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Defining Habituation using Hand Geometry
                    Eric P. Kukula'                                                                  Stephen J Elliott, Ph.D.2
        Industrial Technology, Purdue University                                            Industrial Technology, Purdue University
              West Lafayette, Indiana USA                                                         West Lafayette, Indiana USA

                   Bryan P. Gresock3                                                                    Nathan W. Dunning4
        Industrial Technology, Purdue University                                            Computer Technology, Purdue University
              West Lafayette, Indiana USA                                                        West Lafayette, Indiana USA

Abstract-The word "habituation" has many meanings within the                      device or any other biometric to the general population,
biometric community. Most people define the concept of                            training of the device's users is very important.
habituation as "continued use of a biometric device." When a
user is habituated, he or she is capable of providing repeatable                     Each biometric modality has specific interaction issues that
samples to the biometric sensor, and the performance scores of                    need to be resolved through training. For hand geometry
the biometric sensor, relative to that user, have stabilized. This                readers, training must emphasize hand placement because hand
paper establishes a model of the processes of habituation and                     placement is a key component to successful use. Since hand
provides score data from hand geometry to show how this                           geometry is dependent on orientation of a user's hand, most
concept works with actual data. We illustrate a four-step process                 hand readers have pins to facilitate the process of orienting the
of a user's interaction with the device and describe how the data                 user's hand for correct alignment. Training must address how
seems to prove that an individual becomes fully habituated after                  users should interact with the alignment pins. If the user does
repeated use of the device. The type and amount of user training,                 not perform hand placement correctly, interaction will be
and number of interaction attempts are shown to have an impact                    problematic and a higher than normal matching score will
on the biometric sensor's performance scores.                                     result. A higher matched score could lead to false rejections
                                                                                  (FRRs) [2]. With any technology-based system, training is
   Keywords- biometrics, hand geometry, habituation, human-                       essential for the ongoing successful use and integration of the
                                                                                  technology. Understanding how users' habituation and
                                                                                  acclimation relates to the successful use of hand readers will
                      I.   INTRODUCTION                                           establish the appropriate training period that customers of a
   How an individual interacts with a biometric device so as to                   particular type of biometric systems can anticipate.
make consistent, repeatable presentations is an important topic
of discussion within the biometrics community. In this paper,                                ii. HABITUATION AND ACCLIMATION
we propose a novel process to define habituation and provide
data on how quickly individuals in different circumstances can                        The definition of habituation varies, depending on context.
fully habituate. For this experiment, we use a hand geometry                      [4] notes two recurring characteristics for acclimation and
device.                                                                           habituation. First, acclimation is the process in which a user of
                                                                                  a biometric system adapts his or her techniques to achieve a
    Hand geometry has been utilized commercially for more                         proper match of his or her biometric template. Second,
than three decades [1]. The first hand geometry readers were                      habituation may be partial or full (complete). Partial
used in government facilities to provide high-level security                      habituation is the period of time during which no new
access to settings such as nuclear power plants [2]. Hand                         adaptation techniques are used to achieve a successful match to
geometry readers are becoming increasingly ubiquitous; today,                     the biometric template. Full habituation occurs when a user
they can be found in public applications ranging from hotels,                     matches his or her biometric template using subconscious
college dormitories, and manufacturing plants to parking lots;                    techniques. Becoming fully habituated to a biometric system is
they support access control, as well as time and attendance                       a four-step process, as shown in Figure 1. In the first step, a
tracking [3].                                                                     user is introduced to the equipment for the first time. Note that
    Hand geometry measures the size and shape of the human                        the four "steps" are not discrete, but rather are continuous;
hand [3]. When an individual places his or her hand on a                          overlaps between the steps will occur.
reflective platen and makes contact with the alignment pin, a
picture of the hand is taken. When deploying a hand geometry

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         Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on February 27,2010 at 14:23:00 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Userintroduced to hiQmebics stemorntfirstte.                                                         During week 7, participants in group 3 enrolled in the reader
                                                                                                                                              and were required to provide three scores under thirty.
                                              cclimation: User adapts his techniques to
            tytaErnxnachanrnn                                                                 rna Toldwhato.                                      Group 4 enrolled in the hand geometryieader
                                                                                                                                                                                          drru ngweek
                                          r  t Self Teaching                                                                -                 2 of the experiment; participants in this group revisited every
       Changing rAy
              to s
                                         behavior Changingtosurvive[s] Self techniquestousethe week and made one verification attempt, mimicking
                                                                       A d ti tW     a               What arethe differentw
                                                                                           Teaching device?
                                                                                                                                              access control application. There were no scoring constraints
                                                                                                                                              for group 4 during weeks 2, 4, or 6.
 _s__t___I_Ch_r_____ks                     Partial Habituation: Nomatch adaptation nechrique you wantto repeat.T P q p p gr p | The rotocol required all articipants
                                                                        new of biometric       of Pickthetechnique                                                                   inoupsto
 fbru-itmpwohansdt detalused
 Nbriasbc ative learnglevel
   tat albsh
            sfeub-c onscience to be used   template
                                            echnique to achieve proper
                                           template.Selection -                              l                                               perform three consecutive verification attempts with scores
 characte6fstics: resulting in a reduced numbera oferrors and number encel
                                           Reducedresponsvenessto                  ovne                                                       under thirty during week 7 (the experiment's final      week),
       experence [3] ofaftemptstoaftainalevelofpetformance.
       Reducedl resptbnsiVeness to given
                                                                                                     L                   D
                                                                                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Learn the selected u*
                                                                                                                                              this was a strict threshold level. The four groupsconducted
       HabituatiprcessWorksits                                                             Repeated technique.                                verification attempts until each participant successfully
    L ak of                  sponse[2] Full Habituation: User matches biometric                                 aet
                                                                                                                                                     chieved three scores under thirty to establish whether there
   'Nop out habituatoour
        assbdiativb learning [8]
                                               template by subcoscious techiques.                                                              was a statistically        significant dIfference among groups
                            n ndvou
    prebocupiewth nsignificarit
                                               Fuhe rdciono repniveest
                                                                                    a    ove thets
                                               expenence. Users require minimal concentration and
                                               no/minimal errors producinga tighter dissibutionof
                                                                                                     S ubwihthlous t cought.
                                                                                                          use       weeks.
                                                                                                                                                subjected to different        levels of training over the previous six
                                               scores, minutiae, etc...

    Figure 1. Conceptual model of habituation/acclimation for biometrics                                                                           A. Experimental Setup
                                                                                                                                                        Testing involved two commercially available hand
                                                                                                                                                    geometry readers (see Figure 3) situated on a desk at an
                                               III.            METHODOLOGY                                                                          elevation of twenty-nine inches from the floor. Participants
    The motivation for this study is to more fully understand                                                                                       performed the test while seated in a chair to exclude the
the appropriate level of training required to achieve repeatable                                                                                    potential influence of extraneous factors such as variations of
performance. The hypothesis was to examine the hand                                                                                                 the participants' heights.
geometry scores from four groups of participants who
interacted with the device in different scenarios. Figure 2
shows the experimental design ofthe four groups.
    Group 1 enrolled during the first week of the seven-week
study and performed verification attempts during each week of
data collection until they achieved three consecutive scores
under the threshold of thirty.
    Group 2 simulated the recommendations from the
InterNational Committee for Information Technology
Standards (INCITS) M1.5 draft standard (1602D-5): members
of group 2 utilized six-week intervals between revisits. In this                                                                                               Figure 3. Schlage Recognition Systems Handkey IIR
scenario, during week 1 and week 7, group 2 participants were
required to provide three consecutive scores under the
threshold of thirty.                                                                                                 B. Enrollment
                                                                                                                         Enrollment is the process of collecting a biometric sample
                Week 1                Week 2            Week 3             Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7                   in this case, hand geometry from a person. The data from
                     8/21              8/28              914                9111    9/18    9/25       1012          the sample is processed and stored in a database as a template
                                                                                                                     for subsequent usage to validate an individual's identity. Prior
Group I           Enol                                                                                               to this study, study participants had no experience with a hand
                                                                                              er X ~~~~~~~~~~3
               3 3                                                        ~       ~      ~        ~  3- 3
             under30. under30.                                            unde 30                30.        3        geometry reader, and were neither habituated nor acclimated.

Group 2
                                                                                                                            groups were created and each group was enrolled at
                                                                                                                     different periods over the course of the study.
                                                                                                                         When seated, participants were provided with instructions
                                                                                                              Enol on how to use the device and a brief demonstration on the
Group 3                                                                                                              proper technique for hand placement A test administrator was
                                                                                                                     present to ensure each test participant followed the test protocol
                                                                                                               Enrollfor enrollment. Upon completion in the participant's unique
                                                                                                                                                           of the demonstration and
Group 4                           1                                       A              At1         3        Group  training, the administrator entered
                                                                                                                                                    code and the participant placed his or her dominant hand onto
                            Figure 2. Experimental design of the four groups                                                                        the platen of the hand geometry reader, applied pressure to the
                                                                                                                                                    pins, and kept the hand in position until the test administrator
   Group 3 served as our control group; they did not interact                                                                                       instructed the participant to to remove the hand from the
with the hand geometry reader until week 7 (the final week).                                                                                        reader. Participants were provided with visual cues (in the form

1-4244-1300-1/07/$25.00 2007 IEEE                                                                                                            243

                       Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on February 27,2010 at 14:23:00 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
of LEDs) to facilitate correct hand placement in the hand                           10o                                            Week I     Group I Attempts vs. Score
reader. When the LEDs on the hand reader are extinguished,                           90-
then the participant has achieved proper pin / finger placement.                     80-
Enrollment consisted of three hand placements to create a                            70Q

unique template for each test participant. In some cases, the
device may have required additional hand placements if the                           40                   '       .
first three did not satisfy the enrollment criteria.     3-      =

C. Verification
    Verification is the process of matching a claimed identity to           4   C.                                                        7        9                I 12     13   14
a biometric characteristic or sample. The hand geometry unit
used in this study functions as a one-to-one (verification)           -Wek 2 Group                                                                     I - Attempts vs. Score
system. During each verification attempt, the test participant
entered the unique four-digit number provided during
enrollment and, aided by visual cues from the hand geometry
system, placed his or her hand on the platen around the guide
pins, as had been instructed and demonstrated during the            40
enrollment stage.                                                 3l

                         IV. RESULTS                                                          {       M
    Central to this paper is the definition of habituation and                                    1   2
                                                                                                              3       4    5         6    7    a
                                                                                                                                                   910 1          13 l
examination of the amount of interaction required to achieve                                                                       Week 4 Group I - Attempts vs. Score
that status. The study endeavors to answer to research question,                     90
"What is the appropriate level of training and interaction                           Ho
required to achieve repeatable performance?" The statistical                         7-
analysis investigated two variables across the groups: number                        60
of attempts and the match score output from the hand geometry
device.                                                                              30
    Before further analysis, tests for violation of the assumption                   -
of normality were performed. The results of the normality tests
showed the match score data was normally distributed, but the                                                 4................ 14
attempt data was not. Since each group had a defined level of
interaction, the number of attempts were similar within each of                               1X=Week                                          roupi - Attempts vs Score
the groups, causing the distribution of attempts to be                               901
multimodal and thus non-normal.                                                      81
A. Group I Results                                                                   50
     Group 1 enrolled during week 1 of the study and performed                       41
 verification attempts during each week of data collection until*
 each member of the group receiving three consecutive scores
 under the threshold of thirty. The model assumed that the                               ID
 process would fully habituate the group's participants.                                                              4              6    7        9       1o   I       12    3    4
 Examining group 1 scores and attempts by the participants over
 seven weeks yielded a drop in the scores, but the change was                       0                                              Week 7 Groupi       I   Attempts vs Sore0
 not statistically significant. The visual representation of these                   90
 results (see Figure 4) shows the process of acclimation and
 habituation occurring over the seven-week period. The
 university's academic calendar precluded collection of data
 during weeks 3 and 5. It is interesting to note that, after week 3,                4t
 participants regressed in performance, whereas after the week 5                   30|
 break, the participants varied less as a group. Examination of                      20                                        .
 the week 7 chart shows that most participants are habituated to -
 the device; they required minimal attempts to perform three
 consecutive scores under thethresholdofthirtv. The data also3
                       under the threshold of thirty. The data also                                                   4    5         6    7    8   9       to   I 1.   4S    i    14

reveals decreases as the mean number of attempts by week                                  Figure 4. Group 1 time series plot of attempts vs. scores reveal partial
decreased, as well as the median, standard deviation, and                                                                            habituation
variance (see Table 1).

1-4244-1300-1/07/$25.00 2007 IEEE                                            244

          Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on February 27,2010 at 14:23:00 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
TABLE I.                             ANALYSIS OF NUMBER OF ATTEMPTS, GROUP 1                                                                                                            attempt in weeks 2, 4, and 6 no real analyses could be
                                                                                                                                                                                                          performed. However at week 7, this group had the lowest range
                 Wcc1                  M2n
                                                                                 n           3Std D10iati9n
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and mean score, as shown in Figure 6.

             2                        4.8                        5                           1.612                                                            2.6                                         E. All Groups Combined
             4                   44.667                          4                           2.41                                                             5.81
             6                        4.133
                                      4.133                      3
                                                                 3                           1.552
                                                                                             1.552                                                            2.41
                                                                                                                                                                         In order to consider the groups together, a one-way analysis
                                      3933                                   1                438                                                             2 067 Iof variance (ANOVA) was performed to examine the average
                                 7     3.933                     3                           1.438                                                            2.067                                       score of the four groups during week 7 (see Figure 6). This
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ANOVA revealed significant differences between the four
B. Group 2 Results                                                                                                                                                                                        groups: F (3,253) = 4.58 and p < 0.004 (see Table 2). The
                                                                                                                                                                                                          results reveal that participants in groups 1 and 4 have the
    Group 2 enrolled in week 1 ofthe study and then completed                                                                                                                                             lowest mean scores and the least amount of variation in scores
three verification scores under thirty. After six weeks, the
participants returned and again attempted to complete three                                                                                                                                               in week 7. Interpreting the results, participants in groups 1 and
verifications with scores under thirty. The mean number of                                                                                                                                                4 progressed towards full habituation, which is illustrated in
attempts was 4.71 for week 1 and 5.21 for week 7                                                                                                                                                          Figure 6, the plot of the match scores.
    There was no statistically significant difference between the                                                                                                                                            100-
attempts on week 1 and week 7. The graphical summary for all
participants is shown in Figure 5. It is apparent that the process                                                                                                                                            go
of habituation does not occur and participants perform no better
in week 7 than they did in weekl.                                                                                                                                                                             60

 1to                                                                     WeeIk I Group 2                                   -     Attempts                            vs.    ==
      90-                                                                                                                                                                                                 < 40-

      60-                                                                                                                                                                                                     20         ~

             30                        S,   V                A                       7                                                                                                                           0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I                  2               3                 4
      IWIf-           ,._,       .-                                                              roup
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 IFigure 6. Week 7 match scores, by group
                      3      2         3        4            5           6           7       9             9                    10                       II         I2         iS3             14

 I.                                                                      Wee1 7 Group 2 _ Atte mptsJ vs. Score
                                                                         tk                                                                                                                                TABLE II.              MEANS AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS, ANOVA OF WEEK 7
      9',90*1                                   # A                                                                                                                                                                                    SCORES ACROSS GROUPS
      So 01

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Group       N (Attcmpts)                              t   IISD
      601                                                   .,
                                                            N *I fS:R                                                                                                                                        1          ~~~~~~1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~    _____53_____                   _ 1 18.66           1 13.22
      40i                                                                                                                                                                                                    2                      73                              27.38        17.96
                                                                     v                            ,kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkrkkkkkkkki
                                                                                                                                                                'kkkkkkI8 .8         %.6 if2

                                                                                                                                                                                                             4                      44                              18.3         10.5

                  1          2         3         4           5           6               7                   9                   t 1t '                             12         13              X4             The second analysis examined the difference in
                 Figure 5. Group 2 time series plot of attempts vs. scores reveal no                                                                                                                      performance of groups 1 and 2 during week 1 (the first week of
                                    acclimation or habituation                                                                                                                                            the study) and week 7 (the last week of the study). A one-way
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ANOVA analyzed the average score of groups 1 and 2 during
C. Group 3 Results                                                                                                                                                                                        week 1, which revealed no statistically significant difference
                                                                                                                                                                                                          between the two groups: F (1, 133) = 0.10 and p=O.747, which
    Group 3 enrolled and verified three times in the last week                                                                                                                                            would be expected, since both groups received the same
of the study. There should have been no difference between                                                                                                                                                treatment. However, when this analysis was repeated on the
group 3 scores in week 7 and those of the other groups during                                                                                                                                             data gathered six weeks later, the results were quite different.
their respective enrollment weeks. As expected, there was no                                                                                                                                              The ANOVA revealed a statistically significant difference in
statistically significant difference between the groups.                                                                                                                                                  the mean scores between groups 1 and 2: F (1, 124)= 8.97 and
Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that the range of matching                                                                                                                                         p=0.003. Table 3 lists the means and standard deviations for
scores for group 3 was greater than the other groups.                                                                                                                                                     week 1 and week 7 analyses. Figures 7 and 8 show the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          graphical representation of these analyses. Refer to Figures 4
D. Group 4 Results                                                                                                                                                                                        and 5 to assess the relationship between attempts and scores of
   This group mimicked the access control environment of one                                                                                                                                              the two groups in weeks 1 and 7.
attempt each week. As these participants only conducted 1

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TABLE III.            MEANS AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS, WEEK 1 AND WEEK 7                            thirty), and the ranges of these groups were smaller than those
                           SCORES FOR GROUPS 1 AND 2                                               of groups 2 and 3. Therefore, when considering habituation of a
                                                                                                   hand geometry reader, it is important to recognize that the type
   Week Group                          N (Attcmpts)                ll                  SD          and number of training attempts and interaction will affect the
     1  1                         69                         21.07                13.47            score. This factor is crucial to practitioners implementing
                                                                                                   biometric solutions in their organizations, as the cost for
        1F                        66                         21 l.85
                                                             2                    14.43            training and instruction is high.
          7        1              53                         18.66                13.22
                  2               73                         27.38                17.96                                           VI.   FUTURE WORK
                                                                                                       While this paper provides a conceptual framework for
                                                                                                   defining habituation and provides data that shows the process
   70-                                                                                             of habituation, there are other factors that can have an effect on
                                                                                                   habituation. The authors believe training might affect whether,
   60-                        .                                                                    when, and how long it takes to achieve habituation. Therefore,

                                                                                  50;         *instead ofbe interestingnumber of interactions,experiment that,
                                                                                                it would varying the to conduct a similar varies the type
t 40                    0 t *=                                                                =and amount of training a participant receives before enrollment
                                                                        0%                      to determine whether the type of training, (i.e., no training;
i30-                                                                                            visual instruction; oral instruction; and a combination of oral
                                                                                                and visual instruction with and hands-on experience) changes
                        20.                 _ -          -                                      the progress toward habituation and acclimation.
   10                                                                        4
                         3                                        . '                   =                                           VII. g
                                                                                                                                      ,, REFERENCES
    0-                                                                                             [1.] A. Jain and N. Duta, "Deformable matching of hand shapes for
                                                                                                              verification," presented at the 1999 International
                                                                                                       Conference on Image Processing, Kobe, Japan, October 24-
              Figure 7. Plot of match score for groups 1 and 2 for week 1                     28, 1999.
                                                                                               [2.] Zunkel, D., Hand Geometry Based Verification, in Biometrics:
                                                                                                       Personal Identification in a Networked Society, S. Pankanti,
                                                                                 100                   Editor. 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Norwell. p. 87-
    so-                                                                                             [3.] E. Kukula and S. Elliott, "Implementation of hand geometry at
                                                                                                            Purdue University's recreational center: An analysis of user
  e60                                                                        *                              perspectives and system performance," presented at the 39th
                                                                                                            Annual International Carnahan Conference on Security
                                                                                  = . * =.                  Technology (ICCST), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain,
4 4Q
 4e:0                              ==                                                              *      .October 12, 2005.
                                                                                 * * = , i          [4.] M. Thieme, D. Setlak, E. Kukula, S. Pankanti, K. Gregory, and
                                                                                                            N. Sickler, (February 17, 2005), "Ad hoc Report: Effects of
    -20                                                                                                     user habituation and acclimation in the context of biometric
                                                                                                          performance testing," (No. M1/05-0139), Washington:
                                                                                   ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~INCITS.                                                            Available:
        0-                                                                                                 http:HwwwJncitsorgtc home/r dlhtm/docs/m 10501 39pdf.
                                                Grou'p                                             [5.] M. P. Haines, "Habituation and social norms," The Report on
                                                                                                          Social      Norms.        2005,       4(7).     Available:
              Figure 8. Plot of match score for groups 1 and 2 for week 7                        
                                                                                                   [6.] Merriam- Webster Online, "Habituation," from http://www.m-
                                       V.    CONCLUSION                                            [7.]
                                                                                                   V7.] WordNet 2.1, "Habituation," retrieved September 4, 2006, from
    This paper outlines a model for determining the levels of                                   
habituation and provides data on various methods of interacting                                    [8.] The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language
with a hand geometry device, with the objective of                                                         (2004,             4th        ed),          "Habituation,"        from
                                                                                                   [9.] The
demonstrating the level of trainingi required to use this
particular devicetoiitS best outc .I It .iS apparent,' based on
                         best outcome. - .
                                      e                  ased on
                                                                    appairent,                              American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary (2004),
                                                                                                           "Aciato,                             from
                                                                                                                                                fro                http://medical-
the data that repeated use of the device yields some increase in
the performance success of participants .relative to the device.*
                                    . .                .                                           .10.] ~~~~~Wikipedia.ic"Acclimation,"
                                                                                                    [10.]              (2006a),      .                  retrieved September 18,
The groups whose participants interacted with the device over a                                           2006, from
longer period of time (groups 1 and 4) had lower scores,                                           [11.] Wikipedia (2006b), "Habituation," retrieved September 4, 2006,
although fewer interactions (attempts to achieve scores under                                              from

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Defining Habituation using Hand Geometry Data

  • 1. Defining Habituation using Hand Geometry Eric P. Kukula' Stephen J Elliott, Ph.D.2 Industrial Technology, Purdue University Industrial Technology, Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana USA West Lafayette, Indiana USA Bryan P. Gresock3 Nathan W. Dunning4 Industrial Technology, Purdue University Computer Technology, Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana USA West Lafayette, Indiana USA Abstract-The word "habituation" has many meanings within the device or any other biometric to the general population, biometric community. Most people define the concept of training of the device's users is very important. habituation as "continued use of a biometric device." When a user is habituated, he or she is capable of providing repeatable Each biometric modality has specific interaction issues that samples to the biometric sensor, and the performance scores of need to be resolved through training. For hand geometry the biometric sensor, relative to that user, have stabilized. This readers, training must emphasize hand placement because hand paper establishes a model of the processes of habituation and placement is a key component to successful use. Since hand provides score data from hand geometry to show how this geometry is dependent on orientation of a user's hand, most concept works with actual data. We illustrate a four-step process hand readers have pins to facilitate the process of orienting the of a user's interaction with the device and describe how the data user's hand for correct alignment. Training must address how seems to prove that an individual becomes fully habituated after users should interact with the alignment pins. If the user does repeated use of the device. The type and amount of user training, not perform hand placement correctly, interaction will be and number of interaction attempts are shown to have an impact problematic and a higher than normal matching score will on the biometric sensor's performance scores. result. A higher matched score could lead to false rejections (FRRs) [2]. With any technology-based system, training is Keywords- biometrics, hand geometry, habituation, human- essential for the ongoing successful use and integration of the technology. Understanding how users' habituation and acclimation relates to the successful use of hand readers will I. INTRODUCTION establish the appropriate training period that customers of a How an individual interacts with a biometric device so as to particular type of biometric systems can anticipate. make consistent, repeatable presentations is an important topic of discussion within the biometrics community. In this paper, ii. HABITUATION AND ACCLIMATION we propose a novel process to define habituation and provide data on how quickly individuals in different circumstances can The definition of habituation varies, depending on context. fully habituate. For this experiment, we use a hand geometry [4] notes two recurring characteristics for acclimation and device. habituation. First, acclimation is the process in which a user of a biometric system adapts his or her techniques to achieve a Hand geometry has been utilized commercially for more proper match of his or her biometric template. Second, than three decades [1]. The first hand geometry readers were habituation may be partial or full (complete). Partial used in government facilities to provide high-level security habituation is the period of time during which no new access to settings such as nuclear power plants [2]. Hand adaptation techniques are used to achieve a successful match to geometry readers are becoming increasingly ubiquitous; today, the biometric template. Full habituation occurs when a user they can be found in public applications ranging from hotels, matches his or her biometric template using subconscious college dormitories, and manufacturing plants to parking lots; techniques. Becoming fully habituated to a biometric system is they support access control, as well as time and attendance a four-step process, as shown in Figure 1. In the first step, a tracking [3]. user is introduced to the equipment for the first time. Note that Hand geometry measures the size and shape of the human the four "steps" are not discrete, but rather are continuous; hand [3]. When an individual places his or her hand on a overlaps between the steps will occur. reflective platen and makes contact with the alignment pin, a picture of the hand is taken. When deploying a hand geometry 1-4244-1300-1/07/$25.OO 2007 IEEE 242 Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on February 27,2010 at 14:23:00 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
  • 2. Userintroduced to hiQmebics stemorntfirstte. During week 7, participants in group 3 enrolled in the reader and were required to provide three scores under thirty. cclimation: User adapts his techniques to tytaErnxnachanrnn rna Toldwhato. Group 4 enrolled in the hand geometryieader drru ngweek E achievepropermatchofbiometrictemplate. r t Self Teaching - 2 of the experiment; participants in this group revisited every ChlangtingoneDas Changing rAy to s [llif behavior Changingtosurvive[s] Self techniquestousethe week and made one verification attempt, mimicking A d ti tW a What arethe differentw Teaching device? A device? l typical a access control application. There were no scoring constraints for group 4 during weeks 2, 4, or 6. _s__t___I_Ch_r_____ks Partial Habituation: Nomatch adaptation nechrique you wantto repeat.T P q p p gr p | The rotocol required all articipants new of biometric of Pickthetechnique inoupsto all fbru-itmpwohansdt detalused Nbriasbc ative learnglevel tat albsh daiy sfeub-c onscience to be used template echnique to achieve proper template.Selection - l perform three consecutive verification attempts with scores characte6fstics: resulting in a reduced numbera oferrors and number encel Reducedresponsvenessto ovne under thirty during week 7 (the experiment's final week), as experence [3] ofaftemptstoaftainalevelofpetformance. Reducedl resptbnsiVeness to given a I L D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Learn the selected u* this was a strict threshold level. The four groupsconducted HabituatiprcessWorksits Repeated technique. verification attempts until each participant successfully theconSCicus[5] L ak of sponse[2] Full Habituation: User matches biometric aet chieved three scores under thirty to establish whether there P 'Nop out habituatoour assbdiativb learning [8] template by subcoscious techiques. was a statistically significant dIfference among groups With observations[8] n ndvou prebocupiewth nsignificarit Fuhe rdciono repniveest dbel a ove thets Pefr expenence. Users require minimal concentration and no/minimal errors producinga tighter dissibutionof withoutonnsciPerForm S ubwihthlous t cought. use weeks. thought thetaskl7 subjected to different levels of training over the previous six scores, minutiae, etc... Figure 1. Conceptual model of habituation/acclimation for biometrics A. Experimental Setup Testing involved two commercially available hand geometry readers (see Figure 3) situated on a desk at an III. METHODOLOGY elevation of twenty-nine inches from the floor. Participants The motivation for this study is to more fully understand performed the test while seated in a chair to exclude the the appropriate level of training required to achieve repeatable potential influence of extraneous factors such as variations of performance. The hypothesis was to examine the hand the participants' heights. geometry scores from four groups of participants who interacted with the device in different scenarios. Figure 2 shows the experimental design ofthe four groups. Group 1 enrolled during the first week of the seven-week study and performed verification attempts during each week of data collection until they achieved three consecutive scores under the threshold of thirty. Group 2 simulated the recommendations from the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) M1.5 draft standard (1602D-5): members of group 2 utilized six-week intervals between revisits. In this Figure 3. Schlage Recognition Systems Handkey IIR scenario, during week 1 and week 7, group 2 participants were required to provide three consecutive scores under the threshold of thirty. B. Enrollment Enrollment is the process of collecting a biometric sample Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 in this case, hand geometry from a person. The data from 8/21 8/28 914 9111 9/18 9/25 1012 the sample is processed and stored in a database as a template for subsequent usage to validate an individual's identity. Prior Group I Enol to this study, study participants had no experience with a hand er X ~~~~~~~~~~3 3 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ 3- 3 under30. under30. unde 30 30. 3 geometry reader, and were neither habituated nor acclimated. Group 2 Enroll 3 ~~~~~~~~~Four groups were created and each group was enrolled at different periods over the course of the study. When seated, participants were provided with instructions Enol on how to use the device and a brief demonstration on the Group 3 proper technique for hand placement A test administrator was present to ensure each test participant followed the test protocol Enrollfor enrollment. Upon completion in the participant's unique of the demonstration and Group 4 1 A At1 3 Group training, the administrator entered code and the participant placed his or her dominant hand onto Figure 2. Experimental design of the four groups the platen of the hand geometry reader, applied pressure to the pins, and kept the hand in position until the test administrator Group 3 served as our control group; they did not interact instructed the participant to to remove the hand from the with the hand geometry reader until week 7 (the final week). reader. Participants were provided with visual cues (in the form 1-4244-1300-1/07/$25.00 2007 IEEE 243 Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on February 27,2010 at 14:23:00 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
  • 3. of LEDs) to facilitate correct hand placement in the hand 10o Week I Group I Attempts vs. Score reader. When the LEDs on the hand reader are extinguished, 90- then the participant has achieved proper pin / finger placement. 80- Enrollment consisted of three hand placements to create a 70Q unique template for each test participant. In some cases, the device may have required additional hand placements if the 40 ' . first three did not satisfy the enrollment criteria. 3- = C. Verification Verification is the process of matching a claimed identity to 4 C. 7 9 I 12 13 14 a biometric characteristic or sample. The hand geometry unit used in this study functions as a one-to-one (verification) -Wek 2 Group I - Attempts vs. Score system. During each verification attempt, the test participant entered the unique four-digit number provided during enrollment and, aided by visual cues from the hand geometry system, placed his or her hand on the platen around the guide pins, as had been instructed and demonstrated during the 40 enrollment stage. 3l IV. RESULTS { M Central to this paper is the definition of habituation and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 910 1 13 l examination of the amount of interaction required to achieve Week 4 Group I - Attempts vs. Score that status. The study endeavors to answer to research question, 90 "What is the appropriate level of training and interaction Ho required to achieve repeatable performance?" The statistical 7- analysis investigated two variables across the groups: number 60 of attempts and the match score output from the hand geometry device. 30 Before further analysis, tests for violation of the assumption - of normality were performed. The results of the normality tests showed the match score data was normally distributed, but the 4................ 14 attempt data was not. Since each group had a defined level of interaction, the number of attempts were similar within each of 1X=Week roupi - Attempts vs Score the groups, causing the distribution of attempts to be 901 multimodal and thus non-normal. 81 0 701 601 A. Group I Results 50 Group 1 enrolled during week 1 of the study and performed 41 verification attempts during each week of data collection until* each member of the group receiving three consecutive scores under the threshold of thirty. The model assumed that the ID process would fully habituate the group's participants. 4 6 7 9 1o I 12 3 4 Examining group 1 scores and attempts by the participants over seven weeks yielded a drop in the scores, but the change was 0 Week 7 Groupi I Attempts vs Sore0 not statistically significant. The visual representation of these 90 results (see Figure 4) shows the process of acclimation and habituation occurring over the seven-week period. The university's academic calendar precluded collection of data during weeks 3 and 5. It is interesting to note that, after week 3, 4t participants regressed in performance, whereas after the week 5 30| break, the participants varied less as a group. Examination of 20 . the week 7 chart shows that most participants are habituated to - the device; they required minimal attempts to perform three consecutive scores under thethresholdofthirtv. The data also3 consecutive under the threshold of thirty. The data also 4 5 6 7 8 9 to I 1. 4S i 14 reveals decreases as the mean number of attempts by week Figure 4. Group 1 time series plot of attempts vs. scores reveal partial decreased, as well as the median, standard deviation, and habituation variance (see Table 1). 1-4244-1300-1/07/$25.00 2007 IEEE 244 Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on February 27,2010 at 14:23:00 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
  • 4. TABLE I. ANALYSIS OF NUMBER OF ATTEMPTS, GROUP 1 attempt in weeks 2, 4, and 6 no real analyses could be performed. However at week 7, this group had the lowest range 1 Wcc1 M2n 5.267 M4 4 n 3Std D10iati9n 3.24 Varianc 10.495 and mean score, as shown in Figure 6. 2 4.8 5 1.612 2.6 E. All Groups Combined 4 44.667 4 2.41 5.81 6 4.133 4.133 3 3 1.552 1.552 2.41 2.41.' In order to consider the groups together, a one-way analysis 3933 1 438 2 067 Iof variance (ANOVA) was performed to examine the average 7 3.933 3 1.438 2.067 score of the four groups during week 7 (see Figure 6). This ANOVA revealed significant differences between the four B. Group 2 Results groups: F (3,253) = 4.58 and p < 0.004 (see Table 2). The results reveal that participants in groups 1 and 4 have the Group 2 enrolled in week 1 ofthe study and then completed lowest mean scores and the least amount of variation in scores three verification scores under thirty. After six weeks, the participants returned and again attempted to complete three in week 7. Interpreting the results, participants in groups 1 and verifications with scores under thirty. The mean number of 4 progressed towards full habituation, which is illustrated in attempts was 4.71 for week 1 and 5.21 for week 7 Figure 6, the plot of the match scores. There was no statistically significant difference between the 100- attempts on week 1 and week 7. The graphical summary for all participants is shown in Figure 5. It is apparent that the process go of habituation does not occur and participants perform no better in week 7 than they did in weekl. 60 60- 1to WeeIk I Group 2 - Attempts vs. == Stoe 90- < 40- '70) 60- 20 ~ 30 S, V A 7 0 I 2 3 4 IWIf- ,._, .- roup 0- IFigure 6. Week 7 match scores, by group 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 II I2 iS3 14 I. Wee1 7 Group 2 _ Atte mptsJ vs. Score tk TABLE II. MEANS AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS, ANOVA OF WEEK 7 9',90*1 # A SCORES ACROSS GROUPS So 01 Group N (Attcmpts) t IISD 601 ., N *I fS:R 1 ~~~~~~1 ~ _____53_____ _ 1 18.66 1 13.22 40i 2 73 27.38 17.96 m. v ,kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkrkkkkkkkki 'kkkkkkI8 .8 %.6 if2 4 44 18.3 10.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 t 1t ' 12 13 X4 The second analysis examined the difference in Figure 5. Group 2 time series plot of attempts vs. scores reveal no performance of groups 1 and 2 during week 1 (the first week of acclimation or habituation the study) and week 7 (the last week of the study). A one-way ANOVA analyzed the average score of groups 1 and 2 during C. Group 3 Results week 1, which revealed no statistically significant difference between the two groups: F (1, 133) = 0.10 and p=O.747, which Group 3 enrolled and verified three times in the last week would be expected, since both groups received the same of the study. There should have been no difference between treatment. However, when this analysis was repeated on the group 3 scores in week 7 and those of the other groups during data gathered six weeks later, the results were quite different. their respective enrollment weeks. As expected, there was no The ANOVA revealed a statistically significant difference in statistically significant difference between the groups. the mean scores between groups 1 and 2: F (1, 124)= 8.97 and Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that the range of matching p=0.003. Table 3 lists the means and standard deviations for scores for group 3 was greater than the other groups. week 1 and week 7 analyses. Figures 7 and 8 show the graphical representation of these analyses. Refer to Figures 4 D. Group 4 Results and 5 to assess the relationship between attempts and scores of This group mimicked the access control environment of one the two groups in weeks 1 and 7. attempt each week. As these participants only conducted 1 1-4244-1300-1/07/$25.00 2007 IEEE 245 Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on February 27,2010 at 14:23:00 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
  • 5. TABLE III. MEANS AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS, WEEK 1 AND WEEK 7 thirty), and the ranges of these groups were smaller than those SCORES FOR GROUPS 1 AND 2 of groups 2 and 3. Therefore, when considering habituation of a hand geometry reader, it is important to recognize that the type Week Group N (Attcmpts) ll SD and number of training attempts and interaction will affect the 1 1 69 21.07 13.47 score. This factor is crucial to practitioners implementing biometric solutions in their organizations, as the cost for 2 1F 66 21 l.85 2 14.43 training and instruction is high. 7 1 53 18.66 13.22 2 73 27.38 17.96 VI. FUTURE WORK While this paper provides a conceptual framework for defining habituation and provides data that shows the process 70- of habituation, there are other factors that can have an effect on habituation. The authors believe training might affect whether, 60- . when, and how long it takes to achieve habituation. Therefore, 50; *instead ofbe interestingnumber of interactions,experiment that, it would varying the to conduct a similar varies the type t 40 0 t *= =and amount of training a participant receives before enrollment =X *s==** 0% to determine whether the type of training, (i.e., no training; i30- visual instruction; oral instruction; and a combination of oral and visual instruction with and hands-on experience) changes 20. _ - - the progress toward habituation and acclimation. 10 4 3 . ' = VII. g ,, REFERENCES 0- [1.] A. Jain and N. Duta, "Deformable matching of hand shapes for G 2 verification," presented at the 1999 International user Conference on Image Processing, Kobe, Japan, October 24- Figure 7. Plot of match score for groups 1 and 2 for week 1 28, 1999. [2.] Zunkel, D., Hand Geometry Based Verification, in Biometrics: 100- Personal Identification in a Networked Society, S. Pankanti, 100 Editor. 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Norwell. p. 87- 101. so- [3.] E. Kukula and S. Elliott, "Implementation of hand geometry at Purdue University's recreational center: An analysis of user e60 * perspectives and system performance," presented at the 39th Annual International Carnahan Conference on Security = . * =. Technology (ICCST), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 4 4Q 4e:0 == * .October 12, 2005. * * = , i [4.] M. Thieme, D. Setlak, E. Kukula, S. Pankanti, K. Gregory, and N. Sickler, (February 17, 2005), "Ad hoc Report: Effects of -20 user habituation and acclimation in the context of biometric performance testing," (No. M1/05-0139), Washington: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~INCITS. Available: 0- http:HwwwJncitsorgtc home/r dlhtm/docs/m 10501 39pdf. Grou'p [5.] M. P. Haines, "Habituation and social norms," The Report on Social Norms. 2005, 4(7). Available: Figure 8. Plot of match score for groups 1 and 2 for week 7 [6.] Merriam- Webster Online, "Habituation," from http://www.m- V. CONCLUSION [7.] V7.] WordNet 2.1, "Habituation," retrieved September 4, 2006, from This paper outlines a model for determining the levels of habituation and provides data on various methods of interacting [8.] The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language with a hand geometry device, with the objective of (2004, 4th ed), "Habituation," from [9.] The demonstrating the level of trainingi required to use this parntuardic particular devicetoiitS best outc .I It .iS apparent,' based on to n best outcome. - . e ased on . appairent, American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary (2004), ''~~~~~Acclimation"' "Aciato, from fro http://medical- htp/eicl the data that repeated use of the device yields some increase in the performance success of participants .relative to the device.* . . . .10.] ~~~~~Wikipedia.ic"Acclimation," [10.] (2006a), . retrieved September 18, The groups whose participants interacted with the device over a 2006, from longer period of time (groups 1 and 4) had lower scores, [11.] Wikipedia (2006b), "Habituation," retrieved September 4, 2006, although fewer interactions (attempts to achieve scores under from 1-4244-1300-1/07/$25.OO 2007 IEEE 246 Authorized licensed use limited to: Purdue University. Downloaded on February 27,2010 at 14:23:00 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.