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Oilg E, $sn Ursrr
J.OR 'LARS201I TO 2023
Sponsoed by The Conminee on Housing, Land and Utuan Developnenr
(CouncilorsEdg.rdoV Soriano, RichtudF Pmltd and Ferdinand A vel0sco)
and CounciloB Anselo E. Agqor li. Anhur Allredo E. Aqurno. Rolando M Bemado.
Leonardo C Celles, lan€lla Ejercno EsrBda, WilLiam C Go. MicnaeJ Crisropher R Mathay.
Mcrie O'neal S. Mendoa. Iose u/anen P Villa and Chamiane Charlene B Gonalcs
wl.lEREAS, the Execudve Commitee and rhe city Derelophenl coucil. through
Resolution No CDC42-002 has recomended lhc apprcEl ollhe ConDrehensive Land Use
Plan (CLLr?) ofinc Cil! of San Juon for $e Ytr6 201j io 2orr:
WIIEREAS, rour (4) public co.sullalion meetings ivere conducred dnd rhe sane vee
afiended by various interagencies ol the nalonal govemenr. banneay representauves, non
golemmenral orcaizarrons and Esidenrs ofdiffer€nl baransay u tsofrhecrtyofs rJuan.
WHEREAS, iile (5) en banc hearings *€E likervise conducled h! $e Sanggmiang
Panlungsod presidcd over by Crt_v Vice Mayor Francisco Javier M zamora and th€ Commilroc
on Housine, Landard Urban Delelopnent $hich ras anended b] the Execurle Conmltcc and
rhe Ciry Developmenl Council rn order lo rerielv $d 10 make the necessary amendnenE ro rhe
recommended Comprchensi!. Land Use Plan (CLUP)
NOW TIiERF.FORE, the Sangguniang Panlnngsod in session dul t assemb led, do herebt
ADOP'IS and APPROVES lhe Cofrpiehensle Land Us Plan (CLUI)offie Cily ol San Juan
lor2013lo2023.copyoafiichconsslm8oflourll)volumesmnelJ-Volunel Proposed
Comprehensive Land Use Plan(CLUP)] Volum€ 2 - Secronl Srudies: Volume4 Annexesand
volune 5 DleslcrConlnaency Plan is hereby deched as an inrc8@lpafi ofrhk Resolurion
')tffi) ))/,:,)
. HApMrANr.Hidllftl * rirr'i7^r Fs
Cin Councilor
tl-I,tAllt c, co
loso ulrbltLn r. r tr r
.--.2 & (22--
Ass. MJr.'rr Floor LF.d.4
Sccrctarr to the Cilv
sEP 2 { 20ll
City Government of San fuan
(umprchen.i,e Lro tse Plsn
l-imiled land aea,lraliic coneesron. floodins. and proliilrarion ofintomal settteB nre among
lhe biggesl chailenges forrcsidqnts olSanluan Civ
The ]-and Use Pla oI San Juan Clly nrotoses $e deltlol]hcnr ot sDeciatized communn
.rr.',.noI( -.c'lroor rc.tJ (onn inc.!heer,oe..r"r Le sor..4.t ].ri
be crcakd based on thespccilic specialialion Each clun{sillaLso have ns or urb.n
center. lhis cu be achieled by zoning .reas inro mired-use delelopnenls, alto*inB various
Iand uses su.h as esidenrial. commercial, insfiulional. and open spaccs Ar rhe same nme
inaormal scde.s !,ill beEloered in socialized houses $aregicalll loQrcd Lv'rh'nrheciry. These
specralized comnnnilics ra.g. fton medium lo hrsh densit! comnercidl mixed nsc arcas,
residenri.l mired-usc areas, and waiedront dcvclopment
Majornt ol the land use in San Ju.i still locus on Esdential uses ($hich are present in alt
barangays). ]lo€!er, rro sigjficant changes are proFosed lvhrch lre the shift rowards
densification of residenLial llnd uses and mNed-uses  fi pedoninlting rcsidential uses
(eplained on its onn section).
High Denrtr ResideDlial (R3l use is proposed io become $c mininufl land use densiry
Appuns such increasod densily fill srimulate veftical developnenrs and condominium stylc
dsrllings This rvill provrde additional residential and dwellhg spaces lb. satr Jxm residen(.
cvcnruall] addinglo rhe alrcady scarce esidenllalareas olthe city Through rcnical urbanisn.
lhe ciq lvill avoid urban spnNi and galn Dore gieen open spaces Higher rnte.s,il uscs aE
sugsened ro be locatedalong m{or roads and rn arers acce$ibic to iail sralonsand ifferrnodal
Onlt a i'ei .reas in San ruan will be consideied lor lieulrr rcsidenlial uses MaJonry or rand
uses besde Emrano Crcc( ln Baaneay Geednills are zoned as Rr The greening and
developmenl of creekide areas prclide high rccrcalioml an.nily $a1ls req conducile lbr
Esideniial conccnlradons, hence iocaiing such resideftial uses in such areas Orhe, h rsh -densilr
residenrial areas in this baranaay m loud alons Eisenhowq and Jackson Steec.
Resrdenlral use aes are also nore organizrd .nd concenrtued on cerkin arcas lnsrcad .l
spomdic allocaliotr of residenrill uses. such lrss are concenrated on mulriplc rdjaceflblocks
'ihe comenrarion of inuillple medium{esidenrial arus in Barangar M!tun!s is a sood
examFle olhs areas Fnh residentiol concentralions arc ibmd in Baan$]s Onse and Sia
Lucia, in the cenkal lrea oa Bara.eay Baris, Llftle Baguro, and Pedro Cnz, Balong tsato, and
Emlrano. Ccnanr blocks in $c nonhetu are, ol BaBnrar Salapan arc to he ptuI{xcd us Rl wirh
a FLoorAreaRatlool6, hecause ofllesmalldeplhsof thcblocks.
lhe rcsidenlial aEas prcpos.d wirh thc density are rn Addition rlilk. Grccnnllh and
Ar iresen! confrercial arqs are conccnrmted mostly along rho major roads. ercepl lor rhe
Gtenlills Slopprns Cenler Arex, trhich re lc to tnalic corgestio. Tlrldrdus pldo$ill
fiopose the developmcnl an,i disper.] ot.omrnercid centers i! staleeic !rcas rvithin rhe crg.,
iJ. l -ed'L rt. PFan . De.ilopn..or mrr r. L rare-"
is ! nioNsal ro $rcnerhei aid inlensilv lhe cunent u6an commercRl cente( 1rhr.h are
Greenhilk Shopping Area, Onig.s Avenuc, junction lrea of P cueam a.d Witson, F
Blmcnlitl, Nss Cny llall. gom, Aurora Boulcvard, rnd I R lz ilrban Bnerval rlnough lhe
implovenent olurbrn aestleric desisn and ptupersrEel Iishringr]llalso be nnpbmented in ihis
Eigh density coftmercial aEas *ill ilso bc csrablished cncompasing lhe lour barangays ol
Lirrie Basuio. sra Luci!. M.ltunas and Addiiio. Hllh These commercial csla6lishmenrs !itlb.
shllegically locared to bc widin elung disunce froD residential and residenlial mixed us
'lhese connercial developmenrs re aihed ar increasing rhe sellaustainabilir.v ol rhe cir,v in
lems olallcaiirs sFces Inr ecoiofrjc activnics The nenl to tmrcl lo orher fLacas lor Mrliing
an,j shopDinc $il lho be reduced
Commercial areas *ill be classified as Medim Dcisiq CommeEin (C2) or Htgh- Densill
CoDhercill (Cl) in lhe Zoning ordinance
TheE are no proposed erpaision of instnuronll Isd areas in rhc ciry since lnslnutons are
sumcicnr cnough ro caler lo govenmcni educarional, poli.e,
' edical, and orhcr ptrblic se(ice
needsofthecrty }_ulue insrilulionalarea needs $iilpromfl ex*dng uses io exFnd lcnicall!
Exi sting i nsli tuxons shal I be m aintained and inpro ved to service rhe pu6l ic These de the x a ! er
and lmha.uLa{e Con.€F.ron Academy area. thc new cit}, hall in Brey Corazon de Jesus.
Ciidin.l Saftos Medical Hospital, end Sannraio de slo Crisio lnd ,ts suroundrns rEas
Facilrties nr insxtulronal areas such as schooh, hospitals, iid goleminent otnces shall bc
upgraded to meet nE rceds olSan Juad City aj discu$etl in the Prcjeclion oflulure Scenaios
The conslrdion ola biggercny hllladjace.r lo rhe linaglabanan Shine in Brgy Corazonsill
also help rn exFondl.g the golemreni seNrces to Ihe public
Pirk! rnd Rec.ertion.l Ures
To rnaxrmize thc use ol vacanl lols and spaces lhen land uses sill L,e convefled rnio pdrts lnd
Ecrearion areas afier carctul er,lLLarion of hov lo.g such arels have been vacant or
underutillzcd lhe cil, govchhent can excrcisc ils polrets olexpropnarion and emineni domain
to mate use olu.derulilized for use lor pirks upon due p.occss and rilhin boeds ol lhc
liv Some lac,nl Aitas rhai arc pbposcd lo be convcited ihb Parks lnd Recreaion lreN are
concrlols loud in Bannsar_s Greenhilh, Addition Hilh, Mallulas.litlie Baguro, Coruon de
Jesus B,i.ngBal., Pedro Cruz, hd Sra l-ucia
More parksandopen spaces ae proposcd lhc Pinaglabanan Shnneareauillbe aned as Pa*s
andRe.Mtional Use. $hi.t is acorccljon fton i6 prelious aliomljon s ai il(irutionar
Parlis and ope. spsces funclion as lhc lunrs of lhc citv and as an arca aor.i!ic a.d $.ial
acrivnies ddiliona parts, open staces should be allocaEd hr rhe cil} aside rron lhe eristing
Pinaclabanan Shinc, Muntine LiwasannsBaunr SeJuan.and Ihe exisrin! bas*etbail couns in
sone bd gdls Asdc lioh tunctionrne ibr .ec.earionar pur1oses. lhcsc open spaces can dso
pronole health md $llness. act as buffe6, and sc c a a$enb]y and eacuarion arca durt.s
dNaies 1hus, efeclive spa.c desisn md accessibiliq shoutd bc co.sideed nr alocating rhes;
Path rvalls.ioggine lrails. and bitu kails shoutd bc deelopcd iorjun for rccrcaron bur 6 sell
us an allernatlve node oatmnsFon Design.rd plq aroas Ibr children. as well as open spaces tor
lamily pjcnrcs lnd othcr aciiviiies. *rll ako add to ihe tundrcnatity and vibrant atmospnere in
$c parks. Benches ma be nrovided pcoplc, includine rhe handicapped and eldertycould
relax. Commerial,reas could be estahlhhed around lhe Olrks, si.ce n is erFectcd thrt dema nds
for products a.d senrces xill increase one people yisn lrequenrlv As pln of dhNer
p.eparcdncss. these open spaccs should aho be incorpomted in rhc dEasrer mamgemenr plan 6
po$iblc evocuahon.rcas
incrcaserheaEas tbr parks and op€n staces, cx lsling govornmenr loG
uaoh bonng.y such
6 lhe baranear- halk should .1101 an aca xirhin rhc proliem for such usd Dtre b tnc linned
l.nd area ol the cny, rcof eardens should also IJe enconraged ro increase the areas for open
spaces, such should bc allocatd in areas rvnh hll huildings and larlc propeny spacus suoh as
Grcenhi I ls Shopp ine Cenler, Xavicr S. hool, and lm mac ulole Concepc io. Acaden y.
Spccial lnsiituiionat llses
rhre will be no epansion or addit'oill lond uscs dedicared lo Special In$itutiona tlses th.
Jbnns insfiulroml a&s of the Si Ju.r C il! .]!il (pNscm CrLr .]ar l) rn Brsy Conzon Je Jelus
and while Cro$ in Brgy t-ilrle Baguio rill be appropriarel] pruposed as land lnr sp€ciat
inslnrional ucs These leas arc principxllv lnr parlicullr !-pes oIin$itutional csrabtjshmen[
sn.h as utltile homes, orph ag.s,hohefor$caged,iehabilikdon,ndraininscente6,ortor
an! other usesthar may bc delemined br lhe Sanesu angPanlungsod.
lnt istru.tureand Utility l se3
Exisling lan,j allo(ed tbr rnaraslnrlue vill be Etaincd bu dre ioads and linkares wrll be
improved o facrlna(e acces ro ihe ciry Roads in poor condxon rill need lo b.
Coineclrviq' bet$€or najor roads in the cn)" such as Aurora Roulevard, N Donlngo Steet.
Santol.n Iload. Onigas Ave.ue, P'nlglaLrBnln Ro!d. L BlLLmentrt, P Guclada. Wlson Slr*t.
CoDnecricur Stieer, Annapolis Sreet, lnd EDSA siLl be promoted to link alt lhe bara.3ar's
Pede$rian $aliNays adjacenl to the roads Nnl be cnhanced ro complemenr the proposal ol
cr.dling h"ble rnd ndkable communnies in Sln Jurn City. Deremred biclcl. lanes  ll also
Lre prolided oncc feasible arcas ae idendfied 10 pmlide a !aie! ol ra.sponltion options tor
Ljntages oflhe citr to the nass lensil systons sloh as the J Ruiz Lli'l starlor (Purple l-ine
MRT-2) on Aurora isoulNard .nn $e Annapols slalion (Manila Mrr Bluc Lin..
MRll ) along EDSA will be sftnelhened by developing I mnsit Engaged Developnenrs (TED,
TEDSffixvdnousIanduscsinapcdeslrian-tiicndlt enlnonme .
Olhcr urilnlcs su.h as Marcnals Recolery racilly (MRI) $ill also 6e relalned The locar
govenmenhvill aho .eed lo allocalc lard for rhe MIi!_ ol cach baransay, as iequiftd by R A.
900:i. $e Ecological SoLd W'asle Manageneni Acl
Socir l ized Ilo usitrg Uses
No data a.luired No socializcd hou$ng zone was
alrhough suryers Ne'e co.dlcred Thc National
socralT€d housins sites in Brgy. WestCnme
reuecied on the Exntnr! Lmd Usc Plln
Housiry Aulhorill'eponcdly proride!
ro address rhe prol'lemtion ofinlomal sedles ivhofr ma oi ,rc vulnerabtc lo disaster and
arc living h poor condilion, land uses ror $c'dlred housing nale been rdentined These
socralzed holBing a.eas adherlng to gren pnncrpl€s can belound In badnelvs wesl Cmnq Si
roscFl Pl aid Balis 1hc prcposed arca oI3 89 ha lor socialzed housins is divided b€N€en
Barangay Si ,roseph, rvfh apgoximarely I 60 ha, and Bamngay West Cramc, apFrorimaFll
2:9ha Venical u6ankm will also be alplied in lhese arcas ro ftarlmize $e tmired space
Msed-uses will ako be alLocared on the eround noor of the delelopnenrs ro promote
comnercial activities ln rhe area. and rny orher pmpcq- $ar naybe exnmprialed and acqulrcd
thruugh emincnt domaln aid all otheraEas to be detemjned by ihe SangguDiane Pflnlunesod
illired-Lse Conn€rci!l Uses
Allocatrons lor mixed-use commcoial la.d uses $illbe applied Su.h land uses are lranslLioial
trses esp.ciallyaor mied,,lentiaitBnsiouing into cornnrrcial land lses These inixed-
use commercral ses ah Lre found bcsccn mixed-use residenthl and commercial Iand uses in
BaransalsGEenh Is. Kabaranan. Sta.l-ucia, Salapan, and Balong-Bato
Baransays Balone-B{o, Salapan. Emnado, Rivera, Prcgreso, san lerticto. and lhe P
Guemm-wilson commerc'aldistrict are to specialue on mlxed usedereloDmeitfi cenrer on
ofllccs, BPOS sone retail and orhcr se^,iccs Compleme.ring comneEial esrablnhmens such
as cafes. rcnaufrnts. and smdilgrooei] slorcsrvillbe allocaled infiese areas ro promolel.l-hdur
Ar lea( sevenq, perocnt oflhe noor aE. of rhe eiablishn.nrs under lhis land lse cla$ficarion
are lor corntoercial use. rvhile rhiny perccnt may bc loi residential or insiilutroill uses.
Mred-use.oirmcrcial aEas rll be ol!$rfied 6 Mediun Denrl! Cornmerial Mixed- llse
Zone (C2 MxD) or rligh Densily Coinmercial Mixed-Usc zone(cr MxD) in de zonhg
ordinance Mediuh Densl_w Commercial lvlixed-Uses can be lound in Batueays Addnion tlills., Onse. and Sla Lucia Hign Density Commerc'al Mired-Uscs on thc otherhand can
be round in GEetrhills Lntle Baguio, Balis, mosl ol Sai Pe.Iedo,Poseso, west Crame. RiveD
Balong-Baio. Salapan, and the strelches ofN. Dom'nao andlinrglabanxn Onlr- a tcw asas arc
alloca$dasHigh Densirt Mxed-Use Coinmerciol. rvhich can he lou.d i. Baranslr,s creenhilk.
Addrtion Urlls. Little Basuro, Saiis, libagan, aDdRivcra
ivircd-tc Rcsidcntial Uscs
Beca6e the proposed thrun will also be on densincarion, mo$ residenrial areas rill be
conrcrtcd inio mred nscs Rcsidcnlia 0nih arc Dqtrircn ro provldc tirl, pcrcenl ofldd dcas
to commerclal or in$iturio.alactjllties, while rhe majonlr or seventy perceni oirhe land uses
rillbc dcdicalcd to rcsidcntial uses Tlris  ll bc do.c Lo encoumge smail admedrum{cale
commeoal adi{ties in residental aras 'lhis sill conLribute to rhe compact devetopnmt oI
Baraigals Pasadena, Comzon do.resus, Onse. habelii!. St loseph, Tibagan, and pans ofPedrc
Cruz Hll speciolize on nixed usc developnents tlBt locL6 on venical reidenlial developmsnts
lo house fio Pinaelabanan and Ciry Hatl p.Bomel
Mred'use resdential seas *ill be cla$ified as High Densiq Residential Mixed Use Zone (R3
MXD) in theZoning Odinance.
Plamed L nil Developnent
'lhe a@ of Agoia including lhe San Juan Elenrertary School and syd sretchins rovards San
ruan River yillbe assiened as a Pla .eJUnil Developmenl (PUD) which pennits rexibilit, in
planning and design 'l'his will be the only aea in San Jun thar will b€ assiened as a Pianded
Unl Developmenl Pleasc relu to $e Pnority Areas lor Dcrclopmem Chapler lor funher dctails
of rhe PLrD orea ol Agora
Erisiingr Blsed on the Existing Lrnd tr3ePlrn, areas w€r€ provided bur €ncroached unon.
The ciq slDll co pt! wiln rational aid local las ree!.dile the dGtaDce oaeasem.nis for rhe
San Juan Rlver, MMunas Ceek, and Emibno Creek MMDA Resoluiion No 3 slares that the
San Iuan River berng a major tflburul- olP$is River, should have a cofiinuous l0meler
Enlionmeital Presetuaion AJca (EPA), dctc.mined liotu its exElins banl. Liner parks.
x€lkNays. rcads. or gleenbells conducive to transpon. recMtion, and rouism an be developed
ElA !1lcvise, tsidenlial uses, senice lacililies, and pollulive aclivilies are notallowed in this
area Meanshile a l-meler qsemenl lbr Ma]rums and Emilafro Crcck on both sids is equned.
Jl lo.neter leg.l e*ehefi for nlcrbanks
1) Easetuenls should alldr lehiclc acces for dredging and conslru.lion &tiviries Arcade
struclures should har€ mple height allo$lnce tbrvehioles duing dEdging aad consftuction
2) lnr.riin dcsign lor sl@tres on easetoenh hrybe allowed during tne noncomplian.€ F€.iod
l) The l0 ne1s *sene adFe ihe nvo and l-mcter easenlent beside $e cEeks Mll rc1 as
lriendly venues for $!lkine, joggiig, md o$s physical exscises Adeqmre srops and re$s
lhroueh pockel mrks and @rearon stations rvrll be allowcd
Cl6ed Gatcd Subdivisions
Galed residenrial bdivisions are a comon sight rn San JMn, esnecially in the eostcm pan ol
lhe cilv thal consists ofAarangar Greednlls Ihis is becausc oilhe rcsidenr'siielingofneed for
security md c$lusrity. Cared subdivisions have creared supcirlocks ar the co{ or
l.accessibrhl_a lor pedeslians, moldists, and resideits olsuroundingcommunnies
I is signiticantly andobvrouslr rdeal ro cEare a safe neighhorhood Hovever, gfied subdivisions
cnn have negalive jfrpads jn ihc fom of scgrcgation in bolh ! and social sene rl nol
nramged in an appropnare nanner. Developing garcd commu nes aohtes the residenis lronr
anl interaciion lrom the su oundins lres and reduces the ratfic florv. crearing a more
As ! resuk, exislinBgaled residential srbdivisions
incEased and enhanced acess lr'hilst $aintain
Rcinoving gared subdivisio.s rrom lhe city and
selcral difercnt schmes; however each needs
in San Juan necd to be eradually opened for
$e lelel of secunty irs Esidenrs exFer
any asocialed problems can be lackled in
the coop.rarion ol ns residents and local
The sradual oDeningolclosed gAred corbunnles shall rncluderhe follosni!
Gradul oponing ofall closed gales and ioads loallorlhe elsedent oft alic noN Thn
qill be achieted du..g phases over a .oure or l-l ]eaB in order 10 allorv the local
Esdeirs roadj6l aid.nEnd The ftsl phae yillconsisrofopeningupmain roads and
sales !t cerla!0 itrl€^ah during rhe day. lor instance duing bus! shopping hoN and
rush hour The s€cond phase shall incoryoratc a by-nass srstem, life that ofBel-An
Village in Malaii, whcrc acess is p.ani(ed for non €sidents ibr 7 a n 1o 7 p m on
seekdays Cradually eliminating the esricled zones rhs wnl sventnauy Iead ro $e
pharngout of closed rmds
Eradlcate an] vehicle access nrckers
Encourasc lhe nNhlarion olCC'l Vs
Renoval of !n, gats or fences ieshcling the holetne ol pedestrian .nd ehi.le
Rcmoval of any r.sidcnrlaT clcmcnG rhar conribuo lo thc makine ol a hoslile
envnonrcnl such as rulls wllh shards ofglass, fences {irh tarbed wne or spik.s cl.
High salls aE lo be Emoved and replRced 'llh o green imll ar a heisht tnat dos nor
obsttuci ncighborhood or pedestrian views
Mainlarn ! significanl level ofsecun!_ lhroush the conlinued usqe olsecunrJ_ gunds
and regularvisible police patols throughouL the lanous nerghbo roods
Neighborhood ulches hd crime prercntion assoclatrons shall be set up and promorcd
Srrcct ldkrng shall be.onrroll.d and ln sofre cases restrictcd and sullicieni affounr ol'
slreel ighting shall be pro!'dcd
lncile nixed laDd use delelopmenls to encoDage
and lheretbre a more diveree conmuni!. This
accessible public spa@s and Darlis
Ciq revenueshanng and a.lul bonus.s
lncrcascd allorvaicc for building heigh*
T@n+!r ol developmenr .shIs
Tax bonuscs for HOAS lhal show nmedEte compliance
drverse activiries tlrcnehoui the day
the promolion of safe and
' l'nc shole idea of integrallng the closcd gared subdivisio.s Nnh the Est olrhe or_v
creares a sense ofcomnuniry, imFrovedacccsitilily. and a more aciive public re.lm
' Placefre ofpubiic facilitics and amcnrtles along accessible.oads and aclivlty coridos
and rn mjxed use nod€s. These may consnt ol haih. llbtujes, schools,
co'nmer.irl fronrr .r.
' lncoeorale rvell'functioning public rranspon slslems including pickl! and drop olI
notnrs and a connnuous open space sls1ern passingthroreh r.sidemialcommuiiries
' Eren lhoueh the Home Orvne6 Associarons (tlOA) r nor consdercd a polirical entir_v
they do in fa.l hae coilrol in selling lheir osi guidelnrcs for their neiChborhoods
Theretore rt shaU be requrcd for lhe local solemmentio lircllitalc a dialog benvcc. the
HOA and the Blnnea, Chanpcmon
lhis is ro pla@ ai mplais on er"ding fte Hone O$rer Asociations (llOA) ol saied
subdrlisrons in lhen ackno edgemenr lor lhe developmenr guidelines ro phasing our garcd
commurjiies HoNeler. il should be nored thal certain aspecrsoflhrsscheme ma] depend oi thc
financialbackinsoflhclocalsolemment Suchinccndlesshall include:
rhe use ofstncl penalties inay be handed io rhe Home OMer Asociarions (HOA) thar tait ro
abide b! rhe guidclines lor opening up eated subdivisions Such !.nallies shalt incldc:
q Increased prcpeq uxes $ith a yean, increased al2ii
" Restnctd airnshs
CoDpliance Tioe Allorylnce
A lime scheduled gudelne shall be implcmcn$d io orde. to catcgorizc the Home Otur
Associitiors (llOA) compliance wilh thc resulations *hile s.ting .teadlines lo be relrarded if
nel Thh rvill help $ilh rhejudgnenr ofthe govemmcm rvhen ddnburing such incenlives or
pcnalizalion. The lollowrns phases arc Ecommended:
" OI].n upmainioads atceftaini.refrak during Lhe day
' Renoval olan] bla*ruihorgatesorlences
o Plannine ofsecurirr-
suchas nerehbo ood rvalches
o Developpublic facilities and !mennies lrong accessible roads
' ln.'uNrJr( {e'l--r1. ,r'.rpubl'"*,1.fol ,lsrer
o Incile rnixed land Nc deveioprnenl
o EhnnEion of aeesrestictedzoies
' Ploningolpublicrnlegation
' Endjcare an! vehrcle .ccess $icteN
" lncoryoEre a bt-pas syslem rvhee acce$ ls pemifled eacepr in planned restdcred
' Promoion olcommunal s{uriq
As ihe progress the co ena consk of ldger scale inlesentions theElore requrc moE
dnealldalion Wnere phasc I wiil nece$Iarejusl I nonns to impleinent phase 4 ma, need I'
5 yeas lfrhe HOA meets lhe deadlne ol lbe phases naning liom aerc.menr rhcn rhelncenriles
shall bc distrjbutcd $teea ifthey are nor mei xilhin rhe time dlo$bces then the renld
capacrry shall godually decline and elenrually be remoled The larger the amounl ol tlme
exceeding lhe deadline dre les lfie reward
Cod nercial Developme s
' Thioughout S!. Ju!n. comncEial uscs such as olfices wili bc disributcd at dlilmnr
inlcnsilics and $irhin rlk'ig dnhce ol the l@ak to comd! ri$ rhe .hosen
developheni ftume$olk The nnmcdiare pio.itj- ofsa. Jun is o sparialu orgatuze and
lbmalize infomal commer.ial e$ablishmcnh
' Informal cotonercial delclopmcnts shnll bc aullr- lomaliz.d and lhccfore shaU be
Lcensed wnh a snop pemn
' A.y i.lomal establishnefi shall be prolided sith nfomadon to bec.m. r fully
IreBed iet.iler. however. ifrnev choose not ro complysith a gilen penod lhey rvill be
Sl.cct vcidoA shall br pturded Nth
orner to help sell rhet D.ducts. Thee
inlcemlin! lhcn osn dcrsn in odcr to
noE lbrml rcrxill.g e{tuiFeir lnd hoolhs in
shall be providcd lroin $c Sai iuan sor cmnent
mcire fie charxcrcrof the.ny
lnbnnal shop r.nucs sliall be rc.lcv.lopcd by belng giren a ne$ rrrdte!'clllr
locatron and ! povrded {orc rhat.omphes wnh rhc sel design regulal,ons nr lems ol a
dre. rn eicr sel b..1. narenals, shop slndor liul. ctc
Ali connnercial esrabLrshrn.lxs ranging liom snsll ro mcdiufr scalc. shlll manrlt be
Toncd or rdenrificd livcl)_ high strccts xs .l1as rner $allurs xnd linear parr.s thal run
ilong San lurr ltivcraidFrnlilailoCrcek ll$cshall proide rhehishr
deni1! trrbxn.enle( dj starcdrn lhechose. develop,ncnl schcrne
h is recommended lhrl exch resident D SanluaD Nilhin a,loonneler Ddff lhealerage
rallingdrkn.o ftom a oornmerclal area As a relrlr lhs Nllle$Bn the use olpe(onrl
ehrcles ro lra el shon di$nces srthrn Sln.rurn
Mlxed-usc d.r.lopmenls shrLl be intoduccd ln relde.l'dl aels th.oulh (he Zoniig
Ordiiame ltesidcntlal unns arc rcquld to provide dnr) percenr ol land ,r.a ior
.ominercial a.ivirie. Thr5 rv'l b. do.e ln .rder 1o enrourage bolh rnedrum ud snrall
scale cotrhcrcral aclivnies h eidenrFl areas
Providiig sho| licens€s shall allNv lir a l.nnal ur colL
lcriod lar rares shall bq based o. rh. d.nsnt olrlrc connrerciil zone and lhe lzc ol {hc
crlchtoenl area. Cridual i'icreasng the land valuc tax ill lend tu lhe developtuenl of
ih. con oen lrate{l noc kets oI coNnerci d zones
conmercial acrlviries shall he esl,blnhcd S,n lMn These shall h. 4n.d
$rrhtn the areas thar curentlr obuD rh.,nos1 connnercirl ind ledesliln a.lllnv. and
have th. polennalnr susfuiI rulure delelopmenr nNards higherde.sny Th€) rhatlhae
a eleded emfhasis on ofices. senices and ielril
ln e(abLishcd .enld6, ven'caludanisin s|allbe deleloFdloenduft g.dml c.nm.r.lai
nnensilicahor The shall obrde br lhe hc'ghr reslricrrons and rool lop g.rden guldelnes
xr ordcr ro obtai. ncilhl bontrses rlncccsa,r-
Sololl.d arcas. 16 patuculrr Grccnhilh slull beoone diveGilled rvnh a grdual
lnlensilicalion omces xnd reta'l
l'hc tansxon olBideftiaL (o hrCh dcnsitr commerciaL devc otmcnt 5haLl hc oblarncd
ihroulh a LandUse rransnion FrameMrk
Phasc 1: miediesidential rncdNn dcnsin
Phase 2: mled'coinmercral niedlum densitr_
Plus. r: inNd-conm.r.ixl hieh dcnsilv or commcrcml lelel nednm dcnsi!_
Phase.l: commercixl hlgh d.nslr!
Rcaideniinl Dcvclorncnts
Srn ruan s ! ciq here 5l 16% ofrrs urhan lihnc..nsn( ol rerids.rial uses Th.rc are xro
rnanr ry'n s oa.esdential planir.g, ihe dcliJne! srid larlur ollne ean *nh ns scnero6 rand
plols, and the moE or$nic formed aftangement ol$e rn ihal is morc conllcr ti borh c6cs
the) are equall] denncd by dislinclivu rcl somc undeinble .nara.t.nsr.s ro, insonce.lhe
hrgh salis unh shar{is ot glas crellc an unnseslrB bosilccNnontre r Thc poorly lrrnams convcr- dangerous pcdcnnan rorlles. borh oluhi.h can be seen thoushout tlre citr
As resdenial areas rvherc rhe majoit) ol lhe potulanon consunc most ofrh.n lr.e tnnc it r
impo.lanr 10 crcalc a sal! and ftiendlr, .nll,€rlcalh bur ,ho
rt.50."icJ - rl ..A1b.el;...d -o' 'a o.r,r -..-"nn
Eradi.alc ony cxnting salh ln residenxal arcas lfris shall be achieled h! lhases Phase I
shallpromole saaer comm ui iu_ fmgrarns lihase I rvllT.onslsr oflorvenigconcreteMlk
ro a mannun heighL ol one herer and en.ourali.s the use ot sccunly caneras. The.
finally Phase I Nlll corntletelt, inlegrate residenualcommu.itres riih the urban lahnc
Repllce high blank alls Nith see-thoulh fcnces
Remove sha.dr olglass. barbed rfie orspites on a.mcs
Should rhere bc rnslances wherein remoiog a len.e yould entail a risk to public jaf.q.
grecn nalls arc ro be used
Consewe lnd enharce ihc natural c[aracter and l.ndscape
Blend entnes, sates. E.ces and pvlons i o the landscape b using colo^ and maleriak
lhat Lr!cDd eilh thc natualcolor palcnc
Follow Lhe buildins setback EquE bl lhe N ionll Building Code
Phtrl rrces atrd shrubs, esDeciau! in rhc lrcnrbulldinsserblcls
BIa.k tralk should bc aloidDd
srnce rhe! are aenherically
unPledsing. reduce (he secuntt
on $reers and conribure to
Blank alls on slre.r fiur elelanons rhal !. ]ocar.d br sid$dlk. parLs and pcdcslian arcas
should bc aroidcd al all cosls Shotrld llq be unavoidcd rhc lolloLrng measures are
lnslali lrelliscs for planN tor lroducing rertcal sardens
Provide landscaFd planihg beds ro s.rcer the $all
hrcs@t rutrlic scatins irto $c lands.ap.
Lone {rclchcs ofblank walh shxll creale oppotunitics lo F(lide aEs to rhe Esidcnls
to lmducc prohibrted and co.rolled puhlic an, a chane ro help generate a sense ofpla.c
Anr neN developffenls sholl not denronstnte blank rvalh alonglhe facadcs ihar lace rhe
puhlic stecLsr instad the! are ro incoryonlc door!.ndor uindorvs coverii-q! minimum
il .Ll rr.1 "
Fences pmyrde pnvacy aDd saler! to hoine orvners, se.urig. lroh resnasse* .nd rnrprcle the
aesthelics olpublic fronlages san.ruan policies on Iencesshould consder a ppmpi ate protect i! e
measurcs, securit! dcsign iequnemenls.lhe level ol protction to bc achiclcd, and rhe aesrhelic
qualilv and cham.ler oilhc nci-shborhood Bascd on inrenDtional sunicys, sminics shoN $cr
critulmh lelr bejng seen and caught nr rhe act 'lhe suneyl also staied rhat criminals rear
$indow moE than Balh To tromolc morc eyes on lhe street," r securny br desi$ is to be
considered rith regards lo heilht sl0nda.ds oftences lnlemxonal best prac{rces promote the
Nodoes viewing lhe rcads * ill prclect the $Eoundinss morc than hieh blan* salh
Condercirl Intensifi c.lion
Ihroushoul San Juan. cluste6 ofconmercml developnens ryill be .venl! distibuted on the
siles identined in the Prefencd D.v.lopmcnt FrameNork Staleer Such derelopnenc lvill be
dnpersed at diLeEnt inlensilics and $illbc $ilhin a,100 freler ralking d$lance at!n] poifi nr
lhc cil, Commercirl d€lelopnenls Nill lko hlve higher dcnsiq b encouEse $esios. job
lcn.ation. and hlsher idcohe
'lhere slllbe siygeneralteypolrclesoncominercial areas as phnned, $hichare
lDc..ased densnies on exkling.omm.r.lal us.s
Conre6ion of poleft ial areas into lruc comrnercial zoncs
CommercialEtion oa$rirablc maror roads and lhorollhlarcs
lncreascd prcalcnc. ol comrercial spaccs in idcn!fied mixed-use areas
[orn3]izario. of infomal 6usiness.s and nakeshifi emeQnses
RevnaliT.lion orcommerial arcos rn Busine$ impror€men1 distncls.
The aspmno.s and lnions of thc $kcholde6. especially lhc b$incss scctor olSan.,u!n, erc
n)r rhe strengfiening ofconmercial ams llsdenrtlesshall6ein.reasedandbereflededinrhe tsul hccauscol lnc s. .c spacc aorhod2omal crpansion in sanJuan lcnical
commercial delelopmenls shall be puBued and cncouraged. Thmugh intensined densificauon
md vcnicalcrionsion. ir n epeded rhat floor arcd ill be incrcascd and made 60r availabte,
rhus altaclng busiieses. nrlesLors, senioes,omes, and retailshops Theinraclotlhisrvitt bc
lell dtrectl] through Dcreasedhusine$ ta rerenues
Such lncrcasod spaces lor blsiness cxp sion Nill place prioriry on providing spacc lor highty
specialized, hish-value tusinesses and senlces Such prioities rvill dcp.nJ on rhe more
appropaaie local,on Edangats, ror cxanplc. lvill placc rnore prionw oi high aluc business
such as prole$ional olllces such as law. dessn studios, BPOS, KPO5. specially se^ices, branch ofices, and perhaps eren tuEign emtassies. Local busineses lnd
enlerFnses can be encoumsed in mas with snaller land aea
rhere are sone areas lhar hale eride commcrcial activily and ch,mcter hur arc siluared ii
arels allocaled lirl residental or olher land uses lhey ce thereaore h€ zoned 6 reldenlial or
coDmercial use areas. This *ill atract moE business lmures in the area, drus speadrng
econornic $ealth outidc ofGieenhillsand Onigas Eramplesofareasinwhichsuchpolicywill
Jpol d. add|or H ll. vd)'nd s'-. n J. drd r .rlle Bd-Jr
Road nierarcht !lll aho depi.t th. most appropriatc ilFe ol Llnd uses rn the area ln ris case.
cotnnercial hnd trses ac given prcccdcncc over other land urs on major mads N epcdcd
trecaus€ hilher land values and cistins pedestriai dnd Ehicular tratlc Carlnl consideration
has io bc mkcn- ho$!!*, siice comrnercial delelopments lcnd 1o increase vehicular tDlfi.
Becausc rost mqor oads in rhe city re mrow. rhe lirmulation trarlic and
congesrion rniigrtion nraregics arc neossary
Because nird-use will be thoroushly appled in the proposed land use, ihvill hecome poiicy
rh commercial aieas sillbe made more prelaLenlon al lca$ loyo ol lhe noorareaolid€ntilied
lnied-usc eslrblnhmenh Thn {iU therefoE provide scflices and atoenlries dhn1 Nalksble
dhtances and reduce the need ro use peMnai vehlcJes to lravel shon dnhnces wnhin the ciry
The alloc ion of micd uses yill also nnnulaE lhe smdual tnnsirion from residcntial b
commercial uses in non-comnercial !Eas. A Land Use lransilbn r_ramcso* has bcci
lomulated as aguide used for thc gmdnal lransilioo fiom olher land uses to cooinercialuses.
Lrnd Irre Tmnriri{,n Frrmer.rr
To gadually shilt ihe eisnng srnsle drelling unns (Rl) lo higher denrrj_, rhese $eas *ill be
zoned as RI-MXD. This ll encouraqE derelophents uth a mix of uses. These .r€as $ill hde
the porential ro $dually chanee ro C2-I!tlD or medium inlcnsiry commercial nixed-use eas.
'lhis willcreate opporrnnities for employment and r.venues throrlghor lnc ciry
Anolhcr rfrmcdialc pi1or4 lo. San.l@ rs !o sparially organize and rimaliTe iiltirmal
annercial eslrbllshmenls. such as snall-scale streer vcnd ing e.le rpr ko s To rcduce obslru.rlc
nrce! vendnrg and Ior lhetr upgrading, an infonnaL commercial eslah]ishfreni fomalraxon
policy r pla tcd lhc progam iill rvorl in $hich inlirnral comcrcul esrablislnnenh shlll be
prorlded snl iifomaion oi oppoftunnies and benefts olLecomrns a fully licensed seller or
rcianer The lncenlives tur such enterprises oan perhaps be discounled applicalions for busines
p.miG upon ca y-bnd crollmenl to such proeram Howerer, illhcych.osenol Lo.oapl! $ilh
a g ven pcriod, such establishments Rill be penalized Formallzadon oamakeshii conmcr.ial
.nte.pns.s shall i cllila& easic.ra mapprng, relerencine, andcollec!on
The asl *onld be lle revihlizalion of commemal lEas in Durnes lmprovemenl DNt icts
(BIDS) These BlDs are a ao.mar oreani2rlion of businesses that agrcc lo coopcnlc in
sunpletoenting !€ iirograms and seflic6 already lrovided by 111e Sai Juai Cllv Gorcmnent
These additioml or mprorcd seh-rces such !s slterand clcaner strLrts. social *rllarc progofts.
a the like l llhclprelrtrlize the communi_ and stfrul.reeconomic development in rhe dea.
TsolllDs haleheen rdenlified inlhechosen iiamervork Tne BID islhearea surorndrfgl
Rul2 Sralion which ls covered by Baranga)s Balone-Baro and Sllapan Aside tom addillonal
seflices. utua. renepal should aiso be a prioriq Exisiing cohnlunities in thrs neighbo ood
shonld be enhanced and old $ucrures should be rehabilrtated lo suppon and plomore a vibEnr
co'nmercial local'! Sccond isrhe BID covcing pans of Bamngays Sra Lucia, Linle tsagnio.
Maltunas lnd Addrion Hilisi-ifi locus on nor udanism and lcnical deveLolnents Due torhe
ploxrnty ol th( drea ro Mandalur-ong Cil!, vedical, uonlpact, dlr€se, md trdkble
dereloprnenrs shali be advanced ro mannize i$ porenhal Alrhough neN developnc s ae
promored. lradilional urban slruclures such as puLrlc spaces on cemen shall (ill be applcd
}lired-use D€velonm€nis
Miedrue dereLopnients $ilL be encouEged rn residentrsl areas th0r crrend] hae cornmercral
aclivilies suchassnall home oinces. onlhe ground floorshiled$ellingspacesaEo.lhe upper
lloos wnh this p rern develofmenL, saLkingandbihng $illbebefter pmcri.ed ed pronioled
lhus helrig reduce carbon and Eeenhouse gas 6 isslons Tln *ale$ should aho pr.venl the
ulban spnBl CoNenron of land uses. for exafrple open spaccs and ls.icullurai lands lo
.eside.tialu!e, ill aho be dis.ouDged
ldcnti& zones thal shall be developed lo acconhodate neighLrorhoods ofun to a.t00
meter radros re. BalLing ddince. Such nerv developfrenls wrll include.omlncrcial.
€ducational, hcallh, spniiral and cnic uses.
Providc inccnhvcs such as tax brcaks to deveiopes tbrnrixed use pilNsals
Crcatc sale acccss roulcs to all mixed use developmen6 1br pedestaans and crclisls
l..ludi.g street ligha, a€denrlan .rossings. sidcnalks and srrccr lurniruc such as bins.
Mixed-use buildings shonld be oriented 1ords rhe srreet lo encourage pede$an lrailic
Iocus nrixed use deveiopnlenls along the rodes olpuLrlic rnnsllonadon
Orulenpomryince neslorvariousbusincsseslolocoleDcentmlizedareas
Ner derelopnents shau be dcsiened to a hlnan scale. qhlle rcstcctine surcundine
Esidentral drll'ngs. lnd ro elinr.!te any isDal obstrucrion.aits resid.n6
A innnum of75e; oaa mixcd use buildrns should hare a zero fool selblck tiom lhe
side$alk, Lo$lnrsnerc ponions ofabuitdmgare selback.lhese areas should be lrealed
DeleloF rhe gronnd noor levcl of a buildng Io enoourage Dedesrinn adivly. Thc linear
lionlasc shall consi oaclcmcnls ch 6 emphmizcd store entries, mnsparenl  ndo*
dnpllys, outdoor dlning areas with rvearher pmrecion and pubhc art or olher pubLic
amenilie such r lbunl.ins. benchcs. cL
Locaie n ech €q uiDneni nnd senice aEas olpublic vieN
Ilanning nried-use dcielomenr shall .l{s trke
chamcter ofils $notrnding com.r Ln lc'rns ol lud
irno considc.alron and rcspc.l th.
use. desgn. delarls, inareials and
tlerilagc Ilou!.5 nnd Structures
Hcrnagehousessiallplara.nnponantoleinlrslnguishnsliechatucleroaSan.rurn D
lc,rns .l rn. cn! s .uLrural ana rr.irnecntral hnb!- lr cii.d r[c pdectoD
dnhaic. . r itrd NrNluaho. oa Ddr lxndmark li,lurcs shll b. tridcrlak.n to lod.r
cii. piide and vnit.r allrctons, as nr.v proide allabL. cdmalloial and plcasur.
resources Guid.i,ncs slrdll be tnaced nr order to cn!(e rhll propos.d def.loDm.nrs ar.
conpat,ble rlh lhe chamctcr olth. h(lonc bu'ldin!. l.Ddsc.De lnd n.,lhLrorhoo!
Standards ior prs.trlxon shoull he tulkned
ll rcqu rcd. o lt .nn,mdl chan!.t b the d.liniig.harr.rcnncs.llh. buildiig
xi, ir( (licind.iv i.i,n.n1(hnf d h.xll.Np.l
'lhc hNo.i. chara.ler ola pnDcnr slr.llLre Elanrcd.nd prcseh-ed Ren,ldlol
hrxolc mrte.rl5 oraheftlio. ollial'tre. !nl spaces sh! lbenronied
C,trnge! thll creile d lake oa hhroi.d deenrpnrnl. such xs addlr!
nrchileclural elenrenrr li.m orher shill nor Lrc dll..d Ch,nlcs nrxr
ha. acquircd h6r ic ngufic0fc. nr ictr orr rirlrr sh.ll bc reraiiel and
Delcnomlen hBroric li.lurrs shill be .epaircd r.lhcr tlln .dprced Il rhe
drnnrcrile tialurts shnll Le rephc.d, lt. ne snall nrilch 1lr. lld nr
dcrln color, tcrlrtr. .nd olhcr vrsurl quiLrncs Rcpla..mcnl ol.rissng taalures
Use olchcmical and phlscal lrellnrents Ihar.ansc !anragc to hislric rnaterirrls
Minlal,on measures slrnl br undenaten ro lnJrecr .nd presen. signifi.ani
archreoloslcal resources xJllcre! br a poje!1 mrtnils rut.han.i.iT. rhc troNflj- sh.ll nor be derored br ne$
aldrtuns. clcnor ilrcrallom.' rclalcd nc$ .on rucrion lh. nc$ solk shrll be
ro.r$tible Nnl the masloj si/e. s.,le ind ,rch,lecrornl aean rcs r. |,.re.l rh.
hl{oric inlcgie olthc f roperl! and rs en!ronmenr
NcN ldditions and.d aceit or r.lnted neR..ndrucron rarcmovcd in the tuure
shsllnolspoil lheessentral lotr nnd rut.griL olrh. hinoric l)roNq
icb as el.islofs douLrle glaznrr elc mat be nrade 1o rhc u51'ng
1ru.1dr. nr o.d.r 1o .lcnd thcn ph!rcEI functron.lor econo,nical lrl!
New burldings 1n histo.c should be conpalible $ilh rhc chamclcr ofrhc
nei8hbo rood *ithout oxactly dupli.atjng ! hnbrc strle or a.chnectural penod
'lhe nerv buildlng heighr, $idrh, prononrons. rhlhm ofdooB d rvindows, rool
sh ape, ori a nenlaxon elc. shoLn d bc poperly pl ann ed
Rehabilitaiion and presetuaton ox incentiles shall be irnplemenred ro reNard
$osc i0 good consdenrion and praolice ol San Juani hentase
San .ruai is a crowded cO lilh a high @pulalion densilr and a ltrlly bunr urban landscipe
ho$ si gnr ficantly I acts thc qualihes lhat a city posesses in tems ofprovdinspubl'c o!!n
space b be enrolcd bl ils local .ofrnmity and *ios The lcm opcn spacc can range fnm
playlng fields. rcoearional areas, basketblll courts. ftmer.ries, squarcs, !137"s, park allolmenls,
and evcn lbotpdrh routcs SuJuan h6 the poLe.ialto poyidc considerable landmart lor
ihe city, ihe.elore enhancrns ils lmale
There are r€riousqpes oI oFen lhaic0n be considercd lbr devclopmenl Due
io tho liini$d land area, smanll llaced intcnantions may be required rn order to open up sFace
t_or instancc. lake into consdeBlion that the histoilcally impoilnl sites h!e the poBntial to
crcare publicpiuasNrth fonnallandscaping Unddrhn cncuhsiance. e exlslingslruclur and
aEa itr lems ol matenals and acdvnies rcspectlrelr- should cEate a plcBslnt and rnenorable
cummunny chna.Lr .nJ lourisl dcslnhlior AIso, brownfirld silcs are{s ol ub.idoned or
undctuscd lrduftial and commcrcial faciliries sucl as lhe oLd and abandoned faclones and
narehouses ol Baranga! Bltis abandoned loa and open spaces can be rcdercloFed to cr.aie
pubiic !menities $hrle regener0lrnglhe $een labric ol the crr_v.
A vaner!olopen spac.s shallbe prolidedlvidrin fie burlr aiea in order lo a(omodare
the v.nous rccEaxonal a n d passrle nceds or the uses
These will bc dclcloped $nhin a considerable proximi!_ lo honcs and irajor so&tlacs
Jr 6 ideal lor 1o..1 par(s to be placed rvirhin a 3-5 ninute (250-400m) radnr ol snl
'rhese sFces u'ill be buflered lrofr any surounding lehi.ular activil,! in oder for the
us^ ro cnjoy and relax wnhn lho space Ho{.!er. it is sugee$ed to only panmlly
enclose these rlces using landscaping raised planle6, oHlreet Fartine. the wails ola
building or lieessndrng $een valh. Ths wlll enabie the park lo bo stllL be visiblc ftonl
lhe stEeh or intcmal drivcs bn shall nor be lullr exposed ro lhen
Cenainacrilides for the space shallbc p.oeranmed to rclnalize and help male rt a nor
The pcrjmcicr iiimcdialely suftounding lhe open spac. shall consisl olaclile uses thal
proride pedesrlan rours aid dses. including relail shops, cafcs. rcsaumnt. and a
lighei densB rc$denfial zone
Posllioning of enlraDccs to thc park shall aclnosledge rail!!a)- lines. hus! mads, neep
gradients and any olher aspecl lhai nay be an inconlenience lo lhe elde y and rhe
dis.bled The case inay be lo erlend ihc .xhting park cat.hmenl. for inslance, crealing
inore ent] points or tEils and cro$ings
A propeny deined onen sllce shall be risuallt cnclosed by thc lronling buildrng to
ciealc an ouldoor room fi is combnablctoits useu
NcNpublc spaces shallprovide as mn)'seattng opponmnies as possiblc. PlanlerNalk
shall bc sel .l a naimm heighl oa0 75 nreteAlo allol for lheir use as searing
(lir !r,i., s !,i 1-r, r.r: . r'. rirl
" 1 he prcvision of movoble chai$ n $oDely encouBsed as well as fixed. lmdscape
" The malerial usd for tralkways locaied oithin natml arcs shall be looally sourced and
al,ow for ihe percolalion of rvater inlo de eround Suitdrle naleiiah include rcoden
decking or crushed gavel.
' TheE shall be resticted planring drqs al streer inte*stions, drileways and seryice lanes
to Eor.ide adequale sight triangles
ar ddveMys or otter openings
' ExislinghealrhyrEesofd.simbie md endenic sp€cies aE encouruged lo be etained on-
sile and shall connt lowards lhe planting requiemenl
" P ks srlh plaDled aEas shall be na'nlained at a egrl ar frequency. betren I '4 1i mes a
year, lo nainlain the heahh ollhe plmls. Tiis will encouage a healthy biodivenity for a
icher aological value.
' See"lhmueh bins arc to be liotided throughout the open sp&es and aE prcperly narkcd
for Myclable and biodesradable Mstes
' Thes open spaces a@ 10 be monitored at all tines wirh routine parmh thrcueloul lhe
Reek loi manleemenq seounty and m e.suc lhe proper uege ofthese arcas
" Planning and design for thes. spaces shall take consideration s scale ihal is intinale
and relats to it! suronnding coniet
on flery ns delelopmeni a loof top garden nusl be integEled 10 ctale e
aesrherically pteasing dd ecologically tundional place
In the c6e ol a n€iv high rise development, FAI{ ie$rictions rvill be placed in &tion wi&
rhe inlentolawarding FAR bonusei. 'lhis allows for turther lnd highq developmeni il
lhe rootop garden is relained every nve ye!6. 'lhercfo.e, buildine design should allow
for lunher adaptalron and esfansion.
Rool gardens mun eirher be set brk lhree nelen from ihe edse or provide a sutficient
heisht vall for satily purposes lor tle uscrs ol the space
Rcal foliage is to bc uscd, $hich mun be la]€red in ! $a, thal ensuGs fie prol@tion ol
rhc (.uclue, yel slill pemrirs druinage and insulation
Cardcns shall be Landscaped lrirh ledestrian parhs ro limn the .lamage ro rhe foliage
sunable maleriak may consisl ollocatly recioined wood decliins or pavi4 siones
Sealing shall be prcuded al surlnble pohLsof&egarden
'rho foliaee shall conskr ol species lhar e sunable to thc characrcr ol the local
..mmnnito nr.oin..ied r.1he theme.lrhehdldina
Eisting loliase alons roads and pedeirian nlands ac ro be rr€senrd to snpplemenhl
Mini sardens are lo be placed eleir_ 5-10 metere along fi. road side of lhe selback.
ideally around the base of a marure nreet llcc.
Drmenso.s oflhe garde. shall lake inlo considedio. th. size of ihe s€tbock lo slill
alloN lor a gcncrous p.denrian lalh lbr esy floN
llpossible. edible plan6 are encour.ged lo be 0sed. Such plan$ arc to consis! olnaine
slecies as nucn as posible that provide , rlnel] of rresh piodlce lor the local
connuniry in a manncr
Mainlenance sball be carried oul by ol'ens of the ldjaceit bloci or husines-tnis
esponsibilir_! vill he ageed formally or $lth the baran$y or.ii} Ince.tiles shall be
Se$rck snall b. adequtcll lignred leasl all secdons olthe sidc{alk and removed ol
any obstrrciions lor satet!
Jogging lvillbe pemrned.s a tueans of EcEational &tiviry Horvever, b icyc les shallbe
provided iJs orm lane for s.felv.
'lhe lhi ippine Consrnulion prockins rhe $are as bcing responsible for $c *clfarc and ske of
rts connnu.nls This .lso inciuded rnlonnal sculeis asrdc lionr thc Eco-qnized rnhabnan( ol .
I ocal Govertunenl lrril In San Juan Cilt. poren! all$r.lion and housing inbnnal senler are
ltrv olrhe todi objecdrs olns social dereloprnenl llnun
Thus, arhree-pronged polict approachrhal yilllddress rnlbmdlseuenenr relaredissues in San
Juan is proposed a.d elabomted in the follorvns diarram:
Monilodng and
Addresrng i'nomll seuleis requne lhree pollcies. r,hich are lhe Conlinuous Socul Upgmdin!
Monnorins and Enlbrcenen!. and .hc Provisio. ol Spat and Reloc.lron lnlnNtucrure
Cominuous Socr!Upgmdirrs rs a policr rereniigtorh€provlsi.nol.mplolment edu*tronand
blrc hunlan resourcc s.niccs among others as a means 1o upgade $c soci,l scLl-bcrng of
inlbmalseltler lm lcsandindrlidudls Monirornrg md Efforceined on fie oths hand, makes
surc rhal inlonnal serilernenrs do not co.rinue to Frolifcmte aid nuhip! wthin the cny. $elr
Npulllon gorvth lscoDlrolled- aid in mrgralin ol inr'ornalsclrlcr lamiLics flom orhcr l-Glrs $
mrdgalcd Bccausc ol Lhc nc.d tor silcs ed houins ticrhties lo provlde lnr such aamilles.lhere
nill also tre a polrcl on Prolislo. ol spa.. andRelocation IntanructuE Rcloealion will b. on-
silc or near rhe onsnat loca!ion hen DossibL.
..lhos.rrar arctrc.nrz.nsorharcboen l'!ing l6 San.luanCil! ThN polcy will conrain moE
specilic $ategies such !s conirnr rel&re uplining lhrough emporv€mrenr ofdre n€ll-Lrerns ol
nrch lamrlies and individual in pal1lctrlar. Ihis rs a sooial pmlramn ir! irate!}- to molr ale lheDi
roN.r[thc]r$"!losardsahcrrf ll.and brcak aNar lron thc pocny olhcr *atceics tor lhk
F|cr include condu.ll.g o. nvelihood d.leloltrenl and .ntepreneu6hlp, farnill
pl.nnrng,limilr and social values.caDacqburldins,hdcnviro.rnental htvards nunagutrc t
I. contan, li..nornrg aid F.aor.encnr is a polic! that bcuses on the nxe^en.ion and
minrnvalron olcx silu in|ornral sdl1lcs ori.lgrflnts lhal b.lo.gro ditacrcDtl-GUs anempn.g t!
scrllc in ambnlanl N.kennii or substunddd d*{1lir1es, or.ven thos. $nhour duellinss bur sl!ll
live on rhe slrccls ConlinuoN oonrloring ol prolilemtmg inlnmal selrlc^ .oming tioin
drteEni l-GUr cspclally r.ldiig alorg $at.. bodre! under bidle! rnd other srrucrures,r.
also 10 bc thoroughlr- conducied Ar ri.1es, squalting can aho hc exfiotred by stndrcates.
uo'setrnr! lhe rban chamcler, social silualron. a.d loc'al securiL! necds Hcn.c conslanl ard
lrglla.1 m.nnorlns is Dcccsar ro liccp. close !arch oi squatmg icrriries, *hllc cnaor.eN..l
, o.drrco
'- '.-o'r !'c * 'r rlrt ,'
A poLcy oi lh. l'r.vnion oa Space and Rclocanon inrrastructure ( also anoth.r necessari-
componetrt tu iddres oeall lnloimal s.tileme .eeds Wlighing olrions is lcrY rnpodanl iir
rcrns olerther Elocaring rnloinal senlcin.Dh ncarby or purLtrne utuan upgradrig Borh h,1e
ptuslndcons Resenlem.nt can be l0 xmes niore expensile rhan rbai npemditrg shich B the
enhlncene oithc hgadc bnilding materials. and ulihx.s oflhe seulcd arca lloicver. u ran
upsadrng mar slrll carry issucs o. tu l.giliinac] olland lcrurc On lhc pro $de. resetrleinenr
through hish'denltr onsne tslootio. .,n alloN morc hous.holds and faniiLrcs $ be housed
Overall these so! rzed hou$ng opxons shall t'ollor thc iirpLcmcnling Rul.s and Rcsrlatrotrs
olRcpublic,{cl 7279 or the Urban and Dryehp'nefl Housina Act
The po|cl lbr lbe l'io!tsion ol Space and R.locaiion lrtnsltrL.tttrc rcqrrcs an Dlentorv ofall
alalablc land {hcther pub|clv or pilalely.ned Dependiig on lh. scalc of prcvidins
housing lor inaormal sertlemens as ell .s $e availablc nnan.ial rc$urccs alLo.alcd 1nr
.elocalron inliasrructurc, a mis olbolh dran up-imding anJ .slocal'on $nhrn!_ can
bc DUGued On'rte relocltion .ombl.ed $ith lhe eihafceinent of decenl and r.asodrbl.
tucturcs hostvcr, rs (ill prelirel Becausc san Jmn CiL! as a holc xnd mon gotamenl
propeaics ar. tully built vcnical or hishjne'o.{(e reiocaion inlia{ructurc can be.ome an
optron ro m(rrhi,e aailalle rp!.€ sn.ccs siories olhish-densit! Elocalnh sn.scan bc 6und
in Nlakali. l aguig. .nd lenane. l,lalalia
The goremned shotrld notbc ( !.rtrqinaddrcslosrhrohlLlcnscoltrplihinslherelhreor
nrlo.nal serlle* lhrough prnarc'public pinnenhrps. caprtalizanon nn lnta{ructute pro6ron
Addresrns inlbnnal setllenenl{elated xsues rcqunes ereat sensihrily and caulio. beoause ol
the impacls of thc plus thar govemmcnt ofliciols and dccision-makcu can h.rc on thenr
Irclusl!e planning, *hich rcle( ro rh€ iiclusion olwomen, childEn,lhe elderly, disadlanlaged
pc.sons. anJ infornal scnlc^, rs ! pr,nciplc noLcNodhr_ o, appl)ing and imbibiig droughout th.
plannin! proces DernosmphicaLly speatrng.inlomal senletoin San IuanCil) comprisc abora
qlaner ol ns populalion. hence vill have inrponanl sllke D approlins or disapproling aad
Ulimalel,, poreny emdicallo! be!.g one of the nost inponant soars ollhe cil}. will iranslatc
inro polic! ol-No More Inionnrl Serllcs in San Ju.n'
Creek5 fl nd River Eascnent CoDDliance
cm be shouldered by ihe privale seclor. $hile mobiLiarlon ot social seniccs, cducation
ploeams can be cmred oul by ihe public sector Non'Covernmenr Oreanizarions su.h as Catrad
Kalinga has bccn succcssaul in lroriding arordablc housing wnh slltrsusrainins cohinunnics
Among rhe many rsEs ol San luan Crty i lhc non{onplance of propcn'es o. the easemen{s
olthe San Juan River and Ermltlno and Mallunas Crccks Thc common scenario rrnilarlo olher
inlard varerbodies in MeroManila hvoh,csbuilding s thal cncroach within Iherilerorcrccks
easements where back ulk nea y meel the nver's edge ln a number ol .ascs. somc popeft-v
hntrni,rip(,nd( rnr.r.i.nd,h.r.rher$rerbodies
Easenents funcr,on as satiry melns 1or river sklls and ocrflo$s duringslrongnom surges as
$€11 as a buffe. lbr ecological poce$es They lho poiide access for dEdging equipmenl to
cnsurc rivcs are Egularly mainlained and clelned. Because the Sdn Ju. Rlvd is mijor tribulff-v
olthe PasigRiler.lass requne a l0 lnetdcasemenl. fiileeachoflhenvo creeksare requlreda
i-met.r else$efl Propenies olesBblishmen6lhal encroach easements aE nol only hazardous
br alsoviohte!he Eisernen! l-alvsr,pulated inlhcNational BtLilding Codc (PrcsidentiaLDecree
1096) and in nre ihplenentrng rules aDd reguialions for the rehlbilllation ollhe l'asis River
(Prcsidcntial Decree 2r4)
Bclov arc po$ibLc measurcs br
rhe San luan River and .faltuias
addressins the issue ofproperties and structures thlt en.roach
State$ 1 C on pli ancc Cenificaies
aenificalcs or'vlryins desrees or.aregories bc aryarded ro prcDen,orvnc$
bcside lvarer bodres. Strucrures and propcnics Iound lo riolale rhe tuserneni Rulc rc provid.d
onc yearlo ltrlly comrly Propefties lound to be non-compLihi alier rhe non-compliancc Friod
nill bc brc.l ro lirccd demolirion Should pmp.nres p.rrhlly compl! aner lhs onc ycar
allosance, ther are prolrded anolher yca.1o irlLJ- comply. Non-compllanc. a&er rhe addrtion.l
allorancc$rllb.subiedrofoft.JcinolnionBclorare$cpsloinpt.ncn hisschcmc
Slep l:Cadaslralsuncyol allprop.nicsbesideSanrunRirerandrhc!rocrceks
(r.p'. "1,r1,1 i'.onpo  rr{r
SlepS: lssuance ofNon-ComrlianceCenllcaks to noi-complalnl proDenri ownen andorvDcs
ol sr.uctures lhar en$oach above water bodres
Slep4: Inspecron oI $e popeny after lh e on e-lear al lorrnenr, in $hich prop.fliesar re
arar,ied $helherthel rre aullv.olnpialDl or nol
Slup 5: Full dcmolilion ofnon-.ornplaini fropenies aid nrrcturs pasr fie one-vc.rcondilioml
ornvo-tear maxirnum lihe i!lolhe.l
Slep 6: Landscaping and crclllon oljogging paths alonS rirerlront lo avoid illesal srrucnrcs 1o
re.esubl6h in lhe easement area
Sler T Conn!ft ffonnonng and enlorcemenl olthe easement rulc on S.nJuanRiler and
Malrums and Emilan. t]reels
1'ossibl. Co,nplcmcnrins 5lraregres
o ' rrax holidals iorpropertles rhal lirllvcomplyBnbrn 100 dar-s
' Pa.lie(hlp rlrh the NadoDal Housng A0rhonly and o$er agcnclcs to $rppofl iilomal
sctlcr rclocaiion oron sne housilg upgBdnig Rhercrcrleasible
TIr€e Catesories ol (ronDliance
All pr.penies and {rucrures that have do not encro&h lvith the req ired easemenG
Cotrdilionnl Con plinh(
All propenles lhar paniiLlr obsene rhe easement tule {ilhin the onc-vcar allowance bu
easemen6 shall be clear of any buill sructures rvifi a cle.rance ol at leat 5 odters
Canlikle6 thal will nor obslrucl lehrclcs and pcdesritu ll be alloNcd $llhin lhe condniona
All prope.nes did not do nnlrhine lo $c non-compltinr propcny cver sincc &e nsuancc oflhc
non-mnpliance cefiificate ali.r tho alloltd nrce-yar alloMn.e
Sl.rlegr- 2: tncootive Progr,rs
h$oad ollhe common r.gulalor] apprcach rh.t aocuses on pmhtbiring cenain acrio.s. ihis
slxttesy placcs locus on prordrng inoentives and rNards to motilarc.on-contirnnng prcrEnr
and $ruclle orheN 10 conply
Certain challcng.s, ho{evcr. exisl in this slratesy, cspecial on ihe financiol aspc.r .f
Dcentiles Eftnds on searhins for linancial asistanco shall bc iniliate,l by Cilv Govenmenr ro
make some oalhe hiehlishted schernes eoll Incenrives vill be grven for rhot shov
con1Pliance to rhe requremenl ofclearine eascncnls Mon&n.g and enlorcement is pafliculanv
rnponanl 10 ensuE thatall comply ifrmdiarel!
Financlallncentives OevelopmentPolicylncentives
"Tax exempiions alncreased air rghts
.lnleresl-free (or low,nteresi) .Floor area bonuses
loans .Transter ot development rlghis
"Tuilion subsidies "Upgraded servlces fo. San Juan
'Cash grants Health Ca.d users
"Clty rcvenue-sharing a.d aclual
"Rlver or creekside urban
aesthel c rcnewal capilal subs dy
Siralegy 3: Botrds olUrba. Walcrf.ont UDgrlditrg
This $ralegv proposes a bond or debil secu ry pmsmm ofcrcd by the cilt gokhhe to non-
comPhinl prop.ny oMe . Sin[trrcs and FroF.nics en.roach'ns rhe easenrcrt aE nxed and
adjuned al rhe con oiihe owner, bu ls graduli)- Iaid oll$ith anractrve intercsr mrcs by ihe
gonernmc.l throueh Feriodlc tlr brcaks. Drccl plvoffs can aho be an oprion b! the eovernmcnl.
To nore, this slratesr is commonly lunrcd especEut Nien those nol conplying hale lhe innial
capnal ro adrusl then proFeny
Bclorv are steFs to implemenl rh,s schenr:
Slep r: CadanralsuN-ey ofall properties beside San Juan Riloradd the 1$o ceks
Slep :: Elaluarion of complaint !k-d-!is non-comFlai.l propernes
Srep3r lss mnce oa Non'Com pliance Ceaificales!o non cohpiainr propeny orvnm and owncs
olslrd.ruies lhal encrolch above lv!1er bodies.
Srep,1 Golernincntassesses the cosrs betnre actul nructuml adj ustnenl Ficalplanning
imhedralcly follo$s ro pognn rhe aclual costs $c oitt goedrnent nllbe paynrg back
Stp j: Socialprogramminglhrough r.lomalion dlssemiiatioD and oienlaxon oflhe bond
schcmc lor ovnc6 rbar hale ptupenies enooachnrg thc casemcir
Step6 Criy Governmenl selh bo nds orthe parment contraci, to hoinsowne(
Step 7 Non-conrpLaint homco*hes withbonds $art adju{ing thetr propenies to cornpltro ihe
Step 3r Cirr covemment staas providing tlx brelks ro oMes or drccr cash payolTs wilh
inrern undl lulir P1id o1I
St''atcsy 4: Intensified Penalizatiotr
ln conlrasl lo Slrales_v 2. lhis schcDe places focus on p.naltics as a ncgativc rcintor.cncnl 1o
lnotilate .on-comphnri homeoMcE to obsene the exscmenr rule Utmosl senslliell, io*ards
1nc conditiois of non-complaint propc4y owncs is nc.e$!ry to dlord oonplicarions l. the
slralegy s impledentation Arguab'. rh$ Bay be easrcsl 10 implemcnt, but rrrety dliculr to Erdmplcsofsome pcnalrl oplrons are.s follo$s
l. c rcascd propcnr laxes silh arearlyincreaseof2%
&ovnion ofnionthly easeme nncs tincsrvilldcpendonthetengthoteicrorchmenron
Dosrsradcd golemnenl scn i.c priorry
DnvirontrenBl impacr lees
D r s aner liis k Rcdnclio n Management inconven ience fecs
Urb desirn B (mcem€d !ith the phlsical chandcisli.s 01 lhe city and the
irnplicaions ofdesien and plannins decNons lor the public realn olfie criv: the Dubhc
faces ofbuildings, interiorpublic spaces, and thc areets, $d€salks. pa s and pluas rhal
prolide tlE ouldoor publc enues lor. muldpliciry oJ Ac.ilili.s (Dcparhenl ofCitr
Planning trrsbur8h cilr" r993)
The obj{tne oflhe urban d*iEn suidelnes lor the Citv ofsan ,rue is to ensure a relatively
lniform urban chaaoer 10 rts differcnr bflangaysand tale l.lo con$deration that secxons olrhe
cit_ Ill be dengncd $nh unique themes b.sed on lhe Prelined F.ameo.k Urban dcsien
guidehnessre lonnulated for the sa lery and securiry o I the ci xzens. ro pElenl contrx sri n g
arch'teduml stles of adjacenr nrucrurs, lo esrablish open spaces and 10 provide d seise ol
pla.e bt presetuing locll almosphere. Pohcies thal afect the urb.n design ol San .Iuun Cny s
plbiic r€lm at fie Nanonoi Bullding Code (PD 1096). Nlxonal Struclual Code and other
€islins building nudads ahd r.gulalions on co.strucidr, renomtion. mmaeenent and
rmprolemenl ofroadsand sldealks: take. frcm lrivlte and Pla.ned-Unir Delclopmenrs ( PUD)
coordinaled 6v ihe City Plaming and Delelothe Office (CPDo) included ae policres orlhc
Melro Manila Delelopnent Aurhoilv (MMDA) and exisdnr ordindces br rhe Depafthe of
Public Works and Ergh8ays (DPWH), (LTo)and (DoTC)
U.brn Dsign of I horonghfnres
The nreet listed belo! function as major rhoroqhfaEs in the Cily ot San J@n ll is susgencd
that local goreme unirs along thes roads provide urban desen guidehnes. through a
panicipalory apprcach and coordinarcd Nilh adjacenl barangars Il should lake ifto conidehlon
lhe pele ed delenruneit lianewo.k and concepudl master plans as well as the local conterl
and use6 Urban design guidelines for drese roads should provide a $ddard aor ne$
developmcnls ro follolv The charadd lor lhese roads should be distnct, rden!fiable dnd
th. sl.e.l Lie$ liom these o.ds desisnlte lheto .s vrc$ cofido^r EDSA, Annapolis Strc.t
IEDSA lo GEenhillr, Conneticur $rcet (LDSA to Oriigs creehhllh ), Wlson Sreet. F
Blunreftnt Sftel. P Cuevafta Sl.ccl. N Doningo Slreet (Aurora Doulevad 10 An.era
Avcnue). Pinaclabanan Road, OnisasAveiue. Sanlolan Strcet.Manalo SlEer. old I Ruiz Slreel
ThoroughfaEs rrould h$e rll-mainlaincd vchrclclmcs flnd puhlic lromaecs Thcrc shouldbD
a nrong Elationship bers€.n buildings and the sidelalk enlnonneni by establishrng saec'fic
stret l.vcl devclopmetrl sundaids and incentics Slrcexvalls. rhgade lonspaeno, blank .Us.
screening of parkiigbufters. slreel l.rdscapins and Iunilurc and olerhcad $ealher
pdeclionicanopies and arcades should be regulaied fte guidelines inr thoioughfares $ill be
indicalcd inthc Urban Strcclscape Delciopmcnl sc.lion ol Lh! Dc vel opne nl Gujdel jnes.
t,rb.n D.sign rnd Clinar€ (lhanqe Adantatjon and lltiqaiion
?olicres resardnis the urban desisn ol SanJuao Cny should conslder climate change, a.d holv it
rvould afecl public as!.cts h the buiir en!tunnent. Chang€s in {he cljmatc may lqd ro constanl
improvemenr.nd.epanofthe qualig ofroads, rhe provlsion olleather proiectiotr f.cilities and
i0liastructuE such as canopies and llees, alld the situlesic placcoreil oa aias ro Esl a d siop
dnring dorvnpour Arcas susceriible ro floodhg should pro,idc siens and *a!-inding ro
shellcrs. cliiics and hospnak Such rgns should naliepedenrians a$ar. olrhefrarirm llood
leeh rn then areas Ewcualion mops for flooded rreas should he v6ibLo and placed dl st.aresic
Urban D€sign oflntormalSettlemenis rnd Areas
Provision olbasic seruices in a ncessn! and shotrld bc incoDorated in lhe desen olthe urban
fabric Due Lo rhc cncroa.hnent olinformal selll€s on govermcnt and privare spaces. rhe crL] is
reqrircd to acconmodare inlbmal sellle$ wirh lhe access to por€r, rmrer and livelihood
opponunnics The accesib ny ro lhese necestries n prolidcd rhrough inrilstructure such as
eledricalpoes,juncrionboxesandlraredneierreflninak These structurs and rem inlls siruld
be pmrecred from lampering and wealhcr condilions waltrvals and dleys should be sale lor
nse(, and should he narntarded lnd nonrlored br designaled peromel These aEas. shen
leasible, shouldpovide anrple street lighnngdunngihe erening lor rkua I sccu.ny. ydshieldcd
to p.e enl gla.e 8nd ramperina.
tj.b!n Desicn P.idcinla
The Ciq l,lannrng Departmert should promoie thefollowine desien principl€s in $e lreparaLloi
od relien ofdelelopneDl proposah and communily improlemenr plans ,nd prosirns Thd
lGtcd design principles addre$ subleolive matters relared lo lhe yisual chamoter, leslherics, and
compaibillq ollaid Nc, rnd 1o rhe qualiaLire aspects olneu developinenis
' NeN deven,pments should be dessncd to complemenl sigrincanl mluml leaures such
as.!e.s, slopred hills and open space atas
' Nes delclopmcnb along the San Juan Rircr should lire the nlerlront,allor ngnb be!alues
' New delelopnent should lake into considemtion prolonged elents &d be
desisned wi& mnisatins mcasures to counlersuch oc.unence
' tlu-se and hlstoricall! signilicd tees should be pesesed and prurected
' SrEel lrees shonld be provided tbr nerv deleLopmcnts, actng as a visual ameniry and
bualer zone 10 the rhoroughurrc
o Special provisons lor grcen slreels should be prolided bascd on rhen spccific desigrx
Trccs alons visual condots shonld be prcscned Prcvnions should bc gilcn for
thoroughfares $nhout lrccs plaDring conlainers mat be used for reqDied slreel
' lhe obsrucron orlie* b nalural lealures and landfrlrks shouid be ninnnr^d b! now
" Bu'ldi,rss Nnha high sundardoldesisnshouldbeconntu.ted in $oregrc and promincnr
localions rn San rue Crt! sucn as ar rhe rnajor rhotuughf.rcs otEpilitnio Detos Sanros
Alenue (EDSA) xnd Aurom Boulcv.rd, Ihe pcrimerer ofthc Sin Juln co€rmcnr
Centcr at Pinaglabanm Road and alone the san Juan River ar BatunmyBatis
Ar.hiedural Contnruirt
o NeR developnents should consider ns m!$ine and conceptul d$igns ro narh
hamoniously snh the architecrural sr.vles ol adjaccnr uses Thet shoutd hale a
distincile rnd aftnclire vhual idenrn!, or wtich aE recoenizcd as being otarchrreduml
or hntoical signii'lcance
' Thc rclocalion or .epleenenl of incompatible iand uses and ihe r.developi,ent ot'
deElict propefiies will br encouraled
' A coordinatcd atproach should be laken Io rhe planning and desigr of nrdscapc
nnprcvemens in mied use.reas, includnrg$e npgrading orbuilding lacades. signase.
sideMlks, lightrng, pa*ns aEas and landscaping
Prcpeq lme nEer nllh should lollow a consi$em pats. ol adjacenr and ensr'nts
developfrents Green salls, sueel arl and lhgade mareials aE srggested paftms lo be
ulil/ed Slri.l vall srandards sholld aptly at idcnlificd  ierv coiiidos, nery udian
cenre$ and business mpmlerneft dntnch The length ofblanli walh shall be litrned in
order lo nreveft the disruFrion ro exisring paflems and alord an u nlrtins enviroDnrenl
lncentives can be given to iot o$ne6 Nho lollorv the gxidelincs
Fagade transparency Vlsibiiiry b bnilding inie 06 or disphy Bindows of retail uses
should be Equired n order to maintain an aitretile and inrerening public frontngc
wh.rc foor area bonuses applr. properlr oxrere ore en.ouraged 1o proy,dc ove cad
{€alher prolecrion, canopies or arcsdes for pedestrlans Sie.s slould be regulaEd to
allos adequaG ideftifiation ofbnsincses. add interest tu the sl.eet level envmnment
reduce visual cluter. a.d cnhancc thc aflroarance and safelr of San Juan thoroughfarcs
lnd pnblic flonEges Alr isns should be orjentd to p€dest.ia.s and peBo.s in vehicies
I,€deslrian 'I rafffc Areos
" In tede(iian Lralfic areas. nelv developienh should consider slEet-oiented aearuEs,
builr o fic hunlan scale. Enh.ncehent o lhe pedesrrian cnvironmenr k encounged,
suoh as cdnopies. awnilgs. aEades,landscaped setbacks. ranlps. t€sh bins, sildng areas,
bollard,lrees. burlers signs,maps, $red aft cr.
' Uses at the neer lele should provide pedenian imeresl and generate acilitr- and
conforn 1o policies ibr the pedestrian envnonment Srreer level uses shall he promoted lo
rcinforce exndne rctail co ncentBr ion s, c.hance main pedesdan links behven area. and
ctablish ncw pedennan ad'vil}- Nhee approprilte to rnet aEa olrjectives
' lncenhl€s for tlre prcvnion oa streel l.rcl uses and lor shopper amennies. such as orginic
markets and extenor benefit fealurcs I ike olerhead }ealher prolec ! on. Relarlind lenrce
uses should be pmlidcd in ncw dcvclopmcnrs rvhere conlinurtr of Frlil acxllL] n
detemined ro b€ ifrlonant.
" New developmenls should oodsirler ihe design dnd postioning ol stuctuEs on year-
round sunlishl conditions on adjaccnt propcftics and stee$ 11 is encouraeed that m the
rcvies of propsed new duleropnents, access to sunlisht ror adjacenr Drorien'er be
maximlzedto enhance the potenri.l for enetB consenarion and for rhc Dse olrcsidcnrial
arcas md open spaces aEas
' L.rdscaping shouLd bc used to cotrsefre erergy and waler. enhance lne aeslhelics ol
buiidings and vards, conribulc ro the hlending ol ncr andexisring developoents, and be
used as a bulei lirr park'na areas, lmding zones, sarblsc ddrl se^rce fa.ilrtles, to
rdjrenr prolerlies and sirceis
be posxoned to hale idenliliable aress, Nhere secured open spoces are easily defin€d
S{ch poposed developmenls shouid hale a reasonable neosure ofpivacy housing unils
' The desien of non sru.tures shonld provide ac.css and use by pcrsons with disabililics
(PwD, and scnior cilizens
" Parking spoces. o.dine facilities .nd dnrways should be Iocal€d and desilr1ed to
facililare maneuverabiinl on sne and ro adiacenl sles. TIns edl reduce tafiic flos
d^ruprbnresnl ng liom tuning vehiclcs
o Parliing $ilhn slrucluEs incl'dins $ore rrade. should be scEened lo ensuE ai actile
and lisually pleasing $reer e.vironmenl Streets should be protecled fom rhe visual
impact oaparking slruclures drough the proviion oalandscaping, a landscaped bem ora
street wili slruclue. Lightins should h. shjelned ro m,nihize .ight rime glare
' The desren and posirionins of nerv bu dinss should nrinimze lhe loss of privacy for
adj acenl res idenlial p.ope.ries
" ltesidenlial developnenrs, specifically row houses should be provrded rirh adcqulc and
clearly deined ouldoor lug spaces
" Residenrial do.lopments rhar nry carer latoilies shonld include an approlriatclt sizcd
outdoorchildrcn s part or plal ground lr should bc safely accesible frcm all unts rn rh€
delelopnent. Par*s and plar,glounds shouldaho be ohs. elheg in !.D. 957
' -l'he
der€lopes ol mcd'un or hrghde.rty Esid.nlial
pDvide rcreational facililes thar can actumrnodar rhe
needs and intcrcsl ilihcinlended user
' wnen ieslden (r a I der€l opmcnr is
de$en leaturcs such as building
nrea rehenriliT.d
o lor the redrcrbn, rc use and Eclcle of
N"stc haDdlin!, composlinr a.d reclclin!
atfccrcd b! noiseco,dnrons. n is
orlontltlon. locanng open spaccs
Pqecis shall b. cn.ouagcd lo
s/,e ol rhedelelopneit, and the
$61e. nelv deelopmenh should incolPomle
lacili.ics r lhe desisn ofmaslerplans
' NclL dcvciopn.nt shourd bc io mininna enerey.nd lwter usc Thct should
The desgn ol an urban lnndscape and ils re based on rhe locanon ol land uses. ihe
naturallandscape oi-lbercgronorlavolthe landdeleloptuent lrlos, culture. andrhe hisrory of
lhe pl.ce,la[ing rnlo consideranon pohlrcal sill For lhe CilyolSanJuan. the u'tan laDdscape
hs evolved and rnutalcd lhrough ihe course oldeleloprncnt and eroLllh lls cha@ter s rhat of
an urha. center, lnd s h oul d consi der upro-dare udan design princrples and policres
11 js rccommended lhal an c!"luation ol s?lkabib! be dorc for Sa. J@ Cny h rs
re!., rl cr .cd lsr i, o r.l.rl.' I in(.. rrF a I'e L'^ha Ua t aliy.r oe oe' r.l /eJ I
a,.'1,1 r'r.. ..
"r er .,;-"'"" , rJ, ior . r,il, ncd$ha /.rrc, dd
cenruallr llt.onceptualial6n ol ciL, rid. design guideli es lor nreeb, sid6mlks, pDbli.
laces of buildines, inicrior public spaces, pl@s, esplanades and pa s liicld rcstlng is !n
endeavor and may encowro challenges in Ertos ol funding, rrannadon, qlalftr a*u6nce.
establhhing local parhe$ and lhe updatins of the rndex 6r megalopolis purposes
lnlemational design lools and gurde|nes based on rnremarional ben poctlces are suggesled lor
ihe urbm design ol the Cix" of San luan These rools vill suide de lonn ol ihe built
.* 'o'-c,, ,;,c, !.'*,.,ndpor.. d.cjop,nor' r]"d.' r r;'de.o.apJe {rl.dbk ard
mlxed use These lradrtional neighborho.d paftcrns are stmularlng safc &d ecologically
The SinanCode is{lmnsect bascd code thc runl-lo urban rransect n divided into six rnn$.r
Zones lor apphcalion on zoning mlps These slx hab'tais rary btr the leveland inrcnsit! ol $cn
phvsical and social cha€clcr. ptuidins inmesrle conrexs from tural io urho Snan Code
elenenls lre coordlnfied br" lhcsc 1-zones al all scalcs olplannhg, lrom rhe reeron rhrougn rhe
conDunn] scale dorm tu the lndivldnal loi and buildl.g
Tne Transecr is evidenl ln lrvo wars Zons ,nd commumxes (l ) cxht as characlcrisric pla.cs on
thc Tansecl rd (l) lhev evolve along the Transed overrime As places, 1he sixTDnsectZones
dEplay identiiable cha.actensncr. bascd on normalrve Amenca! urban p.tlems Ther ako
increase in complexiq. dcnsill.nd rnren$ty oler a period oflea6. untilr "clmaxcondition is
rcachcd Thn k a growLh prooess lmlogous 10 s(cessron in mrrml enlnonmenls (Duany,
S.nlen and Wnghr 2009, Yrlii)
S.n Ju,n Cityrho.oughfires bascd on the Smrrt Code ve. 9.2:
Ior SnraftCode urbdn desrrn suidelnes to be inregrated to the planning of Strn lun Ciq, arers
ol the city will be suggested as lnnsecr zones Tmnsect zones {irhin San .luan Cil} are: Tl
(Sub udan Zonel, T4 (Ceneral lhba. Zonel. T5 (Urban Cenrer zo.e), T6 (rnban Core zon€)
aid sD (specnl Disricrs)
l:i Sub-urban Zone corsisrs ol lo$ denrry reidentDl to higher zones $ar some
mied usc. llome occulDns and oulbuildines are allosed. Uanling is nallralElic and selbacts
are r€latirel] deep. BlocLs rnay be large and the roads i(eguTlr 1o a..omfrodale notumi
condiliors lhe T.1 Sub urban Zore n the ransecL rype lound in all reside ial areas ar
Dis{rict 2 are considcrcd T-l due to Lhen dccp setb.cks tards and grip pancBcd roads
l1.l Grccnhills Urban zoie coisrns ofprinanlt rcsidcnlialurb.i fabric $l1h hrred oscs Itma!
harc a xide range ofbuildingllpes: rngle. sideyaid, and ro$houses Setbacks and landscaping
arc ariablc Stcels trith curbs arc siderul[s dcfine ]nedim{ized blocts The T-4 Gcncml
Urbanzone nthe predofrinant transect tJ-Fe in San rDanCnl, $hich is lbund along all ils roads
T-5 tnb.n Cenler Zone co.snrs of hrgher density nixed use building lhlt accomm.dxle ptail. roftouses, and apsrtments h hasarighrnenlo olstreeh, nh Mde sideNalks. sicad!
sred tree planling and buildines sel close to the sidesdlis T-5 Llrban Cenle. ,/ones are
suggcslcd lo be locared at Aurora Boulelard. N Domingo, Pinagiabanan. Saniol.n. F
ts umenrritr. r. Manalo. A. Mabini. Wilson, Elsctrhover, Amapolis, Conncriclt, xavier, Josc
Abad Santos. O Arcllano.nd ! Ouelam
T 6 Urban Corc Zone consists olthc densrly and height, rvith the erealesl variery oluses.
and civ,c buiidhes olreEonal ifrFonance ]L ina! nalt larger bloclsr (reets have (eady slEet
tree llantnrg and brildings ser close to lhe de sideMlis There ar tlvo suggested urban coi.
zon.s in thc City ofSan.lua0,lh. fiNrlhc localed at dre SanJum Covemne Center consr sl
ofP Naroso. ?lnaghba. and Sa.$lan Road:lne se.ond . onsns ol arca ofOreenhilh Shopping
Cenrer andihe tqeco!-' ol Onrgas lenue
Cni. Zones consks ofciri. bDildings andor civic spaces appopiaE
fien ransect zoncr
The strec6 olwihoi, W"shington. Madison Gmnt Xalicr. Santol,n Pinaglabanan. P Narciso
Sr Rooseleh. A Boniacio. A. Lu.a. T L-hudio, F Manaio, N Donnleo I hxncisco. Ejercno.
O sorlano, Dr A Cil. J, P Parada, D vrcencio. T Kdlarv, Kalar-adn. Alvarcz Msgr Oneg(
Idar. Aorapolis. v CrE. L Gruct, l' Wcsl drd Aurom tsoulekrd !E sugse$ed ascivic zones
and ha€ inslnunonal uses$e rhoroughlirrc
Special Dislnd consisis of a@6 wi$ buildinss that by rhetr function, disposilion or
contiguadon camot or sfiould not, confonn lo one or moe offie sir nomatiE t€rsect zon6.
Special districh nay apply lor fulue plmned developments alonalhe San Jue Rivei
Ti. r.!r s,.l€. i]- '-i,:rrtrrar::t! 'crli.,
T.. i..:rc
GenerllStandards for thoroughfaB on all TraNectzonBr
Thorcushlarcs a.e intmded tor Ne by vehicuh and pcdstrian tnfic and lo provide
acces ro lois and o!.n spaces.
hom ehlares shall genenlly consist of ven icular lanes and publi c iionuges
'I horoughfar.s shallbe dsigned in corlexl with nre urban fom and desired desien sped
ol the designale'l Transect Zones thrcugh which rhey pass Public frontrges ol
thorcughfares that pa$ from one 'rmnsect Zone to anoth* shall be adjusted accodirgly
or. allernatrvelyj lhe rransect zone may follow the aligment of lhe rhoroughtures to lhe
depih of one lot rdaining a single puhli. frontage tkou-qhout its enrE lengh
Pedesfiian confofl al Urban Tnnset (r3 lhrouen T6) shall be a p.ina.y
consideration of fie ihoroughlarc Design conlict behen vehi.ular d pedeslian
movemenr senenlly shall be decided ii livor of the ,ed$fian
The thorolghlac netrvo* sLaI be designed lo define blocks not oxceding the size
pres$ibed in the Naionat Building Code .s c@rdinared |i$ rhe D?wH The perinlete!
shall be neasuEd as the sum of Lol Frontago Lines Block perimeter at fie edge ol the
dcvclopnenl paml shall be subject to appmval by vadant.
All thoroughfares shall tenninate al other lhoroughfares, foming a neiwork lnlemal
thorouehlares shall coniel wherevei possible 1o rhose on adjaccni sitcs Cnl-dc-sacs
shall be subj*t to app@val by waranl lo accomnodat speciflc site condilions orly.
Each lot shall enfrcn a vehicular thorouglfde, excepl rhar 20% of the Lots wirhin each
transect zone na] enftont o pasage or alley
Standads for paths and bicycl. r6ils shall b. approves by slm
1 he shnd.rds for thomughfares wirhin speciai dhtricts shall be detmined by vanance.
Vehiculrr Lrne Sl,.d,rdr
Public l:ront ee SDtnd!rds
Thoroughfares oay include vehicul.r lanes of Nidtns for parked and moving velncles,
including biclcles. The standard for vehicular lanes vill be assigned s pcr desiCnated
lmnsect zone d be based on lhe exislins road nelwork.
A bicycle neNloft co.skdng of bicycle fiails. rouFs and Ianes should be provided vhen
required Bilie lanes should b€ marked with shrmras The comunity bicycle nehvo*
should be connectd 10 existi.g or proposed qional netwofts Nhen posible
The standdds lor lhoroughfares within spccial dislricLs shall be deremiied by vaaaice.
The public frontase €ontributes lo rhe char&tf of the nansect zone. and includes the
rypes ofsideMlks, curb. planrer. bicycle lacility .nd steet tEet
Public tronhges should be atloca&d as per design.ted t@nsecl zone EqurMe"h to bc
Prqcribed lypes of plantins d pubhc tjehuns for ditLred rmnsect zones The spacing
ha! be udjustcd ro !(ornrnodar rhe sne
'l rroJLcton o'1. ticrpe .ol'o. rni onnaili otoJao'e .pr, e. ro.(a.oto'
comparion (pecific ior T-l.T-b Zone)
'lhe public lionlase should include tres pionted a regula.ty{paccd ate pafiern of s ingte
or allenated slsies rvith shade canopies. Nith a heilht. at malurny ctea6 a! least o;e-
srorl- (specitic ro T-4 zones)
At relail lioniagcs, lhe spacibg oliEes may be iregular, to ayord vtsual b&ries to shop
Srrcets rvirh a RROW ol l2 rnete.s or les arc eeopr &oin rherree requtretoenr (specific
Urban Dcsign recomoendalions for Public lronhges and ThoroushfaEs (bascd on $e Sharr
Sidcvalls should bc prcvided on all rransed zones For T3,T4 zones (l:,2 4 mcreN), tbrT5-
The npc of crb orSan.,uan Cily should
meies roa Daximuh mdius ol6 metes.
'lhis fronlase has onei $rales daincd bv
one or bolh sdes and yield parting The
benaed curb ll should have a minimunmdiu.fl 5 t4-T6 zones should hale a ieguldr
amnged in an op!.nunislrc panem Tl-T4
lrees T4-T6 zones should povrde a sinsle
planlets be provided. T5,T6 zones shotrld
(24-i 6 nletes). ibr T5jl6 zonos (l 2-l.B
The anlnge,nenl ollEes may be clustered for'll
amngentnl oflrecs T5-T6 zoncs inay have rees
zorcs may halc mulliple or alternaring spcies of
specics lor rrees ]t rs srgeesred $ar conrrnuous
prolide lree rveus Pla er ridrh tbr
Ihc CPDO should seiecr rhc spcies appropriale for the Egion
Common rypes of sket tr.e shapes.Ior Erft zones. Pol€. Oval. Ball, Pynmid, Unbr.tla, and
v!se. Only Pole. Oval and Balltrec shap€s shouldbeallord lorT5-T62ones
The sulsened chomcrer olpublic lighdrg fixturcs for ri-T4 is Cobm Head, pipc, post, add
Column 15-16 should use column and doublc column stieer lighti.g Pubtic I'shlinr
fixlucs should provide suilicienr lighiing lor pedesuians and vehicular saLtt
percolalion and a {"iki.g parh or bic)cle rrail along
landscaping consisrs oa mutiple sDecles arared in
This frontag. has ra,sed cutu dEinedby inlerlnd sidcvalks sepmred fmrn rhe lehicuta. tanes
by individual orconiinuons planlc(*lrhpa rngon one or bolh sides The landscapns consjst
ol streer lEes of a single or lhernating spccics atlgned in a regulany spa.ed otee, sirh rhe
exception rlEl sl'ects lynb. righlol$ay (R O w.) ridrh of 12
or Iess a,e ciempl trofr
rree requiremeits. Theurbandesisn tuconrmendatrons will be appropnde for S& JMn onlr after
the adaption ola S.nlun Shan Code
relaGd lo a geenwa! or $aterfronr. tr rs seprmied froh lhe lehicula. lanes by indivldual or
continuous planleE lhc landscaping consists of nreci lEe! of a snele or alErnaring specres
alienedln a regularly sFced ale
Thrs frontage nas nise curbs drained by rhe nneh and wide side$alts separated iioto the
vehicular lanes bv a naftow conlinuols planrer rnh p kms on borh sidcs The landscapinq
.onslsls ofd singlc trce species aligncd in a egularh spaced alee
Cornmercirl Slreet or Arcnue
lhis ircnraee has 6ised curbs drained bt inler and verl Nide side*aLks along borh sides
separated rrom the vehictrlar lancs by separale ffee
rvnn grares and parkrng on botb sides
The landscapi ng consi srs o I a !. gle rrce spec res aligned v iih rcgular spaci.g rvh ere posi bl e. 6nr
cle.'s lh. llorionI c.trances.
Common Yard,Porch andFencc, Forccou.t and Stoopsarccodmoh lionhles ofprilarc oMcre
llndsclpc. A fcncc nay be used to maintain thc sreet denDnion. as lo.g s n lollorvs rhe
guidelnes lisled in the zoning Ordinance l-arge trees Nithin a foHoun ma! overhang the
sidcsalk Sloops Nill be rccomnended for areas prone to nooding 1r is sugeened $at are$
ineantlohnman oeupancy nelnt forhuman occupancy be dcsisned one meler above fie ilood
lrotcc tjon clclatio, o I ll ood pmne ecas
ShoPfronts shouid he des!,ed with its burldins entrancc al lderelk gnde ft has sub$anrial
giuing and an awning rh matolcrlapfiesideN,lkroy'thin05neresolthecurb Callries
ae lrontascs *ith alEched cantilelered shed. oi a |ghnvcight colo.nade ole apprng thc
sidealk Calleries should be no less fi.n tltree mete^ widc A(ades should be no lessthan i 6
m.1.6 vide and should overlap ihe sidc$alk to wirhin 0 5 neGrsoflhecutu
San Jnan Riv€r rnd C.cek!
Much potenrial for developtoent exnts alons riven but is un|onuialely overlooled because ol
the preva ing nen$lty olriveN and$aler bodics as the sesers and back olthe house ofthe city
All rileu libukries, andcrcoks ii Mero Manila have lo.g suilked such eLects broughi abour
tt nrbaniation and rapid derelopment for decldes The San Juan Rivcrand crocks havc lirred
thc sainc, and ar a prinL ern bsame t[e most polluted iriburary oa rhe Pasie River and declared
bior ogical ly dead. Thus, $o policy Jncchns arc ptuposod. vhrch{c poti0res onenlnonme.t.l
presenation and policies on rilediont
Poposing rhat San Juan Rrver, E.rnaio Creek and Mayrunas Creek ro be constand! ctcancd has
oe o .qr noi.rrlarrrtl I I'rlc!r.rselor.
n?$nJru' trccar. lcd,'li e. I F'lr.lJR lpJidr
thal rts plans, poiicies, and actions nccd lo bc *cll coordiDared vitr rhose otolhercnres !s $€I
'l helasig Rivor Rehab'lilalion Commission ls also crucral io fo€ing and tic' nrting multitalemt
dlalosues and partnemhips hr- all LcUs rhat rhc Pasiq Rivcr and ils lribuhnes coler tr is
prcposed thd rhe elficicnt and resultsbased manaeenent ollhc Plsis River and fts slsrens.
nolably the Srnluan Rivor md its qeeks is nnposed
Prior to ul izing lhe nven and crccks lor rccrcatonal, ftnspon, a.d open spa.e lunctlons,
polcies. for ils bioloCical Fese^rtir, aid ptorcction need ro iake innial mtifiladon and
recogniio[ Dcspile iB label as biologically de0d, rherc h sllll a possibility lhlt the San.luan
River can be rcvivcd Other ileE in lhe orldsuch as$e Singapoe River, Ihames in London
or lhe Seine in Paris. oncc $ere aho considered polluted al some poinr Today. $cl cn be
obse^ed to be inhabited by a fish and oth* manne lrle
Olherpolrcies tdr envircnmenhl presen.rion include conslam clean i n g prograh s. rvith cle ins
lasls .olaring lo various sovement offices, dep3menrs, schools. p.rare organizatio,s d
olhei en ies to get everyone invotved one ofthe nalor policy goak n b put San Juan Riler
lnd lhe llvo creeks in ils most natural and prisline nale as possiblc Thc landscanine oai$ banks
car use biorsnedi ati ng technolosy such os contao i ndldigesri n g hacterla and phyhremed,ating
planls such as leliverand musrard planrs
Lrnlil the waters ofihe San Juan River and ns creels are cleaner and up lo accepkble lelels it
rvould fien be possible lirr nore physical developdenrs tu rake placc This h ako in rhe naLlon
rhat all pollulive indusrries, hosprlals. houses, and establhmcnls sinHed along rhe river, or
drain lheir ueated se$6ge to rhe rilcr harc nalted disposing
dunng the sme rDre nver
cieanupprosmms t3ke plac. l hc policr forphysicaldeleloDrnent sruldenraillandscaping and
aenhetic enhancemerts and not largensodle pemane ltrrctuE der€lopmenh
Pad ollhe policy aor uterfronl developnenr n lhe nnplemenlation ofr?rer use zoning policies
ro cover brnks aid the naNal Mler syslens ofSan J an Coltang thc aatcr use zone wnl be
lhe {aie6 Nithin ilsju sdicrioiandthessefienlonbolhsidesoftheba.ksandrheMrerirself
for lnland creeks A1l regulaliom and tules offie elsemcnl law will be complied sith b! all
Fe6ons concehed bur esthelic dele opment lnd landscapine will be rhe mai. approach to
developmcnl, the object'le for thn k 1o treat much like a eadcn-cun-.jogeing rrail sifrilar lo
sh.t is done in oihercounlries Zones alone lhe crecks and San Juan Rirer tbr actire and passive
Ar lhe safre titue, it n essentalro progam river or crcekside dev€ having the river or
creek.s a fronlase Thn wiil be done through the 2oning ordinance to be applieble toexisling
nnd fuluE sl.uctural developmena Acce$vays lo the rulerfront Nill ako be plmed. ln thn
manner, it r erpecled tha! the led ralues Nnhrn 100 1o l5() meteN will rncrease Ihe ciry
golefrrefl can use social prolramNns to take ldlrDtaee ollhe heighlened land lalucs in lhc
are.s. Through such spproach. the c'1)" can imbibe lhc scnse olo$neshrp ofthe rn erfionl and
crceksidcs lo land oruers lo nolivate them to hccomc slelards ed to lake care of the ne.rbv
'lmnspoftalons nve6 and creeks a.d the use ofrls eosemenis lo! ames have alwars been viablc
aLlemaile lranspoft rneans and a..€s arcas 10 connect dillerc.t barangays and orher p.rls ollhe
chy. watcrbascd lranspo( can also be madc a dcvclopire policy lo addres lhe concen ol
rltenltir€ neans or tmnsport and accessrbjlilr. Sln.juan tu'er can become an inles8l Naler
route to acftss vanous parls of Meiro Nl3nila once lhe Pasig Riler Ferry Srstem rvould be
in Lhe Batis. Kabxlanan, San Perlecto Coomunny ENemenE on the orher hand. can seNeother
rolcs ibr uriliry such !s for access. and for hedl$ and leisure such as jogernsDikins parl* and
Promsed I rifUc lurn.!e6e.t.nd lnd.orene.l Sl.ntcqi€s
lhis chaprer aims 1o inaimize dre elic.rivencss ol lhe use ol exlslrng rransponarion
inlianructure rn San Juan Ciiv Iropu plannins. honiloins ard control of lallic h cscntial
because of its huge impact on ihe qmllly of lilt in cilies San Jun's tnfic cnallefges as
highlighed ar.laMllzed i0 tlE Projccrion olr_u(ure sc.da.ios. supplcncntcd br rhc SccLoal
Sludies. cohpnse of several ol seletul firc1o6. These facroE rnclude. but are not hmned ro
sisnillanl rnlitlmlron ol non-iocal traffic. coneeslion. exisllng naEorv ruads, palline
insutficicnt pcdeslrian walNrats, &d lraiic accidenls arnoDg others ln quick summrr_v. this
chapler D€sents stratcgics lo addrc$ thcse challenges rclarive io rhe scorE ofthe lollovms:
l ratjc Aclivr!_ Management
Acccss and Circrl3lion Provisions
Itlnspo 11 Nel$,ork Managenenl
Redel'lnilion olTuvel Rehlvn
?dking MamCernent Sintcgies
hproviDg Air Quali!
Each ofnre sn$egjes pla} fucid and mpona rolcs in lhe oleoll crearion olan lnieeirated
Traiic and Transpon Mamsemem Sysrem lor Sa. Juan Cily Thc soal G to provide tansForL
rhal will nol onlt scnc thc rcsidcnls bu vill!lso proyide benefir al thc melropohan and natiooal
Ielel lls ann is to cnhancc $c acccssibilit]- olsenrces and thcililies so that Do onc n socilllr
excludcdandalllherrarelneedsofallse.lo^areaddrcssed Theplanisbcnabieihebusnesses
ro openrc efficrenlly wrh minimal enviro.trental impans The exisrng Traiic and Paiiing
Manaeemont Offce ofSanluan Cny will mprole and conxnue to drcct d operare the uaftic
opeolion! as irs e{ulile lLmcrlois, $hilc conlinuously dcvclopine and reseatlr tntfic
iinproleme and congeslion mrtigation sraleglcs as ils planning lunction
Traffi c Actirily lllnmgencnl
Srn.Juan Citv. st.alegically located rghr at the hcad ol Nleto Manila is a busling metrcpolis
wher€ rbousands mole from home to oik or elseNhere in an eerydar" basis Efective
ftaragemenr ol conftnt flo ol people a vehrcle r thus. nnpona ror socr. econohic
delelopment. Th€ hain goal otan efectirely-manased rmnspoft cnculalio. syslen is ensuring
rhat lehicular lnd h!6an lralic flo"stNl) to rnole n.m orignr b desxmxon Facinslh(goal
aE rarious challenges such as accrdenls, manual tnlfic dtucting. and nBh hourcongesnons lhal
imp€de or slorv dosn cnculalion and chole vnal access poi n ls Speclilc straEgies arc enployed
!. rr!rlic Acrivir! Management, rhichareas lolloRs:
]vlotorisl Nolifi cation and Advlsory
ConJjcslion Mlndsenent and Mediall.n
Panems ol l.nd use in San Jun Cil!, rn lcrms ofns mir localion, denr,r", lnd ldlout should
cduce thc need lo lr.el. Developrns n,xed dse arcas promorelime{haring olihe usage olrold
andplrkingfacllilies Whilethercsldennalo$ne6lendlouse$eparkingspaccsbcN€en7pm
to 7. m, custosere olcommc{ial csbblnlxnenk and vorkeE use the parking sPces bet$een
l0 am. to 9 p.rn Proper scheduli.g ol delivery truclis and elen tle garbage tucks can aho
ninifriT€ .ongesrion by No ing lralellng at pual( hou6. Acllily .n thc oad such as road
rerks should aGo bc prcpc4 plamed ro aloid conli.B br apfopn c]! coodnuting ed
bookrngfie mad spac. sith lhc Traulc Operalions Cente.
Ner deleopmenh should bc pcftnl(l Lrhere rhe
nrlrairucnrc dne.ny b service rt i5 alailable or can bc
proridcd nr thase ilh rbc delelopmenr Developers Nill
he ep4tcd to conriburc to lhc new .r iinpoled
',... op..,- " dc.;:r1r.d .op
t)ubli. vchlclcs. in.ludiog huses.jeepneys. and t'cycles, rs
also necded lo orsan /e talfic. Srops snould be located nor more ihan.l00 meres apan Lar b,'s
nrould also be developed .1 thc pDbli. ntiliq_ $ops ro ensure smoolh ranlc loN aid
alo d rbrtracring lehioular flor.
Ihrough $e No oldete.lors such !s closed cncuil relevision
(/ l .'' " ! o, F nrt ! 1or ,'on
't. -. el'
as rudio ftequencr delccron. Dote.lial huild uD and congeslion
cen bc crcdivcly moniored In olher counties such as Canoda.
.lcctlclehiclcdct.cro( are efrbedded ever! 600 heles on rhe
highnaypalcdenL Thismavbe appled nr SanJuanCrlr- silll
propd srudl on hor dErant th. delecroE shonld bc rnsh,led
alougroads I hes e dete.(nJ $il l to easurc dE degree oa
coigest'on indroddorrnre^ectionardsrll Iransmir
rnlonnalion and dara tu a cenrmlizcd rraffic Operulrors Ccnl.r
matrnedbySanlunCity rraffcandParkineNlanagcmcnr
^ i.. l Vn kr r lo..Jb' l, r 0r h r," " r.d rrc
A l4/7vierofatr intcrcctlon or thoroughlde k adeavailable
b! CCTV crtoeras in a Trdlfic Operanon Cenrer These camems
aE caprhle olzoorning ln and out, pnning.lilling, which.aptures lhe nauE olcongesion ln a
giren snuaLl.n. $hile vlesing il on soeen i. x real tnne. Aside rrorn inoortoi,ns tturfic dnd
drherco.dirions. crihes cdn also be rnonrtored to ensuE connn nlrysafety
Color coding scheines. trherc grccn Epresenl lree-lloNlfg to mlnor conecstor, yellow
modcGtc t6fic brild up- and rcd lor hcavy coogesrion vlll b. lppllcd on changcable maps
the Traflic Ope.atronx Centrfor cas! relerenc'ng
Ircidenl }ls.ogenent Stralegy
As lohllular a.oidents hdrpcn.lhe p rsion ol an licidenl Managemnt SrBlegy becohes le!
1. qui.Hr r.s.lling rhe itop€dance ofsuch roid p.oblem A lull hncal te.m stationed nr
st egrc localions along busy thonnghfares rn S.n IMn Cri,! $lll bc in chargc ofclcaring xrva_v
debris, toin! vehicles and ng tcrntorary rcrorts arom lailc incjdcnls such as lchicular
accide.r on{ne Tie qllck response &!m $ill immed,Jrelr acl on such ,ncidenls lo fite
oo:(rustrons llk(block the lie no ol lrnilic
rheuil! il su!h rtr!ide rs Frlldulo r.licdll! bc
r.poaed to the lrafic Operations Centcr
tloto risr Iorific! tio tr rml ldvhory
! rm:lt.3.cunte, and useiirlhforxrtl.n are liev to minnnrze i[e lraitc rmpa.ts olincidenls ind
consesljon b moro.isrs Adlancc nolilicalion lhmeh cl]jcicnl signagcs alone mator roads can
be crj-' usetul decnio.inakins ards tbr molonsn Lrehre venlun.g on thetr rcules ro lhei
deslinaion $ealher prool. eleclronic. and edtublc notiiicalron ssroges allo drners lo dir.n
flomlhcinlficproblcnrarcaaDduscalternnliveroul'nsoptrons,hesenotincdrons*ill be
advised fronr the Traffic Operalions Ccntcr O{cmll ihk stal.g! is an cla.frel! efecrivc lool
of cornnruDi.ation $ilh fi e talcling plhlic
t" 1
Co.geslio. Managencnt ind l1edi.Iion congcslcd arcas can b. .asily anlicipatd upon nnmeft{s cong*noi lrEuencleshd
ratic ma.agcnent (udles that wlll guide tuturc slmlegies i0 such areas This slnle$- $o s
hand-nlhand $ith norriicatron slnleeies as rvell !s odrr t.dtiic nia.agemeil schenres
Congostlon Dramge'nenr ent.ils prc sxdies olcomnonly congested areas ahd the derlopaent
olrgoutc conlineenct plans, uhich aE easily dnphyed on eleclrcnrc rcad nol icalron boards.
Orhcr sound rraii. medialion stntegles s!.h as oreilay .ouli.e or U{u.n s oB can he employed
a.r('rb . I b'.n olelo'"p.''tr'r-,'' fi.-r.h drd
Nore $,1 inis stratcgy ncccssnar.s r1r study ol areas liequentl_v congened durlng ep(rcd aid
unexlieded r!ftlc pcriods such as ru$ hours or reekends No Iwo iDle6eclrons. lnr eamplc.
can be conrdcredthe snme. hcnce Brsing the nccd loi i(alllcs(udies and couts on sp.cinc spol
desrimtions lrke rhu in order ro devise rerouling schenes These aediarion mea$rcs vill bc
lalen inro piace $hen needed. upoi acxral aafr:ic cone.stion. and durnre lhc likc nmes ol rhe
Commercrl oErs, schools. chur.hes, hospilah. luch a5 the Asora irea. San rum Clt) Hail
lnmaculal. Concepion (lCA) and Xaier Schools. and orher mllc nagncc can
uilize elec onic notlficarion boards lor lt-r consesioD manag.rnent strate:y
,1...( ind an'.trliri0n P,nern
E!e{ rrallic Frone streot or intescctior should hale lhen orn well slldied, sound rmuline
schenle Rerourng limcs shouldb. slratgi. and *ellcoordrnaled wilh thc xme oflhe dar". road
condrlions. *cather. even[. and other lhcoa Fosible aor a..ess and cncu]0tion paneins Pros
and cons should aho be $dghted and considered
C.ntinued ifrFlcmcnhtion of onc-sat rouling on specific slreels slrould be carelull] sludied
Tralic nlgncls can uilizc rhis iralcgy on .enam rnnes ol rhe day An erainple ofrvlich are
slreels r lxn lhc vicnri!_ of Xaviu School a.d lCA, *ich is healil! c.ngeled dffing th.
inoinine .nd anernoon olrekdays
Hrsh-OccupancJ--vehicle (HOv) llnes $hlclr hxc l,cen succe$ful abroad are olien be$
inic$ledin nide hrghuays.nd ha s This can cncoungc pcoplc to c.rpool fhe applicabiliry
olr[i slrarcg, alo.e O.rigas Acnuc aDd S.ilo]dn Road 0.n Lre studied Litewlse. auromaiic
nsing bollards to delinear€ a.ccss on slreers such as lor public usc can onlt hc uscd
Takr.g considenlioD of lmpa.s ofclirnate ch ge, dnd lhe nunerous narura! caiarnnics 1it
Elvisrof ol acce$ rodds ltr nrdoy l)la..s can .ct.s a dis.$cr rclief rou& a eil l-ilT$is..
sp.cin. exBiinr rolds crn also be assrfred as cmergencr diverion routes These routes can also
bc dcsignated.s access lanes lorambulanc.s,lirc ttucls, and poLi.c palrol lchrcles
Ako connded and elcYated rulliavs
lacililaLe de conrinuous operations in rhe
Tr{nspori N€isork irt,nagemcnt
frly be developed especiall) in fiood prcne areas to
Tansporl nexrorks should be managed in such a way rhar thc dil-erenr modes ar inreghred.
$Eincnt and rcliiblc and each pa.t oflhe ciq has ns acccss. Tlcrc k a nsd ro balancc lh.
prorGion of difcrcnl inod.s ollranspon lo avoid lhc usage ora pflvate.a. as the onlr oprion
Susminablc pL$lic tEnspon should be $e top priorily. ll is inDonanr to provide accu8ie cnd
alcessibl. rnlonndlion abouttte alailable transporr ohoices lor lhe Esidents ofSan Juan Public
transport routs. temin.h. and schedules cah be Dosted on drc ci!": websne b inlom the
conDuling publ!. Ev€n nerrcrk condilio.s can be posied to euide lhe plbLio I'or lhen
appropriate.holce of t6rel route md mode Llkevhe, this inbmahoi can also be posLed at
public arels, especlallv ai lhe desilmaled tra.spon stops T.arel Behrrio.
Il lsconmon @ongmany Fllipiiosro {!ke public or priute transponan o n des pite tlE proannily
ol ihen deiinaxon This dependency ol the hajorrq on rhe nsc of mororizcd rmnspoftarion
eq uales ro n mero us eNtronmenta I a. d soc io-econom ic impacts.
l,a$toakes, public offcials, ard the piivare s.cror should advocaE on health! ransporlation
This Nould llso promotc a cleaner envnooncnt Nhich Nould.cdound lo thc helllh olSan.luan
'Ihn sho.ld bc sccn !na posixlc
using fossil-tiE enerer_ sources
Citv resrdenrs Walking io aork o. ro commercid aras n not
.jNt hcallhy bu also praclial. The morc pcople use lehiclcs
the hjeher dr chlnces ol lrafiic coneeshoi. It is best lo
reslore rhe near forgotien practicalilv thal ealkiig or bikin-!
to vork has more longerterm bcnenrs lhan usnrg motoiT.d
vehicles Publishing maps ol walking and cFling r.ules
$ould aho heh prohole dis alemaive toeans ol ralel
lnrere(ingl!- the rhrear ol increded tuel prices actually act as
paBdoxnal oppoftunlq to compel the public 10 Nalk, bike, or
trse sell-poDellcd modc othDsp.n 10 rc0ch thcir dcslrnalron
lisntsoasnollor.inlorcethelocalFopulaln isdepenlencvon
lorkpldce tra!.l plans can also be prepared to organize lralel jouners ar peak i'nes rd
inprove accesslbili! by expandlng rralel choices and educing $e need ro lGvel. Enplole^
can aho prolide biclcles forlheir sklTlo use for busines lmrel The Citv Co€mnenr ofsm
.ruan can jumpshrr tht aclility to en.ourage orhcr govemfrenL oflices as well as prilale
eslablishmenls. A homc lorhing policr-, ilalplicabLc can aiso be applied to educe orc nccd for
stufflo lruvei Car sharins cln also be encouiaged tugelher fi1h seft'ns up ofcar clubs or
residenrs of cenain villages similar to what is done in Japan The Esidenls can pay !n lmual
menbeBhip fee to s operalor who provides a rarye ol rehicles aor lhen connnui{} MenbeB
rll then make a bookingand pay br lrme and dishnced when thE)^- use a lehicle The.orbined
costs ol nenrbeship lnd use aE cheaper rhan personal car oFrershi,
Rcdcllnrns lrael behavior B a social process thar Nill ned de conbinaroi of nrss! iledia
hfluences trnd pohical Fomorion Qlalit! inloflnation should be Foided lo lhe pubLc ro
educaie. i.aonn and innuence lhen mlei behalior
Tho the ?ublic Prilate Pannership p.osram or a Burld-Operate-Transfer schcnc, ihc ciu_ Nill
be rble 1o promore rhe us. ofbicv.les bv rhe people nr going about then daily rculines Plrlng
up slalionro-station foFrenl hlcycles mar be $e,non xpprop.irte lnrl limeLr nrojccls
Biclcte paths. or sheelir! Emps n6l be put up llong the rcads or sideelks, inside
condonnriums. buildnrgs or horsinC faciliries. ldentirying bicrllc parking arcas nill be a brg
lador ifre are lo encoumge lhe Ds. oabi.tcle n rhe cily
'rh. prcfcired modes oltiansporrallon shouldbe rn lhk order
In line vilh thG, pede$ian crossing lanes should be iiclly obsen-ed Lntenections should be
clear lioft any obntucrions Pedeslrlan rvalhvays snould aiso be uninrcrruptcd on ihe nreet
Ir fic Cllning.nd Rord Srrety
The $und snd pioper utuan deign ol sideulks, cross$alks. comq facad6, prcmcnad.s, and
olhcr D.jor oad compoDeDts 0rc Dlesml rn $e sattr_ ofns use6 and the genetulpubllc All
seclore oa nrc comnunit) pafricnlant th. loung.lhe elder y, and the mobilrry-impaned should
bc ablc ro lravel lsnlelhe diliircnt travelmodes safelr_ NalunL bader or planh and ionshould
acl as buJrers to separate ped.stnans arom lchiclcs lo en!tre satuy Land$aping nol just
ftn.tuns as a proces olbedulrl-yiis the urblnscapc, bu( also prolrdes sraEgic protclon b!
tray ofdesi$ 1o pedeslrians SF.ed limils !n ceriarn areas wilh hish pedesirian tmfic such as
schooh can ako be inplemenled
Tmlic catning tcchnrqucs ro slos dorvn lraiTic ro nake the lrearnorc conducrve lo pede$rians
and cyclists should tre implemenrc.d lhis sould.otjusl lessen the negative inpac$ olroad
ra,Ic bu will promorc a morc human nlleRctirc setxry *hrch rill clcntually lead to socrll
ril.lrry LikeNse. cenain streets should be assignod as no fionlrl.e 7.nes to prle.t tbe
disruption ol p*ce and order
Iligh blank lalli are a deEftenl 10 salery. cspeclally ai and near inteEections lt is pruposcd 10
take doM lnese hrgh Nalls orbe mrnimiu.d ro a mLinm ol onc mclcr in heieht
CRES# 26-13 CLUP of San Juan City.pdf
CRES# 26-13 CLUP of San Juan City.pdf
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CRES# 26-13 CLUP of San Juan City.pdf
CRES# 26-13 CLUP of San Juan City.pdf
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CRES# 26-13 CLUP of San Juan City.pdf
CRES# 26-13 CLUP of San Juan City.pdf
CRES# 26-13 CLUP of San Juan City.pdf
CRES# 26-13 CLUP of San Juan City.pdf

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CRES# 26-13 CLUP of San Juan City.pdf

  • 1. REPUBLIC OF THE PHITIPPII{ES Oilg E, $sn Ursrr IIi1ETRO IIIANILA 'ooo" OFFICE OF TIIE SANGCUNIAI{G PANLUNGSOD CTTY Rf,SOLUTION NO.26 Seri€sot20rJ A RESOILTTION ADOITINC AND APPROVINC THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PI,AN (CIUP) OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN, METRO MANILA J.OR 'LARS201I TO 2023 Sponsoed by The Conminee on Housing, Land and Utuan Developnenr (CouncilorsEdg.rdoV Soriano, RichtudF Pmltd and Ferdinand A vel0sco) and CounciloB Anselo E. Agqor li. Anhur Allredo E. Aqurno. Rolando M Bemado. Leonardo C Celles, lan€lla Ejercno EsrBda, WilLiam C Go. MicnaeJ Crisropher R Mathay. Mcrie O'neal S. Mendoa. Iose u/anen P Villa and Chamiane Charlene B Gonalcs wl.lEREAS, the Execudve Commitee and rhe city Derelophenl coucil. through Resolution No CDC42-002 has recomended lhc apprcEl ollhe ConDrehensive Land Use Plan (CLLr?) ofinc Cil! of San Juon for $e Ytr6 201j io 2orr: WIIEREAS, rour (4) public co.sullalion meetings ivere conducred dnd rhe sane vee afiended by various interagencies ol the nalonal govemenr. banneay representauves, non golemmenral orcaizarrons and Esidenrs ofdiffer€nl baransay u tsofrhecrtyofs rJuan. WHEREAS, iile (5) en banc hearings *€E likervise conducled h! $e Sanggmiang Panlungsod presidcd over by Crt_v Vice Mayor Francisco Javier M zamora and th€ Commilroc on Housine, Landard Urban Delelopnent $hich ras anended b] the Execurle Conmltcc and rhe Ciry Developmenl Council rn order lo rerielv $d 10 make the necessary amendnenE ro rhe recommended Comprchensi!. Land Use Plan (CLUP) NOW TIiERF.FORE, the Sangguniang Panlnngsod in session dul t assemb led, do herebt ADOP'IS and APPROVES lhe Cofrpiehensle Land Us Plan (CLUI)offie Cily ol San Juan lor2013lo2023.copyoafiichconsslm8oflourll)volumesmnelJ-Volunel Proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan(CLUP)] Volum€ 2 - Secronl Srudies: Volume4 Annexesand volune 5 DleslcrConlnaency Plan is hereby deched as an inrc8@lpafi ofrhk Resolurion ')tffi) ))/,:,) . HApMrANr.Hidllftl * rirr'i7^r Fs Cin Councilor tl-I,tAllt c, co
  • 3. City Government of San fuan VOLUME I COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN (CLUP) 20t3-2023
  • 4. (umprchen.i,e Lro tse Plsn l-imiled land aea,lraliic coneesron. floodins. and proliilrarion ofintomal settteB nre among lhe biggesl chailenges forrcsidqnts olSanluan Civ The ]-and Use Pla oI San Juan Clly nrotoses $e deltlol]hcnr ot sDeciatized communn .rr.',.noI( -.c'lroor rc.tJ (onn inc.!heer,oe..r"r Le sor..4.t ].ri be crcakd based on thespccilic specialialion Each clun{sillaLso have ns or urb.n center. lhis cu be achieled by zoning .reas inro mired-use delelopnenls, alto*inB various Iand uses su.h as esidenrial. commercial, insfiulional. and open spaccs Ar rhe same nme inaormal scde.s !,ill beEloered in socialized houses $aregicalll loQrcd Lv'rh'nrheciry. These specralized comnnnilics ra.g. fton medium lo hrsh densit! comnercidl mixed nsc arcas, residenri.l mired-usc areas, and waiedront dcvclopment Majornt ol the land use in San Ju.i still locus on Esdential uses ($hich are present in alt barangays). ]lo€!er, rro sigjficant changes are proFosed lvhrch lre the shift rowards densification of residenLial llnd uses and mNed-uses fi pedoninlting rcsidential uses (eplained on its onn section). High Denrtr ResideDlial (R3l use is proposed io become $c mininufl land use densiry Appuns such increasod densily fill srimulate veftical developnenrs and condominium stylc dsrllings This rvill provrde additional residential and dwellhg spaces lb. satr Jxm residen(. cvcnruall] addinglo rhe alrcady scarce esidenllalareas olthe city Through rcnical urbanisn. lhe ciq lvill avoid urban spnNi and galn Dore gieen open spaces Higher rnte.s,il uscs aE sugsened ro be locatedalong m{or roads and rn arers acce$ibic to iail sralonsand ifferrnodal Onlt a i'ei .reas in San ruan will be consideied lor lieulrr rcsidenlial uses MaJonry or rand uses besde Emrano Crcc( ln Baaneay Geednills are zoned as Rr The greening and developmenl of creekide areas prclide high rccrcalioml an.nily $a1ls req conducile lbr Esideniial conccnlradons, hence iocaiing such resideftial uses in such areas Orhe, h rsh -densilr residenrial areas in this baranaay m loud alons Eisenhowq and Jackson Steec. Resrdenlral use aes are also nore organizrd .nd concenrtued on cerkin arcas lnsrcad .l spomdic allocaliotr of residenrill uses. such lrss are concenrated on mulriplc rdjaceflblocks 'ihe comenrarion of inuillple medium{esidenrial arus in Barangar M!tun!s is a sood examFle olhs areas Fnh residentiol concentralions arc ibmd in Baan$]s Onse and Sia Lucia, in the cenkal lrea oa Bara.eay Baris, Llftle Baguro, and Pedro Cnz, Balong tsato, and Emlrano. Ccnanr blocks in $c nonhetu are, ol BaBnrar Salapan arc to he ptuI{xcd us Rl wirh a FLoorAreaRatlool6, hecause ofllesmalldeplhsof thcblocks. lhe rcsidenlial aEas prcpos.d wirh thc density are rn Addition rlilk. Grccnnllh and Ar iresen! confrercial arqs are conccnrmted mostly along rho major roads. ercepl lor rhe Gtenlills Slopprns Cenler Arex, trhich re lc to tnalic corgestio. Tlrldrdus pldo$ill
  • 5. fiopose the developmcnl an,i disper.] ot.omrnercid centers i! staleeic !rcas rvithin rhe crg., iJ. l -ed'L rt. PFan . De.ilopn..or mrr r. L rare-" -rncrc is ! nioNsal ro $rcnerhei aid inlensilv lhe cunent u6an commercRl cente( 1rhr.h are Greenhilk Shopping Area, Onig.s Avenuc, junction lrea of P cueam a.d Witson, F Blmcnlitl, Nss Cny llall. gom, Aurora Boulcvard, rnd I R lz ilrban Bnerval rlnough lhe implovenent olurbrn aestleric desisn and ptupersrEel Iishringr]llalso be nnpbmented in ihis Eigh density coftmercial aEas *ill ilso bc csrablished cncompasing lhe lour barangays ol Lirrie Basuio. sra Luci!. M.ltunas and Addiiio. Hllh These commercial csla6lishmenrs !itlb. shllegically locared to bc widin elung disunce froD residential and residenlial mixed us 'lhese connercial developmenrs re aihed ar increasing rhe sellaustainabilir.v ol rhe cir,v in lems olallcaiirs sFces Inr ecoiofrjc activnics The nenl to tmrcl lo orher fLacas lor Mrliing an,j shopDinc $il lho be reduced Commercial areas *ill be classified as Medim Dcisiq CommeEin (C2) or Htgh- Densill CoDhercill (Cl) in lhe Zoning ordinance TheE are no proposed erpaision of instnuronll Isd areas in rhc ciry since lnslnutons are sumcicnr cnough ro caler lo govenmcni educarional, poli.e, ' edical, and orhcr ptrblic se(ice needsofthecrty }_ulue insrilulionalarea needs $iilpromfl ex*dng uses io exFnd lcnicall! Exi sting i nsli tuxons shal I be m aintained and inpro ved to service rhe pu6l ic These de the x a ! er and lmha.uLa{e Con.€F.ron Academy area. thc new cit}, hall in Brey Corazon de Jesus. Ciidin.l Saftos Medical Hospital, end Sannraio de slo Crisio lnd ,ts suroundrns rEas Facilrties nr insxtulronal areas such as schooh, hospitals, iid goleminent otnces shall bc upgraded to meet nE rceds olSan Juad City aj discu$etl in the Prcjeclion oflulure Scenaios The conslrdion ola biggercny hllladjace.r lo rhe linaglabanan Shine in Brgy Corazonsill also help rn exFondl.g the golemreni seNrces to Ihe public Pirk! rnd Rec.ertion.l Ures To rnaxrmize thc use ol vacanl lols and spaces lhen land uses sill L,e convefled rnio pdrts lnd Ecrearion areas afier carctul er,lLLarion of hov lo.g such arels have been vacant or underutillzcd lhe cil, govchhent can excrcisc ils polrets olexpropnarion and emineni domain to mate use olu.derulilized for use lor pirks upon due p.occss and rilhin boeds ol lhc liv Some lac,nl Aitas rhai arc pbposcd lo be convcited ihb Parks lnd Recreaion lreN are concrlols loud in Bannsar_s Greenhilh, Addition Hilh, Mallulas.litlie Baguro, Coruon de Jesus B,i.ngBal., Pedro Cruz, hd Sra l-ucia More parksandopen spaces ae proposcd lhc Pinaglabanan Shnneareauillbe aned as Pa*s andRe.Mtional Use. $hi.t is acorccljon fton i6 prelious aliomljon s ai il(irutionar ^nc. Parlis and ope. spsces funclion as lhc lunrs of lhc citv and as an arca aor.i!ic a.d $.ial acrivnies ddiliona parts, open staces should be allocaEd hr rhe cil} aside rron lhe eristing Pinaclabanan Shinc, Muntine LiwasannsBaunr SeJuan.and Ihe exisrin! bas*etbail couns in
  • 6. sone bd gdls Asdc lioh tunctionrne ibr .ec.earionar pur1oses. lhcsc open spaces can dso pronole health md $llness. act as buffe6, and sc c a a$enb]y and eacuarion arca durt.s dNaies 1hus, efeclive spa.c desisn md accessibiliq shoutd bc co.sideed nr alocating rhes; Path rvalls.ioggine lrails. and bitu kails shoutd bc deelopcd iorjun for rccrcaron bur 6 sell us an allernatlve node oatmnsFon Design.rd plq aroas Ibr children. as well as open spaces tor lamily pjcnrcs lnd othcr aciiviiies. *rll ako add to ihe tundrcnatity and vibrant atmospnere in $c parks. Benches ma be nrovided pcoplc, includine rhe handicapped and eldertycould relax. Commerial,reas could be estahlhhed around lhe Olrks, si.ce n is erFectcd thrt dema nds for products a.d senrces xill increase one people yisn lrequenrlv As pln of dhNer p.eparcdncss. these open spaccs should aho be incorpomted in rhc dEasrer mamgemenr plan 6 po$iblc evocuahon.rcas -Io incrcaserheaEas tbr parks and op€n staces, cx lsling govornmenr loG 'n uaoh bonng.y such 6 lhe baranear- halk should .1101 an aca xirhin rhc proliem for such usd Dtre b tnc linned l.nd area ol the cny, rcof eardens should also IJe enconraged ro increase the areas for open spaces, such should bc allocatd in areas rvnh hll huildings and larlc propeny spacus suoh as Grcenhi I ls Shopp ine Cenler, Xavicr S. hool, and lm mac ulole Concepc io. Acaden y. Spccial lnsiituiionat llses rhre will be no epansion or addit'oill lond uscs dedicared lo Special In$itutiona tlses th. Jbnns insfiulroml a&s of the Si Ju.r C il! .]!il (pNscm CrLr .]ar l) rn Brsy Conzon Je Jelus and while Cro$ in Brgy t-ilrle Baguio rill be appropriarel] pruposed as land lnr sp€ciat inslnrional ucs These leas arc principxllv lnr parlicullr !-pes oIin$itutional csrabtjshmen[ sn.h as utltile homes, orph ag.s,hohefor$caged,iehabilikdon,ndraininscente6,ortor an! other usesthar may bc delemined br lhe Sanesu angPanlungsod. lnt istru.tureand Utility l se3 Exisling lan,j allo(ed tbr rnaraslnrlue vill be Etaincd bu dre ioads and linkares wrll be improved o facrlna(e acces ro ihe ciry Roads in poor condxon rill need lo b. 'ep,ircd Coineclrviq' bet$€or najor roads in the cn)" such as Aurora Roulevard, N Donlngo Steet. Santol.n Iload. Onigas Ave.ue, P'nlglaLrBnln Ro!d. L BlLLmentrt, P Guclada. Wlson Slr*t. CoDnecricur Stieer, Annapolis Sreet, lnd EDSA siLl be promoted to link alt lhe bara.3ar's Pede$rian $aliNays adjacenl to the roads Nnl be cnhanced ro complemenr the proposal ol cr.dling h"ble rnd ndkable communnies in Sln Jurn City. Deremred biclcl. lanes ll also Lre prolided oncc feasible arcas ae idendfied 10 pmlide a !aie! ol ra.sponltion options tor Ljntages oflhe citr to the nass lensil systons sloh as the J Ruiz Lli'l starlor (Purple l-ine MRT-2) on Aurora isoulNard .nn $e Annapols slalion (Manila Mrr Bluc Lin.. MRll ) along EDSA will be sftnelhened by developing I mnsit Engaged Developnenrs (TED, TEDSffixvdnousIanduscsinapcdeslrian-tiicndlt enlnonme . Olhcr urilnlcs su.h as Marcnals Recolery racilly (MRI) $ill also 6e relalned The locar govenmenhvill aho .eed lo allocalc lard for rhe MIi!_ ol cach baransay, as iequiftd by R A. 900:i. $e Ecological SoLd W'asle Manageneni Acl
  • 7. Socir l ized Ilo usitrg Uses No data a.luired No socializcd hou$ng zone was alrhough suryers Ne'e co.dlcred Thc National socralT€d housins sites in Brgy. WestCnme reuecied on the Exntnr! Lmd Usc Plln Housiry Aulhorill'eponcdly proride! ro address rhe prol'lemtion ofinlomal sedles ivhofr ma oi ,rc vulnerabtc lo disaster and arc living h poor condilion, land uses ror $c'dlred housing nale been rdentined These socralzed holBing a.eas adherlng to gren pnncrpl€s can belound In badnelvs wesl Cmnq Si roscFl Pl aid Balis 1hc prcposed arca oI3 89 ha lor socialzed housins is divided b€N€en Barangay Si ,roseph, rvfh apgoximarely I 60 ha, and Bamngay West Cramc, apFrorimaFll 2:9ha Venical u6ankm will also be alplied in lhese arcas ro ftarlmize $e tmired space Msed-uses will ako be alLocared on the eround noor of the delelopnenrs ro promote comnercial activities ln rhe area. and rny orher pmpcq- $ar naybe exnmprialed and acqulrcd thruugh emincnt domaln aid all otheraEas to be detemjned by ihe SangguDiane Pflnlunesod illired-Lse Conn€rci!l Uses Allocatrons lor mixed-use commcoial la.d uses $illbe applied Su.h land uses are lranslLioial trses esp.ciallyaor mied,,lentiaitBnsiouing into cornnrrcial land lses These inixed- use commercral ses ah Lre found bcsccn mixed-use residenthl and commercial Iand uses in BaransalsGEenh Is. Kabaranan. Sta.l-ucia, Salapan, and Balong-Bato Baransays Balone-B{o, Salapan. Emnado, Rivera, Prcgreso, san lerticto. and lhe P Guemm-wilson commerc'aldistrict are to specialue on mlxed usedereloDmeitfi cenrer on ofllccs, BPOS sone retail and orhcr se^,iccs Compleme.ring comneEial esrablnhmens such as cafes. rcnaufrnts. and smdilgrooei] slorcsrvillbe allocaled infiese areas ro promolel.l-hdur Ar lea( sevenq, perocnt oflhe noor aE. of rhe eiablishn.nrs under lhis land lse cla$ficarion are lor corntoercial use. rvhile rhiny perccnt may bc loi residential or insiilutroill uses. Mred-use.oirmcrcial aEas rll be ol!$rfied 6 Mediun Denrl! Cornmerial Mixed- llse Zone (C2 MxD) or rligh Densily Coinmercial Mixed-Usc zone(cr MxD) in de zonhg ordinance Mediuh Densl_w Commercial lvlixed-Uses can be lound in Batueays Addnion tlills., Onse. and Sla Lucia Hign Density Commerc'al Mired-Uscs on thc otherhand can be round in GEetrhills Lntle Baguio, Balis, mosl ol Sai Pe.Iedo,Poseso, west Crame. RiveD Balong-Baio. Salapan, and the strelches ofN. Dom'nao andlinrglabanxn Onlr- a tcw asas arc alloca$dasHigh Densirt Mxed-Use Coinmerciol. rvhich can he lou.d i. Baranslr,s creenhilk. Addrtion Urlls. Little Basuro, Saiis, libagan, aDdRivcra ivircd-tc Rcsidcntial Uscs Beca6e the proposed thrun will also be on densincarion, mo$ residenrial areas rill be conrcrtcd inio mred nscs Rcsidcnlia 0nih arc Dqtrircn ro provldc tirl, pcrcenl ofldd dcas to commerclal or in$iturio.alactjllties, while rhe majonlr or seventy perceni oirhe land uses rillbc dcdicalcd to rcsidcntial uses Tlris ll bc do.c Lo encoumge smail admedrum{cale
  • 8. commeoal adi{ties in residental aras 'lhis sill conLribute to rhe compact devetopnmt oI Baraigals Pasadena, Comzon do.resus, Onse. habelii!. St loseph, Tibagan, and pans ofPedrc Cruz Hll speciolize on nixed usc developnents tlBt locL6 on venical reidenlial developmsnts lo house fio Pinaelabanan and Ciry Hatl p.Bomel Mred'use resdential seas *ill be cla$ified as High Densiq Residential Mixed Use Zone (R3 MXD) in theZoning Odinance. Plamed L nil Developnent 'lhe a@ of Agoia including lhe San Juan Elenrertary School and syd sretchins rovards San ruan River yillbe assiened as a Pla .eJUnil Developmenl (PUD) which pennits rexibilit, in planning and design 'l'his will be the only aea in San Jun thar will b€ assiened as a Pianded Unl Developmenl Pleasc relu to $e Pnority Areas lor Dcrclopmem Chapler lor funher dctails of rhe PLrD orea ol Agora Erisiingr Blsed on the Existing Lrnd tr3ePlrn, areas w€r€ provided bur €ncroached unon. The ciq slDll co pt! wiln rational aid local las ree!.dile the dGtaDce oaeasem.nis for rhe San Juan Rlver, MMunas Ceek, and Emibno Creek MMDA Resoluiion No 3 slares that the San Iuan River berng a major tflburul- olP$is River, should have a cofiinuous l0meler Enlionmeital Presetuaion AJca (EPA), dctc.mined liotu its exElins banl. Liner parks. x€lkNays. rcads. or gleenbells conducive to transpon. recMtion, and rouism an be developed inihesearsHowever,conslruclionolpemlnentslructuresisnorallor€dwithinihislo-m.rcr ElA !1lcvise, tsidenlial uses, senice lacililies, and pollulive aclivilies are notallowed in this area Meanshile a l-meler qsemenl lbr Ma]rums and Emilafro Crcck on both sids is equned.
  • 9. 1 rlclL9!1r0{r Jl lo.neter leg.l e*ehefi for nlcrbanks NOlE: 1) Easetuenls should alldr lehiclc acces for dredging and conslru.lion &tiviries Arcade struclures should har€ mple height allo$lnce tbrvehioles duing dEdging aad consftuction 2) lnr.riin dcsign lor sl@tres on easetoenh hrybe allowed during tne noncomplian.€ F€.iod l) The l0 ne1s *sene adFe ihe nvo and l-mcter easenlent beside $e cEeks Mll rc1 as lriendly venues for $!lkine, joggiig, md o$s physical exscises Adeqmre srops and re$s lhroueh pockel mrks and @rearon stations rvrll be allowcd I I t t
  • 12. tlrrx
  • 14. Cl6ed Gatcd Subdivisions Galed residenrial bdivisions are a comon sight rn San JMn, esnecially in the eostcm pan ol lhe cilv thal consists ofAarangar Greednlls Ihis is becausc oilhe rcsidenr'siielingofneed for security md c$lusrity. Cared subdivisions have creared supcirlocks ar the co{ or l.accessibrhl_a lor pedeslians, moldists, and resideits olsuroundingcommunnies I is signiticantly andobvrouslr rdeal ro cEare a safe neighhorhood Hovever, gfied subdivisions cnn have negalive jfrpads jn ihc fom of scgrcgation in bolh ! and social sene rl nol nramged in an appropnare nanner. Developing garcd commu nes aohtes the residenis lronr anl interaciion lrom the su oundins lres and reduces the ratfic florv. crearing a more As ! resuk, exislinBgaled residential srbdivisions incEased and enhanced acess lr'hilst $aintain Rcinoving gared subdivisio.s rrom lhe city and selcral difercnt schmes; however each needs in San Juan necd to be eradually opened for $e lelel of secunty irs Esidenrs exFer any asocialed problems can be lackled in the coop.rarion ol ns residents and local The sradual oDeningolclosed gAred corbunnles shall rncluderhe follosni! Gradul oponing ofall closed gales and ioads loallorlhe elsedent oft alic noN Thn qill be achieted du..g phases over a .oure or l-l ]eaB in order 10 allorv the local Esdeirs roadj6l aid.nEnd The ftsl phae yillconsisrofopeningupmain roads and sales !t cerla!0 itrl€^ah during rhe day. lor instance duing bus! shopping hoN and rush hour The s€cond phase shall incoryoratc a by-nass srstem, life that ofBel-An Village in Malaii, whcrc acess is p.ani(ed for non €sidents ibr 7 a n 1o 7 p m on seekdays Cradually eliminating the esricled zones rhs wnl sventnauy Iead ro $e pharngout of closed rmds Eradlcate an] vehicle access nrckers Encourasc lhe nNhlarion olCC'l Vs Renoval of !n, gats or fences ieshcling the holetne ol pedestrian .nd ehi.le Rcmoval of any r.sidcnrlaT clcmcnG rhar conribuo lo thc makine ol a hoslile envnonrcnl such as rulls wllh shards ofglass, fences {irh tarbed wne or spik.s cl. High salls aE lo be Emoved and replRced 'llh o green imll ar a heisht tnat dos nor obsttuci ncighborhood or pedestrian views Mainlarn ! significanl level ofsecun!_ lhroush the conlinued usqe olsecunrJ_ gunds and regularvisible police patols throughouL the lanous nerghbo roods
  • 15. Neighborhood ulches hd crime prercntion assoclatrons shall be set up and promorcd Srrcct ldkrng shall be.onrroll.d and ln sofre cases restrictcd and sullicieni affounr ol' slreel ighting shall be pro!'dcd lncile nixed laDd use delelopmenls to encoDage and lheretbre a more diveree conmuni!. This accessible public spa@s and Darlis Ciq revenueshanng and a.lul bonus.s lncrcascd allorvaicc for building heigh* T@n+!r ol developmenr .shIs Tax bonuscs for HOAS lhal show nmedEte compliance drverse activiries tlrcnehoui the day 'nvolves the promolion of safe and ' l'nc shole idea of integrallng the closcd gared subdivisio.s Nnh the Est olrhe or_v creares a sense ofcomnuniry, imFrovedacccsitilily. and a more aciive public re.lm ' Placefre ofpubiic facilitics and amcnrtles along accessible.oads and aclivlty coridos and rn mjxed use nod€s. These may consnt ol haih. llbtujes, schools, co'nmer.irl fronrr .r. ' lncoeorale rvell'functioning public rranspon slslems including pickl! and drop olI notnrs and a connnuous open space sls1ern passingthroreh r.sidemialcommuiiries ' Eren lhoueh the Home Orvne6 Associarons (tlOA) r nor consdercd a polirical entir_v they do in fa.l hae coilrol in selling lheir osi guidelnrcs for their neiChborhoods Theretore rt shaU be requrcd for lhe local solemmentio lircllitalc a dialog benvcc. the HOA and the Blnnea, Chanpcmon lhis is ro pla@ ai mplais on er"ding fte Hone O$rer Asociations (llOA) ol saied subdrlisrons in lhen ackno edgemenr lor lhe developmenr guidelines ro phasing our garcd commurjiies HoNeler. il should be nored thal certain aspecrsoflhrsscheme ma] depend oi thc financialbackinsoflhclocalsolemment Suchinccndlesshall include:
  • 16. rhe use ofstncl penalties inay be handed io rhe Home OMer Asociarions (HOA) thar tait ro abide b! rhe guidclines lor opening up eated subdivisions Such !.nallies shalt incldc: q Increased prcpeq uxes $ith a yean, increased al2ii " Restnctd airnshs CoDpliance Tioe Allorylnce A lime scheduled gudelne shall be implcmcn$d io orde. to catcgorizc the Home Otur Associitiors (llOA) compliance wilh thc resulations *hile s.ting .teadlines lo be relrarded if nel Thh rvill help $ilh rhejudgnenr ofthe govemmcm rvhen ddnburing such incenlives or pcnalizalion. The lollowrns phases arc Ecommended: " OI].n upmainioads atceftaini.refrak during Lhe day ' Renoval olan] bla*ruihorgatesorlences o Plannine ofsecurirr- 'neasures suchas nerehbo ood rvalches o Developpublic facilities and !mennies lrong accessible roads ' ln.'uNrJr( {e'l--r1. ,r'.rpubl'"*,1.fol ,lsrer '. o Incile rnixed land Nc deveioprnenl o EhnnEion of aeesrestictedzoies ' Ploningolpublicrnlegation ' Endjcare an! vehrcle .ccess $icteN " lncoryoEre a bt-pas syslem rvhee acce$ ls pemifled eacepr in planned restdcred ' Promoion olcommunal s{uriq As ihe progress the co ena consk of ldger scale inlesentions theElore requrc moE dnealldalion Wnere phasc I wiil nece$Iarejusl I nonns to impleinent phase 4 ma, need I' 5 yeas lfrhe HOA meets lhe deadlne ol lbe phases naning liom aerc.menr rhcn rhelncenriles shall bc distrjbutcd $teea ifthey are nor mei xilhin rhe time dlo$bces then the renld capacrry shall godually decline and elenrually be remoled The larger the amounl ol tlme exceeding lhe deadline dre les lfie reward Cod nercial Developme s ' Thioughout S!. Ju!n. comncEial uscs such as olfices wili bc disributcd at dlilmnr inlcnsilics and $irhin rlk'ig dnhce ol the l@ak to comd! ri$ rhe .hosen developheni ftume$olk The nnmcdiare pio.itj- ofsa. Jun is o sparialu orgatuze and lbmalize infomal commer.ial e$ablishmcnh ' Informal cotonercial delclopmcnts shnll bc aullr- lomaliz.d and lhccfore shaU be Lcensed wnh a snop pemn ' A.y i.lomal establishnefi shall be prolided sith nfomadon to bec.m. r fully IreBed iet.iler. however. ifrnev choose not ro complysith a gilen penod lhey rvill be
  • 17. Sl.cct vcidoA shall br pturded Nth orner to help sell rhet D.ducts. Thee inlcemlin! lhcn osn dcrsn in odcr to noE lbrml rcrxill.g e{tuiFeir lnd hoolhs in shall be providcd lroin $c Sai iuan sor cmnent mcire fie charxcrcrof the.ny lnbnnal shop r.nucs sliall be rc.lcv.lopcd by belng giren a ne$ rrrdte!'clllr ^ncd locatron and ! povrded {orc rhat.omphes wnh rhc sel design regulal,ons nr lems ol a dre. rn eicr sel b..1. narenals, shop slndor liul. ctc Ali connnercial esrabLrshrn.lxs ranging liom snsll ro mcdiufr scalc. shlll manrlt be Toncd or rdenrificd livcl)_ high strccts xs .l1as rner $allurs xnd linear parr.s thal run ilong San lurr ltivcraidFrnlilailoCrcek ll$cshall proide rhehishr deni1! trrbxn.enle( dj starcdrn lhechose. develop,ncnl schcrne h is recommended lhrl exch resident D SanluaD Nilhin a,loonneler Ddff lhealerage rallingdrkn.o ftom a oornmerclal area As a relrlr lhs Nllle$Bn the use olpe(onrl ehrcles ro lra el shon di$nces srthrn Sln.rurn Mlxed-usc d.r.lopmenls shrLl be intoduccd ln relde.l'dl aels th.oulh (he Zoniig Ordiiame ltesidcntlal unns arc rcquld to provide dnr) percenr ol land ,r.a ior .ominercial a.ivirie. Thr5 rv'l b. do.e ln .rder 1o enrourage bolh rnedrum ud snrall scale cotrhcrcral aclivnies h eidenrFl areas Providiig sho| licens€s shall allNv lir a l.nnal ur colL lcriod lar rares shall bq based o. rh. d.nsnt olrlrc connrerciil zone and lhe lzc ol {hc crlchtoenl area. Cridual i'icreasng the land valuc tax ill lend tu lhe developtuenl of ih. con oen lrate{l noc kets oI coNnerci d zones conmercial acrlviries shall he esl,blnhcd S,n lMn These shall h. 4n.d $rrhtn the areas thar curentlr obuD rh.,nos1 connnercirl ind ledesliln a.lllnv. and have th. polennalnr susfuiI rulure delelopmenr nNards higherde.sny Th€) rhatlhae a eleded emfhasis on ofices. senices and ielril ln e(abLishcd .enld6, ven'caludanisin s|allbe deleloFdloenduft g.dml c.nm.r.lai nnensilicahor The shall obrde br lhe hc'ghr reslricrrons and rool lop g.rden guldelnes xr ordcr ro obtai. ncilhl bontrses rlncccsa,r- Sololl.d arcas. 16 patuculrr Grccnhilh slull beoone diveGilled rvnh a grdual lnlensilicalion omces xnd reta'l l'hc tansxon olBideftiaL (o hrCh dcnsitr commerciaL devc otmcnt 5haLl hc oblarncd ihroulh a LandUse rransnion FrameMrk Phasc 1: miediesidential rncdNn dcnsin Phase 2: mled'coinmercral niedlum densitr_ Plus. r: inNd-conm.r.ixl hieh dcnsilv or commcrcml lelel nednm dcnsi!_ Phase.l: commercixl hlgh d.nslr! Rcaideniinl Dcvclorncnts Srn ruan s ! ciq here 5l 16% ofrrs urhan lihnc..nsn( ol rerids.rial uses Th.rc are xro rnanr ry'n s oa.esdential planir.g, ihe dcliJne! srid larlur ollne ean *nh ns scnero6 rand
  • 18. plols, and the moE or$nic formed aftangement ol$e rn ihal is morc conllcr ti borh c6cs the) are equall] denncd by dislinclivu rcl somc undeinble .nara.t.nsr.s ro, insonce.lhe hrgh salis unh shar{is ot glas crellc an unnseslrB bosilccNnontre r Thc poorly lrrnams convcr- dangerous pcdcnnan rorlles. borh oluhi.h can be seen thoushout tlre citr As resdenial areas rvherc rhe majoit) ol lhe potulanon consunc most ofrh.n lr.e tnnc it r impo.lanr 10 crcalc a sal! and ftiendlr, .nll,€rlcalh bur ,ho rt.50."icJ - rl ..A1b.el;...d -o' 'a o.r,r -..-"nn Eradi.alc ony cxnting salh ln residenxal arcas lfris shall be achieled h! lhases Phase I shallpromole saaer comm ui iu_ fmgrarns lihase I rvllT.onslsr oflorvenigconcreteMlk ro a mannun heighL ol one herer and en.ourali.s the use ot sccunly caneras. The. finally Phase I Nlll corntletelt, inlegrate residenualcommu.itres riih the urban lahnc Complelelraloidlncuse01$alhintuturcd&clopmenls Repllce high blank alls Nith see-thoulh fcnces Remove sha.dr olglass. barbed rfie orspites on a.mcs Should rhere bc rnslances wherein remoiog a len.e yould entail a risk to public jaf.q. grecn nalls arc ro be used Consewe lnd enharce ihc natural c[aracter and l.ndscape Blend entnes, sates. E.ces and pvlons i o the landscape b using colo^ and maleriak lhat Lr!cDd eilh thc natualcolor palcnc Follow Lhe buildins setback EquE bl lhe N ionll Building Code Phtrl rrces atrd shrubs, esDeciau! in rhc lrcnrbulldinsserblcls BIa.k tralk should bc aloidDd srnce rhe! are aenherically unPledsing. reduce (he secuntt on $reers and conribure to Blank alls on slre.r fiur elelanons rhal !. ]ocar.d br sid$dlk. parLs and pcdcslian arcas should bc aroidcd al all cosls Shotrld llq be unavoidcd rhc lolloLrng measures are lnslali lrelliscs for planN tor lroducing rertcal sardens Provide landscaFd planihg beds ro s.rcer the $all hrcs@t rutrlic scatins irto $c lands.ap.
  • 19. Lone {rclchcs ofblank walh shxll creale oppotunitics lo F(lide aEs to rhe Esidcnls to lmducc prohibrted and co.rolled puhlic an, a chane ro help generate a sense ofpla.c andcneaAclhecommunir_ Anr neN developffenls sholl not denronstnte blank rvalh alonglhe facadcs ihar lace rhe puhlic stecLsr instad the! are ro incoryonlc door!.ndor uindorvs coverii-q! minimum il .Ll rr.1 " .:I ,,) Fences pmyrde pnvacy aDd saler! to hoine orvners, se.urig. lroh resnasse* .nd rnrprcle the aesthelics olpublic fronlages san.ruan policies on Iencesshould consder a ppmpi ate protect i! e measurcs, securit! dcsign iequnemenls.lhe level ol protction to bc achiclcd, and rhe aesrhelic qualilv and cham.ler oilhc nci-shborhood Bascd on inrenDtional sunicys, sminics shoN $cr critulmh lelr bejng seen and caught nr rhe act 'lhe suneyl also staied rhat criminals rear $indow moE than Balh To tromolc morc eyes on lhe street," r securny br desi$ is to be considered rith regards lo heilht sl0nda.ds oftences lnlemxonal best prac{rces promote the useollowlvlng!!llsrvilhanraximumheightolonlrone(l)n.lcrSccurilycam.rsandi,oie Nodoes viewing lhe rcads * ill prclect the $Eoundinss morc than hieh blan* salh Condercirl Intensifi c.lion Ihroushoul San Juan. cluste6 ofconmercml developnens ryill be .venl! distibuted on the siles identined in the Prefencd D.v.lopmcnt FrameNork Staleer Such derelopnenc lvill be dnpersed at diLeEnt inlensilics and $illbc $ilhin a,100 freler ralking d$lance at!n] poifi nr lhc cil, Commercirl d€lelopnenls Nill lko hlve higher dcnsiq b encouEse $esios. job lcn.ation. and hlsher idcohe 'lhere slllbe siygeneralteypolrclesoncominercial areas as phnned, $hichare lDc..ased densnies on exkling.omm.r.lal us.s Conre6ion of poleft ial areas into lruc comrnercial zoncs CommercialEtion oa$rirablc maror roads and lhorollhlarcs lncreascd prcalcnc. ol comrercial spaccs in idcn!fied mixed-use areas [orn3]izario. of infomal 6usiness.s and nakeshifi emeQnses RevnaliT.lion orcommerial arcos rn Busine$ impror€men1 distncls. The aspmno.s and lnions of thc $kcholde6. especially lhc b$incss scctor olSan.,u!n, erc n)r rhe strengfiening ofconmercial ams llsdenrtlesshall6ein.reasedandbereflededinrhe tsul hccauscol lnc s. .c spacc aorhod2omal crpansion in sanJuan lcnical
  • 20. commercial delelopmenls shall be puBued and cncouraged. Thmugh intensined densificauon md vcnicalcrionsion. ir n epeded rhat floor arcd ill be incrcascd and made 60r availabte, rhus altaclng busiieses. nrlesLors, senioes,omes, and retailshops Theinraclotlhisrvitt bc lell dtrectl] through Dcreasedhusine$ ta rerenues Such lncrcasod spaces lor blsiness cxp sion Nill place prioriry on providing spacc lor highty specialized, hish-value tusinesses and senlces Such prioities rvill dcp.nJ on rhe more appropaaie local,on Edangats, ror cxanplc. lvill placc rnore prionw oi high aluc business such as prole$ional olllces such as law. dessn studios, BPOS, KPO5. specially se^ices, branch ofices, and perhaps eren tuEign emtassies. Local busineses lnd enlerFnses can be encoumsed in mas with snaller land aea rhere are sone areas lhar hale eride commcrcial activily and ch,mcter hur arc siluared ii arels allocaled lirl residental or olher land uses lhey ce thereaore h€ zoned 6 reldenlial or coDmercial use areas. This *ill atract moE business lmures in the area, drus speadrng econornic $ealth outidc ofGieenhillsand Onigas Eramplesofareasinwhichsuchpolicywill Jpol d. add|or H ll. vd)'nd s'-. n J. drd r .rlle Bd-Jr Road nierarcht !lll aho depi.t th. most appropriatc ilFe ol Llnd uses rn the area ln ris case. cotnnercial hnd trses ac given prcccdcncc over other land urs on major mads N epcdcd trecaus€ hilher land values and cistins pedestriai dnd Ehicular tratlc Carlnl consideration has io bc mkcn- ho$!!*, siice comrnercial delelopments lcnd 1o increase vehicular tDlfi. Becausc rost mqor oads in rhe city re mrow. rhe lirmulation trarlic and congesrion rniigrtion nraregics arc neossary Because nird-use will be thoroushly appled in the proposed land use, ihvill hecome poiicy rh commercial aieas sillbe made more prelaLenlon al lca$ loyo ol lhe noorareaolid€ntilied lnied-usc eslrblnhmenh Thn {iU therefoE provide scflices and atoenlries dhn1 Nalksble dhtances and reduce the need ro use peMnai vehlcJes to lravel shon dnhnces wnhin the ciry The alloc ion of micd uses yill also nnnulaE lhe smdual tnnsirion from residcntial b commercial uses in non-comnercial !Eas. A Land Use lransilbn r_ramcso* has bcci lomulated as aguide used for thc gmdnal lransilioo fiom olher land uses to cooinercialuses. Lrnd Irre Tmnriri{,n Frrmer.rr @"r I To gadually shilt ihe eisnng srnsle drelling unns (Rl) lo higher denrrj_, rhese $eas *ill be zoned as RI-MXD. This ll encouraqE derelophents uth a mix of uses. These .r€as $ill hde the porential ro $dually chanee ro C2-I!tlD or medium inlcnsiry commercial nixed-use eas. 'lhis willcreate opporrnnities for employment and r.venues throrlghor lnc ciry t
  • 21. Anolhcr rfrmcdialc pi1or4 lo. San.l@ rs !o sparially organize and rimaliTe iiltirmal annercial eslrbllshmenls. such as snall-scale streer vcnd ing e.le rpr ko s To rcduce obslru.rlc nrce! vendnrg and Ior lhetr upgrading, an infonnaL commercial eslah]ishfreni fomalraxon policy r pla tcd lhc progam iill rvorl in $hich inlirnral comcrcul esrablislnnenh shlll be prorlded snl iifomaion oi oppoftunnies and benefts olLecomrns a fully licensed seller or rcianer The lncenlives tur such enterprises oan perhaps be discounled applicalions for busines p.miG upon ca y-bnd crollmenl to such proeram Howerer, illhcych.osenol Lo.oapl! $ilh a g ven pcriod, such establishments Rill be penalized Formallzadon oamakeshii conmcr.ial .nte.pns.s shall i cllila& easic.ra mapprng, relerencine, andcollec!on The asl *onld be lle revihlizalion of commemal lEas in Durnes lmprovemenl DNt icts (BIDS) These BlDs are a ao.mar oreani2rlion of businesses that agrcc lo coopcnlc in sunpletoenting !€ iirograms and seflic6 already lrovided by 111e Sai Juai Cllv Gorcmnent These additioml or mprorcd seh-rces such !s slterand clcaner strLrts. social *rllarc progofts. a the like l llhclprelrtrlize the communi_ and stfrul.reeconomic development in rhe dea. TsolllDs haleheen rdenlified inlhechosen iiamervork Tne BID islhearea surorndrfgl Rul2 Sralion which ls covered by Baranga)s Balone-Baro and Sllapan Aside tom addillonal seflices. utua. renepal should aiso be a prioriq Exisiing cohnlunities in thrs neighbo ood shonld be enhanced and old $ucrures should be rehabilrtated lo suppon and plomore a vibEnr co'nmercial local'! Sccond isrhe BID covcing pans of Bamngays Sra Lucia, Linle tsagnio. Maltunas lnd Addrion Hilisi-ifi locus on nor udanism and lcnical deveLolnents Due torhe ploxrnty ol th( drea ro Mandalur-ong Cil!, vedical, uonlpact, dlr€se, md trdkble dereloprnenrs shali be advanced ro mannize i$ porenhal Alrhough neN developnc s ae promored. lradilional urban slruclures such as puLrlc spaces on cemen shall (ill be applcd }lired-use D€velonm€nis Miedrue dereLopnients $ilL be encouEged rn residentrsl areas th0r crrend] hae cornmercral aclivilies suchassnall home oinces. onlhe ground floorshiled$ellingspacesaEo.lhe upper lloos wnh this p rern develofmenL, saLkingandbihng $illbebefter pmcri.ed ed pronioled lhus helrig reduce carbon and Eeenhouse gas 6 isslons Tln *ale$ should aho pr.venl the ulban spnBl CoNenron of land uses. for exafrple open spaccs and ls.icullurai lands lo .eside.tialu!e, ill aho be dis.ouDged ldcnti& zones thal shall be developed lo acconhodate neighLrorhoods ofun to a.t00 meter radros re. BalLing ddince. Such nerv developfrenls wrll include.omlncrcial. €ducational, hcallh, spniiral and cnic uses. Providc inccnhvcs such as tax brcaks to deveiopes tbrnrixed use pilNsals Crcatc sale acccss roulcs to all mixed use developmen6 1br pedestaans and crclisls l..ludi.g street ligha, a€denrlan .rossings. sidcnalks and srrccr lurniruc such as bins. Mixed-use buildings shonld be oriented 1ords rhe srreet lo encourage pede$an lrailic Iocus nrixed use deveiopnlenls along the rodes olpuLrlic rnnsllonadon Orulenpomryince neslorvariousbusincsseslolocoleDcentmlizedareas Ner derelopnents shau be dcsiened to a hlnan scale. qhlle rcstcctine surcundine Esidentral drll'ngs. lnd ro elinr.!te any isDal obstrucrion.aits resid.n6 A innnum of75e; oaa mixcd use buildrns should hare a zero fool selblck tiom lhe side$alk, Lo$lnrsnerc ponions ofabuitdmgare selback.lhese areas should be lrealed DeleloF rhe gronnd noor levcl of a buildng Io enoourage Dedesrinn adivly. Thc linear lionlasc shall consi oaclcmcnls ch 6 emphmizcd store entries, mnsparenl ndo* dnpllys, outdoor dlning areas with rvearher pmrecion and pubhc art or olher pubLic amenilie such r lbunl.ins. benchcs. cL Locaie n ech €q uiDneni nnd senice aEas olpublic vieN
  • 22. Ilanning nried-use dcielomenr shall .l{s trke chamcter ofils $notrnding com.r Ln lc'rns ol lud irno considc.alron and rcspc.l th. use. desgn. delarls, inareials and tlerilagc Ilou!.5 nnd Structures Hcrnagehousessiallplara.nnponantoleinlrslnguishnsliechatucleroaSan.rurn D lc,rns .l rn. cn! s .uLrural ana rr.irnecntral hnb!- lr cii.d r[c pdectoD dnhaic. . r itrd NrNluaho. oa Ddr lxndmark li,lurcs shll b. tridcrlak.n to lod.r cii. piide and vnit.r allrctons, as nr.v proide allabL. cdmalloial and plcasur. resources Guid.i,ncs slrdll be tnaced nr order to cn!(e rhll propos.d def.loDm.nrs ar. conpat,ble rlh lhe chamctcr olth. h(lonc bu'ldin!. l.Ddsc.De lnd n.,lhLrorhoo! Standards ior prs.trlxon shoull he tulkned ll rcqu rcd. o lt .nn,mdl chan!.t b the d.liniig.harr.rcnncs.llh. buildiig xi, ir( (licind.iv i.i,n.n1(hnf d h.xll.Np.l 'lhc hNo.i. chara.ler ola pnDcnr slr.llLre Elanrcd.nd prcseh-ed Ren,ldlol hrxolc mrte.rl5 oraheftlio. ollial'tre. !nl spaces sh! lbenronied C,trnge! thll creile d lake oa hhroi.d deenrpnrnl. such xs addlr! nrchileclural elenrenrr li.m orher shill nor Lrc dll..d Ch,nlcs nrxr ha. acquircd h6r ic ngufic0fc. nr ictr orr rirlrr sh.ll bc reraiiel and Delcnomlen hBroric li.lurrs shill be .epaircd r.lhcr tlln .dprced Il rhe drnnrcrile tialurts shnll Le rephc.d, lt. ne snall nrilch 1lr. lld nr dcrln color, tcrlrtr. .nd olhcr vrsurl quiLrncs Rcpla..mcnl ol.rissng taalures Use olchcmical and phlscal lrellnrents Ihar.ansc !anragc to hislric rnaterirrls Minlal,on measures slrnl br undenaten ro lnJrecr .nd presen. signifi.ani archreoloslcal resources xJllcre! br a poje!1 mrtnils rut.han.i.iT. rhc troNflj- sh.ll nor be derored br ne$ aldrtuns. clcnor ilrcrallom.' rclalcd nc$ .on rucrion lh. nc$ solk shrll be ro.r$tible Nnl the masloj si/e. s.,le ind ,rch,lecrornl aean rcs r. |,.re.l rh. hl{oric inlcgie olthc f roperl! and rs en!ronmenr NcN ldditions and.d aceit or r.lnted neR..ndrucron rarcmovcd in the tuure shsllnolspoil lheessentral lotr nnd rut.griL olrh. hinoric l)roNq ^ddnl.ns icb as el.islofs douLrle glaznrr elc mat be nrade 1o rhc u51'ng 1ru.1dr. nr o.d.r 1o .lcnd thcn ph!rcEI functron.lor econo,nical lrl!
  • 23. New burldings 1n histo.c should be conpalible $ilh rhc chamclcr ofrhc nei8hbo rood *ithout oxactly dupli.atjng ! hnbrc strle or a.chnectural penod 'lhe nerv buildlng heighr, $idrh, prononrons. rhlhm ofdooB d rvindows, rool sh ape, ori a nenlaxon elc. shoLn d bc poperly pl ann ed Rehabilitaiion and presetuaton ox incentiles shall be irnplemenred ro reNard $osc i0 good consdenrion and praolice ol San Juani hentase San .ruai is a crowded cO lilh a high @pulalion densilr and a ltrlly bunr urban landscipe ho$ si gnr ficantly I acts thc qualihes lhat a city posesses in tems ofprovdinspubl'c o!!n space b be enrolcd bl ils local .ofrnmity and *ios The lcm opcn spacc can range fnm playlng fields. rcoearional areas, basketblll courts. ftmer.ries, squarcs, !137"s, park allolmenls, and evcn lbotpdrh routcs SuJuan h6 the poLe.ialto poyidc considerable landmart lor ihe city, ihe.elore enhancrns ils lmale There are r€riousqpes oI oFen lhaic0n be considercd lbr devclopmenl Due io tho liini$d land area, smanll llaced intcnantions may be required rn order to open up sFace t_or instancc. lake into consdeBlion that the histoilcally impoilnl sites h!e the poBntial to crcare publicpiuasNrth fonnallandscaping Unddrhn cncuhsiance. e exlslingslruclur and aEa itr lems ol matenals and acdvnies rcspectlrelr- should cEate a plcBslnt and rnenorable cummunny chna.Lr .nJ lourisl dcslnhlior AIso, brownfirld silcs are{s ol ub.idoned or undctuscd lrduftial and commcrcial faciliries sucl as lhe oLd and abandoned faclones and narehouses ol Baranga! Bltis abandoned loa and open spaces can be rcdercloFed to cr.aie pubiic !menities $hrle regener0lrnglhe $een labric ol the crr_v. A vaner!olopen spac.s shallbe prolidedlvidrin fie burlr aiea in order lo a(omodare the v.nous rccEaxonal a n d passrle nceds or the uses These will bc dclcloped $nhin a considerable proximi!_ lo honcs and irajor so&tlacs Jr 6 ideal lor 1o..1 par(s to be placed rvirhin a 3-5 ninute (250-400m) radnr ol snl 'rhese sFces u'ill be buflered lrofr any surounding lehi.ular activil,! in oder for the us^ ro cnjoy and relax wnhn lho space Ho{.!er. it is sugee$ed to only panmlly enclose these rlces using landscaping raised planle6, oHlreet Fartine. the wails ola building or lieessndrng $een valh. Ths wlll enabie the park lo bo stllL be visiblc ftonl lhe stEeh or intcmal drivcs bn shall nor be lullr exposed ro lhen Cenainacrilides for the space shallbc p.oeranmed to rclnalize and help male rt a nor The pcrjmcicr iiimcdialely suftounding lhe open spac. shall consisl olaclile uses thal proride pedesrlan rours aid dses. including relail shops, cafcs. rcsaumnt. and a lighei densB rc$denfial zone Posllioning of enlraDccs to thc park shall aclnosledge rail!!a)- lines. hus! mads, neep gradients and any olher aspecl lhai nay be an inconlenience lo lhe elde y and rhe dis.bled The case inay be lo erlend ihc .xhting park cat.hmenl. for inslance, crealing inore ent] points or tEils and cro$ings A propeny deined onen sllce shall be risuallt cnclosed by thc lronling buildrng to ciealc an ouldoor room fi is combnablctoits useu NcNpublc spaces shallprovide as mn)'seattng opponmnies as possiblc. PlanlerNalk shall bc sel .l a naimm heighl oa0 75 nreteAlo allol for lheir use as searing
  • 24. (lir !r,i., s !,i 1-r, r.r: . r'. rirl " 1 he prcvision of movoble chai$ n $oDely encouBsed as well as fixed. lmdscape " The malerial usd for tralkways locaied oithin natml arcs shall be looally sourced and al,ow for ihe percolalion of rvater inlo de eround Suitdrle naleiiah include rcoden decking or crushed gavel. ' TheE shall be resticted planring drqs al streer inte*stions, drileways and seryice lanes to Eor.ide adequale sight triangles 'Theleshallb.abuflerolop.nspacearoundlhepedmeleroflhedevelopedsjle,except ar ddveMys or otter openings ' ExislinghealrhyrEesofd.simbie md endenic sp€cies aE encouruged lo be etained on- sile and shall connt lowards lhe planting requiemenl " P ks srlh plaDled aEas shall be na'nlained at a egrl ar frequency. betren I '4 1i mes a year, lo nainlain the heahh ollhe plmls. Tiis will encouage a healthy biodivenity for a icher aological value. ' See"lhmueh bins arc to be liotided throughout the open sp&es and aE prcperly narkcd for Myclable and biodesradable Mstes ' Thes open spaces a@ 10 be monitored at all tines wirh routine parmh thrcueloul lhe Reek loi manleemenq seounty and m e.suc lhe proper uege ofthese arcas " Planning and design for thes. spaces shall take consideration s scale ihal is intinale and relats to it! suronnding coniet on flery ns delelopmeni a loof top garden nusl be integEled 10 ctale e aesrherically pteasing dd ecologically tundional place In the c6e ol a n€iv high rise development, FAI{ ie$rictions rvill be placed in &tion wi& rhe inlentolawarding FAR bonusei. 'lhis allows for turther lnd highq developmeni il
  • 25. lhe rootop garden is relained every nve ye!6. 'lhercfo.e, buildine design should allow for lunher adaptalron and esfansion. Rool gardens mun eirher be set brk lhree nelen from ihe edse or provide a sutficient heisht vall for satily purposes lor tle uscrs ol the space Rcal foliage is to bc uscd, $hich mun be la]€red in ! $a, thal ensuGs fie prol@tion ol rhc (.uclue, yel slill pemrirs druinage and insulation Cardcns shall be Landscaped lrirh ledestrian parhs ro limn the .lamage ro rhe foliage sunable maleriak may consisl ollocatly recioined wood decliins or pavi4 siones Sealing shall be prcuded al surlnble pohLsof&egarden 'rho foliaee shall conskr ol species lhar e sunable to thc characrcr ol the local ..mmnnito nr.oin..ied r.1he theme.lrhehdldina Eisting loliase alons roads and pedeirian nlands ac ro be rr€senrd to snpplemenhl Mini sardens are lo be placed eleir_ 5-10 metere along fi. road side of lhe selback. ideally around the base of a marure nreet llcc. Drmenso.s oflhe garde. shall lake inlo considedio. th. size of ihe s€tbock lo slill alloN lor a gcncrous p.denrian lalh lbr esy floN llpossible. edible plan6 are encour.ged lo be 0sed. Such plan$ arc to consis! olnaine slecies as nucn as posible that provide , rlnel] of rresh piodlce lor the local connuniry in a manncr Mainlenance sball be carried oul by ol'ens of the ldjaceit bloci or husines-tnis esponsibilir_! vill he ageed formally or $lth the baran$y or.ii} Ince.tiles shall be Se$rck snall b. adequtcll lignred leasl all secdons olthe sidc{alk and removed ol any obstrrciions lor satet! Jogging lvillbe pemrned.s a tueans of EcEational &tiviry Horvever, b icyc les shallbe provided iJs orm lane for s.felv.
  • 26. 'lhe lhi ippine Consrnulion prockins rhe $are as bcing responsible for $c *clfarc and ske of rts connnu.nls This .lso inciuded rnlonnal sculeis asrdc lionr thc Eco-qnized rnhabnan( ol . I ocal Govertunenl lrril In San Juan Cilt. poren! all$r.lion and housing inbnnal senler are ltrv olrhe todi objecdrs olns social dereloprnenl llnun Thus, arhree-pronged polict approachrhal yilllddress rnlbmdlseuenenr relaredissues in San Juan is proposed a.d elabomted in the follorvns diarram: Monilodng and Addresrng i'nomll seuleis requne lhree pollcies. r,hich are lhe Conlinuous Socul Upgmdin! Monnorins and Enlbrcenen!. and .hc Provisio. ol Spat and Reloc.lron lnlnNtucrure Cominuous Socr!Upgmdirrs rs a policr rereniigtorh€provlsi.nol.mplolment edu*tronand blrc hunlan resourcc s.niccs among others as a means 1o upgade $c soci,l scLl-bcrng of inlbmalseltler lm lcsandindrlidudls Monirornrg md Efforceined on fie oths hand, makes surc rhal inlonnal serilernenrs do not co.rinue to Frolifcmte aid nuhip! wthin the cny. $elr Npulllon gorvth lscoDlrolled- aid in mrgralin ol inr'ornalsclrlcr lamiLics flom orhcr l-Glrs $ mrdgalcd Bccausc ol Lhc nc.d tor silcs ed houins ticrhties lo provlde lnr such aamilles.lhere nill also tre a polrcl on Prolislo. ol spa.. andRelocation IntanructuE Rcloealion will b. on- silc or near rhe onsnat loca!ion hen DossibL.
  • 27. IIcContinnousSocia]wellarelhgradi.glj.llcyillplaceeinph.snloinsnui.lorfralsenlers. ..lhos.rrar arctrc.nrz.nsorharcboen l'!ing l6 San.luanCil! ThN polcy will conrain moE specilic $ategies such !s conirnr rel&re uplining lhrough emporv€mrenr ofdre n€ll-Lrerns ol nrch lamrlies and individual in pal1lctrlar. Ihis rs a sooial pmlramn ir! irate!}- to molr ale lheDi roN.r[thc]r$"!losardsahcrrf ll.and brcak aNar lron thc pocny olhcr *atceics tor lhk F|cr include condu.ll.g o. nvelihood d.leloltrenl and .ntepreneu6hlp, farnill pl.nnrng,limilr and social values.caDacqburldins,hdcnviro.rnental htvards nunagutrc t I. contan, li..nornrg aid F.aor.encnr is a polic! that bcuses on the nxe^en.ion and minrnvalron olcx silu in|ornral sdl1lcs ori.lgrflnts lhal b.lo.gro ditacrcDtl-GUs anempn.g t! scrllc in ambnlanl N.kennii or substunddd d*{1lir1es, or.ven thos. $nhour duellinss bur sl!ll live on rhe slrccls ConlinuoN oonrloring ol prolilemtmg inlnmal selrlc^ .oming tioin drteEni l-GUr cspclally r.ldiig alorg $at.. bodre! under bidle! rnd other srrucrures,r. also 10 bc thoroughlr- conducied Ar ri.1es, squalting can aho hc exfiotred by stndrcates. uo'setrnr! lhe rban chamcler, social silualron. a.d loc'al securiL! necds Hcn.c conslanl ard lrglla.1 m.nnorlns is Dcccsar ro liccp. close !arch oi squatmg icrriries, *hllc cnaor.eN..l becones.rucialinimpednreth.groMholrnlbmralsenleGaresxngsquaninssyndioaleslnd10 , o.drrco '- '.-o'r !'c * 'r rlrt ,' A poLcy oi lh. l'r.vnion oa Space and Rclocanon inrrastructure ( also anoth.r necessari- componetrt tu iddres oeall lnloimal s.tileme .eeds Wlighing olrions is lcrY rnpodanl iir rcrns olerther Elocaring rnloinal senlcin.Dh ncarby or purLtrne utuan upgradrig Borh h,1e ptuslndcons Resenlem.nt can be l0 xmes niore expensile rhan rbai npemditrg shich B the enhlncene oithc hgadc bnilding materials. and ulihx.s oflhe seulcd arca lloicver. u ran upsadrng mar slrll carry issucs o. tu l.giliinac] olland lcrurc On lhc pro $de. resetrleinenr through hish'denltr onsne tslootio. .,n alloN morc hous.holds and faniiLrcs $ be housed Overall these so! rzed hou$ng opxons shall t'ollor thc iirpLcmcnling Rul.s and Rcsrlatrotrs olRcpublic,{cl 7279 or the Urban and Dryehp'nefl Housina Act The po|cl lbr lbe l'io!tsion ol Space and R.locaiion lrtnsltrL.tttrc rcqrrcs an Dlentorv ofall alalablc land {hcther pub|clv or pilalely.ned Dependiig on lh. scalc of prcvidins housing lor inaormal sertlemens as ell .s $e availablc nnan.ial rc$urccs alLo.alcd 1nr .elocalron inliasrructurc, a mis olbolh dran up-imding anJ .slocal'on $nhrn!_ can bc DUGued On'rte relocltion .ombl.ed $ith lhe eihafceinent of decenl and r.asodrbl. tucturcs hostvcr, rs (ill prelirel Becausc san Jmn CiL! as a holc xnd mon gotamenl propeaics ar. tully built vcnical or hishjne'o.{(e reiocaion inlia{ructurc can be.ome an optron ro m(rrhi,e aailalle rp!.€ sn.ccs siories olhish-densit! Elocalnh sn.scan bc 6und in Nlakali. l aguig. .nd lenane. l,lalalia The goremned shotrld notbc ( !.rtrqinaddrcslosrhrohlLlcnscoltrplihinslherelhreor nrlo.nal serlle* lhrough prnarc'public pinnenhrps. caprtalizanon nn lnta{ructute pro6ron
  • 28. Addresrns inlbnnal setllenenl{elated xsues rcqunes ereat sensihrily and caulio. beoause ol the impacls of thc plus thar govemmcnt ofliciols and dccision-makcu can h.rc on thenr Irclusl!e planning, *hich rcle( ro rh€ iiclusion olwomen, childEn,lhe elderly, disadlanlaged pc.sons. anJ infornal scnlc^, rs ! pr,nciplc noLcNodhr_ o, appl)ing and imbibiig droughout th. plannin! proces DernosmphicaLly speatrng.inlomal senletoin San IuanCil) comprisc abora qlaner ol ns populalion. hence vill have inrponanl sllke D approlins or disapproling aad Ulimalel,, poreny emdicallo! be!.g one of the nost inponant soars ollhe cil}. will iranslatc inro polic! ol-No More Inionnrl Serllcs in San Ju.n' Creek5 fl nd River Eascnent CoDDliance cm be shouldered by ihe privale seclor. $hile mobiLiarlon ot social seniccs, cducation ploeams can be cmred oul by ihe public sector Non'Covernmenr Oreanizarions su.h as Catrad Kalinga has bccn succcssaul in lroriding arordablc housing wnh slltrsusrainins cohinunnics Among rhe many rsEs ol San luan Crty i lhc non{onplance of propcn'es o. the easemen{s olthe San Juan River and Ermltlno and Mallunas Crccks Thc common scenario rrnilarlo olher inlard varerbodies in MeroManila hvoh,csbuilding s thal cncroach within Iherilerorcrccks easements where back ulk nea y meel the nver's edge ln a number ol .ascs. somc popeft-v hntrni,rip(,nd( rnr.r.i.nd,h.r.rher$rerbodies Easenents funcr,on as satiry melns 1or river sklls and ocrflo$s duringslrongnom surges as $€11 as a buffe. lbr ecological poce$es They lho poiide access for dEdging equipmenl to cnsurc rivcs are Egularly mainlained and clelned. Because the Sdn Ju. Rlvd is mijor tribulff-v olthe PasigRiler.lass requne a l0 lnetdcasemenl. fiileeachoflhenvo creeksare requlreda i-met.r else$efl Propenies olesBblishmen6lhal encroach easements aE nol only hazardous br alsoviohte!he Eisernen! l-alvsr,pulated inlhcNational BtLilding Codc (PrcsidentiaLDecree 1096) and in nre ihplenentrng rules aDd reguialions for the rehlbilllation ollhe l'asis River (Prcsidcntial Decree 2r4) Bclov arc po$ibLc measurcs br rhe San luan River and .faltuias addressins the issue ofproperties and structures thlt en.roach
  • 29. State$ 1 C on pli ancc Cenificaies aenificalcs or'vlryins desrees or.aregories bc aryarded ro prcDen,orvnc$ bcside lvarer bodres. Strucrures and propcnics Iound lo riolale rhe tuserneni Rulc rc provid.d onc yearlo ltrlly comrly Propefties lound to be non-compLihi alier rhe non-compliancc Friod nill bc brc.l ro lirccd demolirion Should pmp.nres p.rrhlly compl! aner lhs onc ycar allosance, ther are prolrded anolher yca.1o irlLJ- comply. Non-compllanc. a&er rhe addrtion.l allorancc$rllb.subiedrofoft.JcinolnionBclorare$cpsloinpt.ncn hisschcmc Slep l:Cadaslralsuncyol allprop.nicsbesideSanrunRirerandrhc!rocrceks (r.p'. "1,r1,1 i'.onpo rr{r '.r-..Fli.'r'oprre SlepS: lssuance ofNon-ComrlianceCenllcaks to noi-complalnl proDenri ownen andorvDcs ol sr.uctures lhar en$oach above water bodres Slep4: Inspecron oI $e popeny after lh e on e-lear al lorrnenr, in $hich prop.fliesar re arar,ied $helherthel rre aullv.olnpialDl or nol Slup 5: Full dcmolilion ofnon-.ornplaini fropenies aid nrrcturs pasr fie one-vc.rcondilioml ornvo-tear maxirnum lihe i!lolhe.l Slep 6: Landscaping and crclllon oljogging paths alonS rirerlront lo avoid illesal srrucnrcs 1o re.esubl6h in lhe easement area Sler T Conn!ft ffonnonng and enlorcemenl olthe easement rulc on S.nJuanRiler and Malrums and Emilan. t]reels 1'ossibl. Co,nplcmcnrins 5lraregres o ' rrax holidals iorpropertles rhal lirllvcomplyBnbrn 100 dar-s ' Pa.lie(hlp rlrh the NadoDal Housng A0rhonly and o$er agcnclcs to $rppofl iilomal sctlcr rclocaiion oron sne housilg upgBdnig Rhercrcrleasible TIr€e Catesories ol (ronDliance All pr.penies and {rucrures that have do not encro&h lvith the req ired easemenG Cotrdilionnl Con plinh( All propenles lhar paniiLlr obsene rhe easement tule {ilhin the onc-vcar allowance bu easemen6 shall be clear of any buill sructures rvifi a cle.rance ol at leat 5 odters Canlikle6 thal will nor obslrucl lehrclcs and pcdesritu ll be alloNcd $llhin lhe condniona All prope.nes did not do nnlrhine lo $c non-compltinr propcny cver sincc &e nsuancc oflhc non-mnpliance cefiificate ali.r tho alloltd nrce-yar alloMn.e
  • 30. Sl.rlegr- 2: tncootive Progr,rs h$oad ollhe common r.gulalor] apprcach rh.t aocuses on pmhtbiring cenain acrio.s. ihis slxttesy placcs locus on prordrng inoentives and rNards to motilarc.on-contirnnng prcrEnr and $ruclle orheN 10 conply Certain challcng.s, ho{evcr. exisl in this slratesy, cspecial on ihe financiol aspc.r .f Dcentiles Eftnds on searhins for linancial asistanco shall bc iniliate,l by Cilv Govenmenr ro make some oalhe hiehlishted schernes eoll Incenrives vill be grven for rhot shov con1Pliance to rhe requremenl ofclearine eascncnls Mon&n.g and enlorcement is pafliculanv rnponanl 10 ensuE thatall comply ifrmdiarel! Financlallncentives OevelopmentPolicylncentives "Tax exempiions alncreased air rghts .lnleresl-free (or low,nteresi) .Floor area bonuses loans .Transter ot development rlghis "Tuilion subsidies "Upgraded servlces fo. San Juan 'Cash grants Health Ca.d users "Clty rcvenue-sharing a.d aclual "Rlver or creekside urban aesthel c rcnewal capilal subs dy Siralegy 3: Botrds olUrba. Walcrf.ont UDgrlditrg This $ralegv proposes a bond or debil secu ry pmsmm ofcrcd by the cilt gokhhe to non- comPhinl prop.ny oMe . Sin[trrcs and FroF.nics en.roach'ns rhe easenrcrt aE nxed and adjuned al rhe con oiihe owner, bu ls graduli)- Iaid oll$ith anractrve intercsr mrcs by ihe gonernmc.l throueh Feriodlc tlr brcaks. Drccl plvoffs can aho be an oprion b! the eovernmcnl. To nore, this slratesr is commonly lunrcd especEut Nien those nol conplying hale lhe innial capnal ro adrusl then proFeny Bclorv are steFs to implemenl rh,s schenr: Slep r: CadanralsuN-ey ofall properties beside San Juan Riloradd the 1$o ceks Slep :: Elaluarion of complaint !k-d-!is non-comFlai.l propernes Srep3r lss mnce oa Non'Com pliance Ceaificales!o non cohpiainr propeny orvnm and owncs olslrd.ruies lhal encrolch above lv!1er bodies. Srep,1 Golernincntassesses the cosrs betnre actul nructuml adj ustnenl Ficalplanning imhedralcly follo$s ro pognn rhe aclual costs $c oitt goedrnent nllbe paynrg back Stp j: Socialprogramminglhrough r.lomalion dlssemiiatioD and oienlaxon oflhe bond schcmc lor ovnc6 rbar hale ptupenies enooachnrg thc casemcir Step6 Criy Governmenl selh bo nds orthe parment contraci, to hoinsowne( Step 7 Non-conrpLaint homco*hes withbonds $art adju{ing thetr propenies to cornpltro ihe Step 3r Cirr covemment staas providing tlx brelks ro oMes or drccr cash payolTs wilh inrern undl lulir P1id o1I St''atcsy 4: Intensified Penalizatiotr ln conlrasl lo Slrales_v 2. lhis schcDe places focus on p.naltics as a ncgativc rcintor.cncnl 1o lnotilate .on-comphnri homeoMcE to obsene the exscmenr rule Utmosl senslliell, io*ards 1nc conditiois of non-complaint propc4y owncs is nc.e$!ry to dlord oonplicarions l. the
  • 31. slralegy s impledentation Arguab'. rh$ Bay be easrcsl 10 implemcnt, but rrrety dliculr to Erdmplcsofsome pcnalrl oplrons are.s follo$s l. c rcascd propcnr laxes silh arearlyincreaseof2% &ovnion ofnionthly easeme nncs tincsrvilldcpendonthetengthoteicrorchmenron Dosrsradcd golemnenl scn i.c priorry DnvirontrenBl impacr lees D r s aner liis k Rcdnclio n Management inconven ience fecs Urb desirn B (mcem€d !ith the phlsical chandcisli.s 01 lhe city and the irnplicaions ofdesien and plannins decNons lor the public realn olfie criv: the Dubhc faces ofbuildings, interiorpublic spaces, and thc areets, $d€salks. pa s and pluas rhal prolide tlE ouldoor publc enues lor. muldpliciry oJ Ac.ilili.s (Dcparhenl ofCitr Planning trrsbur8h cilr" r993) The obj{tne oflhe urban d*iEn suidelnes lor the Citv ofsan ,rue is to ensure a relatively lniform urban chaaoer 10 rts differcnr bflangaysand tale l.lo con$deration that secxons olrhe cit_ Ill be dengncd $nh unique themes b.sed on lhe Prelined F.ameo.k Urban dcsien guidehnessre lonnulated for the sa lery and securiry o I the ci xzens. ro pElenl contrx sri n g arch'teduml stles of adjacenr nrucrurs, lo esrablish open spaces and 10 provide d seise ol pla.e bt presetuing locll almosphere. Pohcies thal afect the urb.n design ol San .Iuun Cny s plbiic r€lm at fie Nanonoi Bullding Code (PD 1096). Nlxonal Struclual Code and other €islins building nudads ahd r.gulalions on co.strucidr, renomtion. mmaeenent and rmprolemenl ofroadsand sldealks: take. frcm lrivlte and Pla.ned-Unir Delclopmenrs ( PUD) coordinaled 6v ihe City Plaming and Delelothe Office (CPDo) included ae policres orlhc Melro Manila Delelopnent Aurhoilv (MMDA) and exisdnr ordindces br rhe Depafthe of Public Works and Ergh8ays (DPWH), (LTo)and (DoTC) U.brn Dsign of I horonghfnres The nreet listed belo! function as major rhoroqhfaEs in the Cily ot San J@n ll is susgencd that local goreme unirs along thes roads provide urban desen guidehnes. through a panicipalory apprcach and coordinarcd Nilh adjacenl barangars Il should lake ifto conidehlon lhe pele ed delenruneit lianewo.k and concepudl master plans as well as the local conterl and use6 Urban design guidelines for drese roads should provide a $ddard aor ne$ developmcnls ro follolv The charadd lor lhese roads should be distnct, rden!fiable dnd th. sl.e.l Lie$ liom these o.ds desisnlte lheto .s vrc$ cofido^r EDSA, Annapolis Strc.t IEDSA lo GEenhillr, Conneticur $rcet (LDSA to Oriigs creehhllh ), Wlson Sreet. F Blunreftnt Sftel. P Cuevafta Sl.ccl. N Doningo Slreet (Aurora Doulevad 10 An.era Avcnue). Pinaclabanan Road, OnisasAveiue. Sanlolan Strcet.Manalo SlEer. old I Ruiz Slreel ThoroughfaEs rrould h$e rll-mainlaincd vchrclclmcs flnd puhlic lromaecs Thcrc shouldbD a nrong Elationship bers€.n buildings and the sidelalk enlnonneni by establishrng saec'fic stret l.vcl devclopmetrl sundaids and incentics Slrcexvalls. rhgade lonspaeno, blank .Us. screening of parkiigbufters. slreel l.rdscapins and Iunilurc and olerhcad $ealher pdeclionicanopies and arcades should be regulaied fte guidelines inr thoioughfares $ill be indicalcd inthc Urban Strcclscape Delciopmcnl sc.lion ol Lh! Dc vel opne nl Gujdel jnes.
  • 32. t,rb.n D.sign rnd Clinar€ (lhanqe Adantatjon and lltiqaiion ?olicres resardnis the urban desisn ol SanJuao Cny should conslder climate change, a.d holv it rvould afecl public as!.cts h the buiir en!tunnent. Chang€s in {he cljmatc may lqd ro constanl improvemenr.nd.epanofthe qualig ofroads, rhe provlsion olleather proiectiotr f.cilities and i0liastructuE such as canopies and llees, alld the situlesic placcoreil oa aias ro Esl a d siop dnring dorvnpour Arcas susceriible ro floodhg should pro,idc siens and *a!-inding ro shellcrs. cliiics and hospnak Such rgns should naliepedenrians a$ar. olrhefrarirm llood leeh rn then areas Ewcualion mops for flooded rreas should he v6ibLo and placed dl st.aresic Urban D€sign oflntormalSettlemenis rnd Areas Provision olbasic seruices in a ncessn! and shotrld bc incoDorated in lhe desen olthe urban fabric Due Lo rhc cncroa.hnent olinformal selll€s on govermcnt and privare spaces. rhe crL] is reqrircd to acconmodare inlbmal sellle$ wirh lhe access to por€r, rmrer and livelihood opponunnics The accesib ny ro lhese necestries n prolidcd rhrough inrilstructure such as eledricalpoes,juncrionboxesandlraredneierreflninak These structurs and rem inlls siruld be pmrecred from lampering and wealhcr condilions waltrvals and dleys should be sale lor nse(, and should he narntarded lnd nonrlored br designaled peromel These aEas. shen leasible, shouldpovide anrple street lighnngdunngihe erening lor rkua I sccu.ny. ydshieldcd to p.e enl gla.e 8nd ramperina. tj.b!n Desicn P.idcinla The Ciq l,lannrng Departmert should promoie thefollowine desien principl€s in $e lreparaLloi od relien ofdelelopneDl proposah and communily improlemenr plans ,nd prosirns Thd lGtcd design principles addre$ subleolive matters relared lo lhe yisual chamoter, leslherics, and compaibillq ollaid Nc, rnd 1o rhe qualiaLire aspects olneu developinenis ' NeN deven,pments should be dessncd to complemenl sigrincanl mluml leaures such as.!e.s, slopred hills and open space atas ' Nes delclopmcnb along the San Juan Rircr should lire the nlerlront,allor ngnb be!alues ' New delelopnent should lake into considemtion prolonged elents &d be desisned wi& mnisatins mcasures to counlersuch oc.unence 'Exlstinglreesoldesimblespeciesshouldbetcpiandincoq.r,redinlonervlandscapi.g ' tlu-se and hlstoricall! signilicd tees should be pesesed and prurected ' SrEel lrees shonld be provided tbr nerv deleLopmcnts, actng as a visual ameniry and bualer zone 10 the rhoroughurrc o Special provisons lor grcen slreels should be prolided bascd on rhen spccific desigrx Trccs alons visual condots shonld be prcscned Prcvnions should bc gilcn for thoroughfares $nhout lrccs plaDring conlainers mat be used for reqDied slreel ' lhe obsrucron orlie* b nalural lealures and landfrlrks shouid be ninnnr^d b! now
  • 33. " Bu'ldi,rss Nnha high sundardoldesisnshouldbeconntu.ted in $oregrc and promincnr localions rn San rue Crt! sucn as ar rhe rnajor rhotuughf.rcs otEpilitnio Detos Sanros Alenue (EDSA) xnd Aurom Boulcv.rd, Ihe pcrimerer ofthc Sin Juln co€rmcnr Centcr at Pinaglabanm Road and alone the san Juan River ar BatunmyBatis Ar.hiedural Contnruirt o NeR developnents should consider ns m!$ine and conceptul d$igns ro narh hamoniously snh the architecrural sr.vles ol adjaccnr uses Thet shoutd hale a distincile rnd aftnclire vhual idenrn!, or wtich aE recoenizcd as being otarchrreduml or hntoical signii'lcance ' Thc rclocalion or .epleenenl of incompatible iand uses and ihe r.developi,ent ot' deElict propefiies will br encouraled ' A coordinatcd atproach should be laken Io rhe planning and desigr of nrdscapc nnprcvemens in mied use.reas, includnrg$e npgrading orbuilding lacades. signase. sideMlks, lightrng, pa*ns aEas and landscaping Prcpeq lme nEer nllh should lollow a consi$em pats. ol adjacenr and ensr'nts developfrents Green salls, sueel arl and lhgade mareials aE srggested paftms lo be ulil/ed Slri.l vall srandards sholld aptly at idcnlificd ierv coiiidos, nery udian cenre$ and business mpmlerneft dntnch The length ofblanli walh shall be litrned in order lo nreveft the disruFrion ro exisring paflems and alord an u nlrtins enviroDnrenl lncentives can be given to iot o$ne6 Nho lollorv the gxidelincs Fagade transparency Vlsibiiiry b bnilding inie 06 or disphy Bindows of retail uses should be Equired n order to maintain an aitretile and inrerening public frontngc wh.rc foor area bonuses applr. properlr oxrere ore en.ouraged 1o proy,dc ove cad {€alher prolecrion, canopies or arcsdes for pedestrlans Sie.s slould be regulaEd to allos adequaG ideftifiation ofbnsincses. add interest tu the sl.eet level envmnment reduce visual cluter. a.d cnhancc thc aflroarance and safelr of San Juan thoroughfarcs lnd pnblic flonEges Alr isns should be orjentd to p€dest.ia.s and peBo.s in vehicies I,€deslrian 'I rafffc Areos " In tede(iian Lralfic areas. nelv developienh should consider slEet-oiented aearuEs, builr o fic hunlan scale. Enh.ncehent o lhe pedesrrian cnvironmenr k encounged, suoh as cdnopies. awnilgs. aEades,landscaped setbacks. ranlps. t€sh bins, sildng areas, bollard,lrees. burlers signs,maps, $red aft cr. ' Uses at the neer lele should provide pedenian imeresl and generate acilitr- and conforn 1o policies ibr the pedestrian envnonment Srreer level uses shall he promoted lo rcinforce exndne rctail co ncentBr ion s, c.hance main pedesdan links behven area. and ctablish ncw pedennan ad'vil}- Nhee approprilte to rnet aEa olrjectives ' lncenhl€s for tlre prcvnion oa streel l.rcl uses and lor shopper amennies. such as orginic markets and extenor benefit fealurcs I ike olerhead }ealher prolec ! on. Relarlind lenrce uses should be pmlidcd in ncw dcvclopmcnrs rvhere conlinurtr of Frlil acxllL] n detemined ro b€ ifrlonant.
  • 34. " New developmenls should oodsirler ihe design dnd postioning ol stuctuEs on year- round sunlishl conditions on adjaccnt propcftics and stee$ 11 is encouraeed that m the rcvies of propsed new duleropnents, access to sunlisht ror adjacenr Drorien'er be maximlzedto enhance the potenri.l for enetB consenarion and for rhc Dse olrcsidcnrial arcas md open spaces aEas ' L.rdscaping shouLd bc used to cotrsefre erergy and waler. enhance lne aeslhelics ol buiidings and vards, conribulc ro the hlending ol ncr andexisring developoents, and be used as a bulei lirr park'na areas, lmding zones, sarblsc ddrl se^rce fa.ilrtles, to rdjrenr prolerlies and sirceis 'Whereaprcposeddevelopmenlco.sislsofasrcrprnsofbuildings,lhebuildinBsshotrld be posxoned to hale idenliliable aress, Nhere secured open spoces are easily defin€d S{ch poposed developmenls shouid hale a reasonable neosure ofpivacy housing unils ' The desien of non sru.tures shonld provide ac.css and use by pcrsons with disabililics (PwD, and scnior cilizens " Parking spoces. o.dine facilities .nd dnrways should be Iocal€d and desilr1ed to facililare maneuverabiinl on sne and ro adiacenl sles. TIns edl reduce tafiic flos d^ruprbnresnl ng liom tuning vehiclcs o Parliing $ilhn slrucluEs incl'dins $ore rrade. should be scEened lo ensuE ai actile and lisually pleasing $reer e.vironmenl Streets should be protecled fom rhe visual impact oaparking slruclures drough the proviion oalandscaping, a landscaped bem ora street wili slruclue. Lightins should h. shjelned ro m,nihize .ight rime glare ' The desren and posirionins of nerv bu dinss should nrinimze lhe loss of privacy for adj acenl res idenlial p.ope.ries " ltesidenlial developnenrs, specifically row houses should be provrded rirh adcqulc and clearly deined ouldoor lug spaces " Residenrial do.lopments rhar nry carer latoilies shonld include an approlriatclt sizcd outdoorchildrcn s part or plal ground lr should bc safely accesible frcm all unts rn rh€ delelopnent. Par*s and plar,glounds shouldaho be ohs. elheg in !.D. 957
  • 35. ' -l'he der€lopes ol mcd'un or hrghde.rty Esid.nlial pDvide rcreational facililes thar can actumrnodar rhe needs and intcrcsl ilihcinlended user ' wnen ieslden (r a I der€l opmcnr is de$en leaturcs such as building nrea rehenriliT.d o lor the redrcrbn, rc use and Eclcle of N"stc haDdlin!, composlinr a.d reclclin! atfccrcd b! noiseco,dnrons. n is orlontltlon. locanng open spaccs Pqecis shall b. cn.ouagcd lo s/,e ol rhedelelopneit, and the $61e. nelv deelopmenh should incolPomle lacili.ics r lhe desisn ofmaslerplans ' NclL dcvciopn.nt shourd bc io mininna enerey.nd lwter usc Thct should FrornolelheconseNalionofbuildingmale.iaklhroushre-use.rccr"clinsandrenovation The desgn ol an urban lnndscape and ils re based on rhe locanon ol land uses. ihe naturallandscape oi-lbercgronorlavolthe landdeleloptuent lrlos, culture. andrhe hisrory of lhe pl.ce,la[ing rnlo consideranon pohlrcal sill For lhe CilyolSanJuan. the u'tan laDdscape hs evolved and rnutalcd lhrough ihe course oldeleloprncnt and eroLllh lls cha@ter s rhat of an urha. center, lnd s h oul d consi der upro-dare udan design princrples and policres 11 js rccommended lhal an c!"luation ol s?lkabib! be dorc for Sa. J@ Cny h rs re!., rl cr .cd lsr i, o r.l.rl.' I in(.. rrF a I'e L'^ha Ua t aliy.r oe oe' r.l /eJ I a,.'1,1 r'r.. .. "r er .,;-"'"" , rJ, ior . r,il, ncd$ha /.rrc, dd cenruallr llt.onceptualial6n ol ciL, rid. design guideli es lor nreeb, sid6mlks, pDbli. laces of buildines, inicrior public spaces, pl@s, esplanades and pa s liicld rcstlng is !n endeavor and may encowro challenges in Ertos ol funding, rrannadon, qlalftr a*u6nce. establhhing local parhe$ and lhe updatins of the rndex 6r megalopolis purposes lnlemational design lools and gurde|nes based on rnremarional ben poctlces are suggesled lor ihe urbm design ol the Cix" of San luan These rools vill suide de lonn ol ihe built .* 'o'-c,, ,;,c, !.'*,.,ndpor.. d.cjop,nor' r]"d.' r r;'de.o.apJe {rl.dbk ard mlxed use These lradrtional neighborho.d paftcrns are stmularlng safc &d ecologically The SinanCode is{lmnsect bascd code thc runl-lo urban rransect n divided into six rnn$.r Zones lor apphcalion on zoning mlps These slx hab'tais rary btr the leveland inrcnsit! ol $cn phvsical and social cha€clcr. ptuidins inmesrle conrexs from tural io urho Snan Code elenenls lre coordlnfied br" lhcsc 1-zones al all scalcs olplannhg, lrom rhe reeron rhrougn rhe conDunn] scale dorm tu the lndivldnal loi and buildl.g Tne Transecr is evidenl ln lrvo wars Zons ,nd commumxes (l ) cxht as characlcrisric pla.cs on thc Tansecl rd (l) lhev evolve along the Transed overrime As places, 1he sixTDnsectZones dEplay identiiable cha.actensncr. bascd on normalrve Amenca! urban p.tlems Ther ako increase in complexiq. dcnsill.nd rnren$ty oler a period oflea6. untilr "clmaxcondition is rcachcd Thn k a growLh prooess lmlogous 10 s(cessron in mrrml enlnonmenls (Duany, S.nlen and Wnghr 2009, Yrlii)
  • 36. rl I I I I { S.n Ju,n Cityrho.oughfires bascd on the Smrrt Code ve. 9.2: Ior SnraftCode urbdn desrrn suidelnes to be inregrated to the planning of Strn lun Ciq, arers ol the city will be suggested as lnnsecr zones Tmnsect zones {irhin San .luan Cil} are: Tl (Sub udan Zonel, T4 (Ceneral lhba. Zonel. T5 (Urban Cenrer zo.e), T6 (rnban Core zon€) aid sD (specnl Disricrs) l:i Sub-urban Zone corsisrs ol lo$ denrry reidentDl to higher zones $ar some mied usc. llome occulDns and oulbuildines are allosed. Uanling is nallralElic and selbacts are r€latirel] deep. BlocLs rnay be large and the roads i(eguTlr 1o a..omfrodale notumi condiliors lhe T.1 Sub urban Zore n the ransecL rype lound in all reside ial areas ar secondanandiertianrcadsintheCilvofSatriuan.TIeexclustresubdivisionsofGEenhilGat Dis{rict 2 are considcrcd T-l due to Lhen dccp setb.cks tards and grip pancBcd roads l1.l Grccnhills Urban zoie coisrns ofprinanlt rcsidcnlialurb.i fabric $l1h hrred oscs Itma! harc a xide range ofbuildingllpes: rngle. sideyaid, and ro$houses Setbacks and landscaping arc ariablc Stcels trith curbs arc siderul[s dcfine ]nedim{ized blocts The T-4 Gcncml Urbanzone nthe predofrinant transect tJ-Fe in San rDanCnl, $hich is lbund along all ils roads T-5 tnb.n Cenler Zone co.snrs of hrgher density nixed use building lhlt accomm.dxle ptail. roftouses, and apsrtments h hasarighrnenlo olstreeh, nh Mde sideNalks. sicad! sred tree planling and buildines sel close to the sidesdlis T-5 Llrban Cenle. ,/ones are suggcslcd lo be locared at Aurora Boulelard. N Domingo, Pinagiabanan. Saniol.n. F ts umenrritr. r. Manalo. A. Mabini. Wilson, Elsctrhover, Amapolis, Conncriclt, xavier, Josc Abad Santos. O Arcllano.nd ! Ouelam T 6 Urban Corc Zone consists olthc densrly and height, rvith the erealesl variery oluses. and civ,c buiidhes olreEonal ifrFonance ]L ina! nalt larger bloclsr (reets have (eady slEet tree llantnrg and brildings ser close to lhe de sideMlis There ar tlvo suggested urban coi. zon.s in thc City ofSan.lua0,lh. fiNrlhc localed at dre SanJum Covemne Center consr sl ' ng ofP Naroso. ?lnaghba. and Sa.$lan Road:lne se.ond . onsns ol arca ofOreenhilh Shopping Cenrer andihe tqeco!-' ol Onrgas lenue Cni. Zones consks ofciri. bDildings andor civic spaces appopiaE 'o fien ransect zoncr The strec6 olwihoi, W"shington. Madison Gmnt Xalicr. Santol,n Pinaglabanan. P Narciso Sr Rooseleh. A Boniacio. A. Lu.a. T L-hudio, F Manaio, N Donnleo I hxncisco. Ejercno. O sorlano, Dr A Cil. J, P Parada, D vrcencio. T Kdlarv, Kalar-adn. Alvarcz Msgr Oneg( Idar. Aorapolis. v CrE. L Gruct, l' Wcsl drd Aurom tsoulekrd !E sugse$ed ascivic zones and ha€ inslnunonal uses$e rhoroughlirrc
  • 37. Special Dislnd consisis of a@6 wi$ buildinss that by rhetr function, disposilion or contiguadon camot or sfiould not, confonn lo one or moe offie sir nomatiE t€rsect zon6. Special districh nay apply lor fulue plmned developments alonalhe San Jue Rivei Ti. r.!r s,.l€. i]- '-i,:rrtrrar::t! 'crli., T.. i..:rc GenerllStandards for thoroughfaB on all TraNectzonBr ,t*l I Thorcushlarcs a.e intmded tor Ne by vehicuh and pcdstrian tnfic and lo provide acces ro lois and o!.n spaces. hom ehlares shall genenlly consist of ven icular lanes and publi c iionuges 'I horoughfar.s shallbe dsigned in corlexl with nre urban fom and desired desien sped ol the designale'l Transect Zones thrcugh which rhey pass Public frontrges ol thorcughfares that pa$ from one 'rmnsect Zone to anoth* shall be adjusted accodirgly or. allernatrvelyj lhe rransect zone may follow the aligment of lhe rhoroughtures to lhe depih of one lot rdaining a single puhli. frontage tkou-qhout its enrE lengh Pedesfiian confofl al Urban Tnnset (r3 lhrouen T6) shall be a p.ina.y consideration of fie ihoroughlarc Design conlict behen vehi.ular d pedeslian movemenr senenlly shall be decided ii livor of the ,ed$fian The thorolghlac netrvo* sLaI be designed lo define blocks not oxceding the size pres$ibed in the Naionat Building Code .s c@rdinared |i$ rhe D?wH The perinlete! shall be neasuEd as the sum of Lol Frontago Lines Block perimeter at fie edge ol the dcvclopnenl paml shall be subject to appmval by vadant. All thoroughfares shall tenninate al other lhoroughfares, foming a neiwork lnlemal thorouehlares shall coniel wherevei possible 1o rhose on adjaccni sitcs Cnl-dc-sacs shall be subj*t to app@val by waranl lo accomnodat speciflc site condilions orly. Each lot shall enfrcn a vehicular thorouglfde, excepl rhar 20% of the Lots wirhin each transect zone na] enftont o pasage or alley Standads for paths and bicycl. r6ils shall b. approves by slm 1 he shnd.rds for thomughfares wirhin speciai dhtricts shall be detmined by vanance. Vehiculrr Lrne Sl,.d,rdr Public l:ront ee SDtnd!rds Thoroughfares oay include vehicul.r lanes of Nidtns for parked and moving velncles, including biclcles. The standard for vehicular lanes vill be assigned s pcr desiCnated lmnsect zone d be based on lhe exislins road nelwork. A bicycle neNloft co.skdng of bicycle fiails. rouFs and Ianes should be provided vhen required Bilie lanes should b€ marked with shrmras The comunity bicycle nehvo* should be connectd 10 existi.g or proposed qional netwofts Nhen posible The standdds lor lhoroughfares within spccial dislricLs shall be deremiied by vaaaice. The public frontase €ontributes lo rhe char&tf of the nansect zone. and includes the rypes ofsideMlks, curb. planrer. bicycle lacility .nd steet tEet
  • 38. Public tronhges should be atloca&d as per design.ted t@nsecl zone EqurMe"h to bc Prqcribed lypes of plantins d pubhc tjehuns for ditLred rmnsect zones The spacing ha! be udjustcd ro !(ornrnodar rhe sne 'l rroJLcton o'1. ticrpe .ol'o. rni onnaili otoJao'e .pr, e. ro.(a.oto' comparion (pecific ior T-l.T-b Zone) 'lhe public lionlase should include tres pionted a regula.ty{paccd ate pafiern of s ingte or allenated slsies rvith shade canopies. Nith a heilht. at malurny ctea6 a! least o;e- srorl- (specitic ro T-4 zones) At relail lioniagcs, lhe spacibg oliEes may be iregular, to ayord vtsual b&ries to shop Srrcets rvirh a RROW ol l2 rnete.s or les arc eeopr &oin rherree requtretoenr (specific Urban Dcsign recomoendalions for Public lronhges and ThoroushfaEs (bascd on $e Sharr Sidcvalls should bc prcvided on all rransed zones For T3,T4 zones (l:,2 4 mcreN), tbrT5- The npc of crb orSan.,uan Cily should meies roa Daximuh mdius ol6 metes. 'lhis fronlase has onei $rales daincd bv one or bolh sdes and yield parting The benaed curb ll should have a minimunmdiu.fl 5 t4-T6 zones should hale a ieguldr amnged in an op!.nunislrc panem Tl-T4 lrees T4-T6 zones should povrde a sinsle planlets be provided. T5,T6 zones shotrld (24-i 6 nletes). ibr T5jl6 zonos (l 2-l.B The anlnge,nenl ollEes may be clustered for'll amngentnl oflrecs T5-T6 zoncs inay have rees zorcs may halc mulliple or alternaring spcies of specics lor rrees ]t rs srgeesred $ar conrrnuous prolide lree rveus Pla er ridrh tbr ,I3,'r4 Tones Ihc CPDO should seiecr rhc spcies appropriale for the Egion Common rypes of sket tr.e shapes.Ior Erft zones. Pol€. Oval. Ball, Pynmid, Unbr.tla, and v!se. Only Pole. Oval and Balltrec shap€s shouldbeallord lorT5-T62ones The sulsened chomcrer olpublic lighdrg fixturcs for ri-T4 is Cobm Head, pipc, post, add Column 15-16 should use column and doublc column stieer lighti.g Pubtic I'shlinr fixlucs should provide suilicienr lighiing lor pedesuians and vehicular saLtt percolalion and a {"iki.g parh or bic)cle rrail along landscaping consisrs oa mutiple sDecles arared in
  • 39. This frontag. has ra,sed cutu dEinedby inlerlnd sidcvalks sepmred fmrn rhe lehicuta. tanes by individual orconiinuons planlc(*lrhpa rngon one or bolh sides The landscapns consjst ol streer lEes of a single or lhernating spccics atlgned in a regulany spa.ed otee, sirh rhe exception rlEl sl'ects lynb. righlol$ay (R O w.) ridrh of 12 'nrrer or Iess a,e ciempl trofr rree requiremeits. Theurbandesisn tuconrmendatrons will be appropnde for S& JMn onlr after the adaption ola S.nlun Shan Code Thjslonr.geh.srakedcurbd6riedbyrnletsandalidesidewalkorpavedparh.lonsonesidc relaGd lo a geenwa! or $aterfronr. tr rs seprmied froh lhe lehicula. lanes by indivldual or continuous planleE lhc landscaping consists of nreci lEe! of a snele or alErnaring specres alienedln a regularly sFced ale Thrs frontage nas nise curbs drained by rhe nneh and wide side$alts separated iioto the vehicular lanes bv a naftow conlinuols planrer rnh p kms on borh sidcs The landscapinq .onslsls ofd singlc trce species aligncd in a egularh spaced alee Cornmercirl Slreet or Arcnue lhis ircnraee has 6ised curbs drained bt inler and verl Nide side*aLks along borh sides separated rrom the vehictrlar lancs by separale ffee "rlis rvnn grares and parkrng on botb sides The landscapi ng consi srs o I a !. gle rrce spec res aligned v iih rcgular spaci.g rvh ere posi bl e. 6nr cle.'s lh. llorionI c.trances. Common Yard,Porch andFencc, Forccou.t and Stoopsarccodmoh lionhles ofprilarc oMcre llndsclpc. A fcncc nay be used to maintain thc sreet denDnion. as lo.g s n lollorvs rhe guidelnes lisled in the zoning Ordinance l-arge trees Nithin a foHoun ma! overhang the sidcsalk Sloops Nill be rccomnended for areas prone to nooding 1r is sugeened $at are$ ineantlohnman oeupancy nelnt forhuman occupancy be dcsisned one meler above fie ilood lrotcc tjon clclatio, o I ll ood pmne ecas ShoPfronts shouid he des!,ed with its burldins entrancc al lderelk gnde ft has sub$anrial giuing and an awning rh matolcrlapfiesideN,lkroy'thin05neresolthecurb Callries ae lrontascs *ith alEched cantilelered shed. oi a |ghnvcight colo.nade ole apprng thc sidealk Calleries should be no less fi.n tltree mete^ widc A(ades should be no lessthan i 6 m.1.6 vide and should overlap ihe sidc$alk to wirhin 0 5 neGrsoflhecutu San Jnan Riv€r rnd C.cek! Much potenrial for developtoent exnts alons riven but is un|onuialely overlooled because ol the preva ing nen$lty olriveN and$aler bodics as the sesers and back olthe house ofthe city All rileu libukries, andcrcoks ii Mero Manila have lo.g suilked such eLects broughi abour tt nrbaniation and rapid derelopment for decldes The San Juan Rivcrand crocks havc lirred thc sainc, and ar a prinL ern bsame t[e most polluted iriburary oa rhe Pasie River and declared bior ogical ly dead. Thus, $o policy Jncchns arc ptuposod. vhrch{c poti0res onenlnonme.t.l presenation and policies on rilediont
  • 40. Poposing rhat San Juan Rrver, E.rnaio Creek and Mayrunas Creek ro be constand! ctcancd has oe o .qr noi.rrlarrrtl I I'rlc!r.rselor. n?$nJru' trccar. lcd,'li e. I F'lr.lJR lpJidr thal rts plans, poiicies, and actions nccd lo bc *cll coordiDared vitr rhose otolhercnres !s $€I 'l helasig Rivor Rehab'lilalion Commission ls also crucral io fo€ing and tic' nrting multitalemt dlalosues and partnemhips hr- all LcUs rhat rhc Pasiq Rivcr and ils lribuhnes coler tr is prcposed thd rhe elficicnt and resultsbased manaeenent ollhc Plsis River and fts slsrens. nolably the Srnluan Rivor md its qeeks is nnposed Prior to ul izing lhe nven and crccks lor rccrcatonal, ftnspon, a.d open spa.e lunctlons, polcies. for ils bioloCical Fese^rtir, aid ptorcction need ro iake innial mtifiladon and recogniio[ Dcspile iB label as biologically de0d, rherc h sllll a possibility lhlt the San.luan River can be rcvivcd Other ileE in lhe orldsuch as$e Singapoe River, Ihames in London or lhe Seine in Paris. oncc $ere aho considered polluted al some poinr Today. $cl cn be obse^ed to be inhabited by a fish and oth* manne lrle Olherpolrcies tdr envircnmenhl presen.rion include conslam clean i n g prograh s. rvith cle ins lasls .olaring lo various sovement offices, dep3menrs, schools. p.rare organizatio,s d olhei en ies to get everyone invotved one ofthe nalor policy goak n b put San Juan Riler lnd lhe llvo creeks in ils most natural and prisline nale as possiblc Thc landscanine oai$ banks car use biorsnedi ati ng technolosy such os contao i ndldigesri n g hacterla and phyhremed,ating planls such as leliverand musrard planrs Lrnlil the waters ofihe San Juan River and ns creels are cleaner and up lo accepkble lelels it rvould fien be possible lirr nore physical developdenrs tu rake placc This h ako in rhe naLlon rhat all pollulive indusrries, hosprlals. houses, and establhmcnls sinHed along rhe river, or drain lheir ueated se$6ge to rhe rilcr harc nalted disposing "lstes dunng the sme rDre nver cieanupprosmms t3ke plac. l hc policr forphysicaldeleloDrnent sruldenraillandscaping and aenhetic enhancemerts and not largensodle pemane ltrrctuE der€lopmenh Pad ollhe policy aor uterfronl developnenr n lhe nnplemenlation ofr?rer use zoning policies ro cover brnks aid the naNal Mler syslens ofSan J an Coltang thc aatcr use zone wnl be lhe {aie6 Nithin ilsju sdicrioiandthessefienlonbolhsidesoftheba.ksandrheMrerirself for lnland creeks A1l regulaliom and tules offie elsemcnl law will be complied sith b! all Fe6ons concehed bur esthelic dele opment lnd landscapine will be rhe mai. approach to developmcnl, the object'le for thn k 1o treat much like a eadcn-cun-.jogeing rrail sifrilar lo sh.t is done in oihercounlries Zones alone lhe crecks and San Juan Rirer tbr actire and passive watorfionlbasedacliviri.ssuchasjoggineaddsightseeingrespectirelyshalibeasrgned Ar lhe safre titue, it n essentalro progam river or crcekside dev€ having the river or creek.s a fronlase Thn wiil be done through the 2oning ordinance to be applieble toexisling nnd fuluE sl.uctural developmena Acce$vays lo the rulerfront Nill ako be plmed. ln thn manner, it r erpecled tha! the led ralues Nnhrn 100 1o l5() meteN will rncrease Ihe ciry golefrrefl can use social prolramNns to take ldlrDtaee ollhe heighlened land lalucs in lhc are.s. Through such spproach. the c'1)" can imbibe lhc scnse olo$neshrp ofthe rn erfionl and crceksidcs lo land oruers lo nolivate them to hccomc slelards ed to lake care of the ne.rbv 'lmnspoftalons nve6 and creeks a.d the use ofrls eosemenis lo! ames have alwars been viablc aLlemaile lranspoft rneans and a..€s arcas 10 connect dillerc.t barangays and orher p.rls ollhe chy. watcrbascd lranspo( can also be madc a dcvclopire policy lo addres lhe concen ol rltenltir€ neans or tmnsport and accessrbjlilr. Sln.juan tu'er can become an inles8l Naler route to acftss vanous parls of Meiro Nl3nila once lhe Pasig Riler Ferry Srstem rvould be rcvilaliz.d'lhisqpcolrval.rbasedtrunsponcanalsoboTrerrourishdcvelopmcnrs.spcoiail! in Lhe Batis. Kabxlanan, San Perlecto Coomunny ENemenE on the orher hand. can seNeother rolcs ibr uriliry such !s for access. and for hedl$ and leisure such as jogernsDikins parl* and
  • 41.
  • 42. Promsed I rifUc lurn.!e6e.t.nd lnd.orene.l Sl.ntcqi€s lhis chaprer aims 1o inaimize dre elic.rivencss ol lhe use ol exlslrng rransponarion inlianructure rn San Juan Ciiv Iropu plannins. honiloins ard control of lallic h cscntial because of its huge impact on ihe qmllly of lilt in cilies San Jun's tnfic cnallefges as highlighed ar.laMllzed i0 tlE Projccrion olr_u(ure sc.da.ios. supplcncntcd br rhc SccLoal Sludies. cohpnse of several ol seletul firc1o6. These facroE rnclude. but are not hmned ro sisnillanl rnlitlmlron ol non-iocal traffic. coneeslion. exisllng naEorv ruads, palline 'lcicil, insutficicnt pcdeslrian walNrats, &d lraiic accidenls arnoDg others ln quick summrr_v. this chapler D€sents stratcgics lo addrc$ thcse challenges rclarive io rhe scorE ofthe lollovms: l ratjc Aclivr!_ Management Acccss and Circrl3lion Provisions Itlnspo 11 Nel$,ork Managenenl Redel'lnilion olTuvel Rehlvn ?dking MamCernent Sintcgies hproviDg Air Quali! Each ofnre sn$egjes pla} fucid and mpona rolcs in lhe oleoll crearion olan lnieeirated Traiic and Transpon Mamsemem Sysrem lor Sa. Juan Cily Thc soal G to provide tansForL rhal will nol onlt scnc thc rcsidcnls bu vill!lso proyide benefir al thc melropohan and natiooal Ielel lls ann is to cnhancc $c acccssibilit]- olsenrces and thcililies so that Do onc n socilllr excludcdandalllherrarelneedsofallse.lo^areaddrcssed Theplanisbcnabieihebusnesses ro openrc efficrenlly wrh minimal enviro.trental impans The exisrng Traiic and Paiiing Manaeemont Offce ofSanluan Cny will mprole and conxnue to drcct d operare the uaftic opeolion! as irs e{ulile lLmcrlois, $hilc conlinuously dcvclopine and reseatlr tntfic iinproleme and congeslion mrtigation sraleglcs as ils planning lunction Traffi c Actirily lllnmgencnl Srn.Juan Citv. st.alegically located rghr at the hcad ol Nleto Manila is a busling metrcpolis wher€ rbousands mole from home to oik or elseNhere in an eerydar" basis Efective ftaragemenr ol conftnt flo ol people a vehrcle r thus. nnpona ror socr. econohic delelopment. Th€ hain goal otan efectirely-manased rmnspoft cnculalio. syslen is ensuring rhat lehicular lnd h!6an lralic flo"stNl) to rnole n.m orignr b desxmxon Facinslh(goal aE rarious challenges such as accrdenls, manual tnlfic dtucting. and nBh hourcongesnons lhal imp€de or slorv dosn cnculalion and chole vnal access poi n ls Speclilc straEgies arc enployed !. rr!rlic Acrivir! Management, rhichareas lolloRs: ]vlotorisl Nolifi cation and Advlsory ConJjcslion Mlndsenent and Mediall.n Panems ol l.nd use in San Jun Cil!, rn lcrms ofns mir localion, denr,r", lnd ldlout should cduce thc need lo lr.el. Developrns n,xed dse arcas promorelime{haring olihe usage olrold andplrkingfacllilies Whilethercsldennalo$ne6lendlouse$eparkingspaccsbcN€en7pm to 7. m, custosere olcommc{ial csbblnlxnenk and vorkeE use the parking sPces bet$een l0 am. to 9 p.rn Proper scheduli.g ol delivery truclis and elen tle garbage tucks can aho ninifriT€ .ongesrion by No ing lralellng at pual( hou6. Acllily .n thc oad such as road rerks should aGo bc prcpc4 plamed ro aloid conli.B br apfopn c]! coodnuting ed bookrngfie mad spac. sith lhc Traulc Operalions Cente.
  • 43. Ner deleopmenh should bc pcftnl(l Lrhere rhe nrlrairucnrc dne.ny b service rt i5 alailable or can bc proridcd nr thase ilh rbc delelopmenr Developers Nill he ep4tcd to conriburc to lhc new .r iinpoled ',... op..,- " dc.;:r1r.d .op t)ubli. vchlclcs. in.ludiog huses.jeepneys. and t'cycles, rs also necded lo orsan /e talfic. Srops snould be located nor more ihan.l00 meres apan Lar b,'s nrould also be developed .1 thc pDbli. ntiliq_ $ops ro ensure smoolh ranlc loN aid alo d rbrtracring lehioular flor. Ihrough $e No oldete.lors such !s closed cncuil relevision (/ l .'' " ! o, F nrt ! 1or ,'on 't. -. el' as rudio ftequencr delccron. Dote.lial huild uD and congeslion cen bc crcdivcly moniored In olher counties such as Canoda. .lcctlclehiclcdct.cro( are efrbedded ever! 600 heles on rhe highnaypalcdenL Thismavbe appled nr SanJuanCrlr- silll propd srudl on hor dErant th. delecroE shonld bc rnsh,led alougroads I hes e dete.(nJ $il l to easurc dE degree oa coigest'on indroddorrnre^ectionardsrll Iransmir rnlonnalion and dara tu a cenrmlizcd rraffic Operulrors Ccnl.r matrnedbySanlunCity rraffcandParkineNlanagcmcnr ^ i.. l Vn kr r lo..Jb' l, r 0r h r," " r.d rrc A l4/7vierofatr intcrcctlon or thoroughlde k adeavailable b! CCTV crtoeras in a Trdlfic Operanon Cenrer These camems aE caprhle olzoorning ln and out, pnning.lilling, which.aptures lhe nauE olcongesion ln a giren snuaLl.n. $hile vlesing il on soeen i. x real tnne. Aside rrorn inoortoi,ns tturfic dnd drherco.dirions. crihes cdn also be rnonrtored to ensuE connn nlrysafety Color coding scheines. trherc grccn Epresenl lree-lloNlfg to mlnor conecstor, yellow modcGtc t6fic brild up- and rcd lor hcavy coogesrion vlll b. lppllcd on changcable maps the Traflic Ope.atronx Centrfor cas! relerenc'ng Ircidenl }ls.ogenent Stralegy As lohllular a.oidents hdrpcn.lhe p rsion ol an licidenl Managemnt SrBlegy becohes le! 1. qui.Hr r.s.lling rhe itop€dance ofsuch roid p.oblem A lull hncal te.m stationed nr st egrc localions along busy thonnghfares rn S.n IMn Cri,! $lll bc in chargc ofclcaring xrva_v debris, toin! vehicles and ng tcrntorary rcrorts arom lailc incjdcnls such as lchicular accide.r on{ne Tie qllck response &!m $ill immed,Jrelr acl on such ,ncidenls lo fite oo:(rustrons llk(block the lie no ol lrnilic 'n rheuil! il su!h rtr!ide rs Frlldulo r.licdll! bc r.poaed to the lrafic Operations Centcr tloto risr Iorific! tio tr rml ldvhory ! rm:lt.3.cunte, and useiirlhforxrtl.n are liev to minnnrze i[e lraitc rmpa.ts olincidenls ind consesljon b moro.isrs Adlancc nolilicalion lhmeh cl]jcicnl signagcs alone mator roads can be crj-' usetul decnio.inakins ards tbr molonsn Lrehre venlun.g on thetr rcules ro lhei deslinaion $ealher prool. eleclronic. and edtublc notiiicalron ssroges allo drners lo dir.n flomlhcinlficproblcnrarcaaDduscalternnliveroul'nsoptrons,hesenotincdrons*ill be ;4
  • 44. advised fronr the Traffic Operalions Ccntcr O{cmll ihk stal.g! is an cla.frel! efecrivc lool of cornnruDi.ation $ilh fi e talcling plhlic t" 1 Co.geslio. Managencnt ind l1edi.Iion congcslcd arcas can b. .asily anlicipatd upon nnmeft{s cong*noi lrEuencleshd ratic ma.agcnent (udles that wlll guide tuturc slmlegies i0 such areas This slnle$- $o s hand-nlhand $ith norriicatron slnleeies as rvell !s odrr t.dtiic nia.agemeil schenres Congostlon Dramge'nenr ent.ils prc sxdies olcomnonly congested areas ahd the derlopaent olrgoutc conlineenct plans, uhich aE easily dnphyed on eleclrcnrc rcad nol icalron boards. Orhcr sound rraii. medialion stntegles s!.h as oreilay .ouli.e or U{u.n s oB can he employed a.r('rb . I b'.n olelo'"p.''tr'r-,'' fi.-r.h drd Nore $,1 inis stratcgy ncccssnar.s r1r study ol areas liequentl_v congened durlng ep(rcd aid unexlieded r!ftlc pcriods such as ru$ hours or reekends No Iwo iDle6eclrons. lnr eamplc. can be conrdcredthe snme. hcnce Brsing the nccd loi i(alllcs(udies and couts on sp.cinc spol desrimtions lrke rhu in order ro devise rerouling schenes These aediarion mea$rcs vill bc lalen inro piace $hen needed. upoi acxral aafr:ic cone.stion. and durnre lhc likc nmes ol rhe Commercrl oErs, schools. chur.hes, hospilah. luch a5 the Asora irea. San rum Clt) Hail lnmaculal. Concepion (lCA) and Xaier Schools. and orher mllc nagncc can uilize elec onic notlficarion boards lor lt-r consesioD manag.rnent strate:y ,1...( ind an'.trliri0n P,nern E!e{ rrallic Frone streot or intescctior should hale lhen orn well slldied, sound rmuline schenle Rerourng limcs shouldb. slratgi. and *ellcoordrnaled wilh thc xme oflhe dar". road condrlions. *cather. even[. and other lhcoa Fosible aor a..ess and cncu]0tion paneins Pros and cons should aho be $dghted and considered C.ntinued ifrFlcmcnhtion of onc-sat rouling on specific slreels slrould be carelull] sludied Tralic nlgncls can uilizc rhis iralcgy on .enam rnnes ol rhe day An erainple ofrvlich are slreels r lxn lhc vicnri!_ of Xaviu School a.d lCA, *ich is healil! c.ngeled dffing th. inoinine .nd anernoon olrekdays Hrsh-OccupancJ--vehicle (HOv) llnes $hlclr hxc l,cen succe$ful abroad are olien be$ inic$ledin nide hrghuays.nd ha s This can cncoungc pcoplc to c.rpool fhe applicabiliry olr[i slrarcg, alo.e O.rigas Acnuc aDd S.ilo]dn Road 0.n Lre studied Litewlse. auromaiic nsing bollards to delinear€ a.ccss on slreers such as lor public usc can onlt hc uscd Takr.g considenlioD of lmpa.s ofclirnate ch ge, dnd lhe nunerous narura! caiarnnics 1it Elvisrof ol acce$ rodds ltr nrdoy l)la..s can .ct.s a dis.$cr rclief rou& a eil l-ilT$is.. sp.cin. exBiinr rolds crn also be assrfred as cmergencr diverion routes These routes can also bc dcsignated.s access lanes lorambulanc.s,lirc ttucls, and poLi.c palrol lchrcles
  • 45. Ako connded and elcYated rulliavs lacililaLe de conrinuous operations in rhe Tr{nspori N€isork irt,nagemcnt frly be developed especiall) in fiood prcne areas to Tansporl nexrorks should be managed in such a way rhar thc dil-erenr modes ar inreghred. $Eincnt and rcliiblc and each pa.t oflhe ciq has ns acccss. Tlcrc k a nsd ro balancc lh. prorGion of difcrcnl inod.s ollranspon lo avoid lhc usage ora pflvate.a. as the onlr oprion Susminablc pL$lic tEnspon should be $e top priorily. ll is inDonanr to provide accu8ie cnd alcessibl. rnlonndlion abouttte alailable transporr ohoices lor lhe Esidents ofSan Juan Public transport routs. temin.h. and schedules cah be Dosted on drc ci!": websne b inlom the conDuling publ!. Ev€n nerrcrk condilio.s can be posied to euide lhe plbLio I'or lhen appropriate.holce of t6rel route md mode Llkevhe, this inbmahoi can also be posLed at public arels, especlallv ai lhe desilmaled tra.spon stops T.arel Behrrio. Il lsconmon @ongmany Fllipiiosro {!ke public or priute transponan o n des pite tlE proannily ol ihen deiinaxon This dependency ol the hajorrq on rhe nsc of mororizcd rmnspoftarion eq uales ro n mero us eNtronmenta I a. d soc io-econom ic impacts. l,a$toakes, public offcials, ard the piivare s.cror should advocaE on health! ransporlation This Nould llso promotc a cleaner envnooncnt Nhich Nould.cdound lo thc helllh olSan.luan 'Ihn sho.ld bc sccn !na posixlc using fossil-tiE enerer_ sources Citv resrdenrs Walking io aork o. ro commercid aras n not .jNt hcallhy bu also praclial. The morc pcople use lehiclcs the hjeher dr chlnces ol lrafiic coneeshoi. It is best lo reslore rhe near forgotien practicalilv thal ealkiig or bikin-! to vork has more longerterm bcnenrs lhan usnrg motoiT.d vehicles Publishing maps ol walking and cFling r.ules $ould aho heh prohole dis alemaive toeans ol ralel lnrere(ingl!- the rhrear ol increded tuel prices actually act as paBdoxnal oppoftunlq to compel the public 10 Nalk, bike, or trse sell-poDellcd modc othDsp.n 10 rc0ch thcir dcslrnalron lisntsoasnollor.inlorcethelocalFopulaln isdepenlencvon lorkpldce tra!.l plans can also be prepared to organize lralel jouners ar peak i'nes rd inprove accesslbili! by expandlng rralel choices and educing $e need ro lGvel. Enplole^ can aho prolide biclcles forlheir sklTlo use for busines lmrel The Citv Co€mnenr ofsm .ruan can jumpshrr tht aclility to en.ourage orhcr govemfrenL oflices as well as prilale eslablishmenls. A homc lorhing policr-, ilalplicabLc can aiso be applied to educe orc nccd for stufflo lruvei Car sharins cln also be encouiaged tugelher fi1h seft'ns up ofcar clubs or residenrs of cenain villages similar to what is done in Japan The Esidenls can pay !n lmual menbeBhip fee to s operalor who provides a rarye ol rehicles aor lhen connnui{} MenbeB rll then make a bookingand pay br lrme and dishnced when thE)^- use a lehicle The.orbined costs ol nenrbeship lnd use aE cheaper rhan personal car oFrershi,
  • 46. Rcdcllnrns lrael behavior B a social process thar Nill ned de conbinaroi of nrss! iledia hfluences trnd pohical Fomorion Qlalit! inloflnation should be Foided lo lhe pubLc ro educaie. i.aonn and innuence lhen mlei behalior Tho the ?ublic Prilate Pannership p.osram or a Burld-Operate-Transfer schcnc, ihc ciu_ Nill be rble 1o promore rhe us. ofbicv.les bv rhe people nr going about then daily rculines Plrlng up slalionro-station foFrenl hlcycles mar be $e,non xpprop.irte lnrl limeLr nrojccls Biclcte paths. or sheelir! Emps n6l be put up llong the rcads or sideelks, inside condonnriums. buildnrgs or horsinC faciliries. ldentirying bicrllc parking arcas nill be a brg lador ifre are lo encoumge lhe Ds. oabi.tcle n rhe cily 'rh. prcfcired modes oltiansporrallon shouldbe rn lhk order In line vilh thG, pede$ian crossing lanes should be iiclly obsen-ed Lntenections should be clear lioft any obntucrions Pedeslrlan rvalhvays snould aiso be uninrcrruptcd on ihe nreet Ir fic Cllning.nd Rord Srrety The $und snd pioper utuan deign ol sideulks, cross$alks. comq facad6, prcmcnad.s, and olhcr D.jor oad compoDeDts 0rc Dlesml rn $e sattr_ ofns use6 and the genetulpubllc All seclore oa nrc comnunit) pafricnlant th. loung.lhe elder y, and the mobilrry-impaned should bc ablc ro lravel lsnlelhe diliircnt travelmodes safelr_ NalunL bader or planh and ionshould acl as buJrers to separate ped.stnans arom lchiclcs lo en!tre satuy Land$aping nol just ftn.tuns as a proces olbedulrl-yiis the urblnscapc, bu( also prolrdes sraEgic protclon b! tray ofdesi$ 1o pedeslrians SF.ed limils !n ceriarn areas wilh hish pedesirian tmfic such as schooh can ako be inplemenled Tmlic catning tcchnrqucs ro slos dorvn lraiTic ro nake the lrearnorc conducrve lo pede$rians and cyclists should tre implemenrc.d lhis sould.otjusl lessen the negative inpac$ olroad ra,Ic bu will promorc a morc human nlleRctirc setxry *hrch rill clcntually lead to socrll ril.lrry LikeNse. cenain streets should be assignod as no fionlrl.e 7.nes to prle.t tbe disruption ol p*ce and order Iligh blank lalli are a deEftenl 10 salery. cspeclally ai and near inteEections lt is pruposcd 10 take doM lnese hrgh Nalls orbe mrnimiu.d ro a mLinm ol onc mclcr in heieht