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T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 1
Xtext: Eclipse-based framework for defining
Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs)
Thomas Baar (temporary *)
NSU Tech Talk; Akademgorodok, 2015-11-24
Guest Lecturer at:
Home University:
* My stay at Novosibirsk State University is supported by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 2
Domain-Specific Language (DSL)
A DSL is a notation for expressing observations, facts, algorithms
in an elegant way. The notation can be
- textual
- graphical
- table-oriented
or a mixture of the above.
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 3
Domain-Specific Language (DSL)
Compared to general-purpose modeling languages (e.g. UML) or
programming languages (e.g. Java), DSLs have usually a (much)
less complex syntax while being expressive enough for the
domains they target!
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 4
Domain-Specific Language (DSL)
Compared to general-purpose modeling languages (e.g. UML) or
programming languages (e.g. Java), DSLs have usually a (much)
less complex syntax while being expressive enough for the
domains they target!
Domain-specific models/programs are typically less complex
than models/programs written in a general purpose language.
Thus, they are easier to understand and to maintain.
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 5
DSL Examples
Source: Britannica kids.
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 6
DSL Examples
Automatic Software Build
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 7
DSL Examples
Mendeleev's periodic
system of chemical
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 8
DSL Examples
Process Description
Harel's statecharts
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 9
- Что такое?
• Eclipse-framework for defining textual DSLs
- actually, Xtext is the heart of Eclipse bundle "Eclipse for Java
and DSL developers"
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 10
- Что такое?
• Eclipse-framework for defining textual DSLs
- actually, Xtext is the heart of Eclipse bundle "Eclipse for Java
and DSL developers"
• Open source, but professionally developed and maintained by
start-up company Itemis (Kiel, Germany)
- matured code, release 2.9 expected early Dec 2015
- nice documentation/tutorials
- active forum, fast bug-fixes
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 11
- Что такое?
• Eclipse-framework for defining textual DSLs
- actually, Xtext is the heart of Eclipse bundle "Eclipse for Java
and DSL developers"
• Open source, but professionally developed and maintained by
start-up company Itemis (Kiel, Germany)
- matured code, release 2.9 expected early Dec 2015
- nice documentation/tutorials
- active forum, fast bug-fixes
• Very informative website
- short video tutorials explaining each editor feature
- links to what community has implemented using Xtext
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 12
Xtext: Mission & Workflow
Mission: Make the Definition and Usage of textual DSLs as easy as possible.
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 13
Overview on DSL Definition
DSL-Part Defined in Purpose
Grammar EBNF-inspired Grammar
specify lexer, parser
Validator Xtend * filter out non-intended input
models; trigger error-
markers in editor
Scope definitions Xtend resolve cross-references
Editor configurations
(Overview pane, content
font-selection, tooltips, etc.)
Xtend adjust editor features
Code generator Xtend specify code generator
Tests Xtend execute test cases for lexer,
parser, validator, scope
provider, editor, eclipse
integration, etc.
* Xtend - An extension of Java invented from Xtext-team in order to make typical
programming tasks (e.g. AST traversion, code templates) much easier.
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 14
More detailed DSL-Definition Workflow
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 15
Example Project
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 16
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Create an Xtext Project --
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 17
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Define the Grammar --
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 18
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Define the Grammar --
Start Rule
Feature in generated
EMF class
Optional Occurence
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 19
Xtext is build on top of the parser generator ANTLR. For the above grammar,
much longer input files for ANTLR have been generated (299 LOC, 24 LOC).
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Define the Grammar --
Start Rule
Feature in generated
EMF class
Optional Occurence
The formalism for defining a grammar is a DSL!
This DSL has been implemented by Xtext itself ;-)
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 20
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Testing the Parser using JUnit --
helper classes
String templates
(enclosed by ''' )
Extension method
(actually defined
in ParserHelper and
not in String)
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 21
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Adding a Validator: Making the syntax more precise --
class BeansDslValidator extends AbstractBeansDslValidator {
public static val INVALID_NAME = 'invalidName'
def checkBeannameStartsWithCapital(Bean bean) {
if (!Character.isUpperCase( {
error('Name must start with a capital',
BeansDslPackage.Literals.BEAN__NAME, INVALID_NAME
Mark input text as erroneous
under certain circumstances
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 22
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Testing the Validator using JUnit --
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 23
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Enjoy the Editor :-) --
Content assist
(aka auto-completion)
Grammar error
(missing ';')
Validation error
(no capital letter)
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 24
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Specify a Code Generator using Xtend --
class BeansDslGenerator implements IGenerator {
override void doGenerate(Resource resource, IFileSystemAccess fsa) {
fsa.generateFile('''beans/«name».java''', compile)
def compile(Bean bean) {
public class «» «IF bean.superType != null»extends «» «EN
«FOR att : bean.attributes»
private «att.type.typeToString» «»;
«FOR att : bean.attributes»
public «att.type.typeToString» get«»() {
return «»;
public void set«»(«att.type.typeToString» _arg) {
this.«» = _arg;
def typeToString(BasicType type) {
if (type.literal.equals("string")) "String" else type}
Output written in .java file
Each bean becomes a Java class
Each bean attribute is mapped to
Java attribute, getter- and setter-
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 25
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Enjoy the Code Generator :-) --
One input file
(written in our
Location of generated
Three output files
(written in target
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 26
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Testing Code Generator using JUnit --
class BeansGeneratorTests {
@Inject public TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder
@Inject extension CompilationTestHelper
@Inject extension ReflectExtensions
def void testTwoCompiledClasses() {
bean Person{string name;}
bean Student extends Person{
boolean isMaster;
studentID; // implicitely typed as int
'''.compile [
both classes
has been compiled
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 27
A Simple Example: Beans
-- Testing Code Generator using JUnit --
def void playWithGeneratedJavaCode() {
bean Person{string name;}
bean Student extends Person{
boolean isMaster;
studentID; // implicitely typed as int
'''.compile [
getCompiledClass("Student").newInstance => [
val aName = "Johnson"
it.invoke("setName", aName) // invoking inherit method
assertEquals(aName, it.invoke("getName"))
val anInt = 1234
it.invoke("setStudentID", anInt)
assertEquals(anInt, it.invoke("getStudentID"))
create instance
of Student and
invoke setter/getter
by reflection
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 28
• Differences of domain-specific and general-purpose
• Short overview on purpose and architecture of
• Gone through small example (hopefully) showing the
efficiency gain
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 29
• Differences of domain-specific and general-purpose
• Short overview on purpose and architecture of
• Gone through small example (hopefully) showing the
efficiency gain
Try it out by yourself! Xtext is very versatile and stable.
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 30
Thank you!
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 1
How to write a PhD thesis in Germany
Thomas Baar (temporary *)
NSU Tech Talk; Akademgorodok, 2015-11-24
Guest Lecturer at:
Home University:
* My stay at Novosibirsk State University is supported by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 2
What do you like Germany for?
Source of map: "Deutschland topo" by Botaurus-stellaris - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons -
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 3
What do you like Germany for?
Source of map: "Deutschland topo" by Botaurus-stellaris - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons -
Cultural heritage
(literature, music,
Social welfare
Innovative companies
High-quality products
(„Made in (West-)Germany“)
German beer :-)
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 4
Up-/Downsides of Efficiency
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 5
Up-/Downsides of Efficiency
- high wages
- cheap products/food
- as a country: strong
economic position
(much more export
than import)
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 6
Up-/Downsides of Efficiency
- high wages
- cheap products/food
- as a country: strong
economic position
(much more export
than import)
- high unemployment
- expensive workplaces
 do not call a
craftsman ...
- high pressure on
 Diesel Gate at VW
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 7
Efficiency also in Academia
• Comparing Student/Employee ratio of
- Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin
 University of Applied Sciences
- Humboldt-University (HU) Berlin
- Novosibirsk State University (NSU)
HTW Berlin HU Berlin NSU
Size of Universities
Employees Students
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 8
Efficiency also in Academia
• Comparing Student/Employee ratio of
- Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin
 University of Applied Sciences
- Humboldt-University (HU) Berlin
- Novosibirsk State University (NSU)
HTW Berlin HU Berlin NSU
Students per Employee
HTW Berlin HU Berlin NSU
Size of Universities
Employees Students
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 9
Efficiency also in Academia
• Comparing Student/Employee ratio of
- Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin
 University of Applied Sciences
- Humboldt-University (HU) Berlin
- Novosibirsk State University (NSU)
HTW Berlin HU Berlin NSU
Students per Employee
HTW Berlin HU Berlin NSU
Size of Universities
Employees Students
This is the paradise !!!
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 10
My Career
1990-97 Study of Computer Science at HU Berlin
1997-99 Research Assistent at HU Berlin
1999 How to continue? Hard decision!
1999-03 Doctoral Student at University of Karlsruhe
(today: KIT)
2003-07 Post-Doc, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
(EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
2007-11 Senior Engineer in small software company, Berlin
2011 -- Professor at HTW Berlin
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 11
My Period of Writing PhD Thesis
• 2 years preliminary research work at HU Berlin
• my group in Karlsruhe
- 2 professors
- 2 post-docs
- 4 phd students
 funding from DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft): salary,
equipement, travelling
 basically no teaching obligations
- appr. 5-10 student assistents
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 12
My Period of Writing PhD Thesis
• 2 years preliminary research work at HU Berlin
• my group in Karlsruhe
- 2 professors
- 2 post-docs
- 4 phd students
 funding from DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft): salary,
equipement, travelling
 basically no teaching obligations
- appr. 5-10 student assistents
We have the worst PhD supervisor ever, because he does not supervise us!
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 13
My Period of Writing PhD Thesis
• 2 years preliminary research work at HU Berlin
• my group in Karlsruhe
- 2 professors
- 2 post-docs
- 4 phd students
 funding from DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft): salary,
equipement, travelling
 basically no teaching obligations
- appr. 5-10 student assistents
We have the worst PhD supervisor ever, because he does not supervise us!
We have the best PhD supervisor ever, because he does not supervise us!
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 14
How to find open Research Position?
• Ask your professor/supervisor here in Nsk
- people meet at conferences/workshops and
disseminate open positions
• Go to
- offers alert service
- informative links
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 15
Types of PhD Positions
• assistent position at university (Landesstelle)
+ contract extension no problem
- sometimes time-consuming teaching obligations
• research position at university (e.g. DFG financed)
+ focus on research; no teaching
- sometimes hard to get project extension
• position at research institute (Fraunhofer, Leibniz)
+ working on industry problems
- overloaded with work to reach next milestone
• research position in industry (Daimler Benz, Siemens)
+ working on industry problems
- no strong supervision; danger to become 'ordinary' project member
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 16
Initiative for Academic Excellence
• Initiated by chancellor Gerhard Schröder
Idea: Universities and clusters can apply for
special status "Place of Excellence"
- selected universities get huge research money from
Federal budget
- highly competitive (only 5-10 universities got status)
- only already renowned universities have chance to
become successful
Rational: Germany wants to "become better" in world-
wide rankings
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 17
Consequences of Excellence Initiative
• currently a lot of money "in the system"
• many interesting projects
• a lot of open positions :-)
- also due to the current very good job market
 many talented graduates go to industry
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 18
Consequences of Excellence Initiative
• currently a lot of money "in the system"
• many interesting projects
• a lot of open positions :-)
- also due to the current very good job market
 many talented graduates go to industry
!!! However !!!
- still only non-permanent positions
- becoming a professor after PhD project became
even more difficult (due to many qualified colleages
that completed PhD as well)
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 19
Will I have enough money to survive?
• as a PhD student: no fees to be paid
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 20
Will I have enough money to survive?
• as a PhD student: no fees to be paid
• Salary usually according to Tv-L 13: currently 3500 € per month
- from this appr. 50% reduction for taxes, health insurance,
pension plan
- !Attention! some research projects offer only 50% jobs
 "officially" 50% workload, but for sure only 50% payment
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 21
Will I have enough money to survive?
• as a PhD student: no fees to be paid
• Salary usually according to Tv-L 13: currently 3500 € per month
- from this appr. 50% reduction for taxes, health insurance,
pension plan
- !Attention! some research projects offer only 50% jobs
 "officially" 50% workload, but for sure only 50% payment
• Some prices:
- lunch in cafeteria: appr. 4 €
- food from supermarket: appr. 150 € per month
- 1-room flat in Berlin: from 400 € per month
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 22
Final Recommendations
• Do not worry about German language skills
- helpful in private life, but not mandatory at university
• my favourite position: research at university with professor
having 3-4 PhD students
• getting an 1-year-contract initially is rather normal
• publications
- do not wait too long with your first one
- write only if you found out something worth to be told
- also read books/articles on "How to write a good paper?/How
to give a good talk?"
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 23
Final Recommendations
Prof. Tom Henzinger: „Strive always to be as good as you can!“
(when writing applications,writing papers, giving talks)
T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 24
Thank you!

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Xtext project and PhDs in Gemany

  • 1. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 1 Xtext: Eclipse-based framework for defining Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) Thomas Baar (temporary *) NSU Tech Talk; Akademgorodok, 2015-11-24 Guest Lecturer at: Home University: * My stay at Novosibirsk State University is supported by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).
  • 2. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 2 Domain-Specific Language (DSL) A DSL is a notation for expressing observations, facts, algorithms in an elegant way. The notation can be - textual - graphical - table-oriented or a mixture of the above.
  • 3. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 3 Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Compared to general-purpose modeling languages (e.g. UML) or programming languages (e.g. Java), DSLs have usually a (much) less complex syntax while being expressive enough for the domains they target!
  • 4. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 4 Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Compared to general-purpose modeling languages (e.g. UML) or programming languages (e.g. Java), DSLs have usually a (much) less complex syntax while being expressive enough for the domains they target! Domain-specific models/programs are typically less complex than models/programs written in a general purpose language. Thus, they are easier to understand and to maintain.
  • 5. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 5 DSL Examples Domain Typesetting Language Latex Source: Britannica kids.
  • 6. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 6 DSL Examples Domain Automatic Software Build Language make
  • 7. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 7 DSL Examples Domain Chemistry Language Mendeleev's periodic system of chemical elements
  • 8. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 8 DSL Examples Domain Process Description Language Harel's statecharts
  • 9. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 9 - Что такое? • Eclipse-framework for defining textual DSLs - actually, Xtext is the heart of Eclipse bundle "Eclipse for Java and DSL developers"
  • 10. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 10 - Что такое? • Eclipse-framework for defining textual DSLs - actually, Xtext is the heart of Eclipse bundle "Eclipse for Java and DSL developers" • Open source, but professionally developed and maintained by start-up company Itemis (Kiel, Germany) - matured code, release 2.9 expected early Dec 2015 - nice documentation/tutorials - active forum, fast bug-fixes
  • 11. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 11 - Что такое? • Eclipse-framework for defining textual DSLs - actually, Xtext is the heart of Eclipse bundle "Eclipse for Java and DSL developers" • Open source, but professionally developed and maintained by start-up company Itemis (Kiel, Germany) - matured code, release 2.9 expected early Dec 2015 - nice documentation/tutorials - active forum, fast bug-fixes • Very informative website - short video tutorials explaining each editor feature - links to what community has implemented using Xtext
  • 12. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 12 Xtext: Mission & Workflow Mission: Make the Definition and Usage of textual DSLs as easy as possible.
  • 13. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 13 Overview on DSL Definition DSL-Part Defined in Purpose Grammar EBNF-inspired Grammar language specify lexer, parser Validator Xtend * filter out non-intended input models; trigger error- markers in editor Scope definitions Xtend resolve cross-references Editor configurations (Overview pane, content assist/auto-completion, font-selection, tooltips, etc.) Xtend adjust editor features Code generator Xtend specify code generator Tests Xtend execute test cases for lexer, parser, validator, scope provider, editor, eclipse integration, etc. * Xtend - An extension of Java invented from Xtext-team in order to make typical programming tasks (e.g. AST traversion, code templates) much easier.
  • 14. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 14 More detailed DSL-Definition Workflow
  • 15. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 15 Example Project Beans
  • 16. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 16 A Simple Example: Beans -- Create an Xtext Project --
  • 17. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 17 A Simple Example: Beans -- Define the Grammar --
  • 18. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 18 A Simple Example: Beans -- Define the Grammar -- Header Start Rule Feature in generated EMF class Cross-reference Keyword Optional Occurence
  • 19. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 19 Xtext is build on top of the parser generator ANTLR. For the above grammar, much longer input files for ANTLR have been generated (299 LOC, 24 LOC). A Simple Example: Beans -- Define the Grammar -- Header Start Rule Feature in generated EMF class Cross-reference Keyword Optional Occurence The formalism for defining a grammar is a DSL! This DSL has been implemented by Xtext itself ;-)
  • 20. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 20 A Simple Example: Beans -- Testing the Parser using JUnit -- Pre-defined helper classes String templates (enclosed by ''' ) Extension method (actually defined in ParserHelper and not in String)
  • 21. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 21 A Simple Example: Beans -- Adding a Validator: Making the syntax more precise -- class BeansDslValidator extends AbstractBeansDslValidator { public static val INVALID_NAME = 'invalidName' @Check def checkBeannameStartsWithCapital(Bean bean) { if (!Character.isUpperCase( { error('Name must start with a capital', BeansDslPackage.Literals.BEAN__NAME, INVALID_NAME ) } } } Mark input text as erroneous under certain circumstances
  • 22. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 22 A Simple Example: Beans -- Testing the Validator using JUnit --
  • 23. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 23 A Simple Example: Beans -- Enjoy the Editor :-) -- Content assist (aka auto-completion) Grammar error (missing ';') Validation error (no capital letter)
  • 24. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 24 A Simple Example: Beans -- Specify a Code Generator using Xtend -- class BeansDslGenerator implements IGenerator { override void doGenerate(Resource resource, IFileSystemAccess fsa) { resource.allContents.toIterable.filter(typeof(Bean)).forEach[ fsa.generateFile('''beans/«name».java''', compile) ] } def compile(Bean bean) { ''' public class «» «IF bean.superType != null»extends «» «EN «FOR att : bean.attributes» private «att.type.typeToString» «»; «ENDFOR» «FOR att : bean.attributes» public «att.type.typeToString» get«»() { return «»; } public void set«»(«att.type.typeToString» _arg) { this.«» = _arg; } «ENDFOR» } '''} def typeToString(BasicType type) { if (type.literal.equals("string")) "String" else type} } Output written in .java file Each bean becomes a Java class Each bean attribute is mapped to Java attribute, getter- and setter- method
  • 25. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 25 A Simple Example: Beans -- Enjoy the Code Generator :-) -- One input file (written in our DSL) Location of generated artifacts Three output files (written in target language)
  • 26. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 26 A Simple Example: Beans -- Testing Code Generator using JUnit -- class BeansGeneratorTests { @Rule @Inject public TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder @Inject extension CompilationTestHelper @Inject extension ReflectExtensions @Test def void testTwoCompiledClasses() { ''' bean Person{string name;} bean Student extends Person{ boolean isMaster; studentID; // implicitely typed as int } } '''.compile [ getCompiledClass("Person").assertNotNull getCompiledClass("Student").assertNotNull ] } } both classes has been compiled successfully
  • 27. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 27 A Simple Example: Beans -- Testing Code Generator using JUnit -- @Test def void playWithGeneratedJavaCode() { ''' bean Person{string name;} bean Student extends Person{ boolean isMaster; studentID; // implicitely typed as int } } '''.compile [ getCompiledClass("Student").newInstance => [ assertNull(it.invoke("getName")) val aName = "Johnson" it.invoke("setName", aName) // invoking inherit method assertEquals(aName, it.invoke("getName")) val anInt = 1234 it.invoke("setStudentID", anInt) assertEquals(anInt, it.invoke("getStudentID")) ] ] } create instance of Student and invoke setter/getter by reflection
  • 28. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 28 Summary • Differences of domain-specific and general-purpose languages • Short overview on purpose and architecture of Xtext • Gone through small example (hopefully) showing the efficiency gain
  • 29. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 29 Summary • Differences of domain-specific and general-purpose languages • Short overview on purpose and architecture of Xtext • Gone through small example (hopefully) showing the efficiency gain Try it out by yourself! Xtext is very versatile and stable.
  • 30. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, The framework Xtext. 2015-11-24 30 Thank you!
  • 31. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 1 How to write a PhD thesis in Germany Thomas Baar (temporary *) NSU Tech Talk; Akademgorodok, 2015-11-24 Guest Lecturer at: Home University: * My stay at Novosibirsk State University is supported by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).
  • 32. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 2 What do you like Germany for? Source of map: "Deutschland topo" by Botaurus-stellaris - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons -
  • 33. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 3 What do you like Germany for? Source of map: "Deutschland topo" by Botaurus-stellaris - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons - Cultural heritage (literature, music, architecture) Social welfare Innovative companies High-quality products („Made in (West-)Germany“) Efficiency German beer :-)
  • 34. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 4 Up-/Downsides of Efficiency
  • 35. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 5 Up-/Downsides of Efficiency Ups - high wages - cheap products/food - as a country: strong economic position (much more export than import)
  • 36. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 6 Up-/Downsides of Efficiency Ups - high wages - cheap products/food - as a country: strong economic position (much more export than import) Downs - high unemployment rate - expensive workplaces  do not call a craftsman ... - high pressure on employees  Diesel Gate at VW
  • 37. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 7 Efficiency also in Academia • Comparing Student/Employee ratio of - Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin  University of Applied Sciences - Humboldt-University (HU) Berlin - Novosibirsk State University (NSU) 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 HTW Berlin HU Berlin NSU Size of Universities Employees Students
  • 38. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 8 Efficiency also in Academia • Comparing Student/Employee ratio of - Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin  University of Applied Sciences - Humboldt-University (HU) Berlin - Novosibirsk State University (NSU) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 HTW Berlin HU Berlin NSU Students per Employee 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 HTW Berlin HU Berlin NSU Size of Universities Employees Students
  • 39. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 9 Efficiency also in Academia • Comparing Student/Employee ratio of - Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin  University of Applied Sciences - Humboldt-University (HU) Berlin - Novosibirsk State University (NSU) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 HTW Berlin HU Berlin NSU Students per Employee 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 HTW Berlin HU Berlin NSU Size of Universities Employees Students This is the paradise !!!
  • 40. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 10 My Career 1990-97 Study of Computer Science at HU Berlin 1997-99 Research Assistent at HU Berlin 1999 How to continue? Hard decision! 1999-03 Doctoral Student at University of Karlsruhe (today: KIT) 2003-07 Post-Doc, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland 2007-11 Senior Engineer in small software company, Berlin 2011 -- Professor at HTW Berlin
  • 41. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 11 My Period of Writing PhD Thesis • 2 years preliminary research work at HU Berlin • my group in Karlsruhe - 2 professors - 2 post-docs - 4 phd students  funding from DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft): salary, equipement, travelling  basically no teaching obligations - appr. 5-10 student assistents
  • 42. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 12 My Period of Writing PhD Thesis • 2 years preliminary research work at HU Berlin • my group in Karlsruhe - 2 professors - 2 post-docs - 4 phd students  funding from DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft): salary, equipement, travelling  basically no teaching obligations - appr. 5-10 student assistents We have the worst PhD supervisor ever, because he does not supervise us!
  • 43. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 13 My Period of Writing PhD Thesis • 2 years preliminary research work at HU Berlin • my group in Karlsruhe - 2 professors - 2 post-docs - 4 phd students  funding from DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft): salary, equipement, travelling  basically no teaching obligations - appr. 5-10 student assistents We have the worst PhD supervisor ever, because he does not supervise us! We have the best PhD supervisor ever, because he does not supervise us!
  • 44. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 14 How to find open Research Position? • Ask your professor/supervisor here in Nsk - people meet at conferences/workshops and disseminate open positions • Go to - offers alert service - informative links
  • 45. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 15 Types of PhD Positions • assistent position at university (Landesstelle) + contract extension no problem - sometimes time-consuming teaching obligations • research position at university (e.g. DFG financed) + focus on research; no teaching - sometimes hard to get project extension • position at research institute (Fraunhofer, Leibniz) + working on industry problems - overloaded with work to reach next milestone • research position in industry (Daimler Benz, Siemens) + working on industry problems - no strong supervision; danger to become 'ordinary' project member
  • 46. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 16 Initiative for Academic Excellence • Initiated by chancellor Gerhard Schröder Idea: Universities and clusters can apply for special status "Place of Excellence" - selected universities get huge research money from Federal budget - highly competitive (only 5-10 universities got status) - only already renowned universities have chance to become successful Rational: Germany wants to "become better" in world- wide rankings
  • 47. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 17 Consequences of Excellence Initiative • currently a lot of money "in the system" • many interesting projects • a lot of open positions :-) - also due to the current very good job market  many talented graduates go to industry
  • 48. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 18 Consequences of Excellence Initiative • currently a lot of money "in the system" • many interesting projects • a lot of open positions :-) - also due to the current very good job market  many talented graduates go to industry !!! However !!! - still only non-permanent positions - becoming a professor after PhD project became even more difficult (due to many qualified colleages that completed PhD as well)
  • 49. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 19 Will I have enough money to survive? • as a PhD student: no fees to be paid
  • 50. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 20 Will I have enough money to survive? • as a PhD student: no fees to be paid • Salary usually according to Tv-L 13: currently 3500 € per month - from this appr. 50% reduction for taxes, health insurance, pension plan - !Attention! some research projects offer only 50% jobs  "officially" 50% workload, but for sure only 50% payment
  • 51. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 21 Will I have enough money to survive? • as a PhD student: no fees to be paid • Salary usually according to Tv-L 13: currently 3500 € per month - from this appr. 50% reduction for taxes, health insurance, pension plan - !Attention! some research projects offer only 50% jobs  "officially" 50% workload, but for sure only 50% payment • Some prices: - lunch in cafeteria: appr. 4 € - food from supermarket: appr. 150 € per month - 1-room flat in Berlin: from 400 € per month
  • 52. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 22 Final Recommendations • Do not worry about German language skills - helpful in private life, but not mandatory at university • my favourite position: research at university with professor having 3-4 PhD students • getting an 1-year-contract initially is rather normal • publications - do not wait too long with your first one - write only if you found out something worth to be told - also read books/articles on "How to write a good paper?/How to give a good talk?"
  • 53. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 23 Final Recommendations Prof. Tom Henzinger: „Strive always to be as good as you can!“ (when writing applications,writing papers, giving talks)
  • 54. T.Baar: NSU TechTalk, Writing a PhD Thesis in Germany. 2015-11-24 24 Thank you!