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Annotated Bibliography
González, M. (2005). Access to Mental Health Services: The
Struggle of Poverty Affected Urban Children of Color. Child
and Adolescent Social Work Journal,22(3), 245-256.
In this peer reviewed article, the author discusses that urban
children of color especially those from low income families are
at a greater risks of developing mental health problems. These
children are also less likely to receive effective child mental
health services as a result of poverty and so their health
conditions continue to deteriorate. In this article the author put
forth the barriers to mental health care as experienced by
children of color together with their families. Gonzalez also
stresses on the role of the social work in helping the children of
color in urban areas access and benefit from mental health
De los Reyes-Aragon, C., Amar Amar, J., De Castro Correa, A.,
Lewis Harb, S., Madariaga, C., & Abello-Llanos, R. (2016). The
Care and Development of Children Living in Contexts of
Poverty. Journal of Child and Family Studies,25(12), 3637-
The authors of this articles discuss that the circumstances under
poverty can influence a child’s development. The study
examines the development level of children that living in low
income rural regions in Northern Colombia. Through their
research, 18% of the assed children had developmental delay for
their respective age groups. According to them, there is need for
the improvement of the environmental conditions to help
parents improve their caregiving practices.
Wong, Ma, & Chan. (2017). The impact of poverty on children
in out-of-home care services in a Chinese context and the
application of multiple family group therapy to enrich their
family lives. Children and Youth Services Review,
This article focusses on Chinese children who were placed in
out of home care in Hong Kong. These are children for
disadvantaged families. The authors discuss that these children
suffered mental illness, and substance abuse. The authors
discuss on the best practices to rehabilitate these children.
Loha, E., Deressa, W., Solomon, T., Atsbeha, H., Hailu, A., &
Lindtjørn, B. (2017). Anaemia among children in a drought
affected community in south-central Ethiopia. PLoS One,12(3),
This articles in addition discuses that children from low income
families and poor regions are most likely to be diagnosed with
anaemia. An increase in the prevalence of anaemia was
observed in regions that had experienced draught and food
shortage. Malaria is another disease they found out to be
common in children living in low income areas.
Machell, Kyla ; Disabato, David ; Kashdan, Todd .Social
Indicators Research, 2016, Vol.126(2), pp.845-861.
According to this article, the poor neighborhoods have little
support from the government as far as developmental of
rehabilitations centers, vocational training centers and guidance
and counselling centers. These are the places useful for youths
who did not complete school due lack of finances to go and find
a Course of interest and out of it generate a means of survival.
Lack of these facilities have led to an increase in the rate of
immorality where young children have ended being exposed to
immorality while rape cases rise in these neighborhoods.
Gyamfi, Phyllis Children and Youth Services Review, 2004,
Vol.26 (12), pp.1129-1139.
This article in addition also discussed the aftermath of poverty
to children where it provides that poverty leads to children
leaving their places of residence to go and settle in the streets.
According to this article, the high number of street children in
town is attributed to high rate of poverty that a country
tolerates. (Gyamfi, 2004) The key take away herein is that
children in poor neighborhoods should be enrolled in rehabs and
In Healey, J. (2014). Children living in poverty.
The children living in poor families have a lot of potential and a
strong drive to work hard and walk out of poverty. However due
to negligence by the government to mentor some of these
children, they end up giving up in education. This article is
sending a message to the government not to look down up
children in poor areas,
Berzin, Stephanie Cosner ; De Marco, Allison C Youth &
Society, Sex and Education December 2010, Vol.42(2), pp.278-
The authors of this book however put a lot emphasis on the
topic sex and education. (pg.200). They describe that children
living in poor families after dropping out of school, engage in
other activities such as sex. According to a research they
conducted, children in poor neighborhood start engaging in sex
as early as 10 years. The mostly affected gender were the
female teens who ended up pregnant while still in the primary
level of education. This implies a school dropout. Teenage
pregnancy is so rampant is these areas. The families were
overcrowded because, children also brought their children’s into
the families. They also stress that there is lack of awareness
created in terms HIV/AIDS. A higher number of people in poor
families had contacted HIV/AIDS and hence the families
became poorer as none could afford to go and look for jobs
since they were all sick and had various health problems
Amin, L. ; A. S. ; Lipscombe Shah, B. R. ; Biermann, Booth, G.
L ,. L. ; Wu, C. F. ; Feig, D. S. ;.Diabetic Medicine, November
2014, Vol.31(11), pp.1410-1417.
In this article, the authors present negative effects of poverty on
children, families, and their immediate environment as well.
Parents in poor communities face a lot of challenges such as
aggravation, stress, and depressive symptoms. These parents
have hard time trying to plan, prepare and provide for the
family basic needs. Housing instability in evident is this kind
of setting. Through their research, they concluded that children
were likely to engage in criminal activities in a bid to look for
means of survival at home.
Ristikari, T; Paananen, R; Merikukka, M; Gissler, M. European
Journal of Public Health, Social Ills in Low income Regions.
10/01/2013, Vol.23 (suppl_1).
This peer reviewed journal indicate that children from poor
families are likely to live in neighborhood with concentrated
poverty. These children experienced numerous social ills. They
include such as negative academic outcomes, poor health and
physical finesses systems and behavioral problems. The authors
also provides that these environment exposes the children to
environmental toxins, other physical hazards, crime and
violence amongst others. These children will also attend
schools with poor resources. Failure is more eminent is such
set ups.
Community Practitioner, Physical behavioral and emotional
health May 2004, Vol.77 (5), p.191.
According to this article, poverty leads to poor physical
behavioral and emotional health. Poverty exposes children’s
health to various threats. Children in poor communities lack
food security as well as sufficient diet in vital nutrients for
growth. Such diseases as asthma are common with children in
this kind of set up. Moreover, there is the likelihood of
receiving poor medical and dental care and hence these children
end up suffering a lot. In the main findings in the book, the
author states that nutrition does not exist in poor families.
(Community Practitioner, 2004).
POLS 2212
Written Assignment #2 – Tax Policies
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and
--Benjamin Franklin, 1789
While the existence of taxes may be certain, the kinds of taxes
that citizens of states will pay are not.
Ever-changing economic conditions and citizen demands place
continuous pressure on state leaders to
develop effective tax systems, but not all states are up to the
task. For this written assignment, you will
compare the tax systems of two states and assess their overall
To complete this paper assignment, you must do the following:
1. Select two states. (Georgia is not a valid choice)
2. Identify the main components of the tax system for these two
a. What kinds of major taxes (property, sales, corporate income,
personal income) exist in
the state?
b. What kinds of miscellaneous taxes and/or user fees exist in
the state?
3. Discuss perceptions of the tax system within each state.
Locate and draw upon at least two
suitable sources for each state to consider the following issues:
a. Is the tax system considered to be reasonable or burdensome?
b. Is the tax system considered equitable or unfair?
c. Have major changes to the tax system been proposed or
considered recently?
d. Is the tax system considered effective for meeting the state’s
revenue needs?
e. What forces or factors seem to inhibit the development of
more effective tax policies?
4. Drawing on concepts from Chapter 13, provide your own
assessment of the tax systems in these
states. Which of these states seems to have a ‘better’ tax
system, and why?
Formatting and Submission Guidelines
• Your paper should be at least 1500 words in length and double
spaced with appropriate sized
fonts and margins.
• Citations must be formatted based on APA, MLA, or Chicago
style guidelines.
• Your paper must be submitted via the dropbox system in D2L.
Your paper must be submitted in
one of the following file formats: .odt, .doc, .rtf, .pdf
• Late papers will receive a 5% penalty per calendar date past
due, and no papers will be accepted
more than seven days past due.
• All papers will be screened through plagiarism detection
software in D2L.
Suitable Sources
News articles
Articles from non-scholarly sources (e.g.
newspapers) as well as semi-scholarly sources
(e.g. The Economist) should be a good source of
information. Ideally, articles will contain a
sufficient amount of detailed factual content,
with a minimal amount of editorial content.
Data / reports from relevant interest groups /
non-governmental organizations
Many organizations research taxes in states.
Such research may be very useful for you, but
beware of potential biases in the organization, as
non-profit does not necessarily mean non-
State Treasury Websites
State treasury departments will likely have lots of
information on their state tax laws. This will help
you identify the components of the tax laws, but
may not contain information on how taxes are
perceived in the state.
State Party / Candidate Platforms
Finding out what candidates are saying about
taxes in the state will give you a good idea about
citizen perceptions of taxes, as well as potential
policy changes.
Unsuitable Sources
Wikipedia / other encyclopedia
These sources usually contain accurate
information, but are not a suitable source. Make
sure to get factual information elsewhere.
Q&A sites (e.g. Yahoo! Answers, Google Buzz)
The content of these sites should not be
assumed to be accurate.
Political Blogs
There is a great deal of variation in type and
quality of blogs. Blogs that are either associated
with a well-known media entity or that properly
cite other suitable data sources are likely of
better quality and may be considered suitable
for use. Blogs from random weirdoes should be
considered unsuitable.
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Annotated Bibliography
· Child Poverty Action Group. (2018). The Impacts of Poverty.
Internet source. Retrieved
This article presents the new standards of the Child Poverty
Group. It elaborates into details how poverty feels to children.
The article provides that children that originate from poorer
backgrounds normally lag behind their more affluent peers at all
the stages of education. It also notes goes ahead and provided
that poverty is associated with higher degree of risks of both
premature death and many illnesses. It summarizes by stating
that children who live in stinking poverty are likely to live in
bad housing. (CPAG, 2018). Comment by Anna Muraco: awk
word choice
· David, M. , & Zakia, F. (2014). 5 Ways Poverty harms
Children, Trends Child, and Retrieved from,
harms-children. Comment by Anna Muraco: Not peer
This article presents that poverty harms children's brains and
other body organs where when they become adults, the chances
of them being diagnosed with such illnesses as chronic diseases
are on high. It goes ahead and tell us that poverty creates and
widens the achievement gaps where it becomes hard for poor
children to achieve their dreams. This is because poverty will
deny them accessibility to quality education and social/
emotional development. Poor children are likely of drop out of
school and even fail to attend post-secondary education. (David,
· Community Practitioner, May 2004, Vol.77 (5), p.191.
Comment by Anna Muraco: What is the name of the
article? Comment by Anna Muraco: This does not appear to
be peer reviewed
According to this article, poverty leads to poor physical
behavioral and emotional health. Poverty exposes children's
wellbeing to various threatss to wellbeing. Children in poor
communities lack food security as well as a sufficient diet in
vital nutrients for growth. Such diseases as asthma areis
common with children in this kind of set up. Moreover, there is
the likelihood of receiving poor medical and dental care and
hence these children end up suffering a lot. In the main
findings in the book, the author states that nutrition does not
exist in poor families. (Community Practitioner, 2004).
· Ristikari, T ; Paananen, R ; Merikukka, M ; Gissler,
M.European Journal of Public Health, 10/01/2013,
Vol.23(suppl_1). Comment by Anna Muraco: What is the
name of the article?
This peer reviewed journal indicate that children from poor
families are likely to live in the neighborhoods with
concentrated poverty and have numerous social ills, . sSuch as
negative academic outcomes, poor health and physical finesses
systems and behavioral problems are common in these
neighborhoods. The articlejournal also provides that these
environment exposes the children to environmental toxins, other
physical hazards, crime and violence amongst others. These
children will also attend schools with poor resources. Failure is
more eminent is such set ups. Comment by Anna Muraco: What
data do the authors use?
· Amin, L. ; Shah, B. R. ; Bierman, A. S. ; Lipscombe, L. L. ;
Wu, C. F. ; Feig, D. S. ; Booth, G. L.Diabetic Medicine,
November 2014, Vol.31(11), pp.1410-1417. Comment by
Anna Muraco: Sources should be in alphabetical order
according to the last name of the first author
In this article, the authors present negative effects of poverty on
children, families, and their immediate environment as well.
Parents in poor communities face a lot of challenges such as
aggravation, stress, and depressive symptoms. These parents
have hard time trying to plan, prepare and provide for the
family basic needs. Housing instability in evident is this kind
of setting. These children are likely to engage in criminal
activities in a bid to look for means of survival at home.
Comment by Anna Muraco: Did the researchers analyze
· Children Society, (2018). What are the effects of Child
poverty? Retrieved from :
poverty. Comment by Anna Muraco: Not peer reviewed
The author of the article summarizes his article on the
effects of poverty on children as a feeling of unsafe, social
deprivation, stigma and bullying at school, low sense of
wellbeing, poor physical health among others. In poorer
families, there is little or no support given to children to help
them become important people in the society. His main finding
is that when children are exposed to poverty, the likelihood of
them becoming poor is high because some may lack an
inspiration to become of value to the community The children
are leas focused as opposed to children in well off families.
· Berzin, Stephanie Cosner ; De Marco, Allison C Youth &
Society, December 2010, Vol.42(2), pp.278-300. Comment by
Anna Muraco: What is the name of the article?
The authors of this book however put a lot emphasis on the
topic sex and education. (pg.200). They describe that children
living in poor families after dropping out of school, engage in
other activities such as sex. According to a research they
conducted, children in poor neighborhood start engaging in sex
as early as 10 years. The mostly affected gender were the
female teens who ended up pregnant while still in the primary
level of education. This implies a school dropout. Teenage
pregnancy is so rampant is these areas. The families were
overcrowded because, children also brought their children’s into
the families. They also stress that there is lack of awareness
created in terms HIV/AIDS. A higher number of people in poor
families had contacted HIV/AIDS and hence the families
became poorer as none could afford to go and look for jobs
since they were all sick and had various health problems.
· Machell, Kyla ; Disabato, David ; Kashdan, ToddSocial
Indicators Research, 2016, Vol.126(2), pp.845-861.
This article focuses is more specific on youths. The poor
neighborhoods have little support from the government as far as
developmental of rehabilitations centers, vocational training
centers and guidance and counselling centers. These are the
places useful for youths who did not complete schools due lack
of finances to go and find a Course of interest and out of it
generate a means of survival. Lack of these facilities have led to
an increase in the rate of immorality where young children have
ended being exposed to immorality while rape cases rise in
these neighborhoods.
· Gyamfi, Phyllis Children and Youth Services Review, 2004,
Vol.26 (12), pp.1129-1139.
This article in addition also discussed the aftermath of poverty
to children where it provides that poverty leads to children
leaving their places of residence to go and settle in the streets.
According to this article, the high number of street children in
town is attributed to high rate of poverty that a country
tolerates. (Gyamfi, 2004) The key take away herein is that
children in poor neighborhoods should be enrolled in rehabs and
· In Healey, J. (2014). Children living in poverty.
The children living in poor families have a lot of potential and a
strong drive to work hard and walk out of poverty. However due
to negligence by the government to mentor some of these
children, they end up giving up in education. This article is
sending a message to the government not to look down up
children in poor areas,
In Healey, J. (2014). Children living in poverty.
Gyamfi, Phyllis Children and Youth Services Review, 2004,
Vol.26 (12), pp.1129-1139.
Child Poverty Action Group. (2018). The Impacts of Poverty.
Internet source. Retrieved
David, M. , & Zakia, F. (2014). 5 Ways Poverty harms Children,
Trends Child, and Retrieved from,
Ristikari, T ; Paananen, R ; Merikukka, M ; Gissler,
M.European Journal of Public Health, 10/01/2013,
Amin, L. ; Shah, B. R. ; Bierman, A. S. ; Lipscombe, L. L. ;
Wu, C. F. ; Feig, D. S. ; Booth, G. L.Diabetic Medicine,
November 2014, Vol.31(11), pp.1410-1417.
Children Society, (2018). What are the effects of Child poverty?
Retrieved from :
Berzin, Stephanie Cosner ; De Marco, Allison CYouth &
Society, December 2010, Vol.42(2), pp.278-300.
Machell, Kyla ; Disabato, David ; Kashdan, ToddSocial
Indicators Research, 2016, Vol.126(2), pp.845-861.

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Annotated BibliographyGonzález, M. (2005). Access to Mental Heal.docx

  • 1. Annotated Bibliography González, M. (2005). Access to Mental Health Services: The Struggle of Poverty Affected Urban Children of Color. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal,22(3), 245-256. In this peer reviewed article, the author discusses that urban children of color especially those from low income families are at a greater risks of developing mental health problems. These children are also less likely to receive effective child mental health services as a result of poverty and so their health conditions continue to deteriorate. In this article the author put forth the barriers to mental health care as experienced by children of color together with their families. Gonzalez also stresses on the role of the social work in helping the children of color in urban areas access and benefit from mental health services. De los Reyes-Aragon, C., Amar Amar, J., De Castro Correa, A., Lewis Harb, S., Madariaga, C., & Abello-Llanos, R. (2016). The Care and Development of Children Living in Contexts of Poverty. Journal of Child and Family Studies,25(12), 3637- 3643. The authors of this articles discuss that the circumstances under poverty can influence a child’s development. The study examines the development level of children that living in low income rural regions in Northern Colombia. Through their research, 18% of the assed children had developmental delay for their respective age groups. According to them, there is need for the improvement of the environmental conditions to help parents improve their caregiving practices. Wong, Ma, & Chan. (2017). The impact of poverty on children in out-of-home care services in a Chinese context and the application of multiple family group therapy to enrich their family lives. Children and Youth Services Review, This article focusses on Chinese children who were placed in out of home care in Hong Kong. These are children for
  • 2. disadvantaged families. The authors discuss that these children suffered mental illness, and substance abuse. The authors discuss on the best practices to rehabilitate these children. Loha, E., Deressa, W., Solomon, T., Atsbeha, H., Hailu, A., & Lindtjørn, B. (2017). Anaemia among children in a drought affected community in south-central Ethiopia. PLoS One,12(3), E0170898. This articles in addition discuses that children from low income families and poor regions are most likely to be diagnosed with anaemia. An increase in the prevalence of anaemia was observed in regions that had experienced draught and food shortage. Malaria is another disease they found out to be common in children living in low income areas. Machell, Kyla ; Disabato, David ; Kashdan, Todd .Social Indicators Research, 2016, Vol.126(2), pp.845-861. According to this article, the poor neighborhoods have little support from the government as far as developmental of rehabilitations centers, vocational training centers and guidance and counselling centers. These are the places useful for youths who did not complete school due lack of finances to go and find a Course of interest and out of it generate a means of survival. Lack of these facilities have led to an increase in the rate of immorality where young children have ended being exposed to immorality while rape cases rise in these neighborhoods. Gyamfi, Phyllis Children and Youth Services Review, 2004, Vol.26 (12), pp.1129-1139. This article in addition also discussed the aftermath of poverty to children where it provides that poverty leads to children leaving their places of residence to go and settle in the streets. According to this article, the high number of street children in town is attributed to high rate of poverty that a country tolerates. (Gyamfi, 2004) The key take away herein is that children in poor neighborhoods should be enrolled in rehabs and educated. In Healey, J. (2014). Children living in poverty.
  • 3. The children living in poor families have a lot of potential and a strong drive to work hard and walk out of poverty. However due to negligence by the government to mentor some of these children, they end up giving up in education. This article is sending a message to the government not to look down up children in poor areas, Berzin, Stephanie Cosner ; De Marco, Allison C Youth & Society, Sex and Education December 2010, Vol.42(2), pp.278- 300. The authors of this book however put a lot emphasis on the topic sex and education. (pg.200). They describe that children living in poor families after dropping out of school, engage in other activities such as sex. According to a research they conducted, children in poor neighborhood start engaging in sex as early as 10 years. The mostly affected gender were the female teens who ended up pregnant while still in the primary level of education. This implies a school dropout. Teenage pregnancy is so rampant is these areas. The families were overcrowded because, children also brought their children’s into the families. They also stress that there is lack of awareness created in terms HIV/AIDS. A higher number of people in poor families had contacted HIV/AIDS and hence the families became poorer as none could afford to go and look for jobs since they were all sick and had various health problems Amin, L. ; A. S. ; Lipscombe Shah, B. R. ; Biermann, Booth, G. L ,. L. ; Wu, C. F. ; Feig, D. S. ;.Diabetic Medicine, November 2014, Vol.31(11), pp.1410-1417. In this article, the authors present negative effects of poverty on children, families, and their immediate environment as well. Parents in poor communities face a lot of challenges such as aggravation, stress, and depressive symptoms. These parents have hard time trying to plan, prepare and provide for the family basic needs. Housing instability in evident is this kind of setting. Through their research, they concluded that children were likely to engage in criminal activities in a bid to look for means of survival at home.
  • 4. Ristikari, T; Paananen, R; Merikukka, M; Gissler, M. European Journal of Public Health, Social Ills in Low income Regions. 10/01/2013, Vol.23 (suppl_1). This peer reviewed journal indicate that children from poor families are likely to live in neighborhood with concentrated poverty. These children experienced numerous social ills. They include such as negative academic outcomes, poor health and physical finesses systems and behavioral problems. The authors also provides that these environment exposes the children to environmental toxins, other physical hazards, crime and violence amongst others. These children will also attend schools with poor resources. Failure is more eminent is such set ups. Community Practitioner, Physical behavioral and emotional health May 2004, Vol.77 (5), p.191. According to this article, poverty leads to poor physical behavioral and emotional health. Poverty exposes children’s health to various threats. Children in poor communities lack food security as well as sufficient diet in vital nutrients for growth. Such diseases as asthma are common with children in this kind of set up. Moreover, there is the likelihood of receiving poor medical and dental care and hence these children end up suffering a lot. In the main findings in the book, the author states that nutrition does not exist in poor families. (Community Practitioner, 2004).
  • 5. POLS 2212 Written Assignment #2 – Tax Policies In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. --Benjamin Franklin, 1789 While the existence of taxes may be certain, the kinds of taxes that citizens of states will pay are not. Ever-changing economic conditions and citizen demands place continuous pressure on state leaders to develop effective tax systems, but not all states are up to the task. For this written assignment, you will compare the tax systems of two states and assess their overall effectiveness. To complete this paper assignment, you must do the following: 1. Select two states. (Georgia is not a valid choice) 2. Identify the main components of the tax system for these two states. a. What kinds of major taxes (property, sales, corporate income, personal income) exist in the state? b. What kinds of miscellaneous taxes and/or user fees exist in the state? 3. Discuss perceptions of the tax system within each state. Locate and draw upon at least two suitable sources for each state to consider the following issues: a. Is the tax system considered to be reasonable or burdensome? b. Is the tax system considered equitable or unfair? c. Have major changes to the tax system been proposed or
  • 6. considered recently? d. Is the tax system considered effective for meeting the state’s revenue needs? e. What forces or factors seem to inhibit the development of more effective tax policies? 4. Drawing on concepts from Chapter 13, provide your own assessment of the tax systems in these states. Which of these states seems to have a ‘better’ tax system, and why? Formatting and Submission Guidelines • Your paper should be at least 1500 words in length and double spaced with appropriate sized fonts and margins. • Citations must be formatted based on APA, MLA, or Chicago style guidelines. • Your paper must be submitted via the dropbox system in D2L. Your paper must be submitted in one of the following file formats: .odt, .doc, .rtf, .pdf • Late papers will receive a 5% penalty per calendar date past due, and no papers will be accepted more than seven days past due. • All papers will be screened through plagiarism detection software in D2L.
  • 7. Suitable Sources News articles Articles from non-scholarly sources (e.g. newspapers) as well as semi-scholarly sources (e.g. The Economist) should be a good source of information. Ideally, articles will contain a sufficient amount of detailed factual content, with a minimal amount of editorial content. Data / reports from relevant interest groups / non-governmental organizations Many organizations research taxes in states. Such research may be very useful for you, but beware of potential biases in the organization, as non-profit does not necessarily mean non- partisan. State Treasury Websites State treasury departments will likely have lots of information on their state tax laws. This will help you identify the components of the tax laws, but may not contain information on how taxes are perceived in the state. State Party / Candidate Platforms Finding out what candidates are saying about taxes in the state will give you a good idea about citizen perceptions of taxes, as well as potential policy changes. Unsuitable Sources Wikipedia / other encyclopedia These sources usually contain accurate
  • 8. information, but are not a suitable source. Make sure to get factual information elsewhere. Q&A sites (e.g. Yahoo! Answers, Google Buzz) The content of these sites should not be assumed to be accurate. Political Blogs There is a great deal of variation in type and quality of blogs. Blogs that are either associated with a well-known media entity or that properly cite other suitable data sources are likely of better quality and may be considered suitable for use. Blogs from random weirdoes should be considered unsuitable. Accessibility ReportFilename: WA02 - Tax Systems ACCb.pdfReport created by: Organization: [Enter personal and organization information through the Preferences > Identity dialog.] Summary The checker found no problems in this document.Needs manual check: 0Passed manually: 0Failed manually: 0Skipped: 3Passed: 29Failed: 0 Detailed ReportDocumentRule NameStatusDescriptionAccessibility permission flagPassedAccessibility permission flag must be setImage-only PDFPassedDocument is not image-only PDFTagged PDFPassedDocument is tagged PDFLogical Reading OrderSkippedDocument structure provides a logical reading orderPrimary languagePassedText language is specifiedTitlePassedDocument title is showing in title barBookmarksPassedBookmarks are present in large
  • 9. documentsColor contrastSkippedDocument has appropriate color contrastPage ContentRule NameStatusDescriptionTagged contentPassedAll page content is taggedTagged annotationsPassedAll annotations are taggedTab orderPassedTab order is consistent with structure orderCharacter encodingPassedReliable character encoding is providedTagged multimediaPassedAll multimedia objects are taggedScreen flickerPassedPage will not cause screen flickerScriptsPassedNo inaccessible scriptsTimed responsesPassedPage does not require timed responsesNavigation linksPassedNavigation links are not repetitiveFormsRule NameStatusDescriptionTagged form fieldsPassedAll form fields are taggedField descriptionsPassedAll form fields have descriptionAlternate TextRule NameStatusDescriptionFigures alternate textPassedFigures require alternate textNested alternate textPassedAlternate text that will never be readAssociated with contentPassedAlternate text must be associated with some contentHides annotationPassedAlternate text should not hide annotationOther elements alternate textPassedOther elements that require alternate textTablesRule NameStatusDescriptionRowsPassedTR must be a child of Table, THead, TBody, or TFootTH and TDPassedTH and TD must be children of TRHeadersPassedTables should have headersRegularityPassedTables must contain the same number of columns in each row and rows in each columnSummarySkippedTables must have a summaryListsRule NameStatusDescriptionList itemsPassedLI must be a child of LLbl and LBodyPassedLbl and LBody must be children of LIHeadingsRule NameStatusDescriptionAppropriate nestingPassedAppropriate nestingBack to Top Annotated Bibliography · Child Poverty Action Group. (2018). The Impacts of Poverty.
  • 10. Internet source. Retrieved poverty. This article presents the new standards of the Child Poverty Group. It elaborates into details how poverty feels to children. The article provides that children that originate from poorer backgrounds normally lag behind their more affluent peers at all the stages of education. It also notes goes ahead and provided that poverty is associated with higher degree of risks of both premature death and many illnesses. It summarizes by stating that children who live in stinking poverty are likely to live in bad housing. (CPAG, 2018). Comment by Anna Muraco: awk word choice · David, M. , & Zakia, F. (2014). 5 Ways Poverty harms Children, Trends Child, and Retrieved from, harms-children. Comment by Anna Muraco: Not peer reviewed This article presents that poverty harms children's brains and other body organs where when they become adults, the chances of them being diagnosed with such illnesses as chronic diseases are on high. It goes ahead and tell us that poverty creates and widens the achievement gaps where it becomes hard for poor children to achieve their dreams. This is because poverty will deny them accessibility to quality education and social/ emotional development. Poor children are likely of drop out of school and even fail to attend post-secondary education. (David, 2014). · Community Practitioner, May 2004, Vol.77 (5), p.191. Comment by Anna Muraco: What is the name of the article? Comment by Anna Muraco: This does not appear to be peer reviewed According to this article, poverty leads to poor physical behavioral and emotional health. Poverty exposes children's wellbeing to various threatss to wellbeing. Children in poor communities lack food security as well as a sufficient diet in vital nutrients for growth. Such diseases as asthma areis
  • 11. common with children in this kind of set up. Moreover, there is the likelihood of receiving poor medical and dental care and hence these children end up suffering a lot. In the main findings in the book, the author states that nutrition does not exist in poor families. (Community Practitioner, 2004). · Ristikari, T ; Paananen, R ; Merikukka, M ; Gissler, M.European Journal of Public Health, 10/01/2013, Vol.23(suppl_1). Comment by Anna Muraco: What is the name of the article? This peer reviewed journal indicate that children from poor families are likely to live in the neighborhoods with concentrated poverty and have numerous social ills, . sSuch as negative academic outcomes, poor health and physical finesses systems and behavioral problems are common in these neighborhoods. The articlejournal also provides that these environment exposes the children to environmental toxins, other physical hazards, crime and violence amongst others. These children will also attend schools with poor resources. Failure is more eminent is such set ups. Comment by Anna Muraco: What data do the authors use? · Amin, L. ; Shah, B. R. ; Bierman, A. S. ; Lipscombe, L. L. ; Wu, C. F. ; Feig, D. S. ; Booth, G. L.Diabetic Medicine, November 2014, Vol.31(11), pp.1410-1417. Comment by Anna Muraco: Sources should be in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author In this article, the authors present negative effects of poverty on children, families, and their immediate environment as well. Parents in poor communities face a lot of challenges such as aggravation, stress, and depressive symptoms. These parents have hard time trying to plan, prepare and provide for the family basic needs. Housing instability in evident is this kind of setting. These children are likely to engage in criminal activities in a bid to look for means of survival at home. Comment by Anna Muraco: Did the researchers analyze data? · Children Society, (2018). What are the effects of Child
  • 12. poverty? Retrieved from : work/ending-child-poverty/what-are-the-effects-of-child- poverty. Comment by Anna Muraco: Not peer reviewed The author of the article summarizes his article on the effects of poverty on children as a feeling of unsafe, social deprivation, stigma and bullying at school, low sense of wellbeing, poor physical health among others. In poorer families, there is little or no support given to children to help them become important people in the society. His main finding is that when children are exposed to poverty, the likelihood of them becoming poor is high because some may lack an inspiration to become of value to the community The children are leas focused as opposed to children in well off families. · Berzin, Stephanie Cosner ; De Marco, Allison C Youth & Society, December 2010, Vol.42(2), pp.278-300. Comment by Anna Muraco: What is the name of the article? The authors of this book however put a lot emphasis on the topic sex and education. (pg.200). They describe that children living in poor families after dropping out of school, engage in other activities such as sex. According to a research they conducted, children in poor neighborhood start engaging in sex as early as 10 years. The mostly affected gender were the female teens who ended up pregnant while still in the primary level of education. This implies a school dropout. Teenage pregnancy is so rampant is these areas. The families were overcrowded because, children also brought their children’s into the families. They also stress that there is lack of awareness created in terms HIV/AIDS. A higher number of people in poor families had contacted HIV/AIDS and hence the families became poorer as none could afford to go and look for jobs since they were all sick and had various health problems. · Machell, Kyla ; Disabato, David ; Kashdan, ToddSocial Indicators Research, 2016, Vol.126(2), pp.845-861. This article focuses is more specific on youths. The poor neighborhoods have little support from the government as far as
  • 13. developmental of rehabilitations centers, vocational training centers and guidance and counselling centers. These are the places useful for youths who did not complete schools due lack of finances to go and find a Course of interest and out of it generate a means of survival. Lack of these facilities have led to an increase in the rate of immorality where young children have ended being exposed to immorality while rape cases rise in these neighborhoods. · Gyamfi, Phyllis Children and Youth Services Review, 2004, Vol.26 (12), pp.1129-1139. This article in addition also discussed the aftermath of poverty to children where it provides that poverty leads to children leaving their places of residence to go and settle in the streets. According to this article, the high number of street children in town is attributed to high rate of poverty that a country tolerates. (Gyamfi, 2004) The key take away herein is that children in poor neighborhoods should be enrolled in rehabs and educated. · In Healey, J. (2014). Children living in poverty. The children living in poor families have a lot of potential and a strong drive to work hard and walk out of poverty. However due to negligence by the government to mentor some of these children, they end up giving up in education. This article is sending a message to the government not to look down up children in poor areas, References. In Healey, J. (2014). Children living in poverty. Gyamfi, Phyllis Children and Youth Services Review, 2004, Vol.26 (12), pp.1129-1139. Child Poverty Action Group. (2018). The Impacts of Poverty. Internet source. Retrieved poverty. David, M. , & Zakia, F. (2014). 5 Ways Poverty harms Children, Trends Child, and Retrieved from,
  • 14. harms-children. Ristikari, T ; Paananen, R ; Merikukka, M ; Gissler, M.European Journal of Public Health, 10/01/2013, Vol.23(suppl_1). Amin, L. ; Shah, B. R. ; Bierman, A. S. ; Lipscombe, L. L. ; Wu, C. F. ; Feig, D. S. ; Booth, G. L.Diabetic Medicine, November 2014, Vol.31(11), pp.1410-1417. Children Society, (2018). What are the effects of Child poverty? Retrieved from : do/our-work/ending-child-poverty/what-are-the-effects-of-child- poverty. Berzin, Stephanie Cosner ; De Marco, Allison CYouth & Society, December 2010, Vol.42(2), pp.278-300. Machell, Kyla ; Disabato, David ; Kashdan, ToddSocial Indicators Research, 2016, Vol.126(2), pp.845-861.