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Trump’s election together with Brexit has highlighted the
resurgence of nationalism in the modern society as workers who
are anxious about the effects of globalization on their
employment chances turn on outsiders. The rise of nationalism
is a consequence of the anxiety that people are experiencing in
their interaction with others. The purpose of the study is to
investigate the factors that have resulted in the resurgence of
nationalism and its implications on the international
community. The research methodology will include both
methodological and the theoretical approaches because the
concerns are mainly associated with the cultural research. The
study will be carried out in two, with the first part will
involving a review for the previous studies. The second part
will include unsigned online interview that will be designed in
such a way that it is able to gather and analyze the opinions for
the participants including their perception on the resurgence of
nationalism within the United States. Comment by Tom
Kelly: Human participants requires IRB approval before
conducting the research, so I need to see confirmation of that.
Table of Contents
Background of the Problem7
Purpose of the Study10
Research Hypothesis10
resurgence of nationalism will be resolved.10
Significance of the Study10
The following section comprises of the definition of terms that
used in the research, with elaborations.11
Assumptions, Limitations and Delimitations11
Search Description13
Theoretical Framework13
Review of the literature14
Summary of Findings35
Suggestions for Future Research45
The election of President Donald J Trump and Brexit
have highlighted the resurgence of nationalism in the modern
society as workers who are anxious about the effects of
globalization on their employment chances turn on outsiders. In
addition, the strong performance of Marine Le Pin in the
presidential election in France and the resurgence of nationalist
parties in Eastern Europe have increased the anxiety of
stakeholders about the rise of nationalism and its implications
for the society. Comment by Tom Kelly: sp
The definition of nationalist companies involves a
commitment by right wing parties towards embracing isolation
in a bid to insulate their countries from the economic disruption
that has been caused by the glob al economic system.
The left behind thesis has been used by many observers
of the phenomenon in demonstrating the causes of the
resurgence of nationalism(Haidt, 2016). The view is informed
by the belief that globalization has raised the quality of life of
people across the world except those in western societies. The
less educated members of the society lose their employment
opportunities to countries with cheap labor and minimal
environmental regulations. In addition, workers have also lost
employment opportunities to the immigrants who have moved to
the country. Employers prefer using immigrants on low-skilled
labor because the approach enables them to reduce their
operating costs. In towns, which have witnessed stagnation, the
residents resent the progress of others while their lives remain
the same. The increasing inequality in the society has
continued to attract the resentment of the locals who have
missed the economic transformation that is captured in the
rising opulence, skyscrapers and financial growth for
Nationalist candidates have observed that the struggle
between the nationalism and those with a globalization agenda
is one between patriots and those who do not love their country
(Sauers, 2010). However, it is evident that nationalists have
embraced a narrow view of the global economy and how their
communities’ suit into it.
It is evident that the racist undertones in the society
have not ended in spite of the efforts, which have been made by
governments across the world to create harmony. As a result, it
is evident that communities need to have a conversation about
racial differences and equality (Sabato, 2017).
The resurgence of nationalism is occurring at a time
where some countries are experiencing an increased push for
closer international cooperation (BBC, 2018). Donald Trump is
leading the resurgence of nationalism. The move by President
Donald Trump to enact trade tariffs has contributed towards the
increasing divide within the international community over the
role of globalization in the modern society. He has also
highlighted a willingness to renegotiate the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The move by the President of
the United States has been the primary cause of concern over
the impact that the resurgence of nationalism may have on the
modern society. The experience of Brexit has demonstrated the
inherent challenges that the nationalist movement would face
once it ascends to power. The United Kingdom is slowly
learning that isolation may have unintended negative effects
that outweigh the value that would be derived from the move.
However, Brexit has highlighted the structural and systemic
challenges, which have undermined public confidence in the
centralization of decision-making and the governance of people.
The rise of nationalism has undermined the ability of the
international community to collaborate and engage in the
management of the public sector. The success of the
international community is based on the trust of members of the
public with each other. The resurgence of nationalism threatens
to undermine the ability of stakeholders to collaborate with each
other (BBC, 2018). The resignation of Gary Cohn as the top
economist of the United States has highlighted the commitment
of globalists towards fighting nationalism. Understanding how
to manage the resurgence of nationalism and create an effective
social-economic system that promotes inclusive patriotism is
essential to facilitating the long-term stability of the global
economic system.
Background of the Problem
Typically, the growth and development of a society
results in an increased desire among the people to overcome the
traditional values in favor of more open to change,
progressiveness, and social engineering. As Western nations
achieved economic development, they moved towards
emphasizing the emancipative values, which highlight the
importance of individual rights and protections for an individual
(Greenfeld, 2003). The rise in individuality in Western societies
has undermined the identity of the people in the society. The
fading of survival challenges has led the society to celebrate
employment opportunities such as coding which enable an
individual to express him or herself. The shift means that people
who lose jobs in outsourced factories and closed mines have
challenges forming an identity in a society, which does not
respect their values a lot. Democratic capitalism has also
resulted in the organization of the business environment
presenting challenges to the living standards of the people. The
rise of the young urban elite has resulted in leaving behind
many rural economies.
Local ties have weakened in the society as the people
have moved to towards urban areas. The people start to perceive
themselves as citizens of the world as opposed to those of their
individual countries (Gellner, 1998). However, nationalism has
also continued to influence mainstream politics. The liberal
universalism had contributed towards the creation of the
resentment among the people who believed that their
government had failed to provide effective support for local
business and workers.
Internationalism led to the increased competition for
jobs as societies sought to create opportunities for immigrants.
Multicultural globalists advocated for the rise of the
globalization and immigration as it sought to share
opportunities and create an enabling environment for
corporations to choose the best talent from anywhere in the
Nationalists and globalists had a competing vision as
they failed to agree on the subject of immigration. Nationalists
have increasingly held the view that the globalization agenda
has been driven by the business community which seeks to use
immigrants to access the cheapest labor (Hutchinson, 2000).
Some nationalists hold the view that their country is better than
others are. In contrast, others are racist and illiberal. In
addition, some believe that their patriotic values place them
with a moral responsibility of contributing towards the
protection of the people.
The terrorist attacks in the society have had a negative
impact on the society. Terrorism has led to phobia against
Islamic immigrants due to the fear of the impact that they have
on the society. The fear of radical Islam has fueled the
opposition against immigration of Muslims in the society.
The responses of the people towards immigration are
influenced by the fear and anxiety that people have over their
economic well-being and safety (Spencer & Wollman, 2005).
The biggest challenge that members of the public and their
leaders have had in reacting to the problem of nationalism is the
lack of empathy among the leaders. Many people have failed to
demonstrate an appreciation of the concerns that have made
some communities resistant to immigration and globalization.
The resurgence of nationalism threatens international
peace and collaboration at a time when nations have the
responsibility of engaging in shared problem solving. A return
to nationalism and the rise of nationalism and protectionism
could have an adverse effect on the rise of globalization and the
impact that it can have on the society (BBC, 2018). The success
of individual nations and their citizens is increasingly
dependent on treaties and partnerships with other countries to
harness their comparative advantage. The ability of
communities to achieve desirable outcomes in the present age
depends on their ability to collaborate with others and take
advantage of the opportunities that are available across the
Statement of the Problem
The rise of nationalism is a consequence of the anxiety
that people are experiencing in their interaction with others
(Kohl & Fawcett, 1996). Billionaire leaders such as President
Donald Trump have successfully tapped into the discontent of
the people with the existing global economic system to further
their political agenda. In addition, many people have failed to
understand the issues that are important to the people who are
feeling left behind by the globalization in the society. Leaders
recognize that a failure to manage the resurgence of nationalism
could undermine the ability of the international community to
tackle shared challenges that require cooperation among
different countries such as climate change and global economic
system. In addition, isolationist policies tend to enhance the
extremist positions in countries, undermining the ability of their
elected leaders to engage in the compromises that are essential
to the effective governance of a state. The international
community needs to understand the nature of the threat posed by
nationalism in the modern society and the impact that it could
have on political stability and economic growth.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors that
have resulted in the resurgence of nationalism and its
implications on the international community. The insights
gained from this study will form the basis for addressing the
concerns that have made some people in the Western nations to
reject globalization. It will also provide an effective long-term
strategy for protecting the society from the systemic attempts
aimed at closing individual countries from each other. The
insights gained from this study will contribute towards the
promotion of globalization and collaboration efforts in the
international community.
Despite the committed support of President Donald Trump
for nationalism, he has continued to face sustained opposition
from members of Congress from both parties and the business
community. As a result, his actions have been limited though
they have undermined the role of the United States as the
guarantor of the free market system.
Research Hypothesis
· If the USA focuses on electing competent leaders, the
resurgence of nationalism will be resolved. Comment by Tom
Kelly: A thesis can’t make guesses about the future. It has to
relate two variables in testable manner. There’s no way to test
the effects of leaders who have even been elected yet. Also,
“competent” is a subjective term. A measure of competence that
is observable would be more useful.
What’s caused the rise in nationalism? Illegal immigration?
Economic stagnation? Unemployment? A possible thesis to
examine might be, “When national leaders focus on illegal
immigration, nationalist parties lose support.”
That can be tested by examining the actions of European leaders
versus how powerful the far right has become in European
These are just some ideas, but there really is no way to present
evidence for or against the assertion that nationalism will die
down if America elects competent leaders. Any argument
supporting that assertion is just an educated guess.
Significance of the Study
The study is timely due to the increasing interest among
scholars and the international community to understand the
resurgence of nationalism and its long-term effects. The study
will also seek to evaluate the steps that can be taken to enhance
the engagement of all people in creating a prosperous and
shared economy. The findings of the study will contribute
towards informed discourse on the issue of nationalism and
enable policy makers to make informed choices about the
challenges facing some communities and the effective
intervention measures, which should be used to reduce the
extremist positions held by others on globalization. The
significance of the study is that it addresses an important
contemporary issue that has a disruptive effect on the continued
civilization of the modern society.
The following section comprises of the definition of terms that
used in the research, with elaborations.
Globalists: individuals who support globalization
Globalization: the process through which businesses or
organizations gain influence across the world
Nationalism: advocacy for the political independence of a
Patriotism: the quality of vigorous support for one’s country
Immigration: the movement of people into a country in which
they are not citizens
Assumptions, Limitations and Delimitations
The study will assume that those who support
nationalism have different reasons based on their experiences
and their values. However, the biggest limitation of the study is
the inability to conduct extensive interviews and ethnographic
observations in order to understand the perceptions of the
people concerning nationalism. In spite of the inability to
conduct an extensive study, the study will use extensive
qualitative research to extrapolate the findings of its limited
research and synthesize it with the relevant literature on the
This section has demonstrated the nature of
nationalism and the challenges it poses to both individual
countries and the international community. It is evident that
economic concerns are the primary drivers of nationalism in the
society (BBC, 2018). As a result, the study will provide an
effective framework for the effective resolution of the
challenges posed by increasing globalization in the modern
The literature review aimed at developing a holistic
understanding of nationalism and its resurgence in the modern
society. As a result, past and present incidences of nationalism
were examined in the research process. The findings of the
study form the basis for understanding the psychology of the
modern nationalist and the factors that cause it to be prevalent
among different parts of the society.
Search Description
The search terms comprised of ‘nationalism’, ‘causes of
nationalism’, ‘causes of Brexit’ and ‘Trumpism’. The search
results produced leads that the researcher used to identify other
literature material on the subject. The focused research played
an important role in enabling the researcher to identify the
literature that could be used in the study. In addition, the
internet search involved ‘resurgence of nationalism’ and
Theoretical Framework
2.3 Theoretical Framework
Cultural factors
Social-economic factors
Political factors
Fig. 1: Theoretical framework for the resurgence of nationalism
The theoretical framework demonstrates the impact that
environmental factors have on the inherent patriotism of an
individual. Each person has a close relationship with their
nation that forms part of their identity. The cultural factors in
the society may affect how people perceive others. Part of the
opposition towards nationalism can be linked to cultural issues,
which affect how the people perceive each other. In addition,
social-economic factors may affect the sense of security that a
person has about their future (Spencer & Wollman, 2005).
Political actors may exploit social-economic and cultural factors
to stir interest in nationalism. The resurgence of nationalism
can be linked to the cultural and social-economic factors in the
American society. Consequently, it is evident that the adoption
of nationalism is a response to threats to the identity or survival
of an individual. The push for nationalism is a reactive response
to the fear and anxiety caused by the potential loss of the
identity of a person (BBC, 2018).
Review of the literature
The turn of the new millennium held the hope that most
countries around the world would turn away from nationalism as
globalization and technological advancements created new
opportunities for the young generation to interact with others. It
was expected that young people would be less nationalistic than
their parents would as they recognized the shared value in the
connection of different cultures and societies (Helleiner, &
Pickel, 2005). The political future of many communities seemed
to lie in super nations such as the European Union. However,
nationalism started to enjoy a large resurgence across the world
as the promise of globalization failed to result in shared
Populists from Venezuela to Poland, the United States and
Britain have exploited nationalism by casting themselves as
opponents of globalists. The appeal of nationalism is evident in
the need to project the fears and anxiety of a people to the other
(Serwer, 2017). In China, Russia and Turkey authoritarian
regimes have played the nationalism card to entrench their hold
on power by concentrating economic and political control in
their hands. Institutions such as the European Union have found
that they are being held back by the increased resistance against
the centralization of decision-making authority in the society.
The latest wave of nationalism seems set to endure for a long
period as changes in the world economy continue to increase
anxiety over the economic viability of many communities and
their members. The success of nationalism can be linked to its
immense power. It plays an important role in giving people an
identity in a multicultural world where immigration threatens to
break down the traditional conceptualization of nation states.
The definition of a nation over the years has been anchored in
common ancestry (Gans, 2003). This view is responsible for the
inability of many people to accept immigrants and assimilated
persons as part of them. For instance, it explains the reluctance
of people to accept Muslims as capable of becoming real
Britons or Germans. In spite of the increased willingness among
the people to accept that people with different skin colors and
ethnicity as being part of themselves, the adoption of multi-
ethnic nations has always been a social experiment that was
bound to face some fierce resistance from the target population.
Many people are keen to hold onto their mono-ethnic identities
because it aligns with what they know about the role of
nationhood in their lives.
The resurgence of nationalism in Canada and the United States
in spite of the countries having experienced immigration for
many decades demonstrates the enduring need for mono-ethnic
identities and the endurance of their rigid racial structures. The
progress that has been made towards reducing the injustices and
inequality caused by the societal challenges in the society has
threatened those who view the concept of a nation as being
synonymous with Christianity and whiteness (Sharma, 2006).
Changes in the society have threatened the status of many
people who relied on their race or religion to access privilege in
the society. Consequently, the pushback against immigration
and racial equality could be driven in large part by concerns
over the impact that it will have on the privilege, which is
available to members of the community (Sabato, 2017).
The association of nationalism with one ethnic group risks
enhancing the tensions and inequality that have defined the
society in the past. As a result, it is imperative for communities
to embrace effective intervention measures to enhance their
ability to reach new groups and embrace a more inclusive form
of nationalism (Waldron, 2002). The approach will be integral
in creating opportunities for the society to benefit from the
adoption of a collective identity. Presently, nationalism evokes
a negative response, which undermines the ability of the people
to have an honest conversation about nationalism (Sin, 2006). It
is evident that each human being has an emotional connection
with their identity. In a fast-changing world, the concept of
nationhood provides not only an identity, but is also an
important function of the hopes and aspirations of individuals.
As a result, it is important for members of the society to
empathize with those who have expressed support for
nationalism because they believe in one form of nationalism.
The liberal reaction to nationalism has been flawed and only
served to entrench the resistance of some groups against
globalization. The view involves recognition of the inherent
weakness in the continued attempt to encourage the power to
abandon any collective identity in favor of transcending tribal
allegiances (Brubaker, 1997). The approach fails to recognize
the need for identity in a rapidly changing world. Nationalism
has achieved a lot of power by expanding the circle of sympathy
among a people who are concerned over their place in a rapidly
changing world (Miščević, 2000). Globalists have contributed
towards the rise of globalization by failing to recognize the
adverse effects of globalization. However, it fails to recognize
the impact that such a system has on the individual persons who
are forced to compete with cheaper labor from around the
world. As a result, nationalism has a flawed overall strategy but
a more compassionate individual framework while universalism
has a holistic and open overall strategy but fails to account for
the needs of individual persons (Lomnitz-Adler, 2001).
The liberal response to nationalism has been a rush towards the
protection of minorities. However, this approach has failed to
embrace intersectionality theory in understanding how sub-
groups may act as agents of victimization. It is evident that
even small groups may be instruments of oppression for some of
their members. The observation is evident in the failure by the
Muslim community to embrace gender equality, a practice that
continues to cause friction with other communities where they
immigrate. As a result, the most effective way for the modern
society to allow the exercise of individual freedom is to provide
a political identity that allows them to live their lives and is
independent of the interests of particular cultural groups.
The biggest problem is that liberals gave up on their attempt to
define nationalism. Instead, extremist right-wing groups who
have an ultra-conservative view of the concept of a nation and
its role in the identity of a person now drive the movement. The
experiences that Germany and the United States have had with
prejudice have led to the view that any form of nationalism may
result in the excesses that mar their histories. Instead of
inspiring patriots to hold the values and aspirations of their
nations, many activists have been content in denouncing past
injustices. The narrow approach has failed to provide a path for
the future even as it seeks to deconstruct the history of their
nations. The approach has surrendered the role of defining
nationalism to bigots and racists in the society.
The example of a few political leaders demonstrates that many
liberals recognize that active involvement in the continued
effort to define nation states is important in enabling countries
to achieve their goals. The observation is evident in the speech
that President Barack Obama gave in Selma, Alabama in
memory of the civil rights march and the sacrifices that were
borne in the pursuit of racial equality in the United States
(Sabato, 2017). President Obama noted the importance of
continued engagement, in forging a common political identity,
when he stated, ‘What greater expression of faith in the
American experiment than this…What greater form of
patriotism is there than the belief that America is not yet
finished, that we are strong enough to be self-critical, that each
successive generation can look upon our imperfections and
decide that it is in our power to remake this nation to more
closely align with our highest ideals?” (Sabato, 2017).
However, the strong performance of the party and the fact that
President Obama was succeeded by Trumpism demonstrated that
more needs to be done to expand the participation of different
groups in the continued effort of defining nationhood and
determining its values.
The United States and Europe has a rich history of inclusive
patriotism. However, more needs to be done to increase the
engagement of different groups in nationalism and in forming
the nations that they belong to. It is evident that a lot needs to
be done to provide a sense of shared ownership of the society.
The election of President Donald Trump and the continued rise
of the European Parliament made some people to feel that their
identity and understanding of their nation was being threatened
(Serwer, 2017). The people felt that they were losing their way
of life considering social-cultural changes in the world. The
election of Donald Trump was in large part the consequence of
the rise of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queering
(LGBTQ) community after a Supreme Court ruling upheld same
sex marriage, the election of a black President and the possible
succession by a female president. The activities sought to break
social, gender, racial and cultural practices that had defined
white America for many years (Sabato, 2017). In addition, the
continued growth of the Latina population across the United
States presented the fear that white Americans would become a
majority in the United States. The failure of the nationalism
movement to create an inclusive definition of nationhood means
that many people view their political identity as being tied to
their cultural one.
The United States has consistently sought to define itself as a
melting pot of different cultures and ethnicities. However, the
approach seeks to force people to embrace a unified Culture. In
Canada, the model is that of a salad where different cultures are
believed to enrich the whole. However, the idealized approach
is overly optimistic of a group with members who share little
across their cultural and ethnic divide. The metaphor may
provide a view of the ideal nation that nationalists would wish
to create. However, it has features that are inherently abused by
the movement. It is defined by shared and equal rights among
all the groups in the nation. Achieving the model will require
taking pride in the collective desire for shared ownership of the
destiny of the nation and a responsibility towards helping
others. It requires humility in accepting the prejudices of the
past and forging a common future.
Many observers have noted that compassionate patriotism is
different from nationalism. They note that it requires
cooperative abroad and an innocent love of one’s country. In
contrast, nationalism seeks to exclude other societies and to
place the interests of one’s country above those of others.
Achieving compassionate patriotism requires the exclusion of
the exclusionary politics that are prevalent from Washington to
Moscow to Beijing. The global nature of nationalism
demonstrates a shared interest among the people of the world
for a retreat from the world to their countries (Serwer, 2017).
Although this approach is a conservative and anxious response
to the uncertainty of the modern age, it is evident that it is
fueled by existing prejudices that have merely been silenced but
not overcome in the past.
Individuals who believe in liberalism have a responsibility to
take responsibility for the control of nationalism because of the
importance of shared engagement with each other. It is
imperative for members of the society to recognize the
importance of investing in the well-being and success of each
other. The failure to manage nationalism could result in the
resurgence of philosophies similar to those of the Nazi
movement. Consequently, the society has a responsibility to
demonstrate greater responsibility in managing the threat posed
by nationalism.
The military parade that was proposed by President Donald
Trump highlights the enduring threats posed by a retreat to
nationalism. Military parades are an instrument of totalitarian
regimes, which seek to use them to arouse national pride. The
reliance on a show of might as a marker of the identity of a
people fails to recognize the inherent value in embracing a more
robust response to the opportunities provided in the society
(Serwer, 2017). It fails to account for the benefits that could be
derived from a shared ownership of the tasks facing the nation.
The success of nationalism in the twentieth century was
dependent on the instability in the world. However, the modern
age is characterized by relative stability in large parts of the
world. Consequently, nationalism can be the consequence of the
inability of political leaders to take responsible stewardship of
modern day challenges. It is evident that the prevailing
environment does not favor the long-term survival of
nationalism as increased prosperity around the world and the
sharing of information increases the desire among the people for
immigration and shared experiences (Nairn, 1997). The political
leaders across the world have a moral responsibility to meet the
modern-day challenges facing their nations with boldness of
vision to create an enduring identity for their nations. In
contrast, the embrace of nationalism highlights a weak response
to the challenges of leadership.
The success of modern day nationalist in the United States lies
in the use of economic theory to highlight the willingness of
some members of the society to embrace the vision that is
offered by isolationists who view the other as a threat to the
continued prosperity of their nations. Individuals such as
Donald Trump have sought to portray themselves as the savior
of the working class who are being left behind by the changing
economic and political environment, which fails to provide
opportunities for inclusive prosperity. They rely on attacks on
the broken system to appeal to the emotions of the common
person without proposing tangible solutions.
They also attack foreign aid as an attempt at diverting the
resources of the nation to other people. The zero-sum approach
to governance employs an insular view of the role of the nation
in the world and fails to recognize the responsibility that a
nation has to others (Zimmer, 2003). The misadventures of
Japan during the Second World War highlight the consequences
of unbridled nationalism. The retreat of Japan from nationalism
serves as a cautionary tale for any country that would seek to
follow the same path.
White nationalists have an effective appeal to a large segment
of the American population because they provide a voice to a
largely forgotten group in the society. In the fight for civil
rights and equality in the society, the needs of the white man
have been neglected by the state. The loss of blue-collar jobs
that were a source of pride and opportunities for social-
economic development for many white men across the rustbelt
and the American inland is the straw that broke the camel’s
back. A review of the areas where the opioid crisis is most
rampant demonstrates that white Americans are the most
affected. In effect, in spite of their enduring numerical
advantage, it is visible that the white man is quickly becoming a
minority whose interests and needs are being neglected. White
nationalism has provided a consistent platform for this group to
highlight their plight and their needs. The resurgence of the
movement in the recent past is a factor of the growing neglect
of white men and the impact that it has had on their
The research will incorporate the mixed method of
research, which will seek to identify the utilization of the
national and ethnic affiliations in everyday interactions as the
bridge across cultural variations. The methodology will also
seek to confirm the nationalist rhetoric of whether the elites in
the United States are rarely reproduced in everyday life and
especially where many practical concerns take place. The
research methodology will form the backbone of the study
because the method will determine the results. However, there
is a concern for a generation of a consistent typology for the
nationalist beliefs that are mapped within the thoughts of the
concrete communities. The study will also address the
limitations for the dominant methods that are used in studying
the heterogeneity for the meaning of the nation. The study will
also elicit interpretations from the respondents, through
interviews or through ethnographic fieldwork through
observation of articulations of the meaning during the public
Research Design
The research design will incorporate an unsigned online
interview, which will be designed in a manner that will make it
ideal for the gathering and analysis of the opinions from the
participants and their thoughts on the resurgence of nationalism
in the United States. The research design will also involve
multiple-choice questions, which will be designed in such a
way, that it is able to gather information.
The qualitative questions will be designed to collect any
suggestions that participants will have without constraint with
the format or limit for the multiple-choice options offered in
quantitative design. The unit of analysis will be composed of
organizations with formal structures, key informants, and
groups of people within the United States. The focus of the
study will be condition since the interest will be on the current
state for the resurgence of nationalism within the United. The
appropriate time dimension will be longitudinal but because of
limited time, the cross-sectional method will be applicable to
collect data in one time.
Research Hypothesis
The research hypothesis is “If the USA focuses on electing
competent leaders, the resurgence of nationalism will be
resolved.” The hypothesis designed in such a way that the
respondents will be able to refine the issues and even identify
the appropriate sources that are likely to enable them to respond
to the research questions. The research hypothesis will help in
enhancing the research through its positive effect on the
existing body of knowledge relative to the subject. The research
hypothesis will include a follow up since the focus is on
nationalism and its role in the United States. Besides, the
follow-up question will help establish the extent of the
resurgence of nationalism within the United States.
Comment by Tom Kelly: It may be possible to ask people
their opinions of this statement, but their opinions won’t be
evidence to support or refute the statement. The statement isn’t
falsifiable because it’s just making a guess about the future.
The research respondents will be solicited from a small
population. Ideally, the respondents will be solicited through
notifications such as the social networking sites. For example,
the emails and the notifications will explain the purpose of the
survey including a request for their responses and even offer a
link to the online survey. The survey will be fully anonymous
with the exception of demographic information that will obtain
little or no establishing information. There will be non-
identification of numbers assigned to survey links and even no
way of identifying those individuals who participated in the
survey. In other words, the study will be treated with a high
level of confidentiality.
The solicitation on social media such as Facebook will be
carried out as a status message through a request for the
“Facebook friends” to complete the interview through a link.
The age will vary from more than eighteen years to more than
eighty years of age and in diverse occupations and with various
education levels but geographically placed within the United
States. The respondents will be employed in diverse occupations
and located across the United States.
Data collection
A simple random sampling will be used on the targeted
study population of 300 and a sample size of 169 inclusive of
the men and women, youth and the aged. The limit of the
participants as the study population will be based on the
logistical, financial, and time constraints. Purposive sampling
and specifically nonprobability sampling will be employed to
obtain in-depth information. Data from the participants will be
gathered through utilization of questionnaires, key informant
questions, and the interview questions. Besides, the participants
will be granted with both close-ended and open-ended questions
designed in such a way that it will be possible to capture both
the qualitative and quantitative data.
Data analysis
The data gathered through the ratio scale will be analyzed
using the descriptive statistics including the mean and the
mode. The mean function will be used to calculate the average
on the extent of the resurgence of nationalism within the United
States. The mode will be used to offer a reflection on the most
dominant form of the resurgence of nationalism within the
United States. Data entry will be done through the use of the
statistical package for social sciences and Microsoft excel while
the presentation for the quantitative data will be done using the
frequency tables, figures, plates, graphs, and the pie charts. On
the other hand, the qualitative data will be analyzed through the
creation of themes, categories, and patterns.
The questions will contain five choices for the responses
to the quantitative portion of the research. Every response will
be converted to values between one and five and the questions
will be assigned numbers for simplicity in the analysis. The
results of the research will then be placed within an excel
spreadsheet for studying and analysis. The results will be
calculated and put in tables where it will then be graphed. The
results will then be compared against the entire average and
even against other categories to create assumption concerning
the demographic subsets. The study will take into consideration
the number of all the respondents from every category when
taking into consideration the significance for the average of
every subset.
In conclusion, the methodology will be geared towards
allowing the researcher to establish an extensive understanding
of the extent of resurgence for nationalism within the United
States. The methodology will also attempt to offer the factors
that have led to the increase in the resurgence of nationalism
within the United States. The targeted population of 300
respondents will emerge from various economic and social-
cultural backgrounds. Therefore, the methodology will play a
great role in ensuring that an extensive understanding of the
extent of nationalism within the United States cuts across
various communities including the factors that result in their
cause. The methodology will cover the research design, research
question, setting, the participants, data collection, and the data
The research methodology will include both methodological and
the theoretical approaches because the concerns are mainly
associated with the cultural research. The methodology will
consider the conceptions for the targeted area since the nation
varies across the national population. The study will be carried
out in two parts where the first part will involve a review for
the previous studies whereas the second part will include
unsigned online interview that will be designed in such a way
that it is able to gather and analyze the opinions for the
participants including their perception on the resurgence of
nationalism within the United States. Concisely, the research
methodology will play a great role towards ensuring that the
research question has been answered and offer options for areas
for future research.
Notably, the interview established a backing to keep in place
the Confederate monuments where the elimination of which has
emerged a pressing button concern for the communities across
the nation. The largest sample poll that included close to 5360
questions and carried out between 21st of August to 5
September during the aftermath for the neo-Nazi rallies and the
counter-protest made on the Virginia University grounds and
within the downtown Charlottesville between August 11 and
12th in Virginia. The respondents were asked about whether or
not they agreed with those statements that asked whether the
racial minorities or the white people within the United States
were under attack.
It was found that fourteen percent of the entire respondents
agreed with the statement that the white people are under attack
and also disagreed with the same statement that the non-whites
were under attack. Close to a third of the respondent translating
to 31 percent somewhat and strongly agreed that the country
requires preserving and protecting the heritage for the white
Europeans. Besides, another 34 percent of the respondents
somewhat and strongly disagreed with the statement whereas 29
percent neither disagreed nor agreed (Sabato, 2017). Nearly 50
years after the Supreme Court in the United States struck down
the prohibition on mixed-race marriages, nearly a sixth
translating to 16 percent of the respondents agreed with the
statement that marriage needs to be allowed between two
individuals but from the same race.
A further 14 percent are neither seen to disagree nor agree
with the statement whereas 4 percent indicated that they did not
know. In totality, nearly a third did not manage to express
tolerance for the interracial marriage. Nearly 17 percent among
the whites agreed with the statement that marriage needs to be
restricted to a similar race with 15 percent neither disagreeing
nor agreeing. It was slightly higher compared to the non-whites
where 15 percent agreed and 12 percent neither agreed nor
disagreed. Notably, in separate questions that asked whether or
to the extent the respondent backed the various ideologies, 6
percent of all the respondents indicated that they somewhat or
strongly backed the alt-right.
The respondents who supported the white nationalism were
8 percent while 4 percent expressed their support to the neo-
Nazism. Notably, for both the white nationalism and the alt-
right questions, the poll established that nearly a fifth of all the
respondents indicated that they neither opposed or supported the
movements or groups and perhaps revealed some further likely
additional support (Sabato, 2017). It should be recalled that the
adults in the United States are approximately 250 million.
Therefore, even the small percentages are possibly to represent
the beliefs for a lot of the Americans. The respondents on the
Confederate monuments were offered the choice for either
eliminating the Confederate monument from the entire public
areas of maintains them.
Three-fifths translating to 57 percent indicated that the
Confederate monuments ought to remain within the public
spaces whereas a quarter translating to 26 percent indicated that
they ought to be removed. Notably, 54 percent indicated that the
entire monuments need to be eliminated among the African
American respondents while 25 percent who seemed inclined to
maintain the monuments in place. The white strong varied with
nearly two-thirds translating to 67 percent indicating that they
should be maintained but only 19 percent favored the removal.
In essence, a plurality for most Democrats favored the removal
of the monuments which was 46 percent while the 38 percent
favored the monument to be marinated in place.
Approximately 51 percent of the respondents among those
who possessed the bachelor’s degree and beyond favored the
restoration of the monuments while 34 percent favored the
removal of the monuments. Some outcomes revealed that there
was broad acceptance for the racial equality. Therefore, seven
in every ten translating to 70 percent strongly agreed that
individuals from different races need to be free to live in
whichever place they desire and 70 percent agreed on all races
are the same with just 2 percent and 4 percent of the
respondents strongly disagreeing in that order (Sabato, 2017).
Nearly 89 percent which was a large percentage agreed that the
entire races need to be treated equally even as 11 percent
responded otherwise. It was found that 3 percent disagreed,
another 5 percent neither disagreed nor agreed, and another 3
percent indicated that did not know.
However, the rest of the findings presented a conflicting
opinion concerning whether and the type of the racial groups
that were likely to be under attack within the United States.
Nearly 39 percent of the respondents somewhat and strongly
agreed with the statement indicating that the white people were
currently under attack in the country whereas 38 percent
disagreed. The strong disagreement composed 28 percent that
ranked high compared to those who strongly agreed to translate
to 19 percent. Notably, 29 percent seemed to disagree with the
statement among the whites whereas 54 percent of the non-
whites disagreed. Furthermore, 21 percent among the partisans
who were Democrats agreed with the statement that indicated
that to some extent when compared to 63 percent of the
Equally, 59 percent of the Democrats disagreed which
translated to 47 percent whereas 17 percent of the Republicans
also disagreed. It was noted that nearly the same percentage for
the Republicans and the Democrats neither disagreed nor agreed
as 17 percent and 18 percent respectively. Another 55 percent
somewhat strongly agreed with the statement that indicated that
the racial minorities were currently under attack in the country
whereas 22 percent somewhat or strongly disagreed (Sabato,
2017). Similarly, 13 percent of the racial minorities appeared to
disagree with the statement whereas 27 percent of the whites as
well disagree with the statement. The poll also established
mixed views for the relative unfamiliarity and Black Lives
Matter with the Antifa when compared to the rest organization
and movement that the survey questioned about it.
Approximately a third of the respondents translating to 32
percent indicated their support for the Black Lives Matter
whereas an additional 24 percent revealed a middle stand of
either opposing or supporting. Approximately 62 percent of the
African Americans voiced their support for the group whereas
26 percent and 33 percent of the whites and the Hispanics
respectively also did the same. A plurality among the
respondents appeared to be against the Black Lives Matter.
Therefore, 37 percent strongly or somewhat opposed the
organization. In essence, the strongest core for those opposing
the group emerged from the whites with only 43 percent
opposing the issue of the Black Lives Matter.
There was an obvious partisan variation in opposition or in
support for the organization where 52 percent of the Democrats
seemed to support the Black Lives Matter and another 62
percent of the Republicans seemed to oppose it. It was found
that 8 percent indicated that they somewhat or strongly
supported Antifa whereas 33 percent strongly opposed the
Antifa while an additional 6 percent somewhat opposed with 39
percent opposing in totality (Sabato, 2017). There is a lot of
certainty concerning the Antifa compared to the alt-right group
that could have suggested a lack of familiarity with the group
itself or even with the group ideals if any. As a result, 32
percent responded that they did not know especially when they
were asked of whether they oppose or support to Antifa whereas
23 percent who indicated the same when questioned concerning
the alt-right.
An essential concern that the poll sought to assist in
clarifying was on whether there was a sizeable section within
the American public that was likely to appear receptive to the
kinds of messages that were being disseminated with those
groups that were associated with either the white supremacy or
the alt-right. It is only a small percentage that indicated they
did when they were asked on whether they supported the white
nationalism or the alt-right. Besides, it is only one-fifth of all
the respondents that indicated that they neither opposed nor
supported the movements or the groups. A sizable number of the
respondents that were selected in the poll neither disagreed nor
agreed with the option.
The middling responses appeared remarkable especially
given the fact that they do not know responses was still offered
and were available because of the controversial and racially
charged nature for some of the polled statements. For example,
it was found that an individual wished to express the lack of
knowledge or uncertainty. It was for this reason that the pollster
decided to assess the makeup for either disagreeing or agreeing
on respondents during the survey (Sabato, 2017). It was also
found that the profile for the respondents was not the same
where some of the most notable questions revealed a general
trend indicating that the respondents were most probably to
have views that were inclined to intolerance compared to being
aware from it.
The either disagree or agree respondents were found to be
far less probable to condemn the statements that were against
the interracial marriage and favored those who preserved the
white heritage. Additionally, the nor and the neither were found
to be less probably compared to the respondents who felt that
the entire races needed to be treated equally or even the
minorities who were under attack. In either case, it made the
viewpoints for the most congruous with anti-quality and the
extremist views compared to the most progressive views.
The far-right parties and the nationalists have made great
electoral gains across Europe. For instance, some of them have
assumed office while others have emerged the major voice for
the opposition while those yet to access political foothold have
compelled the centrist leaders to adapt. In other words, the
process could be viewed as a backlash against the establishment
of politics in the wake of the migrant and the financial crisis
(BBC, 2018). Nonetheless, the wave for discontent seems to tap
into long-lasting fears concerning the globalization and a
weakening of the national identity. There are some popular
themes including the Eurosceptic, anti-Islamic rhetoric, and the
hostility to immigration although the parties convoluted span
for a wide political spectrum.
It was also found that the inconclusive elections coupled
with months of uncertainty culminated within the two most
popularity parties which were the right wing league and the
anti-establishment five-star movements that formed the
coalition government in Italy. Therefore, its rise from the
political fringes emerged in a country that was strongly hit by
the financial crisis that occurred in 2008 and that later became
the major destination among the North African Immigrants. The
league that was in the past known as the Northern League,
switched its focus from the early objective for creating a
distinct northern state to lead a nation that it once wished to
Germany developed only five years ago where the far right
alternative for Germany in 2017 entered the federal parliament
in the first time. From the start, the anti-euro party pushed for
severe anti-immigrant policies that later tapped in the anxieties
because of the Islam influence. The leaders were accused that
they restrained the Nazi atrocities. Austria especially the far-
right party in surrounding Austria has appreciated improved
success compared to the Alternative for Germany (BBC, 2018).
The migrant crisis was found just like in Germany as
fundamental to success and a great issue that they campaigned
on for long. There has been a lot of plan and proposals to seize
the immigrant’s phones since the election period.
It was also found that elsewhere in Europe, the
immigration rules particularly in Denmark was among the
toughest and mirrored the power of the Danish party. The
policies are authorized to seize the property of the migrants and
pay for their upkeep and have even pledged to enhance the
contraception help in the developing countries in order to limit
the pressures from the migrants. Besides, the elections that were
conducted in 2015, in England revealed that the right wing party
emerged second although the presidential election candidate
won with a small margin. In essence, the findings resonate with
the issue of the resurgence of nationalism as demonstrated in
the factual findings.
The study has demonstrated that nationalism cannot be
allowed to continue in its present trajectory. Consequently,
effective intervention measures have to be taken to address the
problem and create opportunities for a more inclusive version of
patriotism. The approach will play an instrumental role in
creating opportunities for a more effective expression of
political identity in the modern society.
Summary of Findings
The construction of a nation is a man-made endeavor
that has a consequential impact on how its people engage with
each other (Calhoun, 1998). As a result, nationalism is the
consequence of the inherent flaws in the philosophy of the
creators of the nation. For instance, the prevalence of
nationalism in the United States can be linked to the failure to
invite the participation of all groups in the task of imagining the
nation. The failure to engage women and minorities in the
creation of the United States though a response to the practical
realities during independence, fed the notion that the United
States as a nation, is synonymous with whites and their religion.
The rise of nationalism is also a consequence of the
nature of leadership that the society has. When faced by internal
divisions between the North and the South, President Abraham
Lincoln chose to respond by creating a shared vision which
embraced universalism in order to keep the United States. As a
result, leaders have the opportunity to meet emerging and
existing social, cultural and economic challenges by providing a
bold political vision, which embraces inclusive patriotism
(Joireman, 2003). The approach is essential in enabling the
society to harness the best parts of its values and to meet
common challenges with unity of purpose.
The findings of the study have highlighted the
consequential effects of exclusive nationalism in undermining
globalization and cooperation in the society. In effect, it is
evident that the resurgence of nationalism is a response to the
failure of globalization to create inclusive prosperity in the
modern society. The resurgence of nationalism has been
facilitated by the anxiety that people have over their future and
identity. Nationalism poses the threat of creating an unequal
system that may have a disruptive effect on the ability of the
society to achieve positive outcomes in its engagement with
each other. The causes of nationalism demonstrate that a
redefinition of the global economic system and the expansion of
opportunities to serve others would have a positive impact on
the empowerment and engagement of the people in creating
shared growth.
The study has demonstrated that everyone must take
responsibility for the resurgence of nationalism. The
observation is informed by the recognition of the role of poor
political leadership and the flawed economic system in
undermining the ability of members of the public to participate
in creating opportunities for growth. The inability of the
business and political leadership to implement effective
intervention measures may undermine the ability of the modern
global system to create opportunities for shared growth and
prosperity in the United States and around the world. In
particular, the 2008 global economic recession led to increased
anxiety among the young people that has reduced their support
for globalization. However, it is evident that support for
nationalism stems from the anxiety of the older people. In
particular, white uneducated American men are increasingly
anxious over the loss of their identity as their country becomes
more diversified with the rise of the Hispanic community set to
reduce their majority. Demographic changes are expected to
reduce the impact of nationalism in the national political
discourse. However, if the needs of all the stakeholders are not
addressed the international community faces the threat of an
insurgent nationalist movement as communities seek to rally to
champion for their causes. The resolution of the key drivers of
nationalism requires recognition of the inherent human need for
safety, recognition and security among the people. It is also an
important response to the rise of national issues in the
international community caused by the resurgence of competing
visions in the modern society.
The history of nationalist movements has demonstrated
that they lack staying power as the inherent human need for
connection and shared belonging and the realities of modern
society make isolation a temporary and unrewarding experience.
Its limited resources and urgent need for growth and
development necessitated the isolation of the United States.
However, once it became wealthy it realized looking inwards
shrinks its influence and undermines its interests (Serwer,
2017). The extremist expressions of nationalism during the Nazi
regime were also defeated by the united response of the
international community. As the world faces shared challenges
such as climate change and terrorism, the stability and
sustainability of individual states will be increasingly
dependent on the cooperation of others. Consequently, the
present nationalist movement will not last for long due to the
necessities of the society.
The failure to win a supermajority in different countries
demonstrates that many people embrace universalism as
opposed to nationalism. As a result, an organized response to
nationalism is set to result in the resurgence of liberalism in the
near future. The narrow success of President Emmanuel Macron
demonstrates that nationalism is yet to appeal to a majority of
the society. In addition, the success of Trumpism is bound to be
limited by the resistance by people who recognize the futility in
erecting walls instead of building bridges to new opportunities
for the American people and citizens of the world. The painful
experience of Britain as it envisions increased autonomy outside
Europe has sounded a cautionary tale to many countries that a
retreat from the world stage is harmful to their interest. In
addition, the continued support for international trade
agreements represents recognition among many countries that
the individual success and prosperity of a nation is dependent
on cooperation with others.
The resurgence of nationalism has been enabled by the
inequality that has been enabled by globalization and
technological advancements. In addition, it has also been
enabled by the lack of engagement and respectful discourse
among conservatives and liberals. The partisanship in the
United States has undermined the ability of the government to
implement bold legislative reforms that are essential to the
progress of the society. Moreover, the institutionalization of
Citizens United Supreme Court ruling has enabled corporates to
exercise greater power in the governance process, undermining
the role of the common person. Furthermore, trade treaties and
security treaties have also reduced the autonomy of countries.
Consequently, addressing the problems that have led to the
resurgence of nationalism requires a re-imagining of democracy.
The moderate success of President Barack Obama in
championing inclusive patriotism demonstrates that one leader
cannot be effective in solving the governance dysfunction that
has fed nationalism. Instead, it is evident that elected and
business leaders must take the responsibility of addressing the
challenges that have caused a resurgence of nationalism. The
2008 global financial crisis reduced public confidence in the
government and the private sector. The vacuum in inspired
leadership for the people has contributed towards the rise of
nationalism in the modern society. As a result, it is imperative
for the society to implement effective intervention measures to
create opportunities for inclusive ownership of the challenges
and opportunities in the modern society.
Many people have failed to appreciate the importance of
a shared emotional bond and moral will in sustaining the
durability of a nation. In the modern society, polarization has
weakened the will of the people to engage with each as an
increasing number of things become sources of separation as
opposed to uniting factors. For instance, the Gulf War and the
war on terror has been the cause of division. In addition, the
rise of same-sex practices and their legalization has caused
division among liberals. Individualization has also led to the
weakening of the ties that bind communities together (Serwer,
2017). As a result, people have lost the unity of purpose that
enabled them to be connected together. The increased reduction
in the role of the common person in the decision-making
process has also caused many of them to become disconnected
from their government. Many elected leaders lack the close
connection with their communities and have a reduced role in
the decision-making process as strategic agreements shift power
to institutions such as the World Trade Union while the
centralization of authority has given the President and federal
agencies the ability to make policies that affect the everyday
lives of the people. In addition, the reduction of state power and
the low approval rating of Congress mean that people feel
disconnected from the authorities who make decisions, which
have an effect on their lives. Consequently, white nationalism
seems like an appealing response to earn their power back from
the institutions, which have taken it away from them.
In spite of the divisions, which seem to divide the United
States, it is evident that the country has the capacity for the
expression of inclusive patriotism among its people. It is
evident that the people recognize the inherent challenges in
failing to meet shared challenges with a unity of purpose. After
the September 11 attack, Americans across ethnic divides
shared a patriotic response to the act of terror in their
homeland. In addition, inclusive patriotism is evident every
time the country experiences mass shooting or natural disasters.
As a result, it is evident that the people have the capacity to
embrace inclusive patriotism. The election of President Obama
relied on a coalition of different ethnic groups. However, his
poor performance among white uneducated men in both the
2008 and 2008 and their support for ultra-nationalist ideas
demonstrate that the biggest constituency for the nationalist
movement is white uneducated men who feel that they are being
left behind by a changing social and economic environment.
The study has demonstrated that the lack of empathy with
the concerns of the minority groups in the society may have an
adverse effect on the ability of the modern states to create
inclusive patriotism. The failure to understand the anxiety of
the people who are advocating for exclusive patriotism means
that many people are seeking to resolve the issue of nationalism
with a clear understanding of what will be required to earn the
confidence and support of all the participants. The
institutionalization of inclusive patriotism will require an
appeal to the shared values that bind the United States with
other nations as they sought to meet shared threats and take
advantage of emerging opportunities. However, the rise of
corporate power in the modern business environment has
undermined the ability of members of the society to achieve
their goals.
The challenges in addressing the problem of nationalism
can be linked to the confluence of multiple cultural, social,
economic and political issues that cause the opposition to
inclusive patriotism. In particular, the participation of racist
groups has undermined the image of nationalists in the modern
The breakdown of the family unit, being the basic
social unit, has a direct impact on the resurgence of
nationalism. The family is the primary provider of identity for
members of the society. In the face of broken or weakened
family ties, many people look to their nation to provide the
sense of identity, which they need to achieve a holistic
experience. However, their search for shared identity is limited
to people who look like them, have the same social-cultural
background, beliefs and aspirations. Their search for identity
fails to account for the multiethnic nature of the modern state.
As a result, they are disillusioned by the immigrants, LGBTQ
and minority racial groups that have formed their nation
(Sabato, 2017). The failure to identify with these groups causes
many people to feel that they are losing their country and their
identity. As a result, their response to the resurgence of
nationalism poses a threat to the ability of the society to
achieve inclusive nationalism and provides an enabling
environment for the resurgence of nationalism (Breuilly, 1994).
The observation has demonstrated the need to have a
redefinition of the family unit in order to reduce the
disillusionment of many people with it. Expanding the
traditional definition of family will create opportunities for
people to have a shared identity that will be instrumental in
creating an inclusive society.
Presently, nationalist seem to be winning the ability to
shape the future due to the reluctance of liberals to participate
in shaping the future of nationalism. In the United States,
Veneueza, Poland, China and Moscow the ruling class has
sought to enhance nationalism in a bid to stir patriotism and
support their authority. However, it is unlikely that the
movement will continue to succeed in the long-term as the
society continue to evolve and the people seek a more inclusive
vision. In addition, the inability of nationalists to deliver an
easy solution to the social-economic challenges facing the
people may have an adverse effect on their ability to maintain
public support (Smith, 1998). Most nationalist governments and
parties have promised their supporters increased quality of life
by turning inwards. The inescapable failure of this policy
approach will create an opportunity for liberals and
universalism to take the lead in shaping the governance of
societies. The resurgence of universalism will differ in each
society based on the strength of their democratic institutions.
For example, the nationalist movement is bound to last longer in
Russia and China in the United States.
Nationalism is a statement of mind, making it responsive
to the prevailing factors in the social-economic and cultural
environment of a person. As the Hispanic community continues
to increase in the United States, so will also be the acceptance
among whites that they are a part of the American society. In
addition, an economic boom and the increasing resolution of
cultural challenges are bound to reduce the tensions which are
diving many members of the society. However, the replacement
of nationalism must be an inclusive approach for it to prevent a
recurrence of this movement in the future. The rise and fall of
nationalism is a cause and effect function that is responsive to
changes in the social –economic environment.
Politicians will continue to use nationalism in their
pursuit of public office because it is a powerful tool. It is also
important for members of the society and policy makers to
recognize that it is capable of resulting in armed conflict and
ethnic cleansing in spite of the relative stability in Western
societies. As a result, the phenomenon should invite urgent and
effective policy response from all stakeholders. In addition, a
continued indulgence of the most extreme forms of white
nationalism poses the risk of continued societal disintegration
The cooption of nationalism can be effective in
enabling organizations to tap into the most positive elements of
nationalism. It can be used to enhance a unity of purpose in the
pursuit of shared objectives (Smith & Berger, 1999). It will also
create opportunities for the people to achieve desirable
outcomes. The observation highlights the need for a bold vision
that will inspire members of the community to engage in a
shared endeavor. Nationalism can enhance the mobilization of
the people to resolve shared challenges. Pride in their countries
can be used to create a new society that values the individuality
of a person without losing the shared connection, which binds
the people.
The resurgence of the American Dream can replace the
toxic nationalism that is now in effect in the country due to the
leadership of President Donald Trump. The American Dream is
the belief that any person can pursue happiness, achieve their
social-economic goals if they believe in themselves, and have
the audacity to go after their dreams (Serwer, 2017). The loss in
faith in the American Dream has coincided with the rise in
nationalism across the country. Consequently, the government
and the private sector should collaborate to address systemic
social and economic challenges that have inhibited the ability of
ordinary Americans to achieve social-economic progression.
Creating opportunities for individuals to lift themselves and
their family from poverty requires the reinvention of the
American Dream and a commitment among the people to
participate in the recreation of the American society.
The study has demonstrated the importance of
implementing effective intervention measures to address the
inherent challenges facing political leaders and international
institutions as they seek to create effective intervention
measures, which can have an adverse effect on stability in the
modern society. The rise of nationalism is both a national and
international trade. The international community is increasingly
dependent on the collaboration of other countries to achieve
desirable outcomes in creating opportunities for shared growth
and prosperity. The success of the modern society requires the
movement of goods and ideas across national boundaries. The
resurgence of nationalism threatens to turn many countries
towards embracing isolation, which would have an adverse
effect on the sustainability of the global economic system. The
decision by President Trump to impose a tariff on steel and
aluminum from other countries other than Mexico and Canada
threatens to push the world into a trade war. The outcome would
have an adverse effect on the growth and stability of the global
economy. It could also contribute towards the achievement of
adverse effects that are also counterproductive to the nations,
which implemented them. The sustainability of the free market
is also in doubt as nations such as the United States embraces a
more isolationist stance. The push towards the isolation of the
United States highlights the flawed basis upon which
nationalism is constructed. Comment by Tom Kelly: All of
this is unsupported opinion.
The resurgence of nationalism threatens to have an
adverse effect on the ability of democratic leaders to exercise
their authority in creating positive change in the society. The
increasing polarization in the modern society and the rise of
nationalism would undermine the ability of political leader to
engage in constructive governance. In Italy, the rise of
nationalist parties has aggravated the unstable political situation
in the country. It has reduced the willingness of Italy to
collaborate with the rest of Europe in addressing shared
challenges and taking advantage of the emerging opportunities
for mutual collaboration among the community of nations.
The study has demonstrated that the anxiety associated with
the evolving social-economic, cultural and political factors have
a direct impact on the support for nationalism among the
people. The inability of the political leadership to hold an
honest and timely discussion with their electorate about the
shared challenges and opportunities in the society has
contributed towards the rise of resurgence. As a result, the rise
of nationalism in can be linked to the failure of leadership and
the inability of political leaders to communicate with empathy
to the people. Overcoming the problem of nationalism requires a
reevaluation of the international global and economic system
with the goal of creating a more effective and equal society. As
the international community addresses the social, cultural,
economic, and political factors that are responsible for creating
anxiety among the people, it is expected that nationalism will
recede and patriotism will increase as people take more positive
pride in their citizenship and reduce their reliance on the
adoption of exclusive patriotism. Comment by Tom Kelly:
Your thesis may be in here! Create a statement as to how these
factors affect support for national ism.
Be more specific about the factors, like
immigration/unemployment, and explain what that direct effect
is. Then you will have a testable statement. You can show that
as, say, unemployment rises, so does nationalism.
Suggestions for Future Research
Future studies should evaluate the impact that the
automation of work will have on nationalism. The increased
reliance on robotics is set to reduce employment opportunities
for a growing global population. The loss of work could
contribute towards the rise of the factors that cause nationalism.
Future researchers should evaluate the evolution of the
resurgence of nationalism and the variables that will determine
its direction. Monitoring and evaluating the staying power of
the resurgence of nationalism will provide an effective
framework for understanding the rise and fall of nationalism in
the modern society.
Researchers should evaluate the causes for the
prevalence of nationalism in rural white communities as
opposed to urban areas. In addition, they should examine its
appeal among war veterans in the United States. The study will
enable the researcher to identify the impact of disillusionment
with the policies of the government on the willingness of a
person to be embracing white nationalism.
Future studies should also seek to identify how the
nationalist movement has used social platforms to gain
influence in the American society. In addition, it should
highlight its performance and impact in elections in the United
States since 1990. The approach will play an integral role in
enabling researchers to determine if the movement has the
institutional tools and resources, which are essential in
determining its sustainability as a part of modern society.
Future studies should focus on the impact of economic
performance of countries and their attitudes towards
immigration in the society. The approach will provide an
opportunity to test the hypothesis that resistance towards
immigration is rooted in the anxiety of the people over the
sustainability of their economies. It will also highlight the
failure of leadership among political leaders and the
government in communicating about the role of immigrants in
the national economy.
Studies in the future should explore the impact of the
resurgence of nationalism on the role of the United States and
its influence in the modern society. The United States has
cultivated networks due to its soft and hard power to champion
the rise of free trade across the world. However, the resurgence
of nationalism threatens to undermine the image of the United
States. Consequently, effective intervention measures should be
taken to create an inclusive system that contributes towards the
growth and prosperity of the modern society. Future studies
should examine the ability of other countries to take on the
responsibility of leading the free world.
The suggestions for future studies provide an effective
framework for understanding the impact of intersectionality
theory on the resurgence of nationalism. The rise of nationalism
was dependent on the identified variables in this study. As a
result, future research should focus on the factors that affect the
prevalence of those variables.
The study has highlighted the resurgence of nationalism
in different parts of the world. In particular, it has demonstrated
the factors that have fueled its rise in the United States and how
they are replicated across Western countries. The resurgence of
white nationalism can be linked to the loss of blue-collar jobs
and the rise of globalization, which has taken power away from
the direct representatives of the people to institutions.
Consequently, it is evident that a reinvention of the democratic
governance system is critical in enabling the society to
overcome the challenges, which are associated with the rise of
nationalism. However, it is evident that nationalism shall not
last as the pressure for cooperation in sharing common
challenges facing the international community and the need to
take advantage of new opportunities grows. In particular, the
ageing of the American society will result in increased
acceptance of immigration as an effective tool for the country to
meet its need for cheap labor. The public on nationalism and its
role in the modern society is expected to form the basis for an
effective resolution of the issues that have driven the adoption
of nationalism in the modern society.
BBC. (2018). Is Europe seeing a nationalist surge? Retrieved
Breuilly, J. (1994). Nationalism and the state. Chicago:
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Brubaker, R. (1997). Nationalism reframed: Nationhood and the
national question in the new Europe. Cambridge [u.a.:
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Haidt, J. (2016).When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism.
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Helleiner, E., & Pickel, A. (2005). Economic nationalism in a
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Hutchinson, J. (2000). Nationalism: Critical concepts in
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Nairn, T. (1997). Faces of nationalism: Janus revisited. London:
Sabato, L. (2017). New Poll: Some Americans Express
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Serwer, A. (2017). The Nationalist’s Deliusion. Retrieved from
Sharma, N. R. (2006). Home economics: Nationalism and the
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Spencer, P., & Wollman, H. (2005). Nations and nationalism: A
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Waldron, A. (2002). From war to nationalism: China's turning
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Zimmer, O. (2003). Nationalism in Europe, 1890-1940.
Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
PLEASE DRAFT A Scholarly Response to these (3) in brief
min 2-4 each paragraphs of words or relevant comments from
other’s on “The Monk” by Mathew Lewis? PLEASE NUMBER
One gothic characteristic that I noticed to be present (but not
overbearing) at the beginning and middle of chapter 1 of "The
Monk" was the lack of concern for women and their concerns.
While it wasn't directly a jeopardizing of a woman's rights, it
was clear that Antonia's opinions concerning her veil remaining
as a covering in church and her methods of exercising opinion
and religion were of no matter to her aunt or those around her.
In stating my point directly, Antonia's opinions were in
jeopardy at the start which is a bad omen for the story, but very
gothic. I believe this introduced her character as a weak one.
Then Ambrosio's character was introduced. I felt strongly that
Lewis portrayed him almost as a supernatural presence,
powerful as well...but not extremely. In a sense, I felt the
following "supernatural" description a gothic trait Lewis
completely divulged near the center of chapter 1.
"Tranquility reigned upon his smooth unwrinkled forehead; and
Content, expressed upon every feature, seemed to announce the
Man equally unacquainted with cares and crimes. He bowed
himself with humility to the audience: Still there was a certain
severity in his look and manner that inspired universal awe," (
Lewis, chap. 1).
I would have to agree a strong use of the "supernatural
presence" in these chapters. Though the quotes chosen for each
of the were different in content, that trait, I feel, voices a strong
resemblance between the two.
Using the British spelling of the term "tranquility" above, Lewis
depicts Ambrosio as a peaceful and attractive soul; much
described as one who was spiritually far closer to sainthood. In
a sense, Lewis exuded this "supernatural" gothic trait so
strongly that one would not be aware (unless they had continued
to read well into chapters 2 and 3) that Ambrosio was capable
of using that very same spiritual and gothic "supernatural
presence" to proclaim silent power of a woman's conscience and
being in mind control. In his character and description of
commanding presence, a reader can tell that his worldly
popularity is not the first characteristic Lewis wants us to see;
but instead a more favorable one.
The Gothic", as defined in Professor Russell's video lecture, is a
label created by 18th-century writers in reference to the Goths.
The Goths were Germanic people who overran the Roman
Empire. To these writers, Gothic meant barbarity, violence, and
superstition. Among these, Gothic traits that can be found in
literature and drama of that time include mystery, oppression by
patriarchal powers, supernatural or improbable influences or
characters, and women in jeopardy.
In the following passage from Matthew Lewis’ romance novel,
The Monk, several Gothic traits can be found:
“Uttering a loud and terrible cry the Monster plunged into the
Gulph, and in his fall attempted to drag Antonia with him. He
strove in vain. Animated by supernatural powers She
disengaged herself from his embrace; But her white Robe was
left in his possession.”
The Gothic traits found in this passage are barbarity, violence,
supernatural characters and influences, and a woman in
jeopardy. The Monster is the supernatural character that uses
barbarity and violence in an attempt to drag Antonia into the
Gulph. Antonia, the woman in jeopardy, also uses supernatural
powers to free herself from the Monster’s embrace.
1Bottom of Form
Top of Form
· The Monk WS
1. Gothic meaning either barbarity, violence, or superstition,
with my passage that I picked from Chapter 2 that stood out to
me depicted violence. In chapter 2 Agnes goes to confine into
Reverend Ambrosio about her mishaps and her violating her
vows of chasity and begs that he takes compassion on her.
Furthermore, she is pregnant.
"Take compassion on me; tale compassion on the innocent being
whose existence is attached to mine."
As Agnes is steady begging for herself and her unborn child the
Prioress enters the chapel with the Nuns following her. At this
moment Agnes is trying to reach out to Reverend Ambrosio and
reach out to his emotions. As she is pleading and crying for her
life and her unborn, 2 Nuns approach her and prepare to remove
her from the Chapel so that she can receive her punishment. As
the Nuns are dragging her out the church while she's pleading
and begging, Reverend Ambrosio emotions gets the best of him
for that moment and he decides to stand in, which didn't go so
"The violence of her despair.. proves that at least Vice is not
become familiar to her. Perhaps by treating her with somewhat
less rigor than general practiced."
As the Reverend attempts ti step in on Agnes behalf he and his
thought is shut down by Lady Prioress who insists Agnes
deserves the punishment and violence as extreme as she can get
it. Lady Prioress always goes on to say that the punishments
have been disuse but the crime that Agnes have committed only
make it right that it be revived.
"Agnes shall be the the very first to feel the rigor of those laws,
which shall be obeyed to the very letter."
This assignment consists of original discussion questions and
requires responses to the answers of others. PLEASE FOLLOW
INSTRUCTIONS and respond in college - graduate level
writing with articulate content that is relevant, scholarly and
competent? Parts 1 & 2 have two sections?
WORK: “THE MONK” by Matthew Lewis
1. At least 150 words including quotation) in an answer to
define “The gothic?”
2. Then, quote a short passage (no more than 50 words) from the
first 3 chapters of The Monk, and explain fully what Gothic is
about it. Pick a passage to reflect scholarly on?
1. Go into detail (150 words) to compare an aspect of the last
chapters of The Monk to a horror film (or story) that you have
previously seen or read. Explain why the moment you have
picked from the ending of The Monk is typical of the eighteenth
century rather than of the present-day U.S.
PART TWO of the Assignment – POEMS - TWO PART
Alexander Pope and Lady Mary W. Montagu
1. One Original Post (150 words). 2. One Separate Response to
another’s (75 words).
1. Your original post must choose a short passage from one of
the poems by Pope or Montagu (or a passage from the letter)
and respond to it. Do not quote more than 50 words from your
original source. You should interpret fully what your author (for
instance, Pope) is saying to the other author (for instance,
Montagu) in the passage you have selected.
2.Your response to the post,(listed below) should briefly
compare or contrast to what you wrote in your original post?
Respond to This Post, articulately and scholarly, according to
the instructions?
Post starts here
"But if the first Eve 25
Hard doom did receive,
When only one apple had she,
What a punishment new
Shall be found out for you,
Who tasting have robb’d the whole tree?" 30
Pope's warning to Monatgu is laced with agreement in earlier
lines such as his statement that "So Papists refuse / The Bible to
use, / Lest flocks should be as wise as their guide" is an
agreement that the neglect of teaching women is wrong, and
those in favor for it have used the Bible and religion in the
profusion of this belief unjustly (Pope 10-12). But Pope gives
Monatgu a warning in lines 25-30, stating that while women
may learn and do well, how much more will those who lead
people astray suffer. Eve is known to have suffered for eating
an apple (theological/spiritual connotations aside, it's a simple
act of pluck, bite, and chew), as Pope says with "When only one
apple had she," and that Eve "Hard doom did receive" (Pope 26-
27). "What a punishment new / Shall be found for you / Who
tasting have robb'd the whole tree," he asks Montagu, stating
that she knows exactly what she is doing, her actions of
rebellion and argumentation with him and the world as a whole
(Pope 27-30). There is a line between rebelling for a righteous
cause and rebelling because the world is not doing as you wish.
His warning to her points this out, saying that Eve did one little
tiny thing and it caused great harm, but if someone who knows
what the potential consequences for for an action are and knows
that the consequences outweigh the action, why would that
person drag others down with them into something they know is
a bad idea for all, be it morally, ethically, intelligently, etc
Post ends here
PRINT OUT copy, History of the POEMS of Pope & Montagu
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’s Biography (from
Montagu was the daughter of Evelyn Pierrepont, the fifth earl
and first duke of Kingston. As a child she devised a rigorous
academic program for herself, which included writing poetry
and learning to speak Latin. In 1712 she eloped with Edward
Wortley Montagu. By 1715 they were circulating among
prominent social and literary circles in London, where she
befriended poets John Gay and Alexander Pope. She
accompanied her husband when he was named ambassador to
Constantinople in 1716; her subsequent correspondence with
London friends became the basis for her famous "Turkish
Embassy Letters." Montagu returned to London in 1718 and for
the next two decades presided over high society, which
celebrated her sparkling wit and flamboyant behavior. In 1722
she anonymously published an essay arguing for the practice of
smallpox inoculation in England, after observing the procedure
performed successfully abroad. Around 1722 she also engaged
Pope in a bitter, public quarrel that began for unknown reasons
and culminated in her Verses Address'd to the Imitator of the
First Satire of the Second Book of Horace (1733), which further
incensed Pope. In 1736 she met and fell in love with Francesco
Algarotti, a young Italian count. She wrote an anonymous
feminist periodical, The Nonsense of Common Sense (1937-
1938), before she left her husband and England in 1739. For
over twenty years Montagu lived abroad mainly in Italy, and
wrote many more letters, mostly to her daughter, Lady Bute.
Shortly after Montagu returned to England in 1762, she died of
Alexander Pope’s Biography (from
Alexander Pope was born on May 21, 1688 in London, England.
He was ill as a child and was left only 4' 6" tall with curvature
of the spine and was a lifelong sufferer from headaches. Pope
was a poet and satirist, best known for his poem The Rape of
the Lock and his translation of Homer's Iliad. His epigrams are
some of the most frequently quoted passages in the English
language. He died in 1744.
One of Pope’s Poems to Lady Montagu (written between 1713-
IN beauty, or wit,
No mortal as yet
To question your empire has dar’d;
But men of discerning
Have thought that in learning,
To yield to a lady was hard.
Impertinent schools,
With musty dull rules,
Have reading to females denied:
So Papists refuse
The Bible to use,
Lest flocks should be wise as their guide.
’T was a woman at first,
(Indeed she was curst)
In Knowledge that tasted delight,
And sages agree
The laws should decree
To the first possessor the right.
Then bravely, fair Dame,
Resume the old claim,
Which to your whole sex does belong;
And let men receive,
From a second bright Eve,
The knowledge of right and of wrong.
But if the first Eve
Hard doom did receive,
When only one apple had she,
What a punishment new
Shall be found out for you,
Who tasting have robb’d the whole tree?
Letter to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
18th August 1716.
MADAM—I can say little to recommend the letters I am
beginning to write to you, but that they will be the most
impartial representations of a free heart, and the truest copies
you ever saw, though of a very mean original. Not a feature will
be softened, or any advantageous light employed to make the
ugly thing a little less hideous, but you shall find it in all
respects most horribly like. You will do me an injustice if you
look upon anything I shall say from this instant, as a
compliment either to you or to myself: whatever I write will be
the real thought of that hour, and I know you will no more
expect it of me to persevere till death, in every sentiment or
notion I now set down, than you would imagine a man’s face
should never change after his picture was once drawn.
[ . . . ]
You may easily imagine how desirous I must be of
correspondence with a person who had taught me so long ago,
that it was as possible to esteem at first sight, as to love: and
who has since ruined me for all the conversation of one sex, and
almost all the friendship of the other. I am but too sensible,
through your means, that the company of men wants a certain
softness to recommend it, and that of women wants everything
else. How often have I been quietly going to take possession of
that tranquillity and indolence I had so long found in the
country, when one evening of your conversation has spoiled me
for a solitaire too! Books have lost their effect upon me; and I
was convinced since I saw you, that there is something more
powerful than philosophy, and, since I heard you, that there is
one alive wiser than all the sages. A plague of female wisdom!
It makes a man ten times more uneasy than his own. What is
very strange, Virtue herself, when you have the dressing her, is
too amiable for one’s repose. What a world of good might you
have done in your time, if you had allowed half the fine
gentlemen who have seen you to have but conversed with you!
They would have been strangely caught, while they thought only
to fall in love with a fair face, and you had bewitched them with
reason and virtue; two beauties that the very fops pretend to
have an acquaintance with.
The unhappy distance at which we correspond, removes a great
many of those punctilious restrictions and decorums that
oftentimes in nearer conversation prejudice truth to save good
breeding. I may now hear of my faults, and you of your good
qualities, without a blush on either side. We converse upon such
unfortunate generous terms as exclude the regards of fear,
shame, or design in either of us. And methinks it would be as
ungenerous a part to impose even in a single thought upon each
other, in this state of separation, as for spirits of a different
sphere, who have so little intercourse with us, to employ that
little (as some would make us think they do), in putting tricks
and delusions upon poor mortals.
Let me begin, then, madam, by asking you a question, which
may enable me to judge better of my own conduct than most
instances of my life. In what manner did I behave the last hour I
saw you? What degree of concern did I discover when I felt a
misfortune, which I hope you never will feel, that of parting
from what one most esteems? For if my parting looked but like
that of your common acquaintance, I am the greatest of all the
hypocrites that ever decency made.
Excerpt from “Verses Addressed to the Imitator of
the First Satire of the Second Book
of Horace”
by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Edited and annotated by Jack Lynch
Pope and Lady Mary had once been friends. Apparently Lady
Mary rejected Pope's romantic advances, and after that their
friendship deteriorated. Pope often attacked her as Sappho; she
replied in 1733 with this poem. It may have been cowritten with
Lord Hervey, whom Pope attacks as Sporus.
In two large Columns, on thy motly Page,
Where Roman Wit is strip'd with English Rage;
Where Ribaldry to Satire makes pretence,
And modern Scandal rolls with ancient Sense:
Whilst on one side we see how Horace thought, [5]
And on the other, how he never wrote:
Who can believe, who view the bad, the good,
That the dull Copist better understood
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AbstractTrump’s election together with Brexit has highlighted th.docx

  • 1. Abstract Trump’s election together with Brexit has highlighted the resurgence of nationalism in the modern society as workers who are anxious about the effects of globalization on their employment chances turn on outsiders. The rise of nationalism is a consequence of the anxiety that people are experiencing in their interaction with others. The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors that have resulted in the resurgence of nationalism and its implications on the international community. The research methodology will include both methodological and the theoretical approaches because the concerns are mainly associated with the cultural research. The study will be carried out in two, with the first part will involving a review for the previous studies. The second part will include unsigned online interview that will be designed in such a way that it is able to gather and analyze the opinions for the participants including their perception on the resurgence of nationalism within the United States. Comment by Tom Kelly: Human participants requires IRB approval before conducting the research, so I need to see confirmation of that. Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………… …..5 Introduction5 Background of the Problem7 Purpose of the Study10 Research Hypothesis10 resurgence of nationalism will be resolved.10 Significance of the Study10 The following section comprises of the definition of terms that used in the research, with elaborations.11 Assumptions, Limitations and Delimitations11
  • 2. Conclusion12 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW13 Introduction13 Search Description13 Theoretical Framework13 Review of the literature14 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY23 Introduction23 CHAPTERFOUR:FINDINGS……………………………………… …………………………28 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION, DISCUSSION, AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH35 Introduction35 Summary of Findings35 Conclusions37 Discussion41 Suggestions for Future Research45 Conclusion47 References48 Appendices…………………………………………………………… …………………………50 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Introduction The election of President Donald J Trump and Brexit have highlighted the resurgence of nationalism in the modern society as workers who are anxious about the effects of globalization on their employment chances turn on outsiders. In addition, the strong performance of Marine Le Pin in the presidential election in France and the resurgence of nationalist parties in Eastern Europe have increased the anxiety of stakeholders about the rise of nationalism and its implications for the society. Comment by Tom Kelly: sp The definition of nationalist companies involves a commitment by right wing parties towards embracing isolation in a bid to insulate their countries from the economic disruption that has been caused by the glob al economic system.
  • 3. The left behind thesis has been used by many observers of the phenomenon in demonstrating the causes of the resurgence of nationalism(Haidt, 2016). The view is informed by the belief that globalization has raised the quality of life of people across the world except those in western societies. The less educated members of the society lose their employment opportunities to countries with cheap labor and minimal environmental regulations. In addition, workers have also lost employment opportunities to the immigrants who have moved to the country. Employers prefer using immigrants on low-skilled labor because the approach enables them to reduce their operating costs. In towns, which have witnessed stagnation, the residents resent the progress of others while their lives remain the same. The increasing inequality in the society has continued to attract the resentment of the locals who have missed the economic transformation that is captured in the rising opulence, skyscrapers and financial growth for professionals. Nationalist candidates have observed that the struggle between the nationalism and those with a globalization agenda is one between patriots and those who do not love their country (Sauers, 2010). However, it is evident that nationalists have embraced a narrow view of the global economy and how their communities’ suit into it. It is evident that the racist undertones in the society have not ended in spite of the efforts, which have been made by governments across the world to create harmony. As a result, it is evident that communities need to have a conversation about racial differences and equality (Sabato, 2017). The resurgence of nationalism is occurring at a time where some countries are experiencing an increased push for closer international cooperation (BBC, 2018). Donald Trump is leading the resurgence of nationalism. The move by President Donald Trump to enact trade tariffs has contributed towards the increasing divide within the international community over the role of globalization in the modern society. He has also
  • 4. highlighted a willingness to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The move by the President of the United States has been the primary cause of concern over the impact that the resurgence of nationalism may have on the modern society. The experience of Brexit has demonstrated the inherent challenges that the nationalist movement would face once it ascends to power. The United Kingdom is slowly learning that isolation may have unintended negative effects that outweigh the value that would be derived from the move. However, Brexit has highlighted the structural and systemic challenges, which have undermined public confidence in the centralization of decision-making and the governance of people. The rise of nationalism has undermined the ability of the international community to collaborate and engage in the management of the public sector. The success of the international community is based on the trust of members of the public with each other. The resurgence of nationalism threatens to undermine the ability of stakeholders to collaborate with each other (BBC, 2018). The resignation of Gary Cohn as the top economist of the United States has highlighted the commitment of globalists towards fighting nationalism. Understanding how to manage the resurgence of nationalism and create an effective social-economic system that promotes inclusive patriotism is essential to facilitating the long-term stability of the global economic system. Background of the Problem Typically, the growth and development of a society results in an increased desire among the people to overcome the traditional values in favor of more open to change, progressiveness, and social engineering. As Western nations achieved economic development, they moved towards emphasizing the emancipative values, which highlight the importance of individual rights and protections for an individual (Greenfeld, 2003). The rise in individuality in Western societies has undermined the identity of the people in the society. The fading of survival challenges has led the society to celebrate
  • 5. employment opportunities such as coding which enable an individual to express him or herself. The shift means that people who lose jobs in outsourced factories and closed mines have challenges forming an identity in a society, which does not respect their values a lot. Democratic capitalism has also resulted in the organization of the business environment presenting challenges to the living standards of the people. The rise of the young urban elite has resulted in leaving behind many rural economies. Local ties have weakened in the society as the people have moved to towards urban areas. The people start to perceive themselves as citizens of the world as opposed to those of their individual countries (Gellner, 1998). However, nationalism has also continued to influence mainstream politics. The liberal universalism had contributed towards the creation of the resentment among the people who believed that their government had failed to provide effective support for local business and workers. Internationalism led to the increased competition for jobs as societies sought to create opportunities for immigrants. Multicultural globalists advocated for the rise of the globalization and immigration as it sought to share opportunities and create an enabling environment for corporations to choose the best talent from anywhere in the world. Nationalists and globalists had a competing vision as they failed to agree on the subject of immigration. Nationalists have increasingly held the view that the globalization agenda has been driven by the business community which seeks to use immigrants to access the cheapest labor (Hutchinson, 2000). Some nationalists hold the view that their country is better than others are. In contrast, others are racist and illiberal. In addition, some believe that their patriotic values place them with a moral responsibility of contributing towards the protection of the people. The terrorist attacks in the society have had a negative
  • 6. impact on the society. Terrorism has led to phobia against Islamic immigrants due to the fear of the impact that they have on the society. The fear of radical Islam has fueled the opposition against immigration of Muslims in the society. The responses of the people towards immigration are influenced by the fear and anxiety that people have over their economic well-being and safety (Spencer & Wollman, 2005). The biggest challenge that members of the public and their leaders have had in reacting to the problem of nationalism is the lack of empathy among the leaders. Many people have failed to demonstrate an appreciation of the concerns that have made some communities resistant to immigration and globalization. The resurgence of nationalism threatens international peace and collaboration at a time when nations have the responsibility of engaging in shared problem solving. A return to nationalism and the rise of nationalism and protectionism could have an adverse effect on the rise of globalization and the impact that it can have on the society (BBC, 2018). The success of individual nations and their citizens is increasingly dependent on treaties and partnerships with other countries to harness their comparative advantage. The ability of communities to achieve desirable outcomes in the present age depends on their ability to collaborate with others and take advantage of the opportunities that are available across the world. Statement of the Problem The rise of nationalism is a consequence of the anxiety that people are experiencing in their interaction with others (Kohl & Fawcett, 1996). Billionaire leaders such as President Donald Trump have successfully tapped into the discontent of the people with the existing global economic system to further their political agenda. In addition, many people have failed to understand the issues that are important to the people who are feeling left behind by the globalization in the society. Leaders recognize that a failure to manage the resurgence of nationalism could undermine the ability of the international community to
  • 7. tackle shared challenges that require cooperation among different countries such as climate change and global economic system. In addition, isolationist policies tend to enhance the extremist positions in countries, undermining the ability of their elected leaders to engage in the compromises that are essential to the effective governance of a state. The international community needs to understand the nature of the threat posed by nationalism in the modern society and the impact that it could have on political stability and economic growth. Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors that have resulted in the resurgence of nationalism and its implications on the international community. The insights gained from this study will form the basis for addressing the concerns that have made some people in the Western nations to reject globalization. It will also provide an effective long-term strategy for protecting the society from the systemic attempts aimed at closing individual countries from each other. The insights gained from this study will contribute towards the promotion of globalization and collaboration efforts in the international community. Despite the committed support of President Donald Trump for nationalism, he has continued to face sustained opposition from members of Congress from both parties and the business community. As a result, his actions have been limited though they have undermined the role of the United States as the guarantor of the free market system. Research Hypothesis · If the USA focuses on electing competent leaders, the resurgence of nationalism will be resolved. Comment by Tom Kelly: A thesis can’t make guesses about the future. It has to relate two variables in testable manner. There’s no way to test the effects of leaders who have even been elected yet. Also, “competent” is a subjective term. A measure of competence that is observable would be more useful.
  • 8. What’s caused the rise in nationalism? Illegal immigration? Economic stagnation? Unemployment? A possible thesis to examine might be, “When national leaders focus on illegal immigration, nationalist parties lose support.” That can be tested by examining the actions of European leaders versus how powerful the far right has become in European countries. These are just some ideas, but there really is no way to present evidence for or against the assertion that nationalism will die down if America elects competent leaders. Any argument supporting that assertion is just an educated guess. Significance of the Study The study is timely due to the increasing interest among scholars and the international community to understand the resurgence of nationalism and its long-term effects. The study will also seek to evaluate the steps that can be taken to enhance the engagement of all people in creating a prosperous and shared economy. The findings of the study will contribute towards informed discourse on the issue of nationalism and enable policy makers to make informed choices about the challenges facing some communities and the effective intervention measures, which should be used to reduce the extremist positions held by others on globalization. The significance of the study is that it addresses an important contemporary issue that has a disruptive effect on the continued civilization of the modern society. The following section comprises of the definition of terms that used in the research, with elaborations. Globalists: individuals who support globalization Globalization: the process through which businesses or organizations gain influence across the world Nationalism: advocacy for the political independence of a country Patriotism: the quality of vigorous support for one’s country
  • 9. Immigration: the movement of people into a country in which they are not citizens Assumptions, Limitations and Delimitations The study will assume that those who support nationalism have different reasons based on their experiences and their values. However, the biggest limitation of the study is the inability to conduct extensive interviews and ethnographic observations in order to understand the perceptions of the people concerning nationalism. In spite of the inability to conduct an extensive study, the study will use extensive qualitative research to extrapolate the findings of its limited research and synthesize it with the relevant literature on the subject. Conclusion This section has demonstrated the nature of nationalism and the challenges it poses to both individual countries and the international community. It is evident that economic concerns are the primary drivers of nationalism in the society (BBC, 2018). As a result, the study will provide an effective framework for the effective resolution of the challenges posed by increasing globalization in the modern society. CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction The literature review aimed at developing a holistic understanding of nationalism and its resurgence in the modern
  • 10. society. As a result, past and present incidences of nationalism were examined in the research process. The findings of the study form the basis for understanding the psychology of the modern nationalist and the factors that cause it to be prevalent among different parts of the society. Search Description The search terms comprised of ‘nationalism’, ‘causes of nationalism’, ‘causes of Brexit’ and ‘Trumpism’. The search results produced leads that the researcher used to identify other literature material on the subject. The focused research played an important role in enabling the researcher to identify the literature that could be used in the study. In addition, the internet search involved ‘resurgence of nationalism’ and ‘nationalists’. Theoretical Framework 2.3 Theoretical Framework Cultural factors Patriotism Nationalism Social-economic factors Political factors Fig. 1: Theoretical framework for the resurgence of nationalism The theoretical framework demonstrates the impact that environmental factors have on the inherent patriotism of an individual. Each person has a close relationship with their
  • 11. nation that forms part of their identity. The cultural factors in the society may affect how people perceive others. Part of the opposition towards nationalism can be linked to cultural issues, which affect how the people perceive each other. In addition, social-economic factors may affect the sense of security that a person has about their future (Spencer & Wollman, 2005). Political actors may exploit social-economic and cultural factors to stir interest in nationalism. The resurgence of nationalism can be linked to the cultural and social-economic factors in the American society. Consequently, it is evident that the adoption of nationalism is a response to threats to the identity or survival of an individual. The push for nationalism is a reactive response to the fear and anxiety caused by the potential loss of the identity of a person (BBC, 2018). Review of the literature The turn of the new millennium held the hope that most countries around the world would turn away from nationalism as globalization and technological advancements created new opportunities for the young generation to interact with others. It was expected that young people would be less nationalistic than their parents would as they recognized the shared value in the connection of different cultures and societies (Helleiner, & Pickel, 2005). The political future of many communities seemed to lie in super nations such as the European Union. However, nationalism started to enjoy a large resurgence across the world as the promise of globalization failed to result in shared prosperity. Populists from Venezuela to Poland, the United States and Britain have exploited nationalism by casting themselves as opponents of globalists. The appeal of nationalism is evident in the need to project the fears and anxiety of a people to the other (Serwer, 2017). In China, Russia and Turkey authoritarian regimes have played the nationalism card to entrench their hold on power by concentrating economic and political control in their hands. Institutions such as the European Union have found that they are being held back by the increased resistance against
  • 12. the centralization of decision-making authority in the society. The latest wave of nationalism seems set to endure for a long period as changes in the world economy continue to increase anxiety over the economic viability of many communities and their members. The success of nationalism can be linked to its immense power. It plays an important role in giving people an identity in a multicultural world where immigration threatens to break down the traditional conceptualization of nation states. The definition of a nation over the years has been anchored in common ancestry (Gans, 2003). This view is responsible for the inability of many people to accept immigrants and assimilated persons as part of them. For instance, it explains the reluctance of people to accept Muslims as capable of becoming real Britons or Germans. In spite of the increased willingness among the people to accept that people with different skin colors and ethnicity as being part of themselves, the adoption of multi- ethnic nations has always been a social experiment that was bound to face some fierce resistance from the target population. Many people are keen to hold onto their mono-ethnic identities because it aligns with what they know about the role of nationhood in their lives. The resurgence of nationalism in Canada and the United States in spite of the countries having experienced immigration for many decades demonstrates the enduring need for mono-ethnic identities and the endurance of their rigid racial structures. The progress that has been made towards reducing the injustices and inequality caused by the societal challenges in the society has threatened those who view the concept of a nation as being synonymous with Christianity and whiteness (Sharma, 2006). Changes in the society have threatened the status of many people who relied on their race or religion to access privilege in the society. Consequently, the pushback against immigration and racial equality could be driven in large part by concerns over the impact that it will have on the privilege, which is available to members of the community (Sabato, 2017). The association of nationalism with one ethnic group risks
  • 13. enhancing the tensions and inequality that have defined the society in the past. As a result, it is imperative for communities to embrace effective intervention measures to enhance their ability to reach new groups and embrace a more inclusive form of nationalism (Waldron, 2002). The approach will be integral in creating opportunities for the society to benefit from the adoption of a collective identity. Presently, nationalism evokes a negative response, which undermines the ability of the people to have an honest conversation about nationalism (Sin, 2006). It is evident that each human being has an emotional connection with their identity. In a fast-changing world, the concept of nationhood provides not only an identity, but is also an important function of the hopes and aspirations of individuals. As a result, it is important for members of the society to empathize with those who have expressed support for nationalism because they believe in one form of nationalism. The liberal reaction to nationalism has been flawed and only served to entrench the resistance of some groups against globalization. The view involves recognition of the inherent weakness in the continued attempt to encourage the power to abandon any collective identity in favor of transcending tribal allegiances (Brubaker, 1997). The approach fails to recognize the need for identity in a rapidly changing world. Nationalism has achieved a lot of power by expanding the circle of sympathy among a people who are concerned over their place in a rapidly changing world (Miščević, 2000). Globalists have contributed towards the rise of globalization by failing to recognize the adverse effects of globalization. However, it fails to recognize the impact that such a system has on the individual persons who are forced to compete with cheaper labor from around the world. As a result, nationalism has a flawed overall strategy but a more compassionate individual framework while universalism has a holistic and open overall strategy but fails to account for the needs of individual persons (Lomnitz-Adler, 2001). The liberal response to nationalism has been a rush towards the protection of minorities. However, this approach has failed to
  • 14. embrace intersectionality theory in understanding how sub- groups may act as agents of victimization. It is evident that even small groups may be instruments of oppression for some of their members. The observation is evident in the failure by the Muslim community to embrace gender equality, a practice that continues to cause friction with other communities where they immigrate. As a result, the most effective way for the modern society to allow the exercise of individual freedom is to provide a political identity that allows them to live their lives and is independent of the interests of particular cultural groups. The biggest problem is that liberals gave up on their attempt to define nationalism. Instead, extremist right-wing groups who have an ultra-conservative view of the concept of a nation and its role in the identity of a person now drive the movement. The experiences that Germany and the United States have had with prejudice have led to the view that any form of nationalism may result in the excesses that mar their histories. Instead of inspiring patriots to hold the values and aspirations of their nations, many activists have been content in denouncing past injustices. The narrow approach has failed to provide a path for the future even as it seeks to deconstruct the history of their nations. The approach has surrendered the role of defining nationalism to bigots and racists in the society. The example of a few political leaders demonstrates that many liberals recognize that active involvement in the continued effort to define nation states is important in enabling countries to achieve their goals. The observation is evident in the speech that President Barack Obama gave in Selma, Alabama in memory of the civil rights march and the sacrifices that were borne in the pursuit of racial equality in the United States (Sabato, 2017). President Obama noted the importance of continued engagement, in forging a common political identity, when he stated, ‘What greater expression of faith in the American experiment than this…What greater form of patriotism is there than the belief that America is not yet finished, that we are strong enough to be self-critical, that each
  • 15. successive generation can look upon our imperfections and decide that it is in our power to remake this nation to more closely align with our highest ideals?” (Sabato, 2017). However, the strong performance of the party and the fact that President Obama was succeeded by Trumpism demonstrated that more needs to be done to expand the participation of different groups in the continued effort of defining nationhood and determining its values. The United States and Europe has a rich history of inclusive patriotism. However, more needs to be done to increase the engagement of different groups in nationalism and in forming the nations that they belong to. It is evident that a lot needs to be done to provide a sense of shared ownership of the society. The election of President Donald Trump and the continued rise of the European Parliament made some people to feel that their identity and understanding of their nation was being threatened (Serwer, 2017). The people felt that they were losing their way of life considering social-cultural changes in the world. The election of Donald Trump was in large part the consequence of the rise of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queering (LGBTQ) community after a Supreme Court ruling upheld same sex marriage, the election of a black President and the possible succession by a female president. The activities sought to break social, gender, racial and cultural practices that had defined white America for many years (Sabato, 2017). In addition, the continued growth of the Latina population across the United States presented the fear that white Americans would become a majority in the United States. The failure of the nationalism movement to create an inclusive definition of nationhood means that many people view their political identity as being tied to their cultural one. The United States has consistently sought to define itself as a melting pot of different cultures and ethnicities. However, the approach seeks to force people to embrace a unified Culture. In Canada, the model is that of a salad where different cultures are believed to enrich the whole. However, the idealized approach
  • 16. is overly optimistic of a group with members who share little across their cultural and ethnic divide. The metaphor may provide a view of the ideal nation that nationalists would wish to create. However, it has features that are inherently abused by the movement. It is defined by shared and equal rights among all the groups in the nation. Achieving the model will require taking pride in the collective desire for shared ownership of the destiny of the nation and a responsibility towards helping others. It requires humility in accepting the prejudices of the past and forging a common future. Many observers have noted that compassionate patriotism is different from nationalism. They note that it requires cooperative abroad and an innocent love of one’s country. In contrast, nationalism seeks to exclude other societies and to place the interests of one’s country above those of others. Achieving compassionate patriotism requires the exclusion of the exclusionary politics that are prevalent from Washington to Moscow to Beijing. The global nature of nationalism demonstrates a shared interest among the people of the world for a retreat from the world to their countries (Serwer, 2017). Although this approach is a conservative and anxious response to the uncertainty of the modern age, it is evident that it is fueled by existing prejudices that have merely been silenced but not overcome in the past. Individuals who believe in liberalism have a responsibility to take responsibility for the control of nationalism because of the importance of shared engagement with each other. It is imperative for members of the society to recognize the importance of investing in the well-being and success of each other. The failure to manage nationalism could result in the resurgence of philosophies similar to those of the Nazi movement. Consequently, the society has a responsibility to demonstrate greater responsibility in managing the threat posed by nationalism. The military parade that was proposed by President Donald Trump highlights the enduring threats posed by a retreat to
  • 17. nationalism. Military parades are an instrument of totalitarian regimes, which seek to use them to arouse national pride. The reliance on a show of might as a marker of the identity of a people fails to recognize the inherent value in embracing a more robust response to the opportunities provided in the society (Serwer, 2017). It fails to account for the benefits that could be derived from a shared ownership of the tasks facing the nation. The success of nationalism in the twentieth century was dependent on the instability in the world. However, the modern age is characterized by relative stability in large parts of the world. Consequently, nationalism can be the consequence of the inability of political leaders to take responsible stewardship of modern day challenges. It is evident that the prevailing environment does not favor the long-term survival of nationalism as increased prosperity around the world and the sharing of information increases the desire among the people for immigration and shared experiences (Nairn, 1997). The political leaders across the world have a moral responsibility to meet the modern-day challenges facing their nations with boldness of vision to create an enduring identity for their nations. In contrast, the embrace of nationalism highlights a weak response to the challenges of leadership. The success of modern day nationalist in the United States lies in the use of economic theory to highlight the willingness of some members of the society to embrace the vision that is offered by isolationists who view the other as a threat to the continued prosperity of their nations. Individuals such as Donald Trump have sought to portray themselves as the savior of the working class who are being left behind by the changing economic and political environment, which fails to provide opportunities for inclusive prosperity. They rely on attacks on the broken system to appeal to the emotions of the common person without proposing tangible solutions. They also attack foreign aid as an attempt at diverting the resources of the nation to other people. The zero-sum approach to governance employs an insular view of the role of the nation
  • 18. in the world and fails to recognize the responsibility that a nation has to others (Zimmer, 2003). The misadventures of Japan during the Second World War highlight the consequences of unbridled nationalism. The retreat of Japan from nationalism serves as a cautionary tale for any country that would seek to follow the same path. White nationalists have an effective appeal to a large segment of the American population because they provide a voice to a largely forgotten group in the society. In the fight for civil rights and equality in the society, the needs of the white man have been neglected by the state. The loss of blue-collar jobs that were a source of pride and opportunities for social- economic development for many white men across the rustbelt and the American inland is the straw that broke the camel’s back. A review of the areas where the opioid crisis is most rampant demonstrates that white Americans are the most affected. In effect, in spite of their enduring numerical advantage, it is visible that the white man is quickly becoming a minority whose interests and needs are being neglected. White nationalism has provided a consistent platform for this group to highlight their plight and their needs. The resurgence of the movement in the recent past is a factor of the growing neglect of white men and the impact that it has had on their communities. CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY Introduction The research will incorporate the mixed method of research, which will seek to identify the utilization of the national and ethnic affiliations in everyday interactions as the bridge across cultural variations. The methodology will also
  • 19. seek to confirm the nationalist rhetoric of whether the elites in the United States are rarely reproduced in everyday life and especially where many practical concerns take place. The research methodology will form the backbone of the study because the method will determine the results. However, there is a concern for a generation of a consistent typology for the nationalist beliefs that are mapped within the thoughts of the concrete communities. The study will also address the limitations for the dominant methods that are used in studying the heterogeneity for the meaning of the nation. The study will also elicit interpretations from the respondents, through interviews or through ethnographic fieldwork through observation of articulations of the meaning during the public debates. Research Design The research design will incorporate an unsigned online interview, which will be designed in a manner that will make it ideal for the gathering and analysis of the opinions from the participants and their thoughts on the resurgence of nationalism in the United States. The research design will also involve multiple-choice questions, which will be designed in such a way, that it is able to gather information. The qualitative questions will be designed to collect any suggestions that participants will have without constraint with the format or limit for the multiple-choice options offered in quantitative design. The unit of analysis will be composed of organizations with formal structures, key informants, and groups of people within the United States. The focus of the study will be condition since the interest will be on the current state for the resurgence of nationalism within the United. The appropriate time dimension will be longitudinal but because of limited time, the cross-sectional method will be applicable to collect data in one time. Research Hypothesis The research hypothesis is “If the USA focuses on electing competent leaders, the resurgence of nationalism will be
  • 20. resolved.” The hypothesis designed in such a way that the respondents will be able to refine the issues and even identify the appropriate sources that are likely to enable them to respond to the research questions. The research hypothesis will help in enhancing the research through its positive effect on the existing body of knowledge relative to the subject. The research hypothesis will include a follow up since the focus is on nationalism and its role in the United States. Besides, the follow-up question will help establish the extent of the resurgence of nationalism within the United States. Comment by Tom Kelly: It may be possible to ask people their opinions of this statement, but their opinions won’t be evidence to support or refute the statement. The statement isn’t falsifiable because it’s just making a guess about the future. Setting The research respondents will be solicited from a small population. Ideally, the respondents will be solicited through notifications such as the social networking sites. For example, the emails and the notifications will explain the purpose of the survey including a request for their responses and even offer a link to the online survey. The survey will be fully anonymous with the exception of demographic information that will obtain little or no establishing information. There will be non- identification of numbers assigned to survey links and even no way of identifying those individuals who participated in the survey. In other words, the study will be treated with a high level of confidentiality. Participants The solicitation on social media such as Facebook will be carried out as a status message through a request for the “Facebook friends” to complete the interview through a link. The age will vary from more than eighteen years to more than eighty years of age and in diverse occupations and with various education levels but geographically placed within the United States. The respondents will be employed in diverse occupations and located across the United States.
  • 21. Data collection A simple random sampling will be used on the targeted study population of 300 and a sample size of 169 inclusive of the men and women, youth and the aged. The limit of the participants as the study population will be based on the logistical, financial, and time constraints. Purposive sampling and specifically nonprobability sampling will be employed to obtain in-depth information. Data from the participants will be gathered through utilization of questionnaires, key informant questions, and the interview questions. Besides, the participants will be granted with both close-ended and open-ended questions designed in such a way that it will be possible to capture both the qualitative and quantitative data. Data analysis The data gathered through the ratio scale will be analyzed using the descriptive statistics including the mean and the mode. The mean function will be used to calculate the average on the extent of the resurgence of nationalism within the United States. The mode will be used to offer a reflection on the most dominant form of the resurgence of nationalism within the United States. Data entry will be done through the use of the statistical package for social sciences and Microsoft excel while the presentation for the quantitative data will be done using the frequency tables, figures, plates, graphs, and the pie charts. On the other hand, the qualitative data will be analyzed through the creation of themes, categories, and patterns. The questions will contain five choices for the responses to the quantitative portion of the research. Every response will be converted to values between one and five and the questions will be assigned numbers for simplicity in the analysis. The results of the research will then be placed within an excel spreadsheet for studying and analysis. The results will be calculated and put in tables where it will then be graphed. The results will then be compared against the entire average and even against other categories to create assumption concerning the demographic subsets. The study will take into consideration
  • 22. the number of all the respondents from every category when taking into consideration the significance for the average of every subset. Conclusion In conclusion, the methodology will be geared towards allowing the researcher to establish an extensive understanding of the extent of resurgence for nationalism within the United States. The methodology will also attempt to offer the factors that have led to the increase in the resurgence of nationalism within the United States. The targeted population of 300 respondents will emerge from various economic and social- cultural backgrounds. Therefore, the methodology will play a great role in ensuring that an extensive understanding of the extent of nationalism within the United States cuts across various communities including the factors that result in their cause. The methodology will cover the research design, research question, setting, the participants, data collection, and the data analysis. The research methodology will include both methodological and the theoretical approaches because the concerns are mainly associated with the cultural research. The methodology will consider the conceptions for the targeted area since the nation varies across the national population. The study will be carried out in two parts where the first part will involve a review for the previous studies whereas the second part will include unsigned online interview that will be designed in such a way that it is able to gather and analyze the opinions for the participants including their perception on the resurgence of nationalism within the United States. Concisely, the research methodology will play a great role towards ensuring that the research question has been answered and offer options for areas for future research. CHAPTER FOUR: FINDINGS Notably, the interview established a backing to keep in place the Confederate monuments where the elimination of which has
  • 23. emerged a pressing button concern for the communities across the nation. The largest sample poll that included close to 5360 questions and carried out between 21st of August to 5 September during the aftermath for the neo-Nazi rallies and the counter-protest made on the Virginia University grounds and within the downtown Charlottesville between August 11 and 12th in Virginia. The respondents were asked about whether or not they agreed with those statements that asked whether the racial minorities or the white people within the United States were under attack. It was found that fourteen percent of the entire respondents agreed with the statement that the white people are under attack and also disagreed with the same statement that the non-whites were under attack. Close to a third of the respondent translating to 31 percent somewhat and strongly agreed that the country requires preserving and protecting the heritage for the white Europeans. Besides, another 34 percent of the respondents somewhat and strongly disagreed with the statement whereas 29 percent neither disagreed nor agreed (Sabato, 2017). Nearly 50 years after the Supreme Court in the United States struck down the prohibition on mixed-race marriages, nearly a sixth translating to 16 percent of the respondents agreed with the statement that marriage needs to be allowed between two individuals but from the same race. A further 14 percent are neither seen to disagree nor agree with the statement whereas 4 percent indicated that they did not know. In totality, nearly a third did not manage to express tolerance for the interracial marriage. Nearly 17 percent among the whites agreed with the statement that marriage needs to be restricted to a similar race with 15 percent neither disagreeing nor agreeing. It was slightly higher compared to the non-whites where 15 percent agreed and 12 percent neither agreed nor disagreed. Notably, in separate questions that asked whether or to the extent the respondent backed the various ideologies, 6 percent of all the respondents indicated that they somewhat or strongly backed the alt-right.
  • 24. The respondents who supported the white nationalism were 8 percent while 4 percent expressed their support to the neo- Nazism. Notably, for both the white nationalism and the alt- right questions, the poll established that nearly a fifth of all the respondents indicated that they neither opposed or supported the movements or groups and perhaps revealed some further likely additional support (Sabato, 2017). It should be recalled that the adults in the United States are approximately 250 million. Therefore, even the small percentages are possibly to represent the beliefs for a lot of the Americans. The respondents on the Confederate monuments were offered the choice for either eliminating the Confederate monument from the entire public areas of maintains them. Three-fifths translating to 57 percent indicated that the Confederate monuments ought to remain within the public spaces whereas a quarter translating to 26 percent indicated that they ought to be removed. Notably, 54 percent indicated that the entire monuments need to be eliminated among the African American respondents while 25 percent who seemed inclined to maintain the monuments in place. The white strong varied with nearly two-thirds translating to 67 percent indicating that they should be maintained but only 19 percent favored the removal. In essence, a plurality for most Democrats favored the removal of the monuments which was 46 percent while the 38 percent favored the monument to be marinated in place. Approximately 51 percent of the respondents among those who possessed the bachelor’s degree and beyond favored the restoration of the monuments while 34 percent favored the removal of the monuments. Some outcomes revealed that there was broad acceptance for the racial equality. Therefore, seven in every ten translating to 70 percent strongly agreed that individuals from different races need to be free to live in whichever place they desire and 70 percent agreed on all races are the same with just 2 percent and 4 percent of the respondents strongly disagreeing in that order (Sabato, 2017). Nearly 89 percent which was a large percentage agreed that the
  • 25. entire races need to be treated equally even as 11 percent responded otherwise. It was found that 3 percent disagreed, another 5 percent neither disagreed nor agreed, and another 3 percent indicated that did not know. However, the rest of the findings presented a conflicting opinion concerning whether and the type of the racial groups that were likely to be under attack within the United States. Nearly 39 percent of the respondents somewhat and strongly agreed with the statement indicating that the white people were currently under attack in the country whereas 38 percent disagreed. The strong disagreement composed 28 percent that ranked high compared to those who strongly agreed to translate to 19 percent. Notably, 29 percent seemed to disagree with the statement among the whites whereas 54 percent of the non- whites disagreed. Furthermore, 21 percent among the partisans who were Democrats agreed with the statement that indicated that to some extent when compared to 63 percent of the Republicans. Equally, 59 percent of the Democrats disagreed which translated to 47 percent whereas 17 percent of the Republicans also disagreed. It was noted that nearly the same percentage for the Republicans and the Democrats neither disagreed nor agreed as 17 percent and 18 percent respectively. Another 55 percent somewhat strongly agreed with the statement that indicated that the racial minorities were currently under attack in the country whereas 22 percent somewhat or strongly disagreed (Sabato, 2017). Similarly, 13 percent of the racial minorities appeared to disagree with the statement whereas 27 percent of the whites as well disagree with the statement. The poll also established mixed views for the relative unfamiliarity and Black Lives Matter with the Antifa when compared to the rest organization and movement that the survey questioned about it. Approximately a third of the respondents translating to 32 percent indicated their support for the Black Lives Matter whereas an additional 24 percent revealed a middle stand of either opposing or supporting. Approximately 62 percent of the
  • 26. African Americans voiced their support for the group whereas 26 percent and 33 percent of the whites and the Hispanics respectively also did the same. A plurality among the respondents appeared to be against the Black Lives Matter. Therefore, 37 percent strongly or somewhat opposed the organization. In essence, the strongest core for those opposing the group emerged from the whites with only 43 percent opposing the issue of the Black Lives Matter. There was an obvious partisan variation in opposition or in support for the organization where 52 percent of the Democrats seemed to support the Black Lives Matter and another 62 percent of the Republicans seemed to oppose it. It was found that 8 percent indicated that they somewhat or strongly supported Antifa whereas 33 percent strongly opposed the Antifa while an additional 6 percent somewhat opposed with 39 percent opposing in totality (Sabato, 2017). There is a lot of certainty concerning the Antifa compared to the alt-right group that could have suggested a lack of familiarity with the group itself or even with the group ideals if any. As a result, 32 percent responded that they did not know especially when they were asked of whether they oppose or support to Antifa whereas 23 percent who indicated the same when questioned concerning the alt-right. An essential concern that the poll sought to assist in clarifying was on whether there was a sizeable section within the American public that was likely to appear receptive to the kinds of messages that were being disseminated with those groups that were associated with either the white supremacy or the alt-right. It is only a small percentage that indicated they did when they were asked on whether they supported the white nationalism or the alt-right. Besides, it is only one-fifth of all the respondents that indicated that they neither opposed nor supported the movements or the groups. A sizable number of the respondents that were selected in the poll neither disagreed nor agreed with the option. The middling responses appeared remarkable especially
  • 27. given the fact that they do not know responses was still offered and were available because of the controversial and racially charged nature for some of the polled statements. For example, it was found that an individual wished to express the lack of knowledge or uncertainty. It was for this reason that the pollster decided to assess the makeup for either disagreeing or agreeing on respondents during the survey (Sabato, 2017). It was also found that the profile for the respondents was not the same where some of the most notable questions revealed a general trend indicating that the respondents were most probably to have views that were inclined to intolerance compared to being aware from it. The either disagree or agree respondents were found to be far less probable to condemn the statements that were against the interracial marriage and favored those who preserved the white heritage. Additionally, the nor and the neither were found to be less probably compared to the respondents who felt that the entire races needed to be treated equally or even the minorities who were under attack. In either case, it made the viewpoints for the most congruous with anti-quality and the extremist views compared to the most progressive views. The far-right parties and the nationalists have made great electoral gains across Europe. For instance, some of them have assumed office while others have emerged the major voice for the opposition while those yet to access political foothold have compelled the centrist leaders to adapt. In other words, the process could be viewed as a backlash against the establishment of politics in the wake of the migrant and the financial crisis (BBC, 2018). Nonetheless, the wave for discontent seems to tap into long-lasting fears concerning the globalization and a weakening of the national identity. There are some popular themes including the Eurosceptic, anti-Islamic rhetoric, and the hostility to immigration although the parties convoluted span for a wide political spectrum. It was also found that the inconclusive elections coupled with months of uncertainty culminated within the two most
  • 28. popularity parties which were the right wing league and the anti-establishment five-star movements that formed the coalition government in Italy. Therefore, its rise from the political fringes emerged in a country that was strongly hit by the financial crisis that occurred in 2008 and that later became the major destination among the North African Immigrants. The league that was in the past known as the Northern League, switched its focus from the early objective for creating a distinct northern state to lead a nation that it once wished to leave. Germany developed only five years ago where the far right alternative for Germany in 2017 entered the federal parliament in the first time. From the start, the anti-euro party pushed for severe anti-immigrant policies that later tapped in the anxieties because of the Islam influence. The leaders were accused that they restrained the Nazi atrocities. Austria especially the far- right party in surrounding Austria has appreciated improved success compared to the Alternative for Germany (BBC, 2018). The migrant crisis was found just like in Germany as fundamental to success and a great issue that they campaigned on for long. There has been a lot of plan and proposals to seize the immigrant’s phones since the election period. It was also found that elsewhere in Europe, the immigration rules particularly in Denmark was among the toughest and mirrored the power of the Danish party. The policies are authorized to seize the property of the migrants and pay for their upkeep and have even pledged to enhance the contraception help in the developing countries in order to limit the pressures from the migrants. Besides, the elections that were conducted in 2015, in England revealed that the right wing party emerged second although the presidential election candidate won with a small margin. In essence, the findings resonate with the issue of the resurgence of nationalism as demonstrated in the factual findings. CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION, DISCUSSION, AND
  • 29. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH Introduction The study has demonstrated that nationalism cannot be allowed to continue in its present trajectory. Consequently, effective intervention measures have to be taken to address the problem and create opportunities for a more inclusive version of patriotism. The approach will play an instrumental role in creating opportunities for a more effective expression of political identity in the modern society. Summary of Findings The construction of a nation is a man-made endeavor that has a consequential impact on how its people engage with each other (Calhoun, 1998). As a result, nationalism is the consequence of the inherent flaws in the philosophy of the creators of the nation. For instance, the prevalence of nationalism in the United States can be linked to the failure to invite the participation of all groups in the task of imagining the nation. The failure to engage women and minorities in the creation of the United States though a response to the practical realities during independence, fed the notion that the United States as a nation, is synonymous with whites and their religion. The rise of nationalism is also a consequence of the nature of leadership that the society has. When faced by internal divisions between the North and the South, President Abraham Lincoln chose to respond by creating a shared vision which embraced universalism in order to keep the United States. As a result, leaders have the opportunity to meet emerging and existing social, cultural and economic challenges by providing a bold political vision, which embraces inclusive patriotism (Joireman, 2003). The approach is essential in enabling the society to harness the best parts of its values and to meet common challenges with unity of purpose. The findings of the study have highlighted the consequential effects of exclusive nationalism in undermining globalization and cooperation in the society. In effect, it is evident that the resurgence of nationalism is a response to the
  • 30. failure of globalization to create inclusive prosperity in the modern society. The resurgence of nationalism has been facilitated by the anxiety that people have over their future and identity. Nationalism poses the threat of creating an unequal system that may have a disruptive effect on the ability of the society to achieve positive outcomes in its engagement with each other. The causes of nationalism demonstrate that a redefinition of the global economic system and the expansion of opportunities to serve others would have a positive impact on the empowerment and engagement of the people in creating shared growth. The study has demonstrated that everyone must take responsibility for the resurgence of nationalism. The observation is informed by the recognition of the role of poor political leadership and the flawed economic system in undermining the ability of members of the public to participate in creating opportunities for growth. The inability of the business and political leadership to implement effective intervention measures may undermine the ability of the modern global system to create opportunities for shared growth and prosperity in the United States and around the world. In particular, the 2008 global economic recession led to increased anxiety among the young people that has reduced their support for globalization. However, it is evident that support for nationalism stems from the anxiety of the older people. In particular, white uneducated American men are increasingly anxious over the loss of their identity as their country becomes more diversified with the rise of the Hispanic community set to reduce their majority. Demographic changes are expected to reduce the impact of nationalism in the national political discourse. However, if the needs of all the stakeholders are not addressed the international community faces the threat of an insurgent nationalist movement as communities seek to rally to champion for their causes. The resolution of the key drivers of nationalism requires recognition of the inherent human need for safety, recognition and security among the people. It is also an
  • 31. important response to the rise of national issues in the international community caused by the resurgence of competing visions in the modern society. Conclusions The history of nationalist movements has demonstrated that they lack staying power as the inherent human need for connection and shared belonging and the realities of modern society make isolation a temporary and unrewarding experience. Its limited resources and urgent need for growth and development necessitated the isolation of the United States. However, once it became wealthy it realized looking inwards shrinks its influence and undermines its interests (Serwer, 2017). The extremist expressions of nationalism during the Nazi regime were also defeated by the united response of the international community. As the world faces shared challenges such as climate change and terrorism, the stability and sustainability of individual states will be increasingly dependent on the cooperation of others. Consequently, the present nationalist movement will not last for long due to the necessities of the society. The failure to win a supermajority in different countries demonstrates that many people embrace universalism as opposed to nationalism. As a result, an organized response to nationalism is set to result in the resurgence of liberalism in the near future. The narrow success of President Emmanuel Macron demonstrates that nationalism is yet to appeal to a majority of the society. In addition, the success of Trumpism is bound to be limited by the resistance by people who recognize the futility in erecting walls instead of building bridges to new opportunities for the American people and citizens of the world. The painful experience of Britain as it envisions increased autonomy outside Europe has sounded a cautionary tale to many countries that a retreat from the world stage is harmful to their interest. In addition, the continued support for international trade agreements represents recognition among many countries that the individual success and prosperity of a nation is dependent
  • 32. on cooperation with others. The resurgence of nationalism has been enabled by the inequality that has been enabled by globalization and technological advancements. In addition, it has also been enabled by the lack of engagement and respectful discourse among conservatives and liberals. The partisanship in the United States has undermined the ability of the government to implement bold legislative reforms that are essential to the progress of the society. Moreover, the institutionalization of Citizens United Supreme Court ruling has enabled corporates to exercise greater power in the governance process, undermining the role of the common person. Furthermore, trade treaties and security treaties have also reduced the autonomy of countries. Consequently, addressing the problems that have led to the resurgence of nationalism requires a re-imagining of democracy. The moderate success of President Barack Obama in championing inclusive patriotism demonstrates that one leader cannot be effective in solving the governance dysfunction that has fed nationalism. Instead, it is evident that elected and business leaders must take the responsibility of addressing the challenges that have caused a resurgence of nationalism. The 2008 global financial crisis reduced public confidence in the government and the private sector. The vacuum in inspired leadership for the people has contributed towards the rise of nationalism in the modern society. As a result, it is imperative for the society to implement effective intervention measures to create opportunities for inclusive ownership of the challenges and opportunities in the modern society. Many people have failed to appreciate the importance of a shared emotional bond and moral will in sustaining the durability of a nation. In the modern society, polarization has weakened the will of the people to engage with each as an increasing number of things become sources of separation as opposed to uniting factors. For instance, the Gulf War and the war on terror has been the cause of division. In addition, the rise of same-sex practices and their legalization has caused
  • 33. division among liberals. Individualization has also led to the weakening of the ties that bind communities together (Serwer, 2017). As a result, people have lost the unity of purpose that enabled them to be connected together. The increased reduction in the role of the common person in the decision-making process has also caused many of them to become disconnected from their government. Many elected leaders lack the close connection with their communities and have a reduced role in the decision-making process as strategic agreements shift power to institutions such as the World Trade Union while the centralization of authority has given the President and federal agencies the ability to make policies that affect the everyday lives of the people. In addition, the reduction of state power and the low approval rating of Congress mean that people feel disconnected from the authorities who make decisions, which have an effect on their lives. Consequently, white nationalism seems like an appealing response to earn their power back from the institutions, which have taken it away from them. In spite of the divisions, which seem to divide the United States, it is evident that the country has the capacity for the expression of inclusive patriotism among its people. It is evident that the people recognize the inherent challenges in failing to meet shared challenges with a unity of purpose. After the September 11 attack, Americans across ethnic divides shared a patriotic response to the act of terror in their homeland. In addition, inclusive patriotism is evident every time the country experiences mass shooting or natural disasters. As a result, it is evident that the people have the capacity to embrace inclusive patriotism. The election of President Obama relied on a coalition of different ethnic groups. However, his poor performance among white uneducated men in both the 2008 and 2008 and their support for ultra-nationalist ideas demonstrate that the biggest constituency for the nationalist movement is white uneducated men who feel that they are being left behind by a changing social and economic environment. The study has demonstrated that the lack of empathy with
  • 34. the concerns of the minority groups in the society may have an adverse effect on the ability of the modern states to create inclusive patriotism. The failure to understand the anxiety of the people who are advocating for exclusive patriotism means that many people are seeking to resolve the issue of nationalism with a clear understanding of what will be required to earn the confidence and support of all the participants. The institutionalization of inclusive patriotism will require an appeal to the shared values that bind the United States with other nations as they sought to meet shared threats and take advantage of emerging opportunities. However, the rise of corporate power in the modern business environment has undermined the ability of members of the society to achieve their goals. The challenges in addressing the problem of nationalism can be linked to the confluence of multiple cultural, social, economic and political issues that cause the opposition to inclusive patriotism. In particular, the participation of racist groups has undermined the image of nationalists in the modern society. Discussion The breakdown of the family unit, being the basic social unit, has a direct impact on the resurgence of nationalism. The family is the primary provider of identity for members of the society. In the face of broken or weakened family ties, many people look to their nation to provide the sense of identity, which they need to achieve a holistic experience. However, their search for shared identity is limited to people who look like them, have the same social-cultural background, beliefs and aspirations. Their search for identity fails to account for the multiethnic nature of the modern state. As a result, they are disillusioned by the immigrants, LGBTQ and minority racial groups that have formed their nation (Sabato, 2017). The failure to identify with these groups causes many people to feel that they are losing their country and their identity. As a result, their response to the resurgence of
  • 35. nationalism poses a threat to the ability of the society to achieve inclusive nationalism and provides an enabling environment for the resurgence of nationalism (Breuilly, 1994). The observation has demonstrated the need to have a redefinition of the family unit in order to reduce the disillusionment of many people with it. Expanding the traditional definition of family will create opportunities for people to have a shared identity that will be instrumental in creating an inclusive society. Presently, nationalist seem to be winning the ability to shape the future due to the reluctance of liberals to participate in shaping the future of nationalism. In the United States, Veneueza, Poland, China and Moscow the ruling class has sought to enhance nationalism in a bid to stir patriotism and support their authority. However, it is unlikely that the movement will continue to succeed in the long-term as the society continue to evolve and the people seek a more inclusive vision. In addition, the inability of nationalists to deliver an easy solution to the social-economic challenges facing the people may have an adverse effect on their ability to maintain public support (Smith, 1998). Most nationalist governments and parties have promised their supporters increased quality of life by turning inwards. The inescapable failure of this policy approach will create an opportunity for liberals and universalism to take the lead in shaping the governance of societies. The resurgence of universalism will differ in each society based on the strength of their democratic institutions. For example, the nationalist movement is bound to last longer in Russia and China in the United States. Nationalism is a statement of mind, making it responsive to the prevailing factors in the social-economic and cultural environment of a person. As the Hispanic community continues to increase in the United States, so will also be the acceptance among whites that they are a part of the American society. In addition, an economic boom and the increasing resolution of cultural challenges are bound to reduce the tensions which are
  • 36. diving many members of the society. However, the replacement of nationalism must be an inclusive approach for it to prevent a recurrence of this movement in the future. The rise and fall of nationalism is a cause and effect function that is responsive to changes in the social –economic environment. Politicians will continue to use nationalism in their pursuit of public office because it is a powerful tool. It is also important for members of the society and policy makers to recognize that it is capable of resulting in armed conflict and ethnic cleansing in spite of the relative stability in Western societies. As a result, the phenomenon should invite urgent and effective policy response from all stakeholders. In addition, a continued indulgence of the most extreme forms of white nationalism poses the risk of continued societal disintegration The cooption of nationalism can be effective in enabling organizations to tap into the most positive elements of nationalism. It can be used to enhance a unity of purpose in the pursuit of shared objectives (Smith & Berger, 1999). It will also create opportunities for the people to achieve desirable outcomes. The observation highlights the need for a bold vision that will inspire members of the community to engage in a shared endeavor. Nationalism can enhance the mobilization of the people to resolve shared challenges. Pride in their countries can be used to create a new society that values the individuality of a person without losing the shared connection, which binds the people. The resurgence of the American Dream can replace the toxic nationalism that is now in effect in the country due to the leadership of President Donald Trump. The American Dream is the belief that any person can pursue happiness, achieve their social-economic goals if they believe in themselves, and have the audacity to go after their dreams (Serwer, 2017). The loss in faith in the American Dream has coincided with the rise in nationalism across the country. Consequently, the government and the private sector should collaborate to address systemic social and economic challenges that have inhibited the ability of
  • 37. ordinary Americans to achieve social-economic progression. Creating opportunities for individuals to lift themselves and their family from poverty requires the reinvention of the American Dream and a commitment among the people to participate in the recreation of the American society. The study has demonstrated the importance of implementing effective intervention measures to address the inherent challenges facing political leaders and international institutions as they seek to create effective intervention measures, which can have an adverse effect on stability in the modern society. The rise of nationalism is both a national and international trade. The international community is increasingly dependent on the collaboration of other countries to achieve desirable outcomes in creating opportunities for shared growth and prosperity. The success of the modern society requires the movement of goods and ideas across national boundaries. The resurgence of nationalism threatens to turn many countries towards embracing isolation, which would have an adverse effect on the sustainability of the global economic system. The decision by President Trump to impose a tariff on steel and aluminum from other countries other than Mexico and Canada threatens to push the world into a trade war. The outcome would have an adverse effect on the growth and stability of the global economy. It could also contribute towards the achievement of adverse effects that are also counterproductive to the nations, which implemented them. The sustainability of the free market is also in doubt as nations such as the United States embraces a more isolationist stance. The push towards the isolation of the United States highlights the flawed basis upon which nationalism is constructed. Comment by Tom Kelly: All of this is unsupported opinion. The resurgence of nationalism threatens to have an adverse effect on the ability of democratic leaders to exercise their authority in creating positive change in the society. The increasing polarization in the modern society and the rise of nationalism would undermine the ability of political leader to
  • 38. engage in constructive governance. In Italy, the rise of nationalist parties has aggravated the unstable political situation in the country. It has reduced the willingness of Italy to collaborate with the rest of Europe in addressing shared challenges and taking advantage of the emerging opportunities for mutual collaboration among the community of nations. The study has demonstrated that the anxiety associated with the evolving social-economic, cultural and political factors have a direct impact on the support for nationalism among the people. The inability of the political leadership to hold an honest and timely discussion with their electorate about the shared challenges and opportunities in the society has contributed towards the rise of resurgence. As a result, the rise of nationalism in can be linked to the failure of leadership and the inability of political leaders to communicate with empathy to the people. Overcoming the problem of nationalism requires a reevaluation of the international global and economic system with the goal of creating a more effective and equal society. As the international community addresses the social, cultural, economic, and political factors that are responsible for creating anxiety among the people, it is expected that nationalism will recede and patriotism will increase as people take more positive pride in their citizenship and reduce their reliance on the adoption of exclusive patriotism. Comment by Tom Kelly: Your thesis may be in here! Create a statement as to how these factors affect support for national ism. Be more specific about the factors, like immigration/unemployment, and explain what that direct effect is. Then you will have a testable statement. You can show that as, say, unemployment rises, so does nationalism. Suggestions for Future Research Future studies should evaluate the impact that the automation of work will have on nationalism. The increased reliance on robotics is set to reduce employment opportunities for a growing global population. The loss of work could
  • 39. contribute towards the rise of the factors that cause nationalism. Future researchers should evaluate the evolution of the resurgence of nationalism and the variables that will determine its direction. Monitoring and evaluating the staying power of the resurgence of nationalism will provide an effective framework for understanding the rise and fall of nationalism in the modern society. Researchers should evaluate the causes for the prevalence of nationalism in rural white communities as opposed to urban areas. In addition, they should examine its appeal among war veterans in the United States. The study will enable the researcher to identify the impact of disillusionment with the policies of the government on the willingness of a person to be embracing white nationalism. Future studies should also seek to identify how the nationalist movement has used social platforms to gain influence in the American society. In addition, it should highlight its performance and impact in elections in the United States since 1990. The approach will play an integral role in enabling researchers to determine if the movement has the institutional tools and resources, which are essential in determining its sustainability as a part of modern society. Future studies should focus on the impact of economic performance of countries and their attitudes towards immigration in the society. The approach will provide an opportunity to test the hypothesis that resistance towards immigration is rooted in the anxiety of the people over the sustainability of their economies. It will also highlight the failure of leadership among political leaders and the government in communicating about the role of immigrants in the national economy. Studies in the future should explore the impact of the resurgence of nationalism on the role of the United States and its influence in the modern society. The United States has cultivated networks due to its soft and hard power to champion the rise of free trade across the world. However, the resurgence
  • 40. of nationalism threatens to undermine the image of the United States. Consequently, effective intervention measures should be taken to create an inclusive system that contributes towards the growth and prosperity of the modern society. Future studies should examine the ability of other countries to take on the responsibility of leading the free world. The suggestions for future studies provide an effective framework for understanding the impact of intersectionality theory on the resurgence of nationalism. The rise of nationalism was dependent on the identified variables in this study. As a result, future research should focus on the factors that affect the prevalence of those variables. Conclusion The study has highlighted the resurgence of nationalism in different parts of the world. In particular, it has demonstrated the factors that have fueled its rise in the United States and how they are replicated across Western countries. The resurgence of white nationalism can be linked to the loss of blue-collar jobs and the rise of globalization, which has taken power away from the direct representatives of the people to institutions. Consequently, it is evident that a reinvention of the democratic governance system is critical in enabling the society to overcome the challenges, which are associated with the rise of nationalism. However, it is evident that nationalism shall not last as the pressure for cooperation in sharing common challenges facing the international community and the need to take advantage of new opportunities grows. In particular, the ageing of the American society will result in increased acceptance of immigration as an effective tool for the country to meet its need for cheap labor. The public on nationalism and its role in the modern society is expected to form the basis for an effective resolution of the issues that have driven the adoption of nationalism in the modern society. References BBC. (2018). Is Europe seeing a nationalist surge? Retrieved
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  • 43. as a covering in church and her methods of exercising opinion and religion were of no matter to her aunt or those around her. In stating my point directly, Antonia's opinions were in jeopardy at the start which is a bad omen for the story, but very gothic. I believe this introduced her character as a weak one. Then Ambrosio's character was introduced. I felt strongly that Lewis portrayed him almost as a supernatural presence, powerful as well...but not extremely. In a sense, I felt the following "supernatural" description a gothic trait Lewis completely divulged near the center of chapter 1. "Tranquility reigned upon his smooth unwrinkled forehead; and Content, expressed upon every feature, seemed to announce the Man equally unacquainted with cares and crimes. He bowed himself with humility to the audience: Still there was a certain severity in his look and manner that inspired universal awe," ( Lewis, chap. 1). I would have to agree a strong use of the "supernatural presence" in these chapters. Though the quotes chosen for each of the were different in content, that trait, I feel, voices a strong resemblance between the two. Using the British spelling of the term "tranquility" above, Lewis depicts Ambrosio as a peaceful and attractive soul; much described as one who was spiritually far closer to sainthood. In a sense, Lewis exuded this "supernatural" gothic trait so strongly that one would not be aware (unless they had continued to read well into chapters 2 and 3) that Ambrosio was capable of using that very same spiritual and gothic "supernatural presence" to proclaim silent power of a woman's conscience and being in mind control. In his character and description of commanding presence, a reader can tell that his worldly popularity is not the first characteristic Lewis wants us to see; but instead a more favorable one. TWO JS of THREE The Gothic", as defined in Professor Russell's video lecture, is a
  • 44. label created by 18th-century writers in reference to the Goths. The Goths were Germanic people who overran the Roman Empire. To these writers, Gothic meant barbarity, violence, and superstition. Among these, Gothic traits that can be found in literature and drama of that time include mystery, oppression by patriarchal powers, supernatural or improbable influences or characters, and women in jeopardy. In the following passage from Matthew Lewis’ romance novel, The Monk, several Gothic traits can be found: “Uttering a loud and terrible cry the Monster plunged into the Gulph, and in his fall attempted to drag Antonia with him. He strove in vain. Animated by supernatural powers She disengaged herself from his embrace; But her white Robe was left in his possession.” The Gothic traits found in this passage are barbarity, violence, supernatural characters and influences, and a woman in jeopardy. The Monster is the supernatural character that uses barbarity and violence in an attempt to drag Antonia into the Gulph. Antonia, the woman in jeopardy, also uses supernatural powers to free herself from the Monster’s embrace. 1Bottom of Form Top of Form · The Monk WS · THREE of THREE · 1. Gothic meaning either barbarity, violence, or superstition, with my passage that I picked from Chapter 2 that stood out to me depicted violence. In chapter 2 Agnes goes to confine into Reverend Ambrosio about her mishaps and her violating her vows of chasity and begs that he takes compassion on her.
  • 45. Furthermore, she is pregnant. "Take compassion on me; tale compassion on the innocent being whose existence is attached to mine." As Agnes is steady begging for herself and her unborn child the Prioress enters the chapel with the Nuns following her. At this moment Agnes is trying to reach out to Reverend Ambrosio and reach out to his emotions. As she is pleading and crying for her life and her unborn, 2 Nuns approach her and prepare to remove her from the Chapel so that she can receive her punishment. As the Nuns are dragging her out the church while she's pleading and begging, Reverend Ambrosio emotions gets the best of him for that moment and he decides to stand in, which didn't go so well. "The violence of her despair.. proves that at least Vice is not become familiar to her. Perhaps by treating her with somewhat less rigor than general practiced." As the Reverend attempts ti step in on Agnes behalf he and his thought is shut down by Lady Prioress who insists Agnes deserves the punishment and violence as extreme as she can get it. Lady Prioress always goes on to say that the punishments have been disuse but the crime that Agnes have committed only make it right that it be revived. "Agnes shall be the the very first to feel the rigor of those laws, which shall be obeyed to the very letter." ENGLIT 2-part ASSIGNMENT 2019, INSTRUCTIONS on TWO ATTACHMENTS. This assignment consists of original discussion questions and requires responses to the answers of others. PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS and respond in college - graduate level writing with articulate content that is relevant, scholarly and competent? Parts 1 & 2 have two sections? PART ONE of the Assignment – QUESTION – LITERATURE WORK: “THE MONK” by Matthew Lewis SECTION ONE 1. At least 150 words including quotation) in an answer to
  • 46. define “The gothic?” 2. Then, quote a short passage (no more than 50 words) from the first 3 chapters of The Monk, and explain fully what Gothic is about it. Pick a passage to reflect scholarly on? SECTION TWO 1. Go into detail (150 words) to compare an aspect of the last chapters of The Monk to a horror film (or story) that you have previously seen or read. Explain why the moment you have picked from the ending of The Monk is typical of the eighteenth century rather than of the present-day U.S. PART TWO of the Assignment – POEMS - TWO PART ASSIGNMENT Alexander Pope and Lady Mary W. Montagu 1. One Original Post (150 words). 2. One Separate Response to another’s (75 words). SECTION ONE 1. Your original post must choose a short passage from one of the poems by Pope or Montagu (or a passage from the letter) and respond to it. Do not quote more than 50 words from your original source. You should interpret fully what your author (for instance, Pope) is saying to the other author (for instance, Montagu) in the passage you have selected. SECTION TWO 2.Your response to the post,(listed below) should briefly compare or contrast to what you wrote in your original post? Respond to This Post, articulately and scholarly, according to the instructions? Post starts here "But if the first Eve 25 Hard doom did receive,
  • 47. When only one apple had she, What a punishment new Shall be found out for you, Who tasting have robb’d the whole tree?" 30 Pope's warning to Monatgu is laced with agreement in earlier lines such as his statement that "So Papists refuse / The Bible to use, / Lest flocks should be as wise as their guide" is an agreement that the neglect of teaching women is wrong, and those in favor for it have used the Bible and religion in the profusion of this belief unjustly (Pope 10-12). But Pope gives Monatgu a warning in lines 25-30, stating that while women may learn and do well, how much more will those who lead people astray suffer. Eve is known to have suffered for eating an apple (theological/spiritual connotations aside, it's a simple act of pluck, bite, and chew), as Pope says with "When only one apple had she," and that Eve "Hard doom did receive" (Pope 26- 27). "What a punishment new / Shall be found for you / Who tasting have robb'd the whole tree," he asks Montagu, stating that she knows exactly what she is doing, her actions of rebellion and argumentation with him and the world as a whole (Pope 27-30). There is a line between rebelling for a righteous cause and rebelling because the world is not doing as you wish. His warning to her points this out, saying that Eve did one little tiny thing and it caused great harm, but if someone who knows what the potential consequences for for an action are and knows that the consequences outweigh the action, why would that person drag others down with them into something they know is a bad idea for all, be it morally, ethically, intelligently, etc Post ends here less
  • 48. PRINT OUT copy, History of the POEMS of Pope & Montagu Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’s Biography (from Montagu was the daughter of Evelyn Pierrepont, the fifth earl and first duke of Kingston. As a child she devised a rigorous academic program for herself, which included writing poetry and learning to speak Latin. In 1712 she eloped with Edward Wortley Montagu. By 1715 they were circulating among prominent social and literary circles in London, where she befriended poets John Gay and Alexander Pope. She accompanied her husband when he was named ambassador to Constantinople in 1716; her subsequent correspondence with London friends became the basis for her famous "Turkish Embassy Letters." Montagu returned to London in 1718 and for the next two decades presided over high society, which celebrated her sparkling wit and flamboyant behavior. In 1722 she anonymously published an essay arguing for the practice of smallpox inoculation in England, after observing the procedure performed successfully abroad. Around 1722 she also engaged Pope in a bitter, public quarrel that began for unknown reasons and culminated in her Verses Address'd to the Imitator of the First Satire of the Second Book of Horace (1733), which further incensed Pope. In 1736 she met and fell in love with Francesco Algarotti, a young Italian count. She wrote an anonymous feminist periodical, The Nonsense of Common Sense (1937- 1938), before she left her husband and England in 1739. For over twenty years Montagu lived abroad mainly in Italy, and wrote many more letters, mostly to her daughter, Lady Bute. Shortly after Montagu returned to England in 1762, she died of cancer. Alexander Pope’s Biography (from Alexander Pope was born on May 21, 1688 in London, England. He was ill as a child and was left only 4' 6" tall with curvature
  • 49. of the spine and was a lifelong sufferer from headaches. Pope was a poet and satirist, best known for his poem The Rape of the Lock and his translation of Homer's Iliad. His epigrams are some of the most frequently quoted passages in the English language. He died in 1744. One of Pope’s Poems to Lady Montagu (written between 1713- 1717) I IN beauty, or wit, No mortal as yet To question your empire has dar’d; But men of discerning Have thought that in learning, 5 To yield to a lady was hard. II Impertinent schools, With musty dull rules, Have reading to females denied: So Papists refuse
  • 50. 10 The Bible to use, Lest flocks should be wise as their guide. III ’T was a woman at first, (Indeed she was curst) In Knowledge that tasted delight, 15 And sages agree The laws should decree To the first possessor the right. IV Then bravely, fair Dame, Resume the old claim, 20 Which to your whole sex does belong; And let men receive, From a second bright Eve, The knowledge of right and of wrong.
  • 51. V But if the first Eve 25 Hard doom did receive, When only one apple had she, What a punishment new Shall be found out for you, Who tasting have robb’d the whole tree? 30 Letter to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu 18th August 1716. MADAM—I can say little to recommend the letters I am beginning to write to you, but that they will be the most impartial representations of a free heart, and the truest copies you ever saw, though of a very mean original. Not a feature will be softened, or any advantageous light employed to make the ugly thing a little less hideous, but you shall find it in all respects most horribly like. You will do me an injustice if you look upon anything I shall say from this instant, as a compliment either to you or to myself: whatever I write will be the real thought of that hour, and I know you will no more expect it of me to persevere till death, in every sentiment or notion I now set down, than you would imagine a man’s face should never change after his picture was once drawn.
  • 52. 1 [ . . . ] 2 3 You may easily imagine how desirous I must be of correspondence with a person who had taught me so long ago, that it was as possible to esteem at first sight, as to love: and who has since ruined me for all the conversation of one sex, and almost all the friendship of the other. I am but too sensible, through your means, that the company of men wants a certain softness to recommend it, and that of women wants everything else. How often have I been quietly going to take possession of that tranquillity and indolence I had so long found in the country, when one evening of your conversation has spoiled me for a solitaire too! Books have lost their effect upon me; and I was convinced since I saw you, that there is something more powerful than philosophy, and, since I heard you, that there is one alive wiser than all the sages. A plague of female wisdom! It makes a man ten times more uneasy than his own. What is very strange, Virtue herself, when you have the dressing her, is too amiable for one’s repose. What a world of good might you have done in your time, if you had allowed half the fine gentlemen who have seen you to have but conversed with you! They would have been strangely caught, while they thought only to fall in love with a fair face, and you had bewitched them with reason and virtue; two beauties that the very fops pretend to have an acquaintance with. 4 The unhappy distance at which we correspond, removes a great many of those punctilious restrictions and decorums that oftentimes in nearer conversation prejudice truth to save good breeding. I may now hear of my faults, and you of your good qualities, without a blush on either side. We converse upon such unfortunate generous terms as exclude the regards of fear, shame, or design in either of us. And methinks it would be as
  • 53. ungenerous a part to impose even in a single thought upon each other, in this state of separation, as for spirits of a different sphere, who have so little intercourse with us, to employ that little (as some would make us think they do), in putting tricks and delusions upon poor mortals. 5 Let me begin, then, madam, by asking you a question, which may enable me to judge better of my own conduct than most instances of my life. In what manner did I behave the last hour I saw you? What degree of concern did I discover when I felt a misfortune, which I hope you never will feel, that of parting from what one most esteems? For if my parting looked but like that of your common acquaintance, I am the greatest of all the hypocrites that ever decency made. 6 Excerpt from “Verses Addressed to the Imitator of the First Satire of the Second Book of Horace” by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Edited and annotated by Jack Lynch Pope and Lady Mary had once been friends. Apparently Lady Mary rejected Pope's romantic advances, and after that their friendship deteriorated. Pope often attacked her as Sappho; she replied in 1733 with this poem. It may have been cowritten with Lord Hervey, whom Pope attacks as Sporus. In two large Columns, on thy motly Page, Where Roman Wit is strip'd with English Rage; Where Ribaldry to Satire makes pretence, And modern Scandal rolls with ancient Sense: Whilst on one side we see how Horace thought, [5] And on the other, how he never wrote: Who can believe, who view the bad, the good, That the dull Copist better understood