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Examples Of Irony In The Labyrinth
When I first watched the Labyrinth it was like being in a movie. The Labyrinth is a great example of
a literary device called irony to show surprise. There are three types of literary devices known as
irony to show surprise and I am going to show you irony by using the movie Labyrinth by Jim
To start with, verbal irony is irony in the form of words, but means the opposite of what is said. In
the Labyrinth Jareth tells Sarah "fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave" which is an
example of verbal irony. Sarah tells Jareth "piece of cake," but means that the Labyrinth is really
hard. Towards the end of the movie sarah says "that is how it's done," but needs her friends help.
Additionally, dramatic irony is stuff we know
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Irony In The Story Of A Good Little Boy
How would you feel if you tried you're hardest to be good but only had bad things happen to you? It
simply wouldn't seem fair. This was the case for Jacob Blivens whom, "The Story of the Good Little
Boy" was fictionally about. Try as he might nothing works out in the end for Jacob which is a lesson
we all could learn from. You can do your best to achieve something but it doesn't mean that in the
end it will work out how you want it to. Twain's opinion that Jacob lives his life for an unrealistic
dream comes out in his use of diction, characterization, and irony.
The story starts by explaining how Jacob has always tried his hardest to be a good little boy like in
the Sunday–school books he reads. It gives you many instances of this but instead of the praise
Jacob is seeking, he always ends up in trouble, normally because the situation is misunderstood. In
the end it takes this to the extreme with Jacob trying to undo what some bad boys did and dies
tragically, without saying the last words he had prepared.
The setting is important because back in the days when this story was written, children's books were
more just Sunday school tales. These stories would talk about little boys who followed all Gods
commandments and were good all their lives. Unfortunately, these stories also tended to end with
the young boys dying. In the story it says that,
"It made him feel a little uncomfortable sometimes when he reflected that the good little boys
always died. He loved to live, you
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Satarie in Knights and Dames by Leahy
The comedic technique, Satire, is used in humour to criticise and trigger thoughts about today's
society, groups and issues. 'Knights and Dames' created by Satirist, Leahy, is a satirical cartoon that
attempts to address issues and provoke thoughts about today's political issues such as individuality
and national identity. Hyperbole, situational irony and caricature are three of the satirical techniques
used in this cartoon. This essay will aim to analyse the language features and satirical cartoons.
Though Political satire is usually used to provide entertainment and humour, it is also used to
expose absurdity and hypocrisy among the political world. In order to understand the concept and
meaning of a political cartoon, the reader must have an insight of the current political status and
issues or it would be difficult to comprehend the cartoon. The cartoon, 'Knights and Dames'
attempts to express the cartoonists opinion on the current Knights and Dames issue which is the
reintroduction of the use of Sir and Madame. Knights and Dames are predominantly used
throughout the United Kingdom. Tony Abbott, the man in the cartoon is shown in an unflattering
light in order to make fun of him and his choices as prime minister. He is shown holding a flag from
the United Kingdom with a book that says 'Knights and Dames Reaction'. This shows that the
cartoonist attempts to express that we are becoming like the UK and somewhat turning into them
through Tony Abbotts choices hence why the
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Irony In Mark Twain's Letters From The Earth
"Letters from the Earth" Mark Twain's, "Letters from the Earth" is a short story that is a commentary
on humanity and organized religion, and is controversial because of its content and harsh tone.
Many people believe that Twain was lashing out at God because of the heavy personal loss of his
wife and two of their three daughters. His humorous yet angry tone reveals his attitude toward God,
Satan, and faith. First, Mark Twain's critical tone in his work, "Letters from the Earth", allows
readers to understand his nonexistent respect for God. This work was told from the viewpoint of
Satan, who felt that all the humans and animals were foolish for their confidence about God. For
example he says, "The people are all insane, the other animals ... Show more content on ...
Hypocrisy is seen through the character of Mr. Shiftlet. First Tom convinces Mrs. Crater into
marrying her handicapped daughter. After the couple is married and he promises to take care of her,
he dumps her at a diner called The Hot Spot. Feeling guilty about his actions, Tom picks up a boy
hitchhiking and advises him with virtues from his past. Picking up on Mr. Shiftlet's hypocrisy, the
boy jumps out of the moving car. Dramatic irony occurs when Mrs. Crater believes Mr. Shiftlet that
he is interested in her daughter, and believes that they will return home soon towards the end of the
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Irony In Charles Lamb's Essays Of Elia '
In Charles Lamb's Essays of Elia, one of the main literary devices he uses is irony, which ranges
from being extremely subtle to straightforward. This is significant because the anagram for the
pseudonym "Elia" was "a lie". Therefore, this often changed the meaning of the poem since its
context was from a lie, which you could often tell through the use of irony and other literary devices
within his essays. One of his works that demonstrated this was his essay, Dream–Children: A
Reverie. Throughout the essay, Lamb points to obvious themes of death, loneliness, and melancholy.
However, when examined closer, Lamb's use of irony shifts the meaning of the poem to his sense of
loss and regret. This underlying theme is illustrated through the relationship of irony in Elia's
"dreamt" children, Elia's "dreamt" past life, and the "actual" life of Elia and Charles Lamb. In
Dream–Children: A Reverie, Elia's fictitious children's dialogue play an important function in the
meaning of the essay. In the beginning of the essay, it says "CHILDREN love to listen to stories
about their elders, when they were children; to stretch their imagination to the conception of a
traditionary great–uncle or grandame, whom they never saw" (Lamb). Although, this is true in the
beginning, the children begin crying when Elia talks about the death of their uncle John L–,
pleading to "tell them some stories about their pretty, dead mother," which is the opposite of what
Elia had intended at the beginning (Lamb). This example of situational irony begins to mark a
drastic shift in the essay, considering that this was not a natural characteristic of a normal child. This
idea was reinforced by the daughter, Alice, gradually growing "fainter to my view, receding, and
still receding till nothing at last were seen in the uttermost distance," which is representative of his
past hopes and dreams vanishing (Lamb). Afterwards, the children "without speech, strangely
impressed upon me the effects of speech: 'We are not of Alice, nor of thee, nor are we children at all.
The Children of Alice call Bartrum father" (Lamb). The fact that the children let him know this
"without speech," creates a shift to the realities of Elia's real life, while also pointing
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How Does Mark Twain Use Irony In Advice To Youth
Little kids growing up have a lot of dos and don'ts to obey in their lives. Their parents teach them to
be good people: respect everyone the way they want to be respected and to be themselves. "Advice
to Youth" is an essay by Mark Twain. The title lets a reader know that the audience is the youth.
Twain says his purpose is to teach a lesson to youth. He also reveals that he believes learning advice
like this at a young age is when it is most beneficial; when we are young we can learn things that
stick with us as we age. The audience should be thinking, "Okay, what does Twain want us to
learn?" The audience may now be expecting a typical speech from an adult giving correct and
possibly stereotypical advice to children. He tells the youth to ... Show more content on ...
He uses more humor and exaggeration by saying we shouldn't resort to extreme measures if we are
offended by someone, yet he tells the audience to go ahead and hit the person with a brick when we
are offended; this is certainly extreme! This is irony as of course he doesn't want us to go around
hitting people with bricks when we have been offended. What does he want us to do? Thinking
about the point of satire he probably wants us to examine our behavior and see that we too often
react violently, aggressively, or inappropriately when we are offended and we need to change our
behavior. Violence is never a good response to a situation. When he speaks about confessing to a
wrongdoing (after realizing the person that offended you didn't mean to offend you and you were in
the wrong when you hit him or her with a brick) it is humorous in that what good does it do to
apologize after you have already hit the person with a brick? Thinking of the point of satire Twain
might be telling us that we need to think before we act. When we don't think before we act, often the
action we took cannot be undone, even if we say we're sorry, the action isn't
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Meaning And Symbolism In Arthur Miller's Death Of A Salesman
The eyes of the reader are opened wide after reading Thomas Foster's How to Read Literature like a
Professor and applying it to a text. There are many elements in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman
that go unrecognized by the normal reader. Using the tactics presented by Foster, one can realize
that there is much meaning and symbolism in Death of a Salesman. The overall theme in Death of a
Salesman is the American Dream and how many people of the time period were desperate to
achieve it. To begin, the American Dream is related to Foster's chapter, "Nice to Eat with You: Acts
of Communion." In this chapter, Foster claims that, "whenever people eat or drink together, it's
communion" (Foster 8). Foster makes it a point that it is normally a gathering of friends that is
rather important. The author would not have put it in the text otherwise. Foster also points out that
acts of eating in a text tell how characters are doing or getting along (8). If the dinner turns ugly, it is
normally a bad sign, yet it contains "the same logic" (11). A bad dinner is often shown through
actions that shadow a reaction from characters. These claims made by Foster relate to Death of a
Salesman. In the play, Willy Loman is invited to go out to dinner with his sons, Happy and Biff.
Willy gets rather excited about this. However, during dinner, Willy finally lets loose and tells his
sons about the trouble that he has been experiencing. Willy had just been fired prior to the dinner
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What Is The Irony In The Story Of An Hour
In Kate Chopin's, "The Story of an Hour," a whirlwind of events occur in a short amount of time.
The story begins with the protagonist, Louise Mallard, being told that her husband has died from a
railroad disaster. She grieves for a while and then goes upstairs to her room. She stares out an open
window for a while until she realizes that she is finally free. She is liberated by her newfound
freedom, but unfortunately, Mrs. Mallard's freedom is snatched away from her in the matter of
moments because, surprise, Mr. Mallard was nowhere near the railroad disaster. Once Mrs. Mallard
discovers that Mr. Mallard is alive, she dies from a heart attack. This dynamic short story takes
place in only an hour. One may ask how could this short of a story can have such an expansive array
of events occur, but the answer is simple. The plot of "The Story of an Hour" is able to unfold
quickly due to Chopin's use of irony, her heavy use of symbolism, and the time period in which she
One of the main reasons that "The Story of an Hour" is able to have a plot that develops in such a
short time frame is because it has an immense feel of irony from the first line to the last. Scattered
throughout the story are several examples of situational irony, when the effect of an event is
unexpected by the reader, and dramatic irony, when the reader knows what is happening, but the
characters do not. One example of situational irony occurs when Mrs. Mallard walks upstairs to her
room to be
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How Does Mark Twain Use Irony In The Celebrated Jumping Frog
Mark Twain, a famous writer, wrote a brilliant, humorous story called "The Celebrated
Jumping Frog of Calaveras County." He includes implausibility throughout the short story to
incorporate his humor. In one passage, there is a bull pup named Andrew Jackson who is
anthropomorphized. The dog displays human characteristics that would not actually be possible in
reality. Twain uses implausibility in "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" in many
passages by introducing plenty of examples of anthropomorphism and irony. Dogs are like humans
in some ways. They have feelings, they eat and drink, they feel pain, etc. However, dogs minds are
not as advanced as the human mind. They cannot express how they feel, they cannot act surprised or
discouraged, and they don't ... Show more content on ...
"He give Smiley a look, as much as to say his heart was broke, and it was his fault, for putting up a
dog that hadn't no hind legs for him to take bolt of, which was his main dependence in a fight, and
then he limped off a piece and laid down and died." Dogs do not die of a broken heart. However,
Twain exploits his use of anthropomorphism to draw humor to the story. In many cases, dogs
wouldn't be aware of this loss, and defensively would not lay down and die. It is very ironic and
incorporated into the story to create humor. Implausibility is found in a variety of examples, not just
one. "Smiley always come out winner on that pup, till he harnessed a dog once that didn't have no
hind legs, because they'd been sawed off by a circular saw, and when the thing had gone along far
enough, and the money was all up, and he come to make a snatch for his pet bolt, he saw in a minute
how he'd been imposed on, and how the other dog had him in the door, so to speak, and he 'peered
sur– prised, and then he looked sorter discouraged–like, and didn't try no more to win the fight, and
so he got shucked out bad." A circular saw is very dangerous and the probability of a dog getting his
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Mark Twain's Use Of Irony In Huckleberry Finn
Cayse Elliott Response to Lit Anchor Paper
In the book Huckleberry Finn that Mark Twain that is about a boy named Huck who had run away
from his home. Huck finds a place to camp out and keep low he comes across a runaway slave.
Evidently Huck keeps this slave a secret from others which was quite frankly against the law. As the
story continues Huck believes he is a bad person because he isn't telling on Jim. There were multiple
uses of irony used within the text that represent the author's opinion on slavery. That leads to Mark
Twain's opinion on slavery, which is that Mark is against slavery. First, Mark Twain shows how he's
against slavery using irony in his writing. As many people who are reading this book may know.
while Mark wrote this he uses many examples that prove how he feels. In the book, one of the
things Mark said is when he put a 'nigger' in the book and says how he's able to vote. However Pap
gets angry and said he won't vote because of how they let a nigger vote. As the book says, "But then
they tell me there's a state in this country where they'd let a nigger vote. I gave it up. I says, 'I'll
never vote again.'" (42). This shows that Mark Twain is against slavery because he allowed a state in
the book to ... Show more content on ...
Although while Huck was planning to leave him and Jim were talking to each other. Jim mentioned
how Huck was the best friend that he's ever had and how he was the only white gentleman that had
ever kept a promise to him. That was where Huck had lost all the courage he had to go tell him Jim.
As it comes time to the men Huck comes across they ask who the man he's with is, or at least if he's
white or black. That comes to Huck's answer "I saw I was weakening. So I just give up trying, and
up and says, 'He's
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How Does Mark Twain Use Situational Irony In The Story Of...
From printing books, to captain of a ship, to father of American literature Mark Twain is known for
his incredible novels and short story. In Twain short story The Story of the Good Little Boy , Jacob
Blivens is child defined by the church books he asserts, which separate him from the Norms of
Reality. Society the antagonist, Jacob innocence blind him from making out the truth of the cruel
and harsh world. Living in a world opposite from the church books, mark twain uses situational
Irony, foreshadowing, and symbolism to convey that putting on the best thing doesn't always mean
doing the right thing.
Jacobs constant struggle in life is due to his abnormality that cause him to fail and see the truth. In
the first two paragraph Jacob is seen as this "strange" boy who follows all the rules, but society
nothing like in stories he read punish him. Twain uses foreshadowing to give the reader a ... Show
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Jacob is seen constantly trying to fit the norms of the stories and books he reads, forgetting that the
world he lives in is not the one he reads about. Further reading the book, he is forced to believe that
the good always die at an early age but get recognized for the justice they have done. For example,
it says "but it wasn't any use; that good little boy always died in the last chapter, and there was a
picture of the funeral, with all his relations and the Sunday–school children standing around the
grave in pantaloons that were too short, and bonnets that were too large.." , this shows how
important the good boys were in shaping Jacobs death. Since he believed that all the good little boys
died, he wasn't afraid of dying which brought him unnecessary courage that ultimately lead him to
his desired fate. The little boys in the book symbolized an illusion of perfect paradise where the
good always win and the bad losses, but in realism it is very
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Lying And Irony In Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer
Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to lying. Some may think it's acceptable and some
may think it's not. In my opinion, I believe that lying can be acceptable, but it can also be
unacceptable. This is because some people use lying in different ways, some may use them for a
positive cause, which is perfectly fine, but those who use lying for a negative cause makes lying not
tolerable. For example, lying is acceptable when it is used to protect another person from harm, hurt
feelings, and anything else that are negative. On the other hand, lying is unacceptable when it is
used for a negative reason such as to get away from a punishment, harming others, or overall
anything negative. Depending on your actions when you lie, I believe that lying can be acceptable
and unacceptable. Some of the informational articles believe that lying should be tolerable, but some
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Most of his lies is to Aunt Polly and one of them was him saying that he went to school, but he
really skipped school to go swimming. Since Aunt Polly sewed Tom's shirt with white thread, Tom's
younger brother Sid, points out that the thread was black instead of white. Tom went swimming,
then sewed his shirt bad with the black thread. This was the lie that I wasn't supporting because Tom
lied and did something negative, which was disobeying Aunt Polly's rule of going to school, instead
of swimming. Another example of Tom's lies would be when he had to whitewash the fence, but
instead of whitewashing it himself, his neighborhood buddies did it for him. Since Tom was suppose
to be doing that on his own, he disobeyed and lied to Aunt Polly about it. Again, Tom lied for a
negative reason because he was instructed to be whitewashing by himself, but he didnt, which
means that I do not support his
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Mark Of The Beast Irony
In Rudyard Kipling's "The Mark of the Beast," he uses each of the three types of irony: verbal,
situational, and dramatic. Verbal irony is is when a phrase is said by a character, but the opposite is
implied. Situational irony is when an event takes place contradictory to what the reader thought
would happen. Dramatic irony is when the reader understands what is happening, but the characters
in the text do not. On page two paragraph nine, Kipling writes, "He was gorgeously drunk;" this is
an example of Kipling's use of verbal irony in "The Mark of the Beast" because he does not mean
that Fleet was gorgeous while he was drunk. On page eight paragraphs three and four, Kipling
writes of how Strickland and the narrator pray to be able to torture
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Julius Caesar Rhetorical Analysis
The Rhetorical strategy While reading the book The Tragedy of Julius Caesar it shows where many
lines and the points people are trying to make during the story none as significant or as noticeable as
the speech Mark Antony gives in Act III section II. In this scene he shows high usage of rhetorical
devices using things such as nostalgia, repetition, and delayed sentencing. Using these rhetorical
devices he changes ideas of the people from happy for Caesar's death too convincing them to try and
attack the conspirators. With theses rhetorical devices he draws a lot of rhetorical appeals from
logos, and pathos to really convert peoples believes. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Antony uses
irony, eulogy, and sarcasm to show Caesar was a great man and how they need revenge for Caesar.
Mark Antony in his speech shows a lot of logos to show how foolish the peoples new found hate for
Caesar is foolish and to implement this he uses a lot of irony. One example of Antony using irony is
when he says " but yesterday the word of Caesar might have stood against the world now lies he
there and none so poor reverence" in this he tells them yesterday your respect for Caesar had no
bounds but today no one feels they are small enough to show him respect. In that quote he really
draws to the logos side of people showing them how irrational it is for there mindset to completely
switch in the course of a day. The other use of irony is him saying " good friends, sweet friends let
me not stir you up to such a such a sudden flood of mutiny" in this he uses verbal irony because he
does not want mutiny but that's exactly what he wants. In this quote he is also showing submitting
his speech using irony strongly to make the people feel it was their idea to get revenge. In spite of
the last quote without two other rhetorical devices he could not get to this point. The next rhetorical
device Mark Antony uses is eulogy to show how great Caesar was and exploit the citizens emotion,
and in turn using pathos. One example of eulogy in Antony's speech is "beg hair of him for memory
and mention it within wills" in this Antony states that people loved Caesar so much people wish
they had a small mementos
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Irony and Sarcasm in A Mystery of Heroism and War is Kind...
Irony and Sarcasm in A Mystery of Heroism and War is Kind
In literature, similar themes are portrayed in many different ways, mostly according to the time
period they were written in. A new generation of writers came of age after the civil war, known as
the realists. They dominated American fiction from the late nineteenth century to the middle of the
twentieth. They took their ideas from the slums of the rapidly growing cities at that time, from the
factories replacing farmland, and from the every day common people: poor factory workers, corrupt
politicians, soldiers, and even prostitutes. Realists sought to accurately portray real life. One of
those Realist writers was Stephen Crane (1871–1900).
In the short story "A Mystery of ... Show more content on ...
It is mocking romantic heroes, because it says that those heroes cannot really be true heroes. A
romantic hero is someone marked by courageous acts, honored deeds, someone who engages in
daring chases, fights, and exciting escapes. Since Crane also was a pioneer of naturalism, he valued
instincts and behavior and the motives for people to turn out as they did. Getting the water by taking
a dangerous path means nothing then without the motive. Nevertheless, Crane throws in a short
moment where he forgets his indifference about heroism and creates his own heroism, a realistic
one. To Crane, being a hero is more an individual state, it does not have to be glorifying but
something that is natural, and a good act. Standing up for one's beliefs without regarding the
outcome. Collins just went to get some water. He was thirsty and wanted to show his courage. It was
no belief he pursued, and a rather purposeless action, nothing heroic at all to the realistic eye. The
only little moment where Crane changes his character is when Collins turns around to give the
officer some water. This does not save him from dying, which it would have done in a romantic
story, but just offers him kindness. It portrays a very social, real–to–life heroic act, neither selfish
nor very grant and honored, but individually seen as a giant leap of benevolence and a pursuing of
moral belief, without great meaning to the world, an every day natural scene.
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Theme Of Irony In Oedipus The King
The life of Oedipus
In the play Oedipus The King written by Sophocles, it is the blind man who can see the truth of
Oedipus and Jocasta's relationship and it is those that see, Oedipus and Jocasta, who are blind to the
truth. When Oedipus finally sees the truth of his actions, he blinds himself in horror. The irony here
is that only the blind see things clearly, while the seeing blind themselves to the reality in front of
them. While believing himself to be living in the light, Oedipus is actually living in darkness. The
story of Oedipus begins as a murder mystery in a village that is suffering from a plague that is
threatening to destroy the village. The author continues to use prophets and messengers as well as
irony to follow the main character. Sophocles uses the motif of blindness and sight, the contrasting
imagery of darkness and light, along with dramatic irony to bring a huge impact to the meaning of
the story. A motif is a symbol which can take on a figurative meaning. In this case the author uses
blindness and sight as the motif. Imagery is used as a descriptive language. In this story the author
uses light and dark as imagery. Dramatic irony is an irony that happened when the meaning of a
situation is understood by the audience but not by the characters. An example of dramatic irony is
shown when the old soothsayer visits the King. Oedipus did not listen to the man because he's blind,
and Teiresias is full of anger tells the Oedipus that though he might be able to see he is "blind" to the
truth. When Oedipus finally becomes blind at the end of the play, Oedipus realizes the truth of the
soothsayer's words. Irony is also showing that the only person that can see the truth is the blind man.
Body paragraph 1 In the story Oedipus the king, Sophocles use literary motif of blindness and sight
to his great advantage. Tiresias is the blind prophet of Thebes. He is well known in Greek
mythology. In the play he represents the truth. This truth is continuously rejected by Oedipus. Early
in the story Tiresias says "I'm not your servant. No I serve Apollo. So don't even mark me down as
Creon's myrmidon. I'm blind, you say, you mock at
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How Does Mark Twain Use Irony In The Lowest Animal
One of the most influential celebrities that people looked up to was, Samuel L. Clemens, an
American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer, who was better known as Mark
Twain. Mark Twain originally wrote "The Lowest Animal" in 1896 but it was not published until
1962, due to his death in 1910 he never got to officially publish his work. In Twain's essay, "The
Lowest Animal," he exercises techniques of direct comparisons and irony to justify that man is the
lowest animal by describing that man has significant faults, like cruelty, compared to other animals
and how man is the "unreasoning" animal, which is the root of his devious nature. Cruelty is one
fault that Twain describes as only residing in humans and not the higher
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The Curious Incident Of The Dog
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night–time, originally a novel written by Mark Maddon was
created into a Tony Award winning play by Simon Stephens in 2015, and is a must see. This play
revolves around a fifteen–year–old boy with Asperger's syndrome, Christopher Boone, and begins
with him trying to discover who killed the neighbors dog–Wellington. As the play progresses we
soon find out that this is the least of his worries. This story is one of the first written from the
perspective of a person with a form of autism. I saw this play at the Gielgul Theater and it was quite
the experience. The proscenium arch stage was highlighted by the stadium like seating arrangement
and large overhead balcony. The red seating and gold accents along the walls and balcony gave the
theater a classic lavish feel. It truly enhanced the atmosphere and in turn added to the overall
experience in a positive manor. Although the physical stage and auditorium were impressive, the
sets, lighting, props, and sound really put this production to the next level. Throughout Curious
Incident, the sets and lighting coincided with one another. The director utilized the advance lighting
and placement to create different scenes regardless of the various character's locations. For example,
while Christopher and his father were in their house, a spot light shinned on each of them. Although
they were at the same level on the stage the lighting and tone of voice gave the audience a
perspective that they
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Irony And Imagery In Mark Twain's The War Prayer
In the reading "The War Prayer" by Mark Twain he describes the setting of a patriotic church service
of which is about to send the towns men off to the war. But during this service a stranger enters and
tells the crowd that what they are praying for which victory is also has a flip side to it. And he
describes the great devastation it would bring. The theme of this reading is when wishing for
something that is destructive it also has its repercussions. Mark Twain shows this theme through
Irony and Imagery.
The first way that Mark Twain addresses the theme of the reading is by Irony. He uses irony in this
reading because they are praying to the lord that they want the prayer and then the speaker of god
comes and tells them that war is not what you want . Second he uses irony because he says that
when the stranger left the church everyone thought that he was a crazy man and didn't have any
sense in what he was saying. In the reading it says, "It was believed afterward that the man was a
lunatic, because there was no sense in what he said." This is a good source of irony for the them
because they only wanted war because they thought it is what was good for ... Show more content
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Mark uses this in very many ways by describing what could happen when they send these men to
war and how terrible it will be and how tragic not only for them but the people that they are fighting
against. In the reading he says "O Lord our God, help us tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our
shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead" This quote
shows how devastating the war is going to be and what is really going to happen when they go to
war and he gives great imagery in this point in the reading. This shows the theme because everyone
is wishing for this war to happen but yet they don't know the repercussions of the war and what is
really going to come from the
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Rhetorical Pathos In I Have A Dream Speech
Why has the speech I Have a Dream delivered by Martin Luther King been widely spread around
the world since 53 years ago? One of the most important reasons is that Martin Luther King
employed abundant rhetorical devices from the perspectives of logos, ethos, and pathos, including
similes, metaphors, euphemisms, ironies, connotations, imageries, repetitions, and parallel structures
to illustrate his demonstration for freedom and equal rights for American citizens of color, especially
for the Negro. Besides, he also took advantage of rhetorical fallacies such as the false dichotomy,
the sentimental appeal, and the scare tactic to enhance the persuasiveness and to show his
determination to struggle for freedom. This essay will analyze the specific ... Show more content on ...
"When will you be satisfied? We can never be satisfied as long as..." (King, 1963) showed the
psychological status of the Negro and indirectly emphasized their desire for freedom and equality.
Second, in the sentence "a state sweltering with the heat of injustice" (King, 1963), "swelter"
belonged to a human feeling, so here it was an employment of the personification to describe the
unfair treatment of the Negro in many states. Third, Martin Luther King showed his outstanding
capability of wording to contain connotations. For instance, Martin Luther King wished that "one
day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places
will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight." (King, 1963) The implied
meaning of this sentence was that he hoped all discriminations against American citizens of color
would be eliminated, and all citizens would be treated equal and enjoy their freedom. Compared
with the direct way of speaking, the implied meaning could leave a deeper impression on the
audience so that they could grasp and contemplate its connotation for a long time. Fourth, Martin
Luther King tactically used ironies to criticize the absurdity of the prejudice held by the American
government against the Negro. For example, in the third paragraph, he mentioned that "the Negro
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Irony in Sophocles' Antigone Essay
Frank Jevons in "In Sophoclean Tragedy, Humans Create Their Own Fate" comments on Sophocles'
In this connection we may consider the "irony of Sophocles." In argument irony has many forms
That which best illustrates the irony of Sophocles is the method by which the ironical man, putting
apparently innocent questions or suggestions, leads some person from one preposterous statement to
another, until, perhaps, the subject of the irony realizes his situation and discovers that when he
thought he was most brilliant of impressive, then he was really most absurd. . . .(62).
Let us explore the irony, in Sophocles' tragedy Antigone, and see if we don't conclude that, as it
applies to King Creon it brings quite the same ... Show more content on ...
Tradition pays homage to "Sophoclean irony" (a rival of "Socratic irony"), which implies a twofold
dramatic situation, known to be twofold by the audience in spite of the fatal delusion of a character.
. . . 7).
The twofold situation in Antigone involves the audience's knowledge of what happens between
Antigone and Polynices prior to the time of the drama, when the brother requests that the sister
assure his corpse of burial at the time of his death, mindful of the penalty to be paid if the body
remained unburied. Also it involves, as Watling describes: "listening to a tragedy somewhat in the
attitude of a Christian audience at Nativity or Passion play, familiar with the accepted version of the
story. . . .(12).
The drama begins with Antigone inviting Ismene outside the palace doors to tell her privately:
"What, hath not Creon destined our brothers, the one to honoured burial, the other to unburied
shame?" Antigone's offer to Ismene ("Wilt thou aid this hand to lift the dead?) is quickly rejected, so
that Antigone must bury Polynices by herself. Antigone is a religious person who respects the laws
of the gods more than those of men:
Nay, be what thou wilt; but I will bury him: well for me to die in doing that. I
shall rest, a loved one with him whom I have loved, sinless in my crime; for I owe a longer
allegiance to the dead than to the living: in that world I shall abide for ever.
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How Does Mark Twain Use Comic Irony In Huckleberry Finn
Authors have a tendency to convey more serious, sincerely plot points through comic ironies. Mark
Twain is among these intelligent, thought–provoking writers who able to efficiently use irony as an
effective tool to illustrate serious points. Huckleberry Finn, one of the many literary pieces created
by the first true american novelist Mr. Twain, is an exemplar of his use of comic irony to
deliberately force the reader to think about serious ideas. The novel, filled with comic irony that
Mark Twain intentionally used, pushed serious ideas through subtle ways; Huck switches roles with
other important characters alluding to the attitude Americans had towards the Civil War.
Unfortunately, Twain's messages through the use of irony might seem so insignificant to the reader
that the point is often overlooked and not caught by the audience. Twain skillfully uses comic irony
to subtly compare Huck's relationship with Jim to America's attitude towards slavery. Throughout
the book Jim and Huck create a special bond between each other and they are always looking out for
the others best interest. Each member of this unique friendship was confined to certain parameters;
they have a specific job in the relationship. Jim, the adult runaway slave, took on a more dominant
role in the relation when he constantly was searching for Huck when the adolescent white boy who
often goes ... Show more content on ...
This notion of amusement over knowledge was one of the key factors leading to the unsuccessfully
understanding of the author's purpose. Huckleberry Finn's world–wide successes has led to
intelligent, creative individuals grasping Twain's "coded" messages through irony. However,
common people who are not necessarily on the lookout for a deeper meaning can easily overlook
the primary the message. Also, with Twain's subtly in comic irony, it was not uncommon for even
those on the hunt for deeper meanings to miss
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Examples Of Irony In Romeo And Juliet
Irony and Examples in Shakespeare's Romeo&Juliet Lexical meaning of irony is defined in the
Cambridge Dictionary as "the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal
meaning" and it actually dates back to the Latin and Ancient Greek eras which means
"dissimulation, feigned ignorance". In our daily speech we still use irony. It is a contrast between
appearance and reality. However, in literature there are many types of irony. The first one is verbal
irony which is also referred as sarcasm . Verbal irony can be defined as the contrast between what is
said and what is actually meant. Julius Caesar, historical play written by William Shakespeare,
contains an important example for verbal irony: "Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; and Brutus is an
honorable man" (Act 3, Scene 2, Page 5). This phrase is said by Mark Antony who actually implies
that Brutus is an ignoble man. ... Show more content on ...
It exists when the actual outcome of a situation is the opposite of what is expected. "An example
would be a man who takes a step aside in order to avoid getting sprinkled by a wet dog, and falls
into a swimming pool."
(Elleström, 2002). The third one is dramatic irony. It exists when readers or audiences are aware of
events of circumstances in a story of which the characters have no knowledge. Edgar Allen Poe's
The Cask of Amontillado, the reader knows that Montresor dedicates himself to take revenge, he is
planning to murder Fortunato, while Fortunato believes they are friends. The fourth one is cosmic
irony or irony of fate. It is concerned with the situational irony, but in cosmic irony events are
blamed on an unknown force, usually referred to God, the Fate, or the Universe, which lead to the
negative consequences. Basically, it is the conflict between human desires and the harshness of the
outside world. For example, Titanic was believed to be unsinkable, but he sank in her first voyage or
95–year–old man who won the
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Irony In The Labyrinth By Jim Hanson
Watching the Labyrinth for the first time is like going to a galaxy far far away.
In the Labyrinth, the author uses irony to show surprize. There are 3 main types of the literary
device irony present in the Labyrinth adaptation by Jim Hanson to show surprise.
To begin with, throughout the movie, dramatic irony is shown, dramatic irony is when the reader
knows something that the character does not.
In the beginning when sarah meets the worm and goes the wrong way, the worm says she should
have gone left, sarah doesn't hear him but the reader does and knows that Sarah should have gone
left. Later on in the movie, sarah marks specific tiles with her lipstick showing that she had been
there. When she wasn't looking, some type of goblin would flip the tile over, then when Sarah whent
back to that area, she didn't know that she had been there before, the reader knows that the goblins
flipped the tiles over. Near the end of the movie Sarah eats the peach Hoggle gave her and forgot
what she was looking for, the reader knew what she was looking for. ... Show more content on ...
At the end of the movie when Sarah is looking in the mirror and says that she needs the friends she
had made in the labyrinth, all the characters become real including the goblins. The reader didn't
expect this because the goblins are the villains!
During the movie when Sarah meets Lodo and he was roaring, the reader didn't expect a creature
roaring and lashing about, to be
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How Does Mark Twain Use Situational Irony In Huckleberry Finn
Both authors, Mark Twain and Arthur Miller, use situational irony as a way to evoke emotion. After
running away from home, Huckleberry encounters another runaway who is escaping from
oppression based on race. Although it is frowned upon, Huckleberry helps a runaway slave escape,
"Well, I did. I said I wouldn't, and I'll stick to it. Honest INJUN, I will. People would call me a low–
down despise me for keeping mum–but that don't make no difference. I ain't a–going to tell, and I
ain't a–going, anyways." (Twain 43) Considering Huckleberry was raised in a slave cultured
environment, the readers would not have imagined that Huckleberry would have helped the runaway
slave. Although the readers were waiting for Huckleberry to turn his back on Jim ... Show more
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This is said because the readers know that something bad is going to happen considering they are
both runaways. Although Huck is running away from his family, Jim is running away from slavery
which means many people are searching for him. Also, the readers get surprised because
Huckleberry decided to help a black person even though it is against social norms in the southern
society. Twain used this to convey his point of view on how although Huckleberry was raised in a
stereotypical southern society, there's always room for people to have their own way of doing things
even though it's going against social norms. On the other hand, in Death of a Salesman, the main
character, Willy, sees himself as successful due to his popularity. Although the readers are convinced
Willy is a well–liked man throughout the novel, we find out at his funeral that he is not what he
claims to be, "But where were all the people he knew? Maybe they blame him." (Miller 110) Willy
claimed to be a very popular man, which was supposedly the reason for his success. However, for a
popular man, other than his family, two other people showed up to his funeral showing he is not
what was
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The Use of Irony in "Advice to Youth" by Mark Twain
The use of irony in "Advice to Youth" by Mark Twain
"(born Nov. 30, 1835, Florida, Mo., U.S.–died April 21, 1910, Redding, Conn.) American humorist,
journalist, lecturer, and novelist who acquired international fame for his travel narratives, especially
The Innocents Abroad (1869), Roughing It (1872), and Life on the Mississippi (1883), and for his
adventure stories of boyhood, especially The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn (1885). A gifted raconteur, distinctive humorist, and irascible moralist, he
transcended the apparent limitations of his origins to become a popular public figure and one of
America's best and most beloved writers. Samuel Clemens, the sixth child of John Marshall and
Jane ... Show more content on ...
He says that the best books to read are that ones that young people read. Implying that we dont have
to waste our time with these huge chapter books and their fancy vocabulary. The simplified ones are
better."[3] Even at the beginning, the author define the term of advice, he said anticipated what to
expect from his text: "Being told I would be expected to talk here, I inquired what sort of talk I
ought to make. They said it should be something suitable to youth–something didactic, instructive,
or something in the nature of good advice. Very well. I have a few things in my mind which I have
often longed to say for the instruction of the young; for it is in one's tender early years that such
things will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable." The irony is present in all
advice, we can realised this by the presence of humor which dominate the language. Let see the
fallowing sentences: "Be respectful to your superiors, if you have any, also to strangers, and
sometimes to others. Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very careful about lying;
otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught. Never handle firearms carelessly. The sorrow and
suffering that have been caused through the innocent but heedless handling of firearms by the
young! There are many sorts of books; but good ones are the sort for the young to read. remember
that. They are a great, an inestimable, and unspeakable means of improvement. Therefore be careful
in your selection,
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Theme Of Irony In Oedipus The King
The presence of irony in "Myth" by Muriel Rukeyser, "My Oedipus Complex" by Frank O'Connor,
and "Oedipus the King" by Sophocles link these three literary pieces together. However, each of the
works utilize different forms of irony in different levels to specifically present their message. In
Rukeyser's short poem, the narrator uses verbal irony through Oedipus' conversation with the
Sphinx and dramatic irony through Oedipus' shorthanded conclusions. O'Connor uses situational
irony in his short story by presenting unanticipated endings to the narrator's hopes, and takes
advantage of his narrator's ignorance to present dramatic irony. Finally, in the famed Greek tragedy,
Sophocles uses cosmic and situational irony as a result of the ... Show more content on ...
Other unexpected negative outcomes include Larry and Daddy's "series of skirmishes against one
another" until Daddy had been turned out of the bed himself, and Larry's desperation for a baby to
"brighten the house up" until Sonny, the baby arrives and he refers to it as "that poisonous pup."
Common knowledge of a mature audience helps to provoke dramatic irony from Larry's misled
conclusions. Larry believes in "cheap" versus "exclusive" babies, tells his mother that he is going to
marry her when he grows up, and explains that the baby, Sonny, only cries for attention. Simple
minded conclusions in contrast to the audience's assumed logical and mature knowledge results in
dramatic irony because they know more about the debated issues than the narrator Larry does. The
famed Greek tragedy assumes much of its appeal from Sophocles's use of dramatic, cosmic, and
situational irony. In a prelude to the play, the audience is assumed aware of Oedipus' fate. Before the
play even begins, common spectators enter with the common knowledge that Oedipus killed his
father Laius and married his mother Jocasta. The aire of dramatic irony meets its peak when
Oedipus desperately tries to find Laius' murderer while the audience is aware that
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Examples Of Irony In Medea
In Medea, Euripides uses irony to convey the fact that the female protagonist is strong in the
androcentric society and the male protagonist is weak. In the article "Male Medea," Nancy
Rabinowitz describes the protagonist as "the transgressive woman, [or man] inside the woman's
body, and her story gives the lie to the gender story––of the woman as victim" (16). Medea, the
female protagonist, has the power to control and manipulate any character in the play. This is proven
when the Tutor says "Madam, your sons do not have to go into exile; the royal bride gladly took the
gifts in her hands; there's peace now, with her and the children" (1001–3). This represents irony
because the sons do not go into exile, but are instead killed by their masculine, ... Show more
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In "Stereotype and Reversal in Euripides' Medea," Shirley A. Barlow argues that the protagonist
refuses to play the customary role of an ancient Greek woman, except when it benefits her, which
shows that Medea is a reversed stereotype (158). This is further shown when the Tutor states, "Take
heart! You too, will, journey back with children's help" (1015). In this circumstance, the Tutor is
declaring how the children will be able to help their mother come back home, yet this is an example
of dramatic irony because Medea ultimately kills her children at the end for revenge. Euripides uses
dramatic irony to convey Medea's strength and power. The characters mistakenly assume that
Medea is weak, yet her will–power and desire for revenge is shown when she kills her sons. Next,
Jason is expected to be strong and powerful, yet is weaker than any female. Rabinowitz also
speculates that Jason's role has feminine aspects: "Jason would seem to be the perfect example of a
woman with a man" (152). For example, Jason exclaims, "I have come, however, to save my
children's lives, to keep the king's family from making them pay for the foul murder committed by
their mother" (1303–5). Jason hastily runs back to the house to save his children from a masculine
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Irony In Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Irony is the main tool that Mark Twain used when writing The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn. It's
mainly ironic that Jim is trying to escape slavery by pursuing freedom, when he will still be
oppressed by racist Whites. As long as there is discrimination against African Americans, they can
never truly be free from the oppression that started when England started colonizing the United
States. As Twain worked on his novel, race relations, which seemed to be on a positive path in the
years following the Civil War, once again became strained. The imposition of Jim Crow laws,
designed to limit the power of blacks in the South in a variety of indirect ways, brought the
beginning of a new, insidious effort to oppress. Slavery could be outlawed, but
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Comedy Analysis
During this unit, my understanding of humor in literature evolved from believing that it was simply
comic relief to grasping that humor is an entertaining method of conveying a universal truth through
many different methods. Comedy comes in countless shapes and sizes, which all have different
purposes and appeal to a variety of audiences. However, although the forms of humor are diverse,
Springboard Activity 4.3 expresses that they can be categorized as either low comedy, which is
"straightforward and generally easy to follow and understand"(1) or high comedy, which "can take a
bit of reflection to realize the humorous intent"(4). Naturally, high and low comedy have different
purposes in comedic literature. An author might use high comedy to ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, we studied another form of high comedy, situational irony. To demonstrate, in "A
Day's Work", an excerpt from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", Mark Twain reports that while
Tom had to whitewash on a beautiful day when he would rather be playing, he ended up conning his
friends into doing his work for him while he sat back and enjoyed the so called treasures that they
gave to him so they could do his work, including "a dead rat and a string to swing it with"(44) and
"a brass door–knob"(44). Despite having a slight understanding of what irony was before this unit, I
had never heard of situational irony before. Situational irony leads readers to believe that the story is
going in one direction, then suddenly revealing a twist that makes it humorous. If I were to have
read this excerpt before learning about situational irony and its aspects, I would have been
thoroughly confused. However, now that I have been introduced to this idea, I can understand and
enjoy the often comical product of situational irony. Even though Tom had been willing to give up
some of his treasures at the beginning, by the end he was rolling in riches without lifting a finger.
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Irony In Mark Twain's Ironic
Most people think the song "Ironic'' is ironic, but it is not. People think it is ironic because it's called
ironic. The song is more of bad luck than ironic, but the song does have one or two lines of ironic. If
the song's lyrics were mostly ironic than it can be considered an ironic song. There are three types of
ironic , but it's none of the three. One of the lyric was "An old man turned ninety–eight ,he won the
lottery and died the next day." It's not really ironic because he is ninety–eight and his age is most
likely why he died. If the singer said he died from the lottery card than that would be ironic. Also
the lyric "Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly. He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye ,he
waited his whole damn
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Examples Of Situational Irony In Invitation To Murder
The story titled "Invitation to Murder" written by Josh Pachter has a plot foundation based off of
situational irony. Situational irony is additionally referred to as a plot twist. The plot is developed in
this story when a plot twist, or situational irony, occurs. Plot twists in this story often lead up to
important marks in the story; for example, a plot twist leads up to the introduction of the conflict
and the resolution. There are numerous sightings of situational irony in the story. Mrs.Abbott invited
twelve renowned men with occupations based on crime fighting, and she invited them to witness a
crime in progress. Most of any audience would assume that she invited them to discuss and solve a
crime, but that was not the case. When Mrs.Abbott
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Irony in the Red Badge of Courage
Irony in The Red Badge of Courage Written by Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage is a
novel filled with irony. This story is written in the point of view of the main character, Henry
Fleming, and tells about his maturation through the war. Including the title, from the beginning to
the end of the book there is irony present. The use of irony by Crane helps create a lot of discussion
for critics. Henry's internal debate is a main source of irony in this novel. Also, his fantasy of how
he thought war was going to be and how it turned out is ironic.
"The Youth," which Henry is referred to as, dreamt of glory in battle and being a hero (Crane 2).
That is the reason why Henry enlisted himself; even though he told his comrades he was forced to
be in the army. His mother's farewell speech is ironic because he thought that she would give him a
tearful and long speech, but all she really said was to "Watch out, and be a good boy" (4). She does
not want Henry to be a hero even though that is what he went to war for. She told Henry that she
will be fine if he does not return home. Henry tries to pull off being a confident and good soldier,
while in the reality he is very nervous about what will happen in battle. Throughout the novel, he
questions his courage and if he would run from battle. At an early battle, Henry continuously fires at
the enemy line and feels like he is a courageous soldier. However, soon after this battle, another one
erupts and Henry runs from it. This is
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Brief Book Summaries on Various Well Known Classic Novels...
#1 "Sunset on the River" by Mark Twain 1.) "Now when I had mastered the language of this water,
and had come to know every trifling feature that bordered the great river as familiarity as I knew the
letters of the alphabet, I had made a valuable acquisition." 2.) I chose this quote because it fits the
story perfectly. This quote is at the beginning of the story saying that he knows the river really well.
At the end he still knows the river well just in a different way. This way is not for the better because
he learns all the dangerous parts about it. 3.) Notes Loves the river and everything about Becomes a
steamboat captain Has to learn everything about the river Lasts for 5 years as a captain Compared to
doctor I believe that the ... Show more content on ...
When people pray for themselves and not others they are being selfish, because they are cursing
someone else, while they are getting a blessing. 4.) Towards the end of the wars overseas we pray
for are soldiers to get home safely, but we do not know the amount of people that died after they
were sent over. 5.) I chose this picture because it would be contradictory, with weapons and a bible.
The bible and violence are opposites, but so are the two sides of the prayer. 6.) Learned that the
problem was for the people that were originally against the war. #3 "An Episode of War" by Stephen
Crane 1.) "And this is the story of how the Lieutenant lost his arm." 2.) This quote is perfect to
describe the story. The reason it is perfect to describe the story is that it sums it up in one sentence.
The story was about how the soldier had to make it to the army hospital before it got infected. He
only ended up losing his arm. When he went home he was just happy to be alive. This makes people
think that things can always be worse. 3.) Notes Civil war bloodiest conflict in american history
over 600,000 soldiers died twice as many soldiers died of infections over combat wounds
Lieutenant poured
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Rhetorical Devices In Julius Caesar
While reading the book The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Using these
rhetorical devices he changes ideas of the people from happy for Caesar's death too convincing them
to try and attack the conspirators. With theses rhetorical devices he draws a lot of rhetorical appeal
from logos, and pathos to really convert peoples beliefs. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Antony
uses irony, eulogy, and sarcasm to show Caesar was a great man and how they need revenge for
Caesar. Mark Antony in his speech appeals to logos to show how foolish the peoples new found hate
for Caesar is. In the same period of him using logos he appeals too irony. One example of Antony
using irony is when he says " but yesterday the word of Caesar might have stood against the world
now lies he there and none so poor reverence". In this he told them that yesterday the respect for
Caesar had no bounds but today no one feels they are small enough to show him respect. In saying
this quote he draws to the logos side of people showing them how irrational it is for their mindsets
to completely switch in the course of the day. The other use of irony is when Antony says in his
speech " good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up to such a such a sudden flood of mutiny"
(act II scene II Shakespeare) in this he uses verbal irony because he does not want to mutiny, but
that is exactly what he also shows his ability to manipulate to make the people feel it was their idea
to get revenge. The next rhetorical device Mark Antony uses are eulogy. He uses this to show how
great Caesar was an exploit the citizens' emotions, and in turn exploits pathos. One example of
eulogy in Antony's speech is "beg hair of him for memory and mention it within wills" (Act II Scene
II Shakespeare) in this Antony states that people loved Caesar so much they wish they had a small
memento to remember him by and pass it down like a treasure. In this, he is saying Caesar is this
great man the people all remember and we were lucky to have him. One other use of eulogy has
been Mark Antony seemingly ,out of no where, saying "He hath brought many captives home to
Rome and whose ransoms did the general coffers fill" (Act II Scene II
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Society Crumbles Without Structure In Lord Of The Flies
Imagine yourself on a plane talking to your friend. BOOM! You crashed on an island. You don't
know what to do or what surrounds you. You're in shock. In the novel, there is a group of boys that
are involved in plane crash on an island. In addition, there are no adults anywhere to be found. In
William Golding's novel, The Lord of the Flies, he demonstrates how society crumbles without
structure through the symbolism of the conch, irony, and the conflict between the boys.
A literary device that demonstrates how society crumbles without structure is symbolism. Ralph,
Piggy, and Samneric go to Jack's camp to retrieve the glasses they stole from Piggy. When Ralph
goes to the camp, he brings the conch with him to help remind the boy some structure. Jack's boys
take Samneric making Ralph furious resulting him lunging at Jack. Piggy is standing and holding
the conch in his hands. He tries to speak but Roger pushes a boulder at him. "The rock struck
Piggy...[and] the conch exploded into thousands white fragments and ceased to exist" (181). This
quote uses symbolism to make a point. From the beginning the conch symbolized law and order in
other words structure. When the conch shattered into thousands of fragment piece it showed that the
boys have no chance in going back to having a society. The conch fell when Roger pushed the
boulder at Piggy and the conch was in his hands. As the conch got out of Piggy's hands and
shattered down on the rocks below this is a symbol of how their boys
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Thou Blind Man's Mark Irony
In the poem, Thou Blind Man's Mark, the speaker, Sir Philip Sidney, conveys his complex attitude
toward desire by using irony, rhyme scheme and metaphors in his writing style. The speaker first
tells how awful having desire is, bashing all of those who have these wants, calling them ignorant
"blind" fools and defining desire to be worthless. Eventually the speaker himself ironically craves
desire himself. When the speaker says, "Desiring naught but how to kill desire", he has a realization
that this craving is something that cannot be escaped from. The irony of this line shows the
imperfection of the speakers original idea and how he too is blinded by greed. In the beginning, the
speaker uses a simple and consistent rhyme scheme when he
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Jonathan Swift Satire Analysis
omparing Irony
In both Mark Twain and Jonathan Swift's articles there is an effective use of irony. Irony in satirical
writing is normally used for the speaker to convey the opposite intended meaning to which they are
stating; along with antiphrasis, the use of a word when the opposite meaning is implied, irony makes
a valuable asset to satirical literature. The sarcastic use of irony was input to both readings to
express the writer's disappointment towards their societies teachings during their era's. The use of
antiphrasis and parody go hand in hand with irony, they allow for a clear comparison between Mark
Twain's "Advice to Youth" and Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal". Using deception through
their words, the writers manage to use ... Show more content on ...
Twain also targets authorities and didactics as a whole with this speech, by critiquing the use and
effectiveness of them through parody. "A Modest Proposal" captures the attention and the trust of
the reader by sounding honest and intellectual. Swift makes it seem as if he is using an academic
analysis, comparing numbers of poverty, working out mathematical equations to depict what
poverty will increase to, and analyzing that there is no better way to work around it except for the
solution he has come up with. A modest proposal uses irony by expressing the solution of eating
babies as something that must happen. Together the sense of urgency and the hopeful buildup give
the readers the perception of an authentic actuality towards Swift's provided 'quick fix' to the
problem at hand. The irony in Swift's proposal is only found after realizing what the solution
provided was, which left many of the readers in the late 17th century shocked at the mention of
something so vile. "I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in
London, that a young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and
wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will
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How Does Mark Twain Use Irony In The Celebrated Jumping Frog
In Mark Twain's Story, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, there are plenty of ideas
presented that are implausible. Using implausibility played a large role in Twain's humor throughout
his writing. This was especially the case in the passage about Jim Smiley's betting frog. He believed
the frog was the most talented and intelligent frog to ever be in existence. It was full of
exaggerations and the seemingly impossible that made it perfect to be in a tall tale. Twain uses
implausibility to create humor in his tall tale by taking a regular story and adding events that cannot
actually happen. Jim Smiley caught a frog and believed he had taught it to jump and catch flies with
it's tongue. It is known that jumping and eating flies
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Examples Of Irony In The Labyrinth

  • 1. Examples Of Irony In The Labyrinth When I first watched the Labyrinth it was like being in a movie. The Labyrinth is a great example of a literary device called irony to show surprise. There are three types of literary devices known as irony to show surprise and I am going to show you irony by using the movie Labyrinth by Jim Henson. To start with, verbal irony is irony in the form of words, but means the opposite of what is said. In the Labyrinth Jareth tells Sarah "fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave" which is an example of verbal irony. Sarah tells Jareth "piece of cake," but means that the Labyrinth is really hard. Towards the end of the movie sarah says "that is how it's done," but needs her friends help. Additionally, dramatic irony is stuff we know ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Irony In The Story Of A Good Little Boy How would you feel if you tried you're hardest to be good but only had bad things happen to you? It simply wouldn't seem fair. This was the case for Jacob Blivens whom, "The Story of the Good Little Boy" was fictionally about. Try as he might nothing works out in the end for Jacob which is a lesson we all could learn from. You can do your best to achieve something but it doesn't mean that in the end it will work out how you want it to. Twain's opinion that Jacob lives his life for an unrealistic dream comes out in his use of diction, characterization, and irony. The story starts by explaining how Jacob has always tried his hardest to be a good little boy like in the Sunday–school books he reads. It gives you many instances of this but instead of the praise Jacob is seeking, he always ends up in trouble, normally because the situation is misunderstood. In the end it takes this to the extreme with Jacob trying to undo what some bad boys did and dies tragically, without saying the last words he had prepared. The setting is important because back in the days when this story was written, children's books were more just Sunday school tales. These stories would talk about little boys who followed all Gods commandments and were good all their lives. Unfortunately, these stories also tended to end with the young boys dying. In the story it says that, "It made him feel a little uncomfortable sometimes when he reflected that the good little boys always died. He loved to live, you ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Satarie in Knights and Dames by Leahy The comedic technique, Satire, is used in humour to criticise and trigger thoughts about today's society, groups and issues. 'Knights and Dames' created by Satirist, Leahy, is a satirical cartoon that attempts to address issues and provoke thoughts about today's political issues such as individuality and national identity. Hyperbole, situational irony and caricature are three of the satirical techniques used in this cartoon. This essay will aim to analyse the language features and satirical cartoons. Though Political satire is usually used to provide entertainment and humour, it is also used to expose absurdity and hypocrisy among the political world. In order to understand the concept and meaning of a political cartoon, the reader must have an insight of the current political status and issues or it would be difficult to comprehend the cartoon. The cartoon, 'Knights and Dames' attempts to express the cartoonists opinion on the current Knights and Dames issue which is the reintroduction of the use of Sir and Madame. Knights and Dames are predominantly used throughout the United Kingdom. Tony Abbott, the man in the cartoon is shown in an unflattering light in order to make fun of him and his choices as prime minister. He is shown holding a flag from the United Kingdom with a book that says 'Knights and Dames Reaction'. This shows that the cartoonist attempts to express that we are becoming like the UK and somewhat turning into them through Tony Abbotts choices hence why the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Irony In Mark Twain's Letters From The Earth "Letters from the Earth" Mark Twain's, "Letters from the Earth" is a short story that is a commentary on humanity and organized religion, and is controversial because of its content and harsh tone. Many people believe that Twain was lashing out at God because of the heavy personal loss of his wife and two of their three daughters. His humorous yet angry tone reveals his attitude toward God, Satan, and faith. First, Mark Twain's critical tone in his work, "Letters from the Earth", allows readers to understand his nonexistent respect for God. This work was told from the viewpoint of Satan, who felt that all the humans and animals were foolish for their confidence about God. For example he says, "The people are all insane, the other animals ... Show more content on ... Hypocrisy is seen through the character of Mr. Shiftlet. First Tom convinces Mrs. Crater into marrying her handicapped daughter. After the couple is married and he promises to take care of her, he dumps her at a diner called The Hot Spot. Feeling guilty about his actions, Tom picks up a boy hitchhiking and advises him with virtues from his past. Picking up on Mr. Shiftlet's hypocrisy, the boy jumps out of the moving car. Dramatic irony occurs when Mrs. Crater believes Mr. Shiftlet that he is interested in her daughter, and believes that they will return home soon towards the end of the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Irony In Charles Lamb's Essays Of Elia ' In Charles Lamb's Essays of Elia, one of the main literary devices he uses is irony, which ranges from being extremely subtle to straightforward. This is significant because the anagram for the pseudonym "Elia" was "a lie". Therefore, this often changed the meaning of the poem since its context was from a lie, which you could often tell through the use of irony and other literary devices within his essays. One of his works that demonstrated this was his essay, Dream–Children: A Reverie. Throughout the essay, Lamb points to obvious themes of death, loneliness, and melancholy. However, when examined closer, Lamb's use of irony shifts the meaning of the poem to his sense of loss and regret. This underlying theme is illustrated through the relationship of irony in Elia's "dreamt" children, Elia's "dreamt" past life, and the "actual" life of Elia and Charles Lamb. In Dream–Children: A Reverie, Elia's fictitious children's dialogue play an important function in the meaning of the essay. In the beginning of the essay, it says "CHILDREN love to listen to stories about their elders, when they were children; to stretch their imagination to the conception of a traditionary great–uncle or grandame, whom they never saw" (Lamb). Although, this is true in the beginning, the children begin crying when Elia talks about the death of their uncle John L–, pleading to "tell them some stories about their pretty, dead mother," which is the opposite of what Elia had intended at the beginning (Lamb). This example of situational irony begins to mark a drastic shift in the essay, considering that this was not a natural characteristic of a normal child. This idea was reinforced by the daughter, Alice, gradually growing "fainter to my view, receding, and still receding till nothing at last were seen in the uttermost distance," which is representative of his past hopes and dreams vanishing (Lamb). Afterwards, the children "without speech, strangely impressed upon me the effects of speech: 'We are not of Alice, nor of thee, nor are we children at all. The Children of Alice call Bartrum father" (Lamb). The fact that the children let him know this "without speech," creates a shift to the realities of Elia's real life, while also pointing ... Get more on ...
  • 6. How Does Mark Twain Use Irony In Advice To Youth Little kids growing up have a lot of dos and don'ts to obey in their lives. Their parents teach them to be good people: respect everyone the way they want to be respected and to be themselves. "Advice to Youth" is an essay by Mark Twain. The title lets a reader know that the audience is the youth. Twain says his purpose is to teach a lesson to youth. He also reveals that he believes learning advice like this at a young age is when it is most beneficial; when we are young we can learn things that stick with us as we age. The audience should be thinking, "Okay, what does Twain want us to learn?" The audience may now be expecting a typical speech from an adult giving correct and possibly stereotypical advice to children. He tells the youth to ... Show more content on ... He uses more humor and exaggeration by saying we shouldn't resort to extreme measures if we are offended by someone, yet he tells the audience to go ahead and hit the person with a brick when we are offended; this is certainly extreme! This is irony as of course he doesn't want us to go around hitting people with bricks when we have been offended. What does he want us to do? Thinking about the point of satire he probably wants us to examine our behavior and see that we too often react violently, aggressively, or inappropriately when we are offended and we need to change our behavior. Violence is never a good response to a situation. When he speaks about confessing to a wrongdoing (after realizing the person that offended you didn't mean to offend you and you were in the wrong when you hit him or her with a brick) it is humorous in that what good does it do to apologize after you have already hit the person with a brick? Thinking of the point of satire Twain might be telling us that we need to think before we act. When we don't think before we act, often the action we took cannot be undone, even if we say we're sorry, the action isn't ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Meaning And Symbolism In Arthur Miller's Death Of A Salesman The eyes of the reader are opened wide after reading Thomas Foster's How to Read Literature like a Professor and applying it to a text. There are many elements in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman that go unrecognized by the normal reader. Using the tactics presented by Foster, one can realize that there is much meaning and symbolism in Death of a Salesman. The overall theme in Death of a Salesman is the American Dream and how many people of the time period were desperate to achieve it. To begin, the American Dream is related to Foster's chapter, "Nice to Eat with You: Acts of Communion." In this chapter, Foster claims that, "whenever people eat or drink together, it's communion" (Foster 8). Foster makes it a point that it is normally a gathering of friends that is rather important. The author would not have put it in the text otherwise. Foster also points out that acts of eating in a text tell how characters are doing or getting along (8). If the dinner turns ugly, it is normally a bad sign, yet it contains "the same logic" (11). A bad dinner is often shown through actions that shadow a reaction from characters. These claims made by Foster relate to Death of a Salesman. In the play, Willy Loman is invited to go out to dinner with his sons, Happy and Biff. Willy gets rather excited about this. However, during dinner, Willy finally lets loose and tells his sons about the trouble that he has been experiencing. Willy had just been fired prior to the dinner arrangement ... Get more on ...
  • 8. What Is The Irony In The Story Of An Hour In Kate Chopin's, "The Story of an Hour," a whirlwind of events occur in a short amount of time. The story begins with the protagonist, Louise Mallard, being told that her husband has died from a railroad disaster. She grieves for a while and then goes upstairs to her room. She stares out an open window for a while until she realizes that she is finally free. She is liberated by her newfound freedom, but unfortunately, Mrs. Mallard's freedom is snatched away from her in the matter of moments because, surprise, Mr. Mallard was nowhere near the railroad disaster. Once Mrs. Mallard discovers that Mr. Mallard is alive, she dies from a heart attack. This dynamic short story takes place in only an hour. One may ask how could this short of a story can have such an expansive array of events occur, but the answer is simple. The plot of "The Story of an Hour" is able to unfold quickly due to Chopin's use of irony, her heavy use of symbolism, and the time period in which she wrote. One of the main reasons that "The Story of an Hour" is able to have a plot that develops in such a short time frame is because it has an immense feel of irony from the first line to the last. Scattered throughout the story are several examples of situational irony, when the effect of an event is unexpected by the reader, and dramatic irony, when the reader knows what is happening, but the characters do not. One example of situational irony occurs when Mrs. Mallard walks upstairs to her room to be ... Get more on ...
  • 9. How Does Mark Twain Use Irony In The Celebrated Jumping Frog Mark Twain, a famous writer, wrote a brilliant, humorous story called "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County." He includes implausibility throughout the short story to incorporate his humor. In one passage, there is a bull pup named Andrew Jackson who is anthropomorphized. The dog displays human characteristics that would not actually be possible in reality. Twain uses implausibility in "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" in many passages by introducing plenty of examples of anthropomorphism and irony. Dogs are like humans in some ways. They have feelings, they eat and drink, they feel pain, etc. However, dogs minds are not as advanced as the human mind. They cannot express how they feel, they cannot act surprised or discouraged, and they don't ... Show more content on ... "He give Smiley a look, as much as to say his heart was broke, and it was his fault, for putting up a dog that hadn't no hind legs for him to take bolt of, which was his main dependence in a fight, and then he limped off a piece and laid down and died." Dogs do not die of a broken heart. However, Twain exploits his use of anthropomorphism to draw humor to the story. In many cases, dogs wouldn't be aware of this loss, and defensively would not lay down and die. It is very ironic and incorporated into the story to create humor. Implausibility is found in a variety of examples, not just one. "Smiley always come out winner on that pup, till he harnessed a dog once that didn't have no hind legs, because they'd been sawed off by a circular saw, and when the thing had gone along far enough, and the money was all up, and he come to make a snatch for his pet bolt, he saw in a minute how he'd been imposed on, and how the other dog had him in the door, so to speak, and he 'peered sur– prised, and then he looked sorter discouraged–like, and didn't try no more to win the fight, and so he got shucked out bad." A circular saw is very dangerous and the probability of a dog getting his ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Mark Twain's Use Of Irony In Huckleberry Finn Cayse Elliott Response to Lit Anchor Paper In the book Huckleberry Finn that Mark Twain that is about a boy named Huck who had run away from his home. Huck finds a place to camp out and keep low he comes across a runaway slave. Evidently Huck keeps this slave a secret from others which was quite frankly against the law. As the story continues Huck believes he is a bad person because he isn't telling on Jim. There were multiple uses of irony used within the text that represent the author's opinion on slavery. That leads to Mark Twain's opinion on slavery, which is that Mark is against slavery. First, Mark Twain shows how he's against slavery using irony in his writing. As many people who are reading this book may know. while Mark wrote this he uses many examples that prove how he feels. In the book, one of the things Mark said is when he put a 'nigger' in the book and says how he's able to vote. However Pap gets angry and said he won't vote because of how they let a nigger vote. As the book says, "But then they tell me there's a state in this country where they'd let a nigger vote. I gave it up. I says, 'I'll never vote again.'" (42). This shows that Mark Twain is against slavery because he allowed a state in the book to ... Show more content on ... Although while Huck was planning to leave him and Jim were talking to each other. Jim mentioned how Huck was the best friend that he's ever had and how he was the only white gentleman that had ever kept a promise to him. That was where Huck had lost all the courage he had to go tell him Jim. As it comes time to the men Huck comes across they ask who the man he's with is, or at least if he's white or black. That comes to Huck's answer "I saw I was weakening. So I just give up trying, and up and says, 'He's ... Get more on ...
  • 11. How Does Mark Twain Use Situational Irony In The Story Of... From printing books, to captain of a ship, to father of American literature Mark Twain is known for his incredible novels and short story. In Twain short story The Story of the Good Little Boy , Jacob Blivens is child defined by the church books he asserts, which separate him from the Norms of Reality. Society the antagonist, Jacob innocence blind him from making out the truth of the cruel and harsh world. Living in a world opposite from the church books, mark twain uses situational Irony, foreshadowing, and symbolism to convey that putting on the best thing doesn't always mean doing the right thing. Jacobs constant struggle in life is due to his abnormality that cause him to fail and see the truth. In the first two paragraph Jacob is seen as this "strange" boy who follows all the rules, but society nothing like in stories he read punish him. Twain uses foreshadowing to give the reader a ... Show more content on ... Jacob is seen constantly trying to fit the norms of the stories and books he reads, forgetting that the world he lives in is not the one he reads about. Further reading the book, he is forced to believe that the good always die at an early age but get recognized for the justice they have done. For example, it says "but it wasn't any use; that good little boy always died in the last chapter, and there was a picture of the funeral, with all his relations and the Sunday–school children standing around the grave in pantaloons that were too short, and bonnets that were too large.." , this shows how important the good boys were in shaping Jacobs death. Since he believed that all the good little boys died, he wasn't afraid of dying which brought him unnecessary courage that ultimately lead him to his desired fate. The little boys in the book symbolized an illusion of perfect paradise where the good always win and the bad losses, but in realism it is very ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Lying And Irony In Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to lying. Some may think it's acceptable and some may think it's not. In my opinion, I believe that lying can be acceptable, but it can also be unacceptable. This is because some people use lying in different ways, some may use them for a positive cause, which is perfectly fine, but those who use lying for a negative cause makes lying not tolerable. For example, lying is acceptable when it is used to protect another person from harm, hurt feelings, and anything else that are negative. On the other hand, lying is unacceptable when it is used for a negative reason such as to get away from a punishment, harming others, or overall anything negative. Depending on your actions when you lie, I believe that lying can be acceptable and unacceptable. Some of the informational articles believe that lying should be tolerable, but some ... Show more content on ... Most of his lies is to Aunt Polly and one of them was him saying that he went to school, but he really skipped school to go swimming. Since Aunt Polly sewed Tom's shirt with white thread, Tom's younger brother Sid, points out that the thread was black instead of white. Tom went swimming, then sewed his shirt bad with the black thread. This was the lie that I wasn't supporting because Tom lied and did something negative, which was disobeying Aunt Polly's rule of going to school, instead of swimming. Another example of Tom's lies would be when he had to whitewash the fence, but instead of whitewashing it himself, his neighborhood buddies did it for him. Since Tom was suppose to be doing that on his own, he disobeyed and lied to Aunt Polly about it. Again, Tom lied for a negative reason because he was instructed to be whitewashing by himself, but he didnt, which means that I do not support his ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Mark Of The Beast Irony In Rudyard Kipling's "The Mark of the Beast," he uses each of the three types of irony: verbal, situational, and dramatic. Verbal irony is is when a phrase is said by a character, but the opposite is implied. Situational irony is when an event takes place contradictory to what the reader thought would happen. Dramatic irony is when the reader understands what is happening, but the characters in the text do not. On page two paragraph nine, Kipling writes, "He was gorgeously drunk;" this is an example of Kipling's use of verbal irony in "The Mark of the Beast" because he does not mean that Fleet was gorgeous while he was drunk. On page eight paragraphs three and four, Kipling writes of how Strickland and the narrator pray to be able to torture ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Julius Caesar Rhetorical Analysis The Rhetorical strategy While reading the book The Tragedy of Julius Caesar it shows where many lines and the points people are trying to make during the story none as significant or as noticeable as the speech Mark Antony gives in Act III section II. In this scene he shows high usage of rhetorical devices using things such as nostalgia, repetition, and delayed sentencing. Using these rhetorical devices he changes ideas of the people from happy for Caesar's death too convincing them to try and attack the conspirators. With theses rhetorical devices he draws a lot of rhetorical appeals from logos, and pathos to really convert peoples believes. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Antony uses irony, eulogy, and sarcasm to show Caesar was a great man and how they need revenge for Caesar. Mark Antony in his speech shows a lot of logos to show how foolish the peoples new found hate for Caesar is foolish and to implement this he uses a lot of irony. One example of Antony using irony is when he says " but yesterday the word of Caesar might have stood against the world now lies he there and none so poor reverence" in this he tells them yesterday your respect for Caesar had no bounds but today no one feels they are small enough to show him respect. In that quote he really draws to the logos side of people showing them how irrational it is for there mindset to completely switch in the course of a day. The other use of irony is him saying " good friends, sweet friends let me not stir you up to such a such a sudden flood of mutiny" in this he uses verbal irony because he does not want mutiny but that's exactly what he wants. In this quote he is also showing submitting his speech using irony strongly to make the people feel it was their idea to get revenge. In spite of the last quote without two other rhetorical devices he could not get to this point. The next rhetorical device Mark Antony uses is eulogy to show how great Caesar was and exploit the citizens emotion, and in turn using pathos. One example of eulogy in Antony's speech is "beg hair of him for memory and mention it within wills" in this Antony states that people loved Caesar so much people wish they had a small mementos ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Irony and Sarcasm in A Mystery of Heroism and War is Kind... Irony and Sarcasm in A Mystery of Heroism and War is Kind In literature, similar themes are portrayed in many different ways, mostly according to the time period they were written in. A new generation of writers came of age after the civil war, known as the realists. They dominated American fiction from the late nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth. They took their ideas from the slums of the rapidly growing cities at that time, from the factories replacing farmland, and from the every day common people: poor factory workers, corrupt politicians, soldiers, and even prostitutes. Realists sought to accurately portray real life. One of those Realist writers was Stephen Crane (1871–1900). In the short story "A Mystery of ... Show more content on ... It is mocking romantic heroes, because it says that those heroes cannot really be true heroes. A romantic hero is someone marked by courageous acts, honored deeds, someone who engages in daring chases, fights, and exciting escapes. Since Crane also was a pioneer of naturalism, he valued instincts and behavior and the motives for people to turn out as they did. Getting the water by taking a dangerous path means nothing then without the motive. Nevertheless, Crane throws in a short moment where he forgets his indifference about heroism and creates his own heroism, a realistic one. To Crane, being a hero is more an individual state, it does not have to be glorifying but something that is natural, and a good act. Standing up for one's beliefs without regarding the outcome. Collins just went to get some water. He was thirsty and wanted to show his courage. It was no belief he pursued, and a rather purposeless action, nothing heroic at all to the realistic eye. The only little moment where Crane changes his character is when Collins turns around to give the officer some water. This does not save him from dying, which it would have done in a romantic story, but just offers him kindness. It portrays a very social, real–to–life heroic act, neither selfish nor very grant and honored, but individually seen as a giant leap of benevolence and a pursuing of moral belief, without great meaning to the world, an every day natural scene. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Theme Of Irony In Oedipus The King The life of Oedipus In the play Oedipus The King written by Sophocles, it is the blind man who can see the truth of Oedipus and Jocasta's relationship and it is those that see, Oedipus and Jocasta, who are blind to the truth. When Oedipus finally sees the truth of his actions, he blinds himself in horror. The irony here is that only the blind see things clearly, while the seeing blind themselves to the reality in front of them. While believing himself to be living in the light, Oedipus is actually living in darkness. The story of Oedipus begins as a murder mystery in a village that is suffering from a plague that is threatening to destroy the village. The author continues to use prophets and messengers as well as irony to follow the main character. Sophocles uses the motif of blindness and sight, the contrasting imagery of darkness and light, along with dramatic irony to bring a huge impact to the meaning of the story. A motif is a symbol which can take on a figurative meaning. In this case the author uses blindness and sight as the motif. Imagery is used as a descriptive language. In this story the author uses light and dark as imagery. Dramatic irony is an irony that happened when the meaning of a situation is understood by the audience but not by the characters. An example of dramatic irony is shown when the old soothsayer visits the King. Oedipus did not listen to the man because he's blind, and Teiresias is full of anger tells the Oedipus that though he might be able to see he is "blind" to the truth. When Oedipus finally becomes blind at the end of the play, Oedipus realizes the truth of the soothsayer's words. Irony is also showing that the only person that can see the truth is the blind man. Body paragraph 1 In the story Oedipus the king, Sophocles use literary motif of blindness and sight to his great advantage. Tiresias is the blind prophet of Thebes. He is well known in Greek mythology. In the play he represents the truth. This truth is continuously rejected by Oedipus. Early in the story Tiresias says "I'm not your servant. No I serve Apollo. So don't even mark me down as Creon's myrmidon. I'm blind, you say, you mock at ... Get more on ...
  • 17. How Does Mark Twain Use Irony In The Lowest Animal One of the most influential celebrities that people looked up to was, Samuel L. Clemens, an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer, who was better known as Mark Twain. Mark Twain originally wrote "The Lowest Animal" in 1896 but it was not published until 1962, due to his death in 1910 he never got to officially publish his work. In Twain's essay, "The Lowest Animal," he exercises techniques of direct comparisons and irony to justify that man is the lowest animal by describing that man has significant faults, like cruelty, compared to other animals and how man is the "unreasoning" animal, which is the root of his devious nature. Cruelty is one fault that Twain describes as only residing in humans and not the higher ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Curious Incident Of The Dog The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night–time, originally a novel written by Mark Maddon was created into a Tony Award winning play by Simon Stephens in 2015, and is a must see. This play revolves around a fifteen–year–old boy with Asperger's syndrome, Christopher Boone, and begins with him trying to discover who killed the neighbors dog–Wellington. As the play progresses we soon find out that this is the least of his worries. This story is one of the first written from the perspective of a person with a form of autism. I saw this play at the Gielgul Theater and it was quite the experience. The proscenium arch stage was highlighted by the stadium like seating arrangement and large overhead balcony. The red seating and gold accents along the walls and balcony gave the theater a classic lavish feel. It truly enhanced the atmosphere and in turn added to the overall experience in a positive manor. Although the physical stage and auditorium were impressive, the sets, lighting, props, and sound really put this production to the next level. Throughout Curious Incident, the sets and lighting coincided with one another. The director utilized the advance lighting and placement to create different scenes regardless of the various character's locations. For example, while Christopher and his father were in their house, a spot light shinned on each of them. Although they were at the same level on the stage the lighting and tone of voice gave the audience a perspective that they ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Irony And Imagery In Mark Twain's The War Prayer In the reading "The War Prayer" by Mark Twain he describes the setting of a patriotic church service of which is about to send the towns men off to the war. But during this service a stranger enters and tells the crowd that what they are praying for which victory is also has a flip side to it. And he describes the great devastation it would bring. The theme of this reading is when wishing for something that is destructive it also has its repercussions. Mark Twain shows this theme through Irony and Imagery. The first way that Mark Twain addresses the theme of the reading is by Irony. He uses irony in this reading because they are praying to the lord that they want the prayer and then the speaker of god comes and tells them that war is not what you want . Second he uses irony because he says that when the stranger left the church everyone thought that he was a crazy man and didn't have any sense in what he was saying. In the reading it says, "It was believed afterward that the man was a lunatic, because there was no sense in what he said." This is a good source of irony for the them because they only wanted war because they thought it is what was good for ... Show more content on ... Mark uses this in very many ways by describing what could happen when they send these men to war and how terrible it will be and how tragic not only for them but the people that they are fighting against. In the reading he says "O Lord our God, help us tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead" This quote shows how devastating the war is going to be and what is really going to happen when they go to war and he gives great imagery in this point in the reading. This shows the theme because everyone is wishing for this war to happen but yet they don't know the repercussions of the war and what is really going to come from the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Rhetorical Pathos In I Have A Dream Speech Why has the speech I Have a Dream delivered by Martin Luther King been widely spread around the world since 53 years ago? One of the most important reasons is that Martin Luther King employed abundant rhetorical devices from the perspectives of logos, ethos, and pathos, including similes, metaphors, euphemisms, ironies, connotations, imageries, repetitions, and parallel structures to illustrate his demonstration for freedom and equal rights for American citizens of color, especially for the Negro. Besides, he also took advantage of rhetorical fallacies such as the false dichotomy, the sentimental appeal, and the scare tactic to enhance the persuasiveness and to show his determination to struggle for freedom. This essay will analyze the specific ... Show more content on ... "When will you be satisfied? We can never be satisfied as long as..." (King, 1963) showed the psychological status of the Negro and indirectly emphasized their desire for freedom and equality. Second, in the sentence "a state sweltering with the heat of injustice" (King, 1963), "swelter" belonged to a human feeling, so here it was an employment of the personification to describe the unfair treatment of the Negro in many states. Third, Martin Luther King showed his outstanding capability of wording to contain connotations. For instance, Martin Luther King wished that "one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight." (King, 1963) The implied meaning of this sentence was that he hoped all discriminations against American citizens of color would be eliminated, and all citizens would be treated equal and enjoy their freedom. Compared with the direct way of speaking, the implied meaning could leave a deeper impression on the audience so that they could grasp and contemplate its connotation for a long time. Fourth, Martin Luther King tactically used ironies to criticize the absurdity of the prejudice held by the American government against the Negro. For example, in the third paragraph, he mentioned that "the Negro finds ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Irony in Sophocles' Antigone Essay Frank Jevons in "In Sophoclean Tragedy, Humans Create Their Own Fate" comments on Sophocles' irony: In this connection we may consider the "irony of Sophocles." In argument irony has many forms That which best illustrates the irony of Sophocles is the method by which the ironical man, putting apparently innocent questions or suggestions, leads some person from one preposterous statement to another, until, perhaps, the subject of the irony realizes his situation and discovers that when he thought he was most brilliant of impressive, then he was really most absurd. . . .(62). Let us explore the irony, in Sophocles' tragedy Antigone, and see if we don't conclude that, as it applies to King Creon it brings quite the same ... Show more content on ... Tradition pays homage to "Sophoclean irony" (a rival of "Socratic irony"), which implies a twofold dramatic situation, known to be twofold by the audience in spite of the fatal delusion of a character. . . . 7). The twofold situation in Antigone involves the audience's knowledge of what happens between Antigone and Polynices prior to the time of the drama, when the brother requests that the sister assure his corpse of burial at the time of his death, mindful of the penalty to be paid if the body remained unburied. Also it involves, as Watling describes: "listening to a tragedy somewhat in the attitude of a Christian audience at Nativity or Passion play, familiar with the accepted version of the story. . . .(12). The drama begins with Antigone inviting Ismene outside the palace doors to tell her privately: "What, hath not Creon destined our brothers, the one to honoured burial, the other to unburied shame?" Antigone's offer to Ismene ("Wilt thou aid this hand to lift the dead?) is quickly rejected, so that Antigone must bury Polynices by herself. Antigone is a religious person who respects the laws of the gods more than those of men: Nay, be what thou wilt; but I will bury him: well for me to die in doing that. I shall rest, a loved one with him whom I have loved, sinless in my crime; for I owe a longer allegiance to the dead than to the living: in that world I shall abide for ever. ... Get more on ...
  • 22. How Does Mark Twain Use Comic Irony In Huckleberry Finn Authors have a tendency to convey more serious, sincerely plot points through comic ironies. Mark Twain is among these intelligent, thought–provoking writers who able to efficiently use irony as an effective tool to illustrate serious points. Huckleberry Finn, one of the many literary pieces created by the first true american novelist Mr. Twain, is an exemplar of his use of comic irony to deliberately force the reader to think about serious ideas. The novel, filled with comic irony that Mark Twain intentionally used, pushed serious ideas through subtle ways; Huck switches roles with other important characters alluding to the attitude Americans had towards the Civil War. Unfortunately, Twain's messages through the use of irony might seem so insignificant to the reader that the point is often overlooked and not caught by the audience. Twain skillfully uses comic irony to subtly compare Huck's relationship with Jim to America's attitude towards slavery. Throughout the book Jim and Huck create a special bond between each other and they are always looking out for the others best interest. Each member of this unique friendship was confined to certain parameters; they have a specific job in the relationship. Jim, the adult runaway slave, took on a more dominant role in the relation when he constantly was searching for Huck when the adolescent white boy who often goes ... Show more content on ... This notion of amusement over knowledge was one of the key factors leading to the unsuccessfully understanding of the author's purpose. Huckleberry Finn's world–wide successes has led to intelligent, creative individuals grasping Twain's "coded" messages through irony. However, common people who are not necessarily on the lookout for a deeper meaning can easily overlook the primary the message. Also, with Twain's subtly in comic irony, it was not uncommon for even those on the hunt for deeper meanings to miss ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Examples Of Irony In Romeo And Juliet Irony and Examples in Shakespeare's Romeo&Juliet Lexical meaning of irony is defined in the Cambridge Dictionary as "the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning" and it actually dates back to the Latin and Ancient Greek eras which means "dissimulation, feigned ignorance". In our daily speech we still use irony. It is a contrast between appearance and reality. However, in literature there are many types of irony. The first one is verbal irony which is also referred as sarcasm . Verbal irony can be defined as the contrast between what is said and what is actually meant. Julius Caesar, historical play written by William Shakespeare, contains an important example for verbal irony: "Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; and Brutus is an honorable man" (Act 3, Scene 2, Page 5). This phrase is said by Mark Antony who actually implies that Brutus is an ignoble man. ... Show more content on ... It exists when the actual outcome of a situation is the opposite of what is expected. "An example would be a man who takes a step aside in order to avoid getting sprinkled by a wet dog, and falls into a swimming pool." (Elleström, 2002). The third one is dramatic irony. It exists when readers or audiences are aware of events of circumstances in a story of which the characters have no knowledge. Edgar Allen Poe's The Cask of Amontillado, the reader knows that Montresor dedicates himself to take revenge, he is planning to murder Fortunato, while Fortunato believes they are friends. The fourth one is cosmic irony or irony of fate. It is concerned with the situational irony, but in cosmic irony events are blamed on an unknown force, usually referred to God, the Fate, or the Universe, which lead to the negative consequences. Basically, it is the conflict between human desires and the harshness of the outside world. For example, Titanic was believed to be unsinkable, but he sank in her first voyage or 95–year–old man who won the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Irony In The Labyrinth By Jim Hanson Watching the Labyrinth for the first time is like going to a galaxy far far away. In the Labyrinth, the author uses irony to show surprize. There are 3 main types of the literary device irony present in the Labyrinth adaptation by Jim Hanson to show surprise. To begin with, throughout the movie, dramatic irony is shown, dramatic irony is when the reader knows something that the character does not. In the beginning when sarah meets the worm and goes the wrong way, the worm says she should have gone left, sarah doesn't hear him but the reader does and knows that Sarah should have gone left. Later on in the movie, sarah marks specific tiles with her lipstick showing that she had been there. When she wasn't looking, some type of goblin would flip the tile over, then when Sarah whent back to that area, she didn't know that she had been there before, the reader knows that the goblins flipped the tiles over. Near the end of the movie Sarah eats the peach Hoggle gave her and forgot what she was looking for, the reader knew what she was looking for. ... Show more content on ... At the end of the movie when Sarah is looking in the mirror and says that she needs the friends she had made in the labyrinth, all the characters become real including the goblins. The reader didn't expect this because the goblins are the villains! During the movie when Sarah meets Lodo and he was roaring, the reader didn't expect a creature roaring and lashing about, to be ... Get more on ...
  • 25. How Does Mark Twain Use Situational Irony In Huckleberry Finn Both authors, Mark Twain and Arthur Miller, use situational irony as a way to evoke emotion. After running away from home, Huckleberry encounters another runaway who is escaping from oppression based on race. Although it is frowned upon, Huckleberry helps a runaway slave escape, "Well, I did. I said I wouldn't, and I'll stick to it. Honest INJUN, I will. People would call me a low– down despise me for keeping mum–but that don't make no difference. I ain't a–going to tell, and I ain't a–going, anyways." (Twain 43) Considering Huckleberry was raised in a slave cultured environment, the readers would not have imagined that Huckleberry would have helped the runaway slave. Although the readers were waiting for Huckleberry to turn his back on Jim ... Show more content on ... This is said because the readers know that something bad is going to happen considering they are both runaways. Although Huck is running away from his family, Jim is running away from slavery which means many people are searching for him. Also, the readers get surprised because Huckleberry decided to help a black person even though it is against social norms in the southern society. Twain used this to convey his point of view on how although Huckleberry was raised in a stereotypical southern society, there's always room for people to have their own way of doing things even though it's going against social norms. On the other hand, in Death of a Salesman, the main character, Willy, sees himself as successful due to his popularity. Although the readers are convinced Willy is a well–liked man throughout the novel, we find out at his funeral that he is not what he claims to be, "But where were all the people he knew? Maybe they blame him." (Miller 110) Willy claimed to be a very popular man, which was supposedly the reason for his success. However, for a popular man, other than his family, two other people showed up to his funeral showing he is not what was ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Use of Irony in "Advice to Youth" by Mark Twain The use of irony in "Advice to Youth" by Mark Twain "(born Nov. 30, 1835, Florida, Mo., U.S.–died April 21, 1910, Redding, Conn.) American humorist, journalist, lecturer, and novelist who acquired international fame for his travel narratives, especially The Innocents Abroad (1869), Roughing It (1872), and Life on the Mississippi (1883), and for his adventure stories of boyhood, especially The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885). A gifted raconteur, distinctive humorist, and irascible moralist, he transcended the apparent limitations of his origins to become a popular public figure and one of America's best and most beloved writers. Samuel Clemens, the sixth child of John Marshall and Jane ... Show more content on ... He says that the best books to read are that ones that young people read. Implying that we dont have to waste our time with these huge chapter books and their fancy vocabulary. The simplified ones are better."[3] Even at the beginning, the author define the term of advice, he said anticipated what to expect from his text: "Being told I would be expected to talk here, I inquired what sort of talk I ought to make. They said it should be something suitable to youth–something didactic, instructive, or something in the nature of good advice. Very well. I have a few things in my mind which I have often longed to say for the instruction of the young; for it is in one's tender early years that such things will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable." The irony is present in all advice, we can realised this by the presence of humor which dominate the language. Let see the fallowing sentences: "Be respectful to your superiors, if you have any, also to strangers, and sometimes to others. Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught. Never handle firearms carelessly. The sorrow and suffering that have been caused through the innocent but heedless handling of firearms by the young! There are many sorts of books; but good ones are the sort for the young to read. remember that. They are a great, an inestimable, and unspeakable means of improvement. Therefore be careful in your selection, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Theme Of Irony In Oedipus The King The presence of irony in "Myth" by Muriel Rukeyser, "My Oedipus Complex" by Frank O'Connor, and "Oedipus the King" by Sophocles link these three literary pieces together. However, each of the works utilize different forms of irony in different levels to specifically present their message. In Rukeyser's short poem, the narrator uses verbal irony through Oedipus' conversation with the Sphinx and dramatic irony through Oedipus' shorthanded conclusions. O'Connor uses situational irony in his short story by presenting unanticipated endings to the narrator's hopes, and takes advantage of his narrator's ignorance to present dramatic irony. Finally, in the famed Greek tragedy, Sophocles uses cosmic and situational irony as a result of the ... Show more content on ... Other unexpected negative outcomes include Larry and Daddy's "series of skirmishes against one another" until Daddy had been turned out of the bed himself, and Larry's desperation for a baby to "brighten the house up" until Sonny, the baby arrives and he refers to it as "that poisonous pup." Common knowledge of a mature audience helps to provoke dramatic irony from Larry's misled conclusions. Larry believes in "cheap" versus "exclusive" babies, tells his mother that he is going to marry her when he grows up, and explains that the baby, Sonny, only cries for attention. Simple minded conclusions in contrast to the audience's assumed logical and mature knowledge results in dramatic irony because they know more about the debated issues than the narrator Larry does. The famed Greek tragedy assumes much of its appeal from Sophocles's use of dramatic, cosmic, and situational irony. In a prelude to the play, the audience is assumed aware of Oedipus' fate. Before the play even begins, common spectators enter with the common knowledge that Oedipus killed his father Laius and married his mother Jocasta. The aire of dramatic irony meets its peak when Oedipus desperately tries to find Laius' murderer while the audience is aware that ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Examples Of Irony In Medea In Medea, Euripides uses irony to convey the fact that the female protagonist is strong in the androcentric society and the male protagonist is weak. In the article "Male Medea," Nancy Rabinowitz describes the protagonist as "the transgressive woman, [or man] inside the woman's body, and her story gives the lie to the gender story––of the woman as victim" (16). Medea, the female protagonist, has the power to control and manipulate any character in the play. This is proven when the Tutor says "Madam, your sons do not have to go into exile; the royal bride gladly took the gifts in her hands; there's peace now, with her and the children" (1001–3). This represents irony because the sons do not go into exile, but are instead killed by their masculine, ... Show more content on ... In "Stereotype and Reversal in Euripides' Medea," Shirley A. Barlow argues that the protagonist refuses to play the customary role of an ancient Greek woman, except when it benefits her, which shows that Medea is a reversed stereotype (158). This is further shown when the Tutor states, "Take heart! You too, will, journey back with children's help" (1015). In this circumstance, the Tutor is declaring how the children will be able to help their mother come back home, yet this is an example of dramatic irony because Medea ultimately kills her children at the end for revenge. Euripides uses dramatic irony to convey Medea's strength and power. The characters mistakenly assume that Medea is weak, yet her will–power and desire for revenge is shown when she kills her sons. Next, Jason is expected to be strong and powerful, yet is weaker than any female. Rabinowitz also speculates that Jason's role has feminine aspects: "Jason would seem to be the perfect example of a woman with a man" (152). For example, Jason exclaims, "I have come, however, to save my children's lives, to keep the king's family from making them pay for the foul murder committed by their mother" (1303–5). Jason hastily runs back to the house to save his children from a masculine ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Irony In Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Irony is the main tool that Mark Twain used when writing The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn. It's mainly ironic that Jim is trying to escape slavery by pursuing freedom, when he will still be oppressed by racist Whites. As long as there is discrimination against African Americans, they can never truly be free from the oppression that started when England started colonizing the United States. As Twain worked on his novel, race relations, which seemed to be on a positive path in the years following the Civil War, once again became strained. The imposition of Jim Crow laws, designed to limit the power of blacks in the South in a variety of indirect ways, brought the beginning of a new, insidious effort to oppress. Slavery could be outlawed, but ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Comedy Analysis During this unit, my understanding of humor in literature evolved from believing that it was simply comic relief to grasping that humor is an entertaining method of conveying a universal truth through many different methods. Comedy comes in countless shapes and sizes, which all have different purposes and appeal to a variety of audiences. However, although the forms of humor are diverse, Springboard Activity 4.3 expresses that they can be categorized as either low comedy, which is "straightforward and generally easy to follow and understand"(1) or high comedy, which "can take a bit of reflection to realize the humorous intent"(4). Naturally, high and low comedy have different purposes in comedic literature. An author might use high comedy to ... Show more content on ... Additionally, we studied another form of high comedy, situational irony. To demonstrate, in "A Day's Work", an excerpt from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", Mark Twain reports that while Tom had to whitewash on a beautiful day when he would rather be playing, he ended up conning his friends into doing his work for him while he sat back and enjoyed the so called treasures that they gave to him so they could do his work, including "a dead rat and a string to swing it with"(44) and "a brass door–knob"(44). Despite having a slight understanding of what irony was before this unit, I had never heard of situational irony before. Situational irony leads readers to believe that the story is going in one direction, then suddenly revealing a twist that makes it humorous. If I were to have read this excerpt before learning about situational irony and its aspects, I would have been thoroughly confused. However, now that I have been introduced to this idea, I can understand and enjoy the often comical product of situational irony. Even though Tom had been willing to give up some of his treasures at the beginning, by the end he was rolling in riches without lifting a finger. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Irony In Mark Twain's Ironic Most people think the song "Ironic'' is ironic, but it is not. People think it is ironic because it's called ironic. The song is more of bad luck than ironic, but the song does have one or two lines of ironic. If the song's lyrics were mostly ironic than it can be considered an ironic song. There are three types of ironic , but it's none of the three. One of the lyric was "An old man turned ninety–eight ,he won the lottery and died the next day." It's not really ironic because he is ninety–eight and his age is most likely why he died. If the singer said he died from the lottery card than that would be ironic. Also the lyric "Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly. He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye ,he waited his whole damn ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Examples Of Situational Irony In Invitation To Murder The story titled "Invitation to Murder" written by Josh Pachter has a plot foundation based off of situational irony. Situational irony is additionally referred to as a plot twist. The plot is developed in this story when a plot twist, or situational irony, occurs. Plot twists in this story often lead up to important marks in the story; for example, a plot twist leads up to the introduction of the conflict and the resolution. There are numerous sightings of situational irony in the story. Mrs.Abbott invited twelve renowned men with occupations based on crime fighting, and she invited them to witness a crime in progress. Most of any audience would assume that she invited them to discuss and solve a crime, but that was not the case. When Mrs.Abbott ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Irony in the Red Badge of Courage Irony in The Red Badge of Courage Written by Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage is a novel filled with irony. This story is written in the point of view of the main character, Henry Fleming, and tells about his maturation through the war. Including the title, from the beginning to the end of the book there is irony present. The use of irony by Crane helps create a lot of discussion for critics. Henry's internal debate is a main source of irony in this novel. Also, his fantasy of how he thought war was going to be and how it turned out is ironic. "The Youth," which Henry is referred to as, dreamt of glory in battle and being a hero (Crane 2). That is the reason why Henry enlisted himself; even though he told his comrades he was forced to be in the army. His mother's farewell speech is ironic because he thought that she would give him a tearful and long speech, but all she really said was to "Watch out, and be a good boy" (4). She does not want Henry to be a hero even though that is what he went to war for. She told Henry that she will be fine if he does not return home. Henry tries to pull off being a confident and good soldier, while in the reality he is very nervous about what will happen in battle. Throughout the novel, he questions his courage and if he would run from battle. At an early battle, Henry continuously fires at the enemy line and feels like he is a courageous soldier. However, soon after this battle, another one erupts and Henry runs from it. This is ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Brief Book Summaries on Various Well Known Classic Novels... #1 "Sunset on the River" by Mark Twain 1.) "Now when I had mastered the language of this water, and had come to know every trifling feature that bordered the great river as familiarity as I knew the letters of the alphabet, I had made a valuable acquisition." 2.) I chose this quote because it fits the story perfectly. This quote is at the beginning of the story saying that he knows the river really well. At the end he still knows the river well just in a different way. This way is not for the better because he learns all the dangerous parts about it. 3.) Notes Loves the river and everything about Becomes a steamboat captain Has to learn everything about the river Lasts for 5 years as a captain Compared to doctor I believe that the ... Show more content on ... When people pray for themselves and not others they are being selfish, because they are cursing someone else, while they are getting a blessing. 4.) Towards the end of the wars overseas we pray for are soldiers to get home safely, but we do not know the amount of people that died after they were sent over. 5.) I chose this picture because it would be contradictory, with weapons and a bible. The bible and violence are opposites, but so are the two sides of the prayer. 6.) Learned that the problem was for the people that were originally against the war. #3 "An Episode of War" by Stephen Crane 1.) "And this is the story of how the Lieutenant lost his arm." 2.) This quote is perfect to describe the story. The reason it is perfect to describe the story is that it sums it up in one sentence. The story was about how the soldier had to make it to the army hospital before it got infected. He only ended up losing his arm. When he went home he was just happy to be alive. This makes people think that things can always be worse. 3.) Notes Civil war bloodiest conflict in american history over 600,000 soldiers died twice as many soldiers died of infections over combat wounds Lieutenant poured ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Rhetorical Devices In Julius Caesar While reading the book The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Using these rhetorical devices he changes ideas of the people from happy for Caesar's death too convincing them to try and attack the conspirators. With theses rhetorical devices he draws a lot of rhetorical appeal from logos, and pathos to really convert peoples beliefs. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Antony uses irony, eulogy, and sarcasm to show Caesar was a great man and how they need revenge for Caesar. Mark Antony in his speech appeals to logos to show how foolish the peoples new found hate for Caesar is. In the same period of him using logos he appeals too irony. One example of Antony using irony is when he says " but yesterday the word of Caesar might have stood against the world now lies he there and none so poor reverence". In this he told them that yesterday the respect for Caesar had no bounds but today no one feels they are small enough to show him respect. In saying this quote he draws to the logos side of people showing them how irrational it is for their mindsets to completely switch in the course of the day. The other use of irony is when Antony says in his speech " good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up to such a such a sudden flood of mutiny" (act II scene II Shakespeare) in this he uses verbal irony because he does not want to mutiny, but that is exactly what he also shows his ability to manipulate to make the people feel it was their idea to get revenge. The next rhetorical device Mark Antony uses are eulogy. He uses this to show how great Caesar was an exploit the citizens' emotions, and in turn exploits pathos. One example of eulogy in Antony's speech is "beg hair of him for memory and mention it within wills" (Act II Scene II Shakespeare) in this Antony states that people loved Caesar so much they wish they had a small memento to remember him by and pass it down like a treasure. In this, he is saying Caesar is this great man the people all remember and we were lucky to have him. One other use of eulogy has been Mark Antony seemingly ,out of no where, saying "He hath brought many captives home to Rome and whose ransoms did the general coffers fill" (Act II Scene II ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Society Crumbles Without Structure In Lord Of The Flies Imagine yourself on a plane talking to your friend. BOOM! You crashed on an island. You don't know what to do or what surrounds you. You're in shock. In the novel, there is a group of boys that are involved in plane crash on an island. In addition, there are no adults anywhere to be found. In William Golding's novel, The Lord of the Flies, he demonstrates how society crumbles without structure through the symbolism of the conch, irony, and the conflict between the boys. A literary device that demonstrates how society crumbles without structure is symbolism. Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric go to Jack's camp to retrieve the glasses they stole from Piggy. When Ralph goes to the camp, he brings the conch with him to help remind the boy some structure. Jack's boys take Samneric making Ralph furious resulting him lunging at Jack. Piggy is standing and holding the conch in his hands. He tries to speak but Roger pushes a boulder at him. "The rock struck Piggy...[and] the conch exploded into thousands white fragments and ceased to exist" (181). This quote uses symbolism to make a point. From the beginning the conch symbolized law and order in other words structure. When the conch shattered into thousands of fragment piece it showed that the boys have no chance in going back to having a society. The conch fell when Roger pushed the boulder at Piggy and the conch was in his hands. As the conch got out of Piggy's hands and shattered down on the rocks below this is a symbol of how their boys ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Thou Blind Man's Mark Irony In the poem, Thou Blind Man's Mark, the speaker, Sir Philip Sidney, conveys his complex attitude toward desire by using irony, rhyme scheme and metaphors in his writing style. The speaker first tells how awful having desire is, bashing all of those who have these wants, calling them ignorant "blind" fools and defining desire to be worthless. Eventually the speaker himself ironically craves desire himself. When the speaker says, "Desiring naught but how to kill desire", he has a realization that this craving is something that cannot be escaped from. The irony of this line shows the imperfection of the speakers original idea and how he too is blinded by greed. In the beginning, the speaker uses a simple and consistent rhyme scheme when he ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Jonathan Swift Satire Analysis omparing Irony In both Mark Twain and Jonathan Swift's articles there is an effective use of irony. Irony in satirical writing is normally used for the speaker to convey the opposite intended meaning to which they are stating; along with antiphrasis, the use of a word when the opposite meaning is implied, irony makes a valuable asset to satirical literature. The sarcastic use of irony was input to both readings to express the writer's disappointment towards their societies teachings during their era's. The use of antiphrasis and parody go hand in hand with irony, they allow for a clear comparison between Mark Twain's "Advice to Youth" and Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal". Using deception through their words, the writers manage to use ... Show more content on ... Twain also targets authorities and didactics as a whole with this speech, by critiquing the use and effectiveness of them through parody. "A Modest Proposal" captures the attention and the trust of the reader by sounding honest and intellectual. Swift makes it seem as if he is using an academic analysis, comparing numbers of poverty, working out mathematical equations to depict what poverty will increase to, and analyzing that there is no better way to work around it except for the solution he has come up with. A modest proposal uses irony by expressing the solution of eating babies as something that must happen. Together the sense of urgency and the hopeful buildup give the readers the perception of an authentic actuality towards Swift's provided 'quick fix' to the problem at hand. The irony in Swift's proposal is only found after realizing what the solution provided was, which left many of the readers in the late 17th century shocked at the mention of something so vile. "I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will ... Get more on ...
  • 39. How Does Mark Twain Use Irony In The Celebrated Jumping Frog In Mark Twain's Story, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, there are plenty of ideas presented that are implausible. Using implausibility played a large role in Twain's humor throughout his writing. This was especially the case in the passage about Jim Smiley's betting frog. He believed the frog was the most talented and intelligent frog to ever be in existence. It was full of exaggerations and the seemingly impossible that made it perfect to be in a tall tale. Twain uses implausibility to create humor in his tall tale by taking a regular story and adding events that cannot actually happen. Jim Smiley caught a frog and believed he had taught it to jump and catch flies with it's tongue. It is known that jumping and eating flies ... Get more on ...