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 CHAIRPERSON – Dr. Praveen Kusubi
 STUDENT – Dr. Akshata
 1. General Built and Stature
 2. Nutrition
 3. Facial appearance
 4. Eyes
 5. Nose
 6. Ears
 7. Oral cavity
 8. Neck
 9. Skin
 10. Extremities
 11. Peripheral edema
 Indices of build and stature
1. Height, lower and upper segments
2. Arm span
3. Body mass index
4. Waist circumference
Height below 3rd centile or more than 2SD below the median
height for age and sex.
 Normal variant
 Familial short stature
 Constitutional growth delay
 Pathological
 Prenatal
 1. Intrauterine growth retardation
 2. Antenatal infection in mother (TORCH*, syphilis, AIDS)
 3. Antenatal consumption of alcohol, tobacco, heroin
 4. Chromosomal disorders (Down’s syndrome, Turner’s
1. Malnutrition (Protein-energy malnutrition, anorexia nervosa)
2. Endocrine disorders (growth hormone deficiency, hypothyroidism, congenital
adrenal hyperplasia, precocious puberty)
3. Cardiovascular disorders (cyanotic and acyanotic congenital heart disease, early
onset rheumatic heart disease)
4. Respiratory disorders (Kartagener’s syndrome, cystic lung disease, childhood
5. Renal disorders (renal tubular acidosis, renal rickets, nephrotic syndrome, chronic
6. Blood disorders (chronic anaemia like thalassemia or sickle cell anaemia,
 Disproportionate
 Rickets
 Skeletal dysplasia (kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis)
 Defective bone formation (osteopetrosis, osteogenesis imperfecta)
 Defective cartilage growth (achondroplasia, multiple cartilagenous
2 SD or Height > 6feet
WEIGHT:Classification of Overweight and
Obesity by Body Mass Index (BMI) in Adults
 Body mass index (Quetelet's index) = Weight (kg)/
 Ponderal index = Height (cm) /Cube root of body weight
 Brocca index = Height (cm) -100
(For example, if a person's height is 160 cm, his
 PEM: It may be primary due to inadequate intake of protein or
secondary due to defective intake or digestion, or absorption, or
altered metabolism and increased demand
 Defective intake
 Defective digestion and absorption
 Defective utilisation
 Excessive loss of nutrients
 Altered metabolism
 Increased requirements
i. Hypertelorism
ii. Epicanthic folds
iii. Broad flat nose
iv. Low set ears
v. Thick lips
vi. Abnormal teeth
vii. Short neck
viii. Low hair line
 HYPERTEROISM:- This refers to wide set
eyes i.e. distance between the two eyes is
more than the size of one eye.
 Noonan syndrome
 Turner syndrome
 LEOPARD (multiple lentigines) syndrome
 Hurler syndrome
 William syndrome
 Klippel-Feil syndrome
 Hypothyroidism
 Secondary syphilis
 Leprosy
 Generalized alopecia
 This is drooping of the upper lid to a level that
covers >2 mm of the superior cornea.
 (i) simple
 (ii) complicated
 (i) neurogenic:3rd nerve palsy,Horner’s
syndromeMultiple sclerosis
 (ii) myogenic: Myasthenia gravis,Snake
bite,Myotonic dystrophy,Eaton lambert myasthenic
syndrome,Oculo-pharyngial muscular dystrophy
 (iii) aponeurotic
 (iv) mechanical
 Proptosis /Exophtholmos
 Pulsating
 Intermittent-orbital varix
 Enophtholmos
 Nystagmus
 Exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia and staring
with lid lag seen in thyrotoxicosis .
 Pulsatile exophthalmos and pulsating
earlobes occur in severe TR.
 It is rarely seen in severe myopia, chronic cor
pulmonale and in normal individuals as
congenital anomaly
 Pallor
 Icterus
 Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis
 Bitot’s spots
 Petechiae (lower eye lid)/subconjuctival
hemorrhages in infective endocarditis
● Jaundice or icterus, which is observed in CHF,
large pulmonary infarct, hemolysis due to
prosthetic valves, sometimes in calcified valves.
● Blue sclera noted in osteogenesis imperfecta,
Marfan synfrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and
may also be familial.
Corneal Arcus
Arcus senilis
KF ring
Corneal clouding
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
 Brushfields spots
 Heterochromia of iris
 Rubeosis iridis
 Uveitis
 Rheumatoid arthritis
 Behçet's disease
 Ankylosing spondylitis
 Crohn's disease.
 Ulcerative colitis.
 Sarcoidosis
 Number(polycoria)
 Location(corectopia)
 Size –Miosis/Mydriasis
 Color
 Pupillary reactions
 Subluxation/Dislocations
 Cataract:Metabolic abnormalities:
Poorly controlled diabetes.
G6PD deficiency.
Systemic disease:
Muscular dystrophy.
Atopic dermatitis.
Congenital rubella
Ear findings Conditions
Low set ears Noonan syndrome
Turners syndrome
Klippel-Feil syndrome
Down syndrome
Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Rubintein – Taybi syndrome
Defomed ears Polychondritis
Ear lobe crease CAD
Deafness Turners syndrome
Klippel fleil syndrome
Multiple lentigines syndrome
Jervell and Lange-Nielson syndrome
Nose findings Conditions
Broad flat nose Cornelia de Lange
Down syndrome
William syndrome
Hurlers syndrome
Broad nose Acromegaly
Thin beaked nose Robinstein- Taybi
Findings Conditions
Pallor Anemia
Cyanosis CHD
Thick lips Hurler syndrome
Absent philtrum FAS
Capillary pulsations AR
Rhagades Congenital syphilis
1. Gum hyperplaisa - Phenytoin toxicity
2. Cyanosis- CHD
 Hutchinsonian teeth
Peg shaped teeth: Hurlers syndrome,william
syndrome,congenital syphilis
Mulberry molars
Wide spaced teeth
Stained teeth:
tobacco staining,
chronic betel /leaf chewing,
Pink teeth in porphria
Brown teeth in kernicterus,teeth caries,osteogenesis
Tongue findings Condition
Scarlet red
Pale tongue
Riboflavin deficiency
IDA Shock
Macroglossia Acromegaly
Downs syndrome
Hurler syndrome
Glossoptosis Pierre Robin syndrome
Palate findings Conditions
High arched palate Marfans syndrome
Pierre Robin syndrome
Cleft/perforated palate Tertiary syphilis
Velocardiofacial syndrome
Pierre Robin syndrome
Short neck Webbed neck Low hair line
Klippel-Feil syndrome Noonan syndrome Noonan syndrome
Morquios syndrome Edwards syndrome Edwards syndrome
Turners syndrome Turners syndrome
Cornelia de Lange
 Pallor (paleness) is the waxy appearance of skin and mucous
 It depends on thickness and quality of skin, and quality and amount
of blood in the capillaries.
1. Lower palpebral conjunctiva (retract the lower eyelids
downward and ask the patient to look upwards — both eyes
at a time).
2. Tongue, specially the tip and the dorsum.
3. Mucous membrane of palate.
4. Nail-beds (press the pulp to see the redness of nail-bed).
5. Palms, soles and general skin surfaces.
Causes of pallor:
Pallor without
anemia ?
 Kyanos –dark blue color , osis- condition
 Def – Bluish discoloration of the skin and
mucous membrane due to presence of
increased amount of reduced haemoglobin
>4g/dl or Haemoglobin derivatives in the
capillary blood
 C) Others- Enterogenous,
Diffrential cyanosis
Central Cyanosis
 Decreased arterial oxygen saturation(80-85%) due to
imperfect oxygenation of blood in lungs or admixture of
venous and arterial blood
 Sites- Tongue
Inner aspect of lips
Mucous membrane of gum,palate,cheeks
Lower palpebral conjunctiva
Others-Nasal and Rectal Mucous membrane
 Mechanism- Hypoxic hypoxia
 Causes- Cynotic heart disease
Acute pulmonary edema
Eisenmengers syndrome
Acute severe asthma
COPD, Cor pulmonale
Resp failure ,Resp depression
Lobar pneumonia
Fibrosing alveolitis
Tension pneumothorax
Acute laryngeal edema
Acute pulmonary thromboembolism
Pulmonary artetiovenous fistula
Peripheral Cyanosis
Sites- Tip of nose
Ear lobules
Outer aspect of lips,chin,cheek
Tip of fingers and toes
Nail bed of fingers and toes
Palms and soles
 Causes of Peripheral cyanosis
a) Exposure to cold air or cold water
b) Congestive cardiac failure
c) Frost bite
d) Raynaud’s phenomenon
e) Shock or peripheral circulatory failure
f) Venous obstruction-SVC Syndrome
g) Hyperviscosity syndrome-MM,Polycythemia,Macroglobulinaemia
h) Arterial obstruction
i) Cryoglobulinaemia-Abnormal globin-gel low temp
j) Mitral stenosis
k) Septicaemia
Differentiation of Cyanosis
Sites Tongue and Oral cavity Tongue uneffected
Handshake Warm Cold
Application of warmth No change Warmth-Cyanosis
Cold- Cyanosis
Application of pure
For 10 min
Cyanosis may improve No response
Clubbing and
Usually Present Absent
Pulse Volume Normal or High Low
Dyspnoea Often Breathless Absent
Enterogenous Cyanosis
 Due to presence of excessive Sulphaemoglobin>0.5g/dl
or Methaemoglobin >1.5g/dl
 Causes- Hereditary Haemoglobin M disease
Poisoning by aniline dyes
Drugs like nitrates and nitrites
Confirmed- Spectroscopic examination
 Yellowish discolouration of skin and mucous
membrane due to excess amount of bilirubin
present in the blood.
 Clinical jaundice-S.bilurubn-3mg/dl
 Latent jaundice-S.bilurubin-1-3mg/dl
 Upper bulbar conjunctiva
 Under surface of tongue
 Mucous membrane of palate
 Palms and Soles
 General skin surface
D/D of jaundice
 Carotenaemia
 Atabrine toxicity
 Diffuse Xanthomatosis
 Muddy sclera
 Old subconjunctival haemorrhage
Features of Haemolytic Anaemia
 Acholuric urine
 Stool-High color
 Jaundice-Lemon yellow tinge (as s.bil<6mg/dl)
 Anaemia
 Splenomegaly
 May have typical facies(chipmunk facies in
 Reticulocytosis
Features of Obstructive jaundice
 Urine-Deep yellow
 Stool-Pale or clay colored with Steatorrhoea
 Jaundice-Greenish-yellow
 Generalised pruritis
 Sinus bradycardia
 Xanthelasma
 Petechiae,purpura or echymosis-Vit k def
 Gall bladder my be palpable
 Prolonged case- Osteomalasia,bone pain,fracture-Hepatic
 Rarely hepatospleenomegaly,h/o fever ,pain abd
Features of Hepatocellular jaundice
 Urine-Yellowish
 Stool-High colored and become pale
 Orange yellow tinge bulbar conjunctiva
 Anorexia,nausea,vomiting,fever may be present before jaundice
 Tender hepatomegaly is frequent
 Variable pruritus
 Bleeding manifestations
 h/o affection of other member of the family or locality
Fluctuating jaundice
 Gilbert syndrome
 Stone impaction in CBD
 Periampullary carcinoma
 Haemolytic anaemia
 Dubin johnson syndrome
Bronze pigmentation Hemochromatosis
Café au luit spots Von Recklinghausen’s
Multiple lentigines LEOPARD syndrome
Angiofibromas Tuberous sclerosis
Erythema marginatum Rheumatic fever
Janeway lesions and Oslers
Infective endocarditis
Coarse skin Myxedema
Hyperextensible and
rubber like skin
Ehler- Danlos
Plucked chicken
Moist silky skin Hyperthyroidism
1. Digits
2. Nails
3. Feet
4. Joints
Digits description Disease
a. Arachnodactyly Marfan syndrome
b. Polydactyly Ellis-van Creveld and
c. Syndactyly Ellis-van Creveld and
d. Clindactyly Down, Ellis-van Creveld and
Hurler’s syndromes
e. Brachydactyly Down and Turner syndromes,
Abnormal nails Conditions
Nail stripes Chronic constrictive
Dysplastic nails Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
Plummer nails Hyperthyroidism
Square/broad nails Acromegaly, cretin
Koilonychias Iron deficiency anemia
Splinter hemorrhage Infective endocarditis
Clubbing Cyanotic congenital heart
disease infective
endocarditis, myxoid tumor
Nail changes:
 Beau’s lines
 Mees’s lines
 Lindsay nail/half and half nails
 Yellow nail
 Blue nail
 Black nail
 Green nail
 Brown nail
Nail changes:
 Pitting of nails
 Brittle nails
 Egg shell nails
 Racket nails
 Plummer sign
 Koenen sign
Foot abnormality Conditions
Pes cavus Friedrichs ataxia,
peroneal muscular
Pes planus Marfans syndrome
Rocker bottom foot Edwards syndrome
Bow legs Achondroplasia
Rickets osteomalacia
Sabre tibia- congenital
Knock knees Ellis-van Creveld and
 Defn- Is the bulbous swelling of the terminal
part of the fingers and the toes with an
increase in the soft tissue mass and increased
anteroposterior ,transverse diameter of the nail
due to proliferation of subungual connective
tissue ,interstitial edema, and dilatation of
arterioles and capillaries
Digital index- Objective measurement of clubbing
Circumference at nail bed is divided by the
circumference of the distal interphalangeal joint
The individual ratio of 10 fingers are added and
now divided by 10
If > 1 clubbing to be present
 Grade I –Increased fluctuation of nail bed with loss of
onychodermal angle
 Grade II –Increase in AP and Transverse diameter of the nails as
well as nail become smooth and glossy with loss of longitudinal
 Grade III – Increased pulp tissue,Parrot beak/Drumstick
 Grade IV – Wrist and ankle swelling due to HOA
• Subperiosteal new bone formation at the lower end of
• Swelling ,Pain in wrist , ankle, elbow and knee
•Also other bones like ribs ,clavical,scapula may be affected
• Seen in Bronchogenic carcinoma(Squamous)
• Familial(Pachydermoperiostitis) or Idiopathic
Mechanisms of clubbing
 Neurogenic-Vagal stimulation
 Humoral- GH,PTH,Estrogen,Bradykinin,PG
 Ferritin - Decreased
 Hypoxia-Persistent hypoxia causes opening of deep AV fistula of
the terminal phalanx
 Toxic-SBE
 Metabolic-Thyrotoxicosis
 PDGF-Released secondary to infection(latest and most acceptable)
 Cardiovascular
 Pulmonary
 Gastrointestinal
 Congenital
 Unilateral
 Unidigital
 Miscellaneous
 pseudoclubbing
 Subperiosteal bone resorption of terminal
Seen in
People working with vinyl chloride
 Accumulation of excessive amount of tissue
fluid in the subcutaneous tissue(or serous
sac)due to increase in extravascular
component of the ECF resulting in swelling of
 Total body water- 60% of body wt
 Total body water-
2/3 ICF + 1/3 ECF(3/4 IF +1/4 Plasma)
Mechanism of edema
 Low plasma oncotic pressure-
 High capillary hydrostatic pressure-CCF ,DVT
 Increased capillary permiability-Acute
inflammation ,Amlodipine
 Obstructed lymphatic drainage-
Clinically edema demonstration
 Inspect leg for swelling
 Apply firm pressure
 Look for -Sacral edema
Parietal edema
Puffy face
Puffy lower eyelids
Scrotal edema
Clinical classification of
Pitting oedema
Nephrotic syndrome
Hypoproteinaemia with severe anaemia
Pericardial effusion
Constrictive pericarditis
Venous obstruction
Epidemic dropsy
 Significant lymphadenopathy:
 Generalised lymphadenopathy:
 Persistent generalised
Points to be Noted while
Examining Lymph Nodes
• Site
• Size of the largest and smallest gland
• Number of nodes enlarged
• Consistency (soft, firm or hard)
• Tenderness
• Mobility
• Matted or discrete
• Fixity to skin and condition of the overlying skin
• Generalized or localized
• Adjacent groups of nodes
• Lesions in the areas of drainage
• Lymphedema
Infectious mononucleosis syndromes
(EBV, CMV), infectious
hepatitis, herpes simplex, herpesvirus-6,
varicella-zoster virus, rubella,
measles, adenovirus,
bacterial streptococci, staphylococci, cat-scratch
disease, brucellosis,
tularemia, plague, chancroid,
melioidosis, glanders, tuberculosis,
mycobacterial infection, primary and
secondary syphilis, diphtheria,
fungal histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis,
chlamydia lymphogranuloma venereum,
Toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis,
trypanosomiasis, filariasis
scrub typhus, rickettsialpox, Q fever
IMMUNOLOGICAL Rheumatoid arthritis
b. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
c. Mixed connective tissue disease
d. Systemic lupus erythematosus
e. Dermatomyositis
f. Sjogren’s syndrome
g. Serum sickness
DRUG HYPERSENSITIVITY diphenylhydantoin, hydralazine,
primidone, gold, carbamazepine, etc
MALIGNANCY Hematologic—Hodgkin’s disease,
non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, acute
chronic lymphocytic leukemia,
hairy cell leukemia, malignant
b. Metastatic—from numerous
primary sites
STORAGE DISRDERS Gaucher’s, Niemann-Pick, Fabry,
OTHERS Castleman’s disease (giant lymph
node hyperplasia)
b. Sarcoidosis
Histiocytic necrotizing
lymphadenitis (Kikuchi’s disease)
Familial Mediterranean fever
Causes of Generalized
 Infections: Miliary tuberculosis, infectious
mononucleosis, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
infection, German measles, filariasis secondary syphilis,
trypanosomiasis (not present in India).
 Other inflammatory disease: Systemic lupus
erythematosus, rheumatoid disease, hypersensitivity
 Neoplastic diseases: Lymphomas, acute leukemias,
chronic lymphatic leukemia, blast crisis of chronic
myelogenous leukemia.
 Other conditions: Sarcoidosis, adverse reactions to
drugs like dilantin sodium.
GOLWALLA – 15 th Edition
ALAGAPPAN – 5th Edition

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General Physical Examination Summary

  • 2.  1. General Built and Stature  2. Nutrition  3. Facial appearance  4. Eyes  5. Nose  6. Ears  7. Oral cavity  8. Neck  9. Skin  10. Extremities  11. Peripheral edema
  • 3. 1. GENERAL BUILD AND STATURE  Indices of build and stature 1. Height, lower and upper segments 2. Arm span 3. Body mass index 4. Waist circumference
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. HEIGHT:SHORT STATURE Height below 3rd centile or more than 2SD below the median height for age and sex.  Normal variant  Familial short stature  Constitutional growth delay  Pathological Proportionate  Prenatal  1. Intrauterine growth retardation  2. Antenatal infection in mother (TORCH*, syphilis, AIDS)  3. Antenatal consumption of alcohol, tobacco, heroin  4. Chromosomal disorders (Down’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome).
  • 7. SHORT STATURE: 1. Malnutrition (Protein-energy malnutrition, anorexia nervosa) 2. Endocrine disorders (growth hormone deficiency, hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, precocious puberty) 3. Cardiovascular disorders (cyanotic and acyanotic congenital heart disease, early onset rheumatic heart disease) 4. Respiratory disorders (Kartagener’s syndrome, cystic lung disease, childhood asthma) 5. Renal disorders (renal tubular acidosis, renal rickets, nephrotic syndrome, chronic pyelonephritis) 6. Blood disorders (chronic anaemia like thalassemia or sickle cell anaemia,
  • 8. SHORT STATURE:  Disproportionate  Rickets  Skeletal dysplasia (kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis)  Defective bone formation (osteopetrosis, osteogenesis imperfecta)  Defective cartilage growth (achondroplasia, multiple cartilagenous exostosis
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. TALL STATURE: 2 SD or Height > 6feet
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16. WEIGHT:Classification of Overweight and Obesity by Body Mass Index (BMI) in Adults
  • 17. INDICATORS:  Body mass index (Quetelet's index) = Weight (kg)/ Height(m)(2)  Ponderal index = Height (cm) /Cube root of body weight (kg)  Brocca index = Height (cm) -100 (For example, if a person's height is 160 cm, his idealweight
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. NUTRITION:  PEM: It may be primary due to inadequate intake of protein or secondary due to defective intake or digestion, or absorption, or altered metabolism and increased demand  Defective intake  Defective digestion and absorption  Defective utilisation  Excessive loss of nutrients  Altered metabolism  Increased requirements
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. FACE: i. Hypertelorism ii. Epicanthic folds iii. Broad flat nose iv. Low set ears v. Thick lips vi. Abnormal teeth vii. Short neck viii. Low hair line
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39. EYES:  HYPERTEROISM:- This refers to wide set eyes i.e. distance between the two eyes is more than the size of one eye.  CAUSES:  Noonan syndrome  Turner syndrome  LEOPARD (multiple lentigines) syndrome  Hurler syndrome  William syndrome  Klippel-Feil syndrome
  • 40. EYE:  EYE BROWS AND EYE LASHES:  Hypothyroidism  Secondary syphilis  Leprosy  Generalized alopecia
  • 41. EYE:  PTOSIS:  This is drooping of the upper lid to a level that covers >2 mm of the superior cornea.
  • 42. PTOSIS:  1. CONGENITAL:  (i) simple  (ii) complicated  2. ACQUIRED:  (i) neurogenic:3rd nerve palsy,Horner’s syndromeMultiple sclerosis  (ii) myogenic: Myasthenia gravis,Snake bite,Myotonic dystrophy,Eaton lambert myasthenic syndrome,Oculo-pharyngial muscular dystrophy  (iii) aponeurotic  (iv) mechanical
  • 44. EYE:  EYE BALL:  Proptosis /Exophtholmos  Pulsating  Intermittent-orbital varix  Enophtholmos  Nystagmus
  • 45. CAUSES FOR EXOPHTHALMOS:  Exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia and staring with lid lag seen in thyrotoxicosis .  Pulsatile exophthalmos and pulsating earlobes occur in severe TR.  It is rarely seen in severe myopia, chronic cor pulmonale and in normal individuals as congenital anomaly
  • 47. CONJUNCTIVA:  Pallor  Icterus  Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis  Bitot’s spots  Petechiae (lower eye lid)/subconjuctival hemorrhages in infective endocarditis
  • 48. SCLERA: ● Jaundice or icterus, which is observed in CHF, large pulmonary infarct, hemolysis due to prosthetic valves, sometimes in calcified valves. ● Blue sclera noted in osteogenesis imperfecta, Marfan synfrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and may also be familial.
  • 49. CORNEA: Corneal Arcus Arcus senilis KF ring Corneal clouding Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
  • 50. IRIS:  Brushfields spots  Heterochromia of iris  Rubeosis iridis  Uveitis
  • 51. Scleritis/episcleritis/Uveitis  Rheumatoid arthritis  SLE  Behçet's disease  Ankylosing spondylitis  Crohn's disease.  Ulcerative colitis.  Sarcoidosis
  • 52. PUPILS:  Number(polycoria)  Location(corectopia)  Size –Miosis/Mydriasis  Color  Pupillary reactions
  • 53. LENS:  Subluxation/Dislocations  Cataract:Metabolic abnormalities: Poorly controlled diabetes. Phosphofructokinase deficiency. G6PD deficiency. Hyperuricaemia Systemic disease: Muscular dystrophy. Atopic dermatitis. Neurofibromatosis Congenital rubella Hypoparathyroidism
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56. EARS: Ear findings Conditions Low set ears Noonan syndrome Turners syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome Down syndrome Cornelia de Lange syndrome Rubintein – Taybi syndrome Defomed ears Polychondritis Ear lobe crease CAD Deafness Turners syndrome Klippel fleil syndrome Rubella Multiple lentigines syndrome Jervell and Lange-Nielson syndrome
  • 57.
  • 58. NOSE: Nose findings Conditions Broad flat nose Cornelia de Lange syndrome Down syndrome William syndrome Hurlers syndrome Broad nose Acromegaly Thin beaked nose Robinstein- Taybi syndrome
  • 59.
  • 60. LIPS: Findings Conditions Pallor Anemia Cyanosis CHD Thick lips Hurler syndrome Acromegaly Myxedema Cretin Absent philtrum FAS Capillary pulsations AR Rhagades Congenital syphilis
  • 61. GUMS:  GUMS: 1. Gum hyperplaisa - Phenytoin toxicity 2. Cyanosis- CHD
  • 62. TEETHS:  Hutchinsonian teeth  Peg shaped teeth: Hurlers syndrome,william syndrome,congenital syphilis  Mulberry molars  Wide spaced teeth  Stained teeth: tobacco staining, chronic betel /leaf chewing, fluorosis, Pink teeth in porphria Tetracycline Brown teeth in kernicterus,teeth caries,osteogenesis imperfecta
  • 63.
  • 64. TONGUE: Tongue findings Condition Colour- Blue Scarlet red Magenta Black Pale tongue Cyanosis Niacin Riboflavin deficiency Actinomycosis IDA Shock Macroglossia Acromegaly Myxedema Downs syndrome Hurler syndrome Cretin Glossoptosis Pierre Robin syndrome
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67.
  • 68. PALATE: Palate findings Conditions High arched palate Marfans syndrome Pierre Robin syndrome Cleft/perforated palate Tertiary syphilis Velocardiofacial syndrome Tuberculosis Pierre Robin syndrome
  • 69. NECK: Short neck Webbed neck Low hair line Klippel-Feil syndrome Noonan syndrome Noonan syndrome Morquios syndrome Edwards syndrome Edwards syndrome Turners syndrome Turners syndrome Cornelia de Lange syndrome
  • 70. PALLOR  Pallor (paleness) is the waxy appearance of skin and mucous membrane.  It depends on thickness and quality of skin, and quality and amount of blood in the capillaries.
  • 71. SITES TO LOOK FOR PALLOR 1. Lower palpebral conjunctiva (retract the lower eyelids downward and ask the patient to look upwards — both eyes at a time). 2. Tongue, specially the tip and the dorsum. 3. Mucous membrane of palate. 4. Nail-beds (press the pulp to see the redness of nail-bed). 5. Palms, soles and general skin surfaces.
  • 72.
  • 73. Causes of pallor: Pallor without anemia ?
  • 74. CYANOSIS  Kyanos –dark blue color , osis- condition  Def – Bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membrane due to presence of increased amount of reduced haemoglobin >4g/dl or Haemoglobin derivatives in the capillary blood
  • 75. TYPES OF CYANOSIS  A) CENTRAL CYANOSIS  B) PERIPHERAL CYANOSIS  C) Others- Enterogenous, Mixed Diffrential cyanosis
  • 77. Central Cyanosis PATHOPHYSIOLOGY  Decreased arterial oxygen saturation(80-85%) due to imperfect oxygenation of blood in lungs or admixture of venous and arterial blood  Sites- Tongue Inner aspect of lips Mucous membrane of gum,palate,cheeks Lower palpebral conjunctiva Others-Nasal and Rectal Mucous membrane Retina
  • 78.  Mechanism- Hypoxic hypoxia  Causes- Cynotic heart disease Acute pulmonary edema Eisenmengers syndrome Acute severe asthma COPD, Cor pulmonale Resp failure ,Resp depression Lobar pneumonia Fibrosing alveolitis Tension pneumothorax Acute laryngeal edema Acute pulmonary thromboembolism Pulmonary artetiovenous fistula
  • 80. Peripheral Cyanosis Sites- Tip of nose Ear lobules Outer aspect of lips,chin,cheek Tip of fingers and toes Nail bed of fingers and toes Palms and soles
  • 81.  Causes of Peripheral cyanosis a) Exposure to cold air or cold water b) Congestive cardiac failure c) Frost bite d) Raynaud’s phenomenon e) Shock or peripheral circulatory failure f) Venous obstruction-SVC Syndrome g) Hyperviscosity syndrome-MM,Polycythemia,Macroglobulinaemia h) Arterial obstruction i) Cryoglobulinaemia-Abnormal globin-gel low temp j) Mitral stenosis k) Septicaemia
  • 82. Differentiation of Cyanosis FEATURES CENTRAL PERIPHERAL Sites Tongue and Oral cavity Tongue uneffected Handshake Warm Cold Application of warmth No change Warmth-Cyanosis Decrease Cold- Cyanosis Increase Application of pure oxygen For 10 min Cyanosis may improve No response Clubbing and Polycythemia Usually Present Absent Pulse Volume Normal or High Low Dyspnoea Often Breathless Absent
  • 83. Enterogenous Cyanosis  Due to presence of excessive Sulphaemoglobin>0.5g/dl or Methaemoglobin >1.5g/dl  Causes- Hereditary Haemoglobin M disease Poisoning by aniline dyes Drugs like nitrates and nitrites Carboxyhaemoglobinaemia Confirmed- Spectroscopic examination
  • 84. JAUNDICE  Yellowish discolouration of skin and mucous membrane due to excess amount of bilirubin present in the blood.  Clinical jaundice-S.bilurubn-3mg/dl  Latent jaundice-S.bilurubin-1-3mg/dl
  • 85. Sites  Upper bulbar conjunctiva  Under surface of tongue  Mucous membrane of palate  Palms and Soles  General skin surface
  • 87. D/D of jaundice  Carotenaemia  Atabrine toxicity  Diffuse Xanthomatosis  Muddy sclera  Old subconjunctival haemorrhage
  • 88. Features of Haemolytic Anaemia  Acholuric urine  Stool-High color  Jaundice-Lemon yellow tinge (as s.bil<6mg/dl)  Anaemia  Splenomegaly  May have typical facies(chipmunk facies in thalassaemia)  Reticulocytosis
  • 89. Features of Obstructive jaundice  Urine-Deep yellow  Stool-Pale or clay colored with Steatorrhoea  Jaundice-Greenish-yellow  Generalised pruritis  Sinus bradycardia  Xanthelasma  Petechiae,purpura or echymosis-Vit k def  Gall bladder my be palpable  Prolonged case- Osteomalasia,bone pain,fracture-Hepatic osteodystrophy  Rarely hepatospleenomegaly,h/o fever ,pain abd
  • 90. Features of Hepatocellular jaundice  Urine-Yellowish  Stool-High colored and become pale  Orange yellow tinge bulbar conjunctiva  Anorexia,nausea,vomiting,fever may be present before jaundice  Tender hepatomegaly is frequent  Variable pruritus  Bleeding manifestations  h/o affection of other member of the family or locality
  • 91.
  • 92. Fluctuating jaundice  Gilbert syndrome  Stone impaction in CBD  Periampullary carcinoma  Haemolytic anaemia  Dubin johnson syndrome
  • 93. SKIN: SKIN MANIFESTATION CONDITION Bronze pigmentation Hemochromatosis Café au luit spots Von Recklinghausen’s disease Multiple lentigines LEOPARD syndrome Angiofibromas Tuberous sclerosis Erythema marginatum Rheumatic fever Janeway lesions and Oslers nodes Infective endocarditis
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  • 95. SKIN: SKIN MANIFESTATION CONDITION Coarse skin Myxedema Hyperextensible and rubber like skin Ehler- Danlos syndrome Plucked chicken appearance Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Moist silky skin Hyperthyroidism
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  • 101.  EXTREMITIES/ LIMBS 1. Digits 2. Nails 3. Feet 4. Joints
  • 102. EXTREMITIES AND LIMBS: Digits description Disease a. Arachnodactyly Marfan syndrome b. Polydactyly Ellis-van Creveld and Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndromes c. Syndactyly Ellis-van Creveld and Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndromes d. Clindactyly Down, Ellis-van Creveld and Hurler’s syndromes e. Brachydactyly Down and Turner syndromes, hyperparathyroidism
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  • 105. NAILS: Abnormal nails Conditions Nail stripes Chronic constrictive pericarditis Dysplastic nails Ellis-van Creveld syndrome Plummer nails Hyperthyroidism Square/broad nails Acromegaly, cretin Koilonychias Iron deficiency anemia Splinter hemorrhage Infective endocarditis Clubbing Cyanotic congenital heart disease infective endocarditis, myxoid tumor
  • 106. Nail changes:  Beau’s lines  Mees’s lines  Lindsay nail/half and half nails  Yellow nail  Blue nail  Black nail  Green nail  Brown nail
  • 107. Nail changes:  Pitting of nails  Brittle nails  Egg shell nails  Racket nails  Plummer sign  Koenen sign
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  • 109. FOOT: Foot abnormality Conditions Pes cavus Friedrichs ataxia, peroneal muscular atrophy Pes planus Marfans syndrome Rocker bottom foot Edwards syndrome Bow legs Achondroplasia OI Rickets osteomalacia Sabre tibia- congenital syphilis Knock knees Ellis-van Creveld and Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndromes
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  • 111. CLUBBING  Defn- Is the bulbous swelling of the terminal part of the fingers and the toes with an increase in the soft tissue mass and increased anteroposterior ,transverse diameter of the nail due to proliferation of subungual connective tissue ,interstitial edema, and dilatation of arterioles and capillaries
  • 113. Digital index- Objective measurement of clubbing Circumference at nail bed is divided by the circumference of the distal interphalangeal joint The individual ratio of 10 fingers are added and now divided by 10 If > 1 clubbing to be present
  • 114. GRADING OF CLUBBING  Grade I –Increased fluctuation of nail bed with loss of onychodermal angle  Grade II –Increase in AP and Transverse diameter of the nails as well as nail become smooth and glossy with loss of longitudinal ridge  Grade III – Increased pulp tissue,Parrot beak/Drumstick  Grade IV – Wrist and ankle swelling due to HOA
  • 115. HYPERTROPHIC PULMONARY OSTEOARTHROPATHY • Subperiosteal new bone formation at the lower end of radius,ulna,tibia • Swelling ,Pain in wrist , ankle, elbow and knee •Also other bones like ribs ,clavical,scapula may be affected • Seen in Bronchogenic carcinoma(Squamous) • Familial(Pachydermoperiostitis) or Idiopathic
  • 116. Mechanisms of clubbing  Neurogenic-Vagal stimulation  Humoral- GH,PTH,Estrogen,Bradykinin,PG  Ferritin - Decreased  Hypoxia-Persistent hypoxia causes opening of deep AV fistula of the terminal phalanx  Toxic-SBE  Metabolic-Thyrotoxicosis  PDGF-Released secondary to infection(latest and most acceptable)
  • 117. CAUSES OF CLUBBING  Cardiovascular  Pulmonary  Gastrointestinal  Congenital  Unilateral  Unidigital  Miscellaneous  pseudoclubbing
  • 118. Pseudoclubbing  Subperiosteal bone resorption of terminal phalanges Seen in Scleroderma Acromegaly Hyperparathyrodism Leprosy People working with vinyl chloride
  • 119. OEDEMA  Accumulation of excessive amount of tissue fluid in the subcutaneous tissue(or serous sac)due to increase in extravascular component of the ECF resulting in swelling of tissue
  • 120.  Total body water- 60% of body wt  Total body water- 2/3 ICF + 1/3 ECF(3/4 IF +1/4 Plasma)
  • 122. Mechanism of edema  Low plasma oncotic pressure- Hypoprotienaemia  High capillary hydrostatic pressure-CCF ,DVT  Increased capillary permiability-Acute inflammation ,Amlodipine  Obstructed lymphatic drainage- Filariasis,Radiation
  • 123. Clinically edema demonstration  Inspect leg for swelling  Apply firm pressure  Look for -Sacral edema Parietal edema Puffy face Puffy lower eyelids Scrotal edema
  • 124. Clinical classification of Oedema Pitting oedema CCF Cirrhosis Nephrotic syndrome Hypoproteinaemia with severe anaemia Pericardial effusion Constrictive pericarditis Drugs Venous obstruction Beriberi Epidemic dropsy
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  • 128. LYMPHADENOPATHY  Significant lymphadenopathy:  Generalised lymphadenopathy:  Persistent generalised lymphadenopathy:CAUSES?
  • 129. Points to be Noted while Examining Lymph Nodes • Site • Size of the largest and smallest gland • Number of nodes enlarged • Consistency (soft, firm or hard) • Tenderness • Mobility • Matted or discrete • Fixity to skin and condition of the overlying skin • Generalized or localized • Adjacent groups of nodes • Lesions in the areas of drainage • Lymphedema
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  • 133. CAUSES OF LYMPHADENOPATHY INFECTIOUS Viral Infectious mononucleosis syndromes (EBV, CMV), infectious hepatitis, herpes simplex, herpesvirus-6, varicella-zoster virus, rubella, measles, adenovirus, bacterial streptococci, staphylococci, cat-scratch disease, brucellosis, tularemia, plague, chancroid, melioidosis, glanders, tuberculosis, atypical mycobacterial infection, primary and secondary syphilis, diphtheria, leprosy, fungal histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, paracoccidioidomycosis
  • 134. chlamydia lymphogranuloma venereum, trachoma Parasitic Ricketssiae Toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, filariasis scrub typhus, rickettsialpox, Q fever IMMUNOLOGICAL Rheumatoid arthritis b. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis c. Mixed connective tissue disease d. Systemic lupus erythematosus e. Dermatomyositis f. Sjogren’s syndrome g. Serum sickness DRUG HYPERSENSITIVITY diphenylhydantoin, hydralazine, allopurinol, primidone, gold, carbamazepine, etc
  • 135. MALIGNANCY Hematologic—Hodgkin’s disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, acute or chronic lymphocytic leukemia, hairy cell leukemia, malignant histiocytosis, amyloidosis b. Metastatic—from numerous primary sites STORAGE DISRDERS Gaucher’s, Niemann-Pick, Fabry, Tangier OTHERS Castleman’s disease (giant lymph node hyperplasia) b. Sarcoidosis Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis (Kikuchi’s disease) Familial Mediterranean fever
  • 136. Causes of Generalized Lymphadenopathy  Infections: Miliary tuberculosis, infectious mononucleosis, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, German measles, filariasis secondary syphilis, trypanosomiasis (not present in India).  Other inflammatory disease: Systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid disease, hypersensitivity reactions.  Neoplastic diseases: Lymphomas, acute leukemias, chronic lymphatic leukemia, blast crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia.  Other conditions: Sarcoidosis, adverse reactions to drugs like dilantin sodium.