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That New-Age Cosmic Newsletter                                              Cosmic Awareness Communication s
      81- 8
                                                                                                        P .O . Boa II IS, Olynnpta, Washington 88507
       $3 .00

    COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that e>fpreased itself through :elitist of Nazareth the Auddha . Krishna, Mohammed . agar Cayce and
    otitnar et avatars who served as 'Channels for the 'iilcaventy rather' rind who oinks sin today as the world begins to enter the New Age
    at sgtritual conseioumsesa auc~ a rareness . Skies 7.5433 Connie Awarenem hac been eonimssuicating through carefully-trained ehanuo$s. The .nfor
     uu~on contained herein was received from deep eu er cour dotre trance levels end 'interpreted' hy an entity affiliated with G .A .C. This
    1 tosatatiott is for those who dam to help in bat              in the New Age. Throughout the thousande of 'Reading* . given through these channels.
    Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything     ut        to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel ,
    what to t ho truth. Cosmic Awarenosc will only tnd,cate and suggest. Neither C,A .C ., the Aquarian Church of 13niversal Service, or the Inter ter .
    Paul Shockley Is reapooAhh . for    eoythin; Cosmic Awareness navy elate In any of theta +erad'.srttt:, not doe* C .A .C . or Paul Shoccley nee e
                                                            .                                                                                              y
    believe or agree with the statements of Connie Awareanees. Paul interprets the eretgiea as Its aces them in trance levels and is yet personall y
    eaposudble tot    what is setd.ldanaiaere of C .A .C . are incited to send in questions of Rrecal interest to ask Awareoesa for poaslbie publication ,

                                                                      ow to ea/ with
                                                                                                              IJ 7T H
                                                                                                       FAMILY               DIVISIO N

                                                                                                                  OVER TH E

                                                                                                                    COSMI C

                                                                                                                    AWARENES S

                                                                                                                     MATERIA L

                                                                                                             Paui Shockley, Interprete r

    QUESTION :                                           '(Prom a C .A .C . Genera! Reading, August 5, 1980 )

    This is a question from S .M. of Chicago, and we've had many variations of this same question and Awarenes s
    has gone into some aspects of this ; but since it is a problem and a dilemma which faces many of the member -
    ship, I'd like to read the question and ask Awareness to comment :
       "There have been numerous references in earlier material sent to the membership concerning the cost o f
    the Beast material in individuals' personal lives . I currently am in a situation which I believe to be more univ -
    ersal than I originally thought .. Even though this is a personal question that I would like to ask Awareness, I
    helieve that the answer may benefit many other readers in a similar situation .
       My situation is this : About a year ago when things with the Beast were peaking, my spouse, who is not a t
    all sympathetic with any of my Light activities since she is an atheist who thinks this is all a bunch of `crap' ,
    but is very much a `Christian' at heart, was feeling very very threatened by my activities, even though I kep t
    most of them concealed from her . One day, after listening to one of my Dr . Beter tapes, she fell apart and
     threatened to leave our marriage . If it were not for our two small children I probably would have let her g o
     and work out things by myself . She insisted that I give up all of my activities with my A .R.E . study group,
    0 ( anti anv other related organizations FOREVER or she was leaving .
I was able to convince her to stay by stating that I would give up these activities and never, (or as long as I
could), present this matter to her again . Since then I have had to go underground with my activities in orde r
to be true to my own beliefs, because I still love her .and want my family to be complete . I have been dealin g
with this matter almost daily in the mental rather than the physical . So far, I believe that I have been success-
ful in dealing with these negative energies . However, I am not altogether thrilled with the prospect of being a
closet C.A.C . member forever, and would like to reconcile these energies as soon as possible . 1 would like
Awareness to comment on the cause of this situation and just how one should deal with this, and can I expec t
any changes in the near or distant future? "

   This Awareness indicates that this as having two different parts for consideration . This Awareness indicates
that in the Aquarian Church wedding ceremony, there are listed four distinct stages of the marriage throug h
which entities generally move . This Awareness indicates the first stage being that of the romance period, wher e
in entities come together, expecting the other to fulfill the dreams, hopes and wishes which the entity has
always sought in a mate . This Awareness indicates that this romance period as that which usually occurs nea r
the time of the wedding and remains for a short period thereafter .
                                                              This Awareness indicates that this romance perio d
                                                           as that wherein the entities do not fully know eac h
                                                           other, nor do they' care to know each other,—they prefe r
                                                           to have the illusion that the other fills the bill and fits
                                    ~ ?~         ~~        the expectations which they hold in their mind as th e
                                    rvq                    concept of the ideal mate . This Awareness indicate s
                                     or ( ~                often, these expectations of this ideal mate have nothin g
                                                    i      at all. to do with the reality of the mate.; the mate may
                                      ° II__               be entirely different from that which the entity believes
                                      — :__._              to he the mate. This Awareness indicates that this rom-
                                                           ance period as a time wherein entities are infatuated, i n
                                                           love, and romantically envision a particular lifestyle o f
                                                           fulfillment as the result of this marriage to this mate .
                                                           This Awareness indicates this as the first stage of mane
                             _~                 .          iage, and this generally lasts a rather brief time afte r
                                   Ii j                                                           lon g
                                                           the marriage occurs : this may y be as long as several
                                                           months, or may last for a year or so, but seldom longer .

                                                              This Awareness indicates that after the first romanti c
                                                           period, there comes the second stage of the marriage ,
                                 {                         this wherein the entity suddenly realizes what he or sh e
                                                  }        has done in having married this entity who will not fi t
                               l,I                         into the concept which the entity is supposed to fit . This
                                                           Awareness indicates at this point;, the partners of th e
                                                           marriage begin to discover the other partner for what h e
                                                           really is, and in this discovery, the entities begin to feel
                                                            that they have been cheated, ripped-off, defrauded an d
                                                           otherwise insulted in having been brought into a marr-
                                                           iage with this entity who will not fulfill, has not fulfilled ,
                                                           and does not appear to be interested in fulfilling the
                                                           expectations of the person .
   i,tlill't   _     ' .
                                                              This Awareness indicates that, both parties may fee l
                                                           similar toward each other, or one may wish to fulfill th e
                                                           expectations but not he able to do so . This Awarenes s
                                                           indicates that each party may attempt to fulfill some o f
                                                           the expectations, but niay'resent doing so . This Aware-
                                                           ness indicates that each party may express his or he r
                                                           needs, and those expressions of needs and demands may
                                                           put such a heavy burden on the other partner that th e
other partner feels that he or she has also been totally violated by the experience of marriage . This Awareness
indicates that essentially in this second stage, this as the tug-of-war between the partners, and these partner s
find themselves in conflict over values which each holds dear, and over expectations which each holds dear ,
and over pride which each feels is being violated by the other . The self-expression and self-esteem of each part-
ner may be threatened by the other, and the entities appear to have little respect for each other . This perio d
of the tug-of-war, this as the second stage, and' this may last for quite some time, depending on how long th e
entities can continue in such a relationship .
   This Awareness indicates that this tug-of-war between the entities often deals with the expectations of one ,
wherein the one seeks to get the other to perform properly according to what was expected of him or her, an d
the other refuses or is unable to fulfill those expectations, or becomes rebellious and simply refuses to fulfil l
those expectations, or feels overwhelmed by the prospect of attempting to fulfill such expectations . This
       Awareness indicates in a situation of this type, it is not necessary for each partner to attempt to fulfill the ex-
       pectations of the other . It is necessary, however, that each listens to the other and each shares his or her feel-
       ings about those expectations, and that each allows the other to continue holding such expectations with th e
       understanding that neither is obligated to fulfill those expectations, This Awareness indicates this type of co m
       munication can assist these entities in recognizing the individuality of each person as being supreme, necessar y
       and precious in the relationship, and that neither entity owns the other, and that neither entity
wins   other, and that each has his or her own path, each has his or her own destiny, though these destinies may co-
       incide with each other's directions on some levels, they need not coincide on every level .

           This Awareness indicates that wherein one feels threatened by the values of another, this often is a reflect -
       ion of that one entity 's insecurities, and it may be that the entities need to discuss these insecurities rathe r
       than the values of the other . This Awareness indicates this can occur in stage two, whereby entities begin t o
       discover portions of themselves in relationship to each other . This Awareness indicates that whether thes e
       entities discover anything during this time or not may determine whether the marriage reaches stage three .
           This Awareness indicates that at stage three, each partner begins to give up on the other . The partners o f
       the marriage simply throw up their hands in disgust and say, "I cannot deal with you . 1 will just have to
       simply live my life as 1 choose and not . depend on you for anything . " This Awareness indicates that in stage
       three, the partners in giving up on each other., may begin to look at themselves and work on themselves and :
       unlike stage two, wherein each blames the other for any problems, in stage three each entity may begin look-
       ing at his or her own weakness, his or her own errors and forget about blaming the other ,
           This Awareness indicates that in stage three ; each partner may begin discovering more and more abou t
        one 's self and moving into actions of personal interest,--taking classes, studying s ;,nie course of interest, mak-
        ing new friends, becoming involved in outside activities,--creating a totally separate lifestyle from the other ,
        whereby these mutual interests are no longer closely linked, but whereby each of the partners is developin g
        a path and a life which is satisfactory to himself or hei elf, according to the immediate interests . This Aware-
        ness indicates the danger in stage three begins to occur when these entities find themselves creating separat e
        paths and lifestyles to such a degree that they can no longer communicate with each other, and when thi s
        occurs, there is the possibility of the parting of the ways, so that . the entities may not have anything left i n
        common to continue the marriage with . This Awareness indicates that the way to avoid this kind of separat-
        ion is for the entities to allow each other the separate lifestyle,, hut on every opportunity where the entitie s
        come together, to communicate to each other exactly what you are doing, exactly what your interests are ,
        what your pleasures are, and to enjoy listening to each other as though you were speaking to a friend o r
        stranger, rather than to some entity in whom you have invested your life .
sass        This Awareness indicates that in this way you. remain in touch with each other, you understand each other ,
        you begin to find a respect for the individuality of the other being, rather than simply attempting to use th e
        other being to fulfill your individuality . This Awareness indicates that as this occurs, a mutual respect begin s
         to develop, very slowly, whereby there is also a curiosity about the other entity which begins to develop, an d
        the beings in this marriage suddenly begin to discover each other for what they are, rather than for what the y
         want the other to be .
            This Awareness indicates this stage may take quite some time or may move slowly, but whereby the comm-
         unication between these entities continues, even though their lifestyles differ, the communication is that whi c
        can assist in leading these entities to stage four, whereby they discover, in fact, who each other is with fres h
        eyes, with fresh interest, and with a concern for each other's welfare without the possessive, clinging, greed y
         attachments which were present in the second stage . This Awareness indicates that in this fourth stage, th e
         entities begin to look at each other again, discovering the other 's interests and values . not feeling that yo u
         have the right to direct the other's life, but being willing to assist when necessary and when needed, and ass-
         isting because you care about the other . This Awareness indicates that in this fourth stage, there is a new typ e
         of romance which develops, not based on illusions and expectations of the other, but based rather on th e
         awareness of who the other is, what the other ' s values are, what the interests are, what the talents are, wha t
         the entity is doing, what the entity wants to do, and the mutual respect which the entities can share with eac h
         other . In this fourth stage, each entity not only develops interests of their own, but also discovers and become s
         interested in the other .
            This Awareness indicates this fourth stage continues and continues and continues as each watches the othe r
         and becomes more and more respectful of the individuality which they married and more and more loving i n
         the communications which they share . This Awareness indicates from this fourth stage develops the ideal
         marriage, and this as that which is lasting, which entities dream of.
          This Awareness indicates those entities who cannot move beyond the first, second or third stage withou t
        the marriage breaking up . will simply need to move through these stages in yet another marriage with anothe r
        entity, for these stages will be present until entities move through and pass into that fourth stage of marriage .
        This Awareness indicates that essentially, this as what is occurring in your situation . This Awareness indicate s
dirt    that whether this involved the Awareness material, Dr . Beter 's material, or something else, it would still hav e
        been the same . This Awareness indicates had it not been this, it could have been a bowling night out once a
        week or some similar action which would lead to this showdown . This Awareness indicates that essentially ,
        when you begin to give up your own individuality in order to preserve the status quo and to fulfill the dem-
        ands or adhere to the demands of another, this as only a temporary solution, a minor victory for one at th e
        expense of the other.                                      3
This Awareness indicates at this particular point ,
                                                         your wife has felt victorious, hut now begins feelin g
                                                         pangs of guilt deep inside ; it has given a certain type o f
                                                         security proving to her that she does have power an d
                                                         control to hold the reins on you, and therefore ha s
                                                         allowed this action as an expression of her power an d
                                                         control and this allows the entity to feel greater strengt    h
                                                             in the control of the marriage itself . rI'liis Awareness
                                                           'indicates that wherein the entity can control he r
                                                             husband like the cowboy controls his horse, th e
                                                             entity is much more secure .
                                                                This Awareness indicates, . however, this security
                                                             does not bring satisfaction, for it is not love whic h
                                                             the entity is tied with, but the control which th e
                                                             entity has . This Awareness indicates this control does
                                                             not indicate love from the husband, except as a kin d
                                                             of test : "if the husband really loves me he will sac-
                                                             rifice for me . " This Awareness indicates that this kind
                                                             of test is only satisfactory in terms of supplementin g
                                                             the entity's insecurities with some proven test to sho w
                                                             that the entity really has control over the heart of he r
                                                             husband . This Awareness indicates that as this devel-
                                                             ops, the entity will begin to experience repercussion s
                                                             from this kind of thing_ and if it continues along thi s
                                    _                        line . the entity will place more tests upon her husban d
                                                             giving him more demands which he must fulfill i n
                                                             order to prove his place with her and to prove that h e
                                                             really cares .
                                                             This Awareness indicates that as this kind of relat-
ionship progresses, eventually, the entity holding the reins will begin to wonder, "1 have this entity so wel l
tied up he can never get away, he truly loves me . He has done all of these things for me, yet I still feel insecure
and unsatisfied . What is it I really need?" This Awareness indicates that at this point, the entity begins looking        ,- ~
around and may decide that her husband simply is not fulfilling her needs, and maybe she needs someone els e
who is stronger, who is a real challenge to her .
   This Awareness indicates at this point, the entity may begin flirting with the concepts of an affair with tha t
certain man who looked at her in a certain way and made her feel like she was something special . This Aware-
ness indicates, of course, the entity already has her husband and does not want to lose what she has, but thi s
other entity might be more fulfilling to her needs . This Awareness indicates that, therefore, the entity wil l
continue holding the reins on her husband, but will also look around for something better .
   This Awareness indicates this as the path on which such a relationship is on, whereby the entity who give s
in too much on certain values of his own or her own individuality and interests to the other for purposes o f
helping the other feel secure . This Awareness indicates that a certain amount of this may be necessary to pre -
serve the marriage ; but if this continues, then the marriage becomes threatened by the action itself ; for on e
entity in total submission to another does not make a marriage,--it makes a situation which is disinterestin g
to both parties .
   This Awareness indicates that. the same situation as described here may well occur, likewise, with the role s
reversed, whereby the husband may hold the strings on the wife and the wife may become so submissive t o
the will of the husband who is over-demanding, and the husband eventually may become bored with such su b
missiveness and therefore Iook around for something more exciting and interesting . This Awareness indicate s
that a mutual respect can only come about when each individual expresses his or her own individuality .
   This Awareness indicates that threats of breaking up a marriage because someone reads a book or listens t o
a tape are simply juvenile .This Awareness indicates that threats of sneaking up a marriage because someone
explores certain concepts is quite juvenile . This Awareness suggests that this may be pointed out to the entity .
This may be discussed . That these threats of separation over concepts and ideas or explorations of concept s
and ideas, over listening or reading material, this Awareness indicates that this needs to be looked at and dis-
cussed openly .
    This Awareness suggests that whereby the marriage is used as a kind of weapon against the other in orde r
 to get your way : "If I. do not receive your obedience. 1. shall bust the marriage into little-bitty pieces ' "--thi s
 Awareness indicates this kind of behavior and rationale is that which is very disrespectful to the marriage vows ,
 to each other, and to the concept of marriage . This Awareness indicates that this as a very juvenile attitude .
This Awareness indicates that wherein entities recognize this, it should be discussed with the partner . Thi s
 Awareness suggests that whereby the partners can discuss this, even if the discussion becomes somewhat heated .
 so that. the discussion can lead to a better understanding and balance of the real issues, then the marriage ca n
 be brought into something of a more beneficial type of relationship .
This Awareness suggests that the real issues at hand are not these tapes, are not these lessons, are not thes e
philosophies or ideas,---the real issues are insecurities within each person : the feeling that those, "ideas, con-
cepts, tapes and records may be some kind of threat to my security . " This Awareness indicates that the entity
who feels that, is the one who needs to examine the insecurities . This Awareness indicates that these personal
insecurities are not the problems, not the values and discussions and philosophies and ideas .
   This Awareness indicates that wherein entities begin to discuss these insecurities, there can be brought ou t
the reasons for the insecurities, and these can be dealt with wherein the entities may reassure each other, th e
entities may assist each other in looking at these insecurities . This Awareness indicates that these kinds of dis-
cussions about these personahinsecurities are essential in creating a relationship that shares deeper feelings .
This Awareness indicates that wherein entities do not want to hear of the other's insecurities, wherein entitie s
do not want the other to express anything that makes them feel insecure or read or hear anything that make s
them feel insecure, such entities are simply acting on a superficial level, which will only last so long as the glit-
ter remains, and the lives become shallow until something shakes them out of the situation . This Awarenes s
indicates there are many such relationships, and these are not headed for healthy expressions, but are headed
for difficulties .
   This Awareness indicates the only true relationships and only marriages which can be lasting are those whic h
move toward greater communication, respect for the other partner, concern for the welfare of the other, desir e
to hear the other without feeling threatened by the other's expressions, without feeling that you must fulfil l
every need of the other .
  This Awareness indicates that the entity who remains true to himself or herself, yet is capable of giving o f
himself or herself to the other and is capable of listening and desiring to hear what the other says withou t
feeling threatened, without getting overly frustrated or feeling that you must respond in a particular way t o
that other,--this Awareness indicates this entity as one who is capable of assisting in a healing process, an d
the marriage has its possibilities .
   This Awareness indicates, this, of course, requires that both partners eventually desire the marriage to con-
tinue ; that one partner cannot make the marriage, regardless of how much effort and understanding the ent-
ity has . This Awareness indicates, however, one partner in having deep understanding, patience, and wisdo m
and desire, can assist in a kind of nursing action which can nurse the marriage along, even though it may b e
sickened from the actions of the other partner, until the other partner also begins to respond and begins t o
assist in healing the marriage .
   This Awareness indicates that, therefore, it is important for entities not to expect the other partner to begi n
the action of healing the marriage, nor to wait for the other partner to do so, but it is important that you ,
yourself, begin this action while remaining true to y our own needs, your own self, still responding also to th e
needs and interests and, welfare of the other. This Awareness indicates that these responses to the marriage
by the one entity allow the other the opportunity also to respond . This Awareness indicates with patience, a n
entity with determination and understanding can begin nursing the marriage back to better health, and th e
other partner, recognizing this action, may also respond and assist in a similar mariner . This Awareness indi-
cates, however, that in so nursing the marriage back to better health, this Awareness suggests that you no t
sicken yourself or weaken yourself or grovel at the feet of the other to do so . This Awareness suggests yo u
nurse this marriage back while still keeping your self-respect . This Awareness suggests that you continu e
your own spiritual direction and destiny, for that is       soul and       business and         purpose and
should not, under any circumstances, be allowed to be placed in the hands of another .
   This Awareness indicates your own destiny is your responsibility, and you cannot allow another to dictat e
to you where you should go spiritually, how you should get there, and whether you should take this path o r
that path . This Awareness indicates that you, yourself, have that right, responsibility and obligation to deter -
mine in your own mind, in your own heart, in your own soul which path to follow . This Awareness indicates
that if you compromise on this most important concern, if you compromise on this essential aspect of you r
being, then you will compromise on all other levels in order to appease someone who makes demands on yo u
in a strong enough way . This Awareness indicates that it is not a matter, so much, of disobeying your wife o r
her wishes ; it is more a matter of doing what you, yourself, need to do, and communicating so well with you r
wife in regards to this, that she does not feel threatened by your action, but feels a kind of respect for your
courage .
   This Awareness suggests, for example, you may reverse the game which she played on you and let her se e
the mirror image of this action, informing her that you feel extremely insecure because you cannot have th e
information you need to understand the world situation, to understand what, is going on, to make decisions,
 to properly he informed, because you have given this agreement with her and she has denied you your source r
 of information and is threatening you with the marriage as a weapon of destruction . This Awareness indicates
that you may explain to her your plight and your feelings while still allowing hex the control over the situatio n
so that she understands your plight and still feels that she holds the power, the reins and the controls . This
Awareness indicates that the probable action , if she understands this clearly enough and if you explain you r
 feelings well enough, the probable action is that she will yield to your needs ' and allow you to receive som e
 of the information . This Awareness indicates the next probable action is that she will engage with you in a
discussion about the information, and from this discussion there may b e
a possibility that the two of you can reach some mutual, philosophical
understanding in regards to the atheistic or Christian doctrine whic h
she holds, along with the other concepts and ideas which you hold ,
so that a mutual discussion can gradually come about. Thi s
awareness indicates this mutual discussion leading to bette r
understanding of the concepts involved, so that they do no t
appear to be such threats.
   This Awareness suggests that the other possibility is tha t
you will have another showdown, and the showdown wil l
lead to intensities of discussion which will be opportunitie s
for clearing some of the pent-up feelings which you hav e
and which she may be developing through certain insecur e
feelings which she has experienced . This Awareness suggests,
however, that the real solution to the problem will com e
about best when you look deeply at yourself , discover you r
own personal needs, turn inward and focus on your own lif e
while continuing to supply the necessary energies to you r
responsibilities and sort of disconnect your intense reliance o n
your mate, so that the relationship between you becomes les s
highly charged emotionally and you develop your ow n
directions without quite such a strung attachment to th e
entity, without such fear of offending the entity, bu t
whereby you continue communicating on a lighter level .
This Awareness indicates this as an action of moving graduall y
and carefully into the third stage of marriage, so that you develo p
yourself and begin a cooling process, pulling away from the tug-of-war, withou t
surrending totally your individuality .
   This Awareness indicates that in moving-Into the third stage, you will also need to encourage this entity t o
develop her own individuality also, and . yet you will need to continue having close communication with th e
entity and sharing the experiences which you have with her while open and interested in hearing of her exper-
iences . This Awareness indicates this kind of daily communication about each other's lifestyles can allow bot h
ofyou to continue being together, even while your own individualities are being expressed . This Awareness
suggests that you begin moving through that third stage of your marriage with an understanding that the fourt h
stage is ready whenever each of you is ready to look more closely at the individuality of the other in a wa y
which is accepting of that other, while still remaining true to your own individuality and your own purpose
and direction . This Awareness indicates that so long as one entity feels he or she is sacrificing his or her lif e
for the other, his or her directions and purposes and interests for the other, there will be a kind of resentmen t
developing which will eventually surface as hostility for the other, and this hostility will be felt ; and even whe n
one wins an argument against the other and gets one's way at the expense of the other, that entity will feel a
certain guilt along with the victory, and that feeling of it will cause the entity to feel badly that he or sh e
has upset the other, and that feeling badly will cause the entity to feel unworthy of the other ; and if this in -
creases enough, the marriage again drifts further and further apart .---communication suffers .
   Therefore, this Awareness indicates the only healthy relationship is that wherein each entity respects th e
other, gives service to the other, while still retaining his or her own individuality and allowing the other tha t
same right, and whereby each is willing and desirous of communicating to resolve any problems which occu r
and wherein each feels almost ill if •a problem is not resolved between them . This Awareness indicates wherei n
entities have the love between them, such entities cannot tolerate prolonged, separate frustrations, hostilities
or hurts, one for the other, and cannot be satisfied until they have resolved the conflicts which are there .
   This Awareness indicates that there are other marriages and situations wherein the conflicts are chronic ,
continuous . and do not change and become part of the marriage itself, and these conflicts never being resolved ,
are seething hostilities which sap the enemies of the partners and eat away at the marriage until it has no valu e
other than as a karmic sickness and karmic relationship between the entities . This Awareness indicates these
kinds of chronic frustrated marriages can be resolved 'only by delving into those energies which brought abou t
feelings of guilt, frustration, hostility, resentment and inequality between the partners . When these are brough t
up and discarded by discussions, communications, and a desire to rid the marriage of these things, then, an d
only then, can the partners fully enjoy each other . This Awareness indicates that such partners do, however ,
need to mutually agree thatrthis kind of relationship is desirous and is wanted, and if such agreement occurs ,
 then the partners must be willing to put forth the agreement and energies to delve deeply into the marriage
problems and pull these out and discuss them thoroughly, not to discover who is right or wrong, but to dis-
 cover how these problems can be reconciled, so that both parties win, and the marriage wins .

                                                        .6 .
                                          IS THROWN BACK AT YO U
                                      (How to accept criticism and hostility t ;, cm another )
      QUESTION :
     Awareness, in a case like this, what would You advise the entity if the wife woul d
     turn upon him and use some of his own philosophy and throw it at him . For
     example, "You spout the `Law of Love' in one moment and the next momen t
     you treat me like this . Do you consider this placing the welfare and the concer n
     and the consideration of me above yourself?" How should he respond to tha t
     accusation ?
         This Awareness indicates that the least offensive response the entity could make to such an accusatio n
      would he to express appreciation for that observation and state, "Thank you for pointing that out . I'll look
      at that and see if I can improve, or see if that is so," or may say, "Thank. you for pointing that out . I;'m not
      sure that I agree with you, but you may be correct. I'l1 have to think about that . "
         This Awareness indicates there are many ways whereby entities, rather than attacking in return, can resis t
      not and accept the attach: of another in a manner which is so gracious that it disarms the opponent . This
      Awareness indicates this likened unto one thrusting a knife at you, and you simply reach out and say, "Than k
      you . I'll put that away ," as you discard the knife from them . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entit y
      attacks you with verbal abuse, the most disarming way to deal with that is to thank them for their observat-
      ion, ask them if they have anything more clear or constructive, or if they wish to discuss this in greater detail ,
      admit that there may be some truth to it, particularly if you feel there is ,
         This Awareness indicates another action is to thank them for their observation and acknowledge that the y
      must have strong feelings, and acknowledge that you respect their feelings, even though you also have stron g
      feelings which are not the same as theirs . This Awareness indicates that in stating this in such a manner, the
      entity does not feel that the feelings are unnoticed or disrespected, but the entity feels that his expression to
      you has been acknowledged and is valid, even though you may not agree on what he has expressed, an d
      this calls forth that the entity, in return, also respect your feelin g s as you express them . This Awareness ind-
      icates that otherwise, if the entity did not respect your feelings after you have been so courteous toward his
      feelings, this makes the entity look like some kind of had sport . This Awareness indicates that the action o f
      accepting criticism from another,--strong feelings, strong opinions and even strong hostilities from another, —
      accepting these in a gracious manner, not necessarily af7eeing with the expression, but accepting them as the
      feelings of that entity, and respecting the feelings of the entity because you respect the entity ; this tends to
      disarm the entity and allows them to have full, free expression without feelings of being threatened for havin g
      expressed themselves, and this also allows those feelings to be purged from . the entity without creating strong-
      er and more hostile feelings which would occur if you threw heck your charge at them for having expressed
      themselves . This Awareness indicates that in this manner, entities can unload some of their personal garbag e
      on you without you having to eat that garbage and without you having to throw your garbage back on them ,
      but whereby you simply take their garbage, thank them for it, discard it carefully and respectfully, whil e
      acknowledging to them that you do not necessarily buy their opinion, but you respect it anyway, because
      you respect them . This Awareness indicates you then, in turn, may bring up your garbage or your feelings ,
      present it for them to look at without shoving it down their throats. This Awareness indicates in this manner ,
      entities can learn to communicate with each other about those things which are highly charged emotionally ,
      and can assist in pulling up the garbage out of the subsconscious emotional parts of each other, and allowin g
      each other to pull this up from themselves.

                                  Some Things You Get from a Marriage Mate you Didn't Expect

          This Awareness reminds entities when you marry another, you marry not only the entity who speaks t o
       you, you also marry the entity's progra .mniings which are deep inside, which have come from vast numbers
       of experiences from childhood, from many kinds of programmings, from very many people . You also marry
       the values of that entity and all of the values that the entity has allowed other to place upon her or him . You
       also marry the entity's relatives and families and friends, hopes, dreams, wishes, expectations, fears and insec-
       urities .
          This Awareness indicates in one sense, it is an absolute wonder that strangers can come together and ge t
       along reasonably well at all ; and this Awareness suggests that it is because of this wide variety of experience s
       and aberrations and identifications which every entity brings to a marriage, which must comingle with th e
       aberrations, identifications, and associations of the other entity---it is because of these, that marriages mus t
seta- move through the four stages mentioned . This Awareness indicates that these stages : the romance, the ti-of-
      _w r , the separate ways, and the mutualdiscovery of • other ---these are the road map which entities may
       use as they move through toward tha mutual discovery of each other . This Awareness indicates as
       entities watch these different stages of the marriage, they may know where they are, where they stand, wha t
      comes next, what they must do to preserve that marriage . This A.wateness wishes entities to study these stages ,
       the information previously given, for this can be of great importance and much assistance in solving your prob -
       l ems in relationship .
                                                   WHAT TO DO WHEN TEARS AND CRYING OCCU R
                                QUESTION :
                                1 was wondering if Awareness had any advise for the husbands who canno t
                                handle tears or emotional outbursts when the discussion gets heavy, as in a
                                situation that was in the previous question, and the wife bursts into tears an d
                                the discussion is ended at that point because the husband cannot handle th e
                                tearful outburst ?
                                COSMIC AWARENESS :

    This Awareness indicates that this can be seen as a kind of situation whereby one must look very carefull y
at why the entity burst into tears ; and from that particular understanding, the entity may determine the prop-
er response . This Awareness wishes to point out different or alternate situations :

    This Awareness indicates in some instances, an entity may cry simply because the entity has no other re -
course, and tears are the only thing left for the entity, because the entity is so deeply hurt by what has happ-
ened . This Awareness indicates in such a situation, the entity does need consolation, and the dispute or con-
flict may end at that point and discussions may begin . This Awareness indicates that in a sense, wherein thi s
occurs, it often is an indication that the husband or the one who has forced the other into such a position ,
nas been overbearing and insensitive in the discussion . This Awareness indicates this not always the case, bu t
as generally the situation .
    This Awareness indicates that in a different situation, however, an alternate situation, may be whereby th e
wife, or the one who breaks into tears, uses the tears as a kind of weapon to win, whereby the entity know s
Ghat if all else fails, tears will win the argument . This Awareness indicates that wh .erei.n this occurs, the tech-
nique of winning the argument needs to be discussed, looked at in a logical way, whereby both entities are
forced to discuss and observe how these tears are being used for a weapon . This Awareness indicates that ,
however, in so discussing the use of tears as a weapon, one must also recognize that perhaps the weapon is
necessary ; for if that weapon is taken from the entity, perhaps the entity has no other recourse or weapo n
for winning or defending herself or himself, and perhaps tears are the only thing that can be satisfactory or
c :an protect the entity 's rights against overwhelming odds and strength or rationale . This Awareness indicates
 that likewise, there are entities who settle their affairs or attempt to solve the argument by going silent, as th e
  lirtle entering a shell . This Awareness indicates that such entities may find this the only solution, as the on e
who they are in conflict with is much too stsorg, and therefore they must retreat : into their shell. This Aware-
ness indicates this often infuriates the other, and the other may seek to pry them out of their shell, eithe r
through persuasion or force. This Awareness indicates that the entity trying to pry them from the shell may
consider the action of moving into a shell an escapist action, attempting to escape not to defend oneself, bu t
to win by not being present for the discussion which the other entity felt he had "in the bag" .
     This Awareness indicates that likewise, another entity may seek to win the argument by sheer force o f
emotion, or through physical expression : the throwing of a dish, the scream of a word, shouting of sentence s
or epithets . This Awareness indicates that such entities may, in fact, be using these emotions, these physica l
;;act:ions or threats of violence in order to win `S;jll annther_entity may use th.eysy_stem of being somewhatcsw. -
 deseendi~ •         : . •.    •?,        arr,            shoulder a few words of advice;    l, ydtfllgetit togeth -
 er, you're still struggling . 'oa.i 'll probably understand my side when you become somewhat more intelligent . "
     This Awareness indicates that still another entity may win, or seek to win, the argument by presenting pur e
 scientific reasoning and logic which is so flawless that it seems impossible that anyone other than an absolut e
 idiot could ignore the truth . This Awareness indicates this entity may be absolutely right in the logical sense ,
 but may have absolutely no understanding of the problem which is causing the argument ; for the argument
 may be over the use of the dishwasher, and the discussions may involve long, logical discussions about th e
 dishwasher, but the problem itself may have something to do with the other person's desire to be somewher e
 else, to go somewhere else, or to visit an Aunt, but the other person may not be bold enough, to bring thi s
 out. Therefore, the entity simply has raised a fuss about the dishwasher as a substitute for the problem whic h
 is bottled-up in .dFe . This Awareness indicates the more logical the entity may attempt to be in regards to th e
 dishwasher, the more determined the illogical party may be in not letting the other win the argument, regard -
 less of the logic in his statements .
   This Awareness indicates that, therefore, there are many causes and many ways entities can attempt to wi n
their point of view : from the logical, the illogical, the emotional, the Iack ot: emotion, the physical--throug h
threats of violence, or attempts to leave or threats of leaving, or through insinuations, accusations, condescend-
ing remarks and certain sarcasms, through tears, through wailing, through stubborn and permanent seethin g
hostilities and manipulations, through revenge, through telling others of the abuse which you have receive d
from your mate or spouse, through public or private insults for the other in revenge for previous relationshi p
problems . This Awareness indicates there are many ways whereby entities can hurt each other and seek to wi n
and better their position during the tug-of-war stage .
   This Awareness indicates there are only a few ways whereby entities can come together in mutual affectio n
and communication, and this must start with the entity first caring enough about the other to be willing to
admit that, "Even though we disagree, I still want you ; I still love you . I want us to be together, and I want
 us to resolve our differences in a way which is satisfactory to both of us and all others concerned . "
                                                      ** e*

                                                                                    FOR THE NEW AG E

                                                                  (The Wanderers are Coming .. The Wanderers are coming)
                                                              (Excerpt from a Personal Reading given to a CAC Member, Jan . 29, 1981)

                                                         COSMIC AWARENESS :
                                                         . .. .This Awareness indicates that these these entities [friends th e
                                                         questioner had asked about) also were traveling companicns o f
                                                         yours in previous experiences such as in the time of the time o f
                                                         the Peru lifetime in Lake Titicaca, and these entities as having bee n
                                                         of the same mission which you were involved in through the travel s
                                                         between Venus, Earth, and the cities beneath the Earth . This Aware-
                                                         nets indicates that this as having a strong influence on your presen t
                                                         research into UFOs and the channeling involved for you are no w
            on a similar mission wherein you are born into the world but not of it, and are serving as agents or Wander-
            ers for those forces which still seek to raise the vibrations of this planet . This Awareness indicates that thi s
            activity of realigning your consciousness to your divine purpose and mission is that which has begun gather-
            ing momentum for you, for your friends, at a time when others on similar missions on this planet are also be-
            ginning to awaken to their divine mission, which is not programmed in public school . This Awareness indic-
            ates that essentially the action of surrendering to the divine force within is that which shall accelerate you r
            performance of your mission and a this occurs with you, with your associates, it also is beginning to occur
            with other entities–other entities on this plane who have similar callings so that the combined actions, thoug h
            apparently independent, are in fact being brought into action in such a way as to create a network of energie s
            that raise the vibration of this planet .

              this Awareness indicates that wherein at present there are approximately_
            60 million Wan . erers in the nits                 ,i r c ucirn e ildren . These
                                                                                                          Too               .
            c t • ren are growing o . er and wi in a brief time begin to experience some
            of these energies deep within themselves, and as these energies begin surging                To           i'
            these children shall be stirred into an awakening, so that a great change in                    PAW.3>g, La.-R4--
            consciousness begins to be expressed by the mass mind of entities through                  A . 1%         old gi $r , kW -
            these Wanderers, through these children, through these who are awakening                    raappod from itek            'a
            to discover. Who In Fact They Really Are .                                                  gunman was r' tttad ' '. -
                                                                                                        herm> d hest ntgltt. a9'Dtr ; a
               This Awareness indicates that within approximately 10 years, entities                    masstelaphoned tier parents
            will begin to realize that these concepts of eternal life, concepts of soul as              and said the child was too
                                                                                                        pretty to Dull, the,lri's fa
            a reality, and body as a temporary clothing of the soul, and as entities
                                                            g                                           they said.
            become more consciously aware of these concepts as realities rather than                        "He called and told us
            as theories, these entities shall also begin to look at the "long body" or                  she was at Lake Fores t
            "lingering soul" which stretches back many lifetimes, and as entities do                    Shopping Center. He told us
                                                                                                        she        such     ee woul t
            this they become more concerned about their. destiny and less concerned                            o
                                                                                                          by; otherwise he woul dd    a
            about their appetites for the moment . This Awareness indicates that this                   have wasted her," said Ron
            assists in eliminating many of the fears of insecurity that entities experience             Hamm, father of the kid -
            and allows for entities to focus on the more meaningful priorities of their                 Wrap ed Left Hocum.
            personal experience . As this occurs with more and more entities, the vibrations                Miye said sire hol a was
                                                                                                        taken by 8 man who ppar-
            of the planet begin to take on new character and form .                                     enUy bad intended to bur -
                                                                                                     . glartze the Hocum famil y
                                           THE WATERGATE SCENARI O
                                        ( Did Richard Militates Nixon know shout the Synthetics? )

            QUESTION :          (From a CAC Gen . Reading, June 30, 1980 )

            A question from J .W. of Omaha, Nebraska . "From one of my sources I learned this interesting item : Pres-
            ident Nixon was forced from office, not because of the Watergate situation, but because he was about t o
            reveal the synthetic robot situation . If appropriate, could the question of the real reason for President Nixon' s
            demotion be asked of Awareness, and possibly whether or not his life would be in jeopardy if he, himself ,
            revealed the true reason?"
            COSMIC AWARENESS :
This Awareness indicates this appears to he negative as the true reason ; however, there appears to be som e
indication that this was a factor . `.This Awareness indicates that,	 eessent:iatly , ttheg ntify Ri Ic ward Nixo ;r entere d
the White i' ~ : ,red <' .in • the ?ow >rs wh ch v:'fr ,r . ally in control of the United States, r~d ;rtf~ opte d
L"~ 7rdl a                   cc team around him to shield him from ti we powers . s that he could zt~c~io n
 se saw to begin the best interests of the nation,     is awareness indlea :cs t iat the entity did not trust Nelso n
Rockefeller or Davi i Rockefeller ror did they trust him. This Awareness indicates that is the scenario fo r
the Watergate situation .
   This Awareness indicates that these entities were in general conflict, and essentially, the entity Nelso n
Rockefeller was the stronger factor in removing Richard Nixon from office . This Awareness suggests tha t
Richard Nixon was attempting to play both sides ; attempting to pretend to serve the Rockefellers and als o
attempting to pretend to serve the interests of the country, but essentially was more interested in his ow n
role and responsibility than in either of the others . This Awareness indicates this not because the entity was
particularly self-centered, so much as the entity did not fully understand the nature of the game he was play-
ing, and felt ; himself, as President, to be in charge of the United States and its destiny . This Awareness ind-
icates the entity realized the power held by the Rockefellers, but because of dreams which he had held fro m
childhood . believed somehow the office of President was more powerful than the bankin establishment.

   This Awareness indicates that the actual Watergate scenario was set up ,
using Nelson Rockefeller in a way so that he was also an intended victi m
of the Watergate scandal . This Awareness indicates this was set up in a
manner which would expose the Chase Manhattan Bank and Nelson Rock-
efeller in the drug empire, which later was disclosed in Spotlight of Libert y
Lobby . This Awareness indicates that, likewise, the Watergate scandal wa s
intended also to expose the Golden Triangle and efforts in which Nixo n
was to be financed by money from the Mafia, whereby drugs sold throug h
these sources would produce certain monies for (he Nixon .
    This Awareness indicates this, however, did not come out in th e
 Watergate scandals, as the Rockefel er powers were able to shield tlx e
 amount of information which was released through these scandals .
 This Awareness indicates that_ estienti l~r.'tli g Roc~l ;efellers gontrotlecl
- he Watergate, scenario from 1)cgiiinin to er?.d, even though there wer e
 also     ter a no ok `)c unite e er powers, who were sending inform -
 ation ii' to the panel or investigating commits ee . This Awareness ind-
 icates that regardless of this, there was much which was suppressed, s o
 that only a few were caught in the trap which had been set to catch                      _             A
 others .                                                                                                            nse
                                                                                             Sl19tLE :Things cud l

   This Awareness indicates that, essentially, Baron Rothschild was one who was behind the Watergate trap ,
but the entity Nelson Rockefeller did not get caught in the trap . This Awareness indicates there were als o
entities who had hoped that through this Watergate scandal, not only would the Rockefellers be exposed .
but also the Baron Rothschild and the Rothschild clan would be exposed .
   This Awareness indicates that the situation ended abruptly and the lid was closed before . any further ex-
posure occurred . This as being the main reason why Nixon was pardoned,---the pardon being so that he woul d
not speak out any Wither as to what was really occurr-ing ..This Awareness indicates the entity issinger. as_
having been Rockefeller's agent in setting up the general entrapment process . Thatthis entity and Joh n
Mite le en.. ot• .ers invo ve were are genera v part of t . .e same organization, but that the entity Kissinger
as being the one who most carefully and closely represented the Rockefeller interests . This Awareness ind-
icates that the entity Kissinger also had intended that the Watergate scandal include Nelson Rockefeller . Thi s
Awareness indicates that as this did not occur in this manner indicated, the future plans were changed, a s
indicated in the January and February tapes of Dr . &ter in the months of :1979,- . -the January and February
and March tapes, discussing the nature of Kissinger's relationship with the Rockefellers .
   This Awareness indicates that as part of Nixon's efforts, the last action he could take before leaving office ,
part of that effort to release some of the power of the offfice was the Information Disclosure Act, which de ..
classified much of the information which had been previously kept secret . This Awareness indicates that also ,
on a more historic cw cosmic level, the entity Richard Nixon served a nuruose similar to that of the Empero r
Nero in Rome . whereby the Emperor degraded the office of President, bringing it down to a level whereb y
entities no longer respected the office, unless the office was handled property . This Awareness indicate;; that
prior to Nero, any entity who was considered as Emperor of Rome would be held in high esteem, unquestion-
able, almost as unto a god . After Nero, the office of Emperor lost its intrinsic charm and the Emperor wa s
conricicred more. of :a humeri. being, capable of error, whereby the masses could be critical and could evaluat e
that entity 's rulership .
   This Awareness indicates a similar action occurred in this United States with the action of Presiden t
Nixon ' s being forced to resign for his association with the Watergate scandal . This Awareness indicates thi s
has led entities to look at the Presidency, not as though it were such a high office being such that if th e
President: ;;Teaks, then it must occur .
                                                         10 .
This Awareness indicates that if you will recall, the entity Nixon 's speeches were continually peppered
with phrases reminding the masses that he was, indeed, the President, and therefore deserved certain respect .
This Awareness indicates that in looking back in retrospect, it becomes clear that those phrases acted almos t
in a sense of sacrasm toward the Presidency, to indicate to entities that he was belittling the Presidency wit h
sarcasm as he was bringing down the office .
  This Awareness indicates that entity created the awareness in consciousness that just because an entit y
speaks as President, this does not necessarily mean that the entity has the wisdom, understanding or the best :
interest of the people in his plans and in his actions . This Awareness indicates this allowed the masses to be -
come more skeptical, to question and think, and to distrust the government . This Awareness indicates this a s
being necessary and part of a cosmic plan for this earth plane, for the United States, so that entities can be -
come aware that freedom does not come from the authority in charge : freedom comes from entities bein g
aware of the principles which guarantee freedom, and demanding that the authority in charge follows thos e
principles .


                                   (The Annihilation of the Snui is now possible )

                (Pisan a C.A.C. Goland Readier;, deuce 30, 1980 )
V .K . of San Francisco asks ., " Were the Mt . Saint Helens' volcanic eruptions and the many recent Californi a
earthquakes natural occurrences ;. acts of God, or the result of particle beams directed by the Russians? "
   This Awareness indicates that this being a combination of natural occurrences and artificially-induced vib-
rations, caused by the Russians . This Awareness indicates that also, there have been underground discharges
in Nevada, in Sitka Islands, this in the past i .5 or 20 years ; and these have also had some effect on what ma y
be termed the natural reaction or effect in this eruption . This Awareness indicates that had it not been for
these nuclear tests and explosions, this appears not to have been scheduled by the natural forces of the planet :
for approximately 200 to 400 years, and possibly not then, for these energies were subsiding and cooling o n
the West Coast . This Awareness indicates, however, that these nuclear tests did create a beat and tension deep
underground, which caused certain stresses which, in turn, created further heat and shifting of the strata, an d
this, over a period of time, led to a gradual heating-up of these mountains of the Cascade Range .
   This Awareness indicates that this has been further aggravated and greatly intensified more recently by th e
Russian use of Testa devices. This Awareness indicates this as a result of the semi-declaration of war, or the
renewal of hostilities between the Carter Administration and the Brezhnev Administration over the events
in the Middle East .
   This Awareness indicates that, likewise, the weather patterns which are occurring presently, being of suc h
unusual nature, these also are being affected largely by the use of these Russian Tesla devices . This Awareness
indicates that the great heat waves, and the record-breaking cold of last month in certain Northern states, th e
floods and the tornados being in part, but not totally, the result of these weapons . This Awareness indicates
thatessentially, these weapons intensify the weather patterns, rather than actually creating the weather con-
ditions .
   This Awareness indicates there also are certain weaponry used to affect the consciousness of entitie s
through a kind of microwave bombardment ; these as being developed and used also by Russia . This Aware-
ness indicates that, likewise,_aleUnited States asperfecting certain tvises of death-rays . This Awareness ind-
icates these as already having been perfected, wherebvihe rays can be use or      destructive purposes at grea t
distances . This Awareness indicates these as that which was warned about some ten years ago by this Aware-
ness, wherein It spoke of death-rays which could annihilate the soul . This Awareness indicates that essent-
ially this death-ray as having that. capability, particularly where the soul is not fully developed .

   This Awareness indicates that It does seek to keep entities aware of all levels of the developments whic h
are occurring, but does not wish entities to become frightened by these . This Awareness indicates that th e
annihilation of the soul by these death-rays as that which needs further understanding . This Awareness ind-
icates it appears that this wilt not be a major factor, for it does not appear that this will be used . This Aware-
ness indicates that there also are forces, other than those of this plane, which can intervene if necessary t o
prevent these actions from occurring ,
   This Awareness wishes to comment somewhat further on the statement, "the annihilation of the soul" :
This Awareness indicates that this death-ray affects the magnetic field of the substance, the target ; and where -
in the soul is made from resonating-electromagnetic energy, it cannot in actuality be totally destroyed, bu t
can be defused and dissipated in such a manner that it is highly difficult to bring it back together again . Thi s
Awareness indicates that this likened unto Humpty Dumpy falling from the wall .
                                                      ll .
This Awareness indicates that . the death-ray as working on a light, laser, and sound vibration in a manne r
  whereby it defuses the molecules and the magnetic binding qualities in these molecules, and also affects th e
  electromagnetic energy field around living creatures, so that the soul is deeply disturbed and harmed, and i t
  is extremely damaging . This Awareness indicates in a sense the soul, when fully developed, cannot be des-
  troyed, but the soul can be psychologically annihilated to where it is not functioning according to its intent s
  and purposes .
  Would there be any remedy or counter-action that entities could take in such a case, that might restor e
  the soul ?
    This Awareness indicates this will require healers from other dimensions, not of the earth plane .

                                   HOW      THE      DEATH-RAY               WORK S

                                      t More on Michael and Lt cifa,•'s War in Heaven

  Then an entity who would be subjected to such a death-ray who had gone through thousands of lifetimes ,
  developing his soul to a certain point, --that ; all of that could be erased and the soul essentially would hav e
  to start over'again . Js that correct?

     This Awareness indicates that there could he such an occurrence, but the likelihood is that entities fro m
  other dimensions who are involved in attending to the general health of a soul, such entities could assist an d
  heal the soul . This Awareness indicates, however, that this may take thousands of your earth years to accom-
  plish . This Awareness indicates in terms of eternity, however, that this is not seen as a great long time .
      This Awareness indicates there a                      i      • ,, r advanced in the universe of soul s and soul -
   stu           m 3are to oar most advanced technolo in the hysical wor t ese en i tes are capable o f
   using thnirulyani'nd tc'hnoingy in                c .:n • s_i tnar way t z_a your hvs!ca tecino cg yv_Fs use i n
  1realine boclie5 . This Awareness indicates that, thereforee of €:he d thray to attempt or to annihilat e
   the soul is similar to what occurs on your plane wherein entities use objects to annihilate the body . This
   Awareness indicates, however, that your technology has reached a level whereby it is beginning to penetrat e
   into the other dimensions of the anti-matter world, wherein the souls exist .
      This Awareness indicates that in your myths and stories and in previous information given by this Aware-
   ness, you have heard of the battles which have occurred, particularly the rebellion of heaven or Celestria ,
   wherein Lucifer and his followers rebelled, wherein Michael and Lucifer have struggled and fought with eac h
   other ; and there were, in fact, these wars between angels . This Awareness indicates you have heard of these ;
   yet you also understand that these angels are spirits, and therefore are indestructible according to human
   terms . Therefore, the question surely arises : "How do angels and spirits fight in order to win over each other ,
   and how do they harm each other? "
/This Awareness indicates these wars take place through the emissions of vibrations toward one another,
  and these occur in a similar type of vibration as the death-ray emits . This Awareness indicates, however, that
  these souls such as Lucifer, Michael and others in their various battles throughout the eons of time, thes e
  wars were not such as to use mechanical devices such as death-rays ; but instead used the vibrations whic h
  each entity could emit through his or her own consciousness toward the other, and that vibration woul d
  overpower the other and cause a weakened condition, thereby allowing one to win over the other . This Aware-
  ness indicates that this did not create a total annihilation of the soul, but created the weakened conditio n
  wherein the soul was psychologically annihilated for some time, until it could repair itself or be healed b y
  those spirit healers . This Awareness indicates that the death-ray as having a similar type of vibration .

       This Awareness does wish again to mention that area known aCimmeria wherein there is no actual iden-
   tity, but wherein that realm known as Cimmeria is made up of the old, cast-off energies of annihilated souls ,
   –souls which were unsalvageable under any condition ; and the area known as Cimmeria is that which is a
   seething, teeming mass of unconsciousness, having no purpose, no direction, only appetite which is not ful-
   filled . This Awareness indicates that in a sense, Cimmeria is likened unto a realm which was annihilated, an d
   will take even longer before it ever again develops a consciousness which can be capable of holding an identity .

   Do I understand correctly then, that there is no protection from this death-ray on any level ?

   COSMIC AWARENESS :                                         12 .
This Awareness indicates that this can only occur from the inner plane and from the forces which may b e
used to prevent this weapon from being used . This Awareness indicates that unfortunately, the weapon i s
used already in places other than on this earth, in other planetary societies wherein the Alien Force is in oper-
ation . This Awareness indicates, however, that there are forces in motion which will prevent the Alien Forc e
from holding control of this planet for much longer, and entities can expect freedom from this force withi n
the lifetime of their children .

                                     MORE       ON THE CASCADE                VOLCANO       CHAI N

                                                      I The SkoptsisVd'all Decide I

One final question in relation to those volcanos : Scientists have been. putting out information that others i n
the chain within the next 10 years could erupt and create a really major disaster; Mt. Baker, Mt : . Rainier, Mt.
Hood in particular, Mt. Adams etc . Does Awareness see anything of this magnitude occurring within that time ?
   This Awareness suggests this as more likely within the next 20 to 25 years . That within the next 10 year s
there is the possibility of another such eruption . This Awareness indicates this appears to he in the Northern
Washington area. This Awareness indicates, however, that the span of time for these others to heat-up fo r
any further action appears to be within a 20 to 30 year period .
   This Awareness indicates however, that there are other factors involved which can bring a remission of thi s
energy . This Awareness indicates this including the political atmosphere on this planet, which appears to b e
heading for a climax and reconciliatinn near the mid-part of this decade, and also a change in the solar emiss-
ions–fhe sun-spots activities---this also can subside about that time too . This Awareness indicates this appear s
to be approximately 1985 and 1986 when these sunspot activities will begin to subside ; this relieving th e
pressure on these mountainous energies and on, other energies around the "ring of fire". This Awareness hid-
icates this can then assist in allowing a cooling-off period, whereby these other mountains may not heat-u p
enough to cause the eruptions which were experienced by Mt . Saint Helens,

                                                              Closing Met_.age f

   This Awareness suggests that the future often appears to be frightening, simply because it is a potentia l
for anything to occur . This Awareness indicates that the present is never frightening, although it can includ e
shocking events and startling events. This Awareness indicates that' the past is a reminder, and often entitie s
react to what has just happened with fear and frustration . This Awareness indicates, however, that it is th e
future which entities must he epees to and capable of entering without undo apprehension ; for the future,
while having a potential of awesome and frightening events, has also a potential for glorious and wonderfu l
 events .
   This Awareness suggests that entities in present look at where you are, take stock of what you have, pre -
pare yourself for the future, and work toward that which is the glorious and wonderful potential, while avoid-
ing that which is fearsome and awesome . This Awareness indicates it is important to be aware of the potent-
ial dangers, so that they may be avoided as you move toward the glorious and wonderful future experiences .

                                                                                           r1R AMIGTICIi Wir y: b < CACL rkcI NoLoG Y
         Artkt's conception of a satellite-Lorne laser destroying a distant enemy target
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Cosmic Awareness 1981-08: "Earthquakes, Weather Warfare and Death Rays: The Annihilation of th

  • 1. That New-Age Cosmic Newsletter Cosmic Awareness Communication s 81- 8 P .O . Boa II IS, Olynnpta, Washington 88507 $3 .00 COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that e>fpreased itself through :elitist of Nazareth the Auddha . Krishna, Mohammed . agar Cayce and otitnar et avatars who served as 'Channels for the 'iilcaventy rather' rind who oinks sin today as the world begins to enter the New Age at sgtritual conseioumsesa auc~ a rareness . Skies 7.5433 Connie Awarenem hac been eonimssuicating through carefully-trained ehanuo$s. The .nfor uu~on contained herein was received from deep eu er cour dotre trance levels end 'interpreted' hy an entity affiliated with G .A .C. This 1 tosatatiott is for those who dam to help in bat in the New Age. Throughout the thousande of 'Reading* . given through these channels. Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything ut to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel , what to t ho truth. Cosmic Awarenosc will only tnd,cate and suggest. Neither C,A .C ., the Aquarian Church of 13niversal Service, or the Inter ter . Paul Shockley Is reapooAhh . for eoythin; Cosmic Awareness navy elate In any of theta +erad'.srttt:, not doe* C .A .C . or Paul Shoccley nee e . y believe or agree with the statements of Connie Awareanees. Paul interprets the eretgiea as Its aces them in trance levels and is yet personall y eaposudble tot what is setd.ldanaiaere of C .A .C . are incited to send in questions of Rrecal interest to ask Awareoesa for poaslbie publication , ow to ea/ with IJ 7T H FAMILY DIVISIO N OVER TH E COSMI C AWARENES S MATERIA L Paui Shockley, Interprete r QUESTION : '(Prom a C .A .C . Genera! Reading, August 5, 1980 ) This is a question from S .M. of Chicago, and we've had many variations of this same question and Awarenes s has gone into some aspects of this ; but since it is a problem and a dilemma which faces many of the member - ship, I'd like to read the question and ask Awareness to comment : "There have been numerous references in earlier material sent to the membership concerning the cost o f the Beast material in individuals' personal lives . I currently am in a situation which I believe to be more univ - ersal than I originally thought .. Even though this is a personal question that I would like to ask Awareness, I helieve that the answer may benefit many other readers in a similar situation . My situation is this : About a year ago when things with the Beast were peaking, my spouse, who is not a t all sympathetic with any of my Light activities since she is an atheist who thinks this is all a bunch of `crap' , but is very much a `Christian' at heart, was feeling very very threatened by my activities, even though I kep t most of them concealed from her . One day, after listening to one of my Dr . Beter tapes, she fell apart and threatened to leave our marriage . If it were not for our two small children I probably would have let her g o and work out things by myself . She insisted that I give up all of my activities with my A .R.E . study group, 0 ( anti anv other related organizations FOREVER or she was leaving .
  • 2. I was able to convince her to stay by stating that I would give up these activities and never, (or as long as I could), present this matter to her again . Since then I have had to go underground with my activities in orde r to be true to my own beliefs, because I still love her .and want my family to be complete . I have been dealin g with this matter almost daily in the mental rather than the physical . So far, I believe that I have been success- ful in dealing with these negative energies . However, I am not altogether thrilled with the prospect of being a closet C.A.C . member forever, and would like to reconcile these energies as soon as possible . 1 would like Awareness to comment on the cause of this situation and just how one should deal with this, and can I expec t any changes in the near or distant future? " COSMIC AWARENESS : THE FOUR DISTINCT STAGES OF MARRIAG E This Awareness indicates that this as having two different parts for consideration . This Awareness indicates that in the Aquarian Church wedding ceremony, there are listed four distinct stages of the marriage throug h which entities generally move . This Awareness indicates the first stage being that of the romance period, wher e in entities come together, expecting the other to fulfill the dreams, hopes and wishes which the entity has always sought in a mate . This Awareness indicates that this romance period as that which usually occurs nea r the time of the wedding and remains for a short period thereafter . This Awareness indicates that this romance perio d as that wherein the entities do not fully know eac h other, nor do they' care to know each other,—they prefe r to have the illusion that the other fills the bill and fits ~ ?~ ~~ the expectations which they hold in their mind as th e rvq concept of the ideal mate . This Awareness indicate s or ( ~ often, these expectations of this ideal mate have nothin g i at all. to do with the reality of the mate.; the mate may ° II__ be entirely different from that which the entity believes — :__._ to he the mate. This Awareness indicates that this rom- ance period as a time wherein entities are infatuated, i n love, and romantically envision a particular lifestyle o f fulfillment as the result of this marriage to this mate . This Awareness indicates this as the first stage of mane _~ . iage, and this generally lasts a rather brief time afte r Ii j lon g the marriage occurs : this may y be as long as several - months, or may last for a year or so, but seldom longer . This Awareness indicates that after the first romanti c period, there comes the second stage of the marriage , { this wherein the entity suddenly realizes what he or sh e } has done in having married this entity who will not fi t l,I into the concept which the entity is supposed to fit . This Awareness indicates at this point;, the partners of th e marriage begin to discover the other partner for what h e really is, and in this discovery, the entities begin to feel that they have been cheated, ripped-off, defrauded an d otherwise insulted in having been brought into a marr- iage with this entity who will not fulfill, has not fulfilled , and does not appear to be interested in fulfilling the expectations of the person . i,tlill't _ ' . This Awareness indicates that, both parties may fee l similar toward each other, or one may wish to fulfill th e expectations but not he able to do so . This Awarenes s indicates that each party may attempt to fulfill some o f the expectations, but niay'resent doing so . This Aware- ness indicates that each party may express his or he r needs, and those expressions of needs and demands may put such a heavy burden on the other partner that th e other partner feels that he or she has also been totally violated by the experience of marriage . This Awareness indicates that essentially in this second stage, this as the tug-of-war between the partners, and these partner s find themselves in conflict over values which each holds dear, and over expectations which each holds dear , and over pride which each feels is being violated by the other . The self-expression and self-esteem of each part- ner may be threatened by the other, and the entities appear to have little respect for each other . This perio d of the tug-of-war, this as the second stage, and' this may last for quite some time, depending on how long th e entities can continue in such a relationship . This Awareness indicates that this tug-of-war between the entities often deals with the expectations of one , wherein the one seeks to get the other to perform properly according to what was expected of him or her, an d the other refuses or is unable to fulfill those expectations, or becomes rebellious and simply refuses to fulfil l 2.
  • 3. those expectations, or feels overwhelmed by the prospect of attempting to fulfill such expectations . This Awareness indicates in a situation of this type, it is not necessary for each partner to attempt to fulfill the ex- pectations of the other . It is necessary, however, that each listens to the other and each shares his or her feel- ings about those expectations, and that each allows the other to continue holding such expectations with th e understanding that neither is obligated to fulfill those expectations, This Awareness indicates this type of co m munication can assist these entities in recognizing the individuality of each person as being supreme, necessar y and precious in the relationship, and that neither entity owns the other, and that neither entity wins other, and that each has his or her own path, each has his or her own destiny, though these destinies may co- incide with each other's directions on some levels, they need not coincide on every level . This Awareness indicates that wherein one feels threatened by the values of another, this often is a reflect - ion of that one entity 's insecurities, and it may be that the entities need to discuss these insecurities rathe r than the values of the other . This Awareness indicates this can occur in stage two, whereby entities begin t o discover portions of themselves in relationship to each other . This Awareness indicates that whether thes e entities discover anything during this time or not may determine whether the marriage reaches stage three . This Awareness indicates that at stage three, each partner begins to give up on the other . The partners o f the marriage simply throw up their hands in disgust and say, "I cannot deal with you . 1 will just have to simply live my life as 1 choose and not . depend on you for anything . " This Awareness indicates that in stage three, the partners in giving up on each other., may begin to look at themselves and work on themselves and : unlike stage two, wherein each blames the other for any problems, in stage three each entity may begin look- ing at his or her own weakness, his or her own errors and forget about blaming the other , This Awareness indicates that in stage three ; each partner may begin discovering more and more abou t one 's self and moving into actions of personal interest,--taking classes, studying s ;,nie course of interest, mak- ing new friends, becoming involved in outside activities,--creating a totally separate lifestyle from the other , whereby these mutual interests are no longer closely linked, but whereby each of the partners is developin g a path and a life which is satisfactory to himself or hei elf, according to the immediate interests . This Aware- ness indicates the danger in stage three begins to occur when these entities find themselves creating separat e paths and lifestyles to such a degree that they can no longer communicate with each other, and when thi s occurs, there is the possibility of the parting of the ways, so that . the entities may not have anything left i n common to continue the marriage with . This Awareness indicates that the way to avoid this kind of separat- ion is for the entities to allow each other the separate lifestyle,, hut on every opportunity where the entitie s come together, to communicate to each other exactly what you are doing, exactly what your interests are , what your pleasures are, and to enjoy listening to each other as though you were speaking to a friend o r stranger, rather than to some entity in whom you have invested your life . sass This Awareness indicates that in this way you. remain in touch with each other, you understand each other , you begin to find a respect for the individuality of the other being, rather than simply attempting to use th e other being to fulfill your individuality . This Awareness indicates that as this occurs, a mutual respect begin s to develop, very slowly, whereby there is also a curiosity about the other entity which begins to develop, an d the beings in this marriage suddenly begin to discover each other for what they are, rather than for what the y want the other to be . This Awareness indicates this stage may take quite some time or may move slowly, but whereby the comm- unication between these entities continues, even though their lifestyles differ, the communication is that whi c can assist in leading these entities to stage four, whereby they discover, in fact, who each other is with fres h eyes, with fresh interest, and with a concern for each other's welfare without the possessive, clinging, greed y attachments which were present in the second stage . This Awareness indicates that in this fourth stage, th e entities begin to look at each other again, discovering the other 's interests and values . not feeling that yo u have the right to direct the other's life, but being willing to assist when necessary and when needed, and ass- isting because you care about the other . This Awareness indicates that in this fourth stage, there is a new typ e of romance which develops, not based on illusions and expectations of the other, but based rather on th e awareness of who the other is, what the other ' s values are, what the interests are, what the talents are, wha t the entity is doing, what the entity wants to do, and the mutual respect which the entities can share with eac h other . In this fourth stage, each entity not only develops interests of their own, but also discovers and become s interested in the other . This Awareness indicates this fourth stage continues and continues and continues as each watches the othe r and becomes more and more respectful of the individuality which they married and more and more loving i n the communications which they share . This Awareness indicates from this fourth stage develops the ideal marriage, and this as that which is lasting, which entities dream of. This Awareness indicates those entities who cannot move beyond the first, second or third stage withou t the marriage breaking up . will simply need to move through these stages in yet another marriage with anothe r entity, for these stages will be present until entities move through and pass into that fourth stage of marriage . This Awareness indicates that essentially, this as what is occurring in your situation . This Awareness indicate s dirt that whether this involved the Awareness material, Dr . Beter 's material, or something else, it would still hav e been the same . This Awareness indicates had it not been this, it could have been a bowling night out once a week or some similar action which would lead to this showdown . This Awareness indicates that essentially , when you begin to give up your own individuality in order to preserve the status quo and to fulfill the dem- ands or adhere to the demands of another, this as only a temporary solution, a minor victory for one at th e expense of the other. 3
  • 4. This Awareness indicates at this particular point , your wife has felt victorious, hut now begins feelin g pangs of guilt deep inside ; it has given a certain type o f security proving to her that she does have power an d control to hold the reins on you, and therefore ha s allowed this action as an expression of her power an d control and this allows the entity to feel greater strengt h in the control of the marriage itself . rI'liis Awareness 'indicates that wherein the entity can control he r husband like the cowboy controls his horse, th e entity is much more secure . This Awareness indicates, . however, this security does not bring satisfaction, for it is not love whic h the entity is tied with, but the control which th e entity has . This Awareness indicates this control does not indicate love from the husband, except as a kin d of test : "if the husband really loves me he will sac- rifice for me . " This Awareness indicates that this kind of test is only satisfactory in terms of supplementin g the entity's insecurities with some proven test to sho w that the entity really has control over the heart of he r husband . This Awareness indicates that as this devel- ops, the entity will begin to experience repercussion s from this kind of thing_ and if it continues along thi s _ line . the entity will place more tests upon her husban d giving him more demands which he must fulfill i n order to prove his place with her and to prove that h e really cares . This Awareness indicates that as this kind of relat- ionship progresses, eventually, the entity holding the reins will begin to wonder, "1 have this entity so wel l tied up he can never get away, he truly loves me . He has done all of these things for me, yet I still feel insecure and unsatisfied . What is it I really need?" This Awareness indicates that at this point, the entity begins looking ,- ~ around and may decide that her husband simply is not fulfilling her needs, and maybe she needs someone els e who is stronger, who is a real challenge to her . This Awareness indicates at this point, the entity may begin flirting with the concepts of an affair with tha t certain man who looked at her in a certain way and made her feel like she was something special . This Aware- ness indicates, of course, the entity already has her husband and does not want to lose what she has, but thi s other entity might be more fulfilling to her needs . This Awareness indicates that, therefore, the entity wil l continue holding the reins on her husband, but will also look around for something better . This Awareness indicates this as the path on which such a relationship is on, whereby the entity who give s in too much on certain values of his own or her own individuality and interests to the other for purposes o f helping the other feel secure . This Awareness indicates that a certain amount of this may be necessary to pre - serve the marriage ; but if this continues, then the marriage becomes threatened by the action itself ; for on e entity in total submission to another does not make a marriage,--it makes a situation which is disinterestin g to both parties . This Awareness indicates that. the same situation as described here may well occur, likewise, with the role s reversed, whereby the husband may hold the strings on the wife and the wife may become so submissive t o the will of the husband who is over-demanding, and the husband eventually may become bored with such su b missiveness and therefore Iook around for something more exciting and interesting . This Awareness indicate s that a mutual respect can only come about when each individual expresses his or her own individuality . This Awareness indicates that threats of breaking up a marriage because someone reads a book or listens t o a tape are simply juvenile .This Awareness indicates that threats of sneaking up a marriage because someone explores certain concepts is quite juvenile . This Awareness suggests that this may be pointed out to the entity . This may be discussed . That these threats of separation over concepts and ideas or explorations of concept s and ideas, over listening or reading material, this Awareness indicates that this needs to be looked at and dis- cussed openly . This Awareness suggests that whereby the marriage is used as a kind of weapon against the other in orde r to get your way : "If I. do not receive your obedience. 1. shall bust the marriage into little-bitty pieces ' "--thi s Awareness indicates this kind of behavior and rationale is that which is very disrespectful to the marriage vows , to each other, and to the concept of marriage . This Awareness indicates that this as a very juvenile attitude . This Awareness indicates that wherein entities recognize this, it should be discussed with the partner . Thi s Awareness suggests that whereby the partners can discuss this, even if the discussion becomes somewhat heated . so that. the discussion can lead to a better understanding and balance of the real issues, then the marriage ca n be brought into something of a more beneficial type of relationship . 4.
  • 5. This Awareness suggests that the real issues at hand are not these tapes, are not these lessons, are not thes e philosophies or ideas,---the real issues are insecurities within each person : the feeling that those, "ideas, con- cepts, tapes and records may be some kind of threat to my security . " This Awareness indicates that the entity who feels that, is the one who needs to examine the insecurities . This Awareness indicates that these personal insecurities are not the problems, not the values and discussions and philosophies and ideas . This Awareness indicates that wherein entities begin to discuss these insecurities, there can be brought ou t the reasons for the insecurities, and these can be dealt with wherein the entities may reassure each other, th e entities may assist each other in looking at these insecurities . This Awareness indicates that these kinds of dis- cussions about these personahinsecurities are essential in creating a relationship that shares deeper feelings . This Awareness indicates that wherein entities do not want to hear of the other's insecurities, wherein entitie s do not want the other to express anything that makes them feel insecure or read or hear anything that make s them feel insecure, such entities are simply acting on a superficial level, which will only last so long as the glit- ter remains, and the lives become shallow until something shakes them out of the situation . This Awarenes s indicates there are many such relationships, and these are not headed for healthy expressions, but are headed for difficulties . This Awareness indicates the only true relationships and only marriages which can be lasting are those whic h move toward greater communication, respect for the other partner, concern for the welfare of the other, desir e to hear the other without feeling threatened by the other's expressions, without feeling that you must fulfil l every need of the other . This Awareness indicates that the entity who remains true to himself or herself, yet is capable of giving o f himself or herself to the other and is capable of listening and desiring to hear what the other says withou t feeling threatened, without getting overly frustrated or feeling that you must respond in a particular way t o that other,--this Awareness indicates this entity as one who is capable of assisting in a healing process, an d the marriage has its possibilities . This Awareness indicates, this, of course, requires that both partners eventually desire the marriage to con- tinue ; that one partner cannot make the marriage, regardless of how much effort and understanding the ent- ity has . This Awareness indicates, however, one partner in having deep understanding, patience, and wisdo m and desire, can assist in a kind of nursing action which can nurse the marriage along, even though it may b e sickened from the actions of the other partner, until the other partner also begins to respond and begins t o assist in healing the marriage . This Awareness indicates that, therefore, it is important for entities not to expect the other partner to begi n the action of healing the marriage, nor to wait for the other partner to do so, but it is important that you , yourself, begin this action while remaining true to y our own needs, your own self, still responding also to th e needs and interests and, welfare of the other. This Awareness indicates that these responses to the marriage by the one entity allow the other the opportunity also to respond . This Awareness indicates with patience, a n entity with determination and understanding can begin nursing the marriage back to better health, and th e other partner, recognizing this action, may also respond and assist in a similar mariner . This Awareness indi- cates, however, that in so nursing the marriage back to better health, this Awareness suggests that you no t sicken yourself or weaken yourself or grovel at the feet of the other to do so . This Awareness suggests yo u nurse this marriage back while still keeping your self-respect . This Awareness suggests that you continu e your own spiritual direction and destiny, for that is soul and business and purpose and should not, under any circumstances, be allowed to be placed in the hands of another . This Awareness indicates your own destiny is your responsibility, and you cannot allow another to dictat e to you where you should go spiritually, how you should get there, and whether you should take this path o r that path . This Awareness indicates that you, yourself, have that right, responsibility and obligation to deter - mine in your own mind, in your own heart, in your own soul which path to follow . This Awareness indicates that if you compromise on this most important concern, if you compromise on this essential aspect of you r being, then you will compromise on all other levels in order to appease someone who makes demands on yo u in a strong enough way . This Awareness indicates that it is not a matter, so much, of disobeying your wife o r her wishes ; it is more a matter of doing what you, yourself, need to do, and communicating so well with you r wife in regards to this, that she does not feel threatened by your action, but feels a kind of respect for your courage . This Awareness suggests, for example, you may reverse the game which she played on you and let her se e the mirror image of this action, informing her that you feel extremely insecure because you cannot have th e information you need to understand the world situation, to understand what, is going on, to make decisions, to properly he informed, because you have given this agreement with her and she has denied you your source r of information and is threatening you with the marriage as a weapon of destruction . This Awareness indicates that you may explain to her your plight and your feelings while still allowing hex the control over the situatio n so that she understands your plight and still feels that she holds the power, the reins and the controls . This Awareness indicates that the probable action , if she understands this clearly enough and if you explain you r feelings well enough, the probable action is that she will yield to your needs ' and allow you to receive som e of the information . This Awareness indicates the next probable action is that she will engage with you in a 4.
  • 6. discussion about the information, and from this discussion there may b e a possibility that the two of you can reach some mutual, philosophical understanding in regards to the atheistic or Christian doctrine whic h she holds, along with the other concepts and ideas which you hold , so that a mutual discussion can gradually come about. Thi s awareness indicates this mutual discussion leading to bette r understanding of the concepts involved, so that they do no t appear to be such threats. This Awareness suggests that the other possibility is tha t you will have another showdown, and the showdown wil l lead to intensities of discussion which will be opportunitie s for clearing some of the pent-up feelings which you hav e and which she may be developing through certain insecur e feelings which she has experienced . This Awareness suggests, however, that the real solution to the problem will com e about best when you look deeply at yourself , discover you r own personal needs, turn inward and focus on your own lif e while continuing to supply the necessary energies to you r responsibilities and sort of disconnect your intense reliance o n your mate, so that the relationship between you becomes les s highly charged emotionally and you develop your ow n directions without quite such a strung attachment to th e entity, without such fear of offending the entity, bu t whereby you continue communicating on a lighter level . This Awareness indicates this as an action of moving graduall y and carefully into the third stage of marriage, so that you develo p yourself and begin a cooling process, pulling away from the tug-of-war, withou t surrending totally your individuality . This Awareness indicates that in moving-Into the third stage, you will also need to encourage this entity t o develop her own individuality also, and . yet you will need to continue having close communication with th e entity and sharing the experiences which you have with her while open and interested in hearing of her exper- iences . This Awareness indicates this kind of daily communication about each other's lifestyles can allow bot h ofyou to continue being together, even while your own individualities are being expressed . This Awareness suggests that you begin moving through that third stage of your marriage with an understanding that the fourt h stage is ready whenever each of you is ready to look more closely at the individuality of the other in a wa y which is accepting of that other, while still remaining true to your own individuality and your own purpose and direction . This Awareness indicates that so long as one entity feels he or she is sacrificing his or her lif e for the other, his or her directions and purposes and interests for the other, there will be a kind of resentmen t developing which will eventually surface as hostility for the other, and this hostility will be felt ; and even whe n one wins an argument against the other and gets one's way at the expense of the other, that entity will feel a certain guilt along with the victory, and that feeling of it will cause the entity to feel badly that he or sh e has upset the other, and that feeling badly will cause the entity to feel unworthy of the other ; and if this in - creases enough, the marriage again drifts further and further apart .---communication suffers . Therefore, this Awareness indicates the only healthy relationship is that wherein each entity respects th e other, gives service to the other, while still retaining his or her own individuality and allowing the other tha t same right, and whereby each is willing and desirous of communicating to resolve any problems which occu r and wherein each feels almost ill if •a problem is not resolved between them . This Awareness indicates wherei n entities have the love between them, such entities cannot tolerate prolonged, separate frustrations, hostilities or hurts, one for the other, and cannot be satisfied until they have resolved the conflicts which are there . This Awareness indicates that there are other marriages and situations wherein the conflicts are chronic , continuous . and do not change and become part of the marriage itself, and these conflicts never being resolved , are seething hostilities which sap the enemies of the partners and eat away at the marriage until it has no valu e other than as a karmic sickness and karmic relationship between the entities . This Awareness indicates these kinds of chronic frustrated marriages can be resolved 'only by delving into those energies which brought abou t feelings of guilt, frustration, hostility, resentment and inequality between the partners . When these are brough t up and discarded by discussions, communications, and a desire to rid the marriage of these things, then, an d only then, can the partners fully enjoy each other . This Awareness indicates that such partners do, however , need to mutually agree thatrthis kind of relationship is desirous and is wanted, and if such agreement occurs , then the partners must be willing to put forth the agreement and energies to delve deeply into the marriage problems and pull these out and discuss them thoroughly, not to discover who is right or wrong, but to dis- cover how these problems can be reconciled, so that both parties win, and the marriage wins . .6 .
  • 7. HOW TO RESPOND ^WHEI'J YOUR OWN PHILOSOPH Y IS THROWN BACK AT YO U (How to accept criticism and hostility t ;, cm another ) QUESTION : Awareness, in a case like this, what would You advise the entity if the wife woul d turn upon him and use some of his own philosophy and throw it at him . For example, "You spout the `Law of Love' in one moment and the next momen t you treat me like this . Do you consider this placing the welfare and the concer n and the consideration of me above yourself?" How should he respond to tha t accusation ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the least offensive response the entity could make to such an accusatio n would he to express appreciation for that observation and state, "Thank you for pointing that out . I'll look at that and see if I can improve, or see if that is so," or may say, "Thank. you for pointing that out . I;'m not sure that I agree with you, but you may be correct. I'l1 have to think about that . " This Awareness indicates there are many ways whereby entities, rather than attacking in return, can resis t not and accept the attach: of another in a manner which is so gracious that it disarms the opponent . This Awareness indicates this likened unto one thrusting a knife at you, and you simply reach out and say, "Than k you . I'll put that away ," as you discard the knife from them . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entit y attacks you with verbal abuse, the most disarming way to deal with that is to thank them for their observat- ion, ask them if they have anything more clear or constructive, or if they wish to discuss this in greater detail , admit that there may be some truth to it, particularly if you feel there is , This Awareness indicates another action is to thank them for their observation and acknowledge that the y must have strong feelings, and acknowledge that you respect their feelings, even though you also have stron g feelings which are not the same as theirs . This Awareness indicates that in stating this in such a manner, the entity does not feel that the feelings are unnoticed or disrespected, but the entity feels that his expression to you has been acknowledged and is valid, even though you may not agree on what he has expressed, an d this calls forth that the entity, in return, also respect your feelin g s as you express them . This Awareness ind- icates that otherwise, if the entity did not respect your feelings after you have been so courteous toward his feelings, this makes the entity look like some kind of had sport . This Awareness indicates that the action o f accepting criticism from another,--strong feelings, strong opinions and even strong hostilities from another, — accepting these in a gracious manner, not necessarily af7eeing with the expression, but accepting them as the feelings of that entity, and respecting the feelings of the entity because you respect the entity ; this tends to disarm the entity and allows them to have full, free expression without feelings of being threatened for havin g expressed themselves, and this also allows those feelings to be purged from . the entity without creating strong- er and more hostile feelings which would occur if you threw heck your charge at them for having expressed themselves . This Awareness indicates that in this manner, entities can unload some of their personal garbag e on you without you having to eat that garbage and without you having to throw your garbage back on them , but whereby you simply take their garbage, thank them for it, discard it carefully and respectfully, whil e acknowledging to them that you do not necessarily buy their opinion, but you respect it anyway, because you respect them . This Awareness indicates you then, in turn, may bring up your garbage or your feelings , present it for them to look at without shoving it down their throats. This Awareness indicates in this manner , entities can learn to communicate with each other about those things which are highly charged emotionally , and can assist in pulling up the garbage out of the subsconscious emotional parts of each other, and allowin g each other to pull this up from themselves. Some Things You Get from a Marriage Mate you Didn't Expect This Awareness reminds entities when you marry another, you marry not only the entity who speaks t o you, you also marry the entity's progra .mniings which are deep inside, which have come from vast numbers of experiences from childhood, from many kinds of programmings, from very many people . You also marry the values of that entity and all of the values that the entity has allowed other to place upon her or him . You also marry the entity's relatives and families and friends, hopes, dreams, wishes, expectations, fears and insec- urities . This Awareness indicates in one sense, it is an absolute wonder that strangers can come together and ge t along reasonably well at all ; and this Awareness suggests that it is because of this wide variety of experience s and aberrations and identifications which every entity brings to a marriage, which must comingle with th e aberrations, identifications, and associations of the other entity---it is because of these, that marriages mus t seta- move through the four stages mentioned . This Awareness indicates that these stages : the romance, the ti-of- _w r , the separate ways, and the mutualdiscovery of • other ---these are the road map which entities may use as they move through toward tha mutual discovery of each other . This Awareness indicates as entities watch these different stages of the marriage, they may know where they are, where they stand, wha t comes next, what they must do to preserve that marriage . This A.wateness wishes entities to study these stages , the information previously given, for this can be of great importance and much assistance in solving your prob - l ems in relationship . F.
  • 8. HEAVY COMMUNICATION . . . WHAT TO DO WHEN TEARS AND CRYING OCCU R QUESTION : 1 was wondering if Awareness had any advise for the husbands who canno t handle tears or emotional outbursts when the discussion gets heavy, as in a situation that was in the previous question, and the wife bursts into tears an d the discussion is ended at that point because the husband cannot handle th e tearful outburst ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this can be seen as a kind of situation whereby one must look very carefull y at why the entity burst into tears ; and from that particular understanding, the entity may determine the prop- er response . This Awareness wishes to point out different or alternate situations : This Awareness indicates in some instances, an entity may cry simply because the entity has no other re - course, and tears are the only thing left for the entity, because the entity is so deeply hurt by what has happ- ened . This Awareness indicates in such a situation, the entity does need consolation, and the dispute or con- flict may end at that point and discussions may begin . This Awareness indicates that in a sense, wherein thi s occurs, it often is an indication that the husband or the one who has forced the other into such a position , nas been overbearing and insensitive in the discussion . This Awareness indicates this not always the case, bu t as generally the situation . This Awareness indicates that in a different situation, however, an alternate situation, may be whereby th e wife, or the one who breaks into tears, uses the tears as a kind of weapon to win, whereby the entity know s Ghat if all else fails, tears will win the argument . This Awareness indicates that wh .erei.n this occurs, the tech- nique of winning the argument needs to be discussed, looked at in a logical way, whereby both entities are forced to discuss and observe how these tears are being used for a weapon . This Awareness indicates that , however, in so discussing the use of tears as a weapon, one must also recognize that perhaps the weapon is necessary ; for if that weapon is taken from the entity, perhaps the entity has no other recourse or weapo n for winning or defending herself or himself, and perhaps tears are the only thing that can be satisfactory or c :an protect the entity 's rights against overwhelming odds and strength or rationale . This Awareness indicates that likewise, there are entities who settle their affairs or attempt to solve the argument by going silent, as th e lirtle entering a shell . This Awareness indicates that such entities may find this the only solution, as the on e who they are in conflict with is much too stsorg, and therefore they must retreat : into their shell. This Aware- ness indicates this often infuriates the other, and the other may seek to pry them out of their shell, eithe r through persuasion or force. This Awareness indicates that the entity trying to pry them from the shell may consider the action of moving into a shell an escapist action, attempting to escape not to defend oneself, bu t to win by not being present for the discussion which the other entity felt he had "in the bag" . This Awareness indicates that likewise, another entity may seek to win the argument by sheer force o f emotion, or through physical expression : the throwing of a dish, the scream of a word, shouting of sentence s or epithets . This Awareness indicates that such entities may, in fact, be using these emotions, these physica l ;;act:ions or threats of violence in order to win `S;jll annther_entity may use th.eysy_stem of being somewhatcsw. - deseendi~ • : . •. •?, arr, shoulder a few words of advice; l, ydtfllgetit togeth - er, you're still struggling . 'oa.i 'll probably understand my side when you become somewhat more intelligent . " This Awareness indicates that still another entity may win, or seek to win, the argument by presenting pur e scientific reasoning and logic which is so flawless that it seems impossible that anyone other than an absolut e idiot could ignore the truth . This Awareness indicates this entity may be absolutely right in the logical sense , but may have absolutely no understanding of the problem which is causing the argument ; for the argument may be over the use of the dishwasher, and the discussions may involve long, logical discussions about th e dishwasher, but the problem itself may have something to do with the other person's desire to be somewher e else, to go somewhere else, or to visit an Aunt, but the other person may not be bold enough, to bring thi s out. Therefore, the entity simply has raised a fuss about the dishwasher as a substitute for the problem whic h is bottled-up in .dFe . This Awareness indicates the more logical the entity may attempt to be in regards to th e dishwasher, the more determined the illogical party may be in not letting the other win the argument, regard - less of the logic in his statements . This Awareness indicates that, therefore, there are many causes and many ways entities can attempt to wi n their point of view : from the logical, the illogical, the emotional, the Iack ot: emotion, the physical--throug h threats of violence, or attempts to leave or threats of leaving, or through insinuations, accusations, condescend- ing remarks and certain sarcasms, through tears, through wailing, through stubborn and permanent seethin g hostilities and manipulations, through revenge, through telling others of the abuse which you have receive d from your mate or spouse, through public or private insults for the other in revenge for previous relationshi p problems . This Awareness indicates there are many ways whereby entities can hurt each other and seek to wi n and better their position during the tug-of-war stage . This Awareness indicates there are only a few ways whereby entities can come together in mutual affectio n and communication, and this must start with the entity first caring enough about the other to be willing to admit that, "Even though we disagree, I still want you ; I still love you . I want us to be together, and I want us to resolve our differences in a way which is satisfactory to both of us and all others concerned . " ** e*
  • 9. HOW THE PLANET IS BEING PREPARED FOR THE NEW AG E (The Wanderers are Coming .. The Wanderers are coming) (Excerpt from a Personal Reading given to a CAC Member, Jan . 29, 1981) 4 COSMIC AWARENESS : . .. .This Awareness indicates that these these entities [friends th e questioner had asked about) also were traveling companicns o f yours in previous experiences such as in the time of the time o f the Peru lifetime in Lake Titicaca, and these entities as having bee n of the same mission which you were involved in through the travel s between Venus, Earth, and the cities beneath the Earth . This Aware- nets indicates that this as having a strong influence on your presen t research into UFOs and the channeling involved for you are no w on a similar mission wherein you are born into the world but not of it, and are serving as agents or Wander- ers for those forces which still seek to raise the vibrations of this planet . This Awareness indicates that thi s activity of realigning your consciousness to your divine purpose and mission is that which has begun gather- ing momentum for you, for your friends, at a time when others on similar missions on this planet are also be- ginning to awaken to their divine mission, which is not programmed in public school . This Awareness indic- ates that essentially the action of surrendering to the divine force within is that which shall accelerate you r performance of your mission and a this occurs with you, with your associates, it also is beginning to occur with other entities–other entities on this plane who have similar callings so that the combined actions, thoug h apparently independent, are in fact being brought into action in such a way as to create a network of energie s that raise the vibration of this planet . tent. this Awareness indicates that wherein at present there are approximately_ 60 million Wan . erers in the nits ,i r c ucirn e ildren . These b Too . c t • ren are growing o . er and wi in a brief time begin to experience some of these energies deep within themselves, and as these energies begin surging To i' ' these children shall be stirred into an awakening, so that a great change in PAW.3>g, La.-R4-- consciousness begins to be expressed by the mass mind of entities through A . 1% old gi $r , kW - these Wanderers, through these children, through these who are awakening raappod from itek 'a to discover. Who In Fact They Really Are . gunman was r' tttad ' '. - herm> d hest ntgltt. a9'Dtr ; a This Awareness indicates that within approximately 10 years, entities masstelaphoned tier parents will begin to realize that these concepts of eternal life, concepts of soul as and said the child was too pretty to Dull, the,lri's fa a reality, and body as a temporary clothing of the soul, and as entities g they said. become more consciously aware of these concepts as realities rather than "He called and told us as theories, these entities shall also begin to look at the "long body" or she was at Lake Fores t "lingering soul" which stretches back many lifetimes, and as entities do Shopping Center. He told us she such ee woul t this they become more concerned about their. destiny and less concerned o by; otherwise he woul dd a about their appetites for the moment . This Awareness indicates that this have wasted her," said Ron assists in eliminating many of the fears of insecurity that entities experience Hamm, father of the kid - and allows for entities to focus on the more meaningful priorities of their Wrap ed Left Hocum. personal experience . As this occurs with more and more entities, the vibrations Miye said sire hol a was taken by 8 man who ppar- of the planet begin to take on new character and form . enUy bad intended to bur - . glartze the Hocum famil y house. THE WATERGATE SCENARI O ( Did Richard Militates Nixon know shout the Synthetics? ) QUESTION : (From a CAC Gen . Reading, June 30, 1980 ) A question from J .W. of Omaha, Nebraska . "From one of my sources I learned this interesting item : Pres- ident Nixon was forced from office, not because of the Watergate situation, but because he was about t o reveal the synthetic robot situation . If appropriate, could the question of the real reason for President Nixon' s demotion be asked of Awareness, and possibly whether or not his life would be in jeopardy if he, himself , revealed the true reason?" COSMIC AWARENESS : 9.
  • 10. This Awareness indicates this appears to he negative as the true reason ; however, there appears to be som e indication that this was a factor . `.This Awareness indicates that, eessent:iatly , ttheg ntify Ri Ic ward Nixo ;r entere d the White i' ~ : ,red <' .in • the ?ow >rs wh ch v:'fr ,r . ally in control of the United States, r~d ;rtf~ opte d L"~ 7rdl a cc team around him to shield him from ti we powers . s that he could zt~c~io n se saw to begin the best interests of the nation, is awareness indlea :cs t iat the entity did not trust Nelso n Rockefeller or Davi i Rockefeller ror did they trust him. This Awareness indicates that is the scenario fo r the Watergate situation . This Awareness indicates that these entities were in general conflict, and essentially, the entity Nelso n Rockefeller was the stronger factor in removing Richard Nixon from office . This Awareness suggests tha t Richard Nixon was attempting to play both sides ; attempting to pretend to serve the Rockefellers and als o attempting to pretend to serve the interests of the country, but essentially was more interested in his ow n role and responsibility than in either of the others . This Awareness indicates this not because the entity was particularly self-centered, so much as the entity did not fully understand the nature of the game he was play- ing, and felt ; himself, as President, to be in charge of the United States and its destiny . This Awareness ind- icates the entity realized the power held by the Rockefellers, but because of dreams which he had held fro m childhood . believed somehow the office of President was more powerful than the bankin establishment. This Awareness indicates that the actual Watergate scenario was set up , using Nelson Rockefeller in a way so that he was also an intended victi m of the Watergate scandal . This Awareness indicates this was set up in a manner which would expose the Chase Manhattan Bank and Nelson Rock- efeller in the drug empire, which later was disclosed in Spotlight of Libert y Lobby . This Awareness indicates that, likewise, the Watergate scandal wa s intended also to expose the Golden Triangle and efforts in which Nixo n was to be financed by money from the Mafia, whereby drugs sold throug h these sources would produce certain monies for (he Nixon . This Awareness indicates this, however, did not come out in th e Watergate scandals, as the Rockefel er powers were able to shield tlx e amount of information which was released through these scandals . This Awareness indicates that_ estienti l~r.'tli g Roc~l ;efellers gontrotlecl - he Watergate, scenario from 1)cgiiinin to er?.d, even though there wer e also ter a no ok `)c unite e er powers, who were sending inform - ation ii' to the panel or investigating commits ee . This Awareness ind- icates that regardless of this, there was much which was suppressed, s o that only a few were caught in the trap which had been set to catch _ A others . nse Sl19tLE :Things cud l This Awareness indicates that, essentially, Baron Rothschild was one who was behind the Watergate trap , but the entity Nelson Rockefeller did not get caught in the trap . This Awareness indicates there were als o entities who had hoped that through this Watergate scandal, not only would the Rockefellers be exposed . but also the Baron Rothschild and the Rothschild clan would be exposed . This Awareness indicates that the situation ended abruptly and the lid was closed before . any further ex- posure occurred . This as being the main reason why Nixon was pardoned,---the pardon being so that he woul d not speak out any Wither as to what was really occurr-ing ..This Awareness indicates the entity issinger. as_ having been Rockefeller's agent in setting up the general entrapment process . Thatthis entity and Joh n ; Mite le en.. ot• .ers invo ve were are genera v part of t . .e same organization, but that the entity Kissinger as being the one who most carefully and closely represented the Rockefeller interests . This Awareness ind- icates that the entity Kissinger also had intended that the Watergate scandal include Nelson Rockefeller . Thi s Awareness indicates that as this did not occur in this manner indicated, the future plans were changed, a s indicated in the January and February tapes of Dr . &ter in the months of :1979,- . -the January and February and March tapes, discussing the nature of Kissinger's relationship with the Rockefellers . This Awareness indicates that as part of Nixon's efforts, the last action he could take before leaving office , part of that effort to release some of the power of the offfice was the Information Disclosure Act, which de .. classified much of the information which had been previously kept secret . This Awareness indicates that also , on a more historic cw cosmic level, the entity Richard Nixon served a nuruose similar to that of the Empero r Nero in Rome . whereby the Emperor degraded the office of President, bringing it down to a level whereb y entities no longer respected the office, unless the office was handled property . This Awareness indicate;; that prior to Nero, any entity who was considered as Emperor of Rome would be held in high esteem, unquestion- able, almost as unto a god . After Nero, the office of Emperor lost its intrinsic charm and the Emperor wa s conricicred more. of :a humeri. being, capable of error, whereby the masses could be critical and could evaluat e that entity 's rulership . This Awareness indicates a similar action occurred in this United States with the action of Presiden t Nixon ' s being forced to resign for his association with the Watergate scandal . This Awareness indicates thi s has led entities to look at the Presidency, not as though it were such a high office being such that if th e President: ;;Teaks, then it must occur . 10 .
  • 11. This Awareness indicates that if you will recall, the entity Nixon 's speeches were continually peppered with phrases reminding the masses that he was, indeed, the President, and therefore deserved certain respect . This Awareness indicates that in looking back in retrospect, it becomes clear that those phrases acted almos t in a sense of sacrasm toward the Presidency, to indicate to entities that he was belittling the Presidency wit h sarcasm as he was bringing down the office . This Awareness indicates that entity created the awareness in consciousness that just because an entit y speaks as President, this does not necessarily mean that the entity has the wisdom, understanding or the best : interest of the people in his plans and in his actions . This Awareness indicates this allowed the masses to be - come more skeptical, to question and think, and to distrust the government . This Awareness indicates this a s being necessary and part of a cosmic plan for this earth plane, for the United States, so that entities can be - come aware that freedom does not come from the authority in charge : freedom comes from entities bein g aware of the principles which guarantee freedom, and demanding that the authority in charge follows thos e principles . EARTHQUAKES, WEATHER WARFARE AND DEATH RAY S (The Annihilation of the Snui is now possible ) (Pisan a C.A.C. Goland Readier;, deuce 30, 1980 ) QUESTION : V .K . of San Francisco asks ., " Were the Mt . Saint Helens' volcanic eruptions and the many recent Californi a earthquakes natural occurrences ;. acts of God, or the result of particle beams directed by the Russians? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this being a combination of natural occurrences and artificially-induced vib- rations, caused by the Russians . This Awareness indicates that also, there have been underground discharges in Nevada, in Sitka Islands, this in the past i .5 or 20 years ; and these have also had some effect on what ma y be termed the natural reaction or effect in this eruption . This Awareness indicates that had it not been for these nuclear tests and explosions, this appears not to have been scheduled by the natural forces of the planet : for approximately 200 to 400 years, and possibly not then, for these energies were subsiding and cooling o n the West Coast . This Awareness indicates, however, that these nuclear tests did create a beat and tension deep underground, which caused certain stresses which, in turn, created further heat and shifting of the strata, an d this, over a period of time, led to a gradual heating-up of these mountains of the Cascade Range . This Awareness indicates that this has been further aggravated and greatly intensified more recently by th e Russian use of Testa devices. This Awareness indicates this as a result of the semi-declaration of war, or the renewal of hostilities between the Carter Administration and the Brezhnev Administration over the events in the Middle East . This Awareness indicates that, likewise, the weather patterns which are occurring presently, being of suc h unusual nature, these also are being affected largely by the use of these Russian Tesla devices . This Awareness indicates that the great heat waves, and the record-breaking cold of last month in certain Northern states, th e floods and the tornados being in part, but not totally, the result of these weapons . This Awareness indicates thatessentially, these weapons intensify the weather patterns, rather than actually creating the weather con- ditions . This Awareness indicates there also are certain weaponry used to affect the consciousness of entitie s through a kind of microwave bombardment ; these as being developed and used also by Russia . This Aware- ness indicates that, likewise,_aleUnited States asperfecting certain tvises of death-rays . This Awareness ind- icates these as already having been perfected, wherebvihe rays can be use or destructive purposes at grea t distances . This Awareness indicates these as that which was warned about some ten years ago by this Aware- ness, wherein It spoke of death-rays which could annihilate the soul . This Awareness indicates that essent- ially this death-ray as having that. capability, particularly where the soul is not fully developed . This Awareness indicates that It does seek to keep entities aware of all levels of the developments whic h are occurring, but does not wish entities to become frightened by these . This Awareness indicates that th e annihilation of the soul by these death-rays as that which needs further understanding . This Awareness ind- icates it appears that this wilt not be a major factor, for it does not appear that this will be used . This Aware- ness indicates that there also are forces, other than those of this plane, which can intervene if necessary t o prevent these actions from occurring , This Awareness wishes to comment somewhat further on the statement, "the annihilation of the soul" : This Awareness indicates that this death-ray affects the magnetic field of the substance, the target ; and where - in the soul is made from resonating-electromagnetic energy, it cannot in actuality be totally destroyed, bu t can be defused and dissipated in such a manner that it is highly difficult to bring it back together again . Thi s Awareness indicates that this likened unto Humpty Dumpy falling from the wall . ll .
  • 12. This Awareness indicates that . the death-ray as working on a light, laser, and sound vibration in a manne r whereby it defuses the molecules and the magnetic binding qualities in these molecules, and also affects th e electromagnetic energy field around living creatures, so that the soul is deeply disturbed and harmed, and i t is extremely damaging . This Awareness indicates in a sense the soul, when fully developed, cannot be des- troyed, but the soul can be psychologically annihilated to where it is not functioning according to its intent s and purposes . QUESTION : Would there be any remedy or counter-action that entities could take in such a case, that might restor e the soul ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this will require healers from other dimensions, not of the earth plane . HOW THE DEATH-RAY WORK S t More on Michael and Lt cifa,•'s War in Heaven QUESTION : Then an entity who would be subjected to such a death-ray who had gone through thousands of lifetimes , developing his soul to a certain point, --that ; all of that could be erased and the soul essentially would hav e to start over'again . Js that correct? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that there could he such an occurrence, but the likelihood is that entities fro m other dimensions who are involved in attending to the general health of a soul, such entities could assist an d heal the soul . This Awareness indicates, however, that this may take thousands of your earth years to accom- plish . This Awareness indicates in terms of eternity, however, that this is not seen as a great long time . This Awareness indicates there a i • ,, r advanced in the universe of soul s and soul - stu m 3are to oar most advanced technolo in the hysical wor t ese en i tes are capable o f using thnirulyani'nd tc'hnoingy in c .:n • s_i tnar way t z_a your hvs!ca tecino cg yv_Fs use i n 1realine boclie5 . This Awareness indicates that, thereforee of €:he d thray to attempt or to annihilat e use the soul is similar to what occurs on your plane wherein entities use objects to annihilate the body . This Awareness indicates, however, that your technology has reached a level whereby it is beginning to penetrat e into the other dimensions of the anti-matter world, wherein the souls exist . This Awareness indicates that in your myths and stories and in previous information given by this Aware- ness, you have heard of the battles which have occurred, particularly the rebellion of heaven or Celestria , wherein Lucifer and his followers rebelled, wherein Michael and Lucifer have struggled and fought with eac h other ; and there were, in fact, these wars between angels . This Awareness indicates you have heard of these ; yet you also understand that these angels are spirits, and therefore are indestructible according to human terms . Therefore, the question surely arises : "How do angels and spirits fight in order to win over each other , and how do they harm each other? " /This Awareness indicates these wars take place through the emissions of vibrations toward one another, and these occur in a similar type of vibration as the death-ray emits . This Awareness indicates, however, that these souls such as Lucifer, Michael and others in their various battles throughout the eons of time, thes e wars were not such as to use mechanical devices such as death-rays ; but instead used the vibrations whic h each entity could emit through his or her own consciousness toward the other, and that vibration woul d overpower the other and cause a weakened condition, thereby allowing one to win over the other . This Aware- ness indicates that this did not create a total annihilation of the soul, but created the weakened conditio n wherein the soul was psychologically annihilated for some time, until it could repair itself or be healed b y those spirit healers . This Awareness indicates that the death-ray as having a similar type of vibration . This Awareness does wish again to mention that area known aCimmeria wherein there is no actual iden- tity, but wherein that realm known as Cimmeria is made up of the old, cast-off energies of annihilated souls , –souls which were unsalvageable under any condition ; and the area known as Cimmeria is that which is a seething, teeming mass of unconsciousness, having no purpose, no direction, only appetite which is not ful- filled . This Awareness indicates that in a sense, Cimmeria is likened unto a realm which was annihilated, an d will take even longer before it ever again develops a consciousness which can be capable of holding an identity . QUESTION : Do I understand correctly then, that there is no protection from this death-ray on any level ? COSMIC AWARENESS : 12 .
  • 13. This Awareness indicates that this can only occur from the inner plane and from the forces which may b e used to prevent this weapon from being used . This Awareness indicates that unfortunately, the weapon i s used already in places other than on this earth, in other planetary societies wherein the Alien Force is in oper- ation . This Awareness indicates, however, that there are forces in motion which will prevent the Alien Forc e from holding control of this planet for much longer, and entities can expect freedom from this force withi n the lifetime of their children . MORE ON THE CASCADE VOLCANO CHAI N I The SkoptsisVd'all Decide I QUESTION : One final question in relation to those volcanos : Scientists have been. putting out information that others i n the chain within the next 10 years could erupt and create a really major disaster; Mt. Baker, Mt : . Rainier, Mt. Hood in particular, Mt. Adams etc . Does Awareness see anything of this magnitude occurring within that time ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness suggests this as more likely within the next 20 to 25 years . That within the next 10 year s there is the possibility of another such eruption . This Awareness indicates this appears to he in the Northern Washington area. This Awareness indicates, however, that the span of time for these others to heat-up fo r any further action appears to be within a 20 to 30 year period . This Awareness indicates however, that there are other factors involved which can bring a remission of thi s energy . This Awareness indicates this including the political atmosphere on this planet, which appears to b e heading for a climax and reconciliatinn near the mid-part of this decade, and also a change in the solar emiss- ions–fhe sun-spots activities---this also can subside about that time too . This Awareness indicates this appear s to be approximately 1985 and 1986 when these sunspot activities will begin to subside ; this relieving th e pressure on these mountainous energies and on, other energies around the "ring of fire". This Awareness hid- icates this can then assist in allowing a cooling-off period, whereby these other mountains may not heat-u p enough to cause the eruptions which were experienced by Mt . Saint Helens, Closing Met_.age f This Awareness suggests that the future often appears to be frightening, simply because it is a potentia l for anything to occur . This Awareness indicates that the present is never frightening, although it can includ e shocking events and startling events. This Awareness indicates that' the past is a reminder, and often entitie s react to what has just happened with fear and frustration . This Awareness indicates, however, that it is th e future which entities must he epees to and capable of entering without undo apprehension ; for the future, while having a potential of awesome and frightening events, has also a potential for glorious and wonderfu l events . This Awareness suggests that entities in present look at where you are, take stock of what you have, pre - pare yourself for the future, and work toward that which is the glorious and wonderful potential, while avoid- ing that which is fearsome and awesome . This Awareness indicates it is important to be aware of the potent- ial dangers, so that they may be avoided as you move toward the glorious and wonderful future experiences . r1R AMIGTICIi Wir y: b < CACL rkcI NoLoG Y Artkt's conception of a satellite-Lorne laser destroying a distant enemy target 13.