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Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1. Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2. Designation TGT- English
3. Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4. Lesson/Unit Name THE FUN THEY HAD
No. of periods required 04 Duration From 0 3 /04/23 To 07/04/23
A. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and
summarising 2- Explains specific features of different literary genres for
interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for
enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion.
4- To acquaint the students with a scientific story.
5- To enable the students about Robots and Robotic teachers.
6- To enable the students about a variety of Modern
B. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
7- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
8- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences
9- To acquaint the students with a scientific story.
10- To enable the students about Robots and Robotic teachers.
11- To enable the students about a variety of Modern
C. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports
integrated, Fun activity based
D. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
E. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
F. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
Activity (To introduce the lesson):
Imagine a time when all books will be on computers and there will be no books printed on
paper. Would you like such books? Why/ Why not? (Multi-structural)
Activity (To Support learning): Calculate how many years and months ahead from now Margie‘s diary entry is.
Activity (To assess learning): Imagine the school in the story ‗The Fun They Had‘. Compare it with your own school. (Work book pg.8)
G. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness:
H. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference booKS.
4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 1: The Fun They Had
5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Lesson Activities Assessment Introductory activity
Write ‘What is science fiction?’ on the board.
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer.
Continuing using the name sticks, ask others in the class to choose whether to ‘add to’, ‘change’, ‘develop’ or ‘challenge’ (ACDC) the previous learner’s
response. Gather as many ideas as possible and write any relevant words and phrases on the board as a mind map.
Assessing prior knowledge
Main activity
Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display
an image about what school/learning may look like in the future.
Guide learners through the ‘See–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can SEE in the image, i.e. What can you
actually see in this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the image, i.e. What do you think of when looking at this
image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the image, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image
suggest? What big questions does it make you ask?
Learners collaborating to improve learning
Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under SEE, then what they wrote under THINK, and then what they wrote under WONDER.
Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning
Begin reading ‘The Fun They Had’ (up to page 6 ‘ it the first time’) to model good reading skills. At this point, give learners the opportunity to read
sections aloud (up to page 8 ‘...tucked beneath his arm’). During reading aloud activities, support good use of pause, tone and intonation by praising learners
who clearly demonstrate it and by reading sections yourself to demonstrate good practice before passing back to a learner.
Providing feedback and modelling to move learning forwards
Ask learners to suggest what they think the learning intention of the ‘See–Think–Wonder’ task was. During feedback, elicit from learners links between the
activity and the context of the text they have just read: • How does the image we were looking at relate to the story we have begun reading? • [Remind
learners of the ideas recorded on the board] How are our ideas similar/different to those in the text?
Ask learners to read the remainder of the text silently.
If possible, give out annotatable sheets with the following section of the story printed on them:
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the
success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies
Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking
Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items
and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 - 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
I. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
J. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name THE ROAD NOT TAKEN
No. of periods required 02 Duration From 1 0 /04/23 To 12/04/23
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- : • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives
2- • Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements, such as, metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, personification, onomatopoeia, intention
or point of view, rhyme scheme, themes, titles, etc
At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
3- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
4- Able to explain the meaning of words in context
5- Able to interpret layers of meaning
6- Able to comment on a writer’s use of language and structure to achieve their effects
7- Understand that the decisions taken by people shape their lives.
8- Describe the dilemma of the poet and the poetic devices used in the poem.
9- Negotiate their own learning goals and evaluate their own progress, edit , revise, and review their own work
10- Enhance their creativity and imagination
11- Make choices that are acceptable and less risky
12- Know the factors that determine our choice
13- Right decision at the right time
BB. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports
integrated, Fun activity based
CC. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
DD. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
EE. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
Activity (To introduce the lesson):
Video of Pankaj Tripathi will be shown to inspire the students. How he had struggled to fulfil his passion.
Activity (To Support learning):
The path which we have chosen, decides our future, our destination. Discuss.
PPT based on the poem will be shown .
Activity (to assess learning):
Identify the poetic devices from the poem.
Which path would you like to prefer - ‗More well-travelled path‘ or the road ‗less travelled by‘ , when life will give you a chance to choose?
Discussion of the poem with reference to‗M.S.Dhoni, The Untold Story‘; Dhoni was a TC and then chose the path to follow his passion.
FF. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness:
GG. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference books.
4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken (poem)
HH. Lesson Activities Assessment
Introductory activity
Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners) and give each group a set of examples of the following devices: • similes • metaphor • alliteration.
There should be at least three examples of each device.
Examples could include: • His eyes sparkled like diamonds. • Her hair was a sheet hanging over her ears. • She sells seashells on the seashore.
Once learners have organised all their examples, ask them to feed back as a whole class. You could read out each example and ask learners to respond in a
particular manner, for example: • Stand up if you think it is a simile. • Raise your hand if you think it is a metaphor. • Stay seated (with hands down) if you
think it is alliteration.
Still in their small groups, ask learners to look at the example metaphors and draft their own definition of ‘metaphor’. Challenge learners to add their own
example of a metaphor to their definition. Ask each group to share their definition (and example) and record each definition on the board. Use all learners’
feedback and discussion to reach a consensus on a whole-class definition.
II. Main activity
Read the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ as a class. Ask learners to identify any words they don’t understand and write them on the board. Challenge learners to
work out the meanings from the context and using prior knowledge. Through this discussion ensure that the word ‘diverged’ is explained because it is a key
word in the poem. Support through targeted questioning, for example: • What does the word ‘diverged’ mean? • What other words do you know that begin
with ‘div’? (e.g. division, divorce) What do the meanings of these words have in common? • How can we apply that to this sentence and the word ‘diverged’?
In their small groups, ask learners to summarise and act out the narrative of the poem. Explain that the intention is for learners to express their literal
understanding of the poem.
In their books, ask learners to write down a word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about.
Now explain to learners that the poem is an extended metaphor. Refer learners back to the beginning of the lesson and their own definition and examples of
metaphor, and explain the meaning of an extended metaphor.
In their books, ask learners to write answers to the following questions:
1. What is the significance of setting the poem in a wood? 2. What does the fork in the road symbolise?
3. What is the poet suggesting by saying choosing ‘the road less travelled...made all the difference?
4. What lesson is the poet trying to teach us?
JJ. Plenary
In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about.
Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: •
How does knowing the metaphorical meaning affect your view of the poem?
KK. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment
Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 -2
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12
Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1
Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions -1-4 -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
LL. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
MM. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1. Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2. Designation TGT- English
3. Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4. Lesson/Unit Name EVELYN GLENNIE
No. of periods required 03 Duration From 1 7 /04/23 To 19/04/23
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring,
and summarising 2- • Explains specific features of different literary
genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts
for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion.
At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences
6- To get inspiration from the real life experiences of a differently abled person.
7- To sensitize themselves to the feelings of an individual.
8- To feel the struggle of Evelyn for her success.
9- To use new words and phrases in their own language.
CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports
integrated, Fun activity based
DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
EE. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Share information about people/children who
have overcome their physical barriers and have achieved success in their lives.
The Sound of Music‘ is a biographical piece about Evelyn Glennie, a famous percussionist,
who listened to sound without hearing it. Video of Evelyn Glennie will be shown.
Video of SudhaChandran, a classical dancer, who lost her leg in an accident (Film NaacheMayuri)
GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness:
HH. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS.
4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 2: EVELYN GLENNIE
5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Write ‘What are the differently abled people?’ on the board.
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer.
I-Evelyn Glennie is a multipercussionist. She can play about 1000 instruments with perfection. She listens to sound without hearing it. Evelyn fought against
a physical disability & became a source of inspiration for thousands of disabled persons.
Begin reading ‘
 Evelyn Glennie is a multi – percussionist, who can play thousands of instruments to perfection, a most sought after musician internationally.
Surprisingly, she achieved this status in spite of her disability, she was profoundly deaf. But she learnt to listen with her body instead of the ears.
She feels the sound through her body.
 Evelyn was eleven years old when it was discovered that she had a hearing problem. She wanted to pursue her career in music, but her teachers
discouraged her. It was Ron Forbes who recognized her potential and supported her. He advised her not to listen through her ears, but try to sense
it in some other way. This proved to be the turning point. She learnt to open her body and mind to the sounds and vibrations. After that she never
looked back. She had mastered the art of interpreting different vibrations of sound on her body.
 She joined the prestigious Royal Academy of Music and scored the highest marks in the history of the Academy. She worked hard and with
determination against all odds and got right to the top. In 1991, she was presented with the Royal Philharomonic Society’s prestigious “Soloist of
the year award”. Apart from the regular concerts, Evelyn gave free concerts in hospitals, prisons and also to aspiring young musicians. She became a
source of inspiration for deaf and other handicapped children. She inspired them and made them believe that if Evelyn could do, so could they.
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the
success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies
Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking
II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment
Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 – 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1. Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2. Designation TGT- English
3. Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4. Lesson/Unit Name The Shehnai of Bismillah Khan
No. of periods required 04 Duration From 1 9 /04/23 To 21/04/23
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring,
and summarising 2- • Explains specific features of different literary
genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for
enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion.
At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences
CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports
integrated, Fun activity based
DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
EE. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
Activity based on Part-2: The Shehnai of
Bismillah Khan (Omitted Chapter)
Name the different instruments played in India.
Name few famous instrumentalist in their respective fields.
Workbook Unit-2 will be discussed and solved in the class.
GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness:
HH. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS.
4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 2: The Shehnai of Bismillah Khan
5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Write ‘What are the differently abled people?’ on the board.
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer.
Continuing using the name sticks, ask others in the class to choose whether to ‘add to’, ‘change’, ‘develop’ or ‘challenge’ (ACDC) the previous learner’s
response. Gather as many ideas as possible and write any relevant words and phrases on the board as a mind map.
Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners).
Display an image of some musicians.‘
 This chapter throws light on the origin of Shehnai and the life of all time great Shehnai Vadak – Bismillah Khan. The winner of Bharat Ratna, the
highest civilian award of India, his dedication to music and his love for India.
 “Pungi” a musical instrument, was banned by Emperor Aurangzeb, because of its shrill and unpleasant sound. In fact, it was regarded more as a noise
maker rather than a musical instrument. It was modified and perfected by a barber who belonged to a family of professional musicians. He played it
in the chamber of the king. Its sound was so appreciated by the emperor that it was made a part of Naubat. Since it was played for the first time
in Shah’s chamber by a Nai, it came to be known as Shehnai.
 Traditionally, it was played in the temples and on every auspicious domestic occasions also. Its sound was regarded as auspicious. But it was treated
as an incomplete musical instrument, not capable of creating independent pages. But Bismillah Khan broke this myth.
 Bismillah belongs to the Benares Gharana. He was bom in 1916 at Dumraon, in Bihar. As a 5 year old, he used to visit the Bihariji Temple and sing
Bhojpuri “Chaitya” there. For his melodious singing he used to earn a big Laddu from the local Bhojpuri King. At the age of 6, he moved to Benares.
There under the guidance and training of his maternal uncle, Ali Bux, he started picking up the finer nuances of shehnai. He used to spend most of his
time practicing on the banks of the River Ganges. The themes of his music were deeply affected by the sounds of flowing water of the Ganga.
 He got the best performer award at All India Music Conference in Allahabad in 1930. In 2001, he
won 3 awards’the Padma Bhushan, Padmashree and Padma Vibhushan. He was invited to play the shehnai from the ramparts of the Red Fort in
194?, becoming the first to greet the independent India. He won many international awards also. He became the first Indian to perform at titje
Lincoln Central Hall, in USA. An auditorium in Tehran was named after him-Tahar Mosiquee Ustaad Bismillah Khan.
 Bismillah was very fond of Benares and Dumraon. He declined an offer from one of his students to settle in the USA, as he was not willing to stay
away for long from Benaras and its holy river Ganga. He ventured into film world also. He gave his music in 2 movies. His composition “Dil ka khillona
hai ” for movie “Goonj Uthi Shehnai”, was a chartbuster. But he could not associate himself
with the artificial glamour of die film world. For him, music was his soul, his life.
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the
success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies
Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking
II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment
Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 – 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1. Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2. Designation TGT- English
3. Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4. Lesson/Unit Name WIND
No. of periods required 02 Duration From 2 2 /04/23 To 22/04/23
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- : • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives
2- • Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements, such as, metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, personification, onomatopoeia, intention
or point of view, rhyme scheme, themes, titles, etc
BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
3- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
4- Able to explain the meaning of words in context
5- Able to interpret layers of meaning
6- Able to comment on a writer’s use of language and structure to achieve their effects
7- To understand various poetic devices (repetition/ free verse/ metaphor) in the poem
8- To know about the literature of other language (Hindi / Punjabi )
9- To kindle the imagination of creative poetry
10- To enable them grasp the theme and gist of the poem.
11- To help them to exercise the message given in the poem in their life.
CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports
integrated, Fun activity based
DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
EE. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
Activity (To introduce the lesson):
Warm up Activity:
Share your experience about your visit to a place during summer holidays. How do you feel the presence of wind?
Activity (To Support learning):
Compose a poem based on natural elements in not less than three stanzas using at least four
poetic devices.
Activity (to assess learning):
*What values do you inculcate from the poem Wind‘?
GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness:
HH. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference books.
4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 2: WIND (poem)
II. Lesson Activities Assessment
Introductory activity
Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners) and give each group a set of examples of the following devices: • similes • metaphor • alliteration.
There should be at least three examples of each device.
Examples could include: • His eyes sparkled like diamonds. • Her hair was a sheet hanging over her ears. • She sells seashells on the seashore.
Once learners have organised all their examples, ask them to feed back as a whole class. You could read out each example and ask learners to respond in a
particular manner, for example: • Stand up if you think it is a simile. • Raise your hand if you think it is a metaphor. • Stay seated (with hands down) if you
think it is alliteration.
Still in their small groups, ask learners to look at the example metaphors and draft their own definition of ‘metaphor’. Challenge learners to add their own
example of a metaphor to their definition. Ask each group to share their definition (and example) and record each definition on the board. Use all learners’
feedback and discussion to reach a consensus on a whole-class definition.
JJ. Main activity
Read the poem ‘WIND’ as a class. Ask learners to identify any words they don’t understand and write them on the board. Challenge learners to work out the
meanings from the context and using prior knowledge. Through this discussion ensure that the word ‘winnow’ is explained because it is a key word in the poem.
Support through targeted questioning, for example: • What does the word ‘winnow’ mean? • How can we apply that to this sentence and the word ‘diverged’?
In their small groups, ask learners to summarise and act out the narrative of the poem. Explain that the intention is for learners to express their literal
understanding of the poem.
In their books, ask learners to write down a word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about.As the name suggests
this poem is about wind. However, the wind is a natural phenomenon. And in the poem, the poet describes the power of the wind and calls wind destructive. Further,
he links the destructive power of the wind with the difficulties of life. He says that weak people breakdown easily, but stronger people emerge out stronger. Also, the
poem gives a very important lesson that we should be mentally tough and physically strong in order to survive the hardships of life. However, a weak person crumbles
and breakdown like an old building. So it is necessary that we should make these destructive forces our friends with our determination and strength.
Now explain to learners that the poem is an extended metaphor. Refer learners back to the beginning of the lesson and their own definition and examples of
metaphor, and explain the meaning of an extended metaphor. In their books, ask learners
to write answers to the following questions:
Question 1.What are the things the wind does in the first stanza? Question 2. Have you
seen anybody winnow grain at home or in a paddy field? What is the word in your language for winnowing? What do people use for winnowing? (Give the words in
your language, if you know them.
KK. Plenary
In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about.
Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: •
How does knowing the metaphorical meaning affect your view of the poem?
LL. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment
Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 -2
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12
Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1
Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions -1-4 -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
MM. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
NN. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name The little Girl
No. of periods required 04 Duration From 0 3 /07/23 To 05/07/23
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing,
reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific
features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation
3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents
and gives opinion.
At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
5- • Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences
CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other
pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based
DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
EE. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:
HH. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference booKS.
4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 3: The little Girl
5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Write ‘What are the differently abled people?’ on the board.
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer.
The Little Girl Summary – As the title suggests, the little girl refers to the main characters of the story who goes by the name Kezia. Moreover,
the main theme of the story is the relationship between parents and their children. Also, the writer Katherine Mansfield wishes to tell us that
children share a very deep bond of love with their parents. Even though young children do not feel that their parents love and care for them
because they are strict, and to them, many of their parents’ action appears unfair. Besides, when children grow up they realize that all the acts
of their parents were favourable for them. In addition, all along the parents were afraid for them and below their strictness lies a heart full of
love for them. Most importantly, this bond of love between parents and their children has been underlined through the little girl summary.
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing
particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key
competencies ; Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking.
Use an appropriate word from the synonyms given above in the following sentences. Clues are given in brackets.
(i) She was ____ by the news of her brother’s wedding. (very pleased)
(ii) I was ____to be invited to the party. (extremely pleased and excited about)
(iii) She was ____ at the birth of her granddaughter. (extremely happy)
(iv) The coach was ____ with his performance. (satisfied about)
(v) She was very ____ with her results. (happy about something that has happened).
II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should
plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point
01 -1 - 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name A legend of Northland
No. of periods required 02 Duration From 2 2 /07/23 To 23/07/23
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- : • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and
incidents and gives opinion
2- • Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements, such as, metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, personification,
onomatopoeia, intention or point of view, rhyme scheme, themes, titles, etc
To enable the students to imbibe-
➢Kindness ➢Noble ➢Generousness ➢Willingness to help others ➢Sympathy
➢Care and Concern for others ➢Realize the result of greed
BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
3- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
4- Able to explain the meaning of words in context
5- Able to interpret layers of meaning
6- Able to comment on a writer’s use of language and structure to achieve their effects
7- Understand the culture, lifestyle and belief of the people living in the region.
8- Acquaint the students with a Mythological stories.
9- Enjoy poetry in the form of Ballad.
10- Identify of figures of speech.
CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy):
Sports integrated, Fun activity based
DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
EE. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
Activity (To introduce the lesson):
Students will be given chance to recite the poem turn by turn.
Activity (To Support learning):
Students will be asked to go to the local library or talk to older persons in their locality and find
legends in their own language. Discuss about the legends in the class.
Activity (to assess learning):
Do you think that the old lady would have been so ungenerous if she had known who Saint Peter
really was? What would she have done then?
GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:
HH. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference books.
4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX,
Chapter 4: A Legend of Northland (poem)
II. Lesson Activities Assessment
Introductory activity
Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners) and give each group a set of examples sothat the poem may be started.
‗A Legend of the Northland‘ is a ballad. The poet doesn‘t believe in the authenticity of the story
but yet is tempted to share the story. Mythological stories may not relate to realities but they always
carry some good messages with them. This poem narrates the legend of an old lady
who angered Saint Peter because of her greed and was cursed by him.
This poem puts forth the theme that we should not be selfish and always help the needy.
In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about.
Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: •
How does knowing the metaphorical meaning affect your view of the poem?
JJ. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should
plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point Presentation 01 -1-12
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12
Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1
Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions -1-4 -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
KK. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
LL. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name A truly Beautiful Mind
No. of periods required 04 Duration From 0 1 /08/23 To 04/08/23
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing,
reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific
features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation
3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents
and gives opinion.
At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences
6-To introduce the students to the new words and phrases of English language.
7- To develop the interest of the students to a literary piece.
8- To develop the scientific temper of students.
9- To promote the reading habits of students.
10- To make the students conscious of the scientific invention and discoveries.
11- To enhance the knowledge of students.
CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other
pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based
DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
EE. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
Activity (To introduce the lesson):
- Warm up Activityi)
Who is a genius? (ii) What are the attributes that make a person a genius?
The students know many facts about Albert Einstein‘s life. They will be encouraged to share.
Activity (To Support learning):
Do you agree with the statement stated as ―New technology is common, new thinking is rare?‖
Activity (to assess learning):
Albert Einstein‘s brain was taken from his body during an autopsy hours after his death, going against his and his family‘s wishes. What do
you think the reason behind it? Did they get something unusual?
GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:
HH. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference booKS.
4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 4: A Truly Beautiful Mind
5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Write ‘Who are called Genius ?’ on the board.
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer.
The chapter is a biographical account of Nobel Laureate and ―scientific genius‖
Albert Einstein.The story of Einstein tries to show him as a human being, a fairly ordinary person who had his likes and dislikes, his streaks of
rebellion, and his problems. One can think about how a ‗great person‘ was perceived before being recognized as ‗great‘: it is not as though
great people are born with a special sign
that allows us to recognize them instantly! ‘
Class Work:
Do you agree with the statement stated as ―New technology is
common, new thinking is rare?‖ (Workbook)
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing
particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key
Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking
II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should
plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point
01 -1 - 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
No. of periods required 02 Duration From 0 5 /08/23 To 05/08/23
MM. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
5- : • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives
6- • Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements, such as, metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, personification, onomatopoeia, intention
or point of view, rhyme scheme, themes, titles, etc
NN. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
7- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
8- Able to explain the meaning of words in context
9- Able to interpret layers of meaning
10- Able to comment on a writer’s use of language and structure to achieve their effects
11- To understand various poetic devices (repetition/ free verse/ metaphor) in the poem
12- To know about the literature of other language (Hindi / Punjabi )
13- To kindle the imagination of creative poetry
14- To enable them grasp the theme and gist of the poem.
15- To help them to exercise the message given in the poem in their life.
OO. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports
integrated, Fun activity based
PP. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
QQ. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed:
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
RR. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
Activity (To introduce the lesson):
Warm up Activity:
Share your experience about your visit to a place during summer holidays. How do you feel the peace there?
Activity (To Support learning):
Compose a poem based on natural elements in not less than three stanzas using at least four
poetic devices.
Activity (to assess learning):
*What values do you inculcate from the poem The Lake Isle Of Innisfree‘?
SS. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness: Value of nature in one’s life
TT. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference books.
4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 4: The lake Isle of Innisfree (poem)
UU. Lesson Activities Assessment
Introductory activity
Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners) and give each group a set of examples of the following devices: • similes • metaphor • alliteration.
There should be at least three examples of each device.
Examples could include: • His eyes sparkled like diamonds. • Her hair was a sheet hanging over her ears. • She sells seashells on the seashore.
Once learners have organised all their examples, ask them to feed back as a whole class. You could read out each example and ask learners to respond in a
particular manner, for example: • Stand up if you think it is a simile. • Raise your hand if you think it is a metaphor. • Stay seated (with hands down) if you
think it is alliteration.
Still in their small groups, ask learners to look at the example metaphors and draft their own definition of ‘metaphor’. Challenge learners to add their own
example of a metaphor to their definition. Ask each group to share their definition (and example) and record each definition on the board. Use all learners’
feedback and discussion to reach a consensus on a whole-class definition.
VV. Main activity
WW. Metaphor: A metaphor shows direct comparison between two things which the use of as or like. e.g. “veils of the morning “, “deep heart’s core”. Here
night is referred to as veils of morning. Similarly poet’s desires are referred to as deep heart’s core.
XX. Alliteration: It is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. e.g. “a hive for the honey-bee”,
“live alone in the bee-loud glade”, “a glimmer, and noon a purple glow”, “lake water lapping with low sounds”.
YY. Anaphora: It is the repetition of a word or expression at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, sentences, or verses. e.g. “I will”, “go”.
ZZ. Personification: It is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human. e.g. “cricket sings”. Singing is the
characteristic of humans and has been attributed to cricket (an insect).
AAA. Images: Images are representation of something which draw on the five senses. e.g. Visual Images (midnight’s all a glimmer, noon a purple
glow), Auditory Images (the bee-loud glade, the cricket sings, I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore) etc.
BBB. Plenary
In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about.
Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: •
How does knowing the metaphorical meaning affect your view of the poem?
CCC. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment
Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 -2
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12
Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1
Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions -1-4 -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
DDD. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
EEE. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal)
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name The Snake And The Mirror
No. of periods required 04 Duration From 2 0 /09/23 To 23/09/23
LL. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing,
reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific
features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation
3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents
and gives opinion.
At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences
6-To introduce the students to the new words and phrases of English language.
7- To develop the interest of the students to a literary piece.
8- To develop the scientific temper of students.
9- To promote the reading habits of students.
10- To make the students conscious of the scientific invention and discoveries.
11- To enhance the knowledge of students.
NN. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other
pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based
OO. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
PP. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
QQ. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
Activity (To introduce the lesson):
- Warm up Activityi)
Any one of you has seen a snake? (ii) What are the attributes that make a snake dangerous?
The students know many facts about snakes. They will be encouraged to share.
Activity (To Support learning):
Do you agree with the statement stated as ―snakes are harmful or dangerous?‖
Activity (to assess learning):
Do you think that the snakes are harmless if they are how?.
1- What do you think the reason behind it? Did they get something unusual?
RR. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:
SS. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference booKS.
4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 4: A Truly Beautiful Mind
5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Write ‘Who are called Genius ?’ on the board.
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer.
The chapter is a biographical account of Nobel Laureate and ―scientific genius‖
Albert Einstein.The story of Einstein tries to show him as a human being, a fairly ordinary person who had his likes and dislikes, his streaks of
rebellion, and his problems. One can think about how a ‗great person‘ was perceived before being recognized as ‗great‘: it is not as though
great people are born with a special sign
that allows us to recognize them instantly! ‘
Class Work:
Do you agree with the statement stated as ―New technology is
common, new thinking is rare?‖ (Workbook)
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing
particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key
Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking
TT. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should
plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point
01 -1 - 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
UU. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
VV. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name No Men Are Foreign
No. of periods required 02 Duration From 0 3 /10/23 To 04/10/23
AA- Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
To enable the students to read, write, speak understand English correctly. (SY)
To enrich the vocabulary of the students to use the same correctly.(K)
To enable the students to understand the difficult words and phrases in the poem.(U)
BB- At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
Students will be able:
- To read, write, speak understand English correctly. (SY)
- To enrich the vocabulary of the students to use the same correctly.(K)
- To understand the difficult words and phrases in the poem.(U)
CC- Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports
integrated, Fun activity based
DD- Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
EE- Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed:
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF- Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
Activity (To introduce the lesson):
Speaking Skills: In times of crisis like the recent pandemic Corona crisis‘ has reduced the gaps of foreign
differences between the people, irrespective of the differences existing between us. Do you think it is appreciable act?
Activity (To Support learning):
Referring to the story given on page no 91 of workbook, share your views on the importance of Unity. (Extended Abstract) (Workbook)
Reading Skills: Recitation with proper innotation.
Activity (to assess learning)
What is the central theme of the poem?
GG- Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness: Value of nature in one’s life
HH- Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference books.
4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX,
Chapter 5: No Men Are Foreign(poem)
II- Lesson Activities Assessment
Introductory activity
Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners) and give each group a set of examples of the following devices: • similes • metaphor • alliteration.
There should be at least three examples of each device.
Examples could include: • His eyes sparkled like diamonds. • Her hair was a sheet hanging over her ears. • She sells seashells on the seashore.
Once learners have organised all their examples, ask them to feed back as a whole class. You could read out each example and ask learners to respond in a
particular manner, for example: • Stand up if you think it is a simile. • Raise your hand if you think it is a metaphor. • Stay seated (with hands down) if you
think it is alliteration.
Still in their small groups, ask learners to look at the example metaphors and draft their own definition of ‘metaphor’. Challenge learners to add their own
example of a metaphor to their definition. Ask each group to share their definition (and example) and record each definition on the board. Use all learners’
feedback and discussion to reach a consensus on a whole-class definition.
JJ- Main activity
KK- Metaphor: A metaphor shows direct comparison between two things which the use of as or like. e.g. “veils of the morning “, “deep heart’s core”. Here
night is referred to as veils of morning. Similarly poet’s desires are referred to as deep heart’s core.
LL- Alliteration: It is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. e.g. “a hive for the honey-bee”,
“live alone in the bee-loud glade”, “a glimmer, and noon a purple glow”, “lake water lapping with low sounds”.
MM- Anaphora: It is the repetition of a word or expression at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, sentences, or verses. e.g. “I will”, “go”.
NN- Personification: It is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human. e.g. “cricket sings”. Singing is the
characteristic of humans and has been attributed to cricket (an insect).
OO- Images: Images are representation of something which draw on the five senses. e.g. Visual Images (midnight’s all a glimmer, noon a purple
glow), Auditory Images (the bee-loud glade, the cricket sings, I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore) etc.
PP- Plenary
In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about.
Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: •
What is the central theme of the poem? (Extended Abstract)
Identify the Figures of speech
QQ- Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment
Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 -2
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12
Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1
Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions -1-4 -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
RR- Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
SS- Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal)
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
5- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
6- Designation TGT- English
7- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
8- Lesson/Unit Name Reach For The Top
No. of periods required 04 Duration From 1 9 /10/23 To 21/10/23
AA- Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- To introduce themselves to the new words and phrases of English language. (K)
2- To develop the interest to appreciate a literary piece.
3- To promote the reading habits.(AP)
4- To enhance their knowledge .(AP)
5- To learn the usage of Idioms and Phrases (K)
6- To encourage to write within a given word limit (such as 500 words, or 1000 words) (AP)
7- To use every day, contemporary language
To enable the students to imbibe- At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
1- To be determined Success is the culmination of hard work and sincerity
2- Persistent endeavors to reach the top.
3- To make them realize their responsibilities to safeguard environment
4- Help students to write a description of Santosh Yadav’s character by drawing their attention to her background likes and
dislikes her humanity and her contribution to society.
AA- Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other
pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based
BB- Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group
CC- Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
DD- Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
Activity (To introduce the lesson):
There are conflicts between Human and nature; and between humans. What do you understand by this?
Activity (To Support learning):
How can human save nature? What efforts can be done on small level?
Activity (to assess learning):
Discussion- What are the things we are getting from the Mother Earth? What are we returning?
EE- Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:
FF- Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference booKS.
4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 6: Santosh Yadav
5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Write ‘Who is Santosh Yadav?’ on the board.
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer.
The chapter is about Santosh Yadav who fought against odds and achieved success.
Santosh Yadav is one of the few women in the world to have climbed Mount Everest twice.
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI)
focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of
learning Key competencies
There are more examples of women who fought against odds and achieved great heights in their field. Write a
paragraph about the personality, who inspired you. You can find such personalities around you.
Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking
GG- Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher
should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
of LO
Items No. of
of LO
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point
01 -1 - 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
HH- Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
II- Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name On Killing A Tree
No. of periods required 02 Duration From 1 8 /10/23 To 18/10/23
AA- Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This
lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- To comprehend meanings of the poem. (U)
2- To understand the poem by doing simple tasks and thus learning words with similar meanings. (U)
3- To reflect on the poem. (AY)
4- To speak from the tree‘s point of view (SY)
5- To revise about various poetic devices like Imagery, Personification, Free verse (EV)
BB- At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
Students will be able: To enable the students to imbibe-
1- ➢Concern for Mother Earth
2- ➢Sensitivity
3- ➢Destructive nature of humans
4- ➢Mother Nature is inevitable
5- ➢Tree is a symbol of mankind
6- ➢Life is not easy to end
CC- Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy):
Sports integrated, Fun activity based
DD- Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
EE- Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed:
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF- Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
Activity (To introduce the lesson):
There are conflicts between Human and nature; and between humans. What do you understand by this?
Activity (To Support learning):
How can human save nature? What efforts can be done on small level?
Activity (to assess learning):
Discussion- What are the things we are getting from the Mother Earth? What are we returning?
Activity (to assess learning)
What is the central theme of the poem?
GG- Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness: Value of nature
in one’s life
HH- Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference books.
4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 7: On Killing a Tree (poem)
Lesson Activities Assessment
Introductory activity
Chapter Description-
This poem paints a vivid and brutal picture of what is involved in killing a tree. This poem highlights a lot of morals. Firstly, it displays the
destructive nature of humans. Secondly, it shows that Mother Nature is
inevitable and cannot be easily destroyed. Thirdly, the tree is asymbol of mankind. Itsays that human life is not so easy to end. If we cut the
fingers or the skin, then we do not die.
It is the heart that should be cut-out. This is the main theme of the poem.
Theme: The general theme of the poem is man‘s cruelty to nature and the destruction of trees. The poet uses a sarcastic tone to explain
how a tree has to be uprooted from its source for it to be killed. The tree grows by absorbing years of sunlight, air and water and it cannot
die by merely hacking and chopping at it as its source of strength lies in the roots. On a figurative level, the poem may also mean that to kill
a tree or anything else e.g. a bad habit, it must be destroyed at the heart. For human beings, injuries and amputation does not cause death,
but if the heart stops functioning, there is no chance of survival as the heart provides the life blood and is their source of existence.
Main activity & Plenary
In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about.
Theme & Analysis of the poem Identify the Figures of Speech
In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about.
Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: •
What is the central theme of the poem? (Extended Abstract)
Identify the Figures of speech
II- Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan
Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point
01 -1 -2
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12
Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1
Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions -1-4 -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
JJ- Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
KK- Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal)
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1. Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2. Designation TGT- English
3. Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4. Lesson/Unit Name The Lost Child
No. of periods required 03 Duration From 2 5 /04/23 To 28/04/23
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing,
reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific
features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation
3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents
and gives opinion.
BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
5- • Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon inferences
CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other
pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based
DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
EE. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:
HH. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference booKS.
4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 1: THE LOST CHILD
5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Write ‘Have you ever visited a fair? What would happen if someone is lost’ on the board.
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer.
Continuing using the name sticks, ask others in the class to choose whether to ‘add to’, ‘change’, ‘develop’ or ‘challenge’ (ACDC) the previous
learner’s response. Gather as many ideas as possible and write any relevant words and phrases on the board as a mind map.
Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an image of a
fair and a lost child..
Guide learners through the ‘See–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can SEE in the image, i.e.
What can you actually see in this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the image, i.e. What do you
think of when looking at this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the
image, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it make you ask?
Learners collaborating to improve learning
Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under SEE, then what they wrote under THINK, and then what they wrote
under WONDER.
Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning
Begin reading ‘
In the story "the lost child" the author tries to explore the mind of a child. This story also highlights a love for his parents.
The child goes to a fair with his parents. he is very excited and wants sweets and toys displayed there. His parents don't buy these things
for him. But very soon he gets separated from his parents as he left behind looking at various toys and other things. when he realises that
his parents are no where near him, he starts crying Unconsolably. he is a refuses everything which is offred by others. he only wants his
parents and keeps crying.
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
Question 1.What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind? Question 2.In
the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer? Question 3.When does he realise that
he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described? Question 4.Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that
he had wanted earlier?
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing
particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key
Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking
II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should
plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point
01 -1 - 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name Adventure Of Toto
No. of periods required 03 Duration From 0 3 /05/23 To 08/05/23
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing,
reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific
features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation
3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents
and gives opinion.
BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon inferences
CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other
pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based
DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
EE. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:
HH. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
2. Diksha App material
3. Reference booKS.
4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 2: ADVENTURE OF TOTO
5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Write ‘ Can a monkey be kept as a pet?’ on the board.
The Adventures of Toto is an amusing story by Ruskin Bond highlighting the antics of a mischievous monkey. The narrator’s Grandfather
was fond of animals. One day he bought a baby monkey from a tonga driver and named it Toto. He wanted Toto because he had already
possessed several animals, big and small such as I tortoise, squirrel, a pair of rabbits and a goat. But he didn’t have a monkey. He loved Toto
too much. Slowly I and steadily the monkey grew mischievous and began to create troubles. Finally, Grandfather sold it to the tonga driver.
Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an image of a
monkey Guide learners through the ‘See–Think–
Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can SEE in the image, i.e. What can you actually see in this image? •
Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the image, i.e. What do you think of when looking at this image? • Tell
learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the image, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image
suggest? What big questions does it make you ask? Learners collaborating to
improve learning Ask a member of each group to read out
what they wrote under SEE, then what they wrote under THINK, and then what they wrote under WONDER.
Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning Begin reading ‘
 The narrator's friend loves to keep animals and he had a zoo at home.Once he bought a money named TotoToto was a very naughty
monkey.He troubled everyone , when he was kept in the stable he bit the donkey's ear. Toto was kept secretly as grandmother disliked
animals.Due to this grandfather hid toto in the cupboard but Toto broke the hook and caused havoc in the room.
 Grandfather had to go to sahranpur for work he decided to take toto with him ,He carried toto in a bag and zipped it nicely but Toto did
many unseccusful attempts due to which bag rolled down.
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing
particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key
Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking
II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should
plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point
01 -1 - 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal)
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name Iswaran The Story Teller
No. of periods required 04 Duration From 0 1 /08/23 To 04/08/23
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing,
reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific
features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation
3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents
and gives opinion.
At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
5- • Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon inferences
CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other
pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based
DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
EE. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:
HH. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS.
4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 3: ISWARAN THE STORY TELLER
5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Write ‘ Have you ever seen the ghosts?’ on the board.
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer.
Continuing using the name sticks, ask others in the class to choose whether to ‘add to’, ‘change’, ‘develop’ or ‘challenge’ (ACDC) the previous
learner’s response. Gather as many ideas as possible and write any relevant words and phrases on the board as a mind map.
Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an image of some
differently abled people..
Guide learners through the ‘See–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can SEE in the image, i.e.
What can you actually see in this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the image, i.e. What do you
think of when looking at this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the
image, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it make you ask?
Learners collaborating to improve learning
Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under SEE, then what they wrote under THINK, and then what they wrote
under WONDER.
Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning
Begin reading ‘
Iswaran is a storyteller. He has got the art of telling stories with expressions and voice changing techniques. He was so talented in this art
of storytelling that the listener would feel it as real. Mahendra, the story narrator, was doing a job that involved moving from one place to
another. But he was blessed with his helper named Iswaran. Iswaran was his cook and would always stay with him at any place, do all
household work too. Iswaran was a great cook. Iswaran used to narrate stories to Mahendra with great interest and suspense. Mahendra
enjoyed a lot his stories which were more dramatic than the tv serials and were full of good content. This led him and Iswaran to leave the
house due to the haunting story told by Iswaran.
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing
particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key
Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking
II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should
plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point
01 -1 – 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name In The Kingdom Of Fools
No. of periods required 03 Duration From 0 4 /09/23 To 07/09/23
LL. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing,
reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific
features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation
3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents
and gives opinion.
MM. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts
5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon inferences
NN. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other
pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based
OO. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):
PP. Name 21st
Century Skills to be developed :
Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
QQ. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:
Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making
RR. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:
SS. Resources (including ICT):
1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS.
4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 4: In The Kingdom Of Fools
5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out
6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them –
Introductory activity
Write ‘ Have you ever seen fools around you?’ on the board.
Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer.
Continuing using the name sticks, ask others in the class to choose whether to ‘add to’, ‘change’, ‘develop’ or ‘challenge’ (ACDC) the previous
learner’s response. Gather as many ideas as possible and write any relevant words and phrases on the board as a mind map.
Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an image of some
differently abled people..
Guide learners through the ‘See–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can SEE in the image, i.e.
What can you actually see in this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the image, i.e. What do you
think of when looking at this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the
image, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it make you ask?
Learners collaborating to improve learning
Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under SEE, then what they wrote under THINK, and then what they wrote
under WONDER.
Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning
Begin reading ‘
The theme of this story is that foolish people can be unpredictable and dangerous. The story likely portrays instances where foolish
individuals make unwise decisions or act impulsively, leading to negative consequences or harm. This theme serves as a cautionary
message, warning readers about the potential dangers of foolish behavior and the need to be cautious when dealing with such
Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards.
Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question:
Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing
particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key
competencies Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking.
• 1. What are the two strange things the guru and his disciple find in the Kingdom of Fools?
• 2. Why does the disciple decide to stay in the Kingdom of Fools? Is it a good idea?
• 3. Name all the people who are tried in the king’s court, and give the reasons for their trial.
• 4. Who is the real culprit according to the king? Why does he escape punishment?
TT. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should
plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):
Items No of
Sl.No. of
Items No. of
Sl.No. of
Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point
01 -1 – 6
Portfolio - - Puzzle - -
Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5
Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project
Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item
Long Answer Questions - -
Competency based Questions 5 5
Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.
UU. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA
VV. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
(Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal )
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan
2- Designation TGT- English
3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B
4- Lesson/Unit Name The Happy Prince
No. of periods required 03 Duration From 1 1 /09/23 To 13/09/23
AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):
This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
1- To develop a lovefor literature in students. (U)
2- To introduce the students with life and works of Oscar Wilde. (K)
3- To introduce new vocabulary.(K)
4- To develop listening skills through audio book of the lesson.(SY)
BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to:
5- To make the students inculcate values like love, compassion, sacrifice and empathy.
6- To make them infer that good deeds are rewarded.
Class 9 lesson plans
Class 9 lesson plans
Class 9 lesson plans
Class 9 lesson plans

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Class 9 lesson plans

  • 1. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1. Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2. Designation TGT- English 3. Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4. Lesson/Unit Name THE FUN THEY HAD No. of periods required 04 Duration From 0 3 /04/23 To 07/04/23 A. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion. 4- To acquaint the students with a scientific story. 5- To enable the students about Robots and Robotic teachers. 6- To enable the students about a variety of Modern B. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 7- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 8- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences 9- To acquaint the students with a scientific story. 10- To enable the students about Robots and Robotic teachers. 11- To enable the students about a variety of Modern C. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based D. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): E. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill F. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Activity (To introduce the lesson): Imagine a time when all books will be on computers and there will be no books printed on paper. Would you like such books? Why/ Why not? (Multi-structural) Activity (To Support learning): Calculate how many years and months ahead from now Margie‘s diary entry is. Activity (To assess learning): Imagine the school in the story ‗The Fun They Had‘. Compare it with your own school. (Work book pg.8) G. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness: H. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS. 4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 1: The Fun They Had 5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Lesson Activities Assessment Introductory activity Write ‘What is science fiction?’ on the board. Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer. Continuing using the name sticks, ask others in the class to choose whether to ‘add to’, ‘change’, ‘develop’ or ‘challenge’ (ACDC) the previous learner’s response. Gather as many ideas as possible and write any relevant words and phrases on the board as a mind map. Assessing prior knowledge Main activity
  • 2. Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an image about what school/learning may look like in the future. Guide learners through the ‘See–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can SEE in the image, i.e. What can you actually see in this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the image, i.e. What do you think of when looking at this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the image, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it make you ask? Learners collaborating to improve learning Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under SEE, then what they wrote under THINK, and then what they wrote under WONDER. Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning Begin reading ‘The Fun They Had’ (up to page 6 ‘ it the first time’) to model good reading skills. At this point, give learners the opportunity to read sections aloud (up to page 8 ‘...tucked beneath his arm’). During reading aloud activities, support good use of pause, tone and intonation by praising learners who clearly demonstrate it and by reading sections yourself to demonstrate good practice before passing back to a learner. Providing feedback and modelling to move learning forwards Ask learners to suggest what they think the learning intention of the ‘See–Think–Wonder’ task was. During feedback, elicit from learners links between the activity and the context of the text they have just read: • How does the image we were looking at relate to the story we have begun reading? • [Remind learners of the ideas recorded on the board] How are our ideas similar/different to those in the text? Ask learners to read the remainder of the text silently. If possible, give out annotatable sheets with the following section of the story printed on them: Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 - 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. I. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA J. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name THE ROAD NOT TAKEN No. of periods required 02 Duration From 1 0 /04/23 To 12/04/23 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
  • 3. 1- : • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion 2- • Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements, such as, metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, personification, onomatopoeia, intention or point of view, rhyme scheme, themes, titles, etc At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 3- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 4- Able to explain the meaning of words in context 5- Able to interpret layers of meaning 6- Able to comment on a writer’s use of language and structure to achieve their effects 7- Understand that the decisions taken by people shape their lives. 8- Describe the dilemma of the poet and the poetic devices used in the poem. 9- Negotiate their own learning goals and evaluate their own progress, edit , revise, and review their own work 10- Enhance their creativity and imagination 11- Make choices that are acceptable and less risky 12- Know the factors that determine our choice 13- Right decision at the right time BB. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based CC. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): DD. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill EE. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Activity (To introduce the lesson): Video of Pankaj Tripathi will be shown to inspire the students. How he had struggled to fulfil his passion. Activity (To Support learning): The path which we have chosen, decides our future, our destination. Discuss. PPT based on the poem will be shown . Activity (to assess learning): Identify the poetic devices from the poem. Which path would you like to prefer - ‗More well-travelled path‘ or the road ‗less travelled by‘ , when life will give you a chance to choose? Discussion of the poem with reference to‗M.S.Dhoni, The Untold Story‘; Dhoni was a TC and then chose the path to follow his passion. FF. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness: GG. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference books. 4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken (poem) HH. Lesson Activities Assessment Introductory activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners) and give each group a set of examples of the following devices: • similes • metaphor • alliteration. There should be at least three examples of each device. Examples could include: • His eyes sparkled like diamonds. • Her hair was a sheet hanging over her ears. • She sells seashells on the seashore. Once learners have organised all their examples, ask them to feed back as a whole class. You could read out each example and ask learners to respond in a particular manner, for example: • Stand up if you think it is a simile. • Raise your hand if you think it is a metaphor. • Stay seated (with hands down) if you think it is alliteration. Still in their small groups, ask learners to look at the example metaphors and draft their own definition of ‘metaphor’. Challenge learners to add their own example of a metaphor to their definition. Ask each group to share their definition (and example) and record each definition on the board. Use all learners’ feedback and discussion to reach a consensus on a whole-class definition. II. Main activity Read the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ as a class. Ask learners to identify any words they don’t understand and write them on the board. Challenge learners to work out the meanings from the context and using prior knowledge. Through this discussion ensure that the word ‘diverged’ is explained because it is a key word in the poem. Support through targeted questioning, for example: • What does the word ‘diverged’ mean? • What other words do you know that begin with ‘div’? (e.g. division, divorce) What do the meanings of these words have in common? • How can we apply that to this sentence and the word ‘diverged’? In their small groups, ask learners to summarise and act out the narrative of the poem. Explain that the intention is for learners to express their literal understanding of the poem. In their books, ask learners to write down a word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about. Now explain to learners that the poem is an extended metaphor. Refer learners back to the beginning of the lesson and their own definition and examples of metaphor, and explain the meaning of an extended metaphor. In their books, ask learners to write answers to the following questions:
  • 4. 1. What is the significance of setting the poem in a wood? 2. What does the fork in the road symbolise? 3. What is the poet suggesting by saying choosing ‘the road less travelled...made all the difference? 4. What lesson is the poet trying to teach us? JJ. Plenary In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about. Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: • How does knowing the metaphorical meaning affect your view of the poem? KK. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 -2 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12 Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1 Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item Long Answer Questions -1-4 - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. LL. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA MM. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1. Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2. Designation TGT- English 3. Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4. Lesson/Unit Name EVELYN GLENNIE No. of periods required 03 Duration From 1 7 /04/23 To 19/04/23 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion. BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences 6- To get inspiration from the real life experiences of a differently abled person. 7- To sensitize themselves to the feelings of an individual. 8- To feel the struggle of Evelyn for her success. 9- To use new words and phrases in their own language. CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): EE. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill
  • 5. FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Share information about people/children who have overcome their physical barriers and have achieved success in their lives. The Sound of Music‘ is a biographical piece about Evelyn Glennie, a famous percussionist, who listened to sound without hearing it. Video of Evelyn Glennie will be shown. Video of SudhaChandran, a classical dancer, who lost her leg in an accident (Film NaacheMayuri) GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness: HH. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS. 4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 2: EVELYN GLENNIE 5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Write ‘What are the differently abled people?’ on the board. Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer. I-Evelyn Glennie is a multipercussionist. She can play about 1000 instruments with perfection. She listens to sound without hearing it. Evelyn fought against a physical disability & became a source of inspiration for thousands of disabled persons. Begin reading ‘  Evelyn Glennie is a multi – percussionist, who can play thousands of instruments to perfection, a most sought after musician internationally. Surprisingly, she achieved this status in spite of her disability, she was profoundly deaf. But she learnt to listen with her body instead of the ears. She feels the sound through her body.  Evelyn was eleven years old when it was discovered that she had a hearing problem. She wanted to pursue her career in music, but her teachers discouraged her. It was Ron Forbes who recognized her potential and supported her. He advised her not to listen through her ears, but try to sense it in some other way. This proved to be the turning point. She learnt to open her body and mind to the sounds and vibrations. After that she never looked back. She had mastered the art of interpreting different vibrations of sound on her body.  She joined the prestigious Royal Academy of Music and scored the highest marks in the history of the Academy. She worked hard and with determination against all odds and got right to the top. In 1991, she was presented with the Royal Philharomonic Society’s prestigious “Soloist of the year award”. Apart from the regular concerts, Evelyn gave free concerts in hospitals, prisons and also to aspiring young musicians. She became a source of inspiration for deaf and other handicapped children. She inspired them and made them believe that if Evelyn could do, so could they. Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 – 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
  • 6. (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1. Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2. Designation TGT- English 3. Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4. Lesson/Unit Name The Shehnai of Bismillah Khan No. of periods required 04 Duration From 1 9 /04/23 To 21/04/23 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion. BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): EE. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Activity based on Part-2: The Shehnai of Bismillah Khan (Omitted Chapter) Name the different instruments played in India. Name few famous instrumentalist in their respective fields. Workbook Unit-2 will be discussed and solved in the class. GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness: HH. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS. 4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 2: The Shehnai of Bismillah Khan 5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Write ‘What are the differently abled people?’ on the board. Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer.
  • 7. Continuing using the name sticks, ask others in the class to choose whether to ‘add to’, ‘change’, ‘develop’ or ‘challenge’ (ACDC) the previous learner’s response. Gather as many ideas as possible and write any relevant words and phrases on the board as a mind map. Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an image of some musicians.‘  This chapter throws light on the origin of Shehnai and the life of all time great Shehnai Vadak – Bismillah Khan. The winner of Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian award of India, his dedication to music and his love for India.  “Pungi” a musical instrument, was banned by Emperor Aurangzeb, because of its shrill and unpleasant sound. In fact, it was regarded more as a noise maker rather than a musical instrument. It was modified and perfected by a barber who belonged to a family of professional musicians. He played it in the chamber of the king. Its sound was so appreciated by the emperor that it was made a part of Naubat. Since it was played for the first time in Shah’s chamber by a Nai, it came to be known as Shehnai.  Traditionally, it was played in the temples and on every auspicious domestic occasions also. Its sound was regarded as auspicious. But it was treated as an incomplete musical instrument, not capable of creating independent pages. But Bismillah Khan broke this myth.  Bismillah belongs to the Benares Gharana. He was bom in 1916 at Dumraon, in Bihar. As a 5 year old, he used to visit the Bihariji Temple and sing Bhojpuri “Chaitya” there. For his melodious singing he used to earn a big Laddu from the local Bhojpuri King. At the age of 6, he moved to Benares. There under the guidance and training of his maternal uncle, Ali Bux, he started picking up the finer nuances of shehnai. He used to spend most of his time practicing on the banks of the River Ganges. The themes of his music were deeply affected by the sounds of flowing water of the Ganga.  He got the best performer award at All India Music Conference in Allahabad in 1930. In 2001, he won 3 awards’the Padma Bhushan, Padmashree and Padma Vibhushan. He was invited to play the shehnai from the ramparts of the Red Fort in 194?, becoming the first to greet the independent India. He won many international awards also. He became the first Indian to perform at titje Lincoln Central Hall, in USA. An auditorium in Tehran was named after him-Tahar Mosiquee Ustaad Bismillah Khan.  Bismillah was very fond of Benares and Dumraon. He declined an offer from one of his students to settle in the USA, as he was not willing to stay away for long from Benaras and its holy river Ganga. He ventured into film world also. He gave his music in 2 movies. His composition “Dil ka khillona hai ” for movie “Goonj Uthi Shehnai”, was a chartbuster. But he could not associate himself with the artificial glamour of die film world. For him, music was his soul, his life. Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 – 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
  • 8. Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1. Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2. Designation TGT- English 3. Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4. Lesson/Unit Name WIND No. of periods required 02 Duration From 2 2 /04/23 To 22/04/23 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- : • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion 2- • Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements, such as, metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, personification, onomatopoeia, intention or point of view, rhyme scheme, themes, titles, etc BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 3- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 4- Able to explain the meaning of words in context 5- Able to interpret layers of meaning 6- Able to comment on a writer’s use of language and structure to achieve their effects 7- To understand various poetic devices (repetition/ free verse/ metaphor) in the poem 8- To know about the literature of other language (Hindi / Punjabi ) 9- To kindle the imagination of creative poetry 10- To enable them grasp the theme and gist of the poem. 11- To help them to exercise the message given in the poem in their life. CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): EE. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Activity (To introduce the lesson): Warm up Activity: Share your experience about your visit to a place during summer holidays. How do you feel the presence of wind? Activity (To Support learning): Compose a poem based on natural elements in not less than three stanzas using at least four poetic devices. Activity (to assess learning): *What values do you inculcate from the poem Wind‘? GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness: HH. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference books. 4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 2: WIND (poem) II. Lesson Activities Assessment Introductory activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners) and give each group a set of examples of the following devices: • similes • metaphor • alliteration. There should be at least three examples of each device. Examples could include: • His eyes sparkled like diamonds. • Her hair was a sheet hanging over her ears. • She sells seashells on the seashore. Once learners have organised all their examples, ask them to feed back as a whole class. You could read out each example and ask learners to respond in a particular manner, for example: • Stand up if you think it is a simile. • Raise your hand if you think it is a metaphor. • Stay seated (with hands down) if you think it is alliteration.
  • 9. Still in their small groups, ask learners to look at the example metaphors and draft their own definition of ‘metaphor’. Challenge learners to add their own example of a metaphor to their definition. Ask each group to share their definition (and example) and record each definition on the board. Use all learners’ feedback and discussion to reach a consensus on a whole-class definition. JJ. Main activity Read the poem ‘WIND’ as a class. Ask learners to identify any words they don’t understand and write them on the board. Challenge learners to work out the meanings from the context and using prior knowledge. Through this discussion ensure that the word ‘winnow’ is explained because it is a key word in the poem. Support through targeted questioning, for example: • What does the word ‘winnow’ mean? • How can we apply that to this sentence and the word ‘diverged’? In their small groups, ask learners to summarise and act out the narrative of the poem. Explain that the intention is for learners to express their literal understanding of the poem. In their books, ask learners to write down a word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about.As the name suggests this poem is about wind. However, the wind is a natural phenomenon. And in the poem, the poet describes the power of the wind and calls wind destructive. Further, he links the destructive power of the wind with the difficulties of life. He says that weak people breakdown easily, but stronger people emerge out stronger. Also, the poem gives a very important lesson that we should be mentally tough and physically strong in order to survive the hardships of life. However, a weak person crumbles and breakdown like an old building. So it is necessary that we should make these destructive forces our friends with our determination and strength. Now explain to learners that the poem is an extended metaphor. Refer learners back to the beginning of the lesson and their own definition and examples of metaphor, and explain the meaning of an extended metaphor. In their books, ask learners to write answers to the following questions: Question 1.What are the things the wind does in the first stanza? Question 2. Have you seen anybody winnow grain at home or in a paddy field? What is the word in your language for winnowing? What do people use for winnowing? (Give the words in your language, if you know them. KK. Plenary In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about. Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: • How does knowing the metaphorical meaning affect your view of the poem? LL. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 -2 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12 Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1 Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item Long Answer Questions -1-4 - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. MM. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA NN. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name The little Girl No. of periods required 04 Duration From 0 3 /07/23 To 05/07/23 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: •
  • 10. 1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion. BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 5- • Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): EE. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness: HH. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS. 4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 3: The little Girl 5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Write ‘What are the differently abled people?’ on the board. Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer. The Little Girl Summary – As the title suggests, the little girl refers to the main characters of the story who goes by the name Kezia. Moreover, the main theme of the story is the relationship between parents and their children. Also, the writer Katherine Mansfield wishes to tell us that children share a very deep bond of love with their parents. Even though young children do not feel that their parents love and care for them because they are strict, and to them, many of their parents’ action appears unfair. Besides, when children grow up they realize that all the acts of their parents were favourable for them. In addition, all along the parents were afraid for them and below their strictness lies a heart full of love for them. Most importantly, this bond of love between parents and their children has been underlined through the little girl summary. Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies ; Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking. Use an appropriate word from the synonyms given above in the following sentences. Clues are given in brackets. (i) She was ____ by the news of her brother’s wedding. (very pleased) (ii) I was ____to be invited to the party. (extremely pleased and excited about) (iii) She was ____ at the birth of her granddaughter. (extremely happy) (iv) The coach was ____ with his performance. (satisfied about) (v) She was very ____ with her results. (happy about something that has happened). II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO
  • 11. Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 - 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name A legend of Northland No. of periods required 02 Duration From 2 2 /07/23 To 23/07/23 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- : • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion 2- • Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements, such as, metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, personification, onomatopoeia, intention or point of view, rhyme scheme, themes, titles, etc To enable the students to imbibe- ➢Kindness ➢Noble ➢Generousness ➢Willingness to help others ➢Sympathy ➢Care and Concern for others ➢Realize the result of greed BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 3- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 4- Able to explain the meaning of words in context 5- Able to interpret layers of meaning 6- Able to comment on a writer’s use of language and structure to achieve their effects 7- Understand the culture, lifestyle and belief of the people living in the region. 8- Acquaint the students with a Mythological stories. 9- Enjoy poetry in the form of Ballad. 10- Identify of figures of speech.
  • 12. CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): EE. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Activity (To introduce the lesson): Students will be given chance to recite the poem turn by turn. Activity (To Support learning): Students will be asked to go to the local library or talk to older persons in their locality and find legends in their own language. Discuss about the legends in the class. Activity (to assess learning): Do you think that the old lady would have been so ungenerous if she had known who Saint Peter really was? What would she have done then? GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness: HH. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference books. 4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 4: A Legend of Northland (poem) II. Lesson Activities Assessment Introductory activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners) and give each group a set of examples sothat the poem may be started. ‗A Legend of the Northland‘ is a ballad. The poet doesn‘t believe in the authenticity of the story but yet is tempted to share the story. Mythological stories may not relate to realities but they always carry some good messages with them. This poem narrates the legend of an old lady who angered Saint Peter because of her greed and was cursed by him. This poem puts forth the theme that we should not be selfish and always help the needy. Plenary In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about. Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: • How does knowing the metaphorical meaning affect your view of the poem? JJ. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point Presentation 01 -1-12 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12 Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1 Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item Long Answer Questions -1-4 - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. KK. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA LL. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
  • 13. (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name A truly Beautiful Mind No. of periods required 04 Duration From 0 1 /08/23 To 04/08/23 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion. BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences 6-To introduce the students to the new words and phrases of English language. 7- To develop the interest of the students to a literary piece. 8- To develop the scientific temper of students. 9- To promote the reading habits of students. 10- To make the students conscious of the scientific invention and discoveries. 11- To enhance the knowledge of students. CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): EE. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Activity (To introduce the lesson): - Warm up Activityi) Who is a genius? (ii) What are the attributes that make a person a genius? The students know many facts about Albert Einstein‘s life. They will be encouraged to share. Activity (To Support learning): Do you agree with the statement stated as ―New technology is common, new thinking is rare?‖ Activity (to assess learning): Albert Einstein‘s brain was taken from his body during an autopsy hours after his death, going against his and his family‘s wishes. What do you think the reason behind it? Did they get something unusual? GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:
  • 14. HH. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS. 4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 4: A Truly Beautiful Mind 5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Write ‘Who are called Genius ?’ on the board. Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer. The chapter is a biographical account of Nobel Laureate and ―scientific genius‖ Albert Einstein.The story of Einstein tries to show him as a human being, a fairly ordinary person who had his likes and dislikes, his streaks of rebellion, and his problems. One can think about how a ‗great person‘ was perceived before being recognized as ‗great‘: it is not as though great people are born with a special sign that allows us to recognize them instantly! ‘ Class Work: Do you agree with the statement stated as ―New technology is common, new thinking is rare?‖ (Workbook) Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 - 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri
  • 15. Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name The Lake Isle Of Innisfree No. of periods required 02 Duration From 0 5 /08/23 To 05/08/23 MM. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 5- : • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion 6- • Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements, such as, metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, personification, onomatopoeia, intention or point of view, rhyme scheme, themes, titles, etc NN. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 7- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 8- Able to explain the meaning of words in context 9- Able to interpret layers of meaning 10- Able to comment on a writer’s use of language and structure to achieve their effects 11- To understand various poetic devices (repetition/ free verse/ metaphor) in the poem 12- To know about the literature of other language (Hindi / Punjabi ) 13- To kindle the imagination of creative poetry 14- To enable them grasp the theme and gist of the poem. 15- To help them to exercise the message given in the poem in their life. OO. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based PP. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): QQ. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed: Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill RR. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Activity (To introduce the lesson): Warm up Activity: Share your experience about your visit to a place during summer holidays. How do you feel the peace there? Activity (To Support learning): Compose a poem based on natural elements in not less than three stanzas using at least four poetic devices. Activity (to assess learning): *What values do you inculcate from the poem The Lake Isle Of Innisfree‘? SS. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness: Value of nature in one’s life TT. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference books. 4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 4: The lake Isle of Innisfree (poem) UU. Lesson Activities Assessment Introductory activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners) and give each group a set of examples of the following devices: • similes • metaphor • alliteration. There should be at least three examples of each device. Examples could include: • His eyes sparkled like diamonds. • Her hair was a sheet hanging over her ears. • She sells seashells on the seashore. Once learners have organised all their examples, ask them to feed back as a whole class. You could read out each example and ask learners to respond in a particular manner, for example: • Stand up if you think it is a simile. • Raise your hand if you think it is a metaphor. • Stay seated (with hands down) if you think it is alliteration.
  • 16. Still in their small groups, ask learners to look at the example metaphors and draft their own definition of ‘metaphor’. Challenge learners to add their own example of a metaphor to their definition. Ask each group to share their definition (and example) and record each definition on the board. Use all learners’ feedback and discussion to reach a consensus on a whole-class definition. VV. Main activity WW. Metaphor: A metaphor shows direct comparison between two things which the use of as or like. e.g. “veils of the morning “, “deep heart’s core”. Here night is referred to as veils of morning. Similarly poet’s desires are referred to as deep heart’s core. XX. Alliteration: It is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. e.g. “a hive for the honey-bee”, “live alone in the bee-loud glade”, “a glimmer, and noon a purple glow”, “lake water lapping with low sounds”. YY. Anaphora: It is the repetition of a word or expression at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, sentences, or verses. e.g. “I will”, “go”. ZZ. Personification: It is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human. e.g. “cricket sings”. Singing is the characteristic of humans and has been attributed to cricket (an insect). AAA. Images: Images are representation of something which draw on the five senses. e.g. Visual Images (midnight’s all a glimmer, noon a purple glow), Auditory Images (the bee-loud glade, the cricket sings, I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore) etc. BBB. Plenary In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about. Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: • How does knowing the metaphorical meaning affect your view of the poem? CCC. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 -2 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12 Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1 Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item Long Answer Questions -1-4 - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. DDD. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA EEE. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name The Snake And The Mirror No. of periods required 04 Duration From 2 0 /09/23 To 23/09/23 LL. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing,
  • 17. reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion. MM. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon Inferences 6-To introduce the students to the new words and phrases of English language. 7- To develop the interest of the students to a literary piece. 8- To develop the scientific temper of students. 9- To promote the reading habits of students. 10- To make the students conscious of the scientific invention and discoveries. 11- To enhance the knowledge of students. NN. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based OO. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): PP. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill QQ. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Activity (To introduce the lesson): - Warm up Activityi) Any one of you has seen a snake? (ii) What are the attributes that make a snake dangerous? The students know many facts about snakes. They will be encouraged to share. Activity (To Support learning): Do you agree with the statement stated as ―snakes are harmful or dangerous?‖ Activity (to assess learning): Do you think that the snakes are harmless if they are how?. 1- What do you think the reason behind it? Did they get something unusual? RR. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness: SS. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS. 4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 4: A Truly Beautiful Mind 5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Write ‘Who are called Genius ?’ on the board. Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer. The chapter is a biographical account of Nobel Laureate and ―scientific genius‖ Albert Einstein.The story of Einstein tries to show him as a human being, a fairly ordinary person who had his likes and dislikes, his streaks of rebellion, and his problems. One can think about how a ‗great person‘ was perceived before being recognized as ‗great‘: it is not as though great people are born with a special sign that allows us to recognize them instantly! ‘ Class Work: Do you agree with the statement stated as ―New technology is common, new thinking is rare?‖ (Workbook) Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Plenary
  • 18. Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking TT. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 - 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. UU. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA VV. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name No Men Are Foreign No. of periods required 02 Duration From 0 3 /10/23 To 04/10/23 AA- Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • To enable the students to read, write, speak understand English correctly. (SY) To enrich the vocabulary of the students to use the same correctly.(K) To enable the students to understand the difficult words and phrases in the poem.(U) BB- At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: Students will be able: - To read, write, speak understand English correctly. (SY) - To enrich the vocabulary of the students to use the same correctly.(K) - To understand the difficult words and phrases in the poem.(U) CC- Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based DD- Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): EE- Name 21st Century Skills to be developed:
  • 19. Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill FF- Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Activity (To introduce the lesson): Speaking Skills: In times of crisis like the recent pandemic Corona crisis‘ has reduced the gaps of foreign differences between the people, irrespective of the differences existing between us. Do you think it is appreciable act? Activity (To Support learning): Referring to the story given on page no 91 of workbook, share your views on the importance of Unity. (Extended Abstract) (Workbook) Reading Skills: Recitation with proper innotation. Activity (to assess learning) What is the central theme of the poem? GG- Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivityand Environmental Awareness: Value of nature in one’s life HH- Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference books. 4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 5: No Men Are Foreign(poem) II- Lesson Activities Assessment Introductory activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners) and give each group a set of examples of the following devices: • similes • metaphor • alliteration. There should be at least three examples of each device. Examples could include: • His eyes sparkled like diamonds. • Her hair was a sheet hanging over her ears. • She sells seashells on the seashore. Once learners have organised all their examples, ask them to feed back as a whole class. You could read out each example and ask learners to respond in a particular manner, for example: • Stand up if you think it is a simile. • Raise your hand if you think it is a metaphor. • Stay seated (with hands down) if you think it is alliteration. Still in their small groups, ask learners to look at the example metaphors and draft their own definition of ‘metaphor’. Challenge learners to add their own example of a metaphor to their definition. Ask each group to share their definition (and example) and record each definition on the board. Use all learners’ feedback and discussion to reach a consensus on a whole-class definition. JJ- Main activity KK- Metaphor: A metaphor shows direct comparison between two things which the use of as or like. e.g. “veils of the morning “, “deep heart’s core”. Here night is referred to as veils of morning. Similarly poet’s desires are referred to as deep heart’s core. LL- Alliteration: It is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. e.g. “a hive for the honey-bee”, “live alone in the bee-loud glade”, “a glimmer, and noon a purple glow”, “lake water lapping with low sounds”. MM- Anaphora: It is the repetition of a word or expression at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, sentences, or verses. e.g. “I will”, “go”. NN- Personification: It is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human. e.g. “cricket sings”. Singing is the characteristic of humans and has been attributed to cricket (an insect). OO- Images: Images are representation of something which draw on the five senses. e.g. Visual Images (midnight’s all a glimmer, noon a purple glow), Auditory Images (the bee-loud glade, the cricket sings, I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore) etc. PP- Plenary In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about. Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: • What is the central theme of the poem? (Extended Abstract) Identify the Figures of speech QQ- Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 -2 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12 Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1 Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item
  • 20. Long Answer Questions -1-4 - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. RR- Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA SS- Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 5- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 6- Designation TGT- English 7- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 8- Lesson/Unit Name Reach For The Top No. of periods required 04 Duration From 1 9 /10/23 To 21/10/23 AA- Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- To introduce themselves to the new words and phrases of English language. (K) 2- To develop the interest to appreciate a literary piece. 3- To promote the reading habits.(AP) 4- To enhance their knowledge .(AP) 5- To learn the usage of Idioms and Phrases (K) 6- To encourage to write within a given word limit (such as 500 words, or 1000 words) (AP) 7- To use every day, contemporary language To enable the students to imbibe- At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 1- To be determined Success is the culmination of hard work and sincerity 2- Persistent endeavors to reach the top. 3- To make them realize their responsibilities to safeguard environment 4- Help students to write a description of Santosh Yadav’s character by drawing their attention to her background likes and dislikes her humanity and her contribution to society. AA- Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based BB- Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): CC- Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill DD- Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Activity (To introduce the lesson): There are conflicts between Human and nature; and between humans. What do you understand by this? Activity (To Support learning): How can human save nature? What efforts can be done on small level? Activity (to assess learning): Discussion- What are the things we are getting from the Mother Earth? What are we returning?
  • 21. EE- Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness: FF- Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS. 4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 6: Santosh Yadav 5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Write ‘Who is Santosh Yadav?’ on the board. Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer. The chapter is about Santosh Yadav who fought against odds and achieved success. Santosh Yadav is one of the few women in the world to have climbed Mount Everest twice. Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Activity/Assignment: There are more examples of women who fought against odds and achieved great heights in their field. Write a paragraph about the personality, who inspired you. You can find such personalities around you. Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking GG- Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 - 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. HH- Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA II- Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan
  • 22. 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name On Killing A Tree No. of periods required 02 Duration From 1 8 /10/23 To 18/10/23 AA- Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- To comprehend meanings of the poem. (U) 2- To understand the poem by doing simple tasks and thus learning words with similar meanings. (U) 3- To reflect on the poem. (AY) 4- To speak from the tree‘s point of view (SY) 5- To revise about various poetic devices like Imagery, Personification, Free verse (EV) BB- At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: Students will be able: To enable the students to imbibe- 1- ➢Concern for Mother Earth 2- ➢Sensitivity 3- ➢Destructive nature of humans 4- ➢Mother Nature is inevitable 5- ➢Tree is a symbol of mankind 6- ➢Life is not easy to end CC- Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based DD- Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): EE- Name 21st Century Skills to be developed: Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill FF- Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making Activity (To introduce the lesson): There are conflicts between Human and nature; and between humans. What do you understand by this? Activity (To Support learning): How can human save nature? What efforts can be done on small level? Activity (to assess learning): Discussion- What are the things we are getting from the Mother Earth? What are we returning? Activity (to assess learning) What is the central theme of the poem? GG- Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness: Value of nature in one’s life HH- Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference books. 4. Resources needed Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 7: On Killing a Tree (poem) Lesson Activities Assessment Introductory activity Chapter Description- This poem paints a vivid and brutal picture of what is involved in killing a tree. This poem highlights a lot of morals. Firstly, it displays the destructive nature of humans. Secondly, it shows that Mother Nature is inevitable and cannot be easily destroyed. Thirdly, the tree is asymbol of mankind. Itsays that human life is not so easy to end. If we cut the fingers or the skin, then we do not die. It is the heart that should be cut-out. This is the main theme of the poem.
  • 23. Theme: The general theme of the poem is man‘s cruelty to nature and the destruction of trees. The poet uses a sarcastic tone to explain how a tree has to be uprooted from its source for it to be killed. The tree grows by absorbing years of sunlight, air and water and it cannot die by merely hacking and chopping at it as its source of strength lies in the roots. On a figurative level, the poem may also mean that to kill a tree or anything else e.g. a bad habit, it must be destroyed at the heart. For human beings, injuries and amputation does not cause death, but if the heart stops functioning, there is no chance of survival as the heart provides the life blood and is their source of existence. Main activity & Plenary In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about. Theme & Analysis of the poem Identify the Figures of Speech In their books, ask learners to write down a new word or phrase about how this poem makes them feel or what it makes them think about. Ask learners to compare their response with what they wrote earlier and discuss the following question with a talk partner: • What is the central theme of the poem? (Extended Abstract) Identify the Figures of speech II- Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 -2 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2 Group Project 4 12 Very Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Individual Project 1 Short Answer Questions -1-4 - Any other Item Long Answer Questions -1-4 - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. JJ- Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA KK- Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1. Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2. Designation TGT- English 3. Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4. Lesson/Unit Name The Lost Child No. of periods required 03 Duration From 2 5 /04/23 To 28/04/23 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific
  • 24. features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion. BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 5- • Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon inferences CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): EE. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness: HH. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS. 4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 1: THE LOST CHILD 5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Write ‘Have you ever visited a fair? What would happen if someone is lost’ on the board. Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer. Continuing using the name sticks, ask others in the class to choose whether to ‘add to’, ‘change’, ‘develop’ or ‘challenge’ (ACDC) the previous learner’s response. Gather as many ideas as possible and write any relevant words and phrases on the board as a mind map. Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an image of a fair and a lost child.. Guide learners through the ‘See–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can SEE in the image, i.e. What can you actually see in this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the image, i.e. What do you think of when looking at this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the image, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it make you ask? Learners collaborating to improve learning Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under SEE, then what they wrote under THINK, and then what they wrote under WONDER. Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning Begin reading ‘ In the story "the lost child" the author tries to explore the mind of a child. This story also highlights a love for his parents. The child goes to a fair with his parents. he is very excited and wants sweets and toys displayed there. His parents don't buy these things for him. But very soon he gets separated from his parents as he left behind looking at various toys and other things. when he realises that his parents are no where near him, he starts crying Unconsolably. he is a refuses everything which is offred by others. he only wants his parents and keeps crying. Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Question 1.What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind? Question 2.In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer? Question 3.When does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described? Question 4.Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier? Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking
  • 25. II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 - 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name Adventure Of Toto No. of periods required 03 Duration From 0 3 /05/23 To 08/05/23 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion. BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon inferences CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): EE. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness: HH. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster
  • 26. 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS. 4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 2: ADVENTURE OF TOTO 5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Write ‘ Can a monkey be kept as a pet?’ on the board. The Adventures of Toto is an amusing story by Ruskin Bond highlighting the antics of a mischievous monkey. The narrator’s Grandfather was fond of animals. One day he bought a baby monkey from a tonga driver and named it Toto. He wanted Toto because he had already possessed several animals, big and small such as I tortoise, squirrel, a pair of rabbits and a goat. But he didn’t have a monkey. He loved Toto too much. Slowly I and steadily the monkey grew mischievous and began to create troubles. Finally, Grandfather sold it to the tonga driver. Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an image of a monkey Guide learners through the ‘See–Think– Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can SEE in the image, i.e. What can you actually see in this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the image, i.e. What do you think of when looking at this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the image, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it make you ask? Learners collaborating to improve learning Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under SEE, then what they wrote under THINK, and then what they wrote under WONDER. Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning Begin reading ‘  The narrator's friend loves to keep animals and he had a zoo at home.Once he bought a money named TotoToto was a very naughty monkey.He troubled everyone , when he was kept in the stable he bit the donkey's ear. Toto was kept secretly as grandmother disliked animals.Due to this grandfather hid toto in the cupboard but Toto broke the hook and caused havoc in the room.  Grandfather had to go to sahranpur for work he decided to take toto with him ,He carried toto in a bag and zipped it nicely but Toto did many unseccusful attempts due to which bag rolled down. Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 - 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA
  • 27. (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name Iswaran The Story Teller No. of periods required 04 Duration From 0 1 /08/23 To 04/08/23 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion. BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 5- • Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon inferences CC. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based DD. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): EE. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill FF. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making GG. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness: HH. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS. 4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 3: ISWARAN THE STORY TELLER 5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Write ‘ Have you ever seen the ghosts?’ on the board. Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer. Continuing using the name sticks, ask others in the class to choose whether to ‘add to’, ‘change’, ‘develop’ or ‘challenge’ (ACDC) the previous learner’s response. Gather as many ideas as possible and write any relevant words and phrases on the board as a mind map. Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an image of some differently abled people.. Guide learners through the ‘See–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can SEE in the image, i.e. What can you actually see in this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the image, i.e. What do you
  • 28. think of when looking at this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the image, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it make you ask? Learners collaborating to improve learning Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under SEE, then what they wrote under THINK, and then what they wrote under WONDER. Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning Begin reading ‘ Iswaran is a storyteller. He has got the art of telling stories with expressions and voice changing techniques. He was so talented in this art of storytelling that the listener would feel it as real. Mahendra, the story narrator, was doing a job that involved moving from one place to another. But he was blessed with his helper named Iswaran. Iswaran was his cook and would always stay with him at any place, do all household work too. Iswaran was a great cook. Iswaran used to narrate stories to Mahendra with great interest and suspense. Mahendra enjoyed a lot his stories which were more dramatic than the tv serials and were full of good content. This led him and Iswaran to leave the house due to the haunting story told by Iswaran. Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Plenary Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking II. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 – 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. JJ. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA KK. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name In The Kingdom Of Fools
  • 29. No. of periods required 03 Duration From 0 4 /09/23 To 07/09/23 LL. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- . Reads with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, and summarising 2- • Explains specific features of different literary genres for interpretation and literary appreciation 3- • Reads literary texts for enjoyment/pleasure and compares, interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and incidents and gives opinion. MM. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 4- Show understanding of explicit and implicit meanings and perspectives in literary texts 5- Interpret layers of meaning • Construct meaning by drawing upon inferences NN. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy): Sports integrated, Fun activity based OO. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work): PP. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed : Critical thinking, Analytical thinking, Collaboration, Skill of Judgment, Conversation skill QQ. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects: Editing Task, Matching Items, Chart Making RR. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness: SS. Resources (including ICT): 1. Black board, Colored Chalk, Duster 2. Diksha App material 3. Reference booKS. 4. Beehive Textbook in English for Class IX, Chapter 4: In The Kingdom Of Fools 5. An image of futuristic learning to project or hand out 6. Annotatable sheets with a section of the story printed on them – Introductory activity Write ‘ Have you ever seen fools around you?’ on the board. Give learners 1 minute thinking time. After 1 minute, use name sticks (no hands up approach) to ask a learner to provide an answer. Continuing using the name sticks, ask others in the class to choose whether to ‘add to’, ‘change’, ‘develop’ or ‘challenge’ (ACDC) the previous learner’s response. Gather as many ideas as possible and write any relevant words and phrases on the board as a mind map. Main activity Organise learners into small groups (3–4 learners). Display an image of some differently abled people.. Guide learners through the ‘See–Think–Wonder’ strategy: • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they can SEE in the image, i.e. What can you actually see in this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they THINK about the image, i.e. What do you think of when looking at this image? • Tell learners they have 1 minute to note what they WONDER about the bigger implications of the image, i.e. What bigger ideas does the image suggest? What big questions does it make you ask? Learners collaborating to improve learning Ask a member of each group to read out what they wrote under SEE, then what they wrote under THINK, and then what they wrote under WONDER. Using activity and discussion to elicit evidence of learning Begin reading ‘ The theme of this story is that foolish people can be unpredictable and dangerous. The story likely portrays instances where foolish individuals make unwise decisions or act impulsively, leading to negative consequences or harm. This theme serves as a cautionary message, warning readers about the potential dangers of foolish behavior and the need to be cautious when dealing with such individuals. Teacher giving success criteria and modelling to move learning forwards. Using their annotations, ask learners to individually write a paragraph responding to the following question: Plenary
  • 30. Ask learners to swap their paragraphs with a partner and give feedback on ‘what went well’ (WWW) and ‘even better if’ (EBI) focusing particularly on the success criteria. Peer-assessment against success criteria. Using plenary activity to elicit evidence of learning Key competencies Collaborative learning. Communication Critical thinking. • 1. What are the two strange things the guru and his disciple find in the Kingdom of Fools? • 2. Why does the disciple decide to stay in the Kingdom of Fools? Is it a good idea? • 3. Name all the people who are tried in the king’s court, and give the reasons for their trial. • 4. Who is the real culprit according to the king? Why does he escape punishment? TT. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A): Items No of Items Sl.No. of LO Items No. of Items Sl.No. of LO Online Quiz 1 -1,2,4,5 Power Point Presentation 01 -1 – 6 Portfolio - - Puzzle - - Multiple choice Questions 5 1,2,4,5 Group Project 4 3,4,5 Very Short Answer Questions - - Individual Project Short Answer Questions - - Any other Item Long Answer Questions - - Competency based Questions 5 5 Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items. UU. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit: NA VV. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students): NA (Signature of the teacher) (Signature of the Principal ) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bhongaon Manipuri Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan 1- Name of the Teacher Mohd Tariq Khan 2- Designation TGT- English 3- Subject English Class IX Section A & B 4- Lesson/Unit Name The Happy Prince No. of periods required 03 Duration From 1 1 /09/23 To 13/09/23 AA. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes): This lesson focuses on the highlighted parts of the following learning outcomes: • 1- To develop a lovefor literature in students. (U) 2- To introduce the students with life and works of Oscar Wilde. (K) 3- To introduce new vocabulary.(K) 4- To develop listening skills through audio book of the lesson.(SY) BB. At the end of the class discussion, students are expected to: 5- To make the students inculcate values like love, compassion, sacrifice and empathy. 6- To make them infer that good deeds are rewarded.