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Add an interactive command
line to your applications
Daniele Pallastrelli,
13.01.2022, Italian C++
My typical projects
• Run for a long period of time
• No classic interaction with the user (i.e., no GUI)
• Run in a server, custom board, almost never desktop applications
• They're not CPU bound applications
Why an interactive console in your apps?
• Need to have some sort of console to interact with my
applications (e.g., embedded systems running around the clock)
• monitor,
• configure,
• manage the system
• E.g., CISCO routers
• Traditional systems: SSH connections + logs
Why an interactive console in your apps?
• Debugging
• Poke around internal state
• Dump internal structures
• Change the log level at runtime
• Change the working mode
• Enable / disable modules
• Load / unload plugins
• Early stage of development
Reinventing the wheel?
Existing solutions in open source domain:
• Linux only
• They're applications where you hook external programs to commands
• No remote sessions
• Few in C++
• None of them in "modern" C++
Enter the shell (cli?)
• My own library in C++14
• Production code quality
• Used in several industrial projects
• Demo time 
• C++14
• Cross-platform (Linux and windows tested)
• Menus and submenus
• Command history (navigation with arrow keys)
• Autocompletion (with TAB key)
• Async interface
• Colors
Something missing…
• Good when you start the app from a console (e.g. desktop
applications or development stage)
• What about processes that run in background (e.g., embedded,
servers & c)?
Try #1
Try #1
Try #2
Features summary
• C++14
• Header only
• Cross-platform (linux and windows)
• Menus and submenus
• Remote sessions (telnet)
• Persistent history (navigation with arrow keys)
• Autocompletion (with TAB key)
• Async interface
• Colors
auto rootMenu = make_unique<Menu>("cli");
[](std::ostream& out){ out << "Hello, worldn"; },
"Print hello world" );
[](std::ostream&){ Cli::cout() << "Hello, everybody" << std::endl; },
"Print hello everybody on all open sessions" );
"reverse", {"string_to_revert"},
[](std::ostream& out, const string& arg)
string copy(arg);
std::reverse(copy.begin(), copy.end());
out << copy << "n";
"Print the reverse string" );
"add", {"first_term", "second_term"},
[](std::ostream& out, int x, int y)
out << x << " + " << y << " = " << (x+y) << "n";
"Print the sum of the two numbers" );
"sort", {"list of strings separated by space"},
[](std::ostream& out, std::vector<std::string> data)
std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
out << "sorted list: ";
std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(out, " "));
out << "n";
"Alphabetically sort a list of words" );
auto subMenu = make_unique<Menu>("sub");
[](std::ostream& out){ out << "This is a sample!n"; },
"Print a demo string" );
rootMenu->Insert( std::move(subMenu) );
// create a cli with the given root menu and a persistent storage
Cli cli( std::move(rootMenu), std::make_unique<FileHistoryStorage>(".cli") );
// global exit action
cli.ExitAction( [](auto& out){ out << "Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.n"; } );
// std exception custom handler
[](std::ostream& out, const std::string& cmd, const std::exception& e)
out << "Exception caught in cli handler: "
<< e.what()
<< " handling command: "
<< cmd
<< ".n";
LoopScheduler scheduler;
CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200);
[&scheduler](auto& out) // session exit action
out << "Closing App...n";
StandaloneAsioScheduler scheduler;
CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200);
[&scheduler](auto& out) // session exit action
out << "Closing App...n";
// setup server
StandaloneAsioCliTelnetServer server(cli, scheduler, 5000);
// exit action for all the connections
server.ExitAction( [](auto& out) { out << "Terminating this session...n"; } );
How does it work
Core idea
• Command list
• The user enters a string: command and parameters
• Iteration over the command list:
• Command name
• Parameter number and type
• The handler is called with the typed parameters
hello hello_everysession sub
class Command {};
class Menu : public Command
Menu* parent{ nullptr };
std::vector<Command*> cmds;
template <typename F, typename ... Args>
class VariadicFunctionCommand : public Command {};
Menu is-a Command, because when you start the CLI, every Menu shows as a command
you can digit at the prompt (e.g., if you define a Menu "foo", you get the command "foo" in
the Cli to enter the submenu).
auto rootMenu = make_unique<Menu>("cli");
[](std::ostream& out)
out << "Hello, worldn";
Cli::cout() << "Hello, everybodyn";
auto subMenu = make_unique<Menu>("sub");
[](std::ostream& out)
out << "Hello, submenu worldn";
out << "Demon";
rootMenu->Insert( std::move(subMenu) );
auto rootMenu = make_unique<Menu>("cli");
Cli cli( std::move(rootMenu) );
auto rootMenu = make_unique<Menu>("cli");
Cli cli( std::move(rootMenu) );
CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli,
scheduler, std::cout, 200);
CliTelnetServer server(cli, scheduler, 5000);
Cli cli( std::move(rootMenu) );
CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli,
scheduler, std::cout, 200);
CliTelnetServer server(cli, scheduler, 5000);
CliFileSession fileSession(cli, infile, outfile);
CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(
scheduler, std::cout, 200);
CliTelnetServer server(scheduler, 5000);
CliFileSession fileSession(infile, outfile);
Cli cli( std::move(rootMenu) );
cli.SetLocalSession( localSession );
cli.SetFileSession( fileSession );
cli.SetTelnetServer( server );
"add", {"first_term", "second_term"},
[](std::ostream& out, int x, int y)
out << x << " + " << y << " = " << (x+y) << "n";
"Print the sum of two numbers"
"add", {"first_term", "second_term"},
[](std::ostream& out, int x, int y)
out << x << " + " << y << " = " << (x+y) << "n";
"Print the sum of two numbers"
Interlude – How do you get the type of a
lambda argument?
template <typename F>
void foo(F f)
// what's the type of "f" first parameter?
// something like:
// using T = F::first_parameter_type
foo( [](int){} );
Interlude – How do you get the type of a
lambda argument?
template<typename F, typename Ret, typename A, typename... Rest>
A helper(Ret (F::*)(A, Rest...) const);
template <typename F>
void foo(F f)
using T = decltype( helper(&F::operator()) );
foo( [](int){} );
class Menu : public Command
template <typename F>
CmdHandler Insert(const string& cmdName, F f)
return CreateCmd(cmdName, f, &F::operator());
template <typename F, typename R, typename ... Args>
CmdHandler CreateCmd(const string& cmdName, F& f, R (F::*)(Args...) const)
auto cmd = make_unique< VariadicFunctionCommand< F, Args ... > >(cmdName, f);
// insert cmd into this menu commands
Works with lambdas
and std::function
class Menu : public Command
template <typename R, typename ... Args>
CmdHandler Insert(const std::string& cmdName, R (*f)(Args...))
using F = R (*)(Args...);
auto cmd = make_unique<VariadicFunctionCommand<F, Args ...>>(cmdName, f);
// insert cmd into this menu commands
Overload for free-
template <typename F, typename ... Args>
class VariadicFunctionCommand : public Command
VariadicFunctionCommand(const std::string& _name, F fun) :
Command(_name), func(std::move(fun))
bool Exec(const vector<string>& cmdLine) override
Select<Args...>::Exec(func, std::next(cmdLine.begin()), cmdLine.end());
catch (std::bad_cast&)
return false;
return true;
template <typename ... Args>
struct Select;
template <typename P, typename ... Args>
struct Select<P, Args...>
template <typename F, typename InputIt>
static void Exec(const F& f, InputIt first, InputIt last)
assert( first != last );
assert( std::distance(first, last) == 1+sizeof...(Args) );
const P firstPar = detail::from_string<typename std::decay<P>::type>(*first);
auto g = [&](auto ... pars){ f(firstPar, pars...); };
Select<Args...>::Exec(g, std::next(first), last);
template <>
struct Select<>
template <typename F, typename InputIt>
static void Exec(const F& f, InputIt first, InputIt last)
assert(first == last);
How do you manage concurrency?
Concurrency in my projects
• Single thread (when possible), using Proactor pattern.
• When I must: multiple threads, using Proactor pattern 
By the way…
…what's the PROACTOR pattern?
The proactor pattern: Concurrency Without Threads
The Proactor solution
Split every application service into:
• Long-duration operations. execute asynchronously
• Completion handlers. processes the results of the associated
asynchronous operations (potentially invoking additional
asynchronous operations).
Waiting for
completion events
Concurrency in my projects
• asio for asynchonous I/O (timers, too)
• asio::io_context available
• When I/O is ready, asio puts handler in the asio::io_context
• If more threads are needed (e.g., time consuming computations or
blocking I/O), the result is put in asio::io_context
• => everything runs in (my) single thread of execution
Back to the library 
• Input coming from:
• Keyboard, using blocking primitives (std::getchar() and _getch())
• Sockets
• Commands callbacks (in which thread?)
• => proactor (asio::io_context)
• The user must instantiate a boost::asio::io_context object
• The whole library depends on boost::asio
Concurrency summary (v. 1.0)
• The library depends on boost::asio, even when you don't need the
telnet server
• Library users ask to use standalone asio instead of boost::asio
• The truth is that the whole library depends on boost::asio because:
• Telnet server needs it
• Keyboard handler needs an event handler
• The two must use the same event manager, i.e. boost::asio::io_context
Release 2.0 – Goals:
• Optionally use standalone asio instead of boost::asio for the telnet
• Remove all dependencies if the telnet server is not needed
Release 2.0 – The solution
• New abstraction: "Scheduler"
• schedules async event
• The library provides three kind of schedulers:
• StandaloneAsioScheduler (based on asio::io_context)
• BoostAsioScheduler (based on boost::asio::io_context)
• LoopScheduler (hand made sync queue)
Release 2.0 – The solution
• Cli library can use all the schedulers, but if you need the telnet server
you must use *AsioScheduler
• Bottom line:
• If ( you need telnet server OR your app already uses [boost::]asio::io_context
=> StandaloneAsioScheduler or BoostAsioScheduler
• Else
=> LoopScheduler (no external dependencies)
Release 2.0 – Standalone Asio
#include <cli/standaloneasioscheduler.h>
#include <cli/standaloneasioremotecli.h>
StandaloneAsioScheduler scheduler;
// setup local session
CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200);
// setup server
StandaloneAsioCliTelnetServer server(cli, scheduler, 5000);
// start event loop
Release 2.0 – Boost Asio
#include <cli/boostasioscheduler.h>
#include <cli/boostasioremotecli.h>
BoostAsioScheduler scheduler;
// setup local session
CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200);
// setup server
BoostAsioCliTelnetServer server(cli, scheduler, 5000);
// start event loop
Release 2.0 – No Asio
#include <cli/loopscheduler.h>
LoopScheduler scheduler;
// setup local session
CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200);
// start event loop
Miles to go…
• User-defined arguments (and completion for them)
• More (bash-like) shortcuts
• Conan support
• Rename the library (?)
Library core: design decisions
• Reflection (?)
• Preprocessors (???)
• "Composite" Design Pattern VS Template metaprogramming
Intentional architecture VS emergent design
"Many times, thinking things out in advance saved us serious development headaches later on. ... [on
making a particular specification change] ... Making this change in the spec took an hour or two. If we
had made this change in code, it would have added weeks to the schedule. I can’t tell you how
strongly I believe in Big Design Up Front, which the proponents of Extreme Programming consider
anathema. I have consistently saved time and made better products by using BDUF and I’m proud to
use it, no matter what the XP fanatics claim. They’re just wrong on this point and I can’t be any clearer
than that."
-- Joel Spolsky "The project Aardwark Spec" – Joel On Software
Take away
• Use the right technique
• Use Cli library  (when you need it)
• Use Proactor pattern (when you need it)
• Use your brain (always)
Me: @DPallastrelli

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Add an interactive command line to your C++ application

  • 1. Add an interactive command line to your applications Daniele Pallastrelli, 13.01.2022, Italian C++
  • 2. My typical projects • Run for a long period of time • No classic interaction with the user (i.e., no GUI) • Run in a server, custom board, almost never desktop applications • They're not CPU bound applications
  • 3. Why an interactive console in your apps? • Need to have some sort of console to interact with my applications (e.g., embedded systems running around the clock) to: • monitor, • configure, • manage the system • E.g., CISCO routers • Traditional systems: SSH connections + logs
  • 4. Why an interactive console in your apps? • Debugging • Poke around internal state • Dump internal structures • Change the log level at runtime • Change the working mode • Enable / disable modules • Load / unload plugins • Early stage of development
  • 5. Reinventing the wheel? Existing solutions in open source domain: • Linux only • They're applications where you hook external programs to commands • No remote sessions • Few in C++ • None of them in "modern" C++
  • 6. Enter the shell (cli?) • My own library in C++14 • Production code quality • Used in several industrial projects • Demo time  • C++14 • Cross-platform (Linux and windows tested) • Menus and submenus • Command history (navigation with arrow keys) • Autocompletion (with TAB key) • Async interface • Colors
  • 7. Something missing… • Good when you start the app from a console (e.g. desktop applications or development stage) • What about processes that run in background (e.g., embedded, servers & c)?
  • 11.
  • 12. Features summary • C++14 • Header only • Cross-platform (linux and windows) • Menus and submenus • Remote sessions (telnet) • Persistent history (navigation with arrow keys) • Autocompletion (with TAB key) • Async interface • Colors
  • 13. auto rootMenu = make_unique<Menu>("cli"); rootMenu->Insert( "hello", [](std::ostream& out){ out << "Hello, worldn"; }, "Print hello world" ); rootMenu->Insert( "hello_everysession", [](std::ostream&){ Cli::cout() << "Hello, everybody" << std::endl; }, "Print hello everybody on all open sessions" ); rootMenu->Insert( "reverse", {"string_to_revert"}, [](std::ostream& out, const string& arg) { string copy(arg); std::reverse(copy.begin(), copy.end()); out << copy << "n"; }, "Print the reverse string" );
  • 14. rootMenu->Insert( "add", {"first_term", "second_term"}, [](std::ostream& out, int x, int y) { out << x << " + " << y << " = " << (x+y) << "n"; }, "Print the sum of the two numbers" ); rootMenu->Insert( "sort", {"list of strings separated by space"}, [](std::ostream& out, std::vector<std::string> data) { std::sort(data.begin(), data.end()); out << "sorted list: "; std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(out, " ")); out << "n"; }, "Alphabetically sort a list of words" );
  • 15. auto subMenu = make_unique<Menu>("sub"); subMenu->Insert( "demo", [](std::ostream& out){ out << "This is a sample!n"; }, "Print a demo string" ); rootMenu->Insert( std::move(subMenu) );
  • 16. // create a cli with the given root menu and a persistent storage Cli cli( std::move(rootMenu), std::make_unique<FileHistoryStorage>(".cli") ); // global exit action cli.ExitAction( [](auto& out){ out << "Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.n"; } ); // std exception custom handler cli.StdExceptionHandler( [](std::ostream& out, const std::string& cmd, const std::exception& e) { out << "Exception caught in cli handler: " << e.what() << " handling command: " << cmd << ".n"; } );
  • 17. LoopScheduler scheduler; CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200); localSession.ExitAction( [&scheduler](auto& out) // session exit action { out << "Closing App...n"; scheduler.Stop(); } ); scheduler.Run();
  • 18. StandaloneAsioScheduler scheduler; CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200); localSession.ExitAction( [&scheduler](auto& out) // session exit action { out << "Closing App...n"; scheduler.Stop(); } ); // setup server StandaloneAsioCliTelnetServer server(cli, scheduler, 5000); // exit action for all the connections server.ExitAction( [](auto& out) { out << "Terminating this session...n"; } ); scheduler.Run();
  • 19. How does it work
  • 20. Core idea • Command list • The user enters a string: command and parameters • Iteration over the command list: • Command name • Parameter number and type • The handler is called with the typed parameters
  • 22. class Command {}; class Menu : public Command { private: Menu* parent{ nullptr }; std::vector<Command*> cmds; }; template <typename F, typename ... Args> class VariadicFunctionCommand : public Command {};
  • 23. Menu is-a Command, because when you start the CLI, every Menu shows as a command you can digit at the prompt (e.g., if you define a Menu "foo", you get the command "foo" in the Cli to enter the submenu).
  • 24. auto rootMenu = make_unique<Menu>("cli"); rootMenu->Insert( "hello", [](std::ostream& out) { out << "Hello, worldn"; } ); rootMenu->Insert( "hello_everysession", [](std::ostream&) { Cli::cout() << "Hello, everybodyn"; } );
  • 25. auto subMenu = make_unique<Menu>("sub"); subMenu->Insert( "hello", [](std::ostream& out) { out << "Hello, submenu worldn"; } ); subMenu->Insert( "demo", [](std::ostream&) { out << "Demon"; } ); rootMenu->Insert( std::move(subMenu) );
  • 26. auto rootMenu = make_unique<Menu>("cli"); ... Cli cli( std::move(rootMenu) );
  • 27. auto rootMenu = make_unique<Menu>("cli"); ... Cli cli( std::move(rootMenu) ); CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200); CliTelnetServer server(cli, scheduler, 5000);
  • 28. Cli cli( std::move(rootMenu) ); CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200); CliTelnetServer server(cli, scheduler, 5000); CliFileSession fileSession(cli, infile, outfile); CliLocalTerminalSession localSession( scheduler, std::cout, 200); CliTelnetServer server(scheduler, 5000); CliFileSession fileSession(infile, outfile); Cli cli( std::move(rootMenu) ); cli.SetLocalSession( localSession ); cli.SetFileSession( fileSession ); cli.SetTelnetServer( server );
  • 29.
  • 30. rootMenu->Insert( "add", {"first_term", "second_term"}, [](std::ostream& out, int x, int y) { out << x << " + " << y << " = " << (x+y) << "n"; }, "Print the sum of two numbers" );
  • 31. rootMenu->Insert( "add", {"first_term", "second_term"}, [](std::ostream& out, int x, int y) { out << x << " + " << y << " = " << (x+y) << "n"; }, "Print the sum of two numbers" );
  • 32. Interlude – How do you get the type of a lambda argument? template <typename F> void foo(F f) { // what's the type of "f" first parameter? // something like: // using T = F::first_parameter_type ) foo( [](int){} );
  • 33. Interlude – How do you get the type of a lambda argument? template<typename F, typename Ret, typename A, typename... Rest> A helper(Ret (F::*)(A, Rest...) const); template <typename F> void foo(F f) { using T = decltype( helper(&F::operator()) ); } foo( [](int){} );
  • 34. class Menu : public Command { public: template <typename F> CmdHandler Insert(const string& cmdName, F f) { return CreateCmd(cmdName, f, &F::operator()); } private: template <typename F, typename R, typename ... Args> CmdHandler CreateCmd(const string& cmdName, F& f, R (F::*)(Args...) const) { auto cmd = make_unique< VariadicFunctionCommand< F, Args ... > >(cmdName, f); // insert cmd into this menu commands ... } }; Works with lambdas and std::function
  • 35. class Menu : public Command { public: ... template <typename R, typename ... Args> CmdHandler Insert(const std::string& cmdName, R (*f)(Args...)) { using F = R (*)(Args...); auto cmd = make_unique<VariadicFunctionCommand<F, Args ...>>(cmdName, f); // insert cmd into this menu commands ... } ... }; Overload for free- functions
  • 36. template <typename F, typename ... Args> class VariadicFunctionCommand : public Command { public: VariadicFunctionCommand(const std::string& _name, F fun) : Command(_name), func(std::move(fun)) {} bool Exec(const vector<string>& cmdLine) override { ... try { Select<Args...>::Exec(func, std::next(cmdLine.begin()), cmdLine.end()); } catch (std::bad_cast&) { return false; } return true; ... } };
  • 37. template <typename ... Args> struct Select; template <typename P, typename ... Args> struct Select<P, Args...> { template <typename F, typename InputIt> static void Exec(const F& f, InputIt first, InputIt last) { assert( first != last ); assert( std::distance(first, last) == 1+sizeof...(Args) ); const P firstPar = detail::from_string<typename std::decay<P>::type>(*first); auto g = [&](auto ... pars){ f(firstPar, pars...); }; Select<Args...>::Exec(g, std::next(first), last); } }; template <> struct Select<> { template <typename F, typename InputIt> static void Exec(const F& f, InputIt first, InputIt last) { assert(first == last); f(); } };
  • 38. Interlude How do you manage concurrency?
  • 39. Concurrency in my projects • Single thread (when possible), using Proactor pattern. • When I must: multiple threads, using Proactor pattern 
  • 40. By the way… …what's the PROACTOR pattern?
  • 41. The proactor pattern: Concurrency Without Threads
  • 42. The Proactor solution Split every application service into: • Long-duration operations. execute asynchronously • Completion handlers. processes the results of the associated asynchronous operations (potentially invoking additional asynchronous operations).
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 47.
  • 48. Concurrency in my projects • asio for asynchonous I/O (timers, too) • asio::io_context available • When I/O is ready, asio puts handler in the asio::io_context • If more threads are needed (e.g., time consuming computations or blocking I/O), the result is put in asio::io_context • => everything runs in (my) single thread of execution
  • 49. Back to the library  • Input coming from: • Keyboard, using blocking primitives (std::getchar() and _getch()) • Sockets • Commands callbacks (in which thread?) • => proactor (asio::io_context)
  • 50. Consequences • The user must instantiate a boost::asio::io_context object • The whole library depends on boost::asio
  • 51. Concurrency summary (v. 1.0) • The library depends on boost::asio, even when you don't need the telnet server • Library users ask to use standalone asio instead of boost::asio • The truth is that the whole library depends on boost::asio because: • Telnet server needs it • Keyboard handler needs an event handler • The two must use the same event manager, i.e. boost::asio::io_context
  • 52. Release 2.0 – Goals: • Optionally use standalone asio instead of boost::asio for the telnet server • Remove all dependencies if the telnet server is not needed
  • 53. Release 2.0 – The solution • New abstraction: "Scheduler" • schedules async event • The library provides three kind of schedulers: • StandaloneAsioScheduler (based on asio::io_context) • BoostAsioScheduler (based on boost::asio::io_context) • LoopScheduler (hand made sync queue)
  • 54. Release 2.0 – The solution • Cli library can use all the schedulers, but if you need the telnet server you must use *AsioScheduler • Bottom line: • If ( you need telnet server OR your app already uses [boost::]asio::io_context => StandaloneAsioScheduler or BoostAsioScheduler • Else => LoopScheduler (no external dependencies)
  • 55. Release 2.0 – Standalone Asio #include <cli/standaloneasioscheduler.h> #include <cli/standaloneasioremotecli.h> ... StandaloneAsioScheduler scheduler; // setup local session CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200); // setup server StandaloneAsioCliTelnetServer server(cli, scheduler, 5000); // start event loop scheduler.Run();
  • 56. Release 2.0 – Boost Asio #include <cli/boostasioscheduler.h> #include <cli/boostasioremotecli.h> ... BoostAsioScheduler scheduler; // setup local session CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200); // setup server BoostAsioCliTelnetServer server(cli, scheduler, 5000); // start event loop scheduler.Run();
  • 57. Release 2.0 – No Asio #include <cli/loopscheduler.h> ... LoopScheduler scheduler; // setup local session CliLocalTerminalSession localSession(cli, scheduler, std::cout, 200); // start event loop scheduler.Run();
  • 59. Miles to go… • User-defined arguments (and completion for them) • More (bash-like) shortcuts • Conan support • Rename the library (?)
  • 60. Library core: design decisions • Reflection (?) • Preprocessors (???) • "Composite" Design Pattern VS Template metaprogramming
  • 61. Intentional architecture VS emergent design "Many times, thinking things out in advance saved us serious development headaches later on. ... [on making a particular specification change] ... Making this change in the spec took an hour or two. If we had made this change in code, it would have added weeks to the schedule. I can’t tell you how strongly I believe in Big Design Up Front, which the proponents of Extreme Programming consider anathema. I have consistently saved time and made better products by using BDUF and I’m proud to use it, no matter what the XP fanatics claim. They’re just wrong on this point and I can’t be any clearer than that." -- Joel Spolsky "The project Aardwark Spec" – Joel On Software
  • 62. Take away • Use the right technique • Use Cli library  (when you need it) • Use Proactor pattern (when you need it) • Use your brain (always)
  • 63. References Me: Me: @DPallastrelli Github: Web: 63