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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The methodology of database design in
organization management systems
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The methodology of database design in organization
management systems
I L Chudinov, V V Osipova, Y V Bobrova
Tomsk Polytechnic University, 30, Lenina ave., Tomsk, 634050,
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The paper describes the unified methodology of
database design for management
information systems. Designing the conceptual information
model for the domain area is the
most important and labor-intensive stage in database design.
Basing on the proposed integrated
approach to design, the conceptual information model, the main
principles of developing the
relation databases are provided and user’s information needs are
considered. According to the
methodology, the process of designing the conceptual
information model includes three basic
stages, which are defined in detail. Finally, the article describes
the process of performing the
results of analyzing user’s information needs and the rationale
for use of classifiers.
1. Introduction
Management information systems are among the most important
components of information
technologies (IT), used in a company. They are usually
classified by the functions into the following
systems: Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Human
Resource Management (HRM), Enterprise
Content Management (ECM), Customer Relationship
Management (CRM), etc. [1]. Such systems are
used a special structured database and are required for
reengineering of the whole enterprise
management system, while the integration makes it difficult to
use them. These systems are expensive
enough and particularly developed for large enterprises: only in
this case the expenses on purchasing
and supporting are covered.
As a rule, special information systems (IS) are developed for
small and medium sized enterprises. The
main goal of the IS is to design and extend the structure of
databases, based on the integrated
(nonredundant) information environment. Such systems are
characterized by their continual
developing in expansion of the automated processes. These
processes can be implemented effectively
if there is a definite methodology for a database design.
2. Approaches to Database Design
Based on the three-level data representation of the
ANSI/SPARC architecture [2], the integrated
database design process is presented at the following stages:
1. Designing the conceptual information model of the domain
2. Selecting the database management system (DBMS), that is
used for implementing the
3. Presenting the conceptual information model into the
physical database structure in notation of
the specified DBMS.
The second stage is generally executed only in initial database
development, while extending the
International Conference on Information Technologies in
Business and Industry 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 803 (2017)
012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/803/1/012030
International Conference on Recent Trends in Physics 2016
(ICRTP2016) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 755 (2016) 011001
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the
title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
information base the DBMS is changed rarely, and concurrent
use of different DBMS reinforces the
requirement to design of the conceptual information model [3].
For realizing the third stage, there are a
number of software tools, e.g. Oracle SQL Developer,
Embarcadero ER/Studio XE that automate
designing the physical database structure for the specified
DBMS, depending on the defined
conceptual information model [4]. Whereas the first stage of
developing the database is rather
considerable, there is no entire formalized description how to
design the conceptual information
In well-known papers of C. Date [5], R. Barker [6], E. Codd
[7,8] designing the conceptual
information model is defined to declare the technology as a
procedure based on integration of user’s
information needs. Therefore, the first stage of designing the
conceptual information model is
considered as the main one in developing a database.
According to the method of learning the domain area, there are
two alternative approaches to
designing the conceptual information model:
1. Decomposition is based on the system analysis of the domain
2. Integration is based on the analysis of current and expectative
user’s information needs.
The approach, based on the system analysis of the domain area,
is much complex, on the one hand,
since there is an original methodology to apply or a well-known
method of the system analysis to
adapt for the purposes of designing the conceptual information
model. On the other hand, the
decomposition method requires the representative of the domain
area, who is familiar with the
organization and business function of the company, to
participate in developing. Furthermore, the
task-specific way of designing the conceptual information
model determines applying the integration
method. User’s information needs are sure to change over time,
thus the proposed methodology is
focused not only on the initial development of the data schema,
but also on integrating a further
information need with the current data schema.
3. Methodology of database design
The proposed methodology is to conform to the following
principles for designing the conceptual
information model:
• Sequential approach to designing that is an incremental
modeling of the data schema by
including expectative information needs and modifying the
current descriptions.
• Noncontiguous interaction of participants in the designing
process (suppliers of information
requirements and analysts) within a two-level organization of
o the initial formalization of information needs for the specified
o the formalized integration of further requirements description
with the base data schema.
• Definition of information needs as structures, related to the
typical information formats.
• Declaration of data domains and their relationships as a part
of capturing knowledge base
about the domain area.
• Use of information about data domains to define availability
and type of relationships between
data schema components.
The methodology of designing has the following stages:
1. Analysis of user’s information needs and their representation
as a set of initial entities of the
domain area.
2. Definition of initial entities and their representation as plain
normalized data schemas.
3. Relation of received normalized entities with the base
conceptual information model.
3.1. The first stage of database design
At the first stage, the main semantic analysis of the domain area
is performed in terms of user’s
information needs. Current, as well as expectative information
requirements can be classified by
means of the following typical information formats:
International Conference on Information Technologies in
Business and Industry 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 803 (2017)
012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/803/1/012030
• Documents are revealed by a special survey of departments.
• Users’ requests are revealed by interviewing employees, who
fill in documents and use
information containing in them.
• Files are revealed by maintenance of the current information
processing systems.
Representation of resulting information formats of user’s
requirements as initial entities requires
performing the following actions [9]:
• to identify attributes and the order of them in the entity;
• to identify multiple values of the attribute;
• to define an attribute domain;
• to identify secondary attributes;
• to present the result of attributes identification as a table row
of description of initial entities.
Along with the analysis of possible attributes’ values, data
compatibility is defined:
• = , if attributes consist (domains consist �1 = �21).
• < , if attributes of one entity subordinate to attributes of
another one (�1⊂D2).
• × , if attributes are comparable ( �1 ∩ �2 ≠ ∅ ).
• +, if attributes are compatible (�1 ∪ �2 makes sense as a
domain of the domain area).
3.2. The second stage of database design
At the second stage, the initial entities of the domain area are
specified by means of:
• compression of attributes in a new entity;
• normalization;
• identification of classifiers.
Normalization and compression of attributes are formally
defined and can be realized easily,
satisfying the rules of the relational algebra. Identification of
classifiers and decision on whether
encoding an attribute are required at the stage of designing the
conceptual information model, if the
volume of the uncoded view is rather higher than the encoded
one, presented as:
�� >
�� +�(�� + ��)
where n – a number of tuples in the entity; m – a number of
elements in the dictionary of possible
values (in the classifier); ��– a size of the uncoded (text)
value; ��– a size of the code.
If �� = 5��, then
�� >
�� + 6��� ,
� >
That is, attribute values with the dictionary domain are required
to be encoded if a number of tuples
in the initial entity is half again a number of possible attribute
If there are several (S) attributes in the conceptual information
model that are defined at the same
data domain, then the condition has the following expression:
International Conference on Information Technologies in
Business and Industry 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 803 (2017)
012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/803/1/012030
�� ∑
� > �� ∑
� +�(�� + ��)
��� ,
�– a number of tuples in the entity, that contains an i-th
If an average number of tuples in the entities that contains
encoded attributes, is calculated using
� = ∑
��� ,
then encoding of attributes is defined by
� > ���
� +�(�� + ��)
. (6)
If �� = 5��, then
� > ���
� + 5���+ ���
�� > 3�.
That is, when using such attribute as a full name twice, it is
worth applying the classifier, on
condition that an average number of tuples in the entity,
according to (5), that contain encoded
attributes more than (¾ * a number of tuples in the classifier).
3.3. The third stage of database design
At the third stage, the received normalized entities are related
in the base conceptual information
model. The unified algorithm is proposed to relate separate
entities and to receive plain entities in the
conceptual information model. For this purpose, relationships
between these entities are identified, and
constituent entities are analyzed further as independent entities
according to the procedure, described
in [10].
Furthermore, there are inconsiderable (transitive) relationships
between entities identified
according the following conditions:
• If there is one hierarchy relationship between entity R1 with
key К1 and entity R2 with key
(К1, К2), and another hierarchy relationship between entity R2
and entity R3 with key (К1,
К2, К3), then the hierarchy relationship between entity R1 and
entity R3 can be defined as
inconsiderable, transitive.
• If there is a join relationship between entity R1 and entity R2,
then the relationships of one
subordinative entity can be defined as inconsiderable.
4. Conclusion
The proposed methodology of database design can be applied
for developing information systems in
any sphere, where objects of organizational management are
used. Also the methodology is considered
to present the conceptual information model formally, based on
current and expected user’s
information needs.
[1] Halevi G 2001 Handbook of Production Management
Methods (Oxford: Butterworth-
[2] ANSI/X3/SPARC 1975 Study Group on Data Base
Management Systems FDT Bulletin of ACM
International Conference on Information Technologies in
Business and Industry 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 803 (2017)
012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/803/1/012030
[3] Navathe S B 1992 Evolution of Data Modeling for Databases
Communications of the ACM
35(9) 112–123
[4] Kim Y G 1995 Comparing Data Modeling Formalisms
Communications of the ACM 38(6) 103–
[5] Date C J 2003 An Introduction to Database Systems
(Cambridge: Pearson) pp 59–68
[6] Barker R 1990 Case*Method: Entity Relationship Modelling
(Wokingham: Addison Wesley
Professional) pp 62–75
[7] Codd E F 1970 A Relation Model of Data for Large Shared
Data Banks Communications of the
ACM 13(6) 377–387
[8] Codd E F 1979 Extending the Database Relational Model to
Capture More Meaning ACM
Transactions on Database Systems 4 397–434
[9] Osipova V V and Seitz J 2011 A Formal Approach to Design
a Conceptual Information Model
of the Universe of Discourse Proc. of the Tenth Wuhan
International Conference on E-Business
(New Yourk: Alfred University Press) pp 567–569
[10] Osipova V V, Chudinov I L and Seidova A S 2016
Formalized Approach in Relational
Database Design Key Engineering Materials 685 930–933
International Conference on Information Technologies in
Business and Industry 2016 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 803 (2017)
012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/803/1/012030
I love the wind
when it blows through my barrio.
It hisses its snake love
down calles de polvo,
and cracks egg-shell skins
of abandoned homes.
Stray dogs find shelter
along the river,
where great cottonwoods rattle
like old covered wagons,
stuck in stagnant waterholes.
Days when the wind blows
full of sand and grit,
men and women make decisions
that change their whole lives.
Windy days in the barrio
give birth to divorce papers
and squalling separation. The wind tells us
what others refuse to tell us,
informing men and women of a secret,
that they move away to hide from.
* * * *
by Jimmy Santiago Baca
Five Paragraph Essay
Paragraph One:
Motivator ______________________________
Thesis: Limited Subject ____________________+ Precise
Opinion _______________________
Blueprint: Main Point A_________________
Main Point B_________________
Main Point C_________________
Paragraph Two:
Transition __________________________ & Main Point A
Specific Support: Point
Explanation ________________________________________
Specific Support: Point
Explanation ________________________________________
Specific Support: Point
Explanation ________________________________________
Paragraph Three:
Transition __________________________ & Main Point B
Specific Support: Point
Explanation ________________________________________
Specific Support: Point
Explanation ________________________________________
Specific Support: Point
Explanation ________________________________________
Paragraph Four:
Transition __________________________ & Main Point C
Specific Support: Point
Explanation ________________________________________
Specific Support: Point
Explanation ________________________________________
Specific Support: Point
Explanation ________________________________________
Paragraph Five:
Reworded Thesis
Reworded Motivator
Student Name Here
Mr. Martin
ENG 102 MW
December 5, 2014
The Road Not Taken
Life is full of difficult decisions, and once a decision is made
there is no way to
try again. In the poem The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost uses
tone, diction, and imagery
to illustrate how people cannot make second attempts at life’s
Frost uses tone in his poem to convey the difficulties people
face when confronted
with a major decision, and the ever-present “what if” that
occurs when such decisions
have been made. The narrator in the poem is faced with two
roads in a forest, equally
intriguing, but only one path can be taken. Frost writes, “Two
roads diverged in a yellow
wood / And sorry I could not travel both / And be one traveler,
long I stood,” (lns 1-3).
When a person is facing any kind of major decision in life both
choices have their pros
and cons, and it is often difficult to choose the best way to go.
Weeks or even years later,
that choice not taken is a source of wondering how things would
have turned out if they
had gone the other way. Frost illustrates this when he says, “I
shall be telling this with a
sigh / Somewhere ages and ages hence” (lns16-7). It is human
nature to wonder about all
the different ways a person’s life could have turned out if they
had made different choices
in the past.
Diction is also used in the poem to convey how difficult it is to
make the hard
decisions, even if they turn out to be rewarding in the end. Even
if it looks like the choice
could be changed later on, there really is no way to go back.
Frost states, “Oh, I kept the
Student 2
first for another day / Yet knowing how way leads on to way / I
doubted if I should ever
come back” (lns13-5). Decisions have a way of branching off in
different ways to other,
smaller decisions, at which point there is no way to return to
that original point. Even
though sometimes a person may choose a harder path to go, it
could turn out to be the
thing that changes their life for the best. Frost illustrates this
when he writes, “Two roads
diverged in a wood, and I / I took the one less traveled by / And
that has made all the
difference,” (lns 18-20). A person may make the harder or less
popular decision and even
though they can encounter obstacles and objections, in the end
that decision may be the
most rewarding.
Imagery is used to show how even though similar decisions
have been made by
countless others, at that point in time it is a unique choice to the
person making it. When
faced with a fork in the road, the narrator sees that both paths
have their different appeals,
but both look like they have been traveled about the same
amount. Frost writes:
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had work them really about the same, (lns 4-10)
When a person is facing a major decision they can see how the
choices they have can be
equally tempting, and will undoubtedly hear stories of other
people facing similar
Student 3
situations and the choices they made. At the same time,
however, the choice is unique to
that person and that moment. Frost shows this when he says,
“And both that morning
equally lay / In leaves no step had trodden black,” (lns 9-10).
No two people have lived
the exact same life, so even though they may face similar
situations, at the same time
each decision is completely different to each individual.
It is human nature to want a second chance at a choice gone
wrong in life. In The
Road Not Taken, Robert Frost uses tone, diction, and imagery to
show how it is
impossible to come back to major decisions people must make
in their lives.

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  • 1. Journal of Physics: Conference Series PAPER • OPEN ACCESS The methodology of database design in organization management systems To cite this article: I L Chudinov et al 2017 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 803 012030 View the article online for updates and enhancements. You may also like The Construction of Group Financial Management Information System Yuan Ma - Identification of E-Maintenance Elements and Indicators that Affect Maintenance Performance of High Rise Building: A Literature Review Nurul Inayah Wardahni, Leni Sagita Riantini, Yusuf Latief et al. - Web-Based Project Management Information System in Construction Projects M R Fachrizal, J C Wibawa and Z Afifah
  • 2. - This content was downloaded from IP address on 09/10/2022 at 19:18 899X/750/1/012025 899X/750/1/012025 899X/1007/1/012021 899X/1007/1/012021 899X/1007/1/012021 899X/1007/1/012021 899X/879/1/012064 899X/879/1/012064 899X/879/1/012064 The methodology of database design in organization management systems I L Chudinov, V V Osipova, Y V Bobrova Tomsk Polytechnic University, 30, Lenina ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
  • 3. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The paper describes the unified methodology of database design for management information systems. Designing the conceptual information model for the domain area is the most important and labor-intensive stage in database design. Basing on the proposed integrated approach to design, the conceptual information model, the main principles of developing the relation databases are provided and user’s information needs are considered. According to the methodology, the process of designing the conceptual information model includes three basic stages, which are defined in detail. Finally, the article describes the process of performing the results of analyzing user’s information needs and the rationale for use of classifiers. 1. Introduction Management information systems are among the most important components of information technologies (IT), used in a company. They are usually classified by the functions into the following systems: Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Human Resource Management (HRM), Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), etc. [1]. Such systems are used a special structured database and are required for reengineering of the whole enterprise management system, while the integration makes it difficult to use them. These systems are expensive enough and particularly developed for large enterprises: only in this case the expenses on purchasing and supporting are covered. As a rule, special information systems (IS) are developed for
  • 4. small and medium sized enterprises. The main goal of the IS is to design and extend the structure of databases, based on the integrated (nonredundant) information environment. Such systems are characterized by their continual developing in expansion of the automated processes. These processes can be implemented effectively if there is a definite methodology for a database design. 2. Approaches to Database Design Based on the three-level data representation of the ANSI/SPARC architecture [2], the integrated database design process is presented at the following stages: 1. Designing the conceptual information model of the domain area. 2. Selecting the database management system (DBMS), that is used for implementing the database. 3. Presenting the conceptual information model into the physical database structure in notation of the specified DBMS. The second stage is generally executed only in initial database development, while extending the 1 International Conference on Information Technologies in Business and Industry 2016 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 803 (2017) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/803/1/012030 International Conference on Recent Trends in Physics 2016 (ICRTP2016) IOP Publishing
  • 5. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 755 (2016) 011001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/755/1/011001 Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd information base the DBMS is changed rarely, and concurrent use of different DBMS reinforces the requirement to design of the conceptual information model [3]. For realizing the third stage, there are a number of software tools, e.g. Oracle SQL Developer, Embarcadero ER/Studio XE that automate designing the physical database structure for the specified DBMS, depending on the defined conceptual information model [4]. Whereas the first stage of developing the database is rather considerable, there is no entire formalized description how to design the conceptual information model. In well-known papers of C. Date [5], R. Barker [6], E. Codd [7,8] designing the conceptual information model is defined to declare the technology as a procedure based on integration of user’s information needs. Therefore, the first stage of designing the conceptual information model is considered as the main one in developing a database.
  • 6. According to the method of learning the domain area, there are two alternative approaches to designing the conceptual information model: 1. Decomposition is based on the system analysis of the domain area. 2. Integration is based on the analysis of current and expectative user’s information needs. The approach, based on the system analysis of the domain area, is much complex, on the one hand, since there is an original methodology to apply or a well-known method of the system analysis to adapt for the purposes of designing the conceptual information model. On the other hand, the decomposition method requires the representative of the domain area, who is familiar with the organization and business function of the company, to participate in developing. Furthermore, the task-specific way of designing the conceptual information model determines applying the integration method. User’s information needs are sure to change over time, thus the proposed methodology is focused not only on the initial development of the data schema, but also on integrating a further information need with the current data schema. 3. Methodology of database design The proposed methodology is to conform to the following principles for designing the conceptual information model: • Sequential approach to designing that is an incremental modeling of the data schema by including expectative information needs and modifying the
  • 7. current descriptions. • Noncontiguous interaction of participants in the designing process (suppliers of information requirements and analysts) within a two-level organization of developing: o the initial formalization of information needs for the specified tasks; o the formalized integration of further requirements description with the base data schema. • Definition of information needs as structures, related to the typical information formats. • Declaration of data domains and their relationships as a part of capturing knowledge base about the domain area. • Use of information about data domains to define availability and type of relationships between data schema components. The methodology of designing has the following stages: 1. Analysis of user’s information needs and their representation as a set of initial entities of the domain area. 2. Definition of initial entities and their representation as plain normalized data schemas. 3. Relation of received normalized entities with the base conceptual information model. 3.1. The first stage of database design At the first stage, the main semantic analysis of the domain area is performed in terms of user’s
  • 8. information needs. Current, as well as expectative information requirements can be classified by means of the following typical information formats: 2 International Conference on Information Technologies in Business and Industry 2016 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 803 (2017) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/803/1/012030 • Documents are revealed by a special survey of departments. • Users’ requests are revealed by interviewing employees, who fill in documents and use information containing in them. • Files are revealed by maintenance of the current information processing systems. Representation of resulting information formats of user’s requirements as initial entities requires performing the following actions [9]: • to identify attributes and the order of them in the entity; • to identify multiple values of the attribute; • to define an attribute domain; • to identify secondary attributes; • to present the result of attributes identification as a table row of description of initial entities.
  • 9. Along with the analysis of possible attributes’ values, data compatibility is defined: • = , if attributes consist (domains consist �1 = �21). • < , if attributes of one entity subordinate to attributes of another one (�1⊂D2). • × , if attributes are comparable ( �1 ∩ �2 ≠ ∅ ). • +, if attributes are compatible (�1 ∪ �2 makes sense as a domain of the domain area). 3.2. The second stage of database design At the second stage, the initial entities of the domain area are specified by means of: • compression of attributes in a new entity; • normalization; • identification of classifiers. Normalization and compression of attributes are formally defined and can be realized easily, satisfying the rules of the relational algebra. Identification of classifiers and decision on whether encoding an attribute are required at the stage of designing the conceptual information model, if the volume of the uncoded view is rather higher than the encoded one, presented as: �� > �� +�(�� + ��) (1)
  • 10. where n – a number of tuples in the entity; m – a number of elements in the dictionary of possible values (in the classifier); ��– a size of the uncoded (text) value; ��– a size of the code. If �� = 5��, then �� > �� + 6��� , (2) � > � � . (3) That is, attribute values with the dictionary domain are required to be encoded if a number of tuples in the initial entity is half again a number of possible attribute values. If there are several (S) attributes in the conceptual information model that are defined at the same data domain, then the condition has the following expression: 3
  • 11. International Conference on Information Technologies in Business and Industry 2016 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 803 (2017) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/803/1/012030 �� ∑ � > �� ∑ � +�(�� + ��) � ��� � ��� , (4) �– a number of tuples in the entity, that contains an i-th attribute. If an average number of tuples in the entities that contains encoded attributes, is calculated using formula � = ∑ �� ��� ��� ,
  • 12. (5) then encoding of attributes is defined by ��� � > ��� � +�(�� + ��) . (6) If �� = 5��, then 5��� � > ��� � + 5���+ ��� (7) 2 �� > 3�. (8) That is, when using such attribute as a full name twice, it is worth applying the classifier, on condition that an average number of tuples in the entity, according to (5), that contain encoded
  • 13. attributes more than (¾ * a number of tuples in the classifier). 3.3. The third stage of database design At the third stage, the received normalized entities are related in the base conceptual information model. The unified algorithm is proposed to relate separate entities and to receive plain entities in the conceptual information model. For this purpose, relationships between these entities are identified, and constituent entities are analyzed further as independent entities according to the procedure, described in [10]. Furthermore, there are inconsiderable (transitive) relationships between entities identified according the following conditions: • If there is one hierarchy relationship between entity R1 with key К1 and entity R2 with key (К1, К2), and another hierarchy relationship between entity R2 and entity R3 with key (К1, К2, К3), then the hierarchy relationship between entity R1 and entity R3 can be defined as inconsiderable, transitive. • If there is a join relationship between entity R1 and entity R2, then the relationships of one subordinative entity can be defined as inconsiderable. 4. Conclusion The proposed methodology of database design can be applied for developing information systems in any sphere, where objects of organizational management are used. Also the methodology is considered
  • 14. to present the conceptual information model formally, based on current and expected user’s information needs. References [1] Halevi G 2001 Handbook of Production Management Methods (Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann) [2] ANSI/X3/SPARC 1975 Study Group on Data Base Management Systems FDT Bulletin of ACM SIGMOD 7(2) 4 International Conference on Information Technologies in Business and Industry 2016 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 803 (2017) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/803/1/012030 [3] Navathe S B 1992 Evolution of Data Modeling for Databases Communications of the ACM 35(9) 112–123 [4] Kim Y G 1995 Comparing Data Modeling Formalisms Communications of the ACM 38(6) 103– 115 [5] Date C J 2003 An Introduction to Database Systems (Cambridge: Pearson) pp 59–68 [6] Barker R 1990 Case*Method: Entity Relationship Modelling (Wokingham: Addison Wesley
  • 15. Professional) pp 62–75 [7] Codd E F 1970 A Relation Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks Communications of the ACM 13(6) 377–387 [8] Codd E F 1979 Extending the Database Relational Model to Capture More Meaning ACM Transactions on Database Systems 4 397–434 [9] Osipova V V and Seitz J 2011 A Formal Approach to Design a Conceptual Information Model of the Universe of Discourse Proc. of the Tenth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business (New Yourk: Alfred University Press) pp 567–569 [10] Osipova V V, Chudinov I L and Seidova A S 2016 Formalized Approach in Relational Database Design Key Engineering Materials 685 930–933 5 International Conference on Information Technologies in Business and Industry 2016 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 803 (2017) 012030 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/803/1/012030 XVII I love the wind when it blows through my barrio. It hisses its snake love
  • 16. down calles de polvo, and cracks egg-shell skins of abandoned homes. Stray dogs find shelter along the river, where great cottonwoods rattle like old covered wagons, stuck in stagnant waterholes. Days when the wind blows full of sand and grit, men and women make decisions that change their whole lives. Windy days in the barrio give birth to divorce papers and squalling separation. The wind tells us what others refuse to tell us, informing men and women of a secret, that they move away to hide from. * * * * by Jimmy Santiago Baca Five Paragraph Essay Template Paragraph One: Motivator ______________________________ Thesis: Limited Subject ____________________+ Precise Opinion _______________________ Blueprint: Main Point A_________________ Main Point B_________________
  • 17. Main Point C_________________ Paragraph Two: Transition __________________________ & Main Point A _______________________ Specific Support: Point _____________________________________________ Illustration_________________________________________ Explanation ________________________________________ Specific Support: Point _____________________________________________ Illustration_________________________________________ Explanation ________________________________________ Specific Support: Point _____________________________________________ Illustration_________________________________________ Explanation ________________________________________ Paragraph Three: Transition __________________________ & Main Point B _______________________ Specific Support: Point _____________________________________________ Illustration_________________________________________ Explanation ________________________________________ Specific Support: Point _____________________________________________ Illustration_________________________________________ Explanation ________________________________________ Specific Support: Point _____________________________________________ Illustration_________________________________________ Explanation ________________________________________
  • 18. Paragraph Four: Transition __________________________ & Main Point C _______________________ Specific Support: Point _____________________________________________ Illustration_________________________________________ Explanation ________________________________________ Specific Support: Point _____________________________________________ Illustration_________________________________________ Explanation ________________________________________ Specific Support: Point _____________________________________________ Illustration_________________________________________ Explanation ________________________________________ Paragraph Five: Reworded Thesis ___________________________________________________ Reworded Motivator ________________________________________________
  • 19. Student Name Here Mr. Martin ENG 102 MW December 5, 2014 The Road Not Taken Life is full of difficult decisions, and once a decision is made there is no way to try again. In the poem The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost uses tone, diction, and imagery to illustrate how people cannot make second attempts at life’s choices. Frost uses tone in his poem to convey the difficulties people face when confronted with a major decision, and the ever-present “what if” that occurs when such decisions have been made. The narrator in the poem is faced with two roads in a forest, equally intriguing, but only one path can be taken. Frost writes, “Two roads diverged in a yellow
  • 20. wood / And sorry I could not travel both / And be one traveler, long I stood,” (lns 1-3). When a person is facing any kind of major decision in life both choices have their pros and cons, and it is often difficult to choose the best way to go. Weeks or even years later, that choice not taken is a source of wondering how things would have turned out if they had gone the other way. Frost illustrates this when he says, “I shall be telling this with a sigh / Somewhere ages and ages hence” (lns16-7). It is human nature to wonder about all the different ways a person’s life could have turned out if they had made different choices in the past. Diction is also used in the poem to convey how difficult it is to make the hard decisions, even if they turn out to be rewarding in the end. Even if it looks like the choice could be changed later on, there really is no way to go back. Frost states, “Oh, I kept the Student 2
  • 21. first for another day / Yet knowing how way leads on to way / I doubted if I should ever come back” (lns13-5). Decisions have a way of branching off in different ways to other, smaller decisions, at which point there is no way to return to that original point. Even though sometimes a person may choose a harder path to go, it could turn out to be the thing that changes their life for the best. Frost illustrates this when he writes, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I / I took the one less traveled by / And that has made all the difference,” (lns 18-20). A person may make the harder or less popular decision and even though they can encounter obstacles and objections, in the end that decision may be the most rewarding. Imagery is used to show how even though similar decisions have been made by countless others, at that point in time it is a unique choice to the person making it. When faced with a fork in the road, the narrator sees that both paths have their different appeals, but both look like they have been traveled about the same
  • 22. amount. Frost writes: And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that, the passing there Had work them really about the same, (lns 4-10) When a person is facing a major decision they can see how the choices they have can be equally tempting, and will undoubtedly hear stories of other people facing similar Student 3 situations and the choices they made. At the same time, however, the choice is unique to that person and that moment. Frost shows this when he says, “And both that morning equally lay / In leaves no step had trodden black,” (lns 9-10). No two people have lived the exact same life, so even though they may face similar
  • 23. situations, at the same time each decision is completely different to each individual. It is human nature to want a second chance at a choice gone wrong in life. In The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost uses tone, diction, and imagery to show how it is impossible to come back to major decisions people must make in their lives. [removed]