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[Abdoullaev-Baudrillard Principle of Reversibility of Reality]
“Everything in the World is Reversed, including the World Itself”
EU, 2016
Everything is Reversed and Retroacted
• AB Reversibility Principle states that
• “Everything in the World is Reversed, including the World Itself”
• AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE, or Abdoullaev-Baudrillard Principle of Reversibility of
Reality, is a conditional name for the universal law of nature and the world of changing things, the
universe of interacting entities.
• AB Reversibility Principle is consistently advanced by Jean Baudrillard and Azamat Abdoullaev as
the Principle of Reversion of All Processes, Retroaction of Any Action, or Inversion of all Changes.
• AB Reversibility Principle is about the universal phenomena of a reversibility of things, the cause-effect
reversibility, reversibility of causal order, the reversion of change-cause on change-effect.
• AB Reversibility Principle, as a universal and necessary relationship, applies to all universal laws, as
a reversibility of natural rules and physical laws.
• “The Ultimate of Reality: Reversible Causality”,
Intelligent World. IGI Global, USA, 2008;
Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
• REVERSIBILITY Orders the Universe into the World of Complex Systems, Systems of Systems: Atoms, Cells,
Organisms, Cities, Societies, Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, the Universe:
• <http://www.ontopaedia/World>
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RELATIONSHIPS) <http://www.ontopaedia/World/Nature/Mind/Society>
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RELATIONSHIPS); <http://www.ontopaedia/World/Nature/Mind/Society/Technology>
• >
• >
• http://www.ontopaedia/World/Nature/Mind/Society/Technology/IntelligentSystems/KnowledgeSociety/Cyberspa
Intelligent World. IGI Global, USA, 2008;
• The World Ladder: Being, Existence > Entity, Thing.
Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
The Ultimate of Reality: Reversibility
• This reversibility of causal order – the reversion of cause on effect, the precession and triumph of effect over cause – is
fundamental. You might call it primordial, fatal and original. It is the reversibility of destiny. It somehow represents a
mortal danger, precisely because it leaves no place for chance (chance can only be deduced, a contrario, on an order of
• This is why our system, essentially Western, has replaced it with another precession, that of the cause to the effect, and
more recently with the precession of models, the precession of simulacra to things themselves, whose apparition they
conjure up in a different mode.
• Precession against precession – we need to see the challenge that opposes the two orders. There is no place for chance
here, that is, for a neutral and indeterminate substance.
• The world is Manichean; in it two orders are absolutely opposed. Nothing is determined, but everything is antagonistic.
This is why we have to go much further than a simple crisis of causality.
• Jean Baudrillard. Fatal Strategies. New York: Semiotext(e), 1999:162.
• Until now, reversibility has in effect remained metaphysical...But it may now be in the process of disturbing the
physical order and shaking it to its very foundations. With it disappears the rational principle that prevents the effect
from turning back on the cause to cancel it out; it prevents the effect from being the cancellation of the cause – or
prevents there never having been causes, but a pure and simple chain of effects.
• Reversibility kills any determinist (or indeterminist) principle of causality in ovum, in the egg. And when I say 'in the
egg', I mean it in the sense of the riddle of the chicken and the egg – which comes first? - the famous aporia of causal
linkage; even the causal order does not escape parodic circularity which is somehow the revenge of the reversible order.
• This distortion of causes and effects, this mysterious autonomy of effects, this cause-effect reversibility, engendering a
disorder or chaotic order (precisely our current situation: a reversibility of reality [le réel] and information, which gives
rise to disorder in the realm of events and an extravagance of media effects), puts one in mind, to some extent, of Chaos
Theory and the disproportion between the beating of a butterfly's wings and the hurricane this unleashes on the other
side of the world.
• “The Ultimate of Reality: Reversible Causality”
Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
• We live in the World, W, unifying a Common Universe,
U, with its complement, a Reversible Universe, U’, guided
by Reversible Causation, which is still the biggest enigma
and hidden knowledge for the most of us.
• From all points of views, there is an urgent need in
recognizing the universality and necessity of Reverse
Causality, the reversing principle of causes and effects; for
forward and backward causation together produce
everything that comes into existence, determining the
consistence and order of the Ever Changing World.
• In understanding of the physical universe, a decisive role is
to be played by the convertibility of physical forces due to
Reverse Causality: a physical Theory of Everything that
aimed to unify all the fundamental forces will involve the
idea of inverse causality taking the physical processes to run
in operation backward as forward.
• The world is becoming active because it produces reversible
processes, and reversible processes organize the world.
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Determines the World: Causality as
the Life-or-Death Relationship. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A.,The Ultimate of Reality: Reversible Causality:
• The Baudrillard Sphinx asks: “What if even
physical laws, the surest guarantee of the effect
of irreversible causality in the universe, are
slipping so gently into the reversible?”.
• Reversibility, or Nonlinearity, refers to the fact
that effect and cause are mutually connected,
so that small changes in critical variables can
lead to disproportionate changes in the system
structure, properties, and behavior.
• This reversibility of causal order, the reversion
of cause on effect, the precession and triumph
of effect over cause -- is fundamental.....
• “This is the definition of fate: the precession of
the effects over their very causes. So all things
happen before having happened”.
• Fatal Strategies
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The Butterfly Effect: Vicious Circle, Avalanche effect, Behavioral cusp, Cascading failure, Chain reaction,
Domino effect, Fractal, Positive feedback, Ripple effect, Snowball effect, etc.
• The butterfly effect is about the inherent nonlinearity of causality, causation and simple or complex causal system: that small causes
can have large effects. Initially, it was used with weather prediction but later the term became a metaphor used widely, in and out of
• In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a
deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state (the iterated points will become arbitrarily spread out
from each other starting from any of various arbitrarily close alternative initial conditions on the attractor).
• It is close to such phenomena as Vicious Circle, Avalanche effect, Behavioral cusp, Cascading failure, Chain reaction, Domino
effect, Fractal, Positive feedback, Ripple effect, Snowball effect, etc.
• As an example, a cascading failure in a system of interconnected parts where the failure of a part can trigger the failure of successive
parts, including power transmission, computer networking, finance, human bodily systems, engineering systems or infrastructures
such as water supply, transportation, fuel and power stations, bridges, etc.
• In mass culture, the butterfly effect is a metaphor that insignificant events and moments might alter history and shape destinies,
creating the threads of cause and effect that appear obvious only in retrospect, changing the course of a human life or rippling
through the global economy or weather .
• The butterfly effect is prevented by inverse causality, negative or viscous effects, damping out small perturbations, tending to
counterbalance things, making complex systems predictable and the world comprehensible - that everything has a reason, and that
we can identify all those reasons, however small they may be, and that cause and effect still dictates how scientists should understand
many systems, from subatomic particles to storms, from cells to society.
• E. Lorenz, 1972, "Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly's Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?"
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All Social World is Reversible
• Evidence of AB Law is found in such diverse subject fields as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Education,
Economics, Politics, Multimedia Technology, Communication, Computing, Medicine, Culture Studies, Business,
Engineering, Archeology, and Sociology.
• The examples and cases of such reversible relationships are as different as follows:
• global risks, warfare and natural disaster;
• exercise and fitness;
• parent’s relationships and parental relations;
• population’s IQ and nation’s wealth (or poverty);
• R&D expenditures and patents applications;
• poor health and productivity; trade and exchange rate volatility;
• innovation and productivity;
• investment and labor;
• public policy and competition;
• (managerial) ownership and leverage;
• majority electoral system and two-party system;
• taxes and migration;
• poverty and knowledge;
• inflation and money supply;
• project and plan;
• care work and employment;
• governance and economic growth;
• military expenditures and growth of output;
• corruption and economic performance; investment and corruption; economic fundamentals (growth, interest, and inflation rates) and asset prices; market
prices and investor expectations; human perception and the market reality; nationalism and modernism, etc.
• Towards the Intelligent World. IGI Global, USA, 2008;
Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
• Economic Risks
• Unmanageable inflation or deflation
• Chronic labor market imbalances
• Prolonged infrastructure neglect
• Hard landing of an emerging economy
• Environmental Risks
• Unprecedented geophysical destruction
• Persistent extreme weather
• Antibiotic-resistant bacteria
• Geopolitical Risks
• Entrenched organized crime
• Widespread illicit trade
• Unilateral resource nationalization
• Societal Risks
• Vulnerability to pandemics
• Rising religious fanaticism
• Mismanagement of population aging
• Unmanaged migration
• Rising rates of chronic disease
• Technological Risks
• Massive digital misinformation
• Unintended consequences of new life science technologies
• Unintended consequences of climate change mitigation
• Unintended consequences of nanotechnology
• Failure of intellectual property regime
• Irremediable pollution
• Mismanaged urbanization
• Persistent extreme weather
• Critical fragile states
• Pervasive terrorism
• Entrenched corruption
• Backlash against globalization
• Food shortage crises
• Unmanaged migration
• Cyber attacks
• Massive digital misinformation
• Massive incident of data fraud or theft
• Chronic labor market imbalances
• Land and waterway use mismanagement
• Prolonged infra–structure neglect
• Extreme volatility in energy and agriculture prices
• Severe income disparity
• Unforeseen negative consequences of regulations
• Major systemic financial failure
• Unsustainable population growth
• Critical systems failure
• Global governance failure
• Rising greenhouse gas emissions
• Chronic fiscal imbalances
• Mismanagement of population aging
• Failure of diplomatic conflict resolution
• GLOBAL RISKS MAP 2012. Source: World
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Peace and Violence
• The Global Peace Index Records a Historically Less
Peaceful and More Unequal World
• The 2016 Global Peace Index (GPI) shows the world
became less peaceful in the last year, reinforcing the
underlying trend of declining peace over the last
decade. Results also show a growing global inequality
in peace, with the most peaceful countries continuing
to improve while the least peaceful are falling into
greater violence and conflict.
• The 2016 GPI report provides a comprehensive update
on the state of peace. It shows that amidst the global
deterioration the world continues to spend enormous
resources on creating and containing violence but very
little on peace. The key to reversing the decline in
peace is through building Positive Peace - a holistic
framework of the key attitudes, institutions and
structures which build peace in the long term.
• The economic impact of violence on the global
economy in 2015 was $13.6 trillion in purchasing
power parity (PPP) terms. This figure represents 13.3
per cent of the world’s economic activity (gross world
product) or $1,876 for every person in the world.
• To put this in perspective, it is approximately 11 times
the size of global foreign direct investment.
• Source: GPI 2016
s/GPI%202016%20Report_2.pdf Global Reversibility Principle of the World
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• Any developed economy is a system of interrelated economic categories where causation runs in opposite direction as
much as forward. Being an element of a complex nonlinear causal system, the wealth growth becomes the cause of
changes in technology, labor and financial markets, government policies, labor force, the supply of capital, inflows of
investment, general domestic product growth, and export growth.
• Therefore, all economic influences are both the causes and the effects of economic development (or backwardness).
• In a nonlinear dynamic system, as a modern economic system is, each factor becomes crucial, as an official corruption,
mal-administration and government incompetence may result in a dismal decay of a whole social system.
• The modern economy is a REVERSIBLE network of the wealth-influencing factors, variables, or causes:
• natural resources,
• raw materials,
• labor force,
• machinery,
• capital investments,
• the fertility of land,
• the money supply,
• the rate of interest on money,
• inflation rate,
• government expenditure/ borrowing,
• rules or breach of law,
• rate of population growth,
• trade,
• rate of scientific development,
• rate of technological advance,
• political stability (the conditions of war or peace)
Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
• Circular economy of the technology revolution is to enable resource productivity by the causally reversing processes of recycling,
remanufacturing and reusing, the base of new eco-sustainable smart and green nonlinear circular economy.
• In a circular economy, causes-inputs and effects-outputs are transposed, one system’s waste is another system’s input, and the aim is to
maximize the total utility from the products and materials in use.
• Inverse, Reversed, or Circular economy provides multiple value-creation mechanisms decoupled from the consumption of finite resources and
resting on 3 principles:
 Preserve and enhance natural capital
 Optimise resource yields by reversing its using, circulating products, components and materials in use
 Foster system effectiveness by revealing and designing out negative externalities, as water, air, soil, noise and information pollution; climate
change; toxin; congestion and negative health effects.
• 3 principles of circular economy translates into 6 business actions: Regenerate (reclaim, retain, restore, return), Share (reuse, prolong),
Optimize (increase performance, remove waste, leverage new teechnologies and business models), Loop (remanufacture, recycle, digest,
extract), Virtualize (things and services), and Exchange (replace, apply, chose new products/technologies/services), as the ReSOLVE
• As an example, ,Europe is the world’s largest net importer of resources at EUR 760 billion a year, of which 60% are fossil fuels and
metal resources.
• The European economy, as the whole world economy, creates a structural waste in all key sectors, primary, secondary, tertiary and
quaternary, operating in a linear take-make-dispose resource model generating significant waste.
• It is predicted that replacing the linear resource-wasting economy with the reversible circular economy is to make the next major European
political economy project after establishing the internal market.
• Growth Within: A Circular Economy Vision for a Competitive Europe. McKinsey Center for Business and Environment, 2015
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trade, finance, people, and data
• Global flows, the transnational movement of goods, services, finance, people and ideas, have been critical in economic
growth for ages, since the ancient times of the Silk Road and the new time of the Industrial Revolution, creating the
interconnectedness among economies and determining the fate of whole nations.
• For all 195 countries around the world, the inflows and outflows of goods, services, capital, finance, and people, as well
as the data and communication flows, are everything.
• The world witnesses an ever-expending network of global flows of trade, goods, services, finance and data reaching $26
trillion in 2012, or 36 percent of global GDP, and $54 trillion to $85 trillion by 2025 due to the spread of the Internet and
digital technologies.
• Digital technologies, reducing the cost of production and distribution, are transforming physical flows, as capital, labor
or knowledge-intensive flows, into digital flows of people, products, services, finances, and ideas.
• Implementing smart strategies and policies and integrating the world economy, the EIS Global Flows Platform is to
allow taking full advantage to participants of all types—countries, cities, businesses, governments, and individuals.
• “The global web of economic interconnections between countries and companies is growing ever larger and more complex. Yet often the public discussion
focuses on narrow metrics, such as exports, or individual flows such as cross-border financial flows or immigration. Much less research has been done to
analyze the comprehensive web of cross-border interactions that increasingly characterize our world. This report contributes to addressing that gap”.
• Global flows in a digital age: How trade, finance, people, and data connect the world economy.
McKinsey Global Institute, April 2014
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The World of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies
• Mobile Internet (MI): Increasingly inexpensive and capable
mobile computing devices and Internet connectivity
• Automation of knowledge work (AK): Intelligent software
systems that can perform knowledge work tasks involving
unstructured commands and subtle judgments
• The Internet of Things (IT or M2M): Networks of low-cost
sensors and actuators for data collection, monitoring, decision
making, and process optimization
• Cloud technology (CT): Use of computer hardware and software
resources delivered over a network or the Internet, often as a
• Advanced robotics: Increasingly capable robots with enhanced
senses, dexterity, and intelligence used to automate tasks or
augment humans
• Autonomous and near-autonomous vehicles (AV): Vehicles that
can navigate and operate with reduced or no human intervention
• Next-generation genomics (NG): Fast, low-cost gene
sequencing, advanced big data analytics, and synthetic biology
(“writing” DNA) Energy storage technology (EST): Devices or
systems that store energy for later use, including batteries
• 3D printing (3DP): Additive manufacturing techniques to create
objects by printing layers of material based on digital models
• Advanced materials (AM): Materials designed to have superior
characteristics (e.g., strength, weight, conductivity) or
functionality Advanced oil and gas exploration and recovery
(AOG): Exploration and recovery techniques that make
extraction of unconventional oil and gas economical
• Renewable energy technology (RET): Generation of electricity
from renewable sources with reduced harmful climate impact
• Disruptive Technologies ={(Mobile Internet and
Wireless Web, Knowledge Work Automation, the
Internet of Things or M2M Internet, Cloud
Technology, Advanced Robotics, Autonomous
Vehicles, NG Genomics, Energy Storage, Additive
Manufacturing or 3D Printing, Advanced Materials,
Advanced Oil and Gas Exploration and Recovery,
Renewable Energy Technologies),…}
• DT = {(MI, AK, IT, CT, AR, AV, NG, 3DP, AM,
AOG, RET); (MI, AK), (IT, CT), (AR, AV), (NG,
3DP), (AM, AOG), (RET, MI), …}
• Causal nexus of technologies multiply a causal
impact, while ICT (Information and Communications
Technologies) is the root cause of the development of
most disruptive technologies, with huge causal
implications for persons and societies, organizations
and businesses, economies and governments.
• The combined potential economic impact by 2025
from the applications of the 12 disruptive technologies
is estimated in the tens of trillions of dollars per year
• SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis: Disruptive
technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the
global economy, May 2013
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• The Internet of Everything (IoE) is broadly defined as networks of networks with trillions of
connections to reversibly interconnect People, Process, Data, and Things into a world-wide cyber-
physical socio-economic ecosystem (run by the I-World Platform).
• The Cisco® Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) believes that the Internet of Things (IoT),
where millions of new devices are regularly being connected to the Internet is the matter of fact now,
and it is a subset of the coming IoE.
• Cisco estimates that 99.4 percent of physical objects in the world are still unconnected. With only
about 10 billion of the 1.5 trillion things currently connected globally, there is vast potential to connect
the unconnected via the IoE.
• Between 2013 and 2022, $14.4 trillion of value (net profit) will be up for use for private-sector
companies and industries globally due to IoE.
• The Internet of Things has the potential to create economic impact of $2.7 trillion to $6.2 trillion
annually by 2025, with the largest impact in healthcare and manufacturing.
• For example, the total operating cost of global manufacturing is currently about $25 trillion per year
and could reach more than $47 trillion by 2025. Perhaps, 80 to 100 percent of all manufacturing could
be using Internet of Things applications by that time.
• Joseph Bradley, Joel Barbier, and Doug Handler, Embracing the Internet of everything to capture your share of $14.4
trillion, Cisco Systems, February 12, 2013.
• McKinsey Global Institute. Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global
economy, May 2013
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FUTURE INDUSTRY: Integrated Primary,
Secondary and Tertiary Industries
• SMART INDUSTRY, a sector of nation’s sustainable economy; the stock of basic facilities of capital equipment to function for a smart
country/area/region; a group of productive enterprises and organizations that produce or supply innovative goods, services, or sustainable
sources of income.
• Smart industries are reclassified as primary industry (PI), secondary industry (SI) and tertiary industry (TI), but as reversibly interconnected,
• Primary industry, or Eco-Sustainable Industry
• It covers genetic industries of renewable natural resources of agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing, and natural processes as renewable energy
resources (solar energy, hydroenergy, geothermal energy, airthemal energy, wind energy, bioenergy and landfill gas, LFG, and energy from
sewage thermal technologies, WTE plants).
• It is downsizing extractive industries of mining of mineral ores, quarrying of stone and extraction of mineral fuels, considering it as part of
national infrastructure.
• Secondary Industry, or Smart Manufacturing Industry
• Secondary or smart manufacturing industry, heavy and light industries, takes the replacable raw materials and goods to economically process
into resource-efficient consumer goods and products; building sustainable capital goods.
• It is optimizing energy-producing industries, aviation, construction/housing, automobile, chemical, coal, electronics, computer, steel
trucking, oil, shipbuilding, fashion, film, show biz, fashion, and arms industries
• Tertiary, or Smart Service Industry
• It produces no tangible goods, provide services, intangible gains or generate sustainable wealth and prosperity, a mix of private and
government enterprises.
• The Smart Service Industry includes:
• Smart banking, finance, insurance, investment and real estate services;
• Smart wholesale, retail, and resale trade;
• Smart transportation, information and communications services; professional, consulting, legal and personal services;
• Sustainable tourism, hotels, restaurants and entertainment;
• Smart repair and maintenance services;
• Smart education and teaching;
• Smart health, social welfare, administrative, police, security, and defence services.
• Smart Sustainable Industry is the base for knowledge society and economy, marked by innovative economy, intelligent services, knowledge,
research and innovation
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Government: Smart Citizenry, Executives, Parliament and Judiciary
• The i-Government Platform is another social-technological application of AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE to make
the government smart, sustainable and innovative, more effective and efficient and more friendly to citizens and
• I-Government (short for intelligent government, also i-gov, smart government, virtual/online cyber government, or
smart connected government) implies digitally intelligent reversible interactions between
1. Government (Executive, Judiciary and Lawmakers) and citizens (G2C),
2. government and businesses/Commerce (G2B),
3. government and employees (G2E),
4. government to governments /agencies (G2G).
• The i-Government delivery models can be briefly summed up as a symmetrical causal interaction, as following AB
• G (E, J, L) x (C, B, E) U (C, B, E) x G (E, J, L): G2C (Government to Citizens); G2B (Government to Businesses); G2E
(Government to Employees); G2G (Government to Government, international government, central/national
government, local government, civil government); C2G (Citizens to Governments); B2G (Business to Government);
E2G (Employees to Government)
• As a smart government reference framework, the i-Government model will be applied as 4i-Government, innovated,
integrated, instrumented and intelligent, figured as a 4-tiered i-Government Pyramid Model.
• I-Government succeeds smart government, transformational government, as well as e-government, with its
subdivisions: m-government (mobile government), u-government (ubiquitous government), and g-government
(GIS/GPS applications for e-government).
• 4I-Government Platform provides an ultimate vision of an integrated portfolio of government activities and public
projects, like optimal budgeting, smart civil technologies, natural resources protection, public space management,
intelligent policing, finance control, transportation efficiency, etc.
state Global Reversibility Principle of the World
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• Everything in the physical world is reversed, particles into anti-particles, matter into anti-matter, physical processes, effects, forces,
interactions, reactions, all the known laws of physics, except the "weak interactions" between subatomic particles.
• The fundamental principles of Symmetry and Conservation might have the ground in the Reversibility Principle.
• The Reversibility Principle applies to all the Earth, both its physical or abiotic, nonliving and geophysical, and biotic, or living,
parts of an integral complex of interdependent planetary systems, composing the ecosphere of the lithosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere and biosphere of interacting living organisms.
• The organic world of life sciences is a complement of the inorganic world of physical sciences.
• Biology, the science of living things and their vital processes, is dealing with all the physicochemical processes of life, at any level of
organizations, molecules, cells, individuals, populations, biomes, biosphere, converting, processing or recycling the environmental
nutrients and energy.
• Biological, or organic phenomena occurring in living organisms interacting with physical processes and chemical changes in both
directions, forward and backward, like bioelectricity and electro-organic phenomena, connecting electrical changes and biological
processes, or thermogenesis and thermobiological phenomena, interrelating heat and organic actions. Biophysics and biochemistry,
molecular biology, bioclimotology and bionomics or bioecology, biofeedback and the natural circulation of energy and nutrients, or
biochemical cycles of nature, gaseous and mineral, as the water cycle,…
• All is subject to the Principle of Reversibility and Convertibility of Natural Processes, physical, chemical and biological.
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Determines the World: Causality as the Life-or-Death Relationship. IGI Global;
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Global Reversibility Principle of the World
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• The key search engine company, Google, makes a paradigm shift from the word-matching query to
search by things themselves, where the AI-like intelligence consists in understanding the relationships
among things.
• Global Knowledge Graph, the core of the Encyclopedic Intelligence Platform, makes the substance for
Google’s Knowledge Graph of interconnected entities and their attributes, using the entity-relationship
database model.
• Tapping on Wikipedia, Freebase and CIA World Factbooks, it is currently containing more than
500 million people, places and things that have about 3.5 billion attributes.
• The graph presents an encyclopedia with structured information obtained from the web to help
understanding queries, provide answers to complex questions and find more relevant results.
• It capitalizes on FreeBase, a community-built online collection of databases, an open database of the
world's knowledge, a massive, collaboratively edited database of cross-linked data, and where an
interface affords to fill in information structured with metadata, and to categorize or connect data
items in meaningful ways.
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• Abdoullaev, A., Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Towards an Intelligent World, 2008, IGI Global, USA: http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). Toward the Intelligent Civilization of Ontological Technology; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). Ways to View the World: A Standard Ontology as the Reality Framework and the World Code. IGI Global:
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). The World Code: Mathematical Ontology as the Real Road to Reality. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Makes Reality: Ontological Classes and Rules. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Orders Reality: Relationship, Relatives, and Relations. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Organizes the World: N-Relational Entities. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Determines the World: Causality as the Life-or-Death Relationship. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). How to Reason about the World: The Common Reasoning Platform. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). How the World is Signified: Real World Semantics, or What Meaning Relation is. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). How to Represent the World: Ontology-Controlled Natural Languages. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). Natural Language Intelligences: The Virtual or Digital Aristotle. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). The Knowledge Society Applications: The RRR Language Machines. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). Reality Classification System: A Product Line of the EIS UFO. IGI Global; http://www.igi-
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• EIS Encyclopedic Intelligent Systems Ltd (EU)
• Internet Sites:
• Social Initiatives RUSSIA XXI:
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  • 1. THE GLOBAL REVERSIBILITY LAW OF THE WORLD [THE LAW EVERYBODY MUST KNOW] AB UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE [Abdoullaev-Baudrillard Principle of Reversibility of Reality] ALL THE WORLD IS REVERSIBLE “Everything in the World is Reversed, including the World Itself” EU, 2016
  • 2. AB PRIME PRINCIPLE: Everything is Reversed and Retroacted • AB Reversibility Principle states that • “Everything in the World is Reversed, including the World Itself” • AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE, or Abdoullaev-Baudrillard Principle of Reversibility of Reality, is a conditional name for the universal law of nature and the world of changing things, the universe of interacting entities. • AB Reversibility Principle is consistently advanced by Jean Baudrillard and Azamat Abdoullaev as the Principle of Reversion of All Processes, Retroaction of Any Action, or Inversion of all Changes. • AB Reversibility Principle is about the universal phenomena of a reversibility of things, the cause-effect reversibility, reversibility of causal order, the reversion of change-cause on change-effect. • AB Reversibility Principle, as a universal and necessary relationship, applies to all universal laws, as a reversibility of natural rules and physical laws. • “The Ultimate of Reality: Reversible Causality”, • • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev. REALITY, UNIVERSAL ONTOLOGY AND KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS: Towards the Intelligent World. IGI Global, USA, 2008; systems/859 Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 3. ALL THE WORLDS ARE REVERSIBLE • REVERSIBILITY Orders the Universe into the World of Complex Systems, Systems of Systems: Atoms, Cells, Organisms, Cities, Societies, Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, the Universe: THE WORLD (THE UNIVERSE OF ENTITIES AND INTERRELATIONSHIPS); • <http://www.ontopaedia/World> • > • THE REALM OF NATURE (THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE OF MATERIAL ENTITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS); <http://www.ontopaedia/World/Nature> • > • THE REALM OF MIND (THE MENTAL WORLD OF MENTAL ENTITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS); <http://www.ontopaedia/World/Nature/Mind> • > • THE REALM OF HUMAN SOCIETY AND CULTURE (THE SOCIAL WORLD OF SOCIAL ENTITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS) <http://www.ontopaedia/World/Nature/Mind/Society> • > • THE REALM OF TECHNOLOGY (THE ENGINEERING WORLD OF TECHNOLOGICAL ENTITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS); <http://www.ontopaedia/World/Nature/Mind/Society/Technology> • > • THE REALM OF INTELLIGENT AGENTS, KNOWLEDGE TECHNOLOGY AND SEMANTIC SYSTEMS; http://www.ontopaedia/World/Nature/Mind/Society/Technology/IntelligentSystems> • > • THE INTELLIGENT CYBERSPACE (THE KNOWLEDGE WORLD OF INTELLIGENT ENTITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS); • http://www.ontopaedia/World/Nature/Mind/Society/Technology/IntelligentSystems/KnowledgeSociety/Cyberspa ce>… • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev. REALITY, UNIVERSAL ONTOLOGY AND KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS: Towards the Intelligent World. IGI Global, USA, 2008; systems/859 • The World Ladder: Being, Existence > Entity, Thing. Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 4. AB UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE The Ultimate of Reality: Reversibility • This reversibility of causal order – the reversion of cause on effect, the precession and triumph of effect over cause – is fundamental. You might call it primordial, fatal and original. It is the reversibility of destiny. It somehow represents a mortal danger, precisely because it leaves no place for chance (chance can only be deduced, a contrario, on an order of causality). • This is why our system, essentially Western, has replaced it with another precession, that of the cause to the effect, and more recently with the precession of models, the precession of simulacra to things themselves, whose apparition they conjure up in a different mode. • Precession against precession – we need to see the challenge that opposes the two orders. There is no place for chance here, that is, for a neutral and indeterminate substance. • The world is Manichean; in it two orders are absolutely opposed. Nothing is determined, but everything is antagonistic. This is why we have to go much further than a simple crisis of causality. • Jean Baudrillard. Fatal Strategies. New York: Semiotext(e), 1999:162. • Until now, reversibility has in effect remained metaphysical...But it may now be in the process of disturbing the physical order and shaking it to its very foundations. With it disappears the rational principle that prevents the effect from turning back on the cause to cancel it out; it prevents the effect from being the cancellation of the cause – or prevents there never having been causes, but a pure and simple chain of effects. • Reversibility kills any determinist (or indeterminist) principle of causality in ovum, in the egg. And when I say 'in the egg', I mean it in the sense of the riddle of the chicken and the egg – which comes first? - the famous aporia of causal linkage; even the causal order does not escape parodic circularity which is somehow the revenge of the reversible order. • This distortion of causes and effects, this mysterious autonomy of effects, this cause-effect reversibility, engendering a disorder or chaotic order (precisely our current situation: a reversibility of reality [le réel] and information, which gives rise to disorder in the realm of events and an extravagance of media effects), puts one in mind, to some extent, of Chaos Theory and the disproportion between the beating of a butterfly's wings and the hurricane this unleashes on the other side of the world. • “The Ultimate of Reality: Reversible Causality” Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 5. AB UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE: REVERSIBLE WORLD: A Hidden Universe • We live in the World, W, unifying a Common Universe, U, with its complement, a Reversible Universe, U’, guided by Reversible Causation, which is still the biggest enigma and hidden knowledge for the most of us. • From all points of views, there is an urgent need in recognizing the universality and necessity of Reverse Causality, the reversing principle of causes and effects; for forward and backward causation together produce everything that comes into existence, determining the consistence and order of the Ever Changing World. • In understanding of the physical universe, a decisive role is to be played by the convertibility of physical forces due to Reverse Causality: a physical Theory of Everything that aimed to unify all the fundamental forces will involve the idea of inverse causality taking the physical processes to run in operation backward as forward. • The world is becoming active because it produces reversible processes, and reversible processes organize the world. • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Determines the World: Causality as the Life-or-Death Relationship. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A.,The Ultimate of Reality: Reversible Causality: • The Baudrillard Sphinx asks: “What if even physical laws, the surest guarantee of the effect of irreversible causality in the universe, are slipping so gently into the reversible?”. • Reversibility, or Nonlinearity, refers to the fact that effect and cause are mutually connected, so that small changes in critical variables can lead to disproportionate changes in the system structure, properties, and behavior. • This reversibility of causal order, the reversion of cause on effect, the precession and triumph of effect over cause -- is fundamental..... • “This is the definition of fate: the precession of the effects over their very causes. So all things happen before having happened”. • Fatal Strategies Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 6. AB UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE: The Butterfly Effect: Vicious Circle, Avalanche effect, Behavioral cusp, Cascading failure, Chain reaction, Domino effect, Fractal, Positive feedback, Ripple effect, Snowball effect, etc. • The butterfly effect is about the inherent nonlinearity of causality, causation and simple or complex causal system: that small causes can have large effects. Initially, it was used with weather prediction but later the term became a metaphor used widely, in and out of science. • In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state (the iterated points will become arbitrarily spread out from each other starting from any of various arbitrarily close alternative initial conditions on the attractor). • It is close to such phenomena as Vicious Circle, Avalanche effect, Behavioral cusp, Cascading failure, Chain reaction, Domino effect, Fractal, Positive feedback, Ripple effect, Snowball effect, etc. • As an example, a cascading failure in a system of interconnected parts where the failure of a part can trigger the failure of successive parts, including power transmission, computer networking, finance, human bodily systems, engineering systems or infrastructures such as water supply, transportation, fuel and power stations, bridges, etc. • In mass culture, the butterfly effect is a metaphor that insignificant events and moments might alter history and shape destinies, creating the threads of cause and effect that appear obvious only in retrospect, changing the course of a human life or rippling through the global economy or weather . • The butterfly effect is prevented by inverse causality, negative or viscous effects, damping out small perturbations, tending to counterbalance things, making complex systems predictable and the world comprehensible - that everything has a reason, and that we can identify all those reasons, however small they may be, and that cause and effect still dictates how scientists should understand many systems, from subatomic particles to storms, from cells to society. • E. Lorenz, 1972, "Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly's Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?" Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 7. AB UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE: All Social World is Reversible • Evidence of AB Law is found in such diverse subject fields as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Education, Economics, Politics, Multimedia Technology, Communication, Computing, Medicine, Culture Studies, Business, Engineering, Archeology, and Sociology. • The examples and cases of such reversible relationships are as different as follows: • global risks, warfare and natural disaster; • exercise and fitness; • parent’s relationships and parental relations; • population’s IQ and nation’s wealth (or poverty); • R&D expenditures and patents applications; • poor health and productivity; trade and exchange rate volatility; • innovation and productivity; • investment and labor; • public policy and competition; • (managerial) ownership and leverage; • majority electoral system and two-party system; • taxes and migration; • poverty and knowledge; • inflation and money supply; • project and plan; • care work and employment; • governance and economic growth; • military expenditures and growth of output; • corruption and economic performance; investment and corruption; economic fundamentals (growth, interest, and inflation rates) and asset prices; market prices and investor expectations; human perception and the market reality; nationalism and modernism, etc. • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev. REALITY, UNIVERSAL ONTOLOGY AND KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS: • Towards the Intelligent World. IGI Global, USA, 2008; systems/859 Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 8. AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE: ALL GLOBAL RISKS ARE REVERSED • Economic Risks • Unmanageable inflation or deflation • Chronic labor market imbalances • Prolonged infrastructure neglect • Hard landing of an emerging economy • Environmental Risks • Unprecedented geophysical destruction • Persistent extreme weather • Antibiotic-resistant bacteria • Geopolitical Risks • Entrenched organized crime • Widespread illicit trade • Unilateral resource nationalization • Societal Risks • Vulnerability to pandemics • Rising religious fanaticism • Mismanagement of population aging • Unmanaged migration • Rising rates of chronic disease • Technological Risks • Massive digital misinformation • Unintended consequences of new life science technologies • Unintended consequences of climate change mitigation • Unintended consequences of nanotechnology • Failure of intellectual property regime • Irremediable pollution • Mismanaged urbanization • Persistent extreme weather • Critical fragile states • Pervasive terrorism • Entrenched corruption • Backlash against globalization • Food shortage crises • Unmanaged migration • Cyber attacks • Massive digital misinformation • Massive incident of data fraud or theft • Chronic labor market imbalances • Land and waterway use mismanagement • Prolonged infra–structure neglect • Extreme volatility in energy and agriculture prices • Severe income disparity • Unforeseen negative consequences of regulations • Major systemic financial failure • Unsustainable population growth • Critical systems failure • Global governance failure • Rising greenhouse gas emissions • Chronic fiscal imbalances • Mismanagement of population aging • Failure of diplomatic conflict resolution • GLOBAL RISKS MAP 2012. Source: World • Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 9. AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE: Global Peace and Violence • The Global Peace Index Records a Historically Less Peaceful and More Unequal World • The 2016 Global Peace Index (GPI) shows the world became less peaceful in the last year, reinforcing the underlying trend of declining peace over the last decade. Results also show a growing global inequality in peace, with the most peaceful countries continuing to improve while the least peaceful are falling into greater violence and conflict. • The 2016 GPI report provides a comprehensive update on the state of peace. It shows that amidst the global deterioration the world continues to spend enormous resources on creating and containing violence but very little on peace. The key to reversing the decline in peace is through building Positive Peace - a holistic framework of the key attitudes, institutions and structures which build peace in the long term. • The economic impact of violence on the global economy in 2015 was $13.6 trillion in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms. This figure represents 13.3 per cent of the world’s economic activity (gross world product) or $1,876 for every person in the world. • To put this in perspective, it is approximately 11 times the size of global foreign direct investment. • Source: GPI 2016 s/GPI%202016%20Report_2.pdf Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 10. AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE: GLOBAL ECONOMY IS REVERSIBLE • Any developed economy is a system of interrelated economic categories where causation runs in opposite direction as much as forward. Being an element of a complex nonlinear causal system, the wealth growth becomes the cause of changes in technology, labor and financial markets, government policies, labor force, the supply of capital, inflows of investment, general domestic product growth, and export growth. • Therefore, all economic influences are both the causes and the effects of economic development (or backwardness). • In a nonlinear dynamic system, as a modern economic system is, each factor becomes crucial, as an official corruption, mal-administration and government incompetence may result in a dismal decay of a whole social system. • The modern economy is a REVERSIBLE network of the wealth-influencing factors, variables, or causes: • natural resources, • raw materials, • labor force, • machinery, • capital investments, • the fertility of land, • the money supply, • the rate of interest on money, • inflation rate, • government expenditure/ borrowing, • rules or breach of law, • rate of population growth, • trade, • rate of scientific development, • rate of technological advance, • political stability (the conditions of war or peace) Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 11. AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE: Economy is Reversible • Circular economy of the technology revolution is to enable resource productivity by the causally reversing processes of recycling, remanufacturing and reusing, the base of new eco-sustainable smart and green nonlinear circular economy. • In a circular economy, causes-inputs and effects-outputs are transposed, one system’s waste is another system’s input, and the aim is to maximize the total utility from the products and materials in use. • Inverse, Reversed, or Circular economy provides multiple value-creation mechanisms decoupled from the consumption of finite resources and resting on 3 principles:  Preserve and enhance natural capital  Optimise resource yields by reversing its using, circulating products, components and materials in use  Foster system effectiveness by revealing and designing out negative externalities, as water, air, soil, noise and information pollution; climate change; toxin; congestion and negative health effects. • 3 principles of circular economy translates into 6 business actions: Regenerate (reclaim, retain, restore, return), Share (reuse, prolong), Optimize (increase performance, remove waste, leverage new teechnologies and business models), Loop (remanufacture, recycle, digest, extract), Virtualize (things and services), and Exchange (replace, apply, chose new products/technologies/services), as the ReSOLVE framework. • As an example, ,Europe is the world’s largest net importer of resources at EUR 760 billion a year, of which 60% are fossil fuels and metal resources. • The European economy, as the whole world economy, creates a structural waste in all key sectors, primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary, operating in a linear take-make-dispose resource model generating significant waste. • It is predicted that replacing the linear resource-wasting economy with the reversible circular economy is to make the next major European political economy project after establishing the internal market. • Growth Within: A Circular Economy Vision for a Competitive Europe. McKinsey Center for Business and Environment, 2015 Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 12. AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE: Global Flows of trade, finance, people, and data • Global flows, the transnational movement of goods, services, finance, people and ideas, have been critical in economic growth for ages, since the ancient times of the Silk Road and the new time of the Industrial Revolution, creating the interconnectedness among economies and determining the fate of whole nations. • For all 195 countries around the world, the inflows and outflows of goods, services, capital, finance, and people, as well as the data and communication flows, are everything. • The world witnesses an ever-expending network of global flows of trade, goods, services, finance and data reaching $26 trillion in 2012, or 36 percent of global GDP, and $54 trillion to $85 trillion by 2025 due to the spread of the Internet and digital technologies. • Digital technologies, reducing the cost of production and distribution, are transforming physical flows, as capital, labor or knowledge-intensive flows, into digital flows of people, products, services, finances, and ideas. • Implementing smart strategies and policies and integrating the world economy, the EIS Global Flows Platform is to allow taking full advantage to participants of all types—countries, cities, businesses, governments, and individuals. • “The global web of economic interconnections between countries and companies is growing ever larger and more complex. Yet often the public discussion focuses on narrow metrics, such as exports, or individual flows such as cross-border financial flows or immigration. Much less research has been done to analyze the comprehensive web of cross-border interactions that increasingly characterize our world. This report contributes to addressing that gap”. • Global flows in a digital age: How trade, finance, people, and data connect the world economy. McKinsey Global Institute, April 2014 • • Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 13. AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE: The World of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies • Mobile Internet (MI): Increasingly inexpensive and capable mobile computing devices and Internet connectivity • Automation of knowledge work (AK): Intelligent software systems that can perform knowledge work tasks involving unstructured commands and subtle judgments • The Internet of Things (IT or M2M): Networks of low-cost sensors and actuators for data collection, monitoring, decision making, and process optimization • Cloud technology (CT): Use of computer hardware and software resources delivered over a network or the Internet, often as a service • Advanced robotics: Increasingly capable robots with enhanced senses, dexterity, and intelligence used to automate tasks or augment humans • Autonomous and near-autonomous vehicles (AV): Vehicles that can navigate and operate with reduced or no human intervention • Next-generation genomics (NG): Fast, low-cost gene sequencing, advanced big data analytics, and synthetic biology (“writing” DNA) Energy storage technology (EST): Devices or systems that store energy for later use, including batteries • 3D printing (3DP): Additive manufacturing techniques to create objects by printing layers of material based on digital models • Advanced materials (AM): Materials designed to have superior characteristics (e.g., strength, weight, conductivity) or functionality Advanced oil and gas exploration and recovery (AOG): Exploration and recovery techniques that make extraction of unconventional oil and gas economical • Renewable energy technology (RET): Generation of electricity from renewable sources with reduced harmful climate impact • Disruptive Technologies ={(Mobile Internet and Wireless Web, Knowledge Work Automation, the Internet of Things or M2M Internet, Cloud Technology, Advanced Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, NG Genomics, Energy Storage, Additive Manufacturing or 3D Printing, Advanced Materials, Advanced Oil and Gas Exploration and Recovery, Renewable Energy Technologies),…} • DT = {(MI, AK, IT, CT, AR, AV, NG, 3DP, AM, AOG, RET); (MI, AK), (IT, CT), (AR, AV), (NG, 3DP), (AM, AOG), (RET, MI), …} • Causal nexus of technologies multiply a causal impact, while ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) is the root cause of the development of most disruptive technologies, with huge causal implications for persons and societies, organizations and businesses, economies and governments. • The combined potential economic impact by 2025 from the applications of the 12 disruptive technologies is estimated in the tens of trillions of dollars per year • SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis: Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy, May 2013 Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 14. AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE: GLOBAL INTERNET OF EVERYTHING: Smart Connected World • The Internet of Everything (IoE) is broadly defined as networks of networks with trillions of connections to reversibly interconnect People, Process, Data, and Things into a world-wide cyber- physical socio-economic ecosystem (run by the I-World Platform). • The Cisco® Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) believes that the Internet of Things (IoT), where millions of new devices are regularly being connected to the Internet is the matter of fact now, and it is a subset of the coming IoE. • Cisco estimates that 99.4 percent of physical objects in the world are still unconnected. With only about 10 billion of the 1.5 trillion things currently connected globally, there is vast potential to connect the unconnected via the IoE. • Between 2013 and 2022, $14.4 trillion of value (net profit) will be up for use for private-sector companies and industries globally due to IoE. • The Internet of Things has the potential to create economic impact of $2.7 trillion to $6.2 trillion annually by 2025, with the largest impact in healthcare and manufacturing. • For example, the total operating cost of global manufacturing is currently about $25 trillion per year and could reach more than $47 trillion by 2025. Perhaps, 80 to 100 percent of all manufacturing could be using Internet of Things applications by that time. • Joseph Bradley, Joel Barbier, and Doug Handler, Embracing the Internet of everything to capture your share of $14.4 trillion, Cisco Systems, February 12, 2013. • McKinsey Global Institute. Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy, May 2013 • Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 15. FUTURE INDUSTRY: Integrated Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industries • SMART INDUSTRY, a sector of nation’s sustainable economy; the stock of basic facilities of capital equipment to function for a smart country/area/region; a group of productive enterprises and organizations that produce or supply innovative goods, services, or sustainable sources of income. • Smart industries are reclassified as primary industry (PI), secondary industry (SI) and tertiary industry (TI), but as reversibly interconnected, all following AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE: (PI, SI, TI) x (PI, SI, TI). • Primary industry, or Eco-Sustainable Industry • It covers genetic industries of renewable natural resources of agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing, and natural processes as renewable energy resources (solar energy, hydroenergy, geothermal energy, airthemal energy, wind energy, bioenergy and landfill gas, LFG, and energy from sewage thermal technologies, WTE plants). • It is downsizing extractive industries of mining of mineral ores, quarrying of stone and extraction of mineral fuels, considering it as part of national infrastructure. • Secondary Industry, or Smart Manufacturing Industry • Secondary or smart manufacturing industry, heavy and light industries, takes the replacable raw materials and goods to economically process into resource-efficient consumer goods and products; building sustainable capital goods. • It is optimizing energy-producing industries, aviation, construction/housing, automobile, chemical, coal, electronics, computer, steel trucking, oil, shipbuilding, fashion, film, show biz, fashion, and arms industries • Tertiary, or Smart Service Industry • It produces no tangible goods, provide services, intangible gains or generate sustainable wealth and prosperity, a mix of private and government enterprises. • The Smart Service Industry includes: • Smart banking, finance, insurance, investment and real estate services; • Smart wholesale, retail, and resale trade; • Smart transportation, information and communications services; professional, consulting, legal and personal services; • Sustainable tourism, hotels, restaurants and entertainment; • Smart repair and maintenance services; • Smart education and teaching; • Smart health, social welfare, administrative, police, security, and defence services. • Smart Sustainable Industry is the base for knowledge society and economy, marked by innovative economy, intelligent services, knowledge, research and innovation Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 16. AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE: I- Government: Smart Citizenry, Executives, Parliament and Judiciary • The i-Government Platform is another social-technological application of AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE to make the government smart, sustainable and innovative, more effective and efficient and more friendly to citizens and businesses. • I-Government (short for intelligent government, also i-gov, smart government, virtual/online cyber government, or smart connected government) implies digitally intelligent reversible interactions between 1. Government (Executive, Judiciary and Lawmakers) and citizens (G2C), 2. government and businesses/Commerce (G2B), 3. government and employees (G2E), 4. government to governments /agencies (G2G). • The i-Government delivery models can be briefly summed up as a symmetrical causal interaction, as following AB REVERSIBILITY LAW: • G (E, J, L) x (C, B, E) U (C, B, E) x G (E, J, L): G2C (Government to Citizens); G2B (Government to Businesses); G2E (Government to Employees); G2G (Government to Government, international government, central/national government, local government, civil government); C2G (Citizens to Governments); B2G (Business to Government); E2G (Employees to Government) • As a smart government reference framework, the i-Government model will be applied as 4i-Government, innovated, integrated, instrumented and intelligent, figured as a 4-tiered i-Government Pyramid Model. • I-Government succeeds smart government, transformational government, as well as e-government, with its subdivisions: m-government (mobile government), u-government (ubiquitous government), and g-government (GIS/GPS applications for e-government). • 4I-Government Platform provides an ultimate vision of an integrated portfolio of government activities and public projects, like optimal budgeting, smart civil technologies, natural resources protection, public space management, intelligent policing, finance control, transportation efficiency, etc. •; state Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 17. AB REVERSIBILITY PRINCIPLE ALL NATURE IS REVERSIBLE • Everything in the physical world is reversed, particles into anti-particles, matter into anti-matter, physical processes, effects, forces, interactions, reactions, all the known laws of physics, except the "weak interactions" between subatomic particles. • The fundamental principles of Symmetry and Conservation might have the ground in the Reversibility Principle. • The Reversibility Principle applies to all the Earth, both its physical or abiotic, nonliving and geophysical, and biotic, or living, parts of an integral complex of interdependent planetary systems, composing the ecosphere of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere of interacting living organisms. • The organic world of life sciences is a complement of the inorganic world of physical sciences. • Biology, the science of living things and their vital processes, is dealing with all the physicochemical processes of life, at any level of organizations, molecules, cells, individuals, populations, biomes, biosphere, converting, processing or recycling the environmental nutrients and energy. • Biological, or organic phenomena occurring in living organisms interacting with physical processes and chemical changes in both directions, forward and backward, like bioelectricity and electro-organic phenomena, connecting electrical changes and biological processes, or thermogenesis and thermobiological phenomena, interrelating heat and organic actions. Biophysics and biochemistry, molecular biology, bioclimotology and bionomics or bioecology, biofeedback and the natural circulation of energy and nutrients, or biochemical cycles of nature, gaseous and mineral, as the water cycle,… • All is subject to the Principle of Reversibility and Convertibility of Natural Processes, physical, chemical and biological. • • • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Determines the World: Causality as the Life-or-Death Relationship. IGI Global; Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 18. ALL THE WORLD KNOWLEDGE IS REVERSED AND INTERELATED AS GRAND GLOBAL GRAPH (GGG) Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 19. GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE GRAPH vs. Google’s KNOWLEDGE GRAPH • The key search engine company, Google, makes a paradigm shift from the word-matching query to search by things themselves, where the AI-like intelligence consists in understanding the relationships among things. • Global Knowledge Graph, the core of the Encyclopedic Intelligence Platform, makes the substance for Google’s Knowledge Graph of interconnected entities and their attributes, using the entity-relationship database model. • Tapping on Wikipedia, Freebase and CIA World Factbooks, it is currently containing more than 500 million people, places and things that have about 3.5 billion attributes. • The graph presents an encyclopedia with structured information obtained from the web to help understanding queries, provide answers to complex questions and find more relevant results. • It capitalizes on FreeBase, a community-built online collection of databases, an open database of the world's knowledge, a massive, collaboratively edited database of cross-linked data, and where an interface affords to fill in information structured with metadata, and to categorize or connect data items in meaningful ways. Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 20. RESOURCES OF REVERSIBILITY • Abdoullaev, A., Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Towards an Intelligent World, 2008, IGI Global, USA: http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). Toward the Intelligent Civilization of Ontological Technology; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). Ways to View the World: A Standard Ontology as the Reality Framework and the World Code. IGI Global: • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). The World Code: Mathematical Ontology as the Real Road to Reality. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Makes Reality: Ontological Classes and Rules. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Orders Reality: Relationship, Relatives, and Relations. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Organizes the World: N-Relational Entities. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Determines the World: Causality as the Life-or-Death Relationship. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). How to Reason about the World: The Common Reasoning Platform. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). How the World is Signified: Real World Semantics, or What Meaning Relation is. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). How to Represent the World: Ontology-Controlled Natural Languages. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). Natural Language Intelligences: The Virtual or Digital Aristotle. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). The Knowledge Society Applications: The RRR Language Machines. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Abdoullaev, A. (2008). Reality Classification System: A Product Line of the EIS UFO. IGI Global; http://www.igi- • Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved
  • 21. I-WORLD PROJECT PROMOTER • • • EIS Encyclopedic Intelligent Systems Ltd (EU) • EIS ENCYCLOPEDIC INTELLIGENCE DIGITAL PARADIGM: GLOBAL INNOVATION AND DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM ENCYCLOPEDIC INTELLIGENCE I: intelligence ENCYCLOPEDIC INTELLIGENCE II: intelligence-24260973 ENCYCLOPEDIC INTELLIGENCE III: intelligence-global-marketing ENCYCLOPEDIC INTELLIGENCE IV: intelligence-big-science-and-technology ENCYCLOPEDIC INTELLIGENCE V: 26413485 • • • • Internet Sites: • SOURCE: • • Social Initiatives RUSSIA XXI: Global Reversibility Principle of the World 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved