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Laporan ini disusun sebagai tugas mata kuliah AE3140 Sertifikasi Kelaikudaraan
Disusun Oleh:
13618021 Panji Bhagaskara
13618023 Arsyi Hanif Budiman
13618029 Ahmad Fadhlin Azhiim
13618034 Daffa' Alexander
13618071 Muhammad Raza Abyanshah Khan
13618075 Benny Kurniawan
Pembimbing :
Dr. Ir. Rais Zain M.Eng.
BAB I PENDAHULUAN......................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Latar belakang................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Tujuan........................................................................................................................... 4
BAB II Deskripsi Part dan Produsen.......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Diskripsi part yang akan diajukan ke DKUPPU.................................................................. 5
2.2 Produsen luar negri ......................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 L3 Harris................................................................................................................. 9
2.2.2 Teledyne Controls................................................................................................... 10
2.2.3 Honeywell ............................................................................................................. 11
2.2.4 Dukane.................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.5 GE Aviation........................................................................................................... 12
2.2.6 BendixKing ........................................................................................................... 12
2.2.7 Universal Avionics System Corporation.................................................................... 13
2.3 Produsen dalam negri.................................................................................................... 14
2.3.1 PT. Aering............................................................................................................. 14
2.4 Deskripsi Pengajuan Sertifikasi ke Otoritas Kelaikudaraan ................................................ 14
BAB III Regulasi Kelaikan Udara ........................................................................................... 17
3.1 CASR ........................................................................................................................ 17
3.2 FAR........................................................................................................................... 20
3.3 TSO........................................................................................................................... 26
BAB IV Deskripsi Jenis Pengujian Dan Tempat Pengujian Asumsi ............................................. 38
4.1 Temperature................................................................................................................. 38
4.2 Humidity ..................................................................................................................... 39
4.3 Salt Spray.................................................................................................................... 40
4.4 Fluids Susceptibility...................................................................................................... 40
4.5 Altitude ,Decompression & Overpressure ........................................................................ 41
4.6 Icing ........................................................................................................................... 41
4.7 Waterproofness ............................................................................................................ 42
4.8 Vibration Shock Test .................................................................................................... 43
4.9 Flammability Resistant.................................................................................................. 44
4.10 Software Qualification................................................................................................. 44
BAB V Kesimpulan dan saran............................................................................................. 48
Referensi.............................................................................................................................. 49
1.1 Latar belakang
Pesawat terbang merupakan sebuah sistem besar yang terdiri dari beberapa sistem.
Sistem pesawat dapat mencakup navigasi, komunikasi, roda pendaratan (landing gear),
flight control, display, collision avoidance, environmental control, in-flight entertainment,
electrical power, engine control, ground steering, thrust reversers, bahan bakar, data udara,
dan lain sebagainya. Setiap sistem memiliki efek pada pengoperasian keseluruhan pesawat.
Jelas bahwa untuk beberapa sistem tertentu memiliki dampak keselamatan yang lebih dari
sistem yang lain. Oleh karena itu, peraturan penerbangan sipil dan regulasi pendukung
lainnya (supporting advisory) mengklasifikasikan kategori kegagalan menurut risiko (risk).
Lima kategori kondisi kegagalan yang biasa digunakan: catastrophic, hazardous/severe-
major, major, minor, dan no effect. Setiap fungsi di masing-masing sistem, serta kombinasi
dari fungsi tersebut, kemudian dinilai terhadap dampak keseluruhan pengoperasian pesawat
Dewasa ini, meskipun pesawat sudah menjadi moda transportasi umum yang banyak
digunakan orang, tetap saja banyak orang masih khawatir dan takut untuk naik pesawat
disebabkan rawan terjadi kecelakaan, banyak sekali orang meninggal akibat kecelakaan
pesawat, dan lain lain. Padahal hal ini merupakan suatu kasus yang dinamakan kasus “black
swan”, dimana kecelakaan yang terjadi sangat kecil sekali kemungkinannya, namun apabila
terjadi, efeknya dapat menjadi catastrophic.
Safety pada pesawat terbang merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting. Hal ini berguna
agar pesawat dapat terbang dengan aman. Seiring dengan terus berkembangnya teknologi,
hampir setiap komponen atau part pesawat terus ditingkatkan keandalannya guna
menambah tingkat safety pada pesawat terbang. Selain itu komponen-komponen penting
dalam pesawat juga diharuskan mempunyai “back-up” agar tetap dapat menjalankan
fungsinya saat komponen utama mengalami kegagalan. Salah satu komponen penting
tersebut adalah Cockpit Voice Recorder.Cockpit Voice Recorder memiliki peran yang
sangat penting terutama pada saat kegagalan pesawat terjadi, saat kondisi ini terjadi maka
akan ada mekanisme untuk mengetahui kenapa kegagalan tersebut bisa terjadi. Prosedur
penyidikan ini dilakukan oleh badan berwenang di suatu Negara, salah satu informasi yang
harus ada ialah informasi dari Cockpit Voice Recorder. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan Cockpit
Voice Recorder dengan keandalan yang tinggi. Peran penting ini juga yang menjadikan
perlunya kondisi standar performance dari Cockpit Voice Recorder sehingga harus
dilakukan sertifikasi pada komponen ini.
1.2 Tujuan
Secara garis besar laporan ini memiliki tujuan memberikan gambaran pengetahuan
mengenai blackbox. Namun disamping itu terdapat tujuan pembuatan laporan diantaranya
adalah :
- Memberikan penjelasan mengenai blackbox serta bagian dan kegunaannya
- Menjelaskan proses pengujian dan persyaratan sertifikasi LRU dari blackbox
- Memberikan pengetahuan mengenai perusahaan pemroduksi blackbox
BAB II Deskripsi Part dan Produsen
2.1 Diskripsi part yang akan diajukan ke DKUPPU
Kotak hitam atau black box adalah sekumpulan perangkat yang digunakan dalam
bidang transportasi - umumnya merujuk kepada perekam data penerbangan (flight data
recorder; FDR) dan perekam suara kokpit (cockpit voice recorder; CVR) dalam pesawat
Gambar 2.1 blackbox yang terdiri dari FDR dan CVR
Fungsi dari kotak hitam sendiri adalah untuk merekam pembicaraan antara pilot dan
pemandu lalu lintas udara atau air traffic control (ATC) serta untuk mengetahui tekanan
udara dan kondisi cuaca selama penerbangan. Walaupun dinamakan kotak hitam tetapi
sesungguhnya kotak tersebut tidak berwarna hitam tetapi berwarna jingga (oranye). Hal ini
dimaksudkan untuk memudahkan pencarian jika pesawat itu mengalami kecelakaan.
Penempatan kotak hitam ini dilakukan sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah ditemukan.
Umumnya terdapat dua unit kotak hitam yang terdiri dari Cockpit Voice recorder
(alatperekam suara di ruang kemudi pilot) dan Flight data recorder(alat rekam data
penerbangan) dan di era abad ke 20 pabrik elektronik ini menggabungkan kedua alat ini
yang kemudian populer sebagai nama Combi Box Recorder yaitu combinasi dari data dan
suara. kedua alat tersebut memilki pemantauan fungsi dari ruang kemudi, tetapi data
rekaman yang terletak pada recorder data tersebut umumnya diletakkan pada bagian ekor
pesawat, yang pada umumnya merupakan bagian yang utuh ditemukan serta mudah terlepas
dari struktur pesawat utama.
Flight Data Recorder (FDR) merupakan komponen yang berfungsi untuk merekam
variabel-variabel pada operasi penerbangan seperti jalur terbang, kecepatan terbang, sikap
terbang, daya mesin, konfigurasi, dan operasi. Berdasarkan 14 CFR § 135.152 - Flight data
recorders, berikut adalah parameter-parameter yang harus direkam oleh FDR:
(1) Time; (2) Pressure altitude; (3) Indicated airspeed; (4) Heading - primary flight
crew reference (if selectable, record discrete, true or magnetic); (5) Normal acceleration
(Vertical); (6) Pitch attitude; (7) Roll attitude; (8) Manual radio transmitter keying, or
CVR/DFDR synchronization reference; (9) Thrust/power of each engine - primary flight
crew reference; (10) Autopilot engagement status; (11) Longitudinal acceleration; (12) Pitch
control input; (13) Lateral control input; (14) Rudder pedal input; (15) Primary pitch control
surface position; (16) Primary lateral control surface position; (17) Primary yaw control
surface position; (18) Lateral acceleration; (19) Pitch trim surface position or parameters of
paragraph (h)(82) of this section if currently recorded; (20) Trailing edge flap or cockpit
flap control selection (except when parameters of paragraph (h)(85) of this section apply);
(21) Leading edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except when parameters of
paragraph (h)(86) of this section apply); (22) Each Thrust reverser position (or equivalent
for propeller airplane); (23) Ground spoiler position or speed brake selection (except when
parameters of paragraph (h)(87) of this section apply); (24) Outside or total air temperature;
(25) Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) modes and engagement status, including
autothrottle; (26) Radio altitude (when an information source is installed); (27) Localizer
deviation, MLS Azimuth; (28) Glideslope deviation, MLS Elevation; (29) Marker beacon
passage; (30) Master warning; (31) Air/ground sensor (primary airplane system reference
nose or main gear); (32) Angle of attack (when information source is installed); (33)
Hydraulic pressure low (each system); (34) Ground speed (when an information source is
installed); (35) Ground proximity warning system; (36) Landing gear position or landing
gear cockpit control selection; (37) Drift angle (when an information source is installed);
(38) Wind speed and direction (when an information source is installed); (39) Latitude and
longitude (when an information source is installed); (40) Stick shaker/pusher (when an
information source is installed); (41) Windshear (when an information source is installed);
(42) Throttle/power lever position; (43) Additional engine parameters (as designated in
appendix F of this part); (44) Traffic alert and collision avoidance system; (45) DME 1 and
2 distances; (46) Nav 1 and 2 selected frequency; (47) Selected barometric setting (when an
information source is installed); (48) Selected altitude (when an information source is
installed); (49) Selected speed (when an information source is installed); (50) Selected mach
(when an information source is installed); (51) Selected vertical speed (when an information
source is installed); (52) Selected heading (when an information source is installed); (53)
Selected flight path (when an information source is installed); (54) Selected decision height
(when an information source is installed); (55) EFIS display format; (56) Multi-
function/engine/alerts display format; (57) Thrust command (when an information source is
installed); (58) Thrust target (when an information source is installed); (59) Fuel quantity in
CG trim tank (when an information source is installed); (60) Primary Navigation System
Reference; (61) Icing (when an information source is installed); (62) Engine warning each
engine vibration (when an information source is installed); (63) Engine warning each engine
over temp. (when an information source is installed); (64) Engine warning each engine oil
pressure low (when an information source is installed); (65) Engine warning each engine
over speed (when an information source is installed; (66) Yaw trim surface position; (67)
Roll trim surface position; (68) Brake pressure (selected system); (69) Brake pedal
application (left and right); (70) Yaw or sideslip angle (when an information source is
installed); (71) Engine bleed valve position (when an information source is installed); (72)
De-icing or anti-icing system selection (when an information source is installed); (73)
Computed center of gravity (when an information source is installed); (74) AC electrical
bus status; (75) DC electrical bus status; (76) APU bleed valve position (when an
information source is installed); (77) Hydraulic pressure (each system); (78) Loss of cabin
pressure; (79) Computer failure; (80) Heads-up display (when an information source is
installed); (81) Para-visual display (when an information source is installed); (82) Cockpit
trim control input position - pitch; (83) Cockpit trim control input position - roll; (84)
Cockpit trim control input position - yaw; (85) Trailing edge flap and cockpit flap control
position; (86) Leading edge flap and cockpit flap control position; (87) Ground spoiler
position and speed brake selection; and (88) All cockpit flight control input forces (control
wheel, control column, rudder pedal).
CVR memiliki beberapa karakteristik, oleh karena itu untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut
karakteristik dari CVR dapat kita lihat pada tabel 1 di bawah ini :
Panjang 5.187 in. maximum (385.75 mm)
Lebar 5.032 in. maximum (127.81 mm)
Tinggi 7.845 in. maximum (199.26 mm)
Berat 23.5 pounds maximum (10.66 Kg)
Cover Material Corrosion Resistant Steel
Cover Finish International Orange Enamel/Black Lettering
Power Requirements 115VAC, 400 Hz
connector DPXB57-34P0001 Cannon
Tape Speed 2 – 3/4 inch per second
Recording 30 Minutes
Record Bias 45 kHz ± 5%
Karakteristik CVR Fungsi dan kegunaan CVR adalah untuk merekam pembicaraan
di pesawat yang terbagi dalam 4 channel, yaitu mic monitor, pilot, copilot, dan extra audio.
Perekam Data Penerbangan dan Perekam Data Suara (atau Perekam Suara Kokpit)
dibuat dari komponen yang serupa. Keduanya termasuk sumber daya, unit memori, papan
pengontrol elektronik, perangkat input, dan suar sinyal.
1. Sumber Daya listrik
FDR dan CVR dijalankan dari catu daya tegangan ganda (115 VAC atau 28 DC) yang
memberikan fleksibilitas pada unit untuk digunakan di berbagai pesawat. Baterai
dirancang untuk pengoperasian terus menerus selama 30 hari dan memiliki umur
simpan enam tahun.
2. Crash Survivable Memory Unit (CSMU)
CSMU dirancang untuk menyimpan 25 jam informasi penerbangan digital. Informasi
yang disimpan memiliki kualitas yang sangat tinggi karena peralatan elektronik yang
canggih memungkinkannya menyimpan data dalam bentuk yang tidak terkompresi.
3. Integrated Controller and Circuitry Board (ICB)
Papan ini berisi sirkuit elektronik yang berfungsi sebagai switchboard untuk data yang
4. Aircraft Interface
Porta ini berfungsi sebagai koneksi untuk perangkat masukan tempat kotak hitam
memperoleh semua informasinya tentang pesawat. Antarmuka FDR menerima dan
memproses sinyal dari berbagai instrumen di pesawat, seperti indikator kecepatan
udara, alarm peringatan di pesawat, altimeter, dll. Antarmuka yang digunakan untuk
CVR menerima dan memproses sinyal dari mikrofon area kokpit, yang biasanya
dipasang di suatu tempat di panel instrumen di antara dua pilot. Mikrofon
dimaksudkan untuk menangkap suara yang dapat membantu penyelidik dalam
menentukan penyebab kecelakaan, seperti suara mesin, peringatan stall, perpanjangan
dan penarikan roda pendaratan, dan bunyi klik dan letupan lainnya. Suara ini dapat
membantu menentukan waktu terjadinya peristiwa terkait kerusakan tertentu.
Mikrofon juga menyampaikan komunikasi dengan Air Traffic Control, pengarahan
cuaca radio otomatis, dan percakapan antara pilot dan awak darat atau kabin.
5. Underwater Locater Beacon (ULB)
Setiap perekam mungkin dilengkapi dengan Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB)
untuk membantu mengidentifikasi lokasinya jika terjadi kecelakaan di atas air.
Perangkat, yang secara informal dikenal sebagai "pinger", diaktifkan saat perekam
dibenamkan ke dalam air. Ini mengirimkan sinyal akustik pada 37,5 KHz yang dapat
dideteksi dengan penerima khusus. Suar dapat memancarkan dari kedalaman hingga
14.000 kaki (4.200 m).
2.2 Produsen luar negri
2.2.1 L3 Harris
L3 Harris adalah penyedia avionik komersial dan militer, yang
memproduksi beragam produk keselamatan dan peningkatan efisiensi untuk
kebutuhan generasi berikutnya, termasuk pengawasan ADS-B NextGen, perekam
suara dan data yang dapat dikonfigurasi, sistem penghindaran tabrakan, produk
navigasi, sistem tampilan, dan prosesor . L3 Harris juga menawarkan layanan
purnajual, termasuk layanan pemeliharaan, perbaikan, dan perbaikan, serta
logistik berbasis kinerja terintegrasi untuk sistem militer dan komersial.
L3 Harris merupakan perusahaan Amerika Dengan pengalaman hampir
60 tahun, kepemimpinan produk L3 Harris yang komprehensif mengurangi biaya,
meningkatkan efisiensi, dan membantu pelanggan kami menciptakan langit yang
lebih aman. L3 Harris memanfaatkan kekuatan kolektif kami untuk mendekati
setiap pertanyaan dari berbagai perspektif untuk memberikan berbagai solusi.
Dengan setiap produk dan layanan yang L3 Harris sediakan, pelanggan
L3 Harris dapat mengharapkan komitmen L3 Harris untuk memberikan solusi
yang tepat serta memberikan kualitas, nilai, dan keandalan yang tak tertandingi.
Gambar 2.2 Produsen L3HARRIS
2.2.2 Teledyne Controls
Teledyne Controls LLC adalah anak perusahaan yang sepenuhnya
dimiliki oleh Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE: TDY). Dengan
pendapatan lebih dari $ 2,9 miliar dan staf lebih dari 10.000 orang yang berbasis
di seluruh dunia, kompetensi dan kemampuan Teledyne untuk menyediakan
produk dan layanan berteknologi canggih kepada industri penerbangan telah
terbukti dengan baik.
Mengubah Efisiensi Penerbangan sejak 1964. Di Teledyne Controls,
membangun nama pada solusi cerdas yang mengumpulkan, mengelola, dan
mengirimkan data pesawat dengan lebih efisien. Teknologi inovatif dan
hubungan pelanggan kolaboratif kami telah merevolusi cara operator pesawat
mengakses, mengelola, dan memanfaatkan data mereka, membantu mereka
mencapai tujuan yang lebih tinggi dalam hal keselamatan, kepatuhan, kinerja, dan
pengurangan biaya.
Gambar 2.3 Teledyne Controls
2.2.3 Honeywell
Honeywell merupakan sebuah konglomerat multinasional asal Amerika
Serikat yang memproduksi berbagai macam produk komersial dan barang jadi
serta sistem aeronautika, dan juga menyediakan jasa teknik, baik untuk
perorangan maupun untuk perusahaan besar dan pemerintahan. Saat ini,
Honeywell memiliki tiga grup bisnis strategis, yakni Aerospace, Automation and
Control Solution (ACS), dan Performance Materials and Technologies (PMT).
Honeywell telah berinovasi selama lebih dari 100 tahun - dan sekarang
Honeywell menciptakan yang selanjutnya.Pesawat yang lebih efisien, teknologi
bangunan yang lebih efektif, performa teknologi dan material, dan solusi
keamanan dan produktifitas.
Gambar 2.4 Honeywell
2.2.4 Dukane
Dukane didirikan pada tahun 1922 sebagai Operadio, Dukane telah
melayani beberapa industri dan menyediakan terobosan teknologi yang telah
teruji waktu. Dukane mengambil tantangan yang berbeda, menerima setiap
proyek sebagai peluang untuk meningkatkan mata Dukane untuk inovasi. Dukane
menempatkan hubungan pelanggan di garis depan dalam segala hal yang Dukane
lakukan. ISO9001 (DQS) - Sertifikat Pendaftaran ISO9001 (IQNet) - Sertifikat
Gambar 2.5 Dukane
2.2.5 GE Aviation
GE Aviation, unit operasi GE (NYSE: GE), adalah penyedia mesin jet dan
turboprop terkemuka dunia, serta sistem terintegrasi untuk pesawat komersial,
militer, bisnis, dan penerbangan umum. GE Aviation memiliki jaringan layanan
global untuk mendukung penawaran ini.
GE mendukung tujuan industri penerbangan yang menargetkan
pertumbuhan netral karbon dalam penerbangan mulai tahun 20204 dan untuk
mencapai pengurangan emisi CO2 penerbangan bersih sebesar 50% pada tahun
2050, dibandingkan dengan tingkat tahun 2005. Sebagai bagian dari komunitas
penerbangan, GE percaya bahwa pendekatan holistik sangat penting untuk
mencapai target pengurangan emisi yang ambisius ini, serta membantu
pelanggannya mencapai operasi penerbangan yang berkelanjutan. Untuk itu, GE
menginvestasikan $ 1 miliar setiap tahun untuk mempercepat inovasi teknologi
yang diperlukan untuk mendorong pengurangan emisi karbon yang membantu
penerbangan semakin berkelanjutan.
Gambar 2.6 GE aviation
2.2.6 BendixKing
BendixKing merancang, mengembangkan, menjual, dan mendukung
rangkaian lengkap avionik, termasuk dek penerbangan terintegrasi, navigator,
panel audio, radio, transponder dan transceiver ADS-B, pilot otomatis, sensor
badai berbasis radar, dan konektivitas dalam penerbangan dan darat.
Avionik BendixKing ditawarkan pada berbagai jenis pesawat di pasar
penerbangan umum, termasuk pesawat piston bermesin tunggal dan bermesin
ganda serta pesawat turboprop, jet bisnis, helikopter, dan pelatih militer. Produk
kami ditemukan di pesawat yang diproduksi oleh Cessna, Piper, Mooney,
Beechcraft, Diamond, Cirrus, Pilatus, Hawker, Lear, Textron, Dassault dan
banyak lainnya.
Produk kami dipasarkan, dipasang dan didukung oleh tim penjualan
profesional yang terdistribusi secara global dan lebih dari 500 dealer resmi yang
berlokasi di seluruh Amerika Utara dan Selatan, Eropa, Timur Tengah, Afrika,
Asia dan Pasifik Selatan.
BendixKing adalah divisi yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh Honeywell
Aerospace dan memanfaatkan seluruh portofolio sumber daya teknologi dan
teknik, selain tim insinyurnya sendiri, untuk mengembangkan produk dan layanan
Gambar 2.7 BendixKing
2.2.7 Universal Avionics System Corporation
Universal Avionics, sebuah Perusahaan Sistem Elbit, adalah produsen
terkemuka sistem avionik inovatif untuk jet bisnis, pesawat turboprop, pesawat
angkut, helikopter, pesawat regional dan komersial yang digunakan oleh
perusahaan, militer, dan operator penerbangan. Perusahaan menawarkan avionik
canggih sebagai solusi retrofit untuk diversifikasi jenis pesawat terbang terbesar
di industri.
Perjalanan perusahaan dimulai ketika pendirinya, Hubert L. Naimer,
merumuskan detail dari "Sistem Navigasi Utama", yang mengarah pada
pengembangan Sistem Manajemen Penerbangan (FMS) pertama di dunia. Lebih
dari 30 tahun kemudian, Universal Avionics telah memperluas lini produknya dan
menghadirkan teknologi terobosan ke industri yang menawarkan peningkatan
keselamatan yang luar biasa, kesadaran situasional, dan manfaat operasional bagi
Produk Universal Avionics dibuat oleh pilot, untuk pilot dengan satu
tujuan: meningkatkan kualitas penerbangan.
Gambar 2.8 Universal Avionics
2.3 Produsen dalam negri
Produsen Flight Data Recorder dan Cockpit Voice Recorder yang berada di
dalam negeri sebagai berikut,
2.3.1 PT. Aering
PT. AERING adalah badan usaha yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan
data pesawat terbang, perangkat lunak, perangkat keras dan instrumentasi
pesawat terbang, avionik, dan elektronik. Perusahaan kami didirikan pada tahun
2010 melalui UU No. 28 tanggal 22 Desember 2010 dibuat oleh Notaris Iin SH
Abdul Jalil., Sp. N. Pengesahan perusahaan kami diberikan oleh Menteri Hukum
dan Hak Asasi Manusia dengan Nomor: AHU-21072.AH.01.01.Tahun 2011.
Kami berlokasi di Bandung, Jawa Barat yang merupakan kota pusat pengetahuan
Indonesia. Personel inti kami adalah jiwa muda dengan pengalaman lebih dari
cukup untuk menangani data penerbangan. Kami memiliki analis data, serta
teknisi avionik, perangkat lunak, dan perangkat keras. Personel kami
berpengalaman baik di laboratorium maupun di lapangan. Fasilitas yang kami
miliki adalah laboratorium avionik, bengkel elektronik, software house dan
bengkel mekanik kecil. Semua fasilitas ini terletak di area yang memfasilitasi
komunikasi dan transportasi internal kami. Kami membuat sendiri sebagian besar
alat tersebut. Hal itu dimungkinkan dengan pengalaman, personel dan fasilitas
yang kita miliki.
Gambar 2.9 Perusahaan Aering
2.4 Deskripsi Pengajuan Sertifikasi ke Otoritas Kelaikudaraan
2.4.1. Persyaratan data permohonan sertifikasi FDR dan CVR
Berdasarkan TSO-C124c paragraph 5, syarat untuk mengajukan sertifikasi flight
data recorder dan cockpit voice recorder ini adalah harus memberikan manajer FAA
Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) /DKUPPU data berikut :
● Statement of conformance seperti yang di spesifikasikan di 14 CFR § 21.603(a)(1)
● Data teknis yang mendukung persetujuan desain dan produksi sebagai berikut :
a) Manual yang berisi:
1. Intruksi operasi dan batasan alat untuk menjelaskan kemampuan operasi alat
2. Penjelasan detil mengenai deviasi tiap alat
3. Prosedur dan batasan pemasangan untuk memastikan saat FDR dan CVR
dipasang masih memenuhi kebutuhan TSO
4. Untuk setiap konfigurasi perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras udara, harus
a) Nomor part perangkat lunak termasuk revisi dan level jaminan desain
b) Nomor part perangkat keras udara termasuk revisi dan level jaminan desain
c) Deskripsi fungsional
5. Ringkasan dari kondisi pengujian lingkungan untuk setiap komponen.
6. Schematic drawing, Wiring diagram, dan dokumentasi lain yang dirasa perlu
7. Daftar komponen yang dapat diganti berdasakan nomor part
b) Instruksi mengenai perawatan periodik, kalibrasi, dan perbaikan untuk kelaikan
udara berkelanjutan
c) Jika termasuk perangkat lunak, maka dibutuhkan plan for software aspects of
certification (PSAC), indeks konfigurasi perangkat lunak, dan kesimpulan prestasi
perangkat lunak 13
d) Drawing yang menggambarkan bagaimana FDR akan diberi tanda dengan info
yang dibutuhkan pada bagian penandaan pada TSO-C124c ini
e) Identifikasikan fungsi atau performa yang tidak dijelaskan dalam TSO ini (fungsi
non-TSO). Fungsi tersebut, agar dapat diterima, harus mencantumkam informasi
1. Deskripsi dari fungsi non-TSO tersebut seperti spesifikasi performa, kondisi
kegagalan, dll. termasuk pernyataan yang memenuhi bahwa fungsi non-TSO
tersebut tidak mengganggu pemenuhan kebutuhan persayaratan yang
dibutuhkan(Paragraf 3 TSO-C124c)
2. Prosedur dan batasan pemasangan yg dibutuhkan untuk memastikan fungsi
non-TSO tersebut memenuhi paragraf e.(1)
3. Instruksi untuk performa berkelanjutan dari fungsi non-TSO yang dijelaskan
paragraf e.(1)
4. Kebutuhan antar muka dan prosedur uji yang aplikabel untuk memenuhi
performa yang dijelaskan paragraf e.(1)
5. Rencana pengujian dan analisis dan hasil untuk memverifikasikan bahwa
performa TSO tidak dipengaruhi fungsi non_TSO
6. Rencana testing dan analisis dan hasil untuk memverifikasikan fungsi non-
TSO yang dijelaskan paragraph e.(1)
Deskripsi kualitas sistem yang dijelaskan 14 CFR § 21.608. termasuk
spesifikasi uji fungsional. Kualitas sistem tersebut harus dipastikan bahwa tiap
perubahan terhadap desain yang disetujui yang dapat menggangu pemenuhan
TSO akan dideteksi
f) Deskripsi kualitas sistem yang dijelaskan 14 CFR § 21.608. termasuk spesifikasi
uji fungsional. Kualitas sistem tersebut harus dipastikan bahwa tiap perubahan
terhadap desain yang disetujui yang dapat menggangu pemenuhan TSO akan
g) Daftar spesifikasi material dan prosesnya
h) Daftar seluruh drawing dan proses (termasuk revisi) yang mendefinisikan FDR
i) Laporan kualifikasi TSO manufacturer yang menunjukkan hasil dari testing yang
diselesaikan berdasarkan paragraf 3.d TSO-C124c(mengenai kualifikasi
2.4.2. Persyaratan data pabrik FDR dan CVR
a. Spesifikasi fungsional untuk kualifikasi setiap produksi benda untuk memastikan
pemenuhan terhadap TSO-C124c ini.
b. Prosedur kalibrasi alat.
c. Gambar skematis.
d. Wiring diagram.
e. Spesifikasi material dan proses.
f. Hasil pengujian kualifikasi lingkungan yang dilakukan berdasarkan paragraf 3.e
pada TSO-C124c ini.
g. Jika benda termasuk perangkat lunak, dokumen yang sesuai dijelaskan di
RTCA/DO-178B termasuk semua data yang mendukung tujuan yang berlaku di
RTCA/DO-178B Annex A, Process Objectives and Outputs by Software Level.
h. Jika benda memiliki Fungsi non-TSO, maka poin a sampai g juga harus dibuat.
BAB III Regulasi Kelaikan Udara
3.1 CASR
3.1.1 CASR Part 23.1457 Cockpit Voice Recorders
23.1457 Cockpit Voice Recorders
(a) Each cockpit voice recorder required by the operating rules of this chapter must be
approved and must be installed so that it will record the following:
(1) Voice communications transmitted from or received in the airplane by radio.
(2) Voice communications of flight crewmembers on the flight deck.
(3) Voice communications of flight crewmembers on the flight deck, using the
airplane's interphone system.
(4) Voice or audio signals identifying navigation or approach aids introduced into
a headset or speaker.
(5) Voice communications of flight crewmembers using the passenger
loudspeaker system, if there is such a system and if the fourth channel is available in
accordance with the requirements of paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section.
(6) If datalink communication equipment is installed, all datalink
communications, using an approved data message set. Datalink messages must be
recorded as the output signal from the communications unit that translates the signal
into usable data.
(b) The recording requirements of paragraph (a)(2) of this section must be met by
installing a cockpit mounted area microphone, located in the best position for
recording voice communications originating at the first and second pilot stations and
voice communications of other crewmembers on the flight deck when directed to
those stations. The microphone must be so located and, if necessary, the preamplifiers
and filters of the recorder must be so adjusted or supplemented, so that the
intelligibility of the recorded communications is as high as practicable when recorded
under flight cockpit noise conditions and played back. Repeated aural or visual
playback of the record may be used in evaluating intelligibility.
(c) Each cockpit voice recorder must be installed so that the part of the communication or
audio signals specified in paragraph (a) of this section obtained from each of the
following sources is recorded on a separate channel:
(1) For the first channel, from each boom, mask, or hand held microphone,
headset, or speaker used at the first pilot station.
(2) For the second channel from each boom, mask, or hand held microphone,
headset, or speaker used at the second pilot station.
(3) For the third channel - from the cockpit mounted area microphone.
(4) For the fourth channel from:
(i) Each boom, mask, or hand held microphone, headset, or speaker used
at the station for the third and fourth crewmembers.
(ii) If the stations specified in paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section are not
required or if the signal at such a station is picked up by another channel, each
microphone on the flight deck that is used with the passenger loudspeaker
system, if its signals are not picked up by another channel.
(5) And that as far as is practicable all sounds received by the microphone listed
in paragraphs (c) (1), (2), and (4) of this section must be recorded without interruption
irrespective of the position of the interphone/transmitter key switch. The design shall
ensure that sidetone for the flight crew is produced only when the interphone, public
address system, or radio transmitters are in use.
(d) Each cockpit voice recorder must be installed so that:
(1) (i) It receives its electrical power from the bus that provides the maximum
reliability for operation of the cockpit voice recorder without jeopardizing service
to essential or emergency loads.
(ii) It remains powered for as long as possible without jeopardizing emergency
operation of the airplane.
(2) It remains powered for as long as possible without jeopardizing emergency
operation of the airplane.
(3) There is an automatic means to simultaneously stop the recorder and prevent
each erasure feature from functioning, within 10 minutes after crash impact; and
(4) There is an aural or visual means for preflight checking of the recorder for
proper operation.
(5) Any single electrical failure external to the recorder does not disable both the
cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder;
(6) It has an independent power source—
(i) That provides 10 ± 1 minutes of electrical power to operate both the
cockpit voice recorder and cockpit-mounted area microphone;
(ii) That is located as close as practicable to the cockpit voice recorder;
(iii) To which the cockpit voice recorder and cockpit-mounted area
microphone are switched automatically in the event that all other power to the
cockpit voice recorder is interrupted either by normal shutdown or by any
other loss of power to the electrical power bus; and
(7) It is in a separate container from the flight data recorder when both are
required. If used to comply with only the cockpit voice recorder requirements, a
combination unit may be installed.
(e) The recorder container must be located and mounted to minimize the probability of
rupture of the container as a result of crash impact and consequent heat damage to the
recorder from fire.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, the recorder container
must be located as far aft as practicable, but need not be outside of the pressurized
compartment, and may not be located where aft-mounted engines may crush the
container during impact.
(2) If two separate combination digital flight data recorder and cockpit voice
recorder units are installed instead of one cockpit voice recorder and one digital flight
data recorder, the combination unit that is installed to comply with the cockpit voice
recorder requirements may be located near the cockpit.
(f) If the cockpit voice recorder has a bulk erasure device, the installation must be
designed to minimize the probability of inadvertent operation and actuation of the
device during crash impact.
(g) Each recorder container must:
(1) Be either bright orange or bright yellow;
(2) Have reflective tape affixed to its external surface to facilitate its location
under water; and
(3) Have an underwater locating device, when required by the operating rules of
this section, on or adjacent to the container which is secured in such manner that they
are not likely to be separated during crash impact.
3.1.2 CASR Part 23.1459 Flight data recorders
23.1459 data recorders
(a) Each flight recorder required by the operating rules of this chapter must be installed
so that:
1. It is supplied with airspeed, altitude, and directional data obtained from sources
that meet the accuracy requirements of secs. 23.1323, 23.1325, and sec. 23.1327,
as appropriate;
2. The vertical acceleration sensor is rigidly attached, and located longitudinally
either within the approved center of gravity limits of the airplane, or at a distance
forward or aft of these limits that does not exceed 25 percent of the airplane's
mean aerodynamic chord;
3. (i) It receives its electrical power from the bus that provides the maximum
reliability for operation of the flight data recorder without jeopardizing service to
essential or emergency loads.
(ii) It remains powered for as long as possible without jeopardizing emergency
operation of the airplane.
4. There is an aural or visual means for preflight checking of the recorder for proper
recording of data in the storage medium.
5. Except for recorders powered solely by the engine driven electrical generator
system, there is an automatic means to simultaneously stop a recorder that has a
data erasure feature and prevent each erasure feature from functioning, within 10
minutes after crash impact; and
6. Any single electrical failure external to the recorder does not disable both the
cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder; and
7. It is in a separate container from the cockpit voice recorder when both are
required. If used to comply with only the flight data recorder requirements, a
combination unit may be installed. If a combination unit is installed as a cockpit
voice recorder to comply with sec. 23.1459(e)(2), a combination unit must be used
to comply with this flight data recorder requirement.
(b) Each nonejectable record container must be located and mounted so as to minimize
the probability of container rupture resulting from crash impact and subsequent
damage to the record from fire. In meeting this requirement the record container must
be located as far aft as practicable, but need not be aft of the pressurized
compartment, and may not be where aft mounted engines may crush the container
upon impact.
(c) A correlation must be established between the flight recorder readings of airspeed,
altitude, and heading and the corresponding readings (taking into account correction
factors) of the first pilot's instruments. The correlation must cover the airspeed range
over which the airplane is to be operated, the range of altitude to which the airplane is
limited, and 360 degrees of heading. Correlation may be established on the ground as
(d) Each recorder container must:
1. Be either bright orange or bright yellow;
2. Have reflective tape affixed to its external surface to facilitate its location
under water; and
3. Have an underwater locating device, when required by the operating rules of
this chapter, on or adjacent to the container which is secured in such a manner
that they are not likely to be separated during crash impact.
(e) Any novel or unique design or operational characteristics of the aircraft shall be
evaluated to determine if any dedicated parameters must be recorded on flight
recorders in addition to or in place of existing requirements.
3.2 FAR
§91.233 Flight Data Recorders
(a) No person may operate an airplane unless it is equipped with a flight data recorders:
1. All turbine-engine airplanes, for which the individual certificate of airworthiness
was first issued on or after 1 January 2016, with a seating configurations of more
than five passenger seats and a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5 700 kg or
less shall be equipped with a Type II FDR.
2. All airplanes of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 5 700 kg for which
the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued after 1 January 2005 shall
be equipped with a Type IA FDR.
3. All airplanes of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 27 000 kg for which
the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or after 1 January 1989
shall be equipped with a Type I FDR.
4. All airplanes of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 5 700 kg, up to and
including 27 000 kg, for which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first
issued on or after 1 January 1989, shall be equipped with a Type II FDR.
(b) All airplanes which are required to record pilot input and/or control surface position
of primary controls (pitch, roll, yaw) for which a type certificate is first issued on or
after 1 January 2016 and which are required to be fitted with an FDR shall record
those parameters at a maximum sampling and recording interval of 0.125 seconds.
(c) No person may operate a helicopter unless it is equipped with a flight data recorders:
1. All helicopters of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 3 180 kg
for which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or
after 1 January 2016 shall be equipped with a Type IVA FDR.
2. All helicopters of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 7 000 kg,
or having a passenger seating configuration of more than nineteen, for
which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or after 1
January 1989 shall be equipped with a Type IV FDR.
(d) The use of the following recorders shall be discontinued:
1. Engraving metal foil FDRs.
2. Analogue FDRs using frequency modulation (FM).
3. Photographic film FDRs.
4. Magnetic tape FDRs by 1 January 2016.
(e) Types I, IA, and II FDRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded during
at least the last 25 hours of their operation. September 2017 CASR 91 Amdt. 5
SUBPART C C - 16 (f) Types IV, IVA and V FDRs shall be capable of retaining the
information recorded during at least the last ten hours of their operation.
§91.235 Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVR) and Cockpit Audio Recording System (CARS)
(a) No person may operate an airplane unless it is equipped with either a CVR or a
1. All turbine-engine airplanes, for which the individual certificate of airworthiness
was first issued on or after 1 January 2016, with a seating configurations of more
than five passenger seats and a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5 700 kg or
less shall be equipped with either a CVR or a CARS.
2. All turbine-engine airplanes for a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 5
700 kg for which the individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued on or
after 1 January 2016 and required to be operated by more than one pilot shall be
equipped with a CVR.
3. All airplanes of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 27 000 kg for which
the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or after 1 January 1987
shall be equipped with a CVR.
(b) No person may operate a helicopter unless it is equipped with a CVR:
1. All helicopters of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 7 000 kg for which
the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or after 1 January 1987
shall be equipped with a CVR. For helicopters not equipped with an FDR, at least
main rotor speed shall be recorded on the CVR.
2. All helicopters of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 7 000 kg for which
the individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued before 1 January 1987 shall
be equipped with a CVR. For helicopters not equipped with an FDR, at least main
rotor speed shall be recorded on the CVR.
(c) The use of magnetic tape and wire CVRs shall be discontinued by 1 January 2016.
(d) All CVRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded during at least the
last 30 minutes of their operation.
(e) From 1 January 2016, all CVRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded
during at least the last two hours of their operation.
§91.609 Flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders.
(a) No holder of an air carrier operating certificate or an operating certificate may
conduct any operation under this part with an aircraft listed in the holder's operations
specifications or current list of aircraft used in air transportation unless that aircraft
complies with any applicable flight recorder and cockpit voice recorder requirements
of the part under which its certificate is issued except that the operator may—
· (1) Ferry an aircraft with an inoperative flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder from
a place where repair or replacement cannot be made to a place where they can be made;
· (2) Continue a flight as originally planned, if the flight recorder or cockpit voice
recorder becomes inoperative after the aircraft has taken off;
· (3) Conduct an airworthiness flight test during which the flight recorder or cockpit
voice recorder is turned off to test it or to test any communications or electrical
equipment installed in the aircraft; or
· (4) Ferry a newly acquired aircraft from the place where possession of it is taken to a
place where the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder is to be installed.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraphs (c) and (e) of this section, an operator other than the
holder of an air carrier or a commercial operator certificate may—
· (1) Ferry an aircraft with an inoperative flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder from
a place where repair or replacement cannot be made to a place where they can be made;
· (2) Continue a flight as originally planned if the flight recorder or cockpit voice
recorder becomes inoperative after the aircraft has taken off;
· (3) Conduct an airworthiness flight test during which the flight recorder or cockpit
voice recorder is turned off to test it or to test any communications or electrical
equipment installed in the aircraft;
· (4) Ferry a newly acquired aircraft from a place where possession of it was taken to a
place where the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder is to be installed; or
· (5) Operate an aircraft:
· (i) For not more than 15 days while the flight recorder and/or cockpit voice recorder is
inoperative and/or removed for repair provided that the aircraft maintenance records
contain an entry that indicates the date of failure, and a placard is located in view of the
pilot to show that the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder is inoperative.
· (ii) For not more than an additional 15 days, provided that the requirements in
paragraph (b)(5)(i) are met and that a certificated pilot, or a certificated person authorized
to return an aircraft to service under §43.7 of this chapter, certifies in the aircraft
maintenance records that additional time is required to complete repairs or obtain a
replacement unit.
(c) (1) No person may operate a U.S. civil registered, multiengine, turbine-powered
airplane or rotorcraft having a passenger seating configuration, excluding any pilot
seats of 10 or more that has been manufactured after October 11, 1991, unless it is
equipped with one or more approved flight recorders that utilize a digital method of
recording and storing data and a method of readily retrieving that data from the
storage medium, that are capable of recording the data specified in appendix E to this
part, for an airplane, or appendix F to this part, for a rotorcraft, of this part within the
range, accuracy, and recording interval specified, and that are capable of retaining no
less than 8 hours of aircraft operation.
· (2) All airplanes subject to paragraph (c)(1) of this section that are manufactured
before April 7, 2010, by April 7, 2012, must meet the requirements of §23.1459(a)(7) or
§25.1459(a)(8) of this chapter, as applicable.
· (3) All airplanes and rotorcraft subject to paragraph (c)(1) of this section that are
manufactured on or after April 7, 2010, must meet the flight data recorder requirements of
§23.1459, §25.1459, §27.1459, or §29.1459 of this chapter, as applicable, and retain at
least the last 25 hours of recorded information using a recorder that meets the standards of
TSO-C124a, or later revision.
(d) Whenever a flight recorder, required by this section, is installed, it must be operated
continuously from the instant the airplane begins the takeoff roll or the rotorcraft
begins lift-off until the airplane has completed the landing roll or the rotorcraft has
landed at its destination.
(e) Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, after October 11, 1991, no person
may operate a U.S. civil registered multiengine, turbine-powered airplane or rotorcraft
having a passenger seating configuration of six passengers or more and for which two
pilots are required by type certification or operating rule unless it is equipped with an
approved cockpit voice recorder that:
· (1) Is installed in compliance with §23.1459(a)(1) and (2), (b), (c), (d)(1)(i), (2) and
(3), (e), (f), and (g); §25.1457(a)(1) and (2), (b), (c), (d)(1)(i), (2) and (3), (e), (f), and (g);
§27.1457(a)(1) and (2), (b), (c), (d)(1)(i), (2) and (3), (e), (f), and (g); or §29.1457(a)(1)
and (2), (b), (c), (d)(1)(i), (2) and (3), (e), (f), and (g) of this chapter, as applicable; and
· (2) Is operated continuously from the use of the checklist before the flight to
completion of the final checklist at the end of the flight.
(f) In complying with this section, an approved cockpit voice recorder having an erasure
feature may be used, so that at any time during the operation of the recorder,
information recorded more than 15 minutes earlier may be erased or otherwise
(g) In the event of an accident or occurrence requiring immediate notification to the
National Transportation Safety Board under part 830 of its regulations that results in
the termination of the flight, any operator who has installed approved flight recorders
and approved cockpit voice recorders shall keep the recorded information for at least
60 days or, if requested by the Administrator or the Board, for a longer period.
Information obtained from the record is used to assist in determining the cause of
accidents or occurrences in connection with the investigation under part 830. The
Administrator does not use the cockpit voice recorder record in any civil penalty or
certificate action.
(h) All airplanes required by this section to have a cockpit voice recorder and a flight data
recorder, that are manufactured before April 7, 2010, must by April 7, 2012, have a
cockpit voice recorder that also—
· (1) Meets the requirements of §23.1459(d)(6) or §25.1457(d)(6) of this chapter, as
applicable; and
· (2) If transport category, meets the requirements of §25.1457(a)(3), (a)(4), and (a)(5)
of this chapter.
(i) All airplanes or rotorcraft required by this section to have a cockpit voice recorder and
flight data recorder, that are manufactured on or after April 7, 2010, must have a
cockpit voice recorder installed that also—
· (1) Is installed in accordance with the requirements of §23.1459 (except for
paragraphs (a)(6) and (d)(5)); §25.1457 (except for paragraphs (a)(6) and (d)(5));
§27.1457 (except for paragraphs (a)(6) and (d)(5)); or §29.1457 (except for paragraphs
(a)(6) and (d)(5)) of this chapter, as applicable; and
· (2) Retains at least the last 2 hours of recorded information using a recorder that
meets the standards of TSO-C123a, or later revision.
· (3) For all airplanes or rotorcraft manufactured on or after April 6, 2012, also meets
the requirements of §23.1459(a)(6) and (d)(5); §25.1457(a)(6) and (d)(5); §27.1457(a)(6)
and (d)(5); or §29.1457(a)(6) and (d)(5) of this chapter, as applicable.
(j) All airplanes or rotorcraft required by this section to have a cockpit voice recorder and
a flight data recorder, that install datalink communication equipment on or after April
6, 2012, must record all datalink messages as required by the certification rule
applicable to the aircraft.
(k) An aircraft operated under this part under deviation authority from part 125 of this
chapter must comply with all of the applicable flight data recorder requirements of
part 125 applicable to the aircraft, notwithstanding such deviation authority.
3.3 TSO
3.3.1 TSO-C123c
3.3.2 TSO-C124c
BAB IV Deskripsi Jenis Pengujian Dan Tempat
Pengujian Asumsi
Environmental Testing
Gambar 4.1 Environmental Testing
4.1 Temperature
• Tests according to:
-- RTCA DO-160, section 4 and 6
● FDR dan CVR ditempatkan pada pembakar propana dengan ketentuan :
1. 260 derajat celcius selama 10 jam
2. 1100 derajat celcius selama 1 jam
Gambar 4.2 Temperature Testing
4.2 Humidity
• Tests according to:
-- RTCA DO-160, section 6
● FDR dan CVR diuji dengan ketentuan :
1. Kondisi awal 38℃ dengan 85% Relative Humidity selama 2 jam
2. Diubah perlahan menjadi 65℃ dengan 95% Relative Humidity selama
6 jam
3. Lalu diubah perlahan kembali menjadi 38℃ dengan Relative Humidity
85% selama 16 jam
4. Ulangi sebanyak 10 siklus
Gambar 4.3 Contoh Humidity Testing
4.3 Salt Spray
• Tests according to:
-- RTCA DO-160, section 14
● FDR dan CVR diuji ketahanan terhadap air asin dengan ketentuan :
1. Ditaruh pada tangki air asin selama 30 hari
gaambar 4.4 Contoh tes salt spray
4.4 Fluids Susceptibility
• Tests according to:
-- RTCA DO-160, section 11
● FDR dan CVR dicelupkan pada fluida dengan ketentuan :
1. Berbagai macam fluida seperti bahan bakar dan pelumas selama 48
Gambar 4.5 fluid susceptibility test
4.5 Altitude ,Decompression & Overpressure
• Test according:
-- RTCA DO-160G section 4
● FDR dan CVR diuji pada dekompresi dengan ketentuan :
1. Dekompresi sesuai dengan operasi pada 55000 ft
2. Dekompresi berlangsung selama 2 detik
3. Power, Thermocouples, Data Signal, Cooling water, Video dan USB
dapat beroperasi pada kondisi vakum
4. Maximum operasi pada ketinggian 60000 ft
Gambar 4.6 altitude, decompression, & overpressure test
4.6 Icing
• Tests according to:
-- RTCA DO-160, section 24, Category: C
-- RTCA DO-160, section 24, Category: B on agreement
● FDR dan CVR diuji pada climate chamber dan disemprot dengan cooled spray
Gambar 4.7 test for icing
4.7 Waterproofness
• Tests according to:
-- RTCA DO-160, section 11, Category: Y, W, R and S
● FDR dan CVR diuji dengan berbagai waterproof test dengan ketentuan :
1. Temperatur air tidak lebih dari 50℃
2. Dilakukan Condensing Waterproof test
3. Lalu dilakukan Drip proof test
4. Dilanjutkan dengan Spray proof test dan Continuous stream proof test
Gambar 4.8 waterproof testing
4.8 Vibration Shock Test
• Tests according to:
-- RTCA DO-160G
● FDR dan CVR diuji pada alat VST dengan ketentuan :
1. Digetarkan secara sinus kurang dari 30 menit
2. Digetarkan dengan level performa acak selama minimal 10 menit
3. Lalu digetarkan pada level ketahanan selama 3 jam
4. Ulangi untuk 3 sumbu
Gambar 4.9 vibration shock test
4.9 Flammability Resistant
• Tests according to:
-- RTCA DO-160
● FDR dan CVR diuji pada 3 kondisi yaitu :
1. Fire Proof, Benda diuji dengan komponen untuk operasi terpasang, api
dinyalakan dengan level normal selama 15 menit
2. Fire Resistant, Benda diuji dengan komponen untuk operasi terpasang,
api dinyalakan selama 5 menit. Setelah dilakukan uji, tanpa
memadamkan api, kalibrasi terhadap temperatur api dilakukan. Lalu
benda di inspeksi untuk membuktikan bahwa tidak ada kebocoran atau
benda tidak terus terbakar selama lebih dari 5 menit setelahnya
3. Flammability Test, Benda dimasukkan ke ruang uji dan diletakkan 3
inchi dari burner lalu tutup ruang uji dan nyalakan burner selama 12
detik. Lalu dilihat bagaimana degradasi materialnya.
Gambar 4.10 flammability test
4.10 Software Qualification
• Tests according to:
-- RTCA DO-178B
● FDR dan CVR harus memiliki kualifikasi software sebagai berikut :
1. Compatibility with the high-level requirements
2. Consistency
3. Compatibility with the target computer
4. Verifiability: The objective is to ensure that the software architecture
can be verified
5. Conformance to standards
6. Partitioning integrity
Pass/Fail Testing Criteria
Berdasarkan TO 00-25-234 yang diterbitkan oleh U.S Air Force tentang Pass/Fail
testing pada perangkat elektronik avionik, ada 3 macam kriteria Pass/Fail condition
yaitu :
1. Visual Inspection
• Untuk memastikan bahwa unit bebas dari cacat secara kasat mata
• Dilakukan dengan cara verifikasi labeling, berat dan dimensi
• Dalam perbesaran hingga 10x amati seluruh permukaan kritikal dari unit yang
• Unit dikatakan lulus jika tidak menunjukan tanda-tanda mengalami stress
melebihi design limit (cracked circuit boards, loose connectors and/or screws,
bent clamps and/or screws, worn parts, etc.)
2. Functional Testing
• Bertujuan untuk memastikan unit berfungsi pada batas design tolerance
• Dilakukan dengan cara memberikan input/stimulus pada unit untuk mengukur
• Unit dikatakan lulus jika output respon menghasilkan data sesuai dengan
technical data specification dari unit yang diuji
3. Environtmental Stress Screening (ESS)
• Bertujuan untuk menguji unit pada fenomena fisik lingkungan dalam kondisi
operasi ( vibration, temperature, humidity, altitude etc.)
• Dilakukan dengan cara simulasi pada kondisi lingkungan unit operasi dengan
beberapa kali siklus pengulangan
• Unit dikatakan lulus jika berhasil lulus pada Visual Inpection dan Functional
Testing sebelum, saat dan setelah ESS
Instansi dan fasilitas Pengujian :
TÜV SÜD dan anak perusahaannya PT TÜV SÜD Indonesia
Gambar 4.11 TuvSud company
TÜV SÜD is a partner for safety, security and sustainability solutions. Over
the last 150 years, TÜV SÜD have added value to our partners and customers through
a comprehensive portfolio of testing, certification, auditing and advisory services.
TÜV SÜD have enabled progress in society and businesses by staying true to our
purpose of protecting people, the environment and assets from technology-related
TÜV SÜD provide a comprehensive range of environmental testing services,
● HALT and HASS testing
● Life testing
● Production monitoring
● Shock and vibration testing
● Vibration testing of all types of technical products, including laser vibrometry
● Standards compliance testing
● Testing during design and development
● Transport simulation
● Climatic testing
● Temperature testing
● Humidity testing
● Thermal shocks
● Temperature cycling test
● Five-point margin testing
● On-going reliability test
● Low pressure test
● Accelerated life test
● Weathering
● Corrosion testing
● Condensation testing under constant or cyclic climatic conditions
● Salt-spray test
● Ingress protection certification (e.g. IP 65)
● Dust protection
● Water protection
● Combined environmental testing
● Vibration testing under thermal and climatic stress conditions
● Extremes of temperature, altitude, humidity & temperature cycling
BAB V Kesimpulan dan saran
5.1 Kesimpulan
Black Box merupakan salah satu komponen Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) pada
pesawat terbang. Komponen ini terdiri atas Flight Data Recorder (FDR) dan Cockpit Voice
Recorder (CVR). FDR menyimpan setidaknya 88 parameter penerbangan (yang dapat
menunjukkan posisi dan orientasi pesawat) selama 24 jam terakhir. Sementara itu, CVR
menyimpan data ‘suara’ 2 jam terakhir dari kokpit. Data-data yang disimpan oleh masing-
masing FDR dan CVR menjadi kunci utama untuk memudahkan proses investigasi ketika
terjadi kecelakaan pesawat terbang.
Data-data yang diperlukan untuk memproduksi Black Box terdapat pada TSO-C123c
dan TSO-C124c paragraf ke-5.
Salah satu produsen dalam negeri adalah PT Aering. Sementara itu, produsen luar
negeri contohnya adalah Universal Avionics System Corporation, Honeywell, L3 Harris, dll
5.2 Saran
Untuk bersaing dengan produsen luar negeri, PT Aering perlu melakukan
perkembangan produksinya menjadi produksi Black Box secara utuh. Hal ini memang sulit
dan akan memakan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Namun, untuk menjadi negara yang maju dan
mandiri di dunia dirgantara, hal ini merupakan langkah yang bagus.
Pembuatan dan peningkatan ulang kualitas fasilitas pengujian untuk sertifikasi dapat
memudahkan pembuatan Black Box. Hal ini juga dapat mendorong produsen Black Box yang
sudah ada di Indonesia untuk berkembang, serta mendorong terbentuknya produsen-produsen
asal Indonesia yang baru. Dengan demikian, industri dirgantara Indonesia pun dapat
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2., diakses pada 29 November 2020, 10:32
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ae4060-kelaikan-udara, diakses pada 29 November 2020, 14:38
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13., diakses pada 30 November 2020, 21:54
14., diakses pada 30 November 2020. 21:56
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2020, 22:09
16. FAA Order 8110.49 -Software Approval Guidelines
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qualification/, diakses pada 30 November 2020, 22:23
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pada 30 November 2020, 22:33
systems/busi_04_02/index.html, diakses pada 30 November 2020, 22:34
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ion/documentid/1019280, diakses pada 1 Desember 2020, 13:55
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29., diakses pada 5 Desember 2020, 23:27

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  • 1. LAPORAN TUGAS BESAR STUDI SERTIFIKASI BLACK BOX BERDASARKAN TSO C-123c dan TSO C-124c Laporan ini disusun sebagai tugas mata kuliah AE3140 Sertifikasi Kelaikudaraan Disusun Oleh: 13618021 Panji Bhagaskara 13618023 Arsyi Hanif Budiman 13618029 Ahmad Fadhlin Azhiim 13618034 Daffa' Alexander 13618071 Muhammad Raza Abyanshah Khan 13618075 Benny Kurniawan Pembimbing : Dr. Ir. Rais Zain M.Eng. PROGRAM STUDI TEKNIK DIRGANTARA FAKULTAS TEKNIK MESIN DAN DIRGANTARA INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG 2020
  • 2. 2 Contents BAB I PENDAHULUAN......................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Latar belakang................................................................................................................ 3 1.2 Tujuan........................................................................................................................... 4 BAB II Deskripsi Part dan Produsen.......................................................................................... 5 2.1 Diskripsi part yang akan diajukan ke DKUPPU.................................................................. 5 2.2 Produsen luar negri ......................................................................................................... 9 2.2.1 L3 Harris................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.2 Teledyne Controls................................................................................................... 10 2.2.3 Honeywell ............................................................................................................. 11 2.2.4 Dukane.................................................................................................................. 11 2.2.5 GE Aviation........................................................................................................... 12 2.2.6 BendixKing ........................................................................................................... 12 2.2.7 Universal Avionics System Corporation.................................................................... 13 2.3 Produsen dalam negri.................................................................................................... 14 2.3.1 PT. Aering............................................................................................................. 14 2.4 Deskripsi Pengajuan Sertifikasi ke Otoritas Kelaikudaraan ................................................ 14 BAB III Regulasi Kelaikan Udara ........................................................................................... 17 3.1 CASR ........................................................................................................................ 17 3.2 FAR........................................................................................................................... 20 3.3 TSO........................................................................................................................... 26 BAB IV Deskripsi Jenis Pengujian Dan Tempat Pengujian Asumsi ............................................. 38 4.1 Temperature................................................................................................................. 38 4.2 Humidity ..................................................................................................................... 39 4.3 Salt Spray.................................................................................................................... 40 4.4 Fluids Susceptibility...................................................................................................... 40 4.5 Altitude ,Decompression & Overpressure ........................................................................ 41 4.6 Icing ........................................................................................................................... 41 4.7 Waterproofness ............................................................................................................ 42 4.8 Vibration Shock Test .................................................................................................... 43 4.9 Flammability Resistant.................................................................................................. 44 4.10 Software Qualification................................................................................................. 44 BAB V Kesimpulan dan saran............................................................................................. 48 Referensi.............................................................................................................................. 49
  • 3. 3 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar belakang Pesawat terbang merupakan sebuah sistem besar yang terdiri dari beberapa sistem. Sistem pesawat dapat mencakup navigasi, komunikasi, roda pendaratan (landing gear), flight control, display, collision avoidance, environmental control, in-flight entertainment, electrical power, engine control, ground steering, thrust reversers, bahan bakar, data udara, dan lain sebagainya. Setiap sistem memiliki efek pada pengoperasian keseluruhan pesawat. Jelas bahwa untuk beberapa sistem tertentu memiliki dampak keselamatan yang lebih dari sistem yang lain. Oleh karena itu, peraturan penerbangan sipil dan regulasi pendukung lainnya (supporting advisory) mengklasifikasikan kategori kegagalan menurut risiko (risk). Lima kategori kondisi kegagalan yang biasa digunakan: catastrophic, hazardous/severe- major, major, minor, dan no effect. Setiap fungsi di masing-masing sistem, serta kombinasi dari fungsi tersebut, kemudian dinilai terhadap dampak keseluruhan pengoperasian pesawat terbang. Dewasa ini, meskipun pesawat sudah menjadi moda transportasi umum yang banyak digunakan orang, tetap saja banyak orang masih khawatir dan takut untuk naik pesawat disebabkan rawan terjadi kecelakaan, banyak sekali orang meninggal akibat kecelakaan pesawat, dan lain lain. Padahal hal ini merupakan suatu kasus yang dinamakan kasus “black swan”, dimana kecelakaan yang terjadi sangat kecil sekali kemungkinannya, namun apabila terjadi, efeknya dapat menjadi catastrophic. Safety pada pesawat terbang merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting. Hal ini berguna agar pesawat dapat terbang dengan aman. Seiring dengan terus berkembangnya teknologi, hampir setiap komponen atau part pesawat terus ditingkatkan keandalannya guna menambah tingkat safety pada pesawat terbang. Selain itu komponen-komponen penting dalam pesawat juga diharuskan mempunyai “back-up” agar tetap dapat menjalankan fungsinya saat komponen utama mengalami kegagalan. Salah satu komponen penting tersebut adalah Cockpit Voice Recorder.Cockpit Voice Recorder memiliki peran yang sangat penting terutama pada saat kegagalan pesawat terjadi, saat kondisi ini terjadi maka akan ada mekanisme untuk mengetahui kenapa kegagalan tersebut bisa terjadi. Prosedur penyidikan ini dilakukan oleh badan berwenang di suatu Negara, salah satu informasi yang harus ada ialah informasi dari Cockpit Voice Recorder. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan Cockpit Voice Recorder dengan keandalan yang tinggi. Peran penting ini juga yang menjadikan perlunya kondisi standar performance dari Cockpit Voice Recorder sehingga harus dilakukan sertifikasi pada komponen ini.
  • 4. 4 1.2 Tujuan Secara garis besar laporan ini memiliki tujuan memberikan gambaran pengetahuan mengenai blackbox. Namun disamping itu terdapat tujuan pembuatan laporan diantaranya adalah : - Memberikan penjelasan mengenai blackbox serta bagian dan kegunaannya - Menjelaskan proses pengujian dan persyaratan sertifikasi LRU dari blackbox - Memberikan pengetahuan mengenai perusahaan pemroduksi blackbox
  • 5. 5 BAB II Deskripsi Part dan Produsen 2.1 Diskripsi part yang akan diajukan ke DKUPPU Kotak hitam atau black box adalah sekumpulan perangkat yang digunakan dalam bidang transportasi - umumnya merujuk kepada perekam data penerbangan (flight data recorder; FDR) dan perekam suara kokpit (cockpit voice recorder; CVR) dalam pesawat terbang. Gambar 2.1 blackbox yang terdiri dari FDR dan CVR Fungsi dari kotak hitam sendiri adalah untuk merekam pembicaraan antara pilot dan pemandu lalu lintas udara atau air traffic control (ATC) serta untuk mengetahui tekanan udara dan kondisi cuaca selama penerbangan. Walaupun dinamakan kotak hitam tetapi sesungguhnya kotak tersebut tidak berwarna hitam tetapi berwarna jingga (oranye). Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk memudahkan pencarian jika pesawat itu mengalami kecelakaan. Penempatan kotak hitam ini dilakukan sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah ditemukan. Umumnya terdapat dua unit kotak hitam yang terdiri dari Cockpit Voice recorder (alatperekam suara di ruang kemudi pilot) dan Flight data recorder(alat rekam data penerbangan) dan di era abad ke 20 pabrik elektronik ini menggabungkan kedua alat ini yang kemudian populer sebagai nama Combi Box Recorder yaitu combinasi dari data dan suara. kedua alat tersebut memilki pemantauan fungsi dari ruang kemudi, tetapi data rekaman yang terletak pada recorder data tersebut umumnya diletakkan pada bagian ekor pesawat, yang pada umumnya merupakan bagian yang utuh ditemukan serta mudah terlepas dari struktur pesawat utama.
  • 6. 6 Flight Data Recorder (FDR) merupakan komponen yang berfungsi untuk merekam variabel-variabel pada operasi penerbangan seperti jalur terbang, kecepatan terbang, sikap terbang, daya mesin, konfigurasi, dan operasi. Berdasarkan 14 CFR § 135.152 - Flight data recorders, berikut adalah parameter-parameter yang harus direkam oleh FDR: (1) Time; (2) Pressure altitude; (3) Indicated airspeed; (4) Heading - primary flight crew reference (if selectable, record discrete, true or magnetic); (5) Normal acceleration (Vertical); (6) Pitch attitude; (7) Roll attitude; (8) Manual radio transmitter keying, or CVR/DFDR synchronization reference; (9) Thrust/power of each engine - primary flight crew reference; (10) Autopilot engagement status; (11) Longitudinal acceleration; (12) Pitch control input; (13) Lateral control input; (14) Rudder pedal input; (15) Primary pitch control surface position; (16) Primary lateral control surface position; (17) Primary yaw control surface position; (18) Lateral acceleration; (19) Pitch trim surface position or parameters of paragraph (h)(82) of this section if currently recorded; (20) Trailing edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except when parameters of paragraph (h)(85) of this section apply); (21) Leading edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (except when parameters of paragraph (h)(86) of this section apply); (22) Each Thrust reverser position (or equivalent for propeller airplane); (23) Ground spoiler position or speed brake selection (except when parameters of paragraph (h)(87) of this section apply); (24) Outside or total air temperature; (25) Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) modes and engagement status, including autothrottle; (26) Radio altitude (when an information source is installed); (27) Localizer deviation, MLS Azimuth; (28) Glideslope deviation, MLS Elevation; (29) Marker beacon passage; (30) Master warning; (31) Air/ground sensor (primary airplane system reference nose or main gear); (32) Angle of attack (when information source is installed); (33) Hydraulic pressure low (each system); (34) Ground speed (when an information source is installed); (35) Ground proximity warning system; (36) Landing gear position or landing gear cockpit control selection; (37) Drift angle (when an information source is installed); (38) Wind speed and direction (when an information source is installed); (39) Latitude and longitude (when an information source is installed); (40) Stick shaker/pusher (when an information source is installed); (41) Windshear (when an information source is installed); (42) Throttle/power lever position; (43) Additional engine parameters (as designated in appendix F of this part); (44) Traffic alert and collision avoidance system; (45) DME 1 and 2 distances; (46) Nav 1 and 2 selected frequency; (47) Selected barometric setting (when an
  • 7. 7 information source is installed); (48) Selected altitude (when an information source is installed); (49) Selected speed (when an information source is installed); (50) Selected mach (when an information source is installed); (51) Selected vertical speed (when an information source is installed); (52) Selected heading (when an information source is installed); (53) Selected flight path (when an information source is installed); (54) Selected decision height (when an information source is installed); (55) EFIS display format; (56) Multi- function/engine/alerts display format; (57) Thrust command (when an information source is installed); (58) Thrust target (when an information source is installed); (59) Fuel quantity in CG trim tank (when an information source is installed); (60) Primary Navigation System Reference; (61) Icing (when an information source is installed); (62) Engine warning each engine vibration (when an information source is installed); (63) Engine warning each engine over temp. (when an information source is installed); (64) Engine warning each engine oil pressure low (when an information source is installed); (65) Engine warning each engine over speed (when an information source is installed; (66) Yaw trim surface position; (67) Roll trim surface position; (68) Brake pressure (selected system); (69) Brake pedal application (left and right); (70) Yaw or sideslip angle (when an information source is installed); (71) Engine bleed valve position (when an information source is installed); (72) De-icing or anti-icing system selection (when an information source is installed); (73) Computed center of gravity (when an information source is installed); (74) AC electrical bus status; (75) DC electrical bus status; (76) APU bleed valve position (when an information source is installed); (77) Hydraulic pressure (each system); (78) Loss of cabin pressure; (79) Computer failure; (80) Heads-up display (when an information source is installed); (81) Para-visual display (when an information source is installed); (82) Cockpit trim control input position - pitch; (83) Cockpit trim control input position - roll; (84) Cockpit trim control input position - yaw; (85) Trailing edge flap and cockpit flap control position; (86) Leading edge flap and cockpit flap control position; (87) Ground spoiler position and speed brake selection; and (88) All cockpit flight control input forces (control wheel, control column, rudder pedal). CVR memiliki beberapa karakteristik, oleh karena itu untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut karakteristik dari CVR dapat kita lihat pada tabel 1 di bawah ini :
  • 8. 8 Panjang 5.187 in. maximum (385.75 mm) Lebar 5.032 in. maximum (127.81 mm) Tinggi 7.845 in. maximum (199.26 mm) Berat 23.5 pounds maximum (10.66 Kg) Cover Material Corrosion Resistant Steel Cover Finish International Orange Enamel/Black Lettering Power Requirements 115VAC, 400 Hz connector DPXB57-34P0001 Cannon Tape Speed 2 – 3/4 inch per second Recording 30 Minutes Record Bias 45 kHz ± 5% Karakteristik CVR Fungsi dan kegunaan CVR adalah untuk merekam pembicaraan di pesawat yang terbagi dalam 4 channel, yaitu mic monitor, pilot, copilot, dan extra audio. Perekam Data Penerbangan dan Perekam Data Suara (atau Perekam Suara Kokpit) dibuat dari komponen yang serupa. Keduanya termasuk sumber daya, unit memori, papan pengontrol elektronik, perangkat input, dan suar sinyal. 1. Sumber Daya listrik FDR dan CVR dijalankan dari catu daya tegangan ganda (115 VAC atau 28 DC) yang memberikan fleksibilitas pada unit untuk digunakan di berbagai pesawat. Baterai dirancang untuk pengoperasian terus menerus selama 30 hari dan memiliki umur simpan enam tahun. 2. Crash Survivable Memory Unit (CSMU) CSMU dirancang untuk menyimpan 25 jam informasi penerbangan digital. Informasi yang disimpan memiliki kualitas yang sangat tinggi karena peralatan elektronik yang canggih memungkinkannya menyimpan data dalam bentuk yang tidak terkompresi. 3. Integrated Controller and Circuitry Board (ICB)
  • 9. 9 Papan ini berisi sirkuit elektronik yang berfungsi sebagai switchboard untuk data yang masuk. 4. Aircraft Interface Porta ini berfungsi sebagai koneksi untuk perangkat masukan tempat kotak hitam memperoleh semua informasinya tentang pesawat. Antarmuka FDR menerima dan memproses sinyal dari berbagai instrumen di pesawat, seperti indikator kecepatan udara, alarm peringatan di pesawat, altimeter, dll. Antarmuka yang digunakan untuk CVR menerima dan memproses sinyal dari mikrofon area kokpit, yang biasanya dipasang di suatu tempat di panel instrumen di antara dua pilot. Mikrofon dimaksudkan untuk menangkap suara yang dapat membantu penyelidik dalam menentukan penyebab kecelakaan, seperti suara mesin, peringatan stall, perpanjangan dan penarikan roda pendaratan, dan bunyi klik dan letupan lainnya. Suara ini dapat membantu menentukan waktu terjadinya peristiwa terkait kerusakan tertentu. Mikrofon juga menyampaikan komunikasi dengan Air Traffic Control, pengarahan cuaca radio otomatis, dan percakapan antara pilot dan awak darat atau kabin. 5. Underwater Locater Beacon (ULB) Setiap perekam mungkin dilengkapi dengan Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB) untuk membantu mengidentifikasi lokasinya jika terjadi kecelakaan di atas air. Perangkat, yang secara informal dikenal sebagai "pinger", diaktifkan saat perekam dibenamkan ke dalam air. Ini mengirimkan sinyal akustik pada 37,5 KHz yang dapat dideteksi dengan penerima khusus. Suar dapat memancarkan dari kedalaman hingga 14.000 kaki (4.200 m). 2.2 Produsen luar negri 2.2.1 L3 Harris L3 Harris adalah penyedia avionik komersial dan militer, yang memproduksi beragam produk keselamatan dan peningkatan efisiensi untuk kebutuhan generasi berikutnya, termasuk pengawasan ADS-B NextGen, perekam suara dan data yang dapat dikonfigurasi, sistem penghindaran tabrakan, produk navigasi, sistem tampilan, dan prosesor . L3 Harris juga menawarkan layanan purnajual, termasuk layanan pemeliharaan, perbaikan, dan perbaikan, serta logistik berbasis kinerja terintegrasi untuk sistem militer dan komersial.
  • 10. 10 L3 Harris merupakan perusahaan Amerika Dengan pengalaman hampir 60 tahun, kepemimpinan produk L3 Harris yang komprehensif mengurangi biaya, meningkatkan efisiensi, dan membantu pelanggan kami menciptakan langit yang lebih aman. L3 Harris memanfaatkan kekuatan kolektif kami untuk mendekati setiap pertanyaan dari berbagai perspektif untuk memberikan berbagai solusi. Dengan setiap produk dan layanan yang L3 Harris sediakan, pelanggan L3 Harris dapat mengharapkan komitmen L3 Harris untuk memberikan solusi yang tepat serta memberikan kualitas, nilai, dan keandalan yang tak tertandingi. Gambar 2.2 Produsen L3HARRIS 2.2.2 Teledyne Controls Teledyne Controls LLC adalah anak perusahaan yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE: TDY). Dengan pendapatan lebih dari $ 2,9 miliar dan staf lebih dari 10.000 orang yang berbasis di seluruh dunia, kompetensi dan kemampuan Teledyne untuk menyediakan produk dan layanan berteknologi canggih kepada industri penerbangan telah terbukti dengan baik. Mengubah Efisiensi Penerbangan sejak 1964. Di Teledyne Controls, membangun nama pada solusi cerdas yang mengumpulkan, mengelola, dan mengirimkan data pesawat dengan lebih efisien. Teknologi inovatif dan hubungan pelanggan kolaboratif kami telah merevolusi cara operator pesawat mengakses, mengelola, dan memanfaatkan data mereka, membantu mereka
  • 11. 11 mencapai tujuan yang lebih tinggi dalam hal keselamatan, kepatuhan, kinerja, dan pengurangan biaya. Gambar 2.3 Teledyne Controls 2.2.3 Honeywell Honeywell merupakan sebuah konglomerat multinasional asal Amerika Serikat yang memproduksi berbagai macam produk komersial dan barang jadi serta sistem aeronautika, dan juga menyediakan jasa teknik, baik untuk perorangan maupun untuk perusahaan besar dan pemerintahan. Saat ini, Honeywell memiliki tiga grup bisnis strategis, yakni Aerospace, Automation and Control Solution (ACS), dan Performance Materials and Technologies (PMT). Honeywell telah berinovasi selama lebih dari 100 tahun - dan sekarang Honeywell menciptakan yang selanjutnya.Pesawat yang lebih efisien, teknologi bangunan yang lebih efektif, performa teknologi dan material, dan solusi keamanan dan produktifitas. Gambar 2.4 Honeywell 2.2.4 Dukane Dukane didirikan pada tahun 1922 sebagai Operadio, Dukane telah melayani beberapa industri dan menyediakan terobosan teknologi yang telah teruji waktu. Dukane mengambil tantangan yang berbeda, menerima setiap proyek sebagai peluang untuk meningkatkan mata Dukane untuk inovasi. Dukane menempatkan hubungan pelanggan di garis depan dalam segala hal yang Dukane lakukan. ISO9001 (DQS) - Sertifikat Pendaftaran ISO9001 (IQNet) - Sertifikat Pendaftaran Gambar 2.5 Dukane
  • 12. 12 2.2.5 GE Aviation GE Aviation, unit operasi GE (NYSE: GE), adalah penyedia mesin jet dan turboprop terkemuka dunia, serta sistem terintegrasi untuk pesawat komersial, militer, bisnis, dan penerbangan umum. GE Aviation memiliki jaringan layanan global untuk mendukung penawaran ini. GE mendukung tujuan industri penerbangan yang menargetkan pertumbuhan netral karbon dalam penerbangan mulai tahun 20204 dan untuk mencapai pengurangan emisi CO2 penerbangan bersih sebesar 50% pada tahun 2050, dibandingkan dengan tingkat tahun 2005. Sebagai bagian dari komunitas penerbangan, GE percaya bahwa pendekatan holistik sangat penting untuk mencapai target pengurangan emisi yang ambisius ini, serta membantu pelanggannya mencapai operasi penerbangan yang berkelanjutan. Untuk itu, GE menginvestasikan $ 1 miliar setiap tahun untuk mempercepat inovasi teknologi yang diperlukan untuk mendorong pengurangan emisi karbon yang membantu penerbangan semakin berkelanjutan. Gambar 2.6 GE aviation 2.2.6 BendixKing BendixKing merancang, mengembangkan, menjual, dan mendukung rangkaian lengkap avionik, termasuk dek penerbangan terintegrasi, navigator, panel audio, radio, transponder dan transceiver ADS-B, pilot otomatis, sensor badai berbasis radar, dan konektivitas dalam penerbangan dan darat. Avionik BendixKing ditawarkan pada berbagai jenis pesawat di pasar penerbangan umum, termasuk pesawat piston bermesin tunggal dan bermesin ganda serta pesawat turboprop, jet bisnis, helikopter, dan pelatih militer. Produk kami ditemukan di pesawat yang diproduksi oleh Cessna, Piper, Mooney, Beechcraft, Diamond, Cirrus, Pilatus, Hawker, Lear, Textron, Dassault dan banyak lainnya. Produk kami dipasarkan, dipasang dan didukung oleh tim penjualan profesional yang terdistribusi secara global dan lebih dari 500 dealer resmi yang
  • 13. 13 berlokasi di seluruh Amerika Utara dan Selatan, Eropa, Timur Tengah, Afrika, Asia dan Pasifik Selatan. BendixKing adalah divisi yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh Honeywell Aerospace dan memanfaatkan seluruh portofolio sumber daya teknologi dan teknik, selain tim insinyurnya sendiri, untuk mengembangkan produk dan layanan baru. Gambar 2.7 BendixKing 2.2.7 Universal Avionics System Corporation Universal Avionics, sebuah Perusahaan Sistem Elbit, adalah produsen terkemuka sistem avionik inovatif untuk jet bisnis, pesawat turboprop, pesawat angkut, helikopter, pesawat regional dan komersial yang digunakan oleh perusahaan, militer, dan operator penerbangan. Perusahaan menawarkan avionik canggih sebagai solusi retrofit untuk diversifikasi jenis pesawat terbang terbesar di industri. Perjalanan perusahaan dimulai ketika pendirinya, Hubert L. Naimer, merumuskan detail dari "Sistem Navigasi Utama", yang mengarah pada pengembangan Sistem Manajemen Penerbangan (FMS) pertama di dunia. Lebih dari 30 tahun kemudian, Universal Avionics telah memperluas lini produknya dan menghadirkan teknologi terobosan ke industri yang menawarkan peningkatan keselamatan yang luar biasa, kesadaran situasional, dan manfaat operasional bagi operator. Produk Universal Avionics dibuat oleh pilot, untuk pilot dengan satu tujuan: meningkatkan kualitas penerbangan. Gambar 2.8 Universal Avionics
  • 14. 14 2.3 Produsen dalam negri Produsen Flight Data Recorder dan Cockpit Voice Recorder yang berada di dalam negeri sebagai berikut, 2.3.1 PT. Aering PT. AERING adalah badan usaha yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan data pesawat terbang, perangkat lunak, perangkat keras dan instrumentasi pesawat terbang, avionik, dan elektronik. Perusahaan kami didirikan pada tahun 2010 melalui UU No. 28 tanggal 22 Desember 2010 dibuat oleh Notaris Iin SH Abdul Jalil., Sp. N. Pengesahan perusahaan kami diberikan oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia dengan Nomor: AHU-21072.AH.01.01.Tahun 2011. Kami berlokasi di Bandung, Jawa Barat yang merupakan kota pusat pengetahuan Indonesia. Personel inti kami adalah jiwa muda dengan pengalaman lebih dari cukup untuk menangani data penerbangan. Kami memiliki analis data, serta teknisi avionik, perangkat lunak, dan perangkat keras. Personel kami berpengalaman baik di laboratorium maupun di lapangan. Fasilitas yang kami miliki adalah laboratorium avionik, bengkel elektronik, software house dan bengkel mekanik kecil. Semua fasilitas ini terletak di area yang memfasilitasi komunikasi dan transportasi internal kami. Kami membuat sendiri sebagian besar alat tersebut. Hal itu dimungkinkan dengan pengalaman, personel dan fasilitas yang kita miliki. Gambar 2.9 Perusahaan Aering 2.4 Deskripsi Pengajuan Sertifikasi ke Otoritas Kelaikudaraan 2.4.1. Persyaratan data permohonan sertifikasi FDR dan CVR Berdasarkan TSO-C124c paragraph 5, syarat untuk mengajukan sertifikasi flight data recorder dan cockpit voice recorder ini adalah harus memberikan manajer FAA Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) /DKUPPU data berikut : ● Statement of conformance seperti yang di spesifikasikan di 14 CFR § 21.603(a)(1) ● Data teknis yang mendukung persetujuan desain dan produksi sebagai berikut : a) Manual yang berisi:
  • 15. 15 1. Intruksi operasi dan batasan alat untuk menjelaskan kemampuan operasi alat 2. Penjelasan detil mengenai deviasi tiap alat 3. Prosedur dan batasan pemasangan untuk memastikan saat FDR dan CVR dipasang masih memenuhi kebutuhan TSO 4. Untuk setiap konfigurasi perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras udara, harus mencantumkan: a) Nomor part perangkat lunak termasuk revisi dan level jaminan desain b) Nomor part perangkat keras udara termasuk revisi dan level jaminan desain c) Deskripsi fungsional 5. Ringkasan dari kondisi pengujian lingkungan untuk setiap komponen. 6. Schematic drawing, Wiring diagram, dan dokumentasi lain yang dirasa perlu 7. Daftar komponen yang dapat diganti berdasakan nomor part b) Instruksi mengenai perawatan periodik, kalibrasi, dan perbaikan untuk kelaikan udara berkelanjutan c) Jika termasuk perangkat lunak, maka dibutuhkan plan for software aspects of certification (PSAC), indeks konfigurasi perangkat lunak, dan kesimpulan prestasi perangkat lunak 13 d) Drawing yang menggambarkan bagaimana FDR akan diberi tanda dengan info yang dibutuhkan pada bagian penandaan pada TSO-C124c ini e) Identifikasikan fungsi atau performa yang tidak dijelaskan dalam TSO ini (fungsi non-TSO). Fungsi tersebut, agar dapat diterima, harus mencantumkam informasi berikut 1. Deskripsi dari fungsi non-TSO tersebut seperti spesifikasi performa, kondisi kegagalan, dll. termasuk pernyataan yang memenuhi bahwa fungsi non-TSO tersebut tidak mengganggu pemenuhan kebutuhan persayaratan yang dibutuhkan(Paragraf 3 TSO-C124c) 2. Prosedur dan batasan pemasangan yg dibutuhkan untuk memastikan fungsi non-TSO tersebut memenuhi paragraf e.(1) 3. Instruksi untuk performa berkelanjutan dari fungsi non-TSO yang dijelaskan paragraf e.(1) 4. Kebutuhan antar muka dan prosedur uji yang aplikabel untuk memenuhi performa yang dijelaskan paragraf e.(1) 5. Rencana pengujian dan analisis dan hasil untuk memverifikasikan bahwa performa TSO tidak dipengaruhi fungsi non_TSO
  • 16. 16 6. Rencana testing dan analisis dan hasil untuk memverifikasikan fungsi non- TSO yang dijelaskan paragraph e.(1) Deskripsi kualitas sistem yang dijelaskan 14 CFR § 21.608. termasuk spesifikasi uji fungsional. Kualitas sistem tersebut harus dipastikan bahwa tiap perubahan terhadap desain yang disetujui yang dapat menggangu pemenuhan TSO akan dideteksi f) Deskripsi kualitas sistem yang dijelaskan 14 CFR § 21.608. termasuk spesifikasi uji fungsional. Kualitas sistem tersebut harus dipastikan bahwa tiap perubahan terhadap desain yang disetujui yang dapat menggangu pemenuhan TSO akan dideteksi g) Daftar spesifikasi material dan prosesnya h) Daftar seluruh drawing dan proses (termasuk revisi) yang mendefinisikan FDR tersebut i) Laporan kualifikasi TSO manufacturer yang menunjukkan hasil dari testing yang diselesaikan berdasarkan paragraf 3.d TSO-C124c(mengenai kualifikasi fungsional). 2.4.2. Persyaratan data pabrik FDR dan CVR a. Spesifikasi fungsional untuk kualifikasi setiap produksi benda untuk memastikan pemenuhan terhadap TSO-C124c ini. b. Prosedur kalibrasi alat. c. Gambar skematis. d. Wiring diagram. e. Spesifikasi material dan proses. f. Hasil pengujian kualifikasi lingkungan yang dilakukan berdasarkan paragraf 3.e pada TSO-C124c ini. g. Jika benda termasuk perangkat lunak, dokumen yang sesuai dijelaskan di RTCA/DO-178B termasuk semua data yang mendukung tujuan yang berlaku di RTCA/DO-178B Annex A, Process Objectives and Outputs by Software Level. h. Jika benda memiliki Fungsi non-TSO, maka poin a sampai g juga harus dibuat.
  • 17. 17 BAB III Regulasi Kelaikan Udara 3.1 CASR 3.1.1 CASR Part 23.1457 Cockpit Voice Recorders 23.1457 Cockpit Voice Recorders (a) Each cockpit voice recorder required by the operating rules of this chapter must be approved and must be installed so that it will record the following: (1) Voice communications transmitted from or received in the airplane by radio. (2) Voice communications of flight crewmembers on the flight deck. (3) Voice communications of flight crewmembers on the flight deck, using the airplane's interphone system. (4) Voice or audio signals identifying navigation or approach aids introduced into a headset or speaker. (5) Voice communications of flight crewmembers using the passenger loudspeaker system, if there is such a system and if the fourth channel is available in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section. (6) If datalink communication equipment is installed, all datalink communications, using an approved data message set. Datalink messages must be recorded as the output signal from the communications unit that translates the signal into usable data. (b) The recording requirements of paragraph (a)(2) of this section must be met by installing a cockpit mounted area microphone, located in the best position for recording voice communications originating at the first and second pilot stations and voice communications of other crewmembers on the flight deck when directed to those stations. The microphone must be so located and, if necessary, the preamplifiers and filters of the recorder must be so adjusted or supplemented, so that the intelligibility of the recorded communications is as high as practicable when recorded under flight cockpit noise conditions and played back. Repeated aural or visual playback of the record may be used in evaluating intelligibility. (c) Each cockpit voice recorder must be installed so that the part of the communication or audio signals specified in paragraph (a) of this section obtained from each of the following sources is recorded on a separate channel: (1) For the first channel, from each boom, mask, or hand held microphone, headset, or speaker used at the first pilot station. (2) For the second channel from each boom, mask, or hand held microphone, headset, or speaker used at the second pilot station. (3) For the third channel - from the cockpit mounted area microphone. (4) For the fourth channel from:
  • 18. 18 (i) Each boom, mask, or hand held microphone, headset, or speaker used at the station for the third and fourth crewmembers. (ii) If the stations specified in paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section are not required or if the signal at such a station is picked up by another channel, each microphone on the flight deck that is used with the passenger loudspeaker system, if its signals are not picked up by another channel. (5) And that as far as is practicable all sounds received by the microphone listed in paragraphs (c) (1), (2), and (4) of this section must be recorded without interruption irrespective of the position of the interphone/transmitter key switch. The design shall ensure that sidetone for the flight crew is produced only when the interphone, public address system, or radio transmitters are in use. (d) Each cockpit voice recorder must be installed so that: (1) (i) It receives its electrical power from the bus that provides the maximum reliability for operation of the cockpit voice recorder without jeopardizing service to essential or emergency loads. (ii) It remains powered for as long as possible without jeopardizing emergency operation of the airplane. (2) It remains powered for as long as possible without jeopardizing emergency operation of the airplane. (3) There is an automatic means to simultaneously stop the recorder and prevent each erasure feature from functioning, within 10 minutes after crash impact; and (4) There is an aural or visual means for preflight checking of the recorder for proper operation. (5) Any single electrical failure external to the recorder does not disable both the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder; (6) It has an independent power source— (i) That provides 10 ± 1 minutes of electrical power to operate both the cockpit voice recorder and cockpit-mounted area microphone; (ii) That is located as close as practicable to the cockpit voice recorder; and (iii) To which the cockpit voice recorder and cockpit-mounted area microphone are switched automatically in the event that all other power to the cockpit voice recorder is interrupted either by normal shutdown or by any other loss of power to the electrical power bus; and (7) It is in a separate container from the flight data recorder when both are required. If used to comply with only the cockpit voice recorder requirements, a combination unit may be installed. (e) The recorder container must be located and mounted to minimize the probability of rupture of the container as a result of crash impact and consequent heat damage to the recorder from fire. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, the recorder container must be located as far aft as practicable, but need not be outside of the pressurized compartment, and may not be located where aft-mounted engines may crush the container during impact.
  • 19. 19 (2) If two separate combination digital flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder units are installed instead of one cockpit voice recorder and one digital flight data recorder, the combination unit that is installed to comply with the cockpit voice recorder requirements may be located near the cockpit. (f) If the cockpit voice recorder has a bulk erasure device, the installation must be designed to minimize the probability of inadvertent operation and actuation of the device during crash impact. (g) Each recorder container must: (1) Be either bright orange or bright yellow; (2) Have reflective tape affixed to its external surface to facilitate its location under water; and (3) Have an underwater locating device, when required by the operating rules of this section, on or adjacent to the container which is secured in such manner that they are not likely to be separated during crash impact. 3.1.2 CASR Part 23.1459 Flight data recorders 23.1459 data recorders (a) Each flight recorder required by the operating rules of this chapter must be installed so that: 1. It is supplied with airspeed, altitude, and directional data obtained from sources that meet the accuracy requirements of secs. 23.1323, 23.1325, and sec. 23.1327, as appropriate; 2. The vertical acceleration sensor is rigidly attached, and located longitudinally either within the approved center of gravity limits of the airplane, or at a distance forward or aft of these limits that does not exceed 25 percent of the airplane's mean aerodynamic chord; 3. (i) It receives its electrical power from the bus that provides the maximum reliability for operation of the flight data recorder without jeopardizing service to essential or emergency loads. (ii) It remains powered for as long as possible without jeopardizing emergency operation of the airplane. 4. There is an aural or visual means for preflight checking of the recorder for proper recording of data in the storage medium. 5. Except for recorders powered solely by the engine driven electrical generator system, there is an automatic means to simultaneously stop a recorder that has a data erasure feature and prevent each erasure feature from functioning, within 10 minutes after crash impact; and 6. Any single electrical failure external to the recorder does not disable both the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder; and 7. It is in a separate container from the cockpit voice recorder when both are required. If used to comply with only the flight data recorder requirements, a
  • 20. 20 combination unit may be installed. If a combination unit is installed as a cockpit voice recorder to comply with sec. 23.1459(e)(2), a combination unit must be used to comply with this flight data recorder requirement. (b) Each nonejectable record container must be located and mounted so as to minimize the probability of container rupture resulting from crash impact and subsequent damage to the record from fire. In meeting this requirement the record container must be located as far aft as practicable, but need not be aft of the pressurized compartment, and may not be where aft mounted engines may crush the container upon impact. (c) A correlation must be established between the flight recorder readings of airspeed, altitude, and heading and the corresponding readings (taking into account correction factors) of the first pilot's instruments. The correlation must cover the airspeed range over which the airplane is to be operated, the range of altitude to which the airplane is limited, and 360 degrees of heading. Correlation may be established on the ground as appropriate. (d) Each recorder container must: 1. Be either bright orange or bright yellow; 2. Have reflective tape affixed to its external surface to facilitate its location under water; and 3. Have an underwater locating device, when required by the operating rules of this chapter, on or adjacent to the container which is secured in such a manner that they are not likely to be separated during crash impact. (e) Any novel or unique design or operational characteristics of the aircraft shall be evaluated to determine if any dedicated parameters must be recorded on flight recorders in addition to or in place of existing requirements. 3.2 FAR §91.233 Flight Data Recorders (a) No person may operate an airplane unless it is equipped with a flight data recorders: 1. All turbine-engine airplanes, for which the individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued on or after 1 January 2016, with a seating configurations of more than five passenger seats and a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5 700 kg or less shall be equipped with a Type II FDR.
  • 21. 21 2. All airplanes of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 5 700 kg for which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued after 1 January 2005 shall be equipped with a Type IA FDR. 3. All airplanes of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 27 000 kg for which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or after 1 January 1989 shall be equipped with a Type I FDR. 4. All airplanes of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 5 700 kg, up to and including 27 000 kg, for which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or after 1 January 1989, shall be equipped with a Type II FDR. (b) All airplanes which are required to record pilot input and/or control surface position of primary controls (pitch, roll, yaw) for which a type certificate is first issued on or after 1 January 2016 and which are required to be fitted with an FDR shall record those parameters at a maximum sampling and recording interval of 0.125 seconds. (c) No person may operate a helicopter unless it is equipped with a flight data recorders: 1. All helicopters of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 3 180 kg for which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or after 1 January 2016 shall be equipped with a Type IVA FDR. 2. All helicopters of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 7 000 kg, or having a passenger seating configuration of more than nineteen, for which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or after 1 January 1989 shall be equipped with a Type IV FDR. (d) The use of the following recorders shall be discontinued: 1. Engraving metal foil FDRs. 2. Analogue FDRs using frequency modulation (FM). 3. Photographic film FDRs. 4. Magnetic tape FDRs by 1 January 2016. (e) Types I, IA, and II FDRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded during at least the last 25 hours of their operation. September 2017 CASR 91 Amdt. 5 SUBPART C C - 16 (f) Types IV, IVA and V FDRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded during at least the last ten hours of their operation. §91.235 Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVR) and Cockpit Audio Recording System (CARS) (a) No person may operate an airplane unless it is equipped with either a CVR or a CARS: 1. All turbine-engine airplanes, for which the individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued on or after 1 January 2016, with a seating configurations of more than five passenger seats and a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5 700 kg or less shall be equipped with either a CVR or a CARS.
  • 22. 22 2. All turbine-engine airplanes for a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 5 700 kg for which the individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued on or after 1 January 2016 and required to be operated by more than one pilot shall be equipped with a CVR. 3. All airplanes of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 27 000 kg for which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or after 1 January 1987 shall be equipped with a CVR. (b) No person may operate a helicopter unless it is equipped with a CVR: 1. All helicopters of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 7 000 kg for which the individual certificate of airworthiness is first issued on or after 1 January 1987 shall be equipped with a CVR. For helicopters not equipped with an FDR, at least main rotor speed shall be recorded on the CVR. 2. All helicopters of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 7 000 kg for which the individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued before 1 January 1987 shall be equipped with a CVR. For helicopters not equipped with an FDR, at least main rotor speed shall be recorded on the CVR. (c) The use of magnetic tape and wire CVRs shall be discontinued by 1 January 2016. (d) All CVRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded during at least the last 30 minutes of their operation. (e) From 1 January 2016, all CVRs shall be capable of retaining the information recorded during at least the last two hours of their operation. §91.609 Flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders. (a) No holder of an air carrier operating certificate or an operating certificate may conduct any operation under this part with an aircraft listed in the holder's operations specifications or current list of aircraft used in air transportation unless that aircraft complies with any applicable flight recorder and cockpit voice recorder requirements of the part under which its certificate is issued except that the operator may— · (1) Ferry an aircraft with an inoperative flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder from a place where repair or replacement cannot be made to a place where they can be made; · (2) Continue a flight as originally planned, if the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder becomes inoperative after the aircraft has taken off; · (3) Conduct an airworthiness flight test during which the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder is turned off to test it or to test any communications or electrical equipment installed in the aircraft; or
  • 23. 23 · (4) Ferry a newly acquired aircraft from the place where possession of it is taken to a place where the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder is to be installed. (b) Notwithstanding paragraphs (c) and (e) of this section, an operator other than the holder of an air carrier or a commercial operator certificate may— · (1) Ferry an aircraft with an inoperative flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder from a place where repair or replacement cannot be made to a place where they can be made; · (2) Continue a flight as originally planned if the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder becomes inoperative after the aircraft has taken off; · (3) Conduct an airworthiness flight test during which the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder is turned off to test it or to test any communications or electrical equipment installed in the aircraft; · (4) Ferry a newly acquired aircraft from a place where possession of it was taken to a place where the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder is to be installed; or · (5) Operate an aircraft: · (i) For not more than 15 days while the flight recorder and/or cockpit voice recorder is inoperative and/or removed for repair provided that the aircraft maintenance records contain an entry that indicates the date of failure, and a placard is located in view of the pilot to show that the flight recorder or cockpit voice recorder is inoperative. · (ii) For not more than an additional 15 days, provided that the requirements in paragraph (b)(5)(i) are met and that a certificated pilot, or a certificated person authorized to return an aircraft to service under §43.7 of this chapter, certifies in the aircraft maintenance records that additional time is required to complete repairs or obtain a replacement unit. (c) (1) No person may operate a U.S. civil registered, multiengine, turbine-powered airplane or rotorcraft having a passenger seating configuration, excluding any pilot seats of 10 or more that has been manufactured after October 11, 1991, unless it is equipped with one or more approved flight recorders that utilize a digital method of recording and storing data and a method of readily retrieving that data from the storage medium, that are capable of recording the data specified in appendix E to this part, for an airplane, or appendix F to this part, for a rotorcraft, of this part within the range, accuracy, and recording interval specified, and that are capable of retaining no less than 8 hours of aircraft operation. · (2) All airplanes subject to paragraph (c)(1) of this section that are manufactured before April 7, 2010, by April 7, 2012, must meet the requirements of §23.1459(a)(7) or §25.1459(a)(8) of this chapter, as applicable.
  • 24. 24 · (3) All airplanes and rotorcraft subject to paragraph (c)(1) of this section that are manufactured on or after April 7, 2010, must meet the flight data recorder requirements of §23.1459, §25.1459, §27.1459, or §29.1459 of this chapter, as applicable, and retain at least the last 25 hours of recorded information using a recorder that meets the standards of TSO-C124a, or later revision. (d) Whenever a flight recorder, required by this section, is installed, it must be operated continuously from the instant the airplane begins the takeoff roll or the rotorcraft begins lift-off until the airplane has completed the landing roll or the rotorcraft has landed at its destination. (e) Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, after October 11, 1991, no person may operate a U.S. civil registered multiengine, turbine-powered airplane or rotorcraft having a passenger seating configuration of six passengers or more and for which two pilots are required by type certification or operating rule unless it is equipped with an approved cockpit voice recorder that: · (1) Is installed in compliance with §23.1459(a)(1) and (2), (b), (c), (d)(1)(i), (2) and (3), (e), (f), and (g); §25.1457(a)(1) and (2), (b), (c), (d)(1)(i), (2) and (3), (e), (f), and (g); §27.1457(a)(1) and (2), (b), (c), (d)(1)(i), (2) and (3), (e), (f), and (g); or §29.1457(a)(1) and (2), (b), (c), (d)(1)(i), (2) and (3), (e), (f), and (g) of this chapter, as applicable; and · (2) Is operated continuously from the use of the checklist before the flight to completion of the final checklist at the end of the flight. (f) In complying with this section, an approved cockpit voice recorder having an erasure feature may be used, so that at any time during the operation of the recorder, information recorded more than 15 minutes earlier may be erased or otherwise obliterated. (g) In the event of an accident or occurrence requiring immediate notification to the National Transportation Safety Board under part 830 of its regulations that results in the termination of the flight, any operator who has installed approved flight recorders and approved cockpit voice recorders shall keep the recorded information for at least 60 days or, if requested by the Administrator or the Board, for a longer period. Information obtained from the record is used to assist in determining the cause of accidents or occurrences in connection with the investigation under part 830. The Administrator does not use the cockpit voice recorder record in any civil penalty or certificate action. (h) All airplanes required by this section to have a cockpit voice recorder and a flight data recorder, that are manufactured before April 7, 2010, must by April 7, 2012, have a cockpit voice recorder that also— · (1) Meets the requirements of §23.1459(d)(6) or §25.1457(d)(6) of this chapter, as applicable; and
  • 25. 25 · (2) If transport category, meets the requirements of §25.1457(a)(3), (a)(4), and (a)(5) of this chapter. (i) All airplanes or rotorcraft required by this section to have a cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder, that are manufactured on or after April 7, 2010, must have a cockpit voice recorder installed that also— · (1) Is installed in accordance with the requirements of §23.1459 (except for paragraphs (a)(6) and (d)(5)); §25.1457 (except for paragraphs (a)(6) and (d)(5)); §27.1457 (except for paragraphs (a)(6) and (d)(5)); or §29.1457 (except for paragraphs (a)(6) and (d)(5)) of this chapter, as applicable; and · (2) Retains at least the last 2 hours of recorded information using a recorder that meets the standards of TSO-C123a, or later revision. · (3) For all airplanes or rotorcraft manufactured on or after April 6, 2012, also meets the requirements of §23.1459(a)(6) and (d)(5); §25.1457(a)(6) and (d)(5); §27.1457(a)(6) and (d)(5); or §29.1457(a)(6) and (d)(5) of this chapter, as applicable. (j) All airplanes or rotorcraft required by this section to have a cockpit voice recorder and a flight data recorder, that install datalink communication equipment on or after April 6, 2012, must record all datalink messages as required by the certification rule applicable to the aircraft. (k) An aircraft operated under this part under deviation authority from part 125 of this chapter must comply with all of the applicable flight data recorder requirements of part 125 applicable to the aircraft, notwithstanding such deviation authority.
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  • 38. 38 BAB IV Deskripsi Jenis Pengujian Dan Tempat Pengujian Asumsi Environmental Testing Gambar 4.1 Environmental Testing 4.1 Temperature • Tests according to: -- RTCA DO-160, section 4 and 6 ● FDR dan CVR ditempatkan pada pembakar propana dengan ketentuan : 1. 260 derajat celcius selama 10 jam 2. 1100 derajat celcius selama 1 jam
  • 39. 39 Gambar 4.2 Temperature Testing 4.2 Humidity • Tests according to: -- RTCA DO-160, section 6 ● FDR dan CVR diuji dengan ketentuan : 1. Kondisi awal 38℃ dengan 85% Relative Humidity selama 2 jam 2. Diubah perlahan menjadi 65℃ dengan 95% Relative Humidity selama 6 jam 3. Lalu diubah perlahan kembali menjadi 38℃ dengan Relative Humidity 85% selama 16 jam 4. Ulangi sebanyak 10 siklus Gambar 4.3 Contoh Humidity Testing
  • 40. 40 4.3 Salt Spray • Tests according to: -- RTCA DO-160, section 14 ● FDR dan CVR diuji ketahanan terhadap air asin dengan ketentuan : 1. Ditaruh pada tangki air asin selama 30 hari gaambar 4.4 Contoh tes salt spray 4.4 Fluids Susceptibility • Tests according to: -- RTCA DO-160, section 11 ● FDR dan CVR dicelupkan pada fluida dengan ketentuan : 1. Berbagai macam fluida seperti bahan bakar dan pelumas selama 48 jam
  • 41. 41 Gambar 4.5 fluid susceptibility test 4.5 Altitude ,Decompression & Overpressure • Test according: -- RTCA DO-160G section 4 ● FDR dan CVR diuji pada dekompresi dengan ketentuan : 1. Dekompresi sesuai dengan operasi pada 55000 ft 2. Dekompresi berlangsung selama 2 detik 3. Power, Thermocouples, Data Signal, Cooling water, Video dan USB dapat beroperasi pada kondisi vakum 4. Maximum operasi pada ketinggian 60000 ft Gambar 4.6 altitude, decompression, & overpressure test 4.6 Icing • Tests according to:
  • 42. 42 -- RTCA DO-160, section 24, Category: C -- RTCA DO-160, section 24, Category: B on agreement ● FDR dan CVR diuji pada climate chamber dan disemprot dengan cooled spray Gambar 4.7 test for icing 4.7 Waterproofness • Tests according to: -- RTCA DO-160, section 11, Category: Y, W, R and S ● FDR dan CVR diuji dengan berbagai waterproof test dengan ketentuan : 1. Temperatur air tidak lebih dari 50℃ 2. Dilakukan Condensing Waterproof test 3. Lalu dilakukan Drip proof test 4. Dilanjutkan dengan Spray proof test dan Continuous stream proof test
  • 43. 43 Gambar 4.8 waterproof testing 4.8 Vibration Shock Test • Tests according to: -- RTCA DO-160G ● FDR dan CVR diuji pada alat VST dengan ketentuan : 1. Digetarkan secara sinus kurang dari 30 menit 2. Digetarkan dengan level performa acak selama minimal 10 menit 3. Lalu digetarkan pada level ketahanan selama 3 jam 4. Ulangi untuk 3 sumbu Gambar 4.9 vibration shock test
  • 44. 44 4.9 Flammability Resistant • Tests according to: -- RTCA DO-160 ● FDR dan CVR diuji pada 3 kondisi yaitu : 1. Fire Proof, Benda diuji dengan komponen untuk operasi terpasang, api dinyalakan dengan level normal selama 15 menit 2. Fire Resistant, Benda diuji dengan komponen untuk operasi terpasang, api dinyalakan selama 5 menit. Setelah dilakukan uji, tanpa memadamkan api, kalibrasi terhadap temperatur api dilakukan. Lalu benda di inspeksi untuk membuktikan bahwa tidak ada kebocoran atau benda tidak terus terbakar selama lebih dari 5 menit setelahnya 3. Flammability Test, Benda dimasukkan ke ruang uji dan diletakkan 3 inchi dari burner lalu tutup ruang uji dan nyalakan burner selama 12 detik. Lalu dilihat bagaimana degradasi materialnya. Gambar 4.10 flammability test 4.10 Software Qualification • Tests according to: -- RTCA DO-178B ● FDR dan CVR harus memiliki kualifikasi software sebagai berikut : 1. Compatibility with the high-level requirements 2. Consistency 3. Compatibility with the target computer 4. Verifiability: The objective is to ensure that the software architecture can be verified 5. Conformance to standards 6. Partitioning integrity
  • 45. 45 Pass/Fail Testing Criteria Berdasarkan TO 00-25-234 yang diterbitkan oleh U.S Air Force tentang Pass/Fail testing pada perangkat elektronik avionik, ada 3 macam kriteria Pass/Fail condition yaitu : 1. Visual Inspection • Untuk memastikan bahwa unit bebas dari cacat secara kasat mata • Dilakukan dengan cara verifikasi labeling, berat dan dimensi • Dalam perbesaran hingga 10x amati seluruh permukaan kritikal dari unit yang diuji • Unit dikatakan lulus jika tidak menunjukan tanda-tanda mengalami stress melebihi design limit (cracked circuit boards, loose connectors and/or screws, bent clamps and/or screws, worn parts, etc.) 2. Functional Testing • Bertujuan untuk memastikan unit berfungsi pada batas design tolerance • Dilakukan dengan cara memberikan input/stimulus pada unit untuk mengukur outputnya • Unit dikatakan lulus jika output respon menghasilkan data sesuai dengan technical data specification dari unit yang diuji 3. Environtmental Stress Screening (ESS) • Bertujuan untuk menguji unit pada fenomena fisik lingkungan dalam kondisi operasi ( vibration, temperature, humidity, altitude etc.) • Dilakukan dengan cara simulasi pada kondisi lingkungan unit operasi dengan beberapa kali siklus pengulangan • Unit dikatakan lulus jika berhasil lulus pada Visual Inpection dan Functional Testing sebelum, saat dan setelah ESS Instansi dan fasilitas Pengujian : TÜV SÜD dan anak perusahaannya PT TÜV SÜD Indonesia
  • 46. 46 Gambar 4.11 TuvSud company TÜV SÜD is a partner for safety, security and sustainability solutions. Over the last 150 years, TÜV SÜD have added value to our partners and customers through a comprehensive portfolio of testing, certification, auditing and advisory services. TÜV SÜD have enabled progress in society and businesses by staying true to our purpose of protecting people, the environment and assets from technology-related risks. TÜV SÜD provide a comprehensive range of environmental testing services, including: ● HALT and HASS testing ● Life testing ● Production monitoring ● Shock and vibration testing ● Vibration testing of all types of technical products, including laser vibrometry ● Standards compliance testing ● Testing during design and development ● Transport simulation ● Climatic testing ● Temperature testing ● Humidity testing ● Thermal shocks ● Temperature cycling test ● Five-point margin testing ● On-going reliability test ● Low pressure test ● Accelerated life test ● Weathering ● Corrosion testing ● Condensation testing under constant or cyclic climatic conditions ● Salt-spray test ● Ingress protection certification (e.g. IP 65) ● Dust protection ● Water protection ● Combined environmental testing ● Vibration testing under thermal and climatic stress conditions
  • 47. 47 ● Extremes of temperature, altitude, humidity & temperature cycling
  • 48. 48 BAB V Kesimpulan dan saran 5.1 Kesimpulan Black Box merupakan salah satu komponen Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) pada pesawat terbang. Komponen ini terdiri atas Flight Data Recorder (FDR) dan Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR). FDR menyimpan setidaknya 88 parameter penerbangan (yang dapat menunjukkan posisi dan orientasi pesawat) selama 24 jam terakhir. Sementara itu, CVR menyimpan data ‘suara’ 2 jam terakhir dari kokpit. Data-data yang disimpan oleh masing- masing FDR dan CVR menjadi kunci utama untuk memudahkan proses investigasi ketika terjadi kecelakaan pesawat terbang. Data-data yang diperlukan untuk memproduksi Black Box terdapat pada TSO-C123c dan TSO-C124c paragraf ke-5. Salah satu produsen dalam negeri adalah PT Aering. Sementara itu, produsen luar negeri contohnya adalah Universal Avionics System Corporation, Honeywell, L3 Harris, dll 5.2 Saran Untuk bersaing dengan produsen luar negeri, PT Aering perlu melakukan perkembangan produksinya menjadi produksi Black Box secara utuh. Hal ini memang sulit dan akan memakan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Namun, untuk menjadi negara yang maju dan mandiri di dunia dirgantara, hal ini merupakan langkah yang bagus. Pembuatan dan peningkatan ulang kualitas fasilitas pengujian untuk sertifikasi dapat memudahkan pembuatan Black Box. Hal ini juga dapat mendorong produsen Black Box yang sudah ada di Indonesia untuk berkembang, serta mendorong terbentuknya produsen-produsen asal Indonesia yang baru. Dengan demikian, industri dirgantara Indonesia pun dapat berkembang.
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