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Solar Water Pump. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 5, ( Part -3) May 2017, pp.01-05 DOI: 10.9790/9622-0705030105 1 | P a g e
Solar Water Pump
Ibrahim Alkhubaizi
Solar powered water pumping systems have become the interest of many people in the recent years. Acknowl-
edging that nature has provided a bounty of energy which can be converted into electrical energy has created
innovative ways of discovering materials that can be used to make a system that supports turning heat into elec-
tricity. In this regard, the paper presented different concepts that relate to how the whole energy creation pro-
cess is done and discusses useful ways of turning heat into useful energy. Furthermore, the recommendations
dictate that while advancements in the technology are given attention, the issue of the investment cost and how it
will thrive in the market is still a question. Nevertheless, many developing and developed countries continue to
express interest in this area, and most are actively using and exploring how solar power can be used in other
ways. Photovoltaic systems which are used to pump water for people, livestock and plants are an important
move for technology and use of solar energy. Pumping water system using this PV technology has shown that is
simple and that it does not require a lot of maintenance. In this regard, the idea gained the interest of farmers
whose main concern is providing sufficient water not only for themselves but also for their plants and crops and
livestock. The only major difference to this is that the system relies on solar energy as a power source for the
• Array - collection of photovoltaic modules electrically wired together in one structure to produce a specific
amount of power
• Direct Current (DC) - Electric current (flow of electrons) in which the flow is in only one direction
• Displaced or Volumetric Pump - type of water pump that utilizes a piston, cylinder and stops valves to move
packets of water
• Electric Power Plant - station containing prime movers, electric generators, and auxiliary equipment for con-
verting mechanical, chemical or fission energy into electric energy
• Energy- "the capacity for doing work as measured by the capability of doing work (potential energy), or the
conversion of this capability to motion (kinetic energy) ("Glossary - Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC)).
• Energy Consumption - the use of energy as a source of heat or power or as an input in the manufacturing
• Photovoltaic Energy -Direct-current electricity generated from sunlight through solid-state semiconductor
devices that have no moving parts
• Photovoltaic (PV) System - "a complete set of interconnect components for converting sunlight into electricity
by the photovoltaic process, including array, balance-of-system components, and the load." ("Glossary -
Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC)")
The most practical and best source of light
and energy comes from the sun. It is the one
source that doesn’t run out and is made available to
everyone without cost. So, it logically makes sense
that people find a way to make the best out of what
nature provides us so generously. One of the ways
that this can be done is by converting the sun’s
light into useful electricity. Normally, when light
touches an object, the energy is converted into heat.
This is the same feeling when you go out and bask
in the heat of the sun. For some materials, howev-
er, the energy is converted into an electrical current
which can be used to generate power.
In the old days, solar technology would
involve using silicon crystals to produce the elec-
tric current when heat is received. When silicon
receives heat from the sun, the electrons causes the
crystals to move, transforming the light energy into
electricity. The only problem is that big crystals
are difficult to produce. Hence, the evolution of
new materials meant smaller, cheaper materials and
crystals like copper-indium-gallium-selenide which
are shaped into usable, flexible films. The draw-
back to using this material, however, is that it does
not compare to silicon's performance when it
comes to converting energy into electricity.
In the recent years, increasing awareness
of possible alternatives has been given attention,
especially that solar energy is a great solution to
acquiring electricity. However, while solar energy
comes from a free source, the materials needed to
produce a decent solar energy panel is expensive,
Miss. Nishigandha Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 5, ( Part -2) May 2017, pp.57-61 DOI: 10.9790/9622-0705030105 2 | P a g e
that scientists and researchers need to develop ma-
terials that are cheap and can effectively convert
sunlight into electricity.
Solar power can be especially useful in
remote places where a general supply of electricity
would be developed. Such is the case of farmers
who need efficient ways of watering systems to
help with the business of growing crops or manag-
ing livestock. Solar-powered water pumping solu-
tion and system is one of the answers to this. It
would enable access to multiple distribution points,
providing precious water to irrigations where need-
ed and accessibility to clean animal pens and pro-
vide them with needed water.
Figure 1: Solar Panels used in irrigation and live-
stock areas (Butler)
What the image above shows is an exam-
ple of a solar panel system used in water pumps.
Essentially, a solar powered pumping system
would consist of a solar panel array which is used
to power and the electric motor that causes a bore
or surface pump to supply water is strategic farm-
ing and livestock areas. The interest hence of this
paper is placed on a thorough discussion of how
solar energy can be used to extract water from well
Goals of the Research
The study is interested in emphasizing the
usefulness, potentials, and benefits. More particu-
larly the study aimed at identifying how solar ener-
gy is used in well pumps so that it provides the
needed water to strategic locations. One of the
benefits of a solar pump is especially highlighted in
farming and livestock use. But then, more im-
portantly, solar pump systems provide a cost-
effective and more efficient means of providing
priceless water to people.
The sun is like a natural nuclear reactor
which releases tiny elements of energy called pho-
tons, "that travel the 93 million miles from the Sun
to Earth in about eight-and-a-half minutes. Every
hour, enough photons impact our planet to theoreti-
cally satisfy global energy needs for an entire
year"(Butler). Needless to say, solar energy has
been available since the solar system was formed
billions of years ago. It was not observed until the
century that Alexandre Edmond Becquerel
discovered a breakthrough in solar energy's poten-
tial. Considered as the father of solar panels, he
was able to prove that electric current could flow
through an electrode exposed to sunlight. Interest-
ingly, his discovery "showed that shining light on
an electrode within a conductive solution generates
an electrical current. This is known and now called
as the photovoltaic effect, the same principle used
in modern solar panels."("Who Invented Solar Pan-
els?"). However, it took another century since the
discovery, when Russel Ohl studied the infor-
mation on photovoltaic effect and the invention of
the transistor, to invent the solar cell. The solar
cell becomes an efficient device to harness electric-
ity from solar energy, particularly when integrated
into a solar panel. Appropriately called photovolta-
ic (PV) solar panels, solar cells captures sunlight
and converts it to direct current (DC) electricity.
Solar Cells
Silicon, a very good semiconductor, is the
main component in a solar cell. Just like a battery,
the solar cell is constructed with a positive and
negative layer to form an electric field. The pho-
tons from the sun will hit the solar cell and excite
the electrons from their atoms. The conditions are
dictated by conductors which are attached to the
positive and negative sides of a cell which forms an
electrical circuit. "When electrons flow through
such a circuit, they generate electricity” ("How
Does Solar Energy Work?"). The more energy is
required, the more solar cells are needed. If multi-
ple solar cell panels are wired, it forms a solar array
to generate more electricity.
Four types of solar panels are commonly
available: single silicon, multi-silicon, BIPV
(building integrated photovoltaics) and solar ther-
mal panels. The most efficient type is the single-
silicon panel while the less efficient but less expen-
sive to produce is the multi-silicon panel. The
BPIV is designed to blend with the edifice of the
structure or building, which make it very expen-
sive. Solar thermal panels are not actual solar cell
panels. They do not conduct electricity but absorbs
the heat of the sun to warm the water. Larger solar
thermal systems could heat up an entire building.
("How Many Types Of Solar Panels Exist?"). As
mentioned, solar cells produce direct current (DC)
electric output. What this means is that PV sys-
tems could directly supply electricity to DC-
specified items like bulbs and batteries. If the so-
lar cells are to be used to power alternating current
Miss. Nishigandha Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 5, ( Part -2) May 2017, pp.57-61 DOI: 10.9790/9622-0705030105 3 | P a g e
(AC) devices like a generator or a motor or simply
an AC lighting system, an inverter is needed to
convert DC to AC. One of the first basic applica-
tions of the solar cells is to store power on batteries
and supply household lights. The below image
shows a fundamental PV system.
Figure 2: ("How Does Solar Energy Work?").
Solar Powered Water Pumps
This article is focused on one of the major
application of solar power – operating or powering
pumps or motors to extract water from the ground.
Feasibility for any PV system should include a
study of the Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI).
"GHI is the total amount of shortwave radiation
received from above by a surface horizontal to the
ground and is the most important parameter for
evaluation of solar energy potential of a particular
region..." ("The Future Of Solar Water Pumping").
From the map below, the efficiency and effective-
ness of a PV system particularly depend on the
amount of solar radiation being received on a site.
Practically it will not be feasible to put a PV water
pump system in cold places or where there are
plenty of volcanic activities or cloud cover.
Figure 3: Map and statistics of the effects and
effectiveness of solar power
("The Future Of Solar Water Pumping")
The figure below shows the calculation of
GHI and Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI). This is
defined as the amount of solar radiation received
per unit area by a "surface that is always held per-
pendicular (or normal) to the rays that come in a
straight line from the direction of the sun at its cur-
rent position in the sky”(First Green Consulting).
The amount of irradiance that is annually received
by a surface can be maximized so that it maintains
a normal status when exposed to incoming radia-
tion. On the other hand, “Diffuse Horizontal Irradi-
ance (DHI) is the amount of radiation received per
unit area by a surface (not subject to any shade or
shadow)" (First Green Consulting). What this
means is that radiation does not directly come from
the sun but has been dispersed by molecules and
particles in the atmosphere (First Green Consult-
Figure 3: Illustration of the DHI Process (First
Green Consulting)
Solar Water Pump
A solar water pump uses a mini power-
house which is found at its center. This consists of
important elements such as a calibrated and match-
ing a solar array of modules, specially designed to
match and withstand the equivalent power of pump
for that particular application and use. Once this is
established and is in place, the solar water pumping
system would be able to process different types of
electrical water pumps, as well as providing the
needed water demand in various areas, from irriga-
tion to household uses. Other systems such as irri-
gation pumps may be submersible, surface or deep
well and can also be modified so that it caters to
drip irrigation systems.
Furthermore, typical solar water pumping
system is known by the "total of solar array size
that is required to run the attached pump" ("Solar
Water Pumps"). What can be seen is that typically,
a 1000 Wp solar water pump can gather an amount
of about 40,000 liters of water every day taken
from a source that is up to 10 meters deep. This
would be enough to supply and irrigate about 2
Miss. Nishigandha Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 5, ( Part -2) May 2017, pp.57-61 DOI: 10.9790/9622-0705030105 4 | P a g e
acres of land with regular crops. Meanwhile, a
1000 Wp solar water pump helps save up to Rs
45,000 when compared to an equivalent use of a
diesel-operated pump over a year ("Solar Water
Figure 4: Solar Water Pump Mechanism ("Solar
Water Pumps")
The process of how the solar panel works
involve some steps. As each solar array has some
solar modules that are connected in series or paral-
lel connection. Each solar PV panel creates the
electric current by changing the solar radiation it
receives into electrical energy. This electrical en-
ergy is enhanced, manipulated and goes through an
inbuilt controller in DC pumps and allows a con-
nected pump to work so that it draws water taken
from different sources such as ponds, rivers, wells
and other sources. The water then that goes
through a feed of pipelines and supplies irrigation
systems and livestock areas with the needed water.
The study showed how solar energy can
be converted and turned into useful energy to pow-
er water systems. However, there are considera-
tions to the use of well pumps to extracting water.
While there is an increasing awareness of its use-
fulness and that alternatives to materials used in
creating solar panels that would provide the energy
to pump water systems, the materials used are still
expensive materials and would need a considerable
amount of investment and that there would be im-
plications to doing so as well. However, this is
outweighed by more important effects. For in-
stance, a swimming pool requires massive amounts
of energy to keep it clean. A solar pump would
save on energy bill and would also ensure that the
pool is environmentally clean. It is worth noting,
however, that while a proposal to extracting water
through solar energy is environment-friendly and
would lead to many benefits, it is important that
more studies be taken to further develop more eco-
nomical ways of extracting water by solar energy.
Solar pumps are evidently seen as effi-
cient, environmentally friendly way to produce and
supply water demands of many domestic and
commercial purposes. Nowadays, the use of the
solar system is highlighted in many agricultural and
residential irrigation and cattle or livestock water-
ing solutions. One clear advantage of solar pumps
is that they can be easily installed and do not re-
quire heavy maintenance. Additionally, these
pumps can survive up to 20 years, so that the bene-
fit made on it outweighs the initial set up costs.
However, aside from the economic and environ-
mental benefits of solar powered water pumps,
there are many other advantages that make them
more appealing than battery or any other conven-
tionally powered pumps. For instance, as solar
pumps do not rely on electricity or produce dan-
gerous toxins. Thus, they are safe. Secondly, solar
power pumps can be used to supply heat to homes
and public buildings. Another benefit is that they
operate quietly. Finally, they are self-priming and
are easy to install.
Today, the viability and practicality solar
energy as a future energy source is quickly becom-
ing known all over the world. Installations of small
and Solar PV Power Systems are increasing signif-
icantly. Solar PV systems show that people are
becoming more aware of the potentials and possi-
bilities of solar power energy. It goes on to say
that the idea of solar power has become an interest
for many including businesses that many invest-
ments are made in different types of energy conver-
sion systems to suit the people’s needs. Such is
seen in Solar PV & Solar Thermal Power Plants,
Solar Powered Electronic items, Solar Water Heat-
er systems. Even satellites are now powered by
solar panels. The discussion on how solar energy
systems can be utilized to pump water and serve
people effectively without depending on the grid
power supply leads to clean energy that a continu-
ous development of the idea of solar energy is be-
ing raised and is observed in many parts of the
[1]. Butler, Roy. "Solar-Powered Water Pump-
ing | Home Power Maga-
zine."Homepower.Com, 2014,
Miss. Nishigandha Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 5, ( Part -2) May 2017, pp.57-61 DOI: 10.9790/9622-0705030105 5 | P a g e
[2]. First Green Consulting. "Differentiate Be-
tween The DNI, DHI And GHI?". Firs-
tgreenconsulting.Wordpress.Com, 2012,
[3]. "How Does Solar Energy Work?". Sun
Power, 2015,
[4]. "How Many Types Of Solar Panels Ex-
ist?". Reference,
[5]. "SolarWaterPumps."Tatapowersolar.Com,
PUMPING." http://solar.franklin-
[7]. "Who Invented Solar Panels?". Reference,

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Solar Water Pump Research

  • 1. Solar Water Pump. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 5, ( Part -3) May 2017, pp.01-05 DOI: 10.9790/9622-0705030105 1 | P a g e Solar Water Pump Ibrahim Alkhubaizi ABSTRACT Solar powered water pumping systems have become the interest of many people in the recent years. Acknowl- edging that nature has provided a bounty of energy which can be converted into electrical energy has created innovative ways of discovering materials that can be used to make a system that supports turning heat into elec- tricity. In this regard, the paper presented different concepts that relate to how the whole energy creation pro- cess is done and discusses useful ways of turning heat into useful energy. Furthermore, the recommendations dictate that while advancements in the technology are given attention, the issue of the investment cost and how it will thrive in the market is still a question. Nevertheless, many developing and developed countries continue to express interest in this area, and most are actively using and exploring how solar power can be used in other ways. Photovoltaic systems which are used to pump water for people, livestock and plants are an important move for technology and use of solar energy. Pumping water system using this PV technology has shown that is simple and that it does not require a lot of maintenance. In this regard, the idea gained the interest of farmers whose main concern is providing sufficient water not only for themselves but also for their plants and crops and livestock. The only major difference to this is that the system relies on solar energy as a power source for the pumps. Keywords: • Array - collection of photovoltaic modules electrically wired together in one structure to produce a specific amount of power • Direct Current (DC) - Electric current (flow of electrons) in which the flow is in only one direction • Displaced or Volumetric Pump - type of water pump that utilizes a piston, cylinder and stops valves to move packets of water • Electric Power Plant - station containing prime movers, electric generators, and auxiliary equipment for con- verting mechanical, chemical or fission energy into electric energy • Energy- "the capacity for doing work as measured by the capability of doing work (potential energy), or the conversion of this capability to motion (kinetic energy) ("Glossary - Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC)). • Energy Consumption - the use of energy as a source of heat or power or as an input in the manufacturing process • Photovoltaic Energy -Direct-current electricity generated from sunlight through solid-state semiconductor devices that have no moving parts • Photovoltaic (PV) System - "a complete set of interconnect components for converting sunlight into electricity by the photovoltaic process, including array, balance-of-system components, and the load." ("Glossary - Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC)") I. INTRODUCTION The most practical and best source of light and energy comes from the sun. It is the one source that doesn’t run out and is made available to everyone without cost. So, it logically makes sense that people find a way to make the best out of what nature provides us so generously. One of the ways that this can be done is by converting the sun’s light into useful electricity. Normally, when light touches an object, the energy is converted into heat. This is the same feeling when you go out and bask in the heat of the sun. For some materials, howev- er, the energy is converted into an electrical current which can be used to generate power. In the old days, solar technology would involve using silicon crystals to produce the elec- tric current when heat is received. When silicon receives heat from the sun, the electrons causes the crystals to move, transforming the light energy into electricity. The only problem is that big crystals are difficult to produce. Hence, the evolution of new materials meant smaller, cheaper materials and crystals like copper-indium-gallium-selenide which are shaped into usable, flexible films. The draw- back to using this material, however, is that it does not compare to silicon's performance when it comes to converting energy into electricity. In the recent years, increasing awareness of possible alternatives has been given attention, especially that solar energy is a great solution to acquiring electricity. However, while solar energy comes from a free source, the materials needed to produce a decent solar energy panel is expensive, RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS
  • 2. Miss. Nishigandha Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 5, ( Part -2) May 2017, pp.57-61 DOI: 10.9790/9622-0705030105 2 | P a g e that scientists and researchers need to develop ma- terials that are cheap and can effectively convert sunlight into electricity. Solar power can be especially useful in remote places where a general supply of electricity would be developed. Such is the case of farmers who need efficient ways of watering systems to help with the business of growing crops or manag- ing livestock. Solar-powered water pumping solu- tion and system is one of the answers to this. It would enable access to multiple distribution points, providing precious water to irrigations where need- ed and accessibility to clean animal pens and pro- vide them with needed water. Figure 1: Solar Panels used in irrigation and live- stock areas (Butler) What the image above shows is an exam- ple of a solar panel system used in water pumps. Essentially, a solar powered pumping system would consist of a solar panel array which is used to power and the electric motor that causes a bore or surface pump to supply water is strategic farm- ing and livestock areas. The interest hence of this paper is placed on a thorough discussion of how solar energy can be used to extract water from well pumps. Goals of the Research The study is interested in emphasizing the usefulness, potentials, and benefits. More particu- larly the study aimed at identifying how solar ener- gy is used in well pumps so that it provides the needed water to strategic locations. One of the benefits of a solar pump is especially highlighted in farming and livestock use. But then, more im- portantly, solar pump systems provide a cost- effective and more efficient means of providing priceless water to people. II. DISCUSSION The sun is like a natural nuclear reactor which releases tiny elements of energy called pho- tons, "that travel the 93 million miles from the Sun to Earth in about eight-and-a-half minutes. Every hour, enough photons impact our planet to theoreti- cally satisfy global energy needs for an entire year"(Butler). Needless to say, solar energy has been available since the solar system was formed billions of years ago. It was not observed until the 19th century that Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered a breakthrough in solar energy's poten- tial. Considered as the father of solar panels, he was able to prove that electric current could flow through an electrode exposed to sunlight. Interest- ingly, his discovery "showed that shining light on an electrode within a conductive solution generates an electrical current. This is known and now called as the photovoltaic effect, the same principle used in modern solar panels."("Who Invented Solar Pan- els?"). However, it took another century since the discovery, when Russel Ohl studied the infor- mation on photovoltaic effect and the invention of the transistor, to invent the solar cell. The solar cell becomes an efficient device to harness electric- ity from solar energy, particularly when integrated into a solar panel. Appropriately called photovolta- ic (PV) solar panels, solar cells captures sunlight and converts it to direct current (DC) electricity. Solar Cells Silicon, a very good semiconductor, is the main component in a solar cell. Just like a battery, the solar cell is constructed with a positive and negative layer to form an electric field. The pho- tons from the sun will hit the solar cell and excite the electrons from their atoms. The conditions are dictated by conductors which are attached to the positive and negative sides of a cell which forms an electrical circuit. "When electrons flow through such a circuit, they generate electricity” ("How Does Solar Energy Work?"). The more energy is required, the more solar cells are needed. If multi- ple solar cell panels are wired, it forms a solar array to generate more electricity. Four types of solar panels are commonly available: single silicon, multi-silicon, BIPV (building integrated photovoltaics) and solar ther- mal panels. The most efficient type is the single- silicon panel while the less efficient but less expen- sive to produce is the multi-silicon panel. The BPIV is designed to blend with the edifice of the structure or building, which make it very expen- sive. Solar thermal panels are not actual solar cell panels. They do not conduct electricity but absorbs the heat of the sun to warm the water. Larger solar thermal systems could heat up an entire building. ("How Many Types Of Solar Panels Exist?"). As mentioned, solar cells produce direct current (DC) electric output. What this means is that PV sys- tems could directly supply electricity to DC- specified items like bulbs and batteries. If the so- lar cells are to be used to power alternating current
  • 3. Miss. Nishigandha Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 5, ( Part -2) May 2017, pp.57-61 DOI: 10.9790/9622-0705030105 3 | P a g e (AC) devices like a generator or a motor or simply an AC lighting system, an inverter is needed to convert DC to AC. One of the first basic applica- tions of the solar cells is to store power on batteries and supply household lights. The below image shows a fundamental PV system. Figure 2: ("How Does Solar Energy Work?"). Solar Powered Water Pumps This article is focused on one of the major application of solar power – operating or powering pumps or motors to extract water from the ground. Feasibility for any PV system should include a study of the Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI). "GHI is the total amount of shortwave radiation received from above by a surface horizontal to the ground and is the most important parameter for evaluation of solar energy potential of a particular region..." ("The Future Of Solar Water Pumping"). From the map below, the efficiency and effective- ness of a PV system particularly depend on the amount of solar radiation being received on a site. Practically it will not be feasible to put a PV water pump system in cold places or where there are plenty of volcanic activities or cloud cover. Figure 3: Map and statistics of the effects and effectiveness of solar power ("The Future Of Solar Water Pumping") The figure below shows the calculation of GHI and Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI). This is defined as the amount of solar radiation received per unit area by a "surface that is always held per- pendicular (or normal) to the rays that come in a straight line from the direction of the sun at its cur- rent position in the sky”(First Green Consulting). The amount of irradiance that is annually received by a surface can be maximized so that it maintains a normal status when exposed to incoming radia- tion. On the other hand, “Diffuse Horizontal Irradi- ance (DHI) is the amount of radiation received per unit area by a surface (not subject to any shade or shadow)" (First Green Consulting). What this means is that radiation does not directly come from the sun but has been dispersed by molecules and particles in the atmosphere (First Green Consult- ing). Figure 3: Illustration of the DHI Process (First Green Consulting) Solar Water Pump A solar water pump uses a mini power- house which is found at its center. This consists of important elements such as a calibrated and match- ing a solar array of modules, specially designed to match and withstand the equivalent power of pump for that particular application and use. Once this is established and is in place, the solar water pumping system would be able to process different types of electrical water pumps, as well as providing the needed water demand in various areas, from irriga- tion to household uses. Other systems such as irri- gation pumps may be submersible, surface or deep well and can also be modified so that it caters to drip irrigation systems. Furthermore, typical solar water pumping system is known by the "total of solar array size that is required to run the attached pump" ("Solar Water Pumps"). What can be seen is that typically, a 1000 Wp solar water pump can gather an amount of about 40,000 liters of water every day taken from a source that is up to 10 meters deep. This would be enough to supply and irrigate about 2
  • 4. Miss. Nishigandha Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 5, ( Part -2) May 2017, pp.57-61 DOI: 10.9790/9622-0705030105 4 | P a g e acres of land with regular crops. Meanwhile, a 1000 Wp solar water pump helps save up to Rs 45,000 when compared to an equivalent use of a diesel-operated pump over a year ("Solar Water Pumps"). Figure 4: Solar Water Pump Mechanism ("Solar Water Pumps") The process of how the solar panel works involve some steps. As each solar array has some solar modules that are connected in series or paral- lel connection. Each solar PV panel creates the electric current by changing the solar radiation it receives into electrical energy. This electrical en- ergy is enhanced, manipulated and goes through an inbuilt controller in DC pumps and allows a con- nected pump to work so that it draws water taken from different sources such as ponds, rivers, wells and other sources. The water then that goes through a feed of pipelines and supplies irrigation systems and livestock areas with the needed water. III. RECOMMENDATIONS The study showed how solar energy can be converted and turned into useful energy to pow- er water systems. However, there are considera- tions to the use of well pumps to extracting water. While there is an increasing awareness of its use- fulness and that alternatives to materials used in creating solar panels that would provide the energy to pump water systems, the materials used are still expensive materials and would need a considerable amount of investment and that there would be im- plications to doing so as well. However, this is outweighed by more important effects. For in- stance, a swimming pool requires massive amounts of energy to keep it clean. A solar pump would save on energy bill and would also ensure that the pool is environmentally clean. It is worth noting, however, that while a proposal to extracting water through solar energy is environment-friendly and would lead to many benefits, it is important that more studies be taken to further develop more eco- nomical ways of extracting water by solar energy. IV. CONCLUSION Solar pumps are evidently seen as effi- cient, environmentally friendly way to produce and supply water demands of many domestic and commercial purposes. Nowadays, the use of the solar system is highlighted in many agricultural and residential irrigation and cattle or livestock water- ing solutions. One clear advantage of solar pumps is that they can be easily installed and do not re- quire heavy maintenance. Additionally, these pumps can survive up to 20 years, so that the bene- fit made on it outweighs the initial set up costs. However, aside from the economic and environ- mental benefits of solar powered water pumps, there are many other advantages that make them more appealing than battery or any other conven- tionally powered pumps. For instance, as solar pumps do not rely on electricity or produce dan- gerous toxins. Thus, they are safe. Secondly, solar power pumps can be used to supply heat to homes and public buildings. Another benefit is that they operate quietly. Finally, they are self-priming and are easy to install. Today, the viability and practicality solar energy as a future energy source is quickly becom- ing known all over the world. Installations of small and Solar PV Power Systems are increasing signif- icantly. Solar PV systems show that people are becoming more aware of the potentials and possi- bilities of solar power energy. It goes on to say that the idea of solar power has become an interest for many including businesses that many invest- ments are made in different types of energy conver- sion systems to suit the people’s needs. Such is seen in Solar PV & Solar Thermal Power Plants, Solar Powered Electronic items, Solar Water Heat- er systems. Even satellites are now powered by solar panels. The discussion on how solar energy systems can be utilized to pump water and serve people effectively without depending on the grid power supply leads to clean energy that a continu- ous development of the idea of solar energy is be- ing raised and is observed in many parts of the world. REFERENCES [1]. Butler, Roy. "Solar-Powered Water Pump- ing | Home Power Maga- zine."Homepower.Com, 2014, r-electricity/design-installation/solar- powered-water-pumping?v=print.
  • 5. Miss. Nishigandha Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 5, ( Part -2) May 2017, pp.57-61 DOI: 10.9790/9622-0705030105 5 | P a g e [2]. First Green Consulting. "Differentiate Be- tween The DNI, DHI And GHI?". Firs- tgreenconsulting.Wordpress.Com, 2012, /2012/04/26/differentiate-between-the-dni- dhi-and-ghi/. [3]. "How Does Solar Energy Work?". Sun Power, 2015, how-does-solar-energy-work/. [4]. "How Many Types Of Solar Panels Ex- ist?". Reference, types-solar-panels-exist- b1a4d6cacd7bc299?qo=contentSimilarQu estions#. [5]. "SolarWaterPumps."Tatapowersolar.Com, Water-Pump. [6]. "THE FUTURE OF SOLAR WATER PUMPING." http://solar.franklin- elec- r_Full-FINAL.pdf. [7]. "Who Invented Solar Panels?". Reference, d-solar-panels-37af75d5d352dcd#.