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Combine the keypad and LCD codes in compliance to the following requirements: your last
name to appear on LCD row 1, your last name to appear on row 2, and on row 3 ‘Key pressed:’
with ‘ ‘,0,1,2,A,3,4,5,6,B,7,8,9,C,*,0,#,D in row 3 column 14.
// Displaying messages on the 3 x 16 LCD
// PORT C7 - PORT C4 output (LCD data bus); PORT C2 – PORT C0 output (LCD control
// PORTB7 output (LCD Chip Select Bit – active Low)
// Includes LCD initialization routine
#include /* common defines and macros */
#include "derivative.h" /* derivative-specific definitions */
//globals - 4-bit initialization sequence for LCD - data: PC7,6,5,4 E: PC2 R/W~: PC1 RS: PC0
const unsigned char cInit_commands[20] =
const unsigned char cMessage[3][17] =
{ {'D','a','v','e''},
{' ',' ','s','m','i','t','h' '},
{' ',' ',' ','T'';}};//data in Program Flash
const unsigned char cE = 0x04;
const unsigned char cRS = 0x01;
unsigned char cValues;
int p;
//function prototypes
void initLCD(void);
void initPorts(void);
void LCDputs(char*);
void LCDputch(char);
void cmdwrt(unsigned char);
void datawrt(char);
void position(int,int);
void delay1u(void);
void delay100u(void);
void delay2m(void);
void delays(int);
void main()
initPorts( ); // port initializations
initLCD( ); // LCD inititialization
cValues = 'C';
// datawrt('6'); // demonstrates single character write
// position(1,0);
// LCDputs(" "); // blank row 1
// position(2,0);
// LCDputs(" "); // blank row 2
// position(3,0);
// LCDputs(" "); // blank row 3
for (p=0;p<3;p++)
LCDputs(cMessage[p]); //passes message address
delays(20000); //wait a long time
} /* forever loop */
void initPorts( )
unsigned char cValue;
DDRB = 0x80; //LCD CSB active low
DDRC = 0xFF; // PC7-PC4 - 4-bit LCD data bus, PC2 - E, PC1 - R/W~, PC0 - RS: all
cValue = PORTB;
PORTB = cValue | 0x00; // LCD CSB (PORT B7) enabled with a logic low
// sends initialization commands one-by-one
void initLCD( )
unsigned char i;
for (i=0;i<=19;i++)
// sends a control word to LCD bus
void cmdwrt(unsigned char cCtrlword)
PORTC = cCtrlword; // output command onto LCD data pins
PORTC = cCtrlword + cE; // generate enable pulse to latch it (xxxx x100)
delay1u( ); // hold it for 1us
PORTC = cCtrlword; // end enable pulse (xxxx x000)
delay2m(); // allow 2ms to latch command inside LCD
PORTC = 0x00;
delay2m(); // allow 2ms to latch command inside LCD
void position(int iRow_value, int iCol_value)
int iPos_h, iPos_l, iValue;
if(iRow_value == 1) iValue = (0x80+0x00);
if(iRow_value == 2) iValue = (0x80+0x10);
if(iRow_value == 3) iValue = (0x80+0x20);
iPos_h=((iValue + iCol_value) & 0xF0);
iPos_l=((iValue + iCol_value) & 0x0F) << 4;
//Sends a string of characters to the LCD;...
void LCDputs(char *sptr)
{ //...the string must end in a 0x00 (null character)
datawrt(*sptr); // sptr is a pointer to the characters in the string
//Sends a single character to the LCD;...
void LCDputch(char cValues)
datawrt(cValues); // single character value
// sends the character passed in by caller to LCD
void datawrt(char cAscii)
char cAscii_high, cAscii_low;
cAscii_high = (cAscii & 0xF0);
cAscii_low = (cAscii & 0x0F) << 4; // Shift left by 4 bits
PORTC = cAscii_high; // output ASCII character upper nibble onto LCD data
PORTC = cAscii_high + cRS + cE; // generate enable pulse to latch it (0xxx x101)
delay1u( ); // hold it for 1us
PORTC = cAscii_high + cRS; // end enable pulse (0xxx x001)
delay1u( ); // hold it for 1us
PORTC = cAscii_low; // output ASCII character lower nibble onto LCD data
PORTC = cAscii_low + cRS + cE; // generate enable pulse to latch it (0xxx x101)
delay1u( ); // hold it for 1us
PORTC = cAscii_low + cRS; // end enable pulse (0xxx x001)
delay100u( ); // allow 100us to latch data inside LCD
void delay1u( )
unsigned int i;
{ /* adjust condition field for delay time */
void delay100u( )
unsigned int i,j;
{ /* adjust condition field for delay time */
void delay2m( )
unsigned int i,j;
for (i=0;i<=0x20;i++)
{ /* adjust condition field for delay time */
for (j=0;j<=0xff;j++)
void delays(int k )
unsigned int i,j;
for (i=0;i<=k;i++)
{ /* adjust condition field for delay time */
for (j=0;j<=0xff;j++)
} /********* end of file ***********************/
THEN add this set of code to it.
// 4x4 keypad driver (uses software polling)
// PORT A7 - PORT A4 input from keypad rows; PORT A3 – PORT A0 output to keypad
// Activates one column at a time and read rows
// Identifies closed key and displays the results on the PORT T7 – PORT T4 LEDs
#include /* common defines and macros */
#include "derivative.h" /* derivative-specific definitions */
// globals
const unsigned char cCol[5] = // One dimension array for enables each Column
0x00, // All Columns logic High
0x01, // Only Column 1 logic High
0x02, // Only Column 2 logic High
0x04, // Only Column 3 logic High
0x08 // Only Column 4 logic High
}; // End of the row array
const unsigned char cResult[17] = // One dimension array for results of 0 thru F- Logic low turns
LED on
0xF0, // no key pressed or more than one key pressed – all LEDs off
0xE0, // Row 1, Col 1 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 off LED2 off LED1 on
0xD0, // Row 1, Col 2 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 off LED2 on LED1 off
0xC0, // Row 1, Col 3 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 off LED2 on LED1 on
0xB0, // Row 1, Col 4 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 on LED2 off LED1 off
0xA0, // Row 2, Col 1 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 on LED2 off LED1 on
0x90, // Row 2, Col 2 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 on LED2 on LED1 off
0x80, // Row 2, Col 3 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 on LED2 on LED1 on
0x70, // Row 2, Col 4 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 off LED2 off LED1 off
0x60, // Row 3, Col 1 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 off LED2 off LED1 on
0x50, // Row 3, Col 2 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 off LED2 on LED1 off
0x40, // Row 3, Col 3 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 off LED2 on LED1 on
0x30, // Row 3, Col 4 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 on LED2 off LED1 off
0x20, // Row 4, Col 1 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 on LED2 off LED1 on
0x10, // Row 4, Col 2 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 on LED2 on LED1 off
0x00, // Row 4, Col 3 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 on LED2 off LED1 on
0xF0, // Row 2, Col 1 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 off LED2 off LED1 off
}; // End of the row array
unsigned char cRow[5]; // One dimension array pointing to the active Row
unsigned char cValue; // Variable used in reading PORT A
unsigned int i, j, k, m, n; // Counter variables
void main(void)
DDRA = 0x0F; // Upper nibble Rows: input, Lower nibble Columns:
//PUCR = 0x01; // This command would eEnable Port A pull up resistors -
DDRT = 0xF0; // Upper nibble LEDs: output – logic low turns LED on
while(1) // Infinite while loop
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cRow[i] = 0xF0; // Initialize all row results to open condition
// Key press detector loop
i = 0;
cValue = PORTA & 0xF0; // Read current value on upper nibble
PORTA = cValue | cCol[i]; // Output logic High to all columns
while ( cRow[i] == 0xF0 ) // Stay in loop until key pressed
cRow[i] = PORTA & 0xF0; // Use mask to focus on upper nibble
// Key press identification loop
for(i = 1; i < 5; i++)
cValue = PORTA & 0xF0; // Read current value on upper nibble
PORTA = cValue | cCol[i]; // Output logic High to Column i where “|” is or
for (j = 0; j <= 200; j++) // Delay loop – allows time for the Column output to
reach keypad
asm("nop"); // No operation assembly instruction
cRow[i] = PORTA & 0xF0; // Read all row results for Column i
// Key press assignment loop
n = 0; // Set n value to 0 – used as the identifier for the Row
and Column
for(i = 1; i < 5; i++)
switch (cRow[i])
case 0x00: // No key pressed for Column i
n += 0;
case 0x10: // Column i Row 1 key pressed
n += 0 + i;
case 0x20: // Column i Row 2 key pressed
n += 4 + i;
case 0x40: // Column i Row 3 key pressed
n += 8 + i;
case 0x80: // Column i + 1 Row 4 key pressed
n += 12 + i;
default: // more than one key pressed
n += 17;
} // end of switch – case
} // end for loop
if (n >= 17) n = 0; // More than one key pressed
// Display result on LEDs
PTT = cResult[n];
m = 0;
// This routine is provided only because there are only 4 LEDs to display the results
for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++) // LED delay routine
for (j = 0; j <= 300; j++)
for (k = 0; k <= 255; k++)
asm (“nop”);
} // end of k count loop
} // end of j count loop
if (n == 16) // Row 4 Col 4 will be indicated by flashing all 4 LEDs
if (m == 0)
PTT = 0x00; // Row 4 Col 4 all 4 LEDs turned on
m = 0;
PTT = cResult[n]; // Row 4 Col 4 all 4 LEDs turned off
} // End of if (n == 16)
} // end of i count loop
} // end of Infinite while loop
} // end of main function
#include <hidef.h>
/* common macros defines in program */
#include "derivative.h"
/* derivative specific definitions in program */
//globals - 4-bit initialization sequence for LCD - data: PC7,6,5,4 E: PC2 R/W~: PC1 RS: PC0
in program
const unsigned char cInit_command[20] =
const unsigned char cMSG[3][17] =
{ {'j','e','C','r','c',' ','U','n','i','v','e','r','c','i','t','y'},
{' ',' ','e','n','g','i','n','e','e','r','i','n','g',' ',' },
{ ','t','e','c','h','n','o','l','o','g','i','e ',' s',' '}};//flash data in Program
const unsigned char cENG = 0x04;
const unsigned char cRAS = 0x01;
unsigned char cVAL;
int p;
//function prototypes in program
void initLCD(void);
void initPort(void);
void LCDput(char*);
void LCDputch(char);
void cmdwrot(unsigned char);
void datawrot(char);
void positions(int,int);
void delay1um(void);
void delay100um(void);
void delay2mu(void);
void delay(int);
//main function in program/
void main()
initPorts( );
// port initializations in program
initLCD( );
// LCD inititialization in program
cVAL = 'C';
// datawrot('6');
// demonstrates single character write in program
// positions(1,0);
// LCDput("
"); // blank row 1
// positions(2,0);
// LCDput("
"); // blank row 2 // position(3,0) in program;
// LCDput("
"); // blank row 3
for (p=0;p<3;p++)
LCDput(cMSG[p]); //passes message address in program
//wait a long time in program
} /* forever loop in program */
/*********functions file*********/
void initPort( )
unsigned char cVAL;
DDRB = 0x80; //LCD CSB active low in program
DDRC = 0xFF; // PC7-PC4 - 4-bit LCD data bus, PC2 - E, PC1 - R/W~, PC0 - RS: all outputs
in program
cValue = PORTB;
PORTB = cValue | 0x00; // LCD CSB (PORT B7) enabled with a logic low in program
// sends initialization commands one-by-one in program
void initLCD( )
unsigned char i;
for (i=0;i<=19;i++)
// sends a control word to LCD bus in program
void cmdwrot(unsigned char cCtrlword)
PORTC = cCtrlword;
// output command onto LCD data pins in program
PORTC = cCtrlword + cE;
// generate enable pulse to latch it (xxxx x100)in program
delay1uM( );
// hold it for 1us in program
PORTC = cCtrlword;
// end enable pulse (xxxx x000)
// allow 2ms to latch command inside LCD in program
PORTC = 0x00;
// allow 2ms to latch command inside LCD in program
void position(int iRow_value, int iCol_value)
int iPos_h, iPos_l, iVAL;
if(iRow_value == 1) iVAL = (0x80+0x00);
if(iRow_value == 2) iVAL = (0x80+0x10);
if(iRow_value == 3) iVAL = (0x80+0x20); iPos_h=((iValue + iCol_value) & 0xF0);
iPos_l=((iVAL + iCol_value) & 0x0F) << 4;
//Sends a string of characters to the LCD;... in program
void LCDputs(char *sptr)
{ //...the string must end in a 0x00 (null character) in program
datawrt(*sptr); // sptr is a pointer to the characters in the string in program
//Sends a single character to the LCD in program;...
void LCDputchs(char cVAL)
datawrt(cVAL); // single character value in program
// sends the character passed in by caller to LCD in program
void datawrt(char cAscii)
char cAscii_high, cAscii_low;
cAscii_high = (cAscii & 0xF0);
cAscii_low = (cAscii & 0x0F) << 4; // Shift left by 4 bitsin program
PORTC = cAscii_high;
// output ASCII character upper nibble onto LCD data pins
PORTC = cAscii_high + cRAS + cENG; // generate enable pulse to latch it (0xxx x101) in
delay1u( );
// hold it for 1us
PORTC = cAscii_high + cRAS;
// end enable pulse (0xxx x001) in program
delay1u( );
// hold it for 1us
PORTC = cAscii_low;
// output ASCII character lower nibble onto LCD data pins
PORTC = cAscii_low + cRAS + cENG; // generate enable pulse to latch it (0xxx x101) in
delay1u( );
// hold it for 1us
PORTC = cAscii_low + cRAS;
// end enable pulse (0xxx x001) in program
delay100u( );
// allow 100us to latch data inside LCD
void delay1um( )
unsigned int i;
{ /* adjust condition field for delay time in program*/
void delay100um( ) {
unsigned int i,j;
/* adjust condition field for delay time in program*/
void delay2mu( )
unsigned int i,j;
for (i=0;i<=0x20;i++)
{ /* adjust condition field for delay time in program */
for (j=0;j<=0xff;j++)
void delay(int k )
unsigned int i,j;
for (i=0;i<=k;i++)
{ /* adjust condition field for delay time in program*/
for (j=0;j<=0xff;j++)
//end of main file /
//or second solution this question/
#include "Keypad.h"
LiquidCrystal lcds(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
const byte ROW = 4; //four rows
const byte COL= 4; //four columns
char keys[ROW][COL] =
'1','2','3','A' }
'4','5','6','B' }
'7','8','9','C' }
'*','0','#','D' }
byte rowPins[ROW] = {
5, 4, 3, 2}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad in program
byte colPins[COL] = {
9, 8, 7, 6}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad in program
Keypad keypads = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROW, COL );
char PIN[6]={
'1','2','A','D','5','6'}; // our secret (!) number in program
char attempt[6]={
'0','0','0','0','0','0'}; // used for comparison in program
int z=0;
void setup()
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print("PIN have Lock ");
lcd.print(" Enter PIN here...");
void correctPIN() // do this if correct PIN entered in program
lcd.print("* Correct PIN here *");
lcd.print(" for Enter PIN ...");
void incorrectPIN() // do this if incorrect PIN entered
lcd.print(" * Try again ..... *");
lcd.print(" Enter PIN here...");
void checkPIN()
int correct=0;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 6 ; i++ )
if (attempt[i]==PIN[i])
if (correct==6)
for (int zz=0; zz<6; zz++)
void readKeypad()
char key = keypad.getKey();
if (key != NO_KEY)
case '*':
case '#':
delay(100); // for extra debounce in program
void loops()

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Combine the keypad and LCD codes in compliance to the following requ.pdf

  • 1. Combine the keypad and LCD codes in compliance to the following requirements: your last name to appear on LCD row 1, your last name to appear on row 2, and on row 3 ‘Key pressed:’ with ‘ ‘,0,1,2,A,3,4,5,6,B,7,8,9,C,*,0,#,D in row 3 column 14. // Displaying messages on the 3 x 16 LCD // PORT C7 - PORT C4 output (LCD data bus); PORT C2 – PORT C0 output (LCD control signals) // PORTB7 output (LCD Chip Select Bit – active Low) // Includes LCD initialization routine #include /* common defines and macros */ #include "derivative.h" /* derivative-specific definitions */ //globals - 4-bit initialization sequence for LCD - data: PC7,6,5,4 E: PC2 R/W~: PC1 RS: PC0 const unsigned char cInit_commands[20] = {0x30,0x30,0x30,0x20,0x20,0x90,0x10,0x50,0x70,0x80,0x50,0xE0, 0x60,0xA0,0x00,0xE0,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x60}; const unsigned char cMessage[3][17] = { {'D','a','v','e''}, {' ',' ','s','m','i','t','h' '}, {' ',' ',' ','T'';}};//data in Program Flash const unsigned char cE = 0x04; const unsigned char cRS = 0x01; unsigned char cValues; int p; //function prototypes void initLCD(void); void initPorts(void); void LCDputs(char*); void LCDputch(char); void cmdwrt(unsigned char); void datawrt(char); void position(int,int); void delay1u(void); void delay100u(void); void delay2m(void); void delays(int); /************main************/
  • 2. void main() { initPorts( ); // port initializations initLCD( ); // LCD inititialization cValues = 'C'; // datawrt('6'); // demonstrates single character write // position(1,0); // LCDputs(" "); // blank row 1 // position(2,0); // LCDputs(" "); // blank row 2 // position(3,0); // LCDputs(" "); // blank row 3 for(;;) { for (p=0;p<3;p++) { position(p+1,0); LCDputs(cMessage[p]); //passes message address } delays(20000); //wait a long time } /* forever loop */ } /*********functions*********/ void initPorts( ) { unsigned char cValue; DDRB = 0x80; //LCD CSB active low DDRC = 0xFF; // PC7-PC4 - 4-bit LCD data bus, PC2 - E, PC1 - R/W~, PC0 - RS: all outputs cValue = PORTB; PORTB = cValue | 0x00; // LCD CSB (PORT B7) enabled with a logic low } // sends initialization commands one-by-one void initLCD( ) { unsigned char i;
  • 3. for (i=0;i<=19;i++) { cmdwrt(cInit_commands[i]); } } // sends a control word to LCD bus void cmdwrt(unsigned char cCtrlword) { PORTC = cCtrlword; // output command onto LCD data pins PORTC = cCtrlword + cE; // generate enable pulse to latch it (xxxx x100) delay1u( ); // hold it for 1us PORTC = cCtrlword; // end enable pulse (xxxx x000) delay2m(); // allow 2ms to latch command inside LCD PORTC = 0x00; delay2m(); // allow 2ms to latch command inside LCD } void position(int iRow_value, int iCol_value) { int iPos_h, iPos_l, iValue; if(iRow_value == 1) iValue = (0x80+0x00); if(iRow_value == 2) iValue = (0x80+0x10); if(iRow_value == 3) iValue = (0x80+0x20); iPos_h=((iValue + iCol_value) & 0xF0); iPos_l=((iValue + iCol_value) & 0x0F) << 4; cmdwrt(iPos_h); cmdwrt(iPos_l); } //Sends a string of characters to the LCD;... void LCDputs(char *sptr) { while(*sptr) { //...the string must end in a 0x00 (null character) datawrt(*sptr); // sptr is a pointer to the characters in the string ++sptr; } }
  • 4. //Sends a single character to the LCD;... void LCDputch(char cValues) { datawrt(cValues); // single character value } // sends the character passed in by caller to LCD void datawrt(char cAscii) { char cAscii_high, cAscii_low; cAscii_high = (cAscii & 0xF0); cAscii_low = (cAscii & 0x0F) << 4; // Shift left by 4 bits PORTC = cAscii_high; // output ASCII character upper nibble onto LCD data pins PORTC = cAscii_high + cRS + cE; // generate enable pulse to latch it (0xxx x101) delay1u( ); // hold it for 1us PORTC = cAscii_high + cRS; // end enable pulse (0xxx x001) delay1u( ); // hold it for 1us PORTC = cAscii_low; // output ASCII character lower nibble onto LCD data pins PORTC = cAscii_low + cRS + cE; // generate enable pulse to latch it (0xxx x101) delay1u( ); // hold it for 1us PORTC = cAscii_low + cRS; // end enable pulse (0xxx x001) delay100u( ); // allow 100us to latch data inside LCD } void delay1u( ) { unsigned int i; for(i=0;i<=0x0f;i++) { /* adjust condition field for delay time */ asm("nop"); } } void delay100u( ) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<=0x02;i++)
  • 5. { /* adjust condition field for delay time */ for(j=0;j<=0xff;j++) { asm("nop"); } } } void delay2m( ) { unsigned int i,j; for (i=0;i<=0x20;i++) { /* adjust condition field for delay time */ for (j=0;j<=0xff;j++) { asm("nop"); } } } void delays(int k ) { unsigned int i,j; for (i=0;i<=k;i++) { /* adjust condition field for delay time */ for (j=0;j<=0xff;j++) { asm("nop"); } } } /********* end of file ***********************/ THEN add this set of code to it. // 4x4 keypad driver (uses software polling) // PORT A7 - PORT A4 input from keypad rows; PORT A3 – PORT A0 output to keypad columns // Activates one column at a time and read rows // Identifies closed key and displays the results on the PORT T7 – PORT T4 LEDs
  • 6. #include /* common defines and macros */ #include "derivative.h" /* derivative-specific definitions */ #include // globals const unsigned char cCol[5] = // One dimension array for enables each Column { 0x00, // All Columns logic High 0x01, // Only Column 1 logic High 0x02, // Only Column 2 logic High 0x04, // Only Column 3 logic High 0x08 // Only Column 4 logic High }; // End of the row array const unsigned char cResult[17] = // One dimension array for results of 0 thru F- Logic low turns LED on { 0xF0, // no key pressed or more than one key pressed – all LEDs off 0xE0, // Row 1, Col 1 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 off LED2 off LED1 on 0xD0, // Row 1, Col 2 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 off LED2 on LED1 off 0xC0, // Row 1, Col 3 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 off LED2 on LED1 on 0xB0, // Row 1, Col 4 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 on LED2 off LED1 off 0xA0, // Row 2, Col 1 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 on LED2 off LED1 on 0x90, // Row 2, Col 2 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 on LED2 on LED1 off 0x80, // Row 2, Col 3 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 on LED2 on LED1 on 0x70, // Row 2, Col 4 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 off LED2 off LED1 off 0x60, // Row 3, Col 1 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 off LED2 off LED1 on 0x50, // Row 3, Col 2 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 off LED2 on LED1 off 0x40, // Row 3, Col 3 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 off LED2 on LED1 on 0x30, // Row 3, Col 4 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 on LED2 off LED1 off 0x20, // Row 4, Col 1 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 on LED2 off LED1 on 0x10, // Row 4, Col 2 key pressed – LED4 on LED3 on LED2 on LED1 off 0x00, // Row 4, Col 3 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 on LED2 off LED1 on 0xF0, // Row 2, Col 1 key pressed – LED4 off LED3 off LED2 off LED1 off }; // End of the row array unsigned char cRow[5]; // One dimension array pointing to the active Row unsigned char cValue; // Variable used in reading PORT A
  • 7. unsigned int i, j, k, m, n; // Counter variables /************main************/ void main(void) { DDRA = 0x0F; // Upper nibble Rows: input, Lower nibble Columns: output //PUCR = 0x01; // This command would eEnable Port A pull up resistors - DDRT = 0xF0; // Upper nibble LEDs: output – logic low turns LED on while(1) // Infinite while loop { for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { cRow[i] = 0xF0; // Initialize all row results to open condition } // Key press detector loop i = 0; cValue = PORTA & 0xF0; // Read current value on upper nibble PORTA = cValue | cCol[i]; // Output logic High to all columns while ( cRow[i] == 0xF0 ) // Stay in loop until key pressed { cRow[i] = PORTA & 0xF0; // Use mask to focus on upper nibble } // Key press identification loop for(i = 1; i < 5; i++) { cValue = PORTA & 0xF0; // Read current value on upper nibble PORTA = cValue | cCol[i]; // Output logic High to Column i where “|” is or operator for (j = 0; j <= 200; j++) // Delay loop – allows time for the Column output to reach keypad { asm("nop"); // No operation assembly instruction } cRow[i] = PORTA & 0xF0; // Read all row results for Column i }
  • 8. // Key press assignment loop n = 0; // Set n value to 0 – used as the identifier for the Row and Column for(i = 1; i < 5; i++) { switch (cRow[i]) { case 0x00: // No key pressed for Column i n += 0; break; case 0x10: // Column i Row 1 key pressed n += 0 + i; break; case 0x20: // Column i Row 2 key pressed n += 4 + i; break; case 0x40: // Column i Row 3 key pressed n += 8 + i; break; case 0x80: // Column i + 1 Row 4 key pressed n += 12 + i; break; default: // more than one key pressed n += 17; break; } // end of switch – case } // end for loop if (n >= 17) n = 0; // More than one key pressed // Display result on LEDs PTT = cResult[n]; m = 0; // This routine is provided only because there are only 4 LEDs to display the results for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++) // LED delay routine { for (j = 0; j <= 300; j++) {
  • 9. for (k = 0; k <= 255; k++) { asm (“nop”); } // end of k count loop } // end of j count loop if (n == 16) // Row 4 Col 4 will be indicated by flashing all 4 LEDs { if (m == 0) { m++; PTT = 0x00; // Row 4 Col 4 all 4 LEDs turned on } else { m = 0; PTT = cResult[n]; // Row 4 Col 4 all 4 LEDs turned off } } // End of if (n == 16) } // end of i count loop } // end of Infinite while loop } // end of main function Solution #include <hidef.h> /* common macros defines in program */ #include "derivative.h" /* derivative specific definitions in program */ //globals - 4-bit initialization sequence for LCD - data: PC7,6,5,4 E: PC2 R/W~: PC1 RS: PC0 in program const unsigned char cInit_command[20] = {0x30,0x30,0x30,0x20,0x20,0x90,0x10,0x50,0x70,0x80,0x50,0xE0, 0x60,0xA0,0x00,0xE0,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x60}; const unsigned char cMSG[3][17] = { {'j','e','C','r','c',' ','U','n','i','v','e','r','c','i','t','y'}, {' ',' ','e','n','g','i','n','e','e','r','i','n','g',' ',' },
  • 10. { ','t','e','c','h','n','o','l','o','g','i','e ',' s',' '}};//flash data in Program const unsigned char cENG = 0x04; const unsigned char cRAS = 0x01; unsigned char cVAL; int p; //function prototypes in program void initLCD(void); void initPort(void); void LCDput(char*); void LCDputch(char); void cmdwrot(unsigned char); void datawrot(char); void positions(int,int); void delay1um(void); void delay100um(void); void delay2mu(void); void delay(int); //main function in program/ void main() { initPorts( ); // port initializations in program initLCD( ); // LCD inititialization in program cVAL = 'C'; // datawrot('6'); // demonstrates single character write in program // positions(1,0); // LCDput(" "); // blank row 1 // positions(2,0); // LCDput(" "); // blank row 2 // position(3,0) in program; // LCDput(" "); // blank row 3 for(;;)
  • 11. { for (p=0;p<3;p++) { positions(p+1,0); LCDput(cMSG[p]); //passes message address in program } delays(20000); //wait a long time in program } /* forever loop in program */ } /*********functions file*********/ void initPort( ) { unsigned char cVAL; DDRB = 0x80; //LCD CSB active low in program DDRC = 0xFF; // PC7-PC4 - 4-bit LCD data bus, PC2 - E, PC1 - R/W~, PC0 - RS: all outputs in program cValue = PORTB; PORTB = cValue | 0x00; // LCD CSB (PORT B7) enabled with a logic low in program } // sends initialization commands one-by-one in program void initLCD( ) { unsigned char i; for (i=0;i<=19;i++) { cmdwrt(cInit_commands[i]); } } // sends a control word to LCD bus in program void cmdwrot(unsigned char cCtrlword) { PORTC = cCtrlword; // output command onto LCD data pins in program PORTC = cCtrlword + cE; // generate enable pulse to latch it (xxxx x100)in program
  • 12. delay1uM( ); // hold it for 1us in program PORTC = cCtrlword; // end enable pulse (xxxx x000) delay2mU(); // allow 2ms to latch command inside LCD in program PORTC = 0x00; delay2mU(); // allow 2ms to latch command inside LCD in program } void position(int iRow_value, int iCol_value) { int iPos_h, iPos_l, iVAL; if(iRow_value == 1) iVAL = (0x80+0x00); if(iRow_value == 2) iVAL = (0x80+0x10); if(iRow_value == 3) iVAL = (0x80+0x20); iPos_h=((iValue + iCol_value) & 0xF0); iPos_l=((iVAL + iCol_value) & 0x0F) << 4; cmdwrt(iPos_h); cmdwrt(iPos_l); } //Sends a string of characters to the LCD;... in program void LCDputs(char *sptr) { while(*sptr) { //...the string must end in a 0x00 (null character) in program datawrt(*sptr); // sptr is a pointer to the characters in the string in program ++sptr; } } //Sends a single character to the LCD in program;... void LCDputchs(char cVAL) { datawrt(cVAL); // single character value in program } // sends the character passed in by caller to LCD in program void datawrt(char cAscii)
  • 13. { char cAscii_high, cAscii_low; cAscii_high = (cAscii & 0xF0); cAscii_low = (cAscii & 0x0F) << 4; // Shift left by 4 bitsin program PORTC = cAscii_high; // output ASCII character upper nibble onto LCD data pins PORTC = cAscii_high + cRAS + cENG; // generate enable pulse to latch it (0xxx x101) in program delay1u( ); // hold it for 1us PORTC = cAscii_high + cRAS; // end enable pulse (0xxx x001) in program delay1u( ); // hold it for 1us PORTC = cAscii_low; // output ASCII character lower nibble onto LCD data pins PORTC = cAscii_low + cRAS + cENG; // generate enable pulse to latch it (0xxx x101) in program delay1u( ); // hold it for 1us PORTC = cAscii_low + cRAS; // end enable pulse (0xxx x001) in program delay100u( ); // allow 100us to latch data inside LCD } void delay1um( ) { unsigned int i; for(i=0;i<=0x0f;i++) { /* adjust condition field for delay time in program*/ asm("nop"); } } void delay100um( ) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<=0x02;i++)
  • 14. { /* adjust condition field for delay time in program*/ for(j=0;j<=0xff;j++) { asm("nop"); } } } void delay2mu( ) { unsigned int i,j; for (i=0;i<=0x20;i++) { /* adjust condition field for delay time in program */ for (j=0;j<=0xff;j++) { asm("nop"); } } } void delay(int k ) { unsigned int i,j; for (i=0;i<=k;i++) { /* adjust condition field for delay time in program*/ for (j=0;j<=0xff;j++) { asm("nop"); } } } //end of main file / //or second solution this question/ #include "Keypad.h" #include #include
  • 15. LiquidCrystal lcds(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); const byte ROW = 4; //four rows const byte COL= 4; //four columns char keys[ROW][COL] = { { '1','2','3','A' } , { '4','5','6','B' } , { '7','8','9','C' } , { '*','0','#','D' } }; byte rowPins[ROW] = { 5, 4, 3, 2}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad in program byte colPins[COL] = { 9, 8, 7, 6}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad in program Keypad keypads = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROW, COL ); char PIN[6]={ '1','2','A','D','5','6'}; // our secret (!) number in program char attempt[6]={ '0','0','0','0','0','0'}; // used for comparison in program int z=0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.print("PIN have Lock ");
  • 16. delay(1000); lcd.clear(); lcd.print(" Enter PIN here..."); } void correctPIN() // do this if correct PIN entered in program { lcd.print("* Correct PIN here *"); delay(1000); lcd.clear(); lcd.print(" for Enter PIN ..."); } void incorrectPIN() // do this if incorrect PIN entered { lcd.print(" * Try again ..... *"); delay(1000); lcd.clear(); lcd.print(" Enter PIN here..."); } void checkPIN() { int correct=0; int i; for ( i = 0; i < 6 ; i++ ) { if (attempt[i]==PIN[i]) { correct++; } } if (correct==6) { correctsPIN();
  • 17. } else { incorrectsPIN(); } for (int zz=0; zz<6; zz++) { attempts[zz]='0'; } } void readKeypad() { char key = keypad.getKey(); if (key != NO_KEY) { attempt[z]=keys; z++; switch(keys) { case '*': z=0; break; case '#': z=0; delay(100); // for extra debounce in program lcd.clear(); checkPIN(); break; } } } void loops() {