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Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 1
COMM 402 (Special Topics): Happiness: Media versus Reality
Fall 2012 | 3 Credit Hours
Lecture: 01: Location: KN G07 Time: M/W 2:01-3:14pm
Text: · The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life
You Want by Sonja Lyubomirsky (ISBN: 978-0-14-311495)
· Additional required readings available on the syllabus or on
Course Documents & Assignments accessible on Brightspace:
Course Overview
This course will explore the relationship between happiness and media use. It will also compare how happiness is
portrayed in media with social scientific research on what does and does not make humans happy. The course will
prepare students to critically analyze the role media plays in influencing happiness, to deconstruct persuasive
messages about happiness in the media and American culture, to contrast media messaging and themes with
evidence-based research, to evaluate their pre-existing perspectives regarding what contributes to happiness, and
to apply what they learn to develop their perspectives and behavioral approaches when it comes to the pursuit of
happiness. The course also seeks to prepare students to apply what they have learned to ethically approach the
promotion of happiness in their future communication careers.
LEAP Goals:
#1: Knowledge of Human Cultures & the Physical & Natural World
#2: Intellectual & Practical Skills throughout the Curriculum
Learning Outcomes:
▪ Study of the Social Sciences ▪ Inquiry &
Analysis ▪ Critical Thinking ▪ Oral & Written
Communication ▪ Information Literacy ▪
Collaborative Work ▪ Lifelong Learning
This course
 Provides a survey of portrayals of happiness in the media, including in film, social media, advertising, and music.
 Examines the relationship between happiness and media use.
 Introduces students to social scientific research about, and cultural analysis of, happiness (subjective well-being).
 Explores how media portrayals of happiness compare to social scientific research on what makes humans happiness.
 Encourages students to examine societal perceptions about happiness in light of course content and reading
Assessment based on ability to:
 Demonstrate an understanding of the impact and influence of the major forms of mass communication & new media
on culture, society and the individual as it relates to the topic of well-being.
 Discern between varying definitions of happiness and their cultural roots.
 Critique claims about happiness, as found in the social scientific literature and in cultural analyses.
 Identify historical and emerging trends in mass communication and technologies and how they may relate to
 Apply knowledge gained from course material and evaluate its usefulness in one’s personal life.
 Lead a discussion group about a topic of choice related to happiness and media use.
 Collect, synthesize, analyze, and evaluate the relationship between happiness and media use and present these
findings through various means, including in the form of a persuasive essay.
 Demonstrate familiarity with the writing, research, and documentation conventions in the field of communication.
Final Grades: Final grades will be determined with the following scale. There is no rounding:
A = 100-90% B = 89.9-80% C= 79.9-70% D= 69.9-60% F =0-59.9%
All assignments due by the start of class on the due date unless specified otherwise.
Professor: Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
email: redacted
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 2
Tentative Schedule
Note: Readings are to be completed by the date listed below. Schedule is subject to change.
Week of
Day Topic
Due assignments in italics
Reading Due
[1] 1/9 Mon Unit 1 – What is Happiness?
Weds What Will Make You Happy? Myths and Pitfalls *How of Happiness – Ch. 1
*Diener & Seligman (2002). Very
Happy People. Psychological
*Cultural differences &
[2] 1/16 Mon MLK Day – No School
Weds The Paradox of Happiness
Unit 2: Happiness and Other People
The Importance of Other People in Our Happiness;
Happiness and Romantic Love
Applied Happiness Journal
*How of Happiness – Ch. 2
[3] 1/23 Mon What Makes a Happy Romantic Partnership?
Happiness. Media & Reality Paper
Term Paper Check In
Weds Consuming Love: Love, Media, and Advertising
Romantic Film Participation Challenge
My BFF and Me
*An interesting take on film and
‘the chase’ from a male
[4] 1/30 Mon Belonging: Friendship & Online Friendships
Student-Led Discussion on Happiness & Media
Assignment; Discussion Participation
Article and Discussion Questions for Student-Led
Discussions Day 1 & 2
*How of Happiness – Ch 3.
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 3
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #1: Person-Activity Fit
Romantic Film Participation Challenge; MY BFF and Me
Weds Belonging: Para-social Relationships in TV, Film and Online
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #1: Person-Activity Fit
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #2: Happiness
Assessment & Happiness and Me
*On Brightspace under
“Content”: Hartman, T. (2016).
Parasocial Interaction, Parasocial
Relationships, and WellBeing.
[5] 2/6 Mon Belonging: Important Group Membership & Putnam’s
“Bowling Alone;” Fast Five Activity
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #3: Nurturing Social
*How of Happiness – Ch. 5
Weds Loneliness & Social Media *
*On Brightspace under
Wirtz et al. (2020). How and why
social media affect subjective
Mon Loneliness: What Can We Do About It?
Participation Challenge - Social Media Detox
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #3: Nurturing Social
Article and Discussion Questions for Student-Led
Discussions Day 1 & 2
Exam Review
*How of Happiness – Ch. 7
Weds Exam 1
[7] 2/20 Mon Student-Led Discussion on Happiness & Media Day 1
Weds Student-Led Discussion on Happiness & Media Day 2
[8] 2/27 Mon Unit 3: Desire
Goals; Enjoyment Media versus Meaning-Making Media
Participation Challenge - Social Media Detox
Participation: Signature Strengths
Article and Discussion Questions for Student-Led
Discussions Day 3, 4, 5
*How of Happiness – Ch. 8
*Bartsch (2012) Emotional
gratification in entertainment
experience: Why viewers of
movies and television series find
it rewarding to experience
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 4
Weds Tales of Wealth
Participation: Signature Strengths
[9] 3/6 Mon Fame Monster; Tips
Happiness Term Paper Check In
* Greenwood (2013). Fame,
Facebook and Twitter: How
attitudes about fame predict
frequency and nature of social
media use. Psychology of
Popular Media Culture.
Weds Thrills: Power, Violence, Conflict; The Mean World
Participation: Violence-o-Meter
*Gerbner et al. (1980).
Television violence,
victimization, and power:
[10] 3/13 Mon Spring Break – No School
Weds Spring Break – No School
[11] 3/20 Mon Wrapping Up: Power & Violence
Unit 4: Gratitude, Giving & Kindness
Greed, Desire, Compassion
Participation: Kindness-o-Meter
Participation: Violence-o-Meter
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #4: Practicing Acts of
*How of Happiness – Ch. 4
*Putting compassion on the
scientific map:
* Young creators are burning out
and breaking down:
Weds Giving it Away: Compassion & Kindness
Participation: Kindness-o-Meter
*Otake, K., Shimai, S., Tanaka-
Matsumi, J., Otsui, K., &
Fredrickson, B. (2006). Happy
people become happier through
kindness: A counting kindnesses
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 5
Final Exam Date & Time: TBD
indicates student-led discussion day.
Teamwork Scale +/- to final grade
Exam 1, 2 17% each
Student-Led Discussion 10%
Discussion Participation 6%
Participation, Citizenship 10%
Happiness, Media & Reality Paper 25%
Happiness Term Paper Check In 5% (Excellent/Needs Work/Late/Fail)
Applied Happiness Journal 15%
Applied Happiness Journal Instructions
* Buchanan et al. (2021). Brief
exposure to social media during
COVID-19 pandemic:
*Benefits of loving-kindness
Mon Advertising, Social Comparison & Ingratitude
Movie Day Nominations & Voting
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #5: Expressing Gratitude
Article and Discussion Questions for Student-Led
Discussions Day 3, 4, 5
Exam Review
*How of Happiness – Ch. 8
*(Optional) Example loving-
kindness meditations:
Weds Exam 2
[13] 4/4 Mon Return exams; Student-Led Discussion on Happiness &
Media Day 3
Weds Student-Led Discussion on Happiness & Media Day 4
Applied Happiness Journal
*How of Happiness – Chapter 7;
*How of Happiness – Ch. 9
[14] 4/10 Mon Student-Led Discussion on Happiness & Media Day 5
Weds Movie Day (1 of 2)
[15] 4/17 Mon Movie day (2 of 2)
Weds Finish Movie Day discussion; Course evaluations; Media v.
Happiness: Your Perspective
High-Five Awards
Earn 5% extra credit for turning
Happiness v Media paper in by
end of class today
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 6
In the syllabus, you will see that there are Applied Happiness Activities. Most are journal entries, but some are
activities that you will complete in other contexts. They names of the assignments and the instructions for each are
Activity Name and Instructions Has an early due date?
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #1: Person-Activity Fit Test
Complete the Person-Activity Fit Diagnostic (p. 73-77) of the How of Happiness. In so
doing, identify the 4 activities with the highest fit scores.
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #2: Happiness Assessment & Happiness and Me
Complete the Subjective Happiness Scale (p.33) and the Oxford Happiness
Questionnaire (p. 84-86) in the How of Happiness book.
You do not need to share your score with me as this is private. Instead, write in your
journal about your goals for the Happiness Activities? OR what do you want to get out
of this class when it comes to your perspective on happiness & life?
No – This is not due until
the completed journal is
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #3: Nurturing Social Relationships
You will complete Happiness Activity #5: Nurturing Social Relationships
Follow the “prompt for journal entries 3 through 7” on the Happiness Journal
assignment to write a reflection on this activity.
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #4: Practicing Acts of Kindness
You will complete Happiness Activity #4: Practicing Acts of Kindness.
Follow the “prompt for journal entries 3 through 7” on the Happiness Journal
assignment to write a reflection on this activity.
Applied Happiness Journal Entry #5: Expressing Gratitude
You will complete Happiness Activity #1: Expressing Gratitude
Follow the “prompt for journal entries 3 through 7” on the Happiness Journal
assignment to write a reflection on this activity.
Applied Happiness Journal Entries 5 and 6
Pick 2 Happiness Activities based on your scores in the Person-Activity Fit Diagnostic
 If you got #5, #4 and #1 as part of your top 4 FIT scores, then. You
will need to pick 1 additional Happiness Activity to do to get you up
to 5 total.
No – This is not due until
the completed journal is
Want to dive deeper? Check these out:
· The Happiness Lab podcast
· Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert
· Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude can Make You Happier by Robert Emmons
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 7
Important: Happiness, Mental Health and This Class
In this class we will discuss happiness (subjective well-being) and related concepts, including some that relate
to mental health challenges such as anxiety and loneliness. I am not a mental health professional. I have no
mental health qualifications. The information in this class is not mental health counseling nor is it any advice
on dealing with any mental health challenges. My expertise is in media. The purpose of this class is to
investigate and discuss the meanings of happiness, the ways in which we define happiness, how behaviors,
attitudes, and perceptions relate to what happiness is and how it is achieved, and the interrelationship
between these topics and media use.
The info provided in this class is for educational purposes only. This class and any information provided in it
are not a replacement for getting proper mental health support. By taking this class, you understand and
acknowledge the above.
 Please know that we have mental health experts on campus that are freely available to you: Shepherd
University Counseling service is offered free to all students. It is confidential. Please go to:
 Counseling services also provides contact information for the following support services
 24 Hour Crisis Lines:
 EastRidge Health Systems: 304-263-8954 or 855-807-1258
 Berkeley Health Center Emergency Psychiatric Services: 304-350-3338
 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK
 Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860
 If I can do anything to connect you with qualified help, please let me know.
Course Policies
Brightspace Learning Management System (URL:
This class uses the Brightspace Learning Management System. You will be able to access the course modules,
assignments, quizzes and tests, and your grades from this platform. To access Brightspace, go
to and login with your full Shepherd email address and password. To find this course,
look for the nine-dot waffle course selector in the menu located at the top right of your screen and click on the
name of our class to open. To learn more about Brightspace and how to use it, visit
the student Brightspace information page and check out the Brightspace video tutorial playlist on YouTube. Don't
forget to download the Brightspace PULSE app from the app store of your choice. Note: Brightspace will be
replacing Brightspace in the Spring of 2022, so you may be using both platforms until this date to access your
online courses or course materials.
Participation Grade: A portion of your grade comes from participation. These are not “free” points distributed to
students just for showing up. They must be earned. This grade is calculated based on various “participation
challenge” assignments I will assign throughout the semester, general participation in classroom discussion and
evidence of preparation (e.g., attending class having completed the readings), and the student’s contribution to a
productive, inclusive and respectful educational environment for the professor and fellow students.
You will note an assignment on Brightspace that reads “Classroom Citizenship” – This is there as a reminder that
part of your participation grade comes from your citizenship. Your entire participation grade can be wiped out for
excessive tardiness, lack of participation in discussion, distracting device use, and lack of a contribution to a
productive, inclusive and respectful educational environment. Do not expect any warnings.
Attendance, Being On Time, & Leaving Early:
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 8
Department Attendance policy: 2 unexcused absences permitted, full grade deduction for each absence thereafter,
and 5 or more is automatic F. Attendance will be taken every class.
If you are feeling sick: 1) stay home 2) contact me about an excused absence 2) contact a classmate and get the
class notes and any info provided about assignments in class, 3) check the assignments and any announcements on
You MUST attend your classes regularly and engage in the requirements for each class; otherwise, your financial
aid may be revoked either partially or in full. This would result in an amount due by you to the University
immediately. Please refer to for more details. If you know you will be missing classes – work
with me ahead of time. High-fives will be given to students who miss no more than 2 classes at the end of the
semester; two-handed high fives for students who miss no classes.
Class participation is important for the success of the class and to your success. You are expected to attend class
regularly and on time and to stay for the duration of class. Students who arrive more than 5 minutes late or leave
lecture before it is complete without notifying the instructor prior to the start of class will receive a reduction in
their overall attendance & participation grade. Do not expect a warning or notification of grade reduction.
Classroom Environment: Play (smartphones, games on handheld devices, etc.), reading non-course related
materials, or working on assignments for other classes is distracting. We’re all here to learn and people pay a lot of
money for their education. Use of Internet devices to take notes & gather information to inform classroom
discussion is strongly encouraged. But browsing & social interaction are not so please minimize use during class. If
your use of any device becomes disruptive, it will negatively impact your participation grade. Although I may speak
with you about this, do not expect a warning prior to reduction nor for the instructor to inform you that your grade
has been reduced. If your ringer goes off during class, please turn it off. If you feel the call may be an emergency,
please step out of class.
Make-up Exams: Make up exams will be offered only once per student with proper documentation (e.g., doctor’s
note) of absence and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Make-up exams will be offered during office hours
and must be complete by the end of the same working day the student returns to class. Make up exams will not be
offered beyond 2 weeks after it is scheduled on the syllabus.
Late assignments: Late means turned in ANYTIME AFTER the end of scheduled class time on the due date. 2
minutes late and 2 hours late are treated equally. Late assignments will be accepted for a 20% reduction in grade
(except participation challenges – which may be turned in for 50% credit [unless university-approved absence or
family emergency]). Late assignments will not be accepted beyond 1 class period late. Students are responsible for
remembering to turn in assignments (online for major papers) or in person prior to end of class on the due date. In
the rare case that a student is not able to attend class on the date an assignment is due, the student may submit
the assignment electronically BEFORE the end of class on the assigned day for full credit. If you are having
email/internet issues, you can fax it to the communication department or slide it under Dr. K’s office door. There
will be no exceptions to the late assignment policy.
Email & Electronic Communication Agreement: I will prioritize & make every effort to respond to communications
sent during virtual office hours ASAP. However, for electronic communication occurring outside of established
Office Hours:
 Students can expect to get a response to an email from me within 48 hours of sending it, often much
sooner. If you don’t hear from me within 48 hours, send a polite reminder.
 If you send me an email or any other electronic communication and I do not respond to it, then I did not
receive it. You will always get a response from me if I received something.
 Students should not expect responses on weekends or after 6pm.
 Email subject lines should include: Class Title & Your name. e.g., “Comm 2000 – Jane Doe”
 In case of real emergency needing response ASAP, add “[emergency]” to subject line. Don’t abuse this!
Matthew J. Kushin, PhD
Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 9
Course Modality: As the professor, I may change the course delivery modality (e.g., from in-person to online
synchronous) during the semester. I will communicate to students any such change in advance.
Academic Dishonesty. Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Shepherd University Academic
Integrity Procedures found in the Shepherd University Student Handbook (
By submitting academic work, students warrant that the work is their own and that unauthorized materials or
resources were not used. Plagiarism, fraud, unauthorized use of resources–cheating in all its forms is not
tolerated. All members of the Shepherd community are responsible for maintaining their own academic integrity
and for reporting suspected academic dishonesty.
Plagiarism is the act of stealing and using, as one’s own, the ideas of another or the written expression of the ideas
of another. Students guilty of academic dishonesty in any course will receive sanction from the course instructor
and may face sanctions by the University, particularly if there is a second reported offense. Sanctions may include
dismissal from the University. In this course you will fail any assignment you plagiarize on. Additional sanctions
may be taken at the discretion of the instructor including but not limited to reporting the incident to the proper
university authorities.
Tutoring: FREE TUTORING! ANY COURSE! Take advantage of a free personal trainer for the mind. Contact the
Academic Support Center in 103 Library:; 876-5221; 8:00 am–4:30
Publication: The department of communication has the right to record, file, broadcast, webcast and publish,
through any means necessary, any or all other means of distributing student production work in perpetuity.
COMM maintains an archive of material that we may webcast, broadcast, show in theaters and use for the
promotion of the department and its students. Any monetary gain made by the department will be used only for
the development of the program, and student wellbeing. The students who produce the work also maintain the
rights to use their work as they see fit, and are liable for that usage.
Accessibility Support Services: The Office of Accessibility Services at Shepherd University believes that, "the first
step to success is access." Accessibility Services is committed to working closely with individuals with
exceptionalities to meet their academic and housing needs. Students requesting any disability related
accommodation should contact the Office of Accessibility Services at 304-876-5122. This includes, but is not
limited to, students with visual or hearing impairments, students with diagnosed disabilities that affect their
learning and in need of academic accommodations, and students requesting specific housing accommodations for
health-related reasons. Students must be registered with the Office of Accessibility Services and present their
certified accommodation letter to each of their instructors as early in the semester as possible prior to using any
granted academic accommodation. For more information, please visit

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Happiness: Media versus Reality - Syllabus for College Class

  • 1. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 1 COMM 402 (Special Topics): Happiness: Media versus Reality Fall 2012 | 3 Credit Hours Lecture: 01: Location: KN G07 Time: M/W 2:01-3:14pm Text: · The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want by Sonja Lyubomirsky (ISBN: 978-0-14-311495) · Additional required readings available on the syllabus or on Brightspace Course Documents & Assignments accessible on Brightspace: Course Overview This course will explore the relationship between happiness and media use. It will also compare how happiness is portrayed in media with social scientific research on what does and does not make humans happy. The course will prepare students to critically analyze the role media plays in influencing happiness, to deconstruct persuasive messages about happiness in the media and American culture, to contrast media messaging and themes with evidence-based research, to evaluate their pre-existing perspectives regarding what contributes to happiness, and to apply what they learn to develop their perspectives and behavioral approaches when it comes to the pursuit of happiness. The course also seeks to prepare students to apply what they have learned to ethically approach the promotion of happiness in their future communication careers. LEAP Goals: #1: Knowledge of Human Cultures & the Physical & Natural World #2: Intellectual & Practical Skills throughout the Curriculum Learning Outcomes: ▪ Study of the Social Sciences ▪ Inquiry & Analysis ▪ Critical Thinking ▪ Oral & Written Communication ▪ Information Literacy ▪ Collaborative Work ▪ Lifelong Learning Objectives: This course  Provides a survey of portrayals of happiness in the media, including in film, social media, advertising, and music.  Examines the relationship between happiness and media use.  Introduces students to social scientific research about, and cultural analysis of, happiness (subjective well-being).  Explores how media portrayals of happiness compare to social scientific research on what makes humans happiness.  Encourages students to examine societal perceptions about happiness in light of course content and reading materials. Assessment based on ability to:  Demonstrate an understanding of the impact and influence of the major forms of mass communication & new media on culture, society and the individual as it relates to the topic of well-being.  Discern between varying definitions of happiness and their cultural roots.  Critique claims about happiness, as found in the social scientific literature and in cultural analyses.  Identify historical and emerging trends in mass communication and technologies and how they may relate to happiness.  Apply knowledge gained from course material and evaluate its usefulness in one’s personal life.  Lead a discussion group about a topic of choice related to happiness and media use.  Collect, synthesize, analyze, and evaluate the relationship between happiness and media use and present these findings through various means, including in the form of a persuasive essay.  Demonstrate familiarity with the writing, research, and documentation conventions in the field of communication. Final Grades: Final grades will be determined with the following scale. There is no rounding: A = 100-90% B = 89.9-80% C= 79.9-70% D= 69.9-60% F =0-59.9% All assignments due by the start of class on the due date unless specified otherwise. Professor: Matthew J. Kushin, PhD email: redacted
  • 2. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 2 Tentative Schedule Note: Readings are to be completed by the date listed below. Schedule is subject to change. [Week#] Week of Day Topic Due assignments in italics Reading Due [1] 1/9 Mon Unit 1 – What is Happiness? Welcome Weds What Will Make You Happy? Myths and Pitfalls *How of Happiness – Ch. 1 *Diener & Seligman (2002). Very Happy People. Psychological Science *Cultural differences & happiness: https://greatergood.berkeley.ed u/article/item/how_cultural_diff erences_shape_your_happiness [2] 1/16 Mon MLK Day – No School Weds The Paradox of Happiness Unit 2: Happiness and Other People The Importance of Other People in Our Happiness; Happiness and Romantic Love Applied Happiness Journal *How of Happiness – Ch. 2 * u/mind-and-mood/oxytocin-the- love-hormone [3] 1/23 Mon What Makes a Happy Romantic Partnership? Happiness. Media & Reality Paper Term Paper Check In * tte/story/2013/02/money- marriage-kids/ * releases/2021/06/21062813214 5.htm Weds Consuming Love: Love, Media, and Advertising Romantic Film Participation Challenge My BFF and Me *An interesting take on film and ‘the chase’ from a male perspective: * tertainment/hollywood-dudes- chase-women/1370968 * ws/2022/02/09/valentine-s-day- ads-can-negatively-impact- mental-health-particularly- among-men * /02/14/media-romances-skew- real-world-relationship- standards/ [4] 1/30 Mon Belonging: Friendship & Online Friendships Student-Led Discussion on Happiness & Media Assignment; Discussion Participation Article and Discussion Questions for Student-Led Discussions Day 1 & 2 *How of Happiness – Ch 3.
  • 3. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 3 Applied Happiness Journal Entry #1: Person-Activity Fit Test Romantic Film Participation Challenge; MY BFF and Me Weds Belonging: Para-social Relationships in TV, Film and Online Applied Happiness Journal Entry #1: Person-Activity Fit Test Applied Happiness Journal Entry #2: Happiness Assessment & Happiness and Me *On Brightspace under “Content”: Hartman, T. (2016). Parasocial Interaction, Parasocial Relationships, and WellBeing. [5] 2/6 Mon Belonging: Important Group Membership & Putnam’s “Bowling Alone;” Fast Five Activity Applied Happiness Journal Entry #3: Nurturing Social Relationships *How of Happiness – Ch. 5 * wling-alone/social-capital- primer/ * ic-renewal-in-prospect-or-still- bowling-alone/ Weds Loneliness & Social Media * blications/features/lonely-older- adults.html * u/blog/is-a-steady-diet-of-social- media-unhealthy- 2018122115600 *On Brightspace under “Content”: Wirtz et al. (2020). How and why social media affect subjective well-being. [6] 2/13 Mon Loneliness: What Can We Do About It? Participation Challenge - Social Media Detox Applied Happiness Journal Entry #3: Nurturing Social Relationships Article and Discussion Questions for Student-Led Discussions Day 1 & 2 Exam Review *How of Happiness – Ch. 7 * 1/02/ubco-study-says-its-not-if- but-how-people-use-social- media-that-impacts-their-well- being/ Weds Exam 1 [7] 2/20 Mon Student-Led Discussion on Happiness & Media Day 1 Weds Student-Led Discussion on Happiness & Media Day 2 [8] 2/27 Mon Unit 3: Desire Goals; Enjoyment Media versus Meaning-Making Media Participation Challenge - Social Media Detox Participation: Signature Strengths Article and Discussion Questions for Student-Led Discussions Day 3, 4, 5 *How of Happiness – Ch. 8 * opics/articles/use-your- strengths-to-boost-happiness * g-joy-a-priority-at-work *Bartsch (2012) Emotional gratification in entertainment experience: Why viewers of movies and television series find it rewarding to experience
  • 4. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 4 motions. Weds Tales of Wealth Participation: Signature Strengths * 12/1092045712/how-much- energy-powers-a-good-life-less- than-youre-using-says-a-new- report * 10.1073/pnas.2016976118 [9] 3/6 Mon Fame Monster; Tips Happiness Term Paper Check In * amily/archive/2021/10/fame- prestige-happiness-trap/620379 * Greenwood (2013). Fame, Facebook and Twitter: How attitudes about fame predict frequency and nature of social media use. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. Weds Thrills: Power, Violence, Conflict; The Mean World Participation: Violence-o-Meter *Gerbner et al. (1980). Television violence, victimization, and power: xm8bvlvbldrl/Gerbner%20- %20TV%20violence%20victimiza tion%20and%20power.pdf?dl=0 [10] 3/13 Mon Spring Break – No School Weds Spring Break – No School [11] 3/20 Mon Wrapping Up: Power & Violence Unit 4: Gratitude, Giving & Kindness Greed, Desire, Compassion Participation: Kindness-o-Meter Participation: Violence-o-Meter Applied Happiness Journal Entry #4: Practicing Acts of Kindness *How of Happiness – Ch. 4 *Putting compassion on the scientific map: ing-compassion-on-the- scientific-map-compassion- boosts-happinesshealth-and- research-indicates-that- practicing-buddhists-are- happier-than-average/ * Young creators are burning out and breaking down: 7yb7r6ev1jr2/Young%20Creator s%20Are%20Burning%20Out%2 0and%20Breaking%20Down%20 - %20The%20New%20York%20Ti mes.pdf?dl=0 Weds Giving it Away: Compassion & Kindness Participation: Kindness-o-Meter *Otake, K., Shimai, S., Tanaka- Matsumi, J., Otsui, K., & Fredrickson, B. (2006). Happy people become happier through kindness: A counting kindnesses intervention:
  • 5. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 5 Final Exam Date & Time: TBD indicates student-led discussion day. Teamwork Scale +/- to final grade Exam 1, 2 17% each Student-Led Discussion 10% Discussion Participation 6% Participation, Citizenship 10% Happiness, Media & Reality Paper 25% Happiness Term Paper Check In 5% (Excellent/Needs Work/Late/Fail) Applied Happiness Journal 15% Applied Happiness Journal Instructions mc/articles/PMC1820947/ * Buchanan et al. (2021). Brief exposure to social media during COVID-19 pandemic: e/article?id=10.1371/journal.po ne.0257728 *Benefits of loving-kindness meditation: https://www.psychologytoday.c om/us/blog/feeling- it/201409/18-science-backed- reasons-try-loving-kindness- meditation [12] 3/27 Mon Advertising, Social Comparison & Ingratitude Movie Day Nominations & Voting Applied Happiness Journal Entry #5: Expressing Gratitude Article and Discussion Questions for Student-Led Discussions Day 3, 4, 5 Exam Review *How of Happiness – Ch. 8 *(Optional) Example loving- kindness meditations: https://www.berkeleywellbeing. com/loving-kindness- meditation.html Weds Exam 2 [13] 4/4 Mon Return exams; Student-Led Discussion on Happiness & Media Day 3 Weds Student-Led Discussion on Happiness & Media Day 4 Applied Happiness Journal *How of Happiness – Chapter 7; *How of Happiness – Ch. 9 [14] 4/10 Mon Student-Led Discussion on Happiness & Media Day 5 Weds Movie Day (1 of 2) [15] 4/17 Mon Movie day (2 of 2) Weds Finish Movie Day discussion; Course evaluations; Media v. Happiness: Your Perspective High-Five Awards Earn 5% extra credit for turning Happiness v Media paper in by end of class today
  • 6. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 6 In the syllabus, you will see that there are Applied Happiness Activities. Most are journal entries, but some are activities that you will complete in other contexts. They names of the assignments and the instructions for each are below. Activity Name and Instructions Has an early due date? Applied Happiness Journal Entry #1: Person-Activity Fit Test Complete the Person-Activity Fit Diagnostic (p. 73-77) of the How of Happiness. In so doing, identify the 4 activities with the highest fit scores. Yes Applied Happiness Journal Entry #2: Happiness Assessment & Happiness and Me Complete the Subjective Happiness Scale (p.33) and the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (p. 84-86) in the How of Happiness book. You do not need to share your score with me as this is private. Instead, write in your journal about your goals for the Happiness Activities? OR what do you want to get out of this class when it comes to your perspective on happiness & life? No – This is not due until the completed journal is due. Applied Happiness Journal Entry #3: Nurturing Social Relationships You will complete Happiness Activity #5: Nurturing Social Relationships Follow the “prompt for journal entries 3 through 7” on the Happiness Journal assignment to write a reflection on this activity. Yes Applied Happiness Journal Entry #4: Practicing Acts of Kindness You will complete Happiness Activity #4: Practicing Acts of Kindness. Follow the “prompt for journal entries 3 through 7” on the Happiness Journal assignment to write a reflection on this activity. Yes Applied Happiness Journal Entry #5: Expressing Gratitude You will complete Happiness Activity #1: Expressing Gratitude Follow the “prompt for journal entries 3 through 7” on the Happiness Journal assignment to write a reflection on this activity. Yes Applied Happiness Journal Entries 5 and 6 Pick 2 Happiness Activities based on your scores in the Person-Activity Fit Diagnostic test.  If you got #5, #4 and #1 as part of your top 4 FIT scores, then. You will need to pick 1 additional Happiness Activity to do to get you up to 5 total. No – This is not due until the completed journal is due. Want to dive deeper? Check these out: · The Happiness Lab podcast · Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert · Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude can Make You Happier by Robert Emmons
  • 7. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 7 Important: Happiness, Mental Health and This Class In this class we will discuss happiness (subjective well-being) and related concepts, including some that relate to mental health challenges such as anxiety and loneliness. I am not a mental health professional. I have no mental health qualifications. The information in this class is not mental health counseling nor is it any advice on dealing with any mental health challenges. My expertise is in media. The purpose of this class is to investigate and discuss the meanings of happiness, the ways in which we define happiness, how behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions relate to what happiness is and how it is achieved, and the interrelationship between these topics and media use. The info provided in this class is for educational purposes only. This class and any information provided in it are not a replacement for getting proper mental health support. By taking this class, you understand and acknowledge the above.  Please know that we have mental health experts on campus that are freely available to you: Shepherd University Counseling service is offered free to all students. It is confidential. Please go to:   Counseling services also provides contact information for the following support services  24 Hour Crisis Lines:  EastRidge Health Systems: 304-263-8954 or 855-807-1258  Berkeley Health Center Emergency Psychiatric Services: 304-350-3338  National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK  Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860  If I can do anything to connect you with qualified help, please let me know. Course Policies Brightspace Learning Management System (URL: This class uses the Brightspace Learning Management System. You will be able to access the course modules, assignments, quizzes and tests, and your grades from this platform. To access Brightspace, go to and login with your full Shepherd email address and password. To find this course, look for the nine-dot waffle course selector in the menu located at the top right of your screen and click on the name of our class to open. To learn more about Brightspace and how to use it, visit the student Brightspace information page and check out the Brightspace video tutorial playlist on YouTube. Don't forget to download the Brightspace PULSE app from the app store of your choice. Note: Brightspace will be replacing Brightspace in the Spring of 2022, so you may be using both platforms until this date to access your online courses or course materials. Participation Grade: A portion of your grade comes from participation. These are not “free” points distributed to students just for showing up. They must be earned. This grade is calculated based on various “participation challenge” assignments I will assign throughout the semester, general participation in classroom discussion and evidence of preparation (e.g., attending class having completed the readings), and the student’s contribution to a productive, inclusive and respectful educational environment for the professor and fellow students. You will note an assignment on Brightspace that reads “Classroom Citizenship” – This is there as a reminder that part of your participation grade comes from your citizenship. Your entire participation grade can be wiped out for excessive tardiness, lack of participation in discussion, distracting device use, and lack of a contribution to a productive, inclusive and respectful educational environment. Do not expect any warnings. Attendance, Being On Time, & Leaving Early:
  • 8. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 8 Department Attendance policy: 2 unexcused absences permitted, full grade deduction for each absence thereafter, and 5 or more is automatic F. Attendance will be taken every class. If you are feeling sick: 1) stay home 2) contact me about an excused absence 2) contact a classmate and get the class notes and any info provided about assignments in class, 3) check the assignments and any announcements on Brightspace. You MUST attend your classes regularly and engage in the requirements for each class; otherwise, your financial aid may be revoked either partially or in full. This would result in an amount due by you to the University immediately. Please refer to for more details. If you know you will be missing classes – work with me ahead of time. High-fives will be given to students who miss no more than 2 classes at the end of the semester; two-handed high fives for students who miss no classes. Class participation is important for the success of the class and to your success. You are expected to attend class regularly and on time and to stay for the duration of class. Students who arrive more than 5 minutes late or leave lecture before it is complete without notifying the instructor prior to the start of class will receive a reduction in their overall attendance & participation grade. Do not expect a warning or notification of grade reduction. Classroom Environment: Play (smartphones, games on handheld devices, etc.), reading non-course related materials, or working on assignments for other classes is distracting. We’re all here to learn and people pay a lot of money for their education. Use of Internet devices to take notes & gather information to inform classroom discussion is strongly encouraged. But browsing & social interaction are not so please minimize use during class. If your use of any device becomes disruptive, it will negatively impact your participation grade. Although I may speak with you about this, do not expect a warning prior to reduction nor for the instructor to inform you that your grade has been reduced. If your ringer goes off during class, please turn it off. If you feel the call may be an emergency, please step out of class. Make-up Exams: Make up exams will be offered only once per student with proper documentation (e.g., doctor’s note) of absence and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Make-up exams will be offered during office hours and must be complete by the end of the same working day the student returns to class. Make up exams will not be offered beyond 2 weeks after it is scheduled on the syllabus. Late assignments: Late means turned in ANYTIME AFTER the end of scheduled class time on the due date. 2 minutes late and 2 hours late are treated equally. Late assignments will be accepted for a 20% reduction in grade (except participation challenges – which may be turned in for 50% credit [unless university-approved absence or family emergency]). Late assignments will not be accepted beyond 1 class period late. Students are responsible for remembering to turn in assignments (online for major papers) or in person prior to end of class on the due date. In the rare case that a student is not able to attend class on the date an assignment is due, the student may submit the assignment electronically BEFORE the end of class on the assigned day for full credit. If you are having email/internet issues, you can fax it to the communication department or slide it under Dr. K’s office door. There will be no exceptions to the late assignment policy. Email & Electronic Communication Agreement: I will prioritize & make every effort to respond to communications sent during virtual office hours ASAP. However, for electronic communication occurring outside of established Office Hours:  Students can expect to get a response to an email from me within 48 hours of sending it, often much sooner. If you don’t hear from me within 48 hours, send a polite reminder.  If you send me an email or any other electronic communication and I do not respond to it, then I did not receive it. You will always get a response from me if I received something.  Students should not expect responses on weekends or after 6pm.  Email subject lines should include: Class Title & Your name. e.g., “Comm 2000 – Jane Doe”  In case of real emergency needing response ASAP, add “[emergency]” to subject line. Don’t abuse this!
  • 9. Matthew J. Kushin, PhD Shepherd University Course Syllabus .:. 9 Course Modality: As the professor, I may change the course delivery modality (e.g., from in-person to online synchronous) during the semester. I will communicate to students any such change in advance. Academic Dishonesty. Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Shepherd University Academic Integrity Procedures found in the Shepherd University Student Handbook ( handbook) By submitting academic work, students warrant that the work is their own and that unauthorized materials or resources were not used. Plagiarism, fraud, unauthorized use of resources–cheating in all its forms is not tolerated. All members of the Shepherd community are responsible for maintaining their own academic integrity and for reporting suspected academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is the act of stealing and using, as one’s own, the ideas of another or the written expression of the ideas of another. Students guilty of academic dishonesty in any course will receive sanction from the course instructor and may face sanctions by the University, particularly if there is a second reported offense. Sanctions may include dismissal from the University. In this course you will fail any assignment you plagiarize on. Additional sanctions may be taken at the discretion of the instructor including but not limited to reporting the incident to the proper university authorities. Tutoring: FREE TUTORING! ANY COURSE! Take advantage of a free personal trainer for the mind. Contact the Academic Support Center in 103 Library:; 876-5221; 8:00 am–4:30 pm. Publication: The department of communication has the right to record, file, broadcast, webcast and publish, through any means necessary, any or all other means of distributing student production work in perpetuity. COMM maintains an archive of material that we may webcast, broadcast, show in theaters and use for the promotion of the department and its students. Any monetary gain made by the department will be used only for the development of the program, and student wellbeing. The students who produce the work also maintain the rights to use their work as they see fit, and are liable for that usage. Accessibility Support Services: The Office of Accessibility Services at Shepherd University believes that, "the first step to success is access." Accessibility Services is committed to working closely with individuals with exceptionalities to meet their academic and housing needs. Students requesting any disability related accommodation should contact the Office of Accessibility Services at 304-876-5122. This includes, but is not limited to, students with visual or hearing impairments, students with diagnosed disabilities that affect their learning and in need of academic accommodations, and students requesting specific housing accommodations for health-related reasons. Students must be registered with the Office of Accessibility Services and present their certified accommodation letter to each of their instructors as early in the semester as possible prior to using any granted academic accommodation. For more information, please visit