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September 2012
“Using militias to enforce human rights and
influence of human rights on U.S military
operational strategies and tactics”
For the love of California, Mordor, and South
By Dr. Robert L Silva II M.A APD CBST
“Using militias to enforce human rights and
influence of human rights on U.S military
operational strategies and tactics”
Copyright 2012 September: IHRDS
By Dr. Robert L Silva II M.A APD CBST
About Author,
Dr. Robert L Silva II was Captain Robbie Silva Jr
of the Red Faction Brigade of Acampo during the
clan conflicts in 1980s. The clan conflicts were due
to the Sergei Chenko movements in the Soviet
Union and United States of America. Certain
military leaders in U.S Military were using gangs
and ruffians to disrupt intelligence operatives in the
U.S government services and depraving people into
chattel living conditions to organize crime. The
conflict was with bullets, knifes, proxies and two set
judges, fighting over kitchen and future minds of
America. Home invasion on memory inhibitors as
the Red Faction was a minute man solution when
the U.S military could not protect from the internal
enemy. Some U.S military personnel solicited local
civilians in the region to create hegemony over
citizen’s lives in America. The Oak View Tribunals
of Acampo California of the 1980s explains the
details of the conflict in detail.
The Red Faction Army was in Germany which
Robbie Silva defended on international Television
in Fairfax Virginia, due to they are cousin’s in
Germany that promote social democratic changes an
saw inherit flaws in the military promoting foreign
policy on tactics and strategies, that infringe human
rights of civilians that where self determined and in
protest. The goal was to promote a policy guided by
supra norms of the international regime, principles
and human rights. Mienhoff-Baader gang part of the
Red Faction Army, Baader is a cousin through the
Guell line.
During this time we had major cannibalism and
child molestation activity and Sergei Chenko was
alive and his movement in the U.S military as the
Central Intelligence Agency filmed horrid acts of
barbarism against children in Fairfax Virginia they
were targeting intelligence operative’s children of
the United States of America. The U.S military
could have been targeting Guell’s in Germany as
the tormented the Baader gang’s members into
provocation to destroy them through court rulings.
Sergei Chenko was living in the region of Northern
Virginia during these times. As Vladimir Putin a
young KGB agent protecting his operatives working
in diplomacy in Washington living in Fairfax
Virginia in Circle Towers between the years 1976-
1979 against this movement. Young Medev was
living their with his mother, his father a Osuna and
Louie a brother to Captain Robbie Silva but Robbie
Silva was junior Lieutenant then under George H
Bush Sr at the CIA. Sergei Chenko was an issue as
young Kofi Annan was there; working through the
United Nations as father future job, running the hit
teams to stop the internal and future conflict
between the Soviet Union and the United States of
America. The United Nations with the help of the
CIA and KGB collaboration destroy the WALL and
began a new order in the world.
The young Red Faction members guided by the
United Nations moved against U.S Military Officers
that were targeting decedents of the Guell and Louie
families which are descendent of General George
Washington. These children were children of
Prince Charles of Wales, and other important
member of the United States and World government
leaderships. Sergei was destroyed by the King and
Queen of France as he asked in building two in
Circle Towers as the kids call the blue complex
because of blue corridors rugs, Other military
leaders were destroyed in the act of child
molestation during these years, like in the Town
houses were the young Mountbatten twins watch a
full bird Colonial die by the hands of the Red
Faction leaders as the try to squeeze the life out of
the two young Washington girls.
The issue the U.S military was influencing judges
of the molested children in Fairfax Virginia to
dominate them. They were diagnosing them after
poisoning them and medicating them illegally then
filming them under the affects of the medication as
psychiatric condition. As the traitors U.S military
officers molested and hide their tormenting of these
children. We watch on Television the rise of the
Red Faction Army experiencing the same tactics in
Germany near American bases where the U.S
military occupied. Robbie saw the correlation. I am
actually Robbie Silva explaining to you that we saw
the correlation as the Red Faction became a terrorist
organization to the world media.
The Red Faction Army was considered descendents
of the American Revolutionary Army that had
French and Austrian members in the colonies in
America. The first leaders of the Red Faction could
be Mozart, no General George Washington. There
is a need for a trained civilian population skilled in
tactics and strategy and the laws of war of self
determination, and thus Jus ad Bellum, Jus in
Bellum. The rules of conducting war and the rules
of treating subdue troops and civilian’s is important
in maintaining civilization, and humanity. The
importance of this book is to teach any one that is
oppressed and not being helped revolutionary
business leads to death in jail cells, torture in the
night by mercenary militaries called national
security forces. As gasses enter the house as the
military personnel in a bug eyed mask looking like
extra terrestrial is going through your food spraying
in like fly so it is easy to digest then does an anal
probe and you think you are impregnated with an
alien spore. . As in Allende’s Chile we found
atrocities with the national military with influence
over the legislature as Eisenhower warned the
Military Industrial Complex is danger to democracy
and freedom. Allende was hurting people and doing
morbid things, and fear they were cannibalizing
rivals and dissenters.
The problem is the U.S military members was
influenced by Sergei Chenko’s movement and used
authority to attack where their operative operated
important land owners and industrial and political
families, plus the intelligence operative children to
remove future influence from the political and
economic institutions. The German experience of
having children raped and tormented from that
cultural could have provoked the sensationalist
media as fathers and mothers protecting their
children and cousins. Lead to the extreme violence
In Acampo California Sergei movement had
training camps in the dairy fields. They were
moved in and out of the Lodi Airport on Jahant Rd.
on private planes. The 1980s was a bloody war as
the Italian Mob was manipulated by this movement
or Italian Mob used Sergi in Soviet Union and the
United States of America influencing the military
and general politic. The use of fear of internal
enemy to control both sides is to create an
Orwellian common knowledge to remove dissenters
as they see fit. The goal was to have moles in the
Soviet Union and U.S.A military and political
establishments to control and manage people
through threat of security, or you are the enemy.
Then destroyed in Russia or America detainment
facilities to cover up molestation or corruption in
the government that oppresses the people not in
these organize crime syndications. The future
Director of Federal Bureau of Investigator Mr.
Mueller was involved in these small conflicts. Mr.
Mueller went on to run the FBI and stop human
trafficking in America jurisdictions in South East
Asia in early 21st
Century in hidden slavery case of
Philippine workers in American own factories.
The Acampo conflict was about having 10 men
enter a house at night and molest a child and beat
and kill the father. This era of the Red Faction war
many did, and the people that claimed to be Sergis’
became Unionist and Gen. Arbuckle’s children.
Captain Robbie Silva Jr, lead the Red Faction into
combat protecting the young Soviets and Royals of
the region due to the fact they were targeted. The
notion of body protection was needed as local
police and sheriff were not subduing due to shear
numbers of the gangs, and reprisals. The local
military leaders could not have supported due to
kick backs of leisure and power they get for
syndicating with these movements.
The use of Glock, pistols with lite blue uniformed
Red Beret wearing teenagers with Soviet Union and
dread German Flags running into houses with
ceramic cap bullets, ripping 50 year old men off of
little girls around 4 in the morning in hot Acampo
nights. This was the 1980s in America. The militia
protected the citizen as the fear of the omnipresence
and all knowing government was in fear of its own
power against agents created security breaches of
civilians of the U.S.A and Soviet Union. My great
grandfather called Mordor.
Capt. Robbie Silva Jr went on to work as an United
Nations Peacekeeper in Bosnia and Afghanistan
protecting the civilian as the U.S foreign policy was
being enacted by the U.S government troops.
In the 1990s when the Red Faction worked again
John Garamendi with American Indian Movement
watch local sheriff’s of Calaveras members it was
not an institutional policy in continental North
America. The Miwoks were being starved and
trashed into helping the local drug cartel that had
influence in local law enforcement agencies. The
purpose was to use the non federal land to store
illicit substances in the Miwok reservation
territories. I had C.I.A status during this time
working for the U.S federal government
understanding this is to show exploitation of the
Native population in autonomous regions in the
United States of America territory was being used
to disrupt economic and social life by marketing
and storing illicit drugs for sale in the U.S federal
jurisdiction it was not a Miwok conspiracy to
destroy daily life for American populations. It was a
organize crime raising money to dominate
economic practices for personal power seeking in
the autonomous land.
There were fire fights between pro drug clans and
others in the Miwok village and between certain law
enforcement officials. The gun fights happen with
law enforcement. Steve Bojorquez -American
Indian Movement- , Capt Robbie Silva Red Faction
and John Garamendi Red Faction observed the
situation of suffering, starvation lack of sewers and
exploitation of the Miwok village because of the
desire to force them to help drug cartels. They were
threaten by gun point some time. The Miwok
Village became free from the organize drug dealing
and the casino boom help autonomous regions
become self sufficient and up to cultural standards
with out using conflict and criminal activity. Me
and mother Dorthy P Silva –C.I.A- and my wife
Avril Silva –Robbie’s wife- Red Faction were
honor with Steve Bojorquez with statues in the
Miwok Village wearing Red Faction and American
Indian Movement uniforms promoting their
freedom from misuse of government by corrupt
officials in the U.S government jurisdictions. The
notion of militias protecting the minorities rights
through threat of use of force.
The cause of the American Revolutionary war was
not just because King George III was Dutch
Scottish king destroying the economy for personal
control operating for lowlands control of production
and creating England as an internal colony. It was
about his troops entering French and English houses
in the American Colonies and taking things with out
due process then his friend demanding payment the
next day, then seizing land. It has metaphors for the
Red Faction conflicts in America in Fairfax
Virginia and Acampo California entering houses
demanding affection, forced sexually relations and
taking booty. The American Revolution and de
Silva’s of Austria and Louie’s and other through the
empires sent money since England was the North
province of France. The French Continental Army
was created in France and shipped to the New
World as the Red Faction fought a guerrilla war or
asymmetrical war. General George Washington
conscripted civilians to fight a professional thug
army of King George the III.
The American Revolution was one of self
determination and enforcing of contemporary
entitlements of the Magna Carta for the lords and
commoners rights, since they were from the
homeland of Greater British Isles. They were living
in American colonies settling and developing when
the security apparatus the British Army started to
created new methods of etiquette and interaction for
the people. The problem could have been rape of
wives and older daughters and taking of items, and
giving secret directions to interact and who to do
business with. Then excluding the English and
French colonist into depravation then death they
came to work to bring resources back to France and
trade with other empires.
The metaphor of the military or security apparatus
using notions of enemy and giving secret directions
to shape society, the secret court. The people need a
method to protect themselves from predators
internal and external.
The people of France and England decided to
remove King George III’s influence from the new
world by creating a new council for security and
planning and developing the commons. The
American Revolution begun this was to create self
determination for the colonist being treated with
proper entitlements.
Chapter 1: LAWS of WAR
The Laws of war are found in many treaties. The
laws of war are found in many documents, the
important ones are the United Nations Charter,
defining when a group has the right to self
determination. The Geneva Conventions about
treatment of capture combatants and treatment of
civilians in liberated regions. The articles of
Aggression, Jus in Bellum is war in process and Jus
ad Bellum conducting after the war.
The right to self determination by the people is
defined in the United Nations Charter to promote
self determination of a people .The United Nations
have a mediation and peaceful conflict mechanism
but the United Nations is a realist organization and
the founders and creators realize one must defend
themselves for hostiles in the government also, and
list reasons of use of force, for self determination.
Usually the law applies when life of citizen or the
person is directly threaten, plus when the judicial
and government has failed to promote body security
and seek remedy through legal means codified by
law to resolve issues to find relief. The United
Nations urges through Article 34 to use the United
Nations as source to remedy situation before using
brutal violence against the state agents. Chapter VII
article 51 allows for self determination of
individuals and collective action in the United
Nations Charter. The right to protect ones life is a
codified norm in the Untied Nation Charter against
aggression form other actors or parties.
The Treaty’s defining Just War or the right to use
force to deter aggression. One Treaty that should be
reviewed is the Treaty of Aggression 1917.
The notion of mistreatment under the law that has
generational affects on life should be reported to the
United Nations Human Rights Council. The notion
of poisoning and force medication and force
medical procedures falls under the jurisdiction of
the International Covenant of Cultural and Political
Rights 1967, ratified in America in 1967. The issue
is covert war that has generational affects and
covert conquering through judicial practice or as
they say destruction of life. Does one have the right
to self determination? Yes but one should use the
established mechanism in place for compensation
and relief the United Nations and Organization of
American States has understanding of gradual
Gradual killing is a tool of colonial war. Clausewitz
could be a gradual killer. That the destruction of
support of life, like poisoning of food, putting mold
on clothes, damaging shoes to warp knees, cutting
bridles for horse tack and doping food with illicit
substances to stop a moving army were Clausewitz
tactics of war. The goal was to stop forward
movement and limited power projection of the
military. A military that cannot use cavalry and
cannons are rusty must move molding rifling with
rip boots as the fall to the volley of the Prussian
army stuck in the mud. In the modern context the
destruction of the business suit with an odor in an
important meeting with the boss, makes the rival
more appealing. The other method of gradual
killing is enter houses and spraying food with
Thorazine and arsenics that surely does not kill the
person but sends them in a state consciousness that
obliterates the personality. According to the
Organization of American States that is torture, and
mistreatment of a civilian. It also has generational
affects on the health of the person, but limits
opportunity in work and social interaction which
promote exclusion to cultural and social rights. Do
we use lethal force on these people or report to the
United Nations Human Rights Council, and
Organization American States Human Rights
Council? What happens to you when you are called
a drug addict, or psychotic mentally ill babbler with
lead poisoning?
Is this a proper military tactic to attack civilians is
this legal to the laws of war. No, the target of self
determination group is to subdue the military
apparatus according to the Geneva Conventions,
anything that has residual affects or generational
affects that can affect the population is illegal.
Poisoning is not a legal method subduing and
The ethics of using force to solve issue and what is
the proper target and method of solving conflict
with lethal and brutal force.
When does a self determination group use force
when confronted with brutal and lethal violence in
the defense of individual body security or
establishment that promote survival for the group,
in the protection of food of fields, food production
facilities, and roads to marine to safety. Food stores
being attack would be a use of lethal force would be
proper in the military theatre of action due to
enforcement of rights of civilians.
The targets of war are weapons and equipment
directly related to conducting armed conflict, that
means a truck driving munitions to an operational
area or war theatre is a target. A truck driving food
to a war theatre should not be attack due to dual use
for civilians and food cannot be used to kill directly
as a weapon.
When is it ethical to declare self determination?
Usually when the United Nations Security Council
deems enough evidence of neglect of the
established government institutions does not
promote the security and rights of all citizens. When
discrimination has been supported that lead to fatal
consequences. One has the right to protect items for
survival against government agents, and life with
lethal force if the perpetrator is a government agent
until this process is finished one should report, all
forms of asymmetric war to them through the
United Nations Human Right Council.
Ethics of using armed conflict to solve disputes
concerning human rights. When ones life is directly
threaten through a lethal weapon, and sex attacks
due to spread of disease is a brutal form of Weapons
of Mass Destruction transmission.
The ideal of self determination is promoting
freedom from oppression. Oppression is a
government or groups of people barring liberty for
the enforcement of an entitlement a person does not
have freedom due to fear of reprisals of violence
and denial of services. A person creates suffering to
stop entitlements. One has the right to live without
oppression when following the law and supra norms
of the international structure. The individual or
group has the right to live free from free from harm
and injury and suffering.
The states one must have environment to thrive and
the modern military is not about socially
engineering but promoting a safe place to live and
promote healthy and cultural lives.
This next section the use of State’s military’s is
about stopping sabotage of establishments to
promote human rights enforcement. In the next
section of the book I am discussing a battle and
operational strategy to control a territory to stop
conflict using State troops.
The goal of the State’s national military is stop acts
of sabotage and collusion of trade routes and
sabotage establishments that produce food, refine
resources for cultural and social rights. The ability
trade and produce items and service and access
these items is part of trade. Roads are important in
providing human rights to the civilians to promote
international obligations of the government
governing the territory. The goal of the federal
military is to secure borders and protect against
possible military and paramilitary attacks.
Paramilitary is non state military that could be using
force to conquer considered not Just War.
What is Just War has Justa Cause which is legal to
use force to subdue hostile actors domestically or
internationally. A state or party does not have the
right to conquer a territory but only subdue the
hostile or delinquent actor to restore the practice of
the Supra norms of the international system that
would be enforcement of human rights of the
citizens that are oppressed.
The United Nation’s Security Council can argue
Just War through multilateral discourse when found
people are oppressed and subjugated. This is when
the other countries decide it is time to intervene to
protect or deter future threats to international peace.
The other method is through customary norms and
codified norms, through the International Court of
Justice at The Hague. The notion of a breach of
contract that leads to a reacquisition of territory or
when an obligation of treaty is not met the use of
force is applied. Then the other party begins to
promote jurisdiction over the situation through
using armed troops to promote security over the
jurisdiction. These case studies or case law is used
in the marine of waterways for land lock states, the
need for a gun boat to keep the port state from
colluding or tying up the shipping vessel with
documents of travel. These are forms of
asymmetrical warfare that also that demand armed
responses due to generational affects of health of
the civilian population. The denial of food and
medical items and leisure items degenerate and
create health issue that then social force issues in
the communities involved.
The Bosnian issue was of declaring sovereignty as a
state. As the Serbia or Yugoslavian government put
troops in Bosnia; due to the fact Bosnia was
recognized as a state by the United Nations but
Serbia nationals were not protected by the Bosnia
government due to Croatian hostiles. The Serbia
had interest in protecting Serbians nationals in
Bosnia and did due to lack of security apparatus to
promote human rights and historical aggression.
The Croatians and Bosnians genocide the Serbians
in World War II in southern Bosnia this was the
context of Serbia obligation to protect the Serbian in
other states due to lack of security apparatus and
political will to treat as Bosnian citizens they treated
as enemies.
Study of Military Science through ancient board
games of Go, Chess, Checkers, and Othello.
The goal the game “Go” is about controlling spaces
and capturing pieces. This is a metaphor for
subduing invasion and securing a territory. The
playing of “GO” is each playing places a piece, the
goal is to surround the other player pieces and
control territory by blocking the piece or pieces
escape. This is to bar help from allies. This board
game explains the complexity of line warfare and
conquering for subduing. The notion is both are the
attacker and the defender. This is a game of
positioning while using limited power projection
units. The goal of “GO” is to control the blank
spaces in between your pieces to control most of the
board with out having your pieces being capture.
The board is a 19 by 19 grid the pieces are placed
on the intersections.
Chess is good example and exercise in practicing
littoral and power projection. The goal of the game
is to put the King piece in check and the next
opposite player move can be taken or capture. The
game is both players is on the attacker and
defending and needs to create barriers and promote
movement for littoral and power projection. It is a
game of positioning. This game is played on an 8
by 8 grid system.
Othello is a game of co-option through position and
controlling the ends of line. This is about linchpin
and position to allow range and influence. The
game is like GO you place one piece on the board
and the goal is to capture the other player’s piece
between two of yours in an orthogonal and diagonal
fashion. So the game is played at 90 degrees and 45
degree quadrants. When capture the other piece
change sides and can be used to capture other
pieces. Othello is played on grid board and the
center of grid is where is place the game piece. It is
played on an 8 by 8 grid board.
The game of Checkers is a good game about
teaching and practicing positioning, littoral power
and power projection. The creation of positioning of
your pieces allows you to control of the formation
of the opposing playing and allows for development
of future capturing. The game is played on the
diagonal on grid board where the game piece
placement is in the center of the grid. It is an 8 by 8
grid system the goal of the game is about
surrounding the other playing into making mistakes
and capturing all of the player’s pieces. It can be a
policing model and diffusion of sleeper cells.
The use of board games teaches relationship of
position and future littoral influence. This has to do
with movement and creating support system to be
able to fall back to create a deterrence. The ability
to create many points of attack so the attacker
begins to see mutual assured destruction this
promotes deterrence through the illusion of
rationality and capabilities. The opposing player
begins to see attacking leads to it own destruction.
The use of these games can help with tactics and
understanding strategies. The grand strategy is also
addressed in games the grand strategy is to win. The
strategy is to capture pieces and control the board.
Understanding the terminology of tactics, strategy
how to explain in Military Scientist terms is to
begin to practice the Military science. We study war
and the military endeavor through observation and
philosophical inquiry then through models to
replicated situations to do test studies based on
statistical replication of events, so random event
device such as dice are used.
The importance to understand terminology as you
learn the terminology you begin to understand the
concepts and how they relate to the over all field of
studying Military Science. You take the
terminology and apply the theories to case studies
of military history and you begin to learn. So when
you learn the terminology and play a game and then
study a historical battle you begin to become a
Military Historical scholar and when try to solve
failures of past military leaders you become a
Military Scientist and a doctor trying to fix with the
reasoning of decisions and policy making with you
understanding of military science concepts.
There are meta-concepts which describe areas
studies which are plans of actions and defining
ability of unit or item can do in an instant of time.
In war gaming, which you can practice these
concepts that try to simulate battle conditions.
For example: A tank can move so many inches on
the board and shoot a projectile some many inches
in some many segment of turns that does some
much influence of force and penetrates certain
materials. . The turn sequence represents a ratio of
time as the inches represent ratio’s yards, feet or
miles depending on the environment.
In this subject of study, we have different meta-
categories, we have movement then we study what
kind of terrain. Does certain terrain encumber that
slows down littoral reach of unit. This means the
ability to move in a given certain amount of time.
So the many different categories to study when
studying an unit’s ability that affect littoral reach,
and power projection.
Movement is measured in velocity levels how many
feet can a unit move in a given amount time, affect
of movement cause by terrain, weapon speed,
weapon littoral reach, weapons power projection,
affects of visual and physical obstacles, penetration
ability of projectile, rate of fire, rate of
replenishment- how many times a weapon can be
executed in a segment of time-, how far can the
projectile can be launch and travel, then damage of
projectile at certain places of travel, velocity has
affect on damage with certain weapons. Then we
can look at the defense abilities of the unit, ability
to be seen, size and visual observations, materials
the unit is made of, does deflect certain projectiles
how much damage and wear and tear can certain
materials can take. We can create categories to
study to understand the capabilities of units or
troops to begin to plan to create strategies and
choose tactics to diffuse potential hostilities. The
unit’s ability to defend a space and diffuse an
attacker is the goal of any grand strategy.
So in military science terminology we look at
littoral influence or how far can a unit move and
power projection how much violence can a unit
deliver in piercing objects. The goal is to diffuse
hostile units.
Looking at employing units the terminology is
called strategy and grand strategy. This has to do
with placement and future movement to create
affects which is called tactics. Tactics are
maneuvers that are ploys and gambits.
An example of a strategy is if I take this
geographical point then I can cut enemy troop
movement to the south and defend the west side of
the valley to stop encroachment on the city. The
stopping of the enemy from entering the city is the
grand strategy; the strategy is using key travel and
observation points around the city to confront the
enemy. The tactics is using spotters with lenses and
sonar devices with air support with quick light
cavalry with anti tank weapons.
Tactics is about the use of the unit’s capabilities in a
given combat situation that will produce an
outcome of strategy to reach grand strategy. The
common goal is subduing a hostile influence in the
given area. Tactics are flanking move to the left, the
giving cover fire after the move from the right flank
as the center drops and sends obfuscation gasses.
This is example of tactics to diffuse a specific
situation to reach strategy goals to reach grand
strategy requirements to achieve.
The grand strategy is an overall goal. An example
of a grand strategy is to stop movement of hostile in
Iraq to stop insurgency. The current policy or
strategy is patrolling and sweeping the tactic is
using Apache combat helicopters patrolling, then
radio in to Humvee patrols location then
approaching them to get information on purpose in
sectors. The grand strategy is diffuse hostiles the
strategy of patrolling the tactic is using certain units
in tandem to achieve the grand strategy goals.
This could be example of defining use and purpose
of units in a war theatre.
So a simple understanding is you come up with a
plan to overcome a future or current situation, then
decide the tools to use achieve the goals.
For example in life to explain Grand Strategy,
Strategy and tactics is the grand strategy is to eat,
the strategy is to buy a pizza to eat, the tactics is to
call on the phone , co opt your mothers credit card
and order it to the your location. The strategy is
getting the pizza, the tactic is convincing your
mother to give up the credit card, and then using the
phone to communicate the order to be sent to you to
eat, fulfilling the grand strategy. While you sit and
play your war game or board game learning how to
make plans and how to diffuse people that would
sabotage your plans.
Chapter 5:
The social and political context in the Spartan and
Persian conflict was about use resources and
choosing of trade partners to promote social and
cultural rights of the nations in the Greek peninsula
region in 480 B.C.
The notion of treatment and rights of civilians
Spartan and Athenian Uprising against Xerxes of
the Persian Empire the conflict started in Thrace
refusing to support empire through giving resources
or taxes to the Persian Empire.
Athenian Naval power repulsed Persian Navy which
evoked a land army which Athenians convinced the
Spartans to use ground troops to stop Persian land
Battle of Thermopylae,
The desire for self determination from a larger
exploitative and oppressive empire,
This battle or start of struggle was to suggest
removal of exploitive and oppressive regime that
influence, marriages, birthing rites, and socio
economic integration of citizens and spiritual
The Spartans and Athenians and Thracians were
looking for self determination and the ability to use
the resources of the land for there development. In
modern International law the ability for the Persian
to ask for investment back from developing
plantations in Athens, Thrace and Sparta would be
enforced but the practices of the influence culture
on these states from the Persian Empire birthing and
spouse choosing would be question in creation of an
innate dependency of citizens. The right to self
determination by Thracians to decide to trade with
Athens which bandwagon to balance Persian and
then Athens allied with Sparta to balance Persian
Empire for rights to use resources of the land to
trade for items in the region without using the
Persian state to distribute resources.
The analysis of the battle of Thermopylae through
tactics and strategy
The Grand Strategy is to repulse and remove the
Persian Empire from the Greek life and trade.
Strategy Repulsing the Persian land troops from
entering Greece by using hoplite troops with spears
and shield line.
Tactics: The Spartan choose a bottle neck in the
road called Thermopylae then using top troops to
destroy inferior trained and equipped troops.
Failures were that areas that lead to vulnerability
allowed the Persian to exploit weakness of Spartan
Successes the Spartan held off the a million man
army with 300 men for over 3 days. They reduce
the million man army to an average 20 man line
taking away the advantage of having a larger army
thus reducing capabilities of the greater number
The battle of Thermopylae was an Athenian move
to stop the invasion of Athens by the Persians which
would have involved the domination of Sparta. The
goal was to hold off the Persian Army movement
while Athens sunk Persian ships and stop supply
lines in the sea which was superior. The Greeks had
superior weapons and had a culture of the warrior in
their creeds while the Persian army was subjugated
different cultures of the Persia.
The weapons of the Spartan were light in
construction and efficiently made. The spear was
longer than normal spears and stronger. The shield
was a woven reed or branch that had springing
action that had metal façade. It was useful to stop
punctures and arrows and blows. A metaphor could
be Japanese Samurai armor. The equipment of the
Persian was from conquered and subjugated
cultures. It was inferior to Spartan, shorter in length
and not designed to fight in small phalanx positions.
The Spartans chose the sight to do battle or the pick
a gate with a nature wall that force the Persian army
to shrink to a 30 man line then began to fight.
The myth is the gimp of the Spartans sold out the
Sparta Army told the Persian leaders how to get
behind the Spartan line. So the Persians used
archers and the armor and defenses of the Spartan
Army was weak in the back it was surprise.
The lessons of Thermopylae we should look at own
people not as gimps but can help the effort by
integrating the non warrior in directly helping the
troops. Such as weapon cleaning and support
positions and communications. If the non warrior is
not employed they are used against the effort.
American” The Louie Empire” balancing act in
The royals have the right to take over a sovereign
due to a law signed in 1967 A.D, when Congress or
the Executive of the United States of America
misuse government resources the landowners have
the right to direct resources of the government. The
notion of royal rule is in the marking of the
currency also. The U.S dollar bill has the reaping
phoenix over the field and Hapsburgs all seeing eye,
on the dollar bill which represent debt of the U.S
government to the these families. The goal is use
the resources to promote human rights for the
citizens of America or pay the debt to the royal
families not wage war against the citizens for
control over resources which the original intent is to
provide for the people.
The political and social context is to support just
war in use of arm forces in this operation.
Is a breach of international tranquility promote use
of force in the region also staging third party attacks
against U.S establishments and disrupting marine of
U.S commodities in the region it was to open up
trade routes.
The notion of domestic tyranny is about the
oppression the people Iraq lead to refugee camps in
Jordan and Turkey. This creates a strain on
neighboring states and can cause criminal and small
conflict issues for these states thus an International
problem. The pretext to this conflict which can be
argue Saddam Hussein was in breach of obligation
due to not following customary norms of promoting
peaceful international policies. Weapons of Mass
destruction are not only nuclear or atomic weapons
but biological and toxins. Actually, a weapon of
Mass Destruction is a device that has generational
affects on the population that results in eventual
death. Saddam was accused in the late 1990s of
creating chemical weapons in pharmacy plants in
coordination with Al Bashir of Sudan. This issue
with Mr. Hussein administration of Iraq did create
international tensions that lead to social movement
in the region to seek overthrow due to security
dilemmas. The decision to enter Iraq had many
factors, mostly treatment of civilians, creating
weapons that cannot be used in conventional war
that is considered illegal because it destroys the
people by contaminating the land thus civilians are
murdered slowly. The decision to remove Hussein
through force could be Just War, due to
International Law’s obligations for the treatment of
civilians and promoting international norms of not
creating weapons and items that can end humanity
or human kind. Weapons should be create to
remove specific target not open aired.
In the Bosnia conflict of Yugoslavia, President
Clinton, invaded and did not promote balancing act
against hostiles in the Bosnia region the goal was to
promote hegemony to stop all conflict on both sides
with out taking sides. We lost sovereignty as a
country that year. Clinton’s troops killed people
with guns. The Louis family took over sovereignty
of the United States of America and the government
became an administration due to major breaches of
international law which promoted obligation the
international community called it conquering and
not promoting self determination of the U.S
government parts. The American flag was flip on
the arm of the U.S troops. It is the Tut heraldry the
American troops wear the ancient Egyptian Royal
family coat of arms which the Louis or Leo family
is descendent of. The Louis’s had estates in the
Middle East and the Americas. Me and Avril my
wife went to Bosnia as diplomats to ensure no
conquering but self determination and body security
of the people.
The Bosnia conflict was due to taxation
withholding, the Croatians did not want to give
taxes from the proceeds from the German factories
to Yugoslavian central government and wanted to
use the money for development of the north and not
poorer provinces and promoted autonomous
regions. The eastern Albanian organize crime
syndicates were used to move weapons, and
supplies to arm the Bosnians, as the Croatian rebels
invaded the South to claim ancestral territories.
Mostly two weapons factories in Munster Bosnia
and ports. The use of Osama Bin Laden and
Mujahedeen to train the Bosnians to defend them
was issued by the United Nations.
In Iraq we have Kurds being killed without judicial
recourse. The notion of body security of this
ethnicity was not promoted and those chemicals or
pharmacy being used on them were not intended but
externality. As a smart military official would
promote, that food is food, and this medicine helps
them think about moving to Turkey. They had
secret genocide and ethnic cleansing program going
in Iraq at this time with all that pharmacy being
created from the plants, or was it exhaust. The
International community understood war is constant
struggle, the constant struggle to displace the Kurds
indirectly hindered their ability to settle and develop
and benefit from the resources of the land in Iraq.
The Iraq conflict was much more complex than
strategic or a Leninist interpretation of U.S policy
which the U.S government is the executive
committees of the oil companies, and the U.S
military is just Clausewitz army helping to achieve
policy. The issue the war started and the quagmire
of Shitte and Sunni influence outside of Iraq
funding social movement to control Iraq. As the U.S
military patrols no define space and nothing is being
built as millions displaced. The realpolick war with
weapons had begun after the removal of Saddam
Hussein in Iraq in front of the U.S military policing
Operation Surge is about controlling territory to
promote development for benefit of resources and
settling and development of Iraq. It was an attempt
of inclusion of the Iraqi in promoting security for
the Iraqi national and controlling spaces for
production to promote benefit resources of the land
and settling and developing of all citizens in the
Iraqi jurisdiction or state.
Analysis of Operation Surge, is through grand
strategy to promote peace for economic
development to promote human rights. This is look
at methods and tactics as method to deter to
promote buffer from violence to create security.
The Grand Strategy was to bring peaceful living
arrangement to diffuse ethnic conflict and support
the new state.
The problem the notion of legitimacy was to own
land, in the Bosnia conflict case study the Serbians
were view not welcomed in Bosnia anymore
because of Statehood give the Bosnia privilege over
land. The issue the myth of property ownership with
new government the Serbia is not boss is secondary
in Bosnia now. So the conflict was about Serbians
asking for money for land and moving since it is
new situation in Bosnia.
Strategy: The first strategy was patrolling with U.N
troops and American troops the American troops
killed to many people. The goal was to disrupt small
arms conflict over territory to chase away legitimate
owners of property. The Bosnians could have been
ethnically cleansing and the Serbians defending
property rights in some cases. The illusion the
greater conflict was mass looting of others’ stores
and houses that many small conflicts created an
illusion of a big war. The patrolling did not work as
the equipment flowed in from Iran through the
Albanian organize crime networks trade routes
using prostitutes, the funding came from Italian
Bankers. It disrupted into greater conflict due to
lack of border patrolling and perimeter maintaining
of the movement of people; no check points. So
then the United Nations brought in the Mujahdeen
Osama bin Laden, to train the Bosnians due the JLA
or the Yugoslavian Army was well trained and
killing quickly and moving on with out being seen.
The Serbians could have a legal right to protect
property ownership until the national was
compensated for the property to relocate to buy land
We should look at the Iraqi experience then
compare it to the Bosnian experience where I
witness first hand. I did not experience Iraqi first
hand because I was in graduate school getting my
degree to teach. The Kurds the old immigrant,
being pushed to migrate somewhere else, Shitte the
new immigrant from Iran, and Sunni he lives their
and has cousins in Saudi Arabia bringing trucks
loads of money to buy weapons from Eastern
European organize crime cartels to defend property
rights and business rights. The issue in Basra a
historical ancient center of Shiites ideology became
Shiite outside of Iran, which Iran is center of
International Shiite movement. The Iranians were
looking for ruins of ancient settlements to argue
cultural heritage and Saddam is just a mean man
that oppresses the truth. This opportunity to
promote the truth in Iran they are getting weapons.
The open road into Iraqi allowed people to invest
with their own security apparatus, well funding their
private militias. The American establishment
removed the Hussien military complex that did
maintain a infrastructure but did not allow the
Kurds to live in the North because they interfere
with oil production development a nuisance charges
I think was levied as the Dinka in Sudan in Darfur
which ancient Arab ruins in the Darfut, well it was
proven the Masalat was in stories as Arab homeland
but Kurds like the Dinka had to go somewhere else
because they were not going to learn the rules and
laws of the society. Then they hired private security
forces to move them off the land, they used lethal
weapons and the state did not care it is private
market there. Then you have to work for us, that
means you need to understand the language and
deal with our attitude and emotions which is our
culture. This causes problems. The point the two
situations is about a non state actor acting on social
norms of property ownership, that their actions are
legitimize by notions of survival of the its group
due to accessing resources of the land. The state did
not provide a space for the Kurds and Dinka.
The Darfur issue is Chad sympathizes and so does
some Libyan social democrats with the Darfurians
and the conflict began. The a conflict began because
they were being forced into their new territories
well established territories of Chad and Libya.
The Iraqi experience was about pushing people with
different cultures and facial structures into Turkey
because they look like them and eat their food so go
there. That would be the Kurd population; they
need access to the oil reserves to sell to help the
Hussien regime. So there strategy was to separate
the ethnic groups into states as they did Yugoslavia.
The Operation Surge was about the America
establishment creating a perimeter and gate keeping
to keep flow of munitions for sleeper cells, and
patrolling enemy disruptors doing specific hits on
certain targets. So the Americans created a circle
and began to train Iraqis that supported then new
way of life and placement them between
International forces to protect the Green Zone
which is were production centers and living regions.
My own understanding is from studying news clips
reading news articles and what is on the internet. I
realized one day that the Iraqi War was never going
to end like Bosnia war due to no maintains border
control. In Bosnia the Dayton plan of separate and
equal, I think it was my mouth that came out with it,
fed up. It became geographical separation of the
ethnic identities in Bosnia using the international
troops to keep them away from each other.
I realize the green zone and slowing creating
perimeter with new recruits from Iraqi to control
movement of insurgent or people that arguing that is
our land get off or we will shoot, or destroying the
development on the land to argue we owe nothing
to you, look at no development squatter get off or
we will shoot you. The need to control Iranian-Iraqi
borders and Saudi Arabian border was essential in
diffusing conflict. The supply line was the border.
Was it about containing the enemy capturing or
controlling the territory as we see in the board game
“GO”. The desire was to create a wall to stop
inflow of opposing troops into a center. The notion
of the green zone was an “EYE” in a GO game. The
problem was inflow of troops and using the existing
territory for staging and loosing control to the other
states, not legitimately but through business and
social interaction and local policing associations
that are secret to public knowing. That is they are
working to create a controlling and managing
situation using the local government security
apparatus out side the green zone and getting
resources from other territories than the political
centers in Iraqi. They are not loyal and running their
own extra judicial governance systems through city
and provincial government loyal to other states and
social movement ideologies.
One day I realized it 5 years into the war, and
causalities were up. I pulled up a map in my room I
was living in San Francisco my landlady did not
mind my wife Avril Lavigne in the house I was
renting a room in the basement because I was going
to graduate school. The landlady says our pictures
are always on Mexican television. She smiled it is
light out I was checking for lights realizing my wife
is in my bed with me. My Landlady used to use my
television and lay on my Swedish foam bed. I was
at command center.
I had a large flat screen television connected to my
laptop. I was watching to conflict rise amazed. I
know most politicians do not understand the simple
reality due to they are manipulative on the personal
level and solve issues by skirting and then barring
the goal of most politicians is to pass the moment.
They make plans in small room and act like most
people are telepathic. And did not care it was Iraqi’s
property, they need to follow this new rule we
created for them use the police to enforce it if they
do not like it or understand the judge will explain.
The problem these people use guns to express
themselves. The politician assume foreign nationals
like the ideal of “pick up and leave and be happy
with what is given to you.”.
So I realized having 400,000 troops in Iraqi, and not
stopping the inflow of enemy militias tells me, it is
Vietnam. That doing patrols and arresting and
shooting people is not a military function. They sit
at check points and guards stores and gates that is
military function.
Thousand mile border with people running across
with weapons was the fantasy image I got from
news reporter. I know weapons and scopes can see
around 3 miles. If you put a man every mile that is
1,000 men if you put 5 men every quarter mile on
the Iran-Iraqi boarder then that is 20,000 men. Then
that is 1,250 feet they have to watch or 400 yards
then the two man watching two men sleeping and
one man building a fence. I was trying to figure out
what was going on in the military leadership mind.
So in class Dr. Hanami brought up the problems of
Iraqi I told him the problem is we are trying to be
heros, and not just get the job done.
So the desire to manipulate the enemy as we do in
Chess and Checkers was not in my mind. I know
most leaders and thinkers try to understand the
psychology of the opposing leaders which we have
to do on terrain we do not control but if control the
terrain then we build walls and control gates.
The problem with most politician and government
official is dealing with subterfuge and philandering
and embellishment to get people to choose their
plan. Then the plan changes and then it is create to
look effective plan, but not effective but everyone is
happy because they are looking like they are
working, the walk around and check and write
reports and that gets the money for the government
In Chess you always have to move, and is checkers
you can build walls and position for support. But
having a bishop or Attack helicopter 4 miles away
with a Humvee station every two miles allows for
closing in on position if major troop movement
happens following principle of “GO” filling in the
gaps between linchpin pieces. This was my
understanding how to control the Iranian border and
Saudi border to cut supply lines to end the Iraqi
In the Bosnia conflict it was separating them
because they lived next to each other the gangster
sometimes delivered the weapons in vans and then
drive off quickly.
The goal in Iraq was to create moral for the troops
on the line to see each other and they can see how
they can fall into line to protect each with bases and
support equipment 2 to 15 minutes away. The guy
a quarter mile away is actually 5 seconds to a 1
minute away for support. The ability to see 5 miles
in front of the perimeter gives the line time to plan
and assess danger. The Humvee squad could have
10 men and then helicopters can move men 15 from
small bases fortifying the line. Then soldiers sit on
the line for 48 hours at a time doing 4 hour shift
sleeping 6 to 8 hours.
In Checker and Chess terms the ability to take a
piece after taken give deterrence this makes the
opposing player rationalize and take time acting
which gives you time to re organize and call for
back up. It Chess terms alone, If the player sees a
position is well fortified sometime alters plans of
the opposing player and creates opportunities. In
this situation of Iraq the subduing of the hostile
force was about keeping them out of Iraq, the
removal of weapons was the goal and removing
direct proximity to targets for the insurgency.
Chapter 7 Conclusion,
The study of the laws of war and understanding
conflict and self determination is more than fire
power and large masses of troops. War should be
used to promote human rights and promote freedom
for the people and not subjugate them. The studied
of Military Science can help promote you body
security and life against hostile predators thus a
method to promote human rights in your and your
loved one lives. Playing games is a fun past time
and good way to practice understanding of
movement and positioning. It is not to play games
to learn war, but games were simulations of war in
the ancient and medieval. It is not to make war fun
and the only method to achieve goals but it is away
good to help protect you endeavors for terrorism
one must understand war, and the military science
promotes it.
The notion of private militias and National Gun
Association does protect people and enforce human
rights. The notion protecting people from
exploitation and harm should be the government
primary purpose as they argue security but the
people are abused and live in constant harassment
due to corruption of National Militaries and local
law enforcement agencies. The Militias in these
case protected the people and promote minority

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  • 2. RED FACTION BRIGADE: LAW MANUAL “Using militias to enforce human rights and influence of human rights on U.S military operational strategies and tactics” For the love of California, Mordor, and South Sudan By Dr. Robert L Silva II M.A APD CBST 2
  • 3. RED FACTION BRIGADE: LAW MANUAL “Using militias to enforce human rights and influence of human rights on U.S military operational strategies and tactics” Copyright 2012 September: IHRDS By Dr. Robert L Silva II M.A APD CBST 3
  • 4. Introduction, About Author, Dr. Robert L Silva II was Captain Robbie Silva Jr of the Red Faction Brigade of Acampo during the clan conflicts in 1980s. The clan conflicts were due to the Sergei Chenko movements in the Soviet Union and United States of America. Certain military leaders in U.S Military were using gangs and ruffians to disrupt intelligence operatives in the U.S government services and depraving people into chattel living conditions to organize crime. The conflict was with bullets, knifes, proxies and two set judges, fighting over kitchen and future minds of America. Home invasion on memory inhibitors as the Red Faction was a minute man solution when the U.S military could not protect from the internal enemy. Some U.S military personnel solicited local civilians in the region to create hegemony over citizen’s lives in America. The Oak View Tribunals of Acampo California of the 1980s explains the details of the conflict in detail. The Red Faction Army was in Germany which Robbie Silva defended on international Television in Fairfax Virginia, due to they are cousin’s in Germany that promote social democratic changes an saw inherit flaws in the military promoting foreign 4
  • 5. policy on tactics and strategies, that infringe human rights of civilians that where self determined and in protest. The goal was to promote a policy guided by supra norms of the international regime, principles and human rights. Mienhoff-Baader gang part of the Red Faction Army, Baader is a cousin through the Guell line. During this time we had major cannibalism and child molestation activity and Sergei Chenko was alive and his movement in the U.S military as the Central Intelligence Agency filmed horrid acts of barbarism against children in Fairfax Virginia they were targeting intelligence operative’s children of the United States of America. The U.S military could have been targeting Guell’s in Germany as the tormented the Baader gang’s members into provocation to destroy them through court rulings. Sergei Chenko was living in the region of Northern Virginia during these times. As Vladimir Putin a young KGB agent protecting his operatives working in diplomacy in Washington living in Fairfax Virginia in Circle Towers between the years 1976- 1979 against this movement. Young Medev was living their with his mother, his father a Osuna and Louie a brother to Captain Robbie Silva but Robbie Silva was junior Lieutenant then under George H Bush Sr at the CIA. Sergei Chenko was an issue as young Kofi Annan was there; working through the United Nations as father future job, running the hit 5
  • 6. teams to stop the internal and future conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The United Nations with the help of the CIA and KGB collaboration destroy the WALL and began a new order in the world. The young Red Faction members guided by the United Nations moved against U.S Military Officers that were targeting decedents of the Guell and Louie families which are descendent of General George Washington. These children were children of Prince Charles of Wales, and other important member of the United States and World government leaderships. Sergei was destroyed by the King and Queen of France as he asked in building two in Circle Towers as the kids call the blue complex because of blue corridors rugs, Other military leaders were destroyed in the act of child molestation during these years, like in the Town houses were the young Mountbatten twins watch a full bird Colonial die by the hands of the Red Faction leaders as the try to squeeze the life out of the two young Washington girls. The issue the U.S military was influencing judges of the molested children in Fairfax Virginia to dominate them. They were diagnosing them after poisoning them and medicating them illegally then filming them under the affects of the medication as psychiatric condition. As the traitors U.S military officers molested and hide their tormenting of these 6
  • 7. children. We watch on Television the rise of the Red Faction Army experiencing the same tactics in Germany near American bases where the U.S military occupied. Robbie saw the correlation. I am actually Robbie Silva explaining to you that we saw the correlation as the Red Faction became a terrorist organization to the world media. The Red Faction Army was considered descendents of the American Revolutionary Army that had French and Austrian members in the colonies in America. The first leaders of the Red Faction could be Mozart, no General George Washington. There is a need for a trained civilian population skilled in tactics and strategy and the laws of war of self determination, and thus Jus ad Bellum, Jus in Bellum. The rules of conducting war and the rules of treating subdue troops and civilian’s is important in maintaining civilization, and humanity. The importance of this book is to teach any one that is oppressed and not being helped revolutionary business leads to death in jail cells, torture in the night by mercenary militaries called national security forces. As gasses enter the house as the military personnel in a bug eyed mask looking like extra terrestrial is going through your food spraying in like fly so it is easy to digest then does an anal probe and you think you are impregnated with an alien spore. . As in Allende’s Chile we found atrocities with the national military with influence over the legislature as Eisenhower warned the 7
  • 8. Military Industrial Complex is danger to democracy and freedom. Allende was hurting people and doing morbid things, and fear they were cannibalizing rivals and dissenters. The problem is the U.S military members was influenced by Sergei Chenko’s movement and used authority to attack where their operative operated important land owners and industrial and political families, plus the intelligence operative children to remove future influence from the political and economic institutions. The German experience of having children raped and tormented from that cultural could have provoked the sensationalist media as fathers and mothers protecting their children and cousins. Lead to the extreme violence protest. In Acampo California Sergei movement had training camps in the dairy fields. They were moved in and out of the Lodi Airport on Jahant Rd. on private planes. The 1980s was a bloody war as the Italian Mob was manipulated by this movement or Italian Mob used Sergi in Soviet Union and the United States of America influencing the military and general politic. The use of fear of internal enemy to control both sides is to create an Orwellian common knowledge to remove dissenters as they see fit. The goal was to have moles in the Soviet Union and U.S.A military and political establishments to control and manage people 8
  • 9. through threat of security, or you are the enemy. Then destroyed in Russia or America detainment facilities to cover up molestation or corruption in the government that oppresses the people not in these organize crime syndications. The future Director of Federal Bureau of Investigator Mr. Mueller was involved in these small conflicts. Mr. Mueller went on to run the FBI and stop human trafficking in America jurisdictions in South East Asia in early 21st Century in hidden slavery case of Philippine workers in American own factories. The Acampo conflict was about having 10 men enter a house at night and molest a child and beat and kill the father. This era of the Red Faction war many did, and the people that claimed to be Sergis’ became Unionist and Gen. Arbuckle’s children. Captain Robbie Silva Jr, lead the Red Faction into combat protecting the young Soviets and Royals of the region due to the fact they were targeted. The notion of body protection was needed as local police and sheriff were not subduing due to shear numbers of the gangs, and reprisals. The local military leaders could not have supported due to kick backs of leisure and power they get for syndicating with these movements. The use of Glock, pistols with lite blue uniformed Red Beret wearing teenagers with Soviet Union and dread German Flags running into houses with ceramic cap bullets, ripping 50 year old men off of little girls around 4 in the morning in hot Acampo 9
  • 10. nights. This was the 1980s in America. The militia protected the citizen as the fear of the omnipresence and all knowing government was in fear of its own power against agents created security breaches of civilians of the U.S.A and Soviet Union. My great grandfather called Mordor. Capt. Robbie Silva Jr went on to work as an United Nations Peacekeeper in Bosnia and Afghanistan protecting the civilian as the U.S foreign policy was being enacted by the U.S government troops. In the 1990s when the Red Faction worked again John Garamendi with American Indian Movement watch local sheriff’s of Calaveras members it was not an institutional policy in continental North America. The Miwoks were being starved and trashed into helping the local drug cartel that had influence in local law enforcement agencies. The purpose was to use the non federal land to store illicit substances in the Miwok reservation territories. I had C.I.A status during this time working for the U.S federal government understanding this is to show exploitation of the Native population in autonomous regions in the United States of America territory was being used to disrupt economic and social life by marketing and storing illicit drugs for sale in the U.S federal jurisdiction it was not a Miwok conspiracy to destroy daily life for American populations. It was a organize crime raising money to dominate 10
  • 11. economic practices for personal power seeking in the autonomous land. There were fire fights between pro drug clans and others in the Miwok village and between certain law enforcement officials. The gun fights happen with law enforcement. Steve Bojorquez -American Indian Movement- , Capt Robbie Silva Red Faction and John Garamendi Red Faction observed the situation of suffering, starvation lack of sewers and exploitation of the Miwok village because of the desire to force them to help drug cartels. They were threaten by gun point some time. The Miwok Village became free from the organize drug dealing and the casino boom help autonomous regions become self sufficient and up to cultural standards with out using conflict and criminal activity. Me and mother Dorthy P Silva –C.I.A- and my wife Avril Silva –Robbie’s wife- Red Faction were honor with Steve Bojorquez with statues in the Miwok Village wearing Red Faction and American Indian Movement uniforms promoting their freedom from misuse of government by corrupt officials in the U.S government jurisdictions. The notion of militias protecting the minorities rights through threat of use of force. Prelog, The cause of the American Revolutionary war was not just because King George III was Dutch Scottish king destroying the economy for personal control operating for lowlands control of production 11
  • 12. and creating England as an internal colony. It was about his troops entering French and English houses in the American Colonies and taking things with out due process then his friend demanding payment the next day, then seizing land. It has metaphors for the Red Faction conflicts in America in Fairfax Virginia and Acampo California entering houses demanding affection, forced sexually relations and taking booty. The American Revolution and de Silva’s of Austria and Louie’s and other through the empires sent money since England was the North province of France. The French Continental Army was created in France and shipped to the New World as the Red Faction fought a guerrilla war or asymmetrical war. General George Washington conscripted civilians to fight a professional thug army of King George the III. The American Revolution was one of self determination and enforcing of contemporary entitlements of the Magna Carta for the lords and commoners rights, since they were from the homeland of Greater British Isles. They were living in American colonies settling and developing when the security apparatus the British Army started to created new methods of etiquette and interaction for the people. The problem could have been rape of wives and older daughters and taking of items, and giving secret directions to interact and who to do business with. Then excluding the English and French colonist into depravation then death they 12
  • 13. came to work to bring resources back to France and trade with other empires. The metaphor of the military or security apparatus using notions of enemy and giving secret directions to shape society, the secret court. The people need a method to protect themselves from predators internal and external. The people of France and England decided to remove King George III’s influence from the new world by creating a new council for security and planning and developing the commons. The American Revolution begun this was to create self determination for the colonist being treated with proper entitlements. Chapter 1: LAWS of WAR The Laws of war are found in many treaties. The laws of war are found in many documents, the important ones are the United Nations Charter, defining when a group has the right to self determination. The Geneva Conventions about treatment of capture combatants and treatment of civilians in liberated regions. The articles of Aggression, Jus in Bellum is war in process and Jus ad Bellum conducting after the war. 13
  • 14. The right to self determination by the people is defined in the United Nations Charter to promote self determination of a people .The United Nations have a mediation and peaceful conflict mechanism but the United Nations is a realist organization and the founders and creators realize one must defend themselves for hostiles in the government also, and list reasons of use of force, for self determination. Usually the law applies when life of citizen or the person is directly threaten, plus when the judicial and government has failed to promote body security and seek remedy through legal means codified by law to resolve issues to find relief. The United Nations urges through Article 34 to use the United Nations as source to remedy situation before using brutal violence against the state agents. Chapter VII article 51 allows for self determination of individuals and collective action in the United Nations Charter. The right to protect ones life is a codified norm in the Untied Nation Charter against aggression form other actors or parties. The Treaty’s defining Just War or the right to use force to deter aggression. One Treaty that should be reviewed is the Treaty of Aggression 1917. The notion of mistreatment under the law that has generational affects on life should be reported to the United Nations Human Rights Council. The notion of poisoning and force medication and force 14
  • 15. medical procedures falls under the jurisdiction of the International Covenant of Cultural and Political Rights 1967, ratified in America in 1967. The issue is covert war that has generational affects and covert conquering through judicial practice or as they say destruction of life. Does one have the right to self determination? Yes but one should use the established mechanism in place for compensation and relief the United Nations and Organization of American States has understanding of gradual killing. Gradual killing is a tool of colonial war. Clausewitz could be a gradual killer. That the destruction of support of life, like poisoning of food, putting mold on clothes, damaging shoes to warp knees, cutting bridles for horse tack and doping food with illicit substances to stop a moving army were Clausewitz tactics of war. The goal was to stop forward movement and limited power projection of the military. A military that cannot use cavalry and cannons are rusty must move molding rifling with rip boots as the fall to the volley of the Prussian army stuck in the mud. In the modern context the destruction of the business suit with an odor in an important meeting with the boss, makes the rival more appealing. The other method of gradual killing is enter houses and spraying food with Thorazine and arsenics that surely does not kill the person but sends them in a state consciousness that obliterates the personality. According to the 15
  • 16. Organization of American States that is torture, and mistreatment of a civilian. It also has generational affects on the health of the person, but limits opportunity in work and social interaction which promote exclusion to cultural and social rights. Do we use lethal force on these people or report to the United Nations Human Rights Council, and Organization American States Human Rights Council? What happens to you when you are called a drug addict, or psychotic mentally ill babbler with lead poisoning? Is this a proper military tactic to attack civilians is this legal to the laws of war. No, the target of self determination group is to subdue the military apparatus according to the Geneva Conventions, anything that has residual affects or generational affects that can affect the population is illegal. Poisoning is not a legal method subduing and diffusing. The ethics of using force to solve issue and what is the proper target and method of solving conflict with lethal and brutal force. When does a self determination group use force when confronted with brutal and lethal violence in the defense of individual body security or establishment that promote survival for the group, in the protection of food of fields, food production facilities, and roads to marine to safety. Food stores 16
  • 17. being attack would be a use of lethal force would be proper in the military theatre of action due to enforcement of rights of civilians. The targets of war are weapons and equipment directly related to conducting armed conflict, that means a truck driving munitions to an operational area or war theatre is a target. A truck driving food to a war theatre should not be attack due to dual use for civilians and food cannot be used to kill directly as a weapon. When is it ethical to declare self determination? Usually when the United Nations Security Council deems enough evidence of neglect of the established government institutions does not promote the security and rights of all citizens. When discrimination has been supported that lead to fatal consequences. One has the right to protect items for survival against government agents, and life with lethal force if the perpetrator is a government agent until this process is finished one should report, all forms of asymmetric war to them through the United Nations Human Right Council. Ethics of using armed conflict to solve disputes concerning human rights. When ones life is directly threaten through a lethal weapon, and sex attacks 17
  • 18. due to spread of disease is a brutal form of Weapons of Mass Destruction transmission. The ideal of self determination is promoting freedom from oppression. Oppression is a government or groups of people barring liberty for the enforcement of an entitlement a person does not have freedom due to fear of reprisals of violence and denial of services. A person creates suffering to stop entitlements. One has the right to live without oppression when following the law and supra norms of the international structure. The individual or group has the right to live free from free from harm and injury and suffering. The states one must have environment to thrive and the modern military is not about socially engineering but promoting a safe place to live and promote healthy and cultural lives. This next section the use of State’s military’s is about stopping sabotage of establishments to promote human rights enforcement. In the next section of the book I am discussing a battle and operational strategy to control a territory to stop conflict using State troops. The goal of the State’s national military is stop acts of sabotage and collusion of trade routes and sabotage establishments that produce food, refine resources for cultural and social rights. The ability 18
  • 19. trade and produce items and service and access these items is part of trade. Roads are important in providing human rights to the civilians to promote international obligations of the government governing the territory. The goal of the federal military is to secure borders and protect against possible military and paramilitary attacks. Paramilitary is non state military that could be using force to conquer considered not Just War. Chapter 2 JUST WAR JUSTIFIED USE OF ARMS What is Just War has Justa Cause which is legal to use force to subdue hostile actors domestically or internationally. A state or party does not have the right to conquer a territory but only subdue the hostile or delinquent actor to restore the practice of the Supra norms of the international system that would be enforcement of human rights of the citizens that are oppressed. The United Nation’s Security Council can argue Just War through multilateral discourse when found people are oppressed and subjugated. This is when the other countries decide it is time to intervene to protect or deter future threats to international peace. The other method is through customary norms and codified norms, through the International Court of Justice at The Hague. The notion of a breach of contract that leads to a reacquisition of territory or when an obligation of treaty is not met the use of 19
  • 20. force is applied. Then the other party begins to promote jurisdiction over the situation through using armed troops to promote security over the jurisdiction. These case studies or case law is used in the marine of waterways for land lock states, the need for a gun boat to keep the port state from colluding or tying up the shipping vessel with documents of travel. These are forms of asymmetrical warfare that also that demand armed responses due to generational affects of health of the civilian population. The denial of food and medical items and leisure items degenerate and create health issue that then social force issues in the communities involved. The Bosnian issue was of declaring sovereignty as a state. As the Serbia or Yugoslavian government put troops in Bosnia; due to the fact Bosnia was recognized as a state by the United Nations but Serbia nationals were not protected by the Bosnia government due to Croatian hostiles. The Serbia had interest in protecting Serbians nationals in Bosnia and did due to lack of security apparatus to promote human rights and historical aggression. The Croatians and Bosnians genocide the Serbians in World War II in southern Bosnia this was the context of Serbia obligation to protect the Serbian in other states due to lack of security apparatus and political will to treat as Bosnian citizens they treated as enemies. 20
  • 21. Chapter 3 BOARD GAMES to EXPLAIN WAR Study of Military Science through ancient board games of Go, Chess, Checkers, and Othello. The goal the game “Go” is about controlling spaces and capturing pieces. This is a metaphor for subduing invasion and securing a territory. The playing of “GO” is each playing places a piece, the goal is to surround the other player pieces and control territory by blocking the piece or pieces escape. This is to bar help from allies. This board game explains the complexity of line warfare and conquering for subduing. The notion is both are the attacker and the defender. This is a game of positioning while using limited power projection units. The goal of “GO” is to control the blank spaces in between your pieces to control most of the board with out having your pieces being capture. The board is a 19 by 19 grid the pieces are placed on the intersections. Chess is good example and exercise in practicing littoral and power projection. The goal of the game is to put the King piece in check and the next opposite player move can be taken or capture. The game is both players is on the attacker and defending and needs to create barriers and promote movement for littoral and power projection. It is a 21
  • 22. game of positioning. This game is played on an 8 by 8 grid system. Othello is a game of co-option through position and controlling the ends of line. This is about linchpin and position to allow range and influence. The game is like GO you place one piece on the board and the goal is to capture the other player’s piece between two of yours in an orthogonal and diagonal fashion. So the game is played at 90 degrees and 45 degree quadrants. When capture the other piece change sides and can be used to capture other pieces. Othello is played on grid board and the center of grid is where is place the game piece. It is played on an 8 by 8 grid board. The game of Checkers is a good game about teaching and practicing positioning, littoral power and power projection. The creation of positioning of your pieces allows you to control of the formation of the opposing playing and allows for development of future capturing. The game is played on the diagonal on grid board where the game piece placement is in the center of the grid. It is an 8 by 8 grid system the goal of the game is about surrounding the other playing into making mistakes and capturing all of the player’s pieces. It can be a policing model and diffusion of sleeper cells. The use of board games teaches relationship of 22
  • 23. position and future littoral influence. This has to do with movement and creating support system to be able to fall back to create a deterrence. The ability to create many points of attack so the attacker begins to see mutual assured destruction this promotes deterrence through the illusion of rationality and capabilities. The opposing player begins to see attacking leads to it own destruction. The use of these games can help with tactics and understanding strategies. The grand strategy is also addressed in games the grand strategy is to win. The strategy is to capture pieces and control the board. Chapter 4: EXPLAINING TERMINOLOGY Understanding the terminology of tactics, strategy how to explain in Military Scientist terms is to begin to practice the Military science. We study war and the military endeavor through observation and philosophical inquiry then through models to replicated situations to do test studies based on statistical replication of events, so random event device such as dice are used. The importance to understand terminology as you learn the terminology you begin to understand the concepts and how they relate to the over all field of studying Military Science. You take the terminology and apply the theories to case studies of military history and you begin to learn. So when 23
  • 24. you learn the terminology and play a game and then study a historical battle you begin to become a Military Historical scholar and when try to solve failures of past military leaders you become a Military Scientist and a doctor trying to fix with the reasoning of decisions and policy making with you understanding of military science concepts. There are meta-concepts which describe areas studies which are plans of actions and defining ability of unit or item can do in an instant of time. In war gaming, which you can practice these concepts that try to simulate battle conditions. For example: A tank can move so many inches on the board and shoot a projectile some many inches in some many segment of turns that does some much influence of force and penetrates certain materials. . The turn sequence represents a ratio of time as the inches represent ratio’s yards, feet or miles depending on the environment. In this subject of study, we have different meta- categories, we have movement then we study what kind of terrain. Does certain terrain encumber that slows down littoral reach of unit. This means the ability to move in a given certain amount of time. 24
  • 25. So the many different categories to study when studying an unit’s ability that affect littoral reach, and power projection. Movement is measured in velocity levels how many feet can a unit move in a given amount time, affect of movement cause by terrain, weapon speed, weapon littoral reach, weapons power projection, affects of visual and physical obstacles, penetration ability of projectile, rate of fire, rate of replenishment- how many times a weapon can be executed in a segment of time-, how far can the projectile can be launch and travel, then damage of projectile at certain places of travel, velocity has affect on damage with certain weapons. Then we can look at the defense abilities of the unit, ability to be seen, size and visual observations, materials the unit is made of, does deflect certain projectiles how much damage and wear and tear can certain materials can take. We can create categories to study to understand the capabilities of units or troops to begin to plan to create strategies and choose tactics to diffuse potential hostilities. The unit’s ability to defend a space and diffuse an attacker is the goal of any grand strategy. So in military science terminology we look at littoral influence or how far can a unit move and power projection how much violence can a unit deliver in piercing objects. The goal is to diffuse hostile units. 25
  • 26. Looking at employing units the terminology is called strategy and grand strategy. This has to do with placement and future movement to create affects which is called tactics. Tactics are maneuvers that are ploys and gambits. An example of a strategy is if I take this geographical point then I can cut enemy troop movement to the south and defend the west side of the valley to stop encroachment on the city. The stopping of the enemy from entering the city is the grand strategy; the strategy is using key travel and observation points around the city to confront the enemy. The tactics is using spotters with lenses and sonar devices with air support with quick light cavalry with anti tank weapons. Tactics is about the use of the unit’s capabilities in a given combat situation that will produce an outcome of strategy to reach grand strategy. The common goal is subduing a hostile influence in the given area. Tactics are flanking move to the left, the giving cover fire after the move from the right flank as the center drops and sends obfuscation gasses. This is example of tactics to diffuse a specific situation to reach strategy goals to reach grand strategy requirements to achieve. The grand strategy is an overall goal. An example of a grand strategy is to stop movement of hostile in 26
  • 27. Iraq to stop insurgency. The current policy or strategy is patrolling and sweeping the tactic is using Apache combat helicopters patrolling, then radio in to Humvee patrols location then approaching them to get information on purpose in sectors. The grand strategy is diffuse hostiles the strategy of patrolling the tactic is using certain units in tandem to achieve the grand strategy goals. This could be example of defining use and purpose of units in a war theatre. So a simple understanding is you come up with a plan to overcome a future or current situation, then decide the tools to use achieve the goals. For example in life to explain Grand Strategy, Strategy and tactics is the grand strategy is to eat, the strategy is to buy a pizza to eat, the tactics is to call on the phone , co opt your mothers credit card and order it to the your location. The strategy is getting the pizza, the tactic is convincing your mother to give up the credit card, and then using the phone to communicate the order to be sent to you to eat, fulfilling the grand strategy. While you sit and play your war game or board game learning how to make plans and how to diffuse people that would sabotage your plans. Chapter 5: CASE STUDY BATTLE OF THERMOPYLAE 27
  • 28. The social and political context in the Spartan and Persian conflict was about use resources and choosing of trade partners to promote social and cultural rights of the nations in the Greek peninsula region in 480 B.C. The notion of treatment and rights of civilians breached. Spartan and Athenian Uprising against Xerxes of the Persian Empire the conflict started in Thrace refusing to support empire through giving resources or taxes to the Persian Empire. Athenian Naval power repulsed Persian Navy which evoked a land army which Athenians convinced the Spartans to use ground troops to stop Persian land invasion. Battle of Thermopylae, The desire for self determination from a larger exploitative and oppressive empire, This battle or start of struggle was to suggest removal of exploitive and oppressive regime that influence, marriages, birthing rites, and socio economic integration of citizens and spiritual development. The Spartans and Athenians and Thracians were looking for self determination and the ability to use the resources of the land for there development. In modern International law the ability for the Persian 28
  • 29. to ask for investment back from developing plantations in Athens, Thrace and Sparta would be enforced but the practices of the influence culture on these states from the Persian Empire birthing and spouse choosing would be question in creation of an innate dependency of citizens. The right to self determination by Thracians to decide to trade with Athens which bandwagon to balance Persian and then Athens allied with Sparta to balance Persian Empire for rights to use resources of the land to trade for items in the region without using the Persian state to distribute resources. The analysis of the battle of Thermopylae through tactics and strategy The Grand Strategy is to repulse and remove the Persian Empire from the Greek life and trade. Strategy Repulsing the Persian land troops from entering Greece by using hoplite troops with spears and shield line. Tactics: The Spartan choose a bottle neck in the road called Thermopylae then using top troops to destroy inferior trained and equipped troops. Failures were that areas that lead to vulnerability allowed the Persian to exploit weakness of Spartan defense. Successes the Spartan held off the a million man army with 300 men for over 3 days. They reduce the million man army to an average 20 man line 29
  • 30. taking away the advantage of having a larger army thus reducing capabilities of the greater number army. The battle of Thermopylae was an Athenian move to stop the invasion of Athens by the Persians which would have involved the domination of Sparta. The goal was to hold off the Persian Army movement while Athens sunk Persian ships and stop supply lines in the sea which was superior. The Greeks had superior weapons and had a culture of the warrior in their creeds while the Persian army was subjugated different cultures of the Persia. The weapons of the Spartan were light in construction and efficiently made. The spear was longer than normal spears and stronger. The shield was a woven reed or branch that had springing action that had metal façade. It was useful to stop punctures and arrows and blows. A metaphor could be Japanese Samurai armor. The equipment of the Persian was from conquered and subjugated cultures. It was inferior to Spartan, shorter in length and not designed to fight in small phalanx positions. The Spartans chose the sight to do battle or the pick a gate with a nature wall that force the Persian army to shrink to a 30 man line then began to fight. The myth is the gimp of the Spartans sold out the Sparta Army told the Persian leaders how to get behind the Spartan line. So the Persians used 30
  • 31. archers and the armor and defenses of the Spartan Army was weak in the back it was surprise. The lessons of Thermopylae we should look at own people not as gimps but can help the effort by integrating the non warrior in directly helping the troops. Such as weapon cleaning and support positions and communications. If the non warrior is not employed they are used against the effort. Chapter 6: OPERATION SURGE IRAQ 2007 AD American” The Louie Empire” balancing act in Iraq, The royals have the right to take over a sovereign due to a law signed in 1967 A.D, when Congress or the Executive of the United States of America misuse government resources the landowners have the right to direct resources of the government. The notion of royal rule is in the marking of the currency also. The U.S dollar bill has the reaping phoenix over the field and Hapsburgs all seeing eye, on the dollar bill which represent debt of the U.S government to the these families. The goal is use the resources to promote human rights for the citizens of America or pay the debt to the royal families not wage war against the citizens for control over resources which the original intent is to provide for the people. 31
  • 32. The political and social context is to support just war in use of arm forces in this operation. Is a breach of international tranquility promote use of force in the region also staging third party attacks against U.S establishments and disrupting marine of U.S commodities in the region it was to open up trade routes. The notion of domestic tyranny is about the oppression the people Iraq lead to refugee camps in Jordan and Turkey. This creates a strain on neighboring states and can cause criminal and small conflict issues for these states thus an International problem. The pretext to this conflict which can be argue Saddam Hussein was in breach of obligation due to not following customary norms of promoting peaceful international policies. Weapons of Mass destruction are not only nuclear or atomic weapons but biological and toxins. Actually, a weapon of Mass Destruction is a device that has generational affects on the population that results in eventual death. Saddam was accused in the late 1990s of creating chemical weapons in pharmacy plants in coordination with Al Bashir of Sudan. This issue with Mr. Hussein administration of Iraq did create international tensions that lead to social movement in the region to seek overthrow due to security dilemmas. The decision to enter Iraq had many factors, mostly treatment of civilians, creating weapons that cannot be used in conventional war 32
  • 33. that is considered illegal because it destroys the people by contaminating the land thus civilians are murdered slowly. The decision to remove Hussein through force could be Just War, due to International Law’s obligations for the treatment of civilians and promoting international norms of not creating weapons and items that can end humanity or human kind. Weapons should be create to remove specific target not open aired. In the Bosnia conflict of Yugoslavia, President Clinton, invaded and did not promote balancing act against hostiles in the Bosnia region the goal was to promote hegemony to stop all conflict on both sides with out taking sides. We lost sovereignty as a country that year. Clinton’s troops killed people with guns. The Louis family took over sovereignty of the United States of America and the government became an administration due to major breaches of international law which promoted obligation the international community called it conquering and not promoting self determination of the U.S government parts. The American flag was flip on the arm of the U.S troops. It is the Tut heraldry the American troops wear the ancient Egyptian Royal family coat of arms which the Louis or Leo family is descendent of. The Louis’s had estates in the Middle East and the Americas. Me and Avril my wife went to Bosnia as diplomats to ensure no conquering but self determination and body security of the people. 33
  • 34. The Bosnia conflict was due to taxation withholding, the Croatians did not want to give taxes from the proceeds from the German factories to Yugoslavian central government and wanted to use the money for development of the north and not poorer provinces and promoted autonomous regions. The eastern Albanian organize crime syndicates were used to move weapons, and supplies to arm the Bosnians, as the Croatian rebels invaded the South to claim ancestral territories. Mostly two weapons factories in Munster Bosnia and ports. The use of Osama Bin Laden and Mujahedeen to train the Bosnians to defend them was issued by the United Nations. In Iraq we have Kurds being killed without judicial recourse. The notion of body security of this ethnicity was not promoted and those chemicals or pharmacy being used on them were not intended but externality. As a smart military official would promote, that food is food, and this medicine helps them think about moving to Turkey. They had secret genocide and ethnic cleansing program going in Iraq at this time with all that pharmacy being created from the plants, or was it exhaust. The International community understood war is constant struggle, the constant struggle to displace the Kurds indirectly hindered their ability to settle and develop and benefit from the resources of the land in Iraq. The Iraq conflict was much more complex than 34
  • 35. strategic or a Leninist interpretation of U.S policy which the U.S government is the executive committees of the oil companies, and the U.S military is just Clausewitz army helping to achieve policy. The issue the war started and the quagmire of Shitte and Sunni influence outside of Iraq funding social movement to control Iraq. As the U.S military patrols no define space and nothing is being built as millions displaced. The realpolick war with weapons had begun after the removal of Saddam Hussein in Iraq in front of the U.S military policing actions. Operation Surge is about controlling territory to promote development for benefit of resources and settling and development of Iraq. It was an attempt of inclusion of the Iraqi in promoting security for the Iraqi national and controlling spaces for production to promote benefit resources of the land and settling and developing of all citizens in the Iraqi jurisdiction or state. Analysis of Operation Surge, is through grand strategy to promote peace for economic development to promote human rights. This is look at methods and tactics as method to deter to promote buffer from violence to create security. The Grand Strategy was to bring peaceful living arrangement to diffuse ethnic conflict and support the new state. 35
  • 36. The problem the notion of legitimacy was to own land, in the Bosnia conflict case study the Serbians were view not welcomed in Bosnia anymore because of Statehood give the Bosnia privilege over land. The issue the myth of property ownership with new government the Serbia is not boss is secondary in Bosnia now. So the conflict was about Serbians asking for money for land and moving since it is new situation in Bosnia. Strategy: The first strategy was patrolling with U.N troops and American troops the American troops killed to many people. The goal was to disrupt small arms conflict over territory to chase away legitimate owners of property. The Bosnians could have been ethnically cleansing and the Serbians defending property rights in some cases. The illusion the greater conflict was mass looting of others’ stores and houses that many small conflicts created an illusion of a big war. The patrolling did not work as the equipment flowed in from Iran through the Albanian organize crime networks trade routes using prostitutes, the funding came from Italian Bankers. It disrupted into greater conflict due to lack of border patrolling and perimeter maintaining of the movement of people; no check points. So then the United Nations brought in the Mujahdeen Osama bin Laden, to train the Bosnians due the JLA or the Yugoslavian Army was well trained and killing quickly and moving on with out being seen. The Serbians could have a legal right to protect property ownership until the national was 36
  • 37. compensated for the property to relocate to buy land elsewhere. We should look at the Iraqi experience then compare it to the Bosnian experience where I witness first hand. I did not experience Iraqi first hand because I was in graduate school getting my degree to teach. The Kurds the old immigrant, being pushed to migrate somewhere else, Shitte the new immigrant from Iran, and Sunni he lives their and has cousins in Saudi Arabia bringing trucks loads of money to buy weapons from Eastern European organize crime cartels to defend property rights and business rights. The issue in Basra a historical ancient center of Shiites ideology became Shiite outside of Iran, which Iran is center of International Shiite movement. The Iranians were looking for ruins of ancient settlements to argue cultural heritage and Saddam is just a mean man that oppresses the truth. This opportunity to promote the truth in Iran they are getting weapons. The open road into Iraqi allowed people to invest with their own security apparatus, well funding their private militias. The American establishment removed the Hussien military complex that did maintain a infrastructure but did not allow the Kurds to live in the North because they interfere with oil production development a nuisance charges I think was levied as the Dinka in Sudan in Darfur which ancient Arab ruins in the Darfut, well it was proven the Masalat was in stories as Arab homeland but Kurds like the Dinka had to go somewhere else 37
  • 38. because they were not going to learn the rules and laws of the society. Then they hired private security forces to move them off the land, they used lethal weapons and the state did not care it is private market there. Then you have to work for us, that means you need to understand the language and deal with our attitude and emotions which is our culture. This causes problems. The point the two situations is about a non state actor acting on social norms of property ownership, that their actions are legitimize by notions of survival of the its group due to accessing resources of the land. The state did not provide a space for the Kurds and Dinka. The Darfur issue is Chad sympathizes and so does some Libyan social democrats with the Darfurians and the conflict began. The a conflict began because they were being forced into their new territories well established territories of Chad and Libya. The Iraqi experience was about pushing people with different cultures and facial structures into Turkey because they look like them and eat their food so go there. That would be the Kurd population; they need access to the oil reserves to sell to help the Hussien regime. So there strategy was to separate the ethnic groups into states as they did Yugoslavia. The Operation Surge was about the America establishment creating a perimeter and gate keeping to keep flow of munitions for sleeper cells, and 38
  • 39. patrolling enemy disruptors doing specific hits on certain targets. So the Americans created a circle and began to train Iraqis that supported then new way of life and placement them between International forces to protect the Green Zone which is were production centers and living regions. My own understanding is from studying news clips reading news articles and what is on the internet. I realized one day that the Iraqi War was never going to end like Bosnia war due to no maintains border control. In Bosnia the Dayton plan of separate and equal, I think it was my mouth that came out with it, fed up. It became geographical separation of the ethnic identities in Bosnia using the international troops to keep them away from each other. I realize the green zone and slowing creating perimeter with new recruits from Iraqi to control movement of insurgent or people that arguing that is our land get off or we will shoot, or destroying the development on the land to argue we owe nothing to you, look at no development squatter get off or we will shoot you. The need to control Iranian-Iraqi borders and Saudi Arabian border was essential in diffusing conflict. The supply line was the border. Was it about containing the enemy capturing or controlling the territory as we see in the board game “GO”. The desire was to create a wall to stop inflow of opposing troops into a center. The notion of the green zone was an “EYE” in a GO game. The 39
  • 40. problem was inflow of troops and using the existing territory for staging and loosing control to the other states, not legitimately but through business and social interaction and local policing associations that are secret to public knowing. That is they are working to create a controlling and managing situation using the local government security apparatus out side the green zone and getting resources from other territories than the political centers in Iraqi. They are not loyal and running their own extra judicial governance systems through city and provincial government loyal to other states and social movement ideologies. One day I realized it 5 years into the war, and causalities were up. I pulled up a map in my room I was living in San Francisco my landlady did not mind my wife Avril Lavigne in the house I was renting a room in the basement because I was going to graduate school. The landlady says our pictures are always on Mexican television. She smiled it is light out I was checking for lights realizing my wife is in my bed with me. My Landlady used to use my television and lay on my Swedish foam bed. I was at command center. I had a large flat screen television connected to my laptop. I was watching to conflict rise amazed. I know most politicians do not understand the simple reality due to they are manipulative on the personal level and solve issues by skirting and then barring 40
  • 41. the goal of most politicians is to pass the moment. They make plans in small room and act like most people are telepathic. And did not care it was Iraqi’s property, they need to follow this new rule we created for them use the police to enforce it if they do not like it or understand the judge will explain. The problem these people use guns to express themselves. The politician assume foreign nationals like the ideal of “pick up and leave and be happy with what is given to you.”. So I realized having 400,000 troops in Iraqi, and not stopping the inflow of enemy militias tells me, it is Vietnam. That doing patrols and arresting and shooting people is not a military function. They sit at check points and guards stores and gates that is military function. Thousand mile border with people running across with weapons was the fantasy image I got from news reporter. I know weapons and scopes can see around 3 miles. If you put a man every mile that is 1,000 men if you put 5 men every quarter mile on the Iran-Iraqi boarder then that is 20,000 men. Then that is 1,250 feet they have to watch or 400 yards then the two man watching two men sleeping and one man building a fence. I was trying to figure out what was going on in the military leadership mind. 41
  • 42. So in class Dr. Hanami brought up the problems of Iraqi I told him the problem is we are trying to be heros, and not just get the job done. So the desire to manipulate the enemy as we do in Chess and Checkers was not in my mind. I know most leaders and thinkers try to understand the psychology of the opposing leaders which we have to do on terrain we do not control but if control the terrain then we build walls and control gates. The problem with most politician and government official is dealing with subterfuge and philandering and embellishment to get people to choose their plan. Then the plan changes and then it is create to look effective plan, but not effective but everyone is happy because they are looking like they are working, the walk around and check and write reports and that gets the money for the government program. In Chess you always have to move, and is checkers you can build walls and position for support. But having a bishop or Attack helicopter 4 miles away with a Humvee station every two miles allows for closing in on position if major troop movement happens following principle of “GO” filling in the gaps between linchpin pieces. This was my understanding how to control the Iranian border and Saudi border to cut supply lines to end the Iraqi conflict. 42
  • 43. In the Bosnia conflict it was separating them because they lived next to each other the gangster sometimes delivered the weapons in vans and then drive off quickly. The goal in Iraq was to create moral for the troops on the line to see each other and they can see how they can fall into line to protect each with bases and support equipment 2 to 15 minutes away. The guy a quarter mile away is actually 5 seconds to a 1 minute away for support. The ability to see 5 miles in front of the perimeter gives the line time to plan and assess danger. The Humvee squad could have 10 men and then helicopters can move men 15 from small bases fortifying the line. Then soldiers sit on the line for 48 hours at a time doing 4 hour shift sleeping 6 to 8 hours. In Checker and Chess terms the ability to take a piece after taken give deterrence this makes the opposing player rationalize and take time acting which gives you time to re organize and call for back up. It Chess terms alone, If the player sees a position is well fortified sometime alters plans of the opposing player and creates opportunities. In this situation of Iraq the subduing of the hostile force was about keeping them out of Iraq, the removal of weapons was the goal and removing direct proximity to targets for the insurgency. 43
  • 44. Chapter 7 Conclusion, The study of the laws of war and understanding conflict and self determination is more than fire power and large masses of troops. War should be used to promote human rights and promote freedom for the people and not subjugate them. The studied of Military Science can help promote you body security and life against hostile predators thus a method to promote human rights in your and your loved one lives. Playing games is a fun past time and good way to practice understanding of movement and positioning. It is not to play games to learn war, but games were simulations of war in the ancient and medieval. It is not to make war fun and the only method to achieve goals but it is away good to help protect you endeavors for terrorism one must understand war, and the military science promotes it. The notion of private militias and National Gun Association does protect people and enforce human rights. The notion protecting people from exploitation and harm should be the government primary purpose as they argue security but the people are abused and live in constant harassment due to corruption of National Militaries and local law enforcement agencies. The Militias in these case protected the people and promote minority rights. 44