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Dr. Mohamed Elfiky
Professor of anatomy and embryology
Dr. Mohamed Elfiky
Professor of anatomy and embryology
Ischio-rectal fossa , pelvic
floor and blood supply of
pelvis and perineum
Symphysis pubis
Tip of sacrum
Ischial tubersity Ischial tubersity
Urogenital Triangle
Anal Triangle
Anal Canal Ischio-rectal fossa
Mohamed el fiky
Mohamed el fiky
ischiorectal foss
Ischio-rectal Fossa
Anal Triangle
Mohamed el fiky
Mohamed el fiky
Shape & position :
- It is a wedge - shaped space situated one on each side of the anal canal. - It has an apex (directed upwards) , base ( directed
downwards) & 4 walls (ant. , post., med. & lateral).
Ischio-rectal Fossa
(1) The Base : directed downwards & formed by the
perineal skin and fascia on the side of the anal orifice.
(2) The Apex: directed upwards (forming the edge of the
wedge) it is formed by the meeting of the med & lat.
walls of the fossa i.e the origin of levator ani from the
obturator facia.
(3) Ant-wall: formed by the post. border of the perineal
membrane & the superficial & deep transversus perinei
muscles (superficial & deep to the membrane).
(4) Post-wall: formed by the sacrotuberus lig. and the
lower border of gluteus maximus m. (overlapping the lig)
(5) lat-wall: (vertical): formed by the obturator internus
m. & the obturator fascia covering it including the
pudendal canal.
(6) Medial wall: sloping, formed by : the levator ani m.
(in the upper 2/3) & the external anal sphincter ( in the
lower 1/3)
Mohamed el fiky
Contents of the Ischio-rectal fossa
(1) Semiliquid pad of fat: allows distension of the anal canal
during defecation.
(2) Inferior rectal nerve:
• Arises from the pudendal n. in the post part of the pudendal
canal It traverses the fossa from lat. to med where it enters
the ext anal sphincter (supplying it).
(3) Inf. .rectal artery & vein:
Arise from the internal pduendal vessels in the pudendal
canal Accompany the inf. rectal n. across the fossa to
reach the anal canal & the skin around the anus.
(4) Scrotal (labial) nerve & vessels:
• Arise in the pudendal canal in the lat. wall of the fossa.
• They pass forwards in the ant. part of the fossa to reach the
superficial perineal pouch.
(5) perineal branch of S4 :
• pierces the coccygeus muscle to enter the post. part of the
ischiorectal fossa.
• It supplies the ext. anal sphincter & the skin behind the
Mohamed el fiky
Dorsal nerve of penis or clitoris
Internal pudendal
Pudendal Nerve
Posterior scrotal
Origin: arises as one of the 2 terminal branches of the sacral plexus S.2, 3, 4.
Termination: ends in the pudendal canal by dividing into 2 terminal branches:
(1) Darsal n. of penis. (2) Perineal n.
Course & relations:
(1) It accompanies the internal pudendal artery as far as the pudandal canal
in the lat. wall of ischio-rectal fossa having the same course.
(2) It ends in the posterior part of the pudendal canal by dividing into its 2
terminal branches.
Branches of Pudendal n.:
(1) Inf. rectal n.: arises in the pudendal canal near its beginning & traverses
the ischio-rectal fossa from lat. to med. It supplies:
(a) Inf. surface of levator ani m. (b) External anal sphincter.
(2) Perineal n.: the larger of the 2 terminal branches of pudendal n. It divides
(a) Scrotal (or labial) branches which run fowards to supply the skin of
scrotum or labium majus.
(b) Muscular branches: to all perineal muscles & sphircter urethrae.
(3) Dorsal n. of penis: (the smaller of the 2 berminal branches) : pierces the
ant. part of the perineal membrane to enter the superficial perineal pouch,
where it runs on the dorsum of the penis lat. to the dorsal a. It supplies
sensory fibers to the penis.
Dorsal Nerve of Penis
Pudendal Nerve
Posterior Scrotal Nerves
Inferior Rectal Nerve
Perineal Nerve
Pudendal Nerve
Mohamed el fiky
Deep and dorsal arteries of penis
Internal pudendal artery
Origin : it arises inside the pelvis as one of the 2 terminal branches of the
ant. division of internal iliac artery.
Course & relations:
(1) It leaves the pelvis : through the greater sciatic foramen below
piriformis m., to reach the gluteal region.
(2) In the gluteal region: it crosses the back of the ischial spine between the
pudendal n. medially & n. to obturator internus laterally.
(3) It leaves the gluteal region & enters the lesser sciatic foramen to reach
the perineum accompanied by the pudendal n.
(4) It enters the pudendal canal (in the lat. wall of the ischio rectal fossa)
form its post. end then runs forwards.
(5) Then, it enters the deep perineal pouch where it ascends along the
side of the pubic arch.
Termination: it ends by piercing the perineal membrane a short distance
below the symphysis pubis & dividing into deep & dorsal arteries of penis.
Mohamed el fiky
Posterior Scrotal Arteries
Perineal artery
Inferior rectal
Dorsal artery of penis
Deep artery of penis
Artery of the bulb of penis
Urethral artery
Branches of Internal pudendal artery
(1) Inf. rectal a.: arises in the post. part of the
pudendal canal. It traverses the ischio-rectal
fossa from lat. to med. to reach the anal canal
(supplying it).
(2) Scrotal (or labial) arteries: run in the
superficial perineal pouch accompanying the
corresponding nerves to supply the scrotum (or
labium majus).
(3) Artery of bulb: arises in the deep perineal
pouch & pierces the perineal membrane to enter
the bulb of penis.
(4) Deep artery of penis: one of the 2 terminal
branches after piercing the perineal memb. It
enters the crus of the penis to supply it.
(5) Dorsal artery of penis : the other terminal br.
of pudendal a. . It runs along the dorsal surface
of the penis.
Mohamed el fiky
It is a fascial tunnel in the lat. wall of the ischiorectal fossa transmitting the
pudendal n. & internal pudendal vessels.
Site & extent :
It lies just above the sacrotuberous lig. extending from the lesser sciatic foramen
to the post. border of the perineal membrane.
It is formed by the splitting of the fascia covering the obturator internus m. below
the tendinous arch-into 2 layers that envelop the pudendal n. & int. pud. vessels .
(1) pudendal n. : in the post. part of the canal, pudendal n. gives off the inf.
Rectal n. And then soon divides into a larger perineal n. & a smaller dorsal n. of
penis (or clitoris).
(2) Internal pudendal vessel: The int. pudendal a. gives off its inf. rectal branch
in the post-part of the canal. In the ant-part of the canal, the artery gives its
scrotal (or labial) branch.
Mohamed el fiky
1) Anterior pelvic wall
2) Lateral pelvic wall
3) Posterior wall
4) Pelvic floorMohamed el fiky
§ Pelvic floor is formed by pelvic
diaphragm which is composed of
Levator ani and Coccygeus
Origin: The muscle has a linear origin, which is
quite extensive and comprises of the following
Back of the body of pubis
Tendinous arch, which is formed by
thickening of fascia covering the
obturator internus muscle
Spine of ischium
From the extensive origin described above, the fibers sweep downward and medially to their insertion in three groups.
Anterior fibers :
The anterior fibers form the levator prostatae in males and sphincter vaginae in females. They form a sling around the
prostate or vagina respectively and are inserted the perineal body, in front of the anal canal.
The levator prostate, which is present in males supports the prostate gland and stabilizes the perineal body. The
sphincter vaginae, which is present in females, constricts the vagina and stabilizes the perineal body.
Mohamed el fiky
• Intermediate fibers: ( puborectalis and pubococcygeus )
These fibers form the puborectalis and pubococcygeus parts of the levator ani. Puborectalis is in the form of a sling lying around
the junction of rectum and anal canal. Pubococcygeus passes posteriorly towards the coccyx and is inserted into a small fibrous mass
called the anococcygeal body. The anococcygeal body lies between the tip of coccyx and anal canal.
• Posterior fibers (Iliococcygeus ) :
Posterior fibers form the iliococcygeus part of the muscle. It is inserted into the anococcygeal body and the coccyx
• Nerve supply:
• Levator ani muscle is innervated by the perineal branch of the fourth sacral nerve. It also receives nerve fibers from the perineal branch
of pudendal nerve.
• Action:
1. The levatores ani of the two sides collectively form an efficient muscular support for pelvic viscera and thus helps them stay in position.
2. The sling-like and sphincter-like portions of the muscle have important role in continence.
3. In addition, it also resists the rise in intra-pelvic pressure during the staining and expulsive efforts of the abdominal muscles.
Mohamed el fiky
Internal Iliac Artery
External Iliac Artery
Common Iliac Artery
A- Internal Iliac Artery
Mohamed el fiky
Beginning: begins opposite the sacroiliac joint as one of terminal branches of the
common iliac artery. It is 4 cm long.
Termination: it ends at the upper margin of the greater sciatic foramen by dividing
into ant. & post. divisions.
Branches of Int. iliac artery
(A) Branches from the post. division : (Common in both sexes)
(1) Ilio lumar a.
(2) Lateral sacral arteries (all are parietal)
(3) Sup. gluteal a.
(1 ) Ilio-lumbar a. : Passes upwards & laterally in front of the sacro- iliac
joint, disappears deep to psoas major m., where it divides into 2 branches :
(a) Iliac br.: runs laterally deept to iliacus m. & divides into branches supplying this muscle.
(b) Lumbar br.: passes upwards between psoas major & quadratus lumborum supplying them.
(2) Lateral sacral arteries:
- These are 2 arteries which pass medially towards the ant. sacral foramina where each a.
divides into 2 branches.
- Each one of the resulting 4 arteries passes through an ant. sacral foramen to supply the
contents of the sacral canal.
- The terminal branches of these sacral arteries finally pass throught the post sacral foramina to
supply the muscles of the back.
Internal Iliac Artery
Mohamed el fiky
(3) Superior gluteal a.:
• It is the continuation of the post division of int iliac a
•• It passes between the lumbo-sacral trunk & the first sacral n.
•• Then it leaves the pelvis by passing through the greater sciatic
•foramen above the piriformins muscle to reach the gluteal region (see lower limb) .
B- Branches of the ant. division of internal iliac a.
(I) Parietal branches
(1) Obturator a.
(2) Internal pudendal a.
(3) Inf. gluteal a.
(II) Visceral branches
(1) Umbilical a. & its sup. vesical branches
(2) Middle rectal a.
(3) Inf. vesical a. in the male (replaced by the vaginal a . in the female).
(4) Uterine a. in the female.
(1) Obturator a.: Run forwards on the lat. wall of the lesser pelvis below & behind
the obturatror n.
• Passes through the obturator canal to enter the thigh. Branches:
(a) Pubic branch: ascends behind the sup. pubic ramus to anastomose with the
pubic br. of inf. epigastric a.
N.B: abnormal obturator a. may replace that artery.
(b) Vesical branch to the urinary bladder.
(c) Ant. & post. terminal branches outside the pelvis (deep to obt. externus m. )
(2) Inferior gluteal a . :
• One of the 2 terminal branches of ant. division of internal iliac a.
• Leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen below
• Enters the gluteal region to supply the gluteal muscles & shares in the
formation of iliac, cruciate & trochanteric anastomoses.
(3) Internal pudendal a. :
•• It is the second terminal br. of ant. division of int. iliac a.
•• Course & relations: See perineum.
(4) Umbilical a:
It is the highest br . of ant. division of internal iliac a .
It passes forwards on the side wall of pelvis then ascends upwards on the back of
ant. abd. wall as far up as the umbilicus
Its proximal part (1-2 cm.) is patent & gives off the sup. vesical a. to supply the
upper surface of the urinary bladder.
Its distal part is obliterated & called the lat. umbilical lig.
Mohamed el fiky
(5) Middle rectal a.:
• Runs medially to reach the middle part of the rectum.
• It supplies the rectum as well as the seminal vesicale & prostate.
• It anastomoses with the sup. & inf. rectal arteries.
(6) Inferior vesical a.:
• Supplies the base of the urinary bladder, seminal vesicle, lower part of the
ureter & prostate.
• It gives origin to the artery of vas deferens.
• In the female, this a. is replaced by the vaginal a.
(7)Vaginal a.:
Runs forwards & medially on levator ani then descends on the vagina. it also
sends branches to the inf. lat surface of the urinary bladder.
(8)Uterine a.: passes at first medially in the post attached border (root)
of the broad lig., crosses above the ureter ( 1 lat to the cervix) then
ascends in the med. border of the lig. & finally turns laterally in the
messosalpinx just below the fallopian tube. Mohamed el fiky
1- Iliolumbar Artery
2- Lateral Sacral Arteries
3- Superior Gluteal Artery
Branches of Internal Iliac Artery
i- Branches of The Posterior Division
Mohamed el fiky
1- Obturator Artery
pubic branch
vesical branch
ii- Branches of The Anterior Division
Mohamed el fiky
2- Umbilical Artery
The Lateral Umbilical Ligament
The Umbilicus
Superior Vesical Artery
ii- Branches of The Anterior Division
Mohamed el fiky
3- Inferior Vesical Artery (males only)
4- Vaginal Artery (females only)
5- Middle Rectal
ii- Branches of The Anterior Division
Mohamed el fiky
6- Internal Pudendal Artery
Ischial Spine
Pudendal Nerve
7- Inferior Gluteal Artery
ii- Branches of The Anterior Division
Mohamed el fiky
8- Uterine Artery
Root of Broad Ligament of the Uterus
ii- Branches of The Anterior Division
Mohamed el fiky

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anatomy of Perineum anal triangle

  • 1. Perineum Dr. Mohamed Elfiky Professor of anatomy and embryology
  • 2. Perineum Dr. Mohamed Elfiky Professor of anatomy and embryology Ischio-rectal fossa , pelvic floor and blood supply of pelvis and perineum
  • 3. Symphysis pubis Tip of sacrum Ischial tubersity Ischial tubersity Urogenital Triangle Anal Triangle Anal Canal Ischio-rectal fossa Urogenital triangle Anal triangle Mohamed el fiky
  • 7. Shape & position : - It is a wedge - shaped space situated one on each side of the anal canal. - It has an apex (directed upwards) , base ( directed downwards) & 4 walls (ant. , post., med. & lateral). Ischio-rectal Fossa Boundaries: (1) The Base : directed downwards & formed by the perineal skin and fascia on the side of the anal orifice. (2) The Apex: directed upwards (forming the edge of the wedge) it is formed by the meeting of the med & lat. walls of the fossa i.e the origin of levator ani from the obturator facia. (3) Ant-wall: formed by the post. border of the perineal membrane & the superficial & deep transversus perinei muscles (superficial & deep to the membrane). (4) Post-wall: formed by the sacrotuberus lig. and the lower border of gluteus maximus m. (overlapping the lig) (5) lat-wall: (vertical): formed by the obturator internus m. & the obturator fascia covering it including the pudendal canal. (6) Medial wall: sloping, formed by : the levator ani m. (in the upper 2/3) & the external anal sphincter ( in the lower 1/3) Mohamed el fiky
  • 8. Contents of the Ischio-rectal fossa (1) Semiliquid pad of fat: allows distension of the anal canal during defecation. (2) Inferior rectal nerve: • Arises from the pudendal n. in the post part of the pudendal canal It traverses the fossa from lat. to med where it enters the ext anal sphincter (supplying it). (3) Inf. .rectal artery & vein: Arise from the internal pduendal vessels in the pudendal canal Accompany the inf. rectal n. across the fossa to reach the anal canal & the skin around the anus. (4) Scrotal (labial) nerve & vessels: • Arise in the pudendal canal in the lat. wall of the fossa. • They pass forwards in the ant. part of the fossa to reach the superficial perineal pouch. (5) perineal branch of S4 : • pierces the coccygeus muscle to enter the post. part of the ischiorectal fossa. • It supplies the ext. anal sphincter & the skin behind the anus. Mohamed el fiky
  • 9. Dorsal nerve of penis or clitoris Internal pudendal vessels Pudendal Nerve Posterior scrotal nerves Origin: arises as one of the 2 terminal branches of the sacral plexus S.2, 3, 4. Termination: ends in the pudendal canal by dividing into 2 terminal branches: (1) Darsal n. of penis. (2) Perineal n. Course & relations: (1) It accompanies the internal pudendal artery as far as the pudandal canal in the lat. wall of ischio-rectal fossa having the same course. (2) It ends in the posterior part of the pudendal canal by dividing into its 2 terminal branches. Branches of Pudendal n.: (1) Inf. rectal n.: arises in the pudendal canal near its beginning & traverses the ischio-rectal fossa from lat. to med. It supplies: (a) Inf. surface of levator ani m. (b) External anal sphincter. (2) Perineal n.: the larger of the 2 terminal branches of pudendal n. It divides into: (a) Scrotal (or labial) branches which run fowards to supply the skin of scrotum or labium majus. (b) Muscular branches: to all perineal muscles & sphircter urethrae. (3) Dorsal n. of penis: (the smaller of the 2 berminal branches) : pierces the ant. part of the perineal membrane to enter the superficial perineal pouch, where it runs on the dorsum of the penis lat. to the dorsal a. It supplies sensory fibers to the penis.
  • 10. Dorsal Nerve of Penis Pudendal Nerve Posterior Scrotal Nerves Inferior Rectal Nerve Perineal Nerve Pudendal Nerve Mohamed el fiky
  • 11. Deep and dorsal arteries of penis Internal pudendal artery Origin : it arises inside the pelvis as one of the 2 terminal branches of the ant. division of internal iliac artery. Course & relations: (1) It leaves the pelvis : through the greater sciatic foramen below piriformis m., to reach the gluteal region. (2) In the gluteal region: it crosses the back of the ischial spine between the pudendal n. medially & n. to obturator internus laterally. (3) It leaves the gluteal region & enters the lesser sciatic foramen to reach the perineum accompanied by the pudendal n. (4) It enters the pudendal canal (in the lat. wall of the ischio rectal fossa) form its post. end then runs forwards. (5) Then, it enters the deep perineal pouch where it ascends along the side of the pubic arch. Termination: it ends by piercing the perineal membrane a short distance below the symphysis pubis & dividing into deep & dorsal arteries of penis. Mohamed el fiky
  • 12. Posterior Scrotal Arteries Perineal artery Inferior rectal artery Dorsal artery of penis Deep artery of penis Artery of the bulb of penis Urethral artery Branches of Internal pudendal artery (1) Inf. rectal a.: arises in the post. part of the pudendal canal. It traverses the ischio-rectal fossa from lat. to med. to reach the anal canal (supplying it). (2) Scrotal (or labial) arteries: run in the superficial perineal pouch accompanying the corresponding nerves to supply the scrotum (or labium majus). (3) Artery of bulb: arises in the deep perineal pouch & pierces the perineal membrane to enter the bulb of penis. (4) Deep artery of penis: one of the 2 terminal branches after piercing the perineal memb. It enters the crus of the penis to supply it. (5) Dorsal artery of penis : the other terminal br. of pudendal a. . It runs along the dorsal surface of the penis. Mohamed el fiky
  • 13. Definition: It is a fascial tunnel in the lat. wall of the ischiorectal fossa transmitting the pudendal n. & internal pudendal vessels. Site & extent : It lies just above the sacrotuberous lig. extending from the lesser sciatic foramen to the post. border of the perineal membrane. Formation: It is formed by the splitting of the fascia covering the obturator internus m. below the tendinous arch-into 2 layers that envelop the pudendal n. & int. pud. vessels . Contents: (1) pudendal n. : in the post. part of the canal, pudendal n. gives off the inf. Rectal n. And then soon divides into a larger perineal n. & a smaller dorsal n. of penis (or clitoris). (2) Internal pudendal vessel: The int. pudendal a. gives off its inf. rectal branch in the post-part of the canal. In the ant-part of the canal, the artery gives its scrotal (or labial) branch. Mohamed el fiky
  • 14. WALL OF PELVIC CAVITY 1) Anterior pelvic wall 2) Lateral pelvic wall 3) Posterior wall 4) Pelvic floorMohamed el fiky
  • 15. PELVIC FLOOR § Pelvic floor is formed by pelvic diaphragm which is composed of Levator ani and Coccygeus Origin: The muscle has a linear origin, which is quite extensive and comprises of the following structures: Back of the body of pubis Tendinous arch, which is formed by thickening of fascia covering the obturator internus muscle Spine of ischium LEVATOR ANI MUSCLE Insertion: From the extensive origin described above, the fibers sweep downward and medially to their insertion in three groups. Anterior fibers : The anterior fibers form the levator prostatae in males and sphincter vaginae in females. They form a sling around the prostate or vagina respectively and are inserted the perineal body, in front of the anal canal. The levator prostate, which is present in males supports the prostate gland and stabilizes the perineal body. The sphincter vaginae, which is present in females, constricts the vagina and stabilizes the perineal body. Mohamed el fiky
  • 16. LEVATOR ANI MUSCLE • Intermediate fibers: ( puborectalis and pubococcygeus ) These fibers form the puborectalis and pubococcygeus parts of the levator ani. Puborectalis is in the form of a sling lying around the junction of rectum and anal canal. Pubococcygeus passes posteriorly towards the coccyx and is inserted into a small fibrous mass called the anococcygeal body. The anococcygeal body lies between the tip of coccyx and anal canal. • Posterior fibers (Iliococcygeus ) : Posterior fibers form the iliococcygeus part of the muscle. It is inserted into the anococcygeal body and the coccyx • Nerve supply: • Levator ani muscle is innervated by the perineal branch of the fourth sacral nerve. It also receives nerve fibers from the perineal branch of pudendal nerve. • Action: 1. The levatores ani of the two sides collectively form an efficient muscular support for pelvic viscera and thus helps them stay in position. 2. The sling-like and sphincter-like portions of the muscle have important role in continence. 3. In addition, it also resists the rise in intra-pelvic pressure during the staining and expulsive efforts of the abdominal muscles. Mohamed el fiky
  • 18. Internal Iliac Artery External Iliac Artery Common Iliac Artery Aorta anterior posterior A- Internal Iliac Artery Mohamed el fiky
  • 19. Beginning: begins opposite the sacroiliac joint as one of terminal branches of the common iliac artery. It is 4 cm long. Termination: it ends at the upper margin of the greater sciatic foramen by dividing into ant. & post. divisions. Branches of Int. iliac artery (A) Branches from the post. division : (Common in both sexes) (1) Ilio lumar a. (2) Lateral sacral arteries (all are parietal) (3) Sup. gluteal a. (1 ) Ilio-lumbar a. : Passes upwards & laterally in front of the sacro- iliac joint, disappears deep to psoas major m., where it divides into 2 branches : (a) Iliac br.: runs laterally deept to iliacus m. & divides into branches supplying this muscle. (b) Lumbar br.: passes upwards between psoas major & quadratus lumborum supplying them. (2) Lateral sacral arteries: - These are 2 arteries which pass medially towards the ant. sacral foramina where each a. divides into 2 branches. - Each one of the resulting 4 arteries passes through an ant. sacral foramen to supply the contents of the sacral canal. - The terminal branches of these sacral arteries finally pass throught the post sacral foramina to supply the muscles of the back. Internal Iliac Artery Mohamed el fiky
  • 20. (3) Superior gluteal a.: • It is the continuation of the post division of int iliac a •• It passes between the lumbo-sacral trunk & the first sacral n. •• Then it leaves the pelvis by passing through the greater sciatic •foramen above the piriformins muscle to reach the gluteal region (see lower limb) . B- Branches of the ant. division of internal iliac a. (I) Parietal branches (1) Obturator a. (2) Internal pudendal a. (3) Inf. gluteal a. (II) Visceral branches (1) Umbilical a. & its sup. vesical branches (2) Middle rectal a. (3) Inf. vesical a. in the male (replaced by the vaginal a . in the female). (4) Uterine a. in the female. (1) Obturator a.: Run forwards on the lat. wall of the lesser pelvis below & behind the obturatror n. • Passes through the obturator canal to enter the thigh. Branches: (a) Pubic branch: ascends behind the sup. pubic ramus to anastomose with the pubic br. of inf. epigastric a. N.B: abnormal obturator a. may replace that artery. (b) Vesical branch to the urinary bladder. (c) Ant. & post. terminal branches outside the pelvis (deep to obt. externus m. )
  • 21. (2) Inferior gluteal a . : • One of the 2 terminal branches of ant. division of internal iliac a. • Leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen below piriformis. • Enters the gluteal region to supply the gluteal muscles & shares in the formation of iliac, cruciate & trochanteric anastomoses. (3) Internal pudendal a. : •• It is the second terminal br. of ant. division of int. iliac a. •• Course & relations: See perineum. (4) Umbilical a: It is the highest br . of ant. division of internal iliac a . It passes forwards on the side wall of pelvis then ascends upwards on the back of ant. abd. wall as far up as the umbilicus Its proximal part (1-2 cm.) is patent & gives off the sup. vesical a. to supply the upper surface of the urinary bladder. Its distal part is obliterated & called the lat. umbilical lig. Mohamed el fiky
  • 22. (5) Middle rectal a.: • Runs medially to reach the middle part of the rectum. • It supplies the rectum as well as the seminal vesicale & prostate. • It anastomoses with the sup. & inf. rectal arteries. (6) Inferior vesical a.: • Supplies the base of the urinary bladder, seminal vesicle, lower part of the ureter & prostate. • It gives origin to the artery of vas deferens. • In the female, this a. is replaced by the vaginal a. (7)Vaginal a.: Runs forwards & medially on levator ani then descends on the vagina. it also sends branches to the inf. lat surface of the urinary bladder. (8)Uterine a.: passes at first medially in the post attached border (root) of the broad lig., crosses above the ureter ( 1 lat to the cervix) then ascends in the med. border of the lig. & finally turns laterally in the messosalpinx just below the fallopian tube. Mohamed el fiky
  • 23. 1- Iliolumbar Artery 2- Lateral Sacral Arteries 3- Superior Gluteal Artery S1 S2 Branches of Internal Iliac Artery i- Branches of The Posterior Division Mohamed el fiky
  • 24. 1- Obturator Artery S1 S2 pubic branch vesical branch ii- Branches of The Anterior Division Mohamed el fiky
  • 25. 2- Umbilical Artery The Lateral Umbilical Ligament The Umbilicus Superior Vesical Artery ii- Branches of The Anterior Division Mohamed el fiky
  • 26. 3- Inferior Vesical Artery (males only) S1 S2 4- Vaginal Artery (females only) 5- Middle Rectal ii- Branches of The Anterior Division Mohamed el fiky
  • 27. 6- Internal Pudendal Artery Ischial Spine Pudendal Nerve 7- Inferior Gluteal Artery ii- Branches of The Anterior Division Mohamed el fiky
  • 28. 8- Uterine Artery Ureter Root of Broad Ligament of the Uterus Cervix ii- Branches of The Anterior Division Mohamed el fiky