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France - Bretagne Pavilion
BIOFACH - Nuremberg
14>17 February 2018
Exhibitors & visitors list
Hall 1
Hapi france
iniTiaTiVe BiO BreTaGne
Index of Companies
Floor Plan
France Bretagne Pavilion
Marie-Dominique PLAN
Booth 1-127
Terre Plein du Port
Tel.: +33 (0)2 98 82 26 56
AQUA-B overlooks the beaches in Bretagne where we
harvest nutritious sea vegetables, rich in flavour, texture
and minerals and combine them with familiar
ingredients to give a twist to perfectly nutritious,
delicious and exciting dishes you know and love.
MARINOË, Super Food from the Sea:
• Fresh seaweeds
• Fresh salads
• Sea spreads and dip: Tartars, Dips
• Dried seaweeds, condiments, pasta
• Exclusive innovations: Vegan Taramasalata, Coconut
Desserts, raw seaweed and healthy snacks, Super
Boosts from the sea
AQUA-B befindet sich im Süden der Bretagne im größten
Meeresalgen-Gebiet Europas. Bio zertifiziert, der erste
von Naturland zertifizierte Meeresalgenbetrieb.
MARINOË, Super Food from the Sea:
• Frische Meeresalgen
• Frische Salate
• Meer Spreads und Dips: Tartars, Dips
• Getrocknete Meeresalgen, Gewürze, Nudeln
• Exklusive Neuheiten: Vegan Taramasalata, Coconut
Desserts, raw Algen und gesunde Snacks, Super
Boosts vom Meer
Geniessen Sie unsere SUPER FOOD FROM THE SEA!
Aqua-B / Marinoë
Booth 1-127
11 ZA La Fontenelle
35 113 DOMAGNÉ
Tel.: +33 (0)2 99 00 02 66
CÉRÉCO is specialized in the production of organic
cereals for breakfast. We offer a very wide range of
special products: mueslis, flakes (with corn, wheat, spelt,
buckwheat), a large variety of crunchies as well as
extruded products for children.
CÉRÉCO ist der Spezialist für biologische
Frühstückscerealien. Wir stellen eine besondere
Produktpalette wie Müsli, Flakes (mit Dinkel, Mais,
Weisen und Buchweisen), verschiedene Crunchies sowie
Extrusionsprodukte für Kinder her.
Richard BARBÉ
Booth 1-127
Z.I. de Lannugat
3 rue des conserveries
Tel.: +33 (0)2 98 92 42 44
We are canned fish producers in Bretagne and are
specialized in premium products.
We offer a range of organic products and propose
sardines and tuna with the MSC certification of
Wir sind Hersteller von Fischkonserven in der Bretagne
und sind spezialisiert auf Premium-Produkten.
Wir bieten eine Auswahl von Bioprodukten wie Sardinen
und Thunfisch mit der MSC-Zertifizierung von
Nachhaltigkeit an.
Conserverie Chancerelle
Patricia PORTAL
Booth 1-127
Tel.: +33 (0)2 98 40 90 30
Leading the way.
Commited to organic farming since 1992.
A cross-sector brand.
We offer a wide range of tasty organic products: churned
butter, spreadable cheese, yoghurts, vegetarian
desserts, soups, frozen ready meals and baby food …
always looking for tasty products complying with
organic farming high standards.
Grandeur Nature
Thiphaine BENOIT
Booth 1-127
PAE de Pentaparc
16 rue Louis Lefèvre Utile
56 036 VANNES
Tel.: +33 (0)2 97 68 87 50
the “positive food” challenge, placing the social, societal
and environmental issues at the heart of its activities.
We offer a range of 100% veggie, organic and natural
gourmet recipes guaranteed without chemicals and
preservative agents, in which we give pride of place to
pulses, these nutritious and sustainable seeds.
Our products: organic hummus made with chickpeas,
red beans, split peas or red lentils, available both in self-
service and food service packings.
L’ATELIER V* ein dynamisches mittelständisches
Unternehmen, das sich entschieden hat, sich der
Herausforderung „positive food“ zu stellen und soziale,
gesellschaftliche sowie Umwelt Fragenstellungen in den
Kern seiner Strategie aufzunehmen.
Indem wir eine Reihe von vegetarischen und
biologischen Gourmetrezepten, mit einem großen Anteil
an Hülsenfrüchten und Gemüse, anbieten, möchten wir
diese nährstoffreichen und nachhaltigen Samen in das
richtige Licht rücken.
Unsere produkte: Bio Hummus aus Kichererbsen,
Kidneybohnen, Schälerbsen und Roten Linsen, sowohl
in Größen für den Haushalt als auch für die Gastronomie
L'atelier V* - *Veggie good day :)
Booth 1-127
Route de Limerzel
56 220 CADEN
Tel.: +33 (0)2 97 66 16 18
PANEMEX is specialized in cleaning, hulling, custom
blending and/or packing of bakery ingredients such a
seeds, cereal flakes. To provide both quality and custom
ingredients, PANEMEX combines everyday a careful
selection of raw materials, with food safety, reactivity
and creativity.
PANEMEX hat sich auf Backsaaten, - Kerne unf Flocken,
kundenspezifische Mischungen und/oder Verpackungen
spezialisiert. Als IFS-6 zertifizierte Firma kombiniert
täglich PANEMEX eine sorgfältige Auswahl der
Rohstoffe, Lebensmittelsicherheit, Reaktionsfähigkeit
und Kreativität.
Marie-Amélie LACROIx
Booth 1-127
Tel.: +33 (0)2 98 69 38 69
PRINCE DE BRETAGNE is a leader in organic production,
with about 20 000 tons traded annually. Throughout the
year a range of more than 35 different vegetables is
proposed, thanks to the professionalism of PRINCE DE
BRETAGNE growers. Our organic vegetables are sold on
the fresh markets under the PRINCE DE BRETAGNE
brand; upon request we can also pack under private
label brands or our customers’ brand. To provide the
industry sector (frozen or canned vegetables), contracts
may also be concluded. Our main organic productions
are: cauliflower, artichoke, squash, leek, shallot, tomato.
Als international bekannte Marke für frisches Gemüse, ist
Produktion mit jährlich circa 20 000 Tonnen vermarkteten
Bioprodukten. Dank dem bretonischen Klima, dem
Respektieren der Jahreszeiten, der sorgfältigen
Sortenauswahl, dem regelmäßigen Fruchtwechsel, sowie
ihrer Professionalität, können die PRINCE DE BRETAGNE
Erzeuger das ganze Jahr über mehr als 35 verschiedene
Gemüse anbieten. Unter der Marke PRINCE DE BRETAGNE
werden unsere Biogemüse nur frisch verkauft. Auf Anfrage
kann jedoch das Gemüse auch mit dem Label des Kundens
abgepackt werden. Für die industrielle Lieferung (Tiefkühl-
an. Hauptproduktion: Blumenkohl, Artischocken, Kohl,
Prince de Bretagne
Booth 6-351
2 rue Julien Neveu - BP 96106
Tel.: +33 2 99 04 64 38
TRIBALLAT NOYAL is a family company located in Noyal
sur Vilaine, Brittany.
Pioneer and specialist in innovative niche markets, our
company has successfully developed high-potential
segments such as organic soya, hemp and oat, from
France with the brand Sojade ; Sheep and goat yogurt &
cheese with the brand Bergerie.
Triballat Noyal
4 rue Gaston Cordier
35 300 FOUGèRES
Tel.: +33 (0)2 99 17 00 14
For over twenty years we have shared our passion for
meat and poultry.
HAPI FRANCE has a strong experience in developping
new products perfectly adapted to our customers’s
needs. We are specialized in international trade of raw
and cooked products.
Our customers are industrials, retail, aerial catering,
food service and wholesalers.
Seit über zwanzig Jahren teilen wir unsere Leidenschaft
für Fleisch und Geflügel.
HAPI FRANCE hat eine starke Erfahrung in der
Entwicklung neuer Produkte, die perfekt auf die
Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zugeschnitten sind. Wir
sind auf den internationalen Handel mit rohen und
gekochten Produkten spezialisiert.
Unsere Kunden sind Industrie, Handel, Catering, Food
Service und Großhändler.
Hapi France
Mathilde ANTON
PA du Goheleve
56 920 NOyAL-PONTIVy
Tel.: +33 (0)2 97 25 01 59
KRAZAN is a processor of organic products based on
seeds and cereals. Thanks to a natural process of
transformation, we propose a range of products rich in
flavors. Buckwheat, barley, squash seeds, sunflower
seeds, wheat flour ... KRAZAN re exploits their naturals
flavors so you can rediscover them.
KRAZAN ist ein Verarbeiter von Bio-Produkten auf der
Basis von Saatgut und Getreide. Dank eines natürlichen
Umwandlungsprozesses bieten wir eine Reihe von
Produkten an, die reich an Aromen sind. Buchweizen,
Gerste, Kürbiskerne, Sonnenblumenkerne, Weizenmehl
... KRAZAN arbeitet an diesen Naturprodukten, um sie
wieder zu entdecken.
Contour Antoine de St-Exupéry
Campus de Ker Lann CS 87226
35 172 BRUZ cedex
Tel.: +33 (0)2 23 50 15 25
Helping crafts companies in their international
aims at helping Breton craftsmen develop the necessary
capability to establish their own international business
and partnership networks.
Our program “Action Export” enhances the food sector
and organic products by accompanying craftsmen
We also optimize their presence on professional
international exhibitions.
Vorbereitung und Begleitung Handwerksbetriebe bei
ihren internationalen Aktivitäten.
zum Ziel gesetzt, den bretonischen Handwerkern dabei
zu helfen, die nötige Kompetenz zu entwickeln, um ihre
eigenen internationalen Geschäftsbeziehungen und
Partnerschaften aufzubauen.
Wir, die „Action Artisanat Export”, wollen den Bereich
Lebensmittel, vor allem biologische Produkte, durch
eine verstärkte Anwesenheit der Betriebe auf
internationalen Fachmessen fördern.
des Métiers & de l’Artisanat
Chambre Régionale
2 square René Cassin
Immeuble Les Galaxies
35 700 RENNES
Tel.: +33 (0)2 99 54 03 23
INITIATIVE BIO BRETAGNE (IBB) is a regional umbrella
organization of the organic sector in Bretagne, France.
Created in 1995, it brings together different interested
parties: organizations of organic producers, suppliers of
goods (animal feeds, inputs, material …), processors,
distributors, service providers (training, research,
technical advice), and associations of consumers.
INITIATIVE BIO BRETAGNE is a place of exchange,
dialogue and representation in which the professionals
of the organic sector become participants in the field of
organic regulation, the organic partnership chain,
research, communication, and catering.
INITIATIVE BIO BRETAGNE (IBB) fördert die Entwicklung
der ökologischen Lebensmittelwirtschaft in der Bretagne
in Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.
Mitglieder dieses regionalen Verbandes für ökologische
Lebensmittelwirtschaft sind sowohl die Marktteilnehmer
wie z.B. Erzeuger(gemeinschaften), Futter- &
Düngemittelhersteller, Verarbeiter, Einzel- und
Grosshändler als auch Dienstleister wie die
Landwirtschaftskammern, Bildungs- und
Forschungseinrichtungen sowie Verbraucher- und
Diesen Wirtschaftsakteuren bietet INITIATIVE BIO
BRETAGNE die Möglichkeit, sich zu aktuellen Themen wie
Gesetzgebung, Analyse des Marktgeschehens, Forschung,
als lebendiges Netzwerk und offene
Kommunikationsplattform für seine Mitglieder.
Initiative Bio Bretagne
Bretagne Commerce International is a
non-profit organization of private
companies located in Western France.
Entrusted by the Regional Government
of Bretagne and the Regional Chamber
of Commerce to internationalize the
Breton economy, it assists Breton
companies in their international
development as well as foreign
companies planning to invest in
Through customized and collective
activities, Bretagne Commerce
International is committed to:
E Raising awareness about
international business
E Supporting companies with
administrative issues
E Helping companies start and then
consolidate their business.
Bretagne Commerce International
Eric VOULAND - Dominique FLOCH
Le Colbert
35 place du Colombier - CS 71238
35 012 RENNES cedex
Tel.: +33 (0)2 99 25 04 04
E From one of the founding countries of the European Union, you will be able to
expand on a market of 510 million consumers with a high purchasing power.
E Thanks to an outstandingly high level of initial education, you will benefit from
a workforce which is able to adapt to the constant evolution of products and
services easily.
E Enjoying a high quality of life environment, you will find opportunities for
innovation, R&D and competitiveness, which is the evidence of great scientific
and technological skills.
Why invest in Bretagne?
Bretagne plays host to almost 490 foreign companies
• 28,000 km²
• 3.25 million people
(+23,000 inhab/year)
• €83,4 billion GDP
• 1st
Agri-Food region
in France
• 1st
region in France
• 1st
Fishing region
• 1st
region for
Shipbuilding and
• 1st
region in Marine
Science &
• 1st
region for filing
of High Tech
European patents
in France
• 2nd
region for
Digital R&D in
Land of excellence:
Digital, Automotive, Marine, Agriculture and Agri-Food
Developing sectors:
Marine Renewable Energy, Green
Vehicles, Eco-Activities, Biotech,
Security & Defence
Bretagne economy: a snapshot
Bretagne and its strong industrial dynamics
87,603 ha of organic agricultural land or in-conversion
2,730 organic farms
861 organic food processing companies
312 organic products distributors (retailers & wholesalers)
• 1,117 farms
• 17 470 ha*
• 380 companies
Fruits & Vegetables
• 1st fresh vegetables
production region in
France with 4 038 ha*
• 730 farms producing
• 432 farms producing
• 1st region in France
• 28 % of the hen
• 218 hen farms
• 1st largest organic milk
provider in France
• 771 livestock farmers
• +125 million litres
• Nearly 30 milk collecting
and/or processing
• 200 tonnes produced
• Field of use: Agriculture,
Agri-Food, Aquaculture
Animal Feed, Cosmetics,
Pharmaceutical Industry,
Palmaria palmata, Chondrus
crispus, Mastocarpus stellatus,
Himanthalia elongata, Ulva lactua,
Porphyra purpurea, Undaria
pinnatifida, Laminaria digitata,
Sacharina latissima
• 230 suckler cows farms
• Nearly 70 farms
producing pork
Source: Agence Bio/IBB (2016-2017)
*certified organic or in-conversion
b2b meetings - workshops
networking - on-site visits
2-3-4 July 2018 FRANCE, Rennes
Seize new business
opportunities in
western france AND
2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul
networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits
2-3-4 Jul
networking - on-site visits
2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul
networking - on-site visits
2-3-4 Jul
networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits
2-3-4 Jul
networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits
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b2b meetings - workshops
networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits
b2b meetings - workshops
2-3-4 Jul
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2-3-4 Jul
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FRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, Rennes
networking - on-site visits
FRANCE, Rennes
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Breton companies at Biofach 2018

  • 1. France - Bretagne Pavilion BIOFACH - Nuremberg 14>17 February 2018 Exhibitors & visitors list Hall 1
  • 4. Contact: Marie-Dominique PLAN Booth 1-127 Terre Plein du Port 29 740 LESCONIL FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 98 82 26 56 Marinoë AQUA-B overlooks the beaches in Bretagne where we harvest nutritious sea vegetables, rich in flavour, texture and minerals and combine them with familiar ingredients to give a twist to perfectly nutritious, delicious and exciting dishes you know and love. MARINOË, Super Food from the Sea: • Fresh seaweeds • Fresh salads • Sea spreads and dip: Tartars, Dips • Dried seaweeds, condiments, pasta • Exclusive innovations: Vegan Taramasalata, Coconut Desserts, raw seaweed and healthy snacks, Super Boosts from the sea Enjoy our SUPER FOOD FROM THE SEA! AQUA-B befindet sich im Süden der Bretagne im größten Meeresalgen-Gebiet Europas. Bio zertifiziert, der erste von Naturland zertifizierte Meeresalgenbetrieb. MARINOË, Super Food from the Sea: • Frische Meeresalgen • Frische Salate • Meer Spreads und Dips: Tartars, Dips • Getrocknete Meeresalgen, Gewürze, Nudeln • Exklusive Neuheiten: Vegan Taramasalata, Coconut Desserts, raw Algen und gesunde Snacks, Super Boosts vom Meer Geniessen Sie unsere SUPER FOOD FROM THE SEA! 4 Aqua-B / Marinoë
  • 5. Contact: Sylvain GARNIER Booth 1-127 11 ZA La Fontenelle 35 113 DOMAGNÉ FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 99 00 02 66 CÉRÉCO is specialized in the production of organic cereals for breakfast. We offer a very wide range of special products: mueslis, flakes (with corn, wheat, spelt, buckwheat), a large variety of crunchies as well as extruded products for children. CÉRÉCO ist der Spezialist für biologische Frühstückscerealien. Wir stellen eine besondere Produktpalette wie Müsli, Flakes (mit Dinkel, Mais, Weisen und Buchweisen), verschiedene Crunchies sowie Extrusionsprodukte für Kinder her. 5 Céréco
  • 6. Contact: Richard BARBÉ Booth 1-127 Z.I. de Lannugat 3 rue des conserveries 29 100 DOUARNENEZ FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 98 92 42 44 We are canned fish producers in Bretagne and are specialized in premium products. We offer a range of organic products and propose sardines and tuna with the MSC certification of sustainability. Wir sind Hersteller von Fischkonserven in der Bretagne und sind spezialisiert auf Premium-Produkten. Wir bieten eine Auswahl von Bioprodukten wie Sardinen und Thunfisch mit der MSC-Zertifizierung von Nachhaltigkeit an. 6 Conserverie Chancerelle
  • 7. Contact: Patricia PORTAL Booth 1-127 CS80001 29 860 PLOUVIEN FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 98 40 90 30 Leading the way. Commited to organic farming since 1992. A cross-sector brand. We offer a wide range of tasty organic products: churned butter, spreadable cheese, yoghurts, vegetarian desserts, soups, frozen ready meals and baby food … always looking for tasty products complying with organic farming high standards. 7 Grandeur Nature
  • 8. Contact: Thiphaine BENOIT Booth 1-127 PAE de Pentaparc 16 rue Louis Lefèvre Utile 56 036 VANNES FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 97 68 87 50 L’ATELIERV*isadynamicSMEthathasdecidedtotakeon the “positive food” challenge, placing the social, societal and environmental issues at the heart of its activities. We offer a range of 100% veggie, organic and natural gourmet recipes guaranteed without chemicals and preservative agents, in which we give pride of place to pulses, these nutritious and sustainable seeds. Our products: organic hummus made with chickpeas, red beans, split peas or red lentils, available both in self- service and food service packings. L’ATELIER V* ein dynamisches mittelständisches Unternehmen, das sich entschieden hat, sich der Herausforderung „positive food“ zu stellen und soziale, gesellschaftliche sowie Umwelt Fragenstellungen in den Kern seiner Strategie aufzunehmen. Indem wir eine Reihe von vegetarischen und biologischen Gourmetrezepten, mit einem großen Anteil an Hülsenfrüchten und Gemüse, anbieten, möchten wir diese nährstoffreichen und nachhaltigen Samen in das richtige Licht rücken. Unsere produkte: Bio Hummus aus Kichererbsen, Kidneybohnen, Schälerbsen und Roten Linsen, sowohl in Größen für den Haushalt als auch für die Gastronomie erhältlich. 8 L'atelier V* - *Veggie good day :)
  • 9. Contact: Jérôme ROUSSEL Booth 1-127 Route de Limerzel 56 220 CADEN FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 97 66 16 18 PANEMEX is specialized in cleaning, hulling, custom blending and/or packing of bakery ingredients such a seeds, cereal flakes. To provide both quality and custom ingredients, PANEMEX combines everyday a careful selection of raw materials, with food safety, reactivity and creativity. PANEMEX hat sich auf Backsaaten, - Kerne unf Flocken, kundenspezifische Mischungen und/oder Verpackungen spezialisiert. Als IFS-6 zertifizierte Firma kombiniert täglich PANEMEX eine sorgfältige Auswahl der Rohstoffe, Lebensmittelsicherheit, Reaktionsfähigkeit und Kreativität. 9 Panemex
  • 10. Contact: Marie-Amélie LACROIx Booth 1-127 Kerisnel 29 250 SAINT-POL-DE-LÉON FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 98 69 38 69 marie.amelie.lacroix PRINCE DE BRETAGNE is a leader in organic production, with about 20 000 tons traded annually. Throughout the year a range of more than 35 different vegetables is proposed, thanks to the professionalism of PRINCE DE BRETAGNE growers. Our organic vegetables are sold on the fresh markets under the PRINCE DE BRETAGNE brand; upon request we can also pack under private label brands or our customers’ brand. To provide the industry sector (frozen or canned vegetables), contracts may also be concluded. Our main organic productions are: cauliflower, artichoke, squash, leek, shallot, tomato. Als international bekannte Marke für frisches Gemüse, ist PRINCEDEBRETAGNEzudemMarktführerderbiologischen Produktion mit jährlich circa 20 000 Tonnen vermarkteten Bioprodukten. Dank dem bretonischen Klima, dem Respektieren der Jahreszeiten, der sorgfältigen Sortenauswahl, dem regelmäßigen Fruchtwechsel, sowie ihrer Professionalität, können die PRINCE DE BRETAGNE Erzeuger das ganze Jahr über mehr als 35 verschiedene Gemüse anbieten. Unter der Marke PRINCE DE BRETAGNE werden unsere Biogemüse nur frisch verkauft. Auf Anfrage kann jedoch das Gemüse auch mit dem Label des Kundens abgepackt werden. Für die industrielle Lieferung (Tiefkühl- undDosengemüse)bietenwirspezielleProduktionsverträge an. Hauptproduktion: Blumenkohl, Artischocken, Kohl, Porree,Kürbisse,SchalottenundTomaten. 10 Prince de Bretagne
  • 11. Contact: Denis AUVILLAIN Booth 6-351 2 rue Julien Neveu - BP 96106 35 531 NOyAL-SUR-VILAINE FRANCE Tel.: +33 2 99 04 64 38 TRIBALLAT NOYAL is a family company located in Noyal sur Vilaine, Brittany. Pioneer and specialist in innovative niche markets, our company has successfully developed high-potential segments such as organic soya, hemp and oat, from France with the brand Sojade ; Sheep and goat yogurt & cheese with the brand Bergerie. 11 Triballat Noyal
  • 12. Contact: Pascal MONTEMBAULT visitor 4 rue Gaston Cordier 35 300 FOUGèRES FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 99 17 00 14 For over twenty years we have shared our passion for meat and poultry. HAPI FRANCE has a strong experience in developping new products perfectly adapted to our customers’s needs. We are specialized in international trade of raw and cooked products. Our customers are industrials, retail, aerial catering, food service and wholesalers. Seit über zwanzig Jahren teilen wir unsere Leidenschaft für Fleisch und Geflügel. HAPI FRANCE hat eine starke Erfahrung in der Entwicklung neuer Produkte, die perfekt auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zugeschnitten sind. Wir sind auf den internationalen Handel mit rohen und gekochten Produkten spezialisiert. Unsere Kunden sind Industrie, Handel, Catering, Food Service und Großhändler. 12 Hapi France
  • 13. Contact: Mathilde ANTON visitor PA du Goheleve 56 920 NOyAL-PONTIVy FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 97 25 01 59 KRAZAN56 KRAZAN is a processor of organic products based on seeds and cereals. Thanks to a natural process of transformation, we propose a range of products rich in flavors. Buckwheat, barley, squash seeds, sunflower seeds, wheat flour ... KRAZAN re exploits their naturals flavors so you can rediscover them. KRAZAN ist ein Verarbeiter von Bio-Produkten auf der Basis von Saatgut und Getreide. Dank eines natürlichen Umwandlungsprozesses bieten wir eine Reihe von Produkten an, die reich an Aromen sind. Buchweizen, Gerste, Kürbiskerne, Sonnenblumenkerne, Weizenmehl ... KRAZAN arbeitet an diesen Naturprodukten, um sie wieder zu entdecken. 13 Krazan
  • 14. 14 Contact: Florence SAINTILAN Contour Antoine de St-Exupéry Campus de Ker Lann CS 87226 35 172 BRUZ cedex FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 23 50 15 25 www.crma-bzh Partner Helping crafts companies in their international development The CHAMBRE RÉGIONALE DES MÉTIERS DE BRETAGNE aims at helping Breton craftsmen develop the necessary capability to establish their own international business and partnership networks. Our program “Action Export” enhances the food sector and organic products by accompanying craftsmen individually. We also optimize their presence on professional international exhibitions. Vorbereitung und Begleitung Handwerksbetriebe bei ihren internationalen Aktivitäten. Die HANDWERKSKAMMER DER BRETAGNE hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den bretonischen Handwerkern dabei zu helfen, die nötige Kompetenz zu entwickeln, um ihre eigenen internationalen Geschäftsbeziehungen und Partnerschaften aufzubauen. Wir, die „Action Artisanat Export”, wollen den Bereich Lebensmittel, vor allem biologische Produkte, durch eine verstärkte Anwesenheit der Betriebe auf internationalen Fachmessen fördern. des Métiers & de l’Artisanat Chambre Régionale
  • 15. Contact: Carole GUIST’HAU Partner 2 square René Cassin Immeuble Les Galaxies 35 700 RENNES FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 99 54 03 23 @IBB_BioBretagne BioBretagne INITIATIVE BIO BRETAGNE (IBB) is a regional umbrella organization of the organic sector in Bretagne, France. Created in 1995, it brings together different interested parties: organizations of organic producers, suppliers of goods (animal feeds, inputs, material …), processors, distributors, service providers (training, research, technical advice), and associations of consumers. INITIATIVE BIO BRETAGNE is a place of exchange, dialogue and representation in which the professionals of the organic sector become participants in the field of organic regulation, the organic partnership chain, research, communication, and catering. INITIATIVE BIO BRETAGNE (IBB) fördert die Entwicklung der ökologischen Lebensmittelwirtschaft in der Bretagne undvertrittdiegemeinsamenInteressenseinerMitglieder in Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Mitglieder dieses regionalen Verbandes für ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft sind sowohl die Marktteilnehmer wie z.B. Erzeuger(gemeinschaften), Futter- & Düngemittelhersteller, Verarbeiter, Einzel- und Grosshändler als auch Dienstleister wie die Landwirtschaftskammern, Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen sowie Verbraucher- und Umweltschutzverbände. Diesen Wirtschaftsakteuren bietet INITIATIVE BIO BRETAGNE die Möglichkeit, sich zu aktuellen Themen wie Gesetzgebung, Analyse des Marktgeschehens, Forschung, Ausser-Haus-VerpflegungundVerbrauchersensibilisierung zuäussern.INITIATIVEBIOBRETAGNEverstehtsichdabei als lebendiges Netzwerk und offene Kommunikationsplattform für seine Mitglieder. 15 Initiative Bio Bretagne
  • 17. 17 Bretagne Commerce International is a non-profit organization of private companies located in Western France. Entrusted by the Regional Government of Bretagne and the Regional Chamber of Commerce to internationalize the Breton economy, it assists Breton companies in their international development as well as foreign companies planning to invest in Bretagne. Through customized and collective activities, Bretagne Commerce International is committed to: E Raising awareness about international business opportunities E Supporting companies with administrative issues E Helping companies start and then consolidate their business. Bretagne Commerce International Contacts: Eric VOULAND - Dominique FLOCH Le Colbert 35 place du Colombier - CS 71238 35 012 RENNES cedex FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 99 25 04 04 @BCInter
  • 18. E From one of the founding countries of the European Union, you will be able to expand on a market of 510 million consumers with a high purchasing power. E Thanks to an outstandingly high level of initial education, you will benefit from a workforce which is able to adapt to the constant evolution of products and services easily. E Enjoying a high quality of life environment, you will find opportunities for innovation, R&D and competitiveness, which is the evidence of great scientific and technological skills. Why invest in Bretagne? Bretagne plays host to almost 490 foreign companies • 28,000 km² • 3.25 million people (+23,000 inhab/year) • €83,4 billion GDP • 1st Agri-Food region in France • 1st Agricultural region in France • 1st Fishing region • 1st region for Shipbuilding and repair • 1st region in Marine Science & Technology • 1st region for filing of High Tech European patents in France • 2nd region for Digital R&D in France Land of excellence: Digital, Automotive, Marine, Agriculture and Agri-Food Developing sectors: Marine Renewable Energy, Green Vehicles, Eco-Activities, Biotech, Security & Defence Bretagne economy: a snapshot Bretagne and its strong industrial dynamics
  • 19. Focus on ORGANIC PRODUCTION 87,603 ha of organic agricultural land or in-conversion 2,730 organic farms 861 organic food processing companies 312 organic products distributors (retailers & wholesalers) Cereals • 1,117 farms • 17 470 ha* • 380 companies Fruits & Vegetables • 1st fresh vegetables production region in France with 4 038 ha* • 730 farms producing vegetables • 432 farms producing fruits Layers • 1st region in France • 28 % of the hen population • 218 hen farms Milk • 1st largest organic milk provider in France • 771 livestock farmers • +125 million litres • Nearly 30 milk collecting and/or processing companies Seaweed • 200 tonnes produced annually • Field of use: Agriculture, Agri-Food, Aquaculture Animal Feed, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical Industry, Nutraceutic Palmaria palmata, Chondrus crispus, Mastocarpus stellatus, Himanthalia elongata, Ulva lactua, Porphyra purpurea, Undaria pinnatifida, Laminaria digitata, Sacharina latissima Meat • 230 suckler cows farms • Nearly 70 farms producing pork Source: Agence Bio/IBB (2016-2017) *certified organic or in-conversion
  • 20. b2b meetings - workshops networking - on-site visits 2-3-4 July 2018 FRANCE, Rennes Seize new business opportunities in western france AND beyond opportunities Seize opportunities newSeize opportunities businessnew inopportunities businessbusiness beyond western opportunities beyond francewestern opportunities france opportunities ANDfrance inopportunities AND 2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits 2-3-4 Jul networking - on-site visits 2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul networking - on-site visits 2-3-4 Jul networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits 2-3-4 Jul networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits y 2018 networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits b2b meetings - workshops networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits b2b meetings - workshops 2-3-4 Jul b2b meetings - workshops 2-3-4 Jul networking - on-site visits b2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshops y 2018y 2018y 2018y 2018y 2018y 2018y 2018y 2018y 2018y 2018y 20182-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 July 20182-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul2-3-4 Jul networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits b2b meetings - workshops networking - on-site visits y 2018 networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits b2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshops FRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, Rennesy 2018 networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits FRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, Rennes networking - on-site visits FRANCE, Rennes networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits b2b meetings - workshops networking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visitsnetworking - on-site visits b2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshopsb2b meetings - workshops FRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, RennesFRANCE, Rennes