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ROAD Safety Audit
“15-days Road Safety Certification Course ( In association with Mort&H znd IRC)”
Presented by
Pushkal Pratap
Accidents, fatalities, and casualties have been increasing dramatically over last 20 years - about 5
percent growth rate over last two decades - partly due to exponential growth of vehicles. The death rate
per vehicle is 10 to 20 times higher in India as compared to high-income countries like Sweden, Norway,
Japan, Australia, UK and USA. It is much higher even when compared to many low-income countries
like Brazil, Mexico and Malaysia.
A total of 4,49,002 road accidents have been reported by States and Union Territories (UTs) in
the calendar year 2019, claiming 1,51,113 lives and causing injuries to 4,51,361 peoples. as per the of
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. Pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorized two-wheeler riders are
the Vulnerable Road Users (VRU), which constitute 60-80 percent of all traffic fatalities in India. This
seems logical as this class of road users forms the majority of those on roads. In addition, they sustain
relatively more serious injuries even at low velocity crashes, unlike car occupants who are protected by
impact absorbing metallic body of the vehicles
The main purpose of road safety Audit as per IRC- SP 88- 2019 is to ensure that all new roads are operated very
nicely, there for road users reach their destination safely -
Specific aims of RSA -
To minimize the risk of accidents or their likely to occur.
to avoid creating accidents elsewhere on the network
To recognise the importance of safety in highway design
To increase awareness about safe design practices
To reduce long term costs of a project
The outcome of a road safety audit -
The identification of any road safety deficiencies
formulation of recommendations aimed at removing or reducing
those deficiencies
Important Considerations in a Road safety Audit
Some of the Important Considerations in a road safety audit includes:
• Alignment consistency
• Cross-sections consistency
• Width of Hard Shoulders
• Super elevation and extra widening
• Side slopes and side drains
• Safety Barriers at Hazardous locations
• Footways, parking areas and service roads
• Layout and design of intersections, interchanges, grade separators
• Provision of truck lay-byes, bus-bays and rest areas
• Road signs, pavement markings, other traffic control devices, roadside furniture
• Guardrails, crash barriers on bridges and in medians; and
• Delineators and Object Hazard markers
IRC:67:2012 Code of Practice for Road signs
IRC:69:1977 Space standards for roads in urban areas
IRC:73:1980 Geometric Design standards for rural highways (non‐urban)
IRC:79:1981 Recommended Practice for Road Delineators
IRC:80:1981 Type designs for pick‐up bus stops on rural highways
IRC:86:1983 Geometric Design standards for Urban Roads in plains
IRC:92:1985 Guidelines for the design of Interchanges in Urban Areas
IRC:93:1988 Guidelines on Design and Installation of Road Traffic Signals
Tentative Guidelines onthe ProvisionofSpeed Breakers forControl
of Vehicular Speeds on Minor Roads
The following codes are primarily referred to in carrying out the Audit
IRC:103:2012 Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities
IRC:119:2015 Guidelines for Traffic Safety Barriers
Ribbon Development along highways and its prevention
Vertical curves for highways
Guidelines on design of at‐grade intersections in Rural and Urban
Guidelines for safety in construction zones
Manual of Specifications and standards for Two laning of
Highways with Paved Shoulders
IRC:SP84:2014 Manual of Specifications and standards for Four laning of
Highways through Public Private Participation.
Brief Description of the Project -
The project road starts at Design Chainage 323.750.00 of NH-46 near Mubarakpur and
terminates at Design Chainage 421.485 near Biaora. The total proposed length of the project
section is 97.735 km. The entire project stretch lies geographically within the district of Bhopal
& Rajgarh in the State of Madhya Pradesh
Findings and Recommendations
Safety concerns and
audit findings –
high number of conflict
points, increasing the
risk of accident while
merging and demerging.
Recommendations –
Provide channelizing
islands road signs
and markings as per
IRC 35:2015, IRC
67:2012 and IRC SP
41: 1994
Findings and Recommendations
Safety concerns and
audit findings –
Too much deceleration
length in storage lane
side promotes illegimate
overtaking by through
Recommendation -
The sum of taper length,
storage lane length, and half
median opening should not
be greatter than stopping site
distance of the road i.e 92m
Safety concerns and
audit findings
Median opening is more
than the desired limit
Reduce the median
opening up to 20 meter
Safety concerns and audit
Pedestrian crossing is no
t at proper place,Pedestrian
crossing is not connecting refuge
island and thereby increasing the
vulnerability of VRUs
Road marking should be
according to IRC 67: 2012.
Safety concerns- Wrong
information boards Misleads
the road users
Recommendation -Place boards
indicating the exact routes
safety issues - Visibility at the
intersection is hindered due to structure
near the service lane road. Vehicles
coming in speed would not be able to
stop due to hindered site distance.
High chance of side-swipe collision of
vehicles entering the VUP in speed.
Sufficient reaction time absent for
Recommendation - Adequate
encumbrance free visibility funnel should
be provided
Findings and Recommendations
Safety concerns and
audit findings –
Acute angle intersection
is not preferable , driver
have to turn his head
and look away from the
vehicle coming
intersection ahead
Recommendations –
Intersections should
join at 90 degrees
to Reduce conflicts
safety issues – Insufficient superelevation is
provided at chainage 351+100
Recommendation – it is suggested to re design
the horizontal curve and provide actual required
transistion length by using rate of change of centrifugual
acceleration, and actually required super elevation
safety issues - Un channelized intersection at the VUP is
creating conflict points.
Recommendation - Adequate channelizing islands should
be provided.
Audit findings
Crash berrier not provided on the opposite side of the
Clear Zone not available
Recommendation- Thrie beam crash barrier shall be
provided to arrest/absorb the energy of speeding high
mass vehicles. It is recommended to maintain a gap of
600 mm from the back of the post.
Provide clearzone as per IRC specification
Audit findings - W beam Crash Barrier not
provided on narrow median
Clear Zone not availabl
Recommendation - W-Beam crash barrier
to be provided on median
Provide clearzone as per IRC specification
•Safety concerns Railing not provided at edge of footpath
•Kerb not provided at the end of footpath away from MCW Footpath width is restricted at 1.5m Safety hazard for
•In absence Kerb edge of footpath will breakdown and footpath would become unwalkable Footpath width is
insufficient for safe pedestrian movement
•Safety hazard to VRU due to vehicle movement at night
•Recommendation - Provide pedestrian guard railing Provide Kerb at end of footpath Provide a minimum of 1.8m
•Safety concerns - Crash barrier not provided at narrow median
•Clear zone is not provided
•Vehicles will overshoot to opposite carriageway in case of crashes
•The open drains are a major safety hazard for any out of control vehicles. Vehicles will not be able to recover in case
of accident and vehicle going down the slope from road side because of no clear zone.
•Recommendation - W-Beam crash barrier to be provided on median
•Thrie beam crash barrier shall be provided to arrest/absorb the energy of speeding high mass vehicles. It is
recommended to maintain a gap of 600 mm from the back of the post.
•Provide clearzone as per IRC specification
•Safety concerns - Working width is not provided behind the crash barrier on either side of median
•Crash berrier not provided on the opposite side of the median.
•Clear Zone not available
•Recommendation - It is recommended to maintain a gap of 600 mm from the back of the post.
•Provide clearzone as per IRC specification
Road safety audit at
existing stage
Safety concerns - At this location a at grade intersection is
present at the bottom of the over bridge and at the crest of the
horizontal curve, This situation is highly dangerous being a high-
speed national highway and without proper markings and
Recommendations –
1.) Provide proper road singes according to IRC 67: 2012 and
road markings according to IRC 35: 2015
2.)Provide intersection at such a place where functional area of
intersection can be provided i.e. –
Decision distance
Manoeuvre distance
Queue storage distance
Safety concerns- No hazard marker is placed at
the hazardous location, and arrant vehicle can
collide with it.
Recommendation – provide marker
Safety concerns - no road marking at the
mouth of the divider of auxiliary lane
Recommendation – provide road markings
according to IRC 35: 2015
Safety concerns - No sinage for speed control
Recommendation - road markings according to
IRC 35: 2015
Safety concerns - Improper channelizing island posses a safety hazard.
uncontrolled T junction with no markings on the joining minor road, no
traffic Islands which can cause conflicts and uncertainty between merging
and opposing traffic.
Recommendation - The junction and channelizing island shall be
constructed as per IRC SP : 41 and IRC SP 103: 2012
Safety concerns - Pits were created at the shoulders due to water logging
Recommendation - Proper shoulders should be maintained with the
specified horizontal gradient
Safety concerns - Hazard marker is missing at this location.
Recommendation - Provide a hazard marker at the beginning of the
median according to IRC 67: 2012
Safety concerns - Site distance problem due to
summit curve at the bridge
Recommendation - Minimum side distance
should provide as per IRC guidelines.
Safety concerns - No hazard marker on one side
Recommendation - Provide proper road singes
according to IRC 67: 2012
Safety concerns - Raised type median should not
be provided at the bridge
Recommendation - Flush type median should be
provided on the site
Safety concerns - Loss of skid resistance along the
wheel path due to spilling of mud.
Recommendation - Regular monitoring and
maintenance of existing roadway is equally
important as
Constructing a new road
Safety concerns - Choked water spouts
Recommendation - Water spouts should be
cleared periodically.
Safety concerns -Wrong hazard marker is placed,
which is might confuse the road users at night
Recommendation - Provide proper road singes
according to IRC 67: 2012
Safety concerns - No hazard
marker on one side
Recommendation - Provide
proper road singes according
to IRC 67: 2012
Safety concerns -Un widened
culvert at the joining minor
road is creating a safety
hazard by not allowing the
widening of minor road at
the intersection.
Recommendation - Such
culverts should be rebuilt
and widened
Safety concerns -
Advertisement boards are
hindring the line of site
Recommendation - Line of
site should be cleared and
boards should be shifted
behind the desirable setback
Safety concerns - Non
standard speed breakers,
marking and dimension of
speed breakers was improper
Recommendation - Provide
road markings according to
IRC 35: 2015
Safety concerns -Un widened culvert at the
joining minor road is creating a safety hazard by
not allowing the widening of minor road at the
Recommendation - Such culverts should be
rebuilt and widened
Safety concerns – poorly designed intersection.
Recommendation - Provide proper road singes
according to IRC 67: 2012 and road markings
according to IRC 35: 2015and Intersection should
be designed according to IRC SP 41: 1994
Safety concerns - Merging lane is joining the
national highway at gradient
Recommendation -Merging lanes should not join
at grade whisch is the 1st principle of the design of
Safety concerns - Loss of skid resistance along the
wheel path due to spilling of mud.
Recommendation - Regular monitoring and
maintenance of existing roadway is equally
important as
Constructing a new road
Safety concerns - Stop sign is deformed and
displaced from line of site
Recommendation - Provide proper road singes
according to IRC 67: 2012 and road markings
according to IRC 35: 2015
Safety concerns -Debris is present on both the
edges of the service road
And at the intersection
Recommendation - Debris to be cleared from the
service road at the intersection
Safety concerns - wrongly built police check
point structure.
Recommendation - Constructions at the line of
site should be shifted from the line of site.
Safety concerns - Wrongly placed pedestrian
crossing itself creating a road safety hazard
Recommendation - Provide proper road singes
according to IRC 67: 2012 and road markings
according to IRC 35: 2015
Safety concerns Traffic calming measures are
missing at the intersection
Recommendation -Intersection should be
designed according to IRC SP 41: 1994
Safety concerns - advertisement board
distracting the road users from the pedestrian
crossing sign board
Recommendation - Distracting advertising
boards confuse the driver thereby causing an
Safety concerns - No proper spacing given to
bus bay, and the bus stop is in the close
proximity to the intersection
Recommendation - Bus stop to be shifted
away by 75 meter from the intersection.
Safety concerns -Road side encroachment
creating a safety hazard
Recommendation - All encroachments should
be removed for a clear line of site.
Road safety audit during
construction stage
Findings and Recommendations
Safety concerns and
audit findings –
At this location where
traffic diversion is
taking place during the
construction, signs are
non standard and they
are not reflective.
Provide proper road
sings according to
IRC 67: 2012..
Findings and Recommendations
Safety concerns and
audit findings –
Unprotected foundation
trench in work zone, there is
a risky trench excavated at
the construction road site.
Recommendation -
To avoid high possibility of
accidents, there should be clear
path for movement of vehicles.
Safety concerns
Unsafe vertical cut at
construction site.
There should not be any
vertical embankment like
this without any sign and
markings, it can lead to
• Safety concerns- Absence of barricading.
• Recommendation- At any construction site, barricading the construction site
should be there to avoid accidents.
• Safety concerns- Absence of demarcation and buffer zone at construction site.
• Recommendation- There should be proper indication for buffer zone by which
accidents can be avoided and it is also very helpful to the road users.
• Safety concerns - Chaotic operation at junction
• Recommendation- Diversions should be provided at construction site for
smooth traffic operation
Safety concerns- Construction material on carriage way
can lead to a sever accident.
Recommendation- There is a need of proper
supervision on construction site to avoid deposit of any
such material at carriageway.
Safety concerns- Untreated open end of crash barrier.
Recommendation- Crash barrier should be treated and
end treatment should be as per IRC SP 73-2018
Safety concerns- Gaps in crash barrier.
Recommendation- There should not be any gap in the
crash barrier
Safety concerns
Not maintaining the
Shoulders should be
maintained periodically
by which risk of
accident can be
Safety concerns and audit
findings –
Open construction zone.
Construction zone should be
properly barricaded by
which there is obstruction
for vehicle to enter the
construction zone
Safety concerns and audit
findings –
Unwanted encroachment
and construction material on
the shoulders of road
There should not be any
such obstruction on the
shoulders of the road.
Findings and Recommendations
Safety concerns and
audit findings –
Unsafe vertical cut at
construction site
Recommendation- -
There should not be any vertical
embankment like this without any
sign and markings, it can lead to
Safety concerns-
Open reinforcement in construction site without any sign
creating the hazardous situation.
There should be proper indication of under construction
Safety concerns-
Encroachment on service road can be harmful. And creates
hazardous condition.
Service road should be free from any encroachment,
permanent as well as temporary, traffic should easily flow
on it without and intruption.
Safety concerns-
Traffic calming measures are not provided.
Rumble strips and cat eyes should be provided on road by
which traffic can be easily controled.
Safety concerns-
No marking on Kilo Meter stones.
All the road furniture should be design from IRC 67: 2012
& IRC 35:2015.
Safety concerns-
Breakage of median is not on adequate location.
Median should be continuous and where it discontinuing
Safety concerns-
Absence of hazard marking.
Hazard marking should be provided as per IRC 35:2015
• Safety concerns-
• Obstruction on road without any sign.
• Recommendation-
• Sign should be provided on required location as per IRC 67:2012
• Safety concerns-
• Construction equipment is working without any marking or barricading.
• Recommendation-
• Where the work takes place, proper marking and barricading must be
• Safety concerns-
• Parking is strictly prohibited on carriage way.
• Recommendation-
• Truck lay by should be provided at adequate locations.
Safety concerns-
Entry of animals strictly
prohibited, it is very
harmful for the traffic
Proper barricading
should be provided for
restrict the entry of
Safety concerns-
Maintenance of kerb and median is required.
Periodic maintenance should be done on required locations.
Safety concerns-
Pavement as well as shoulders should be free from accumulated water.
Proper drainage for water should be provided.
Safety concerns-
Hume pipe creating hazard.
Proper drainage for water should be provided.
Excess of anything in location is creates the hazard.
Road safety audit at
night time
Safety concerns and audit findings-
At this location where traffic
diversion is taking place , there is
not proper sign,it not reflective.
Provide proper road sings according
to IRC 67: 2012.
Safety concerns and audit findings
Traffic movement takes place
without any sign.
All the location where traffic divert,
proper sign and signal should be
provided. Sign and signals should
be used in such a way that it is
clearly visible to the driver at night.
Findings and Recommendations
Safety concerns and
audit findings –
Open construction
work site is ahazard ..
Where construction
work takes place
there should be
proper barricading
that clearly visible
at night.
Safety concerns-
Damage of Pavement markings.
Pavement markings should be maintain periodically , it is designed
such that it should be clearly visible to driver at night . it is provide
clearly guidance to driver for vehicle movement.
Safety concerns-
Chaotic condition occurred at intersection: It is very dangerous, safe
movement of vehicle is interrupted and glare on driver’s eyes also
It is very dangerous, safe movement of vehicle is interrupted and glare
on driver’s eyes also created. Proper median and shrubs should be
provided at median.
Safety concerns-
Vertical cut on pavement without any barricading.
Barricading should be provided where vehicle movement is prohibited.
Safety concerns-
Pavement is invisible at night.
Pavement is design such as markings is clearly visible at night time for
this recto reflective paint and cat eyes should be used.
Safety concerns-
Storage of water at pavement surface.
Proper drainage system for discharge of water should be provided.
Safety concerns-
Hume pipe on median is creating hazard.
Construction material in excess at wrong place always creates hazards.
Safety concerns-
Valley at side of
intersection .
There should not
be such type thing.
Findings and Recommendations
Safety concerns and
audit findings –
Reflectivity of the board
was poor.
Recommendation -
Regularly maintenance of the
informatory boards should there
Findings and Recommendations
Safety concerns and
audit findings –
Absence of hazard
Hazard markings
should always be
provided at
adequate locations.
Safety concerns and audit findings
Absence of recto reflecting and cat
eyes in Road carriageway
Always provide cat eyes and paint
the road surface by recto reflecting
paints by which road carriageway
always visible at night
Safety concerns and audit
findings –
No sign boards for speed
Always provide speed limit boards
at adequate locations.
Safety concerns-
Shoulders not maintained, it can create hazards.
Maintenance of shoulder always done periodically.
Safety concerns-
Toll booth junction not adequate for night.
Toll booth junction should be design such as it should always be visible at night. We
should provide proper cat eyes and recto reflecting marking on road.
Safety concerns-
Path for pedestrian.
This should be clear pathway
Thank you !

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  • 1. 15 DAYS CERTIFICATION COURSE CONDUCTED BY MORT&H AND IRC IN ASSOCIATION WITH MANIT WELCOME ROAD Safety Audit “15-days Road Safety Certification Course ( In association with Mort&H znd IRC)” Presented by Pushkal Pratap
  • 2.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Accidents, fatalities, and casualties have been increasing dramatically over last 20 years - about 5 percent growth rate over last two decades - partly due to exponential growth of vehicles. The death rate per vehicle is 10 to 20 times higher in India as compared to high-income countries like Sweden, Norway, Japan, Australia, UK and USA. It is much higher even when compared to many low-income countries like Brazil, Mexico and Malaysia. A total of 4,49,002 road accidents have been reported by States and Union Territories (UTs) in the calendar year 2019, claiming 1,51,113 lives and causing injuries to 4,51,361 peoples. as per the of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. Pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorized two-wheeler riders are the Vulnerable Road Users (VRU), which constitute 60-80 percent of all traffic fatalities in India. This seems logical as this class of road users forms the majority of those on roads. In addition, they sustain relatively more serious injuries even at low velocity crashes, unlike car occupants who are protected by impact absorbing metallic body of the vehicles
  • 4. The main purpose of road safety Audit as per IRC- SP 88- 2019 is to ensure that all new roads are operated very nicely, there for road users reach their destination safely - Specific aims of RSA - To minimize the risk of accidents or their likely to occur. to avoid creating accidents elsewhere on the network To recognise the importance of safety in highway design To increase awareness about safe design practices To reduce long term costs of a project The outcome of a road safety audit - The identification of any road safety deficiencies formulation of recommendations aimed at removing or reducing those deficiencies 9/17/2022
  • 5. 9/17/2022 Important Considerations in a Road safety Audit Some of the Important Considerations in a road safety audit includes: • Alignment consistency • Cross-sections consistency • Width of Hard Shoulders • Super elevation and extra widening • Side slopes and side drains • Safety Barriers at Hazardous locations • Footways, parking areas and service roads • Layout and design of intersections, interchanges, grade separators • Provision of truck lay-byes, bus-bays and rest areas • Road signs, pavement markings, other traffic control devices, roadside furniture • Guardrails, crash barriers on bridges and in medians; and • Delineators and Object Hazard markers
  • 6. 9/17/2022 IRC:67:2012 Code of Practice for Road signs IRC:69:1977 Space standards for roads in urban areas IRC:73:1980 Geometric Design standards for rural highways (non‐urban) IRC:79:1981 Recommended Practice for Road Delineators IRC:80:1981 Type designs for pick‐up bus stops on rural highways IRC:86:1983 Geometric Design standards for Urban Roads in plains IRC:92:1985 Guidelines for the design of Interchanges in Urban Areas IRC:93:1988 Guidelines on Design and Installation of Road Traffic Signals IRC:99:1988 Tentative Guidelines onthe ProvisionofSpeed Breakers forControl of Vehicular Speeds on Minor Roads The following codes are primarily referred to in carrying out the Audit
  • 7. 9/17/2022 IRC:103:2012 Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities IRC:119:2015 Guidelines for Traffic Safety Barriers IRC: SP15:1996 Ribbon Development along highways and its prevention IRC: SP23:1983 Vertical curves for highways IRC: SP41:1994 Guidelines on design of at‐grade intersections in Rural and Urban areas IRC: SP55:2014 Guidelines for safety in construction zones IRC:SP73:2015 Manual of Specifications and standards for Two laning of Highways with Paved Shoulders IRC:SP84:2014 Manual of Specifications and standards for Four laning of Highways through Public Private Participation.
  • 8. Brief Description of the Project - The project road starts at Design Chainage 323.750.00 of NH-46 near Mubarakpur and terminates at Design Chainage 421.485 near Biaora. The total proposed length of the project section is 97.735 km. The entire project stretch lies geographically within the district of Bhopal & Rajgarh in the State of Madhya Pradesh
  • 9. Findings and Recommendations Safety concerns and audit findings – high number of conflict points, increasing the risk of accident while merging and demerging. Recommendations – Provide channelizing islands road signs and markings as per IRC 35:2015, IRC 67:2012 and IRC SP 41: 1994
  • 10. Findings and Recommendations Safety concerns and audit findings – Too much deceleration length in storage lane side promotes illegimate overtaking by through traffic Recommendation - The sum of taper length, storage lane length, and half median opening should not be greatter than stopping site distance of the road i.e 92m
  • 11. Safety concerns and audit findings Median opening is more than the desired limit Recommendation Reduce the median opening up to 20 meter Safety concerns and audit findings Pedestrian crossing is no t at proper place,Pedestrian crossing is not connecting refuge island and thereby increasing the vulnerability of VRUs Recommendation Road marking should be according to IRC 67: 2012.
  • 12. Safety concerns- Wrong information boards Misleads the road users Recommendation -Place boards indicating the exact routes
  • 13. safety issues - Visibility at the intersection is hindered due to structure near the service lane road. Vehicles coming in speed would not be able to stop due to hindered site distance. High chance of side-swipe collision of vehicles entering the VUP in speed. Sufficient reaction time absent for drivers. Recommendation - Adequate encumbrance free visibility funnel should be provided
  • 14. Findings and Recommendations Safety concerns and audit findings – Acute angle intersection is not preferable , driver have to turn his head and look away from the vehicle coming intersection ahead Recommendations – Intersections should join at 90 degrees to Reduce conflicts
  • 15. safety issues – Insufficient superelevation is provided at chainage 351+100 Recommendation – it is suggested to re design the horizontal curve and provide actual required transistion length by using rate of change of centrifugual acceleration, and actually required super elevation safety issues - Un channelized intersection at the VUP is creating conflict points. Recommendation - Adequate channelizing islands should be provided.
  • 16. Audit findings Crash berrier not provided on the opposite side of the median. Clear Zone not available Recommendation- Thrie beam crash barrier shall be provided to arrest/absorb the energy of speeding high mass vehicles. It is recommended to maintain a gap of 600 mm from the back of the post. Provide clearzone as per IRC specification Audit findings - W beam Crash Barrier not provided on narrow median Clear Zone not availabl Recommendation - W-Beam crash barrier to be provided on median Provide clearzone as per IRC specification
  • 17. •Safety concerns Railing not provided at edge of footpath •Kerb not provided at the end of footpath away from MCW Footpath width is restricted at 1.5m Safety hazard for pedestrians •In absence Kerb edge of footpath will breakdown and footpath would become unwalkable Footpath width is insufficient for safe pedestrian movement •Safety hazard to VRU due to vehicle movement at night •Recommendation - Provide pedestrian guard railing Provide Kerb at end of footpath Provide a minimum of 1.8m footpath •Safety concerns - Crash barrier not provided at narrow median •Clear zone is not provided •Vehicles will overshoot to opposite carriageway in case of crashes •The open drains are a major safety hazard for any out of control vehicles. Vehicles will not be able to recover in case of accident and vehicle going down the slope from road side because of no clear zone. •Recommendation - W-Beam crash barrier to be provided on median •Thrie beam crash barrier shall be provided to arrest/absorb the energy of speeding high mass vehicles. It is recommended to maintain a gap of 600 mm from the back of the post. •Provide clearzone as per IRC specification •Safety concerns - Working width is not provided behind the crash barrier on either side of median •Crash berrier not provided on the opposite side of the median. •Clear Zone not available •Recommendation - It is recommended to maintain a gap of 600 mm from the back of the post. •Provide clearzone as per IRC specification
  • 19. Safety concerns - At this location a at grade intersection is present at the bottom of the over bridge and at the crest of the horizontal curve, This situation is highly dangerous being a high- speed national highway and without proper markings and singes. Recommendations – 1.) Provide proper road singes according to IRC 67: 2012 and road markings according to IRC 35: 2015 2.)Provide intersection at such a place where functional area of intersection can be provided i.e. – Decision distance Manoeuvre distance Queue storage distance
  • 20. Safety concerns- No hazard marker is placed at the hazardous location, and arrant vehicle can collide with it. Recommendation – provide marker Safety concerns - no road marking at the mouth of the divider of auxiliary lane Recommendation – provide road markings according to IRC 35: 2015 Safety concerns - No sinage for speed control Recommendation - road markings according to IRC 35: 2015
  • 21. Safety concerns - Improper channelizing island posses a safety hazard. uncontrolled T junction with no markings on the joining minor road, no traffic Islands which can cause conflicts and uncertainty between merging and opposing traffic. Recommendation - The junction and channelizing island shall be constructed as per IRC SP : 41 and IRC SP 103: 2012 Safety concerns - Pits were created at the shoulders due to water logging Recommendation - Proper shoulders should be maintained with the specified horizontal gradient Safety concerns - Hazard marker is missing at this location. Recommendation - Provide a hazard marker at the beginning of the median according to IRC 67: 2012
  • 22. Safety concerns - Site distance problem due to summit curve at the bridge Recommendation - Minimum side distance should provide as per IRC guidelines. Safety concerns - No hazard marker on one side Recommendation - Provide proper road singes according to IRC 67: 2012 Safety concerns - Raised type median should not be provided at the bridge Recommendation - Flush type median should be provided on the site Safety concerns - Loss of skid resistance along the wheel path due to spilling of mud. Recommendation - Regular monitoring and maintenance of existing roadway is equally important as Constructing a new road Safety concerns - Choked water spouts Recommendation - Water spouts should be cleared periodically. Safety concerns -Wrong hazard marker is placed, which is might confuse the road users at night time Recommendation - Provide proper road singes according to IRC 67: 2012
  • 23. Safety concerns - No hazard marker on one side Recommendation - Provide proper road singes according to IRC 67: 2012 Safety concerns -Un widened culvert at the joining minor road is creating a safety hazard by not allowing the widening of minor road at the intersection. Recommendation - Such culverts should be rebuilt and widened Safety concerns - Advertisement boards are hindring the line of site Recommendation - Line of site should be cleared and boards should be shifted behind the desirable setback distance Safety concerns - Non standard speed breakers, marking and dimension of speed breakers was improper Recommendation - Provide road markings according to IRC 35: 2015 9/17/2022
  • 24. Safety concerns -Un widened culvert at the joining minor road is creating a safety hazard by not allowing the widening of minor road at the intersection. Recommendation - Such culverts should be rebuilt and widened Safety concerns – poorly designed intersection. Recommendation - Provide proper road singes according to IRC 67: 2012 and road markings according to IRC 35: 2015and Intersection should be designed according to IRC SP 41: 1994 Safety concerns - Merging lane is joining the national highway at gradient Recommendation -Merging lanes should not join at grade whisch is the 1st principle of the design of intersection. Safety concerns - Loss of skid resistance along the wheel path due to spilling of mud. Recommendation - Regular monitoring and maintenance of existing roadway is equally important as Constructing a new road Safety concerns - Stop sign is deformed and displaced from line of site Recommendation - Provide proper road singes according to IRC 67: 2012 and road markings according to IRC 35: 2015 Safety concerns -Debris is present on both the edges of the service road And at the intersection Recommendation - Debris to be cleared from the service road at the intersection
  • 25. Safety concerns - wrongly built police check point structure. Recommendation - Constructions at the line of site should be shifted from the line of site. Safety concerns - Wrongly placed pedestrian crossing itself creating a road safety hazard Recommendation - Provide proper road singes according to IRC 67: 2012 and road markings according to IRC 35: 2015 Safety concerns Traffic calming measures are missing at the intersection Recommendation -Intersection should be designed according to IRC SP 41: 1994 Safety concerns - advertisement board distracting the road users from the pedestrian crossing sign board Recommendation - Distracting advertising boards confuse the driver thereby causing an advertisement Safety concerns - No proper spacing given to bus bay, and the bus stop is in the close proximity to the intersection Recommendation - Bus stop to be shifted away by 75 meter from the intersection. Safety concerns -Road side encroachment creating a safety hazard Recommendation - All encroachments should be removed for a clear line of site.
  • 27. Findings and Recommendations Safety concerns and audit findings – At this location where traffic diversion is taking place during the construction, signs are non standard and they are not reflective. Recommendations – Provide proper road sings according to IRC 67: 2012..
  • 28. Findings and Recommendations Safety concerns and audit findings – Unprotected foundation trench in work zone, there is a risky trench excavated at the construction road site. Recommendation - To avoid high possibility of accidents, there should be clear path for movement of vehicles.
  • 29. Safety concerns Unsafe vertical cut at construction site. Recommendation There should not be any vertical embankment like this without any sign and markings, it can lead to accident.
  • 30. • Safety concerns- Absence of barricading. • Recommendation- At any construction site, barricading the construction site should be there to avoid accidents. • Safety concerns- Absence of demarcation and buffer zone at construction site. • Recommendation- There should be proper indication for buffer zone by which accidents can be avoided and it is also very helpful to the road users. • Safety concerns - Chaotic operation at junction • Recommendation- Diversions should be provided at construction site for smooth traffic operation
  • 31. Safety concerns- Construction material on carriage way can lead to a sever accident. Recommendation- There is a need of proper supervision on construction site to avoid deposit of any such material at carriageway. Safety concerns- Untreated open end of crash barrier. Recommendation- Crash barrier should be treated and end treatment should be as per IRC SP 73-2018 Safety concerns- Gaps in crash barrier. Recommendation- There should not be any gap in the crash barrier
  • 32. Safety concerns Not maintaining the shoulders. Recommendation Shoulders should be maintained periodically by which risk of accident can be reduces
  • 33. Safety concerns and audit findings – Open construction zone. Recommendation- Construction zone should be properly barricaded by which there is obstruction for vehicle to enter the construction zone Safety concerns and audit findings – Unwanted encroachment and construction material on the shoulders of road Recommendation- There should not be any such obstruction on the shoulders of the road.
  • 34. Findings and Recommendations Safety concerns and audit findings – Unsafe vertical cut at construction site Recommendation- - There should not be any vertical embankment like this without any sign and markings, it can lead to accident.
  • 35. Safety concerns- Open reinforcement in construction site without any sign creating the hazardous situation. Recommendation- There should be proper indication of under construction site. Safety concerns- Encroachment on service road can be harmful. And creates hazardous condition. Recommendation- Service road should be free from any encroachment, permanent as well as temporary, traffic should easily flow on it without and intruption. Safety concerns- Traffic calming measures are not provided. Recommendation- Rumble strips and cat eyes should be provided on road by which traffic can be easily controled. Safety concerns- No marking on Kilo Meter stones. Recommendation- All the road furniture should be design from IRC 67: 2012 & IRC 35:2015. Safety concerns- Breakage of median is not on adequate location. Recommendation- Median should be continuous and where it discontinuing Safety concerns- Absence of hazard marking. Recommendation- Hazard marking should be provided as per IRC 35:2015
  • 36. • Safety concerns- • Obstruction on road without any sign. • Recommendation- • Sign should be provided on required location as per IRC 67:2012 • Safety concerns- • Construction equipment is working without any marking or barricading. • Recommendation- • Where the work takes place, proper marking and barricading must be provided. • Safety concerns- • Parking is strictly prohibited on carriage way. • Recommendation- • Truck lay by should be provided at adequate locations.
  • 37. Safety concerns- Entry of animals strictly prohibited, it is very harmful for the traffic movement. Recommendation- Proper barricading should be provided for restrict the entry of animals.
  • 38. Safety concerns- Maintenance of kerb and median is required. Recommendation- Periodic maintenance should be done on required locations. Safety concerns- Pavement as well as shoulders should be free from accumulated water. Recommendation- Proper drainage for water should be provided. Safety concerns- Hume pipe creating hazard. Recommendation- Proper drainage for water should be provided. Excess of anything in location is creates the hazard.
  • 40. Safety concerns and audit findings- At this location where traffic diversion is taking place , there is not proper sign,it not reflective. Recommendation- Provide proper road sings according to IRC 67: 2012. Safety concerns and audit findings – Traffic movement takes place without any sign. Recommendation- All the location where traffic divert, proper sign and signal should be provided. Sign and signals should be used in such a way that it is clearly visible to the driver at night.
  • 41. Findings and Recommendations Safety concerns and audit findings – Open construction work site is ahazard .. Recommendations – Where construction work takes place there should be proper barricading that clearly visible at night.
  • 42. Safety concerns- Damage of Pavement markings. Recommendation- Pavement markings should be maintain periodically , it is designed such that it should be clearly visible to driver at night . it is provide clearly guidance to driver for vehicle movement. Safety concerns- Chaotic condition occurred at intersection: It is very dangerous, safe movement of vehicle is interrupted and glare on driver’s eyes also coming. Recommendation- It is very dangerous, safe movement of vehicle is interrupted and glare on driver’s eyes also created. Proper median and shrubs should be provided at median. Safety concerns- Vertical cut on pavement without any barricading. Recommendation- Barricading should be provided where vehicle movement is prohibited. Safety concerns- Pavement is invisible at night. Recommendation- Pavement is design such as markings is clearly visible at night time for this recto reflective paint and cat eyes should be used. Safety concerns- Storage of water at pavement surface. Recommendation- Proper drainage system for discharge of water should be provided. Safety concerns- Hume pipe on median is creating hazard. Recommendation- Construction material in excess at wrong place always creates hazards.
  • 43. Safety concerns- Valley at side of intersection . Recommendation- There should not be such type thing.
  • 44. Findings and Recommendations Safety concerns and audit findings – Reflectivity of the board was poor. Recommendation - Regularly maintenance of the informatory boards should there
  • 45. Findings and Recommendations Safety concerns and audit findings – Absence of hazard markings. Recommendations – Hazard markings should always be provided at adequate locations.
  • 46. Safety concerns and audit findings – Absence of recto reflecting and cat eyes in Road carriageway Recommendation- Always provide cat eyes and paint the road surface by recto reflecting paints by which road carriageway always visible at night Safety concerns and audit findings – No sign boards for speed control. Recommendation- Always provide speed limit boards at adequate locations.
  • 47. Safety concerns- Shoulders not maintained, it can create hazards. Recommendation- Maintenance of shoulder always done periodically. Safety concerns- Toll booth junction not adequate for night. Recommendation- Toll booth junction should be design such as it should always be visible at night. We should provide proper cat eyes and recto reflecting marking on road. Safety concerns- Path for pedestrian. Recommendation- This should be clear pathway