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Signal Processing
Copyright © 2005. Shi Ping CUC
Signal, System, Signal Processing
 Signal
A signal is a function of independent variables such as
time, distance, position, temperature and pressure
Signals play an important role in our daily life.
Most signals we encounter are generated naturally.
However, a signal can also be generated synthetically
or by a computer.
Signal, System, Signal Processing
● one dimensional (1-D) signal
A function of a single independent variable
● multidimensional (M-D) signal
A function of more than one independent variables
sound Image Video
Signal, System, Signal Processing
● analog signal
A continuous-time signal with a continuous amplitude
● digital signal
A discrete-time signal with a discrete-value amplitude
Signal, System, Signal Processing
 System
A system is any process that produces an output signal
in response to an input signal.
Depending on the types of the signal processed, we can
classify the systems as follows:
Signal, System, Signal Processing
 Signal Processing
A signal carries information !
The objective of signal processing:
To extract, enhance, store and transmit the useful
information carried by the signal.
Digital signal processing:
To implement the signal processing by a digital means.
The Application of DSP
 Signal Analysis
 Measurement of signal properties
 Spectrum (frequency/phase) analysis
 Target detection, verification, recognition
 Signal Filtering
 Signal-in-signal-out, filter
 Removal of noise/interference
 Separation of frequency bands
The main tasks of DSP
The Application of DSP
DSP application examples
 Telecommunications
 Multiplexing
 Compression
 Echo control
 Audio Processing
 Music
 Speech generation
 Speech recognition
The Application of DSP
DSP application examples
 Echo Location
 Radar
 Sonar
 Reflection seismology
 Image Processing
 Medical
 Space
 Commercial Imaging Products
The Application of DSP
Digital image processing
Noise reduction
Edge detection
The sound signal is an example of a 1-D signal
where the independent variable is time
Block processing for signal
Creating Random Bit
• This is the first step of
transmission. In real
communication this can be a
meaningful data like file, space
signal etc..
• But in most of simulations or
even in real life test use a
sequence of random numbers
(random bits) as an input data.
• >> x = randi([0 1],N,1);
Converting Bit Stream
into Symbol Stream
• Now we are converting a sequence of bits into a
sequence of symbols.
• >>xsym =bi2de(reshape(x,k,length(x)/k).','left-msb');
• Next step is to map each of the symbols onto
constellation (dots on I/Q coordinate).
• >> xmod = qammod(xsym,mlevel);
Channel - Adding Noise
Once the signal gets into
the space (channel), a
variety of noise is added.
• code
>>SNR = 5;
>>Tx_awgn =
Receiver section
Discrete Signals
Time base: t = [0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3];
Signal data: x = [1.0 3.2 2.0 8.5];
Creating vectors in MATLAB:
>> t = [0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3];
>> t = 0:0.1:0.3;
>> t = linspace(0, 0.3, 4);
Modeling Noise with
Random Data
>> un = -5+10*rand(1,1e6);
>> hist(un,100)
>> gn = 10+5*randn(1,1e6);
>> hist(gn,100)
Uniform Gaussian
Adding Noise to a Signal
noisy signal = signal + noise
>> y1 = x + rand(size(x)) uniform noise
>> y2 = x + randn(size(x)) Gaussian noise
Simulate a Source
Destination Demodulator
 Produces message signal … e.g. a simple Sine wave
Generate message signal (simple sine wave)
 Define time instants (1000 sample points)
tmin = 0; tmax = 10^(-3); step = (tmax-tmin)/1000;
t = tmin:step:tmax;
 Define amplitude and frequency (initial phase is zero)
Vm = 1; % Amplitude
fm = 2*10^3; % Frequency
 Construct the Signal
m = Vm*sin(2*pi*fm*t);
 View the Signal
Simulate a Source
   tfVtm mm  2sin
Simulate a Source
Simulate Modulation
Destination Demodulator
 Built-in functions are available (ammod, amdemod
Amplitude Modulation
Simulate with built-in functions
fs = 8000; % Sampling rate is 8000 samples per second
fc = 300; % Carrier frequency in Hz
t = [0:0.1*fs]'/fs; % Sampling times for 0.1 second
m = sin(20*pi*t); % Representation of the signal
v = ammod(m,fc,fs); % Modulate m to produce v
subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,m); % Plot m on top
subplot(2,1,2); plot(t,v); % Plot v below
mr = amdemod(v,fc,fs); % Demodulate v to produce m
subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,m); % Plot m on top
subplot(2,1,2); plot(t,mr); % Plot mr below
Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
Continued ….
 Modulate the Signal,
v = (1+m/Vc).*c; % DSB-FC modulation
 View Modulated Wave
plot(t,v); % Modulated Wave
hold on;
plot(t,Vc*(1+m/Vc),'r:'); % Upper Envelope
hold on;
plot(t,-Vc*(1+m/Vc),'r:'); % Lower Envelope
hold off ;
     tftf
Vtv cm
c 
 2sin2sin1
Complete MATLAB Script
clear all; close all; clc;
tmin = 0; tmax = 10^(-3); step = (tmax-tmin)/1000;
t = tmin:step:tmax; % Time
Vm = 1; Vc = 2; % Amplitude
fm = 2*10^3; fc = 10^4; % Frequency
m = Vm*sin(2*pi*fm*t); % Message
c = Vc*sin(2*pi*fc*t); % Carrier
v = (1+m/Vc).*c; % Modulated Wave
plot(t,v); hold on;
plot(t,Vc*(1+m/Vc),'r:'); hold on; % Upper Envelope
plot(t,-Vc*(1+m/Vc),'r:'); hold off % Lower Envelope
Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
Ideal Demodulation of DSB-SC
clear all; close all; clc;
fs = 10^5; N = 10^5;
t = 1/fs:1/fs:N/fs;
fm = 2; fc = 10^3;
m = sin(2*pi*fm*t);
c = sin(2*pi*fc*t);
v = m.*c;
r = zeros(1,N); n =f s/fc;
for k = 1:fc
mr((k-1)*n+1:k*n) = 2*v((k-1)*n+1:k*n)*c((k-1)*n+1:k*n)'/n;
subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,m);
subplot(2,1,2); plot(t,mr);
Analog Communication Systems
Destination Demodulator
 Introduces noise … Additive White Gaussian Noise
Simulate Channel
Introducing AWGN
fs = 10^5; N = 10^5;
t = 1/fs:1/fs:N/fs;
fm = 2; fc = 10^3;
m = sin(2*pi*fm*t);
c = sin(2*pi*fc*t);
v = m.*c;
SNRdB = 10; SNR = 10^(SNRdB/10);
vn = var(v)/SNR;
n = sqrt(vn)*randn(1,N);
v = v + n;
r=zeros(1,N); n=fs/fc;
for k=1:fc
subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,m);
subplot(2,1,2); plot(t,mr); axis([0 1 -1 1])
Simulate Channel
Plot Power: Contour & 3-D Mesh
>> t = 0:pi/25:pi;
>> [x,y,z] = cylinder(4*cos(t));
>> subplot(2,1,1)
>> contour(y)
>> subplot(2,1,2)
>> mesh(x,y,z)
>> xlabel('x')
>> ylabel('this is the y axis')
>> text(1,-2,0.5,...
'it{Note the gap!}')
Mesh Plots
>> figure;
>> [X,Y] = meshgrid(-16:1.0:16);
>> Z = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2 + 5000);
>> mesh(Z)
•mesh(Z) generates a wireframe view of matrix Z,
where Z(i,j) define the height of a surface over the
rectangular x-y grid:
Surface Plots
•surf(Z) generates a colored faceted 3-D view of the surface.
– By default, the faces are quadrilaterals, each of constant
color, with black mesh lines
– The shading command allows you to control the view
>> figure(2);
>> [X,Y] = meshgrid(-
>> Z = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2 +
>> surf(Z)
>> shading flat
>> shading interp
Default: shading faceted
Surface Plots: Colormaps
>> colormap hot
>> colormap gray
>> colormap cool
>> colormap pink
More Surface Plots
>> meshc(Z)
>> meshz(Z)
>> surfl(Z)
>> pcolor(Z)
More Contour Plots
>> Z = peaks;
>> [C, h] = contour(Z, 10);
>> clabel(C, h);
>> title('Labeled Contour')
>> Z = peaks;
>> [C, h] = contourf(Z, 10);
>> title('Filled Contour')
Image processing
The cells are sensed one after another along the line.
In the sensor, each cell is associated with a pixel that is
tied to a microelectronic detector
Pixel is a short abbreviation for Picture Element
a pixel being a single point in a graphic image
Each pixel is characterized
by some single value of radiation
(e.g., reflectance) impinging on
a detector that is converted by
the photoelectric effect into electrons
2Q - see handout, Q is bit of each pixel
Image Processing
• Image Processing
The techniques fall into three broad categories:
o Image Restoration and Rectification
o Image Enhancement
o Image Classification
• There are a variety of CASI methods:
Contrast stretching, Band transformation,
Principal Component Analysis, Edge
Enhancement, Pattern Recognition
• Images Basic
• Satellite Images
• Image Acquisition
• Image Enhancement
• Image Conversion
• Image Segmentation
A black-and-white image signal is an example of a
2-D signal where the 2 independent variables are the
2 spatial variables.
),( yxI
A color image signal is a 3-channel signal composed of three
2-D signals representing the three primary color: red, green
and blue (RGB)
A black-and-white video signal is an example of a 3-D signal
where the 3 independent variables are the 2 spatial variables
and the time variable.
),,( tyxI
A color video signal is a 3-channel signal composed of three
3-D signals representing the three primary color: red, green
and blue (RGB)
Satellite Images
• Infrared
• Image
Water Vapor Visible
Image Image
Online Reading
Image Type Pixel Value Color Levels
8-bit image 28 = 256 0-255
16-bit image 216 = 65536 0-65535
24-bit image 224 = 16777216 0-16777215
Data visualization
The images that we view are visual representations
of the digital output from the sensor
 8-bit gray shade image is the case when the
sensor output is converted to one of 256 gray
shades (0 to 255)
 24-bit color does the same except in shades or
red, green, and blue
2-bit Image
(4 grey levels)
8-bit Image
(256 grey levels)
Reading Satellite Image
• multibandread - for .lan file
contains a 7-band 512-by-512 Landsat image
• imread - for SAR images
This images are represented as row X column of R,G,B
Input SAR Image
Image Restoration
• Image Restoration: most recorded images are subject
to distortion due to noise which degrades the image.
Two of the more common errors that occur in multi-
spectral imagery are striping (or banding) and line
• Imadjust - Adjust image intensity values
Find limits to contrast stretch image
• Histeq - Improves by histogram equalisation
The transformation b = T(a) to map the gray levels in X (or
the colormap) to their new values.
• Adapthisteq - operates on small regions in the
image, called tiles, rather than the entire image.
Enhanced Image
Image Conversion
• Convert to single Plane- rgb2gray
• Convert to another spectral resolution
HSI conversion
SAR conversion
Separated Bands of
Satellite image
Spatial Filtering
• Spatial filters are designed to highlight or suppress
features in an image based on their spatial frequency.
• Spatial filters are used to suppress 'noise' in an image,
or to highlight specific image characteristics.
Low-pass Filters
High-pass Filters
Directional Filters
Spatial Filtering
• Low-pass Filters:
These are used to emphasize large homogenous areas of similar
tone and reduce the smaller detail. Low frequency areas are
retained in the image resulting in a smoother appearance to the
Linear Stretched Image Low-pass Filter Image
Spatial Filtering
• High-pass Filters: allow high frequency areas
to pass with the resulting image having greater
detail resulting in a sharpened image
Hi-pass FilterLinear Contrast Stretch
Spatial Filtering
• Directional Filters:
are designed to enhance linear features such as roads, streams,
faults, etc.The filters can be designed to enhance features which are oriented
in specific directions, making these useful for radar imagery and for
geological applications. Directional filters are also known as edge detection
Edge Detection
Lakes & Streams
Edge Detection
Fractures & Shoreline
Image Classification
• In classifying features in an image we use the elements
of visual interpretation
to identify homogeneous groups of pixels which
represent various features or land cover classes of
Classified Image
Image Segmentation
• NIR band (displayed as red) with the visible red band
(displayed as green)
NIR = im2single(CIR(:,:,1));red = im2single(CIR(:,:,2));
imshow(red);title('Visible Red Band')
title('Near Infrared Band')
Segmented Region
Data Visualization
Ability to quickly discern features is improved by using 3-band color mixes
Image below assigns blue to band 2, green to band 4, and red to band 7
Vegetation is green
Surface water is blue
Playa is gray and white
(Playas are dry lakebeds)
Multispectral display - CIR
• Visualize spectral content with 3-
band color composites
• Example: color infrared (CIR)
– red channel assigned to near IR
sensor band
– green channel assigned to red
sensor band
– blue channel assigned to green
sensor band
• vegetation appears red,
soil appears yellow - grey,
water appears blue - black
Image formats
File formats
File formats play an important role in that many are
automatically recognized in image processing packages
• GeoTIFF is a variant of TIFF that includes
geolocation information in header
• HDF or Hierarchical Data Format is a self-
documenting format
All metadata needed to read image file
contained within the image file
• NITF or National Imagery Transmission Format
Department of Defense
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Signal and image processing on satellite communication using MATLAB

  • 3. Copyright © 2005. Shi Ping CUC Signal, System, Signal Processing  Signal A signal is a function of independent variables such as time, distance, position, temperature and pressure Signals play an important role in our daily life. Most signals we encounter are generated naturally. However, a signal can also be generated synthetically or by a computer.
  • 4. Signal, System, Signal Processing ● one dimensional (1-D) signal A function of a single independent variable ● multidimensional (M-D) signal A function of more than one independent variables sound Image Video
  • 5. Signal, System, Signal Processing ● analog signal A continuous-time signal with a continuous amplitude ● digital signal A discrete-time signal with a discrete-value amplitude
  • 6. Signal, System, Signal Processing  System A system is any process that produces an output signal in response to an input signal. Depending on the types of the signal processed, we can classify the systems as follows:
  • 7. Signal, System, Signal Processing  Signal Processing A signal carries information ! The objective of signal processing: To extract, enhance, store and transmit the useful information carried by the signal. Digital signal processing: To implement the signal processing by a digital means.
  • 8. The Application of DSP  Signal Analysis  Measurement of signal properties  Spectrum (frequency/phase) analysis  Target detection, verification, recognition  Signal Filtering  Signal-in-signal-out, filter  Removal of noise/interference  Separation of frequency bands The main tasks of DSP
  • 9. The Application of DSP DSP application examples  Telecommunications  Multiplexing  Compression  Echo control  Audio Processing  Music  Speech generation  Speech recognition
  • 10. The Application of DSP DSP application examples  Echo Location  Radar  Sonar  Reflection seismology  Image Processing  Medical  Space  Commercial Imaging Products
  • 11. The Application of DSP Digital image processing Deblurring Noise reduction Edge detection
  • 12. The sound signal is an example of a 1-D signal where the independent variable is time
  • 13. Block processing for signal communication
  • 14. Creating Random Bit Stream • This is the first step of transmission. In real communication this can be a meaningful data like file, space signal etc.. • But in most of simulations or even in real life test use a sequence of random numbers (random bits) as an input data. • >> x = randi([0 1],N,1);
  • 15. Converting Bit Stream into Symbol Stream • Now we are converting a sequence of bits into a sequence of symbols. • >>xsym =bi2de(reshape(x,k,length(x)/k).','left-msb');
  • 16. Modulation • Next step is to map each of the symbols onto constellation (dots on I/Q coordinate). • >> xmod = qammod(xsym,mlevel);
  • 17. Channel - Adding Noise Once the signal gets into the space (channel), a variety of noise is added. • code >>SNR = 5; >>Tx_awgn = awgn(Tx_x,SNR,'measure d');
  • 19. Discrete Signals Time base: t = [0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3]; Signal data: x = [1.0 3.2 2.0 8.5]; Creating vectors in MATLAB: >> t = [0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3]; >> t = 0:0.1:0.3; >> t = linspace(0, 0.3, 4);
  • 20. Modeling Noise with Random Data 2-20 >> un = -5+10*rand(1,1e6); >> hist(un,100) >> gn = 10+5*randn(1,1e6); >> hist(gn,100) Uniform Gaussian
  • 21. Adding Noise to a Signal 2-21 noisy signal = signal + noise >> y1 = x + rand(size(x)) uniform noise >> y2 = x + randn(size(x)) Gaussian noise
  • 22. Simulate a Source Source Channel Destination Demodulator Modulator  Produces message signal … e.g. a simple Sine wave
  • 23. Generate message signal (simple sine wave)  Define time instants (1000 sample points) tmin = 0; tmax = 10^(-3); step = (tmax-tmin)/1000; t = tmin:step:tmax;  Define amplitude and frequency (initial phase is zero) Vm = 1; % Amplitude fm = 2*10^3; % Frequency  Construct the Signal m = Vm*sin(2*pi*fm*t);  View the Signal plot(t,m,'r'); Simulate a Source    tfVtm mm  2sin
  • 25. Simulate Modulation Source Channel Destination Demodulator Modulator  Built-in functions are available (ammod, amdemod etc.)
  • 26. Amplitude Modulation Simulate with built-in functions fs = 8000; % Sampling rate is 8000 samples per second fc = 300; % Carrier frequency in Hz t = [0:0.1*fs]'/fs; % Sampling times for 0.1 second m = sin(20*pi*t); % Representation of the signal v = ammod(m,fc,fs); % Modulate m to produce v figure(1) subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,m); % Plot m on top subplot(2,1,2); plot(t,v); % Plot v below mr = amdemod(v,fc,fs); % Demodulate v to produce m figure(2); subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,m); % Plot m on top subplot(2,1,2); plot(t,mr); % Plot mr below
  • 28. Amplitude Modulation Continued ….  Modulate the Signal, v = (1+m/Vc).*c; % DSB-FC modulation  View Modulated Wave plot(t,v); % Modulated Wave hold on; plot(t,Vc*(1+m/Vc),'r:'); % Upper Envelope hold on; plot(t,-Vc*(1+m/Vc),'r:'); % Lower Envelope hold off ;      tftf V V Vtv cm c m c        2sin2sin1
  • 29. Complete MATLAB Script clear all; close all; clc; tmin = 0; tmax = 10^(-3); step = (tmax-tmin)/1000; t = tmin:step:tmax; % Time Vm = 1; Vc = 2; % Amplitude fm = 2*10^3; fc = 10^4; % Frequency m = Vm*sin(2*pi*fm*t); % Message c = Vc*sin(2*pi*fc*t); % Carrier v = (1+m/Vc).*c; % Modulated Wave plot(t,v); hold on; plot(t,Vc*(1+m/Vc),'r:'); hold on; % Upper Envelope plot(t,-Vc*(1+m/Vc),'r:'); hold off % Lower Envelope Amplitude Modulation
  • 31. Ideal Demodulation of DSB-SC clear all; close all; clc; fs = 10^5; N = 10^5; t = 1/fs:1/fs:N/fs; fm = 2; fc = 10^3; m = sin(2*pi*fm*t); c = sin(2*pi*fc*t); v = m.*c; r = zeros(1,N); n =f s/fc; for k = 1:fc mr((k-1)*n+1:k*n) = 2*v((k-1)*n+1:k*n)*c((k-1)*n+1:k*n)'/n; end figure(1) subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,m); subplot(2,1,2); plot(t,mr); Demodulation
  • 33. Analog Communication Systems Source Channel Destination Demodulator Modulator  Introduces noise … Additive White Gaussian Noise
  • 34. Simulate Channel Introducing AWGN fs = 10^5; N = 10^5; t = 1/fs:1/fs:N/fs; fm = 2; fc = 10^3; m = sin(2*pi*fm*t); c = sin(2*pi*fc*t); v = m.*c; SNRdB = 10; SNR = 10^(SNRdB/10); vn = var(v)/SNR; n = sqrt(vn)*randn(1,N); v = v + n; r=zeros(1,N); n=fs/fc; for k=1:fc mr((k-1)*n+1:k*n)=2*v((k-1)*n+1:k*n)*c((k-1)*n+1:k*n)'/n; end figure(1) subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,m); subplot(2,1,2); plot(t,mr); axis([0 1 -1 1])
  • 37. Plot Power: Contour & 3-D Mesh >> t = 0:pi/25:pi; >> [x,y,z] = cylinder(4*cos(t)); >> subplot(2,1,1) >> contour(y) >> subplot(2,1,2) >> mesh(x,y,z) >> xlabel('x') >> ylabel('this is the y axis') >> text(1,-2,0.5,... 'it{Note the gap!}')
  • 38. Mesh Plots >> figure; >> [X,Y] = meshgrid(-16:1.0:16); >> Z = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2 + 5000); >> mesh(Z) •mesh(Z) generates a wireframe view of matrix Z, where Z(i,j) define the height of a surface over the rectangular x-y grid:
  • 39. Surface Plots •surf(Z) generates a colored faceted 3-D view of the surface. – By default, the faces are quadrilaterals, each of constant color, with black mesh lines – The shading command allows you to control the view >> figure(2); >> [X,Y] = meshgrid(- 16:1.0:16); >> Z = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2 + 5000); >> surf(Z) >> shading flat >> shading interp Default: shading faceted
  • 40. Surface Plots: Colormaps >> colormap hot >> colormap gray >> colormap cool >> colormap pink
  • 41. More Surface Plots >> meshc(Z) >> meshz(Z) >> surfl(Z) >> pcolor(Z)
  • 42. More Contour Plots >> Z = peaks; >> [C, h] = contour(Z, 10); >> clabel(C, h); >> title('Labeled Contour') >> Z = peaks; >> [C, h] = contourf(Z, 10); >> title('Filled Contour') >>
  • 44. pixel The cells are sensed one after another along the line. In the sensor, each cell is associated with a pixel that is tied to a microelectronic detector Pixel is a short abbreviation for Picture Element a pixel being a single point in a graphic image Each pixel is characterized by some single value of radiation (e.g., reflectance) impinging on a detector that is converted by the photoelectric effect into electrons 2Q - see handout, Q is bit of each pixel
  • 45. Image Processing • Image Processing The techniques fall into three broad categories: o Image Restoration and Rectification o Image Enhancement o Image Classification • There are a variety of CASI methods: Contrast stretching, Band transformation, Principal Component Analysis, Edge Enhancement, Pattern Recognition
  • 46. Contents • Images Basic • Satellite Images • Image Acquisition • Image Enhancement • Image Conversion • Image Segmentation
  • 47. A black-and-white image signal is an example of a 2-D signal where the 2 independent variables are the 2 spatial variables. ),( yxI
  • 48. A color image signal is a 3-channel signal composed of three 2-D signals representing the three primary color: red, green and blue (RGB)            ),( ),( ),( ),( yxI yxI yxI yxu G G R
  • 49. A black-and-white video signal is an example of a 3-D signal where the 3 independent variables are the 2 spatial variables and the time variable. ),,( tyxI
  • 50. A color video signal is a 3-channel signal composed of three 3-D signals representing the three primary color: red, green and blue (RGB)            ),,( ),,( ),,( ),,( tyxI tyxI tyxI tyxu B G R
  • 51. Satellite Images • • Infrared • Image Water Vapor Visible Image Image
  • 52. Online Reading • Image Type Pixel Value Color Levels 8-bit image 28 = 256 0-255 16-bit image 216 = 65536 0-65535 24-bit image 224 = 16777216 0-16777215
  • 53. Data visualization The images that we view are visual representations of the digital output from the sensor  8-bit gray shade image is the case when the sensor output is converted to one of 256 gray shades (0 to 255)  24-bit color does the same except in shades or red, green, and blue
  • 54. 2-bit Image (4 grey levels) 8-bit Image (256 grey levels)
  • 55. Reading Satellite Image • multibandread - for .lan file contains a 7-band 512-by-512 Landsat image • imread - for SAR images This images are represented as row X column of R,G,B
  • 57. Image Restoration • Image Restoration: most recorded images are subject to distortion due to noise which degrades the image. Two of the more common errors that occur in multi- spectral imagery are striping (or banding) and line dropouts
  • 58. Enhancement • Imadjust - Adjust image intensity values Stretchlim Find limits to contrast stretch image • Histeq - Improves by histogram equalisation The transformation b = T(a) to map the gray levels in X (or the colormap) to their new values. • Adapthisteq - operates on small regions in the image, called tiles, rather than the entire image.
  • 60. Image Conversion • Convert to single Plane- rgb2gray • Convert to another spectral resolution HSI conversion SAR conversion
  • 62. Spatial Filtering • Spatial filters are designed to highlight or suppress features in an image based on their spatial frequency. • Spatial filters are used to suppress 'noise' in an image, or to highlight specific image characteristics. Low-pass Filters High-pass Filters Directional Filters
  • 63. Spatial Filtering • Low-pass Filters: These are used to emphasize large homogenous areas of similar tone and reduce the smaller detail. Low frequency areas are retained in the image resulting in a smoother appearance to the image. Linear Stretched Image Low-pass Filter Image
  • 64. Spatial Filtering • High-pass Filters: allow high frequency areas to pass with the resulting image having greater detail resulting in a sharpened image Hi-pass FilterLinear Contrast Stretch
  • 65. Spatial Filtering • Directional Filters: are designed to enhance linear features such as roads, streams, faults, etc.The filters can be designed to enhance features which are oriented in specific directions, making these useful for radar imagery and for geological applications. Directional filters are also known as edge detection filters. Edge Detection Lakes & Streams Edge Detection Fractures & Shoreline
  • 66. Image Classification • In classifying features in an image we use the elements of visual interpretation to identify homogeneous groups of pixels which represent various features or land cover classes of interest.
  • 68. Image Segmentation • NIR band (displayed as red) with the visible red band (displayed as green) NIR = im2single(CIR(:,:,1));red = im2single(CIR(:,:,2)); figure;subplot(121); imshow(red);title('Visible Red Band') Subplot(122),imshow(NIR); title('Near Infrared Band')
  • 70. Data Visualization Ability to quickly discern features is improved by using 3-band color mixes Image below assigns blue to band 2, green to band 4, and red to band 7 Vegetation is green Surface water is blue Playa is gray and white (Playas are dry lakebeds)
  • 71. Multispectral display - CIR • Visualize spectral content with 3- band color composites • Example: color infrared (CIR) – red channel assigned to near IR sensor band – green channel assigned to red sensor band – blue channel assigned to green sensor band • vegetation appears red, soil appears yellow - grey, water appears blue - black
  • 73. File formats File formats play an important role in that many are automatically recognized in image processing packages • GeoTIFF is a variant of TIFF that includes geolocation information in header • HDF or Hierarchical Data Format is a self- documenting format All metadata needed to read image file contained within the image file • NITF or National Imagery Transmission Format Department of Defense