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Rujan Bhuju
Prop Shani Suber
English 1302
Feb 4, 2018
It was not the choice; it was the only option left. People
argue that continuing dream act will have bad impact on USA, I
claim that the system continuing Dream act is very beneficial
for the social, health and economic growth of the country, in
addition to that Dream act shines the light on the fact that
“America is the land of opportunity.”
Francesc Ortega, Ryan Edwards, and Philip E. Wolgin. “The
Economic Benefits of Passing the Dream Act.” Center for
American Progress,
In the article economic benefits of passing dream act
Francesc Ortega, Ryan Edweards, and Philip E. Wolgin explains
the positive and significant contribution to the country economy
growth. The article also illustrates how the economy is uplifted
because of the higher earning wages of the dreamers which in
turns to higher tax revenue. With DACA these people have been
able to get better and better paying jobs and in general they
become more financially stable. It has found that the individuals
who are able to gain permanent status have more earning,
increase in their productivity and increase their economic
contribution. DACA recipients are buying cars, purchasing
their first homes and even creating new business. According to
the survey done by Tom k Wong at the university of California,
San Diego shows that at least 72 percent of the top 25 fortune
500 companies employ DACA receipts. In addition to that 97
percent of the responders are currently employed or enrolled in
school. After receiving DACA, 69 percent of the dreamers
moved to a job with better pay. 54 percent moved to a job that
“better fits my education and tanning”, 54 percent moved to a
job that “better fits my long-term career goals” and 56percent
moved to a job with better working conditions on top of that 5
percent started their own business which provide employment to
other people as well. After receiving DACA the hourly average
wages of dreamers has been increased by a significant number. I
am going to use this as my first claim as one of the dreamer’s
states “I started a bookkeeping business which gives me
opportunity to keep my business and help my community where
as another stated that “because of DACA I opened a restaurant.
We are contributing to economic growth of our local
Zaidi, Danish, and Mark Kuczewski. "Ending DACA Has
Pragmatic and Ethical Implications for U.S. Health Care." The
Hastings Center Report, Nov.-Dec. 2017, p. 14+. Opposing
Viewpoints in
18824. Accessed 4 Feb. 2018.
In the book “ending DACA has pragmatic and ethical
implication for U.S. health care” if has clearly stated that the
dreamers are having a large number of contribution on the
diversity and talent of the medical community. In 2012, Loyola
university Chicago’s stich school of medicine became the first
school in USA to accepts the undocumented students who
received DACA. It was just the beginning how hungry these
immigrants were for the opportunity. By 2016, sixty-one
medicals schools started considering application from Dreamers
and more than 110 students applied. According to the American
Association of Medical collages, sixty-five DACA receipts
matriculated in the U.S medical Schools in the 2016-2017
school year. These are the people who are going to take care of
all the Americans. Theses people are educationally approved
people. All they want to do is live and let live. These students
contribute both diversity and talent to medical community in
coming days they will be able to to care other people as well. It
is the duty of the country in improving quality health care for
he people. Most of the students are qualified but were not able
to get he job they deserve. DACA has definitely opened a
doorway of opportunity to all the people. Each and every
people should get equal opportunity. On the first hand it was
never their own choice to change their country on top of that,
these are the people who are qualified and with good
background not having any kind of criminal background. Each
and every aspect of these individual directs toward the growth
of the country. Its always better to judge a person on the basis
of their qualification and skills rather than their status.
Project 3 Instructions.html
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the
following competency:Write programs using object-oriented
conventions in accordance with industry standard best practices
You work for Global Rain, a software engineering company that
specializes in custom software design and development. As a
junior software developer, you are part of a software
development team at Global Rain that collaborates to create
software solutions for entrepreneurs, businesses and government
agencies around the world.
Your Global Rain software development team has been asked to
develop a menu-driven system for the Luxury Ocean Cruise
Outings company. This company coordinates cruise bookings
for luxury ship owners and cruise lines. As a returning customer
for Global Rain, Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings has requested a
simple menu-based system to perform core functions that are
essential to its daily operations.
Other developers on your team have made progress on this
project and have already created different classes for the
software application. Your supervisor has asked you to
complete several tasks to meet the customer’s needs.
The Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings company has provided Global
Rain with a software specification document that details a
menu-driven software application. Other developers on your
software development team have already begun this project by
creating the Ship, Cruise, Passenger, and Driver classes. You
will modify the classes by including attributes and their proper
data structures, writing methods to perform required
functionality and behavior, and making sure that your program
performs input validation and exception handling.
Before you get started with your assigned tasks, complete the
following pre-work to understand your client’s needs, set up
your development environment, and become familiar with the
work that has already been completed. Refer to the Supporting
Materials for relevant files to complete your pre-work.
Review the specification document, which will provide you with
an overview of your client’s needs. Pay special attention to the
relationships between the system’s different components.Open
the Virtual Lab by clicking on the link in the Virtual Lab
Access module. Then open your IDE. Upload the package of
.java class files into your IDE and compile the code. Although
the program is not complete, it will compile without error. This
will help you test your development environment and ensure it
is ready to start coding.Read through the code for each class.
You will get clear directions in the project guide on how to
modify and complete the code. This will help you understand
what code has been created, and may give you ideas for the
methods you must complete to meet the software
requirements.Once you have completed your pre-work, you are
ready to begin your assigned tasks on the menu-driven software
application. Follow the project guide in the Supporting
Materials section, which will take you step-by-step through
completing the software application’s menu system.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Note: All class files must be submitted because the entire
package of files is required for the application to run. Class File
Submit your modified class file. Be sure to include
in-line comments for all your changes and additions. Class File
Submit your modified class file. Be sure to include
in-line comments for all your changes and additions. Class File
Submit the class file, even though you were not
required to make changes to it for this project. Class File
Submit the class file, even though you were not
required to make changes to it for this project.
Supporting Materials
The following resource(s) may help support your work on the
Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings System Specification Document
Review the system specification document, provided by Luxury
Ocean Cruise Outings, to complete the menu-driven software
application. (Class Files)
Review the code in each class file to understand what code has
been created and what code you will create. The Ship and
Passenger classes have been fully coded and do not require
changes. The Driver and Cruise classes have been partially
coded and require changes. All classes are required for the
Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings app.
Uploading Files to Eclipse Tutorial
You will write, test, and run each class file in an IDE. Review
this tutorial to learn how to upload the zipped folder, which
contains all your class files, into your IDE.
Downloading Files from Eclipse Tutorial
You will write, test, and run your class files using an IDE.
Review this tutorial to learn how to save and export files from
your IDE. Important: Do not change the names of any class
Project Three Guide
Follow this guide, which will take you step-by-step through
creating the software application’s menu for Luxury Ocean
Cruise Outings.
The following rubric will be used to assess Project Three.
Familiarize yourself with this document as you work on the
project, and return to this rubric before you submit Project
Three to make sure you've included everything you need to be
Project Three RubricCriteriaExemplary Proficient Needs
Improvement Not Evident ValuePart One: Print Cruise
Methodn/aCreates a method within a class that produces easy-
to-read output of all class variables, and meets all the client’s
specifications (100%)Meets some “Proficient” criteria, but with
major errors; areas for improvement may include functionality,
syntax, or logic (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)16.67 Part
Two: Print Ship List Method n/aModifies a method that
provides easy-to-read output that displays details of an object
(100%)Meets some “Proficient” criteria, but with major errors;
areas for improvement may include functionality, syntax, or
logic (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)16.67 Part Three:
Add Ship Methodn/aCreates a method that instantiates an
object, includes all class variables, and updates an array
(100%)Meets some “Proficient” criteria, but with major errors;
areas for improvement may include functionality, syntax, or
logic (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)16.67 Part Four:
Add Cruise Method n/aCreates a method that prompts the user
for input, ensures that entered input meets all specifications,
and updates an array (100%)Meets some “Proficient” criteria,
but with major errors; areas for improvement may include
functionality, syntax, or logic (55%)Does not attempt criterion
(0%)16.67 Part Five: Main Method n/aModifies the main
method within a class to include a loop and maps user input to
the specified functionality (100%)Meets some “Proficient”
criteria, but with major errors; areas for improvement may
include functionality, input validation, syntax, or logic
(55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)16.67 Industry Standard
Best Practices Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear,
insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner
(100%)Demonstrates industry standard best practices including
naming conventions, input validation, exception handling, and
in-line comments (85%)Meets some “Proficient” criteria, but
with major errors; areas for improvement may include
appropriate naming conventions or inclusion of in-line
comments (55%)Does not attempt criterion
course_documents/Global Rain.png
course_documents/IT-145 Project Three Image.jpg
course_documents/IT 145 LOCO System Specification
System Specification Document
Our mission at Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings is to provide the
accurate and efficient ability to coordinate cruise bookings for
our growing list of affiliate luxury cruise ship owners and
cruise lines. We desire a simple menu-based system to perform
core functions that are essential to our daily operations.
The envisioned system will include three primary components:
ships, cruises, and passengers. The Luxury Ocean Cruise
Outings company does not own ships; instead, it creates cruises
using available ships. Once a ship is placed “in service,” it is
available for cruises. Passengers can be added to cruises. Here
are the relationships of these components:
· Ships have unique names.
· Cruises have unique names and are assigned to ships.
· Ships can have multiple cruises.
· Each ship has a finite number of passenger cabins (Balcony,
Ocean View, Suite, and Interior). Overbooking is not permitted.
· Passengers are assigned to cruises.
System Menu
We require a simple text-based menu system that should
resemble the illustration below. A text version of this table is
also available. Comment by Gutschow, Molly: Jordan: Link to
IT 145 System Menu Text Version.
// Class Variables
privateString cruiseName;
privateString cruiseShipName;
privateString departurePort;
privateString destination;
privateString returnPort;
// Constructor - default
// Constructor - full
Cruise(String tCruiseName,String tShipName,String tDeparture,
String tDestination,String tReturn){
cruiseName = tCruiseName;
cruiseShipName = tShipName;
departurePort = tDeparture;
destination = tDestination;
returnPort = tReturn;
// Accessors
publicString getCruiseName(){
return cruiseName;
publicString getCruiseShipName(){
return cruiseShipName;
publicString getDeparturePort(){
return departurePort;
publicString getDestination(){
return destination;
publicString getReturnPort(){
return returnPort;
// Mutators
publicvoid setCruiseName(String tVar){
cruiseName = tVar;
publicvoid setCruiseShipName(String tVar){
cruiseShipName = tVar;
publicvoid setDeparturePort(String tVar){
departurePort = tVar;
publicvoid setDestination(String tVar){
destination = tVar;
publicvoid setReturnPort(String tVar){
returnPort = tVar;
// print cruise details
publicvoid printCruiseDetails(){
// complete this method
// method added to print ship's name vice memory address
publicString toString(){
return cruiseName;
avaimport java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
importstatic java.lang.Integer.parseInt;
// class variables (add more as needed)
privatestaticArrayList<Ship> shipList =newArrayList();
privatestaticArrayList<Cruise> cruiseList =newArrayList();
privatestaticArrayList<Passenger> passengerList =newArrayList
publicstaticvoid main(String[] args){
initializeShipList();// initial ships
initializeCruiseList();// initial cruises
initializePassengerList();// initial passengers
// add loop and code here that accepts and validates user input
// and takes the appropriate action. include appropriate
// user feedback and redisplay the menu as needed
// hardcoded ship data for testing
// Initialize ship list
publicstaticvoid initializeShipList(){
add("Candy Cane",20,40,10,60,true);
add("Peppermint Stick",10,20,5,40,true);
add("Bon Bon",12,18,2,24,false);
add("Candy Corn",12,18,2,24,false);
// hardcoded cruise data for testing
// Initialize cruise list
publicstaticvoid initializeCruiseList(){
Cruise newCruise =newCruise("Southern Swirl","Candy Cane","
// hardcoded cruise data for testing
// Initialize passenger list
publicstaticvoid initializePassengerList(){
Passenger newPassenger1 =newPassenger("Neo Anderson","Sou
thern Swirl","STE");
Passenger newPassenger2 =newPassenger("Trinity","Southern S
Passenger newPassenger3 =newPassenger("Morpheus","Souther
n Swirl","BAL");
// custom method to add ships to the shipList ArrayList
publicstaticvoid add(String tName,int tBalcony,int tOceanView,
int tSuite,int tInterior,boolean tInService){
Ship newShip =newShip(tName, tBalcony, tOceanView, tSuite,
tInterior, tInService);
publicstaticvoid printShipList(String listType){
// printShipList() method prints list of ships from the
// shipList ArrayList. There are three different outputs
// based on the listType String parameter:
// name - prints a list of ship names only
// active - prints a list of ship names that are "in service"
// full - prints tabbed data on all ships
System.out.println("nThere are no ships to print.");
if(listType =="name"){
System.out.println("nnSHIP LIST - Name");
for(int i =0; i < shipList.size(); i++){
}elseif(listType =="active"){
System.out.println("nnSHIP LIST - Active");
// complete this code block
}elseif(listType =="full"){
System.out.println("nnSHIP LIST - Full");
System.out.println(" Number of Rooms In");
System.out.print("SHIP NAME Bal OV Ste Int Servic
for(Ship eachShip: shipList)
System.out.println("nnError: List type not defined.");
publicstaticvoid printCruiseList(String listType){
System.out.println("nThere are no cruises to print.");
if(listType =="list"){
System.out.println("nnCRUISE LIST");
for(int i=0; i < cruiseList.size(); i++){
}elseif(listType =="details"){
System.out.println("nnCRUISE LIST - Details");
System.out.println(" |--------------------
System.out.print("CRUISE NAME SHIP NAME DE
for(Cruise eachCruise: cruiseList)
System.out.println("nnError: List type not defined.");
publicstaticvoid printPassengerList(){
System.out.println("nThere are no passengers to print.");
System.out.println("nnPASSENGER LIST");
for(Passenger eachPassenger: passengerList)
// display text-based menu
publicstaticvoid displayMenu(){
System.out.println("tttLuxury Ocean Cruise Outings");
System.out.println("tttttSystem Menun");
System.out.println("[1] Add Ship [A] Print Ship Names"
System.out.println("[2] Edit Ship [B] Print Ship In Servic
e List");
System.out.println("[3] Add Cruise [C] Print Ship Full Li
System.out.println("[4] Edit Cruise [D] Print Cruise List")
System.out.println("[5] Add Passenger [E] Print Cruise Deta
System.out.println("[6] Edit Passenger [F] Print Passenger L
System.out.println("[x] Exit System");
System.out.println("nEnter a menu selection: ");
// Add a New Ship
publicstaticvoid addShip(){
// complete this method
// Edit an existing ship
publicstaticvoid editShip(){
// This method does not need to be completed
System.out.println("The "Edit Ship" feature is not yet impleme
// Add a New Cruise
publicstaticvoid addCruise(){
// complete this method
// Edit an existing cruise
publicstaticvoid editCruise(){
// This method does not need to be completed
System.out.println("The "Edit Cruise" feature is not yet imple
// Add a New Passenger
publicstaticvoid addPassenger(){
Scanner newPassengerInput =newScanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the new passenger's name: ");
String newPassengerName = newPassengerInput.nextLine();
// ensure new passenger name does not already exist
for(Passenger eachPassenger: passengerList){
System.out.println("That passenger is already in the system. Exi
ting to menu...");
return;// quits addPassenger() method processing
// get cruise name for passenger
System.out.println("Enter cruise name: ");
String newCruiseName = newPassengerInput.nextLine();
// ensure cruise exists
for(Cruise eachCruise: cruiseList){
// cruise does exist
System.out.println("That cruise does not exist in the system. Ex
iting to menu...");
return;// quits addPassenger() method processing
// get room type
System.out.println("Enter Room Type (BAL, OV, STE, or INT:
String room = newPassengerInput.nextLine();
// validate room type
// validation passed - add passenger
Passenger newPassenger =newPassenger(newPassengerName, ne
wCruiseName, room.toUpperCase());
System.out.println("Invalid input. Exiting to menu...");
return;// quits addPassenger() method processing
// Edit an existing passenger
publicstaticvoid editPassenger(){
// This method does not need to be completed
System.out.println("The "Edit Passenger" feature is not yet im
// Method to check if input is a number
publicstaticboolean isANumber(String str){
for(int i =0; i < str.length(); i++){
// Class variables
privateString passengerName;
privateString passengerCruise;
privateString passengerRoomType;
// Constructor - default
// Constructor - full
Passenger(String pName,String pCruise,String pRoomType){
passengerName = pName;
passengerCruise = pCruise;
passengerRoomType = pRoomType;// should be BAL, OV,
// Accessors
publicString getPassengerName(){
return passengerName;
publicString getPassengerCruise(){
return passengerCruise;
publicString getPassengerRoomType(){
return passengerRoomType;
// Mutators
publicvoid setPassengerName(String tVar){
passengerName = tVar;
publicvoid setPassengerCruise(String tVar){
passengerCruise = tVar;
publicvoid setPassengerRoomType(String tVar){
passengerRoomType = tVar;
// print method
publicvoid printPassenger(){
int spaceCount;
String spaces1 ="";
String spaces2 ="";
spaceCount =20- passengerName.length();
for(int i =1; i <= spaceCount; i++){
spaces1 = spaces1 +" ";
spaceCount =20- passengerCruise.length();
for(int i =1; i <= spaceCount; i++){
spaces2 = spaces2 +" ";
System.out.println(passengerName + spaces1 + passengerCruise
+ spaces2 +
// method added to print passenger's name vice memory address
publicString toString(){
return passengerName;
// Class Variables
privateString shipName;
privateint roomBalcony;
privateint roomOceanView;
privateint roomSuite;
privateint roomInterior;
privateboolean inService;
// Constructor - default
// Constructor - full
Ship(String tName,int tBalcony,int tOceanView,
int tSuite,int tInterior,boolean tInService){
shipName = tName;
roomBalcony = tBalcony;
roomOceanView = tOceanView;
roomSuite = tSuite;
roomInterior = tInterior;
inService = tInService;
// Accessors
publicString getShipName(){
return shipName;
publicint getRoomBalcony(){
return roomBalcony;
publicint getRoomOceanView(){
return roomOceanView;
publicint getRoomSuite(){
return roomSuite;
publicint getRoomInterior(){
return roomInterior;
publicboolean getInService(){
return inService;
// Mutators
publicvoid setShipName(String tVar){
shipName = tVar;
publicvoid setRoomBalcony(int tVar){
roomBalcony = tVar;
publicvoid setRoomOceanView(int tVar){
roomOceanView = tVar;
publicvoid setRoomSuite(int tVar){
roomSuite = tVar;
publicvoid setRoomInterior(int tVar){
roomInterior = tVar;
publicvoid setInService(boolean tVar){
inService = tVar;
// print method
publicvoid printShipData(){
int spaceCount;
String spaces ="";
spaceCount =20- shipName.length();
for(int i =1; i <= spaceCount; i++){
spaces = spaces +" ";
System.out.println(shipName + spaces + roomBalcony +"t"+
roomOceanView +"t"+ roomSuite +"t"+
roomInterior +"tt"+ inService);
// method added to print ship's name vice memory address
publicString toString(){
return shipName;
course_documents/Uploading Files to Eclipse Tutorial.pdf
Uploading Files to Eclipse
This tutorial will guide you through the process of uploading a
project into Eclipse via the STEM Lab.
1. Open the STEM Lab and select the Launch button for the
Java Programming app. The virtual
environment can take a couple of minutes to load.
2. Once the STEM Lab opens, be sure your browser window is
in full-screen mode. Select the
upload icon on the STEM Lab tool bar.
3. In the File upload window, select a destination folder by
clicking the Upload button. This is
where the file will appear when you upload it. For this example,
we will select Desktop.
4. Next, you are provided with a File Upload dialog box.
Navigate to and select the file you want to
upload. Then, click the Open button. In this example, we’ve
selected the file.
5. Once the file uploads, it will be listed in the File Upload
window and in the destination folder
you selected. In this example, the file appears
in the File upload window, and
the destination folder is the Desktop.
6. Close the File upload dialog window.
7. Locate the folder. In this case, it is saved
on the Desktop. Right-click on the
folder and select Extract All…
8. This will bring up a dialog box asking you to select a
destination for your extracted files. In this
example, the default location is the Desktop. Click Extract,
which will create an unzipped folder
in the destination you have selected.
9. Next, open Eclipse by double-clicking the Eclipse icon
located on the Desktop.
10. Select the Launch button in the Eclipse Launcher window to
open Eclipse.
11. From the File menu, select Open Projects from File System.
This will open up a dialog window.
12. You will use the Import dialog window to navigate to the
project you uploaded. Next to the
Import Source text box, click the Directory… button to browse
for your project folder.
13. In the dialog box, navigate to the destination folder where
you uploaded your project. In this
example, the destination folder is the Desktop. Select your
project folder and click the OK
14. After selecting the file to import, you should see the
folder’s address in the Import Source
textbox. Select the Finish button in the Import dialog window.
15. To access the project files, navigate to the Package Explorer
workspace. You can view and open
your project files in this workspace.
a) In the Package Explorer workspace, click on the arrow next
to the project folder to view the
files. In this example, the folder is called studentproject.
b) To open your files in the Package Explorer workspace and
begin working, double-click on
each class file. Each file will have its own tab, so you can
easily switch back and forth
between them. Your project is now in Eclipse and ready for you
to use!
course_documents/IT 145 Downloading Files from Eclipse
Downloading Files From Eclipse
This tutorial will guide you through the steps necessary to
download files from Eclipse and submit them
to your instructor via the learning management system (LMS).
1. Open your project in Eclipse. Be sure your browser window
is in full-screen mode and ensure
the Package Explorer is visible.
a) If the Package Explorer is not visible, navigate to the
Window tab on the menu bar at
the top of the screen.
b) From the drop-down menu, click Show View. Then click the
Project Explorer option
from the second drop-down menu.
2. With your project open in Eclipse, use the Package Explorer
tab in the upper left-hand corner to
expose your project files.
a) First, click on your project name. In this example, the project
name is project1.
b) Next, click on the src folder. Then, click the default Package
folder. In this example, the
default Package is called projectPackage.
3. Right-click your JAVA file and select the Properties option.
Note the Location of your file. In this
example, the location reads:
4. Close the Properties window.
5. Select the download icon from the STEM Lab toolbar.
6. Navigate to your files based on the location you identified in
Step 3. In this example, the file is
located in Cloud PC, then Documents, then project 1, then src,
and then projectPackage.
7. Select the file and then click the Download button. This will
download the selected file to your
computer. You may only select one file for download at a time.
Repeat this step for any
additional files that are needed.
8. Take note of where your downloaded files are on your local
computer. You will have access to
the Downloads menu bar in your browser window. You can also
check the Downloads folder on
your local computer.
9. Log in to your classroom in the LMS and navigate to your
assignment. On the assignment page,
click the Add a File button.
10. From the Add a File window, click the Upload icon and
navigate to the location of your files on
your local computer.
a) Alternatively, you can drag and drop your files in the Drop
files here area.
b) When all files have been selected, click the Add button at the
bottom left of the screen.
11. If you are instructed to add text to the Comments section,
you may do so at this time. Finally,
you are ready to click the Submit button to submit your
course_documents/IT 145 Project Three Guide.pdf
IT 145 Project Three Guide
Use this step-by-step guide to complete all the methods needed
for the software application’s
menu system.
TIP: As you work on your code, you can add sample data to test
your code changes. Remember
that every time you exit the program, your sample data will be
cleared. To avoid this issue, it is
recommended that you hard-code your sample data as illustrated
in the beginning of the file. Some hardcoded data has already been created
for you, but you may add more
if you would like. Look for these in-line comments at the start
of the code:
// hardcoded ship data for testing
// Initialize ship list
Part One: Complete the printCruiseDetails() Method
1. Open the file. Pay attention to the variable names
and the code for the
constructors, accessors, and mutators, which have already been
created by your
development team. See below for where you will add code to
finish the
printCruiseDetails() method.
// print cruise details
public void printCruiseDetails() {
// complete this method
2. Next, review the required functionality of the “Print Cruise
Details” menu option below.
Menu Option Functionality
cruise name, cruise ship name, departure port, destination, and
3. Print Cruise Details Method: Write code for the
printCruiseDetails() method. When your
code is complete, test the output by running the
class. Be sure the
completed method does the following:
a. Prints console output of all cruises and their details or, if
there are no cruises in
the inventory, the output states this to the user
b. Prints the output in an easy-to-read format for the end users
(for example, easy-
to-read output would present data in aligned columns)
TIP: Within the file, there is a printShipData() method
that is very similar to the
method you are tasked with creating. You can refer to that
method as an example.
4. Industry Standard Best Practices: To ensure clarity,
consistency, and efficiency among
all software developers, your code must do the following:
a. Follow appropriate naming conventions for variables and
b. Include descriptive in-line comments for all code you create
and modify
Part Two: Complete the printShipList() Method
1. Open the file. See below for where you will add
code to finish the
printShipList() method.
} else if (listType == "active") {
System.out.println("nnSHIP LIST - Active");
// complete this code block
2. Next, review the required functionality of the “Print Ship
List” menu option below.
Menu Option Validation Check(s) Functionality
Print Ship In Service
If no ships are in the inventory,
informs the user
Prints a list consisting of all ship names that
are in service
3. Print Ship List Method: Complete the code for the
printShipList() method. When your
code is complete, test the output. Be sure that the completed
method provides console
output that returns ship details based on the String value passed
to the method.
TIP: The printShipList() method already supports printing ship
names and a full ship list.
You can review the code as you edit the printShipList() to
support printing ships in
service. See below for an example of the system’s printed
output for the full ship list.
Actual results do not need to match this example exactly. A text
version of this table is
also available.
4. Industry Standard Best Practices: To ensure clarity,
consistency, and efficiency among
all software developers, your code must do the following:
a. Follow appropriate naming conventions for variables and
b. Include descriptive in-line comments for all code you create
and modify
Part Three: Complete the addShip() Method
1. In the file, see below for where you will add code
to finish the addShip()
// Add a New Ship
public static void addShip() {
// complete this method
2. Next, review the required functionality of the “Add Ship”
menu option below.
Menu Option Validation Check(s) Functionality
Add Ship - Ensures ship does not already exist in our system
- Ensures all class variables are populated
Adds ship to system
3. Add Ship Method: Write the code for the addShip() method.
When your code is
complete, test the output. Be sure that the completed method
does the following:
a. Adds a new Ship object
b. Includes all class variables
c. Updates appropriate ArrayList
TIP: You can refer to the class constructor to make
sure you have included all
4. Industry Standard Best Practices: To ensure clarity,
consistency, and efficiency among
all software developers, your code must do the following:
a. Ensure that all user input is validated with appropriate
feedback to the user
b. Include exception handling
c. Follow appropriate naming conventions for variables and
d. Include descriptive in-line comments for all code you create
and modify
Part Four: Complete the addCruise() Method
1. In the file, see below for where you will add code
to finish the addCruise()
// Adda New Cruise
public static void addCruise() {
// complete this method
2. Next, review the required functionality of the “Add Cruise”
menu option below.
Menu Option Validation Check(s) Functionality
Add Cruise - Ensures cruise does not already exist in
our system
- Ensures all class variables are populated
Adds cruise to system
3. Add Cruise Method: Write the code for the addCruise()
method. When your code is
complete, test the output. Be sure that the completed method
does the following:
a. Prompts the user for input
b. Requires all class variables when creating a cruise
c. Validates the ship name and ensures it is in service
d. Ensures ship name is not already assigned a cruise
e. Adds the new cruise to the cruiseList ArrayList if validation
checks pass
4. Industry Standard Best Practices: To ensure clarity,
consistency, and efficiency among
all software developers, your code must do the following:
a. Ensure that all user input is validated with appropriate
feedback to the user
b. Include exception handling
c. Follow appropriate naming conventions for variables and
d. Include descriptive in-line comments for all code you create
and modify
Part Five: Complete the main() Method
1. At the beginning of the file, see below for where
you will add code to finish
the main() method.
public static void main(String[] args) {
initializeShipList(); // initial ships
initializeCruiseList(); // initial cruises
initializePassengerList(); // initial passengers
// add loop and code here that accepts and validates user
// and takes the appropriate action. include appropriate
// user feedback and redisplay the menu as needed
2. Main Method: Complete the code for the main() method.
When your code is complete,
test the output. Be sure that the completed method does the
a. Includes a loop that allows the user to interact with the menu
until they signal
that they want to exit the system
b. Maps user input to the specified functionality based on the all
menu options
listed below. A text version of this table is also available.
Note: The methods for Edit Ship, Edit Cruise, and Edit
Passenger do not need to be
completed but should still be mapped. When you test your
menu, if you enter 2, 4, or 6
for a menu selection, you should get a response that the “feature
is not yet
3. Industry Standard Best Practices: To ensure clarity,
consistency, and efficiency among
all software developers, your code must do the following:
a. Ensure that all user input is validated with appropriate
feedback to the user
b. Follow appropriate naming conventions for variables and
c. Include descriptive in-line comments for all code you create
and modify
Part Six: Submission
Upon completing your code for each class file, review the What
to Submit section of the Project
Three overview and submit all files to the Project Three

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Bhuju1Rujan BhujuProp Shani SuberEnglish 1302Feb 4, .docx

  • 1. Bhuju1 Rujan Bhuju Prop Shani Suber English 1302 Feb 4, 2018 It was not the choice; it was the only option left. People argue that continuing dream act will have bad impact on USA, I claim that the system continuing Dream act is very beneficial for the social, health and economic growth of the country, in addition to that Dream act shines the light on the fact that “America is the land of opportunity.” Francesc Ortega, Ryan Edwards, and Philip E. Wolgin. “The Economic Benefits of Passing the Dream Act.” Center for American Progress, 18/439134/economic-benefits-passing-dream-act/. In the article economic benefits of passing dream act Francesc Ortega, Ryan Edweards, and Philip E. Wolgin explains the positive and significant contribution to the country economy growth. The article also illustrates how the economy is uplifted because of the higher earning wages of the dreamers which in turns to higher tax revenue. With DACA these people have been able to get better and better paying jobs and in general they become more financially stable. It has found that the individuals who are able to gain permanent status have more earning, increase in their productivity and increase their economic contribution. DACA recipients are buying cars, purchasing their first homes and even creating new business. According to the survey done by Tom k Wong at the university of California, San Diego shows that at least 72 percent of the top 25 fortune 500 companies employ DACA receipts. In addition to that 97
  • 2. percent of the responders are currently employed or enrolled in school. After receiving DACA, 69 percent of the dreamers moved to a job with better pay. 54 percent moved to a job that “better fits my education and tanning”, 54 percent moved to a job that “better fits my long-term career goals” and 56percent moved to a job with better working conditions on top of that 5 percent started their own business which provide employment to other people as well. After receiving DACA the hourly average wages of dreamers has been increased by a significant number. I am going to use this as my first claim as one of the dreamer’s states “I started a bookkeeping business which gives me opportunity to keep my business and help my community where as another stated that “because of DACA I opened a restaurant. We are contributing to economic growth of our local community.” Zaidi, Danish, and Mark Kuczewski. "Ending DACA Has Pragmatic and Ethical Implications for U.S. Health Care." The Hastings Center Report, Nov.-Dec. 2017, p. 14+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, 18824. Accessed 4 Feb. 2018. In the book “ending DACA has pragmatic and ethical implication for U.S. health care” if has clearly stated that the dreamers are having a large number of contribution on the diversity and talent of the medical community. In 2012, Loyola university Chicago’s stich school of medicine became the first school in USA to accepts the undocumented students who received DACA. It was just the beginning how hungry these immigrants were for the opportunity. By 2016, sixty-one medicals schools started considering application from Dreamers and more than 110 students applied. According to the American Association of Medical collages, sixty-five DACA receipts matriculated in the U.S medical Schools in the 2016-2017 school year. These are the people who are going to take care of
  • 3. all the Americans. Theses people are educationally approved people. All they want to do is live and let live. These students contribute both diversity and talent to medical community in coming days they will be able to to care other people as well. It is the duty of the country in improving quality health care for he people. Most of the students are qualified but were not able to get he job they deserve. DACA has definitely opened a doorway of opportunity to all the people. Each and every people should get equal opportunity. On the first hand it was never their own choice to change their country on top of that, these are the people who are qualified and with good background not having any kind of criminal background. Each and every aspect of these individual directs toward the growth of the country. Its always better to judge a person on the basis of their qualification and skills rather than their status. Project 3 Instructions.html Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Write programs using object-oriented conventions in accordance with industry standard best practices Scenario You work for Global Rain, a software engineering company that specializes in custom software design and development. As a junior software developer, you are part of a software development team at Global Rain that collaborates to create software solutions for entrepreneurs, businesses and government agencies around the world.
  • 4. Your Global Rain software development team has been asked to develop a menu-driven system for the Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings company. This company coordinates cruise bookings for luxury ship owners and cruise lines. As a returning customer for Global Rain, Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings has requested a simple menu-based system to perform core functions that are essential to its daily operations. Other developers on your team have made progress on this project and have already created different classes for the software application. Your supervisor has asked you to complete several tasks to meet the customer’s needs. Directions The Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings company has provided Global Rain with a software specification document that details a menu-driven software application. Other developers on your software development team have already begun this project by creating the Ship, Cruise, Passenger, and Driver classes. You will modify the classes by including attributes and their proper data structures, writing methods to perform required functionality and behavior, and making sure that your program performs input validation and exception handling. Before you get started with your assigned tasks, complete the following pre-work to understand your client’s needs, set up your development environment, and become familiar with the work that has already been completed. Refer to the Supporting Materials for relevant files to complete your pre-work. Review the specification document, which will provide you with an overview of your client’s needs. Pay special attention to the relationships between the system’s different components.Open the Virtual Lab by clicking on the link in the Virtual Lab Access module. Then open your IDE. Upload the package of .java class files into your IDE and compile the code. Although the program is not complete, it will compile without error. This will help you test your development environment and ensure it is ready to start coding.Read through the code for each class.
  • 5. You will get clear directions in the project guide on how to modify and complete the code. This will help you understand what code has been created, and may give you ideas for the methods you must complete to meet the software requirements.Once you have completed your pre-work, you are ready to begin your assigned tasks on the menu-driven software application. Follow the project guide in the Supporting Materials section, which will take you step-by-step through completing the software application’s menu system. What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: Note: All class files must be submitted because the entire package of files is required for the application to run. Class File Submit your modified class file. Be sure to include in-line comments for all your changes and additions. Class File Submit your modified class file. Be sure to include in-line comments for all your changes and additions. Class File Submit the class file, even though you were not required to make changes to it for this project. Class File Submit the class file, even though you were not required to make changes to it for this project. Supporting Materials The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project: Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings System Specification Document Review the system specification document, provided by Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings, to complete the menu-driven software application. (Class Files) Review the code in each class file to understand what code has
  • 6. been created and what code you will create. The Ship and Passenger classes have been fully coded and do not require changes. The Driver and Cruise classes have been partially coded and require changes. All classes are required for the Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings app. Uploading Files to Eclipse Tutorial You will write, test, and run each class file in an IDE. Review this tutorial to learn how to upload the zipped folder, which contains all your class files, into your IDE. Downloading Files from Eclipse Tutorial You will write, test, and run your class files using an IDE. Review this tutorial to learn how to save and export files from your IDE. Important: Do not change the names of any class files. Project Three Guide Follow this guide, which will take you step-by-step through creating the software application’s menu for Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings. The following rubric will be used to assess Project Three. Familiarize yourself with this document as you work on the project, and return to this rubric before you submit Project Three to make sure you've included everything you need to be successful. Project Three RubricCriteriaExemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident ValuePart One: Print Cruise Methodn/aCreates a method within a class that produces easy- to-read output of all class variables, and meets all the client’s specifications (100%)Meets some “Proficient” criteria, but with major errors; areas for improvement may include functionality, syntax, or logic (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)16.67 Part Two: Print Ship List Method n/aModifies a method that provides easy-to-read output that displays details of an object (100%)Meets some “Proficient” criteria, but with major errors; areas for improvement may include functionality, syntax, or logic (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)16.67 Part Three:
  • 7. Add Ship Methodn/aCreates a method that instantiates an object, includes all class variables, and updates an array (100%)Meets some “Proficient” criteria, but with major errors; areas for improvement may include functionality, syntax, or logic (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)16.67 Part Four: Add Cruise Method n/aCreates a method that prompts the user for input, ensures that entered input meets all specifications, and updates an array (100%)Meets some “Proficient” criteria, but with major errors; areas for improvement may include functionality, syntax, or logic (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)16.67 Part Five: Main Method n/aModifies the main method within a class to include a loop and maps user input to the specified functionality (100%)Meets some “Proficient” criteria, but with major errors; areas for improvement may include functionality, input validation, syntax, or logic (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)16.67 Industry Standard Best Practices Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner (100%)Demonstrates industry standard best practices including naming conventions, input validation, exception handling, and in-line comments (85%)Meets some “Proficient” criteria, but with major errors; areas for improvement may include appropriate naming conventions or inclusion of in-line comments (55%)Does not attempt criterion (0%)16.65Total:100% course_documents/Global Rain.png course_documents/IT-145 Project Three Image.jpg course_documents/IT 145 LOCO System Specification Document.docx System Specification Document
  • 8. Overview Our mission at Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings is to provide the accurate and efficient ability to coordinate cruise bookings for our growing list of affiliate luxury cruise ship owners and cruise lines. We desire a simple menu-based system to perform core functions that are essential to our daily operations. The envisioned system will include three primary components: ships, cruises, and passengers. The Luxury Ocean Cruise Outings company does not own ships; instead, it creates cruises using available ships. Once a ship is placed “in service,” it is available for cruises. Passengers can be added to cruises. Here are the relationships of these components: · Ships have unique names. · Cruises have unique names and are assigned to ships. · Ships can have multiple cruises. · Each ship has a finite number of passenger cabins (Balcony, Ocean View, Suite, and Interior). Overbooking is not permitted. · Passengers are assigned to cruises. System Menu We require a simple text-based menu system that should resemble the illustration below. A text version of this table is also available. Comment by Gutschow, Molly: Jordan: Link to IT 145 System Menu Text Version. course_documents/ CruiseShipProject/.classpath CruiseShipProject/.project CruiseShipProject
  • 10. org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.enumIdentifier=error org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.source=9 CruiseShipProject/bin/Cruise.class CruiseShipProject/bin/Driver.class CruiseShipProject/bin/Passenger.class CruiseShipProject/bin/Ship.class CruiseShipProject/src/Cruise.javaCruiseShipProject/src/Cruise.j avapublicclassCruise{ // Class Variables privateString cruiseName; privateString cruiseShipName; privateString departurePort; privateString destination; privateString returnPort; // Constructor - default Cruise(){ } // Constructor - full Cruise(String tCruiseName,String tShipName,String tDeparture, String tDestination,String tReturn){ cruiseName = tCruiseName; cruiseShipName = tShipName; departurePort = tDeparture; destination = tDestination; returnPort = tReturn;
  • 11. } // Accessors publicString getCruiseName(){ return cruiseName; } publicString getCruiseShipName(){ return cruiseShipName; } publicString getDeparturePort(){ return departurePort; } publicString getDestination(){ return destination; } publicString getReturnPort(){ return returnPort; } // Mutators publicvoid setCruiseName(String tVar){ cruiseName = tVar; } publicvoid setCruiseShipName(String tVar){ cruiseShipName = tVar; } publicvoid setDeparturePort(String tVar){ departurePort = tVar; }
  • 12. publicvoid setDestination(String tVar){ destination = tVar; } publicvoid setReturnPort(String tVar){ returnPort = tVar; } // print cruise details publicvoid printCruiseDetails(){ // complete this method } // method added to print ship's name vice memory address @Override publicString toString(){ return cruiseName; } } CruiseShipProject/src/Driver.javaCruiseShipProject/src/Driver.j avaimport java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; importstatic java.lang.Integer.parseInt; publicclassDriver{ // class variables (add more as needed) privatestaticArrayList<Ship> shipList =newArrayList(); privatestaticArrayList<Cruise> cruiseList =newArrayList(); privatestaticArrayList<Passenger> passengerList =newArrayList ();
  • 13. publicstaticvoid main(String[] args){ initializeShipList();// initial ships initializeCruiseList();// initial cruises initializePassengerList();// initial passengers // add loop and code here that accepts and validates user input // and takes the appropriate action. include appropriate // user feedback and redisplay the menu as needed } // hardcoded ship data for testing // Initialize ship list publicstaticvoid initializeShipList(){ add("Candy Cane",20,40,10,60,true); add("Peppermint Stick",10,20,5,40,true); add("Bon Bon",12,18,2,24,false); add("Candy Corn",12,18,2,24,false); } // hardcoded cruise data for testing // Initialize cruise list publicstaticvoid initializeCruiseList(){ Cruise newCruise =newCruise("Southern Swirl","Candy Cane"," Miami","Cuba","Miami"); cruiseList.add(newCruise); } // hardcoded cruise data for testing // Initialize passenger list publicstaticvoid initializePassengerList(){ Passenger newPassenger1 =newPassenger("Neo Anderson","Sou
  • 14. thern Swirl","STE"); passengerList.add(newPassenger1); Passenger newPassenger2 =newPassenger("Trinity","Southern S wirl","STE"); passengerList.add(newPassenger2); Passenger newPassenger3 =newPassenger("Morpheus","Souther n Swirl","BAL"); passengerList.add(newPassenger3); } // custom method to add ships to the shipList ArrayList publicstaticvoid add(String tName,int tBalcony,int tOceanView, int tSuite,int tInterior,boolean tInService){ Ship newShip =newShip(tName, tBalcony, tOceanView, tSuite, tInterior, tInService); shipList.add(newShip); } publicstaticvoid printShipList(String listType){ // printShipList() method prints list of ships from the // shipList ArrayList. There are three different outputs // based on the listType String parameter: // name - prints a list of ship names only // active - prints a list of ship names that are "in service" // full - prints tabbed data on all ships if(shipList.size()<1){ System.out.println("nThere are no ships to print."); return; } if(listType =="name"){ System.out.println("nnSHIP LIST - Name"); for(int i =0; i < shipList.size(); i++){
  • 15. System.out.println(shipList.get(i)); } }elseif(listType =="active"){ System.out.println("nnSHIP LIST - Active"); // complete this code block }elseif(listType =="full"){ System.out.println("nnSHIP LIST - Full"); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" Number of Rooms In"); System.out.print("SHIP NAME Bal OV Ste Int Servic e"); System.out.println("n----------------------------------------------- "); for(Ship eachShip: shipList) eachShip.printShipData(); }else System.out.println("nnError: List type not defined."); } publicstaticvoid printCruiseList(String listType){ if(cruiseList.size()<1){ System.out.println("nThere are no cruises to print."); return; } if(listType =="list"){ System.out.println("nnCRUISE LIST"); for(int i=0; i < cruiseList.size(); i++){ System.out.println(cruiseList.get(i)); } }elseif(listType =="details"){ System.out.println("nnCRUISE LIST - Details"); System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------
  • 16. ---------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" |-------------------- --PORTS-----------------------|"); System.out.print("CRUISE NAME SHIP NAME DE PARTURE DESTINATION RETURN"); System.out.println("n------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------"); for(Cruise eachCruise: cruiseList) eachCruise.printCruiseDetails(); }else System.out.println("nnError: List type not defined."); } publicstaticvoid printPassengerList(){ if(passengerList.size()<1){ System.out.println("nThere are no passengers to print."); return; } System.out.println("nnPASSENGER LIST"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------- --"); System.out.print("PASSENGER NAME CRUISE R OOM TYPE"); System.out.println("n------------------------------------------------- ----"); for(Passenger eachPassenger: passengerList) eachPassenger.printPassenger(); } // display text-based menu publicstaticvoid displayMenu(){ System.out.println("nn"); System.out.println("tttLuxury Ocean Cruise Outings"); System.out.println("tttttSystem Menun"); System.out.println("[1] Add Ship [A] Print Ship Names"
  • 17. ); System.out.println("[2] Edit Ship [B] Print Ship In Servic e List"); System.out.println("[3] Add Cruise [C] Print Ship Full Li st"); System.out.println("[4] Edit Cruise [D] Print Cruise List") ; System.out.println("[5] Add Passenger [E] Print Cruise Deta ils"); System.out.println("[6] Edit Passenger [F] Print Passenger L ist"); System.out.println("[x] Exit System"); System.out.println("nEnter a menu selection: "); } // Add a New Ship publicstaticvoid addShip(){ // complete this method } // Edit an existing ship publicstaticvoid editShip(){ // This method does not need to be completed System.out.println("The "Edit Ship" feature is not yet impleme nted."); } // Add a New Cruise publicstaticvoid addCruise(){ // complete this method
  • 18. } // Edit an existing cruise publicstaticvoid editCruise(){ // This method does not need to be completed System.out.println("The "Edit Cruise" feature is not yet imple mented."); } // Add a New Passenger publicstaticvoid addPassenger(){ Scanner newPassengerInput =newScanner(; System.out.println("Enter the new passenger's name: "); String newPassengerName = newPassengerInput.nextLine(); // ensure new passenger name does not already exist for(Passenger eachPassenger: passengerList){ if(eachPassenger.getPassengerName().equalsIgnoreCase(newPas sengerName)){ System.out.println("That passenger is already in the system. Exi ting to menu..."); return;// quits addPassenger() method processing } } // get cruise name for passenger System.out.println("Enter cruise name: "); String newCruiseName = newPassengerInput.nextLine(); // ensure cruise exists for(Cruise eachCruise: cruiseList){ if(eachCruise.getCruiseName().equalsIgnoreCase(newCruiseNa
  • 19. me)){ // cruise does exist }else{ System.out.println("That cruise does not exist in the system. Ex iting to menu..."); return;// quits addPassenger() method processing } } // get room type System.out.println("Enter Room Type (BAL, OV, STE, or INT: "); String room = newPassengerInput.nextLine(); // validate room type if((room.equalsIgnoreCase("BAL"))||(room.equalsIgnoreCase(" OV"))|| (room.equalsIgnoreCase("STE"))||(room.equalsIgnoreCase("INT "))){ // validation passed - add passenger Passenger newPassenger =newPassenger(newPassengerName, ne wCruiseName, room.toUpperCase()); passengerList.add(newPassenger); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid input. Exiting to menu..."); return;// quits addPassenger() method processing } } // Edit an existing passenger publicstaticvoid editPassenger(){ // This method does not need to be completed System.out.println("The "Edit Passenger" feature is not yet im plemented."); }
  • 20. // Method to check if input is a number publicstaticboolean isANumber(String str){ for(int i =0; i < str.length(); i++){ if(Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i))==false) returnfalse; } returntrue; } } CruiseShipProject/src/Passenger.javaCruiseShipProject/src/Pass enger.javapublicclassPassenger{ // Class variables privateString passengerName; privateString passengerCruise; privateString passengerRoomType; // Constructor - default Passenger(){ } // Constructor - full Passenger(String pName,String pCruise,String pRoomType){ passengerName = pName; passengerCruise = pCruise; passengerRoomType = pRoomType;// should be BAL, OV, STE, or INT } // Accessors publicString getPassengerName(){
  • 21. return passengerName; } publicString getPassengerCruise(){ return passengerCruise; } publicString getPassengerRoomType(){ return passengerRoomType; } // Mutators publicvoid setPassengerName(String tVar){ passengerName = tVar; } publicvoid setPassengerCruise(String tVar){ passengerCruise = tVar; } publicvoid setPassengerRoomType(String tVar){ passengerRoomType = tVar; } // print method publicvoid printPassenger(){ int spaceCount; String spaces1 =""; String spaces2 =""; spaceCount =20- passengerName.length(); for(int i =1; i <= spaceCount; i++){ spaces1 = spaces1 +" "; } spaceCount =20- passengerCruise.length(); for(int i =1; i <= spaceCount; i++){ spaces2 = spaces2 +" ";
  • 22. } System.out.println(passengerName + spaces1 + passengerCruise + spaces2 + passengerRoomType); } // method added to print passenger's name vice memory address @Override publicString toString(){ return passengerName; } } CruiseShipProject/src/Ship.javaCruiseShipProject/src/ publicclassShip{ // Class Variables privateString shipName; privateint roomBalcony; privateint roomOceanView; privateint roomSuite; privateint roomInterior; privateboolean inService; // Constructor - default Ship(){ } // Constructor - full Ship(String tName,int tBalcony,int tOceanView, int tSuite,int tInterior,boolean tInService){ shipName = tName; roomBalcony = tBalcony;
  • 23. roomOceanView = tOceanView; roomSuite = tSuite; roomInterior = tInterior; inService = tInService; } // Accessors publicString getShipName(){ return shipName; } publicint getRoomBalcony(){ return roomBalcony; } publicint getRoomOceanView(){ return roomOceanView; } publicint getRoomSuite(){ return roomSuite; } publicint getRoomInterior(){ return roomInterior; } publicboolean getInService(){ return inService; } // Mutators publicvoid setShipName(String tVar){ shipName = tVar; }
  • 24. publicvoid setRoomBalcony(int tVar){ roomBalcony = tVar; } publicvoid setRoomOceanView(int tVar){ roomOceanView = tVar; } publicvoid setRoomSuite(int tVar){ roomSuite = tVar; } publicvoid setRoomInterior(int tVar){ roomInterior = tVar; } publicvoid setInService(boolean tVar){ inService = tVar; } // print method publicvoid printShipData(){ int spaceCount; String spaces =""; spaceCount =20- shipName.length(); for(int i =1; i <= spaceCount; i++){ spaces = spaces +" "; } System.out.println(shipName + spaces + roomBalcony +"t"+ roomOceanView +"t"+ roomSuite +"t"+ roomInterior +"tt"+ inService); } // method added to print ship's name vice memory address
  • 25. @Override publicString toString(){ return shipName; } } course_documents/Uploading Files to Eclipse Tutorial.pdf Uploading Files to Eclipse This tutorial will guide you through the process of uploading a project into Eclipse via the STEM Lab. 1. Open the STEM Lab and select the Launch button for the Java Programming app. The virtual environment can take a couple of minutes to load. 2. Once the STEM Lab opens, be sure your browser window is in full-screen mode. Select the upload icon on the STEM Lab tool bar. 3. In the File upload window, select a destination folder by clicking the Upload button. This is where the file will appear when you upload it. For this example, we will select Desktop.
  • 26. 4. Next, you are provided with a File Upload dialog box. Navigate to and select the file you want to upload. Then, click the Open button. In this example, we’ve selected the file. 5. Once the file uploads, it will be listed in the File Upload window and in the destination folder you selected. In this example, the file appears in the File upload window, and the destination folder is the Desktop. 6. Close the File upload dialog window. 7. Locate the folder. In this case, it is saved on the Desktop. Right-click on the folder and select Extract All… 8. This will bring up a dialog box asking you to select a destination for your extracted files. In this example, the default location is the Desktop. Click Extract, which will create an unzipped folder
  • 27. in the destination you have selected. 9. Next, open Eclipse by double-clicking the Eclipse icon located on the Desktop. 10. Select the Launch button in the Eclipse Launcher window to open Eclipse. 11. From the File menu, select Open Projects from File System. This will open up a dialog window. 12. You will use the Import dialog window to navigate to the project you uploaded. Next to the Import Source text box, click the Directory… button to browse for your project folder. 13. In the dialog box, navigate to the destination folder where you uploaded your project. In this
  • 28. example, the destination folder is the Desktop. Select your project folder and click the OK button. 14. After selecting the file to import, you should see the folder’s address in the Import Source textbox. Select the Finish button in the Import dialog window. 15. To access the project files, navigate to the Package Explorer workspace. You can view and open your project files in this workspace. a) In the Package Explorer workspace, click on the arrow next to the project folder to view the files. In this example, the folder is called studentproject. b) To open your files in the Package Explorer workspace and begin working, double-click on each class file. Each file will have its own tab, so you can easily switch back and forth between them. Your project is now in Eclipse and ready for you to use!
  • 29. course_documents/IT 145 Downloading Files from Eclipse Tutorial.pdf Downloading Files From Eclipse This tutorial will guide you through the steps necessary to download files from Eclipse and submit them to your instructor via the learning management system (LMS). 1. Open your project in Eclipse. Be sure your browser window is in full-screen mode and ensure the Package Explorer is visible. a) If the Package Explorer is not visible, navigate to the Window tab on the menu bar at the top of the screen. b) From the drop-down menu, click Show View. Then click the Project Explorer option from the second drop-down menu. 2. With your project open in Eclipse, use the Package Explorer tab in the upper left-hand corner to expose your project files.
  • 30. a) First, click on your project name. In this example, the project name is project1. b) Next, click on the src folder. Then, click the default Package folder. In this example, the default Package is called projectPackage. 3. Right-click your JAVA file and select the Properties option. Note the Location of your file. In this example, the location reads: 4. Close the Properties window. 5. Select the download icon from the STEM Lab toolbar. 6. Navigate to your files based on the location you identified in Step 3. In this example, the file is located in Cloud PC, then Documents, then project 1, then src, and then projectPackage.
  • 31. 7. Select the file and then click the Download button. This will download the selected file to your computer. You may only select one file for download at a time. Repeat this step for any additional files that are needed. 8. Take note of where your downloaded files are on your local computer. You will have access to the Downloads menu bar in your browser window. You can also check the Downloads folder on your local computer. 9. Log in to your classroom in the LMS and navigate to your assignment. On the assignment page, click the Add a File button. 10. From the Add a File window, click the Upload icon and navigate to the location of your files on your local computer. a) Alternatively, you can drag and drop your files in the Drop files here area. b) When all files have been selected, click the Add button at the bottom left of the screen.
  • 32. 11. If you are instructed to add text to the Comments section, you may do so at this time. Finally, you are ready to click the Submit button to submit your assignment. course_documents/IT 145 Project Three Guide.pdf IT 145 Project Three Guide Use this step-by-step guide to complete all the methods needed for the software application’s menu system. TIP: As you work on your code, you can add sample data to test your code changes. Remember that every time you exit the program, your sample data will be cleared. To avoid this issue, it is recommended that you hard-code your sample data as illustrated in the beginning of the
  • 33. file. Some hardcoded data has already been created for you, but you may add more if you would like. Look for these in-line comments at the start of the code: // hardcoded ship data for testing // Initialize ship list Part One: Complete the printCruiseDetails() Method 1. Open the file. Pay attention to the variable names and the code for the constructors, accessors, and mutators, which have already been created by your development team. See below for where you will add code to finish the printCruiseDetails() method. // print cruise details public void printCruiseDetails() { // complete this method }
  • 34. 2. Next, review the required functionality of the “Print Cruise Details” menu option below. Menu Option Functionality row variables: cruise name, cruise ship name, departure port, destination, and return port 3. Print Cruise Details Method: Write code for the printCruiseDetails() method. When your code is complete, test the output by running the class. Be sure the completed method does the following: a. Prints console output of all cruises and their details or, if there are no cruises in the inventory, the output states this to the user
  • 35. b. Prints the output in an easy-to-read format for the end users (for example, easy- to-read output would present data in aligned columns) TIP: Within the file, there is a printShipData() method that is very similar to the method you are tasked with creating. You can refer to that method as an example. 4. Industry Standard Best Practices: To ensure clarity, consistency, and efficiency among all software developers, your code must do the following: a. Follow appropriate naming conventions for variables and methods b. Include descriptive in-line comments for all code you create and modify Part Two: Complete the printShipList() Method 1. Open the file. See below for where you will add code to finish the printShipList() method. } else if (listType == "active") {
  • 36. System.out.println("nnSHIP LIST - Active"); // complete this code block 2. Next, review the required functionality of the “Print Ship List” menu option below. Menu Option Validation Check(s) Functionality Print Ship In Service List If no ships are in the inventory, informs the user Prints a list consisting of all ship names that are in service 3. Print Ship List Method: Complete the code for the printShipList() method. When your code is complete, test the output. Be sure that the completed method provides console output that returns ship details based on the String value passed to the method.
  • 37. TIP: The printShipList() method already supports printing ship names and a full ship list. You can review the code as you edit the printShipList() to support printing ships in service. See below for an example of the system’s printed output for the full ship list. Actual results do not need to match this example exactly. A text version of this table is also available. 4. Industry Standard Best Practices: To ensure clarity, consistency, and efficiency among all software developers, your code must do the following: a. Follow appropriate naming conventions for variables and methods b. Include descriptive in-line comments for all code you create and modify Part Three: Complete the addShip() Method 1. In the file, see below for where you will add code to finish the addShip()
  • 38. method. // Add a New Ship public static void addShip() { // complete this method } Id=24106 2. Next, review the required functionality of the “Add Ship” menu option below. Menu Option Validation Check(s) Functionality Add Ship - Ensures ship does not already exist in our system - Ensures all class variables are populated Adds ship to system 3. Add Ship Method: Write the code for the addShip() method. When your code is
  • 39. complete, test the output. Be sure that the completed method does the following: a. Adds a new Ship object b. Includes all class variables c. Updates appropriate ArrayList TIP: You can refer to the class constructor to make sure you have included all variables. 4. Industry Standard Best Practices: To ensure clarity, consistency, and efficiency among all software developers, your code must do the following: a. Ensure that all user input is validated with appropriate feedback to the user b. Include exception handling c. Follow appropriate naming conventions for variables and methods d. Include descriptive in-line comments for all code you create and modify Part Four: Complete the addCruise() Method
  • 40. 1. In the file, see below for where you will add code to finish the addCruise() method. // Adda New Cruise public static void addCruise() { // complete this method } 2. Next, review the required functionality of the “Add Cruise” menu option below. Menu Option Validation Check(s) Functionality Add Cruise - Ensures cruise does not already exist in our system - Ensures all class variables are populated Adds cruise to system 3. Add Cruise Method: Write the code for the addCruise()
  • 41. method. When your code is complete, test the output. Be sure that the completed method does the following: a. Prompts the user for input b. Requires all class variables when creating a cruise c. Validates the ship name and ensures it is in service d. Ensures ship name is not already assigned a cruise e. Adds the new cruise to the cruiseList ArrayList if validation checks pass 4. Industry Standard Best Practices: To ensure clarity, consistency, and efficiency among all software developers, your code must do the following: a. Ensure that all user input is validated with appropriate feedback to the user b. Include exception handling c. Follow appropriate naming conventions for variables and methods d. Include descriptive in-line comments for all code you create and modify
  • 42. Part Five: Complete the main() Method 1. At the beginning of the file, see below for where you will add code to finish the main() method. public static void main(String[] args) { initializeShipList(); // initial ships initializeCruiseList(); // initial cruises initializePassengerList(); // initial passengers // add loop and code here that accepts and validates user input // and takes the appropriate action. include appropriate // user feedback and redisplay the menu as needed 2. Main Method: Complete the code for the main() method. When your code is complete, test the output. Be sure that the completed method does the following:
  • 43. a. Includes a loop that allows the user to interact with the menu until they signal that they want to exit the system b. Maps user input to the specified functionality based on the all menu options listed below. A text version of this table is also available. Note: The methods for Edit Ship, Edit Cruise, and Edit Passenger do not need to be completed but should still be mapped. When you test your menu, if you enter 2, 4, or 6 for a menu selection, you should get a response that the “feature is not yet implemented.” 3. Industry Standard Best Practices: To ensure clarity, consistency, and efficiency among all software developers, your code must do the following: a. Ensure that all user input is validated with appropriate feedback to the user b. Follow appropriate naming conventions for variables and methods
  • 44. c. Include descriptive in-line comments for all code you create and modify Part Six: Submission Upon completing your code for each class file, review the What to Submit section of the Project Three overview and submit all files to the Project Three submission. Id=24108