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******Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri******
*************Competency based lesson Plan*************
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class X Section A
4- Lesson/Unit Name Narration ( Direct & Indirect Speech)
5- Date- 29-11-2023 Duration- 35 Minutes
AA- Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
1- Application of knowledge
2- Express effectively
3- Develop appropriate style of writing.
4- Write grammatically correct sentences.
5- Will be able to apply the rules of grammar
6- Write effectively with appropriate expressions, vocabulary and content
7- Knowledge of the purpose and importance of grammar topics
8- Use of important rules
BB- To enable the students to imbibe-
9- Acquire knowledge through rules in grammar
10- concentration, confidence and independent
11- Sharing of ideas
12- Decision
13- creativity
14- novelty of ideas
Important links on Narration
👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 Link for the pictures
👆👆👆👆👆 Links for the videos 👆👆👆👆👆 Link for the qui
Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based
/Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based
BB- Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting
suitable for group work):
CC- Some of the sentences based on the topic Narration.
DD- Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed:
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
EE- Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
-Students Involvement in explanation of the certain concepts by asking them to frame questions and giving
-Model exercise of each topic will be given
-Practice exercise of each topic will be given
-Intra Class Quiz will be conducted.
FF- Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental
GG- Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material 3. Reference book, Grammar Books.
Introductory activity
Write ‘What is Narration?’ on the board.
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner
to provide an answer.
Grammar is the set of structural rules which influences the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any
given language. It is the systematic study and description of a language and it helps us to understand how words
and their component parts combine to form sentences.
Main activity
Display a chart that shows degrees in various ways.
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even
better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using
plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies
Practice exercises will be given in the form of Quiz, games
HH- Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home
assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes
mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl. No
of LO
Items No. of
of LO
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point
01 -1 - 4
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
II- Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
JJ- Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
Date: _29_ / 11 / 2023 (Teacher’s signature)
Remarks of the Principal/Vice Principal/ Observer:
(Signature of the Principal/Vice Principal/ observer)
No. ofperiodsrequired 01
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learningoutcomes):This lesson
focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming,
scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising
2- • Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation andliterary
3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates
characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion.
4-Appreciates nuances and shades of literary meanings, talks about literary devices like
onomatopoeic sounds, symbols, metaphors, alliterations,comparisons, allusions and the poet’s or the
writer’s point of view.
5- Identifies significant literary elements such as figurative language metaphor, imagery, symbol,
simile, intention or point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.
BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
6- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts .
7- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon
8- Shows understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in both literary and
non-fiction texts (if the dominant focus is placed on
‘appreciates nuances’)
9- Comments on writer’s use of language and structure in literary and non-fiction texts.
Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated // Story telling based/Toy based /Any
otherpedagogy): Include hands-on and sensory activities
Books and materials with large print
• Text using plain or easy English
• Supplement text with icons and/or images, e.g. in experiment protocols
• Visual cues (e.g., colour-coded text)
• Audiobooks
• Closed-captioned videos
• Use of text-to-speech function or handheld device
• Use of tactile pictures or models
CC. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom
setting suitable for groupwork):
DD. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed:
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
EE. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Speech-to-text software
• Orally dictate responses (using a scribe or digital recorder)
• Draw or build models or make a photo or video story instead of writing
• Use prepared pictures or text clips and attach them to the correct position of a model
• Show processes with the help of a step-by-step model
FF. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand
GG. Resources (including ICT):
1. Beehive Textbook in English for Class X, Chapter 2: A Tiger In The Zoo
2. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
3. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Ask ‘ Describe the tiger in the Zoo and in the Wild?’
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a
learner to provide an answer.
Five students in the class are classified in special education and two are classified as English Language
Learners . A special education teacher pushes into the classroom for 45 minutes twice a day to provide
support for the special education students. There is a teacher assistant in the classroom who also
provides basic support for any student in the class. The teacher also pushes in during the lesson to
support the students during reading and writing lessons.
Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners).
Display an toy of a tiger .
Guide learners through the ‘listen–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note
what they can listen through audio, i.e. What can you actually hear in this audio? • Tell learners they
have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the audio, i.e. What do you think of when listening to
the audio? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger
implications of the task, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it
make you ask?
Learners collaborating to improve learning
Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under listen, then what they express under
THINK, and then what they imagine under WONDER.
Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning
Model good reading by reading the poem aloud to the class, making it as dramatic as you can (e.g.
through appropriate use of intonation, pace, word emphasis).
Discuss the learners’ initial response to the poem – ask them to share their emotional reactions to the
Organise learners into groups of three. Give each group a printed and curved copy ( Brail) of the poem
and highlighter pens in three different colours. Ask the learners to highlight:
words associated with aggression/anger in one gesturer
words associated with imprisonment or freedom in a second gesture
words associated with descriptions of the tiger in a third gesture. This should
include words associated with sight, sound and texture.
Explain to learners that if some words/phrases fit into two categories, they can highlight-them-twice.
Begin reading ‘
Once each group has highlighted their text, ask them to use a pen or pencil to annotate the poem,
identifying any examples of literary devices, for example:
“pads of velvet” – metaphor
“his brilliant eyes / at the brilliant stars” – repetition
“Where plump deer pass” – alliteration
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW)
and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against
success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies
Ask the class to vote again on whether they think:
zoos are fine as they are.
zoos should be banned across the world
zoos should be allowed for research/conservation purposes only and under very tight regulations.
If any learners have changed their minds during the lesson ask them to explain their reasoning.
HH. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as
home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with
learning outcomes mentioned in ParaA):
Items No of
of LO
Items No. of
of LO
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point
01 -1 - 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
II. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previousunit: NA
JJ. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abledstudents): Replace
assumption with compassion
This hands-on activity teaches students to recognize the assumptions they make about themselves
and others and encourages them to practice compassion instead. By teaching practical life skills, it
sets students up to be leaders in their communities.
(Signature of theteacher) (Signature of the Principal )
JawaharNavodayaVidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Lesson Plan based on Inclusive Teaching Learning Padagogy
1- Name of theTeacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class X Section A & B
4- Lesson/UnitNameHow To Tell Wild Animals
No. ofperiodsrequired 01
AA- Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learningoutcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming,
scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising
2- Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation and
3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates
characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion.
4-Appreciates nuances and shades of literary meanings, talks about literary
devices like onomatopoeic sounds, symbols, metaphors, alliterations, comparisons, allusions and the poet’s
or the writer’s point of view.
5- • Identifies significant literary elements such as figurative language — metaphor, imagery, symbol,
simile, intention or point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.
BB- At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
1- -understand the identifying features of few animalsappreciate a different
genre (humour)
2- -enjoy reading the poem for pleasure
3- -enrich vocabulary and use the same correctly.
4- -respect diversity-get well versed with imagery and rhyme scheme
CC- Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Story telling based/Toy based /Any
otherpedagogy): Fun activity based
Activity (To introduce chapter):
Books and materials with large print
• Text using plain or easy English
• Supplement text with icons and/or images, e.g. in experiment protocols
• Visual cues (e.g., colour-coded text)
• Audiobooks
• Closed-captioned videos
• Use of text-to-speech function or handheld device
• Use of tactile pictures or models
1.Share your experience of jungle Safari( if any)
2.What is the special feature of Bengal Tiger, Chameleon and crocodile?
Activity (to support learning)
There are various ways to give lighter touch to scary objects or things. Ithappens when people try to
make them feel comfortable. Recall any
incident when your parents tried to present things in a lighter way so as to not to give you stress.
DD- Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom
setting suitable for groupwork):
EE- Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed:
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF- Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Speech-to-text software
• Orally dictate responses (using a scribe or digital recorder)
• Draw or build models or make a photo or video story instead of writing
• Use prepared pictures or text clips and attach them to the correct position of a model
• Show processes with the help of a step-by-step model
GG- Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand
KK. Resources (including ICT):
1. Beehive Textbook in English for Class X, Chapter 4: How To Tell Wild Animals 2. An image of futuristic
learning to project or hand out
3. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Ask‘ Describe the animals you have seen ’ .
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, to ask a learner to provide an answer.
Five students in the class are classified in special education and two are classified as English Language
Learners . A special education teacher pushes into the classroom for 45 minutes twice a day to provide
support for the special education students. There is a teacher assistant in the classroom who also
provides basic support for any student in the class. The teacher also pushes in during the lesson to
support the students during reading and writing lessons.
Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners).
Display an toy of a tiger .
Guide learners through the ‘listen–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note
what they can listen through audio, i.e. What can you actually hear in this audio? • Tell learners they
have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the audio, i.e. What do you think of when listening to
the audio? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger
implications of the task, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it
make you ask?
Learners collaborating to improve learning
Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under listen, then what they express under
THINK, and then what they imagine under WONDER.
Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning
Model good reading by reading the poem aloud to the class, making it as dramatic as you can (e.g.
through appropriate use of intonation, pace, word emphasis).
Discuss the learners’ initial response to the poem – ask them to share their emotional reactions to the
Organise learners into groups of three. Give each group a printed and curved copy ( Brail) of the poem
and highlighter pens in three different colours. Ask the learners to highlight:
words associated with sounds in one gesturer
words associated with shapes in a second gesture
words associated with descriptions of the animals in a third gesture. This should
include words associated with sight, sound and texture.
Explain to learners that if some words/phrases fit into two categories, they can highlight-them-twice.
Begin reading ‘
Once each group has highlighted their text, ask them to use a pen or pencil to annotate the poem,
identifying any examples of literary devices.
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW)
and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against
success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies
Ask the class to vote again on whether they think:
If he roars at you as you’re dyin’
You’ll know it is the Asian Lion…
Students should be allowed for research/conservation purposes only and under very tight
If any learners have changed their minds during the lesson ask them to explain their reasoning.
LL. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home
assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning
outcomes mentioned in ParaA):
Items No of
of LO
Items No. of
of LO
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point
01 -1 - 9
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
MM. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previousunit:
NN. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abledstudents): Replace
assumption with compassion
This hands-on activity teaches students to recognize the assumptions they make about themselves
and others and encourages them to practice compassion instead. By teaching practical life skills, it
sets students up to be leaders in their communities.
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )

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Narration lesson plan.docx

  • 1. ******Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri****** *************Competency based lesson Plan************* 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class X Section A 4- Lesson/Unit Name Narration ( Direct & Indirect Speech) 5- Date- 29-11-2023 Duration- 35 Minutes AA- Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): 1- Application of knowledge 2- Express effectively 3- Develop appropriate style of writing. 4- Write grammatically correct sentences. 5- Will be able to apply the rules of grammar 6- Write effectively with appropriate expressions, vocabulary and content 7- Knowledge of the purpose and importance of grammar topics 8- Use of important rules BB- To enable the students to imbibe- 9- Acquire knowledge through rules in grammar 10- concentration, confidence and independent 11- Sharing of ideas 12- Decision 13- creativity 14- novelty of ideas Important links on Narration 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆 Link for the pictures 👆👆👆👆👆 Links for the videos 👆👆👆👆👆 Link for the qui
  • 2. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based BB- Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): CC- Some of the sentences based on the topic Narration. DD- Name 21st Century Skills to be developed: Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill EE- Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making -Students Involvement in explanation of the certain concepts by asking them to frame questions and giving answers. -Model exercise of each topic will be given -Practice exercise of each topic will be given -Intra Class Quiz will be conducted. FF- Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness: GG- Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference book, Grammar Books. Introductory activity Write ‘What is Narration?’ on the board. Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer. Grammar is the set of structural rules which influences the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given language. It is the systematic study and description of a language and it helps us to understand how words and their component parts combine to form sentences. Main activity Display a chart that shows degrees in various ways. Narration
  • 3.
  • 4. Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Practice exercises will be given in the form of Quiz, games HH- Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Item s Sl. No of LO Items No. of Item s Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 - 4 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. II- Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA JJ- Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA Date: _29_ / 11 / 2023 (Teacher’s signature) Remarks of the Principal/Vice Principal/ Observer: (Signature of the Principal/Vice Principal/ observer)
  • 5. No. ofperiodsrequired 01 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learningoutcomes):This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation andliterary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion. 4-Appreciates nuances and shades of literary meanings, talks about literary devices like onomatopoeic sounds, symbols, metaphors, alliterations,comparisons, allusions and the poet’s or the writer’s point of view. 5- Identifies significant literary elements such as figurative language metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, intention or point of view, rhyme scheme, etc. BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 6- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts . 7- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences. 8- Shows understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in both literary and non-fiction texts (if the dominant focus is placed on ‘appreciates nuances’) 9- Comments on writer’s use of language and structure in literary and non-fiction texts. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated // Story telling based/Toy based /Any otherpedagogy): Include hands-on and sensory activities Books and materials with large print • Text using plain or easy English • Supplement text with icons and/or images, e.g. in experiment protocols • Visual cues (e.g., colour-coded text) • Audiobooks • Closed-captioned videos • Use of text-to-speech function or handheld device • Use of tactile pictures or models
  • 6. CC. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for groupwork): DD. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed: Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill EE. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Speech-to-text software • Orally dictate responses (using a scribe or digital recorder) • Draw or build models or make a photo or video story instead of writing • Use prepared pictures or text clips and attach them to the correct position of a model • Show processes with the help of a step-by-step model FF. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand EnvironmentalAwareness: GG. Resources (including ICT): 1. Beehive Textbook in English for Class X, Chapter 2: A Tiger In The Zoo 2. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 3. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Ask ‘ Describe the tiger in the Zoo and in the Wild?’ Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer. Five students in the class are classified in special education and two are classified as English Language Learners . A special education teacher pushes into the classroom for 45 minutes twice a day to provide support for the special education students. There is a teacher assistant in the classroom who also provides basic support for any student in the class. The teacher also pushes in during the lesson to support the students during reading and writing lessons. Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an toy of a tiger . Guide learners through the ‘listen–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can listen through audio, i.e. What can you actually hear in this audio? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the audio, i.e. What do you think of when listening to the audio? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the task, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it make you ask? Learners collaborating to improve learning Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under listen, then what they express under THINK, and then what they imagine under WONDER. Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning Model good reading by reading the poem aloud to the class, making it as dramatic as you can (e.g. through appropriate use of intonation, pace, word emphasis). Discuss the learners’ initial response to the poem – ask them to share their emotional reactions to the tiger.
  • 7. Organise learners into groups of three. Give each group a printed and curved copy ( Brail) of the poem and highlighter pens in three different colours. Ask the learners to highlight: words associated with aggression/anger in one gesturer words associated with imprisonment or freedom in a second gesture words associated with descriptions of the tiger in a third gesture. This should include words associated with sight, sound and texture. Explain to learners that if some words/phrases fit into two categories, they can highlight-them-twice. Begin reading ‘ Once each group has highlighted their text, ask them to use a pen or pencil to annotate the poem, identifying any examples of literary devices, for example: “pads of velvet” – metaphor “his brilliant eyes / at the brilliant stars” – repetition “Where plump deer pass” – alliteration Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Ask the class to vote again on whether they think: zoos are fine as they are. zoos should be banned across the world zoos should be allowed for research/conservation purposes only and under very tight regulations. If any learners have changed their minds during the lesson ask them to explain their reasoning. HH. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in ParaA): Items No of Ite ms Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Item s Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 - 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
  • 8. II. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previousunit: NA JJ. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abledstudents): Replace assumption with compassion This hands-on activity teaches students to recognize the assumptions they make about themselves and others and encourages them to practice compassion instead. By teaching practical life skills, it sets students up to be leaders in their communities. (Signature of theteacher) (Signature of the Principal ) JawaharNavodayaVidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Lesson Plan based on Inclusive Teaching Learning Padagogy 1- Name of theTeacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class X Section A & B 4- Lesson/UnitNameHow To Tell Wild Animals No. ofperiodsrequired 01 AA- Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learningoutcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary-appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion.
  • 9. 4-Appreciates nuances and shades of literary meanings, talks about literary devices like onomatopoeic sounds, symbols, metaphors, alliterations, comparisons, allusions and the poet’s or the writer’s point of view. 5- • Identifies significant literary elements such as figurative language — metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, intention or point of view, rhyme scheme, etc. BB- At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 1- -understand the identifying features of few animalsappreciate a different genre (humour) 2- -enjoy reading the poem for pleasure 3- -enrich vocabulary and use the same correctly. 4- -respect diversity-get well versed with imagery and rhyme scheme CC- Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Story telling based/Toy based /Any otherpedagogy): Fun activity based Activity (To introduce chapter): Books and materials with large print • Text using plain or easy English • Supplement text with icons and/or images, e.g. in experiment protocols • Visual cues (e.g., colour-coded text) • Audiobooks • Closed-captioned videos • Use of text-to-speech function or handheld device • Use of tactile pictures or models 1.Share your experience of jungle Safari( if any) 2.What is the special feature of Bengal Tiger, Chameleon and crocodile? Activity (to support learning) There are various ways to give lighter touch to scary objects or things. Ithappens when people try to make them feel comfortable. Recall any incident when your parents tried to present things in a lighter way so as to not to give you stress. DD- Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for groupwork): EE- Name 21st Century Skills to be developed: Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill FF- Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Speech-to-text software • Orally dictate responses (using a scribe or digital recorder) • Draw or build models or make a photo or video story instead of writing • Use prepared pictures or text clips and attach them to the correct position of a model • Show processes with the help of a step-by-step model GG- Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand EnvironmentalAwareness: KK. Resources (including ICT): 1. Beehive Textbook in English for Class X, Chapter 4: How To Tell Wild Animals 2. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
  • 10. 3. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Ask‘ Describe the animals you have seen ’ . Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, to ask a learner to provide an answer. Five students in the class are classified in special education and two are classified as English Language Learners . A special education teacher pushes into the classroom for 45 minutes twice a day to provide support for the special education students. There is a teacher assistant in the classroom who also provides basic support for any student in the class. The teacher also pushes in during the lesson to support the students during reading and writing lessons. Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an toy of a tiger . Guide learners through the ‘listen–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can listen through audio, i.e. What can you actually hear in this audio? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the audio, i.e. What do you think of when listening to the audio? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the task, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it make you ask? Learners collaborating to improve learning Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under listen, then what they express under THINK, and then what they imagine under WONDER. Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning Model good reading by reading the poem aloud to the class, making it as dramatic as you can (e.g. through appropriate use of intonation, pace, word emphasis). Discuss the learners’ initial response to the poem – ask them to share their emotional reactions to the tiger. Organise learners into groups of three. Give each group a printed and curved copy ( Brail) of the poem and highlighter pens in three different colours. Ask the learners to highlight: words associated with sounds in one gesturer words associated with shapes in a second gesture words associated with descriptions of the animals in a third gesture. This should include words associated with sight, sound and texture. Explain to learners that if some words/phrases fit into two categories, they can highlight-them-twice. Begin reading ‘ Once each group has highlighted their text, ask them to use a pen or pencil to annotate the poem, identifying any examples of literary devices. Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
  • 11. Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Ask the class to vote again on whether they think: If he roars at you as you’re dyin’ You’ll know it is the Asian Lion… Students should be allowed for research/conservation purposes only and under very tight regulations. If any learners have changed their minds during the lesson ask them to explain their reasoning. LL. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in ParaA): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 - 9 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. MM. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previousunit: NA NN. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abledstudents): Replace assumption with compassion This hands-on activity teaches students to recognize the assumptions they make about themselves and others and encourages them to practice compassion instead. By teaching practical life skills, it sets students up to be leaders in their communities. (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )