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Argumentative essays are very important because of their ability to help people argue in a mature
manner. However, many people do not know how to successfully write an argumentative essay.
Writing argumentative essays is easy once they are broken down into a few simple parts. These
essays should be taken seriously and written with passion and facts. To write a successful
argumentative essay, start off with a good hook, make claims that are backed by evidence, and then
refute the opposing side's arguments.
The first step in creating a successful argumentative essay is to write a powerful introduction. This
includes a hook, background information, and your thesis. A good hook can include a funny
anecdote, a shocking fact, or an inspiring quote.
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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change
Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first
started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively
affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and
change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced
the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate
change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but
evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions.
"...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like
Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an
increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity.
According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the
Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include
change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although
numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on
whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is
neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media
and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings
of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of
these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice
in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by
nuclear submarines since the Cold War,
according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September
2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not
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Argumentative Essay On Plagiarism
If you were asked to picture a plagiarist, what would be the first image to pop into your head?
Would you think of someone lazy, trying to get through with little effort, purposely taking the words
and thoughts of others and hoping to pass them off as their own undetected? Would you picture a
hard working student, doing their best but forgetting to properly document their sources? Or would
you think of someone like a politician, an author, or a journalist who borrowed ideas from others
without crediting them? It does not matter which one you imagined because these are all examples of
plagiarism. What exactly is plagiarism? As students, most have heard about it and have been
cautioned by their instructors to be aware of and avoid plagiarism. But how many people
understand what plagiarism actually consists of? How many know how to avoid plagiarism in
their individual writings? The best way to avoid plagiarism is to be mindful of each aspect of what
would be considered plagiarized work and to know how to properly cite the ideas of others. To
simply define plagiarism would be to say that it is stealing the ideas or words of another and passing
it off as your own ("Plagiarize"). According to the Merriam–Webster Dictionary, "plagiarize comes
from the Latin plagiarius "kidnapper." This word, derived from the Latin plaga (a net used by
hunters to catch game,) extended its meaning in Latin to include a person who stole the words,
rather than the children, of
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Examples Of Rogerian Argumentation
Rogerian is a style of argumentation that does not take an adversarial approach. This style of
argumentation moves away from a combative stance. The Rogerian argument consists of four parts:
the introduction, context, writer's position, and benefits to the opponent. In "Is the College Use of
American Indian Mascots Racist," Jane Willy does a great job of not taking a particular side and
promoting ethical growth. Therefore, Willy effectively uses Rogerian argumentation to enhance his
argument. In Willy's introduction, he introduces the controversy of how there are differing views
regarding the mascot names of college teams. The author catches the audience's attention as he
provides a story of his experiences with a particular football team more content...
This is supposed to show the opponent how they would benefit by agreeing with the writer's
position. Willy proposes that he thinks "The voice of the Indians is the voice that should, finally,
be listened to" (Willy, 2008, para. 6). This shows the opponent that if they adopt the writer's
position, it would give the Indians the right to determine if the names of the mascots are racist.
Also, Willy finds common ground between the opposing viewpoints and provides a compromise.
He brings up the controversy regarding the North Dakota "Fighting Sioux." The National
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is considering taking this name away from them because
of differences among the community. Will proposes that "If it can, and if the Sioux then agree to
let the university use their image, the NCAA ought to withdraw its objection" (Willy, 2008, para.
7). Then, he states that if "The university cannot persuade the Sioux, well, the Fighting Sioux will
just have to agree that they have lost this fight," come to a compromise, and "Take the name of the
Hawks or the Eagles or of any other group that won't object" (Willy, 2008, para. 7). Willy provides a
compromise for both sides that is
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What Makes An Effective Argument Ineffective?
1.The basic parts of an effective argument are a stated clearly defined issue, makes a claim, and
offers support for that claim. Sometimes an argument may also recognize opposing viewpoints and
incorporate them into the argument
2.What makes an argument ineffective is when using emotional appeals to distract a reader from a
lack of evidence. Also the use of faulty reasoning, and inaccurate facts.
3.An issue is a problem, controversy, or an idea that people can have different viewpoints about.
The term claim is a point in which a writer is trying to prove. This is typically the writer's viewpoint
on the issue. A refutation is recognizing and auguring against opposing viewpoints.
4.A claim of value focuses on an opinion or judgment about
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Argumentative Essay On Social Networking
Social networking has more benefits than you think. Some don't like social networking while others
are all for it. There are many people who have debated the benefits and detriments to society,
students, and family. Example of social networking would be Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and
Youtube. Although social networking has some issues, many are easily taken care of, making it a
benefit and improvement to society. The first argument those against social networking mention is
cyberbullying. "Cyber Bullying is deliberately using digital media to communicate false,
embarrassing, or hostile information about another person." (O'Keefe). Cyber Bullying can be a
problem especially with insecure people who get it too young, but the majority of people are fine
with a little bit of crud and joking. The article, Bullycide: A brief history of the Phoebe Prince
phenomenon is all about the kids who got cyber bullied. They have a collection of real stories of
people getting cyberbullied. There are many examples of people getting bullied and committing
suicide. This article said, "By many accounts, it's getting worse, as social networking and
text–messaging have expanded the bullies toolkit: Studies show that 33 to 42 percent of kids have
been attacked or humiliated online." ("Bullycide"). Although bullying has been a problem in the
past, sites now let the user to either accept or decline friend requests, not allow them to send you
stuff, or block them. This can stop cyber bullying in
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Examples Of Argumentative Essay
Argumentative essay presents a point of view about something and explains the reasons in order to
win readers' agreement. It is built around a specific statement (or main premise) that is debatable
within the field in which students are studying. In other words, at the center of an argumentative
essay is a statement with which readers may disagree. The argumentative essay will need to support
that statement in a manner that convinces the readers of its truth. It mainly strives to convince the
reader of the writer's point of view, using reasonable and ethical methods .The process of argument
composition varies from writer to writer, most writers follow these three stages: forming an
argument, which can consist of discovering a motive for writing and identifying an audience to
address, discovering and sharpening a position, and developing an appropriate style; supporting the
argument; and reviewing the argument, which can include considering the image projected by
argument, making substantial additions or deletions to a first draft, and adding an introduction and
conclusion (Cheng and Chen 2009, Day,1997, Liu,2005,Mayberry,2009) more content...
The first feature is superstructure which refers to the organizational plan of any text and the linear
progression of the text. The second feature is the quality of logical reasoning which is assessed by
analyzing the interrelationships of writers' assertions and the associated support or data provided to
substantiate those claims. The third feature is identified as persuasive appeal, including affective
appeal and establishment of writer credibility. Finally, she notes that audience awareness is an
important characteristic of successful argumentative writing. The writer must observe an awareness
of the reader's perspective by dealing implicitly or explicitly with possible
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| Breastfeeding is better for your baby| Argumentative Essay| | |
Islas, R.
Argumentative essay
Among the many decision a woman faces when she is pregnant, is whether or not she will
breastfeed her child. In our society and in this day and age, this has become a matter of choice as
opposed to long ago where formula was nonexistent and the only means of nurturing your baby was
to breastfeed. Many women are oblivious to the health risks their baby may endure having not being
breastfed. Research and studies show that babies who are breastfed have better health among other
things if they are breastfed. To add to that, formula companies tend to obscure the truth and bribe the
doctors in to promoting their product. more content...
Because of this, many doctors have received a cut for promoting formula from these major
manufacturers. While the new mother who has just given birth to her baby feels that formula
feeding is better since the doctor recommended it, little does she know that the doctor is doing
what he was endorsed to do. Could this mean that many doctors are withholding the truth for
money? It may very well be and I will further discuss this issue. According to studies done in the
US, fewer than half of the babies are exclusively breastfed during their first two days in the
hospital. "By the time they are six months old, only 19 percent of US babies receive any breast milk"
(Coburn, 2000, 1). This is in large part due to the doctor's orders. Little do these mothers know that
the doctors are pushing formula products on these new mothers because they are obliged to do so
under a contract. Coburn also states "To promote artificial feeding, formula manufacturers spend
millions of dollars securing exclusive distribution deals for formula samples, at a yearly average of
$6,000 to $8,000 per doctor" (p.2). Many formula companies distribute their products to hospitals to
advertize their formula. It is a form of bribery, because if you give the doctors and physicians money
they will without a doubt encourage the recommendation of that
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Argumentative Essay On Academic Competition
Competition. This word varies in connotation. To some, it symbolizes joy, triumph, and
self–satisfaction, while for others the word represents worthlessness and failure. Since an early
age, kids are taught about competition through games and sports. Kids develop skills like
sportsmanship, integrity and fair play. Competition is like water in a sieve. To argue that
competition does not exist is like saying that water is not leaking from a sieve when only one hole
is clogged. Competition is everywhere. In today's society, there has been a lot of controversy over
academic competition in school. Many see academic competition has a looming rain cloud that
hangs over the students who excel differently, and cannot find success in the standard school system.
They see competition as emphasis on arbitrary performance. Yet, competition is not all that bad.
Competition is what helps us learn and grow as people. If students did not know the difference
between a win or lose, then how would they know where to improve? Academic competition gets a
negative connotation, but in reality, it has an overall positive impact.
In a recent article, it was discussed how students are experiencing an overwhelming amount of stress
from competition. Students, tired and sleep deprived, dread school not because of the workload, but
because of the academic competition. "While I understand that competition is an important
motivator to many students, I believe that our mental wellness would be significantly
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Argumentative Essay On Renewable Energy
For nearly everyone on earth, fossil fuels are a part of our daily lives. Some of the more obvious
places to find petroleum products would be gas and diesel in cars and trucks, but it is in more than
just your tank. Without fossil fuels, we would not have things such as plastic to make a wide
variety of things such as tires, kayaks, or even computers. The question remains, do we need fossil
In this day and age, we have new energy sources that could be used to power our homes and
transportation. Wind and solar power are used all over the world, but are still used far less than
fossil fuels. Most would say it's not reliable or it doesn't make any profit. While both statements are
true, it doesn't mean we can't make a better future using renewable energy. In fact, the only reason
we don't use renewables for everything is that we don't want to change. The hard truth is we need to
change. Fossil fuels are great right now, but if we run out, humanity must have another source of
Renewable energy may seem like a daunting task, but the benefits to humanity could be incredible.
Public uses of renewable energy range from transportation all the way to heating and cooling.
Everything we use could become less explosive and less expensive. Cities with a high concentration
of people could become safer and healthier places to live. Transportation could be converted to
electricity dramatically, improving smog conditions. Global warming may or may not
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Argumentative Essay Quotes
Cabute, Jeanette Anne H.
1."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new
ending." –Maria Robinson
Explanation: Our lives are full of ups and downs. Often we get so caught up with the downs in our
lives that we fall into depression. We feel that everything in life is falling apart. You regret the
choices you've made in the past and feel that you have failed in life. Understand that you cannot go
back in time and undo choices you've made but that you can stop yourself from repeating the past by
making smarter decisions so that you can have a better future.
Reaction: Yes, our life is full of up and downs. We also cannot change the past, but we can make
better things or more content...
If we try new things we're going to make a few mistakes but we are learning from that mistake. If
you don't make any mistakes, you're in a rut and not trying anything new. Mistakes are part of our
lives, we cannot change it, and we just have to take the risk. Nothing is impossible if we try new
things and nothing will lose if you try right.
4."The heart has its reasons which reason knows not." –Blaise Pascal
Explanation: The heart, the organ capable of storing love can also reason. Its reasoning makes all
the sense in the world to the heart and to the heart's owner when the owner first hears it. It's the
reasoning that makes you fall in love at first sight. It's the reasoning that somehow makes it so hard
to let somebody go even though you have no logical reason to want that person to stay.
Reaction: The quote means that you have to listen to your heart. Just like in love, you just only
knew that you love that person but you don't know why. We fall in love in a mutual weirdness and
called it love.
5."When love is not madness it is not love." –Pedro CalderГіn de la Barca
Explanation: The actual quote is when love is not madness, it is not love, and it is by Pedro
Calderon. Love in its self is madness. Love brings to life so many different emotions that it is like a
chaos in your
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Argumentative Reflection
Argumentative Essay Reflection One of my central struggles throughout high school has been
writing essays and reports for all classes not just english. I was a little worried when I signed up to
take this course, since it counted as a college credit. Even though I was worried about taking this
course, but I am thankful that I did. The main reason behind my decision to take this course is
because I thought it would better prepare me for college. This argumentative essay was one of the
hardest essay that I have written. I have never written in this style before this essay. Even though, I
have never been the best writer, I have always got good grades. After receiving my first rough draft I
knew this class was not going to be easy. The more content...
One of the areas of my writing where I was struggling in using my voice. Granite, there were parts
of my essay where I successfully integrated quotes within my voice, but for the most part that was
my weakest area. For example of one of my better integrated quotes, in my third paragraph when I
say, "Today, consumers rely on social media for everything, whether it is communicating with old
friends, finding new friends, shopping, researching, and staying informed with the latest news.
Daniel adds that, "'Americans who take part in political activities on social networking sites also
tend to be highly active in other areas of political or civic life'" (29), which insinuates that people
rely on social media more today than we have in the past". This was one of my better examples
because I further explain and analyze the quote in my voice instead of just ending the sentence
after the quote. One of my poor examples is, "Many people who suffer from depression care a lot
about what others think about them. That is why many of those people tend to turn to social
media as an outlet to express their feelings". I made a bold statement and did not back up what I
said with my voice I just ended that sentence and moved on. Instead of moving on I should have
explained it further and told them why people tend to turn to social media to express their feelings.
One of the areas of my writing where I was
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Examples Of Fallacious Reasoning
Fallacious reasoning is repugnant to good reasoning" Discuss
Reasoning according to Bo Bonnet(2016) is the process of making sence of information by
verifying fact,changing beliefs or justifying beliefs,based on evidence. Good reasoning has a
purpose,is based on evidence,follows a criteria and attempts to solve a problem.Reasoning that fails
to meet these elements , flaws the reasoning process resulting to fallacious reasoning.A flaw, error
or fault in reasoning is called a fallacy(Edward Damer,2012).
Fallacies can be caused by use of non facts,irrationalities,use of bad tactics and linguistic confusion.
In argumentation,falacies can be commiyed by the arguer during presentation or the audience during
interpretation.Each fallacy reduces more content...
Explanation: polotician uses a child to gain pity from, the audience ,anipulatimg them to vote for
him.He alsogives vivid detaild of deprivation to evoke mercy in the listeners
Fallacy of relative privation
Argument is dismisses because there are more salient things in the world
Example.They should legalize prenups before marriage.
Forget warming mpre important than that. It did not rain this season.what will we eat?
Explanation: here,the audience dismisses argument if favpur fpr 'more important' issues.Scale of
importance does not validaye true value of a statement.that is,the prenups are just as important to
global worming in society and should be given a fair chance of discussion.
Argumentatum verbosium
Arguments or counter argument are too complex or presented soo many at a time that an immediate
response is impossible.
Ad homien. the focus of an arguments shifts from argument to arguer.the argument is dismissed if
the arguer holds negative traits or history
For is wrong to receive a bribe because its a form of
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They Say I Say Of An Argumentative Paper
They Say I Say is extremely useful in learning how to write argumentative papers because the
authors discuss the "I say" of an argumentative paper by providing many real life examples and
templates for new writers to experiment with. For example, on page 60, templates are provided for
disagreeing with an argument and using reasoning. One of the templates reads, "X claims that ___
rests upon the questionable assumption that ___"(Graff). On page 62, templates for agreeing are
presented, one of which is, "X is surely right about ___ because, as she may not be aware, recent
studies have shown"(Graff). It is also expressed in this chapter that students feel uncomfortable
agreeing with arguments made or disagreeing. On page 63 the authors also recognize
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Mandatory Vaccination Argumentative Essay
Mandatory vaccinations have been hotly debated in the United States for over two centuries, making
the argument almost as old as the country itself. As early as 1809, Massachusetts became the first
state to mandate the world's premiere vaccine. Authorities recognized the life–saving benefits of the
smallpox vaccine. They chose to require inoculation to protect the community from further
outbreaks. Public outrage ensued as some community members feared the new vaccine and believed
they should be able to choose if they wished to receive it. The most vocal protestors formed
anti–compulsory vaccination groups and were successful in getting laws overturned in many states.
However, even the United States Supreme Court has upheld states' rights to require immunization.
(A) Vaccinations should more content...
Despite significant progress in the fight against preventable disease, millions still die needlessly
each year. According to UNICEF, originally known as the United Nations International Children's
Emergency Fund, a vaccine preventable disease is responsible for 2 million fatal infections
worldwide each year. About 75% of these deaths occur in children under five years of age. (N) In
more vivid terms, UNICEF notes that vaccine–preventable diseases kill a child every 20 seconds.
(D) Due to high rates of childhood vaccination, the United States has experienced a dramatic
reduction in such deaths. A comparison of the years 1950 and 2010 clearly illustrates the benefits of
vaccinations. During this 60–year period, deaths from diphtheria reduced from 410 to 0, tetanus
from 336 to 3, pertussis from 1,118 to 26, and polio from 1,904 to 0. Measles deaths dropped from
468 in 1950 to 0 in 2008, the last year a United States death rate was recorded. It's not surprising that
vaccinations have been touted as one of the top ten health achievements of the 20th century by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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Argumentative Essay On Empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand and experience the feelings of others, particularly others'
suffering. Humanity's gift of understanding complex emotions ushers in a new way of understanding
ourselves and how we react to stimuli. This ultimately leads to questioning of everything, leading us
to one strong notion: Does empathy guide or hinder moral action? One common misconception
while considering empathetic influence is how it compares with sympathy. The two are a
dichotomy, and must be differentiated. To sympathize is to feel sorry for someone, therefore making
the victim suffer even more. Empathy empowers the victim, allowing company to play a role in how
humans naturally interact with one another to bond and heal. With more content...
Furthermore, during empathizing, emotional reaction in the observer correlates with the fact that
connections between the person's mental state and his or her behavior are not always governed by
lawful conduct of emotion. The response to the other person's mental state creates a gap between
systemizing and empathizing, for without empathetic response, one could only have a very small or
inaccurate reading of a person's emotion. The systemizer only expects that the person's mental state
will at least constrain their behavior. The level of empathy one has is greatly affected by how
systematic they are.
Now, taking into account the SQ/EQ, we can determine how individuals would respond to regular
situations. The response to stimuli is heavily weighted on self and our own experiences – as we are a
product of our environment. However, fifty percent of one's own personality is determined
genetically, within one's very own alleles. This is why people act so much like their parents.
Mothers can actually pass down a gene to their sons that makes them dangerously unempathetic. This
exact gene is what causes more men than women to become serial killers. In addition to the basis of
human structure, men also have a higher tendency to be aggressive, rendering most empathetic
responses null, and barely thought about. Since males are more likely to be systemizers, their
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Argumentative Essays
Failure is the step towards success. Do you agree?
It is often assumed that failure is a deterrent to achievement. Rather, failure should be seen as a
motivator for a person to keep trying until the objective or aim of a particular mission is fulfilled.
Failure often times leads a person to feel helpless, disappointed and depressed. However,one should
not allow this to set them back in trying to achieve the ultimate aim one has set out to do. Failure in
the beginning can often be a powerful incentive to reassess one's position in wanting to achieve the
particular aims; to analyse whether the purpose is worth the trouble the person has to undergo and
the whether the obstacles are surmountable. Practical more content...
Another disadvantage of being an only is that he lacks companionship. He has no brother or sister
to confide in. Growing up as an only child can be very lonely. If you have siblings you will have
to share everything, so you get less; but you also get less of the bad things. Siblings can support
and comfort each in times of trouble. The elder siblings learn to care for the younger ones and the
younger ones learn to respect their elder siblings and have someone to look up to besides their
parents. You are more balanced person than an only child. Another advantage of having siblings is
that your parents' attention is divided among your siblings. As a result, there is less pressure on you
to perform well, be it academically or in other areas. Having siblings also means that you have
companionship, the joy of caring and sharing, and security. I, personally, am happy that I am not an
only child.
Students should not take up part time jobs. Discuss.
Nowadays, students love to have part–time jobs. Their parents approve it easily as they are said to
gain experience from working. However, having a job is a big responsibility for a student. Before,
teenagers at their age were working to help their family because of poverty. Nevertheless, they
were actually eager to study and learn at school for their future. It was not the same as the teenagers
nowadays where they are more likely competing to each other to have a job. Most of the
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Examples Of Valid Arguments
1.A valid argument is an argument which has a conclusion that follows its premises. The premises
can be true or false. When one or both premises are false it is possible that the argument seems
completely valid, but it has false conclusion. An example for a valid argument which has a false
premise is:
Permise1: If dog can fly.
Permise2: Terrier is a kind of dog
Conclusion: terrier can fly
(Here the argument is valid, but the first premise is false, and makes the argument unsound.
A valid argument can have true premises which lead to a true conclusion as well. For example:
Permise1: Human needs water to stay alive.
Permise2: John is human.
Conclusion: John needs water to stay alive.
This kind of argument is valid and sound because it more content...
Aristotle argues that practice virtues, and learning from virtuous people enable us to flourish. To
become a good person, we must practice virtuous acts regularly. Gradually, these acts become our
habits. Good habits and moral virtues are the principle to have a good and happy life. Virtuous
people train us how to be more virtuous. Aristotle explains that if we want to achieve moral
excellence, we need to practice the virtues. Moreover, we need virtues friends, and a moral exemplar
to imitate them to improve our virtues. As we develop our moral behavior, we gradually will find
more happiness in our lives. Although Aristotle admits that health, success, and money play an
important role to make a person happy, he argues that the virtues are the most important factors that
determine one is truly happy or not. So, just thinking of virtues is not
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Argumentative Essay About Family
When I hear the word family, I think of people who are are blood related, the people you live
with, and the people you see all the time. They provide for you and embarrass you. People are also
family, even if they aren't blood related, but are there for you no matter what and they mean
everything to you. Family is always by your side when you need them. People hear family and
think about parents, I hear family and think about my parents, aunts, cousins, friends, and my karate
family. They are all so important to me and I don't know what I would do without them. On the
other hand, Romeo and Juliet displayed family in an interesting way. When Juliet said she didn't
want to marry Paris, her mother said she would disown her if she didn't more content...
Loyalty is sticking with the people who have hurt you or lost your trust. It's having someone's back
even though they might've stabbed you in yours. When you have loyalty, you don't leave someone
just because they said something mean about you or you heard something from someone else. They
might have hurt you, or you might've gotten into an argument, but at the end of the day you will
always be best friends. When you have loyalty is doesn't matter what they said or what they did, you
love them anyway. Similarly, how Romeo and Juliet get married behind their parents' backs. Also,
how when Romeo thought that Juliet was dead, he went and got a poison and killed himself.
Another example is when Tybalt kept his loyalty to the Capulet family by killing Mercutio.
When I hear the word trust I think of friends. You have to have a lot of trust in your friends and
they need to be able to trust you. I have a huge amount of trust in my best friend, I tell her
everything. There are some people who say that you can trust them, but then it turns out that you
can't and they've told everyone your secret. I think that trust is confiding in a person or people that
you know if you say, "don't tell anyone," they won't tell anyone. For instance, in Romeo and Juliet,
Friar Laurence kept Romeo and Juliet's trust by not telling anyone about their marriage. I think that
Romeo and Juliet trusted each other enough
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Argumentation Essay Examples

  • 1. Argumentative essays are very important because of their ability to help people argue in a mature manner. However, many people do not know how to successfully write an argumentative essay. Writing argumentative essays is easy once they are broken down into a few simple parts. These essays should be taken seriously and written with passion and facts. To write a successful argumentative essay, start off with a good hook, make claims that are backed by evidence, and then refute the opposing side's arguments. The first step in creating a successful argumentative essay is to write a powerful introduction. This includes a hook, background information, and your thesis. A good hook can include a funny anecdote, a shocking fact, or an inspiring quote. Get more content on
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On Climate Change Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions. "...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by nuclear submarines since the Cold War, according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September 2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not Get more content on
  • 3. Argumentative Essay On Plagiarism Bloemker If you were asked to picture a plagiarist, what would be the first image to pop into your head? Would you think of someone lazy, trying to get through with little effort, purposely taking the words and thoughts of others and hoping to pass them off as their own undetected? Would you picture a hard working student, doing their best but forgetting to properly document their sources? Or would you think of someone like a politician, an author, or a journalist who borrowed ideas from others without crediting them? It does not matter which one you imagined because these are all examples of plagiarism. What exactly is plagiarism? As students, most have heard about it and have been cautioned by their instructors to be aware of and avoid plagiarism. But how many people understand what plagiarism actually consists of? How many know how to avoid plagiarism in their individual writings? The best way to avoid plagiarism is to be mindful of each aspect of what would be considered plagiarized work and to know how to properly cite the ideas of others. To simply define plagiarism would be to say that it is stealing the ideas or words of another and passing it off as your own ("Plagiarize"). According to the Merriam–Webster Dictionary, "plagiarize comes from the Latin plagiarius "kidnapper." This word, derived from the Latin plaga (a net used by hunters to catch game,) extended its meaning in Latin to include a person who stole the words, rather than the children, of Get more content on
  • 4. Examples Of Rogerian Argumentation Rogerian is a style of argumentation that does not take an adversarial approach. This style of argumentation moves away from a combative stance. The Rogerian argument consists of four parts: the introduction, context, writer's position, and benefits to the opponent. In "Is the College Use of American Indian Mascots Racist," Jane Willy does a great job of not taking a particular side and promoting ethical growth. Therefore, Willy effectively uses Rogerian argumentation to enhance his argument. In Willy's introduction, he introduces the controversy of how there are differing views regarding the mascot names of college teams. The author catches the audience's attention as he provides a story of his experiences with a particular football team more content... This is supposed to show the opponent how they would benefit by agreeing with the writer's position. Willy proposes that he thinks "The voice of the Indians is the voice that should, finally, be listened to" (Willy, 2008, para. 6). This shows the opponent that if they adopt the writer's position, it would give the Indians the right to determine if the names of the mascots are racist. Also, Willy finds common ground between the opposing viewpoints and provides a compromise. He brings up the controversy regarding the North Dakota "Fighting Sioux." The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is considering taking this name away from them because of differences among the community. Will proposes that "If it can, and if the Sioux then agree to let the university use their image, the NCAA ought to withdraw its objection" (Willy, 2008, para. 7). Then, he states that if "The university cannot persuade the Sioux, well, the Fighting Sioux will just have to agree that they have lost this fight," come to a compromise, and "Take the name of the Hawks or the Eagles or of any other group that won't object" (Willy, 2008, para. 7). Willy provides a compromise for both sides that is Get more content on
  • 5. What Makes An Effective Argument Ineffective? 1.The basic parts of an effective argument are a stated clearly defined issue, makes a claim, and offers support for that claim. Sometimes an argument may also recognize opposing viewpoints and incorporate them into the argument 2.What makes an argument ineffective is when using emotional appeals to distract a reader from a lack of evidence. Also the use of faulty reasoning, and inaccurate facts. 3.An issue is a problem, controversy, or an idea that people can have different viewpoints about. The term claim is a point in which a writer is trying to prove. This is typically the writer's viewpoint on the issue. A refutation is recognizing and auguring against opposing viewpoints. 4.A claim of value focuses on an opinion or judgment about Get more content on
  • 6. Argumentative Essay On Social Networking Social networking has more benefits than you think. Some don't like social networking while others are all for it. There are many people who have debated the benefits and detriments to society, students, and family. Example of social networking would be Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. Although social networking has some issues, many are easily taken care of, making it a benefit and improvement to society. The first argument those against social networking mention is cyberbullying. "Cyber Bullying is deliberately using digital media to communicate false, embarrassing, or hostile information about another person." (O'Keefe). Cyber Bullying can be a problem especially with insecure people who get it too young, but the majority of people are fine with a little bit of crud and joking. The article, Bullycide: A brief history of the Phoebe Prince phenomenon is all about the kids who got cyber bullied. They have a collection of real stories of people getting cyberbullied. There are many examples of people getting bullied and committing suicide. This article said, "By many accounts, it's getting worse, as social networking and text–messaging have expanded the bullies toolkit: Studies show that 33 to 42 percent of kids have been attacked or humiliated online." ("Bullycide"). Although bullying has been a problem in the past, sites now let the user to either accept or decline friend requests, not allow them to send you stuff, or block them. This can stop cyber bullying in Get more content on
  • 7. Examples Of Argumentative Essay Argumentative essay presents a point of view about something and explains the reasons in order to win readers' agreement. It is built around a specific statement (or main premise) that is debatable within the field in which students are studying. In other words, at the center of an argumentative essay is a statement with which readers may disagree. The argumentative essay will need to support that statement in a manner that convinces the readers of its truth. It mainly strives to convince the reader of the writer's point of view, using reasonable and ethical methods .The process of argument composition varies from writer to writer, most writers follow these three stages: forming an argument, which can consist of discovering a motive for writing and identifying an audience to address, discovering and sharpening a position, and developing an appropriate style; supporting the argument; and reviewing the argument, which can include considering the image projected by argument, making substantial additions or deletions to a first draft, and adding an introduction and conclusion (Cheng and Chen 2009, Day,1997, Liu,2005,Mayberry,2009) more content... The first feature is superstructure which refers to the organizational plan of any text and the linear progression of the text. The second feature is the quality of logical reasoning which is assessed by analyzing the interrelationships of writers' assertions and the associated support or data provided to substantiate those claims. The third feature is identified as persuasive appeal, including affective appeal and establishment of writer credibility. Finally, she notes that audience awareness is an important characteristic of successful argumentative writing. The writer must observe an awareness of the reader's perspective by dealing implicitly or explicitly with possible Get more content on
  • 8. | Breastfeeding is better for your baby| Argumentative Essay| | | Islas, R. Argumentative essay Among the many decision a woman faces when she is pregnant, is whether or not she will breastfeed her child. In our society and in this day and age, this has become a matter of choice as opposed to long ago where formula was nonexistent and the only means of nurturing your baby was to breastfeed. Many women are oblivious to the health risks their baby may endure having not being breastfed. Research and studies show that babies who are breastfed have better health among other things if they are breastfed. To add to that, formula companies tend to obscure the truth and bribe the doctors in to promoting their product. more content... Because of this, many doctors have received a cut for promoting formula from these major manufacturers. While the new mother who has just given birth to her baby feels that formula feeding is better since the doctor recommended it, little does she know that the doctor is doing what he was endorsed to do. Could this mean that many doctors are withholding the truth for money? It may very well be and I will further discuss this issue. According to studies done in the US, fewer than half of the babies are exclusively breastfed during their first two days in the hospital. "By the time they are six months old, only 19 percent of US babies receive any breast milk" (Coburn, 2000, 1). This is in large part due to the doctor's orders. Little do these mothers know that the doctors are pushing formula products on these new mothers because they are obliged to do so under a contract. Coburn also states "To promote artificial feeding, formula manufacturers spend millions of dollars securing exclusive distribution deals for formula samples, at a yearly average of $6,000 to $8,000 per doctor" (p.2). Many formula companies distribute their products to hospitals to advertize their formula. It is a form of bribery, because if you give the doctors and physicians money they will without a doubt encourage the recommendation of that Get more content on
  • 9. Argumentative Essay On Academic Competition Competition. This word varies in connotation. To some, it symbolizes joy, triumph, and self–satisfaction, while for others the word represents worthlessness and failure. Since an early age, kids are taught about competition through games and sports. Kids develop skills like sportsmanship, integrity and fair play. Competition is like water in a sieve. To argue that competition does not exist is like saying that water is not leaking from a sieve when only one hole is clogged. Competition is everywhere. In today's society, there has been a lot of controversy over academic competition in school. Many see academic competition has a looming rain cloud that hangs over the students who excel differently, and cannot find success in the standard school system. They see competition as emphasis on arbitrary performance. Yet, competition is not all that bad. Competition is what helps us learn and grow as people. If students did not know the difference between a win or lose, then how would they know where to improve? Academic competition gets a negative connotation, but in reality, it has an overall positive impact. In a recent article, it was discussed how students are experiencing an overwhelming amount of stress from competition. Students, tired and sleep deprived, dread school not because of the workload, but because of the academic competition. "While I understand that competition is an important motivator to many students, I believe that our mental wellness would be significantly Get more content on
  • 10. Argumentative Essay On Renewable Energy Renewability For nearly everyone on earth, fossil fuels are a part of our daily lives. Some of the more obvious places to find petroleum products would be gas and diesel in cars and trucks, but it is in more than just your tank. Without fossil fuels, we would not have things such as plastic to make a wide variety of things such as tires, kayaks, or even computers. The question remains, do we need fossil fuels? In this day and age, we have new energy sources that could be used to power our homes and transportation. Wind and solar power are used all over the world, but are still used far less than fossil fuels. Most would say it's not reliable or it doesn't make any profit. While both statements are true, it doesn't mean we can't make a better future using renewable energy. In fact, the only reason we don't use renewables for everything is that we don't want to change. The hard truth is we need to change. Fossil fuels are great right now, but if we run out, humanity must have another source of energy. Renewable energy may seem like a daunting task, but the benefits to humanity could be incredible. Public uses of renewable energy range from transportation all the way to heating and cooling. Everything we use could become less explosive and less expensive. Cities with a high concentration of people could become safer and healthier places to live. Transportation could be converted to electricity dramatically, improving smog conditions. Global warming may or may not Get more content on
  • 11. Argumentative Essay Quotes Cabute, Jeanette Anne H. BSIE–HE 4A Quotation: 1."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." –Maria Robinson Explanation: Our lives are full of ups and downs. Often we get so caught up with the downs in our lives that we fall into depression. We feel that everything in life is falling apart. You regret the choices you've made in the past and feel that you have failed in life. Understand that you cannot go back in time and undo choices you've made but that you can stop yourself from repeating the past by making smarter decisions so that you can have a better future. Reaction: Yes, our life is full of up and downs. We also cannot change the past, but we can make better things or more content... If we try new things we're going to make a few mistakes but we are learning from that mistake. If you don't make any mistakes, you're in a rut and not trying anything new. Mistakes are part of our lives, we cannot change it, and we just have to take the risk. Nothing is impossible if we try new things and nothing will lose if you try right. 4."The heart has its reasons which reason knows not." –Blaise Pascal Explanation: The heart, the organ capable of storing love can also reason. Its reasoning makes all the sense in the world to the heart and to the heart's owner when the owner first hears it. It's the reasoning that makes you fall in love at first sight. It's the reasoning that somehow makes it so hard to let somebody go even though you have no logical reason to want that person to stay. Reaction: The quote means that you have to listen to your heart. Just like in love, you just only knew that you love that person but you don't know why. We fall in love in a mutual weirdness and called it love. 5."When love is not madness it is not love." –Pedro CalderГіn de la Barca Explanation: The actual quote is when love is not madness, it is not love, and it is by Pedro Calderon. Love in its self is madness. Love brings to life so many different emotions that it is like a chaos in your Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Reflection Argumentative Essay Reflection One of my central struggles throughout high school has been writing essays and reports for all classes not just english. I was a little worried when I signed up to take this course, since it counted as a college credit. Even though I was worried about taking this course, but I am thankful that I did. The main reason behind my decision to take this course is because I thought it would better prepare me for college. This argumentative essay was one of the hardest essay that I have written. I have never written in this style before this essay. Even though, I have never been the best writer, I have always got good grades. After receiving my first rough draft I knew this class was not going to be easy. The more content... One of the areas of my writing where I was struggling in using my voice. Granite, there were parts of my essay where I successfully integrated quotes within my voice, but for the most part that was my weakest area. For example of one of my better integrated quotes, in my third paragraph when I say, "Today, consumers rely on social media for everything, whether it is communicating with old friends, finding new friends, shopping, researching, and staying informed with the latest news. Daniel adds that, "'Americans who take part in political activities on social networking sites also tend to be highly active in other areas of political or civic life'" (29), which insinuates that people rely on social media more today than we have in the past". This was one of my better examples because I further explain and analyze the quote in my voice instead of just ending the sentence after the quote. One of my poor examples is, "Many people who suffer from depression care a lot about what others think about them. That is why many of those people tend to turn to social media as an outlet to express their feelings". I made a bold statement and did not back up what I said with my voice I just ended that sentence and moved on. Instead of moving on I should have explained it further and told them why people tend to turn to social media to express their feelings. One of the areas of my writing where I was Get more content on
  • 13. Examples Of Fallacious Reasoning Fallacious reasoning is repugnant to good reasoning" Discuss Reasoning according to Bo Bonnet(2016) is the process of making sence of information by verifying fact,changing beliefs or justifying beliefs,based on evidence. Good reasoning has a purpose,is based on evidence,follows a criteria and attempts to solve a problem.Reasoning that fails to meet these elements , flaws the reasoning process resulting to fallacious reasoning.A flaw, error or fault in reasoning is called a fallacy(Edward Damer,2012). Fallacies can be caused by use of non facts,irrationalities,use of bad tactics and linguistic confusion. In argumentation,falacies can be commiyed by the arguer during presentation or the audience during interpretation.Each fallacy reduces more content... Explanation: polotician uses a child to gain pity from, the audience ,anipulatimg them to vote for him.He alsogives vivid detaild of deprivation to evoke mercy in the listeners Fallacy of relative privation Argument is dismisses because there are more salient things in the world Example.They should legalize prenups before marriage. Forget warming mpre important than that. It did not rain this season.what will we eat? Explanation: here,the audience dismisses argument if favpur fpr 'more important' issues.Scale of importance does not validaye true value of a statement.that is,the prenups are just as important to global worming in society and should be given a fair chance of discussion. Argumentatum verbosium Arguments or counter argument are too complex or presented soo many at a time that an immediate response is impossible. Ad homien. the focus of an arguments shifts from argument to arguer.the argument is dismissed if the arguer holds negative traits or history For is wrong to receive a bribe because its a form of Get more content on
  • 14. They Say I Say Of An Argumentative Paper They Say I Say is extremely useful in learning how to write argumentative papers because the authors discuss the "I say" of an argumentative paper by providing many real life examples and templates for new writers to experiment with. For example, on page 60, templates are provided for disagreeing with an argument and using reasoning. One of the templates reads, "X claims that ___ rests upon the questionable assumption that ___"(Graff). On page 62, templates for agreeing are presented, one of which is, "X is surely right about ___ because, as she may not be aware, recent studies have shown"(Graff). It is also expressed in this chapter that students feel uncomfortable agreeing with arguments made or disagreeing. On page 63 the authors also recognize Get more content on
  • 15. Mandatory Vaccination Argumentative Essay Mandatory vaccinations have been hotly debated in the United States for over two centuries, making the argument almost as old as the country itself. As early as 1809, Massachusetts became the first state to mandate the world's premiere vaccine. Authorities recognized the life–saving benefits of the smallpox vaccine. They chose to require inoculation to protect the community from further outbreaks. Public outrage ensued as some community members feared the new vaccine and believed they should be able to choose if they wished to receive it. The most vocal protestors formed anti–compulsory vaccination groups and were successful in getting laws overturned in many states. However, even the United States Supreme Court has upheld states' rights to require immunization. (A) Vaccinations should more content... Despite significant progress in the fight against preventable disease, millions still die needlessly each year. According to UNICEF, originally known as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, a vaccine preventable disease is responsible for 2 million fatal infections worldwide each year. About 75% of these deaths occur in children under five years of age. (N) In more vivid terms, UNICEF notes that vaccine–preventable diseases kill a child every 20 seconds. (D) Due to high rates of childhood vaccination, the United States has experienced a dramatic reduction in such deaths. A comparison of the years 1950 and 2010 clearly illustrates the benefits of vaccinations. During this 60–year period, deaths from diphtheria reduced from 410 to 0, tetanus from 336 to 3, pertussis from 1,118 to 26, and polio from 1,904 to 0. Measles deaths dropped from 468 in 1950 to 0 in 2008, the last year a United States death rate was recorded. It's not surprising that vaccinations have been touted as one of the top ten health achievements of the 20th century by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Get more content on
  • 16. Argumentative Essay On Empathy Empathy is the ability to understand and experience the feelings of others, particularly others' suffering. Humanity's gift of understanding complex emotions ushers in a new way of understanding ourselves and how we react to stimuli. This ultimately leads to questioning of everything, leading us to one strong notion: Does empathy guide or hinder moral action? One common misconception while considering empathetic influence is how it compares with sympathy. The two are a dichotomy, and must be differentiated. To sympathize is to feel sorry for someone, therefore making the victim suffer even more. Empathy empowers the victim, allowing company to play a role in how humans naturally interact with one another to bond and heal. With more content... Furthermore, during empathizing, emotional reaction in the observer correlates with the fact that connections between the person's mental state and his or her behavior are not always governed by lawful conduct of emotion. The response to the other person's mental state creates a gap between systemizing and empathizing, for without empathetic response, one could only have a very small or inaccurate reading of a person's emotion. The systemizer only expects that the person's mental state will at least constrain their behavior. The level of empathy one has is greatly affected by how systematic they are. Now, taking into account the SQ/EQ, we can determine how individuals would respond to regular situations. The response to stimuli is heavily weighted on self and our own experiences – as we are a product of our environment. However, fifty percent of one's own personality is determined genetically, within one's very own alleles. This is why people act so much like their parents. Mothers can actually pass down a gene to their sons that makes them dangerously unempathetic. This exact gene is what causes more men than women to become serial killers. In addition to the basis of human structure, men also have a higher tendency to be aggressive, rendering most empathetic responses null, and barely thought about. Since males are more likely to be systemizers, their Get more content on
  • 17. Argumentative Essays Failure is the step towards success. Do you agree? It is often assumed that failure is a deterrent to achievement. Rather, failure should be seen as a motivator for a person to keep trying until the objective or aim of a particular mission is fulfilled. Failure often times leads a person to feel helpless, disappointed and depressed. However,one should not allow this to set them back in trying to achieve the ultimate aim one has set out to do. Failure in the beginning can often be a powerful incentive to reassess one's position in wanting to achieve the particular aims; to analyse whether the purpose is worth the trouble the person has to undergo and the whether the obstacles are surmountable. Practical more content... Another disadvantage of being an only is that he lacks companionship. He has no brother or sister to confide in. Growing up as an only child can be very lonely. If you have siblings you will have to share everything, so you get less; but you also get less of the bad things. Siblings can support and comfort each in times of trouble. The elder siblings learn to care for the younger ones and the younger ones learn to respect their elder siblings and have someone to look up to besides their parents. You are more balanced person than an only child. Another advantage of having siblings is that your parents' attention is divided among your siblings. As a result, there is less pressure on you to perform well, be it academically or in other areas. Having siblings also means that you have companionship, the joy of caring and sharing, and security. I, personally, am happy that I am not an only child. Students should not take up part time jobs. Discuss. Nowadays, students love to have part–time jobs. Their parents approve it easily as they are said to gain experience from working. However, having a job is a big responsibility for a student. Before, teenagers at their age were working to help their family because of poverty. Nevertheless, they were actually eager to study and learn at school for their future. It was not the same as the teenagers nowadays where they are more likely competing to each other to have a job. Most of the Get more content on
  • 18. Examples Of Valid Arguments 1.A valid argument is an argument which has a conclusion that follows its premises. The premises can be true or false. When one or both premises are false it is possible that the argument seems completely valid, but it has false conclusion. An example for a valid argument which has a false premise is: Permise1: If dog can fly. Permise2: Terrier is a kind of dog Conclusion: terrier can fly (Here the argument is valid, but the first premise is false, and makes the argument unsound. A valid argument can have true premises which lead to a true conclusion as well. For example: Permise1: Human needs water to stay alive. Permise2: John is human. Conclusion: John needs water to stay alive. This kind of argument is valid and sound because it more content... Aristotle argues that practice virtues, and learning from virtuous people enable us to flourish. To become a good person, we must practice virtuous acts regularly. Gradually, these acts become our habits. Good habits and moral virtues are the principle to have a good and happy life. Virtuous people train us how to be more virtuous. Aristotle explains that if we want to achieve moral excellence, we need to practice the virtues. Moreover, we need virtues friends, and a moral exemplar to imitate them to improve our virtues. As we develop our moral behavior, we gradually will find more happiness in our lives. Although Aristotle admits that health, success, and money play an important role to make a person happy, he argues that the virtues are the most important factors that determine one is truly happy or not. So, just thinking of virtues is not Get more content on
  • 19. Argumentative Essay About Family When I hear the word family, I think of people who are are blood related, the people you live with, and the people you see all the time. They provide for you and embarrass you. People are also family, even if they aren't blood related, but are there for you no matter what and they mean everything to you. Family is always by your side when you need them. People hear family and think about parents, I hear family and think about my parents, aunts, cousins, friends, and my karate family. They are all so important to me and I don't know what I would do without them. On the other hand, Romeo and Juliet displayed family in an interesting way. When Juliet said she didn't want to marry Paris, her mother said she would disown her if she didn't more content... Loyalty is sticking with the people who have hurt you or lost your trust. It's having someone's back even though they might've stabbed you in yours. When you have loyalty, you don't leave someone just because they said something mean about you or you heard something from someone else. They might have hurt you, or you might've gotten into an argument, but at the end of the day you will always be best friends. When you have loyalty is doesn't matter what they said or what they did, you love them anyway. Similarly, how Romeo and Juliet get married behind their parents' backs. Also, how when Romeo thought that Juliet was dead, he went and got a poison and killed himself. Another example is when Tybalt kept his loyalty to the Capulet family by killing Mercutio. When I hear the word trust I think of friends. You have to have a lot of trust in your friends and they need to be able to trust you. I have a huge amount of trust in my best friend, I tell her everything. There are some people who say that you can trust them, but then it turns out that you can't and they've told everyone your secret. I think that trust is confiding in a person or people that you know if you say, "don't tell anyone," they won't tell anyone. For instance, in Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence kept Romeo and Juliet's trust by not telling anyone about their marriage. I think that Romeo and Juliet trusted each other enough Get more content on