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Presented by:
Mr. Manjunath. Beth
Associate professor
At the end of this topic, you should be able to:-
Define the term “Wound”
List the causes of wounds
Outline the classification of wounds
Define the term “wound healing”
Describe the phases of wound healing
Highlight the types of wound healing
Describe factors affecting wound healing
Outline the complications of wound healing
Discuss the management of wounds
A wound is a type of physical trauma
whereby the integrity of the skin or of
any tissue is compromised
It is a separation or discontinuity of the
skin, mucous membrane or tissue
caused by physical, chemical or
biological insult
The etiology of wounds can be
classified as follows:-
Blunt injuries
Penetrating injuries
Surgical insult
Burn injuries
Sport injuries
Bite injuries [animal or human]
Penetrating injuries
Stab wounds
Gunshot wounds
Surgical wounds
Wounds caused by a surgical
Classification of Surgical Wounds
 Based on the risk of infection & degree of
- Clean (Class-I)
- Clean-contaminated (Class-II)
- Contaminated (Class-III)
- Dirty (Class-IV)
1- Clean wounds
 No inflammation
 No break in sterile technique
 Wound primarily closed/Not
 Aero- digestive, genitourinary &
Biliary tract not entered
 Potential infection rate 1%-5%
 Examples
 Thyroidectomy
 Mastectomy
 Lipoma excision
2- Clean-contaminated Wound
 No inflammation/Infection present
 Minor break in sterile technique
 Aerodigestive or genitourinary
tract entered without spillage
 Potential infection rate 8% - 10%
 Examples
 Simple appendectomy
 Prostatectomy
 Cholecystectomy
3- Contaminated Wound
 Traumatic wounds
 Acute inflammation present
 Major break in sterile technique
 Gross spillage/contamination
from respiratory,
gastrointestinal, biliary, or
genitourinary tracts
 Potential infection rate 15% -
 Example
 Traumatic wounds
4- Dirty/Infected Wound
 Organisms present at surgical site
prior to procedure/Existing
 Presence of pus
 Perforation (Gastrointestinal,
biliary, respiratory, genitourinary
 Potential infection rate 27% - 40%
 Example
 Appendiceal abcess
 Peritonitis
Burn injuries
Thermal burn
Chemical burn
Electrical burn
Radiation burn
Cold injury
exposure to flame or a hot object
exposure to acid, alkali or organic substances
result from the conversion of electrical energy
into heat. Extent of injury depends on the type of
current, the pathway of flow, local tissue
resistance, and duration of contact
result from radiant energy being transferred to
the body resulting in production of cellular toxins
Chemical Burn
4/1/2011 24
Electrical Burn
4/1/2011 25
Wound classification systems provide
frameworks that:-
Aid diagnosis and stratification
Ensure uniformity of documentation
Offer prognostic information
Guide management
Types of wound classification
Wounds can be classified as follows:-
According to the etiology
According to Rank-Wakefield classification system
According to the duration of the wound healing
According to the integrity of the skin
According to wound depth
According to morphological characteristics
According to degree of contamination
According to severity
According to the etiology
Surgical wounds
These are wounds caused by surgical
Penetrating wounds
Wounds caused by penetrating trauma
Blunt wounds
Wounds caused by blunt trauma
Burn wounds
Wounds caused by burn injuries
According to Rank-Wakefield
classification system
Tidy wounds
These are wounds inflicted by sharp
instruments and contain no devitalized
Such wounds can be closed primarily with
the expectation of quite primary healing
They are usually single with clean cut
Associated fractures are uncommon in
tidy wounds
Examples: surgical incisions, cuts from
glass and knife wounds
Untidy wounds
These are wounds resulting from
crushing, tearing avulsion, vascular
injury or burns, and contain devitalized
They are usually multiple and irregular
Commonly associated with fractures
Such wounds can not be closed
primarily and therefore should be
allowed to heal by second intention
Tidy Vs Untidy
Tidy Untidy
- Incised - Crushed
- Clean - Contaminated
- Devitalized tissue
- Often tissue loss
- Healthy tissue
- Seldom tissue loss
According to the duration of
wound healing
Acute wounds
Acute wounds are wounds that usually
heal in the anticipated time frame
Duration of the wound: immediately to
few weeks
Examples are wounds acquired as a result
of trauma or an operative procedure
Chronic wounds
Wounds that fail to heal in the
anticipated time frame and often
Duration of the wound ⇒ > 4 weeks to
3 months
Wounds occur as a result of an
underlying condition such as
extended pressure on the tissues, poor
circulation, or even poor nutrition
Pressure ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and
diabetic foot ulcers are examples
Abnormal wound healing
c scar
 Keloid
Acute Vs Chronic
 Acute wounds
 Wounds that heal in expected period of time
 Eg. Lacerations
 Chronic wounds
- Wound that fails to heal over an extended period of
- Caused by inadequate circulation or in which
healing is delayed as a resul
- eg. Ulcers
According to the
integrity of the
Open wounds
Type of wounds in which the skin has
been compromised and underlying
tissues are exposed
Open wounds can be classified into a
number of different types, according
to the object that caused the wound
Examples include incised wounds,
laceration, punctured wounds etc
Closed wounds
Wounds in which the skin has not been
compromised, but trauma to underlying
structures has occurred
Closed wounds have fewer categories, but
are just as dangerous as open wounds
Examples of closed wounds are:
Contusions - (more commonly known as a
bruise) - caused by blunt force trauma
that damages tissue under the skin
Hematoma - (also called a blood tumor) -
caused by damage to a blood vessel that
in turn causes blood to collect under the
1- Closed Vs Open
Closed wounds
Skin Intact / Underlying tissue damag contusion, bruise, hematoma.
Open wounds
-Complete break of the epithelial protective
surface. abrasion, laceration, puncture, degloved
wound , bites.
According to wound depth
Superficial wounds
Only the epidermis is affected and has
to be replaced
A truly superficial wound does not bleed
and heals within a few days
Examples include most abrasions and
Partial-thickness wounds
The epidermis and part of the dermis is
A partial-thickness wound does bleed
If left uncovered, a blood clot will cover the
wound and a scar will form
The missing tissue will then be replaced,
followed by regeneration of the epidermis
A partial-thickness wound can take from several days
to several weeks to heal, depending on the patient
and the wound treatments chosen
Full-thickness wounds
A full-thickness wound involves the epidermis
and the dermis
The underlying fatty tissue, bones, muscles, or
tendons may also be damaged
If full-thickness wounds cannot be sutured, the
healing process will create new tissue to fill
the wound, followed by regeneration of the
The full-thickness wound takes longer time to
heal than does a partial-thickness wound,
sometimes as long as several months
According to morphological
Bruises / contusion
These are closed wounds
Caused by blunt trauma that damage the
tissue under the skin without breaking the
Characterized by skin discoloration due to
bleeding into the tissues
Blows to the chest, abdomen, or head with
a blunt instrument can cause contusions
These are also closed wounds caused
by damage to a blood vessel that in
turn causes blood to collect under the
Initially this is fluid, but it will clot within
minutes or hours ⇒ later after few days
the hematoma will again liquefy →
increased risk of secondary infection →
pus formation
Crush wounds
Crush wounds are caused by a great or
extreme amount of force applied over a
long period of time
These occur when a heavy object falls
onto a person, splitting the skin and
shattering or tearing underlying structures
They are often accompanied by
degloving injuries and compartment
An abrasion is a shearing injury of the
skin I which the surface is rubbed off
Most are superficial and will heal by
Lacerated wound
Caused by tearing of tissues
Wounds have irregular borders
Loss of tissue is limited to skin and s/c
Penetrated wound
Cause by sharp pointed objects like
Have relatively small opening
May be very deep
Infection/ foreign particles might have
been carried deep in to wound
opening is inadequate for drainage
eg: punctured wound on foot due to
gathered nail
Perforating wound
Have two opening one of entrance
and other of exit
E.g. gunshot wounds
According to degree of
Clean wounds
No break in aseptic technique
Incision is made under sterile condions
No inflammation is encountered
The respiratory tract, alimentary, genital
or uninfected urinary tracts are not
Primary closure
No drain
Eg Herniorrhaphy,
Clean Contaminated wounds
Operative wounds in which the
respiratory, alimentary, genital or urinary
tract is entered under controlled
conditions and without unusual
Contaminated wounds
Open, fresh or accidental wounds;
operations with major breaks in sterile
technique or gross spillage from the
gastrointestinal tract; and incisions in
which acute, non-purulent
inflammation is encountered
Dirty or Infected wounds
Old traumatic wounds with retained
devitalized tissue and those that involve
existing clinical infection
Tetanus Prone Vs Tetanus Non-prone
Tetanus Prone
wound age >6hrs
wound depth > 1cm
presence of devitalized tissue
contaminated wounds
Animal bites
Tetanus Non-prone
. wound age <6hrs
. wound depth <1cm
. absence of devitalized tissue
. non contaminated wounds
According to severity
Simple wounds
The integrity of the skin is traumatized
without loss or destruction of tissue
and without the presence of a
foreign body in the wound
Complex wounds
Tissue is lost or destructed by means
of a crush, burn, or foreign body in
the wound
Diabetic wound
Wound healing, or wound repair, is
the body's natural process of
restoring normal function and
structure after injury
The entire wound healing process is
a complex series of events that
begins at the moment of injury and
can continue for months to years
Phases of wound healing
Three phases of wound healing
Inflammatory phase
Proliferative phase
Maturation and remodeling phase
After client get injured, homeostasis begins in which
blood vessels constrict and the platelets create
substances that help stop bleeding through clotting.
1. INFLAMMATION: (first stage)
i. Client body responds to trauma by raising level of
ii. The blood vessels dilate after homeostasis is
iii. This allows white blood cells, nutrients, enzymes,
antibodies, and other beneficial elements reach the
affected area to accelerate wound healing.
iv. At this stage, client will experience the effects of
inflammation, such as heat, pain, swelling, and
2.PROLIFERATION: (Second Stage)
a. The second stage in the wound healing process is
proliferation in which new, healthy granulation tissue
replaces the wound.
b. It is important that the blood vessels receive enough
nutrients and oxygen to form granulation tissue.
c. The tissue consists of a mixture of collagen and
extracellular matrix, which helps develop a new
network of blood vessels.
d. During the process, the color of granulation tissue will
change. If it is pink or red, it usually means that it is
e. It indicates infection when the color of granulation
tissue is rather dark.
f. During this stage, the body will also work on
damaged mesenchymal cells (Mesodermal tissue
forms of connective tissue, blood and smooth muscles)
and change them into fibroblasts.
g. They work more as bridges to ensure easy
movement of cells around the affected area.
h. These fibroblasts usually take three days to
appear if the wound is healthy.
i. They secrete collagen and liquids and give
strength to the wound site.
j. wound will continue to grow stronger through
this stage.
a. Maturation or remodeling is the end stage of the
wound healing process.
b. It takes place soon after the wound has closed up.
c. This stage may continue for a couple of years and
involves repair of the dermal tissues to improve
their tensile strength.
d. During this stage, functional fibroblasts will replace
non-functional one and the number of blood vessels
in the area will also decrease gradually.
d. As the process continues for quite some time,
it is important to stick to the treatment plan
even when the client notice the maturation
has begun.
e. If the client leave the treatment too early, the
wound may break down again because the
area is up to 20% weaker even after
Types of wound healing
Healing by primary intention (Primary
Healing by secondary intention (Secondary
Healing by tertiary intention (Delayed
primary closure)
Healing by primary intention
(Primary closure)
Healing by primary intention (Primary
closure) occurs when a wound is created
aseptically with minimal tissue damage
Healing takes place by the approximation
of tissue edges with suture, staples, wound
sealant etc
Primary Intention
 For clean wounds
 Wound is sutured/closed
 Healing occurs from side-to-
 Healing occurs rapidly with little
inflammation and minimal
Healing by secondary intention
(Secondary closure)
Occurs in wounds that are already infected
and are usually left open and allowed to
heal by epitheliazation and wound
May be caused by infection, excessive
trauma, tissue loss, or inability to re-
approximate the tissue
It is a slow process
Secondary Intention
 For contaminated/dirty wounds
 Wound is intentionally left open
 Healing occurs from the bottom–
 Granulation tissue containing
myofibroblasts forms wound
 Scar formation is extensive
Healing by tertiary intention
(Delayed primary closure)
Wounds that are heavily contaminated and
are likely to develop an infection if closed
primarily may be left open for 3-5 days
This allows the wound to be cleaned and
allows the body’s natural defenses to
decrease bacterial count
The wound can then be closed and allowed
to heal, producing a wound with
characteristics similar to primary closure
Tertiary Intention (Delayed Primary Closure)
 For contaminated/dirty
 Wound is left open until
clean for 4-6 days
 Then, wound is
 Suturing
 Skin grafting
 Flap
Factors affecting wound healing
Local factors affecting wound healing
Systemic factors affecting wound healing
Factors affecting wound healing
DiabetesForeign body
Edema Steroids
Local factors affecting
Surgical Technique
Hematoma formation
Tissue ischemia
Presence of foreign body
Exposure to radiation
Systemic factors affecting
wound healing
Aging Smoking
DrugsNutritional status
Diseases states
Complications of wound healing
Suture complications
Hypertrophic scar
Malignant changes
Dehiscence: (bursting open of closed wound).
Evisceration:(surgical removing of an organ from a patient)
Adhesions: (abnormal union of bodily tissues most common
in the abdomen).
Fistula formation:(abnormal opening / passage from the
supporting cavity).
Sinus formation:( a wide passage / channel containing
Keloids:(raised pinkish scar tissue at the site of injury).
Wound Management
1- Assessment of
- duration since injury
-identification of possible contamination & foreign
-- extent of wound
- associated neurovascular or tendon injury
- need of tetanus prophylaxis
- identification of risk factors that might affect
2- Wound preparation
- irrigation helps in:
- to visualize areas of the wound.
- to remove Fb
- foreign body
- necrotic tissue debridement (surgocal removal of fb & dead
tissue from a wound in order to prevent from infection & promote
- evacuation of hematoma (localised sweeling filled with blood).
- Haemostasis (surgical procedure of stopping the flow of
3-Wound Closure
Timing The choices are:
(1) close at the time of initial
(2) delay closure until after a period of
healing or wound care, and
(3) to allow the wound to heal on its own.
The closure methods available include:
(1) primary closure by direct
(2) delayed primary closure,
(3) secondary closure-left to heal on itsown.
(4) skin grafting; and
4- Dressing
maintain a moist clean environment
prevent pressure and mechanical trauma
reduce edema
stimulates repair
comfort and aesthetic appearance
Other adjuncts
 Antibiotics
o Prophylactic
o Therapeutic
 Tetanus Prophylaxis
Surgical dressing with:-
Primary closure
Delayed closure
Delayed primary closure
Skin grafting
Wound dressing
Skin grafting
Flaps (movable piece of tissue partly connected to the body)
Special wounds
 Human bites
 Management
o Thorough irrigation with saline or plain water
o Adequate debridement
o Leave wound open
o Broad-spectrum antibiotics
o Tetanus Prophylaxis
o Wound observation
 Dog bites
 Management
o Vigorous irrigation
o Leave wound open
o Tetanus prophylaxis
o Antibiotics
o Post exposure anti rabies prophylaxis (1ml, IM)
on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th and 28th day of bite.
Discussed regarding the;
Define the term “Wound”
List the causes of wounds
Outline the classification of wounds
Define the term “wound healing”
Describe the phases of wound healing
Highlight the types of wound healing
Describe factors affecting wound healing
Outline the complications of wound healing
Discuss the management of wounds
Wounds (manju)

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Wounds (manju)

  • 1.
  • 2. “ PRESENTATION TOPIC ON WOUNDS ” Presented by: Mr. Manjunath. Beth Associate professor & HOD OF MSN DEPARTMENT
  • 4. objectives At the end of this topic, you should be able to:- Define the term “Wound” List the causes of wounds Outline the classification of wounds Define the term “wound healing” Describe the phases of wound healing Highlight the types of wound healing Describe factors affecting wound healing Outline the complications of wound healing Discuss the management of wounds
  • 5. DEFINITION A wound is a type of physical trauma whereby the integrity of the skin or of any tissue is compromised It is a separation or discontinuity of the skin, mucous membrane or tissue caused by physical, chemical or biological insult
  • 6. ETIOLOGY The etiology of wounds can be classified as follows:- Blunt injuries Penetrating injuries Surgical insult Burn injuries
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  • 16. Surgical wounds Wounds caused by a surgical procedure
  • 17. Classification of Surgical Wounds  Based on the risk of infection & degree of contamination - Clean (Class-I) - Clean-contaminated (Class-II) - Contaminated (Class-III) - Dirty (Class-IV)
  • 18. 1- Clean wounds  No inflammation  No break in sterile technique  Wound primarily closed/Not drained  Aero- digestive, genitourinary & Biliary tract not entered  Potential infection rate 1%-5%  Examples  Thyroidectomy  Mastectomy  Lipoma excision
  • 19. 2- Clean-contaminated Wound  No inflammation/Infection present  Minor break in sterile technique  Aerodigestive or genitourinary tract entered without spillage  Potential infection rate 8% - 10%  Examples  Simple appendectomy  Prostatectomy  Cholecystectomy
  • 20. 3- Contaminated Wound  Traumatic wounds  Acute inflammation present  Major break in sterile technique  Gross spillage/contamination from respiratory, gastrointestinal, biliary, or genitourinary tracts  Potential infection rate 15% - 20%  Example  Traumatic wounds
  • 21. 4- Dirty/Infected Wound  Organisms present at surgical site prior to procedure/Existing infection  Presence of pus  Perforation (Gastrointestinal, biliary, respiratory, genitourinary tract)  Potential infection rate 27% - 40%  Example  Appendiceal abcess  Peritonitis
  • 22. Burn injuries Thermal burn Chemical burn Electrical burn Radiation burn Cold injury
  • 23. TYPES OF BURNS 23 Thermal exposure to flame or a hot object Chemical exposure to acid, alkali or organic substances Electrical result from the conversion of electrical energy into heat. Extent of injury depends on the type of current, the pathway of flow, local tissue resistance, and duration of contact Radiation result from radiant energy being transferred to the body resulting in production of cellular toxins
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  • 29. WOUND CLASSIFICATION Aim: Wound classification systems provide frameworks that:- Aid diagnosis and stratification Ensure uniformity of documentation Offer prognostic information Guide management
  • 30. Types of wound classification Wounds can be classified as follows:- According to the etiology According to Rank-Wakefield classification system According to the duration of the wound healing According to the integrity of the skin According to wound depth According to morphological characteristics According to degree of contamination According to severity
  • 31. According to the etiology Surgical wounds These are wounds caused by surgical procedure Penetrating wounds Wounds caused by penetrating trauma Blunt wounds Wounds caused by blunt trauma Burn wounds Wounds caused by burn injuries
  • 32. According to Rank-Wakefield classification system Tidy wounds These are wounds inflicted by sharp instruments and contain no devitalized tissue Such wounds can be closed primarily with the expectation of quite primary healing They are usually single with clean cut Associated fractures are uncommon in tidy wounds Examples: surgical incisions, cuts from glass and knife wounds
  • 33.
  • 34. Untidy wounds These are wounds resulting from crushing, tearing avulsion, vascular injury or burns, and contain devitalized tissue They are usually multiple and irregular Commonly associated with fractures Such wounds can not be closed primarily and therefore should be allowed to heal by second intention
  • 35. Tidy Vs Untidy Tidy Untidy - Incised - Crushed - Clean - Contaminated - Devitalized tissue - Often tissue loss - Healthy tissue - Seldom tissue loss
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  • 37. According to the duration of the wound healing Acute wounds Acute wounds are wounds that usually heal in the anticipated time frame Duration of the wound: immediately to few weeks Examples are wounds acquired as a result of trauma or an operative procedure
  • 38. Chronic wounds Wounds that fail to heal in the anticipated time frame and often reoccur Duration of the wound ⇒ > 4 weeks to 3 months Wounds occur as a result of an underlying condition such as extended pressure on the tissues, poor circulation, or even poor nutrition Pressure ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and diabetic foot ulcers are examples
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  • 41. Acute Vs Chronic  Acute wounds  Wounds that heal in expected period of time  Eg. Lacerations  Chronic wounds - Wound that fails to heal over an extended period of time - Caused by inadequate circulation or in which healing is delayed as a resul - eg. Ulcers
  • 42. According to the integrity of the skin Open wounds Type of wounds in which the skin has been compromised and underlying tissues are exposed Open wounds can be classified into a number of different types, according to the object that caused the wound Examples include incised wounds, laceration, punctured wounds etc
  • 43. Closed wounds Wounds in which the skin has not been compromised, but trauma to underlying structures has occurred Closed wounds have fewer categories, but are just as dangerous as open wounds Examples of closed wounds are: Contusions - (more commonly known as a bruise) - caused by blunt force trauma that damages tissue under the skin Hematoma - (also called a blood tumor) - caused by damage to a blood vessel that in turn causes blood to collect under the skin
  • 44. Classification 1- Closed Vs Open Closed wounds Skin Intact / Underlying tissue damag contusion, bruise, hematoma. Open wounds -Complete break of the epithelial protective surface. abrasion, laceration, puncture, degloved wound , bites.
  • 45. According to wound depth Superficial wounds Only the epidermis is affected and has to be replaced A truly superficial wound does not bleed and heals within a few days Examples include most abrasions and blisters
  • 46. Partial-thickness wounds The epidermis and part of the dermis is affected A partial-thickness wound does bleed If left uncovered, a blood clot will cover the wound and a scar will form The missing tissue will then be replaced, followed by regeneration of the epidermis A partial-thickness wound can take from several days to several weeks to heal, depending on the patient and the wound treatments chosen
  • 47. Full-thickness wounds A full-thickness wound involves the epidermis and the dermis The underlying fatty tissue, bones, muscles, or tendons may also be damaged If full-thickness wounds cannot be sutured, the healing process will create new tissue to fill the wound, followed by regeneration of the epidermis The full-thickness wound takes longer time to heal than does a partial-thickness wound, sometimes as long as several months
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  • 49. According to morphological characteristics Bruises / contusion These are closed wounds Caused by blunt trauma that damage the tissue under the skin without breaking the skin Characterized by skin discoloration due to bleeding into the tissues Blows to the chest, abdomen, or head with a blunt instrument can cause contusions
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  • 51. Hematoma These are also closed wounds caused by damage to a blood vessel that in turn causes blood to collect under the skin Initially this is fluid, but it will clot within minutes or hours ⇒ later after few days the hematoma will again liquefy → increased risk of secondary infection → pus formation
  • 52.
  • 53. Crush wounds Crush wounds are caused by a great or extreme amount of force applied over a long period of time These occur when a heavy object falls onto a person, splitting the skin and shattering or tearing underlying structures They are often accompanied by degloving injuries and compartment syndrome
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  • 55. Abrasions An abrasion is a shearing injury of the skin I which the surface is rubbed off Most are superficial and will heal by epitheliazation
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  • 58. Lacerated wound Caused by tearing of tissues Wounds have irregular borders Loss of tissue is limited to skin and s/c tissue
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  • 61. Penetrated wound Cause by sharp pointed objects like nails Have relatively small opening May be very deep Infection/ foreign particles might have been carried deep in to wound opening is inadequate for drainage eg: punctured wound on foot due to gathered nail
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  • 64. Perforating wound Have two opening one of entrance and other of exit E.g. gunshot wounds
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  • 71. According to degree of contamination Clean wounds No break in aseptic technique Incision is made under sterile condions No inflammation is encountered The respiratory tract, alimentary, genital or uninfected urinary tracts are not entered Primary closure No drain Eg Herniorrhaphy,
  • 72. Clean Contaminated wounds Operative wounds in which the respiratory, alimentary, genital or urinary tract is entered under controlled conditions and without unusual contamination
  • 73. Contaminated wounds Open, fresh or accidental wounds; operations with major breaks in sterile technique or gross spillage from the gastrointestinal tract; and incisions in which acute, non-purulent inflammation is encountered
  • 74. Dirty or Infected wounds Old traumatic wounds with retained devitalized tissue and those that involve existing clinical infection
  • 75. Tetanus Prone Vs Tetanus Non-prone Tetanus Prone wound age >6hrs wound depth > 1cm presence of devitalized tissue contaminated wounds Animal bites Tetanus Non-prone . wound age <6hrs . wound depth <1cm . absence of devitalized tissue . non contaminated wounds
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  • 78. According to severity Simple wounds The integrity of the skin is traumatized without loss or destruction of tissue and without the presence of a foreign body in the wound Complex wounds Tissue is lost or destructed by means of a crush, burn, or foreign body in the wound
  • 80. WOUND HEALING Definition Wound healing, or wound repair, is the body's natural process of restoring normal function and structure after injury The entire wound healing process is a complex series of events that begins at the moment of injury and can continue for months to years
  • 81. Phases of wound healing Three phases of wound healing include:- Inflammatory phase Proliferative phase Maturation and remodeling phase
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  • 85. HEMOSTASIS: After client get injured, homeostasis begins in which blood vessels constrict and the platelets create substances that help stop bleeding through clotting. 1. INFLAMMATION: (first stage) i. Client body responds to trauma by raising level of inflammation. ii. The blood vessels dilate after homeostasis is achieved. iii. This allows white blood cells, nutrients, enzymes, antibodies, and other beneficial elements reach the affected area to accelerate wound healing. iv. At this stage, client will experience the effects of inflammation, such as heat, pain, swelling, and redness.
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  • 89. 2.PROLIFERATION: (Second Stage) a. The second stage in the wound healing process is proliferation in which new, healthy granulation tissue replaces the wound. b. It is important that the blood vessels receive enough nutrients and oxygen to form granulation tissue. c. The tissue consists of a mixture of collagen and extracellular matrix, which helps develop a new network of blood vessels. d. During the process, the color of granulation tissue will change. If it is pink or red, it usually means that it is healthy. e. It indicates infection when the color of granulation tissue is rather dark.
  • 90. f. During this stage, the body will also work on damaged mesenchymal cells (Mesodermal tissue forms of connective tissue, blood and smooth muscles) and change them into fibroblasts. g. They work more as bridges to ensure easy movement of cells around the affected area. h. These fibroblasts usually take three days to appear if the wound is healthy. i. They secrete collagen and liquids and give strength to the wound site. j. wound will continue to grow stronger through this stage.
  • 91. 3. MATURATION: a. Maturation or remodeling is the end stage of the wound healing process. b. It takes place soon after the wound has closed up. c. This stage may continue for a couple of years and involves repair of the dermal tissues to improve their tensile strength. d. During this stage, functional fibroblasts will replace non-functional one and the number of blood vessels in the area will also decrease gradually.
  • 92. d. As the process continues for quite some time, it is important to stick to the treatment plan even when the client notice the maturation has begun. e. If the client leave the treatment too early, the wound may break down again because the area is up to 20% weaker even after maturation.
  • 94. Types of wound healing Healing by primary intention (Primary closure) Healing by secondary intention (Secondary closure) Healing by tertiary intention (Delayed primary closure)
  • 95. Healing by primary intention (Primary closure) Healing by primary intention (Primary closure) occurs when a wound is created aseptically with minimal tissue damage Healing takes place by the approximation of tissue edges with suture, staples, wound sealant etc
  • 96. Primary Intention  For clean wounds  Wound is sutured/closed  Healing occurs from side-to- side  Healing occurs rapidly with little inflammation and minimal scarring
  • 97. Healing by secondary intention (Secondary closure) Occurs in wounds that are already infected and are usually left open and allowed to heal by epitheliazation and wound contraction May be caused by infection, excessive trauma, tissue loss, or inability to re- approximate the tissue It is a slow process
  • 98. Secondary Intention  For contaminated/dirty wounds  Wound is intentionally left open  Healing occurs from the bottom– up  Granulation tissue containing myofibroblasts forms wound contraction  Scar formation is extensive
  • 99. Healing by tertiary intention (Delayed primary closure) Wounds that are heavily contaminated and are likely to develop an infection if closed primarily may be left open for 3-5 days This allows the wound to be cleaned and allows the body’s natural defenses to decrease bacterial count The wound can then be closed and allowed to heal, producing a wound with characteristics similar to primary closure
  • 100. Tertiary Intention (Delayed Primary Closure)  For contaminated/dirty  Wound is left open until clean for 4-6 days  Then, wound is closed  Suturing  Skin grafting  Flap
  • 101. Factors affecting wound healing Local factors affecting wound healing Systemic factors affecting wound healing
  • 102. Factors affecting wound healing SystemicLocal AgeIschemia Stress Infection Ischemia DiabetesForeign body Edema Steroids Smoking Immunocompromise Malnutrition
  • 103. Local factors affecting wound healingInfection Surgical Technique Movement Hematoma formation Tissue ischemia Presence of foreign body Exposure to radiation
  • 104. Systemic factors affecting wound healing Aging Smoking DrugsNutritional status Steroids Diseases states Uremia anti-neoplastics NSAIDs Jaundice Diabetes Malignancies Immunosuppression
  • 105. Complications of wound healing Hemorrhage Adhesions Suture complications Hypertrophic scar (scratch/mark) Malignant changes Infection Herniation
  • 106. Dehiscence: (bursting open of closed wound). Evisceration:(surgical removing of an organ from a patient) Adhesions: (abnormal union of bodily tissues most common in the abdomen). Fistula formation:(abnormal opening / passage from the supporting cavity). Sinus formation:( a wide passage / channel containing blood). Keloids:(raised pinkish scar tissue at the site of injury). OTHER COMPLICATIONS ARE
  • 107. Wound Management 1- Assessment of wounds - duration since injury -identification of possible contamination & foreign body. -- extent of wound - associated neurovascular or tendon injury - need of tetanus prophylaxis - identification of risk factors that might affect healing.
  • 108. 2- Wound preparation - irrigation helps in: - to visualize areas of the wound. - to remove Fb - foreign body removal - necrotic tissue debridement (surgocal removal of fb & dead tissue from a wound in order to prevent from infection & promote healing) - evacuation of hematoma (localised sweeling filled with blood). - Haemostasis (surgical procedure of stopping the flow of blood)
  • 109. 3-Wound Closure Timing The choices are: (1) close at the time of initial presentation (2) delay closure until after a period of healing or wound care, and (3) to allow the wound to heal on its own. Methods The closure methods available include: (1) primary closure by direct approximation (2) delayed primary closure, (3) secondary closure-left to heal on itsown. (4) skin grafting; and
  • 110. 4- Dressing maintain a moist clean environment prevent pressure and mechanical trauma reduce edema stimulates repair comfort and aesthetic appearance
  • 111. Other adjuncts  Antibiotics o Prophylactic o Therapeutic  Tetanus Prophylaxis
  • 112. MANAGEMENT OF WOUNDS Surgical dressing with:- Primary closure Delayed closure Delayed primary closure Skin grafting Flaps Wound dressing Skin grafting Flaps (movable piece of tissue partly connected to the body)
  • 113. Special wounds  Human bites  Management o Thorough irrigation with saline or plain water o Adequate debridement o Leave wound open o Broad-spectrum antibiotics o Tetanus Prophylaxis o Wound observation  Dog bites  Management o Vigorous irrigation o Leave wound open o Tetanus prophylaxis o Antibiotics o Post exposure anti rabies prophylaxis (1ml, IM) on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th and 28th day of bite.
  • 114. SUMMARY Discussed regarding the; Define the term “Wound” List the causes of wounds Outline the classification of wounds Define the term “wound healing” Describe the phases of wound healing Highlight the types of wound healing Describe factors affecting wound healing Outline the complications of wound healing Discuss the management of wounds