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From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 1 WRLC & George Washington University
Michael Cummings
The George Washington University
James O. Austin
Washington Research Library Consortium
From Voyager to your website
Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages
ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 2 WRLC & George Washington University
• About WRLC and GWU
• WRLC services / reports
• ExLibris MS Access reports
• Oracle SQL*Plus
• GWU New Books List
• Steps to creating the List
• Setup at Your Library
Install SQL*Plus on Linux
Get the newbooks scripts
Code Walk Through
• Questions?
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 3 WRLC & George Washington University
About WRLC and GWU
Voyager 8
9.6 million bibliographic records
10.5 million holdings
5.8 million items
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 4 WRLC & George Washington University
“Canned Reports”
WRLC provides technical services, including reports
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 5 WRLC & George Washington University
Microsoft Access reports from ExLibris are often utilized
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 6 WRLC & George Washington University
Alternative to MS Access: Oracle SQL*Plus (for Linux)
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 7 WRLC & George Washington University
George Washington University Libraries New Books List one example
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 8 WRLC & George Washington University
George Washington University Libraries New Books List Updated weekly
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 9 WRLC & George Washington University
George Washington University Libraries New Books List Call Number Guide
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 10 WRLC & George Washington University
George Washington University Libraries New Books List RSS Menu
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 11 WRLC & George Washington University
George Washington University Libraries New Books List RSS feed
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 12 WRLC & George Washington University
George Washington University New Titles, Media another example
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 13 WRLC & George Washington University
George Washington University New Titles, Media
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 14 WRLC & George Washington University
Steps to creating the New Book Shelf web page Pick and Scan
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 15 WRLC & George Washington University
<1> Connect to the web server
via SSH.
Oracle SQL*Plus
Shell / Perl
you could
use a cron
task instead
Shell scripts and SQL*Plus
<2> Run the newbookshelf shell script.
Steps to creating the New Book Shelf web page
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 16 WRLC & George Washington University
Setup at your library
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 17 WRLC & George Washington University
Install SQL*Plus on Linux
• These instructions have been validated using
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in both i686 and x64 desktop
and server editions.
• In order to download files from Oracle, you will
need to register for a free account at
• We presume in these instructions that you are
using the BASH shell.
• The person performing the setup needs root
user sudo rights, or root account.
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 18 WRLC & George Washington University
Install SQL*Plus on Linux Get files from Oracle
• To obtain the required installable packages, navigate to
Instant Client Package - Basic
Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus
• Scroll down to the Database category and choose Instant Client.
• Choose the appropriate Operating System.
• Check the box indicating you accept the licensing agreement.
• Download the two client packages listed below in .rpm format.
We recommend
• Transfer the two files to the Linux server if you downloaded them
somewhere else first.
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 19 WRLC & George Washington University
Install SQL*Plus on Linux Install files from Oracle
The next steps are completed in a terminal window.
Convert the .rpm packages to .deb to install them in Ubuntu.
Do this by using an application called 'alien'.
If it is not already installed, you can do so by typing:
sudo apt-get install alien
Next, navigate to where you saved the .rpm packages and type:
sudo alien -k oracle-instantclient*.rpm
The .deb packages are ready to be installed. Do so by typing:
sudo dpkg -i oracle-instantclient*basic*.deb
sudo dpkg -i oracle-instantclient*sqlplus*.deb
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 20 WRLC & George Washington University
Install SQL*Plus on Linux
The library files are installed but we must create an environment variables
called LD_LIBRARY_PATH and SQLPATH in order for SQL*Plus to locate
them. We'll do this by typing:
gedit ~/.bashrc and pasting into it:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/
export SQLPATH=/usr/lib/oracle/
Note: The path to ../ will be different depending on which version of SQL*Plus you
installed and which architecture your platform runs on. Change '' and 'client64' part of the
path accordingly. If you are installing on a server platform use vi or nano instead of gedit.
We need to fix one more dependency, so do: sudo apt-get install libaio1
You may now go ahead and delete the .rpm files downloaded and subsequent
.deb that were created.
Install files from Oracle
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 21 WRLC & George Washington University
Oracle SQL*Plus is now installed and configured. Create a blank
tnsnames.ora file in your home directory by typing:
touch ~/tnsnames.ora
Create an environment variable so SQL*Plus can reference this tnsnames.ora
file we created.
Type: gedit ~/.bashrc and paste into it: export TNS_ADMIN=~
Logout of your account and then log back in to apply the changes to your
Note: use sqlplus or sqlplus64 as appropriate and change your USERNAME, PASSWORD, HOSTNAME, PORT and
SID as applicable.
You can test your installation by typing on one line:
Install SQL*Plus on Linux
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 22 WRLC & George Washington University
You can put the appropriate information in your tnsnames.ora file using
the following as a template:
You will then be able to connect with the following command:
Install SQL*Plus on Linux
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 23 WRLC & George Washington University
Download the files from
Get the newbooks scripts, install instructions, this slide file
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 24 WRLC & George Washington University
Sections of newlibrarybooks.html
The completed web page is a
combination of several sections, some
are boilerplate templates, others are
rows of information output produced by
the script having parsed and
reformatted the SQL results.
• Page header
• The LC Call Number and RSS guide
• List sorted by Call Number
• List sorted by Author
• List sorted by Title
• Page footer
We also generate separate RSS pages.
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 25 WRLC & George Washington University
This Shell script calls the other shell and Perl scripts,
and the SQLplus query. (Snippet shown on next slide)
Reads several parameters from the configuration file config.cnf
(Oracle username, password, port, host, etc) and generates It saves a SQL statement in newbook.sql.
Then it runs which saves output in
a tab-delimited file named
This is the local configuration setting file.
Example: ORACLEPORT=1521
You must edit it.
Code walk-through pg 1 of 17
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 26 WRLC & George Washington University
echo " " > $log
date >> $log
# run the SQLPlus query
echo "calling" >> $log
echo -n ':::::::::: Processing the new libray books query output :';
echo 'Step 1: calling to save previous file' >> $log
echo -n ':'
echo 'Step 2: calling (and ' >> $log
. s n i p
echo 'DONE!'
echo 'Copy newlibrarybooks.html file to web site directory; copy /rss
directory and files to a directory below the one containing
newbookshelf.shCode walk-through pg 2 of 17
User runs
this script. calls the other scripts and creates the log file.
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 27 WRLC & George Washington University
ORACLEUSER =`grep ORACLEUSER config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='`
ORACLEPWD =`grep ORACLEPWD config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='`
ORACLEHOST =`grep ORACLEHOST config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='`
ORACLEPORT =`grep ORACLEPORT config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='`
ORACLESID =`grep ORACLESID config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='`
ORACLEPATH =`grep ORACLEPATH config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='`
myTEMPLOC =`grep TEMPLOC config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='`
# Generate the complete sql file by merging templates with values from the config file
cat sqlplus_newbooktop.template > newbook.sql
echo "item.temp_location='$myTEMPLOC'" >> newbook.sql
cat sqlplus_newbookbottom.template >> newbook.sql
sqlplusQuery.shCode walk-through pg 3 of 17
Read config
file. Make
SQL from
template. generates the SQL command and query statement
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 28 WRLC & George Washington University
# Output commands,parameters to shell script
cmdstring_file="< newbook.sql"
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >>
echo 'export SQLPATH' >>
echo $cmdstring_exec $cmdstring_acct$cmdstring_desc $cmdstring_file >>
# run the script
a command
line; run it executes the query
Code walk-through pg 4 of 17
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 29 WRLC & George Washington University
set COLSEP ' '
set LINESIZE 3000
set PAGESIZE 500
column callnum Format A30
column callnumgroup Format A1
column title Format A255
column bib Format 99999999
SQL*PLUS set statements
Code walk-through pg 5 of 17
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 30 WRLC & George Washington University
bib_vw.call_no as callnum,
bib_vw.call_no as callnumgroup,
bib_item.bib_id as bib,
bib_text.title, || '&nbsp;' as author_td,
publisher || ' ' || pub_place || ' ' || publisher_date as pub
SQL Query
always has
the string
Code walk-through pg 6 of 17
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 31 WRLC & George Washington University
SQL Query
bib_vw.call_no NOT LIKE 'GW%'
bib_vw.call_no NOT LIKE '9%' and bib_vw.call_no
is not NULL
order by bib_vw.call_no
We filter
Temp loc
from the
config file
Code walk-through pg 7 of 17
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 32 WRLC & George Washington University
Removes the query statement from the query output and then
passes the output to a Perl script ( for better
sorting by LC Class call number. Result is
This script and others with “Factory” in the name produce a
file with snippets of HTML code.
Using awk, read and generate the HTML section
listing the titles sorted by call number.
Removes problem characters from
Saves a backup copy of the previous html and sql output files
Code walk-through pg 8 of 17
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 33 WRLC & George Washington University generates callnumberFactory.out
callnumberFactory.out contains rows for an HTML table.
The lines will look like this in a browser:
callNumberFactory.shCode walk-through pg 9 of 17
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 34 WRLC & George Washington University
# Initialize flag to indicate if a row was printed.
# This flag determines whether to print a shaded row or not
max=`wc -l | cut -c1-3`
for ((i=1; i<=$max; i++))
# Grab one line of data from the file and save it temporarily in a file
awk NR==$i> htmlfactory.tmp
# Get contents of fields from the temporary file into table data elements
td1=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f1`
td2=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f2`
td3=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f3`
td4=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f4`
td5=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f5`
td6=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f6`
tab is the
delimiter reads the fields in the SQL output file
Code walk-through pg 10 of 17
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 35 WRLC & George Washington University
# Set the background color of each row.
if [ "$rowprint" == "0" ]; then
rowcolor=FFFFFF; rowprint=1;
rowcolor=E4DFE6; rowprint=0;
# Generate HTML tags around the retrieved data
NEWROW="<TR BGCOLOR=#"$rowcolor" valign=TOP><TD grp="$td2">
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "
CALLNUMBER="<A HREF="http://"$myOPAC"/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=
AUTHOR="<TD>"$td5" </TD>";
# Append each generated HTML line to the output file
echo $NEWROW $CALLNUMBER $TITLE $AUTHOR $PUBLISHER >> callnumberFactory.out
done outputs HTML with field values
Code walk-through pg 11 of 17
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 36 WRLC & George Washington University prints headings and inserts relevant lines
from callnumberFactory.out after the heading. generates callnumbersectionFactory.out
Now the output will look like this:
Code walk-through pg 12 of 17
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 37 WRLC & George Washington University generates lcguideFactory.out
The RSS pages generated by this script are the .xml files in the rss directory
The RSS icon displayed on the page is feed.png and generate multiple .xml files
Code walk-through pg 13 of 17
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 38 WRLC & George Washington University & generates authorsectionFactory.out generates titlesectionFactory.out
Code walk-through pg 14 of 17
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 39 WRLC & George Washington University
echo ''> $WEB
# Static HTML text page header with date stamp
cat pageHeader.template >> $WEB
cat lcguideHeaderpt1.template >> $WEB
date >> $WEB
cat lcguideHeaderpt2.template >> $WEB
cat lcguideFactory.out >> $WEB
# call number section
cat callnumbersectionFactory.out >> $WEB
# Heading for the author section
cat authorsectionHeader.template >> $WEB generates webpagemergeFactory.out
next page…
Code walk-through pg 15 of 17
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 40 WRLC & George Washington University
# Rows of titles by author
cat authorsectionFactory.out >> $WEB
# Heading for the title section
cat titlesectionHeader.template >> $WEB
# Rows of titles
cat titlesectionFactory.out >> $WEB
# Static HTML text footer
cat pagefooterFactory.out >> $WEB
cp $WEB $HOME/public_html/newlibrarybooks.html
Sections of newlibrarybooks.html
Code walk-through pg 16 of 17
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ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 41 WRLC & George Washington University
The XML files for RSS pages are saved in the directory named “rss”.
There is one file per LC Class heading.
RSS files
Code walk-through pg 17 of 17
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 42 WRLC & George Washington University
The last steps are publishing the HTML and RSS files
1. Copy $HOME/public_html/newlibrarybooks.html to the directory
where your web server will display the page. (Copy rssnb.png too)
2. Copy the directory rss, and the .xml files it contains, to a directory
named rss located under the directory where you have placed
• At GWU we perform the above steps with commands placed at
the end of the file
Publish the files
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 43 WRLC & George Washington University
You may want to customize further
• Add steps to the end of
that copy the files to your web directory
• Customize the page header template with your
own library branding
• You may trigger the process automatically
with a cron task.
• Edit the SQL template for your own needs.
• If you prefer CSS formatting, convert the script from
HTML <table> to CSS <div> statements
From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages.
ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 44 WRLC & George Washington University
In this presentation you learned how to:
• install SQL*Plus on Linux
• download GWU’s new books scripts
• edit GWU’s scripts
We hope you can adapt these scripts
for use at your own library.

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  • 1. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 1 WRLC & George Washington University Michael Cummings The George Washington University James O. Austin Washington Research Library Consortium From Voyager to your website Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT
  • 2. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 2 WRLC & George Washington University • About WRLC and GWU • WRLC services / reports • ExLibris MS Access reports • Oracle SQL*Plus • GWU New Books List • Steps to creating the List • Setup at Your Library Install SQL*Plus on Linux Get the newbooks scripts Code Walk Through • Questions? Agenda Agenda
  • 3. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 3 WRLC & George Washington University Georgetown University American University Catholic University Gallaudet University About WRLC and GWU Voyager 8 9.6 million bibliographic records 10.5 million holdings 5.8 million items
  • 4. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 4 WRLC & George Washington University “Canned Reports” WRLC provides technical services, including reports
  • 5. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 5 WRLC & George Washington University Microsoft Access reports from ExLibris are often utilized Reports.mdb
  • 6. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 6 WRLC & George Washington University Linux Alternative to MS Access: Oracle SQL*Plus (for Linux)
  • 7. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 7 WRLC & George Washington University George Washington University Libraries New Books List one example
  • 8. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 8 WRLC & George Washington University George Washington University Libraries New Books List Updated weekly
  • 9. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 9 WRLC & George Washington University George Washington University Libraries New Books List Call Number Guide
  • 10. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 10 WRLC & George Washington University George Washington University Libraries New Books List RSS Menu
  • 11. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 11 WRLC & George Washington University George Washington University Libraries New Books List RSS feed
  • 12. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 12 WRLC & George Washington University George Washington University New Titles, Media another example
  • 13. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 13 WRLC & George Washington University George Washington University New Titles, Media
  • 14. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 14 WRLC & George Washington University Steps to creating the New Book Shelf web page Pick and Scan
  • 15. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 15 WRLC & George Washington University <1> Connect to the web server via SSH. Oracle SQL*Plus Shell / Perl you could use a cron task instead Shell scripts and SQL*Plus <2> Run the newbookshelf shell script. Steps to creating the New Book Shelf web page
  • 16. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 16 WRLC & George Washington University Setup at your library
  • 17. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 17 WRLC & George Washington University Install SQL*Plus on Linux • These instructions have been validated using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in both i686 and x64 desktop and server editions. • In order to download files from Oracle, you will need to register for a free account at • We presume in these instructions that you are using the BASH shell. • The person performing the setup needs root user sudo rights, or root account. Assumptions
  • 18. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 18 WRLC & George Washington University Install SQL*Plus on Linux Get files from Oracle • To obtain the required installable packages, navigate to Instant Client Package - Basic Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus • Scroll down to the Database category and choose Instant Client. • Choose the appropriate Operating System. • Check the box indicating you accept the licensing agreement. • Download the two client packages listed below in .rpm format. We recommend • Transfer the two files to the Linux server if you downloaded them somewhere else first.
  • 19. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 19 WRLC & George Washington University Install SQL*Plus on Linux Install files from Oracle The next steps are completed in a terminal window. Convert the .rpm packages to .deb to install them in Ubuntu. Do this by using an application called 'alien'. If it is not already installed, you can do so by typing: sudo apt-get install alien Next, navigate to where you saved the .rpm packages and type: sudo alien -k oracle-instantclient*.rpm The .deb packages are ready to be installed. Do so by typing: sudo dpkg -i oracle-instantclient*basic*.deb sudo dpkg -i oracle-instantclient*sqlplus*.deb
  • 20. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 20 WRLC & George Washington University Install SQL*Plus on Linux The library files are installed but we must create an environment variables called LD_LIBRARY_PATH and SQLPATH in order for SQL*Plus to locate them. We'll do this by typing: gedit ~/.bashrc and pasting into it: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/ export SQLPATH=/usr/lib/oracle/ Note: The path to ../ will be different depending on which version of SQL*Plus you installed and which architecture your platform runs on. Change '' and 'client64' part of the path accordingly. If you are installing on a server platform use vi or nano instead of gedit. We need to fix one more dependency, so do: sudo apt-get install libaio1 You may now go ahead and delete the .rpm files downloaded and subsequent .deb that were created. Install files from Oracle
  • 21. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 21 WRLC & George Washington University Oracle SQL*Plus is now installed and configured. Create a blank tnsnames.ora file in your home directory by typing: touch ~/tnsnames.ora Create an environment variable so SQL*Plus can reference this tnsnames.ora file we created. Type: gedit ~/.bashrc and paste into it: export TNS_ADMIN=~ Logout of your account and then log back in to apply the changes to your shell. Note: use sqlplus or sqlplus64 as appropriate and change your USERNAME, PASSWORD, HOSTNAME, PORT and SID as applicable. You can test your installation by typing on one line: sqlplus USERNAME/PASSWORD@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( HOST=HOSTNAME)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=VGER)))‘ Install SQL*Plus on Linux
  • 22. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 22 WRLC & George Washington University You can put the appropriate information in your tnsnames.ora file using the following as a template: IDENTIFIER = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host=HOSTNAME)(Port= 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = VGER)) ) You will then be able to connect with the following command: sqlplus USERNAME/PASSWORD@IDENTIFIER Install SQL*Plus on Linux
  • 23. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 23 WRLC & George Washington University Download the files from Get the newbooks scripts, install instructions, this slide file
  • 24. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 24 WRLC & George Washington University pageHeader.template lcguideHeaderpt1.out lcguideHeaderpt2.out lcguideFactory.out authorsectionHeader.template callnumbersectionFactory.out authorsectionFactory.out titlesectionHeader.template titlesectionFactory.out pagefooterFactory.out Sections of newlibrarybooks.html The completed web page is a combination of several sections, some are boilerplate templates, others are rows of information output produced by the script having parsed and reformatted the SQL results. • Page header • The LC Call Number and RSS guide • List sorted by Call Number • List sorted by Author • List sorted by Title • Page footer We also generate separate RSS pages.
  • 25. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 25 WRLC & George Washington University This Shell script calls the other shell and Perl scripts, and the SQLplus query. (Snippet shown on next slide) Reads several parameters from the configuration file config.cnf (Oracle username, password, port, host, etc) and generates It saves a SQL statement in newbook.sql. Then it runs which saves output in a tab-delimited file named config.cnf This is the local configuration setting file. Example: ORACLEPORT=1521 You must edit it. Code walk-through pg 1 of 17
  • 26. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 26 WRLC & George Washington University log=/tmp/newlibrarybooks.log echo " " > $log date >> $log # run the SQLPlus query echo "calling" >> $log sh; echo -n ':::::::::: Processing the new libray books query output :'; # echo 'Step 1: calling to save previous file' >> $log sh echo -n ':' echo 'Step 2: calling (and ' >> $log sh; . . s n i p . echo 'DONE!' echo 'Copy newlibrarybooks.html file to web site directory; copy /rss directory and files to a directory below the one containing newlibrarybooks.html.' newbookshelf.shCode walk-through pg 2 of 17 User runs this script. calls the other scripts and creates the log file.
  • 27. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 27 WRLC & George Washington University # ORACLEUSER =`grep ORACLEUSER config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='` ORACLEPWD =`grep ORACLEPWD config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='` ORACLEHOST =`grep ORACLEHOST config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='` ORACLEPORT =`grep ORACLEPORT config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='` ORACLESID =`grep ORACLESID config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='` ORACLEPATH =`grep ORACLEPATH config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='` myTEMPLOC =`grep TEMPLOC config.cnf | cut -f2 -d'='` # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLEPATH SQLPATH=$ORACLEPATH # # Generate the complete sql file by merging templates with values from the config file # cat sqlplus_newbooktop.template > newbook.sql echo "item.temp_location='$myTEMPLOC'" >> newbook.sql cat sqlplus_newbookbottom.template >> newbook.sql sqlplusQuery.shCode walk-through pg 3 of 17 Read config file. Make SQL from template. generates the SQL command and query statement
  • 28. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 28 WRLC & George Washington University # Output commands,parameters to shell script cmdstring_exec=$SQLPATH/sqlplus cmdstring_acct=$ORACLEUSER/$ORACLEPWD@ cmdstring_desc="'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST=$ORACLEHOST)(PORT=$ORACLEPORT)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=$ORACLESID)))'" cmdstring_file="< newbook.sql" echo 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$ORACLEPATH > echo 'SQL_PATH='$ORACLEPATH >> echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >> echo 'export SQLPATH' >> echo $cmdstring_exec $cmdstring_acct$cmdstring_desc $cmdstring_file >> # # run the script # sh Generate a command line; run it executes the query Code walk-through pg 4 of 17
  • 29. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 29 WRLC & George Washington University set ECHO OFF set COLSEP ' ' set LINESIZE 3000 set PAGESIZE 500 set WRAP OFF set HEADING OFF set FEEDBACK OFF set SCAN OFF set ESCAPE column callnum Format A30 column callnumgroup Format A1 column title Format A255 column bib Format 99999999 SPOOL SQL*PLUS set statements Optional formatting newbook.sql Code walk-through pg 5 of 17
  • 30. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 30 WRLC & George Washington University select bib_vw.call_no as callnum, bib_vw.call_no as callnumgroup, bib_item.bib_id as bib, bib_text.title, || '&nbsp;' as author_td, publisher || ' ' || pub_place || ' ' || publisher_date as pub from bib_vw, bib_item, bib_text, item SQL Query Author always has the string &nbsp; Code walk-through pg 6 of 17
  • 31. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 31 WRLC & George Washington University SQL Query where item.temp_location='$myTEMPLOC' and bib_vw.bib_id=bib_text.bib_id and bib_text.bib_id=bib_item.bib_id and bib_item.item_id=item.item_id and bib_vw.call_no NOT LIKE 'GW%' and …etc bib_vw.call_no NOT LIKE '9%' and bib_vw.call_no is not NULL order by bib_vw.call_no / SPOOL OFF We filter certain callnums Temp loc from the config file Code walk-through pg 7 of 17
  • 32. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 32 WRLC & George Washington University Removes the query statement from the query output and then passes the output to a Perl script ( for better sorting by LC Class call number. Result is This script and others with “Factory” in the name produce a file with snippets of HTML code. Using awk, read and generate the HTML section listing the titles sorted by call number. Removes problem characters from Saves a backup copy of the previous html and sql output files Code walk-through pg 8 of 17
  • 33. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 33 WRLC & George Washington University generates callnumberFactory.out callnumberFactory.out contains rows for an HTML table. The lines will look like this in a browser: callNumberFactory.shCode walk-through pg 9 of 17
  • 34. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 34 WRLC & George Washington University # Initialize flag to indicate if a row was printed. # This flag determines whether to print a shaded row or not rowprint=0; # max=`wc -l | cut -c1-3` for ((i=1; i<=$max; i++)) do # # Grab one line of data from the file and save it temporarily in a file # awk NR==$i> htmlfactory.tmp # Get contents of fields from the temporary file into table data elements td1=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f1` td2=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f2` td3=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f3` td4=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f4` td5=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f5` td6=`cat htmlfactory.tmp | cut -f6` tab is the default delimiter reads the fields in the SQL output file Code walk-through pg 10 of 17
  • 35. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 35 WRLC & George Washington University # Set the background color of each row. if [ "$rowprint" == "0" ]; then rowcolor=FFFFFF; rowprint=1; else rowcolor=E4DFE6; rowprint=0; fi # Generate HTML tags around the retrieved data NEWROW="<TR BGCOLOR=#"$rowcolor" valign=TOP><TD grp="$td2"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; " CALLNUMBER="<A HREF="http://"$myOPAC"/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID= "$td3"">"$td1"</A></TD>"; TITLE="<TD>"$td4"</TD>"; AUTHOR="<TD>"$td5" </TD>"; PUBLISHER="<TD>"$td6"</TD></TR>"; # # Append each generated HTML line to the output file echo $NEWROW $CALLNUMBER $TITLE $AUTHOR $PUBLISHER >> callnumberFactory.out done outputs HTML with field values Code walk-through pg 11 of 17
  • 36. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 36 WRLC & George Washington University prints headings and inserts relevant lines from callnumberFactory.out after the heading. generates callnumbersectionFactory.out Now the output will look like this: Code walk-through pg 12 of 17
  • 37. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 37 WRLC & George Washington University generates lcguideFactory.out The RSS pages generated by this script are the .xml files in the rss directory The RSS icon displayed on the page is feed.png and generate multiple .xml files Code walk-through pg 13 of 17
  • 38. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 38 WRLC & George Washington University & generates authorsectionFactory.out generates titlesectionFactory.out Code walk-through pg 14 of 17
  • 39. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 39 WRLC & George Washington University WEB=webpagemergeFactory.out echo ''> $WEB # Static HTML text page header with date stamp cat pageHeader.template >> $WEB cat lcguideHeaderpt1.template >> $WEB date >> $WEB cat lcguideHeaderpt2.template >> $WEB cat lcguideFactory.out >> $WEB # call number section cat callnumbersectionFactory.out >> $WEB # Heading for the author section cat authorsectionHeader.template >> $WEB generates webpagemergeFactory.out Continues next page… Code walk-through pg 15 of 17
  • 40. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 40 WRLC & George Washington University # Rows of titles by author cat authorsectionFactory.out >> $WEB # # Heading for the title section cat titlesectionHeader.template >> $WEB # # Rows of titles cat titlesectionFactory.out >> $WEB # # Static HTML text footer cat pagefooterFactory.out >> $WEB # cp $WEB $HOME/public_html/newlibrarybooks.html # pageHeader.template lcguideHeaderpt1.out lcguideHeaderpt2.out lcguideFactory.out authorsectionHeader.template callnumbersectionFactory.out authorsectionFactory.out titlesectionHeader.template titlesectionFactory.out pagefooterFactory.out Sections of newlibrarybooks.html Code walk-through pg 16 of 17
  • 41. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 41 WRLC & George Washington University The XML files for RSS pages are saved in the directory named “rss”. There is one file per LC Class heading. RSS files newlibrarybooksB.xml newlibrarybooksC.xml newlibrarybooksD.xml newlibrarybooksH.xml . . . newlibrarybooksR.xml newlibrarybooksT.xml /rss Code walk-through pg 17 of 17
  • 42. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 42 WRLC & George Washington University The last steps are publishing the HTML and RSS files 1. Copy $HOME/public_html/newlibrarybooks.html to the directory where your web server will display the page. (Copy rssnb.png too) 2. Copy the directory rss, and the .xml files it contains, to a directory named rss located under the directory where you have placed newlibrarybooks.html • At GWU we perform the above steps with commands placed at the end of the file Publish the files
  • 43. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 43 WRLC & George Washington University You may want to customize further • Add steps to the end of that copy the files to your web directory • Customize the page header template with your own library branding • You may trigger the process automatically with a cron task. • Edit the SQL template for your own needs. • If you prefer CSS formatting, convert the script from HTML <table> to CSS <div> statements
  • 44. From Voyager to your website: Using Linux Shell scripts and Oracle SQL*Plus to generate web pages. ExLibris ELUNA 2012 Salt Lake City, UT 44 WRLC & George Washington University QUESTIONS In this presentation you learned how to: • install SQL*Plus on Linux • download GWU’s new books scripts • edit GWU’s scripts We hope you can adapt these scripts for use at your own library. Questions?