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KKKP 4274 Product Design
Year Semester I 2011/2012
Product Design Project Final Report :
Arthritis Hand-Aids
Design Team 6
1. CHAN KIEN HO ( A125070 )
2. HOW YONG CHIAN ( A123700 )
Due Date : 23 December 2011
I. Contents i
II. Acknowledgement ii
III. Executive Summary iii
1.0 Gantt Chart 1
2.0 Brainstorming 1
3.0 Problem Statement 2
4.0 Design Objectives 2
5.0 Analysis Of Survey Results 3
6.0 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 4
6.1 House Of Quality 7
7.0 Product Design Specification (PDS) 8
8.0 Functional Decomposition 10
9.0 Concept Generation 11
9.1 Morphological Chart 12
9.2 Concept Combination 14
10.0 Concept Evaluation 15
10.1 Pugh’s Concept Selection 16
10.2 Concept Comparison 17
11.0 Concept Selection 18
11.1 Weighted Decision Matrix 19
11.2 Final Concept 19
12.0 Embodiment Design 20
12.1 Product Architecture 21
12.2 Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA) 22
12.3 Design For X (DfX) 23
13.0 Detailed Design 31
13.1 Exploded View And Bill Of Material (BOM) 32
13.2 Engineering Analysis 33
14.0 Material And Costing 37
14.1 Material Selection 37
14.2 Cost Estimation 39
15.0 Conclusion 40
16.0 References 42
17.0 Appendix 43
First and foremost, it is grateful to have team members who are committed and devote a
lot of efforts to finish the project within the time given. Next, a special gratitude to our
lecturer, Prof. Madya Dr. Dzuraidah Abd. Wahab who is dedicated in teaching the
course KKKP4274 Product Design, willing to guide and help us to complete the project.
Besides, we would also like to thank to our supervisor, Dr. Rizauddin Ramli who has
spent his time to do meeting with us, providing us the valuable opinions and suggestions
to improve our project.
We feel very fortunate to be given this opportunity to conduct this task because
along doing this project, a lot of information and knowledge can be gains and very clear
visualize of theory that we learns in class that will apply at real industries. The
knowledge and experience are benefits to us when we entered the real works in future as
an engineer. This project we not considered as burden but it is learning process that
teaches us how to apply the knowledge, skills, interaction and communication to others
and a lot more.
Last but not least, thanks to friends and others that involved in this project for
giving their supports, helps and brainstorm to solve the problem we faced. All this co-
operation is greatly appreciated for completing this product design project.
In this project, we were re-designing the current arthritis tool in market so that the
product can be more reliable, high impact resistance, parts inter-changeability and
comfortable to use. 30 survey forms were distributed to the public who are facing the
arthritis problem. The survey was emphasized on difficulty level of daily activities and
the comments & suggestion for the new product. After analyze the survey result, we
determined the engineering characteristic rank order according to the customer’s
requirements in House of Quality. Higher activity diagram is the general information
about the functions that will performed by the product and functional modeling described
the detail function process. For concept generation, few alternatives for each part of
product were presented in graphical method and 15 concepts were chosen based on the
alternatives. 6 concepts left after concept evaluation by using Pugh’s method. The
advantages and disadvantages of each concept were listed and best concept was generated
through weighted decision matrix. The 4 general steps to construct the product
architecture are combined the functional diagram, modular chunks, relationship on
hierarchy components structure and incidental interaction. The parametric designs
include Failure Mode Effect Analysis for part function, detail drawing, dimension &
tolerance, assembly & exploded view and stress analysis in critical parts. Design for X
also has been included inside the report. The material selection by using CES 2005 and
cost estimated for product were the last section in project.
Once the team member has been decided, we have planned and executed the activities
and tasks according to the gantt chart below.
In order to start the project of product design, all the team member shall sit together and
start brainstorming. Brainstorming is a group creativity technique to generate ideas where
all the member will give suggestions on what product shall be developed. Eventually, we
have decided to focus on Arthritis Multifunctional Tools where we name it as “Arthritis
Hand Aids”. There are several ideas being discussed as listed below and shown in
appendix A1 and A2.
i. Gym Equipment for Handicap
ii. GPS Holder at Motorbike
iii. Portable and Adjustable Chair
iv. Emergency Car Key Chian
v. Arthritis Multifunctional Tools
vi. Adjustable Allen Key
vii. Automatic Lamp
viii. Multifunctional Torch Light
Gantt Chart
Week 11/9 18/9 25/9 2/10 9/10 16/10 23/10 30/10 6/11 13/11 20/1127/11 4/12 11/12 18/12
Task w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 break w9 w10 w11 w12 w13 w14
 ( Ideas to develop new product)
Proposal Report 1 
(problems, survey results, PDS, QFD)
Proposal report 2 
 (conceptual design , functions )
Embodiment design 
( detail drawing, analysis, )
1 .
2 .
3 . Presentation ‐ brainstorming results
Design Team Formation 
4 . Conduct surveys
5 .
7 .
6 . Presentation ‐ proposal report 1
8 Presentation ‐ proposal report 2
9 .
10 . Compile Final Report
11 . Presentation ‐ final report
12 . Team meeting
Arthritis is a disease that causes pain and loss of movement of the joints. Arthritis
literally means inflammation of one or more joints. However, we would like to focus on
people with hand arthritis who having difficulties using their hands to perform daily
activities. Hand arthritis is specifically very painful and debilitating due to the fact that
hands have nineteen long bones and eight small bones that has several small joints in
People with hand arthritis often find that pain, stiffness and fatigue cause
problems when performing simple task such as opening a door knob and a softdrink can,
using a screwdriver, carrying plastic bags with load during shopping. Therefore, we
would like to design a hand aids tool meanwhile integrate as many function as possible.
The hand aids tool is portable, light weight, easy to use and store. The product
will be given focus on the stress-strain analysis, to ensure it will not undergo deformation
and failure when certain amount of force being applied. The cost of product shall within
the range of RM30-RM50.
4.1 The objectives of designed product is stated as below:
i. To aids the people with hand arthritis to do a range of daily task, solving the
problem of using hand to grip, hold and apply force on something
ii. To develop a hand aids tool which is multifunctional and reliable
iii. To improve the current existing design based on the requirement of customers
4.2 The objectives is clarified through the objective tree as below:
Figure 4.1 Objectives Tree
In order to identify the needs of customers, information is being gathered through
customer surveys. A total number of 30 questionnaire is distributed to people who are
suffering from hand pain or arthritis. Part of the survey is being conducted at Hospital
Serdang to obtain a better and accurate information. The questionnaire is shown in
appendix B1 to B4 Basically the questionnaire is divided into 4 sections where part 1 and
part 2 is to investigate the level of difficulty for the response to perform the listed
activities, then focus is given on these elements as to fulfill the customer needs. Whereas
part 3 is to collect the opinion of customer to determine the product features they desired.
Part 4 is to indicate the willingness of customer to purchase product. All the raw data is
summarized into a bar chart as shown in appendix B5 to B7. A mind mapping of survey
question also shown in appendix B8.
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is also known as House of Quality where the main
function we build this diagram in this product design to determine prioritize customer
demands and customer needs, spoken and unspoken, translating these needs into actions
and designs such as technical characteristics and specifications, and to build and deliver a
quality product or service, by focusing various functions toward achieving a common
goal of customer satisfaction for this arthritis tool.
Below are the steps to construct an efficient and accurate QFD. There are 11 steps
i. The Customer Requirement (Demanded Quality).
We need to identify who is our product’s customer and try to gather the information
from the particular group of people what is the requirement on the new designed
product. From the survey analysis, we only interpreted the result of survey’s
statements that get high customer’s vote to few important functions such as light
weight, clamp and clip tightly, adjustable for different size and task, easy to carry,
easy to put on, multiply the force efficiently and aesthetic.
ii. Regulatory Requirement.
Beside that the requirement that customer requested. We also document requirements
that are dictated by management or regulatory standards that the product must adhere
to. For example, Safety, comfortable used, anti corrosion and robust.
iii. Customer Weight/Important.
On a scale from 1 - 5, customers then rate the importance of each requirement. This
number will be used later in the relationship matrix. But on our QFD construction,
we try to analysis the scale based on the number of customer’s vote.
iv. Competitive Analysis.
In this section, we also need the customers to judge or give the comments about our
new designed product with compare to the other competitors.
v. Quality Characteristic.
This can be called as “Voice of Engineer”. Few characteristics that we suggested in
order to improve the product quality and meet the customer needs. The
characteristics are No. of color, size, fatigue, toughness, hardness, environment effect,
physical appearance, cost and type of materials.
vi. Direction of Improvement.
Based on our logical thinking and decision, the movement of the each Quality
Characteristic was determined. For example, Size and Cost or the product must be
reduced and Fatigue and Toughness should be increased.
vii. Relationship Matrix.
The relationship matrix is where determines the relationship between Quality
Characteristic and Demanded Quality. Relationships can either be weak, moderate,
or strong. For example, The Weight has the moderate relationship with Size because
Type of Material has a great contribution into the product Weight. But, Size has a
strong relationship with Multiply the Force Efficiently because apply the same force
at different length will get the different torque.
viii. Organization Difficulty.
Rate the design attributes in terms of organizational difficulty. It is very possible that
some attributes are in direct conflict. In our decision, 0 represent easy to accomplish
and 10 represent extremely hard to implement. One of the targets that hard to achieve
or implement among the Quality Characteristic is Fatigue because it requires
expensive software like Autodesk Inventor for stress-strain analysis. Another than
that, plenty time also needed for the design engineer to get the optimum design.
ix. Target Value for Quality Characteristic.
The target of the product for each descriptor is still in un-certainty because the
improvement for the features still needed and the mechanism for the adjustable
clamping function is still in un-known state. The target value will be determined
once the final design is coming out.
x. Correlation Matrix.
In this section, we examined how each of the Quality Characteristic impact to each
other. After that, we document strong negative relationships between technical
descriptors and work to eliminate physical contradictions. The number of color in the
product has no relationship with the environment effect. But they type of material
used will has strong effect to the manufacturing cost and conflict will occur between
this two characteristics. Then we need to observe the Rank Order to determine which
Characteristic is the most important among them.
xi. Absolute Importance and Rank Order.
The absolute important for each Quality Characteristic is the product between
Customer Important value and cell value in the Relationship Matrix. After that, we
determined the rank Order according Absolute Important. The higher Absolute
Important will get the priority compare to lower value.
6.1 House of Quality
From the figure above, we can conclude that the priority of improvement should
be first given to size , second is fatigue, third is hardness and follow by toughness, type of
material, physical appearance, colours and hardness
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Direction of Improvement
▼ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲
1 9 7.0 3.0 Light Weight Ο Ο Θ 4 2
2 2.3 1.0 Safety 2 3
3 9 7.0 3.0 Clamp and clip tightly Θ 4 2
4 9 11.6 5.0 Multiply the force efficiently Θ Ο Θ 3 2
5 9 7.0 3.0 Adjust for different size Θ Θ 4 1
6 9 11.6 5.0 Adjust for different task Ο Θ 4 1
7 9 11.6 5.0 Easy to carry Θ ▲ 2 4
8 9 7.0 3.0 Easy to put on Ο 2 3
9 9 2.3 1.0 Confortable used Θ Ο Ο 3 2
10 1 7.0 3.0 Easy to operate ▲ 2 4
11 9 7.0 3.0 Robust Θ Θ Θ Ο Θ Θ 2 3
12 9 11.6 5.0 Anti‐corrosion Θ Ο Ο 4 2
13 9 7.0 3.0 Aesthetic Θ Θ Ο ▲ ▲ 2 3
Target or Limit Value
( 0=Easy to Accomplish,
      10=Extremely Difficult )
Max Relationship Value in Column 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 9
Weight / Importance 62.8 279 258.1 167.4 62.8 195.3 74.4 258 167.4
Relative Weight % 4.2 18.6 17.2 11.1 4.2 13 4.9 17.2 11.1
Rank order 6 1 2 4 6 3 5 2 4
Type of material
Our Company
Competitive Analysis              
(0=worst, 5=best)
Row #
Max. Relationship Value In Row
Relative Weight
Weight / Importance
No. of colour
Competitor 1
3 5 7 3 3 6 2 9
Environment effect
Physical appearance
i. Product Title
Arthritis Hand-Aids
ii. Purpose
To provide the hand arthritis people a convenient way to grip, hold and apply force
on something.
iii. New and Special Features
‐ Combination of various function in one tool
‐ Ergonomic handle for better gripping
‐ Adjustable size of gripper to grip objects with different diameter
iv. Competition
Compete against other single function arthritis tool
v. Intended Market
‐ Sell to people who have hand arthritis.
‐ Product will be promoted through medical centre
vi. Need for product
‐ User survey has shown 85% of respondent will to pay more for an aid equipment.
‐ Most of them having difficulty in dressing and grooming, eating.
‐ Activities such as hold and grip are highly ranked as hard to be performed, which
means they demand a tool that helps them to overcome these difficulties.
‐ The designed product should be portable, weight and size are to be concerned.
vii. Relationship to existing products line
This is a start-up venture. No other products currently exist.
viii. Price
We anticipate selling a hand-aids tool for around RM30-50
ix. Functional Performance
‐ Allow to hock clothes
‐ Allow to open soft drink cans
‐ Allow to grip on round objects such as door knob, bottle cap
‐ Able to be applied force 100N without failure
x. Physical Requirements
‐ Length 30cm
‐ Light Weight 500g
‐ Cylinder shape with sphere head and round edges
‐ Smooth but not slippery surface
xi. Service Environment
Product Material should be stable from 0°C to 100°C
xii. Life-cycle issues
Gripping mechanism should not fail for 5000 cycles.
xiii. Human Factors
‐ No sharp edges or corners to cause cuts or snag clothing
‐ Handle must be ergonomic shape for comfortable purpose
‐ User friendly, simple to operate the function
xiv. Corporate Constraints
‐ Must be marketed within 1 year
‐ Must confirm to corporate code of ethics
xv. Legal requirements
No toxic materials to be associated with material
In solving any complex problem, a common tactic is to decompose the problem into
smaller parts that are easier to manage. When customer’s need is captured, a model of
showing how the product should function is required to clarify and design the product
architecture. Product architecture is the arrangement for the physical elements of a
product to carry out its required functions.
In this report, we will develop process description using an Activity Diagram. A
high level user activities are networked to show the full cycle of a product. Next, by using
the Activity Diagram, a function structure for the product is formulated. Function
structure is defined as an input-output model that maps energy, material and signal flows
to a transformed and desired state. A higher activity diagram is shown in appendix C1
and the functional modeling is shown in appendix C2 to C5.
The method to perform functional decomposition are:
i. State the overall function that needs to be accomplished
Develop a “black box” model of the product to shows the flow in and flows out
need to be identified.
ii. Create descriptions of sub-functions
Decomposing the overall function in “black box” into sub-functions. Each sub-
function represents a change or transformation in the flow of energy, material or
iii. Arrange the sub-functions in logical order
For our problem this is a trivial step, but for other design problems it can be major
to follow the sequence of sub-functions
iv. Refine the sub-functions
Refinement stops when a sub-function can be fulfilled by a single solution that is an
object or action, and the level of detail is sufficient to address the customer needs.
The techniques of concept generation including Trigger words, Checklist, Analogy,
Morphological Analysis, and Brainstorming. In this report, we are using Morphological
Analysis where a Morphological Chart is developed to generate 15 concepts. The concept
combination is shown in appendix D1 to D3
A morphological chart is a visual way to capture the necessary product functionality
and explore alternative means and combinations of achieving that functionality. For each
element of product function, there may be a number of possible solutions. The chart enables
these solutions to be expressed and provides a structure for considering alternative
combinations. The method to construct a Morphological Chart are:
i. List the product functions
List functions according to a predetermined order - most important, position in
structure, energy flow, information flow. Care should be taken to list functions and
not components - e.g. 'warning indicator' rather than 'bell'. Always ask 'what function
is this component fulfilling?' Each function should be mutually exclusive.
ii. List the possible 'means' for each function
Think about new ideas, as well as known solutions or components and where possible
ideas should be expressed visually as well as in words. Any important characteristics
of the solutions should be recorded. Try to maintain the same level of generality for
each possible solution.
iii. Chart functions and means and explore combinations
Draw up a chart containing all possible sub-solutions. This is the 'morphological chart'
which should represent the total 'solution space' for the product. Try wherever
possible to express all options visually as to identify feasible combinations of sub-
solutions. The total number of combinations may be very large, so they may need to
be limited to the most feasible or attractive options. Name each viable combination as
a potential solution for further evaluation later.
9.1 Morphological Chart
Sub functions 
A  B  C  D  E 
1.0  Hold the handle of tools 
1.1  Grip tool  Flat 
Centre Hollow 
1.2  Grasp  to  use 
Rough & Grain 
Smooth & 
Shiny Surface 
Rubber Layer 
2.0  To Clip Object 
2.1  Positioning 
the Clipper 
Extend & 
2.2  Picking    up 
Pliers Style 
Double Fork 
Clamping Style
2.3  Using  the 
Push button 
Slide button 
3.0  To grip object 
3.1  Fitting object 
into gripper  
Round Head 
Square Head 
Hexagon Head 
3.2  Positioning 
the gripper  
XY plane 180° 
XZ plane 180° 
XY & XZ plane 
180° Adjustable 
3.3  Holding 
object  in 
Flat Teeth 
Rough Teeth  Full & Flat  Full & Rough 
3.4  Opening    or 
turning  an 
Hand Rotate  Automatic 
3.5  Using  the 
Push Button
Slide Button 
4.0  To hook object 
4.1  Picking  up 
Sharp Head 
Flat Head  
Round Head 
9.2 Concept Combination
A  B  C  D  E 
Grip tool 
Centre Hollow 
Grasp  to  use 
Rough & Grain 
Smooth & 
Shiny Surface 
Rubber Layer 
the Clipper 
Extend & 
Picking    up 
Plyer Style 
Double Fork 
Clamping Style
Using  the 
Push button 
Slide button 
Fitting object 
into gripper 
Round Head 
Square Head 
Hexagon Head 
the gripper  
XY plane 180° 
XZ plane 180° 
XY & XZ plane 
3.3  Holding 
object  in 
Flat Teeth 
Rough Teeth 
Full & Flat 
Full & Rough 
3.4  Opening    or 
turning  an 
3.5  Using  the 
Push Button 
Slide Button 
4.1  Picking  up 
 Sharp  Head 
Flat  Head
Round  Head 
Evaluation involves comparison, followed by decision making. To make a valid
comparison the concepts must exist at the same level of abstraction. There are many
techniques for concept evaluation such as Comparison based on absolute criteria, Pugh’s
concept selection method, Measurement scales, Weighted Decision Matrix, Analytical
Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Methods of Decision Analysis.
In this report, we are using Pugh’s concept selection method since it is a
particularly good method for deciding on the most promising design concept at the concept
stage. This method compares each concept relative to a reference or datum concept and for
each criterion determines whether the concept in question is better than, worse than, or
about similar to the reference concept.
This matrix-based approach was proposed by Pugh (1991), which is also known as
Concept Screening. The steps being taken to a construct Pugh’s concept selection table are:
Step 1: Generate an assortment of ideas or concepts
Step 2: Prepare a criteria list
Step 3: Pick a datum
Step 4: Evaluate each alternative by rating them with “+”, “-” and “0”
Step 5 Rank the concept by referring the sums up scores
Step 6 Choose 6 best optimised hybrid concept
Step 7 Seek opportunities for improvement
Step 8: Apply more rigorous engineering disciplines to hybrid design
10.1 Pugh’s Concept Selection
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 ) ( 12 ) ( 13 ) ( 14 ) ( 15 )
1 . Manufacturing cost ‐ ‐ 0 0 ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ 0 0 0 ‐ 0 0 0
2 . Material 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 . Weight ‐ ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ ‐
4 . Aesthetic + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
5 . Durability + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
6 . Portability 0 + + 0 + + + + 0 0 + + + + +
7 . Comfortable to hold and use 
Grip the tools + ‐ 0 + + ‐ + + ‐ 0 ‐ + ‐ 0 ‐
Grasp to use + 0 ‐ 0 0 0 ‐ ‐ + 0 + 0 ‐ + ‐
8 . Ease of clipping objects
Positioning the clipper + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Picking up objects + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Using the clipping mechanism + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
9 . Ease of gripping objects
Fitting object into gripper ‐ 0 0 0 0 ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ ‐
Positioning the gripper 0 ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0 0 ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ ‐
Holding object in gripper + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 0 0 0 + + 0
Opening or turining an object ‐ ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ ‐
Using the gripper mechanism + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
10 . Ease of hooking objects
Picking up objects ‐ 0 0 + + 0 + 0 ‐ ‐ + + 0 0 ‐
Sum of " + " ( better than ) 9 7 7 9 9 8 9 9 7 6 9 9 8 9 7
Sum of " ‐ "  ( worse than ) 5 5 4 0 4 3 5 4 5 2 5 3 4 4 7
Sum of " 0 " ( similar as ) 3 5 6 8 4 6 3 4 5 9 3 5 5 4 3
Net Score  4 2 3 9 5 5 4 5 2 4 4 6 4 5 0
Rank 7 13 12 1 3 3 7 3 13 7 7 2 7 3 15
Continue ? ( Yes = Y,  No = N) N N N Y Y Y N Y N N N Y N Y N
Selection Criteria
10.2 Concept Comparison
From the Pugh’s concept selection method, the six concepts with highest rank are selected
for further evaluation. The six chosen concepts are concept(4), (5), (6), (8), (12) and (14).
They are to be compared in terms of advantages and disadvantages, where the comparison
of concept (4) is shown as below and remaining is in appendix E1 to E5. The visual view
of six concepts is also shown through hand sketches for better understanding.
I) Concept (4)
Advantages Disadvantages
a) More application and task can be
b) Very ergonomic such as comfortable to
hold and use.
c) The gripper and clipper can be adjust for
desired size and high accuracy to lock it
properly with the helps of slide button and
other mechanism.
d) Special features such as the clipper can in
and out from the holder.
a) Increase the manufacturing process,
cost and design.
b) Will lower the durability and life
cycles of product due to adding more
c) Do not have high degree of freedom to
move the head part due to fixed.
d) More different material has to use and
must follow standard quality for
medical product.
Concept selection is the process of narrowing the set of concept alternatives under
consideration. In this report, we are using the Weighted Decision Matrix method which
also known as Concept scoring because it is easy to understand and apply. Concept scoring
is used when increased resolution will better differentiate among competing concepts. In
this stage, we weighs the relative importance of the selection criteria and focuses on more
refined comparisons with respect to each criterion. The concept scores are determined by
weighted sum of ratings.
This approach can be good at indicating the front runners, but numerical methods
like this can be dangerous, as they tend to imply only one 'right' answer. It should always
be remembered that both the weightings and the ratings are subjective and arbitrary, and
thus although a quantitative answer is gained, it too is subjective. This approach is also
extremely sensitive to small changes and it can be easy to 'cook the books', so it needs to
be used with caution. The method to construct a Weighted Decision Matrix table are:
i. List the most important features
These should have been determined during the product definition phase and form
the criteria against which rival solutions will be judged.
ii. Determine weightings
Some features will be more critical than others. Assign weightings to each, so that
their relative merits are accounted for. Ideally, the weightings should be
determined in partnership with the target customers.
iii. Rating each option
Suppose the rating should be led by customers to remove personal bias from
amongst the design team.
iv. Calculate the weighted totals
Multiply the score by the weighting for each feature and sum the totals.
11.1 Weighted Decision Matrix
1 . Manufacturing cost 25% 3 0.75 3 0.75 5 1.25 3 0.75 2 0.50 3 0.75
2 . Material 5% 4 0.20 4 0.20 4 0.20 4 0.20 4 0.20 4 0.20
3 . Weight 3% 4 0.12 2 0.06 4 0.12 2 0.06 2 0.06 2 0.06
4 . Aesthetic 2% 5 0.10 4 0.08 1 0.02 5 0.10 3 0.06 3 0.06
5 . Durability 5% 3 0.15 2 0.10 2 0.10 3 0.15 2 0.10 2 0.10
6 . Portability 10% 2 0.20 3 0.30 3 0.30 4 0.40 2 0.20 3 0.30
7 . Comfortable To Hold and Use  20% 5 1.00 4 0.80 3 0.60 4 0.80 3 0.60 3 0.60
8 . Ease of clipping objects 10% 4 0.40 2 0.20 4 0.40 4 0.40 4 0.40 4 0.40
9 . Ease of gripping objects 10% 4 0.40 2 0.20 3 0.30 3 0.30 3 0.30 2 0.20
10 . Ease of hocking objects 10% 5 0.50 5 0.50 3 0.30 3 0.30 5 0.50 3 0.30
Total Score
Continue ?
R= Rating                      ( 1 = Inadequate,   2 = Weak,   3 = Satisfactory,   4 = Good ,   5 = Excellent )
S = Weighted Score   
( 6 )
( 8 )
( 12 )
( 14 )
SSelection Criteria
( %)
( 4 )
( 5 )
11.2 Final Concept
From the weighted decision matrix table, we have determined concept(4) as the most
preferable concept since it has the highest score among the other concepts. The remaining
concepts will be revised and keep as reference.
In conclusion, our final concept is concept (4) which will be proceeded to
embodiment design and various analysis.
The definition of embodiment design according to Pahl and Beitz (2007) runs as follow:
“Embodiment Design is the part of the design process starting from the principle solution
or concept of a consumer product. The design should be developed in accordance with
engineering and economical criteria”. This is a pure technical and economical
consideration of Embodiment Design but a product has more aspects than only the
technical and economical ones. A product can also bring aspects about emotion, beauty,
appeal and happiness the other values in live. People like to pay for these values if the
earnings are higher than the cost of the basic needs.
The embodiment design refines the abstract concepts to blueprints. A blueprint
denotes a model of the institutional rules that is more concrete than in the concept but still
independent of implementation details. In other words, the concept comprises at most a
verbal description of the institutional rules or algorithms. As such, many different
blueprints can be found that realize the same concept. During the embodiment design this
verbal descriptions are transformed into a model with sufficiently low level of abstraction
that traditional design techniques may be applied in order to implement it: the concept
becomes form (Pahl & Beitz 2007).
The Embodiment Design phase is the part of the design process which is concerned
about the production of the product concept, the engineering and the economical feasibility.
The production contains the parts making and the product assembling.
In brief, the embodiment process is the bridge between the conceptual stage of the
design process and the detail design stage. A more detailed analysis of the selected
concepts is undertaken in the embodiment stage of the design process. In this report, our
embodiment design consist of Product Architecture, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
(FMEA), and Design For X.
12.1 Product Architecture
There are 4 basic steps that need to be constructed in order to generate the product
architecture. First, list out the functional structure of the product and arrange in proper
location that close to each other (Appendix F1). Second, categorize and combine the
structures/elements into few building blocks according to their function properties
(Appendix F2). Third, generate the components hierarchy structure and simple geometric
view of product (Appendix F3). Finally, determine the incidental interactions between the
building blocks during operation (Appendix F4).
For the functional structure of the product, the black boxes functional structures
that generated at previous part were simplified and combined together. The inputs of the
model are hand, energy operating situation and after used condition. After using, the
outputs of the model include sound, object and energy released. The energy transit line
for each function will be represented by different colors. For example, the energy transit
line for gripping is in red color.
The modular chunks will be established with combine all the related functional
structures into a block. The major functions of the product include gripping, clipping,
rotate for objects opening and hanging. The main function of handle is to magnify the
applied energy into larger torque. At the rough geometric part section, list out all the
product’s components except the standard parts like screws and nuts. Arrange the
components into hierarchy structure and determine the interaction of the components
between and within chunks. The geometric layout of product is shown in front, back and
also side view.
In the incidental interaction part, the interaction elements include vibration,
bending, stress concentration, unbalance force and environment effect. When hanging the
object by hook, the stress concentration and vibration occur near to the cross head part
due to the screw location. At rotating the adjustable and cross heads, force that applied to
generate torque will bend the handle. Normally, the cross head will be used at kitchen or
bathroom so the environment conditions such as acidity of detergent, water temperature
will give the effect to the product surface. The unbalance force exist because the total
weight of the cross head and adjustable head at the top is not exact same with the weight
of clipper system at the bottom.
12.2 Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA)
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a method to identify potential failure
modes for our Arthritis tool product, to assess the risk associated with those failure modes,
to rank the issues in terms of importance and to identify and carry out corrective actions
to address the most serious concerns. To assess the risk associated with the issues
identified during the analysis and to prioritize corrective actions, Risk Priority Numbers
(RPNs) method is used. RPN evaluated by this formulation RPN = Severity (S) x
Occurrence (O) x Detection (D).
For this method, our team was decided to choose picking object, clipping object,
gripping object and opening water tab as a part function. This part function based on the
overall functions and functional modeling for product that being developed. It is
importance to rating the severity, occurrence and detection by refer the guidelines from
books and notes. The purpose by referring the guidelines to give better explanation on
how to numbering and rating the factors mention properly and not by suggestion.
By applied FMEA, It can contribute to improved designs for products and
processes, resulting in higher reliability, better quality, increased safety, enhanced
customer satisfaction and reduced costs. The tool can also be used to establish and
optimize maintenance plans for repairable systems or contribute to control plans and
other quality assurance procedures. It provides a knowledge base of failure mode and
corrective action information that can be used as a resource in future troubleshooting.
Appendix G1 shows the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for picking
and clipping Arthritis tool product. Meanwhile, Appendix G2 shows the Failure Mode
and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for gripping and opening water tab for Arthritis tool product.
12.3 Design For X (DFX)
X in DfX stands for manufacturability, inspectability, recyclability and others. These
words are made up of two parts: life cycle business process (x) and performance measures
(bility), that is X=x+bility. If a DfX tool focuses on one life cycle process and uses more
than one performance metrics, it is referred to as tool of the “Design for the Life Cycle”
type. On the other hand, if a DfX tool focus on one performance metric but covers a range
of life cycle processes, it is then referred to as a tool of the “Design for the
Competitiveness” type.
Most Popular DfX Tools:
 Design for Assembly/ Disassembly/ Maintabability (DfA)
 Design for Cost (DfC)
 Design for EMC (DfE)
 Design for Installation (DfI)
 Design for Quality (DfQ)
 Design for Recycling (DfR)
 Design for Reuse (DfR)
 Design for Serviceability (DfS)
 Design for Speed (DfS)
 Design for Six Sigma (DfSS)
 Design for Testability (DfT)
 Design for Warranty (DfW)
 Design for Usability (DfU)
 Design for Validation (DfV)
A generic DfX model can provide a platform for integrating a DfX tool with other
decision support systems used in product development such as CAD/CAM (computer
Aided Design and Manufacture), CAPP (Computer Aided Production management), to
facilitate the flow of data and decision between them. Successful DfX tools define clearly
their specific areas of concern and thus provide the essential focus for the project team to
make the best use of resources available to them. Below stated the function of a DfX tool:
1) Gather and present facts about products and processes
2) Clarify and analyze relationship between products and processes
3) Measure performance
4) Highlight strengths and weaknesses and compare alternatives
5) Diagnose why an area is strong or weak
6) Provide redesign advice on how a redesign can be improves
7) Predict what-if effects
8) Carry out improvements
9) Allow iteration to take place
As it was too many of DfX tools, it have become difficult to choose a DfX which is
most appropriate for the problem at hand. There is a few general guidelines regarding
when and where to apply what DfX, firs, for tool of Design for Assembly, it should be
used to rationalize products assortments and structures before other types of DfX tools.
Second, the number of factors such as availability, applicability, vendor experience and
others affected which DfX tool should be used. The last but not least, DfX should be used
as early as feasible and the problem is and where it lies determine what DfX to use.
Furthermore, for the design of product arthritis hand tool, there are few of tools have
been selected and focused for the design analysis, as stated below:
 Design for Assembly
 Design for Manufacturing
 Design for Reliability
 Design for Human Factors
 Design for Environment
12.3.1 Design For Assembly (DfA)
DfA were introduced in 1970s, one of the earliest works, Hitachi Assemblability
Evaluation Method (Hitachi AEM). DfA once pushed by automation technology but now
more in manual assembly. DfA meaning as the design of the product for the ease of
assembly. Furthermore, it is defined as making decision in product development related
to products, and process and plants. The aim is to simplify the product so that the cost of
assembly is reduced. Research found that DfA can be the key to high productivity in
manufacturing. The Boothroyd-Dewhurst method for DfA process follow these steps:
i. Select an assembly method for each part
ii. Analyses the parts for the given assembly methods
iii. Refine the design in response to shortcomings identified by the analysis
iv. Loop to step 2 until the analysis yields a sufficient design
Figure 11.3(a): Arthritis Hand Aids product.
A C 
As for part A, the handle, it is actually made of two semi-cylindrical shape, we
mark it as A 1 and A 2. Both parts been engage by two snap-fit joints, located at upper
and lower section A. We have decided to choose type annular snap-fit joints because we
can designed the joint to be either detachable, difficult to disassemble or inseparable,
depending on the dimension of the insert and the return angle. We have decided to make
our product with high maintainability, so the annular snap-fit must be a detachable one.
We have mark the inserts located at A 1 with diameter of 3 mm and the hub located at A
2 with diameter of 5 mm.
Figure 11.3(b): Typical annular snap-fit joint.
For part B, the clipper section, it include bottom and upper clipper. Both was
engage together by fastener. Later, to fit the combine clipper (metal) with the plastic part,
still using fastener. To make sure that the joint between the plastic and metal allows the
plastic part to expand without regard to the expansion of the metal part, we are adding a
shoulder fasteners. When the clipper part itself was assemble, it was engage to the
handler also by a fastener. For part C, the head section which include tab opener and door
opener, both located on opposite side, we mark tab opener as C 1 and door opener as C 2.
To engage C 1 and C 1 use fastener located at the back of each part then when both was
assemble, to fit it into the handler, also using a fastener. For hook attached at Part C, it
was engage to the head by screw fastener.
A 2 A 1 
Insert  Hub 
Figure 11.3(c) : Use of shoulder fasteners between the fastener and the plastic.
The Therbligs motions required for operator during assembly process are grasp,
position, hold and lastly assemble, applied for all part A, B and C. There are some basic
guidelines for DfA that our group design try to apply to product arthritis hand tool:
Guidelines Application to product
 Minimize part count by incorporating
multiple functions into single parts
Part C, there were two different function,
assemble into single parts.
 Modularize multiple parts into single
Part B was attached directly to the handler
 Assemble in open space, not in confined
spaces; never bury important components
However, Part C was designed to be buried
under handler, as for aesthetic and
ergonomic decision.
 Make parts such that it is easy to identify
how they should be oriented for insertion
The upper and lower of handler differentiate
by the button channel shape, operator can
easily identified it.
 Prefer self-locating parts Part A was insert by snap-fit joints.
 Eliminate tangly parts Part B was retract back after use to avoid be
tangled outside product.
 Color code parts that are different but shaped
We may color code at tab and door opener
head for this purpose.
 Design the mating features for easy insertion Part C apply this in order to insert it to the
 Eliminate fasteners We cannot avoid this as all part was best fit
by fastener to make sure of its engagement.
 Place fasteners away from obstructions;
design in fastener access
All fasteners on the product has its own
 Deep channels should be sufficiently wide to
provide access to fastening tools; eliminate
channels if possible
Fastener was attached before the Part A was
snap-fit together, so fastening tool easily
reach to fasteners.
 Ensure sufficient space between fasteners and
other features for a fastening tool
No fasteners was designed close to each
other on the product.
12.3.2 Design For Manufacturing (DfM)
DfM is the process of proactively designing products to optimize all the manufacturing
functions such as fabrication, assembly, test, procurement, shipping, delivery, service and
repair. Furthermore DfM is to assure the product has the best cost, quality, reliability,
regulatory compliance, safety, time-to-market, and customer satisfaction.
Besides that, it is important to use specific design guidelines for part to be
produced by specific processes. Part A and C was completely produced by plastic
injection molding process. Besides that, polypropylene plastic is well known for molding
process. Part B, the clipper also was made by same material where it is made in
house.  Same as with fastener, we are using the standard size and shape. The product also
was design avoiding mirror image parts, it can be use both right or left hand modes.
Although the product not design symmetrical, worker or robot could still easily install the
part either upward or backward. It means that product can be installed starting first by
Part C or Part B. Any other way, but it must the assemble of Part A become the last
12.3.3 Design For Reliability (DfR)
Reliability is the ability of an assert to survive a specific period of time without failure.
At present there are three main approaches to ensuring that a design will be reliable:
reliability prediction, design techniques and development or pre-production reliability
testing. From these, designers can model their designs quickly and simply to identify
areas which are most likely to cause reliability problems. In this report, has been included
design technique using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) as to determine the
product reliability.
12.3.4 Design For Human Factors (DfHF)
Human factors discover and applies information about human behavior, abilities,
limitations, and other characteristics to the design of product and environments for
productive, safe, comfortable, and effective human use. As the product focused for
people with arthritis disease condition, they have certain capabilities and limitations, and
the product must be designed with an understanding of the patients component subsystem
requirements. Besides that, our group design have been referring to The Material
Information Society for Medical Material to make sure that material been decided is safe
for use of arthritis patients. The material been used is polypropylene plastic. We also
have referring to NIOSH’s guide for hand tools. From that, we have try to follow few
guidelines with our product design, stated as follow:
Guidelines Application to product
Handle diameter is 1 ¼ inches to 2 inches
(31.75 mm to 50.8 mm)
The product has handle with diameter of
For double-handled pinching, gripping, or
cutting tools, applied spring-loaded to
return the handles to the open position
The product clipper was attached with
spring-loaded in between.
For task requiring high force, tool’s handle
length must longer than widest part of
hand, between 4 inches to 6 inches ( 101.6
mm to 152.4 mm)
When consumer using either the clipper
part or opener part, their hand was in
between handler, length about 100 mm.
Table 11.3(a) : NIOSH’s guide for hand tools
12.3.5 Design For Environment (DfE)
The goal of DfE is to enable design teams to create eco-efficient and eco-effective
products while adhering to their cost, quality and schedule constraint. There at least two
types of guidelines, prescriptive and suggestive guidelines. Prescriptive is about what
designers should or should not do, also known as design rules. On the other hand,
suggestive is guidelines represent accumulated knowledge but not strict rules. Here are
steps to designing innovative products with minimal environmental impact:
1) Map the product lifecycle
2) Identify the main environmental impacts
3) Select relevant DfE strategies
4) Generate design concepts
Next, DfE guidelines was then are divided into four principles strategies, design for
dematerialization, design for detoxification, design for revalorization and design for
capital protection and renewal. Our group design decided to focus more on design for
revalorization which is seeks to recover, recycle or reuse the residual materials and
energy that are generated at each stage of product life cycle, thus eliminating waste and
reducing virgin resource requirement. This later was discuss more during topic of Product
Recovery, Reuse and Recycle.
In the engineering drawing of the Arthritis Hand Aids product, we have split it into 3
main section namely Head, Handle and Clipper. The Head section consists of sub-part
such as Adjustable Head, Tap head , Belt , Teeth, Screws and Hook. Whereas, the Handle
section consists of Top Handle, Bottom Handle, Top Button For Clipper, Bottom Button For
Teeth, Top Button For Teeth and Screws. Finally, the Clipper section consists of Upper Clipper,
Bottom Clipper, Pin, Spring and Screw. In this report, the parts such as screws, spring and
pin are not included in drawing because they are standard parts. By Using Solid Work
2010 software, the product is being sketched in 3D view as shown figure 12.0(a) and
figure12.0(b). The detail drawing of each sub-parts is also shown in this report in
appendix F1 to F5.
Figure 12.0(a) Arthristis Hand Aids (tap head 3D view)
Figure 12.0(b) Arthristis Hand Aids (adjustable head 3D view)
13.1 Exploded View And Bill Of Material (BOM)
13.2 Engineering Analysis
Engineering analysis is performed for two critical part which are handle and tap head.
The material Polyamides (PA) type 6 is selected for stress and displacement analysis
because it is the most-used engineering materials, with excellent impact strength,
moldability and paintability, fair heat resistance, and good wear and friction
characteristics. The analysis is shown as below:
13.2.1 Handle
I) Stress Analysis For Handle ( Force Applied =100N )
Figure 12.3(a) Von Mises Stress Analysis For Handle
II) Displacement Analysis For Handle ( Force Applied =100N )
Figure 12.3(b) Displacement Analysis For Handle
III) Summary of Handle Analysis Results
13.2.2 Tap Head
I) Stress Analysis For Tap Head ( Force Applied = 100N )
Figure 12.3(c) Von Mises Stress Analysis For Tap Head
II) Displacement Analysis For Tap Head ( Force Applied = 100N )
Figure 12.3(d) Displacement Analysis For Tap Head
III) Summary of Handle Analysis Results
From the analysis done on the two components using Software Solid Word 2010,
the result differentiates based on the shade of colours. Blue area means that area is of a
lower stress and lower displacement, high stress and displacement the red is of the
opposite condition. Both components show that they can withstand the force being
applied without failure. Analysis for Mass properties for overall design is shown in
appendix H, the total mass of product is 320g and the volume is 28.60m3
14.1 Material Selection
By using Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) 2005, we have set a few stage to filter
according to the desired range of material properties.
Stage 1
For Stage 1, material which are having young modulus, 0.1GPa and fracture toughness
0.1MPa /m2
is taking into consideration. This is to ensure our product can withstand
certain amount of force without failure.
Figure 14.1(a) Material Selection-Stage 1 using CES
Stage 2
For stage 2, material which has good durability against wear and fresh water is taken into
consideration. The product should have good resistivity to water because it is used to
open water tap in bathroom or a washing sink. The product should also not easy to tear
and wear so that it will have a longer life cycle.
Figure 14.1(b) Material Selection-Stage 2 using CES
Stage 3
Finally, the stage 3 is a limit stage where we limit the material to polymers, price of
material below RM15/ kg and a maximum density 1200 kg/m3
This will help in narrow
down the choices and we can compare the properties of remaining material easily.
Figure 14.1(c) Material Selection-Stage 3 using CES
14.2 Cost Estimation
In order to fabricate a Arthritis Hand Aids, there are 9 manufactured parts and another 9
purchased parts need to be assembled to become the final product. We have chosen
Polyamides (PA), as the material to fabricate our product since it has average material
cost, high durability against water and wear. The details of PA is shown in appendix I.
i. Manufactured Parts ( Total Manufacturing Cost =RM20 )         
Description Material volume
cost/ kg
001 Adjustable head PA 3.0E-04 1130 3.4E-01 14.5 1 4.92
002 Belt PA 7.5E-06 1130 8.5E-03 14.5 1 0.12
003 Bottom clipper PA 6.0E-06 1130 6.8E-03 14.5 1 0.10
004 Bottom handle PA 8.0E-05 1130 9.0E-02 14.5 1 1.31
005 Hook PA 6.0E-06 1130 6.8E-03 14.5 1 0.10
006 Tap head PA 3.0E-04 1130 3.4E-01 14.5 1 4.92
007 Teeth PA 8.0E-06 1130 9.0E-03 14.5 4 0.52
008 Top handle PA 8.0E-05 1130 9.0E-02 14.5 1 1.31
009 Upper clipper PA 6.0E-06 1130 6.8E-03 14.5 1 0.10
               Total Material Cost 13.39
ii. Purchased Parts  
Description Material (RM)
Qty. Cost (RM)
1 Pin Cast iron 0.40 1 0.40
2 Spring Cast iron 0.80 1 0.80
3 Screw for clipper Cast iron 0.10 1 0.10
4 Screw for teeth Cast iron 0.10 4 0.40
5 Top button for clipper Polyamides (PA) 0.50 1 0.50
6 Bottom button for teeth Polyamides (PA) 0.50 1 0.50
7 Screw for button up Cast iron 0.10 1 0.10
8 Top button for teeth Polyamides (PA) 0.50 1 0.50
9 Screw fot head and handle Cast iron 0.10 4 0.40
Total Purchasing Cost 3.70
Overall Cost = Manufacturing Cost + Material cost + Purchasing Cost
= RM 20 + RM 13.39 +RM 3.70
= RM 37.09 /product#
We have started this product design project by forming group, listing out all the task to be
done using a Gantt Chart. Eight ideas has been generated during the brainstorming
session, where decision is made by everyone to proceed our project with a product
namely "Arthritis Hand Aids".
We have identified the problems and define three main objectives of designed
product to be achieved at the end of project. The designed product shall comprise the
good elements such as features, performance and convenience. A survey is conducted
where 30 questionnaires is distributed to gathered information and needs of customers.
The surveys shows that most of respondent are having difficulties in performing daily
task such as open a door knob, open water tap, picking up clothes and other activities.
The collected information enables us to proceed with Quality Function
Deployment(QFD), where a House of Quality is developed to show the priority of
improvement should be given to size of product and mechanical properties such as
fatigue and hardness.
Next, we have developed an activity diagram and functional modeling which
comprises the 4 main activities namely Gripping, Opening, Picking and Clipping. After
which, we proceed to the concept generation by using a Morphological to obtain 15
different combination of sub-function concepts. We have evaluated the 15 concepts using
Pugh’s Concept Selection then reduced to 6 concepts. The remaining 6 concepts are
being further compared through Weighted Decision Matrix, eventually the concept(4) is
chosen as the final concept.
In this report, our embodiment design consist of Product Architecture, Failure
Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and Design For X. For the detail design, we have
split the product into 3 main section namely Head, Handle and Clipper. CAD drawing of
each parts is skectched, follow by an Exploded View and Bill Of Material (BOM) which
shows that product consist of 18 parts.
The engineering analysis shows that the handle part can withstand 100N force and
the tap head can withstand 50N force. Polyamides (PA) is selected to fabricate some parts
our product whereas other standard parts is purchased. The overall cost for our product is
RM37.09 which satisfy the statement in PDS.
In brief, our objectives in this project is achieved because we have developed a
tool to assist the hand arthritis people to perform certain daily task. The tool is
multifunction and better than current existing design since we the have the adjustable
gripper head which allow to grip different diameter objects, as well as the extendable and
retractable clipper which is convenient to use and store.
Dieter, G.E. 2000. Engineering Design: A Materials and Processing Approach (3rd
Edition), New York: McGraw Hill Inc.
Moultrie, J. 2011. Morphological Charts.
Otto, K.N. and Wood, K.L. 2000. Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Engineering
and New Product Development, Prentice Hall.
Pahl, G. and Beitz, W. 2007. Engineering Design - A systematic Approach (2nd Edition),
London: Springer-Verlag.
Quality-One International, Inc. 1995-2001. QFD (Quality Function Deployment).
ReliaSoft Corporation, 2004. Basic Concepts of FMEA and FMECA.
Sullivan, L.P., 1986. Quality Function Deployment. Quality Progress, pg 39-50.
Ulrich, K.T. & Eppinger, S.D. 2007. Product Design and Development (4th edition),
Ullman, D.G. 2003. The Mechanical Design Process (3rd Edition), New York: McGraw-
Hill Inc.
David, M.A. 2011. Design For Manufacturability.
Appendix A1
i. Gym Equipment For Handicap
 Handicaps often cannot use standard workout
equipment, so they need alternatives.
 The designed equipment is comfortable and allows
those with physical handicaps to get the exercise that
they need to be healthy
ii. GPS Holder At Motorbike
 Motorbikers having difficulty in using GPS while they
are travelling, they need something to hold the GPS.
 The designed holder shall easy to install and release
on the vehicle, provide extra safety for the GPS
iii. Foldable And Adjustable Chair
 The common chairs are with fixed height and
consume space to store it.
 The designed chair shall not too heavy, bulky, or
complicated, meanwhile it should be portable and
stackable, provide suitable height for adult or children.
iv. Emergency Car Key Chain
 The designed car key chain is useful during
emergency such as during an accident, being trapped
in car. It comprises a safety blade seat belt cutter,
steel point auto glass breaker, battery powered LED
light and sonic alarm sound
Appendix A2
v. Arthritis Multifunctional Tools
 A multifunctional tools that helps the arthritis patients
to grip object is designed since some daily performed
action might cause pains on their joints.
 Example of functions: bottle opener, key turner, door
knob opener, tap turner etc
vi. Adjustable Allen Key
 A common allen key set consists of different head
sizes allen key.
 The newly designed adjustable allen key is to
integrated all head sizes into a single component.
vii. Automatic Lamp
 The ordinary lamp post in a park or garden can be
improved to be self-supply electricity by adding a
solar panel.
 It recharged by sunlight and automatic turning on at
dusk with a built-in light sensor.
viii. Multifunctional Torch Light
 A torch light is very useful during jungle tracking or
during black out at night
 A multifunctional torch light is to be designed for long
period outdoor activities purpose, has a solar panel to
recharge itself and also charge other electronic items
such as handphone, and as a defense tool
Appendix B1
Appendix B2
Appendix B3
Appendix B4
Appendix B5
Questionnaire Part I
Part I - Question
I-A1 : Dress yourself with shoelaces and buttons
I-A2 : Shampoo your hair
I-A3 : Brushing teeth using toothbrush
I-B1 : Stand up from straight chair
I-B2 : Get in and out from bed
I-B3 : Get in and out from car
I-C1 : Lift a full glass to your mouth
I-C2 : Using fork and spoon / chopsticks
I-C3 : Using hand to hold and lift food to your mouth
I-D1 : Walk on flat ground
I-D2 : Walk on uneven ground
I-D3 : Climbing up and down of stairs
Question No I-A1 I-A2 I-A3 I-B1 I-B2 I-B3 I-C1 I-C2 I-C3 I-D1 I-D2 I-D3
Total Count of
(3) And (4)
25 14 21 18 16 15 19 23 17 9 14 17
Relative Frequency 83.3 46.7 70.0 60.0 53.3 50.0 63.3 76.7 56.7 30.0 46.7 56.7
Table 4.1 Total Count Of (4) And (5) And Relative Frequency For Questions In Part I
Figure 5.1 Pareto Diagram - Frequency Of Responses Against Question Number
63.3 60.0 56.7 56.7 53.3 50.0 46.7 46.7
Relative Frequency ( % )
Question No.
Pareto Plot  of Responses ‐Part I
Appendix B6
Questionnaire Part II
Part II - Question
II-A1 : Wash and dry your body
II-A2 : Get on and off the toilet
II-B1 : Reach something from above your head
II-B2 : Bend down to pick up something
II-C1 : Open door knob
II-C2 : Open water tab
II-C3 : Open jars lid
II-C4 : Open car doors
II-C5 : Pulling a shirt
II-C6 : Pull a plug
II-C7 : Pull a key from a door knob
II-D1 : Writing using pen
II-D2 : Taking a pan from kitchen
II-E1 : Driving a car
II-E2 : Run errands/ shopping
II-E3 : Do chores (vacuuming, laundry, gardening)
II-E4 : Swimming
Table 5.2 Total Count Of (4) And (5) And Relative Frequency For Questions In Part II
Figure 5.2 Pareto Diagram - Frequency Of Responses Against Question Number
Question No II-A1 II-A2 II-B1 II-B2 II-C1 II-C2 II-C3 II-C4 II-C5 II-C6 II-C7 II-D1 II-D2 II-E1 II-E2 II-E3 II-E4
Total Count of
(4) and (5)
13 13 25 22 24 23 25 22 16 22 23 22 23 20 16 25 27
43.3 46.4 83.3 75.9 80.0 76.7 86.2 73.3 53.3 73.3 76.7 73.3 79.3 69.0 53.3 83.3 90.0
90.0 86.2 83.3 83.3 80.0 79.3 76.7 76.7 75.9 73.3 73.3 73.3 69.0
53.3 53.3
46.4 43.3
Relative Frequency (%) 
Question No.
Pareto Plot of Response ‐Part II
Appendix B7
Questionnaire Part III
Part III - Question
A : The weight of product
B(i) : Appearance- Shape
B(ii) : Appearance- Color
C : Size of the product
D : Alarm siren for emergency used
E : Product material
F : Easy to carry along at any time
Question No A B(i) B(ii) C D E F
Total Count Of (4) And (5) 26 11 6 23 13 19 22
Relative Frequency 86.7 36.7 20.0 76.7 43.3 65.5 73.3
Table 5.3 Total Count Of (4) And (5) And Relative Frequency For Questions In Part III
Figure 5.3 Pareto Diagram - Frequency Of Responses Against Question Number
Questionnaire Part IV
76.7 73.3
43.3 36.7
A C F E D B(i) B(ii)
Relative Frequency
Question No.
Pareto Plot of Response ‐Part III
Appendix B8
Mind Mapping of Survey
Appendix C1
Higher Activity Diagram
Transport Un-pack Store
Operating Condition
Gripping Opening Picking Clipping
Move gripper
head to object
Adjust to fit
Apply force
to rotate
Pull out
Attach cross
head to tab
Press to fit
the head
with tab
Apply force
to rotate
Pull out
Find out the
hang point
Attach hock
to hang
Pick up tool
and object
force to clip
Apply force to
release object
Pick up tool
and object
Adjust to loss
Appendix C2
I) Picking Object (hook)
Find the hang
point on the
Reach tool near to
the object
Attach hook to the
hang point
Pick up the object
Locating the object
to desired place
Release object from
the hook
Hand force  
Situation    Object 
Object ,  
Appendix C3
II) Clipping Object
Stop motion
Clip objectMove to clip object
Guide to clipping
Convert to
larger force
Apply hand
clipper near
to the object
Low clip ability
near  to 
Kinetic energy Force 
Release motionRelease Force
clipped object  
Kinetic  energy  in 
object, sound  
Appendix C4
III) Gripping Object
Object & hand
Release tool
Object opened 
Stop motion
Apply larger
force to rotate
Apply force to
Adjust the
mechanism to
Fix or loss 
Holding force Hand force  
Apply force to
attach the head
to object
Hand & Object 
Release motion
Large force  
Appendix C5
IV) Opening Water Tap
Holding force 
Hand force  
Press and
Object & hand 
Apply force to
rotateWater tap shape  
Large Force 
Convert to large
Guide to rotate
Large force  
Stop motion
After used  
Apply opposite
rotating force
Water  flow 
Convert to large
Large force  
Guide to rotate Stop motionWater stop 
Move and attach
to water tap
Force   Release
Kinetic force 
Appendix D1
Sub functions 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5) 
1.1  Grip tool 
Dent / Groove 
1.2  Grasp  to  use 
Rough & Grain 
Rubber Layer 
Smooth & 
Shiny Surface 
Rubber Layer 
Rubber Layer 
2.1  Positioning 
the Clipper 
Extend & 
Extend & 
Extend & 
2.2  Picking    up 
Clamping Style
Clamping Style
Double Fork 
Pliers Style 
Double Fork 
2.3  Using  the 
Push button 
Push button 
Slide button 
Slide button 
Push button 
3.1  Fitting object 
into gripper 
Hexagon Head 
Round Head 
Round Head 
Round Head 
Round Head 
3.2  Positioning 
the gripper  
XY & XZ plane 
XY & XZ plane 
XY plane 180° 
3.3  Holding 
object  in 
Rough Teeth 
Full & Rough 
Full & Flat 
Rough Teeth 
Full & Flat 
3.4  Opening    or 
turning  an 
3.5  Using  the 
Push Button 
Push Button 
Slide Button 
Slide Button 
Push Button 
4.1  Picking  up 
Sharp Head 
Flat Head Hock Flat Head 
Round Head 
Round Head 
Appendix D2
Sub functions 
(6)  (7)  (8)  (9)  (10) 
1.1  Grip tool 
Centre Hollow 
1.2  Grasp  to  use 
Rubber Layer 
Smooth & 
Shiny Surface 
Smooth & 
Shiny Surface 
Rough & Grain 
Rubber Layer 
2.1  Positioning 
the Clipper 
Extend & 
Extend & 
2.2  Picking    up 
Pliers Style 
Double Fork 
Pliers Style 
Double Fork 
Pliers Style 
2.3  Using  the 
Slide button 
Push button 
Slide button 
Slide button 
Push button 
3.1  Fitting object 
into gripper 
Square Head 
Round Head 
Square Head 
Square Head 
3.2  Positioning 
the gripper  
XY plane 180° 
XZ plane 180° 
XY & XZ plane 
3.3  Holding 
object  in 
Rough Teeth 
Full & Flat 
Flat Teeth 
Full & Flat 
Full & Rough 
3.4  Opening    or 
turning  an 
3.5  Using  the 
Slide Button 
Push Button 
Slide Button 
Slide Button 
Push Button 
4.1  Picking  up 
Flat Head 
Round Head 
Flat Head 
Sharp Head 
Sharp Head 
Appendix D3
Sub functions 
(11)  (12)  (13)  (14)  (15) 
1.1  Grip tool   
Centre Hollow 
1.2  Grasp  to  use 
Rough & Grain 
Rubber Layer 
Smooth & 
Shiny Surface 
Rough & Grain 
Smooth & 
Shiny Surface 
2.1  Positioning 
the Clipper 
Extend & 
2.2  Picking    up 
Double Fork 
Clamping Style 
Pliers Style 
Clamping Style 
Clamping Style
2.3  Using  the 
Push button 
Slide button 
Push button 
Slide button 
Slide button 
3.1  Fitting object 
into gripper 
Round Head 
Hexagon Head 
3.2  Positioning 
the gripper  
XZ plane 180° 
XZ plane 180° 
XY plane 180° 
XY & XZ plane 
3.3  Holding 
object  in 
Full & Flat 
Full & Flat 
Flat Teeth 
Rough Teeth 
Full & Rough 
3.4  Opening    or 
turning  an 
3.5  Using  the 
Push Button 
Push Button 
Slide Button 
Push Button 
Push Button 
4.1  Picking  up 
Round Head 
Round Head 
Flat Head 
Flat Head 
Sharp Head 
Appendix E1
II) Concept (5)
Advantages Disadvantages
a) More application and task can be
b) Very ergonomic such as comfortable to
hold and use.
c) The gripper and clipper can be adjust for
desired size and high accuracy to lock it
properly with helps of slide button.
d) Very flexible to flip or move for
comfortable used by customer to perform
certain task.
e) Less power to gripping and turning since
it helps with automatic system.
a) Increase the manufacturing process,
cost and design.
b) Will lower the durability and life cycles
of product due to adding more function.
c) High tendency especially the part that
can be rotate or flip to fracture.
d) Increase the weight of the product
since additional power source such as
Battery cell is added.
Appendix E2
III) Concept (6)
Advantages Disadvantages
a) More application and task can be
b) Certain part in the product such as gripper
or holder and fitting shape is easy to
c) The gripper and clipper can be adjusted
for desired size.
d) Very flexible to flip or move comfortably
to perform certain task.
a) Increase the manufacturing process,
cost and design such as we have to
remove the sharp edges.
b) Not very ergonomic especially at the
tool holder since it is flat and the fitting
shape is not very convenience to fit
other shapes.
c) Will lower the durability and life
cycles of product due to adding more
d) High tendency to fracture
especially the part that can be rotate or
Appendix E3
IV) Concept (8)
Advantages Disadvantages
a) More application and task can be
b) Very ergonomic such as
comfortable to hold and use.
c) The gripper and clipper can be adjusted
for desired size.
d) Reduce type material of material since the
overall part not using rubber material.
e) Special features such as the clipper can in
and out from the holder.
a) Increase the manufacturing process,
cost and design such as we have to
remove the sharp edges.
b) It may be slippery to hold since no
rubber layer, not suitable to used when
the hand is wet.
c) Will lower the durability and life cycles
of product due to adding more function.
d) High tendency to fracture especially the
part that can be rotate or flip.
Appendix E4
V) Concept (12)
Advantages Disadvantages
a) More application and task can be
b) Comfortable to hold and use.
c) The gripper and clipper can be adjusted
for desired size.
d) Unique and comfortable holder
e) Less power to gripping and turning since
it helps with automatic system.
a) Increase the manufacturing process, cost
and design.
b) Will lower the durability and life cycles of
product due to adding more function.
c) Do not have high degree of freedom to
move the head part due to fixed.
d) More different material has to use and
must follow standard quality for medical
e) Increase the weight of the product since
additional power source such as Battery
cell is added.
Appendix E5
V) Concept (14)
Advantages Disadvantages
a) More application and task can be
b) Very ergonomic such as comfortable to
hold and use.
c) The grip, grasp and clipping object can be
adjusted for desired size.
d) Unique and very comfortable holder
where the rough and grain surface reduce
the slippery.
e) Less power to gripping and turning since
it helps with automatic system.
a) Increase the manufacturing process, cost
and design.
b) Will lower the durability and life cycles of
product due to adding more function.
c) Increase the weight of the product since
additional power source such as Battery
cell is added
d) The overall shape do not convenience and
not portable.
Appendix F1
I) Functional Structure of product
Press to fit
Adjust to fix
with object
Reach to the
Lock to the
Hold the body
Rotate Reverse
Release object
Pull out clipper
from body Release to clamp Un-clamp
Pull out
Pull out
Reach to the
Apply force to
open clipper
After used
Sound, energy 
Appendix F2
II) Cluster the Elements into Module Chunks
Press to fit
Adjust to fix
with object
Reach to the
Lock to the
Hold the body
Rotate Reverse
Release object
Pull out clipper
from body Release to clamp Un-clamp
Pull out
Pull out
Cross head
Adjustable head
Sound, energy
 energy Reach to the
Apply force to
open clipper
Appendix F3
III) Rough Geometric Layout
(1) Components hierarchy
Arthritis tool
Clipper Hook
h lf
Interaction between chunks
Interaction within chunks
Appendix F3
(2) Geometric Layout
Cross head
Adjustable headButtons
Front view
Front view
Side view
Appendix F4
IV) Incidental Interactions
Stress concentration 
Appendix G1
Mode of
Cause of
Effects of
failure (S) (O) (D)
Risk of
does not
attach to
object and
not fitted.
-The hook
-Unable to
thickness at
the tip of
-Heavy load.
-Length of
curve at hook
is short.
-Unable to
-Fracture or
failure of
-The object
easy to slip.
-Difficulty in
attach object
to the hook.
-The shape of
hook slightly
-Inspection at
the hook
-Use better
material that
not effected
by large force
-Use high
-Improve the
-The end
of clipper
unable to
open and
- Hard to
clip the
Of spring at
the clipper.
- Failure of
push button
- Worn out of
clipper teeth
-Unable to
clip the
-The clipper
unable in
and out.
to clipping
and remove
the clipper
from gripper.
-The clipper
does not
-Difficulty to
-Replace with
standard new
-Find the
source of
failure and
try to adjust
if possible.
-Replace with
new clipper.
Appendix G2
Mode of
Cause of
Effects of
failure (S) (O) (D)
Risk of
does not
to retract
grip for
and tight.
- Teeth
broken or
worn out.
- Failure of
push button
and the
force and
torque applied
does not
to adjust
or broken
the object
-Inspection to
the gripper.
-No changes
When press.
-Difficulty to
rotate and
-Replace the
-Use better
material for the
-Apply the
sufficient and
try to minimize
force and
torque initially.
to open
the water
tab that
too tight
to attach
or fitted
force and
press applied.
- Object
does not
-The opening
water tab
hard to adjust
and control.
- Inspection
to the
attached part
- Avoid using
at tight water
tab and more
suitable use for
plastic material
water tab.
amount of
force when
press to fit the
head and tab.
Appendix F1
Appendix F2
Appendix F3
Appendix F4
Appendix F5
Appendix H
Appendix I
Polyamides (Nylons, PA)
i. Composition
ii. Caption
Polyamides are tough, and easily colored.
iii. General properties
Density 1120 - 1140 kg/m^3
Price 13.8 - 15.18 MYR/kg
iv. Mechanical properties
Young's Modulus 2.62 - 3.2 GPa
Shear Modulus *0.9704 - 1.185 GPa
Bulk modulus 3.7 - 3.9 GPa
Poisson's Ratio 0.34 - 0.36
Hardness - Vickers 25.8 - 28.4 HV
Elastic Limit 50 - 94.8 MPa
Tensile Strength 90 - 165 MPa
Compressive Strength 55 - 104.3 MPa
Elongation 30 - 100 %
Endurance Limit *36 - 66 MPa
Fracture Toughness *2.218 - 5.617 MPa.m^1/2
Loss Coefficient *0.0125 - 0.01527
v. Thermal properties
Thermal conductor or insulator? Good insulator
Thermal Conductivity 0.233 - 0.253 W/m.K
Thermal Expansion 144 - 149.4 £gstrain/¢XC
Specific Heat *1601 - 1665 J/kg.K
Melting Point 209.9 - 219.9 °C
Glass Temperature 43.85 - 55.85 °C
Maximum Service Temperature 72.85 - 86.85 °C
Minimum Service Temperature *-123.2 - -73.15 °C
vi. Impact on the environment
Nylons have no known toxic effects, although they are not entirely inert biologically.
Nylons are oil-derivatives, but this will not disadvantage them in the near future. With
refinements in polyolefin catalysis, nylons face stiff competition from less expensive
vii. Processability (Scale 1 = impractical to 5 = excellent)
Castability 1-2
Mouldability 4-5
Machinability 3-4
Weldability 5
viii. Durability
Flammability Average
Fresh Water Very Good
Sea Water Very Good
Weak Acid Good
Strong Acid Poor
Weak Alkalis Very Good
Strong Alkalis Good
Organic Solvents Average
UV Average
Oxidation at 500C Very Poor
ix. Supporting information
Design guidelines
Nylons are tough, strong and have a low coefficient of friction, with useful properties
over a wide range of temperature (-80 to +120 C). They are easy to injection mould,
machine and finish, can be thermally or ultrasonically bonded, or joined with epoxy,
phenol-formaldehyde or polyester adhesives. Certain grades of nylon can be electroplated
allowing metallisation, and most accept print well. A blend of PPO/Nylon is used in
fenders, exterior body parts. Nylon fibers are strong, tough, elastic and glossy, easily
spun into yarns or blended with other materials. Nylons absorb up to 4% water; to
prevent dimensional changes, they must be conditioned before molding, allowing them to
establishing equilibrium with normal atmospheric humidity. Nylons have poor resistance
to strong acids, oxidizing agents and solvents, particularly in transparent grades.

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Webinar on UX ToolBox for Product Managers : UX-PMWebinar on UX ToolBox for Product Managers : UX-PM
Webinar on UX ToolBox for Product Managers : UX-PM
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Product Design Team6

  • 1. i       FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND BUILD ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL AND MATERIAL ENGINEERING KKKP 4274 Product Design 4th Year Semester I 2011/2012 Product Design Project Final Report : Arthritis Hand-Aids Design Team 6 1. CHAN KIEN HO ( A125070 ) 2. HOW YONG CHIAN ( A123700 ) 3. MOHAMAD MUSTAKIEM BIN MOHD ZAKI ( A123754 ) 4. MUHAMMAD IDHAM BIN SABTU ( A124520 ) 5. NURUL NUUR ASHIEKEEN BINTI ZULKIFLEE ( A126457 ) Lecturer : PROF. MADYA DR. DZURAIDAH ABD. WAHAB Supervisor : DR. RIZAUDDIN RAMLI Due Date : 23 December 2011
  • 2. i   Contents   CHAPTERS PAGES I. Contents i II. Acknowledgement ii III. Executive Summary iii 1.0 Gantt Chart 1 2.0 Brainstorming 1 3.0 Problem Statement 2 4.0 Design Objectives 2 5.0 Analysis Of Survey Results 3 6.0 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 4 6.1 House Of Quality 7 7.0 Product Design Specification (PDS) 8 8.0 Functional Decomposition 10 9.0 Concept Generation 11 9.1 Morphological Chart 12 9.2 Concept Combination 14 10.0 Concept Evaluation 15 10.1 Pugh’s Concept Selection 16 10.2 Concept Comparison 17 11.0 Concept Selection 18 11.1 Weighted Decision Matrix 19 11.2 Final Concept 19 12.0 Embodiment Design 20 12.1 Product Architecture 21 12.2 Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA) 22 12.3 Design For X (DfX) 23 13.0 Detailed Design 31 13.1 Exploded View And Bill Of Material (BOM) 32 13.2 Engineering Analysis 33 14.0 Material And Costing 37 14.1 Material Selection 37 14.2 Cost Estimation 39 15.0 Conclusion 40 16.0 References 42 17.0 Appendix 43
  • 3. ii   ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, it is grateful to have team members who are committed and devote a lot of efforts to finish the project within the time given. Next, a special gratitude to our lecturer, Prof. Madya Dr. Dzuraidah Abd. Wahab who is dedicated in teaching the course KKKP4274 Product Design, willing to guide and help us to complete the project. Besides, we would also like to thank to our supervisor, Dr. Rizauddin Ramli who has spent his time to do meeting with us, providing us the valuable opinions and suggestions to improve our project. We feel very fortunate to be given this opportunity to conduct this task because along doing this project, a lot of information and knowledge can be gains and very clear visualize of theory that we learns in class that will apply at real industries. The knowledge and experience are benefits to us when we entered the real works in future as an engineer. This project we not considered as burden but it is learning process that teaches us how to apply the knowledge, skills, interaction and communication to others and a lot more. Last but not least, thanks to friends and others that involved in this project for giving their supports, helps and brainstorm to solve the problem we faced. All this co- operation is greatly appreciated for completing this product design project.
  • 4. iii   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In this project, we were re-designing the current arthritis tool in market so that the product can be more reliable, high impact resistance, parts inter-changeability and comfortable to use. 30 survey forms were distributed to the public who are facing the arthritis problem. The survey was emphasized on difficulty level of daily activities and the comments & suggestion for the new product. After analyze the survey result, we determined the engineering characteristic rank order according to the customer’s requirements in House of Quality. Higher activity diagram is the general information about the functions that will performed by the product and functional modeling described the detail function process. For concept generation, few alternatives for each part of product were presented in graphical method and 15 concepts were chosen based on the alternatives. 6 concepts left after concept evaluation by using Pugh’s method. The advantages and disadvantages of each concept were listed and best concept was generated through weighted decision matrix. The 4 general steps to construct the product architecture are combined the functional diagram, modular chunks, relationship on hierarchy components structure and incidental interaction. The parametric designs include Failure Mode Effect Analysis for part function, detail drawing, dimension & tolerance, assembly & exploded view and stress analysis in critical parts. Design for X also has been included inside the report. The material selection by using CES 2005 and cost estimated for product were the last section in project.
  • 5. 1   1.0 GANTT CHART Once the team member has been decided, we have planned and executed the activities and tasks according to the gantt chart below. 2.0 BRAINSTORMING In order to start the project of product design, all the team member shall sit together and start brainstorming. Brainstorming is a group creativity technique to generate ideas where all the member will give suggestions on what product shall be developed. Eventually, we have decided to focus on Arthritis Multifunctional Tools where we name it as “Arthritis Hand Aids”. There are several ideas being discussed as listed below and shown in appendix A1 and A2. i. Gym Equipment for Handicap ii. GPS Holder at Motorbike iii. Portable and Adjustable Chair iv. Emergency Car Key Chian v. Arthritis Multifunctional Tools vi. Adjustable Allen Key vii. Automatic Lamp viii. Multifunctional Torch Light Gantt Chart Week 11/9 18/9 25/9 2/10 9/10 16/10 23/10 30/10 6/11 13/11 20/1127/11 4/12 11/12 18/12 Task w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 break w9 w10 w11 w12 w13 w14 Brainstorming  ( Ideas to develop new product) Proposal Report 1  (problems, survey results, PDS, QFD) Proposal report 2   (conceptual design , functions ) Embodiment design  ( detail drawing, analysis, ) 1 . 2 . 3 . Presentation ‐ brainstorming results No. Design Team Formation  4 . Conduct surveys 5 . 7 . 6 . Presentation ‐ proposal report 1 8 Presentation ‐ proposal report 2 9 . 10 . Compile Final Report 11 . Presentation ‐ final report 12 . Team meeting
  • 6. 2   3.0 PROBLEM STATEMENT Arthritis is a disease that causes pain and loss of movement of the joints. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints. However, we would like to focus on people with hand arthritis who having difficulties using their hands to perform daily activities. Hand arthritis is specifically very painful and debilitating due to the fact that hands have nineteen long bones and eight small bones that has several small joints in between. People with hand arthritis often find that pain, stiffness and fatigue cause problems when performing simple task such as opening a door knob and a softdrink can, using a screwdriver, carrying plastic bags with load during shopping. Therefore, we would like to design a hand aids tool meanwhile integrate as many function as possible. The hand aids tool is portable, light weight, easy to use and store. The product will be given focus on the stress-strain analysis, to ensure it will not undergo deformation and failure when certain amount of force being applied. The cost of product shall within the range of RM30-RM50. 4.0 DESIGN OBJECTIVES 4.1 The objectives of designed product is stated as below: i. To aids the people with hand arthritis to do a range of daily task, solving the problem of using hand to grip, hold and apply force on something ii. To develop a hand aids tool which is multifunctional and reliable iii. To improve the current existing design based on the requirement of customers
  • 7. 3   4.2 The objectives is clarified through the objective tree as below: Figure 4.1 Objectives Tree 5.0 ANALYSIS OF SURVEY RESULTS In order to identify the needs of customers, information is being gathered through customer surveys. A total number of 30 questionnaire is distributed to people who are suffering from hand pain or arthritis. Part of the survey is being conducted at Hospital Serdang to obtain a better and accurate information. The questionnaire is shown in appendix B1 to B4 Basically the questionnaire is divided into 4 sections where part 1 and part 2 is to investigate the level of difficulty for the response to perform the listed activities, then focus is given on these elements as to fulfill the customer needs. Whereas part 3 is to collect the opinion of customer to determine the product features they desired. Part 4 is to indicate the willingness of customer to purchase product. All the raw data is summarized into a bar chart as shown in appendix B5 to B7. A mind mapping of survey question also shown in appendix B8.
  • 8. 4   6.0 QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT (QFD) Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is also known as House of Quality where the main function we build this diagram in this product design to determine prioritize customer demands and customer needs, spoken and unspoken, translating these needs into actions and designs such as technical characteristics and specifications, and to build and deliver a quality product or service, by focusing various functions toward achieving a common goal of customer satisfaction for this arthritis tool. Below are the steps to construct an efficient and accurate QFD. There are 11 steps involved. i. The Customer Requirement (Demanded Quality). We need to identify who is our product’s customer and try to gather the information from the particular group of people what is the requirement on the new designed product. From the survey analysis, we only interpreted the result of survey’s statements that get high customer’s vote to few important functions such as light weight, clamp and clip tightly, adjustable for different size and task, easy to carry, easy to put on, multiply the force efficiently and aesthetic. ii. Regulatory Requirement. Beside that the requirement that customer requested. We also document requirements that are dictated by management or regulatory standards that the product must adhere to. For example, Safety, comfortable used, anti corrosion and robust. iii. Customer Weight/Important. On a scale from 1 - 5, customers then rate the importance of each requirement. This number will be used later in the relationship matrix. But on our QFD construction, we try to analysis the scale based on the number of customer’s vote.
  • 9. 5   iv. Competitive Analysis. In this section, we also need the customers to judge or give the comments about our new designed product with compare to the other competitors. v. Quality Characteristic. This can be called as “Voice of Engineer”. Few characteristics that we suggested in order to improve the product quality and meet the customer needs. The characteristics are No. of color, size, fatigue, toughness, hardness, environment effect, physical appearance, cost and type of materials. vi. Direction of Improvement. Based on our logical thinking and decision, the movement of the each Quality Characteristic was determined. For example, Size and Cost or the product must be reduced and Fatigue and Toughness should be increased. vii. Relationship Matrix. The relationship matrix is where determines the relationship between Quality Characteristic and Demanded Quality. Relationships can either be weak, moderate, or strong. For example, The Weight has the moderate relationship with Size because Type of Material has a great contribution into the product Weight. But, Size has a strong relationship with Multiply the Force Efficiently because apply the same force at different length will get the different torque. viii. Organization Difficulty. Rate the design attributes in terms of organizational difficulty. It is very possible that some attributes are in direct conflict. In our decision, 0 represent easy to accomplish and 10 represent extremely hard to implement. One of the targets that hard to achieve or implement among the Quality Characteristic is Fatigue because it requires expensive software like Autodesk Inventor for stress-strain analysis. Another than that, plenty time also needed for the design engineer to get the optimum design.
  • 10. 6   ix. Target Value for Quality Characteristic. The target of the product for each descriptor is still in un-certainty because the improvement for the features still needed and the mechanism for the adjustable clamping function is still in un-known state. The target value will be determined once the final design is coming out. x. Correlation Matrix. In this section, we examined how each of the Quality Characteristic impact to each other. After that, we document strong negative relationships between technical descriptors and work to eliminate physical contradictions. The number of color in the product has no relationship with the environment effect. But they type of material used will has strong effect to the manufacturing cost and conflict will occur between this two characteristics. Then we need to observe the Rank Order to determine which Characteristic is the most important among them. xi. Absolute Importance and Rank Order. The absolute important for each Quality Characteristic is the product between Customer Important value and cell value in the Relationship Matrix. After that, we determined the rank Order according Absolute Important. The higher Absolute Important will get the priority compare to lower value.
  • 11. 7   6.1 House of Quality From the figure above, we can conclude that the priority of improvement should be first given to size , second is fatigue, third is hardness and follow by toughness, type of material, physical appearance, colours and hardness Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Direction of Improvement ▼ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 1 9 7.0 3.0 Light Weight Ο Ο Θ 4 2 2 2.3 1.0 Safety 2 3 3 9 7.0 3.0 Clamp and clip tightly Θ 4 2 4 9 11.6 5.0 Multiply the force efficiently Θ Ο Θ 3 2 5 9 7.0 3.0 Adjust for different size Θ Θ 4 1 6 9 11.6 5.0 Adjust for different task Ο Θ 4 1 7 9 11.6 5.0 Easy to carry Θ ▲ 2 4 8 9 7.0 3.0 Easy to put on Ο 2 3 9 9 2.3 1.0 Confortable used Θ Ο Ο 3 2 10 1 7.0 3.0 Easy to operate ▲ 2 4 11 9 7.0 3.0 Robust Θ Θ Θ Ο Θ Θ 2 3 12 9 11.6 5.0 Anti‐corrosion Θ Ο Ο 4 2 13 9 7.0 3.0 Aesthetic Θ Θ Ο ▲ ▲ 2 3 14 Target or Limit Value Difficulty ( 0=Easy to Accomplish,       10=Extremely Difficult ) Max Relationship Value in Column 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 9 Weight / Importance 62.8 279 258.1 167.4 62.8 195.3 74.4 258 167.4 Relative Weight % 4.2 18.6 17.2 11.1 4.2 13 4.9 17.2 11.1 Rank order 6 1 2 4 6 3 5 2 4 Type of material Our Company Competitive Analysis               (0=worst, 5=best) Row # Max. Relationship Value In Row Relative Weight Weight / Importance No. of colour  size Fatigue Toughness Competitor 1 3 5 7 3 3 6 2 9 Hardness Environment effect Physical appearance Cost Quality Characteristic Demanded  Quality
  • 12. 8   7.0 PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATION (PDS)   i. Product Title Arthritis Hand-Aids ii. Purpose To provide the hand arthritis people a convenient way to grip, hold and apply force on something. iii. New and Special Features ‐ Combination of various function in one tool ‐ Ergonomic handle for better gripping ‐ Adjustable size of gripper to grip objects with different diameter iv. Competition Compete against other single function arthritis tool v. Intended Market ‐ Sell to people who have hand arthritis. ‐ Product will be promoted through medical centre vi. Need for product ‐ User survey has shown 85% of respondent will to pay more for an aid equipment. ‐ Most of them having difficulty in dressing and grooming, eating. ‐ Activities such as hold and grip are highly ranked as hard to be performed, which means they demand a tool that helps them to overcome these difficulties. ‐ The designed product should be portable, weight and size are to be concerned. vii. Relationship to existing products line This is a start-up venture. No other products currently exist. viii. Price We anticipate selling a hand-aids tool for around RM30-50
  • 13. 9   ix. Functional Performance ‐ Allow to hock clothes ‐ Allow to open soft drink cans ‐ Allow to grip on round objects such as door knob, bottle cap ‐ Able to be applied force 100N without failure x. Physical Requirements ‐ Length 30cm ‐ Light Weight 500g ‐ Cylinder shape with sphere head and round edges ‐ Smooth but not slippery surface xi. Service Environment Product Material should be stable from 0°C to 100°C xii. Life-cycle issues Gripping mechanism should not fail for 5000 cycles. xiii. Human Factors ‐ No sharp edges or corners to cause cuts or snag clothing ‐ Handle must be ergonomic shape for comfortable purpose ‐ User friendly, simple to operate the function xiv. Corporate Constraints ‐ Must be marketed within 1 year ‐ Must confirm to corporate code of ethics xv. Legal requirements No toxic materials to be associated with material
  • 14. 10   8.0 FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION In solving any complex problem, a common tactic is to decompose the problem into smaller parts that are easier to manage. When customer’s need is captured, a model of showing how the product should function is required to clarify and design the product architecture. Product architecture is the arrangement for the physical elements of a product to carry out its required functions. In this report, we will develop process description using an Activity Diagram. A high level user activities are networked to show the full cycle of a product. Next, by using the Activity Diagram, a function structure for the product is formulated. Function structure is defined as an input-output model that maps energy, material and signal flows to a transformed and desired state. A higher activity diagram is shown in appendix C1 and the functional modeling is shown in appendix C2 to C5. The method to perform functional decomposition are: i. State the overall function that needs to be accomplished Develop a “black box” model of the product to shows the flow in and flows out need to be identified. ii. Create descriptions of sub-functions Decomposing the overall function in “black box” into sub-functions. Each sub- function represents a change or transformation in the flow of energy, material or information. iii. Arrange the sub-functions in logical order For our problem this is a trivial step, but for other design problems it can be major to follow the sequence of sub-functions iv. Refine the sub-functions Refinement stops when a sub-function can be fulfilled by a single solution that is an object or action, and the level of detail is sufficient to address the customer needs.
  • 15. 11   9.0 CONCEPT GENERATION The techniques of concept generation including Trigger words, Checklist, Analogy, Morphological Analysis, and Brainstorming. In this report, we are using Morphological Analysis where a Morphological Chart is developed to generate 15 concepts. The concept combination is shown in appendix D1 to D3 A morphological chart is a visual way to capture the necessary product functionality and explore alternative means and combinations of achieving that functionality. For each element of product function, there may be a number of possible solutions. The chart enables these solutions to be expressed and provides a structure for considering alternative combinations. The method to construct a Morphological Chart are: i. List the product functions List functions according to a predetermined order - most important, position in structure, energy flow, information flow. Care should be taken to list functions and not components - e.g. 'warning indicator' rather than 'bell'. Always ask 'what function is this component fulfilling?' Each function should be mutually exclusive. ii. List the possible 'means' for each function Think about new ideas, as well as known solutions or components and where possible ideas should be expressed visually as well as in words. Any important characteristics of the solutions should be recorded. Try to maintain the same level of generality for each possible solution. iii. Chart functions and means and explore combinations Draw up a chart containing all possible sub-solutions. This is the 'morphological chart' which should represent the total 'solution space' for the product. Try wherever possible to express all options visually as to identify feasible combinations of sub- solutions. The total number of combinations may be very large, so they may need to be limited to the most feasible or attractive options. Name each viable combination as a potential solution for further evaluation later.
  • 16. 12   9.1 Morphological Chart Sub functions  Concepts  A  B  C  D  E  1.0  Hold the handle of tools  1.1  Grip tool  Flat  Rectangular      Centre Hollow      Dent/Groove      Curved      Cylinder      1.2  Grasp  to  use  tool  Rough & Grain  Surface      Smooth &  Shiny Surface    Rubber Layer  Surface          2.0  To Clip Object  2.1  Positioning  the Clipper  Fixed       Extend &  Retract      Flipped          2.2  Picking    up  objects  Pliers Style        Double Fork  Style    Clamping Style         2.3  Using  the  clipping  Mechanism    Push button    Slide button           
  • 17. 13   3.0  To grip object  3.1  Fitting object  into gripper     Round Head        Square Head          Pentagon  Head        Hexagon Head                3.2  Positioning  the gripper   Fixed    XY plane 180°  Adjustable  XZ plane 180°  Adjustable  XY & XZ plane  180° Adjustable        3.3  Holding  object  in  gripper    Flat Teeth    Rough Teeth  Full & Flat  Full & Rough        3.4  Opening    or  turning  an  object    Hand Rotate  Automatic  Rotate           3.5  Using  the  gripper  mechanism    Push Button   Slide Button            4.0  To hook object  4.1  Picking  up  object  Sharp Head  Hook    Flat Head   Hook    Round Head  Hook         
  • 18. 14   9.2 Concept Combination Subfunctions  Concepts  A  B  C  D  E    1.1    Grip tool    Flat  Rectangular      Centre Hollow      Dent/Groove      Curved        Round  Cylinder      1.2    Grasp  to  use  tool    Rough & Grain  Surface      Smooth &  Shiny Surface    Rubber Layer  Surface          2.1    Positioning  the Clipper    Fixed     Extend &  Retract      Flipped        2.2    Picking    up  objects    Plyer Style        Double Fork  Style      Clamping Style           2.3    Using  the  clipping  Mechanism      Push button    Slide button                3.1    Fitting object  into gripper    Round Head    Square Head    Pentagon  Head      Hexagon Head      3.2    Positioning  the gripper     Fixed      XY plane 180°  Adjustable    XZ plane 180°  Adjustable    XY & XZ plane  180°  Adjustable    3.3  Holding  object  in  gripper      Flat Teeth    Rough Teeth    Full & Flat    Full & Rough    3.4  Opening    or  turning  an  object    Hand    Automatic          3.5  Using  the  gripper  mechanism    Push Button    Slide Button          4.1  Picking  up  object   Sharp  Head  Hock  Flat  Head Hock  Round  Head  Hock     
  • 19. 15   10.0 CONCEPT EVALUATION Evaluation involves comparison, followed by decision making. To make a valid comparison the concepts must exist at the same level of abstraction. There are many techniques for concept evaluation such as Comparison based on absolute criteria, Pugh’s concept selection method, Measurement scales, Weighted Decision Matrix, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Methods of Decision Analysis. In this report, we are using Pugh’s concept selection method since it is a particularly good method for deciding on the most promising design concept at the concept stage. This method compares each concept relative to a reference or datum concept and for each criterion determines whether the concept in question is better than, worse than, or about similar to the reference concept. This matrix-based approach was proposed by Pugh (1991), which is also known as Concept Screening. The steps being taken to a construct Pugh’s concept selection table are: Step 1: Generate an assortment of ideas or concepts Step 2: Prepare a criteria list Step 3: Pick a datum Step 4: Evaluate each alternative by rating them with “+”, “-” and “0” Step 5 Rank the concept by referring the sums up scores Step 6 Choose 6 best optimised hybrid concept Step 7 Seek opportunities for improvement Step 8: Apply more rigorous engineering disciplines to hybrid design        
  • 20. 16   10.1 Pugh’s Concept Selection ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 ) ( 12 ) ( 13 ) ( 14 ) ( 15 ) 1 . Manufacturing cost ‐ ‐ 0 0 ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ 0 0 0 ‐ 0 0 0 2 . Material 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 . Weight ‐ ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ 4 . Aesthetic + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 5 . Durability + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 6 . Portability 0 + + 0 + + + + 0 0 + + + + + 7 . Comfortable to hold and use  Grip the tools + ‐ 0 + + ‐ + + ‐ 0 ‐ + ‐ 0 ‐ Grasp to use + 0 ‐ 0 0 0 ‐ ‐ + 0 + 0 ‐ + ‐ 8 . Ease of clipping objects Positioning the clipper + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Picking up objects + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Using the clipping mechanism + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 9 . Ease of gripping objects Fitting object into gripper ‐ 0 0 0 0 ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ ‐ Positioning the gripper 0 ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0 0 ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ ‐ Holding object in gripper + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 0 0 0 + + 0 Opening or turining an object ‐ ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ Using the gripper mechanism + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 10 . Ease of hooking objects Picking up objects ‐ 0 0 + + 0 + 0 ‐ ‐ + + 0 0 ‐ Sum of " + " ( better than ) 9 7 7 9 9 8 9 9 7 6 9 9 8 9 7 Sum of " ‐ "  ( worse than ) 5 5 4 0 4 3 5 4 5 2 5 3 4 4 7 Sum of " 0 " ( similar as ) 3 5 6 8 4 6 3 4 5 9 3 5 5 4 3 Net Score  4 2 3 9 5 5 4 5 2 4 4 6 4 5 0 Rank 7 13 12 1 3 3 7 3 13 7 7 2 7 3 15 Continue ? ( Yes = Y,  No = N) N N N Y Y Y N Y N N N Y N Y N Selection Criteria Concepts DATUM  
  • 21. 17   10.2 Concept Comparison From the Pugh’s concept selection method, the six concepts with highest rank are selected for further evaluation. The six chosen concepts are concept(4), (5), (6), (8), (12) and (14). They are to be compared in terms of advantages and disadvantages, where the comparison of concept (4) is shown as below and remaining is in appendix E1 to E5. The visual view of six concepts is also shown through hand sketches for better understanding. I) Concept (4) Advantages Disadvantages a) More application and task can be performing. b) Very ergonomic such as comfortable to hold and use. c) The gripper and clipper can be adjust for desired size and high accuracy to lock it properly with the helps of slide button and other mechanism. d) Special features such as the clipper can in and out from the holder. a) Increase the manufacturing process, cost and design. b) Will lower the durability and life cycles of product due to adding more function. c) Do not have high degree of freedom to move the head part due to fixed. d) More different material has to use and must follow standard quality for medical product.
  • 22. 18   11.0 CONCEPT SELECTTION Concept selection is the process of narrowing the set of concept alternatives under consideration. In this report, we are using the Weighted Decision Matrix method which also known as Concept scoring because it is easy to understand and apply. Concept scoring is used when increased resolution will better differentiate among competing concepts. In this stage, we weighs the relative importance of the selection criteria and focuses on more refined comparisons with respect to each criterion. The concept scores are determined by weighted sum of ratings. This approach can be good at indicating the front runners, but numerical methods like this can be dangerous, as they tend to imply only one 'right' answer. It should always be remembered that both the weightings and the ratings are subjective and arbitrary, and thus although a quantitative answer is gained, it too is subjective. This approach is also extremely sensitive to small changes and it can be easy to 'cook the books', so it needs to be used with caution. The method to construct a Weighted Decision Matrix table are: i. List the most important features These should have been determined during the product definition phase and form the criteria against which rival solutions will be judged. ii. Determine weightings Some features will be more critical than others. Assign weightings to each, so that their relative merits are accounted for. Ideally, the weightings should be determined in partnership with the target customers. iii. Rating each option Suppose the rating should be led by customers to remove personal bias from amongst the design team. iv. Calculate the weighted totals Multiply the score by the weighting for each feature and sum the totals.
  • 23. 19   11.1 Weighted Decision Matrix 1 . Manufacturing cost 25% 3 0.75 3 0.75 5 1.25 3 0.75 2 0.50 3 0.75 2 . Material 5% 4 0.20 4 0.20 4 0.20 4 0.20 4 0.20 4 0.20 3 . Weight 3% 4 0.12 2 0.06 4 0.12 2 0.06 2 0.06 2 0.06 4 . Aesthetic 2% 5 0.10 4 0.08 1 0.02 5 0.10 3 0.06 3 0.06 5 . Durability 5% 3 0.15 2 0.10 2 0.10 3 0.15 2 0.10 2 0.10 6 . Portability 10% 2 0.20 3 0.30 3 0.30 4 0.40 2 0.20 3 0.30 7 . Comfortable To Hold and Use  20% 5 1.00 4 0.80 3 0.60 4 0.80 3 0.60 3 0.60 8 . Ease of clipping objects 10% 4 0.40 2 0.20 4 0.40 4 0.40 4 0.40 4 0.40 9 . Ease of gripping objects 10% 4 0.40 2 0.20 3 0.30 3 0.30 3 0.30 2 0.20 10 . Ease of hocking objects 10% 5 0.50 5 0.50 3 0.30 3 0.30 5 0.50 3 0.30 Total Score Rank Continue ? R= Rating                      ( 1 = Inadequate,   2 = Weak,   3 = Satisfactory,   4 = Good ,   5 = Excellent ) S = Weighted Score    R ( 6 ) R S ( 8 ) R S ( 12 ) R S ( 14 ) R S 2.92 6 No 2.97 5 No 3.59 2 No 3.46 3 No 3.82 1 Yes 3.19 4 No SSelection Criteria Concepts Weight    ( %) ( 4 ) R S ( 5 )   11.2 Final Concept From the weighted decision matrix table, we have determined concept(4) as the most preferable concept since it has the highest score among the other concepts. The remaining concepts will be revised and keep as reference. In conclusion, our final concept is concept (4) which will be proceeded to embodiment design and various analysis.
  • 24. 20   12.0 EMBODIMENT DESIGN The definition of embodiment design according to Pahl and Beitz (2007) runs as follow: “Embodiment Design is the part of the design process starting from the principle solution or concept of a consumer product. The design should be developed in accordance with engineering and economical criteria”. This is a pure technical and economical consideration of Embodiment Design but a product has more aspects than only the technical and economical ones. A product can also bring aspects about emotion, beauty, appeal and happiness the other values in live. People like to pay for these values if the earnings are higher than the cost of the basic needs. The embodiment design refines the abstract concepts to blueprints. A blueprint denotes a model of the institutional rules that is more concrete than in the concept but still independent of implementation details. In other words, the concept comprises at most a verbal description of the institutional rules or algorithms. As such, many different blueprints can be found that realize the same concept. During the embodiment design this verbal descriptions are transformed into a model with sufficiently low level of abstraction that traditional design techniques may be applied in order to implement it: the concept becomes form (Pahl & Beitz 2007). The Embodiment Design phase is the part of the design process which is concerned about the production of the product concept, the engineering and the economical feasibility. The production contains the parts making and the product assembling. In brief, the embodiment process is the bridge between the conceptual stage of the design process and the detail design stage. A more detailed analysis of the selected concepts is undertaken in the embodiment stage of the design process. In this report, our embodiment design consist of Product Architecture, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and Design For X.
  • 25. 21   12.1 Product Architecture There are 4 basic steps that need to be constructed in order to generate the product architecture. First, list out the functional structure of the product and arrange in proper location that close to each other (Appendix F1). Second, categorize and combine the structures/elements into few building blocks according to their function properties (Appendix F2). Third, generate the components hierarchy structure and simple geometric view of product (Appendix F3). Finally, determine the incidental interactions between the building blocks during operation (Appendix F4). For the functional structure of the product, the black boxes functional structures that generated at previous part were simplified and combined together. The inputs of the model are hand, energy operating situation and after used condition. After using, the outputs of the model include sound, object and energy released. The energy transit line for each function will be represented by different colors. For example, the energy transit line for gripping is in red color. The modular chunks will be established with combine all the related functional structures into a block. The major functions of the product include gripping, clipping, rotate for objects opening and hanging. The main function of handle is to magnify the applied energy into larger torque. At the rough geometric part section, list out all the product’s components except the standard parts like screws and nuts. Arrange the components into hierarchy structure and determine the interaction of the components between and within chunks. The geometric layout of product is shown in front, back and also side view. In the incidental interaction part, the interaction elements include vibration, bending, stress concentration, unbalance force and environment effect. When hanging the object by hook, the stress concentration and vibration occur near to the cross head part due to the screw location. At rotating the adjustable and cross heads, force that applied to generate torque will bend the handle. Normally, the cross head will be used at kitchen or bathroom so the environment conditions such as acidity of detergent, water temperature will give the effect to the product surface. The unbalance force exist because the total weight of the cross head and adjustable head at the top is not exact same with the weight of clipper system at the bottom.
  • 26. 22   12.2 Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a method to identify potential failure modes for our Arthritis tool product, to assess the risk associated with those failure modes, to rank the issues in terms of importance and to identify and carry out corrective actions to address the most serious concerns. To assess the risk associated with the issues identified during the analysis and to prioritize corrective actions, Risk Priority Numbers (RPNs) method is used. RPN evaluated by this formulation RPN = Severity (S) x Occurrence (O) x Detection (D). For this method, our team was decided to choose picking object, clipping object, gripping object and opening water tab as a part function. This part function based on the overall functions and functional modeling for product that being developed. It is importance to rating the severity, occurrence and detection by refer the guidelines from books and notes. The purpose by referring the guidelines to give better explanation on how to numbering and rating the factors mention properly and not by suggestion. By applied FMEA, It can contribute to improved designs for products and processes, resulting in higher reliability, better quality, increased safety, enhanced customer satisfaction and reduced costs. The tool can also be used to establish and optimize maintenance plans for repairable systems or contribute to control plans and other quality assurance procedures. It provides a knowledge base of failure mode and corrective action information that can be used as a resource in future troubleshooting. Appendix G1 shows the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for picking and clipping Arthritis tool product. Meanwhile, Appendix G2 shows the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for gripping and opening water tab for Arthritis tool product.
  • 27. 23   12.3 Design For X (DFX) X in DfX stands for manufacturability, inspectability, recyclability and others. These words are made up of two parts: life cycle business process (x) and performance measures (bility), that is X=x+bility. If a DfX tool focuses on one life cycle process and uses more than one performance metrics, it is referred to as tool of the “Design for the Life Cycle” type. On the other hand, if a DfX tool focus on one performance metric but covers a range of life cycle processes, it is then referred to as a tool of the “Design for the Competitiveness” type. Most Popular DfX Tools:  Design for Assembly/ Disassembly/ Maintabability (DfA)  Design for Cost (DfC)  Design for EMC (DfE)  Design for Installation (DfI)  Design for Quality (DfQ)  Design for Recycling (DfR)  Design for Reuse (DfR)  Design for Serviceability (DfS)  Design for Speed (DfS)  Design for Six Sigma (DfSS)  Design for Testability (DfT)  Design for Warranty (DfW)  Design for Usability (DfU)  Design for Validation (DfV) A generic DfX model can provide a platform for integrating a DfX tool with other decision support systems used in product development such as CAD/CAM (computer Aided Design and Manufacture), CAPP (Computer Aided Production management), to facilitate the flow of data and decision between them. Successful DfX tools define clearly
  • 28. 24   their specific areas of concern and thus provide the essential focus for the project team to make the best use of resources available to them. Below stated the function of a DfX tool: 1) Gather and present facts about products and processes 2) Clarify and analyze relationship between products and processes 3) Measure performance 4) Highlight strengths and weaknesses and compare alternatives 5) Diagnose why an area is strong or weak 6) Provide redesign advice on how a redesign can be improves 7) Predict what-if effects 8) Carry out improvements 9) Allow iteration to take place As it was too many of DfX tools, it have become difficult to choose a DfX which is most appropriate for the problem at hand. There is a few general guidelines regarding when and where to apply what DfX, firs, for tool of Design for Assembly, it should be used to rationalize products assortments and structures before other types of DfX tools. Second, the number of factors such as availability, applicability, vendor experience and others affected which DfX tool should be used. The last but not least, DfX should be used as early as feasible and the problem is and where it lies determine what DfX to use. Furthermore, for the design of product arthritis hand tool, there are few of tools have been selected and focused for the design analysis, as stated below:  Design for Assembly  Design for Manufacturing  Design for Reliability  Design for Human Factors  Design for Environment
  • 29. 25   12.3.1 Design For Assembly (DfA) DfA were introduced in 1970s, one of the earliest works, Hitachi Assemblability Evaluation Method (Hitachi AEM). DfA once pushed by automation technology but now more in manual assembly. DfA meaning as the design of the product for the ease of assembly. Furthermore, it is defined as making decision in product development related to products, and process and plants. The aim is to simplify the product so that the cost of assembly is reduced. Research found that DfA can be the key to high productivity in manufacturing. The Boothroyd-Dewhurst method for DfA process follow these steps: i. Select an assembly method for each part ii. Analyses the parts for the given assembly methods iii. Refine the design in response to shortcomings identified by the analysis iv. Loop to step 2 until the analysis yields a sufficient design Figure 11.3(a): Arthritis Hand Aids product. C1 C2  B  A C  A1 A2
  • 30. 26   As for part A, the handle, it is actually made of two semi-cylindrical shape, we mark it as A 1 and A 2. Both parts been engage by two snap-fit joints, located at upper and lower section A. We have decided to choose type annular snap-fit joints because we can designed the joint to be either detachable, difficult to disassemble or inseparable, depending on the dimension of the insert and the return angle. We have decided to make our product with high maintainability, so the annular snap-fit must be a detachable one. We have mark the inserts located at A 1 with diameter of 3 mm and the hub located at A 2 with diameter of 5 mm. Figure 11.3(b): Typical annular snap-fit joint. For part B, the clipper section, it include bottom and upper clipper. Both was engage together by fastener. Later, to fit the combine clipper (metal) with the plastic part, still using fastener. To make sure that the joint between the plastic and metal allows the plastic part to expand without regard to the expansion of the metal part, we are adding a shoulder fasteners. When the clipper part itself was assemble, it was engage to the handler also by a fastener. For part C, the head section which include tab opener and door opener, both located on opposite side, we mark tab opener as C 1 and door opener as C 2. To engage C 1 and C 1 use fastener located at the back of each part then when both was assemble, to fit it into the handler, also using a fastener. For hook attached at Part C, it was engage to the head by screw fastener. A 2 A 1  Insert  Hub 
  • 31. 27   Figure 11.3(c) : Use of shoulder fasteners between the fastener and the plastic. The Therbligs motions required for operator during assembly process are grasp, position, hold and lastly assemble, applied for all part A, B and C. There are some basic guidelines for DfA that our group design try to apply to product arthritis hand tool: Guidelines Application to product  Minimize part count by incorporating multiple functions into single parts Part C, there were two different function, assemble into single parts.  Modularize multiple parts into single subassemblies Part B was attached directly to the handler subassemblies.  Assemble in open space, not in confined spaces; never bury important components However, Part C was designed to be buried under handler, as for aesthetic and ergonomic decision.  Make parts such that it is easy to identify how they should be oriented for insertion The upper and lower of handler differentiate by the button channel shape, operator can easily identified it.  Prefer self-locating parts Part A was insert by snap-fit joints.  Eliminate tangly parts Part B was retract back after use to avoid be tangled outside product.  Color code parts that are different but shaped similarly We may color code at tab and door opener head for this purpose.  Design the mating features for easy insertion Part C apply this in order to insert it to the handler.  Eliminate fasteners We cannot avoid this as all part was best fit by fastener to make sure of its engagement.  Place fasteners away from obstructions; design in fastener access All fasteners on the product has its own access.  Deep channels should be sufficiently wide to provide access to fastening tools; eliminate channels if possible Fastener was attached before the Part A was snap-fit together, so fastening tool easily reach to fasteners.  Ensure sufficient space between fasteners and other features for a fastening tool No fasteners was designed close to each other on the product.
  • 32. 28   12.3.2 Design For Manufacturing (DfM) DfM is the process of proactively designing products to optimize all the manufacturing functions such as fabrication, assembly, test, procurement, shipping, delivery, service and repair. Furthermore DfM is to assure the product has the best cost, quality, reliability, regulatory compliance, safety, time-to-market, and customer satisfaction. Besides that, it is important to use specific design guidelines for part to be produced by specific processes. Part A and C was completely produced by plastic injection molding process. Besides that, polypropylene plastic is well known for molding process. Part B, the clipper also was made by same material where it is made in house.  Same as with fastener, we are using the standard size and shape. The product also was design avoiding mirror image parts, it can be use both right or left hand modes. Although the product not design symmetrical, worker or robot could still easily install the part either upward or backward. It means that product can be installed starting first by Part C or Part B. Any other way, but it must the assemble of Part A become the last process. 12.3.3 Design For Reliability (DfR) Reliability is the ability of an assert to survive a specific period of time without failure. At present there are three main approaches to ensuring that a design will be reliable: reliability prediction, design techniques and development or pre-production reliability testing. From these, designers can model their designs quickly and simply to identify areas which are most likely to cause reliability problems. In this report, has been included design technique using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) as to determine the product reliability.
  • 33. 29   12.3.4 Design For Human Factors (DfHF) Human factors discover and applies information about human behavior, abilities, limitations, and other characteristics to the design of product and environments for productive, safe, comfortable, and effective human use. As the product focused for people with arthritis disease condition, they have certain capabilities and limitations, and the product must be designed with an understanding of the patients component subsystem requirements. Besides that, our group design have been referring to The Material Information Society for Medical Material to make sure that material been decided is safe for use of arthritis patients. The material been used is polypropylene plastic. We also have referring to NIOSH’s guide for hand tools. From that, we have try to follow few guidelines with our product design, stated as follow: Guidelines Application to product Handle diameter is 1 ¼ inches to 2 inches (31.75 mm to 50.8 mm) The product has handle with diameter of 40mm. For double-handled pinching, gripping, or cutting tools, applied spring-loaded to return the handles to the open position The product clipper was attached with spring-loaded in between. For task requiring high force, tool’s handle length must longer than widest part of hand, between 4 inches to 6 inches ( 101.6 mm to 152.4 mm) When consumer using either the clipper part or opener part, their hand was in between handler, length about 100 mm. Table 11.3(a) : NIOSH’s guide for hand tools
  • 34. 30   12.3.5 Design For Environment (DfE) The goal of DfE is to enable design teams to create eco-efficient and eco-effective products while adhering to their cost, quality and schedule constraint. There at least two types of guidelines, prescriptive and suggestive guidelines. Prescriptive is about what designers should or should not do, also known as design rules. On the other hand, suggestive is guidelines represent accumulated knowledge but not strict rules. Here are steps to designing innovative products with minimal environmental impact: 1) Map the product lifecycle 2) Identify the main environmental impacts 3) Select relevant DfE strategies 4) Generate design concepts Next, DfE guidelines was then are divided into four principles strategies, design for dematerialization, design for detoxification, design for revalorization and design for capital protection and renewal. Our group design decided to focus more on design for revalorization which is seeks to recover, recycle or reuse the residual materials and energy that are generated at each stage of product life cycle, thus eliminating waste and reducing virgin resource requirement. This later was discuss more during topic of Product Recovery, Reuse and Recycle.
  • 35. 31   13.0 DETAILED DESIGN In the engineering drawing of the Arthritis Hand Aids product, we have split it into 3 main section namely Head, Handle and Clipper. The Head section consists of sub-part such as Adjustable Head, Tap head , Belt , Teeth, Screws and Hook. Whereas, the Handle section consists of Top Handle, Bottom Handle, Top Button For Clipper, Bottom Button For Teeth, Top Button For Teeth and Screws. Finally, the Clipper section consists of Upper Clipper, Bottom Clipper, Pin, Spring and Screw. In this report, the parts such as screws, spring and pin are not included in drawing because they are standard parts. By Using Solid Work 2010 software, the product is being sketched in 3D view as shown figure 12.0(a) and figure12.0(b). The detail drawing of each sub-parts is also shown in this report in appendix F1 to F5. Figure 12.0(a) Arthristis Hand Aids (tap head 3D view) Figure 12.0(b) Arthristis Hand Aids (adjustable head 3D view)
  • 36. 32   13.1 Exploded View And Bill Of Material (BOM)
  • 37. 33   13.2 Engineering Analysis Engineering analysis is performed for two critical part which are handle and tap head. The material Polyamides (PA) type 6 is selected for stress and displacement analysis because it is the most-used engineering materials, with excellent impact strength, moldability and paintability, fair heat resistance, and good wear and friction characteristics. The analysis is shown as below: 13.2.1 Handle I) Stress Analysis For Handle ( Force Applied =100N ) Figure 12.3(a) Von Mises Stress Analysis For Handle
  • 38. 34   II) Displacement Analysis For Handle ( Force Applied =100N ) Figure 12.3(b) Displacement Analysis For Handle III) Summary of Handle Analysis Results
  • 39. 35   13.2.2 Tap Head I) Stress Analysis For Tap Head ( Force Applied = 100N ) Figure 12.3(c) Von Mises Stress Analysis For Tap Head II) Displacement Analysis For Tap Head ( Force Applied = 100N )
  • 40. 36   Figure 12.3(d) Displacement Analysis For Tap Head III) Summary of Handle Analysis Results From the analysis done on the two components using Software Solid Word 2010, the result differentiates based on the shade of colours. Blue area means that area is of a lower stress and lower displacement, high stress and displacement the red is of the opposite condition. Both components show that they can withstand the force being applied without failure. Analysis for Mass properties for overall design is shown in appendix H, the total mass of product is 320g and the volume is 28.60m3 .
  • 41. 37   14.0 MATERIAL AND COSTING 14.1 Material Selection By using Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) 2005, we have set a few stage to filter according to the desired range of material properties. Stage 1 For Stage 1, material which are having young modulus, 0.1GPa and fracture toughness 0.1MPa /m2 is taking into consideration. This is to ensure our product can withstand certain amount of force without failure. Figure 14.1(a) Material Selection-Stage 1 using CES
  • 42. 38   Stage 2 For stage 2, material which has good durability against wear and fresh water is taken into consideration. The product should have good resistivity to water because it is used to open water tap in bathroom or a washing sink. The product should also not easy to tear and wear so that it will have a longer life cycle. Figure 14.1(b) Material Selection-Stage 2 using CES Stage 3 Finally, the stage 3 is a limit stage where we limit the material to polymers, price of material below RM15/ kg and a maximum density 1200 kg/m3 This will help in narrow down the choices and we can compare the properties of remaining material easily. Figure 14.1(c) Material Selection-Stage 3 using CES
  • 43. 39   14.2 Cost Estimation In order to fabricate a Arthritis Hand Aids, there are 9 manufactured parts and another 9 purchased parts need to be assembled to become the final product. We have chosen Polyamides (PA), as the material to fabricate our product since it has average material cost, high durability against water and wear. The details of PA is shown in appendix I. i. Manufactured Parts ( Total Manufacturing Cost =RM20 )          Part No. Description Material volume (m3 ) Density (kg/m3 ) Mass (kg) (RM) cost/ kg Qty Cost (RM) 001 Adjustable head PA 3.0E-04 1130 3.4E-01 14.5 1 4.92 002 Belt PA 7.5E-06 1130 8.5E-03 14.5 1 0.12 003 Bottom clipper PA 6.0E-06 1130 6.8E-03 14.5 1 0.10 004 Bottom handle PA 8.0E-05 1130 9.0E-02 14.5 1 1.31 005 Hook PA 6.0E-06 1130 6.8E-03 14.5 1 0.10 006 Tap head PA 3.0E-04 1130 3.4E-01 14.5 1 4.92 007 Teeth PA 8.0E-06 1130 9.0E-03 14.5 4 0.52 008 Top handle PA 8.0E-05 1130 9.0E-02 14.5 1 1.31 009 Upper clipper PA 6.0E-06 1130 6.8E-03 14.5 1 0.10                Total Material Cost 13.39   ii. Purchased Parts   Item No. Description Material (RM) Cost/Qty Qty. Cost (RM) 1 Pin Cast iron 0.40 1 0.40 2 Spring Cast iron 0.80 1 0.80 3 Screw for clipper Cast iron 0.10 1 0.10 4 Screw for teeth Cast iron 0.10 4 0.40 5 Top button for clipper Polyamides (PA) 0.50 1 0.50 6 Bottom button for teeth Polyamides (PA) 0.50 1 0.50 7 Screw for button up Cast iron 0.10 1 0.10 8 Top button for teeth Polyamides (PA) 0.50 1 0.50 9 Screw fot head and handle Cast iron 0.10 4 0.40 Total Purchasing Cost 3.70 Overall Cost = Manufacturing Cost + Material cost + Purchasing Cost = RM 20 + RM 13.39 +RM 3.70 = RM 37.09 /product#
  • 44. 40   15.0 CONCLUSION We have started this product design project by forming group, listing out all the task to be done using a Gantt Chart. Eight ideas has been generated during the brainstorming session, where decision is made by everyone to proceed our project with a product namely "Arthritis Hand Aids". We have identified the problems and define three main objectives of designed product to be achieved at the end of project. The designed product shall comprise the good elements such as features, performance and convenience. A survey is conducted where 30 questionnaires is distributed to gathered information and needs of customers. The surveys shows that most of respondent are having difficulties in performing daily task such as open a door knob, open water tap, picking up clothes and other activities. The collected information enables us to proceed with Quality Function Deployment(QFD), where a House of Quality is developed to show the priority of improvement should be given to size of product and mechanical properties such as fatigue and hardness. Next, we have developed an activity diagram and functional modeling which comprises the 4 main activities namely Gripping, Opening, Picking and Clipping. After which, we proceed to the concept generation by using a Morphological to obtain 15 different combination of sub-function concepts. We have evaluated the 15 concepts using Pugh’s Concept Selection then reduced to 6 concepts. The remaining 6 concepts are being further compared through Weighted Decision Matrix, eventually the concept(4) is chosen as the final concept. In this report, our embodiment design consist of Product Architecture, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and Design For X. For the detail design, we have split the product into 3 main section namely Head, Handle and Clipper. CAD drawing of each parts is skectched, follow by an Exploded View and Bill Of Material (BOM) which shows that product consist of 18 parts.
  • 45. 41   The engineering analysis shows that the handle part can withstand 100N force and the tap head can withstand 50N force. Polyamides (PA) is selected to fabricate some parts our product whereas other standard parts is purchased. The overall cost for our product is RM37.09 which satisfy the statement in PDS. In brief, our objectives in this project is achieved because we have developed a tool to assist the hand arthritis people to perform certain daily task. The tool is multifunction and better than current existing design since we the have the adjustable gripper head which allow to grip different diameter objects, as well as the extendable and retractable clipper which is convenient to use and store.
  • 46. 42   16.0 REFERENCES Dieter, G.E. 2000. Engineering Design: A Materials and Processing Approach (3rd Edition), New York: McGraw Hill Inc. Moultrie, J. 2011. Morphological Charts. Otto, K.N. and Wood, K.L. 2000. Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development, Prentice Hall. Pahl, G. and Beitz, W. 2007. Engineering Design - A systematic Approach (2nd Edition), London: Springer-Verlag. Quality-One International, Inc. 1995-2001. QFD (Quality Function Deployment). ReliaSoft Corporation, 2004. Basic Concepts of FMEA and FMECA. Sullivan, L.P., 1986. Quality Function Deployment. Quality Progress, pg 39-50. Ulrich, K.T. & Eppinger, S.D. 2007. Product Design and Development (4th edition), McGraw-Hill. Ullman, D.G. 2003. The Mechanical Design Process (3rd Edition), New York: McGraw- Hill Inc. David, M.A. 2011. Design For Manufacturability.
  • 47. 43   Appendix A1 i. Gym Equipment For Handicap  Handicaps often cannot use standard workout equipment, so they need alternatives.  The designed equipment is comfortable and allows those with physical handicaps to get the exercise that they need to be healthy ii. GPS Holder At Motorbike  Motorbikers having difficulty in using GPS while they are travelling, they need something to hold the GPS.  The designed holder shall easy to install and release on the vehicle, provide extra safety for the GPS devices iii. Foldable And Adjustable Chair  The common chairs are with fixed height and consume space to store it.  The designed chair shall not too heavy, bulky, or complicated, meanwhile it should be portable and stackable, provide suitable height for adult or children. iv. Emergency Car Key Chain  The designed car key chain is useful during emergency such as during an accident, being trapped in car. It comprises a safety blade seat belt cutter, steel point auto glass breaker, battery powered LED light and sonic alarm sound
  • 48. 44   Appendix A2 v. Arthritis Multifunctional Tools  A multifunctional tools that helps the arthritis patients to grip object is designed since some daily performed action might cause pains on their joints.  Example of functions: bottle opener, key turner, door knob opener, tap turner etc vi. Adjustable Allen Key  A common allen key set consists of different head sizes allen key.  The newly designed adjustable allen key is to integrated all head sizes into a single component. vii. Automatic Lamp  The ordinary lamp post in a park or garden can be improved to be self-supply electricity by adding a solar panel.  It recharged by sunlight and automatic turning on at dusk with a built-in light sensor. viii. Multifunctional Torch Light  A torch light is very useful during jungle tracking or during black out at night  A multifunctional torch light is to be designed for long period outdoor activities purpose, has a solar panel to recharge itself and also charge other electronic items such as handphone, and as a defense tool
  • 53. 49   Appendix B5 Questionnaire Part I Part I - Question I-A1 : Dress yourself with shoelaces and buttons I-A2 : Shampoo your hair I-A3 : Brushing teeth using toothbrush I-B1 : Stand up from straight chair I-B2 : Get in and out from bed I-B3 : Get in and out from car I-C1 : Lift a full glass to your mouth I-C2 : Using fork and spoon / chopsticks I-C3 : Using hand to hold and lift food to your mouth I-D1 : Walk on flat ground I-D2 : Walk on uneven ground I-D3 : Climbing up and down of stairs Question No I-A1 I-A2 I-A3 I-B1 I-B2 I-B3 I-C1 I-C2 I-C3 I-D1 I-D2 I-D3 Total Count of (3) And (4) 25 14 21 18 16 15 19 23 17 9 14 17 Relative Frequency 83.3 46.7 70.0 60.0 53.3 50.0 63.3 76.7 56.7 30.0 46.7 56.7 Table 4.1 Total Count Of (4) And (5) And Relative Frequency For Questions In Part I Figure 5.1 Pareto Diagram - Frequency Of Responses Against Question Number 83.3 76.7 70.0 63.3 60.0 56.7 56.7 53.3 50.0 46.7 46.7 30.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Relative Frequency ( % ) Question No. Pareto Plot  of Responses ‐Part I
  • 54. 50   Appendix B6 Questionnaire Part II Part II - Question II-A1 : Wash and dry your body II-A2 : Get on and off the toilet II-B1 : Reach something from above your head II-B2 : Bend down to pick up something II-C1 : Open door knob II-C2 : Open water tab II-C3 : Open jars lid II-C4 : Open car doors II-C5 : Pulling a shirt II-C6 : Pull a plug II-C7 : Pull a key from a door knob II-D1 : Writing using pen II-D2 : Taking a pan from kitchen II-E1 : Driving a car II-E2 : Run errands/ shopping II-E3 : Do chores (vacuuming, laundry, gardening) II-E4 : Swimming     Table 5.2 Total Count Of (4) And (5) And Relative Frequency For Questions In Part II   Figure 5.2 Pareto Diagram - Frequency Of Responses Against Question Number Question No II-A1 II-A2 II-B1 II-B2 II-C1 II-C2 II-C3 II-C4 II-C5 II-C6 II-C7 II-D1 II-D2 II-E1 II-E2 II-E3 II-E4 Total Count of (4) and (5) 13 13 25 22 24 23 25 22 16 22 23 22 23 20 16 25 27 Relative Frequency 43.3 46.4 83.3 75.9 80.0 76.7 86.2 73.3 53.3 73.3 76.7 73.3 79.3 69.0 53.3 83.3 90.0 90.0 86.2 83.3 83.3 80.0 79.3 76.7 76.7 75.9 73.3 73.3 73.3 69.0 53.3 53.3 46.4 43.3 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Relative Frequency (%)  Question No. Pareto Plot of Response ‐Part II
  • 55. 51   Appendix B7 Questionnaire Part III Part III - Question A : The weight of product B(i) : Appearance- Shape B(ii) : Appearance- Color C : Size of the product D : Alarm siren for emergency used E : Product material F : Easy to carry along at any time Question No A B(i) B(ii) C D E F Total Count Of (4) And (5) 26 11 6 23 13 19 22 Relative Frequency 86.7 36.7 20.0 76.7 43.3 65.5 73.3 Table 5.3 Total Count Of (4) And (5) And Relative Frequency For Questions In Part III Figure 5.3 Pareto Diagram - Frequency Of Responses Against Question Number Questionnaire Part IV 86.7 76.7 73.3 65.5 43.3 36.7 20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 A C F E D B(i) B(ii) Relative Frequency Question No. Pareto Plot of Response ‐Part III
  • 57. 53   Appendix C1 Higher Activity Diagram Purchase Transport Un-pack Store Operating Condition Gripping Opening Picking Clipping Move gripper head to object Adjust to fit Apply force to rotate Pull out Store Attach cross head to tab Press to fit the head with tab Apply force to rotate Pull out Find out the hang point Attach hock to hang point Pick up tool and object Release object Clipper open Positioning Release force to clip Apply force to release object Pick up tool and object Adjust to loss NO  NO 
  • 58. 54   Appendix C2 I) Picking Object (hook) Find the hang point on the object Reach tool near to the object Attach hook to the hang point Pick up the object upwards Locating the object to desired place Release object from the hook Object   Hand force   Situation    Object  location  Hand  force   Holding  force  Hanging  location  Sound   Not  good   Good   Pull  force    Force   Object ,   Hand 
  • 59. 55   Appendix C3 II) Clipping Object Larger  force   Force  Object   Stop motion Clip objectMove to clip object Guide to clipping object Convert to larger force Apply hand force Reach clipper near to the object Hand  force  Situation  Low clip ability Clipper  near  to  object    Hand   Kinetic energy Force  High  force  Motion  Release motionRelease Force Perfect  clipped object   Kinetic  energy  in  object, sound  
  • 60. 56   Appendix C4 III) Gripping Object Object & hand Force   Release tool Object opened  Stop motion Force   Apply larger force to rotate Sound  Apply force to rotate Adjust the mechanism to fix   Fix or loss  Holding force Hand force   Situation  Apply force to attach the head to object Hand & Object  Force   Release motion Force   Large force  
  • 61. 57   Appendix C5 IV) Opening Water Tap Holding force  Hand force   Situation  Press and fit   Object & hand  Apply force to rotateWater tap shape   Sound,  Large Force  Convert to large force Force   Guide to rotate Large force   Anticlockwise  motion   Low  High  Stop motion After used   Apply opposite rotating force Water  flow  condition   Convert to large force Large force   Guide to rotate Stop motionWater stop  Move and attach to water tap Force   Release Kinetic force  Hand  
  • 62. 58   Appendix D1 Sub functions  Concepts  (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5)  1.1  Grip tool        Dent/Groove    Round  Cylinder      Curved    Dent/Groove      Dent / Groove  1.2  Grasp  to  use  tool      Rough & Grain  Surface      Rubber Layer  Surface      Smooth &  Shiny Surface    Rubber Layer  Surface      Rubber Layer  Surface    2.1  Positioning  the Clipper      Fixed    Extend &  Retract      Extend &  Retract      Extend &  Retract      Flipped   2.2  Picking    up  objects      Clamping Style       Clamping Style     Double Fork  Style        Pliers Style      Double Fork  Style    2.3  Using  the  clipping  Mechanism      Push button      Push button        Slide button      Slide button      Push button    3.1  Fitting object  into gripper      Hexagon Head    Round Head    Round Head      Round Head    Round Head  3.2  Positioning  the gripper       Fixed     XY & XZ plane  180°  Adjustable      XY & XZ plane  180°  Adjustable      Fixed      XY plane 180°  Adjustable    3.3  Holding  object  in  gripper      Rough Teeth    Full & Rough    Full & Flat    Rough Teeth    Full & Flat  3.4  Opening    or  turning  an  object      Automatic       Automatic        Automatic       Hand      Automatic     3.5  Using  the  gripper  mechanism      Push Button      Push Button    Slide Button      Slide Button      Push Button  4.1  Picking  up  object    Sharp Head  Hock    Flat Head Hock Flat Head  Hock    Round Head  Hock  Round Head  Hock 
  • 63. 59   Appendix D2 Sub functions  Concepts  (6)  (7)  (8)  (9)  (10)  1.1  Grip tool        Flat  Rectangular      Centre Hollow      Dent/Groove      Round  Cylinder        Curved  1.2  Grasp  to  use  tool      Rubber Layer  Surface      Smooth &  Shiny Surface    Smooth &  Shiny Surface    Rough & Grain  Surface      Rubber Layer  Surface    2.1  Positioning  the Clipper      Flipped    Extend &  Retract      Extend &  Retract      Flipped    Fixed  2.2  Picking    up  objects      Pliers Style        Double Fork  Style      Pliers Style        Double Fork  Style      Pliers Style    2.3  Using  the  clipping  Mechanism      Slide button      Push button        Slide button      Slide button      Push button    3.1  Fitting object  into gripper      Square Head    Round Head    Pentagon  Head      Square Head    Square Head  3.2  Positioning  the gripper       XY plane 180°  Adjustable    XZ plane 180°  Adjustable    XY & XZ plane  180°  Adjustable      Fixed      Fixed    3.3  Holding  object  in  gripper      Rough Teeth    Full & Flat    Flat Teeth    Full & Flat    Full & Rough  3.4  Opening    or  turning  an  object      Hand      Automatic      Hand      Automatic      Hand    3.5  Using  the  gripper  mechanism      Slide Button      Push Button    Slide Button      Slide Button      Push Button  4.1  Picking  up  object    Flat Head  Hock    Round Head  Hock  Flat Head  Hock    Sharp Head  Hock  Sharp Head  Hock 
  • 64. 60   Appendix D3 Sub functions  Concepts  (11)  (12)  (13)  (14)  (15)  1.1  Grip tool    Flat  Rectangular      Centre Hollow      Round  Cylinder      Curved      Flat  Rectangular    1.2  Grasp  to  use  tool      Rough & Grain  Surface      Rubber Layer  Surface    Smooth &  Shiny Surface    Rough & Grain  Surface      Smooth &  Shiny Surface  2.1  Positioning  the Clipper      Fixed    Flipped    Fixed    Flipped    Extend &  Retract    2.2  Picking    up  objects      Double Fork  Style        Clamping Style    Pliers Style        Clamping Style    Clamping Style   2.3  Using  the  clipping  Mechanism      Push button      Slide button      Push button      Slide button      Slide button    3.1  Fitting object  into gripper      Pentagon  Head      Round Head    Pentagon  Head    Pentagon  Head    Hexagon Head  3.2  Positioning  the gripper       XZ plane 180°  Adjustable    Fixed      XZ plane 180°  Adjustable    XY plane 180°  Adjustable    XY & XZ plane  180°  Adjustable    3.3  Holding  object  in  gripper      Full & Flat    Full & Flat    Flat Teeth    Rough Teeth    Full & Rough  3.4  Opening    or  turning  an  object      Automatic      Automatic        Hand      Automatic    Automatic     3.5  Using  the  gripper  mechanism      Push Button    Push Button      Slide Button      Push Button      Push Button    4.1  Picking  up  object  Round Head  Hock  Round Head  Hock  Flat Head  Hock    Flat Head  Hock  Sharp Head  Hock 
  • 65. 61   Appendix E1 II) Concept (5) Advantages Disadvantages a) More application and task can be performing. b) Very ergonomic such as comfortable to hold and use. c) The gripper and clipper can be adjust for desired size and high accuracy to lock it properly with helps of slide button. d) Very flexible to flip or move for comfortable used by customer to perform certain task. e) Less power to gripping and turning since it helps with automatic system. a) Increase the manufacturing process, cost and design. b) Will lower the durability and life cycles of product due to adding more function. c) High tendency especially the part that can be rotate or flip to fracture. d) Increase the weight of the product since additional power source such as Battery cell is added.  
  • 66. 62   Appendix E2 III) Concept (6) Advantages Disadvantages a) More application and task can be performing. b) Certain part in the product such as gripper or holder and fitting shape is easy to make. c) The gripper and clipper can be adjusted for desired size. d) Very flexible to flip or move comfortably to perform certain task. a) Increase the manufacturing process, cost and design such as we have to remove the sharp edges. b) Not very ergonomic especially at the tool holder since it is flat and the fitting shape is not very convenience to fit other shapes. c) Will lower the durability and life cycles of product due to adding more function. d) High tendency to fracture especially the part that can be rotate or flip.  
  • 67. 63   Appendix E3 IV) Concept (8) Advantages Disadvantages a) More application and task can be performing. b) Very ergonomic such as comfortable to hold and use. c) The gripper and clipper can be adjusted for desired size. d) Reduce type material of material since the overall part not using rubber material. e) Special features such as the clipper can in and out from the holder. a) Increase the manufacturing process, cost and design such as we have to remove the sharp edges. b) It may be slippery to hold since no rubber layer, not suitable to used when the hand is wet. c) Will lower the durability and life cycles of product due to adding more function. d) High tendency to fracture especially the part that can be rotate or flip.  
  • 68. 64   Appendix E4 V) Concept (12)   Advantages Disadvantages a) More application and task can be performing. b) Comfortable to hold and use. c) The gripper and clipper can be adjusted for desired size. d) Unique and comfortable holder e) Less power to gripping and turning since it helps with automatic system. a) Increase the manufacturing process, cost and design. b) Will lower the durability and life cycles of product due to adding more function. c) Do not have high degree of freedom to move the head part due to fixed. d) More different material has to use and must follow standard quality for medical product. e) Increase the weight of the product since additional power source such as Battery cell is added.    
  • 69. 65   Appendix E5 V) Concept (14) Advantages Disadvantages a) More application and task can be performing. b) Very ergonomic such as comfortable to hold and use. c) The grip, grasp and clipping object can be adjusted for desired size. d) Unique and very comfortable holder where the rough and grain surface reduce the slippery. e) Less power to gripping and turning since it helps with automatic system. a) Increase the manufacturing process, cost and design. b) Will lower the durability and life cycles of product due to adding more function. c) Increase the weight of the product since additional power source such as Battery cell is added d) The overall shape do not convenience and not portable.
  • 70. 66   Appendix F1 I) Functional Structure of product Press to fit Adjust to fix with object Reach to the object Lock to the location Hold the body tightly Rotate Reverse rotation Reverse mechanism Hock Lift Release object Pull out clipper from body Release to clamp Un-clamp Retract Pull out directly Pull out directly Hand Force Situations Reach to the object Apply force to open clipper After used Sound, energy  Object  Sound,  energy 
  • 71. 67   Appendix F2 II) Cluster the Elements into Module Chunks Press to fit Adjust to fix with object Reach to the object Lock to the location Hold the body tightly Rotate Reverse rotation Reverse mechanism Hock Lift Release object Pull out clipper from body Release to clamp Un-clamp Retract Pull out directly Pull out directly Hand Force Cross head Adjustable head Handle Hook Sound, energy Object  Sound   energy Reach to the object Apply force to open clipper Gripper Situations
  • 72. 68   Appendix F3 III) Rough Geometric Layout (1) Components hierarchy Arthritis tool Handle Adjustable head Cross head Clipper Hook Upper  LowerGripping tooth Belt Rubber Rubber Button Rubber Upper  h lf Lower Button Pin Spring Interaction between chunks Interaction within chunks
  • 73. 69   Appendix F3 (2) Geometric Layout Handle Cross head Rubber Adjustable headButtons Clipper Front view Front view Side view Gripping tooth
  • 74. 70   Appendix F4 IV) Incidental Interactions Environment  Handle Clipper Hook Cross head Adjustable head Bending,  Environment  Vibration  Environment  Stress concentration  Unbalance  force
  • 75. 71   Appendix G1 Part function Mode of failure Cause of failure Effects of failure (S) (O) (D) Risk of Priority (RPN) Detection method Correction action New (S) New (O) New (D) New (RPN) Picking object -Hook does not attach to object and not fitted. -The hook is slagging. -Unable to hang object. -Improper thickness at the tip of hook. -Heavy load. -Length of curve at hook is short. -Unable to picking object. -Fracture or failure of hook. -The object easy to slip. 6 4 5 5 4 4 7 6 9 210 96 180 -Difficulty in attach object to the hook. -The shape of hook slightly deformed. -Inspection at the hook -Use better material that not effected by large force apply. -Use high robust material. -Improve the design 3 2 4 4 2 3 7 6 9 84 24 108 Clipping object -The end of clipper unable to open and close. -The clipper stuck. - Hard to clip the object. -Malfunction Of spring at the clipper. - Failure of push button mechanism. - Worn out of clipper teeth and alignment. -Unable to clip the object. -The clipper unable in and out. -Improper to clipping object. 5 6 3 3 8 2 7 6 5 105 288 30 -Inspection and remove the clipper from gripper. -The clipper does not function. -Difficulty to clipping. -Replace with standard new clipper. -Find the source of failure and try to adjust if possible. -Replace with new clipper. 4 5 3 2 5 1 7 6 5 56 150 15
  • 76. 72   Appendix G2 Part function Mode of failure Cause of failure Effects of failure (S) (O) (D) Risk of Priority (RPN) Detection method Correction action New (S) New (O) New (D) New (RPN) Gripping Object -Gripper does not attach smoothly. -Unable to retract and expand. -Unable grip for object that slippery and tight. - Teeth broken or worn out. - Failure of push button and the mechanism. -Unsuitable force and torque applied -Object does not grip safely. -Unable to adjust with different size. -Fracture or broken and damage the object 6 6 7 5 7 6 6 4 8 180 168 336 -Inspection to the gripper. -No changes When press. -Difficulty to rotate and pull. -Replace the renewable teeth. -Use better material for the mechanism. -Apply the sufficient and try to minimize force and torque initially. 5 5 5 5 6 4 6 4 8 150 120 160 Opening Water Tab -Unable to open the water tab that too tight -Unable to attach or fitted object smoothly -Unsuitable force and torque applied. -Unsuitable press applied. -Fracture or broken. - Object does not open safely. 5 6 6 4 8 5 240 120 -The opening water tab hard to adjust and control. - Inspection to the attached part - Avoid using at tight water tab and more suitable use for plastic material water tab. -Apply sufficient amount of force when press to fit the head and tab. 4 5 5 2 8 5 160 50
  • 83. 79   Appendix I Polyamides (Nylons, PA) i. Composition (NH(CH2)5C0)n ii. Caption Polyamides are tough, and easily colored. iii. General properties Density 1120 - 1140 kg/m^3 Price 13.8 - 15.18 MYR/kg iv. Mechanical properties Young's Modulus 2.62 - 3.2 GPa Shear Modulus *0.9704 - 1.185 GPa Bulk modulus 3.7 - 3.9 GPa Poisson's Ratio 0.34 - 0.36 Hardness - Vickers 25.8 - 28.4 HV Elastic Limit 50 - 94.8 MPa Tensile Strength 90 - 165 MPa Compressive Strength 55 - 104.3 MPa Elongation 30 - 100 % Endurance Limit *36 - 66 MPa Fracture Toughness *2.218 - 5.617 MPa.m^1/2 Loss Coefficient *0.0125 - 0.01527 v. Thermal properties Thermal conductor or insulator? Good insulator Thermal Conductivity 0.233 - 0.253 W/m.K Thermal Expansion 144 - 149.4 £gstrain/¢XC Specific Heat *1601 - 1665 J/kg.K Melting Point 209.9 - 219.9 °C Glass Temperature 43.85 - 55.85 °C Maximum Service Temperature 72.85 - 86.85 °C Minimum Service Temperature *-123.2 - -73.15 °C vi. Impact on the environment Nylons have no known toxic effects, although they are not entirely inert biologically. Nylons are oil-derivatives, but this will not disadvantage them in the near future. With refinements in polyolefin catalysis, nylons face stiff competition from less expensive polymers.
  • 84. 80   vii. Processability (Scale 1 = impractical to 5 = excellent) Castability 1-2 Mouldability 4-5 Machinability 3-4 Weldability 5 viii. Durability Flammability Average Fresh Water Very Good Sea Water Very Good Weak Acid Good Strong Acid Poor Weak Alkalis Very Good Strong Alkalis Good Organic Solvents Average UV Average Oxidation at 500C Very Poor ix. Supporting information Design guidelines Nylons are tough, strong and have a low coefficient of friction, with useful properties over a wide range of temperature (-80 to +120 C). They are easy to injection mould, machine and finish, can be thermally or ultrasonically bonded, or joined with epoxy, phenol-formaldehyde or polyester adhesives. Certain grades of nylon can be electroplated allowing metallisation, and most accept print well. A blend of PPO/Nylon is used in fenders, exterior body parts. Nylon fibers are strong, tough, elastic and glossy, easily spun into yarns or blended with other materials. Nylons absorb up to 4% water; to prevent dimensional changes, they must be conditioned before molding, allowing them to establishing equilibrium with normal atmospheric humidity. Nylons have poor resistance to strong acids, oxidizing agents and solvents, particularly in transparent grades.