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SQLAlchemy Primer
(extra content)
for Kobe Python Meetup #13
2017/09/15 Kobe Japan
Yasushi Masuda PhD
( @whosaysni )
Tech team, Core IT grp. IT Dept.
MonotaRO Co., LTD.
Pythonista since 2001 (2.0~)
• elaphe (barcode library)
• (老神.py)
• PyCon JP founder
Japanese Translation works
Core concepts in SQLAlchemy

Engine basics (+hands-on)
ORM primer (+hans-on)
Online Document:

(Old) Japanese translation:
sakila DB on SQLite
• Demonstration
DB for MySQL
• Models a rental
video shop
• BSD License
Schema described at:
[WRONG!] It's just an ORM library

Not limited to. SQLAlchemy is a DB manipulation framework.
[WRONG!] SA is built on ORM

NO. Connection management and SQL expression framework are its core.

ORM is built on them.

[WRONG!] SA cannot handle raw SQL

Table definition is not required. Even textual SQL is available.
[WRONG!] SA automatically escapes value for you

SQLAlchemy relies value escaping on DB-API, while it escapes schema, table, column
names. SQLAlchemy generates parameterized query that helps DB-API level escaping.
[WRONG!] Only Python adept can handle SA

SQLAlchemy is EASY. You may need SQL and RDBMS experience. Let's see!
[AGREE] Documentation is somewhat difficult to understand

Core concepts
SQLAlchemy Core
Engine (connection)
Schema definition

SQL Expression
SQLAlchemy ORM
Declarative Mapper
DB Backend-specific functionalities
manages DB connection(s)
SQL Expression

describes SQL statement in Python

reflects DB record with Python object
DB Backend specific functionalities
Your program

data structure
Type conversion
Query Construction
Query Execution
Schema object
High-level Interface
DB Session
DB API DB ServerProgram
Issues around DB-API
Which DB-API to use
How to initialize the DB-API
How to generate valid query for it
How to handle cursor on the DB-API
How to execute query on the DB-API
How to retrieve result from DB-API
How to reserve/reuse connection
DB API DB ServerProgram
Engine resolves issues
Select DB-API from DSN URL
Initialize DB-API for you
Accept string and SQL expression
Manage cursor for you
Unify execution/transaction API
Handle result via ResultProxy
Pool connection automatically
Engine DB API DB ServerProgram
>>>	from	sqlalchemy	import	create_engine

Engine DB API DB ServerProgram
>>>	from	sqlalchemy	import	create_engine

>>>	e	=	create_engine('sqlite://')		#	SQLite	memory	engine

Engine DB API DB ServerProgram
#	Use	URL	for	specifying	database

>>>	e	=	create_engine('sqlite://')		#	SQLite	memory	engine

>>>	e	=	create_engine('sqlite:///path_to_db.sqlite3')		#	sqlite3

>>>	e	=	create_engine('mysql://scott:tiger@dbserv/dbname')		#	mysql

>>>	e	=	create_engine('mssql://bill:gates@dbserv/dbname')		#	mssql

Engine DB API DB ServerProgram
#	Be	careful	with	number	of	slashes

>>>	e	=	create_engine('sqlite:///sqlite-sakila.sq')

>>>	e	=	create_engine('sqlite:////<absolute_path>/sqlite-sakila.sq')
Engine DB API DB ServerProgram
>>>	e	=	create_engine('sqlite:///sqlite-sakila.sq')

>>>	e


#	execute	returns	ResultProxy

>>>	q	=	'select	title	from	film	limit	5')

>>>	res	=	e.execute(q)

>>>	res

<sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy	object	at	0x10da96990>

Engine DB API DB ServerProgram
>>>	e	=	create_engine('sqlite:///sqlite-sakila.sq')

>>>	e


#	execute	returns	ResultProxy

>>>	q	=	'select	title	from	film	limit	5')

>>>	res	=	e.execute(q)

>>>	res

<sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy	object	at	0x10da96990

>>>	for	row	in	res:		#	ResultProxy	can	be	iterated/namedtuple	access

...					print(row.title)







Engine DB API DB ServerProgram
>>>	q	=	'select	film_id,	title	from	film	limit	10'

>>>	rows	=	list(e.execute(q))

>>>	rows[2][1]	#	each	row	is	accessible	like	as	tuple


>>>	rows[4]['title']	#	row	can	be	accessible	like	as	dictionary


>>>	res	=	e.execute(q)

>>>	for	fid,	title	in	res:	#	can	be	expanded	as	normal	tuple

...					print((fid,	title))







>>>	rows	=	list(e.execute(q))

>>>	t	=	e.begin()

>>>	t.transaction

<sqlalchemy...RootTransaction	object	at	...>

>>>	t.transaction.commit()

#	with	statement	handles	transaction	smart

>>>	with	e.begin():


>>>	#	(transaction	committed	automatically)

HANDS ON: Engine basics
Connect	to	sqlite-
sakila.sq	database

List	actors	in	film	
HANDS ON: Engine basics
>>>	e	=	create_engine('sqlite:///sqlite-sakila.sq')

>>>	q	=	'''select	a.first_name,	a.last_name

...					from	film	as	f	

...									inner	join	film_actor	as	fa	

...													on	f.film_id=fa.film_id	

...									inner	join	actor	as	a

...													on	fa.actor_id=a.actor_id	

...					where	f.title	=	"DINOSAUR	SECRETARY"'''

>>>	for	first_name,	last_name	in	e.execute(q):

...					print('{}	{}'.format(first_name,	last_name))







SQL expression
Remember: SQL is a language
SELECT	[	ALL	|	DISTINCT	[	ON	(	expression	[,	...]	)	]	]

				[	*	|	expression	[	[	AS	]	output_name	]	[,	...]	]

				[	FROM	from_item	[,	...]	]

				[	WHERE	condition	]

				[	GROUP	BY	grouping_element	[,	...]	]

				[	ORDER	BY	expression

								[	ASC	|	DESC	|	USING	operator	]

								[	NULLS	{	FIRST	|	LAST	}	]	[,	...]	]

				[	LIMIT	{	count	|	ALL	}	]
Remember: SQL is a language
SELECT	[	ALL	|	DISTINCT	[	ON	(	expression	[,	...]	)	]	]

				[	*	|	expression	[	[	AS	]	output_name	]	[,	...]	]

				[	FROM	from_item	[,	...]	]

				[	WHERE	condition	]

				[	GROUP	BY	grouping_element	[,	...]	]

				[	ORDER	BY	expression

								[	ASC	|	DESC	|	USING	operator	]

								[	NULLS	{	FIRST	|	LAST	}	]	[,	...]	]

				[	LIMIT	{	count	|	ALL	}	]
Remember: SQL is a language
SELECT	[	ALL	|	DISTINCT	[	ON	(	expression	[,	...]	)	]	]

				[	*	|	expression	[	[	AS	]	output_name	]	[,	...]	]

				[	FROM	from_item	[,	...]	]

				[	WHERE	condition	]

				[	GROUP	BY	grouping_element	[,	...]	]

				[	ORDER	BY	expression

								[	ASC	|	DESC	|	USING	operator	]

								[	NULLS	{	FIRST	|	LAST	}	]	[,	...]	]

				[	LIMIT	{	count	|	ALL	}	]
Remember: SQL is a language
SELECT	[	ALL	|	DISTINCT	[	ON	(	expression	[,	...]	)	]	]

				[	*	|	expression	[	[	AS	]	output_name	]	[,	...]	]

				[	FROM	from_item	[,	...]	]

				[	WHERE	condition	]

				[	GROUP	BY	grouping_element	[,	...]	]

				[	ORDER	BY	expression

								[	ASC	|	DESC	|	USING	operator	]

								[	NULLS	{	FIRST	|	LAST	}	]	[,	...]	]

				[	LIMIT	{	count	|	ALL	}	]
Remember: SQL is a Language
FROM selectables
SELECT statement
SELECT,	B.title,	C.title

FROM	artists	as	A

				INNER	JOIN	album	as	B	ON	=	B.artist_id

				INNER	JOIN	music	as	C	ON	=	C.album

WHERE	LIKE	'%Astor%'

				AND	A.year	BETWEEN	1970	AND	2010

				AND	C.title	LIKE	'%Tango%'
From SQL to Python
SELECT	<column>,	<column>,	...

FROM	<selectable>

				INNER	JOIN	<selectable>	ON	<condition>

				INNER	JOIN	<selectable>	ON	<condition>


WHERE	<condition>

				AND	<condition>

				AND	<condition>


SELECT	<[<column>,	<column>,	<column>]>

FROM	<join	(<selectable>,	<selectable>,	...)>

WHERE	<and	(<condition>,	<condition>,	...)>
Statement and subjects
SELECT	<expressions>

FROM	<selectable>

WHERE	<conditions>
... simplifed
<select	statement>
..., finally
engine.execute(<select	statement>)
If query is "an object"...
Query object
>>>	query	=	select(...)

>>>	engine.execute(query)
... it can be "execute()-able"
Engine "compiles" query
into string and execute it
(according to dialect)
query	=	select(




clauses as parameters
columns	=	[col1,	col2,	...]

fromobj	=	join(tbl1,	tbl2,	...)

where	=	and_(expr1,	expr2,	...)

query_expr	=	select(

			columns,	from_obj=fromobj,

query with SQL expression
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.sql	import	select,	text

>>>	q	=	select([text('*')])

building sql statement with
basic sql expression
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.sql	import	select,	text

>>>	q	=	select([text('*')])

>>>	q

<sqlalchemy.....Select	at	...;	Select	object>

>>>	str(q)


>>>	q	=	select([text('*')],

...					from_obj=text('foo'),	

...					whereclause=text('id=3'))

>>>	str(q)

'SELECT	*	nFROM	foo	nWHERE	id=3'
building sql statement with
basic sql expression
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.sql	import	select,	text

>>>	q	=	select([text('*')])

>>>	q

<sqlalchemy.....Select	at	...;	Select	object>

>>>	str(q)


>>>	q	=	select([text('*')],

...					from_obj=text('foo'),	

...					whereclause=text('id=3'))

>>>	str(q)

'SELECT	*	nFROM	foo	nWHERE	id=3'
building sql statement with
basic sql expression
elements: table and column
Table Table Table
Table Table Table
elements: table and column
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.sql	import	column,	table

>>>	from	sqlalchemy	import	INTEGER
elements: table and column
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.sql	import	column,	table

>>>	from	sqlalchemy	import	INTEGER

>>>	c	=	column('name')	#	simplest

>>>	c	=	column('name',	type_=INTEGER)
elements: table and column
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.sql	import	column,	table

>>>	from	sqlalchemy	import	INTEGER

>>>	c	=	column('name')	#	simplest

>>>	c	=	column('name',	type_=INTEGER)

>>>	c

<sqlalchemy....ColumnClause	at	...;	name>

>>>	str(c)

elements: table and column
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.sql	import	column,	table

>>>	from	sqlalchemy	import	INTEGER

>>>	c	=	column('name')	#	simplest

>>>	c	=	column('name',	type_=INTEGER)

>>>	c

<sqlalchemy....ColumnClause	at	...;	name>

>>>	str(c)


>>>	c.table		#	None

>>>	t1	=	table('artist')

>>>	c.table	=	t1

>>>	str(c)

>>>	t	=	table('tbl1',	column('col1'),	...)

defining table with columns
Table name List of columns
>>>	t	=	table('tbl1',	column('col1'),	...)

>>>	t.c.col1

<sqlalchemy.....ColumnClause	at	...;	col1>

defining table with columns
Table name List of columns
>>>	t	=	table('tbl1',	column('col1'),	...)

>>>	t.c.col1

<sqlalchemy.....ColumnClause	at	...;	col1>

>>>	t.schema	=	'db1'

>>>	str(t.c.col1)


defining table with columns
Table name List of columns
>>>	t	=	table('tbl1',	column('col1'),	column('col2'))

select() with table element
>>>	t	=	table('tbl1',	column('col1'),	column('col2'))

>>>	print(select([t]))

SELECT	tbl1.col1,	tbl1.col2

FROM	tbl1

select() with table element
>>>	t	=	table('tbl1',	column('col1'),	column('col2'))

>>>	print(select([t]))

SELECT	tbl1.col1,	tbl1.col2

FROM	tbl1

#	column	labeling

>>>	print(select([t.c.col1.label('col_alias1')])

SELECT	tbl1.col1	as	"col_alias1"

FROM	tbl1

select() with table element
>>>	t	=	table('tbl1',	column('col1'),	column('col2'))

>>>	print(select([t]))

SELECT	tbl1.col1,	tbl1.col2

FROM	tbl1

#	column	labeling

>>>	print(select([t.c.col1.label('col_alias1')])

SELECT	tbl1.col1	as	"col_alias1"

FROM	tbl1

#	table	alias

>>>	t_A,	t_B	=	alias(t,	'A'),	alias(t,	'B')

>>>	print(select([t_A.c.col1,	t_B.c.col2]))

SELECT	"A".col1,	"B".col2

FROM	tbl1	AS	"A",	tbl1	AS	"B"
select() with table element
how	to	work	with

where	tbl1.col1	=	42
how	to	work	with

where	tbl1.col1	=	42
conditional expression
(compare operation)
>>>	cond	=	text('last_name	LIKE	%KOV')

>>>	str(cond)

'last_name	LIKE	%KOV'

conditional by text()
>>>	cond	=	column('last_name').like('%KOV')

>>>	cond

<sqlalchemy....BinaryExpression	object	at	...>

conditional by like() method
>>>	cond	=	column('last_name').like('%KOV')

>>>	cond

<sqlalchemy....BinaryExpression	object	at	...>

>>>	str(cond)

'last_name	LIKE	:last_name_1'

conditional by like() method
placeholder for
right value of LIKE
>>>	cond	=	column('last_name').like('%KOV')

>>>	cond

<sqlalchemy....BinaryExpression	object	at	...>

>>>	str(cond)

'last_name	LIKE	:last_name_1

>>>	cond.right

BindParameter('%(4339977744	last_name)s',	
'%KOV',	type_=String())

conditional by like() method
>>>	column('first_name')	=	'DAVID'

		File	"<stdin>",	line	1

SyntaxError:	can't	assign	to	function	call

conditional by operation
>>>	column('first_name')	=	'DAVID'

		File	"<stdin>",	line	1

SyntaxError:	can't	assign	to	function	call

>>>	column('first_name')	==	'DAVID'

<sqlalchemy...BinaryExpression	object	at	...>

conditional by operation
>>>	column('first_name')	=	'DAVID'

		File	"<stdin>",	line	1

SyntaxError:	can't	assign	to	function	call

>>>	column('first_name')	==	'DAVID'

<sqlalchemy...BinaryExpression	object	at	...>

>>>	cond	=	column('first_name')	==	'DAVID'

>>>	str(cond)

>>>	'first_name	=	:first_name_1'

>>>	cond.right

>>>	BindParameter('%(...)s',	'DAVID',	type_=...)

conditional by operation
>>>	column('first_name')	=	'DAVID'

		File	"<stdin>",	line	1

SyntaxError:	can't	assign	to	function	call

>>>	column('first_name')	==	'DAVID'

<sqlalchemy...BinaryExpression	object	at	...>

>>>	cond	=	column('first_name')	==	'DAVID'

>>>	str(cond)

>>>	'first_name	=	:first_name_1'

>>>	cond.right

>>>	BindParameter('%(...)s',	'DAVID',	type_=...)

>>>	str(column('last_name')	==	None)

>>>	'last_name	is	NULL'
conditional by operation
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.sql	import	select,	table,	column

>>>	actor_tbl	=	table('actor',	column('actor_id'),

...					column('first_name'),	column('last_name'))

conditionals in select
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.sql	import	select,	table,	column

>>>	actor_tbl	=	table('actor',	column('actor_id'),

...					column('first_name'),	column('last_name'))

>>>	query	=	select([actor_tbl],

...					whereclause=(actor_tbl.c.last_name=='TRACY'))

conditionals in select
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.sql	import	select,	table,	column

>>>	actor_tbl	=	table('actor',	column('actor_id'),

...					column('first_name'),	column('last_name'))

>>>	query	=	select([actor_tbl],

...					whereclause=(actor_tbl.c.last_name=='TRACY'))

>>>	query

<sqlalchemy.....Select	at	...;	Select	object>

>>>	print(query)

SELECT	actor.first_name,	actor.last_name	

FROM	actor	

WHERE	actor.last_name	=	:last_name_1

>>>	query.compile().params

{'last_name_1':	'TRACY'}

conditionals in select
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.sql	import	select,	table,	column

>>>	actor_tbl	=	table('actor',	column('actor_id'),

...					column('first_name'),	column('last_name'))

>>>	query	=	select([actor_tbl],

...					whereclause=(actor_tbl.c.last_name=='TRACY'))

>>>	query

<sqlalchemy.....Select	at	...;	Select	object>

>>>	print(query)

SELECT	actor.actor_id,	actor.first_name,	actor.last_name	

FROM	actor	

WHERE	actor.last_name	=	:last_name_1

>>>	query.compile().params

{'last_name_1':	'TRACY'}

>>>	list(e.execute(query))

[(20,	'LUCILLE',	'TRACY'),	(117,	'RENEE',	'TRACY')]

conditionals in select

			SELECT	...


			SELECT	...	FROM	...


			SELECT	...	WHERE	...


			SELECT	...	WHERE	...	AND	...


			SELECT	...	WHERE	...	ORDER	BY	...
generative method

				SELECT	...	FROM	actor'BEN')

				SELECT	...	FROM	actor	WHERE	first_name=...

generative method
HANDS ON: SQL expression
• define actor table with
• build query with sql
expression to search

actor having initial A.H. 

(result should include
Schema definition
how	to	CREATE	table
schema definition
how	to	CREATE	table

how	to	define	column	detail

how	to	define	constraints
schema definition
>>>	from	sqlalchemy	import	Column,	MetaData,	Table

>>>	user_table	=	Table(

...					'user',	MetaData(),

...					Column('id',	INTEGER,	primary_key=True),

...					Column('first_name',	VARCHAR(45)),

...					Column('last_name',	VARCHAR(45)))

defining table
>>>	from	sqlalchemy	import	Column,	MetaData,	Table

>>>	user_table	=	Table(

...					'user',	MetaData(),

...					Column('id',	INTEGER,	primary_key=True),

...					Column('first_name',	VARCHAR(45)),

...					Column('last_name',	VARCHAR(45)))

>>>	user_table

Table('user',	MetaData(bind=None),	Column...)

defining table
>>>	from	sqlalchemy	import	Column,	MetaData,	Table

>>>	user_table	=	Table(

...					'user',	MetaData(),

...					Column('id',	INTEGER,	primary_key=True),

...					Column('first_name',	VARCHAR(45)),

...					Column('last_name',	VARCHAR(45)))

>>>	user_table

Table('user',	MetaData(bind=None),	Column...)

#	CREATE	TABLE	by	crete()

>>>	user_table.create(bind=e)

#	DROP	TABLE	with	drop()

>>>	user_table.drop(bind=e)

defining table
Table/Column vs table/column
Visitable (base type)
[ table() ]
[ column() ]
Column Table
Table/Column vs table/column
Visitable (base type)
[ table() ]
[ column() ]
Column Table
same operation
HANDS ON: Schema definition
• define "user" table with
• create table with .create()
• insert records
• drop table with .drop()
name type options
id INTEGER primary_key

ORM basics
Object-Relational Mapping
• Map DB records to objects
• ActiveRecord pattern
• 1 table ~> 1 class, 1 record ~> 1 object
• FK reference -> reference to other object
• column -> property/attribute of object
ORM in SQLAlchemy
• mapper maps a table with Python class

mapped class will have instrumented attribute
• Session manipulates DB for you to retrieve / save
mapped objects
Column foo
Column bar
Column baz
entity class
"mapped" entity class
instrumented foo
instrumented bar
instrumented baz
method qux
method quux
method qux
method quux
classic mapping
[new] declarative mapping
mapping patterns
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.orm	import	mapper

>>>	actor_tbl	=	Table(...)

>>>	class	Actor(object):	pass

>>>	mapper(Actor,	actor_tbl)

>>>	dir(Actor)

['__class__',	...	'_sa_class_manager',	
'actor_id',	'first_name',	'last_name']

>>>	Actor.actor_id

<...InstrumentedAttribute	object	at	...>

classic mapping
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.ext.declarative	import	

>>>	from	sqlalchmy	import	DateTime,	Integer,	String

>>>	Base	=	declarative_base()


>>>	class	Actor(Base):

...					__tablename__	=	'actor'

...					actor_id	=	Column(Integer,	primary_key=True)

...					first_name	=	Column(String)

...					last_name	=	Column(String)

...					last_update	=	Column(DateTime)

declarative mapping
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.ext.declarative	import	declarative_base

>>>	from	sqlalchmy	import	DateTime,	Integer,	String

>>>	Base	=	declarative_base()


>>>	class	Actor(Base):

...					__tablename__	=	'actor'

...					actor_id	=	Column(Integer,	primary_key=True)

...					first_name	=	Column(String)

...					last_name	=	Column(String)

...					last_update	=	Column(DateTime)

>>>	dir(Actor)

['__class__',	'_decl_class_registry',	'_sa_class_manager',	
'actor_id',	'first_name',	'last_name',	'last_update',	

declarative mapping
ORM in SQLAlchemy
• mapper maps a table with Python class

mapped class will have instrumented attribute
• Session manipulates DB for you to retrieve / save
mapped objects
query A
select A
record Aobject B

tracking A...
(updates) flag A as
reflect new/dirty

tracking B
object B
update A
insert B
Using Session
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.orm	import	sessionmaker

>>>	Session	=	sessionmaker(bind=e)

>>>	session	=	Session()


Using Session
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.orm	import	sessionmaker

>>>	Session	=	sessionmaker(bind=e)

>>>	session	=	Session()

>>>	query	=	session.query(Actor)

>>>	query

<sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query	object	at	...>
Using Session
>>>	from	sqlalchemy.orm	import	sessionmaker

>>>	Session	=	sessionmaker(bind=e)

>>>	session	=	Session()

>>>	query	=	session.query(Actor)

>>>	query

<sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query	object	at	...>

>>>	actor	=	query.first()

>>>	actor

<...Actor	Object	at	...>
Query object methods:
query filtering
>>>	q	=	session.query(Actor)

>>>	str(q)

>>>	'SELECT	...	nFROM	actor'

>>>	q1	=	q.filter(Actor.first_name=='BEN')

>>>	str(q1)

'SELECT	...	nFROM	actornWHERE	actor.first_name	=	?'

>>>	q2	=	q1.filter_by(last_name='SMITH')

>>>	str(q2)

'SELECT	...	nFROM	actornWHERE	actor.first_name	=	?	
AND	actor.last_name=	?'
Query object methods:
fetching record(s)
>>>	q	=	session.query(Actor)

>>>	q.first()

<...Actor	object	at	...>

>>>	q.all()		#	WARNING:	SELECTs	all	records

<...Actor	object	at	...>,	<...Actor	object	at	...>,	...

>>>	q[:3]

<...Actor	object	at	...>,	<...Actor	object	at	...>,	...

>>>	q.count()

Update/Insert in Session
>>>	session	=	Session()

>>>	actor_a	=	Actor(first_name='KEN',

...					last_name='WATANABE')

>>>	session.add(actor_a)

>>>	session.commit()

>>>	actor_b	=	session.query(Actor).get(1)

>>>	actor_b.last_name='GEORGE'

>>>	session.commit()
HANDS ON: ORM basics
• define Category model with
declarative ORM
• select any record
• add "Nature" category
• delete "Nature" category

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