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Carezzo Nutrition bv – 24 Mei 2016 – Fred Bergmans
Onderzoek & Ontwikkeling
2010-2011 2012-2014 2014-2015
idee & haalbaarheid
wetenschappelijk onderzoek &
effect studie & markt
Sales Operations
leveranciers &
contract research
Ziekenhuizen, Woon-
& Thuiszorg,
Cateraars, grossiers
Patienten& Dietisten
logistiek providers
Marketing Technology
Business concept: 4 kernfuncties
<- Verkoop & logistiek->
<- Receptuur ontwikkeling->
producten laten
Info over
Gevolgen van ondervoeding:
• Vertraagde wondgenezing
• Langer ziekenhuisverblijf
• Verminderde kwaliteit van leven
• Verhoogde sterftekans
Totale kosten € 1,8 miljard2
• Ziekenhuis: € 1,1 miljard
 Leeftijdsgroep 60+: €752 miljoen
2 SEO-rapport nr. 2014-11,
based on numbers of 2011
Ondervoeding: Eiwit tekort voor de spieropbouw
Risicogroep: Kwetsbare ouderen
• Weinig eetlust: < eiwit aanbeveling
• Behoud spieren
Ondervoeding bij ziekte
• Onbedoeld gewichtsverlies
• Stop spierafbraak
1/3 <
1/3 >
+ 30g
60g 90g
Prestatie indicator IGZ
1,2 g eiwit/kg
+ 50% Eiwit
Prestatie indicator IGZ
Screening SNAQ/MUST
Wat is het probleem
18 t/m 29 30 /tm 49 50 t/m 70 >70
Energie behoefte van volwassenen (MJ/dag)
Gezondheidsraad 2002
18 t/m 29 30 /tm 49 50 t/m 70 >70
Ondervoeding in de zorg:
Ongewenst gewichtsverlies 25%-40%
+ 30g
08.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 20.00
• eiwitverrijkte basisvoeding – groenten, fruit en granen
• voor broodmaaltijden en tussendoor
De VOEDINGs oplossing
• ‘ik heb niet zo’n goed gevoel bij de huidige aanpak van diëten en drinkvoeding: niks werkt echt om
ondervoeding op te lossen’.
• ‘we blijven hangen in een JA MAAR discussie en dan gebeurt er niks’
• ‘met zo’n hele range is er altijd wel iets dat men lekker vindt, dit gaat gewoon werken’.
• ‘als je kan kiezen kun je het langer volhouden’
• ‘de getallen op de verpakking zijn een leuke hulp om uit te tellen wat je nodig hebt’
• ‘met Carezzo wordt het ons wel heel eenvoudig gemaakt’
‘Kiezen wat je lekker vindt en krijgen wat je nodig hebt’
• Brood 6 g
• Bollen 6 g
• Banket 10 g
• Fruitsap 10 g
• Groentesoep 10 g
• Fruitzuivel 10 g
• Fruitijs 10 g
Proces innovatie
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek, productontwikkeling en
interventie studies in de doelgroep
Smaaktesten in de doelgroep
• Senioren SenTo panel Wageningen UR
Voedingsstudies: meer inname eiwit
• Ziekenhuis Vumc
• Revalidatie kliniek ZZG Herstelhotel.
• Ziekenhuis ZGV & thuiswonenden
Effectstudie: voeding & functies
• Ziekenhuis: 10 dagen
• Thuiswonenden: 12 weken
Consortium ‘Cater with Care’
Huidige behandelmethoden:
- Energie & Eiwitrijk dieet
- Suppletie drinkvoeding
Alliantie Voeding Gelderse Vallei
p/a Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei
Postbus 9025
6710 HN Ede
Nancy Janssen* 1, Emmelyne Vasse1, Janne Beelen2, Quinta van der Sluijs1, Joyce van Geel2, Nicole M
de Roos2, André Janse md3
1department of dietetics, Gelderse Vallei Hospital, Ede, 2Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University, Wageningen,
3department of geriatric medicine, Gelderse Vallei Hospital, Ede, Netherlands
A considerable part of hospitalized
elderly patients are unable to meet
protein and energy requirements.
The objective of this study was
1. To gain insight into the protein
and energy intake of
hospitalized elderly patients.
2. To gain insight into their
awareness of undernutrition,
importance of protein
and preferences for foods and
drinks of these patients.
1. We observed a significant difference
in protein intake but not in energy
intake between patients receiving
an enriched diet versus not
enriched (1.13 grams vs. 0.62
grams of protein per kg BW;
2. Interviews showed that elderly are
unaware of the risks of being
undernourished and the importance
of dietary protein. Healthy food is
associated with eating vegetables.
Elderly are not prone to change
dietary habits.
1. Current treatment options for
undernutrition do not seem
sufficient for meeting energy and
protein requirements in the
majority of elderly patients.
2. Even MUST 0 patients have
inadequate protein intake.
3. Increasing awareness about
undernutrition among elderly
patients and offering enriched
foods and drinks that fit in with
current dietary choices could
increase their protein and energy
1. Design: cross-sectional study.
Participants: Forty hospitalized
patients of 65+ years, at risk of
undernutrition (MUST ≥1) and
receiving a protein and energy
enriched diet, and 40
hospitalized patients of 65+
years not at risk and receiving
a standard diet.
Measurement: 24h-recall on the
fourth day of hospitalisation to
calculate protein and energy
2. Ten patients at risk of
undernutrition were interviewed
using a semi-structured
interview guide. Thematic
analyses was used for analysing
the interviews.
What do they mean..
Not me, I eat
Figure. Actual protein intake compared
to the recommendations for hospitalized
elderly in the MUST 0 group (n=31) and
the MUST ≥ 1 group (n=32) on the
fourth day of hospitalisation.
Key message
Most hospitalized elderly
would benefit from protein
enriched foods.
Since elderly won’t change
their habits, we need to
adjust the amount of
protein within these habits.
Department of dietetics
Gelderse Vallei Hospital
PO box 9025
6710 HN Ede, the Netherlands
- Eiwit verrijkt brood & drink yoghurt
- Zelfde hoeveelheid gegeten
Titel voorbeeld titel
Protein-enriched bread and drinking yoghurt and their effect
on protein intake in acutely hospitalized older adults: a
randomized controlled trial
Earlier studies have shown that protein
intake in elderly is often insufficient during
hospitalization. The objective of this study
was to examine the effect on protein intake
of acutely hospitalized elderly of consuming
a protein-enriched bread and drinking
yoghurt, replacing normal products.
This study was performed as a single blind
randomized controlled trial in elderly (≥ 55
years), acutely admitted to the hospital.
During 3 consecutive days participants
received either ad libitum protein-enriched
bread (7 g of protein) and drinking yoghurt
(20 g of protein) in the intervention group or
isocaloric, non-enriched bread (4 g of
protein) and drinking yoghurt (8 g of protein)
in the control group as part of their daily
meals. Food intake of the participants was
measured and nutritional values were
calculated according to the Dutch Food
Composition Table. An independent samples
t-test was used to compare protein intake
between intervention and control group.
The use of protein-enriched bread and drinking yoghurt, consumed as part of regular meals, is
a promising and feasible solution to increase the protein intake of acutely ill elderly. It needs to
be confirmed whether a longer-term use of these products in larger groups of patients will also
result in better clinical outcomes.
S. Stelten*1 , I.M. Dekker1, A.E. Ronday1, A. Thijs2, E. Boelsma3, H.W. Peppelenbos3, M.A.E. de van der
1 Nutrition and Dietetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2 Internal Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3 Food &
Biobased Reaserch, Wageningen UR, Wageningen, 4 Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Department Nutrition, Sports and Health, HAN
Univerity of Applies Sciences, Nijmegen
Data are presented as mean ± SD, unless stated
a Percentage of patients reaching the minimum protein
requirement of 1.2 g/kg/day
Control group (n=25) Intervention group
P -value
Protein intake (g) 58 ± 15 75 ± 33 0.039
Protein intake (g/kg/day) 0.9 ± 0.3 1.1 ± 0.5 0.041
Protein requirementa (%) 8% 36% 0.030
The use of enriched products resulted in a
significantly increased protein intake. Bread
and drinking yoghurt contributed almost
equally to the increased intake of protein in
the intervention group.
- broodmaaltijden & tussendoor
- optimaal over de dag
Effects of the daily consumption of protein enriched bread and
protein enriched drinking yoghurt on the total protein
intake in elderly in a rehabilitation centre:
a single blind randomised controlled trial
A sufficient total protein intake (1.2-1.5 g/kg for
acutely and chronically ill older adults) and an
optimal protein distribution over the day (25-30
g/meal) are important to counteract sarcopenia.
However, patients recovering from disease often
have an insufficient protein intake.
The purpose of the current study was to investigate
the effects of the consumption of protein enriched
products on the daily protein intake and the protein
distribution over the day in older adults in a
rehabilitation centre.
Single blind RCT. Patients received either protein
enriched bread (Carezzo; 6.9 g protein per slice)
and protein enriched drinking yoghurt (Drinking
yoghurt enriched with Fonterra Whey Protein
Concentrate (WPC 515), 20.0 g protein / 250 mL) or
regular products during three weeks (4.0 g and 7.5 g
protein, resp.) For each patient, 24h intake of all
food products was measured (6 measurement days
per patient).
Thirty-four patients were included in the study.
Compared with controls, patients who received
the protein enriched products had a
significantly higher protein intake (table).
AJ van Til1, E Naumann1, IJHM Cox-Claessens2, S Kremer³, E Boelsma³,
MAE de van der Schueren1,4
1 HAN University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Department of Nutrition, Sports and Health, 2 ZZG Rehabilitation centre, Medical director, ³
Wageningen UR, Food and Biobased Research, 4 VU University Medical Centre, Nutrition and Dietetics, Internal Medicine
The daily consumption of protein enriched bread and protein enriched drinking yoghurt is effective
to achieve both a significant higher protein intake and an optimal distribution of the dietary protein
over the day in older adults.
Control Intervention P-value
Protein intake
72.5 115.3 <0.001
Protein intake
1.1 1.6 <0.001
The intervention group consumed quantities
over the recommended level (25-30 g/meal)
during each of the three meals, where the
control group consumed quantities below the
recommended level during breakfast and lunch
Kiezen wat je lekker vindt,
en krijgen wat je nodig hebt.
SenTo – smaakpanel Wageningen Universiteit
Senioren met volledige
Senioren met verminderde
Smaaktest in de doelgroep
sento normal sento impaired Young
Standard Carezzo
Senioren met verminderde geur-/smaakvermogen vinden Carezzo
lekkerder dan het geteste standaardbrood.
SenTo panel
Eiwit eiwitverrijkt brood, sap, soep
1,5 g/kg/d
1,2 g/kg/d
0,8 g/kg/d
(n=22) (n=22)
 EET PILOTSTUDY unpublished 2014 - verpleeghuis
Ondervoeding: Eiwit tekort OPLOSSEN zonder meer te eten
doelgroep haalt de eiwit
79% met het
eiwitverrijkte menu
(Cater with Care)
50% in de controle groep
Resultaten Eiwitinname
Cntrl CwC
1.05 1.51*
1.2 g/kg/d
31% 72%
*P = 0.001
Beelen et al. to be published
Voornaamste eiwitbronnen (≥3%) in
controle- en interventiegroep
Met name de verrijkte broodsoorten,
sappen en fruitzuivel verhoogden de
Nieuwe categorie
€ per gram eiwit
Nieuwe categorie
tussen reguliere voeding en medische drinkvoeding
> € 0,17
Per gram
Reguliere voeding
(brood & melk)
€ 0,03 per gram eiwit
€ 0,03 -
€ 0,15
Als meer eiwit nodig is, en reguliere voeding onvoldoende is?
Carezzo voedingsconcept: range in kosten per gram eiwit
Meeste keuze en meest betaalbaar
Customer Journey
Transmurale zorg (thuis) – pre/post operatieve fase
Pre – operatief chirurgie Post operatief
op ondervoeding.
Behandeling Herstel
Behandeling van ondervoeding is Kosten effectief:
Webshop &
Webshop & Maaltijd
Communicatie gericht op diëtisten en zorgprofessionals
• Ziekenhuizen
– Presentatie en proeverij
– Dietetiek en facilitair
• Diëtisten/zorg professionals
bijeenkomsten (sponsor)
– Geriatrie dagen - 18 & 19 februari
• 1000 Klinisch geriaters
– Welkom in de Zorg - 6 & 7 April
• 1700 facilitaire managers
– Diëtisten dagen NVD – 8 & 9 April
• 1000 diëtisten van de Ned Vereniging
van Diëtisten
• In de Media: zie
Geriatrie Dagen 2016
Donderdag 18 en Vrijdag 19 februari
1931 Congrescentrum ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Launching customers
• 32 afdeling
• Pilot oncologie
• Pre – operatief
• Vrije keuze
Kiezen wat je lekker vindt,
en krijgen wat je nodig hebt.

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Eiwitverrijkte basisvoeding fred bergmans

  • 1. KIEZEN WAT JE LEKKER VINDT KRIJGEN WAT JE NODIG HEBT the ‘FOOD SOLUTION’ 1 Carezzo Nutrition bv – 24 Mei 2016 – Fred Bergmans
  • 2. Onderzoek & Ontwikkeling 2010-2011 2012-2014 2014-2015 idee & haalbaarheid fase wetenschappelijk onderzoek & productontwikkeling effect studie & markt entrée 2
  • 3. Sales Operations Grondstoffen leveranciers & contract research Inkopers Ziekenhuizen, Woon- & Thuiszorg, Cateraars, grossiers Universiteiten Ziekenhuizen Patienten& Dietisten Zorginstellingen Fabrikanten, bakkerijen, logistiek providers Marketing Technology Business concept: 4 kernfuncties DOELGROEP VOEDING <- Verkoop & logistiek-> <- Receptuur ontwikkeling-> Verrijkte producten laten produceren Info over voedingstoestand verbetering BUSINESS CONCEPT: 4 KERNFUNCTIES 3
  • 4. Ondervoeding Gevolgen van ondervoeding: • Vertraagde wondgenezing • Langer ziekenhuisverblijf • Verminderde kwaliteit van leven • Verhoogde sterftekans Totale kosten € 1,8 miljard2 • Ziekenhuis: € 1,1 miljard  Leeftijdsgroep 60+: €752 miljoen 2 SEO-rapport nr. 2014-11, based on numbers of 2011
  • 5. Ondervoeding: Eiwit tekort voor de spieropbouw Risicogroep: Kwetsbare ouderen • Weinig eetlust: < eiwit aanbeveling • Behoud spieren Ondervoeding bij ziekte • Onbedoeld gewichtsverlies • Stop spierafbraak 1/3 < onacceptabel 1/3 ongewenst 1/3 > gewenst + 30g 60g 90g Prestatie indicator IGZ 1,2 g eiwit/kg + 50% Eiwit inname Prestatie indicator IGZ Screening SNAQ/MUST 5
  • 6. Wat is het probleem 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 18 t/m 29 30 /tm 49 50 t/m 70 >70 Energie(MJ/dag) Energie behoefte van volwassenen (MJ/dag) Gezondheidsraad 2002 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 18 t/m 29 30 /tm 49 50 t/m 70 >70 Eiwitbehoefte(g/kgLW/dag)
  • 7. Ondervoeding in de zorg: Ongewenst gewichtsverlies 25%-40% + 30g 08.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 WARMBROOD TUSSEN DOOR 2E BROOD TUSSEN DOOR TUSSEN DOOR NIEUW VOEDING CONCEPT • eiwitverrijkte basisvoeding – groenten, fruit en granen • voor broodmaaltijden en tussendoor De VOEDINGs oplossing
  • 8. EERSTE REAKTIES VAN DIETISTEN • ‘ik heb niet zo’n goed gevoel bij de huidige aanpak van diëten en drinkvoeding: niks werkt echt om ondervoeding op te lossen’. • ‘we blijven hangen in een JA MAAR discussie en dan gebeurt er niks’ • ‘met zo’n hele range is er altijd wel iets dat men lekker vindt, dit gaat gewoon werken’. • ‘als je kan kiezen kun je het langer volhouden’ • ‘de getallen op de verpakking zijn een leuke hulp om uit te tellen wat je nodig hebt’ • ‘met Carezzo wordt het ons wel heel eenvoudig gemaakt’ WAARDE PROPOSITIE: ‘Kiezen wat je lekker vindt en krijgen wat je nodig hebt’ EIWITVERRIJKT /portie • Brood 6 g • Bollen 6 g • Banket 10 g • Fruitsap 10 g • Groentesoep 10 g • Fruitzuivel 10 g • Fruitijs 10 g 8
  • 10. Wetenschappelijk onderzoek, productontwikkeling en interventie studies in de doelgroep Smaaktesten in de doelgroep • Senioren SenTo panel Wageningen UR Voedingsstudies: meer inname eiwit • Ziekenhuis Vumc • Revalidatie kliniek ZZG Herstelhotel. • Ziekenhuis ZGV & thuiswonenden Effectstudie: voeding & functies • Ziekenhuis: 10 dagen • Thuiswonenden: 12 weken Consortium ‘Cater with Care’ 10
  • 11. WAT WERKT WERKT NIET: MEER ETEN Huidige behandelmethoden: - Energie & Eiwitrijk dieet - Suppletie drinkvoeding Alliantie Voeding Gelderse Vallei p/a Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei Postbus 9025 6710 HN Ede CATER WITH CARE: INSIGHTS INTO MEETING PROTEIN REQUIREMENTS IN HOSPITALISED ELDERLY PATIENTS Nancy Janssen* 1, Emmelyne Vasse1, Janne Beelen2, Quinta van der Sluijs1, Joyce van Geel2, Nicole M de Roos2, André Janse md3 1department of dietetics, Gelderse Vallei Hospital, Ede, 2Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University, Wageningen, 3department of geriatric medicine, Gelderse Vallei Hospital, Ede, Netherlands Rationale A considerable part of hospitalized elderly patients are unable to meet protein and energy requirements. The objective of this study was 1. To gain insight into the protein and energy intake of hospitalized elderly patients. 2. To gain insight into their awareness of undernutrition, importance of protein and preferences for foods and drinks of these patients. Results 1. We observed a significant difference in protein intake but not in energy intake between patients receiving an enriched diet versus not enriched (1.13 grams vs. 0.62 grams of protein per kg BW; P<0.05). 2. Interviews showed that elderly are unaware of the risks of being undernourished and the importance of dietary protein. Healthy food is associated with eating vegetables. Elderly are not prone to change dietary habits. Conclusions 1. Current treatment options for undernutrition do not seem sufficient for meeting energy and protein requirements in the majority of elderly patients. 2. Even MUST 0 patients have inadequate protein intake. 3. Increasing awareness about undernutrition among elderly patients and offering enriched foods and drinks that fit in with current dietary choices could increase their protein and energy intake. Method 1. Design: cross-sectional study. Participants: Forty hospitalized patients of 65+ years, at risk of undernutrition (MUST ≥1) and receiving a protein and energy enriched diet, and 40 hospitalized patients of 65+ years not at risk and receiving a standard diet. Measurement: 24h-recall on the fourth day of hospitalisation to calculate protein and energy intake. 2. Ten patients at risk of undernutrition were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. Thematic analyses was used for analysing the interviews. What do they mean.. Protein?? Undernourished? Not me, I eat vegetables Figure. Actual protein intake compared to the recommendations for hospitalized elderly in the MUST 0 group (n=31) and the MUST ≥ 1 group (n=32) on the fourth day of hospitalisation. Key message Most hospitalized elderly would benefit from protein enriched foods. Since elderly won’t change their habits, we need to adjust the amount of protein within these habits. Department of dietetics Gelderse Vallei Hospital PO box 9025 6710 HN Ede, the Netherlands WERKT WEL: MEER EIWIT - Eiwit verrijkt brood & drink yoghurt - Zelfde hoeveelheid gegeten Titel voorbeeld titel Protein-enriched bread and drinking yoghurt and their effect on protein intake in acutely hospitalized older adults: a randomized controlled trial Rationale Earlier studies have shown that protein intake in elderly is often insufficient during hospitalization. The objective of this study was to examine the effect on protein intake of acutely hospitalized elderly of consuming a protein-enriched bread and drinking yoghurt, replacing normal products. Methods This study was performed as a single blind randomized controlled trial in elderly (≥ 55 years), acutely admitted to the hospital. During 3 consecutive days participants received either ad libitum protein-enriched bread (7 g of protein) and drinking yoghurt (20 g of protein) in the intervention group or isocaloric, non-enriched bread (4 g of protein) and drinking yoghurt (8 g of protein) in the control group as part of their daily meals. Food intake of the participants was measured and nutritional values were calculated according to the Dutch Food Composition Table. An independent samples t-test was used to compare protein intake between intervention and control group. Conclusion The use of protein-enriched bread and drinking yoghurt, consumed as part of regular meals, is a promising and feasible solution to increase the protein intake of acutely ill elderly. It needs to be confirmed whether a longer-term use of these products in larger groups of patients will also result in better clinical outcomes. S. Stelten*1 , I.M. Dekker1, A.E. Ronday1, A. Thijs2, E. Boelsma3, H.W. Peppelenbos3, M.A.E. de van der Schueren1,4 1 Nutrition and Dietetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2 Internal Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3 Food & Biobased Reaserch, Wageningen UR, Wageningen, 4 Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Department Nutrition, Sports and Health, HAN Univerity of Applies Sciences, Nijmegen Data are presented as mean ± SD, unless stated otherwise a Percentage of patients reaching the minimum protein requirement of 1.2 g/kg/day Correspondence: Control group (n=25) Intervention group (n=22) P -value Protein intake (g) 58 ± 15 75 ± 33 0.039 Protein intake (g/kg/day) 0.9 ± 0.3 1.1 ± 0.5 0.041 Protein requirementa (%) 8% 36% 0.030 Results The use of enriched products resulted in a significantly increased protein intake. Bread and drinking yoghurt contributed almost equally to the increased intake of protein in the intervention group. WERKT BETER: SPREIDING INNAME - broodmaaltijden & tussendoor - optimaal over de dag Effects of the daily consumption of protein enriched bread and protein enriched drinking yoghurt on the total protein intake in elderly in a rehabilitation centre: a single blind randomised controlled trial Rationale A sufficient total protein intake (1.2-1.5 g/kg for acutely and chronically ill older adults) and an optimal protein distribution over the day (25-30 g/meal) are important to counteract sarcopenia. However, patients recovering from disease often have an insufficient protein intake. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of the consumption of protein enriched products on the daily protein intake and the protein distribution over the day in older adults in a rehabilitation centre. Methods Single blind RCT. Patients received either protein enriched bread (Carezzo; 6.9 g protein per slice) and protein enriched drinking yoghurt (Drinking yoghurt enriched with Fonterra Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC 515), 20.0 g protein / 250 mL) or regular products during three weeks (4.0 g and 7.5 g protein, resp.) For each patient, 24h intake of all food products was measured (6 measurement days per patient). Results Thirty-four patients were included in the study. Compared with controls, patients who received the protein enriched products had a significantly higher protein intake (table). AJ van Til1, E Naumann1, IJHM Cox-Claessens2, S Kremer³, E Boelsma³, MAE de van der Schueren1,4 1 HAN University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Department of Nutrition, Sports and Health, 2 ZZG Rehabilitation centre, Medical director, ³ Wageningen UR, Food and Biobased Research, 4 VU University Medical Centre, Nutrition and Dietetics, Internal Medicine Conclusion The daily consumption of protein enriched bread and protein enriched drinking yoghurt is effective to achieve both a significant higher protein intake and an optimal distribution of the dietary protein over the day in older adults. Control Intervention P-value Protein intake (g/day) 72.5 115.3 <0.001 Protein intake g/kg 1.1 1.6 <0.001 Correspondence: The intervention group consumed quantities over the recommended level (25-30 g/meal) during each of the three meals, where the control group consumed quantities below the recommended level during breakfast and lunch (figure). 11
  • 12. Kiezen wat je lekker vindt, en krijgen wat je nodig hebt. SenTo – smaakpanel Wageningen Universiteit Senioren met volledige geur/smaakvermogen Senioren met verminderde geur/smaakvermogen (geur-impairment) Volwassenen
  • 13. Smaaktest in de doelgroep 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 sento normal sento impaired Young Standard Carezzo Senioren met verminderde geur-/smaakvermogen vinden Carezzo lekkerder dan het geteste standaardbrood. SenTo panel WUR -FBR
  • 14. Eiwit eiwitverrijkt brood, sap, soep 1,5 g/kg/d 1,2 g/kg/d 0,8 g/kg/d (n=22) (n=22)  EET PILOTSTUDY unpublished 2014 - verpleeghuis 14
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. Ondervoeding: Eiwit tekort OPLOSSEN zonder meer te eten Resultaten: doelgroep haalt de eiwit NORM, 79% met het eiwitverrijkte menu (Cater with Care) versus 50% in de controle groep
  • 18. Resultaten Eiwitinname Cntrl CwC Eiwitinname (g/kg/d) 1.05 1.51* 1.2 g/kg/d bereikt 31% 72% *P = 0.001 Beelen et al. to be published Controle CwC
  • 19. Voornaamste eiwitbronnen (≥3%) in controle- en interventiegroep drinkvoeding banket soepen Met name de verrijkte broodsoorten, sappen en fruitzuivel verhoogden de eiwitinname
  • 20. Nieuwe categorie € per gram eiwit Nieuwe categorie tussen reguliere voeding en medische drinkvoeding Drink- voeding > € 0,17 Per gram eiwit Reguliere voeding (brood & melk) € 0,03 per gram eiwit Carezzo € 0,03 - € 0,15 Als meer eiwit nodig is, en reguliere voeding onvoldoende is? Carezzo voedingsconcept: range in kosten per gram eiwit Meeste keuze en meest betaalbaar
  • 21. Customer Journey Transmurale zorg (thuis) – pre/post operatieve fase 22 Pre – operatief chirurgie Post operatief Poliklinische screening op ondervoeding. Behandeling Herstel Behandeling van ondervoeding is Kosten effectief: Webshop & Maaltijd verstrekking Webshop & Maaltijd verstrekking
  • 22.
  • 23. Communicatie gericht op diëtisten en zorgprofessionals • Ziekenhuizen – Presentatie en proeverij – Dietetiek en facilitair • Diëtisten/zorg professionals bijeenkomsten (sponsor) – Geriatrie dagen - 18 & 19 februari • 1000 Klinisch geriaters – Welkom in de Zorg - 6 & 7 April • 1700 facilitaire managers – Diëtisten dagen NVD – 8 & 9 April • 1000 diëtisten van de Ned Vereniging van Diëtisten • In de Media: zie 24 Geriatrie Dagen 2016 Donderdag 18 en Vrijdag 19 februari 1931 Congrescentrum ‘s-Hertogenbosch
  • 24. Launching customers 25 • 32 afdeling • Pilot oncologie • Pre – operatief • Vrije keuze
  • 25. Kiezen wat je lekker vindt, en krijgen wat je nodig hebt.

Editor's Notes

  1. Nog niet gepubliceerd Before is de huidige aanpak van E&E dieet en drinkvoeding After is de vervanging van brood, sap en soep door carezzo eiwitverrijkte producten Conclusie: Bij een E&E dieet + drinkvoeding haalt iedereen de norm voor gezonde volwassenen (0,8) Eiwit verrijkte Carezzo geeft een significante stijging boven de huidige aanpak.
  2. Nieuwe categorie tussen feguliere voeding en drinkvoeding Kosten per gram eiwit van laag (brood) naar hoog (sap)