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picture by Jared Tarbell.

                By: Franco, Hector Hugo
              quot;Machines take me by surprise with great frequency.quot;
                                  - Alan Turing
               quot;Even matter called inorganic, believed to be dead,
          responds to irritants and gives unmistakable evidence of a
           living principle within. Everything that exists, organic or
             inorganic, animated or inert, is susceptible to stimulus
                        from the outside.quot; - Nikola Tesla
                          Cited in :
Is an extended belief in philosophy that we can only trust what is
    in our minds because even our eyes can lie to us with graphical
    delusions, the talk will show the opposite idea, we should have a
    look to the world to understand for what our brain evolved. And
    what is our innate nature.
    quot;The Selfish Genequot; (1976) is considered the best popular science
    book of the XX century. This talk will cover some selected ideas of
    the book and will be illustrated with some computer simulators ,
    who will show themselves (artificial life projects) as useful and
    clear research methods
    The talk will try to explain how life emerged on earth?, why do we
    have so many different languages?, why parents usually love their
    children?, how animals choose a partner? (sexual selection).
    Finally the talk includes some personal reflections in every day
    life for high school listeners about freedom and happiness (the
    non determinism of the genome), love (and partner relations),
    university and future of students life.

     Talk (25 minutes)

     Open questions.

     Solving the game.

     Extras and activities.
Take a piece of paper and a pen.

     Answer all numbered questions that you will find
     in the slides, with the answer that you feel is more
     Do not worry to make mistakes, this is not an
     exam, nobody is going to check your knowledge.
     Do not worry if you don’t know the answer, some
     of them had taken to a researches a long time to
         You will find the
         questions write                         Q0: Dublin
                                Q0: which city
          inside a cloud                         Q1:
                                is the capital
                                 of Ireland?     …
Participate, these questions are for think

     If you have a copy of the slides, do not chat, do not
     copy and do not look forward to next slides.
     The correct answers will be given at the end of the
     presentation with full explanation.
     Do not take notes, is every think in the slides and
     you can get them.        Q3: Did the theory
                                   of evolution explain
     Q1: Did the theory
                                   how nature created
     of evolution explain
                                     a human step by
      the origin of the
                                        step? (y/n)
         Earth? (y/n)
                                              Q4: Did the theory
                      Q2: How                 of evolution explain
                      old is the               why there are so
                       Earth?                 many species? (y/n)
Picture by Kieff (wikipedia)

                                          Rules: with x alive
                                          0-1 die
                                          2 don’t change state
                                          3 became alive
                                          4-8 die.
                                          Possible states:
Emergence: how simple rules develop       Live and Death
        complex structures

   Conway's Game of Life
Software: Squirm3

                                     Each type of molecule
 Live emergence:
                                     has rules which
                                     describe with which
                                     other molecules it
                                     prefers to combine.
                                     (like real chemistry)
                                     After some time
                                     appear some
                                     structures with
                                     capacity to copy them
                                     selves. Q5: which
                                           should a good
 By Tim Hutton                            replicator have?
I’m going to talk about replicators explaining
    that they are selfish because they give the
    impression that they want to replicate them-
    selves with out care about the rest.
    Please note that this is a metaphor in the sense
    that genes are not selfish as a table can not be
    jealous or happy.
From language to alive things

                   Q6: Did species
                   want to evolve?

Example of Latin.

    The language of the
    roman empire.       Mythology:   tower of Babel: (God’s punishment)

      Q7: Can you find some
    words or expressions that
     you usually use and your
      father or grandfather
          rarely use it?
            (write it)

                                 Latin-roman empire, by Amdrei nacu
Red = Roman republic 510BC-40BC
Purple = Roman Empire 20AD-360AD
Blue = Western Roman Empire 405AD-480AD
Yellow = Eastern Roman Empire 405AD-480AD

                           Picture by DieBuche
• Kids always was able to talk with her
• But the was accumulating small changes
  in their languages.
• When the roman empire split they
  accumulate different changes
  depending on the region.
• And after a long time….

                                 Picture by DieBuche
Romanic languages:
 Latin ( Vatican City )

 Catalan ( North-east of Spain)

 Spanish

 French

 Portuguese

 Italian

 Romanian

 etc

                             Picture by Justinian43 Wikipedia
Evolving creatures with artificial selection

                                                              Q8: did you find
                                                              evolution in you

                                                                    the objective
                                                                       of live?

                                                            people exist?

Animals have a code which describes how to build them selves up, this code
accumulates some small changes like natural language, some changes are good
and they make the individual more successful, if those individuals are selected for
reproduction we accumulate small improvements in some features.
See in the move how virtual creatures get evolved inside the computer.
Let’s see

             Genotype / Phenotype
                  Gene / Vehicle
             Determinism / Freedom
              Selfishness / Kindness

             Q11: if the important thing is to
              make identical copies, why do
              animals mix genes with their
All genes together are
    A gene is like a football
                               
    player                          like one team.
    One gene alone can not          But some genes are
                               
    make a leg and one              better than others
    player alone can not
    play a football match.
The competition and          Imagine the
                            
    evolution will be            competition of two
    between genes how            players because both
    want to be in the same       want to be the
    position of the              goalkeeper of the
    genome                       team.
The genome change in         The members of the
                            
    each generation, (kids       football team change, so
    are not copy of the          the team is not always
    parents.) but the            the same.
    genes are always the
The code or genes           The kitchen of your
                           
    described a how to          house is part of your
    build up a body, in         phenotype because
    the phenotype are           your body need more
    fixed some details of       effort to eat raw food.
    the body, like make a
    more dark or white
I’m a


              Genes, are the basic units who want to
              They are collaborating with each other
              to build machines in his own benefit.
              The pass in one piece generation to
              generation with out changes, Genes live
              forever!! They are real replicators
                            Q12: are all replicators
                              genes in the genetic
                            code? Can you fin other
                Me too
                               kind of replicator?
The genes build up a
    vehicle who is going
    to contain them-
    selves, and drive them
    to futures generations.
    That’s why they
    should care about the
Genes define the basics rules:

    Emotions, feelings, beautiful things and some goals
        Pain is bad. (we can die)
        Food is good. (is good for survive).
        Spiders are evil (probably in Africa they have poison).
        To have kids are good (replication of my genes)

    A in a computer the programmers set the conditions
    and the genes behaviour should emerge.
The genes build the
                                              robot / vehicle that
                                              are going to carry
                                              them, but the genes
                                              do not have solutions
                                              for every thing that
                                              the vehicle is going
                                              find in the word.
                                              We can skip what
                                              genes order to as.
Tal 2780 Vs Fischer 2800 Chessmaster
64 .000.000$
                       Q13: How does
                        this theory
                        explain why
                        parents love
                       adopted kids.

By Francisco de Goya                   By Steve Evans
Bullfighting                     Mum with her baby
The selfishness of the genes, some times make the
vehicles to do not care or enjoy seeing other species die
which are not dangerous at all. This selfishness some
times look kindness like parents with his kids, because
the kid shared 50% of the genes which each parent
Sex make genes to change partners in
         each generation.
         But with partner?
                                  Q14: A & B have
                               different sex, male &
                                female, which is the
                                     sex of B?

                                     Q15: Why did
                                  evolution produce a
                                  full colour plumage?
                                    (is not a useful
A                          B           camouflage)
    By Steve,
We are going to interchange players with other
    team, we can not choose the player but we can
    choose the team or partners.
    Some desired features can be:
        Fidelity (care about a kid required a lot of work)
        Healthiness & Strengthens: to care about me and my
        kids, and there are good features for survive.
        Beautiful: if my partner is beautiful probably my
        kids will be beautiful too and they will have less
        problems to find a new partner.
                       Q16: Can you imagine with kind of
                        behaviour will be supported by
                       nature to produce look Strength?
Study will be fare more easier if we were evolved
    for that but, 10.000 years ago were not universities
    at the Earth.
    Any way to get a university degree will help you in
    the future (will make easier to get a job) and will
    help you to extend the bounders of your knowledge
    and culture.
    I try to show how computer science can help as to
    understand other science like biology or linguistics,
    and I want to invite you to go to the university and
    became an engineer.
    (because my culture want to be replicated on you)
By ACM (Association for computing machinery)
You can check the
                                Pictures of creatures
                                evolved from in
                                program Galapagos
                                with out human design.

                                This talk is base on the
                                book “the selfish gene”
Self – replicating robot.
Q1: Did the theory of evolution explain the
    origin of the Earth? (y/n)

    Q2: How old is the Earth?

     4.55 billion years (plus or minus about 1%)

    Q3: Did the theory of evolution explain how
    nature created a human step by step? (y/n)

    Q4: Did the theory of evolution explain why
    there are so many species? (y/n)
Q5: which properties should a good
    replicator have?
    Longevity: more time for replicate.

    Fidelity: make good copies of them-selves

    Speed: make copies as fast as possible.

    Other good properties in evolution will be:
        Self repairing
        Self defending.
Q6: Did species want to evolve?

    No, individuals try to copy well them-selves,
    evolution is something that just happen.
    Q7: Can you find some words or expressions
    that you usually use and your father or
    grandfather rarely use it?
    My word is weak, it was meaning something
    bad and now mean something good
Q8: did you find evolution in you language?

    I hope yes.

    Q9:What's the objective of live?

    Keep reproducing, and keep existing.

    Q10:Why people exist?

    Because the genes make a machines to survive
    them selves, and we are they surviving
Q11: if the important thing is to make
    identical copies, why do animals mix genes
    with their partner?
    Mixing genes can damage them, but if there is
    one selfish mixing gene , who only care about
    him, and mixing make him to find a new good
    players. He (the mixing gene) will be very
    successful ( I say that he is selfish because he
    use the others in his own benefit).
Q12: are all replicators genes in the genetic
    code? Can you fin other kind of replicator?
    In humans culture is a very important
    We like that that our kids not only heritage our
    face, we want that they also heritage our
    knowledge, our language, our political ideas…
    Q13: How does this theory explain why
    parents love adopted kids.
    For culture reproduction the received do not
    need to be our biological kid, can be anyone.
Q14: A & B have
                                           different sex,
                                           male & female
                                          which is the sex
                                               of B?

                                             Q15: Why did
                                          evolution produce a
                                          full colour plumage?
       A                          B         (is not a useful
           By Steve,

B is the male              Because females are who make
                           the selection.
                           If you can avoid predators which
                           that color you are strong.
Q16: Can you imagine with kind of behaviour
    will be supported by nature to produce look
    To get selected by females:
        Risking behavior: some animals like to “dance” in
        front of his predators ( a prove of strength)
I want that for the next discursions exercises
    you remember that the important things in
    alive behaviors is to pass our genes to the next
    generation, by genes can be part of our genome
    or culture, but for the exercises we only will
    work which the first type, because only
    humans have a very complex culture.
The behaviors can emerge to:
      Support the genes.
     Get selected (sexual selection)
     Spread our culture.
     Defend or protect our culture.
     Defend or protect our genes.
In the polygamy species, what is
   the best for extend genes, to
       have kids males or kids

Countries were is recognised polygamy marriage
  By brahim-59 Wikipedia
It seems in lot of polygamy species that they do
    not need most of the males.
    But the low probability of a male to have
    offspring multiply by the glory of have lot of
    females and kids makes that there is equal
    good to have males or females for spread
If I’m very old and I need my kids to take
    care about me all the time,

         what will be the best that I
        can do to spread my genes?.
Probably if I die I will help my kids giving to
    them more time for them selves. (die is a
    altruistic way for my kids).
    My body can make it easier to get flu.

    Conclusion: if you want to make to live longer
    to your grand parents:
      Let them to know that you want them.
     Make them to feel useful, ask them for help you in
      easy tasks.
If the propose is to have as much copies as
         possible of our genes.

                Why we became old?
              Why we do not be fertile
             Why our genes do not make as
                   to live forever?
              Why are not a gene to be
                  younger forever?

By M.D. Vaden of Oregon
In my own opinion:

          For the same reason why sex exist:
          If we live forever (I mean to do not get old, but
          able to die for other reasons) evolution can get
          stack and other species will evolve faster than
          my specie an at the end all my specie will
          In computer programs dead (by age) make the
          specie to evolve faster.
          (it is bad for the individual but is good for the

By M.D. Vaden of Oregon
In my own opinion:

          Parents risks his live more for his kids than
          this kids for his parents because if both
          became ancestors usually the parents are
          going to die first. (our kids will die later)
          We accept to take risks of dead because soon
          or later we are going to die anyway. (for
          example to be pregnant is risky).
          Can be much more difficult to create vehicles
          with that much longevity. (do not make sense
          for spread genes to live when the individuals
          can not reproduce it-self any more).
By Ray Wert
If my partner is hansom/pretty probably my
    kids will heritage that and they will have less
    problems to find a partner.
    The plumage of the peacock is an example of a
    biological army race for sexual selection,

                                   Peacock Pavo cristatus (male)
                                   By Bs Thurner Hof Wikipedia
Usually the gene to
                             like X and the gene to
                             produce X tend to
                             stack together by
                             sexual selection.
                             When it happen even
                             if X feature is not very
                             good for survive it
                             tends to predominate
                             and develop an army
This gene make a long
tail in males

This gene make females           Peacock Pavo cristatus (male)
to like long tails               By Bs Thurner Hof Wikipedia
Usually the gene to like X and the gene to
    produce X tend to stack together by sexual
    When it happen even if X feature is not very
    good for survive it tends to predominate and
    develop an army race.
    In humans army race was to develop an
    expensive Braine.
    In my personal opinion all languages are equal
    in complexity and fare more complex than is
    need it to communicate because it was a measure
    of intelligence for sexual selection.
                                        Neural connexion
My princes, I
will stay with                                   I don’t ask you to
 you all the                                      kill a fire dragon,
      live                                         Just finish the
                               We                 house, marry me
                              don’t              and only after that
                             need all             we can have sex.
                             of this!!
                                                      He should
                                                    know that if
                                                     he leave me
                                                    he will build
                                                    a new house.

                                               it is dangerous for the
                                                 male to mate with a
                                              partner before courtship.

                 By Annede (
WHIT                         WHIT OUT

    Is a waste of time           Is dangerous for the
                            
                                 female because it make
    They can use that time
                                 it easy that the male
    to produce more kids
                                 leave her alone.
                                 Is dangerous for the
                                 male because the female
                                 can be pregnant and can
                                 make him to care about
                                 kids that are not his

    Statistically is more         Statistically is more
                             
    common that the male          common that the female
    leave the female alone        leave the male alone
    with the task of care         with the task of care
    about the kids                about the kids.
    The baby stay inside de       The female give the
                             
    female before born.           eggs to the male and
                                  run away before he
                                  fertilize them.
How a jealous behaviour can
  help to spread genes?
Sharing my partner is very bad (for me):
        If I am a male:
         I can finish taking care about other male’s kids.
        If I am a female:
         I can lost my partner.
    It make emerge some behaviors:
        like domestic violence
         Please remember that we are free, we do not need to do
          what our genes says.
The biology will support the
                          individuals who leave his partner
                    In some species raise kids is too much
                    costly for only one parent. So the
                    machines have a mechanism for fell in
    Does not matter how irrational, dangerous or
    kind is love. It is a biological requirement.
       Q: did you observe an irrational behaviour in
        somebody else when he/she was in love?
Love provide security
                                                       for the kids, and that’s
                                                       the reason way it exist.
                                                       In humans the biology
                                                       support four years of
                                                       romantic love,
                                                       because it was the
                                                       quantity need for the
                                                       kids to became self

Romeo and Juliet's famous balcony scene.
Romeo is in a high risk to be killed by Juliet's family.
Probably one of the most tragic acts of love is
    described in the bible, when Adam decided to
    eat from the tree of good and evilness, because
    he prefer to die with Eva than to live alone.
                         (Helen Fisher)
    In humans both sex experiment the same
    emotions about love.
If I get a depression, how it
  can help to me to spread
When we are rejected depression make as to
    stay calm and do not attempt to achieve a
    partner wasting our energy.
Both are important features that I want to
    transmit to my kids, but to measure them.
    Lets assume the case of the species where the
    females race alone the kids
    The plumage of the peacock is an example of a
    biological army race for sexual selection,

                                 Peacock Pavo cristatus (male)
Parasites and virus use the bodies of other
    individuals for make copies of the virus or
    something in his own benefit and not for help
    the genes that are on the body

       If I am a parasite/virus what
         I should do with the body
       infected to spread my genes?
Kill the body is not a good idea, because I’m
    using it for my proposes.
    Some parasites make the body to live longer
    because with that they have more time to make
    a copies of the parasite.
    Some virus as “ravia” make the dogs to walk
    into a farther places because it help the virus to
    find other dogs to contagiate.
Seems that some species call the attention of his
    predators, for example dancing in front of

       How a risky behaviour can help
             to spread genes?
Risking behavior is a prove of healthiness and
    It can help me to get selected by females
Racial discrimination is treating better the
    people how are more similar to me than the

              How it help my genes?
When humans was living in small groups,
    racism was a way to discriminate people who
    was not a relative
All the people who work writing Wikipedia.

    Nikiforos Karamanis and Martin Emms for
    his feed back when I was developing these

    This work is base on the book “the selfish
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going to uni

  • 1. picture by Jared Tarbell. By: Franco, Hector Hugo quot;Machines take me by surprise with great frequency.quot; Trinity - Alan Turing College quot;Even matter called inorganic, believed to be dead, Dublin responds to irritants and gives unmistakable evidence of a living principle within. Everything that exists, organic or inorganic, animated or inert, is susceptible to stimulus from the outside.quot; - Nikola Tesla Cited in :
  • 2. Is an extended belief in philosophy that we can only trust what is  in our minds because even our eyes can lie to us with graphical delusions, the talk will show the opposite idea, we should have a look to the world to understand for what our brain evolved. And what is our innate nature. quot;The Selfish Genequot; (1976) is considered the best popular science  book of the XX century. This talk will cover some selected ideas of the book and will be illustrated with some computer simulators , who will show themselves (artificial life projects) as useful and clear research methods The talk will try to explain how life emerged on earth?, why do we  have so many different languages?, why parents usually love their children?, how animals choose a partner? (sexual selection). Finally the talk includes some personal reflections in every day  life for high school listeners about freedom and happiness (the non determinism of the genome), love (and partner relations), university and future of students life.
  • 3. Introduction 1. Talk (25 minutes) 2. Open questions. 3. Solving the game. 4. Extras and activities. 5.
  • 4. Take a piece of paper and a pen. 1. Answer all numbered questions that you will find 2. in the slides, with the answer that you feel is more correct. Do not worry to make mistakes, this is not an 3. exam, nobody is going to check your knowledge. Do not worry if you don’t know the answer, some 4. of them had taken to a researches a long time to resolve. EXAMPLE: You will find the questions write Q0: Dublin Q0: which city inside a cloud Q1: is the capital of Ireland? …
  • 5. Participate, these questions are for think 5. If you have a copy of the slides, do not chat, do not 6. copy and do not look forward to next slides. The correct answers will be given at the end of the 7. presentation with full explanation. Do not take notes, is every think in the slides and 8. you can get them. Q3: Did the theory of evolution explain Q1: Did the theory how nature created of evolution explain a human step by the origin of the step? (y/n) Earth? (y/n) Q4: Did the theory Q2: How of evolution explain old is the why there are so Earth? many species? (y/n)
  • 6. Picture by Kieff (wikipedia) Rules: with x alive neighbours: 0-1 die 2 don’t change state 3 became alive 4-8 die. Possible states: Emergence: how simple rules develop Live and Death complex structures Conway's Game of Life
  • 7. Software: Squirm3 Each type of molecule  Live emergence: has rules which describe with which other molecules it prefers to combine. (like real chemistry) After some time  appear some structures with capacity to copy them selves. Q5: which properties should a good By Tim Hutton replicator have?
  • 8. I’m going to talk about replicators explaining  that they are selfish because they give the impression that they want to replicate them- selves with out care about the rest. Please note that this is a metaphor in the sense  that genes are not selfish as a table can not be jealous or happy.
  • 9. From language to alive things Q6: Did species want to evolve? Charles Darwin
  • 10. Example of Latin.  The language of the roman empire. Mythology: tower of Babel: (God’s punishment) Q7: Can you find some words or expressions that you usually use and your father or grandfather rarely use it? (write it) Latin-roman empire, by Amdrei nacu
  • 11. Red = Roman republic 510BC-40BC Purple = Roman Empire 20AD-360AD Blue = Western Roman Empire 405AD-480AD Yellow = Eastern Roman Empire 405AD-480AD Picture by DieBuche
  • 12. • Kids always was able to talk with her father. • But the was accumulating small changes in their languages. • When the roman empire split they accumulate different changes depending on the region. • And after a long time…. Picture by DieBuche
  • 13. Romanic languages:  Latin ( Vatican City )  Catalan ( North-east of Spain)  Spanish  French  Portuguese  Italian  Romanian  etc Picture by Justinian43 Wikipedia
  • 14. Evolving creatures with artificial selection Q8: did you find evolution in you language? Q9:What's the objective of live? Q10:Why people exist? Animals have a code which describes how to build them selves up, this code accumulates some small changes like natural language, some changes are good and they make the individual more successful, if those individuals are selected for reproduction we accumulate small improvements in some features. See in the move how virtual creatures get evolved inside the computer.
  • 15. Let’s see something new Genotype / Phenotype Gene / Vehicle Determinism / Freedom Selfishness / Kindness Q11: if the important thing is to make identical copies, why do animals mix genes with their partner?
  • 16. All genes together are A gene is like a football   player like one team. One gene alone can not But some genes are   make a leg and one better than others player alone can not play a football match.
  • 17. The competition and Imagine the   evolution will be competition of two between genes how players because both want to be in the same want to be the position of the goalkeeper of the genome team.
  • 18. The genome change in The members of the   each generation, (kids football team change, so are not copy of the the team is not always parents.) but the the same. genes are always the same.
  • 19. The code or genes The kitchen of your   described a how to house is part of your build up a body, in phenotype because the phenotype are your body need more fixed some details of effort to eat raw food. the body, like make a more dark or white skin.
  • 20. I’m a gene FROM OTHER POINT OF VIEW: Genes, are the basic units who want to  survive. They are collaborating with each other  to build machines in his own benefit. The pass in one piece generation to  generation with out changes, Genes live forever!! They are real replicators Q12: are all replicators genes in the genetic code? Can you fin other Me too kind of replicator?
  • 21. The genes build up a  vehicle who is going to contain them- selves, and drive them to futures generations. That’s why they  should care about the vehicle
  • 22. Genes define the basics rules:  Emotions, feelings, beautiful things and some goals  Pain is bad. (we can die)  Food is good. (is good for survive).  Spiders are evil (probably in Africa they have poison).  To have kids are good (replication of my genes)  A in a computer the programmers set the conditions  and the genes behaviour should emerge.
  • 23. The genes build the  robot / vehicle that are going to carry them, but the genes do not have solutions for every thing that the vehicle is going find in the word. We can skip what  genes order to as. Tal 2780 Vs Fischer 2800 Chessmaster By ILLUMANOV LY
  • 24. 64 .000.000$ QUESTION: Q13: How does this theory explain why parents love adopted kids. By Francisco de Goya By Steve Evans Bullfighting Mum with her baby The selfishness of the genes, some times make the vehicles to do not care or enjoy seeing other species die which are not dangerous at all. This selfishness some times look kindness like parents with his kids, because the kid shared 50% of the genes which each parent
  • 25. Sex make genes to change partners in each generation. But with partner? Q14: A & B have different sex, male & female, which is the sex of B? Q15: Why did evolution produce a full colour plumage? (is not a useful A B camouflage) By Steve,
  • 26. We are going to interchange players with other  team, we can not choose the player but we can choose the team or partners. Some desired features can be:  Fidelity (care about a kid required a lot of work)  Healthiness & Strengthens: to care about me and my  kids, and there are good features for survive. Beautiful: if my partner is beautiful probably my  kids will be beautiful too and they will have less problems to find a new partner. Q16: Can you imagine with kind of behaviour will be supported by nature to produce look Strength?
  • 27. Study will be fare more easier if we were evolved  for that but, 10.000 years ago were not universities at the Earth. Any way to get a university degree will help you in  the future (will make easier to get a job) and will help you to extend the bounders of your knowledge and culture. I try to show how computer science can help as to  understand other science like biology or linguistics, and I want to invite you to go to the university and became an engineer. (because my culture want to be replicated on you)
  • 28. By ACM (Association for computing machinery)
  • 29. You can check the  answers. Pictures of creatures  evolved from in program Galapagos with out human design. Email:  This talk is base on the  book “the selfish gene” Self – replicating robot.
  • 30.
  • 31. Q1: Did the theory of evolution explain the  origin of the Earth? (y/n) NO  Q2: How old is the Earth?  4.55 billion years (plus or minus about 1%)  Q3: Did the theory of evolution explain how  nature created a human step by step? (y/n) NO  Q4: Did the theory of evolution explain why  there are so many species? (y/n) YES 
  • 32. Q5: which properties should a good  replicator have? Longevity: more time for replicate.  Fidelity: make good copies of them-selves  Speed: make copies as fast as possible.  Other good properties in evolution will be:  Self repairing  Self defending. 
  • 33. Q6: Did species want to evolve?  No, individuals try to copy well them-selves,  evolution is something that just happen. Q7: Can you find some words or expressions  that you usually use and your father or grandfather rarely use it? My word is weak, it was meaning something  bad and now mean something good
  • 34. Q8: did you find evolution in you language?  I hope yes.  Q9:What's the objective of live?  Keep reproducing, and keep existing.  Q10:Why people exist?  Because the genes make a machines to survive  them selves, and we are they surviving machines.
  • 35. Q11: if the important thing is to make  identical copies, why do animals mix genes with their partner? Mixing genes can damage them, but if there is  one selfish mixing gene , who only care about him, and mixing make him to find a new good players. He (the mixing gene) will be very successful ( I say that he is selfish because he use the others in his own benefit).
  • 36. Q12: are all replicators genes in the genetic  code? Can you fin other kind of replicator? In humans culture is a very important  replicator. We like that that our kids not only heritage our  face, we want that they also heritage our knowledge, our language, our political ideas… Q13: How does this theory explain why  parents love adopted kids. For culture reproduction the received do not  need to be our biological kid, can be anyone.
  • 37. Q14: A & B have different sex, male & female which is the sex of B? Q15: Why did evolution produce a full colour plumage? A B (is not a useful By Steve, camouflage) B is the male Because females are who make the selection. If you can avoid predators which that color you are strong.
  • 38. Q16: Can you imagine with kind of behaviour  will be supported by nature to produce look Strength? To get selected by females:  Fights.  Risking behavior: some animals like to “dance” in  front of his predators ( a prove of strength)
  • 39.
  • 40. I want that for the next discursions exercises  you remember that the important things in alive behaviors is to pass our genes to the next generation, by genes can be part of our genome or culture, but for the exercises we only will work which the first type, because only humans have a very complex culture.
  • 41. The behaviors can emerge to:  Support the genes.   Get selected (sexual selection)  Spread our culture.  Defend or protect our culture.  Defend or protect our genes.
  • 42. In the polygamy species, what is the best for extend genes, to have kids males or kids females? Countries were is recognised polygamy marriage By brahim-59 Wikipedia
  • 43. It seems in lot of polygamy species that they do  not need most of the males. But the low probability of a male to have  offspring multiply by the glory of have lot of females and kids makes that there is equal good to have males or females for spread genes.
  • 44. If I’m very old and I need my kids to take  care about me all the time, what will be the best that I can do to spread my genes?.
  • 45. Probably if I die I will help my kids giving to  them more time for them selves. (die is a altruistic way for my kids). My body can make it easier to get flu.  Conclusion: if you want to make to live longer  to your grand parents: Let them to know that you want them.   Make them to feel useful, ask them for help you in easy tasks.
  • 46. If the propose is to have as much copies as  possible of our genes. Why we became old? Why we do not be fertile forever. Why our genes do not make as to live forever? Why are not a gene to be younger forever? By M.D. Vaden of Oregon
  • 47. In my own opinion: For the same reason why sex exist: 1. If we live forever (I mean to do not get old, but able to die for other reasons) evolution can get stack and other species will evolve faster than my specie an at the end all my specie will disappear. In computer programs dead (by age) make the 2. specie to evolve faster. (it is bad for the individual but is good for the specie). By M.D. Vaden of Oregon
  • 48. In my own opinion: Parents risks his live more for his kids than 3. this kids for his parents because if both became ancestors usually the parents are going to die first. (our kids will die later) We accept to take risks of dead because soon 4. or later we are going to die anyway. (for example to be pregnant is risky). Can be much more difficult to create vehicles 5. with that much longevity. (do not make sense for spread genes to live when the individuals can not reproduce it-self any more). By Ray Wert
  • 49. If my partner is hansom/pretty probably my  kids will heritage that and they will have less problems to find a partner. The plumage of the peacock is an example of a  biological army race for sexual selection, Peacock Pavo cristatus (male) By Bs Thurner Hof Wikipedia
  • 50. Usually the gene to  like X and the gene to produce X tend to stack together by sexual selection. When it happen even  if X feature is not very good for survive it tends to predominate and develop an army This gene make a long race. tail in males This gene make females Peacock Pavo cristatus (male) to like long tails By Bs Thurner Hof Wikipedia
  • 51. Usually the gene to like X and the gene to  produce X tend to stack together by sexual selection. When it happen even if X feature is not very  good for survive it tends to predominate and develop an army race. In humans army race was to develop an  expensive Braine. In my personal opinion all languages are equal  in complexity and fare more complex than is need it to communicate because it was a measure of intelligence for sexual selection. Neural connexion
  • 52. My princes, I will stay with I don’t ask you to you all the kill a fire dragon, live Just finish the We house, marry me don’t and only after that need all we can have sex. of this!! He should know that if he leave me he will build a new house. it is dangerous for the male to mate with a partner before courtship. why? By Annede (
  • 53. WHIT WHIT OUT Is a waste of time Is dangerous for the   female because it make They can use that time  it easy that the male to produce more kids leave her alone. Is dangerous for the  male because the female can be pregnant and can make him to care about kids that are not his relatives
  • 54. TERRESTRIALS ANIMALS: MARINE ANIMALS: Statistically is more Statistically is more   common that the male common that the female leave the female alone leave the male alone with the task of care with the task of care about the kids about the kids. The baby stay inside de The female give the   female before born. eggs to the male and run away before he fertilize them.
  • 55. How a jealous behaviour can help to spread genes?
  • 56. Sharing my partner is very bad (for me):  If I am a male:   I can finish taking care about other male’s kids. If I am a female:   I can lost my partner. It make emerge some behaviors:  like domestic violence   Please remember that we are free, we do not need to do what our genes says.
  • 57. The biology will support the  individuals who leave his partner earlier. In some species raise kids is too much  costly for only one parent. So the machines have a mechanism for fell in love. Does not matter how irrational, dangerous or  kind is love. It is a biological requirement. Q: did you observe an irrational behaviour in somebody else when he/she was in love?
  • 58. Love provide security  for the kids, and that’s the reason way it exist. In humans the biology  support four years of romantic love, because it was the quantity need for the kids to became self helpfully. Romeo and Juliet's famous balcony scene. Romeo is in a high risk to be killed by Juliet's family.
  • 59. Probably one of the most tragic acts of love is  described in the bible, when Adam decided to eat from the tree of good and evilness, because he prefer to die with Eva than to live alone. (Helen Fisher) In humans both sex experiment the same  emotions about love.
  • 60. If I get a depression, how it can help to me to spread genes?
  • 61. When we are rejected depression make as to  stay calm and do not attempt to achieve a partner wasting our energy.
  • 62. Both are important features that I want to  transmit to my kids, but to measure them. Lets assume the case of the species where the  females race alone the kids The plumage of the peacock is an example of a  biological army race for sexual selection, Peacock Pavo cristatus (male)
  • 63. Parasites and virus use the bodies of other  individuals for make copies of the virus or something in his own benefit and not for help the genes that are on the body If I am a parasite/virus what I should do with the body infected to spread my genes?
  • 64. Kill the body is not a good idea, because I’m  using it for my proposes. Some parasites make the body to live longer  because with that they have more time to make a copies of the parasite. Some virus as “ravia” make the dogs to walk  into a farther places because it help the virus to find other dogs to contagiate.
  • 65. Seems that some species call the attention of his  predators, for example dancing in front of them. How a risky behaviour can help to spread genes?
  • 66. Risking behavior is a prove of healthiness and  strengthens. It can help me to get selected by females 
  • 67. Racial discrimination is treating better the  people how are more similar to me than the others. How it help my genes?
  • 68. When humans was living in small groups,  racism was a way to discriminate people who was not a relative
  • 69.
  • 70. All the people who work writing Wikipedia.  Nikiforos Karamanis and Martin Emms for  his feed back when I was developing these presentation. This work is base on the book “the selfish  gene”
  • 71. You are free: •to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work •to make derivative works Under the following conditions: •Attribution. You must give the original author credit. What does quot;Attribute this workquot; mean? The page you came from contained embedded licensing metadata, including how the creator wishes to be attributed for re-use. You can use the HTML here to cite the work. Doing so will also include metadata on your page so that others can find the original work as well. •Non-Commercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. •For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the licence terms of this work. •Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. •Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.