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Cells that fell into wells with stories to tell
Christopher E. Mason
Associate Professor
Department of Physiology and Biophysics,
The Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute (BMRI) &
The Institute for Computational Biomedicine (ICB) &
the Meyer Cancer Center of Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM)
Fellow of the Information Society Project, Yale Law School
March 28th, 2017
Genetic alterations can be selected for
and potentially drive a tumor’s progression.
Alizadeh et al., “Toward understanding and exploiting tumor heterogeneity.” Nature Medicine, 2015
What else?
Li S, Garrett-Bakelman F, et al., Distinct Evolution and dynamics of epigenetic and genetic heterogeneity in AML. Nature Medicine, 2016.
Li S, et al., “Dynamic Evolution of Clonal Epialleles Revealed by Methclone.” Genome Biology, 2014.
Mosaicism increases with age
Wang Y et al. Maternal mosaicism is a significant contributor to discordant sex chromosomal aneuploidies associated with
noninvasive prenatal testing. Clinical Chemistry 2014; 60(1):251-9.
Epigenetic Drift in Twins
Mario F. Fraga et al. PNAS 2005;102:10604-10609
Horvath S. “DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types.” Genome Biology. 2013;14(10):R115.
Prediction and Precision
Single Cell
Rapid and Efficient Microfluidics
•Partition 100-10,000+ cells
per channel in < 7 minutes
•Run 1 to 8 channels in
•No lower size limit on cells
•Recovers up to 65% of all
loaded cells, including:
–T cells, B cells, PBMCs and cell
–FACS-isolated cells
–MACS MicroBead-enriched cells
•Low doublet rate: 0.9% per
1,000 cells
Assay Scheme for 5’ Barcoding and V(D)J Enrichment
• RT enzyme and poly(dT)
primer delivered to all GEMs
as part of master mix
• Barcoded template switch
oligo delivered to GEMs from
Gel Beads
• RT reaction generates
unbiased cDNA with a
sequencing adapter, a cell
barcode and a UMI on the 5’
• PCR with one primer for the
5’ adapter and one or more
primers for the desired
TCR/Ig constant regions.
• Fragmentation and sequencing
optimized for assembly of the
full V(D)J sequence (5’ UTR to
constant regions) from short
reads on a cell-by-cell basis.
Sc - options
Source Instrument
of Cells
est. cost
per run
est. cost
per cell
Size Range (mm)
rate/ 1k
10X Genomics Chromium 5,000 100,000 1,290$ 0.26$ yes no no yes unk yes no 1_60 0.8%
Becton Dickinson FACSseq / BDPrecise 96 unk 10,000$ 104.17$ yes no unk unk unk unk unk 5-100
Becton Dickinson Resolve 10,000 50,000 10,000$ 1.00$ yes yes unk unk unk unk unk 5-100
BioRad-ILMN ddSeq 10,000 unk 10,000$ 1.00$ unk no no yes unk unk unk unk
Drop-Seq DropSeq 10,000 100,000 1,000$ 0.10$ yes no no yes yes yes no 1-100
Fluidigm C1 96 5,000 1,900$ 19.79$ yes no yes yes yes no yes 5-10, 11-17, 17-24
Fluidigm scRRBS 96 5,000 1,900$ 45.00$ yes no yes yes yes no yes 5-10, 11-17, 17-24
Fluidigm C1- high throughput 800 5,000 4,000$ 5.00$ yes no yes yes yes yes no 5-10, 11-17, 17-24
Fluidigm Polaris 800 5,000 10,000$ 12.50$ no yes no yes no yes yes 5-10, 11-17, 17-24
In-Drop custom 10,000 100,000 5,000$ 0.50$ yes no no yes no yes no 5-100
Raindance RainDrop unk unk unk unk yes no unk unk unk unk unk unk
QIAGEN CellRaft (Cell Microsystems) 44,000 unk unk unk unk no unk unk unk unk unk unk
WaferGen iCell8 1,800 40,000 2,750$ 1.53$ yes limited soon yes unk unk maybe 5-100 2%
Many options for single cells
Composite measurements and
molecular compressed sensing for
highly efficient transcriptomics
data = opportunities
1. Quantify heterogeneity
2. Visualize relationships
single cell transcriptomes
3. Identify
of response
4. Explore
5. variant
calling from sc-
How can we study the vast transcriptome?
6 63 15
7 127 21
8 255 28
3 7 3
4 15 6
5 31 10
1 1 0
2 3 1
Exons Variants Junctions
Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3
Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3
exon1- exon4
8x1083 theoretical transcript combinations
8x1080 atoms in the universe
(159 atoms/star, 111 stars/galaxy, 110 galaxies)
Li and Mason, “The Pivotal
Regulatory Landscape of RNA
Modifications.” Annual Review of
Genomics and Hunan Genetics, 2014
What are the differences between cells?
Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3
Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3
Need a tool to characterize broken up
Since we already had Jitterbug for
Transposable Element Insertions
Distributions of Isoforms in Single Cell Omics
1. Align reads to reference genome (STAR, two-pass)
2. Use MISO’s probabilistic framework to assign reads to
isoforms and estimate relative abundance of each isoform
in each cell
3. Run DISCO to
– filter miso results for coverage, presence of isoform in a
minimum number of cells, etc.
– compare 2 groups of single cells (or any RNA-seq samples) using
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests
– visualize significant shifts
disco <miso_filelist.txt> <group1> <group2>
DISCO: Distributions of Isoforms in Single Cell Omics
positional arguments:
SampleAnnotationFile filename of tab separated text, no header, with
columns: <path to miso summary file> <sample name>
<group name>
Group1 must match a group name in sample annotation file
Group2 must match a group name in sample annotation file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--outdir Output directory (default: ./disco_output/)
--pkldir Directory to store intermediate data processing files
(default: ./pkldir)
--group1color Color in plots for group 1; can be {y, m, c, r, g, b,
w, k} or html code (default: r)
--group2color Color in plots for group 2; can be {y, m, c, r, g, b,
w, k} or html code (default: b)
--group1file output file for sample group 1. If not specified, will
save to <outdir>/<group1name>_alldatadf.txt (default:
--group2file output file for sample group 2. If not specified, will
save to <outdir>/<group2name>_alldatadf.txt (default:
Mapping of Ensembl gene IDs to HGNC symbol and gene
descriptions (default: None)
Mapping of Ensembl transcript IDs to isoform function
(ex. protein coding, NMD, etc) (default: None)
--maxciwidth Maximum width of confidence interval of PSI estimate
(default: 1.0)
--mininfreads Minimum number of informative reads to include PSI
estimate (default: 0)
--mindefreads Minimum number of definitive reads to include PSI
estimate (default: 0)
--minavgpsi Do not run statistical tests for isoforms with average
PSI in both groups less than minavgpsi (default: 0.0)
--minnumcells Do not run statistical test for isoform if less than
minnumcells have information (default: 0)
--minmedianshift Do not run statistical test for isoform if shift in
median between the two groups is less than
minmedianshift (default: 0)
--stattest Which test to run? options: {KS, T} (default: KS)
usage: disco [-h] [-v]
[--outdir] [--pkldir]
SampleAnnotationFile Group1 Group2
Disco, run-time options
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
• class of bone marrow failure disorders
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
• class of bone marrow failure disorders
• accumulation of abnormal hematopoietic
stem cells (HSCs) --> ineffective
- Pang et al., 2013; Woll et al., 2014
- HSC = Lin-CD34+CD38-
Normal MDS
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
• class of bone marrow failure disorders
• accumulation of abnormal hematopoietic
stem cells (HSCs) --> ineffective
Normal MDS heterogeneity
response to
? ?
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
• 30% patients progress to acute myeloid
leukemia (AML)
• current therapies (ex. decitabine) produce
partial or complete remissions in some
patients but disease re-emerges in 100% of
Experimental Design
Untreated Normal
Pre-Rx / Untreated
serial 1
Post-Rx / Untreated serial 2
Purify HSCs with FACS
single cell
Fluidigm C1
RNA-seq! (2 x 100)
max 96
cells per
Lin- CD34+
CD90+ CD45RA-
Patients Pre Post Response
1 79 - UT
2 63 85 UT
3 19 71 NR
4 56 31 R
5 68 - R
6 33 27 NR
7 - 17 R
9 61 - R
norm1 55 - -
norm2 82 - -
UT = Untreated
NR = Non-responder
R = Responder
Pre = pre-decitabine in R and NR, serial time point 1 in UT
Post = post-decitabine in R and NR, serial time point 2 in UT
number of cells
differentially expressed genes between
MDS (pre-treatment) and normal
Z-score of log2(FPKM+1) of DEGs at FDR 0.01
Pathways enriched in DEGs
Lineage markers
Lineage Negative Positive
B-cell 3 9
Erythroid/Megakaryocytic 0 5
HSC 15 90
Lymphoid 4 10
Myeloid 0 7
T-Cell 7 10
number of genes
Genes that overlap
with MDS v Norm
Clouds of patient groups
−100−50 0 50100 −100−50 0 50100
−100−50 0 50100
t−SNE 1
Selected HSC
Signature Genes
−100−50 0 50 100
t−SNE 1
Selected Myeloid
Signature Genes
0 10 20 30
Stem Cell Score
Assign cells to stem cell or myeloid
Semi-supervised pseudotime ordering
based on 80 marker genes
monocle R package
Normal HSCs exclusively occupy
the lower end of the pseudotime
lineage tree
Normal HSCs
Differences in cell state distributions between disease
Effect of treatment on cell states
Effect of treatment on cell states
Normalized expression of genes
differentially expressed with
pseudotime (FDR 0.01)
Enriched pathways in genes
differentially expressed with
Pathways differentiating branch 1 and
branch 1
branch 2
Branch 1
Branch 2
Participatory medicine
with twin astronauts
Planets are really just big cells
• Single cell sequencing reveals a complex and heterogeneous
transcriptional landscape in hematopoietic stem cells
• Lineage ordering of HSCs based on stem cell and myeloid marker genes
reveals distinct cell states between:
– MDS and normal HSCs
– Decitabine responders and non-responders
– Pre- and post-treatment
• Decitabine does not eradicate all (or even most) MDS-specific cell
states, suggesting therapies that target these cells may have better
long-term success
• Relevant functional processes altered in these cells include ribosome
function, p53 signaling, Rap1 signaling, B cell receptor signaling, etc.
• We need a planetary-size capture and sequencing system
These People are Awesome
Thanks to the Swabbing Teams!
Deep Gratitude to Many People:
Gary Schroth
Marc Van Oene
Univ. Chicago
Yoav Gilad
FDA/SEQC/Fudan Univ.
Leming Shi
Jean & Danielle Thierry-Mieg
Jeff Rogers
Danwei Huangfu
Christina Leslie
Ross Levine
Alex Kentsis
Shawn Levy
Braden Boone
Mason Lab
Ebrahim Afshinnekoo
Sofia Ahsanuddin
Noah Alexander
Pradeep Ambrose
Daniela Bezdan
Marjan Bozinoski
Dhruva Chandramohan
Chou Chou
Tim Donahoe
Francine Garrett-Bakelman
Jonathan Foox
Elizabeth Hénaff
Alexa McIntyre
Cem Meyden
Niamh O’Hara
Rachid Ounit
Lenore Pipes
Jake Reed
Heba Shabaan
Priyanka Vijay
David Westfall
Scott Blanchard
Selina Chen-Kiang
Olivier Elemento
Samie Jaffrey
Ari Melnick
Margaret Ross
Epigenomics Core
Stacy Horner
Nandan Gokhale
Eric Schadt,
Andrew Kasarskis,
Joel Dudley, Ali
Bobby Sebra
George Grills
Don Baldwin
Charlie Nicolet
Maria E Figueroa
George Amato
Mark Siddall
Martin Blaser
Jane Carlton
Julia Maritz
Chris Park
MIT Media Lab
Kevin Slavin
Devora Najjar
Regina Flores
Jeanne Garbarino
Charles Rice
Aaron Burton
Sarah Castro-Wallace
Kate Rubins
Graham Scott
Craig Kundrot
Jackson Labs
Sheng Li
Charles Chiu
Scott Tighe
Ken McGrath
Russ Carmical
Scott Jackson

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Mason abrf single_cell_2017

  • 1. Cells that fell into wells with stories to tell Christopher E. Mason Associate Professor Department of Physiology and Biophysics, The Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute (BMRI) & The Institute for Computational Biomedicine (ICB) & the Meyer Cancer Center of Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) Fellow of the Information Society Project, Yale Law School March 28th, 2017 .@mason_lab
  • 3. Genetic alterations can be selected for and potentially drive a tumor’s progression. Alizadeh et al., “Toward understanding and exploiting tumor heterogeneity.” Nature Medicine, 2015 What else?
  • 4.
  • 5. Li S, Garrett-Bakelman F, et al., Distinct Evolution and dynamics of epigenetic and genetic heterogeneity in AML. Nature Medicine, 2016. Li S, et al., “Dynamic Evolution of Clonal Epialleles Revealed by Methclone.” Genome Biology, 2014.
  • 6. Mosaicism increases with age Wang Y et al. Maternal mosaicism is a significant contributor to discordant sex chromosomal aneuploidies associated with noninvasive prenatal testing. Clinical Chemistry 2014; 60(1):251-9. %ofcellswith XChromosomeLoss(XCL)
  • 8. Epigenetic Drift in Twins Mario F. Fraga et al. PNAS 2005;102:10604-10609
  • 9.
  • 10. Horvath S. “DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types.” Genome Biology. 2013;14(10):R115.
  • 11.
  • 15.
  • 16. Rapid and Efficient Microfluidics •Partition 100-10,000+ cells per channel in < 7 minutes •Run 1 to 8 channels in parallel •No lower size limit on cells •Recovers up to 65% of all loaded cells, including: –T cells, B cells, PBMCs and cell lines –FACS-isolated cells –MACS MicroBead-enriched cells •Low doublet rate: 0.9% per 1,000 cells
  • 17. Assay Scheme for 5’ Barcoding and V(D)J Enrichment • RT enzyme and poly(dT) primer delivered to all GEMs as part of master mix • Barcoded template switch oligo delivered to GEMs from Gel Beads • RT reaction generates unbiased cDNA with a sequencing adapter, a cell barcode and a UMI on the 5’ end • PCR with one primer for the 5’ adapter and one or more primers for the desired TCR/Ig constant regions. • Fragmentation and sequencing optimized for assembly of the full V(D)J sequence (5’ UTR to constant regions) from short reads on a cell-by-cell basis.
  • 18. Sc - options Source Instrument Number of Cells input cells est. cost per run est. cost per cell UMIs Cell Phenotype DNA RNA ATAC 3' full cDNA Size Range (mm) Doublet rate/ 1k cells 10X Genomics Chromium 5,000 100,000 1,290$ 0.26$ yes no no yes unk yes no 1_60 0.8% Becton Dickinson FACSseq / BDPrecise 96 unk 10,000$ 104.17$ yes no unk unk unk unk unk 5-100 Becton Dickinson Resolve 10,000 50,000 10,000$ 1.00$ yes yes unk unk unk unk unk 5-100 BioRad-ILMN ddSeq 10,000 unk 10,000$ 1.00$ unk no no yes unk unk unk unk Drop-Seq DropSeq 10,000 100,000 1,000$ 0.10$ yes no no yes yes yes no 1-100 Fluidigm C1 96 5,000 1,900$ 19.79$ yes no yes yes yes no yes 5-10, 11-17, 17-24 Fluidigm scRRBS 96 5,000 1,900$ 45.00$ yes no yes yes yes no yes 5-10, 11-17, 17-24 Fluidigm C1- high throughput 800 5,000 4,000$ 5.00$ yes no yes yes yes yes no 5-10, 11-17, 17-24 Fluidigm Polaris 800 5,000 10,000$ 12.50$ no yes no yes no yes yes 5-10, 11-17, 17-24 In-Drop custom 10,000 100,000 5,000$ 0.50$ yes no no yes no yes no 5-100 Raindance RainDrop unk unk unk unk yes no unk unk unk unk unk unk QIAGEN CellRaft (Cell Microsystems) 44,000 unk unk unk unk no unk unk unk unk unk unk WaferGen iCell8 1,800 40,000 2,750$ 1.53$ yes limited soon yes unk unk maybe 5-100 2%
  • 19. Many options for single cells
  • 20.
  • 21. Composite measurements and molecular compressed sensing for highly efficient transcriptomics
  • 24. data = opportunities 1. Quantify heterogeneity 2. Visualize relationships between single cell transcriptomes 3. Identify signatures of response 4. Explore variable isoform expression 5. variant calling from sc- RNAseq
  • 25. How can we study the vast transcriptome? exon1 exon2 exon3 exon1-exon2 exon1-exon3 exon2-exon3 exon1-exon2-exon3 6 63 15 7 127 21 8 255 28 3 7 3 4 15 6 5 31 10 1 1 0 2 3 1 Exons Variants Junctions 2n-1 Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3 Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3 n(n-1) 2 Exon4 Exon4 exon4 exon1- exon4 exon2-exon4 exon3-exon4 exon1-exon2-exon4 exon1-exon3-exon4 exon2-exon3-exon4 exon1-exon2-exon3-exon4 8x1083 theoretical transcript combinations 8x1080 atoms in the universe (159 atoms/star, 111 stars/galaxy, 110 galaxies) Li and Mason, “The Pivotal Regulatory Landscape of RNA Modifications.” Annual Review of Genomics and Hunan Genetics, 2014
  • 26. What are the differences between cells? Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3 Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3 Exon4 Exon4
  • 27. Need a tool to characterize broken up reads…
  • 28. Since we already had Jitterbug for Transposable Element Insertions (TEIs)…
  • 29. DISCO Distributions of Isoforms in Single Cell Omics
  • 31. Pipeline 1. Align reads to reference genome (STAR, two-pass) 2. Use MISO’s probabilistic framework to assign reads to isoforms and estimate relative abundance of each isoform in each cell 3. Run DISCO to – filter miso results for coverage, presence of isoform in a minimum number of cells, etc. – compare 2 groups of single cells (or any RNA-seq samples) using Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests – visualize significant shifts disco <miso_filelist.txt> <group1> <group2>
  • 32. DISCO: Distributions of Isoforms in Single Cell Omics positional arguments: SampleAnnotationFile filename of tab separated text, no header, with columns: <path to miso summary file> <sample name> <group name> Group1 must match a group name in sample annotation file Group2 must match a group name in sample annotation file optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit --outdir Output directory (default: ./disco_output/) --pkldir Directory to store intermediate data processing files (default: ./pkldir) --group1color Color in plots for group 1; can be {y, m, c, r, g, b, w, k} or html code (default: r) --group2color Color in plots for group 2; can be {y, m, c, r, g, b, w, k} or html code (default: b) --group1file output file for sample group 1. If not specified, will save to <outdir>/<group1name>_alldatadf.txt (default: None) --group2file output file for sample group 2. If not specified, will save to <outdir>/<group2name>_alldatadf.txt (default: None) --geneannotationfile Mapping of Ensembl gene IDs to HGNC symbol and gene descriptions (default: None) --transcriptannotationfile Mapping of Ensembl transcript IDs to isoform function (ex. protein coding, NMD, etc) (default: None) --maxciwidth Maximum width of confidence interval of PSI estimate (default: 1.0) --mininfreads Minimum number of informative reads to include PSI estimate (default: 0) --mindefreads Minimum number of definitive reads to include PSI estimate (default: 0) --minavgpsi Do not run statistical tests for isoforms with average PSI in both groups less than minavgpsi (default: 0.0) --minnumcells Do not run statistical test for isoform if less than minnumcells have information (default: 0) --minmedianshift Do not run statistical test for isoform if shift in median between the two groups is less than minmedianshift (default: 0) --stattest Which test to run? options: {KS, T} (default: KS) usage: disco [-h] [-v] [--outdir] [--pkldir] [--group1color] [--group2color] [--group1file] [--group2file] [--geneannotationfile] [--transcriptannotationfile] [--maxciwidth] [--mininfreads] [--mindefreads] [--minavgpsi] [--minnumcells] [--minmedianshift] [--stattest] SampleAnnotationFile Group1 Group2 Disco, run-time options
  • 34. Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) • class of bone marrow failure disorders
  • 35. Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) • class of bone marrow failure disorders • accumulation of abnormal hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) --> ineffective hematopoiesis - Pang et al., 2013; Woll et al., 2014 - HSC = Lin-CD34+CD38- CD90+CD45RA- HSCs Progenitors Normal MDS
  • 36. Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) • class of bone marrow failure disorders • accumulation of abnormal hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) --> ineffective hematopoiesis HSCs Progenitors Normal MDS heterogeneity response to therapy disease progression ? ? ?
  • 37. Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) • 30% patients progress to acute myeloid leukemia (AML) • current therapies (ex. decitabine) produce partial or complete remissions in some patients but disease re-emerges in 100% of patients
  • 38. Experimental Design Decitabine responders Decitabine non-responders Untreated Normal Pre-Rx / Untreated serial 1 Post-Rx / Untreated serial 2 Purify HSCs with FACS single cell processing with Fluidigm C1 RNA-seq! (2 x 100) max 96 cells per run Lin- CD34+ CD38- CD90+ CD45RA-
  • 39. Samples Patients Pre Post Response 1 79 - UT 2 63 85 UT 3 19 71 NR 4 56 31 R 5 68 - R 6 33 27 NR 7 - 17 R 9 61 - R norm1 55 - - norm2 82 - - UT = Untreated NR = Non-responder R = Responder Pre = pre-decitabine in R and NR, serial time point 1 in UT Post = post-decitabine in R and NR, serial time point 2 in UT number of cells
  • 40. differentially expressed genes between MDS (pre-treatment) and normal Z-score of log2(FPKM+1) of DEGs at FDR 0.01
  • 42. Lineage markers Lineage Negative Positive B-cell 3 9 Erythroid/Megakaryocytic 0 5 HSC 15 90 Lymphoid 4 10 Myeloid 0 7 T-Cell 7 10 number of genes MEIS1 CXCR4 HLF MECOM NR4A2 MPO CEBPA Genes that overlap with MDS v Norm DEGs
  • 44. ● MEIS1 NR4A2 CXCR4 HLF MECOM −100−50 0 50100 −100−50 0 50100 −100−50 0 50100 −100 −50 0 50 100 −100 −50 0 50 100 t−SNE 1 t−SNE2 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 log2FPKM Selected HSC Signature Genes ● MPO CEBPA −100−50 0 50 100 −100 −50 0 50 100 −100 −50 0 50 100 t−SNE 1 0 3 6 9 12 Selected Myeloid Signature Genes
  • 45. 0 5 10 15 0 10 20 30 Stem Cell Score MyeloidScore assignment StemCell Both Myeloid Neither Assign cells to stem cell or myeloid states
  • 46. Semi-supervised pseudotime ordering based on 80 marker genes monocle R package
  • 47. Normal HSCs exclusively occupy the lower end of the pseudotime lineage tree MDS HSCs Normal HSCs 0 2 4 6 8 Pseudotime ***
  • 48. Differences in cell state distributions between disease groups
  • 49. Effect of treatment on cell states
  • 50. Effect of treatment on cell states
  • 51. Normalized expression of genes differentially expressed with pseudotime (FDR 0.01)
  • 52. Enriched pathways in genes differentially expressed with pseudotime
  • 53. Pathways differentiating branch 1 and 2 branch 1 branch 2 Branch 1 Branch 2
  • 55. Planets are really just big cells
  • 56. Conclusions • Single cell sequencing reveals a complex and heterogeneous transcriptional landscape in hematopoietic stem cells • Lineage ordering of HSCs based on stem cell and myeloid marker genes reveals distinct cell states between: – MDS and normal HSCs – Decitabine responders and non-responders – Pre- and post-treatment • Decitabine does not eradicate all (or even most) MDS-specific cell states, suggesting therapies that target these cells may have better long-term success • Relevant functional processes altered in these cells include ribosome function, p53 signaling, Rap1 signaling, B cell receptor signaling, etc. • We need a planetary-size capture and sequencing system
  • 57. These People are Awesome @mason_lab
  • 58. Thanks to the Swabbing Teams!
  • 59. Deep Gratitude to Many People: Illumina Gary Schroth Marc Van Oene Univ. Chicago Yoav Gilad FDA/SEQC/Fudan Univ. Leming Shi NIH/UDP/NCBI Jean & Danielle Thierry-Mieg Baylor Jeff Rogers MSKCC Danwei Huangfu Christina Leslie Ross Levine Alex Kentsis HudsonAlpha Shawn Levy Braden Boone Mason Lab Ebrahim Afshinnekoo Sofia Ahsanuddin Noah Alexander Pradeep Ambrose Daniela Bezdan Marjan Bozinoski Dhruva Chandramohan Chou Chou Tim Donahoe Francine Garrett-Bakelman Jonathan Foox Elizabeth Hénaff Alexa McIntyre Cem Meyden Niamh O’Hara Rachid Ounit Lenore Pipes Jake Reed Heba Shabaan Priyanka Vijay David Westfall Cornell/WCM Scott Blanchard Selina Chen-Kiang Olivier Elemento Samie Jaffrey Ari Melnick Margaret Ross Epigenomics Core Duke Stacy Horner Nandan Gokhale Icahn/MSSM Eric Schadt, Andrew Kasarskis, Joel Dudley, Ali Bashir, Bobby Sebra ABRF George Grills Don Baldwin Charlie Nicolet Miami Maria E Figueroa AMNH George Amato Mark Siddall @mason_lab NYU Martin Blaser Jane Carlton Julia Maritz Chris Park MIT Media Lab Kevin Slavin Devora Najjar Regina Flores Rockefeller Jeanne Garbarino Charles Rice NASA Aaron Burton Sarah Castro-Wallace Kate Rubins Graham Scott Craig Kundrot Jackson Labs Sheng Li UCSF Charles Chiu XMP/MGRG Scott Tighe Ken McGrath Russ Carmical Scott Jackson