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SPE 1547
MRF Shaikh,
K Shuaili Petr
Copyright 2012, Society
This paper was prepare
This paper was selecte
eviewed by the Society
fficers, or members. E
eproduce in print is res
A field, loca
200m. It p
represents an
data have sh
The informa
After 20 mon
well and two
from wells i
South connec
Four geologi
nternal stru
Reservoir int
variation of H
The models
realization i
pressure data
faulting) is c
g the Geo
from a F
Petroleum D
Oman; G R
roleum Develo
y of Petroleum Enginee
ed for presentation at t
d for presentation by a
y of Petroleum Engine
Electronic reproduction
stricted to an abstract o
ated in south
produces hig
n opportunity
hown that th
a multidis
ation acquir
trends from
nths of steam
o observatio
in the northe
ctivity trend
ical scenario
resulting fro
uctural dip a
terval, 3) the
Haradh Sand
have been
s a reasona
a. The resul
to the field
onsidered to
logical C
ield in So
Rocco Petrole
opment Oman
he SPE EOR Conferen
an SPE program comm
eers and are subject to
n, distribution, or stora
of not more than 300 w
h Oman, has
ghly viscou
y for Therm
he response
sciplinary ef
red in and
m pressure d
m injection a
n wells. Th
ern part of t
d within the p
o models wer
om injection
and baffling
e Carbonifer
dstone Facie
n calibrated
able subsurf
lts indicate
o be a more f
Controls o
outh Oma
Oman; R A
eum Develop
n & AH de Zw
nce at Oil and Gas We
mittee following review
o correction by the aut
age of any part of this
words; illustrations may
s a compact
us hydrocarb
al EOR deve
in the trial
ffort has be
around the
data, temper
a thermal res
he time-lapse
the pattern.
re built to te
n. The mod
g lithologies
rous Al Khl
es and how th
against his
face represe
that an indi
ns to date. I
feasible opti
on Steam
Al Adawi, Pe
pment Oman;
wart Shell Dev
est Asia held in Muscat
of information contain
thor(s). The material d
s paper without the wr
y not be copied. The ab
dome shape
bon from th
elopment. A
pattern is no
een undertak
e injection
ature survey
sponse withi
e seismic da
The pressu
est factors th
delling work
s within the
ata immedia
hese may im
storical data
entation to r
ividual scen
Instead, a c
on to unders
m Flood Pe
etroleum Dev
; F Rodrigue
velopment Om
t, Oman, 16–18 April 2
ned in an abstract subm
does not necessarily re
ritten consent of the S
bstract must contain co
ed structure
he fluvial C
After an initi
ot homogen
aken to imp
area (an in
ys, time laps
in the pattern
ata is consist
ure data also
hat may impa
kflow intend
e Haradh R
ately above
mpact fluid fl
a so as to
reproduce t
nario does n
stand the fiel
velopment O
ez Petroleum
mitted by the author(s)
eflect any position of t
Society of Petroleum E
onspicuous acknowled
with an oil
Cambrian H
ial phase of
neous. In or
prove our u
nverted 7-sp
se seismic,
n is limited
tent with the
o indicate a
act the under
ds to assess
Reservoir, 2)
the Haradh
ascertain if
the actual f
not provide b
n of scenario
ld observatio
nce; An
man; H Re
m Developme
). Contents of the pape
he Society of Petroleu
Engineers is prohibite
dgment of SPE copyrig
column in e
Haradh reser
steam inject
rder to expl
pot pattern),
cores and w
to only one
e field data
rstood distrib
the impact
faulting w
Reservoir an
f a given g
field produc
by itself an
os (fluvial fa
eiser Shell
ent Oman;
er have not been
um Engineers, its
ed. Permission to
excess of
rvoir and
tion, field
ain these
g of the
, include
well logs.
nt North-
bution of
of 1) the
within the
nd 4) the
ction and
acies and
2 SPE 154702
This paper outlines a multidisciplinary effort which has been undertaken to improve the subsurface understanding
of an oil field, located in south Oman. The field has a compact dome shaped structure with an oil column in
excess of 200m, producing medium heavy oil (100 – 1000 cP) from the fluvial Cambrian Haradh reservoir and
presents an opportunity for Thermal EOR development. After an initial phase of steam injection within a Trial
Pattern (1P) area (Figure 1), field data have been gathered, including pressure and temperature surveys, cross-well
and 3-D VSP seismic data (time-lapse), cores, FMI and well logs. An integrated interpretation of these data
shows that the response in the Trial Pattern (1P), is not homogeneous. To explain these observations several
geological models have been built with each model calibrated against available historical production and
surveillance data. The results indicate that a single geological concept does not provide a full explanation to the
field observations to date. However, a combination of concepts (fluvial facies and internal reservoir structure) is
more likely necessary to explain field observations.
Figure 1: Illustration of the 1P Trial Pattern well configuration and the surveillance data acquired from the study
area. (Note: INJ-1 was re-drilled and cored as INJ-2 due to urban planning issues soon after the initial phase of steam
injection into the 1P Trial Pattern area).
Trial Pattern Integrated Interpretation Workflow and Data Acquisition
In order to maximise the value of all the surveillance data obtained from the 1P Trial Pattern an integrated
interpretation workflow has been used to generate static and dynamic models. Data acquired in the 1P, a 10 acre
inverted 7-spot pattern, include production tests, pressure and temperature surveys, surface seismic, 3D-VSP and
cross-well seismic surveys, core and FMI data and well log data. Analysis of these data showed that after 20
months of steam injection a temperature response has only been observed in the producer well P-1, and two
observation wells: OB-1 and OB-2, see Figure 2, yellow region. There has been no temperature response in the
observation well OB-3, to the west of the injector or in other producers south of injector INJ-1. Pressure data
acquired from an interference test in the area at the start of the injection indicate a strong North-South
connectivity trend in the pattern from the injector towards OB-1 and P-4. 3DVSP Time-lapse seismic data
showed changes to the north of the injector as far north as P-1 and OB-1, the same observation well and producer,
that have recorded a temperature response from the injector well. The seismic data indicates a Northern
preferential direction in combination with a West-East temperature trend. A comparison between the temperature
observation data and time-lapse seismic data is illustrated in Figure 2 [Ref 3, 6].
358950 359000 359050 359100 359150 359200 359250 359300 359350 359400 359450
358950 359000 359050 359100 359150 359200 359250 359300 359350 359400 359450
0 50 100 150 200 250m
1 3000
OB-3 INJ-1
1P Trial
1P Producer
1P Injector
TemperatureObservation Well
PressureObservation Well
FMI Data
CoreDataCross-wellseismic profile
SPE 154702
Figure 2: Dyna
from the 1P Tri
he inferred tem
dotted polygon)
njection at the t
Dynamic mod
aterally). In r
model is show
right image.
model and ob
Instead of em
evaluate the k
1. Comb
2. Presen
3. Inclus
4. Conn
Static models
numerical sim
quantitative co
Haradh Form
The Haradh F
wide-scale fl
southwest to
comprised of
1. Massi
flat or
2. Troug
3. Lamin
and sc
4. Overb
The sandy bra
amic model for
ial Pattern area
mperature outli
present within
derived from a
top of the Hara
dels made pri
reality the ste
wn in Figure
An update o
served data to
mbarking on a
key elements t
bination of ba
nce of partial
sion of steam
ectivity of san
of each Con
mulator). Th
omparison wi
mation Strati
Formation is a
luvial system
the north-no
four different
ive Sandstone
r channelized
gh Cross Bedd
bedded, plan
nated Sandy B
°) bedforms ar
bank Fines Fa
nels were aban
aided river de
recast, measure
a. On the left, th
ine from the te
n the pattern b
all surveillance
adh in the north
ior to the surv
eam is much m
2, left image
of the static an
o improve und
a single deta
that are believ
affles and stru
ly sealing fau
migration int
nd bodies and
ncept were cre
he results fro
ith the time-la
igraphy, Sed
a sandy braide
’. Both regio
ortheast, thou
t facies [Ref 1
e Facies. A co
d (erosive) bas
ded Sandston
ar cross bedd
Bedform Faci
re prevalent a
acies. Fine gr
positional sys
ed temperature
he relatively sym
emperature dat
ased upon inte
data is overlain
hern part of the
veillance proj
more confined
e. Interpretat
nd dynamic m
derstanding o
ailed and com
ved to determ
uctural dip wit
to the overbu
d depositional
eated in Petre
om STARS w
apse seismic d
dimentology a
ed river syste
onal and local
ugh local var
1, 5]:
oarser grained
ne Facies. A m
ded and tabula
ies. As chann
as lenses and w
rained silts an
stem and the
e and pressure
mmetric areal s
ta only in Yello
rference tests.
n upon the 3D V
pattern (from
ject do not re
d than all sim
tion results ar
model was req
of the steam fl
mplex model,
mine the heat d
thin the Harad
rden Glacio-F
l direction wi
el and then e
were later us
and Facies M
em, with depo
l FMI data su
riations may
d massive san
more turbulen
ar cross bedde
nels migrate a
wedges of tab
nd mudstone a
four facies ar
connectivity tr
steam conforma
ow. The thick
On the right,
VSP data. The
Ref 6).
eflect the obse
mulation mode
re shown as t
quired on the
four new ge
distribution in
dh reservoir.
Fluvial Al Kh
ithin the Hara
evaluated dyn
sed for forwa
osition on a ‘l
uggests that th
be present.
ndstone sandb
nt bedded dun
ed units were
and fluid flow
bular and plan
are deposited
re illustrated i
rends based up
ance from the in
k arrows illustr
the 'constraine
3D VSP data s
erved heat res
els predict. R
the dotted red
e basis of the
eological con
n the dynamic
hlata formatio
adh reservoir.
namically in S
ard seismic m
low gradient’
he palaeoslop
A sandy br
bar facies, wh
ne and bar fac
w velocity red
nar cross bed
d where fluid f
in Figure 3.
pon well survei
nitial model. In
rate the range
ed 'heat distrib
shows change d
sponses (vert
Results of an s
d polygon in
mismatch be
ncepts were d
c model:
modelling to
alluvial plain
pe was from t
raided river
hich is deposit
cies where tro
duces lower an
ded sand fill
flow was slow
illance data
n the centre,
of pressure
bution' (red
ue to steam
tically and
Figure 2,
etween the
defined to
G thermal
enable a
n within a
the south-
system is
ted on a
west, as
Figure 3: Depos
1, 5).
The coarser g
have the bett
grained silts a
range but perm
Preservation o
often re-work
The cross-bed
nhibit flow w
preferential pe
s ultimately
system, the en
sand bodies w
Geological de
This concept
vertical conne
the pattern. In
on the underst
baffles do not
the reservoir.
The geologica
depositional s
sitional Element
grained highe
ter reservoir
and mudstone
meabilities ra
of the finer gr
ing the finer g
dded sandston
within the res
ermeability fl
controlled by
nergy of the f
within the chan
escription of
focuses on d
ectivity withi
nput data for
tanding of the
t have a latera
al modelling w
sand/shale mo
ts within a San
r energy San
properties, ty
e Overbank F
arely exceed 1
rained litholog
grained facies
ne facies and
ervoir due to
low paths in t
y a combina
flow regime d
nnels [Ref 2].
Concept 1 -
distribution a
n the reservo
the Concept
e depositiona
al extent grea
work has focu
odel of a sand
dy Braided Fac
ndy Bedform
ypically 15-3
Fines (OF) Fa
100mD due to
gies is infrequ
s as rock frag
laminated san
o the internal
these sand bod
ation of the o
depositing the
Baffle and S
and extent of
oir and theref
1 model inclu
al environmen
ater than 75m
used on replic
dy braided rive
cies system (ima
and Downstr
30% φ and 5
acies have poo
o the high vol
uent as chann
gments within
ndstone facie
sediment sor
dies. Therefo
orientation o
e sand bodies
Structural Di
f horizontal b
fore could pot
ude well logs
nt and well to
. Hence the b
cating the lith
er system (Fig
ages modified f
ream Accretio
50-2000mD p
orer reservoir
lume of fine g
nels cross-cut
n the coarser g
es are present
rting within th
ore the conne
f the channe
s within the c
ip Model
baffles (finer
tentially ham
s, FMI, and co
o well correlat
baffles are di
hofacies prese
gure 4).
from Bridge (19
on (SB and D
r properties, w
grained mater
t and incise in
grained sedim
as Sandy Be
he sandstone
ctivity of the
els within the
channels and
grained faci
mper the upwa
ore data from
tion of the ba
scontinuous a
ent in the wel
993) and Miall (
DA) Facies ar
In contrast
with a simila
rial within the
nto previous s
mentary rocks.
edforms and c
. This would
individual sa
e braided de
the preservat
ies), which im
ard steam mi
m the study are
affles it is clea
and spread-ou
ls creating a s
SPE 154702
(1992))( Ref
re seen to
t, the fine
ar porosity
ese facies.
could both
d result in
and bodies
tion of the
mpact the
igration in
ea. Based
ar that the
ut through
SPE 154702
Figure 4: Image
shale baffles in g
The important
• mode
• distin
• young
are m
• The s
the in
• Perme
Geological de
The objective
heat distributi
and conventio
prominent NN
the center of t
concluded tha
response to st
and P-2 show
ack of temper
e showing the
grey) from Con
t aspects of th
lling of the p
ar unconform
nction between
her with a den
ger channels
modelled as no
sandstone por
nter-well spac
eability have
eability logs w
form and up
onship perme
rds the previo
escription of
of the 1P Tri
ion in the rese
onal seismic i
NW-SSE regi
the 1P Trial P
at a clear Nor
team injection
ed no respons
rature respon
structure and
ncept 1.
he property m
pre - Al Khl
n channel san
are modelled
on-net floodpl
rosity has bee
e using Petre
been set to m
were generate
p-scaled inde
eability was d
usly built por
Concept 2 -
ial Pattern Fa
ervoir. The fa
onal trend wi
Pattern area w
rth – South co
n. Limited c
se to injection
se in OB-3 af
baffle distribut
model for Con
lata subcrop,
ndstones and s
combined dis
d to erode dow
lain remnants
en derived an
el’s Sequentia
minimum valu
ed from the p
ependently of
distributed in
rosity propert
Fault Model
ault Concept i
faults in the m
n (Figure 5).
ithin the mod
west of the IN
n. If a presen
fter 1.5 years
tion present wi
ncept 1 and oth
i.e. the top
shale baffles
wn into strati
nd up-scaled
al Gaussian Si
es throughou
porosity curve
f porosity.
nto the inter-w
is to determin
model are base
The faults in
del by and larg
NJ-1 injector.
n was seen, i
on was seen i
nce of a fault r
of steam inje
ithin the Harad
her concepts
of the Harad
in wells has b
igraphically o
from net-por
imulation (SG
es using a cor
To replicate
well space us
ne how faults
ed on cross-w
nterpreted fro
ge. One of th
A pressure
i.e. wells OB
in the West –
reduces West
ection can be
dh Formation (
dh reservoir
been defined
older channel
rosity well-log
GS) whereas
re measureme
e a natural
sing again SG
may influenc
well seismic in
om cross-well
he mapped fa
interference t
-1 and P-4 sh
– East directio
t-East hydrau
explained (Fi
(Channel sands
bounded by
by using the
deposits whi
gs and distrib
the baffle por
ent derived lo
variety of p
GS while co-K
ce fluid flow a
l seismic data
aults runs righ
test conducte
howed a clear
on, e.g. both
lic communic
igure 2).
s in yellow,
a marked
GR curve
ile baffles
buted into
rosity and
Kriging it
and hence
[Ref 3, 6]
a follow a
ht through
ed in 2009
r pressure
wells P-5
cation, the
Figure 5: Imag
cross-well seism
o have a minor
Geological de
In the overbur
all flow prope
the reservoir
anomalies see
Al Khlata is c
have contrasti
the overburde
ge showing the i
mic data. The fa
juxtaposition o
escription of
rden concept
erties. The o
flows into th
en in seismic
comprised of
ing rock prop
en and hence d
interpreted fau
aults are seen to
of the Haradh a
Concept 3 -
the overlying
bjective of th
he overburde
data in the ov
three distinct
erties (Figure
distribution o
ulting in and ne
o cross the 1P T
against the youn
g Permo-Carb
he model is to
en and thereb
verburden ind
t facies, shaly
e 6). Only the
f the sandston
ar the 1P Trial
Trial Pattern ar
nger Al Khlata.
n Model
boniferous Al
o investigate
by heats the o
dicated that th
y diamictite, s
e sandstone fa
ne facies is cr
l Pattern area b
rea in a North-S
Khlata forma
how likely it
overburden i
his phenomen
sandy diamict
facies will allo
ritical in this c
based upon a co
South trend. Th
ation is mode
t is that steam
instead of the
na was occurr
tite and sands
ow fluids or s
ombination of s
he faults are als
elled in detail
m injected at
e targeted res
ring. In this m
stone which a
steam to prop
SPE 154702
surface and
so modelled
the top of
servoir as
model the
are seen to
pagate into
SPE 154702 7
Figure 6: North-South section illustrating the modelled facies and permeability distribution in the Al Khlata and Haradh between
P-1 and P-4.
The sandier facies in the Al-Khlata P5 is infrequent in the 1P Trial Pattern area (Figure 6) and does not provide a
continuous path from Haradh into the overburden. These facies have been distributed within the model following
a regional South Oman geological setting, and porosity and permeability have been geo-statistically distributed
within the model according to the modelled facies distribution.
Geological description of Concept 4 - Connectivity Model
The objective of the Connectivity Model is to replicate both the sandy braided river lithofacies and the
depositional architecture of the Haradh Formation. The outcome of the facies modelling has resulted in laterally
extensive channel sand bodies, which have a NNE-SSW orientation (Figure 7). Core and log interpretation
indicate that the channel sandstones are dominated by both Laminated and Massive Sandstone Facies. This has
been replicated in Concept 4, with individual sand bodies extending across the model over hundreds of meters.
The connectivity model has replicated the vertical stacking of channels observed in core and logs where muddier
floodplain facies are seen to disrupt sandstone continuity both laterally and vertically as described in the
depositional model (Figure 3).
The porosity distribution is conditioned to facies and has resulted in the trend of the channels being detectable
within both the porosity and permeability property distributions (Figure 7). Different seeds were modelled using
two different internal Haradh layering (dip) schemes to test the impact of facies distribution away from wells in
addition to the internal dip within the reservoir. Consistent results were obtained in each of the structures tested.
It is important to note that the permeability modelled has preferential (anisotropic) flow properties for two facies,
the cross-bedded sandstone and the laminated sandstone. For the cross-bedded sandstone the horizontal
permeability should be greater perpendicular to the palaeoflow direction (parallel to the lateral accretion of the
mid-channel sand bars), while for the laminated sand it is the opposite (see also Figure 3).
120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
0 50 100 150 200 250m
Good Sand
Shaly Diamictite
Sandy Diamictit
North SouthAL-104 AL-37AL-30 AL-97 AL-149120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
0 50 100 150 200 250m
Good Sand
Shaly Diamictite
Sandy Diamictit
North SouthAL-104 AL-37AL-30 AL-97 AL-149
120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
0 50 100 150 200 250m
North SouthAL-104 AL-37
AL-30 AL-97 AL-149
120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
0 50 100 150 200 250m
North SouthAL-104 AL-37
AL-30 AL-97 AL-149
Haradh Haradh
Overburden– Al KhlataP5 Overburden– Al KhlataP5Sand K>20
P-1 OB-1 INJ-1 INJ-2 P-4 P-1 OB-1 INJ-1 INJ-2 P-4
Figure 7: Map
Pattern area. T
Dynamic sim
The numerica
screening of g
model buildin
of the simulat
The workflow
1. The sta
2. The res
and aqu
3. QC on u
4. The ups
5. The ups
6. Setup o
7. Model
match o
This is
8. Interpre
9. Run the
In all cases du
Kv/Kh multipl
and vertical p
massive sands
ower Kv/Kh.
view of the m
mulation resu
al modelling w
geological el
ng and dynam
tion results of
w followed ex
atic Petrel mod
scue files are
uifer in order
up-scaling: ch
scaled deck is
scaled grid in
of the dynami
QC. Instead
on the pattern
to assure that
et and compar
e model in a f
uring the QC
lier. All the m
pressure profi
stone facies i
modelled facies a
channel directio
work of the fo
ements that m
mic simulation
f the four conc
ists of a numb
dels are expor
loaded aerial
to reduce the
heck non-ups
s exported in
n rescue forma
c simulation m
of a complete
n liquid rate,
t the model pr
re simulation
forecast mode
step a global
models requir
ile, even with
is expected to
and permeabili
on is clearly visi
our concepts
may drive th
ns. This sectio
ber of steps a
rted in Rescu
lly upscaled o
number of gr
scaled blocks
rescue forma
at is imported
model using t
e history mat
, oil and wat
ressure and sa
results to the
e to be used fo
l permeability
re a low Kv/K
h the baffles
o have a mu
ity at a specific
ible, indicated b
is not intende
e response to
on discusses i
and uses differ
ue format.
outside the fi
rid blocks and
to have consi
d using CMG
the CMG Bui
tch, the mode
er rate and v
aturation are c
e surveillance
or seismic for
y multiplier h
Kh i.e. smaller
physically m
ch higher Kv
c interval withi
by the Red arro
ed to be a his
o steam injec
in short the w
rent software
irst pattern ar
d hence runtim
istent block p
el is QC-ed o
vertical pressu
correct at star
e data.
rward modell
had to be appl
r than 0.05, to
modelled. Ou
v/Kh, the othe
in the 600m x 6
ction. It comp
workflow, mod
e packages. T
rea and vertic
properties as t
on the ability
ure profile in
rt of steam inj
lied (factor of
o achieve a m
ut of the thre
er two are cro
600m grid of th
ng exercise bu
prises geolog
del QC and a
The steps take
cally in the ov
the fine grid.
to obtain a r
n OB-2 (MDT
f 2) as well a
match to the li
ee reservoir f
oss-bedded s
SPE 154702
he 1P Trial
ut rather a
gical static
a summary
en are :
T match).
as a global
iquid rates
facies, the
ands with
SPE 154702 9
Simulation results of Concept 1- Baffle and structural dip concept
In this model the baffles are modelled as zero porosity blocks and therefore are not conducting any flow. The
blocks do conduct heat and therefore will increase in temperature if heat flows close to the baffles. The evolution
of the steam chest was compared with in-well temperature surveys and the areal/vertical steam distribution against
the x-well and 3D VSP time-lapse data. Special focus was on the impact of baffles on heat distribution. Figure 8
shows the areal and vertical temperature distribution and also the gas (steam) saturation distribution at time of the
monitor survey for an East -West x-section.
Figure 8: On the left, Areal temperature distribution for Concept 1, in the center West – East cross-section showing the
temperature distribution and on the right the steam saturation on the right, all at time of the monitor survey, August 2010.
The shape of the heated zone and steam zone in the baffle model is very similar to results obtained with previous
models which did not include an explicit representation of baffles. The impact of the baffles is minor, very likely
due to small size and infrequent presence of the baffles.
The areal distribution of temperature looks homogeneous (radial shape) and does not match the temperature
surveys, see Figure 8. This model does not show any temperature response in OB-2 but does show a response in
well OB-3. This is in contradiction with observed responses in both observation wells, see Figure 2.
In summary the baffles modelled in this concept do not result in a better description of the observed heat
Simulation results of Concept 2: Fault model
This concept considers the fault in between OB-3 and INJ-1, see Figure 5. Pressure data indicates that the fault
cannot be completely sealing and only partially sealing scenarios were considered.
Figure 9 shows the heat distribution and live steam distribution respectively in the same East – West cross-section
as Figure 8. The fault clearly prevents steam across the fault; steam does not flow across the fault towards OB-3
and also the temperature front is constrained by the fault. At later times temperatures do increase, but only due to
heat conduction.
AL-105 Al97-iAl97-p
Top reservoir
~ 100 m
W E AL-105 Al97-iAl97-p
Steam sat.
Temp oC
Temp oC
OB-3 INJ-1
OB-3 INJ-1
Figure 9. West –
he monitor surv
A comparison
shown in Fig
quantitative c
seismic mode
Figure 10. On th
attribute showin
Temp oC
– East cross-sec
vey, August 201
n of the heat
ure 10. This
comparison is
lling section l
he left, areal te
ng the areal dist
ction showing t
t distribution
s result is for
s possible usi
mperature dist
tribution of the
the temperature
, predicted b
r a single lay
ing forward m
tribution for Co
e steam injection
e distribution o
by the numer
yer only, but
modelling of
oncept 2 at time
n effect.
on the left and s
rical model, w
already show
f the results,
e of the monito
Steam sat.
steam distribut
with the aeri
ws qualitativ
which is pre
r survey, and o
tion on the righ
ial surveillanc
e agreement.
esented in the
on the right the
Top reservo
SPE 154702
ht at time of
ce data is
A more
e forward
4D seismic
SPE 154702
Simulation re
This concept
reservoir so th
pathway was
results of the p
Figure 11. Ove
permeability dis
After 10 year
permeability o
time of the m
concept of ste
Simulation re
The Connectiv
described in th
the massive sa
to each facies
the permeabil
different inter
The simulatio
highest perme
ayering schem
esults of Con
A 10-year st
hat the steam
path from th
identified, ve
prediction run
erburden mode
stribution and o
rs of continuo
of the overbu
monitor survey
eam migration
esults of Con
vity Concept
he geological
andstone, cro
s, thus creatin
lity field with
rnal layering (
on results sho
eability and al
me used (Figu
ncept 3: Over
anomalies se
eam injection
m could migra
he reservoir in
ery close to O
n at this locat
el results after
on the right the
ous steam inj
urden litholog
y the heated z
n into the ove
ncept 4: Conn
models the d
l section. To
oss-bedded an
ng a degree of
h the underst
(dip) schemes
ow that the p
lso by how th
ure 12).
rburden mod
een in seismic
n forecast run
ate, if possibl
nto the overb
OB-3 and he
10 years of con
live steam satu
ection there w
gy. The heati
zone is about
nectivity mod
distribution of
account for t
nd planar lam
f permeability
tood depositi
s within the H
propagation o
hese sands are
c data in the
n was conduc
le, up into the
burden. In th
ence the analy
ntinuous steam
was only littl
ing of the ov
8 meters abo
f the different
the expected
inated facies,
y anisotropy
onal model.
Haradh Forma
of heat is det
e connected t
cted with stea
e overburden
he 1P Trial P
ysis focused
m injection at th
le steam seen
verburden is t
ove the reserv
t sand facies
differences in
, a particular
in the overall
The connec
termined by
to the injectio
by allowing
am being inj
n. This will o
Pattern area
on this area.
he top perforat
n in the overb
therefore only
voir. The dat
present in the
n sand perme
poro-perm re
l permeability
ctivity concep
the location
on point, whic
steam to pen
ected at the t
only occur if
only one san
Figure 11 s
tion of INJ-1.
burden, due t
y by conducti
ta does not su
e Haradh For
eability assoc
elationship wa
y distribution
pt was built u
of the sands
ch is determin
netrate the
top of the
there is a
shows the
On the left
to the low
ion and at
upport the
rmation as
iated with
as applied
n, aligning
using two
s with the
ned by the
12 SPE 154702
Figure 12. Above: temperature response to injection at producer P-1 (South-North section - injector not shown). Below:
distribution of facies in the same South-North section. The temperature response at P-1 is determined by the location of the higher
permeability sands (massive sands) and how these are connected to the injector as a function of the layering scheme used.
The dynamic results from Concept 4 show that in this realization the heat is seen to propagate preferentially in the
North-South direction with a limited response to steam injection in the East West direction (Figure 13). These
results are in line with the surveillance data, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 13. Concept 4 temperature distribution in the 1P Trial Pattern area in an areal view (left) and in a South-North cross-
section. Both images illustrate the preferential North-South movement of steam at the top of the reservoir resulting from this
2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020
2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020
0.00 30.00 60.00 feet
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 meters
File: Fourth_concept_upscaled_baffles_REVISED_test1.dat
User: mu55230
Date: 16/10/2011
Scale: 1:415.525808
Z/Y: 1.00:1
Axis Units: m
Al-97 Extended Trial
CMGLCustom_FACIES 1982-08-30 I layer: 14
2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020
2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020
0.00 30.00 60.00 feet
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.0012.0014.0016.0018.0020.00 meters
Al-97 Extended Trial
CMGLCustom_FACIES 2006-04-01 I layer: 14
2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020
2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020
0.00 30.00 60.00 feet
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 meters
File: Fourth_concept_upscaled_baffles_REVISED_test1.irf
User: mu55230
Date: 11/10/2011
Scale: 1:411.772183
Z/Y: 1.00:1
Axis Units: m
2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020
2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020
0.00 30.00 60.00 feet
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 meters
File: Fourth_concept_upscaled_baffles_w edge_test1.irf
User: mu55230
Date: 11/10/2011
Scale: 1:411.772183
Z/Y: 1.00:1
Axis Units: m
Injector INJ-1
Injector INJ-1
Layering scheme1
Layering scheme1
Layering scheme2
Layering scheme2
Flood plain
Laminated sand
Cross bedded
Massive sand
Flood plain
Laminated sand
Cross bedded
Massive sand
Flood plain
Laminated sand
Cross bedded
Massive sand
Flood plain
Laminated sand
Cross bedded
Massive sand
Temp oC
0.00 120.00 240.00 feet
0.00 40.00 80.00 meters
Top reservoir
INJ-1 P-1
SPE 154702
The distributi
Haradh Forma
Seismic Forw
All concepts
with model p
XStream is u
obtained from
(NRMS), whi
and 4D attrib
RMS repeatab
reservoir from
Figure 14 sho
the seismic g
Comparing RR
closing the loo
Figure 14. The
during the moni
From the resu
the Fault and
northern half
where the actu
strong 4D sign
Learnings, C
All four Conc
reservoir geol
- Baffle
heat d
does n
- Fault
the fie
- Overb
- Conne
in the
ion of facies
ation are key
ward Modelli
have been fo
predictions di
used which r
m XStream is
ich can be rel
ute extraction
bility ratio (
m steam inject
ws the norma
generated for
RR maps gen
op where the
generated RRR
itor period.
ults illustrated
of the 1P Tri
ual data does
nature in INJ-
Conclusions a
cepts have pro
logy and struc
e concept. T
distribution d
not match the
concept. Th
This concep
burden steam
ation into the
echanical effe
ectivity conc
tion with a li
ly to the obse
(i.e. the resu
elements infl
scussed in th
required simu
s then used to
ated to the ch
n is to produ
RRR) for di
alized RMS o
three of the
nerated from
geophysical t
R map of a win
d in Figure 14
models show
ial Pattern are
not show any
-1 and OB-2,
and Way For
ovide valuabl
cture in the 1P
The distributio
does not repli
e temperature
e presence of
pt has a good
m migration c
e overburden
ept. In this
imited respon
rved tempera
ulting perme
luencing the t
lled to genera
he previous s
ulation outpu
o extract 4D
hanges in the
uce synthetic
ifferent seism
of amplitude d
e concepts at
reservoir mod
tools help to u
ndow of 60 ms c
4 it can be se
w a strong Nor
ea. The mod
y movement
which is still
le insights wh
P Trial Pattern
on of baffles
cate the pref
f a fault in be
d match to the
concept. Th
n directly fro
concept the
nse to steam
ature, pressure
ability distrib
temperature d
ate the seismi
section. For
ut, rock and
attributes su
reservoir pro
seismic, cont
mic acquisitio
difference (als
the time of
dels with the
update reserv
centered at Top
een that the b
rth-South res
del results als
of heat towar
l one of the as
hich have im
n area:
in this conce
ferential move
etween INJ-1
e observed tem
he surveillanc
m the reserv
heat is seen
injection in t
e and product
bution), and
distribution in
ic attributes i
forward mod
fluid models
ch as normal
operties (Ref.
taminated wi
on geometries
so known as R
f the monitor
RRR generat
voir models.
p Haradh for th
affle model s
sponse in line
so show propa
rds the south.
spects for furt
mproved our c
ept does not
ement observ
and OB-3 cl
mperature, pr
ce data does
voir. The ob
to propagate
the East-Wes
tion response
the internal
n the model.
in order to co
delling the S
s. The synth
lized RMS o
4). The goal
ith noise, and
s to detect o
r surveys wit
ated using 3D
he baffle, fault
shows West-E
with the surv
agation of ste
Neither mod
ther study.
current unders
impact the st
ved from the
learly prevent
ressure and p
s not support
bserved anom
e preferential
st direction.
es in the field
layering mod
ompare the a
hell in-house
hetic seismic
f difference
of XStream m
d quantify the
overall chang
th baseline M
VSP is a ste
and connectivi
East response
veillance data
eam to the So
del predicts th
standing of th
team propaga
areal surveil
ts steam mov
production res
t the theory
maly could b
lly in the No
This concep
without a fau
del in the
actual data
e software
e required
ges in the
Ratio) for
May 2009.
p towards
ity concepts
e, whereas
a from the
outh (P-4)
he lack of
he Haradh
ation. The
llance and
ving to the
sponses in
of steam
be due to
pt matches
ult present
From the fou
surveillance d
the sandy brai
From this wor
- The c
- Heat
the in
- It is a
- The fa
- Seism
The next step
exercise in or
the connectiv
exercise. Th
evaluation of
Also new sur
temperature re
well as geolog
Figure 15 sum
concepts resul
Figure 15: The
ur concepts e
data. Out of t
ided river lith
rk a number o
connectivity c
distribution i
tation, the var
nternal reservo
ally sealing fa
apparent that
uction and tem
ault and conn
mic forward m
are model res
in this projec
der to calibra
ity models in
e resulting m
future surveil
rveillance da
logging in O
eaching OB-3
gical modellin
mmarises the
lting in a new
evaluated in
these two, the
hofacies and th
of additional c
concept high
of a steam flo
is observed to
riation of the
oir layering (
none of the
mperature), ob
nectivity conc
modelling sh
sults to actual
ct is to take fo
ate the dynam
n combination
model will be
llance data in
ata will be u
B-3 will cont
3 in the predic
results of th
w reference m
c workflow illus
this work, th
e connectivity
he deposition
conclusions w
lights the im
ood developm
o be controll
facies presen
(dip), and the
Concepts pro
bserved after
epts will be ta
ows how geo
l seismic surv
orward the lea
mic models to
n with the id
ecome the re
n the 1P Trial
sed to determ
tinue as the t
ction simulati
he static and d
trating evolutio
he connectivi
y concept pro
nal architectur
were drawn:
mpact of sand
ment in a fluvi
led by a com
nt within the
e structural di
ovides a 'Uniq
injection into
aken forward
ophysical inf
veillance data.
arning from th
the observed
dentified faul
eference mod
Pattern area a
mine, whethe
two model co
ion runs. Fur
dynamic mod
on of 4 concepts
ity concept a
ovides the mo
re of the Hara
d connectivity
ial setting.
mbination of t
channel (san
ip of the rese
que Solution
o INJ-1.
d for further st
formation (3D
. This can hel
he four conce
d field data (F
lts will be us
del for the as
and assist in W
er the partial
oncepts show
rther work wi
delling workf
s to an updated
and fault con
ost consistent
adh Formation
y (horizontal
the direction
nd quality det
ervoir, and po
' to the therm
DVSP and x
lp to update th
epts into a 4D
Figure 15). It
sed as the sta
sset team and
WRM and de
lly sealing fa
w a clear diffe
ill be carried
flow and the
d 1P Trial Patter
ncept both ex
t approach to
and vertical
of the fluvia
termines perm
ossibly the pr
mal response
x-well) can b
he reservoir m
D Close-the-L
t has been de
arting point in
d will be use
velopment de
ault is presen
erence in timi
out on core a
evolution to
rn reference mo
SPE 154702
xplain the
lly) in the
al channel
resence of
be used to
oop (CtL)
cided that
n the CtL
ed for the
nt or not.
ing of the
analysis as
SPE 154702 15
The authors would like to thank the following for their valued contributions to this document:
Said Busaidi, Petroleum Development Oman; Jorge Lopez, Shell International; Johan van Popta, Shell Global Solutions; and Justyna
Przybysz-Jarnut, Shell Global Solutions.
1. Bridge, J.S. 1993 The interaction between channel geometry, water flow, sediment transport and deposition in braided
rivers; In: Best, J.L & Bristow C.S. (eds), Braided Rivers, Geological Society Special publication No. 75, pp. 13-71
2. Godin P.D. 1991. Fining-upward cycles in the sandy braided river deposits of the Westwater Canyon Member (Upper
Jurassic), Morrison Formation, New Mexico. Sedimentary Geology, Vol 70 p61-82
3. Kiyashchenko, D Mehta, K., Lopez, J., Maamari, A., Adawi, R., and Rocco, G., A. Time-lapse processing and analysis
of 3DVSP and cross-well surveys in South Oman. SJOT Feb 2012.
4. Mehta, K, J. van Popta, J., Bauer, A., Bos, R., Busaidi, S, B. R. De Zwart. 2009. ‘XStream Synthetic Seismic Modeling
Study for Reservoir Surveillance of Thermal EOR in South Oman’. EP 2009-3190.
5. Miall, A.D. 1992. Alluvial Deposits; In: Walker, R.G & James, N.P. (eds) Facies Models a response to sea level change.
Geological Association of Canada. p 119-142
6. Rocco, G. Adawi, R., Busaidi, K., Rodriguez, F., Busaidi, S., Kindy, F., Maamari, A., Kiyashchenko, D., Mehta, K.,
Lopez, J., Zwaan, M. and de Zwart, B.R. 2011. Time lapse seismic interpretation. SPE 144933.
7. Zwaan, M., Hartmans, R., Saluja, J., Schoofs, S., Rocco, G., Saadi, F., Lopez, J., Ita, J., Sorop, T., and Qiu, Y. 2011.
Planning for increased production through integrated Well and Reservoir Surveillance in the Oman EOR projects. SPE

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Modeling the Steam Flood Performance in a South Oman Oil Field: An Integrated Approach

  • 1. S M E M D K C T T re o re A A 2 r d o s T c A w f S F t i R v T r p e f SPE 1547 Modeling Example MRF Shaikh, Development K Shuaili Petr Copyright 2012, Society This paper was prepare This paper was selecte eviewed by the Society fficers, or members. E eproduce in print is res Abstract A field, loca 200m. It p represents an data have sh observations subsurface. The informa connectivity After 20 mon well and two from wells i South connec Four geologi temperature nternal stru Reservoir int variation of H The models realization i pressure data explanation faulting) is c 702 g the Geo from a F Petroleum D Oman; G R roleum Develo y of Petroleum Enginee ed for presentation at t d for presentation by a y of Petroleum Engine Electronic reproduction stricted to an abstract o ated in south produces hig n opportunity hown that th a multidis ation acquir trends from nths of steam o observatio in the northe ctivity trend ical scenario resulting fro uctural dip a terval, 3) the Haradh Sand have been s a reasona a. The resul to the field onsidered to logical C ield in So Development Rocco Petrole opment Oman ers he SPE EOR Conferen an SPE program comm eers and are subject to n, distribution, or stora of not more than 300 w h Oman, has ghly viscou y for Therm he response sciplinary ef red in and m pressure d m injection a n wells. Th ern part of t d within the p o models wer om injection and baffling e Carbonifer dstone Facie n calibrated able subsurf lts indicate observation o be a more f Controls o outh Oma Oman; R A eum Develop n & AH de Zw nce at Oil and Gas We mittee following review o correction by the aut age of any part of this words; illustrations may s a compact us hydrocarb al EOR deve in the trial ffort has be around the data, temper a thermal res he time-lapse the pattern. pattern. re built to te n. The mod g lithologies rous Al Khl es and how th against his face represe that an indi ns to date. I feasible opti on Steam an Al Adawi, Pe pment Oman; wart Shell Dev est Asia held in Muscat of information contain thor(s). The material d s paper without the wr y not be copied. The ab dome shape bon from th elopment. A pattern is no een undertak e injection ature survey sponse withi e seismic da The pressu est factors th delling work s within the ata immedia hese may im storical data entation to r ividual scen Instead, a c on to unders m Flood Pe etroleum Dev ; F Rodrigue velopment Om t, Oman, 16–18 April 2 ned in an abstract subm does not necessarily re ritten consent of the S bstract must contain co ed structure he fluvial C After an initi ot homogen aken to imp area (an in ys, time laps in the pattern ata is consist ure data also hat may impa kflow intend e Haradh R ately above mpact fluid fl a so as to reproduce t nario does n combination stand the fiel erforman velopment O ez Petroleum man 2012. mitted by the author(s) eflect any position of t Society of Petroleum E onspicuous acknowled with an oil Cambrian H ial phase of neous. In or prove our u nverted 7-sp se seismic, n is limited tent with the o indicate a act the under ds to assess Reservoir, 2) the Haradh low. ascertain if the actual f not provide b n of scenario ld observatio nce; An man; H Re m Developme ). Contents of the pape he Society of Petroleu Engineers is prohibite dgment of SPE copyrig column in e Haradh reser steam inject rder to expl understandin pot pattern), cores and w to only one e field data predominan rstood distrib the impact faulting w Reservoir an f a given g field produc by itself an os (fluvial fa ons. eiser Shell ent Oman; er have not been um Engineers, its ed. Permission to ght. excess of rvoir and tion, field ain these g of the , include well logs. producer observed nt North- bution of of 1) the within the nd 4) the eological ction and absolute acies and
  • 2. 2 SPE 154702 Introduction This paper outlines a multidisciplinary effort which has been undertaken to improve the subsurface understanding of an oil field, located in south Oman. The field has a compact dome shaped structure with an oil column in excess of 200m, producing medium heavy oil (100 – 1000 cP) from the fluvial Cambrian Haradh reservoir and presents an opportunity for Thermal EOR development. After an initial phase of steam injection within a Trial Pattern (1P) area (Figure 1), field data have been gathered, including pressure and temperature surveys, cross-well and 3-D VSP seismic data (time-lapse), cores, FMI and well logs. An integrated interpretation of these data shows that the response in the Trial Pattern (1P), is not homogeneous. To explain these observations several geological models have been built with each model calibrated against available historical production and surveillance data. The results indicate that a single geological concept does not provide a full explanation to the field observations to date. However, a combination of concepts (fluvial facies and internal reservoir structure) is more likely necessary to explain field observations. Figure 1: Illustration of the 1P Trial Pattern well configuration and the surveillance data acquired from the study area. (Note: INJ-1 was re-drilled and cored as INJ-2 due to urban planning issues soon after the initial phase of steam injection into the 1P Trial Pattern area). Trial Pattern Integrated Interpretation Workflow and Data Acquisition In order to maximise the value of all the surveillance data obtained from the 1P Trial Pattern an integrated interpretation workflow has been used to generate static and dynamic models. Data acquired in the 1P, a 10 acre inverted 7-spot pattern, include production tests, pressure and temperature surveys, surface seismic, 3D-VSP and cross-well seismic surveys, core and FMI data and well log data. Analysis of these data showed that after 20 months of steam injection a temperature response has only been observed in the producer well P-1, and two observation wells: OB-1 and OB-2, see Figure 2, yellow region. There has been no temperature response in the observation well OB-3, to the west of the injector or in other producers south of injector INJ-1. Pressure data acquired from an interference test in the area at the start of the injection indicate a strong North-South connectivity trend in the pattern from the injector towards OB-1 and P-4. 3DVSP Time-lapse seismic data showed changes to the north of the injector as far north as P-1 and OB-1, the same observation well and producer, that have recorded a temperature response from the injector well. The seismic data indicates a Northern preferential direction in combination with a West-East temperature trend. A comparison between the temperature observation data and time-lapse seismic data is illustrated in Figure 2 [Ref 3, 6]. 358950 359000 359050 359100 359150 359200 359250 359300 359350 359400 359450 358950 359000 359050 359100 359150 359200 359250 359300 359350 359400 359450 202664020267202026800202688020269602027040 202664020267202026800202688020269602027040 0 50 100 150 200 250m 1 3000 P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 OB-1 OB-2 OB-3 INJ-1 INJ-2 NE-1 SW-1 SW-2 1P Trial Pattern 1P Producer 1P Injector TemperatureObservation Well PressureObservation Well FMI Data CoreDataCross-wellseismic profile
  • 3. S F f t c d in D l m r m I e S n q H T ‘ s c T SPE 154702 Figure 2: Dyna from the 1P Tri he inferred tem communication dotted polygon) njection at the t Dynamic mod aterally). In r model is show right image. model and ob Instead of em evaluate the k 1. Comb 2. Presen 3. Inclus 4. Conn Static models numerical sim quantitative co Haradh Form The Haradh F wide-scale fl southwest to comprised of 1. Massi flat or 2. Troug cross 3. Lamin (<10° and sc 4. Overb chann The sandy bra amic model for ial Pattern area mperature outli present within derived from a top of the Hara dels made pri reality the ste wn in Figure An update o served data to mbarking on a key elements t bination of ba nce of partial sion of steam ectivity of san of each Con mulator). Th omparison wi mation Strati Formation is a luvial system the north-no four different ive Sandstone r channelized gh Cross Bedd bedded, plan nated Sandy B °) bedforms ar cours. bank Fines Fa nels were aban aided river de recast, measure a. On the left, th ine from the te n the pattern b all surveillance adh in the north ior to the surv eam is much m 2, left image of the static an o improve und a single deta that are believ affles and stru ly sealing fau migration int nd bodies and ncept were cre he results fro ith the time-la igraphy, Sed a sandy braide ’. Both regio ortheast, thou t facies [Ref 1 e Facies. A co d (erosive) bas ded Sandston ar cross bedd Bedform Faci re prevalent a acies. Fine gr ndoned. positional sys ed temperature he relatively sym emperature dat ased upon inte data is overlain hern part of the veillance proj more confined e. Interpretat nd dynamic m derstanding o ailed and com ved to determ uctural dip wit ults. to the overbu d depositional eated in Petre om STARS w apse seismic d dimentology a ed river syste onal and local ugh local var 1, 5]: oarser grained se. ne Facies. A m ded and tabula ies. As chann as lenses and w rained silts an stem and the e and pressure mmetric areal s ta only in Yello rference tests. n upon the 3D V pattern (from ject do not re d than all sim tion results ar model was req of the steam fl mplex model, mine the heat d thin the Harad rden Glacio-F l direction wi el and then e were later us data. and Facies M em, with depo l FMI data su riations may d massive san more turbulen ar cross bedde nels migrate a wedges of tab nd mudstone a four facies ar connectivity tr steam conforma ow. The thick On the right, VSP data. The Ref 6). eflect the obse mulation mode re shown as t quired on the flood. four new ge distribution in dh reservoir. Fluvial Al Kh ithin the Hara evaluated dyn sed for forwa Model osition on a ‘l uggests that th be present. ndstone sandb nt bedded dun ed units were and fluid flow bular and plan are deposited re illustrated i rends based up ance from the in k arrows illustr the 'constraine 3D VSP data s erved heat res els predict. R the dotted red e basis of the eological con n the dynamic hlata formatio adh reservoir. namically in S ard seismic m low gradient’ he palaeoslop A sandy br bar facies, wh ne and bar fac deposited. w velocity red nar cross bed d where fluid f in Figure 3. pon well survei nitial model. In rate the range ed 'heat distrib shows change d sponses (vert Results of an s d polygon in mismatch be ncepts were d c model: on. STARS (CMG modelling to alluvial plain pe was from t raided river hich is deposit cies where tro duces lower an ded sand fill flow was slow 3 illance data n the centre, of pressure bution' (red ue to steam tically and simulation Figure 2, etween the defined to G thermal enable a n within a the south- system is ted on a ough ngle channels west, as
  • 4. 4 F 1 T h g r P o T i p i s s G T v t o b t T d 4 Figure 3: Depos 1, 5). The coarser g have the bett grained silts a range but perm Preservation o often re-work The cross-bed nhibit flow w preferential pe s ultimately system, the en sand bodies w Geological de This concept vertical conne the pattern. In on the underst baffles do not the reservoir. The geologica depositional s sitional Element grained highe ter reservoir and mudstone meabilities ra of the finer gr ing the finer g dded sandston within the res ermeability fl controlled by nergy of the f within the chan escription of focuses on d ectivity withi nput data for tanding of the t have a latera al modelling w sand/shale mo ts within a San r energy San properties, ty e Overbank F arely exceed 1 rained litholog grained facies ne facies and ervoir due to low paths in t y a combina flow regime d nnels [Ref 2]. Concept 1 - distribution a n the reservo the Concept e depositiona al extent grea work has focu odel of a sand dy Braided Fac ndy Bedform ypically 15-3 Fines (OF) Fa 100mD due to gies is infrequ s as rock frag laminated san o the internal these sand bod ation of the o depositing the . Baffle and S and extent of oir and theref 1 model inclu al environmen ater than 75m used on replic dy braided rive cies system (ima and Downstr 30% φ and 5 acies have poo o the high vol uent as chann gments within ndstone facie sediment sor dies. Therefo orientation o e sand bodies Structural Di f horizontal b fore could pot ude well logs nt and well to . Hence the b cating the lith er system (Fig ages modified f ream Accretio 50-2000mD p orer reservoir lume of fine g nels cross-cut n the coarser g es are present rting within th ore the conne f the channe s within the c ip Model baffles (finer tentially ham s, FMI, and co o well correlat baffles are di hofacies prese gure 4). from Bridge (19 on (SB and D permeability. r properties, w grained mater t and incise in grained sedim as Sandy Be he sandstone ctivity of the els within the channels and grained faci mper the upwa ore data from tion of the ba scontinuous a ent in the wel S 993) and Miall ( DA) Facies ar In contrast with a simila rial within the nto previous s mentary rocks. edforms and c . This would individual sa e braided de the preservat ies), which im ard steam mi m the study are affles it is clea and spread-ou ls creating a s SPE 154702 (1992))( Ref re seen to t, the fine ar porosity ese facies. sediments, . could both d result in and bodies epositional tion of the mpact the igration in ea. Based ar that the ut through simplified
  • 5. S F s T G T h a p t c r a l SPE 154702 Figure 4: Image shale baffles in g The important • mode angul • distin togeth • young are m • The s the in perme • Perme transf relatio towar Geological de The objective heat distributi and conventio prominent NN the center of t concluded tha response to st and P-2 show ack of temper e showing the grey) from Con t aspects of th lling of the p ar unconform nction between her with a den ger channels modelled as no sandstone por nter-well spac eability have eability logs w form and up onship perme rds the previo escription of of the 1P Tri ion in the rese onal seismic i NW-SSE regi the 1P Trial P at a clear Nor team injection ed no respons rature respon structure and ncept 1. he property m pre - Al Khl mity n channel san nsity-neutron are modelled on-net floodpl rosity has bee e using Petre been set to m were generate p-scaled inde eability was d usly built por Concept 2 - ial Pattern Fa ervoir. The fa interpretation onal trend wi Pattern area w rth – South co n. Limited c se to injection se in OB-3 af baffle distribut model for Con lata subcrop, ndstones and s combined dis d to erode dow lain remnants en derived an el’s Sequentia minimum valu ed from the p ependently of distributed in rosity propert Fault Model ault Concept i faults in the m n (Figure 5). ithin the mod west of the IN ommunicatio communicatio n. If a presen fter 1.5 years tion present wi ncept 1 and oth i.e. the top shale baffles splay wn into strati nd up-scaled al Gaussian Si es throughou porosity curve f porosity. nto the inter-w ty. l is to determin model are base The faults in del by and larg NJ-1 injector. n was seen, i on was seen i nce of a fault r of steam inje ithin the Harad her concepts of the Harad in wells has b igraphically o from net-por imulation (SG ut. es using a cor To replicate well space us ne how faults ed on cross-w nterpreted fro ge. One of th A pressure i.e. wells OB in the West – reduces West ection can be dh Formation ( are: dh reservoir been defined older channel rosity well-log GS) whereas re measureme e a natural sing again SG may influenc well seismic in om cross-well he mapped fa interference t -1 and P-4 sh – East directio t-East hydrau explained (Fi (Channel sands bounded by by using the deposits whi gs and distrib the baffle por ent derived lo variety of p GS while co-K ce fluid flow a nterpretation l seismic data aults runs righ test conducte howed a clear on, e.g. both lic communic igure 2). 5 s in yellow, a marked GR curve ile baffles buted into rosity and ogarithmic poro-perm Kriging it and hence [Ref 3, 6] a follow a ht through ed in 2009 r pressure wells P-5 cation, the
  • 6. 6 F c t G I a t a A h t 6 Figure 5: Imag cross-well seism o have a minor Geological de In the overbur all flow prope the reservoir anomalies see Al Khlata is c have contrasti the overburde ge showing the i mic data. The fa juxtaposition o escription of rden concept erties. The o flows into th en in seismic comprised of ing rock prop en and hence d interpreted fau aults are seen to of the Haradh a Concept 3 - the overlying bjective of th he overburde data in the ov three distinct erties (Figure distribution o ulting in and ne o cross the 1P T against the youn Overburden g Permo-Carb he model is to en and thereb verburden ind t facies, shaly e 6). Only the f the sandston ar the 1P Trial Trial Pattern ar nger Al Khlata. n Model boniferous Al o investigate by heats the o dicated that th y diamictite, s e sandstone fa ne facies is cr l Pattern area b rea in a North-S Khlata forma how likely it overburden i his phenomen sandy diamict facies will allo ritical in this c based upon a co South trend. Th ation is mode t is that steam instead of the na was occurr tite and sands ow fluids or s concept. S ombination of s he faults are als elled in detail m injected at e targeted res ring. In this m stone which a steam to prop SPE 154702 surface and so modelled including the top of servoir as model the are seen to pagate into
  • 7. SPE 154702 7 Figure 6: North-South section illustrating the modelled facies and permeability distribution in the Al Khlata and Haradh between P-1 and P-4. The sandier facies in the Al-Khlata P5 is infrequent in the 1P Trial Pattern area (Figure 6) and does not provide a continuous path from Haradh into the overburden. These facies have been distributed within the model following a regional South Oman geological setting, and porosity and permeability have been geo-statistically distributed within the model according to the modelled facies distribution. Geological description of Concept 4 - Connectivity Model The objective of the Connectivity Model is to replicate both the sandy braided river lithofacies and the depositional architecture of the Haradh Formation. The outcome of the facies modelling has resulted in laterally extensive channel sand bodies, which have a NNE-SSW orientation (Figure 7). Core and log interpretation indicate that the channel sandstones are dominated by both Laminated and Massive Sandstone Facies. This has been replicated in Concept 4, with individual sand bodies extending across the model over hundreds of meters. The connectivity model has replicated the vertical stacking of channels observed in core and logs where muddier floodplain facies are seen to disrupt sandstone continuity both laterally and vertically as described in the depositional model (Figure 3). The porosity distribution is conditioned to facies and has resulted in the trend of the channels being detectable within both the porosity and permeability property distributions (Figure 7). Different seeds were modelled using two different internal Haradh layering (dip) schemes to test the impact of facies distribution away from wells in addition to the internal dip within the reservoir. Consistent results were obtained in each of the structures tested. It is important to note that the permeability modelled has preferential (anisotropic) flow properties for two facies, the cross-bedded sandstone and the laminated sandstone. For the cross-bedded sandstone the horizontal permeability should be greater perpendicular to the palaeoflow direction (parallel to the lateral accretion of the mid-channel sand bars), while for the laminated sand it is the opposite (see also Figure 3). 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 -920-880-840-800-760-720 -920-880-840-800-760-720 0 50 100 150 200 250m 1:1600 Shale Sand Carbonate Palaeosol Good Sand Shaly Diamictite Washout Sandy Diamictit Facies North SouthAL-104 AL-37AL-30 AL-97 AL-149120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 -920-880-840-800-760-720 -920-880-840-800-760-720 0 50 100 150 200 250m 1:1600 Shale Sand Carbonate Palaeosol Good Sand Shaly Diamictite Washout Sandy Diamictit Facies North SouthAL-104 AL-37AL-30 AL-97 AL-149 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 -920-880-840-800-760-720 -920-880-840-800-760-720 0 50 100 150 200 250m 1:1600 10 20 40 79 160 320 630 1300 2500 5000 K North SouthAL-104 AL-37 AL-30 AL-97 AL-149 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 -920-880-840-800-760-720 -920-880-840-800-760-720 0 50 100 150 200 250m 1:1600 10 20 40 79 160 320 630 1300 2500 5000 K North SouthAL-104 AL-37 AL-30 AL-97 AL-149 Haradh Haradh Overburden– Al KhlataP5 Overburden– Al KhlataP5Sand K>20 P-1 OB-1 INJ-1 INJ-2 P-4 P-1 OB-1 INJ-1 INJ-2 P-4
  • 8. 8 F P D T s m o T I K a m l 8 Figure 7: Map Pattern area. T Dynamic sim The numerica screening of g model buildin of the simulat The workflow 1. The sta 2. The res and aqu 3. QC on u 4. The ups 5. The ups 6. Setup o 7. Model match o This is 8. Interpre 9. Run the In all cases du Kv/Kh multipl and vertical p massive sands ower Kv/Kh. view of the m The NNE-SSW c mulation resu al modelling w geological el ng and dynam tion results of w followed ex atic Petrel mod scue files are uifer in order up-scaling: ch scaled deck is scaled grid in of the dynami QC. Instead on the pattern to assure that et and compar e model in a f uring the QC lier. All the m pressure profi stone facies i modelled facies a channel directio lts work of the fo ements that m mic simulation f the four conc ists of a numb dels are expor loaded aerial to reduce the heck non-ups s exported in n rescue forma c simulation m of a complete n liquid rate, t the model pr re simulation forecast mode step a global models requir ile, even with is expected to and permeabili on is clearly visi our concepts may drive th ns. This sectio cepts. ber of steps a rted in Rescu lly upscaled o number of gr scaled blocks rescue forma at is imported model using t e history mat , oil and wat ressure and sa results to the e to be used fo l permeability re a low Kv/K h the baffles o have a mu ity at a specific ible, indicated b is not intende e response to on discusses i and uses differ ue format. outside the fi rid blocks and to have consi at. d using CMG the CMG Bui tch, the mode er rate and v aturation are c e surveillance or seismic for y multiplier h Kh i.e. smaller physically m ch higher Kv c interval withi by the Red arro ed to be a his o steam injec in short the w rent software irst pattern ar d hence runtim istent block p Builder. ilder. el is QC-ed o vertical pressu correct at star e data. rward modell had to be appl r than 0.05, to modelled. Ou v/Kh, the othe in the 600m x 6 ow. story-matchin ction. It comp workflow, mod e packages. T rea and vertic mes. properties as t on the ability ure profile in rt of steam inj ling. lied (factor of o achieve a m ut of the thre er two are cro S 600m grid of th ng exercise bu prises geolog del QC and a The steps take cally in the ov the fine grid. to obtain a r n OB-2 (MDT jection. f 2) as well a match to the li ee reservoir f oss-bedded s SPE 154702 he 1P Trial ut rather a gical static a summary en are : verburden reasonable T match). as a global iquid rates facies, the ands with
  • 9. SPE 154702 9 Simulation results of Concept 1- Baffle and structural dip concept In this model the baffles are modelled as zero porosity blocks and therefore are not conducting any flow. The blocks do conduct heat and therefore will increase in temperature if heat flows close to the baffles. The evolution of the steam chest was compared with in-well temperature surveys and the areal/vertical steam distribution against the x-well and 3D VSP time-lapse data. Special focus was on the impact of baffles on heat distribution. Figure 8 shows the areal and vertical temperature distribution and also the gas (steam) saturation distribution at time of the monitor survey for an East -West x-section. Figure 8: On the left, Areal temperature distribution for Concept 1, in the center West – East cross-section showing the temperature distribution and on the right the steam saturation on the right, all at time of the monitor survey, August 2010. The shape of the heated zone and steam zone in the baffle model is very similar to results obtained with previous models which did not include an explicit representation of baffles. The impact of the baffles is minor, very likely due to small size and infrequent presence of the baffles. The areal distribution of temperature looks homogeneous (radial shape) and does not match the temperature surveys, see Figure 8. This model does not show any temperature response in OB-2 but does show a response in well OB-3. This is in contradiction with observed responses in both observation wells, see Figure 2. In summary the baffles modelled in this concept do not result in a better description of the observed heat distribution. Simulation results of Concept 2: Fault model This concept considers the fault in between OB-3 and INJ-1, see Figure 5. Pressure data indicates that the fault cannot be completely sealing and only partially sealing scenarios were considered. Figure 9 shows the heat distribution and live steam distribution respectively in the same East – West cross-section as Figure 8. The fault clearly prevents steam across the fault; steam does not flow across the fault towards OB-3 and also the temperature front is constrained by the fault. At later times temperatures do increase, but only due to heat conduction. AL-105 Al97-iAl97-p Top reservoir ~ 100 m W E AL-105 Al97-iAl97-p ers 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 Steam sat. rs 53 78 103 128 153 178 204 229 254 279 304 Temp oC rs 53 78 103 128 153 178 204 229 254 279 304 Temp oC OB-3 INJ-1 OB-3 INJ-1
  • 10. 1 F t A s q s F a 0 Figure 9. West – he monitor surv A comparison shown in Fig quantitative c seismic mode Figure 10. On th attribute showin ters 53 77 102 126 150 174 198 222 247 271 295 Temp oC – East cross-sec vey, August 201 n of the heat ure 10. This comparison is lling section l he left, areal te ng the areal dist AL-105 Fault OB-3 ction showing t 10. t distribution s result is for s possible usi later. mperature dist tribution of the Al97-iAl97-p Top INJ-1 the temperature , predicted b r a single lay ing forward m tribution for Co e steam injection preservoir e distribution o by the numer yer only, but modelling of oncept 2 at time n effect. ters 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 on the left and s rical model, w already show f the results, e of the monito AL-105 Steam sat. Fault OB-3 steam distribut with the aeri ws qualitativ which is pre r survey, and o Al97-iAl97-p T t INJ-1 S tion on the righ ial surveillanc e agreement. esented in the on the right the Top reservo SPE 154702 ht at time of ce data is A more e forward 4D seismic oir
  • 11. S S T o r s p r F p A p t c S T d t t t d T h l SPE 154702 Simulation re This concept overburden. reservoir so th sand-to-sand pathway was results of the p Figure 11. Ove permeability dis After 10 year permeability o time of the m concept of ste Simulation re The Connectiv described in th the massive sa to each facies the permeabil different inter The simulatio highest perme ayering schem esults of Con investigates A 10-year st hat the steam path from th identified, ve prediction run erburden mode stribution and o rs of continuo of the overbu monitor survey eam migration esults of Con vity Concept he geological andstone, cro s, thus creatin lity field with rnal layering ( on results sho eability and al me used (Figu ncept 3: Over anomalies se eam injection m could migra he reservoir in ery close to O n at this locat el results after on the right the ous steam inj urden litholog y the heated z n into the ove ncept 4: Conn models the d l section. To oss-bedded an ng a degree of h the underst (dip) schemes ow that the p lso by how th ure 12). rburden mod een in seismic n forecast run ate, if possibl nto the overb OB-3 and he tion. 10 years of con live steam satu ection there w gy. The heati zone is about rburden. nectivity mod distribution of account for t nd planar lam f permeability tood depositi s within the H propagation o hese sands are del c data in the n was conduc le, up into the burden. In th ence the analy ntinuous steam uration. was only littl ing of the ov 8 meters abo del f the different the expected inated facies, y anisotropy onal model. Haradh Forma of heat is det e connected t overburden cted with stea e overburden he 1P Trial P ysis focused m injection at th le steam seen verburden is t ove the reserv t sand facies differences in , a particular in the overall The connec ation. termined by to the injectio by allowing am being inj n. This will o Pattern area on this area. he top perforat n in the overb therefore only voir. The dat present in the n sand perme poro-perm re l permeability ctivity concep the location on point, whic steam to pen ected at the t only occur if only one san Figure 11 s tion of INJ-1. burden, due t y by conducti ta does not su e Haradh For eability assoc elationship wa y distribution pt was built u of the sands ch is determin 11 netrate the top of the there is a nd-to-sand shows the On the left to the low ion and at upport the rmation as iated with as applied n, aligning using two s with the ned by the
  • 12. 12 SPE 154702 Figure 12. Above: temperature response to injection at producer P-1 (South-North section - injector not shown). Below: distribution of facies in the same South-North section. The temperature response at P-1 is determined by the location of the higher permeability sands (massive sands) and how these are connected to the injector as a function of the layering scheme used. The dynamic results from Concept 4 show that in this realization the heat is seen to propagate preferentially in the North-South direction with a limited response to steam injection in the East West direction (Figure 13). These results are in line with the surveillance data, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 13. Concept 4 temperature distribution in the 1P Trial Pattern area in an areal view (left) and in a South-North cross- section. Both images illustrate the preferential North-South movement of steam at the top of the reservoir resulting from this Concept. 2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020 2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020 790800810820830 780790800810820830 0.00 30.00 60.00 feet 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 meters File: Fourth_concept_upscaled_baffles_REVISED_test1.dat User: mu55230 Date: 16/10/2011 Scale: 1:415.525808 Z/Y: 1.00:1 Axis Units: m 0.0 0.8 1.5 2.3 3.0 Al-97 Extended Trial CMGLCustom_FACIES 1982-08-30 I layer: 14 2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020 2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020 790800810820830 780790800810820830 0.00 30.00 60.00 feet 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.0012.0014.0016.0018.0020.00 meters Al-97 Extended Trial CMGLCustom_FACIES 2006-04-01 I layer: 14 2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020 2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020 780790800810820830 780790800810820830 0.00 30.00 60.00 feet 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 meters File: Fourth_concept_upscaled_baffles_REVISED_test1.irf User: mu55230 Date: 11/10/2011 Scale: 1:411.772183 Z/Y: 1.00:1 Axis Units: m 53 76 100 123 147 170 194 217 241 264 288 2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020 2,026,960 2,026,970 2,026,980 2,026,990 2,027,000 2,027,010 2,027,020 780790800810820830 780790800810820830 0.00 30.00 60.00 feet 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 meters File: Fourth_concept_upscaled_baffles_w edge_test1.irf User: mu55230 Date: 11/10/2011 Scale: 1:411.772183 Z/Y: 1.00:1 Axis Units: m Injector INJ-1 Injector INJ-1 Layering scheme1 Layering scheme1 Layering scheme2 Layering scheme2 P-1 P-1 P-1 P-1 Top reservoir Top reservoir 3.0 Facies: Flood plain Laminated sand Cross bedded sand Massive sand 3.0 Facies: Flood plain Laminated sand Cross bedded sand Massive sand 3.0 Facies: Flood plain Laminated sand Cross bedded sand Massive sand 3.0 Facies: Flood plain Laminated sand Cross bedded sand Massive sand 53 76 100 123 147 170 194 217 241 264 288 Temp oC AL-104Al97-iAl97-p 800900 0.00 120.00 240.00 feet 0.00 40.00 80.00 meters 53 75 98 121 143 166 189 211 234 256 279 Top reservoir INJ-1 P-1 0.00 0.00
  • 13. S T H S A w X o ( a R r F t C c F d F t n w s L A r SPE 154702 The distributi Haradh Forma Seismic Forw All concepts with model p XStream is u obtained from (NRMS), whi and 4D attrib RMS repeatab reservoir from Figure 14 sho the seismic g Comparing RR closing the loo Figure 14. The during the moni From the resu the Fault and northern half where the actu strong 4D sign Learnings, C All four Conc reservoir geol - Baffle heat d does n - Fault West. the fie - Overb migra geom - Conne direct closel in the ion of facies ation are key ward Modelli have been fo predictions di used which r m XStream is ich can be rel ute extraction bility ratio ( m steam inject ws the norma generated for RR maps gen op where the generated RRR itor period. ults illustrated connectivity of the 1P Tri ual data does nature in INJ- Conclusions a cepts have pro logy and struc e concept. T distribution d not match the concept. Th This concep eld. burden steam ation into the echanical effe ectivity conc tion with a li ly to the obse model. (i.e. the resu elements infl ing orward-model scussed in th required simu s then used to ated to the ch n is to produ RRR) for di tion. alized RMS o three of the nerated from geophysical t R map of a win d in Figure 14 models show ial Pattern are not show any -1 and OB-2, and Way For ovide valuabl cture in the 1P The distributio does not repli e temperature e presence of pt has a good m migration c e overburden fects. ept. In this imited respon rved tempera ulting perme luencing the t lled to genera he previous s ulation outpu o extract 4D hanges in the uce synthetic ifferent seism of amplitude d e concepts at reservoir mod tools help to u ndow of 60 ms c 4 it can be se w a strong Nor ea. The mod y movement which is still rward le insights wh P Trial Pattern on of baffles cate the pref surveys. f a fault in be d match to the concept. Th n directly fro concept the nse to steam ature, pressure ability distrib temperature d ate the seismi section. For ut, rock and attributes su reservoir pro seismic, cont mic acquisitio difference (als the time of dels with the update reserv centered at Top een that the b rth-South res del results als of heat towar l one of the as hich have im n area: in this conce ferential move etween INJ-1 e observed tem he surveillanc m the reserv heat is seen injection in t e and product bution), and distribution in ic attributes i forward mod fluid models ch as normal operties (Ref. taminated wi on geometries so known as R f the monitor RRR generat voir models. p Haradh for th affle model s sponse in line so show propa rds the south. spects for furt mproved our c ept does not ement observ and OB-3 cl mperature, pr ce data does voir. The ob to propagate the East-Wes tion response the internal n the model. in order to co delling the S s. The synth lized RMS o 4). The goal ith noise, and s to detect o RRR: RMS R r surveys wit ated using 3D he baffle, fault shows West-E with the surv agation of ste Neither mod ther study. current unders impact the st ved from the learly prevent ressure and p s not support bserved anom e preferential st direction. es in the field layering mod ompare the a hell in-house hetic seismic f difference of XStream m d quantify the overall chang Repeatability th baseline M VSP is a ste and connectivi East response veillance data eam to the So del predicts th standing of th team propaga areal surveil ts steam mov production res t the theory maly could b lly in the No This concep without a fau 13 del in the actual data e software response amplitude modelling e required ges in the Ratio) for May 2009. p towards ity concepts e, whereas a from the outh (P-4) he lack of he Haradh ation. The llance and ving to the sponses in of steam be due to orth-South pt matches ult present
  • 14. 1 F s t F T e t e e A T t w F c F 4 From the fou surveillance d the sandy brai From this wor - The c early - Heat orient the in partia - It is a produ - The fa - Seism comp The next step exercise in or the connectiv exercise. Th evaluation of Also new sur Temperature temperature re well as geolog Figure 15 sum concepts resul Figure 15: The ur concepts e data. Out of t ided river lith rk a number o connectivity c performance distribution i tation, the var nternal reservo ally sealing fa apparent that uction and tem ault and conn mic forward m are model res in this projec der to calibra ity models in e resulting m future surveil rveillance da logging in O eaching OB-3 gical modellin mmarises the lting in a new static-dynamic evaluated in these two, the hofacies and th of additional c concept high of a steam flo is observed to riation of the oir layering ( ults. none of the mperature), ob nectivity conc modelling sh sults to actual ct is to take fo ate the dynam n combination model will be llance data in ata will be u B-3 will cont 3 in the predic ng. results of th w reference m c workflow illus this work, th e connectivity he deposition conclusions w lights the im ood developm o be controll facies presen (dip), and the Concepts pro bserved after epts will be ta ows how geo l seismic surv orward the lea mic models to n with the id ecome the re n the 1P Trial sed to determ tinue as the t ction simulati he static and d odel. trating evolutio he connectivi y concept pro nal architectur were drawn: mpact of sand ment in a fluvi led by a com nt within the e structural di ovides a 'Uniq injection into aken forward ophysical inf veillance data. arning from th the observed dentified faul eference mod Pattern area a mine, whethe two model co ion runs. Fur dynamic mod on of 4 concepts ity concept a ovides the mo re of the Hara d connectivity ial setting. mbination of t channel (san ip of the rese que Solution o INJ-1. d for further st formation (3D . This can hel he four conce d field data (F lts will be us del for the as and assist in W er the partial oncepts show rther work wi delling workf s to an updated and fault con ost consistent adh Formation y (horizontal the direction nd quality det ervoir, and po ' to the therm tudy. DVSP and x lp to update th epts into a 4D Figure 15). It sed as the sta sset team and WRM and de lly sealing fa w a clear diffe ill be carried flow and the d 1P Trial Patter S ncept both ex t approach to n. and vertical of the fluvia termines perm ossibly the pr mal response x-well) can b he reservoir m D Close-the-L t has been de arting point in d will be use velopment de ault is presen erence in timi out on core a evolution to rn reference mo SPE 154702 xplain the represent lly) in the al channel meability), resence of (pressure, be used to models. oop (CtL) cided that n the CtL ed for the ecisions. nt or not. ing of the analysis as preferred odel.
  • 15. SPE 154702 15 Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the following for their valued contributions to this document: Said Busaidi, Petroleum Development Oman; Jorge Lopez, Shell International; Johan van Popta, Shell Global Solutions; and Justyna Przybysz-Jarnut, Shell Global Solutions. References 1. Bridge, J.S. 1993 The interaction between channel geometry, water flow, sediment transport and deposition in braided rivers; In: Best, J.L & Bristow C.S. (eds), Braided Rivers, Geological Society Special publication No. 75, pp. 13-71 2. Godin P.D. 1991. Fining-upward cycles in the sandy braided river deposits of the Westwater Canyon Member (Upper Jurassic), Morrison Formation, New Mexico. Sedimentary Geology, Vol 70 p61-82 3. Kiyashchenko, D Mehta, K., Lopez, J., Maamari, A., Adawi, R., and Rocco, G., A. Time-lapse processing and analysis of 3DVSP and cross-well surveys in South Oman. SJOT Feb 2012. 4. Mehta, K, J. van Popta, J., Bauer, A., Bos, R., Busaidi, S, B. R. De Zwart. 2009. ‘XStream Synthetic Seismic Modeling Study for Reservoir Surveillance of Thermal EOR in South Oman’. EP 2009-3190. 5. Miall, A.D. 1992. Alluvial Deposits; In: Walker, R.G & James, N.P. (eds) Facies Models a response to sea level change. Geological Association of Canada. p 119-142 6. Rocco, G. Adawi, R., Busaidi, K., Rodriguez, F., Busaidi, S., Kindy, F., Maamari, A., Kiyashchenko, D., Mehta, K., Lopez, J., Zwaan, M. and de Zwart, B.R. 2011. Time lapse seismic interpretation. SPE 144933. 7. Zwaan, M., Hartmans, R., Saluja, J., Schoofs, S., Rocco, G., Saadi, F., Lopez, J., Ita, J., Sorop, T., and Qiu, Y. 2011. Planning for increased production through integrated Well and Reservoir Surveillance in the Oman EOR projects. SPE 144164.