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Python for High
School Programmers
                              April 06, 2013

Sivasubramaniam Arunachalam   @sivaa_in
It’s me!

• Application Developer
    • Web/Enterprise/Middleware/B2B
    • Java/Java EE, Python/Django
       •      2002

• Technical Consultant
• Process Mentor
•   Speaker
It’s about you!

Have you written a code recently?

        Yes / No / Never

                       It doesn’t matter!
•   Background
•   Concepts
•   Basics
•   Demo
for / else
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
} else {
Back in 1989
Guido van Rossum
High Level Language
Dynamic / Scripting
Zen of Python
•   Beautiful is better than ugly.
•   Explicit is better than implicit.
•   Simple is better than complex.
•   Complex is better than complicated.
•   Flat is better than nested.
•   Sparse is better than dense.
•   Readability counts.
•   Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
•   Although practicality beats purity.
•   Errors should never pass silently.
•   Unless explicitly silenced.
•   In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
•   There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
•   Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
•   Now is better than never.
•   Although never is often better than *right* now.
•   If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
•   If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
•   Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
Clean / Clear Syntax
Less Key Words

 • Servers / Desktops / Mobile Devices / Raspberry Pi
 • Windows/Unix/Linux/Mac
 • Pre-installed in Mac and Linux

            • CPython
            • Jython
            • IronPython

     • Functional / Procedural / Object Oriented
Easy to Learn
Highly Readable
No Variable Declaration
More Productivity

...the lines of Python code were 10% of the equivalent C++ code. - Greg Stein
Batteries Included
Open Source
Where I can use?
•   Stand-Alone Application
•   Desktop/GUI Application
•   Web Application
•   XML Processing
•   Database Application
•   Network Application
•   Scientific Application
•   Gaming
•   Robotics
Some One using it?
Hello World!
Installation / Tools

               • Interpreter
               • Script Editor
.   py
Optimized Code
 • Faster Execution
  • Less CPU Cycles
Increment ‘i’ by 1


  ADD #1,A1   [A1] ← [A1] + 1
Machine Instructions
 Line of Code (LoC)
Assembly Language     1-2
System Languages      3-7
Scripting Languages 100 - 1K
Current Versions
 2.7.3   &   3.3.0
The Prompt
How to run?

C:> python
Let’s Start
•   Start / Exit
•   Simple print
•   Zen of Python
•   Keywords
•   Help
<type> var_name = val;
     int int_ex = 10;

       int_ex = 10
int_ex       =   10
long_ex      =   1000000000000L
float_ex     =   1.1
string_ex    =   “Welcome”
boolean_ex   =   True
print   type(int_ex)
print   type(long_ex)
print   type(float_ex)
print   type(string_ex)
print   type(boolean_ex)
boolean_one    = True
         boolean_two    = False

print   boolean_one   and boolean_two
print   boolean_one   or boolean_two
print                 not boolean_two
int_one     = 11
             int_two     = 5

print   int_one          /   int_two
print   float(int_one)   /   float(int_two)
print   float(int_one)   /   int_two
print   int_one          /   float(int_two)
type casting
int_ex       = 11
        float_ex     = 8.8
        boolean_ex   = True

print      float (int_ex)
print      int (float_ex)
print      int (boolean_ex)
int_one    = 11
        int_two    = 5

print   int_one   +    int_two
print   int_one   -    int_two
print   int_one   *    int_two
print   int_one   /    int_two
print   int_one   %    int_two
print   int_one   **   int_two
int_one    = 11
        int_two    = 5

print   int_one   >    int_two
print   int_one   >=   int_two
print   int_one   <    int_two
print   int_one   <=   int_two
print   int_one   ==   int_two
print   int_one   !=   int_two
Lets do some Maths
import math
from math import sqrt
dir (math)
int_one        = 11
              int_two        = 5

import math

print   math.sqrt (int_one)
                                    import math

from math import factorial
                                    print   math.pi

print   factorial (int_two)
Lets Talk to the User
user_input = raw_input()
print “You have Entered “ , user_input

user_input = raw_input(“Input Please : “)
print type(user_input)
int_one = raw_input (“Number 1 : “)
int_two = raw_input (“Number 2 : “)

print   int_one        +   int_two
print   int(int_one)   + int(int_two)
The Nightmare Strings
“Hey, What’s up?”
‘     ’
 “      ”
“““    ”””
 ‘‘‘   ’’’
print   ‘ example text ’
print   “ example text ”

print   “““ example of long …..
                      …. text ”””

print   ‘‘‘ example of long …..
                        …. text ’’’
print   ‘ String with “double” quotes ’
print     “String with ‘single’ quote ”

print ““ Hey what‘s up””
print ‘“ Hey what‘s up”’

print “““ “ Hey what‘s up ” ”””
print ‘‘‘ “ Hey what‘s up ” ’’’
Don’t Mess with
0     1     2      3      4    5

10   10.1   ‘A’   ‘ABC’   2    True

-6   -5     -4     -3     -2   -1
0      1     2      3      4    5

     10    10.1   ‘A’   ‘ABC’   2    True

     -6    -5     -4     -3     -2   -1

list_ex     = [ 10, 10.1, ‘A’, ‘ABC’, 2, True ]
tuple_ex    = ( 10, 10.1, ‘A’, ‘ABC’, 2, True )
List [] vs Tuple ()
0         1     2      3          4       5

        10        10.1   ‘A’   ‘ABC’       2      True

        -6        -5     -4     -3         -2      -1

tuple_ex           = ( 10, 10.1, ‘A’, ‘ABC’, 2, True )
•   tuple_ex[0]                        •   tuple_ex[-6]
•   tuple_ex[1]                        •   tuple_ex[-5]
•   tuple_ex[2]                        •   tuple_ex[-4]
•   tuple_ex[3]                        •   tuple_ex[-3]
•   tuple_ex[4]                        •   tuple_ex[-2]
•   tuple_ex[5]                        •   tuple_ex[-1]
Tuple / List Tricks
tuple_ex   = (100, )
list_ex    = [100, ]

tuple_ex   = tuple(‘gobi’)
list_ex    = list(‘gobi’)
Lets Slice!
0   1 2     3   4     5 6    7   8   9

  1   2   3   4   5    6   7   8   9   10

 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1

list_ex = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10, ]

      print           list_ex[:3]
      print           list_ex[3:]
      print           list_ex[:-3]
      print           list_ex[-3:]
0    1 2     3    4   5 6     7   8   9

  1    2   3   4    5   6   7   8   9   10

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1

list_ex = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10, ]

      print        list_ex[0:1]
      print        list_ex[0:2]
      print        list_ex[-2:-1]
      print        list_ex[-3:-1]
0   1 2     3   4   5 6     7   8   9

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1

list_ex = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10, ]

 print list_ex[0:10:2]
 print list_ex[1:10:2]
0   1 2     3   4   5 6     7   8   9

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1

list_ex = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10, ]

   print len(list_ex)
   print max(list_ex)
   print min(list_ex)
Lets Join!
city               = list(‘gobi’)
city[len(city):]   = “chettipalayam”

ipl_teams = [‘CSK’, ‘DD’, ‘KXIP’, ‘KKR’, ‘MI’, ‘PWI’, ‘RR’, ‘RCB’, ‘SRH’,]

               “, ”.join(ipl_teams)
str_ipl_teams =       “, ”.join(ipl_teams)
list_ipl_teams =      list(str_ipl_teams )

list_ipl_teams[str_ipl_teams.rfind(", ")] = " and“

print "".join(list_ipl_teams)
ipl_teams = [‘CSK’, ‘DD’, ‘KXIP’, ‘KKR’, ‘MI’, ‘PWI’, ‘RR’, ‘RCB’,]

ipl_teams = [‘CSK’, ‘DD’, ‘KXIP’, ‘KKR’, ‘MI’, ‘PWI’, ‘RR’, ‘RCB’,]

      del ipl_teams[-1]
ipl_teams = [‘CSK’, ‘DD’, ‘KXIP’, ‘KKR’, ‘MI’, ‘PWI’, ‘RR’, ‘RCB’,]

      ipl_teams.insert (1, ‘SRH’)
ipl_teams = [‘CSK’, ‘SRH’, ‘DD’, ‘KXIP’, ‘KKR’, ‘MI’, ‘PWI’, ‘RR’, ‘RCB’,]

The Control Flow
Lets begin with a
list_ex = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print 3 in list_ex1
title_winners = [‘CSK’, ‘RR’, ‘DC’, ‘KKR’]
print ‘CSK’ in title_winners
my_city = “Gobichettipalayam”
print ‘chetti’ in my_city
while i <= 10:
   print i,
for i in range(1, 11):
    print i,
for i in range(11):
    if i % 2 == 0:
       print i
for i in range(11):
    if i % 2 == 0:
         print “Even : ”, i

    else :
         print “Odd: ”, i
for i in range(11):
    if i == 0:

    elif i % 2 == 0:
         print “Even : ”, i

    else :
         print “Odd: ”, i
for i in range(11):
    if i == 0:

    elif i % 2 == 0:
         print “Even : ”, i

    else :
         print “Odd: ”, i
for i in range(11):
    if i == 0:

    elif i % 2 == 0:
         print “Even : ”, i

    else :
         print “Odd: ”, i
title_winners = ['CSK', 'RR', 'DC', 'KKR']

for team in title_winners:
    print team,
for i in range(11):
      print i,
      print “No Break executed in for”
Null Factor
list_ex = []
if list_ex:
        print “List is not Empty”
     print “List is Empty”
list_ex = None
if list_ex:
        print “List is not None”
     print “List is None”
Error Handling
The OO Python
Thank You!

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