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溶連菌感染後 急性糸球体腎炎
Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis (APSGN)
                                       Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2008, 20:157–162

✤   Group A !-hemolytic streptococcus (GAS)感染後に発症する

    ✤   年間発症数は470000例で, 大半が発展途上国.
        死亡例は5000例/年程度 (1%程度)と言われている.

    ✤   GAS感染症(咽頭炎, 軟部組織感染症)後, 1-4wkの潜伏期間を経て発症する
        急性経過の血尿, 浮腫, 高血圧が典型的.

    ✤   C群, G群レンサ球菌でも報告例がある.
        また, 馬とよく接する小児ではStreptococcus zooepidemicusによる
Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2008, 20:157–162

✤   好発年齢は小児で5-12歳が一般的.

✤   症状は血尿, 高血圧, 浮腫.

    ✤   浮腫は2/3で認められ, 肺水腫となる例も報告されている.
        高血圧は体液貯留に伴う生じ, RPLSを生じる例,

    ✤   稀だが, 溶血性貧血を合併する例も報告されている.

✤   APSGNではASOなどの溶連菌感染マーカーが94.6%で陽性.

    ✤   一方で, 感染の既往の病例は75.7%, 培養陽性は24.3%と感度は低い.

    ✤   C3の糸球体への沈着が認められ, 血清C3は低値を示す.
both NAPlr60 and SPEB61 is widely recog- alone is uncertain, and only 10 to 20% of
                        nized. Similar properties are present in the patients who present with a sore
                        streptokinase and enolase, and the nephri- throat in general clinical practice have a
                        togenic potential of the latter is based on its positive culture for group A Streptococ-

                        plasmin-binding properties.74 Recent in- cus.75 Because clinical judgment may
                        vestigations by Oda and co-workers (Na- miss half of the streptococcal pharyngitis
                        tional Defense Medical College, Saitama, and wrongly identify as such 20 to 40% of
                        Japan, personal communication, Decem- the cases of sore throats,76 several clinical
                                                                      J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1855–1864, 2008.
                        ber 27, 2007) demonstrated by double- scoring systems have been developed to
                        staining method that NAPlr and SPEB increase the accuracy of diagnosis for the
✤   糸球体腎炎の機序は未だ完全に解明できていないが, of antibiotics. Among the
                        both are localized in the glomerular mes- prescription
                        angium of biopsies of patients with acute most popular are the scores proposed by
    Antigenがいくつかは判明している. they found Centor et al.77 and McIsaac et al.78 that
                        PSGN (Figure 2) and because
                        similar localization of both antigens postu- have a range from 0 to 4 and incorporate
                        lated that plasmin-binding activity may be age as a risk factor. The McIsaac score
                        a common nephritogenic characteristic in gives 1 point each to the following crite-
    ✤ The nephritis-associated plasmin receptor (NAPlr)と,
                        both antigens.                                   ria: Temperature Ͼ38°C, no cough, ten-

       Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin B (SPEB).

                                   Figure 2. Representative photomicrograph. (A and B) Double-immunofluorescence staining
                                   for streptococcal NAPlr (A; Alexa Fluor 594) and SPEB (B; FITC) in a renal biopsy of a patient
                                   with acute PSGN. (C) Similar but not identical distribution of NAPlr and SPEB is observed in
                                   the merged image. Microphotographs contributed by Drs. T. Oda and N. Yoshizawa.
Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347

  ✤    基本的にAPSGNでは腎生検は推奨されない.

        ✤   非典型的な経過, RPGNを疑う場合,
            著明な肉眼的血尿, 高血圧, ネフローゼ合併,

        ✤   また, 6wk以上持続する低補体血症,
Adv Anat Pathol
              Volume 19, Number 5, September 2012                                                Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis
            2歳未満の発症, 成人発症例も生検を考慮するポイントとなる.
TABLE 1. Poststreptococcal GN: The Interval Between the Onset of Renal Symptoms and Renal Biopsy Determines the Histologic
                          Early Biopsy ( 2 wk)
                                                                            Typical Features           Late Biopsy ( 4-6 wk)
Clinical features       Mild albuminuria and            Acute nephritic syndrome                      Persistent microscopic
                         hematuria                                                                      hematuria and/or
Light microscopy    Glomerular endocapillary Diffuse global proliferation (“exudative” early on;       Mesangial proliferation
                     proliferation may be focal lymphocytes, monocytes along with mesangial and
                     and segmental              endothelial proliferation predominate later)
Immunofluorescence C3 and IgG; starry sky       C3 and IgG; starry sky or garland pattern*             C3 ± IgG; mesangial
  microscopy         pattern                                                                           pattern
Electron microscopy Mesangial, subepithelial   Mesangial, subepithelial (humps),                      Mesangial and ± rare
                     (humps), and ±             and ± subendothelial deposits                          subepithelial humps in the
                     subendothelial deposits                                                           mesangial “notch”
   *Garland pattern with confluent subendothelial deposits in patients with nephrotic syndrome.
   GN indicates glomerulonephritis; Ig, immunoglobulin.
✤   典型的なPSGN; びまん性の増殖性, 好中球浸潤を認める糸球体.
       電子顕微鏡ではメサンギウム細胞, 上皮下へのHumpの沈着.

Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347
✤   びまん性増殖性PSGNでは, 好中球よりもLy, Moが主なこともある

                 尿細管, 間質の所見;

                 Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347
H) PSGNの早期もしくは晩期に生検をした場合,
    稀だが局所性, 巣状の糸球体増強が認められる
   I) 稀だが半月形成を伴うRPGNパターンも認められる.

 al glomerulonephritis (PSGN). A–C, The most common pattern is diffuse proliferation
ative” glomerulonephritis (A, HE, Â400). The C3 staining on Immunofluorescence
 ic starry-sky pattern (B, Â 400), which corresponds to mesangial deposits and sub-
 (C, Â 4000). D–F, Diffuse proliferative PSGN can be lymphocyte and monocyte rich
posits along the capillary wall are focally confluent (12-2’o clock) resembling a garland
ps (not shown), mesangial (arrowhead) and subendothelial deposits ( ) are seen (F,
   Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347
PSGN include red blood cell casts and interstitial neutrophils ( ) (HE, Â 200). H, Less
GURE 1. Histologic patterns in poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN). A–C, The most common pattern is diffuse proliferati
 h abundant neutrophils, referred to as “exudative” glomerulonephritis (A, HE, Â400). The C3 staining on Immunofluorescen
      PSGNの治癒期. メサンギウム細胞の増殖を認め,
croscopy (IF) is prominent with a characteristic starry-sky pattern (B, Â 400), which corresponds to mesangial deposits and su
 thelial ( ) “humps” on electron microscopy (C, Â 4000). D–F, Diffuse proliferative PSGN can be lymphocyte and monocyte ri
       C3沈着も減少している. 電顕でもHumpの減少を認めている.
 h only rare neutrophils (D, Â400). The C3 deposits along the capillary wall are focally confluent (12-2’o clock) resembling a garla
pattern (E, Â 400). On EM, subepithelial humps (not shown), mesangial (arrowhead) and subendothelial deposits ( ) are seen
10,000). G, Tubulointerstitial features of acute PSGN include red blood cell casts and interstitial neutrophils ( ) (HE, Â 200). H, Le
quently, biopsies performed early or late in the course of PSGN show focal and segmental glomerular proliferation ( ) (PAS, Â40
Cellular crescents ( ) are infrequent but crescentic PSGN is well documented (JMS, Â 400). J–L, Resolving PSGN with residu
esangial proliferation ( ) (J, PAS, Â400). The C3 staining is seen on IF, albeit less intense (K, Â400). Ultrastructurally, the deposits a
 mesangium (arrowhead) along with a rare subepithelial hump ( ) (L, Â3000).

 ections cause GN despite having detectable CIC and                    of prior streptococcal infections. So, other host factors a
ere is no correlation between the amount of CIC and                    pathogen characteristics seem to determine the pred
verity of GN.24 Normal patients also have CIC, indicative              position and severity of glomerular disease.

40 |                                                                 r   2012 Lippincott Williams  Wilki

  Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347
TABLE 2. Differential Diagnosis of Postinfectious GN

        鑑別診断                      Clinical and
                                  Serological Parameter           Differential Diagnosis                    Supporting Features and Other Comments
                                  Elevated ASO titers     PSGN                               Serial estimation of ASO to document elevating or reducing titers helpful;
                                                                                               diagnostic value of NAPlr and SPEB antibodies needs confirmation
                                                        Non-nephritogenic streptococcal      Indicates streptococcal infection only, does not confirm PSGN
                                                        Incidental finding                    High prevalence of streptococcal infections in general population
                                  Low complement levels PIGN                                 Hypocomplementemia not a universal feature
                                   (C3)                 MPGN                                 Early cases lack GBM double contours; no resolution in 6 wk; ± C3
                                                                                               nephritic factor; serum cryoglobulins + in cryoglobulinemia
                                                          Lupus nephritis                    Positive lupus serology (ANA, anti-DNA)
                                  Temporal association    PSGN                               Postinfection with a latency of 10-14 d
                                   with infection         Nonstreptococcal PIGN              Some PIGN have concurrent infections detected after renal presentation
                                                          IgA nephropathy                    Synpharyngitic with no latency
                                  Pathologic feature      Differential diagnosis              Supporting features and other comments
                                  Exudative GN            Acute PIGN                         Typical in PSGN and some acute nonstreptococcocal infection-associated
                                                          DDD, a subset                      Low C3, + C3 nephritic factor, C3-only on IF, intramembranous dense
                                                                                                deposits, occasional subepithelial humps on EM
                                                          MPGN type I                        Rare histologic pattern
                                  Diffuse proliferative    Acute PIGN                         Documented infection, low complements, dominant C3 on IF,
                                    GN                                                          subepithelial humps on EM
                                  (nonexudative)          Class IV lupus nephritis           Positive lupus serology (ANA, anti-ds DNA), low C3, C4, “full-house”
                                                                                                IF, tubuloreticular inclusions on EM
                                                          MPGN                               GBM double contours if present, suggest MPGN; capillary hyaline
                                                                                                thrombi in cryoglobulinemia
                                  Focal segmental         Acute PIGN                         Documented infection, low complements, dominant C3 on IF,
                                   proliferative GN                                             subepithelial humps on EM
                                                          Class III lupus nephritis          Positive lupus serology (ANA, anti-ds DNA), low C3, C4, “full-house”
                                                                                                IF, tubuloreticular inclusions on EM
                                                          IgA nephropathy                    Normal complement levels, dominant IgA on IF*, no humps on EM
                                  Mesangial               Resolving PIGN                     Documented infection, low complements, dominant C3 on IF,
                                   hypercellularity                                             subepithelial humps on EM
                                                          C3 GN                              Low C3, normal C4, C3-only on IF, alternate complement pathway
                                                          IgA nephropathy                    Normal serum complement levels, dominant IgA on IF*, no humps on
                                  Membranoproliferative Chronic PIGN (eg, shunt nephritis,   Infectious etiology of MPGN confirmed, low complements, dominant C3
                                   GN                     subacute bacterial endocarditis)      on IF, mesangial and subendothelial deposits
                                                        C3 GN                                Low C3, normal C4, C3-only on IF, alternate complement pathway
                                  Crescentic GN           Acute PIGN                         Uncommon; documented infection, low complements,
                                                                                                dominant C3 on IF
                                                          Pauci-immune GN                    If vasculitis + or if no deposits seen, consider ANCA disease
                                  Dominant C3 (on IF)     PIGN                               Documented infection, low complements, subepithelial humps on EM
                                                          MPGN (type I/III)                  IF variable with ± IgM/IgG, subendothelial deposits but no humps on
                                                                                                EM; etiology should be investigated
                                                          C3 GN                              C3 only, intramembranous dense deposits in DDD
                                  Subepithelial humps     Acute PIGN                         Documented infection, glomerular proliferation, low complements,
                                                                                                dominant C3 on IF
                                                          DDD, a subset                      Low C3, + C3 nephritic factor, C3-only on IF, intramembranous dense
Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347                           Membranous glomerulopathy          Several small subepithelial deposits instead of large, fewer humps
                                   Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 85(4), 2011, pp. 703–710

✤   平均年齢は7歳[0-54], 男性51.6%, 女性48.4%と性差は無し.

                              APSGN IN NORTHERN AUSTRALIA
    ✤   15歳での発症が88.1%を占める.

gy in this population. Receiver operating characteristic
ere constructed and the area under the curve com-                              Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 43 (2007) 446–450
atter ✤   シドニーの37例の解析
      plots and Pearson product–moment correlations
                                                                          Table 2 Clinical features at presentation and laboratory results
ulated to explore relationships between variables.
                                                                                                                                 Subjects (n = 37)
           ✤   平均年齢 8.1歳[2.6-14.1],                                       History of recent infection, n (%)                     28 (75.7)
man Research Ethics Committee, Eastern Section,                              Upper respiratory tract infection, n (%)            17 (45.9)
 t Sydney Area Health Service granted ethics approval                        Skin infection, n (%)                               11 (29.7)
 tudy. This study conforms to the provisions of the                       Examination findings
  n of Helsinki in 1995 (as revised in Edinburgh 2000).                      Hypertension, n (%)                                 25 (67.6)
                                                                             Oedema, n (%)                                       19 (51.4)
           ✤   感染症の既往は75%,                                                Laboratory features
s                                                                            Haematuria, n (%)                                   37 (100)
               上気道感染が45.9%.                                                    100 × 106 cells/L                                28 (75.7)
                                                                               10–100 × 106 cells/L                               5 (13.5)
   37 subjects were identified with PSGN during the                             Red cells detected on urinalysis only              4 (10.8)
               症状は浮腫, 高血圧,
 iod. The✤mean age was 8.1 ± 3.5 years (range 2.6–
                                                        CC Blyth et al.
                                                                             Pyuria, n (%)                                       36 (97.3)
s) (Table 1). More subjects were male (64.9%) and this                         100 × 106 cells/L                                25 (67.6)
               血尿, 膿尿.
 stent across all age groups. Country of origin was                            10–100 × 106 cells/L                               7 (18.9)
  in 35 children, with most children born within Aus-                          White cells detected on urinalysis only            4 (10.8)
  ofTable 3 Complications were of Australian Aboriginal,
     35 (29.6%) children and outcomes of post-streptococcal                  Positive throat swab (n = 22)*                       6
    glomerulonephritis                                                       Positive skin swab (n = 5)*                          4
 Polynesian descent. Two children were siblings and
                                                                             Positive streptococcal serology, n (%)              35 (94.6)
d concurrent disease. Children lived in predominantly = 37)
                                                    Subjects (n
                                                                               Elevated ASO titre                                29 (78.4)
 tan or creatinine  ULN for age suburbs: only four 30 (81.1%)
    Peak outer metropolitan                         children
                                                                               Elevated ASK titre                                26 (70.3)
rred from rural centres. age
    Peak creatinine 2 × ULN for                     14 (37.8%)
                                                                               Elevated ADNaseB titre                            24 (64.9)
 eptococcal glomerulonephritis was diagnosed (8.3%)
    Renal failure requiring dialysis                 3 more
                                                                          Likely source of infection†
y during the second part of the study period; nine(5.6%)
    Hypertensive encephalopathy                      2 cases
                                                                             Streptococcal pharyngitis, n (%)                    17 (45.9)
97) versus 28 cases (1998–2005), P  0.002. The (5.6%)
    Fluid overload requiring respiratory support     2 num-
                                                                             Pyoderma/impetigo, n (%)                            10 (27.0)
 es Severe nephritis requiring corticosteroids
     did not vary significantly between the cooler and3 (8.3%)
                                                                             Two or more potential sources of infection, n (%)    5 (13.5)
    Persistent hypertension and/or haematuria on     1
months: April to September: 17 cases; October to                             Unknown, n (%)                                       5 (13.5)
       follow up (n = 14)
0 cases.
Pediatrics International (2001) 43, 364–367
                                                                                                                             Prognosis of APSGN 365
✤    日本国内の138例の解析 between 1989 and 1997.
         Fig. 1 Number of APSGN patients
                                                                                              Fig. 3 Number of APSGN patients indicating month of onset.

                                                                                              Table 1 Clinical features at the onset of the disease

                                                                                              Clinical feature                    Number                %

                                                                                              Hematuria                            137                 99.3
                                                                                              Proteinuria                          114                 82.6
                                                                                              Hypocomplementemia                   138                100
                                                                                              Elevation of ASOT                    125                 90.6
                                                                                              Edema                                118                 85.5
                                                                                              Hypertension                          89                 64.5
                                                                                              Serum urea 20 mg/dL                  48                 34.8
                                                                                              Serum creatinine 1.0 mg/dL            2                  1.4
                                                                                              Isolation of group-A                  51                 37.0
                                                                                                 beta-hemolytic streptococci

                                                                                                ASOT, antistreptolysin-O titer.

                                                                               Fig. 3            Number of APSGN patients indicating month of onset.
    Fig. 1   Number of Fig. 2 Number of APSGN patients indicating sex and age at
                       APSGN patients between 1989 and 1997.
                         onset. (᭿), male; ( ), female.                                     Fig. 3 1,2). In theof APSGN patients were male (60.9%) andonset.
                                                                                             (Figs Number sample, 84 patients indicating month of
              Fig. 1   Number of APSGN patients between 1989 and 1997.
                                                                                              54 were female (39.1%). The number of patients admitted
                                                                                       Table each Clinical features at the onset of the disease
                                                                                               1 month of the year is shown in Fig. 3. The frequency
                         Methods                                                            Table 1 Clinical features features at the onsetdiseasedisease
                                                                                              distribution of the clinical at the onset of the of the
                                                                                       Clinical shown in Table 1. Hematuria was present in 137 (99.3%)
                                                                                              is feature                           Number                %
                         After discharge from the hospital, all patients were regularly     Clinical feature in 114 patients (82.6%). An elevated ASOT
                                                                                              and proteinuria                        Number               %
                         followed up every 1–3 months within the first 2 years and      Hematuria was detected in 125 (90.6%) 137 edema was evident
                                                                                              level                                  and               99.3
                         later on, occasionally, as very few patients had persistent        Hematuriapatients (85.5%). The presence of hypertension
                                                                                              in 118
                                                                                       Proteinuria                                    137
                                                                                                                                    114                 99.3
                         abnormalities. In addition to clinical evaluation and blood        Proteinuria as 126/90 mmHg for patients under 8100
                                                                                              was defined
                                                                                       Hypocomplementemia                             114
                                                                                                                                    138                 82.6
                         pressure measurements, follow-up studies included routine     Elevation of and 140/90 mmHg for those over 8 years. A100
                                                                                              of age ASOT                             138
                                                                                                                                    125                 total
                         urinalysis and blood examination (total serum proteins,            Elevation of ASOT                         125               90.6
                                                                                       Edema 89 children (64.5%) had hypertension. Serum creatinine
                                                                                              of                                    118
                                                                                            Edemablood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels at onset were
                         serum albumin or electrophoresis, electrolytes, blood urea,          and
                                                                                            Hypertension                              8989             64.5
                         serum creatinine and serum complement levels (C3 and
                                                                                       Serum0.5~0.2 mg/dL mg/dL
                                                                                                ureaurea 20 and 20~12 mg/dL, 48
                                                                                                      20 mg/dL                       48respectively. Forty-
                                                                                            Serum children (34.8%) had a serum urea nitrogen level 34.834.8
                         CH50)).                                                              eight                                                     over
                                                                                       Serum creatinine 1.0 mg/dL                     22
                                                                                            Serum creatinine 1.0 two children (1.4%) had a serum
                                                                                                                       mg/dL                             1.4
                                                                                              20 mg/dL, but only
                                                                                       Isolation of group-A
                                                                                            Isolation of level over 1.0 mg/dL. There were no patients 37.0
                                                                                              creatinine group-A                        51              37.0
                                                                                          beta-hemolytic streptococci
                         Results                                                              serum creatinine streptococci than 1.5 mg/dL and therefore,
                                                                                               beta-hemolytic levels more
                                                                                              no opportunity to treat any of the patients with dialysis.
                                                                                               ASOT, antistreptolysin-O titer.
                                                                                          ASOT, antistreptolysin-O titer.
                         The patients’ ages ranged from 3 to 14 years (medium                 Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci were isolated from
                              Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2008, 20:157–162

✤   基本的に予後は良好であり, 対症療法が主となる.

    ✤   体液貯留は利尿薬への反応が良好であり,

    ✤   高血圧はCa-ch阻害薬が推奨される.
        ACE阻害薬, ARBsも推奨されるが, 腎不全増悪, 高K血症に注意.
Pediatrics International (2001) 43, 364–367

✤   APSGNの経過; 日本国内の138例のフォロー

                366 T Kasahara et al.                             Fig. 4   Transition of the frequency of hematuria.
    ✤   血尿, タンパク尿, 低補体血症(C3, CH50)の推移

                                                血尿陽性率                                           尿タンパク

               366   T Kasahara et al.

                                                                  Fig. 5   Transition of the frequency of proteinuria.
               Fig. 4 Transition of the frequency of hematuria.        Fig. 6 Transition of the frequency of hypocomplementemi
血尿やタンパク尿は数ヶ月持続する.                                                                                   低補体血症
                                                                  hematuria and proteinuria levels of all patients and serum
                                                                  complements of 125 patients sequentially (Fig. 4–6). Nephrotic
低補体は1ヶ月で7割改善, 2ヶ月で97%改善し                                               number of patients with group A streptococcal infec
                                                                  syndrome developed in an 8-year-old girl, where her
                                                                  histological examination constant.9 They concluded that the
                                                                       remained almost at 42 days showed endocapillary
                                                                  proliferative glomerulonephritis. outbreak ofurinalysis as confir
                                                                       subtype was related to the Abnormal APSGN was
フォローに向いている.                                                       normalized at 6 months from the onset in this case.not check fo
                                                                       epidemiologically. Unfortunately, we did
                                                                      serological type of Streptococcal pyogenes, however,
                                                                      possible that the T1 subtype of the streptococcal infe
補体が改善しない場合はAPSGN以外を考え                                             Discussion
                                                                      was prevalent in 1992 in Niigata, as well.
                                                                          The number of the patients whose age at onset is in
                                                                  The number of patients with APSGN increased in 1991 and
                                                                      range of 6–10 years-old is more than the other ages (Fig
腎生検を考慮した方が無難.                                                     1992 throughout Japan and this trend was also found in the
                                                                      It is conceivable that the number of infant patients is sm
                                                                  Niigata prefecture during this period (Fig. 1). In the study of
Table 5. Long-term prognosis of PSGN: Summary of series published before     microarray analysis, and proteomics.                                           99
                                     Table 5. Long-term prognosis of PSGN: Summary of series now have genome se-
                                                                             For example, we published before
2000 with 5 to 18 yr of follow-upa
                                     2000 with 5 to 18 yr of follow-upa      quences available for 11 strains of group
                                           % of                      Patients with Positive Finding/
       Findings                                                                             % of                A Streptococcus recovered from Finding/
                                                                                                                            Patients with Positive diverse
                                          Patients         Findings       Total Patients Followed
                                                                                          Patients                              Total Patients Followed
                                                                                                                types of infection, making this organism
Any abnormality                             17.4                                  174/998
                                                       Any abnormality                      17.4                one of the most extensively characterized
Proteinuria                                 13.8                                  137/997
                                                       Proteinuria                          13.8                                        137/997
                                                                                                                of any human bacterial pathogen.100 This
Hypertension                                13.8                                  137/998
                                                       Hypertension                         13.8                remarkable array of 137/998
                                                                                                                                        new information
Azotemia                                     1.3                                  14/1032
                                                       Azotemia                               1.3                                       14/1032
                                                                                                                gives new insight into the pathogenesis of
    Data correspond to pooled patients from the studies cited in the text.
                                                                      86 –93
                                                        Data correspond to pooled patients from the studies cited in the text.86 –93

Table 6. Long-term prognosis of PSGN: Summary of series published after 2000a
                                     Table 6. Long-term prognosis of PSGN: Summary of series published after 2000a
                                         No. of Patients
                                                          Follow-up Albuminuria No. of Patients Hypertension
                                                                                        Hematuria                          Decreased Renal
               Location                     Followed                                                   Follow-up Albuminuria         Hematuria
                                                               Location       (%)           (%)
                                                                                         Followed          (%)               Function (%)
                                          (Population)                                                     (yr)         (%)             (%)
Maracaibo, Venezuela94                  110 (urban and    15 to 18            7.2           5.4           13.7        Increased Scr in 0.9% of
                                           rural)   Maracaibo, Venezuela   94         110 (urban and   15 to 18          7.2 patients
                                                                                                                         the            5.4
Northern Territory, Australia95          63 (rural)       Ͼ13            13 (controls   rural)
                                                                                       21 (controls  Not different    Not different from
                                                    Northern Territory, Australia
                                                                                  95   63 7%)
                                                                                          (rural)     from controls 13 (controls
                                                                                                       Ͼ13               controls 21 (controls
Minas Gerais, Brazil97                   56 (rural)          5                8              —            30          4%) (Ccr Ͻ60 ml/min)
                                                                                                                      8%              7%)
  Ccr, creatinine clearance; Scr, serum creatinine. Minas Gerais, Brazil97             56 (rural)         5              8               —
                                                           Ccr, creatinine clearance; Scr, serum creatinine.
                                                                                                               J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1855–1864, 2008.

1860              Journal of the American Society of Nephrology                                                           J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1855–1864, 2008
                                                       1860              Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
     ✤    PSGNの長期予後

           ✤    血尿やタンパク尿, 高血圧は数年間は持続する例があり,
Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis
                                                Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347

✤   A群溶連菌感染以外にもPIGNを来す感染症はある.

    ✤   多いのはStaphlococcusの報告例が多く,
        稀だが, Psudomonas, Pneumococcus, Enterococcus,
        Propionibacterium acnes, Candida等で報告例あり.

    ✤   潜伏期間はPSPNと同様, 2-4wkが最多.
✤   IgA-dominant Postinfectious Glumerulonephritis 

      ✤   C3以外にIgAの上昇, 沈着を認めるPIGNのタイプ.

      ✤   成人例が多く, 平均年齢は60歳台. PSGNと異なり, 男性に多い.
          特にDMや免疫不全, IV drug user, アルコール依存の患者で多い.

      ✤   対応は感染症治療と対症療法のみ. ステロイドは無効.

Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347
✤   Endocarditis-associated Glomerulonephritis 

      ✤   抗生剤が普及する以前に多かった糸球体腎炎.

  ✤   Shunt Nephritis 

      ✤   Ventriculoatrial shuntへの感染に合併する糸球体腎炎.

Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347

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E 2 溶連菌感染後 糸球体腎炎

  • 2. APSGN Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2008, 20:157–162 ✤ Group A !-hemolytic streptococcus (GAS)感染後に発症する 急性の糸球体腎炎. ✤ 年間発症数は470000例で, 大半が発展途上国. 死亡例は5000例/年程度 (1%程度)と言われている. ✤ GAS感染症(咽頭炎, 軟部組織感染症)後, 1-4wkの潜伏期間を経て発症する 急性経過の血尿, 浮腫, 高血圧が典型的. ✤ C群, G群レンサ球菌でも報告例がある. また, 馬とよく接する小児ではStreptococcus zooepidemicusによる 糸球体腎炎の報告例もある.
  • 3. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2008, 20:157–162 ✤ 好発年齢は小児で5-12歳が一般的. ✤ 症状は血尿, 高血圧, 浮腫. ✤ 浮腫は2/3で認められ, 肺水腫となる例も報告されている. 高血圧は体液貯留に伴う生じ, RPLSを生じる例, 小血管炎による脳症を合併する例もあり. ✤ 稀だが, 溶血性貧血を合併する例も報告されている. ✤ APSGNではASOなどの溶連菌感染マーカーが94.6%で陽性. ✤ 一方で, 感染の既往の病例は75.7%, 培養陽性は24.3%と感度は低い. ✤ C3の糸球体への沈着が認められ, 血清C3は低値を示す.
  • 4. both NAPlr60 and SPEB61 is widely recog- alone is uncertain, and only 10 to 20% of nized. Similar properties are present in the patients who present with a sore streptokinase and enolase, and the nephri- throat in general clinical practice have a togenic potential of the latter is based on its positive culture for group A Streptococ- 糸球体腎炎を来すAntigens plasmin-binding properties.74 Recent in- cus.75 Because clinical judgment may vestigations by Oda and co-workers (Na- miss half of the streptococcal pharyngitis tional Defense Medical College, Saitama, and wrongly identify as such 20 to 40% of Japan, personal communication, Decem- the cases of sore throats,76 several clinical J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1855–1864, 2008. ber 27, 2007) demonstrated by double- scoring systems have been developed to staining method that NAPlr and SPEB increase the accuracy of diagnosis for the ✤ 糸球体腎炎の機序は未だ完全に解明できていないが, of antibiotics. Among the both are localized in the glomerular mes- prescription angium of biopsies of patients with acute most popular are the scores proposed by Antigenがいくつかは判明している. they found Centor et al.77 and McIsaac et al.78 that PSGN (Figure 2) and because similar localization of both antigens postu- have a range from 0 to 4 and incorporate lated that plasmin-binding activity may be age as a risk factor. The McIsaac score a common nephritogenic characteristic in gives 1 point each to the following crite- ✤ The nephritis-associated plasmin receptor (NAPlr)と, both antigens. ria: Temperature Ͼ38°C, no cough, ten- Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin B (SPEB). Figure 2. Representative photomicrograph. (A and B) Double-immunofluorescence staining for streptococcal NAPlr (A; Alexa Fluor 594) and SPEB (B; FITC) in a renal biopsy of a patient with acute PSGN. (C) Similar but not identical distribution of NAPlr and SPEB is observed in the merged image. Microphotographs contributed by Drs. T. Oda and N. Yoshizawa.
  • 5. Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347 ✤ 基本的にAPSGNでは腎生検は推奨されない. ✤ 非典型的な経過, RPGNを疑う場合, 著明な肉眼的血尿, 高血圧, ネフローゼ合併, 腎外病変合併例では生検を考慮. ✤ また, 6wk以上持続する低補体血症, Adv Anat Pathol Volume 19, Number 5, September 2012 Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis 2歳未満の発症, 成人発症例も生検を考慮するポイントとなる. TABLE 1. Poststreptococcal GN: The Interval Between the Onset of Renal Symptoms and Renal Biopsy Determines the Histologic Features Early Biopsy ( 2 wk) Typical Features Late Biopsy ( 4-6 wk) Clinical features Mild albuminuria and Acute nephritic syndrome Persistent microscopic hematuria hematuria and/or proteinuria Light microscopy Glomerular endocapillary Diffuse global proliferation (“exudative” early on; Mesangial proliferation proliferation may be focal lymphocytes, monocytes along with mesangial and and segmental endothelial proliferation predominate later) Immunofluorescence C3 and IgG; starry sky C3 and IgG; starry sky or garland pattern* C3 ± IgG; mesangial microscopy pattern pattern Electron microscopy Mesangial, subepithelial Mesangial, subepithelial (humps), Mesangial and ± rare (humps), and ± and ± subendothelial deposits subepithelial humps in the subendothelial deposits mesangial “notch” *Garland pattern with confluent subendothelial deposits in patients with nephrotic syndrome. GN indicates glomerulonephritis; Ig, immunoglobulin.
  • 6. 典型的なPSGN; びまん性の増殖性, 好中球浸潤を認める糸球体.  C3免疫染色いてメサンギウム細胞への沈着を認め,  電子顕微鏡ではメサンギウム細胞, 上皮下へのHumpの沈着. Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347
  • 7. びまん性増殖性PSGNでは, 好中球よりもLy, Moが主なこともある  C3沈着も局所性が強く出るタイプもあり.  電顕では上皮下のHumpを認める. 尿細管, 間質の所見;  RBC円柱と間質性腎炎パターン Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347
  • 8. H) PSGNの早期もしくは晩期に生検をした場合,  稀だが局所性, 巣状の糸球体増強が認められる I) 稀だが半月形成を伴うRPGNパターンも認められる. al glomerulonephritis (PSGN). A–C, The most common pattern is diffuse proliferation ative” glomerulonephritis (A, HE, Â400). The C3 staining on Immunofluorescence ic starry-sky pattern (B, Â 400), which corresponds to mesangial deposits and sub- (C, Â 4000). D–F, Diffuse proliferative PSGN can be lymphocyte and monocyte rich posits along the capillary wall are focally confluent (12-2’o clock) resembling a garland ps (not shown), mesangial (arrowhead) and subendothelial deposits ( ) are seen (F, Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347 PSGN include red blood cell casts and interstitial neutrophils ( ) (HE, Â 200). H, Less
  • 9. GURE 1. Histologic patterns in poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN). A–C, The most common pattern is diffuse proliferati h abundant neutrophils, referred to as “exudative” glomerulonephritis (A, HE, Â400). The C3 staining on Immunofluorescen PSGNの治癒期. メサンギウム細胞の増殖を認め, croscopy (IF) is prominent with a characteristic starry-sky pattern (B, Â 400), which corresponds to mesangial deposits and su thelial ( ) “humps” on electron microscopy (C, Â 4000). D–F, Diffuse proliferative PSGN can be lymphocyte and monocyte ri  C3沈着も減少している. 電顕でもHumpの減少を認めている. h only rare neutrophils (D, Â400). The C3 deposits along the capillary wall are focally confluent (12-2’o clock) resembling a garla pattern (E, Â 400). On EM, subepithelial humps (not shown), mesangial (arrowhead) and subendothelial deposits ( ) are seen 10,000). G, Tubulointerstitial features of acute PSGN include red blood cell casts and interstitial neutrophils ( ) (HE, Â 200). H, Le quently, biopsies performed early or late in the course of PSGN show focal and segmental glomerular proliferation ( ) (PAS, Â40 Cellular crescents ( ) are infrequent but crescentic PSGN is well documented (JMS, Â 400). J–L, Resolving PSGN with residu esangial proliferation ( ) (J, PAS, Â400). The C3 staining is seen on IF, albeit less intense (K, Â400). Ultrastructurally, the deposits a mesangium (arrowhead) along with a rare subepithelial hump ( ) (L, Â3000). ections cause GN despite having detectable CIC and of prior streptococcal infections. So, other host factors a ere is no correlation between the amount of CIC and pathogen characteristics seem to determine the pred verity of GN.24 Normal patients also have CIC, indicative position and severity of glomerular disease. 40 | r 2012 Lippincott Williams Wilki Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347
  • 10. TABLE 2. Differential Diagnosis of Postinfectious GN 鑑別診断 Clinical and Serological Parameter Differential Diagnosis Supporting Features and Other Comments Elevated ASO titers PSGN Serial estimation of ASO to document elevating or reducing titers helpful; diagnostic value of NAPlr and SPEB antibodies needs confirmation Non-nephritogenic streptococcal Indicates streptococcal infection only, does not confirm PSGN infection Incidental finding High prevalence of streptococcal infections in general population Low complement levels PIGN Hypocomplementemia not a universal feature (C3) MPGN Early cases lack GBM double contours; no resolution in 6 wk; ± C3 nephritic factor; serum cryoglobulins + in cryoglobulinemia Lupus nephritis Positive lupus serology (ANA, anti-DNA) Temporal association PSGN Postinfection with a latency of 10-14 d with infection Nonstreptococcal PIGN Some PIGN have concurrent infections detected after renal presentation IgA nephropathy Synpharyngitic with no latency Pathologic feature Differential diagnosis Supporting features and other comments Exudative GN Acute PIGN Typical in PSGN and some acute nonstreptococcocal infection-associated GN DDD, a subset Low C3, + C3 nephritic factor, C3-only on IF, intramembranous dense deposits, occasional subepithelial humps on EM MPGN type I Rare histologic pattern Diffuse proliferative Acute PIGN Documented infection, low complements, dominant C3 on IF, GN subepithelial humps on EM (nonexudative) Class IV lupus nephritis Positive lupus serology (ANA, anti-ds DNA), low C3, C4, “full-house” IF, tubuloreticular inclusions on EM MPGN GBM double contours if present, suggest MPGN; capillary hyaline thrombi in cryoglobulinemia Focal segmental Acute PIGN Documented infection, low complements, dominant C3 on IF, proliferative GN subepithelial humps on EM Class III lupus nephritis Positive lupus serology (ANA, anti-ds DNA), low C3, C4, “full-house” IF, tubuloreticular inclusions on EM IgA nephropathy Normal complement levels, dominant IgA on IF*, no humps on EM Mesangial Resolving PIGN Documented infection, low complements, dominant C3 on IF, hypercellularity subepithelial humps on EM C3 GN Low C3, normal C4, C3-only on IF, alternate complement pathway abnormalities IgA nephropathy Normal serum complement levels, dominant IgA on IF*, no humps on EM Membranoproliferative Chronic PIGN (eg, shunt nephritis, Infectious etiology of MPGN confirmed, low complements, dominant C3 GN subacute bacterial endocarditis) on IF, mesangial and subendothelial deposits C3 GN Low C3, normal C4, C3-only on IF, alternate complement pathway abnormalities Crescentic GN Acute PIGN Uncommon; documented infection, low complements, dominant C3 on IF Pauci-immune GN If vasculitis + or if no deposits seen, consider ANCA disease Dominant C3 (on IF) PIGN Documented infection, low complements, subepithelial humps on EM MPGN (type I/III) IF variable with ± IgM/IgG, subendothelial deposits but no humps on EM; etiology should be investigated C3 GN C3 only, intramembranous dense deposits in DDD Subepithelial humps Acute PIGN Documented infection, glomerular proliferation, low complements, dominant C3 on IF DDD, a subset Low C3, + C3 nephritic factor, C3-only on IF, intramembranous dense deposits Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347 Membranous glomerulopathy Several small subepithelial deposits instead of large, fewer humps
  • 11. オーストラリアの438例の解析 Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 85(4), 2011, pp. 703–710 ✤ 平均年齢は7歳[0-54], 男性51.6%, 女性48.4%と性差は無し. APSGN IN NORTHERN AUSTRALIA ✤ 15歳での発症が88.1%を占める. 発症率(/100000pt-y)は, 全体では12.5/100000pt-y 0-14歳では41.4, 14歳では2.1
  • 12. gy in this population. Receiver operating characteristic ere constructed and the area under the curve com- Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 43 (2007) 446–450 atter ✤ シドニーの37例の解析 plots and Pearson product–moment correlations Table 2 Clinical features at presentation and laboratory results ulated to explore relationships between variables. Subjects (n = 37) ✤ 平均年齢 8.1歳[2.6-14.1], History of recent infection, n (%) 28 (75.7) man Research Ethics Committee, Eastern Section, Upper respiratory tract infection, n (%) 17 (45.9) 男性64.9%. t Sydney Area Health Service granted ethics approval Skin infection, n (%) 11 (29.7) tudy. This study conforms to the provisions of the Examination findings n of Helsinki in 1995 (as revised in Edinburgh 2000). Hypertension, n (%) 25 (67.6) Oedema, n (%) 19 (51.4) ✤ 感染症の既往は75%, Laboratory features s Haematuria, n (%) 37 (100) 上気道感染が45.9%. 100 × 106 cells/L 28 (75.7) aphics 10–100 × 106 cells/L 5 (13.5) 37 subjects were identified with PSGN during the Red cells detected on urinalysis only 4 (10.8) 症状は浮腫, 高血圧, iod. The✤mean age was 8.1 ± 3.5 years (range 2.6– CC Blyth et al. Pyuria, n (%) 36 (97.3) s) (Table 1). More subjects were male (64.9%) and this 100 × 106 cells/L 25 (67.6) 血尿, 膿尿. stent across all age groups. Country of origin was 10–100 × 106 cells/L 7 (18.9) in 35 children, with most children born within Aus- White cells detected on urinalysis only 4 (10.8) ofTable 3 Complications were of Australian Aboriginal, 35 (29.6%) children and outcomes of post-streptococcal Positive throat swab (n = 22)* 6 glomerulonephritis Positive skin swab (n = 5)* 4 Polynesian descent. Two children were siblings and Positive streptococcal serology, n (%) 35 (94.6) d concurrent disease. Children lived in predominantly = 37) Subjects (n Elevated ASO titre 29 (78.4) tan or creatinine ULN for age suburbs: only four 30 (81.1%) Peak outer metropolitan children Elevated ASK titre 26 (70.3) rred from rural centres. age Peak creatinine 2 × ULN for 14 (37.8%) Elevated ADNaseB titre 24 (64.9) eptococcal glomerulonephritis was diagnosed (8.3%) Renal failure requiring dialysis 3 more Likely source of infection† y during the second part of the study period; nine(5.6%) Hypertensive encephalopathy 2 cases Streptococcal pharyngitis, n (%) 17 (45.9) 97) versus 28 cases (1998–2005), P 0.002. The (5.6%) Fluid overload requiring respiratory support 2 num- Pyoderma/impetigo, n (%) 10 (27.0) es Severe nephritis requiring corticosteroids did not vary significantly between the cooler and3 (8.3%) Two or more potential sources of infection, n (%) 5 (13.5) Persistent hypertension and/or haematuria on 1 months: April to September: 17 cases; October to Unknown, n (%) 5 (13.5) follow up (n = 14) 0 cases.
  • 13. Pediatrics International (2001) 43, 364–367 Prognosis of APSGN 365 ✤ 日本国内の138例の解析 between 1989 and 1997. Fig. 1 Number of APSGN patients Fig. 3 Number of APSGN patients indicating month of onset. Table 1 Clinical features at the onset of the disease Clinical feature Number % Hematuria 137 99.3 Proteinuria 114 82.6 Hypocomplementemia 138 100 Elevation of ASOT 125 90.6 Edema 118 85.5 Hypertension 89 64.5 Serum urea 20 mg/dL 48 34.8 Serum creatinine 1.0 mg/dL 2 1.4 Isolation of group-A 51 37.0 beta-hemolytic streptococci ASOT, antistreptolysin-O titer. Fig. 3 Number of APSGN patients indicating month of onset. Fig. 1 Number of Fig. 2 Number of APSGN patients indicating sex and age at APSGN patients between 1989 and 1997. onset. (᭿), male; ( ), female. Fig. 3 1,2). In theof APSGN patients were male (60.9%) andonset. (Figs Number sample, 84 patients indicating month of Fig. 1 Number of APSGN patients between 1989 and 1997. 54 were female (39.1%). The number of patients admitted Table each Clinical features at the onset of the disease 1 month of the year is shown in Fig. 3. The frequency Methods Table 1 Clinical features features at the onsetdiseasedisease distribution of the clinical at the onset of the of the Clinical shown in Table 1. Hematuria was present in 137 (99.3%) is feature Number % After discharge from the hospital, all patients were regularly Clinical feature in 114 patients (82.6%). An elevated ASOT and proteinuria Number % followed up every 1–3 months within the first 2 years and Hematuria was detected in 125 (90.6%) 137 edema was evident level and 99.3 later on, occasionally, as very few patients had persistent Hematuriapatients (85.5%). The presence of hypertension in 118 Proteinuria 137 114 99.3 82.6 abnormalities. In addition to clinical evaluation and blood Proteinuria as 126/90 mmHg for patients under 8100 was defined Hypocomplementemia 114 138 82.6 years pressure measurements, follow-up studies included routine Elevation of and 140/90 mmHg for those over 8 years. A100 Hypocomplementemia of age ASOT 138 125 total 90.6 urinalysis and blood examination (total serum proteins, Elevation of ASOT 125 90.6 Edema 89 children (64.5%) had hypertension. Serum creatinine of 118 Edemablood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels at onset were 118 85.5 85.5 serum albumin or electrophoresis, electrolytes, blood urea, and Hypertension Hypertension 8989 64.5 64.5 serum creatinine and serum complement levels (C3 and Serum0.5~0.2 mg/dL mg/dL ureaurea 20 and 20~12 mg/dL, 48 20 mg/dL 48respectively. Forty- Serum children (34.8%) had a serum urea nitrogen level 34.834.8 CH50)). eight over Serum creatinine 1.0 mg/dL 22 Serum creatinine 1.0 two children (1.4%) had a serum mg/dL 1.4 1.4 20 mg/dL, but only Isolation of group-A Isolation of level over 1.0 mg/dL. There were no patients 37.0 51 creatinine group-A 51 37.0 with beta-hemolytic streptococci Results serum creatinine streptococci than 1.5 mg/dL and therefore, beta-hemolytic levels more no opportunity to treat any of the patients with dialysis. ASOT, antistreptolysin-O titer. ASOT, antistreptolysin-O titer. The patients’ ages ranged from 3 to 14 years (medium Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci were isolated from
  • 14. APSGNの治療 Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2008, 20:157–162 ✤ 基本的に予後は良好であり, 対症療法が主となる. ✤ 体液貯留は利尿薬への反応が良好であり, 利尿薬と塩分制限にて対応. ✤ 高血圧はCa-ch阻害薬が推奨される. ACE阻害薬, ARBsも推奨されるが, 腎不全増悪, 高K血症に注意.
  • 15. Pediatrics International (2001) 43, 364–367 ✤ APSGNの経過; 日本国内の138例のフォロー 366 T Kasahara et al. Fig. 4 Transition of the frequency of hematuria. ✤ 血尿, タンパク尿, 低補体血症(C3, CH50)の推移 血尿陽性率 尿タンパク 陽性率 366 T Kasahara et al. Fig. 5 Transition of the frequency of proteinuria. Fig. 4 Transition of the frequency of hematuria. Fig. 6 Transition of the frequency of hypocomplementemi 血尿やタンパク尿は数ヶ月持続する. 低補体血症 hematuria and proteinuria levels of all patients and serum complements of 125 patients sequentially (Fig. 4–6). Nephrotic 低補体は1ヶ月で7割改善, 2ヶ月で97%改善し number of patients with group A streptococcal infec syndrome developed in an 8-year-old girl, where her histological examination constant.9 They concluded that the remained almost at 42 days showed endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis. outbreak ofurinalysis as confir subtype was related to the Abnormal APSGN was フォローに向いている. normalized at 6 months from the onset in this case.not check fo epidemiologically. Unfortunately, we did serological type of Streptococcal pyogenes, however, possible that the T1 subtype of the streptococcal infe 補体が改善しない場合はAPSGN以外を考え Discussion was prevalent in 1992 in Niigata, as well. The number of the patients whose age at onset is in The number of patients with APSGN increased in 1991 and range of 6–10 years-old is more than the other ages (Fig 腎生検を考慮した方が無難. 1992 throughout Japan and this trend was also found in the It is conceivable that the number of infant patients is sm Niigata prefecture during this period (Fig. 1). In the study of
  • 16. Table 5. Long-term prognosis of PSGN: Summary of series published before microarray analysis, and proteomics. 99 Table 5. Long-term prognosis of PSGN: Summary of series now have genome se- For example, we published before 2000 with 5 to 18 yr of follow-upa 2000 with 5 to 18 yr of follow-upa quences available for 11 strains of group % of Patients with Positive Finding/ Findings % of A Streptococcus recovered from Finding/ Patients with Positive diverse Patients Findings Total Patients Followed Patients Total Patients Followed types of infection, making this organism Any abnormality 17.4 174/998 Any abnormality 17.4 one of the most extensively characterized 174/998 Proteinuria 13.8 137/997 Proteinuria 13.8 137/997 of any human bacterial pathogen.100 This Hypertension 13.8 137/998 Hypertension 13.8 remarkable array of 137/998 new information Azotemia 1.3 14/1032 a Azotemia 1.3 14/1032 gives new insight into the pathogenesis of Data correspond to pooled patients from the studies cited in the text. 86 –93 a Data correspond to pooled patients from the studies cited in the text.86 –93 Table 6. Long-term prognosis of PSGN: Summary of series published after 2000a Table 6. Long-term prognosis of PSGN: Summary of series published after 2000a No. of Patients Follow-up Albuminuria No. of Patients Hypertension Hematuria Decreased Renal Location Followed Follow-up Albuminuria Hematuria (yr) Location (%) (%) Followed (%) Function (%) (Population) (yr) (%) (%) (Population) Maracaibo, Venezuela94 110 (urban and 15 to 18 7.2 5.4 13.7 Increased Scr in 0.9% of rural) Maracaibo, Venezuela 94 110 (urban and 15 to 18 7.2 patients the 5.4 Northern Territory, Australia95 63 (rural) Ͼ13 13 (controls rural) 21 (controls Not different Not different from Northern Territory, Australia 4%) 95 63 7%) (rural) from controls 13 (controls Ͼ13 controls 21 (controls Minas Gerais, Brazil97 56 (rural) 5 8 — 30 4%) (Ccr Ͻ60 ml/min) 8% 7%) a Ccr, creatinine clearance; Scr, serum creatinine. Minas Gerais, Brazil97 56 (rural) 5 8 — a Ccr, creatinine clearance; Scr, serum creatinine. J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1855–1864, 2008. 1860 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1855–1864, 2008 1860 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ✤ PSGNの長期予後 ✤ 血尿やタンパク尿, 高血圧は数年間は持続する例があり, 短期的なフォローには向かない.
  • 17. Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347 ✤ A群溶連菌感染以外にもPIGNを来す感染症はある. ✤ 多いのはStaphlococcusの報告例が多く, 稀だが, Psudomonas, Pneumococcus, Enterococcus, Propionibacterium acnes, Candida等で報告例あり. ✤ 潜伏期間はPSPNと同様, 2-4wkが最多.
  • 18. IgA-dominant Postinfectious Glumerulonephritis  ✤ C3以外にIgAの上昇, 沈着を認めるPIGNのタイプ. 最も多い感染症はStaphylococcus感染. ✤ 成人例が多く, 平均年齢は60歳台. PSGNと異なり, 男性に多い. 特にDMや免疫不全, IV drug user, アルコール依存の患者で多い. ✤ 対応は感染症治療と対症療法のみ. ステロイドは無効. Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347
  • 19. Endocarditis-associated Glomerulonephritis  ✤ 抗生剤が普及する以前に多かった糸球体腎炎. IEに合併するタイプ. ✤ Shunt Nephritis  ✤ Ventriculoatrial shuntへの感染に合併する糸球体腎炎. Adv Anat Pathol 2012;19:338–347