girl or not at this time. All I recall seeing is him stabbing her with the knife. The next I recall is him taking her around the corner of the alley. I think I ran after that. I think I ran in the direction Ron had gone. I recall running down the street. I don’t recall seeing anyone. The next thing I knew I was sitting in the car again. I don’t know how I got back to the car.
  • 24. Reliability assessment: uncertain. It is unlikely Nichol John is mistaken in her identification of the killer, as she knows Milgaard and was apparently situated near him when the attack occurred. However, John may be deceitful. She is a 16-year-old street girl who uses drugs. This statement is inconsistent with her first statement to the police. She was under pressure by detectives to talk about the Miller case; the day before she gave this statement she was arrested and spent the night in jail. She continued to travel with Milgaard after the murder. She now claims she cannot remember anything about the crime. 220 D.K. Rossmo Interpretation Evidence must be explained and interpreted to give it meaning. Potential inferences from the evidence and its context are identified in the protocol’s second stage. These are reasonable deductions that can be based on the evidence. An inference can be thought of as the extrapolation from the core facts of an item of evidence to its logical, proba- ble, or (reasonably) possible conclusions, not all of which will necessarily be correct. For example, DNA recovered from the vaginal vault of the victim in a child sex murder leads to a strong inference it was left by the killer. However,
  • 25. that inference is not as strong if the victim was a sex trade worker. A likely inference from an unreliable item of evidence is still not probable; similarly, an unlikely inference from a reliable item of evidence is also improbable. While infer- ences are related to theories, they are distinct; the former is an extension from a single item of evidence, while the latter is built up from the totality of evidence in an investi- gation. The explanation for an item of evidence – the theory of its cause – is an important inference. While there can be a tendency to focus on the most obvious explanation, full consideration should be given to all feasible options. Possible explanations can be ranked by likelihood; as this assessment might change once an item of evidence is con- sidered in relationship to the other evidence in the case, it is important not to prema- turely eliminate possibilities (existing biases become most treacherous at this point). Interpretation John’s statement is significant and highly probative. If accurate, it identifies Milgaard as Miller’s murderer. The following high probability inferences can be made from this item of evidence (lower probability inferences are not listed in this example):
  • 26. (1) Nichol John’s statement provides an exact location for the stabbing (a loca- tion different from where Miller’s body was found), suggesting there should be blood and perhaps other physical evidence at the site. (2) The location of the attack indicates the likely route walked by Miller to her bus stop the morning of the murder. (3) As described, the attack dictates Miller should have stab wounds and a matching pattern of cuts in the clothing she was wearing (winter coat and nursing uniform). Patterns The evidence in an investigation is simply a collection of facts. To understand what happened in a crime, potential causes and inferences from the evidence have to be con- nected and understood as a narrative or story. The third stage of the protocol involves looking for patterns that can be derived from the constellation of evidence, and deter- mining connections (influences between items of evidence) and sequences (what flows from what). It is also important at this point to analyze consistencies among inferences as these suggest reliable narratives. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 221
  • 27. In many cases, the pattern will be patchy and incomplete. In such instances, it is important to refrain from ‘filling in the blanks’ beyond what can be supported by the available evidence. In other cases, multiple competing patterns of varying probabilities will emerge. Despite the human tendency to avoid uncertainty, it is necessary to con- sider all viable options; this often requires consideration of contradictory possibilities. Patterns Part of Nichol John’s statement is consistent with the statement of her friend, Ron Wilson, who also said he saw Milgaard with a knife. However, John’s description of the location of the attack is not consistent with the route the victim typically took to the bus stop. Miller usually followed the short- est path, a three-minute trip. On the morning of her murder, she left her home five minutes before the bus was due (the temperature was −42° F), and it is unlikely she would have been at the spot where John said the attack occurred. John’s statement is also inconsistent with some of the physical evidence. No blood was found near the place where she claimed the attack happened. (It is possi- ble she was mistaken about the location, but no blood was found anywhere other than by Miller’s body.) Furthermore, while the pattern of cuts in Miller’s winter coat
  • 28. matched the pattern of her stab wounds, there were no cuts in her nursing uniform. This meant that, at some point, Miller’s coat was taken off, her uniform was pulled down, and her coat was put back on again – none of which was described by John. Analysis Up to this point the focus has been on the case evidence. In the analysis stage, evi- dence patterns are now used to generate and assess investigative theories or hypothe- ses (see Jones et al., 2008a). It is best to start with broad comprehensive categories, drilling down and becoming more specific as evidence permits. Not all the evidence may be helpful in this process. Caution is needed when working with ambiguous evi- dence, which is more vulnerable to expectations, desires, and other biases (Snook, 2000). ‘When the evidence is ambiguous, subtle influences on how an investigator sees it could affect the outcome. A weak case can start to look strong when the inves- tigator overlooks potentially fruitful leads in another direction’ (O’Brien, 2009, p. 329). To avoid this trap, it is important to consider the diagnosticity of an item of evidence.7 Diagnosticity originally referred to the ability of a medical test to identify a patient’s disease. In the context of a criminal investigation, the diagnosticity of an item of evidence is a function of its ability to distinguish between different hypothe- ses, such as a suspect’s guilt or innocence.
  • 29. When developing case theories, investigators should remember Occam’s razor, the Principle of Parsimony – if more than one explanation for the evidence is possible, it is preferable to start with the simplest (the one with the fewest assumptions). The narrative of the crime should not be any more complicated than necessary to properly explain the evidence. An important principle in the physical sciences, Occam’s razor can also be a helpful investigative concept. While many things are possible in a crime, only some are probable. 222 D.K. Rossmo In the special case of only two competing theories, the available evidence can be used to determine which is the most likely. The probability of an item of evidence given the first theory is compared to the probability of the evidence given the second theory.8 This process is then repeated for all items of evidence and the results combined. The final product indicates which theory is the more likely based on the totality of the evi- dence (Blair & Rossmo, 2010). The last step involves determining how particular suspects fit into the various crime theories and identifying any suspect-related information that might link back to the
  • 30. crime, such as a relationship with the victim or prior criminal history. It should be remembered, however, that a suspect’s bad character is not direct evidence of a crime, absent information that provides a connecting link (e.g., a motive). If it becomes necessary to use assumptions at this point, they should be written down and all the conclusions derived from them so identified. To avoid tunnel vision, the alternatives to an assumption (i.e., competing assumptions) must also be identified and considered. Analysis There are significant inconsistencies between Nichol John’s statement and other reliable evidence in the case. Consequently, the reliability of her statement should be reduced to low. John most likely lied in order to get the police to leave her alone. Her statement should not be relied upon for theory generation or suspect prioritiza- tion. Unfortunately, considerable weight was given to John’s statement during the ori- ginal investigation and trial, even though she continued to claim she could not remember anything. Milgaard was convicted of Miller’s murder and spent over two decades in prison. DNA testing eventually identified the real killer, a man who used the same bus stop as the victim every morning (Commission of
  • 31. Inquiry Into the Wrongful Conviction of David Milgaard, 2005). Visualization It is important to be thorough when rethinking a case and the results for each stage of the protocol should be comprehensively recorded. It can be helpful to graphically depict the evidence in a diagram. Figure 1 shows an example of such a diagram based on a tri- ple murder case in Indiana. The wife and two children of David Camm, a former Indi- ana State Police trooper, were shot in the garage of their home. Despite having an alibi, David Camm was tried and convicted of their murders, the case relying heavily on blood spatter evidence. Following a successful appeal, DNA found on a sweatshirt recovered from the crime scene was linked to Charles Boney, a violent felon with multi- ple convictions for attacks against women. His palm print was also found on the side of the victims’ vehicle. Boney gave various conflicting explanations for his presence at the Camm house, the sixth and final version of which had him there to sell David Camm a handgun. The district attorney pursued murder charges against Boney, but he also chose to retry Camm. Figure 1 shows a simplified version of the evidentiary support for each of the three theories of the case: (1) David Camm did the murders alone, the first prosecution theory; (2) David Camm and Charles Boney did the murders together, the
  • 32. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 223 second prosecution theory; and (3) Charles Boney did the murders alone, the defense theory. Key evidence items are shown in small boxes situated under the particular the- ory they support (interpretations are not shown); the stronger the reliability of the evi- dence, the heavier the outline of the square. Clusters of consistent evidence are circled. The third theory won out in court – in separate trials, juries found Boney guilty and David Camm not guilty. Discussion It is easy for detectives to become overwhelmed by the details in a major crime investi- gation. The signal-to-noise ratio is often low and larger patterns can be missed because of a focus on minutiae. There is a tendency to use cognitive heuristics (‘mental short- cuts’) under such conditions, even though these can lead to cognitive biases and then to errors. One need look no further than conspiracy theorists to find examples of how biases can cause individuals to interpret and distort evidence to support the most amaz- ing conclusions. The purpose of this protocol is to assist investigators rethink a case when the exist- ing theory appears incorrect. It requires a detective to start over by reexamining the
  • 33. structure of the case, beginning with its foundation – the evidence. Investigative hypoth- eses are generated only after the evidence has been inventoried and assessed, explained and interpreted, and connections and patterns identified. By focusing on and working from the evidence, the investigation becomes grounded in reality instead of being based Figure 1. Case evidence pattern in the Camm triple murder investigation. 224 D.K. Rossmo on beliefs, hunches, or biases. This method can help correct thinking errors resulting from a rush to judgment, tunnel vision, confirmation bias, and similar cognitive and organizational traps. The rethinking approach requires an investigator to abandon the existing theory and adopt a completely open mind. However, this is much easier said than done. Research has shown that awareness of cognitive bias does not make it easier to avoid (Heuer, 1999). Consequently, rethinking a case is more difficult for those detectives with prior involvement in the investigation. The protocol works best when followed by someone with no previous connection to the crime, ideally, an investigator from an outside agency. This is the policy in England; unsolved murders are reviewed at prescribed time
  • 34. periods (e.g., 28 days, 12 months) by a senior investigating officer (SIO) who is not involved in the case. In high profile, complex, or sensitive investigations, it is recom- mended the SIO be from another police force (ACPO, 2006). External peer reviewers, for all the psychological and organizational reasons discussed above, are more apt to notice mistakes and omissions and much more likely to point them out. Conclusion The purpose of the case rethinking protocol is to shift the focus of an investigation from the prevailing theory/suspect to the evidence. Existing theories and assumptions can cre- ate cognitive traps that prevent a crime from being solved. There is a tendency to ‘explain away’ inconsistent evidence discovered post-theory, rather than letting it con- tribute to the development and prioritization of investigative hypotheses. This is confir- mation bias. The protocol does not provide a magic equation for the right answer; it is nothing more than a systematic thinking tool, an analytic framework to help investigators objec- tively rethink a case. It is still up to the detective to solve the crime. However, pilots and surgeons have found the use of checklists to be helpful in minimizing mistakes – and their subsequent tragedies (Gawande, 2011). Criminal investigative failures that result in innocent people being convicted or guilty parties going
  • 35. free are no less tragic. Following this protocol can help reduce the number of such outcomes through a system- atic and evidence-based approach to case rethinking. Acknowledgements I wish to thank Dr David Stubbins, Central Intelligence Agency (ret.), Deputy Chief Constable Doug LePard, Vancouver Police Department, Detective James Trainum, DC Metropolitan Police Department (ret.), Special Agent Gregg McCrary, Federal Bureau of Investigation (ret.), and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions. Notes 1. This is similar to moving from an evidence-based to a suspect-based investigation (Rossmo, 2009), or from information generation to case building (Stelfox & Pease, 2005). 2. A study on bias in criminal investigations found participants who were asked to identify a suspect early in the process showed a greater tendency to confirm that hypothesis, and later ‘remembered’ the case evidence as being consistent with their particular suspect’s guilt (O’Brien, 2009). 3. Police investigators rarely test their theories by searching for disconfirming evidence even though it is more probative than confirmative evidence (e.g., exclusionary DNA). Once a narrative of the crime has been adopted, police tend to focus only on gathering confirmatory
  • 36. evidence (Stubbins & Stubbins, 2009). Police Practice and Research: An International Journal 225 4. Templates for reviewing major crimes and evaluating cold cases have been previously proposed (e.g., Adcock & Stein, 2013; Jones, Grieve, & Milne, 2008b). The present protocol differs from these tools in its focus on how to rethink a case. 5. It may not be feasible to reanalyze every item of evidence in an investigation. The goal is to list all the nontrivial items that might have an influence on the theory of the crime and its suspects. Trivial, however, does not mean inconsistent or contradictory. 6. Reliability is used here to refer to the accuracy or ‘truthfulness’ of evidence, consistent with most of the legal literature. However, the correct scientific term is validity. 7. Heuer’s (1999) analysis of competing hypotheses matrix can be a useful tool here. 8. The probability of evidence given a theory is not equal to the probability of the theory given the evidence; confusing cause given effect with effect given cause is known as the prosecu- tor’s fallacy (Robertson & Vignaux, 1995). Bayes’ theorem provides the mathematical rela- tionship between the two probabilities (Taroni, Aitken, Garbolino, & Biedermann, 2006).
  • 37. Notes on contributor D. Kim Rossmo is the University Endowed Chair in Criminology and the director of the Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Investigation in the School of Criminal Justice at Texas State University. He has researched and published in the areas of environmental criminology, the geography of crime, and criminal investigations. He is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police Advisory Committee for Police Investigative Operations and is a full fellow of the International Criminal Investigative Analysis Fellowship. He has written books on criminal investigative failures and geographic profiling. References ACPO. (2006). Murder investigation manual. Wyboston, Bedfordshire: National Centre for Policing Excellence (Association of Chief Police Officers). Adcock, J. M., & Stein, S. L. (2013). Cold case models for evaluating unresolved homicides. Investigative Sciences Journal, 5, 19–28. Ask, K., & Granhag, P. A. (2007). Motivational bias in criminal investigators’ judgments of witness reliability. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37, 561–591. Blair, J. P., & Rossmo, D. K. (2010). Evidence in context: Bayes’ theorem and investigations. Police Quarterly, 13, 123–135. Boyd, N., & Rossmo, D. K. (1994, February). David Milgaard, the Supreme Court and
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  • 44. identification of human remains: The need for good quality samples – A pilot study A. Davawalaa, A. Stocka, M. Spidena, R. Danielc, J. McBaind, D. Hartmana,b,⁎ a Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Victoria, Australia b Department of Forensic Medicine, Monash University, Victoria, Australia c Office of the Chief Forensic Scientist, Victoria Police Forensic Services Department, Victoria, Australia d totheletterDNA, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 2 December 2021 Received in revised form 31 January 2022 Accepted 23 February 2022 Available online 25 February 2022 Keywords: DNA analysis Forensic Genetic Genealogy Missing persons a b s t r a c t The successful application of forensic genetic genealogy (FGG) to identify Jane and John Doe cases in the United States has raised the prospect of using the technique in Australia to assist in the reconciliation of unidentified human remains (UHRs) with long term missing persons. A study was conducted to explore the
  • 45. feasibility of FGG using whole genome array (WGA) data from both pristine control samples as well as compromised casework samples, with the view to explore how DNA quantity and quality impacted on the ability to generate search results when compared to a genetic genealogy database, such as GEDmatch. From this study, several insights were gained as to the impact DNA quantity and degradation had on the per- centage of SNPs genotyped and heterozygote/homozygote ratio – which are critical for successful matching outcomes. It was noted in this study (using a control sample) that successful matching occurred when genotyping errors were 5% or less. Two UHR cases were matched to kits on GEDmatch PRO, which provided investigative leads for identification purposes. The effectiveness of the FGG approach to match casework samples (as well as volunteer samples used in the study) is indicative of the usage of ‘direct-to-consumer’ (DTC) genetic testing by Australians. Given the (often) limited availability of casework samples, findings from this study will assist Australian agencies considering the use of FGG, to determine if WGA is a suitable method for their application. Crown Copyright © 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The identification of a deceased person is an integral part of the medico-legal death investigation process in Victoria, Australia, with unidentified human remains (UHR) cases reported to the Coroner for investigation [1]. For these cases, the use of DNA matching is reliant
  • 46. on 1) the ability to recover a DNA profile from the deceased; and 2) the availability of a comparison sample (either from the missing person or a relative). From a DNA point of view, if the DNA profile from a UHR case is not matched in a local, state or national missing persons DNA database, an identification cannot be achieved and must wait for the appropriate Ante-Mortem (AM) data to be made available. In these instances, forensic genetic genealogy (FGG) – an emerging field for forensic investigation – has the potential to pro- vide an alternate avenue for identification [2–6]. FGG, also known as Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG), combines DNA testing – using Whole Genome Array (WGA) or Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data – with traditional genealo- gical methods to infer (familial) relationships between individuals [3]. Unlike conventional Short Tandem Repeat (STR) analysis, which is only useful for matching to close relatives, FGG will enable mat- ches extending to more distant relatives (such as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd cousins) due to the large number of DNA sites that are available for comparison. This is achieved by determining the DNA segments shared by individuals – shared centimorgan (cM) – with the more segments you share with someone, the more closely related you are. The familial connections can then be used to provide leads for
  • 47. the purpose of identification. Our current awareness regarding the use of FGG for identification purposes has come from law enforcement (LE) and other agencies and/or projects in the United States (U.S.). From a human identifi- cation point of view, most notable is the DNA Doe project, a non- profit organisation, which aims to identify Jane and John Does in the U.S. using FGG through donations and volunteer work of genetic 0379-0738/Crown Copyright © 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ]]]] ]]]]]] ⁎ Corresponding author at: Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Victoria, Australia. E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Hartman). Forensic Science International 334 (2022) 111242 genealogists [7]; with early success stories including the an- nouncement in April 2018 that a Jane Doe discovered in Ohio U.S.,
  • 48. who became known as the Buckskin Girl, had been identified using this approach [8]. However, it was the use of FGG to identify the Golden State Killer [6] that really thrust FGG into the public domain. Such is the interest in the use of FGG, that companies (such as Parabon NanoLabs [9], Bode [10], and Othram [11]) are offering FGG as a service to assist with cold case and missing persons investiga- tions. Nevertheless, further work is still required not only to review the scientific and technical aspects of FGG, such as in de Vries et. al. [12], but also consider the ethical, privacy and legal factors sur- rounding FGG, given the use of public database held by direct- to- consumer (DTC) companies, and the creation of large data sets [13–15]. All these factors will impact on how FGG would function once operationalised, with forensic agencies needing to consider all of them in the context of their legislative frameworks. FGG is in its infancy in Australia, with cases being considered for FGG particularly when all other avenues for identification have been exhausted [16]. Given that there is usually a finite amount of DNA available for analysis, it is imperative that the likelihood of success based on this approach is understood, as well as the limitations that compromised casework samples present. To this end, a pilot
  • 49. study was undertaken to evaluate FGG using both good quality control samples as well as casework samples from UHR cases, with the aim of providing preliminary information regarding DNA quality and ability to generate a match list when searched against a genealogy database, such as GEDmatch/GEDmatch PRO. GEDmatch/GEDmatch PRO enables the comparison of DNA data from control and casework samples to DNA data from users that have utilised one of several DTC companies and have uploaded their data to GEDmatch. Matches are categorised based on the total shared DNA segments (shared cM values) between the questioned sample to the nearest matches, with the greater amount of shared DNA indicative of a closer familial relationship. DNA samples recovered from the control and casework samples were subjected to WGA using the OmniExpress microarray (previously routinely used by DTC companies). Data was uploaded to GEDmatch (control samples) or GEDmatch PRO (casework samples), with one casework sample further investigated using Family- TreeDNA. The impact of DNA quantity and quality on the ability to generate SNP data suitable for upload and comparison on genetic genealogy databases were evaluated.
  • 50. 2. Methods 2.1. Sample Selection Samples were collected (and analysed) with approval from the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Ethics Committee, EC 11–2019. As part of the approval process considerations were given as to the use of casework samples – for which all current avenues for identification had been exhausted – including data storage and analysis, as well as privacy and ethical matters. 2.1.1. Ideal (Positive Control) Sample A control sample (buccal swab or toenail clipping) was obtained from a living donor who has known kits on GEDmatch. This sample, herein referred to as ‘ideal sample’, was expected to yield good quality DNA (based on the degradation index (DI)) in enough quantity for optimal processing on the microarray. Consent was provided by the donor for their DNA to be genotyped and uploaded to GEDmatch. 2.1.2. Casework Samples Eight unidentified human remains cases were selected for FGG (Table 1). The post-mortem interval (PMI) could only be estimated for two cases, as most (75%) were skeletal remains of unknown antiquity. All cases had conventional nuclear DNA profiling (using Identifiler™ Plus or GlobalFiler™ on a 3500 genetic analyser, Ther-
  • 51. moFisher Scientific) and mitochondrial DNA profiling (using Sanger sequencing on a 3500 genetic analyser) with either complete or partial DNA profiles available for identification purposes (Table 1). Comparisons to the Victorian Missing Persons DNA Database (VMPDD) – which at present holds more than 350 reference samples for missing persons – failed to produce a familial match in these cases. Where possible, biogeographical ancestry (BGA) predictions (previously derived using the Precision ID Ancestry Panel, Thermo- Fisher Scientific) were used to assist with case selection (Table 1), as subjects of European ancestry have a higher probability of success due to their over-representation in genetic genealogy databases [4]. Sample types were mostly bone samples, with one sample being a bloodstain sample (Table 1). 2.1.3. Control Samples Four control samples were collected from laboratory staff in- volved in the processing of the casework samples for elimination purposes. These samples were either toenail clipping (x3) or skin (x1) samples. Toenail clippings were collected as a sample type, as this is a sample often analysed by the laboratory for casework, while the skin sample provided an additional sample type to analyse. Consent was provided by the donors for their DNA to be
  • 52. genotyped and uploaded to GEDmatch. 2.2. DNA Extractions DNA was extracted from the ideal sample (buccal swab or toenail clipping) and other control samples (toenail clipping or skin) sam- ples using a QIAamp® DNA investigator kit (Qiagen) on a QIAcube platform following the manufacturer’s protocols, with an elution volume of 100 μL. Table 1 Case selection – unidentified human remains. Case No. Age of case (yrs)a Body condition PMI Sample type for DNA extraction nDNA profile available (No. loci)b mtDNA profile available (HVI and/or HVII) BGA prediction availability 1 17 Intact Days Bloodstain 15/15 HVI & HVII Yes, European 2 14 Mandible with teeth Unknown Bone 15/15 HVI & HVII Yes, European
  • 53. 3 31 Skeletal (complete) Unknown Bone 13/15 HVI & HVII Yes, European 4 15 Skeletal (skull and other bones) Unknown Bone 13/15 HVI & HVII Yes, European 5 26 Skeletal (skull and other bones) Unknown Bone 15/15 HVI & HVII Yes, European 6 4 Skeletal (complete) Unknown Bone 21/21 HVI & HVII Yes, European 7 11 Skeletal (humerus) Unknown Bone 12/15 HVI & HVII Yes, European 8 1 Decomposed (complete) Days-month Bone 21/21 HVI & HVII No a time since case reported – does not reflect the age of the deceased or the time since death. b Number of loci (not including sex determination markers) for Identifiler™ Plus or GlobalFiler™ out of 15 or 21 respectively. A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science International 334 (2022) 111242 2 DNA was extracted from the bloodstain casework sample (Case 1) using a QIAamp® DNA investigator kit (Qiagen) completed manually, rather than on a robotic platform, following the manufacturer’s
  • 54. protocols, with a total elution volume of 100 μL (4 ×25 μL). For the bone casework samples, for the first extraction run, DNA was extracted from casework samples (cases 2–7) using a phenol/ chloroform DNA extraction method [17] using an input amount of 1–4 g of bone powder. For the second extraction run, four of the bone samples (cases 3, 4, 5 and 6), as well as Case 8, were extracted using higher quantities of bone powder (15–30 g of bone powder) and including a demineralisation step (demineralisation buffer - 0.5 M EDTA, pH 8.0, 1% (w/v) N-Lauroylsarcosine) prior to the phenol/chloroform extraction. The demineralisation buffer was used at a ratio of 15 mL for every 1 g of bone and the sample was placed in a rotating incubator at 56 °C for 12–24 hrs. All sample extractions included extraction blanks to detect any laboratory contamination. 2.3. DNA Quantification and DNA Genotyping Nuclear DNA concentration was determined using Quantifiler™ HP (Life Technologies) using a 7500 real-time PCR instrument (ThermoFisher Scientific) under conditions specified by the manu- facturer [18]. DNA extracts were genotyped using an Illumina OmniExpress- 24 [19] at the Australian Genome Research Facility (AGRF) under conditions specified by the manufacturer. Samples were run on
  • 55. two chips with varying input amounts (Table 2). Two analyses were conducted, the first consisted of running samples VIFM-01 - VIFM- 24 on an OmniEpress-24 microarray (chip 1), and the second con- sisting of samples VIFM-25 - VIFM-48 on a second OmniExpress-24 microarray (chip 2). Cases 1-7 were run in duplicate on chip 1, while cases 3–6 as well as Case 8 were run in duplicate on chip 2, resulting in cases 3–6 not only having intra-chips duplicates, but also inter-chip duplicates (Table 2). VIFM-01 was a positive control Table 2 SNP analysis – Samples analysed on the Illumina OmniExpress- 24 microarray. Samples VIFM-01 - VIFM-24 were run on the chip 1 and samples VIFM-25 - VIFM-48 were run on chip 2. Gender and call rate obtained from the SNP analysis is noted. Sample ID Sample Sample Type Concentration (ng//μL) Deg Index Input (ng) Gender Call Rate VIFM-01 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 153.6384 √ 0.99 VIFM-02 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 80.0000 √ 0.99 VIFM-03 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 40.0000 √ 0.99 VIFM-04 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 4.0000 √ 0.98 VIFM-05 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 0.4000 Unknown 0.94
  • 56. VIFM-06 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 0.0400 Unknown 0.66 VIFM-07 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 0.0040 Unknown 0.26 VIFM-08 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 38.4096 0.83 0.0004 Unknown 0.74 VIFM-09 Case 1 Bloodstain 3.1455 0.62 12.5820 √ 0.99 VIFM-10 Case 1 Bloodstain 3.1455 0.62 12.5820 √ 0.98 VIFM-11 Case 2 Tooth/mandible 0.0091 2.09 0.0364 Unknown 0.71 VIFM-12 Case 2 Tooth/mandible 0.0091 2.09 0.0364 Unknown 0.20 VIFM-13 Case 3 Bone 0.0617 1.15 0.2468 Unknown 0.52 VIFM-14 Case 3 Bone 0.0617 1.15 0.2468 NR NR VIFM-15 Case 4 Bone 0.0260 2.51 0.1040 Unknown 0.73 VIFM-16 Case 4 Bone 0.0260 2.51 0.1040 Unknown 0.66 VIFM-17 Case 5 Bone 0.1003 1.48 0.4012 Unknown 0.48 VIFM-18 Case 5 Bone 0.1003 1.48 0.4012 NR NR VIFM-19 Case 6 Bone 0.0108 1.61 0.0432 NR NR VIFM-20 Case 6 Bone 0.0108 1.61 0.0432 Unknown 0.27 VIFM-21 Case 7 Bone 0.0347 1.74 0.1388 NR NR VIFM-22 Case 7 Bone 0.0347 1.74 0.1388 NR NR VIFM-23 Mixture 5.8570 N/A 23.4280 Unknown 0.75 VIFM-24 Control -ve Unknown 0.22 VIFM-25 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 22.8000 √ 0.98 VIFM-26 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.9000 √ 0.97 VIFM-27 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.8000 √ 0.98 VIFM-28 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.7000 √ 0.97 VIFM-29 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.6000 Unknown 0.96 VIFM-30 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.5000 Unknown 0.95 VIFM-31 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.1000 Unknown 0.88 VIFM-32 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.0400
  • 57. Unknown 0.79 VIFM-33 Ideal Sample Buccal swab 5.7000 1.01 0.0200 Unknown 0.64 VIFM-34 Case 5 Bone 0.1533 VD 0.6132 Unknown 0.88 VIFM-35 Case 5 Bone 0.1533 VD 0.6132 Unknown 0.89 VIFM-36 Case 3 Bone 0.1239 1.40 0.4955 Unknown 0.91 VIFM-37 Case 3 Bone 0.1239 1.40 0.4955 Unknown 0.93 VIFM-38 Case 4 Bone 0.5390 0.97 2.1560 Unknown 0.70 VIFM-39 Case 4 Bone 0.5390 0.97 2.1560 Unknown 0.77 VIFM-40 Case 6 Bone 0.2596 3.56 1.0384 Unknown 0.91 VIFM-41 Case 6 Bone 0.2596 3.56 1.0384 Unknown 0.90 VIFM-42 Case 8 Bone 3.4754 1.36 13.9015 Unknown 0.85 VIFM-43 Case 8 Bone 3.4754 1.36 13.9015 Unknown 0.87 VIFM-44 Ideal Sample Toenail 5.7277 2.64 22.9108 √ 0.97 VIFM-45 C-sample 1 Toenail 8.9482 2.30 35.7929 √ 0.98 VIFM-46 C-sample 2 Toenail 1.6843 4.96 6.7373 Unknown 0.64 VIFM-47 C-sample 3 Toenail 10.4638 1.88 41.8553 √ 0.98 VIFM-48 C-sample 4 Skin 16.2860 1.55 65.1439 Unknown 0.97 NR: no result obtained √: gender call as expected for the donor VD: very degraded A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science International 334 (2022) 111242 3 sample while VIFM-24 was a negative control (no DNA added) sample. Data analysis for the Illumina OmniExpress-24 runs was con-
  • 58. ducted by AGRF using Illumina’s GenomeStudio 2.0.3 with Genotyping module 2.0.3, using the default Illumina settings and Illumina InfiniumOmniExpress-24v1–3_A1 manifest and Infinium OmniExpress-24v1–3-A1_ClusterFIle cluster files. 2.4. GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO Uploads Data files were prepared for upload to GEDmatch or GEDmatch PRO using Illumina’s GenomeStudio 2.0. An account was created under GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO, respectively, with ideal and control samples uploaded to GEDmatch, and although casework samples were originally uploaded to GEDmatch these were moved to GEDmatch PRO when the terms and conditions for GEDmatch were updated in January 2021. While the VIFM is not a LE agency, GEDmatch now requires all kits uploaded for the purpose of iden- tifying human remains to be processed using GEDmatch PRO. Each data file uploaded to GEDmatch was assigned a unique kit identifier for subsequent searching, with all kits having a status of ‘research’ to ensure that the kit’s DNA data would not be included in match re- sults of other users [20]. Uploads to GEDmatch PRO were similarly assigned a unique kit identifier for subsequent searching. For the casework samples that returned a poor match result – defined as either returning no matches or matching known
  • 59. ‘junk’ (artificial) kits – on GEDmatch PRO, additional data files were pre- pared (as described above) for upload following data clean up (see section below). 2.5. GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO Searching For GEDmatch, the subscription fee was paid to enable access to a number of on-line search tools. On GEDmatch, kits derived from the ideal and control samples were queried against the entire data set on the database (‘one-to-many’ comparison). More detailed one-to- one comparisons were done using the ‘one-to-one’ comparison tool; where the kit with the highest DNA input amount (150 ng) of the ideal sample was designated as having the correct SNP calls, to which all other ideal samples (with DNA input of 80 ng or less) would be compared to evaluate match outcomes. Population admixture pro- portions were estimated using the Eurogenes K13 model [21] offered as part of the GEDmatch tool kit. On GEDmatch PRO, kits derived from casework samples were queried against all kits that have opted- in for law-enforcement searches (‘one-to-many’ segment based comparison) with population admixture proportions estimated using the Eurogenes K13 model [21] offered as part of the GEDmatch PRO tool kit.
  • 60. For all matches observed on GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO, the shared cM values were used to determine likely relationship to the kit/sample in question using the Shared cM project v4 tool in DNA Painter ( This was the preferred method for determining relationships based on current best practice (as advised by genetic genealogist) rather than using the ‘Gen’ value provided by GEDmatch or GEDmatch PRO. Matches from the ‘one-to-many’ comparisons in GEDmatch Pro were cate- gorised based on the total shared DNA segments (shared cM values) between the sample and the nearest matches, with the greater amount of shared DNA indicative of a closer relationship. At the completion of the study, 13th October 2021, the kits for the ideal and control samples were removed from GEDmatch. 2.6. FamilyTreeDNA Upload The data file for Case 1 (VIFM-09) was submitted to a DTC da- tabase – FamilyTreeDNA – for comparison using the Gene By Gene / FamilyTreeDNA investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) Services [22]. 2.7. Bioinformatics 2.7.1. Data Processing Data analysed using Illumina’s GenomeStudio 2.0.3 as
  • 61. described in Section 2.3 Section 2.4 was further processed using Python pro- gramming language-based scripts for both data exploration and generation of composite SNP profiles. 2.7.2. Heterozygote/Homozygote Ratio The Heterozygote SNPs/Homozygote SNPs (Het/Hom) ratios were calculated as a ratio of the number of SNPs that were heterozygous and those that were homozygous, using all SNPs that yielded gen- otyping data for all the samples. 2.7.3. SNP Concordance, Drop-out and Drop-in To evaluate concordance of SNP calls, a comparison was under- taken for all dilutions of the ideal sample that yielded genotyping data. VIFM-01, with the highest DNA input amount (150 ng) was designated as the ideal sample, to which all other samples (with DNA input of 80 ng or less) would be compared to evaluate SNP call concordance, drop-out, and drop-in. Any SNPs which had no data available were removed prior to the concordance or drop-out eva- luations. 2.7.4. Genotyping Errors The impact of DNA input on types of genotyping errors was
  • 62. evaluated. The types of genotyping errors considered were: i) false genotype – homozygote (both reference and comparison genotypes homozygote with different allele calls); ii) allele drop-out (false homozygote); and iii) allele drop-in (false heterozygote). The geno- typing error was calculated as a percentage of total SNP calls for the sample. 2.7.5. Composite Profiles Composite profiles were generated for the casework samples that failed to yield a search outcome with the aim of cleaning and en- riching data for upload and searching. Described below are the manipulations of the SNP data undertaken. SNP data for cases 3 (VIFM-13, VIFM-14, VIFM-36 and VIFM-37), 4 (VIFM-15, VIFM-16, VIFM-38 and VIFM-39), 5 (VIFM-17, VIFM-34 and VIFM-35) and 6 (VIFM-20, VIFM-40 and VIFM-41) were interrogated and three new data files were created which had: (i) the removal non- concordant SNPs, as well as SNPs which had no data available, (ii) as (i) with the additional removal of all homozygote SNPs, and (iii) as (i) with the additional removal of all homozygote SNPs not seen in at least two of the replicates, created for each case. 3. Results
  • 63. 3.1. DNA Extracts & Genotyping For the DNA extracts described below, SNP genotyping on mi- croarrays was conducted by an external service provider (AGRF). Reports detailing the performance of the two microarray runs were provided, with both runs passing all the required controls including the non-specific binding controls that target bacterial sequences (data not shown). 3.1.1. Ideal (Positive Control) Sample Two DNA extracts were prepared from buccal swabs with con- centration (ng/μL)/ DI values of 38.4/0.83 (extract 1) and 5.70/1.01 (extract 2) respectively. An additional DNA extract was prepared from a toenail clipping with a concentration of 5.73 ng/μL and DI value of 2.64. Results from the SNP analysis are shown in Table 2. Extract 1 was used to prepare samples VIFM-01 to VIFM-08 for the first microarray run, with DNA input ranging in amounts from A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science International 334 (2022) 111242 4 approximately 150 ng to 0.4 pg. Extract 2 was used to prepare
  • 64. samples VIFM-25-VIFM-33 for the second microarray run ranging in input amounts from approximately 22 ng to 0.02 ng. The DNA ex- tract derived from the toenail clipping was analysed on the second microarray run with an input amount of 23 ng. Samples with an input amount ranging from 150 ng to 0.7 ng all had call rates > 0.97 and were able to provide the expected gender (data not shown). Samples with 0.6 ng to 0.4 ng input amounts had call rates > 0.93 and were not able to provide the expected gender. While samples with 0.1 ng to 0.04 ng input had call rates between 0.66 and 0.88, and samples with 0.02 ng or less input having call rates < 0.74. 3.1.2. Control Samples Three of the four control samples (C-samples) were DNA extracts recovered from toenail samples with concentration (ng/μL)/DI values of: 8.9/2.30 (C-sample 1), 1.7/4.96 (C-sample 2) and 10.5/1.88 (C- sample 3); whereas the fourth DNA extract was recovered from a skin sample with a concentration of 16.3 ng/μL and DI value of 1.55. Results from the SNP analysis are shown in Table 2. Three of the four samples had call rates > 0.97 (C-samples 1, 3 and 4), with one sample (C-sample 2) having a call rate of 0.64. Two of the four samples (C-samples 1 and 3) with call rates > 0.976 were able to
  • 65. provide the expected gender for those samples, with the other two samples (C-samples 2 and 4) yielded an ‘unknown’ gender result. 3.1.3. Casework Samples The DNA extracts for the casework samples ranged in con- centration from 0.009 ng/μL to 3.5 ng/μL with DI values ranging from 0.6 to 3.6, with results from the SNP analysis shown in Table 2. In the first SNP analysis with Case 1-7, only one case (Case 1) had a call rate > 0.9, with some returning poorer call rates of < 0.73 in either one (cases 3, 5 and 6) or both replicates (cases 2 and 4), and some failing to yield a result in either one or both replicates, such as case 7. Only one case (Case 1) provided gender determination, all other cases yielded an ‘unknown’ gender result. In the second SNP analysis, where samples of additional extrac- tions for cases 3–5 and an extra case not previously analysed (Case 8) were run, two cases (cases 3 and 6) had a call rate > 0.9; with the other cases yielding call rates between 0.7 and 0.8. None of the cases were able to provide gender determination and were ‘unknown’. For casework samples, the expected gender was known from STR pro- filing (data not shown).
  • 66. 3.1.4. Sample Quality For the samples that yielded SNP data, an analysis of how the samples performed – the percentage of SNPs genotyped and Het/ Hom ratios – was undertaken. Of the non-degraded samples (ideal sample dilution series), DNA input amount was seen to correlate with percentage of SNPs genotyped and Het/Hom ratio (Fig. 1). When evaluating the combined impact of sample input amount and degradation on Het/Hom ratios, for samples with an input amount > 1 ng of DNA in the SNP assay degradation did not appear to have an adverse impact on the Het/Hom ratio; while for samples with an input amount of < 1 ng, degradation did appear to have an adverse impact on the Het/Hom ratio (Fig. 2). Evaluation of the impact of DNA input amount and degradation on the percentage of SNPs genotyped showed two clusters with a small overlap; one of samples that yielded > 85% SNPs genotyped, and one of samples that yielded < 85% SNPs genotyped (Fig. 2). Furthermore, when evalu- ating DNA input amounts to GEDmatch outcomes based on the percentage of SNPs genotyped or Het/Hom ratios, thresholds of percentage SNPs genotyped and Het/Hom ratio of approximately 85% and range within 0.3–0.45, respectively, were observed in order to predict a GEDmatch search outcome (Fig. 1). Three samples gave a Het/Hom ratio > 1, likely due to genotyping error causing false
  • 67. heterozygote SNP calls. All three samples also gave low SNP call rates (< 52%). While increased Het/Hom ratio has been observed for cer- tain populations [23,24], all three samples were processed in du- plicate or triplicate with all associated repeats yielding a Het/Hom ratio < 1. Possible reasons considered for genotyping errors are in- sufficient DNA (input range 0.25 ng-0.04 ng), poor quality DNA (degradation index range 1.15–2.09) [25,26], artifacts introduced due to the deamination [27], contamination [28] or a combination of these. To evaluate SNP call concordance, drop-out and drop-in, a pair- wise comparison was undertaken of all the ideal samples with an input of 80 ng or less to VIFM-01 (150 ng input). A positive correla- tion (Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.94) was observed between concordance and a logarithmic increase in DNA input for samples with DNA input of 0.9 ng and under (Fig. 3). This relationship did not sustain for samples with a DNA input of 4 ng and over, as these samples reached close to maximum concordance. For drop-out, the comparisons showed that the number of drop-out decreased with an increasing DNA input; however, some drop-out (numbering in the
  • 68. 10 s) were observed in samples with 0.4 ng DNA input up to 80 ng DNA input (Fig. 4). Similarly for drop-in, the comparisons showed that the number of drop-ins decreased with an increasing DNA input; however, some drop-ins (numbering in the 10–100 s) were observed in samples with 0.6 ng DNA input up to 80 ng input DNA (Fig. 5). 3.2. Genetic Genealogy: Ideal sample – Dilution Series The donor of the ideal sample identified as having Scottish, Dutch and Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry (Supplementary Fig. S1); with Dutch heritage going back two generations on the donor’s maternal side, and Australian/Scottish heritage on the paternal side. The donor’s ancestry was also determined using the admixture proportions provided by Eurogenes K13 modelling (Fig. S1), with North Atlantic (45%), Baltic (20%), West Mediterranean (15%), West Asian (10%) and East Mediterranean (7%) making up the bulk of the admixture. The DNA groups that make up the North Atlantic population include: Danish; French Basque; Irish; North Dutch; Norwegian; Orcadian; Southeast English; Southwest English and West Scottish. The ad- mixture prediction for this sample using the Eurogenes K13 mod- elling appeared to align with the donor’s reported ancestry.
  • 69. The kits derived from the ideal sample – having incrementally less input DNA (from 80 ng down to 0.4 pg) – were compared to the kit obtained when 150 ng was used for the SNP analysis using the ‘one-to-one’ comparison tool in GEDmatch (Fig. S2). Kits down from 80 ng to 0.1 ng shared > 99% of their SNPs with VIFM-01 (150 ng) with greater than 550,000 SNPs used in the comparisons. For the two kits having 0.04 ng input (VIFM-06 and VIFM-32), they shared 81% and 95% respectively with VIFM-01 with 422,862 and 505,953 SNPs used in the comparisons. All the kits from 80 ng to 0.1 ng yielded Total Half-Match segments (HIR) > 3500 cM with a most- recent-common-ancestor (MRCA) of 1.0; while the two kits having 0.4 ng (VIFM-06 and VIFM-32) yielding HIR/MRCA values of 3027/1.1 and 3560/1.0 respectively. Kits with less than 0.02 ng failed to yield any results using the ‘one-to-one’ comparisons. VIFM-01 (150 ng), when searched against all kits available on GEDmatch using the ‘one-to-many’ comparison, returned the ex- pected matches to other kits (five at the time of this comparison) held by the donor on GEDmatch (data not shown). Kits from 80 ng to 0.1 ng yield the same top five hits compared to VIFM-01 (150 ng)
  • 70. (Fig. S2) and while the top match was identical, the order of the other four matches varied slightly – with the top match having > 3500 shared cM and MRCA of 1. For the two 0.4 ng kits (VIFM-06 and VIFM-32), only the top match was the same as that of VIFM-01 (150 ng) with shared cM/MRCA values of 3161/1.1 and 3577/1.0 re- spectively. Kits with less than 0.02 ng returned what were con- sidered ‘junk’ matches (matches to known artificial junk kits present A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science International 334 (2022) 111242 5 in GEDmatch at the time) or no matches at all, likely as a result of having low SNP call rates (approximately 60% or less) in combination with an increase in genotyping errors due to insufficient and/or poor quality DNA available for typing. 3.3. Genetic Genealogy: Control samples The donor ancestry for the C-samples was noted at the com- mencement of the project (data not shown), with the admixture proportions for the kits derived from the C-samples obtained using the Eurogenes K13 modelling (Fig. S3). While the bulk of the ad- mixtures were composed of populations in the North Atlantic,
  • 71. Baltic and West Mediterranean, their proportions varied particularly be- tween C-sample 1 and the others – with C-sample 1 having a sig- nificant Amerindian contribution (27%). This is not surprising as the donor of this sample reported a South American and European an- cestry. The DNA groups that make up the Amerindian population include: Karitiana; Mayan; North Amerindian; and Pima. Hence the admixture prediction for this sample using the Eurogenes K13 modelling appeared to align with the donor’s reported ancestry. In Fig. 1. Quality – An assessment of input amount and GEDmatch outcomes for non-degraded samples that yielded SNP data. Panel A: DNA input to Het/Hom ratio and GEDmatch outcomes. Panel B: DNA input to % SNP genotyped and GEDmatch outcomes. A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science International 334 (2022) 111242 6 Fig. 2. Quality – assessment of input amount and degradation on Het/Hom ratio and % SNPs genotyped for samples that yielded SNP data. Shown is DNA input and degradation to Het/Hom ratio and % SNPs genotyped. Fig. 3. Quality – SNP call concordance for samples that yielded
  • 72. SNP data. Panel A: DNA input to the number of identical SNP calls between both samples. Panel B: DNA input to the number of non-identical SNP calls between both samples. A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science International 334 (2022) 111242 7 Fig. 4. Quality – SNP drop-out for samples that yielded SNP data. DNA input to drop-outs. Fig. 5. Quality – SNP drop-in for samples that yielded SNP data. DNA input to drop-ins. A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science International 334 (2022) 111242 8 addition, C-sample 3 and C-sample 4, (which were derived from the same donor) generated almost identical admixture proportions (data not shown). Of the ‘one-to-many’ comparisons, all kits for the C-samples generated matches on GEDmatch which could be further in- vestigated, these are detailed in Table 3. Kits for C-samples 3 and 4 (which originated from the same donor) produced the same match
  • 73. outcomes. 3.4. Genetic Genealogy: Casework Samples Of the ‘one-to-many’ comparisons, only two of the eight case- work samples analysed generated matches on GEDmatch PRO which could be further investigated, in both instances the duplicate kits produced the same match outcomes. Of the remaining six cases, kits returned what were considered ‘junk’ matches or no matches at all, likely as a result of having poor SNP call rates and erroneous geno- typing due to insufficient DNA available for typing in some instances, or the DNA being degraded in others. This may indicate sample quality as the reason to matching ‘junk’ kits on the database (as different samples matched the same ‘junk’ kits) rather than not having any suitable matching kits on the database. 3.4. .1. Case 1 (VIFM-09 & VIFM-10) The admixture proportions for this case (Fig. S4) consisted of populations in East Mediterranean (37%), West Mediterranean (19%), North Atlantic (17%), Baltic (9%), West Asian 8%) and Red Sea (6%) comprising the majority of the admixture. In addition, kits for VIFM- 09 and VIFM-10 generated almost identical admixture proportions (data not shown). Of the ‘one-to-many’ comparison in GEDmatch Pro, Case 1
  • 74. (VIFM-09 and VIFM-10) had the closest matches in the 80–500 range of total shared cM, indicative of second cousin (2 C) - third cousin (3 C) or first cousin once removed (1C1R) relationships (Table 3). The comparison performed on FamilyTreeDNA yielded a closer match (616 cM) placing this in the 550–1200 range indicative of first cousin (1 C)− 1C1R (data not shown). 3.4.2. . Case 8. (VIFM-42 & VIFM-43) The admixture proportions for this case (Fig. S4) consisted of population in North Atlantic (49%), Baltic (22%), West Mediterranean (19%), West Asian (5%) and East Mediterranean (4%) comprising the majority of the admixture. In addition, kits for VIFM-42 and VIFM-43 gave almost identical admixture proportions (data not shown). Of the ‘one-to-many’ comparison in GEDmatch PRO, Case 8 (VIFM-42 and VIFM-43) had a match in the 1200–2200 range in- dicative of half siblings, aunt, uncles, grand-parents/child relation- ships; as well as a further matches in the 80–500 range indicative of 2–3 C or 1C1R (Table 3). 3.5. Genetic Genealogy: Pristine Versus Compromised Samples A comparison of GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO outcomes for all
  • 75. samples that were successfully uploaded was undertaken. When evaluating Het/Hom ratio and the percentage of SNPs genotyped to GEDmatch or GEDmatch PRO outcomes, a Het/Hom ratio in the range of 0.3–0.45 was required to successfully match – even when the percentage of SNPs genotyped dropped below 90% (Fig. 6). Fur- thermore, the Het/Hom ratio appears to be a better predictor of match success rather than the percentage of SNPs genotyped (Fig. 7). Furthermore, the impact that DNA input has on three types of genotyping errors (false allele call rate (homozygote); allele drop- out rate; and allele drop-in rate) was evaluated using the ideal sample series (see Fig. 8). When considering the three typing errors combined, it was noted that samples with an input of 0.02 ng or less had an observed genotyping error ranging from 19% to 63%; whereas samples with 0.1 ng or more had less than 1% genotyping errors, of which the majority were allele drop-ins. When looking at the 0.02 ng or less samples in more detail, allele drop-out is more prevalent for samples with 0.02 ng and 0.004 ng input, whereas the false allele rate at 32% and allele drop-out rate at 28%, are similar with the smallest DNA input of 0.0004 ng. For the duplicate samples with an input of 0.04 ng, each had genotyping errors of 18% and 5% respec- tively.
  • 76. 3.6. Bioinformatic Analysis: Casework Samples In order to improve the search outcome for casework samples, bioinformatic analysis of the SNP data was undertaken to remove any non-concordant and no-data SNPs from the combined SNP data for those cases. The removal of all homozygote SNPs, or those not seen in at least two replicates was also performed. While the bioinformatic treatment improved the number of SNPs available for comparison for these casework samples (and thus the call rate) – as exemplified for case 4 (VIFM-15, VIFM-16, VIFM-38 and VIFM-39) (Table 4) – none of the kits generated from the upload of the treated data resulted in any match data (data not shown), as they all had Het/Hom ratios outside the range of 0.3–0.4 and failed this quality measure. 4. Discussion While the operationalisation of FGG outside of the U.S. is limited, others have commenced evaluation of FGG for cold case investiga- tions and human identification purposes [15,29]. Tillmar 2021 [29], for example, described the successful use of FGG to solve a 16- year old double murder case in Sweden; demonstrating the utility of
  • 77. genetic genealogy databases for countries other than the U.S. As more countries consider the use of FGG, concerns have been raised regarding the ethical use of public databases for criminal Table 3 One-to-many – control and casework samples. For control samples (VIFM-45, −46, −47 and −48) where a match list was returned from GEDmatch, and for casework samples (VIFM-09, −10, −42, and −43) where a match list was returned from GEDmatch PRO, the number of close matches based on cM is shown – with numbers capped to 500. Adapted from Thomson et. al. 2020 [34] Number of close matches Range cM VIFM-09 VIFM-10 VIFM-42 VIFM-43 VIFM-45 VIFM-46 VIFM-47 VIFM-48 Likely relationship ~ 3570 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parent or child 2200–3300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Full sibling 1200–2200 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Half siblings, aunts, uncles, grand-parents/children 550–1200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1–1 C1R 80–500 7 6 4 4 0 0 0 0 approximately 2–3 C or 1C1R 50–80 500 500 0 0 0 0 1 1 approximately 3–4 C 30–50 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 4 10 9 approximately 4 C or more distant (could be closer) N/A: not applicable A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science International 334 (2022) 111242 9
  • 78. investigations, as well as the validity of methodology(ies) used to infer relationships [30–32]. Thus, case studies (using forensically relevant samples) to evaluate FGG are required to improve our awareness. In order to better understand the impact of parameters such as DNA input and degradation levels as well as SNP call rates on the ability to deliver enough DNA data for a kit to yield matches when uploaded to a genealogy database, an ideal sample (at various input amounts), as well as control samples (varying degradation levels) were analysed. For a good quality DNA sample with a low de- gradation index (~ 1), as little as 0.1 ng was able to yield the expected match profile when performing the ‘one-to-many’ comparisons, however, an input of 0.04 ng resulted in the identification of the same top match only. While inputs of 0.7 ng or greater were required to achieve the correct gender (as well as call rates above 0.97) this was not a requirement for success in yielding matches. Failure to correctly call the gender may be a result of not enough SNP markers on the X and/or Y chromosomes being typed to enable gender de- termination. However, this observation requires further
  • 79. investiga- tion. Hence, the ability to predict the gender of the donor from the SNP analysis was not a requirement to successfully yield matches when searched against GEDmatch, with samples returning ‘unknown’ for gender able to yield the expected matches. Samples with slightly worse degradation levels (ranging from 1.6 to 5.0) with Fig. 7. GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO outcomes. For all samples that were successfully uploaded to GEDmatch and GEDmatch Pro, an assessment of Het/Hom ratio and per- centage of SNPs genotyped to GEDmatch outcomes, following the removal of three outlier samples with Het/Hom ratios > 1.5. Fig. 6. GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO outcomes. For all samples that were successful uploaded to GEDmatch and GEDmatch Pro, an assessment of Het/Hom ratio and percentage of SNPs genotyped to GEDmatch outcomes. A. Davawala, A. Stock, M. Spiden et al. Forensic Science International 334 (2022) 111242 10 inputs between 7 and 65 ng all generated matches when performing the ‘one-to-many’ comparisons. These results were encouraging as many of the samples received by the laboratory from UHR cases often yield low levels of DNA which are degraded. It was noted, however, that for samples with an input < 1 ng, degradation ap-
  • 80. peared to have an adverse impact on the Het/Hom ratio. For the ideal sample, it was observed that with DNA inputs less than 0.04 ng more than 5% genotyping errors were detected. Furthermore, the occur- rence of these genotyping errors coincided with the loss of a correct match list when searched in GEDmatch. The presence of 5% or more of genotyping errors had a detrimental impact on the matching outcome. FGG has been used successfully in the identification of UHR cases, particularly in the U.S., leading to the reconciliation of long- term missing persons with unidentified deceased [7]. This approach is dependent on having the appropriate data set (size and composi- tion) in the genealogy database, such as GEDmatch and Family- TreeDNA, to ensure matches occur [33]. In order to evaluate the usefulness of FGG for the identification of UHR cases in an Australian context, eight cases were selected for analysis. These cases typically represent the sample type (bone) and DNA yields and quality (low concentration and degraded) encountered for UHR in the laboratory. Furthermore, as it was expected that cases with European ancestry should yield results when searched on GEDmatch PRO, case selec- tion considered those cases which had BGA predictions
  • 81. available, with seven of the eight cases predicted to have European ancestry based on BGA analysis. Although Case 8 did not have any BGA pre- dictions available, mitochondrial haplotyping indicated European ancestry on the maternal side. The admixture predictions obtained using the Eurogenes K13 modelling appeared to be a good indicator of the ancestry for the known samples and could potentially be used as an indicator as to the likelihood of matches on the genealogy database for the unknown samples. However, further assessment of the accuracy of Eurogenes K13 modelling would be required. For all the casework samples, DNA input amounts fell within the range of 0.1–14 ng, with all but one having degradation values of 0.6–3.6. Based on the results for the ideal sample, it was anticipated that most would return a match result using ‘one-to-many’ Fig. 8. GEDmatch and GEDmatch PRO outcomes. An assessment of genotyping error (%) as a function of input DNA for all samples that were successfully uploaded to GEDmatch and GEDmatch Pro. Table 4 Bioinformatic – Case 4. Number of SNPs available for searching following three treatments: the removal (i) non- concordant and no-data SNPs; (ii) as (i) and any homozygote SNPs;