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Develop Tools, While Testing
Saar Rachamim, Gett
About Me
Saar Rachamim
BE Developer @Gett
About Me
Developing automation tools
About Me
Developing automation tools
Automate everything
def main():
conn = telnetlib.Telnet(host=COFFEE_MACHINE_ADDR)
conn.write('sys brew')
conn.write('sys pour')
Automate everything
def main():
conn = telnetlib.Telnet(host=COFFEE_MACHINE_ADDR)
conn.write('sys brew')
conn.write('sys pour')
Automate everything
Origin Story
Origin Story
Origin Story
Origin Story
Origin Story
Origin Story
Origin Story
Origin Story
Origin Story
Origin Story
Origin Story
Origin Story
Gett’s Road
A product loved for its quality
Join the ride
Automation Performance Tool Origin Story
App Stability Problem
App Stability
Manual Automation
Manual Automation
Third party In-house
Selected Solution:
Developing in House Tool
Developing your own tool
● Questions in mind
○ What language to choose (JavaC#...)
Developing your own tool
● Questions in mind
○ What language to choose (JavaC#...)
○ What platform - mobile, desktop or web
Developing your own tool
● Questions in mind
○ What language to choose (JavaC#...)
○ What platform - mobile, desktop or web
○ DB: Sql, NoSql
The Tool Code
Test Code
public class SeleniumTest {
public void test(){
String testName = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName();
new ThreadExecuter(testName).execute();
new TestExecuter().execute();
Test Code
public class SeleniumTest {
public void test(){
String testName = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName();
new ThreadExecuter(testName).execute();
new TestExecuter().execute();
Test Code
public class SeleniumTest {
public void test(){
String testName = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName();
new ThreadExecuter(testName).execute();
new TestExecuter().execute();
Test Code
public class SeleniumTest {
public void test(){
String testName = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName();
new ThreadExecuter(testName).execute();
new TestExecuter().execute();
Test Code
public class TestExecuter {
public void execute(){
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
boolean stop = false;
WebElement searchField = driver.findElement(By.xpath(Constants.SEARCH_FIELD));
searchField.sendKeys(new TextGenerator().getTextToSearch());
WebElement searchButton = driver.findElement(By.xpath(Constants.SEARCH_BUTTON));;
catch(Exception e){}
Test Code
public class TestExecuter {
public void execute(){
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
boolean stop = false;
WebElement searchField = driver.findElement(By.xpath(Constants.SEARCH_FIELD));
searchField.sendKeys(new TextGenerator().getTextToSearch());
WebElement searchButton = driver.findElement(By.xpath(Constants.SEARCH_BUTTON));;
catch(Exception e){}
Process Handler Code
public String getCpuUsageByProcessName(String name) throws IOException {
String[] inputArr = {"ps", "-em", "-o", "%cpu,command"};
String retVal = executeTerminalCommands(inputArr, name);
return returnSubStringAccordingStr(retVal, " /").replace(" ", "");
private String executeTerminalCommands(String[] inputArr, String commandPart) throws IOException {
String line;
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(inputArr);
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.contains(commandPart))
return line;
return "-1";
Process Handler Code
public String getCpuUsageByProcessName(String name) throws IOException {
String[] inputArr = {"ps", "-em", "-o", "%cpu,command"};
String retVal = executeTerminalCommands(inputArr, name);
return returnSubStringAccordingStr(retVal, " /").replace(" ", "");
private String executeTerminalCommands(String[] inputArr, String commandPart) throws IOException {
String line;
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(inputArr);
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.contains(commandPart))
return line;
return "-1";
Process Handler Code
public String getCpuUsageByProcessName(String name) throws IOException {
String[] inputArr = {"ps", "-em", "-o", "%cpu,command"};
String retVal = executeTerminalCommands(inputArr, name);
return returnSubStringAccordingStr(retVal, " /").replace(" ", "");
private String executeTerminalCommands(String[] inputArr, String commandPart) throws IOException {
String line;
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(inputArr);
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.contains(commandPart))
return line;
return "-1";
Process Handler Code
public String getCpuUsageByProcessName(String name) throws IOException {
String[] inputArr = {"ps", "-em", "-o", "%cpu,command"};
String retVal = executeTerminalCommands(inputArr, name);
return returnSubStringAccordingStr(retVal, " /").replace(" ", "");
private String executeTerminalCommands(String[] inputArr, String commandPart) throws IOException {
String line;
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(inputArr);
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.contains(commandPart))
return line;
return "-1";
Requests Handler Code
ProcessHandler ph = new ProcessHandler();
RequestHandler requestHandler = new RequestHandler(Constants.FB_URL);
String retKey = requestHandler.postHttp("", new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x-
www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"time":"" + Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + "",
"testName":"" + testName + "", "browser":"Chrome"}");
while (true) {
try {
String cpu = ph.getCpuUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME);
String mem = ph.getMemoryUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME);
requestHandler.postHttp(retKey, new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x-
www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"mem":"" + mem + "","cpu":"" + cpu + "", "time":"" +
Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + ""}");
} catch (Exception e) {
Requests Handler Code
ProcessHandler ph = new ProcessHandler();
RequestHandler requestHandler = new RequestHandler(Constants.FB_URL);
String retKey = requestHandler.postHttp("", new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x-
www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"time":"" + Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + "",
"testName":"" + testName + "", "browser":"Chrome"}");
while (true) {
try {
String cpu = ph.getCpuUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME);
String mem = ph.getMemoryUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME);
requestHandler.postHttp(retKey, new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x-
www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"mem":"" + mem + "","cpu":"" + cpu + "", "time":"" +
Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + ""}");
} catch (Exception e) {
Requests Handler Code
ProcessHandler ph = new ProcessHandler();
RequestHandler requestHandler = new RequestHandler(Constants.FB_URL);
String retKey = requestHandler.postHttp("", new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x-
www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"time":"" + Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + "",
"testName":"" + testName + "", "browser":"Chrome"}");
while (true) {
try {
String cpu = ph.getCpuUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME);
String mem = ph.getMemoryUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME);
requestHandler.postHttp(retKey, new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x-
www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"mem":"" + mem + "","cpu":"" + cpu + "", "time":"" +
Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + ""}");
} catch (Exception e) {
Html Code
<div class="container">
<div class="jumbotron">
<div class="panel-heading"></div>
<div ng-controller="MyController">
<div class="text-center">
<select ng-options="testName as testName for testName in testsNames" ng-model="selectedTest"></select>
<select ng-options="testTime as testTime for testTime in testsTime" ng-model="timeSelected"></select>
<select ng-options="measurement as measurement for measurement in measurements" ng-
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary my-2" ng-click="createGraph(selectedTest, timeSelected,
<div class="text-left" style="margin-top:30px">
Html Code
<div class="container">
<div class="jumbotron">
<div class="panel-heading"></div>
<div ng-controller="MyController">
<div class="text-center">
<select ng-options="testName as testName for testName in testsNames" ng-model="selectedTest"></select>
<select ng-options="testTime as testTime for testTime in testsTime" ng-model="timeSelected"></select>
<select ng-options="measurement as measurement for measurement in measurements" ng-
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary my-2" ng-click="createGraph(selectedTest, timeSelected,
<div class="text-left" style="margin-top:30px">
Angular Code
$scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) {
angular.forEach(array, function (test) {
if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) {
$scope.currentData = new Array();
for (var key in test) {
var specimentRecord = test[key];
if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") {
$scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time");
$ = new Array();
$scope.labels = new Array();
for (var key in $scope.currentData) {
if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined")
if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
Angular Code
$scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) {
angular.forEach(array, function (test) {
if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) {
$scope.currentData = new Array();
for (var key in test) {
var specimentRecord = test[key];
if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") {
$scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time");
$ = new Array();
$scope.labels = new Array();
for (var key in $scope.currentData) {
if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined")
if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
Angular Code
$scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) {
angular.forEach(array, function (test) {
if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) {
$scope.currentData = new Array();
for (var key in test) {
var specimentRecord = test[key];
if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") {
$scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time");
$ = new Array();
$scope.labels = new Array();
for (var key in $scope.currentData) {
if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined")
if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
Angular Code
$scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) {
angular.forEach(array, function (test) {
if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) {
$scope.currentData = new Array();
for (var key in test) {
var specimentRecord = test[key];
if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") {
$scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time");
$ = new Array();
$scope.labels = new Array();
for (var key in $scope.currentData) {
if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined")
if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
Angular Code
$scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) {
angular.forEach(array, function (test) {
if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) {
$scope.currentData = new Array();
for (var key in test) {
var specimentRecord = test[key];
if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") {
$scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time");
$ = new Array();
$scope.labels = new Array();
for (var key in $scope.currentData) {
if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined")
if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
Angular Code
$scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) {
angular.forEach(array, function (test) {
if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) {
$scope.currentData = new Array();
for (var key in test) {
var specimentRecord = test[key];
if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") {
$scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time");
$ = new Array();
$scope.labels = new Array();
for (var key in $scope.currentData) {
if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined")
if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
Angular Code
$scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) {
angular.forEach(array, function (test) {
if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) {
$scope.currentData = new Array();
for (var key in test) {
var specimentRecord = test[key];
if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") {
$scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time");
$ = new Array();
$scope.labels = new Array();
for (var key in $scope.currentData) {
if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined")
if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
Angular Code
$scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) {
angular.forEach(array, function (test) {
if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) {
$scope.currentData = new Array();
for (var key in test) {
var specimentRecord = test[key];
if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") {
$scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time");
$ = new Array();
$scope.labels = new Array();
for (var key in $scope.currentData) {
if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined")
if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined")
Code Repository
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  • 2. About Me Saar Rachamim BE Developer @Gett
  • 5. Automate everything def main(): time.sleep(17) conn = telnetlib.Telnet(host=COFFEE_MACHINE_ADDR) conn.expect([COFFEE_MACHINE_PROM]) conn.write(COFFEE_MACHINE_PASS) conn.write('sys brew') time.sleep(64) conn.write('sys pour') conn.close()
  • 6. Automate everything def main(): time.sleep(17) conn = telnetlib.Telnet(host=COFFEE_MACHINE_ADDR) conn.expect([COFFEE_MACHINE_PROM]) conn.write(COFFEE_MACHINE_PASS) conn.write('sys brew') time.sleep(64) conn.write('sys pour') conn.close()
  • 22. Demo
  • 23. Gett’s Road A product loved for its quality Join the ride
  • 31. Developing your own tool ● Questions in mind ○ What language to choose (JavaC#...)
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  • 40. Test Code public class SeleniumTest { @Test public void test(){ String testName = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(); new ThreadExecuter(testName).execute(); new TestExecuter().execute(); } }
  • 41. Test Code public class SeleniumTest { @Test public void test(){ String testName = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(); new ThreadExecuter(testName).execute(); new TestExecuter().execute(); } }
  • 42. Test Code public class SeleniumTest { @Test public void test(){ String testName = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(); new ThreadExecuter(testName).execute(); new TestExecuter().execute(); } }
  • 43. Test Code public class SeleniumTest { @Test public void test(){ String testName = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(); new ThreadExecuter(testName).execute(); new TestExecuter().execute(); } }
  • 44. Test Code public class TestExecuter { public void execute(){ WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); boolean stop = false; while(stop){ try{ driver.get(Constants.GOOGLE); WebElement searchField = driver.findElement(By.xpath(Constants.SEARCH_FIELD)); searchField.sendKeys(new TextGenerator().getTextToSearch()); WebElement searchButton = driver.findElement(By.xpath(Constants.SEARCH_BUTTON));; Thread.sleep(Constants.FIVE_SECONDS); } catch(Exception e){} } } }
  • 45. Test Code public class TestExecuter { public void execute(){ WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); boolean stop = false; while(stop){ try{ driver.get(Constants.GOOGLE); WebElement searchField = driver.findElement(By.xpath(Constants.SEARCH_FIELD)); searchField.sendKeys(new TextGenerator().getTextToSearch()); WebElement searchButton = driver.findElement(By.xpath(Constants.SEARCH_BUTTON));; Thread.sleep(Constants.FIVE_SECONDS); } catch(Exception e){} } } }
  • 46. Process Handler Code public String getCpuUsageByProcessName(String name) throws IOException { String[] inputArr = {"ps", "-em", "-o", "%cpu,command"}; String retVal = executeTerminalCommands(inputArr, name); return returnSubStringAccordingStr(retVal, " /").replace(" ", ""); } private String executeTerminalCommands(String[] inputArr, String commandPart) throws IOException { String line; Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(inputArr); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains(commandPart)) { return line; } } return "-1"; }
  • 47. Process Handler Code public String getCpuUsageByProcessName(String name) throws IOException { String[] inputArr = {"ps", "-em", "-o", "%cpu,command"}; String retVal = executeTerminalCommands(inputArr, name); return returnSubStringAccordingStr(retVal, " /").replace(" ", ""); } private String executeTerminalCommands(String[] inputArr, String commandPart) throws IOException { String line; Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(inputArr); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains(commandPart)) { return line; } } return "-1"; }
  • 48. Process Handler Code public String getCpuUsageByProcessName(String name) throws IOException { String[] inputArr = {"ps", "-em", "-o", "%cpu,command"}; String retVal = executeTerminalCommands(inputArr, name); return returnSubStringAccordingStr(retVal, " /").replace(" ", ""); } private String executeTerminalCommands(String[] inputArr, String commandPart) throws IOException { String line; Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(inputArr); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains(commandPart)) { return line; } } return "-1"; }
  • 49. Process Handler Code public String getCpuUsageByProcessName(String name) throws IOException { String[] inputArr = {"ps", "-em", "-o", "%cpu,command"}; String retVal = executeTerminalCommands(inputArr, name); return returnSubStringAccordingStr(retVal, " /").replace(" ", ""); } private String executeTerminalCommands(String[] inputArr, String commandPart) throws IOException { String line; Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(inputArr); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains(commandPart)) { return line; } } return "-1"; }
  • 50. Requests Handler Code ProcessHandler ph = new ProcessHandler(); RequestHandler requestHandler = new RequestHandler(Constants.FB_URL); String retKey = requestHandler.postHttp("", new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x- www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"time":"" + Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + "", "testName":"" + testName + "", "browser":"Chrome"}"); while (true) { try { String cpu = ph.getCpuUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME); String mem = ph.getMemoryUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME); requestHandler.postHttp(retKey, new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x- www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"mem":"" + mem + "","cpu":"" + cpu + "", "time":"" + Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + ""}"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } }
  • 51. Requests Handler Code ProcessHandler ph = new ProcessHandler(); RequestHandler requestHandler = new RequestHandler(Constants.FB_URL); String retKey = requestHandler.postHttp("", new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x- www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"time":"" + Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + "", "testName":"" + testName + "", "browser":"Chrome"}"); while (true) { try { String cpu = ph.getCpuUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME); String mem = ph.getMemoryUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME); requestHandler.postHttp(retKey, new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x- www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"mem":"" + mem + "","cpu":"" + cpu + "", "time":"" + Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + ""}"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } }
  • 52. Requests Handler Code ProcessHandler ph = new ProcessHandler(); RequestHandler requestHandler = new RequestHandler(Constants.FB_URL); String retKey = requestHandler.postHttp("", new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x- www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"time":"" + Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + "", "testName":"" + testName + "", "browser":"Chrome"}"); while (true) { try { String cpu = ph.getCpuUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME); String mem = ph.getMemoryUsageByProcessName(Constants.PROCESS_NAME); requestHandler.postHttp(retKey, new String[]{"Content-Type", "Authorization"}, new String[]{"application/x- www-form-urlencoded", "key=" + Constants.SECRET}, "{"mem":"" + mem + "","cpu":"" + cpu + "", "time":"" + Calendar.getInstance().getTime() + ""}"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } }
  • 53. Html Code <div class="container"> <div class="jumbotron"> <div class="panel-heading"></div> <div ng-controller="MyController"> <div class="text-center"> <select ng-options="testName as testName for testName in testsNames" ng-model="selectedTest"></select> <select ng-options="testTime as testTime for testTime in testsTime" ng-model="timeSelected"></select> <select ng-options="measurement as measurement for measurement in measurements" ng- model="measurementSelected"></select> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary my-2" ng-click="createGraph(selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected)">Execute</button> </div> <div class="text-left" style="margin-top:30px">
  • 54. Html Code <div class="container"> <div class="jumbotron"> <div class="panel-heading"></div> <div ng-controller="MyController"> <div class="text-center"> <select ng-options="testName as testName for testName in testsNames" ng-model="selectedTest"></select> <select ng-options="testTime as testTime for testTime in testsTime" ng-model="timeSelected"></select> <select ng-options="measurement as measurement for measurement in measurements" ng- model="measurementSelected"></select> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary my-2" ng-click="createGraph(selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected)">Execute</button> </div> <div class="text-left" style="margin-top:30px">
  • 55. Angular Code $scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) { ... angular.forEach(array, function (test) { if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) { $scope.currentData = new Array(); for (var key in test) { var specimentRecord = test[key]; if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") { $scope.currentData.push(specimentRecord); $scope.currentlabels.push(specimentRecord.time); } } $scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time"); $ = new Array(); $scope.labels = new Array(); for (var key in $scope.currentData) { if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].cpu); if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].mem); if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $scope.labels.push($scope.currentData[key].time); }
  • 56. Angular Code $scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) { ... angular.forEach(array, function (test) { if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) { $scope.currentData = new Array(); for (var key in test) { var specimentRecord = test[key]; if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") { $scope.currentData.push(specimentRecord); $scope.currentlabels.push(specimentRecord.time); } } $scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time"); $ = new Array(); $scope.labels = new Array(); for (var key in $scope.currentData) { if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].cpu); if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].mem); if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $scope.labels.push($scope.currentData[key].time); }
  • 57. Angular Code $scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) { ... angular.forEach(array, function (test) { if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) { $scope.currentData = new Array(); for (var key in test) { var specimentRecord = test[key]; if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") { $scope.currentData.push(specimentRecord); $scope.currentlabels.push(specimentRecord.time); } } $scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time"); $ = new Array(); $scope.labels = new Array(); for (var key in $scope.currentData) { if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].cpu); if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].mem); if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $scope.labels.push($scope.currentData[key].time); }
  • 58. Angular Code $scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) { ... angular.forEach(array, function (test) { if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) { $scope.currentData = new Array(); for (var key in test) { var specimentRecord = test[key]; if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") { $scope.currentData.push(specimentRecord); $scope.currentlabels.push(specimentRecord.time); } } $scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time"); $ = new Array(); $scope.labels = new Array(); for (var key in $scope.currentData) { if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].cpu); if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].mem); if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $scope.labels.push($scope.currentData[key].time); }
  • 59. Angular Code $scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) { ... angular.forEach(array, function (test) { if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) { $scope.currentData = new Array(); for (var key in test) { var specimentRecord = test[key]; if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") { $scope.currentData.push(specimentRecord); $scope.currentlabels.push(specimentRecord.time); } } $scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time"); $ = new Array(); $scope.labels = new Array(); for (var key in $scope.currentData) { if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].cpu); if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].mem); if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $scope.labels.push($scope.currentData[key].time); }
  • 60. Angular Code $scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) { ... angular.forEach(array, function (test) { if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) { $scope.currentData = new Array(); for (var key in test) { var specimentRecord = test[key]; if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") { $scope.currentData.push(specimentRecord); $scope.currentlabels.push(specimentRecord.time); } } $scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time"); $ = new Array(); $scope.labels = new Array(); for (var key in $scope.currentData) { if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].cpu); if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].mem); if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $scope.labels.push($scope.currentData[key].time); }
  • 61. Angular Code $scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) { ... angular.forEach(array, function (test) { if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) { $scope.currentData = new Array(); for (var key in test) { var specimentRecord = test[key]; if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") { $scope.currentData.push(specimentRecord); $scope.currentlabels.push(specimentRecord.time); } } $scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time"); $ = new Array(); $scope.labels = new Array(); for (var key in $scope.currentData) { if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].cpu); if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].mem); if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $scope.labels.push($scope.currentData[key].time); }
  • 62. Angular Code $scope.createGraph = function (selectedTest, timeSelected, measurementSelected) { ... angular.forEach(array, function (test) { if (test.time == timeSelected && test.testName == selectedTest) { $scope.currentData = new Array(); for (var key in test) { var specimentRecord = test[key]; if (specimentRecord != null && typeof specimentRecord !== "undefined") { $scope.currentData.push(specimentRecord); $scope.currentlabels.push(specimentRecord.time); } } $scope.currentData = $filter('orderBy')($scope.currentData, "time"); $ = new Array(); $scope.labels = new Array(); for (var key in $scope.currentData) { if (measurementSelected == "cpu" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].cpu); if (measurementSelected == "memory" && typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $$scope.currentData[key].mem); if (typeof $scope.currentData[key].cpu !== "undefined" || typeof $scope.currentData[key].mem !== "undefined") $scope.labels.push($scope.currentData[key].time); }
  • 63. Demo

Editor's Notes

  1. Add logo of the conference and also on the last slide
  2. Add label of the development language
  3. Add label of the development language
  4. Now will see how it all comes together
  5. This is a humeristic image shows a failure of an app. There is a message of an SSL error that occured in the app, While the comment describe the shakespeare quote to be a head of his time
  6. There are third party tools such as: JMeter, WebLoad etc. Pros: Saves the time needed for development In cases that it is a paid tool, then most times it includes support. Cons: It won’t give us necessarily everything we need. Limitations support of programming languages\OS\etc.
  7. In house developed tools: Pros: Adjusted directly to the needs comes from the product. Self development. Cons: Can take a lot of men hours to develop. Maintenance time.
  8. Make the font bigger
  9. To add another slide that shows on what parts of the code we will go through
  10. Add label of the development This is the code the manages the tests layer To try to do it clearer, animations that show parts of the code and not everything in bulk to add explanation about each line that
  11. We take the test name, we will show later where it is used
  12. We have a thread that manages sending the values of the process that we measure
  13. We have another executer for the tests that test the product
  14. This is the code of the test that work on the UI, in this case we are testing over Chrome browser
  15. In the test we navigate to google site and then searching for different values over the search engine. This is just an example for a test, since we are not testing a specific product
  16. This is the code for getting the cpu from the a given process, We have a very similar code for abstracting the values of the memory of different processes
  17. We can see that we get the value using a method called executeTerminalCommands We will use the smae function for getting the memory, Since the code is used over mac os, different commands will be needed for different os
  18. Here we get the process that we want to measure
  19. And we are looking for the line that holds the value of the cpu of the specific process that we are measuring. This is the returned value for us
  20. This code actually sends the the values of the cpu and the memory that we got - to the database. The data base can be an in house database or a third party database. As before, this is part of the things we consider
  21. Cpu and memory values are obtained
  22. And then sent to the db server that handle the data and insert it to the database
  23. In the html code , we have a button that trigger a createGraph function
  24. This is an angular code with a create graph function
  25. We are searching in all the data for the data the was executed in a specific time
  26. Each specimentRecord at the test has its own key, so we are going over each key Then we are taking each speciment according to the key. we are simply taking all the values of the memory and cpu, that we sent during the test
  27. We are ordering it according to the time
  28. Then we are pusing the data cpu
  29. memory
  30. And the time is also pushed
  31. Now will see how it all comes together
  32. Split the Slide into 2 parts: contacts and links to github. To put it where it is relevant (showing the code)
  33. Split the Slide into 2 parts: contacts and links to github. To put it where it is relevant (showing the code)