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(C++ programming)
* quit, book show, book change, book remove, book insert,
member show, member change, member remove, member insert,
borrow, return.
*Store the book and member information to the “book.txt” and
“member.txt” file
* Store the borrow and return information to the “manage.txt”
void create_book(void);
void create_member(void);
void search_book(char [][3],int );
void search_member(char [][3],int);
void book_issue(char [][3],char[][3],int,int,int [],char,char, int
void book_return(char [][3],char[][3],int,int,int [],char,char, int
char due_date(void);
char date_format(void);
int main ()
char pass[20];
for(int star = 0 ; star < 80 ; star++)
cout << "_";
cout << "" << setw(50) << "Welcome to The Library :" <<
setw(29) << "";
for(int star1 = 0 ; star1 < 80 ; star1++)
cout << "_";
cout << endl;
cout << "Please Enter the Password to Gain Access to This
Program :";
cin >> pass;
if(pass == "project")
char date;
date = date_format(); //Calling function for date
int choice_section; //Choice of section inside the library
int choice_database; //Choice of database in the admin
section(seeing lists, adding books etc)
int choice_lib; //Choice of database in the library section
int choice_issue; //Choice for searching or entering code
of the book while issuing it
int count_book[100]; //number of books each user has
int user_issue[100][5]; //member code and the code of the
book that the user has issued
int user_count[100]={0}; //number of books issued by user
int avail_book[100]; //book availibilty(1 when available
and 0 when not available)
for (int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++)
avail_book[i] = 1;
count_book[i] = 1;
char pass[20]; //password for entering in the library
char pass_admin[20]; //password for entering in the admin
section of the library
char book[100][3]; //array for storing a book's code with its
name, author, publisher etc
char member[100][3]; //array for storing a member's code
with his/her name, address etc
char username; //username of member
char date_book[100]; //date on which the book was issued
char date_member[100][5]; //date on which a particular
member issued a book
char due_date[100]; //due date of book (date on which the
book is to be returned)
char due_date_member[100][5]; //date on which a particular
member has to return a book
int access_number = 1; //a unique book code for every book
int membership_number = 1; //a unique member code for
every member
int access_number_enter; //book code entered by the user
while issuing/returning it
int membership_book_issue[100] = {0}; //code of the
member who has issued the book
void read_books();
void read_members();
void book_avail();
void member_status();
//main options
for (int star = 0 ; star < 49 ; star++)
cout << endl;
cout << "tTo Access the Admin Section Press 1t tTo
Access The Library Section Press 2 t tTo Quit Program
Press 3 tt" << endl;
for (int star2= 0 ; star2< 49 ; star2++)
cout << "_";
cout << "Enter your choice(1, 2 or 3): ";
cin >> choice_section;
if (choice_section == 3)
goto end;
if (choice_section == 1)
cout << "Enter the Admin Password ";
cin >> pass_admin;
if (pass_admin == "admin")
for (int star = 0 ; star < 65 ; star++)
cout << "_";
cout << endl;
cout << "" << setw(35) << "Welcome" << setw(29)
<< "" << endl;
cout << "tTo Enter New Books in Database press
1ttt tTo Enter New Members in Member Database Press
2t tTo See The List of All Members press 3ttt tTo See
The List of All Books Press 4ttt tTo Go Back To The
Previous Menu Press 5:tt" << endl;
for (int star3 = 0 ; star3 < 65 ; star3++)
cout << "_";
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice(1-5): ";
cin >> choice_database;
if (choice_database == 1)
else if (choice_database == 2)
create_member(); //CALLING FUNCTION CREATE
else if (choice_database == 3)
cout << "member_name" << "ttt" <<
"member_address" << "ttt" << "UserName" << "t"
<< endl;
for(int i = 0 ; i < membership_number; i++)
//here i represents respective member code
cout << member[i][0] << "ttt" <<
member[i][1] << "ttt" << member[i][2] << "t" << endl;
if (i == 15)
system ("pause" );
else if (choice_database == 4)
cout << "book_name" << "tt" << " Author_1_Name"
<< "t" << "Author_2_Name" << "tt" << "code" <<
for(int i = 1 ; i < access_number ; i++)
//here i represents book code
cout << book[i][0] << "tt" << book[i][1] <<
"tt" << book[i][2] << "tt" << i << "t" << endl;
//program will display 10 books and then wait for
user to press any key before it continues
if(i == 10)
system ("pause");
system ("pause");
else if (choice_database == 5)
goto top2;
cout << "Wrong Choice "<< endl;
goto top2;
cout<<"Wrong Password Entered ";
system ("pause");
goto top2;
else if(choice_section == 2)
for (int star = 0 ; star < 57 ; star++)
cout << "_";
cout << endl;
cout << "tTo Search For a Books Code Press 1tt tTo
Search For A Member Press 2ttt tTo Issue A Book Press
3tttt tTo Return a Book Press 4ttt tTo Check
Status Of A member Press 5tt tTo Check Staus Of A Book
Press 6tt tTo Check If Any Book Is Due Today Press 7t
tTo Go Back To The Previous Menue Press 8t"<<endl;
for (int star4 = 0 ; star4 < 57 ; star4++)
cout << "_";
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice (1-8): ";
cin >> choice_lib;
if (choice_lib == 1 || choice_lib == 2 || choice_lib == 3 ||
choice_lib == 4 || choice_lib == 5 || choice_lib == 6 ||
choice_lib == 7 || choice_lib ==8) {
if (choice_lib == 8)
goto top2;
if (choice_lib == 1)
search_book (book,access_number); //CALIING
goto top2;
if (choice_lib == 2)
search_member (member,membership_number);
goto top2;
if (choice_lib == 3)
cout << "If You know the Code of the Book Press 1 to
enter it If You Want to Search for the book first press 2" <<
cout << "Enter your choice (1-2): ";
cin >> choice_issue;
if (choice_issue == 2)
search_book (book,access_number);
cout << "Enter The Username of The Member Who
Wants to Issue the Book :";
cout << "Enter the Book Code :";
cin >> access_number_enter;
// if the code entered by the user is more than the total
number of book codes in memory give an error
if (access_number_enter > access_number-1)
cout << " Wrong Book Code Entered" << endl;
book_issue (book,member, access_number_enter,
membership_number, count_book, date, username, avail_book);
system ("pause");
goto top2;
if(choice_lib == 4)
cout << "If You Want to Enter The Code of the Book
Press 1 If You Want to Search for the book First press 2" <<
cin >> choice_issue;
if (choice_issue == 2)
search_book (book, access_number);
cout << "Enter The Username of The Member Who
Wants to Return the Book :";
cout << "Enter the Book Code :";
cin >> access_number_enter;
if (access_number_enter > access_number-1)
cout << " Wrong Book Code Entered" << endl;
book_return (book, member, access_number_enter,
membership_number, count_book, date, username, avail_book);
system ("pause");
goto top2;
if (choice_lib == 5)
int user_code_found, choice_member;
cout << "To Enter username Of The Member You Want
to Check Status Of Press 1 To Search For The Member
Press2:"<< endl;
cin >> choice_member;
if(choice_member== 2)
search_member(member, membership_number);
goto member;
if(choice_member== 1)
cout << "Enter The username :";
int check = 0;for (user_code_found = 1 ;
user_code_found < membership_number ; user_code_found++)
if (member[user_code_found][2] == username)
check = 1;
check = 0;
if (check == 0)
cout << " Wrong username " << endl;
int i;
if (user_count[user_code_found] > 1)
cout << member[user_code_found][0] << endl;
cout << "Book Name" << setw(25) << "Date Issued "
<< setw(25) << "Due Date" << endl;
for (i = 1 ; i <= user_count[user_code_found]-1 ; i++)
cout << book[user_issue[user_code_found][i]][0] << setw(20)
<< date_member[user_code_found][i] << setw(20) <<
due_date_member[user_code_found][i] << endl;
goto top2;
cout << " No Books Have Been Issued by " <<
member[user_code_found][0] << endl;
goto top2;
cout << "Wrong Choice Entered" << endl;
system ("pause");
goto top2;
if (choice_lib == 6)
int choice_book_status;
cout << "If You Want To Enter The Code of The Book
Press 1 If You Want To Search For The Book Press 2" <<
cin >> choice_book_status;
if (choice_book_status == 2)
search_book (book, access_number);
else if(choice_book_status == 1)
cout << "Enter The Code of The Book :";
cin >> access_number_enter;
//checking if the book code is valid
if(access_number_enter > access_number-1)
cout << "Wrong access_number entered ";
// 1 represents that book is available
if (avail_book[access_number_enter] == 1)
// printing the name of the book (stored in
subscript [0])
cout << book[access_number_enter][0] << " is
available" << endl;
//0 represents that book is not available
else if (avail_book[access_number_enter] == 0)
//printing the name of the book and to whome it
has been issued to and when
cout << book[access_number_enter][0] << "
Has Been Issued to " << member
[membership_book_issue[access_number_enter]][0] << " On "
<< date_book[access_number_enter] << " Till The Due Date :"
<< due_date[access_number_enter] << endl;
system ("pause");
goto top2;
if (choice_lib == 7)
check_due_date (due_date, access_number, book,
membership_number, member, due_date_member);
goto top2;
cout << "Wrong Choice Entered " << endl;
system ("pause");
goto top2;
cout << "Wrong Choice Entered :";
system ("pause");
goto top2;
cout << "Wrong Password Entered" << endl << endl <<
endl; system("pause");
goto top;
system ("pause");
return 0;
//end of main program
void create_book(void)
char book_name, author_1_name, author_2_name;
char choice;
ofstream OutBook;
//opening the book txt file ("books.txt", ios::app);
//inputing the info about the book
cout << "Enter Book Name :";
getline (cin, book_name);
cout << "Enter first Aurthors Name :";
getline (cin, author_1_name);
cout << "Enter second authors name :";
getline (cin, author_2_name);
//storing it in the file
OutBook << book_name << "#" << author_1_name << "$"
<< author_2_name<< endl;
cout << "If You Want to Enter Another Book press Y else
Press N :";
cin >> choice;
choice = tolower(choice);
//creating a seperate txt file for the book to store its data in
ostrstream os;
os << book_name << ".txt";
ofstream OutBookAvail( os.str().c_str() );
OutBookAvail << 1 << "$" << 0 << "&" << "1/1/2010"
<< "*"<< "2/1/2010" << endl;
} while (choice == 'y');
void create_member(void)
char choice;
char member_name, address, user_name;
ofstream OutMember;
//opening member txt file ("member.txt",ios::app);
cout << "Enter members Name :";
getline (cin, member_name);
cout << "Enter members address :";
getline (cin, address);
cout << "Enter The Username :";
getline (cin, user_name);
//storing necessary data in it
OutMember << member_name << "#" << address <<
"$" << user_name << endl;
cout << "Enter Y if You want to Enter Data of Another
member else Press N :";
cin >> choice;
//creating a seperate txt file for the member
ostrstream ss;
ss << member_name << ".txt";
ofstream OutMemberAvail ( ss.str().c_str(),ios::app );
OutMemberAvail << 0 << "$" << "1/1/2010" << '*' <<
"2/2/2010" << endl;
} while (choice == 'y');
void search_book(char book[][3], int access_number)
int i, j, length1, length2, match = 0;
char book_search, book_new;
cout << "Enter The Name of The Book You Want to Search
getline (cin, book_search);
cout << " Following Are The Books That Matched Your
Given Book Name" << endl;
cout << "book name" << "tt" << " author 1 name" <<
"t" << "author 2 name" << "tt" << "code" << endl;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= access_number ; i++)
length2 = book_search.length();
length1 = book[i][0].length();
match = 0;
// runs till the length of the book name entered for
for (j = 0 ; j < length2-1 ; j++)
// runs till the length of book name in database
for (int k = 0 ; k < length1-1 ; k++)
//lowering all charecters for easy access
book[i][0][k] = tolower(book[i][0][k]);
book_search[j] = tolower(book_search[j]);
// if they are equal then counter match increases by 1
if (book[i][0][k] == book_search[j])
//if match is greater than 1 less then the length of the name
given by user .
if (match >= length2-1)
//printing the book name author and code .. here i
represents the book code
cout << book[i][0] << "tt" << book[i][1] <<
"tt" << book[i][2] << "tt" << i << "t" << endl;
system ("pause");
void search_member(char member[][3],int
// searching member by same criteria as well
int i, j, length1, length2, match = 0;
char member_search, member_new;
cout << "Enter The Name of The Member You Want to
Search :";
getline (cin, member_search);
cout << " Following Are The Members That Matched Your
Given Book Name" << endl;
cout << "member name" << "ttt" << "address" <<
"ttt" << "UserName" << "t" << endl;
for (i = 1 ; i <= membership_number-1 ; i++)
length2 = member_search.length();
length1 = member[i][0].length();
match = 0;
//runs till length of the name entered for search
for (j = 0 ; j < length2-1 ; j++)
// runs till length of the name in database
for (int k = 0 ; k < length1-1 ; k++)
member[i][0][k] = tolower(member[i][0][k]);
member_search[j] = tolower(member_search[j]);
if (member[i][0][k] == member_search[j])
if (match >= length2-1)
cout << member[i][0] << "ttt" << member[i][1]
<< "ttt" << member[i][2] << "t" << endl;
system ("pause");
void book_issue(char book [][3], char member[][3], int
access_number, int membership_number, int count_book[], char
date, char username, int avail_book[])
int check = 0;
// 0 represents that book isn't available. checking if it is or
if (avail_book[access_number] == 0)
cout << "Book Is Not Available " << endl;
int i;
for (i = 1 ; i < membership_number ; i++)
// searching for the user whose username has been entered
if (member[i][2] == username)
check = 1;
check = 0;
if (check == 0)
cout << " Wrong User Name " << endl;
// here i represents member code . if that member has
already issued 4 books i.e his counter is more than 4 it gives an
if (count_book[i] > 4)
cout << " You Have Issued 4 Books Already, Please
Return a Book to get More Books Issued" << endl;
// setting the availbility status of that book to 0 (0
represents its not available)
avail_book[access_number] = 0;
//using due date function to store the due date
char date_due = due_date();
//displaying book name and who has issued it and other info
cout << book[access_number][0] << " By " <<
book[access_number][1] << " Has Been Issued to " <<
member[i][0] << " on " << date << " Till The Due Date :" <<
date_due << endl;
//increasing the count of the student by 1
//opening the txt file of the respective book
ostrstream os;
os << book[access_number][0] << ".txt";
ofstream OutBookAvail ( os.str().c_str() );
OutBookAvail << avail_book[access_number] << "$" << i <<
"&" << date << "*" << date_due << endl;
ostringstream ss;
ss << member[i][0] << ".txt";
ofstream OutMemberAvail ( ss.str().c_str(),ios::app );
OutMemberAvail << access_number << "$" << date << "*"
<< date_due << endl;
void book_return(char book [][3], char student[][3], int
access_number, int membership_number, int count_book[], char
date, char username, int avail_book[])
int check = 0;
// if the status of book is 1 it means it hasent been issued
if (avail_book[access_number] == 1)
cout << "The Book Hasent Been Issued yet" << endl;
int i;
int check = 0;
//searching for the member with the given username
for (i = 1 ; i < membership_number ; i++)
if (member[i][2] == username)
check = 1;
check = 0;
if (check == 0)
cout << " Wrong User Name " << endl;
// opening the book file and storing the data in it
int temp_user, temp_avail;
char temp_Date, temp_Due_Date;
ostringstream os;
os << book[access_number][0] << ".txt";
ifstream BAvail( os.str().c_str() );
while (!BAvail.eof())
BAvail >> temp_avail;
// code of the user who has issued the book
BAvail >> temp_user;
getline (BAvail, temp_Date,'*');
getline(BAvail, temp_Due_Date);
// if the username of the user wanting tor return the book
matches with the user whose code is stored in the book's txt
file then program continues
if (temp_user == i)
avail_book[access_number] = 1;
cout << book[access_number][0] << " by " <<
book[access_number][1] << " Issued on : " << temp_Date <<
" has been returned by " << member[i][0] << " on " << date
<< endl;
//opening the text file of the book;
ostringstream os;
os << book[access_number][0] << ".txt";
ofstream OutBookAvail( os.str().c_str() );
//setting the values back to default as they were when we
created the new text file
OutBookAvail << 1 << "$" << 0 << "&" << "1/1/2010"
<< "*" << "2/1/2010" << endl;
int temp_code, temp_count;
char temp_date;
//opening the members txt file.
ostringstream ss;
ss << member[i][0] << ".txt";
ifstream mAvail( ss.str().c_str(),ios::app );
// reading the data
// storing book code
mAvail >> temp_code;
//temp date
getline (mAvail, temp_date);
while (!mAvail.eof())
// if the code of the book is equal to the code of the book
returned then its not copied hence removing the code of the
book that has been returned
if (temp_code == access_number)
// storing data of other books in a new temp txt file
ostringstream ss;
ss << member[i][0] << "_temp.txt";
ofstream OutMemberAvail( ss.str().c_str(),ios::app);
OutMemberAvail << temp_code << "$" << temp_date <<
mAvail >> temp_code;
getline (mAvail, temp_date);
ostringstream ds;
//removing the text file of the student
ds << member[i][0] << ".txt";
remove ( ds.str().c_str());
ostringstream es;
es << member[i][0] << "_temp.txt";
ostringstream ps;
ps << member[i][0] << ".txt";
//renaming the temporary file to the original . in this way we
have modified the txt file of the member removing data of the
book returned and it only contain data of books that are still
issed to him (if any)
rename ( es.str().c_str(),ps.str().c_str());
// if the username given does not match with the username of
member stored in the books txt file while issuing than it gives
an error
cout << " The Book Has Not Been Issued By This User :"
<< endl;
char due_date(void)
char due_date;
int date = 0, month = 0 , year = 0;
//calling date from computer
char date_cal[9];
_strdate (date_cal);
ofstream OutFile;"date.txt");
//storing it into date.txt
OutFile << date_cal;
ifstream InFile;
//reading date.txt and storing days months and year seperatly
in different int ("date.txt");
InFile >> month;
//to ignore /
InFile >> date;
// to ignore /
InFile >> year;
// calculating for feburary
if (month == 2)
//checking if leap year
if (year%400 == 0 || (year%100 != 0 && year%4 == 0))
//making necesarry calculations
if (date <= 8)
date = date+21;
else if(date > 8)
date = (date+21) - 29;
month = month++;
else if (date <= 7)
date = date+21;
else if (date > 7)
date = (date+21) - 28;
month = month++;
if (month > 12)
//resetting month to 1 and increasing year month is
greater than 12
month = 1;

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(C++ programming)menu quit, book show, book change, book remo.docx

  • 1. (C++ programming) menu: * quit, book show, book change, book remove, book insert, member show, member change, member remove, member insert, borrow, return. *Store the book and member information to the “book.txt” and “member.txt” file * Store the borrow and return information to the “manage.txt” file Solution #include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<strstream.h> #include<time.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<process.h> #include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h>
  • 2. void create_book(void); void create_member(void); void search_book(char [][3],int ); void search_member(char [][3],int); void book_issue(char [][3],char[][3],int,int,int [],char,char, int []); void book_return(char [][3],char[][3],int,int,int [],char,char, int []); char due_date(void); char date_format(void); void check_due_date(char[],int,char[][3],int,char[][3],char[][5]); int main () { char pass[20]; top: clrscr(); for(int star = 0 ; star < 80 ; star++) cout << "_"; cout << "" << setw(50) << "Welcome to The Library :" << setw(29) << ""; for(int star1 = 0 ; star1 < 80 ; star1++) cout << "_"; cout << endl; cout << "Please Enter the Password to Gain Access to This
  • 3. Program :"; cin >> pass; if(pass == "project") { cin.ignore(); char date; date = date_format(); //Calling function for date clrscr(); top2: int choice_section; //Choice of section inside the library (admin/library) int choice_database; //Choice of database in the admin section(seeing lists, adding books etc) int choice_lib; //Choice of database in the library section int choice_issue; //Choice for searching or entering code of the book while issuing it int count_book[100]; //number of books each user has issued int user_issue[100][5]; //member code and the code of the book that the user has issued int user_count[100]={0}; //number of books issued by user int avail_book[100]; //book availibilty(1 when available and 0 when not available) for (int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++) {
  • 4. avail_book[i] = 1; count_book[i] = 1; } char pass[20]; //password for entering in the library char pass_admin[20]; //password for entering in the admin section of the library char book[100][3]; //array for storing a book's code with its name, author, publisher etc char member[100][3]; //array for storing a member's code with his/her name, address etc char username; //username of member char date_book[100]; //date on which the book was issued char date_member[100][5]; //date on which a particular member issued a book char due_date[100]; //due date of book (date on which the book is to be returned) char due_date_member[100][5]; //date on which a particular member has to return a book int access_number = 1; //a unique book code for every book int membership_number = 1; //a unique member code for every member int access_number_enter; //book code entered by the user while issuing/returning it int membership_book_issue[100] = {0}; //code of the member who has issued the book
  • 5. void read_books(); void read_members(); void book_avail(); void member_status(); //CLEARING SCREEN clrscr(); //main options for (int star = 0 ; star < 49 ; star++) cout<<"_"; cout << endl; cout << "tTo Access the Admin Section Press 1t tTo Access The Library Section Press 2 t tTo Quit Program Press 3 tt" << endl; for (int star2= 0 ; star2< 49 ; star2++) cout << "_"; cout<<endl; cout << "Enter your choice(1, 2 or 3): "; cin >> choice_section; cin.ignore(); if (choice_section == 3) goto end; if (choice_section == 1) { cout << "Enter the Admin Password "; cin >> pass_admin;
  • 6. cin.ignore(); if (pass_admin == "admin") { clrscr(); for (int star = 0 ; star < 65 ; star++) cout << "_"; cout << endl; cout << "" << setw(35) << "Welcome" << setw(29) << "" << endl; cout << "tTo Enter New Books in Database press 1ttt tTo Enter New Members in Member Database Press 2t tTo See The List of All Members press 3ttt tTo See The List of All Books Press 4ttt tTo Go Back To The Previous Menu Press 5:tt" << endl; for (int star3 = 0 ; star3 < 65 ; star3++) cout << "_"; cout << endl; cout << "Enter your choice(1-5): "; cin >> choice_database; cin.ignore(); clrscr(); if (choice_database == 1) { create_book(); //CALLING FUNCTION CREATE BOOK
  • 7. } else if (choice_database == 2) { create_member(); //CALLING FUNCTION CREATE MEMBER } else if (choice_database == 3) { cout << "member_name" << "ttt" << "member_address" << "ttt" << "UserName" << "t" << endl; for(int i = 0 ; i < membership_number; i++) { //here i represents respective member code cout << member[i][0] << "ttt" << member[i][1] << "ttt" << member[i][2] << "t" << endl; if (i == 15) system("pause"); } system ("pause" ); } else if (choice_database == 4) { cout << "book_name" << "tt" << " Author_1_Name" << "t" << "Author_2_Name" << "tt" << "code" <<
  • 8. endl; for(int i = 1 ; i < access_number ; i++) { //here i represents book code cout << book[i][0] << "tt" << book[i][1] << "tt" << book[i][2] << "tt" << i << "t" << endl; //program will display 10 books and then wait for user to press any key before it continues if(i == 10) system ("pause"); } system ("pause"); } else if (choice_database == 5) goto top2; else { cout << "Wrong Choice "<< endl; clrscr(); goto top2; } } else { cout<<"Wrong Password Entered ";
  • 9. system ("pause"); clrscr(); goto top2; } } else if(choice_section == 2) { clrscr(); for (int star = 0 ; star < 57 ; star++) cout << "_"; cout << endl; cout << "tTo Search For a Books Code Press 1tt tTo Search For A Member Press 2ttt tTo Issue A Book Press 3tttt tTo Return a Book Press 4ttt tTo Check Status Of A member Press 5tt tTo Check Staus Of A Book Press 6tt tTo Check If Any Book Is Due Today Press 7t tTo Go Back To The Previous Menue Press 8t"<<endl; for (int star4 = 0 ; star4 < 57 ; star4++) cout << "_"; cout << endl; cout << "Enter your choice (1-8): "; cin >> choice_lib; cin.ignore(); clrscr(); if (choice_lib == 1 || choice_lib == 2 || choice_lib == 3 ||
  • 10. choice_lib == 4 || choice_lib == 5 || choice_lib == 6 || choice_lib == 7 || choice_lib ==8) { if (choice_lib == 8) goto top2; if (choice_lib == 1) { search_book (book,access_number); //CALIING SEARCH BOOK FUNCTION goto top2; } if (choice_lib == 2) { search_member (member,membership_number); //CALIING SEARCH MEMBER FUNCTION goto top2; } if (choice_lib == 3) { cout << "If You know the Code of the Book Press 1 to enter it If You Want to Search for the book first press 2" << endl; cout << "Enter your choice (1-2): "; cin >> choice_issue; cin.ignore(); if (choice_issue == 2)
  • 11. { search_book (book,access_number); } cout << "Enter The Username of The Member Who Wants to Issue the Book :"; get(username); cout << "Enter the Book Code :"; cin >> access_number_enter; cin.ignore(); // if the code entered by the user is more than the total number of book codes in memory give an error if (access_number_enter > access_number-1) { cout << " Wrong Book Code Entered" << endl; } else book_issue (book,member, access_number_enter, membership_number, count_book, date, username, avail_book); system ("pause"); goto top2; } if(choice_lib == 4) { cout << "If You Want to Enter The Code of the Book Press 1 If You Want to Search for the book First press 2" <<
  • 12. endl; cin >> choice_issue; cin.ignore(); if (choice_issue == 2) { search_book (book, access_number); } cout << "Enter The Username of The Member Who Wants to Return the Book :"; get(username); cout << "Enter the Book Code :"; cin >> access_number_enter; cin.ignore(); if (access_number_enter > access_number-1) { cout << " Wrong Book Code Entered" << endl; } else book_return (book, member, access_number_enter, membership_number, count_book, date, username, avail_book); system ("pause"); clrscr(); goto top2; } if (choice_lib == 5)
  • 13. { int user_code_found, choice_member; cout << "To Enter username Of The Member You Want to Check Status Of Press 1 To Search For The Member Press2:"<< endl; cin >> choice_member; cin.ignore(); if(choice_member== 2) { search_member(member, membership_number); goto member; } if(choice_member== 1) { member: cout << "Enter The username :"; get(username); int check = 0;for (user_code_found = 1 ; user_code_found < membership_number ; user_code_found++) { if (member[user_code_found][2] == username) { check = 1; break; }
  • 14. else check = 0; } if (check == 0) { cout << " Wrong username " << endl; } else { int i; if (user_count[user_code_found] > 1) { cout << member[user_code_found][0] << endl; cout << "Book Name" << setw(25) << "Date Issued " << setw(25) << "Due Date" << endl; for (i = 1 ; i <= user_count[user_code_found]-1 ; i++) { cout << book[user_issue[user_code_found][i]][0] << setw(20) << date_member[user_code_found][i] << setw(20) << due_date_member[user_code_found][i] << endl; } system("pause"); goto top2; } else
  • 15. { cout << " No Books Have Been Issued by " << member[user_code_found][0] << endl; system("pause"); goto top2; } } } else { cout << "Wrong Choice Entered" << endl; system ("pause"); clrscr(); goto top2; } } if (choice_lib == 6) { int choice_book_status; cout << "If You Want To Enter The Code of The Book Press 1 If You Want To Search For The Book Press 2" << endl; cin >> choice_book_status; cin.ignore();
  • 16. if (choice_book_status == 2) { search_book (book, access_number); } else if(choice_book_status == 1) { cout << "Enter The Code of The Book :"; cin >> access_number_enter; //checking if the book code is valid if(access_number_enter > access_number-1) cout << "Wrong access_number entered "; else { // 1 represents that book is available if (avail_book[access_number_enter] == 1) { // printing the name of the book (stored in subscript [0]) cout << book[access_number_enter][0] << " is available" << endl; } //0 represents that book is not available else if (avail_book[access_number_enter] == 0) { //printing the name of the book and to whome it
  • 17. has been issued to and when cout << book[access_number_enter][0] << " Has Been Issued to " << member [membership_book_issue[access_number_enter]][0] << " On " << date_book[access_number_enter] << " Till The Due Date :" << due_date[access_number_enter] << endl; } } } system ("pause"); clrscr(); goto top2; } if (choice_lib == 7) { check_due_date (due_date, access_number, book, membership_number, member, due_date_member); system("pause"); goto top2; } } else { cout << "Wrong Choice Entered " << endl; system ("pause");
  • 18. clrscr(); goto top2; } } else { cout << "Wrong Choice Entered :"; system ("pause"); clrscr(); goto top2; } } else { cout << "Wrong Password Entered" << endl << endl << endl; system("pause"); clrscr(); goto top; } end: system ("pause"); return 0; //end of main program } void create_book(void)
  • 19. { char book_name, author_1_name, author_2_name; char choice; ofstream OutBook; //opening the book txt file ("books.txt", ios::app); do { //inputing the info about the book cout << "Enter Book Name :"; getline (cin, book_name); cout << "Enter first Aurthors Name :"; getline (cin, author_1_name); cout << "Enter second authors name :"; getline (cin, author_2_name); //storing it in the file OutBook << book_name << "#" << author_1_name << "$" << author_2_name<< endl; cout << "If You Want to Enter Another Book press Y else Press N :"; cin >> choice; cin.ignore(); choice = tolower(choice); //creating a seperate txt file for the book to store its data in ostrstream os;
  • 20. os << book_name << ".txt"; ofstream OutBookAvail( os.str().c_str() ); OutBookAvail << 1 << "$" << 0 << "&" << "1/1/2010" << "*"<< "2/1/2010" << endl; OutBookAvail.close(); } while (choice == 'y'); OutBook.close(); } void create_member(void) { char choice; char member_name, address, user_name; ofstream OutMember; //opening member txt file ("member.txt",ios::app); do { cout << "Enter members Name :"; getline (cin, member_name); cout << "Enter members address :"; getline (cin, address); cout << "Enter The Username :"; getline (cin, user_name); //storing necessary data in it
  • 21. OutMember << member_name << "#" << address << "$" << user_name << endl; cout << "Enter Y if You want to Enter Data of Another member else Press N :"; cin >> choice; cin.ignore(); //creating a seperate txt file for the member ostrstream ss; ss << member_name << ".txt"; ofstream OutMemberAvail ( ss.str().c_str(),ios::app ); OutMemberAvail << 0 << "$" << "1/1/2010" << '*' << "2/2/2010" << endl; OutMemberAvail.close(); } while (choice == 'y'); } void search_book(char book[][3], int access_number) { clrscr(); int i, j, length1, length2, match = 0; char book_search, book_new; cout << "Enter The Name of The Book You Want to Search :"; getline (cin, book_search); cout << " Following Are The Books That Matched Your
  • 22. Given Book Name" << endl; cout << "book name" << "tt" << " author 1 name" << "t" << "author 2 name" << "tt" << "code" << endl; for ( i = 1 ; i <= access_number ; i++) { length2 = book_search.length(); length1 = book[i][0].length(); match = 0; // runs till the length of the book name entered for searching for (j = 0 ; j < length2-1 ; j++) { // runs till the length of book name in database for (int k = 0 ; k < length1-1 ; k++) { //lowering all charecters for easy access book[i][0][k] = tolower(book[i][0][k]); book_search[j] = tolower(book_search[j]); // if they are equal then counter match increases by 1 if (book[i][0][k] == book_search[j]) { match++; break; } }
  • 23. } //if match is greater than 1 less then the length of the name given by user . if (match >= length2-1) { //printing the book name author and code .. here i represents the book code cout << book[i][0] << "tt" << book[i][1] << "tt" << book[i][2] << "tt" << i << "t" << endl; } } system ("pause"); } void search_member(char member[][3],int membership_number) { // searching member by same criteria as well clrscr(); int i, j, length1, length2, match = 0; char member_search, member_new; cout << "Enter The Name of The Member You Want to Search :"; getline (cin, member_search); cout << " Following Are The Members That Matched Your
  • 24. Given Book Name" << endl; cout << "member name" << "ttt" << "address" << "ttt" << "UserName" << "t" << endl; for (i = 1 ; i <= membership_number-1 ; i++) { length2 = member_search.length(); length1 = member[i][0].length(); match = 0; //runs till length of the name entered for search for (j = 0 ; j < length2-1 ; j++) { // runs till length of the name in database for (int k = 0 ; k < length1-1 ; k++) { member[i][0][k] = tolower(member[i][0][k]); member_search[j] = tolower(member_search[j]); if (member[i][0][k] == member_search[j]) { match++; break; } } } if (match >= length2-1) {
  • 25. cout << member[i][0] << "ttt" << member[i][1] << "ttt" << member[i][2] << "t" << endl; } } system ("pause"); clrscr(); } void book_issue(char book [][3], char member[][3], int access_number, int membership_number, int count_book[], char date, char username, int avail_book[]) { int check = 0; // 0 represents that book isn't available. checking if it is or not if (avail_book[access_number] == 0) { cout << "Book Is Not Available " << endl; } else { int i; for (i = 1 ; i < membership_number ; i++) { // searching for the user whose username has been entered
  • 26. if (member[i][2] == username) { check = 1; break; } else check = 0; } if (check == 0) { cout << " Wrong User Name " << endl; } else { // here i represents member code . if that member has already issued 4 books i.e his counter is more than 4 it gives an error if (count_book[i] > 4) cout << " You Have Issued 4 Books Already, Please Return a Book to get More Books Issued" << endl; else { // setting the availbility status of that book to 0 (0 represents its not available) avail_book[access_number] = 0;
  • 27. //using due date function to store the due date char date_due = due_date(); //displaying book name and who has issued it and other info cout << book[access_number][0] << " By " << book[access_number][1] << " Has Been Issued to " << member[i][0] << " on " << date << " Till The Due Date :" << date_due << endl; //increasing the count of the student by 1 count_book[i]++; //opening the txt file of the respective book ostrstream os; os << book[access_number][0] << ".txt"; ofstream OutBookAvail ( os.str().c_str() ); OutBookAvail << avail_book[access_number] << "$" << i << "&" << date << "*" << date_due << endl; OutBookAvail.close(); ostringstream ss; ss << member[i][0] << ".txt"; ofstream OutMemberAvail ( ss.str().c_str(),ios::app ); OutMemberAvail << access_number << "$" << date << "*" << date_due << endl; OutMemberAvail.close(); } } }
  • 28. } void book_return(char book [][3], char student[][3], int access_number, int membership_number, int count_book[], char date, char username, int avail_book[]) { int check = 0; // if the status of book is 1 it means it hasent been issued yet if (avail_book[access_number] == 1) { cout << "The Book Hasent Been Issued yet" << endl; } else { int i; int check = 0; //searching for the member with the given username for (i = 1 ; i < membership_number ; i++) { if (member[i][2] == username) { check = 1; break; }
  • 29. else check = 0; } if (check == 0) { cout << " Wrong User Name " << endl; } else { // opening the book file and storing the data in it temporary int temp_user, temp_avail; char temp_Date, temp_Due_Date; ostringstream os; os << book[access_number][0] << ".txt"; ifstream BAvail( os.str().c_str() ); while (!BAvail.eof()) { BAvail >> temp_avail; BAvail.ignore(); // code of the user who has issued the book BAvail >> temp_user; BAvail.ignore(); getline (BAvail, temp_Date,'*'); getline(BAvail, temp_Due_Date);
  • 30. } // if the username of the user wanting tor return the book matches with the user whose code is stored in the book's txt file then program continues if (temp_user == i) { count_book[i]--; avail_book[access_number] = 1; cout << book[access_number][0] << " by " << book[access_number][1] << " Issued on : " << temp_Date << " has been returned by " << member[i][0] << " on " << date << endl; //opening the text file of the book; ostringstream os; os << book[access_number][0] << ".txt"; ofstream OutBookAvail( os.str().c_str() ); //setting the values back to default as they were when we created the new text file OutBookAvail << 1 << "$" << 0 << "&" << "1/1/2010" << "*" << "2/1/2010" << endl; OutBookAvail.close(); int temp_code, temp_count; char temp_date; //opening the members txt file. ostringstream ss;
  • 31. ss << member[i][0] << ".txt"; ifstream mAvail( ss.str().c_str(),ios::app ); // reading the data // storing book code mAvail >> temp_code; mAvail.ignore(); //temp date getline (mAvail, temp_date); while (!mAvail.eof()) { // if the code of the book is equal to the code of the book returned then its not copied hence removing the code of the book that has been returned if (temp_code == access_number) { } else { // storing data of other books in a new temp txt file ostringstream ss; ss << member[i][0] << "_temp.txt"; ofstream OutMemberAvail( ss.str().c_str(),ios::app); OutMemberAvail << temp_code << "$" << temp_date << endl; OutMemberAvail.close();
  • 32. } mAvail >> temp_code; mAvail.ignore(); getline (mAvail, temp_date); } mAvail.close(); ostringstream ds; //removing the text file of the student ds << member[i][0] << ".txt"; remove ( ds.str().c_str()); ostringstream es; es << member[i][0] << "_temp.txt"; ostringstream ps; ps << member[i][0] << ".txt"; //renaming the temporary file to the original . in this way we have modified the txt file of the member removing data of the book returned and it only contain data of books that are still issed to him (if any) rename ( es.str().c_str(),ps.str().c_str()); } // if the username given does not match with the username of member stored in the books txt file while issuing than it gives an error else cout << " The Book Has Not Been Issued By This User :"
  • 33. << endl; } } } char due_date(void) { char due_date; int date = 0, month = 0 , year = 0; //calling date from computer char date_cal[9]; _strdate (date_cal); ofstream OutFile;"date.txt"); //storing it into date.txt OutFile << date_cal; OutFile.close(); ifstream InFile; //reading date.txt and storing days months and year seperatly in different int ("date.txt"); InFile >> month; //to ignore / InFile.ignore(); InFile >> date;
  • 34. // to ignore / InFile.ignore(); InFile >> year; // calculating for feburary if (month == 2) { //checking if leap year if (year%400 == 0 || (year%100 != 0 && year%4 == 0)) { //making necesarry calculations if (date <= 8) date = date+21; else if(date > 8) { date = (date+21) - 29; month = month++; } } else if (date <= 7) date = date+21; else if (date > 7) { date = (date+21) - 28; month = month++; if (month > 12)
  • 35. { //resetting month to 1 and increasing year month is greater than 12 month = 1; year++; } } } /