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The informationpresentedinthiseBookrepresentsthe viewsof the publisheras of the date
of publication. The publisher reserves the rights to alter and update their opinions based on
new conditions.This eBookis for informational purposesonly. The author and the publisher
do not acceptany responsibilitiesforanyliabilitiesresultingfromthe use of thisinformation.
While everyattempthasbeenmade to verifythe informationprovidedhere,the authorand
the publishercannotassume anyresponsibilityforerrors,inaccuraciesoromissions.
Any similarities with people or facts are unintentional. No part of this eBook may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written,
datedand signedpermissionfromthe publisher.
Pursuantto the Federal Trade CommissionGuidelines:
The publisher of this book may be or does have an affiliate relationship and/or another
material connectionto the providersof goods and servicesmentioned in this book and may
be compensatedwhenyoupurchase fromanyof the linkscontainedherein.
DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: .................................................. 2
MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: ................................................. 2
Table of Contents ..................................................................................... 3
How does Affiliate Marketing Work? ...................................................... 5
Understanding Your chosen Program ................................................... 6
Different Affiliate Programs .................................................................... 7
............................................................................................. 7
Creating Your Hoplinks to promote Products ................................. 10
PaySpree .............................................................................................. 14
Paydotcom ........................................................................................... 15
Rap Bank .............................................................................................. 17
E-Junkie ................................................................................................ 19
Click2sell .............................................................................................. 19
Other Affiliate Methods Network ......................................................... 23
Style Affiliate Programs ......................................................................... 23
Different Commission Structures ......................................................... 25
Promoting Your Chosen Product ......................................................... 27
Do’s and Don’ts ....................................................................................... 29
Do’s ....................................................................................................... 30
Don’ts ................................................................................................... 30
Affiliate Marketing is plain and simply a method of marketing where you can earn a
commissionorfee forpromotingotherpeoplesproductsorservices.
You, the Affiliate agree to promote those products and or services via your webpage, your
blog,youremail campaignsorwhatevermethodisallowed,andanysalesyoumake willearn
youthe Affiliate asetfee /commissionoranagreedpercentage payment.
Affiliate Marketingif done rightcan be very lucrative,manypeople earnagood livingjustby
As an Affiliate Marketer, you don’t have to worry about creating your own product and you
won’thave to deal withcustomers orcustomersupportissues.
Your main skill set needed to become an Affiliate Marketer is some basic internetmarketing
knowledge andmore importantly“thedesire to succeed”
There are lotsof differentwaystobecome successfulatAffiliate Marketingandthere are lots
of differentprograms,merchantsandvendorsoutthere whoare more thanwillingtopayyou
theirAffiliate adecentpercentageof commissionovertoyouforpromotingtheirproducts.
Withmostaffiliateprogramsthetypicalcommissionyoucanearnisbetween30% andinsome
cases100% althoughaveragedout,50% isa more realisticbaseline. There are lotsof affiliate
programsout there,andthe majorityof themare absolutelyfreeof charge tojoin.
Affiliate Marketingcan,whendone right,be veryworthwhile.
When you join an affiliate marketing program, you are either given a unique identifying
number or name or you choose your own unique identifier. No two people in the same
program have the same numberor name.Your linkisspecifictoyouandyou alone.
The program operatorthenusesthisunique identifiertotrackall the leads/visitorsyousend
to theirsite.Whenoneof theseleads/visitorspurchases“You”are creditedwiththe saleand
allocated the percentage commission for that sale. 95% of affiliate programs have reliable
When you send a visitor to the program owners’ website, that visitor is “logged” as having
beensenttothe site viayouruniqueaffiliate link,evenif theydon’tpurchase onthe firstvisit,
there is a chance that whentheyreturn at a later date to purchase,you can still getcredited
for the sale, this is because most programs use “cookies” to store information about their
visitors, as long the visitor you originally sent hasn’t picked another cookie up or
deleted/cleared their cookies on their computer you are still credited with the sale for that
Incase you’ve everwondered,that’sthe reasonwhythese bigname marketersalwaystellyou
how to delete yourcookiesbefore yougo to order somethingthattheyare promoting.They
do thisfor two reasons.One theywantto ensure that theygetcreditedforthe sale and two,
that youget theirbonusestheyare offering.
All programsworkdifferentlyandit’sagoodideatotryandfindoutwhatsystemyourprogram
owner is using. For example, with Clickbank®
it is always the last cookie that gets the sale
allocatedto theiraccount. With others,it can be the firstcookie or a cookie that is for a set
periodof time.
All vendorswill haveguidelinesthatyoumustadhere to,make sure youread andunderstand
them. It is no use further down the line saying you weren’t aware of their terms and
conditions,mostaffiliate programshave abox that you tick to say youhave read understood
etc,all vendorswill refuse topayandwill notpay affiliateswhodonotadhere totheirterms.
What are the program vendor’s terms and conditions for payment? Is there a minimum
amountyou have to earnincommissionbefore theywillpayyouout?
Is thisamountachievable?
Is there a minimumcriterionyouhave to meetin orderto get paid?For example,Clickbank®
has a strict CustomerDistributionRequirementthatyoumust meetbefore youget your first
Is there a needforyou to have your own PayPal account?Any vendorusingthe Rapid Action
Profitsscriptswill notbe able topay youyour 100% commissionif youdonot have a Premier
or BusinessaccountverifiedatPayPal.
How will yourvendorpayyou? Doyou needabankaccount? Do youneeda PayPal Account?
Will theydirectdebitpaymenttoyou?How muchare theygoingtocharge youtoreceiveyour
commission? Yes,that’sright! Theycharge YOU toreceive YourMoney.
We will discussvariousprogramsinmore depthon the nextfew pages.There isnot one that
isperfect,butthere are some thatreallyare betterthanothers. 
has beenaroundas a digital marketplace forover10 years,itis a well established
program witha wealthof productsin itsmarket place foryou to choose from.It cost nothing
to signup to Clickbank®
andcreate anaccount as an
On the top menu bar click the link that says Sign Up. Fill in all the details
and agree to their terms and conditions.
One part of theirformasks youto selectanaccount nickname thishastobe a combinationof
5-10 lettersanddigits.
Choose somethingthatyouwill easilyremember,thisnickname isthe keytologgingintoyour
Once you have your accountup and running,youcan thengo to theirmarketplace andcheck
out all the productstheyhave available foryoutopromote.
Offersreliabletrackingandtheirusefulreportingsectionallowsyoutoview lotsof
You can drill down as much as you’d like. Withthis account, you can see there has beenjust
the one sale inthe whole twoweekperiod.
This was on Sunday 05th
September – we can drill down and get to the sale to find out more
information about it. In the weekly sales report, click on the week the sale was made.2010-
09-08 a newwindowopensupandwillshow the detailsof all transactionsmade inthatweek.
Here you can see the date and time the transaction took place. The receipt number is
asterisked because this is an affiliate sale. The TID is one that I set to track this particular
product. (More on that later) The Pmt shows me that the purchaser paid via their PayPal
account,theypaid inGBP and itis a recurringmonthlypayment(Sale-RB)
The nextsectionof the screenshowsthe amountof commissionearned,itwouldalsogiveyou
the nickname of the vendor and the affiliate associated with the sale which country the
customer came from and what their real last name and first name were, (I’ve edited those
detailsoutforprivacyreasons) Clickbank®
has an excellentsearchdashboardforyoutouse.
hasliterallythousandsof productsforyoutopromotearecentadditionistheability
to “Social Promote” so you can even earn commissions on recommending products to your
Facebook friends. To use this feature make sure you log into your ClickBank account, before
youcreate yourhoplink.
Creating Your Hoplinks topromote Products
Once you have selected your products you want to promote then you have to make your
hoplink –rememberthisisyourunique identifiertothe system.
Let’s say my Niche is the Pet niche,so I have gone to the marketplace,selectedthe category
“Home and Garden”a sub categoryof thissectioniscalled“Animal Care and Pets”that’sthe
sectionIwant to lookat.
Clickbankinformsme there are 381 productslistedandto choose frominthissectionof their
marketplace.We needtodrill downevenfurthertofindourproductto promote.
Here we can sortthe productsaccordingto our requirements.
We are lookingfora productthat ispopular,hasa reasonable payout amount andhas a high
gravity score. The gravity score tells us that other affiliates are successfully promoting this
Ideally, we are looking for a product that already has some affiliate tools we can use to
promote it,unfortunatelynota lotof them do.
The product above meetsthe criteriawe are lookingfor.The payout isjust under $20, and it
has a reasonable gravity score of 59.44 there are also some good affiliate tools provided for
you to promote it. The link to the affiliate page is wrong, but you can access the tools from
theirsite quite easily.
Theiraffiliate toolspage islocatedhere
We are going to promote thisproduct, we click the promote button and a new screenopens
us like thisone.If you are loggedintoyour Clickbankaccount, your nickname will alreadybe
showinginthe topbox.The secondbox isfor anytrackingID you wantto add.
Adding a tracking ID is useful to remind you of where you are promoting the product and
whichactual productitis.Forthisexample we are goingtochoose atrackingIDthatidentifies
the product so we input “plans” as the tracking ID. Next hit the create button and your new
encryptedlinkiscreatedforyouwiththe TID.
Copy and paste the linksto a textfile onyour computermake sure to save the file forfuture
reference. I have all my affiliate links saved in a file on the desktop and it’s simply called
Nowwe have ourunique IDwe are goingto use thisto promote the product.Let’ssee how to
knitit together.
Fromthe affiliate page,goandselectanimage touse andadd itto your webpage orblog.The
bannerone isnice and cleanand the rightsize.
We needtosave thisimage to our computer,sorightclickon it andchoose “save
The nextstepisto uploadthe image to our hostingspace /website.
Place the picture intoyourimagesfolderinsideyourpublic_htmlfolder. We have namedthe
image chickens3.jpg.
To add the image complete withthe affiliate link,we have addedthe followingtextto a text
widgetinourwordpresstheme.The themewe are usingallowsforone leaderboardstyleadd
tobe addedtothe topof all the pages/posts.Byaddingthecode there,ouradvertandaffiliate
linkwill be shownonall the sitespages.
Here is the code the first line <a href=”http://1110b9u-” target=”_top”> is our affiliate linkand
the second line <img src=””> tells the page
where tolookfor the image to displaytothe visitor.
<a href=""
<img src=""></a>
When anyone clicks on that image theyare taken to the salespage for the product and take
alongwithit our affiliate ID,sowe can get creditedforthe sale.The bottomof the ClickBank
orderform will show[affiliate=yourclickbankID.Your TrackingID.
Whenanyone ordersthe producthavingcome fromoursite,wegetcreditedwiththe saleand
earnthe 75% commissionpromised.
If there is a refund requested, their system automatically takes care of that and deducts any
All clicksare recordedandtrackedbyClickbankandallpaymentstothevendorandtheaffiliate
are processed by Clickbank. You do not need a PayPal account to be a Clickbank affiliate
however you do need a regular checking account. You have to meet their strict Customer
PaySpree Free to sign up to as an affiliate, their products compensations rates
range from 50% to 100% commissions.
Payspree charges a small fee from everysale. The fee is payable by either the vendor or the
affiliatedependantuponwhothe salewascreditedto.Feesare paidtothe programoperator
on a monthly basis at the start of each month. Payspree currently has 274 products listed in
Payspree doesnotworkthe same wayas Clickbankbysharingeachindividual saleitworksby
sharing the sales between the vendor and the affiliate. Unless you are promoting a 100%
commissionproduct,the firstsale youmake,alwaysgoestothe productvendor.
Affiliates are responsible for refunding any sales that are credited to their account and
subsequentlyrequestedtobe refunded.If youdonotrefundasale whenarefundisrequested
your account can be disabled. Payspree provides tracking and reporting statistics similar to
All paymentsto both the vendorand the affiliate are allocatedthroughthe Payspree system
automatically.Youhave tohave a PayPal account inorderto use Payspree.
A typical affiliate link for a Payspree product will look like this
Payspreesproductsare growingand it can be worthwhile takinga lookat theirmarketplace
to see if there isa product or twothat you couldaddto your site andpromote as an affiliate.
Paydotcom is another market place style of system and has a large number of
categoriesandproductsfor youto choose from.
To signupasanaffiliateisfree,vendorsare allowedtopayyourcommissionseitherbycheque
or by PayPal, the majority pay using PayPal, some will pay via pay people online, which
unfortunatelyeatsevenfurtherintoyouraffiliate payout.
All vendorsare responsible forpayingtheirownaffiliatesviawhichevermethodtheychoose.
Paydotcomcurrentlyhas thousandsof productslistedinits marketplace.Youcan browse for
productsto promote usingtheironline searchsystem;thissystemisverysimilartothe one at
Clickbankyoucan searchby categories,subcategoriesorjustbya single keyword.
Unlike Clickbankwhereyouraffiliatesalesare groupedintothe oneaffiliate accountandeach
vendors sales contribute to the one account, with Paydotcom, like Payspree, each sale you
make is treated individually and your commissions are paid individually, Payspree does
howeverpaythese commissionsdirectlyintoyourPayPal account.
Paydotcomprovidestrackingandsalesstatisticsinthe formof Raw Clicks,Uniqueclicks,sales,
Some Paydotcom vendorswill provideyouwithaffiliatetoolstouse suchas
Banners,readymade emails,blogposts,etc,
To promote any product from Paydotcom, you create your link from inside your account for
the product youwant to promote.
A typical affiliate linkforaPaydotcomproductwill looklike this.
Anyvendorusingthe Paydotcomsystemhasa rightto refuse toaccept youas
Rap Bank
To signupto Rapbank as an affiliateagainit’sFree simplyhitthe Joinnow linkandcreate your
Rapbank is another marketplace where sellers list their digital products for you to promote.
Rapbank is a little complicated and does not quite work the same as Clickbank, Payspree or
Paydotcom, it’s somewhere in between all three. The free account set up is sufficient for
anyone whoisjustlookingatbecominganaffiliate foranyproductlistedatRapbank.
Statistics for your account will show you how many sales you have made, how many clicks
have beenmade andhowmuch commissionyouhave made frompromotingeachproduct.
Thisis whata typical affiliate linklookslike foraRapbankproduct.
You can promote whole categories from the Rapbank Marketplace or just the whole
marketplace itself by just using as you can probably
tell fromthese links,ouraccountID at Rapbankis112
Rapbank wascreatedasaplace where allRapidActionProfitsscriptownerscouldgettogether
and listtheiritemsfor sale.The benefittothe affiliatesisthat youhave a place to go to find
these instant paying commission products this is a lot easier than having to search through
Google forsites“poweredbyRapidActionProfits”.
Whenyoupromote a productthroughRapbank,Rapbankdoesnotpayyou,the vendorof the
product pays you automatically through the use of their script, since all Rap Bank listed
product owners use the same script as their sales, affiliate and marketing system, the
commissionsare paidthe same waythe Payspree systemworks.
If you have beenpaid for a sale and thensubsequentlythe purchaserrequestsa refund,you
as the Affiliate must honour that refund. All Rapid Action Profits script usershave a right to
refuse tohave youas theirAffiliateandcanban your accountfrom withintheirdashboard.
E-junkie sells both digital and tangible goods and currently reports to have 8500 active
merchants.E-junkie doesnothave amarketplace separatedintocategoriesorsubcategories,
and itcan be reallydifficulttofindyourniche relatedproductstopromote.
WithE-junkie eachmerchantisresponsiblefortheirownaffiliatescheme anddefinetheirown
termsand conditions,i.e.whatcommissionpercentagetheywill pay,how oftentheywill pay
you,whatcurrencytheywill payyouinandthe level of commissions youhave tomeetbefore
paymentismade to you.
Asan affiliatepromotingavendorsproductate-junkieyoudogetaccesstothe basicstatistics
of how many sales you have made for that particular vendor, there is no reporting of clicks
throughyour affiliatelinks.
Click2sell currentlylistsover871 productsintheirmarketplace;youcansearch throughthe
marketplace bycategoryor subcategory,youcan see the popularity,or% of salesmade by
Signing up for an affiliate account is free, click2sell pay commissions three weeks after the
month end and you can select to be paid either via PayPal or MoneyBookers and in a choice
of currency.
Click2sell providereasonable ata glance statisticsforyoutosearchthrough.Asthisisa newly
openedaccount,there isnothingtosee,butthe picture onthe nextpage willgiveyouanidea
of theirreportingcapability.
Whenyou are lookingat whichproductsto promote through theirmarketplace youcan click
on more infoandget detailedinformationregardingboththe sellerandthe product.
You also getto see detailedproductinformationhow itconverts,whatthe refundrate islike
how popular it is and where the sales are made. As you can see from this screen shot, this
productis mainlysoldthroughaffiliates;andthe refundrate is8%
With click2sell, you have the option to create your affiliate link that will go straight to the
vendors’ sales page,or you can create your own promotional page for the vendors’product
and create youraffiliate linksothatitgoesdirectlytothe productscheckoutpage.
The whole click2sell systemisverysimilartoClickbank,withone exception;the vendorshave
to pay the affiliatesthroughthe system, as an affiliate youare not paidby click2sell directly.
Click2sell do state that they ban vendors from using their system if they do not pay the
affiliatestheirrightful commission.
As you can see there are a lot of digital market places to choose your products to promote
from, and they are all different in the way they operate their systems, methods, reporting,
tracking and payments,youmayevenfindthe same product listedatdifferentmarketplaces
with different commissions being offered. Take your time to look around and find the best
dealsbefore youbeginyourpromotions.
A lotof internetmarketersprefertoruntheirowninhouseprogramstoo.If youfindaproduct
that you reallylike andwantto promote it, have a lookat the bottomof the main salespage
lookforthe words“Affiliates”or“Associates”sometimeseven“Partners”
If whenyouvisitthe page the affiliate programisnotvisible use Googletosee if theydohave
a program youcouldjoin.
These two web sites contain a list of an enormous number of affiliate programs that are
available tojoin. and
There are several affiliate programnetworksonthe Internetwhereyoucanfinda wide range
of merchantsin differentcategories.Rememberthatalthoughthese programs are all on the
same site, they are independentlyowned and operatedby each merchant; the network just
bringsthe merchantstogetherinone place forthe affiliate tofind.
The affiliate signsupto the network,the merchantsignsup to the networkandthe network
managesboththe affiliatesandthe merchants.Examplesof networksare:
Commission Junction is one of the leading affiliate program networks with over 2,000
merchantprogramsto choose from.
If youdecide tojoinoneof the networks,alwaysmake suretoreadtheirtermsandconditions.
Complywith theirrulesandall shouldbe fine. Aswithothertypesof affiliate programs,your
commission is not paid by the network, but by the individual merchants/advertisers signed
up to the network. For example MaxBounty state this in their terms and conditions.
“Commissions will only be earned on Actions reported by the advertiser, and only after
MaxBounty receives full payment from the Advertiser. MaxBounty is under no obligation to
pay AffiliatesforActionswhichare notpaidby the Advertiser”
CPA stands for "Cost Per Action", and compared to standard affiliate marketing, when you
promote CPA offers,youcanactuallymake moneywithouthavingtogenerate asingle sale.
This is the most appealing part of CPA because it gives even the newest of marketers the
opportunity to generate an income. Whenyou send the visitor to the clients page and they
complete the requiredaction,yougetpaidforthe visitorhavingdone whateverwasrequired
of them,be itsimplysubmittingtheiremailaddressortelephone numberintoaform, orfilling
out a simple short survey online. If you were responsible for sending the visitor, you get
for it.
CPA networksoperateasa“middleman”connectingpublishersandadvertiserstogether,they
co-ordinate the placement of offers from these publishers and advertisers with you the
affiliate marketer. The CPA network takesa fee; or percentage of the offeredprice and pass
the remainderof the fee ontoyouthe affiliate marketer.
Once you have been accepted into their network you are given a unique affiliate link to
promote the offerfrom.
Unless you have a high volume of traffic to your site, or are willing to pay to send traffic to
your site, it may take you a long time to get paid by a CPA network. The minimum payout
threshold on most CPA networks is generally $50.00, so if you are receiving $0.50 per email
address submittedand only have 5 visitors a week,it could take you a long while to hit that
There are othernetworksthatwill payper view of theirbanneradsetc;againyouneedahigh
trafficsite to earnmoneyfromthese methods.
Pay Per Sale:One of the mostcommonformsof affiliatemarketingincentiveiscalledPayPer
Sale (PPS). This is where the visitor clicks a link and makes a purchase. Your reward is a
percentage commissionforthatsale.
You can make the mostmoneyfromthistype of affiliatemarketingprogramonitemsthatare
considered “high ticket” items, i.e., sophisticated software like Adobe (Macromedia)
Dreamweaver that retailsfor $899, a 10% commission of this sale is $89, a 25% commission
of thissale is$224.75.
Itisimportantitistopayattentiontotheamountof the commissionpercentagebeingoffered.
If they were only offering a 2% commission on this same $899 item you would only earn
If there is a guarantee period offered with the product sold, you will loose your commission
altogetherif the purchaserreturnsthe productandrequestsa refund.
PayPer Lead:(PPL) These type of programsare extremelypopular.Withthistype of program,
youare paidforeveryenquirythatcomesfromyoursite tothe advertiser’ssite,providedthe
visitormeetsthe criteriarequiredby the advertiser.For example,the visitormayhave to be
withinacertainage groupor have a certainincome level.
Because no purchase is involved, the chances are higher that the visitor will be “converted”
from being a website visitor to a prospective customer when they complete the required
actionof enteringtheircontactinformationonthe leadformonthe advertiser’ssite.
Commissionsforthesekindof programsare notasgenerous aspaypersale affiliate programs.
PayPerAction:(PPA) Inthistype of affiliatemarketingprogram, the advertiserpaysyouwhen
your referredvisitordecidestodownloadatrial versionof theirsoftware orreport.
Companies that offer electronic goods and services, such as publishers, computer and
software companies dominate this particular market. Sometimes, campaigns for pay per
actionare oftenusedincombinationwithpaypersale.The “trybeforeyoubuy”optionentices
the visitortodownloadthe productfor a settrial period.
Youare notguaranteedwiththismethodofpromotionthatthevisitorwill eventuallypurchase
the product, as having tried it, they might not like it, or they may just be content with using
the trial versionwithoutupgradingtothe Proversion.
Pay Per Click:(PPC) Thismethodiscommonlyusedby “contextual Ad”companies,Konteratm
being the most widely knownone. When a visitor hovers over a word their advert box pops
up witha linktoa relevantproduct.Thisisone of the easiestaffiliate marketingprogramsto
promote,asthe contentisalreadythere onyourwebsite orblog.
Commissionsfor this type of program can be very small, some as little as $0.02c per click,
payoutscan take a longtime to achieve whenusingthiskindof advertising/affiliatemethod
of promotion.
The busier your site, the more chance you have of making money with this kind of affiliate
Most of the methods mentioned above require you to have a fully functioning and already
It isimportantthatyouhave yourowndomainname andhostedsite,whetherthisisablogor
an html site doesn’treallymatter,youwill notbe consideredaviable affiliate toany network
if you donot have and ownyour ownwebpresence.
Do not be temptedto cut corners and use a free bloggeraccount or free hostedspace,most
of these companies,donotallowanykindof affiliatepromotiontobe runfromthese kindsof
If you are serious about earning money as an affiliate marketer you really needto invest the
fewdollarsrequiredtohave yourowndomainname andhostingaccount.Itdoesn’tmatterif
your source this from the cheapest domain registrar and the cheapest hosting provider, but
you must be in control of your own site. Imagine the heart break of waking up one morning
and findingthatyour free hosthas deletedall yourhard work,justsimply do not letyourself
be at the mercyof others.
Withthe plethoraof templatesavailable toworkwith,hostingyourownwordpressblogis
the quickestandeasiestwaytosetup a webpresence. If youhave no ideahow to seta blog
up,there are lotsof people on
http://www.fiverr.comwhowill dothisforyou. Here isa linkto a free downloadonhow to
setup your blogonyour ownhostingaccount
Try and stay away from ready made templates provided by some affiliate programs, this is
where the vendorprovidesyouwithyourownaffiliatepage.Whatyoureallyneedisforyour
site to be unique,nota clone of the original.If possible stayaway from flashingandrotating
The products you choose to promote should compliment your sites Niche / theme. For
example it is no use promoting get rich on the internet type products on the site anythingtobe promotedonthatsite needstobe relatedto,
Yes,you guesseditkeepingorrearingchickens,oranyotherbreedof foul.
We have startedto monetize the sitewiththe Clickbankproductandanaffiliateprogramthat
will pay8% commissionpersale onany productbought fromthe vendors’site. Fornow that
isall we are goingtouse,we donot wantthe site to looklike one bigadvert,we wantthe site
tobe builtintoanauthoritysite,sothatwhenthe surferislookingforinformationonChickens,
theywill be directedtothe site bythe searchengines.
Building your site into an authority site takes time and a lot of dedicated hard work. Try to
discipline yourself to add at least one article / post per day or every other day, use as many
targeted keywords in your articles / posts as you can, but don’t be tempted here to use too
Keepyourcontentfreshanduptodate andontopicforyourniche.If youhave usedaproduct
you are promoting, write an in depth review on it. Say why you like it or don’t like it,list it’s
positive andnegativesetc.bydoingthis,youare prequalifyingforvisitorandwhentheyleave
yoursite formore information,they’llspendtheirtimelookingforthebuybutton,notreading
the salespage ingreat depth.
• Do make sure you save youraffiliate linkstoatextfile onyourcomputer.
• Do make sure yousave anygraphicstoyourcomputeranduploadtoyourwebhosting
• Do make sure that your imagesshow upon yourwebsite.
• Do make sure that the images are clickable and go to the right site when they are
• Docheckthatyouraffiliate linkgoestoyouraffiliate accountusethe trackingstatistics
providedbythe programyou are using.
• Do make sure you can accept payments in the currency offered by the Vendor /
• Do check that any CPA offers you are promoting are still current; sometimes
campaignsare haltedor replacedbynewerones.
• Do join affiliate marketing forums, ask questions, interact and learn from other
affiliate marketers.
• Do make sure that you understand any terms and conditions placed upon you the
affiliatebythe networkyouare promoting.Don’tmix programsifyouare notallowed
• Do keepyourwebsite current,andupto date withfreshcontent.
• Do periodically test your order links to ensure that any vendors’ product you are
promotingthroughClickbankisstill usingClickbankastheiraffiliate program.
• Do periodically test your links to products you are promoting and are listed on
PayDotCom,PaySpree orRapBankto ensure theyare still live andinbusiness.
• Do work hard to drive traffic to your site. If you have time, write articles on your
chosenNiche /topicand submitthese tothe populararticle
• Do joinin discussionforumsrelatedtoyourniche / site theme,use the signature file
to linkbackto your site.
• Don’texpecttoearnafortune overnight,itjustdoesn’thappen.Anyonewhotellsyou
otherwise islying.
• Don’t breakthe rules of any agreementsyouhave signedwiththe networksorother
affiliate programmanagers.
• Don’tspam anyone withunsolicitedemail messages.
• Don’t forget to place a notice on your site and a warning in your email
communicationssoyoucomplywiththe FTC guidelines.
• Don’tkeeppromotingaproductor service if youare not makingcommissions/sales,
or if the vendorhasmade changesto the program.
• Don’t forget to make use of any marketing materials the program vendor may have
provided. Banners,Graphics, email messages or text ads. Remember though to stay
away fromany duplicate content,rewrite the emails,re wordthe advertssotheyare
unique toyouand yoursite.
• Don’t loadyour site withlots of flashing,rotating,blinkingbannersthatmake it look
like afireworkdisplay!
• Don’tgive up,if you are rejectedbyone network,tryanother.

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Affiliate marketing mastermind

  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 CLICK ON “YES” THIS FOR MY RECOMMENDATION TO YOU YES The informationpresentedinthiseBookrepresentsthe viewsof the publisheras of the date of publication. The publisher reserves the rights to alter and update their opinions based on new conditions.This eBookis for informational purposesonly. The author and the publisher do not acceptany responsibilitiesforanyliabilitiesresultingfromthe use of thisinformation. While everyattempthasbeenmade to verifythe informationprovidedhere,the authorand the publishercannotassume anyresponsibilityforerrors,inaccuraciesoromissions. Any similarities with people or facts are unintentional. No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, datedand signedpermissionfromthe publisher. Pursuantto the Federal Trade CommissionGuidelines: MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: The publisher of this book may be or does have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connectionto the providersof goods and servicesmentioned in this book and may be compensatedwhenyoupurchase fromanyof the linkscontainedherein.
  • 3. 3 DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: .................................................. 2 MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: ................................................. 2 Table of Contents ..................................................................................... 3 How does Affiliate Marketing Work? ...................................................... 5 Understanding Your chosen Program ................................................... 6 Different Affiliate Programs .................................................................... 7 ClickBank® ............................................................................................. 7 Creating Your Hoplinks to promote Products ................................. 10 PaySpree .............................................................................................. 14 Paydotcom ........................................................................................... 15 Rap Bank .............................................................................................. 17 E-Junkie ................................................................................................ 19 Click2sell .............................................................................................. 19 Other Affiliate Methods Network ......................................................... 23 Style Affiliate Programs ......................................................................... 23 Different Commission Structures ......................................................... 25 Promoting Your Chosen Product ......................................................... 27 Do’s and Don’ts ....................................................................................... 29 Do’s ....................................................................................................... 30 Don’ts ................................................................................................... 30 Affiliate Marketing is plain and simply a method of marketing where you can earn a commissionorfee forpromotingotherpeoplesproductsorservices.
  • 4. 4 You, the Affiliate agree to promote those products and or services via your webpage, your blog,youremail campaignsorwhatevermethodisallowed,andanysalesyoumake willearn youthe Affiliate asetfee /commissionoranagreedpercentage payment. Affiliate Marketingif done rightcan be very lucrative,manypeople earnagood livingjustby promotingotherpeoplesproducts. As an Affiliate Marketer, you don’t have to worry about creating your own product and you won’thave to deal withcustomers orcustomersupportissues. Your main skill set needed to become an Affiliate Marketer is some basic internetmarketing knowledge andmore importantly“thedesire to succeed” There are lotsof differentwaystobecome successfulatAffiliate Marketingandthere are lots of differentprograms,merchantsandvendorsoutthere whoare more thanwillingtopayyou theirAffiliate adecentpercentageof commissionovertoyouforpromotingtheirproducts. Withmostaffiliateprogramsthetypicalcommissionyoucanearnisbetween30% andinsome cases100% althoughaveragedout,50% isa more realisticbaseline. There are lotsof affiliate programsout there,andthe majorityof themare absolutelyfreeof charge tojoin. Affiliate Marketingcan,whendone right,be veryworthwhile. When you join an affiliate marketing program, you are either given a unique identifying number or name or you choose your own unique identifier. No two people in the same program have the same numberor name.Your linkisspecifictoyouandyou alone. The program operatorthenusesthisunique identifiertotrackall the leads/visitorsyousend to theirsite.Whenoneof theseleads/visitorspurchases“You”are creditedwiththe saleand
  • 5. 5 allocated the percentage commission for that sale. 95% of affiliate programs have reliable trackingsystemsinplace. When you send a visitor to the program owners’ website, that visitor is “logged” as having beensenttothe site viayouruniqueaffiliate link,evenif theydon’tpurchase onthe firstvisit, there is a chance that whentheyreturn at a later date to purchase,you can still getcredited for the sale, this is because most programs use “cookies” to store information about their visitors, as long the visitor you originally sent hasn’t picked another cookie up or deleted/cleared their cookies on their computer you are still credited with the sale for that visitor. Incase you’ve everwondered,that’sthe reasonwhythese bigname marketersalwaystellyou how to delete yourcookiesbefore yougo to order somethingthattheyare promoting.They do thisfor two reasons.One theywantto ensure that theygetcreditedforthe sale and two, that youget theirbonusestheyare offering. All programsworkdifferentlyandit’sagoodideatotryandfindoutwhatsystemyourprogram owner is using. For example, with Clickbank® it is always the last cookie that gets the sale allocatedto theiraccount. With others,it can be the firstcookie or a cookie that is for a set periodof time. All vendorswill haveguidelinesthatyoumustadhere to,make sure youread andunderstand them. It is no use further down the line saying you weren’t aware of their terms and conditions,mostaffiliate programshave abox that you tick to say youhave read understood etc,all vendorswill refuse topayandwill notpay affiliateswhodonotadhere totheirterms. What are the program vendor’s terms and conditions for payment? Is there a minimum amountyou have to earnincommissionbefore theywillpayyouout? Is thisamountachievable?
  • 6. 6 Is there a minimumcriterionyouhave to meetin orderto get paid?For example,Clickbank® has a strict CustomerDistributionRequirementthatyoumust meetbefore youget your first payout. Is there a needforyou to have your own PayPal account?Any vendorusingthe Rapid Action Profitsscriptswill notbe able topay youyour 100% commissionif youdonot have a Premier or BusinessaccountverifiedatPayPal. How will yourvendorpayyou? Doyou needabankaccount? Do youneeda PayPal Account? Will theydirectdebitpaymenttoyou?How muchare theygoingtocharge youtoreceiveyour commission? Yes,that’sright! Theycharge YOU toreceive YourMoney. We will discussvariousprogramsinmore depthon the nextfew pages.There isnot one that isperfect,butthere are some thatreallyare betterthanothers.  ClickBank® Clickbank® has beenaroundas a digital marketplace forover10 years,itis a well established program witha wealthof productsin itsmarket place foryou to choose from.It cost nothing to signup to Clickbank® andcreate anaccount as an affiliate. On the top menu bar click the link that says Sign Up. Fill in all the details
  • 7. 7 and agree to their terms and conditions. One part of theirformasks youto selectanaccount nickname thishastobe a combinationof 5-10 lettersanddigits. Choose somethingthatyouwill easilyremember,thisnickname isthe keytologgingintoyour Clickbank® account. Once you have your accountup and running,youcan thengo to theirmarketplace andcheck out all the productstheyhave available foryoutopromote. Clickbank® Offersreliabletrackingandtheirusefulreportingsectionallowsyoutoview lotsof informationaboutyouraccount.
  • 8. 8 You can drill down as much as you’d like. Withthis account, you can see there has beenjust the one sale inthe whole twoweekperiod. This was on Sunday 05th September – we can drill down and get to the sale to find out more information about it. In the weekly sales report, click on the week the sale was made.2010- 09-08 a newwindowopensupandwillshow the detailsof all transactionsmade inthatweek. Here you can see the date and time the transaction took place. The receipt number is asterisked because this is an affiliate sale. The TID is one that I set to track this particular product. (More on that later) The Pmt shows me that the purchaser paid via their PayPal account,theypaid inGBP and itis a recurringmonthlypayment(Sale-RB)
  • 9. 9 The nextsectionof the screenshowsthe amountof commissionearned,itwouldalsogiveyou the nickname of the vendor and the affiliate associated with the sale which country the customer came from and what their real last name and first name were, (I’ve edited those detailsoutforprivacyreasons) Clickbank® has an excellentsearchdashboardforyoutouse. Clickbank® hasliterallythousandsof productsforyoutopromotearecentadditionistheability to “Social Promote” so you can even earn commissions on recommending products to your Facebook friends. To use this feature make sure you log into your ClickBank account, before youcreate yourhoplink. Creating Your Hoplinks topromote Products Once you have selected your products you want to promote then you have to make your hoplink –rememberthisisyourunique identifiertothe system. Let’s say my Niche is the Pet niche,so I have gone to the marketplace,selectedthe category “Home and Garden”a sub categoryof thissectioniscalled“Animal Care and Pets”that’sthe sectionIwant to lookat.
  • 10. 1 0 Clickbankinformsme there are 381 productslistedandto choose frominthissectionof their marketplace.We needtodrill downevenfurthertofindourproductto promote. Here we can sortthe productsaccordingto our requirements. We are lookingfora productthat ispopular,hasa reasonable payout amount andhas a high gravity score. The gravity score tells us that other affiliates are successfully promoting this producttoo. Ideally, we are looking for a product that already has some affiliate tools we can use to promote it,unfortunatelynota lotof them do. The product above meetsthe criteriawe are lookingfor.The payout isjust under $20, and it has a reasonable gravity score of 59.44 there are also some good affiliate tools provided for you to promote it. The link to the affiliate page is wrong, but you can access the tools from theirsite quite easily. Theiraffiliate toolspage islocatedhere We are going to promote thisproduct, we click the promote button and a new screenopens us like thisone.If you are loggedintoyour Clickbankaccount, your nickname will alreadybe showinginthe topbox.The secondbox isfor anytrackingID you wantto add.
  • 11. 1 1 Adding a tracking ID is useful to remind you of where you are promoting the product and whichactual productitis.Forthisexample we are goingtochoose atrackingIDthatidentifies the product so we input “plans” as the tracking ID. Next hit the create button and your new encryptedlinkiscreatedforyouwiththe TID. Copy and paste the linksto a textfile onyour computermake sure to save the file forfuture reference. I have all my affiliate links saved in a file on the desktop and it’s simply called “AffiliateLinks” Nowwe have ourunique IDwe are goingto use thisto promote the product.Let’ssee how to knitit together. Fromthe affiliate page,goandselectanimage touse andadd itto your webpage orblog.The bannerone isnice and cleanand the rightsize.
  • 12. 1 2 We needtosave thisimage to our computer,sorightclickon it andchoose “save as”. The nextstepisto uploadthe image to our hostingspace /website. Place the picture intoyourimagesfolderinsideyourpublic_htmlfolder. We have namedthe image chickens3.jpg. To add the image complete withthe affiliate link,we have addedthe followingtextto a text widgetinourwordpresstheme.The themewe are usingallowsforone leaderboardstyleadd tobe addedtothe topof all the pages/posts.Byaddingthecode there,ouradvertandaffiliate linkwill be shownonall the sitespages. Here is the code the first line <a href=”http://1110b9u-” target=”_top”> is our affiliate linkand the second line <img src=””> tells the page where tolookfor the image to displaytothe visitor. <a href="" target="_top"> <img src=""></a> When anyone clicks on that image theyare taken to the salespage for the product and take alongwithit our affiliate ID,sowe can get creditedforthe sale.The bottomof the ClickBank orderform will show[affiliate=yourclickbankID.Your TrackingID. Whenanyone ordersthe producthavingcome fromoursite,wegetcreditedwiththe saleand earnthe 75% commissionpromised.
  • 13. 1 3 If there is a refund requested, their system automatically takes care of that and deducts any awardedcommissionsfromyouraccount. All clicksare recordedandtrackedbyClickbankandallpaymentstothevendorandtheaffiliate are processed by Clickbank. You do not need a PayPal account to be a Clickbank affiliate however you do need a regular checking account. You have to meet their strict Customer DistributionRequirementbeforetheywillpayoutyourfirstcommissioncheck. PaySpree Free to sign up to as an affiliate, their products compensations rates range from 50% to 100% commissions. Payspree charges a small fee from everysale. The fee is payable by either the vendor or the affiliatedependantuponwhothe salewascreditedto.Feesare paidtothe programoperator on a monthly basis at the start of each month. Payspree currently has 274 products listed in itsmarketplace. Payspree doesnotworkthe same wayas Clickbankbysharingeachindividual saleitworksby sharing the sales between the vendor and the affiliate. Unless you are promoting a 100% commissionproduct,the firstsale youmake,alwaysgoestothe productvendor.
  • 14. 1 4 Affiliates are responsible for refunding any sales that are credited to their account and subsequentlyrequestedtobe refunded.If youdonotrefundasale whenarefundisrequested your account can be disabled. Payspree provides tracking and reporting statistics similar to Clickbank. All paymentsto both the vendorand the affiliate are allocatedthroughthe Payspree system automatically.Youhave tohave a PayPal account inorderto use Payspree. A typical affiliate link for a Payspree product will look like this Payspreesproductsare growingand it can be worthwhile takinga lookat theirmarketplace to see if there isa product or twothat you couldaddto your site andpromote as an affiliate. Paydotcom is another market place style of system and has a large number of categoriesandproductsfor youto choose from. To signupasanaffiliateisfree,vendorsare allowedtopayyourcommissionseitherbycheque or by PayPal, the majority pay using PayPal, some will pay via pay people online, which unfortunatelyeatsevenfurtherintoyouraffiliate payout. All vendorsare responsible forpayingtheirownaffiliatesviawhichevermethodtheychoose. Paydotcomcurrentlyhas thousandsof productslistedinits marketplace.Youcan browse for productsto promote usingtheironline searchsystem;thissystemisverysimilartothe one at Clickbankyoucan searchby categories,subcategoriesorjustbya single keyword.
  • 15. 1 5 Unlike Clickbankwhereyouraffiliatesalesare groupedintothe oneaffiliate accountandeach vendors sales contribute to the one account, with Paydotcom, like Payspree, each sale you make is treated individually and your commissions are paid individually, Payspree does howeverpaythese commissionsdirectlyintoyourPayPal account. Paydotcomprovidestrackingandsalesstatisticsinthe formof Raw Clicks,Uniqueclicks,sales, refundsandconversionrates. Some Paydotcom vendorswill provideyouwithaffiliatetoolstouse suchas Banners,readymade emails,blogposts,etc, To promote any product from Paydotcom, you create your link from inside your account for the product youwant to promote. A typical affiliate linkforaPaydotcomproductwill looklike this. Anyvendorusingthe Paydotcomsystemhasa rightto refuse toaccept youas theiraffiliate. Rap Bank
  • 16. 1 6 To signupto Rapbank as an affiliateagainit’sFree simplyhitthe Joinnow linkandcreate your account. Rapbank is another marketplace where sellers list their digital products for you to promote. Rapbank is a little complicated and does not quite work the same as Clickbank, Payspree or Paydotcom, it’s somewhere in between all three. The free account set up is sufficient for anyone whoisjustlookingatbecominganaffiliate foranyproductlistedatRapbank. Statistics for your account will show you how many sales you have made, how many clicks have beenmade andhowmuch commissionyouhave made frompromotingeachproduct. Thisis whata typical affiliate linklookslike foraRapbankproduct. You can promote whole categories from the Rapbank Marketplace or just the whole marketplace itself by just using as you can probably tell fromthese links,ouraccountID at Rapbankis112 Rapbank wascreatedasaplace where allRapidActionProfitsscriptownerscouldgettogether and listtheiritemsfor sale.The benefittothe affiliatesisthat youhave a place to go to find these instant paying commission products this is a lot easier than having to search through Google forsites“poweredbyRapidActionProfits”. Whenyoupromote a productthroughRapbank,Rapbankdoesnotpayyou,the vendorof the product pays you automatically through the use of their script, since all Rap Bank listed product owners use the same script as their sales, affiliate and marketing system, the commissionsare paidthe same waythe Payspree systemworks.
  • 17. 1 7 If you have beenpaid for a sale and thensubsequentlythe purchaserrequestsa refund,you as the Affiliate must honour that refund. All Rapid Action Profits script usershave a right to refuse tohave youas theirAffiliateandcanban your accountfrom withintheirdashboard. E-Junkie E-junkie sells both digital and tangible goods and currently reports to have 8500 active merchants.E-junkie doesnothave amarketplace separatedintocategoriesorsubcategories, and itcan be reallydifficulttofindyourniche relatedproductstopromote. WithE-junkie eachmerchantisresponsiblefortheirownaffiliatescheme anddefinetheirown termsand conditions,i.e.whatcommissionpercentagetheywill pay,how oftentheywill pay
  • 18. 1 8 you,whatcurrencytheywill payyouinandthe level of commissions youhave tomeetbefore paymentismade to you. Asan affiliatepromotingavendorsproductate-junkieyoudogetaccesstothe basicstatistics of how many sales you have made for that particular vendor, there is no reporting of clicks throughyour affiliatelinks. Click2sell Click2sell currentlylistsover871 productsintheirmarketplace;youcansearch throughthe marketplace bycategoryor subcategory,youcan see the popularity,or% of salesmade by affiliatesetc. Signing up for an affiliate account is free, click2sell pay commissions three weeks after the month end and you can select to be paid either via PayPal or MoneyBookers and in a choice of currency. Click2sell providereasonable ata glance statisticsforyoutosearchthrough.Asthisisa newly openedaccount,there isnothingtosee,butthe picture onthe nextpage willgiveyouanidea of theirreportingcapability.
  • 19. 1 9 Whenyou are lookingat whichproductsto promote through theirmarketplace youcan click on more infoandget detailedinformationregardingboththe sellerandthe product. You also getto see detailedproductinformationhow itconverts,whatthe refundrate islike how popular it is and where the sales are made. As you can see from this screen shot, this productis mainlysoldthroughaffiliates;andthe refundrate is8% With click2sell, you have the option to create your affiliate link that will go straight to the vendors’ sales page,or you can create your own promotional page for the vendors’product and create youraffiliate linksothatitgoesdirectlytothe productscheckoutpage. The whole click2sell systemisverysimilartoClickbank,withone exception;the vendorshave to pay the affiliatesthroughthe system, as an affiliate youare not paidby click2sell directly.
  • 20. 2 0 Click2sell do state that they ban vendors from using their system if they do not pay the affiliatestheirrightful commission. As you can see there are a lot of digital market places to choose your products to promote from, and they are all different in the way they operate their systems, methods, reporting, tracking and payments,youmayevenfindthe same product listedatdifferentmarketplaces with different commissions being offered. Take your time to look around and find the best dealsbefore youbeginyourpromotions. A lotof internetmarketersprefertoruntheirowninhouseprogramstoo.If youfindaproduct that you reallylike andwantto promote it, have a lookat the bottomof the main salespage lookforthe words“Affiliates”or“Associates”sometimeseven“Partners” If whenyouvisitthe page the affiliate programisnotvisible use Googletosee if theydohave a program youcouldjoin. These two web sites contain a list of an enormous number of affiliate programs that are available tojoin. and There are several affiliate programnetworksonthe Internetwhereyoucanfinda wide range of merchantsin differentcategories.Rememberthatalthoughthese programs are all on the same site, they are independentlyowned and operatedby each merchant; the network just bringsthe merchantstogetherinone place forthe affiliate tofind.
  • 21. 2 1 The affiliate signsupto the network,the merchantsignsup to the networkandthe network managesboththe affiliatesandthe merchants.Examplesof networksare: CommissionJunction: Commission Junction is one of the leading affiliate program networks with over 2,000 merchantprogramsto choose from. Maxbounty ShareaSale If youdecide tojoinoneof the networks,alwaysmake suretoreadtheirtermsandconditions. Complywith theirrulesandall shouldbe fine. Aswithothertypesof affiliate programs,your commission is not paid by the network, but by the individual merchants/advertisers signed up to the network. For example MaxBounty state this in their terms and conditions. “Commissions will only be earned on Actions reported by the advertiser, and only after MaxBounty receives full payment from the Advertiser. MaxBounty is under no obligation to pay AffiliatesforActionswhichare notpaidby the Advertiser” CPA stands for "Cost Per Action", and compared to standard affiliate marketing, when you promote CPA offers,youcanactuallymake moneywithouthavingtogenerate asingle sale. This is the most appealing part of CPA because it gives even the newest of marketers the opportunity to generate an income. Whenyou send the visitor to the clients page and they complete the requiredaction,yougetpaidforthe visitorhavingdone whateverwasrequired of them,be itsimplysubmittingtheiremailaddressortelephone numberintoaform, orfilling out a simple short survey online. If you were responsible for sending the visitor, you get rewarded for it. CPA networksoperateasa“middleman”connectingpublishersandadvertiserstogether,they co-ordinate the placement of offers from these publishers and advertisers with you the
  • 22. 2 2 affiliate marketer. The CPA network takesa fee; or percentage of the offeredprice and pass the remainderof the fee ontoyouthe affiliate marketer. Once you have been accepted into their network you are given a unique affiliate link to promote the offerfrom. Unless you have a high volume of traffic to your site, or are willing to pay to send traffic to your site, it may take you a long time to get paid by a CPA network. The minimum payout threshold on most CPA networks is generally $50.00, so if you are receiving $0.50 per email address submittedand only have 5 visitors a week,it could take you a long while to hit that minimumpayoutthreshold. There are othernetworksthatwill payper view of theirbanneradsetc;againyouneedahigh trafficsite to earnmoneyfromthese methods. Pay Per Sale:One of the mostcommonformsof affiliatemarketingincentiveiscalledPayPer Sale (PPS). This is where the visitor clicks a link and makes a purchase. Your reward is a percentage commissionforthatsale. You can make the mostmoneyfromthistype of affiliatemarketingprogramonitemsthatare considered “high ticket” items, i.e., sophisticated software like Adobe (Macromedia) Dreamweaver that retailsfor $899, a 10% commission of this sale is $89, a 25% commission of thissale is$224.75. Itisimportantitistopayattentiontotheamountof the commissionpercentagebeingoffered. If they were only offering a 2% commission on this same $899 item you would only earn $17.98.
  • 23. 2 3 If there is a guarantee period offered with the product sold, you will loose your commission altogetherif the purchaserreturnsthe productandrequestsa refund. PayPer Lead:(PPL) These type of programsare extremelypopular.Withthistype of program, youare paidforeveryenquirythatcomesfromyoursite tothe advertiser’ssite,providedthe visitormeetsthe criteriarequiredby the advertiser.For example,the visitormayhave to be withinacertainage groupor have a certainincome level. Because no purchase is involved, the chances are higher that the visitor will be “converted” from being a website visitor to a prospective customer when they complete the required actionof enteringtheircontactinformationonthe leadformonthe advertiser’ssite. Commissionsforthesekindof programsare notasgenerous aspaypersale affiliate programs. PayPerAction:(PPA) Inthistype of affiliatemarketingprogram, the advertiserpaysyouwhen your referredvisitordecidestodownloadatrial versionof theirsoftware orreport. Companies that offer electronic goods and services, such as publishers, computer and software companies dominate this particular market. Sometimes, campaigns for pay per actionare oftenusedincombinationwithpaypersale.The “trybeforeyoubuy”optionentices the visitortodownloadthe productfor a settrial period. Youare notguaranteedwiththismethodofpromotionthatthevisitorwill eventuallypurchase the product, as having tried it, they might not like it, or they may just be content with using the trial versionwithoutupgradingtothe Proversion. Pay Per Click:(PPC) Thismethodiscommonlyusedby “contextual Ad”companies,Konteratm being the most widely knownone. When a visitor hovers over a word their advert box pops up witha linktoa relevantproduct.Thisisone of the easiestaffiliate marketingprogramsto promote,asthe contentisalreadythere onyourwebsite orblog. Commissionsfor this type of program can be very small, some as little as $0.02c per click, payoutscan take a longtime to achieve whenusingthiskindof advertising/affiliatemethod of promotion.
  • 24. 2 4 The busier your site, the more chance you have of making money with this kind of affiliate promotion. Most of the methods mentioned above require you to have a fully functioning and already indexedwebsiteorblog. It isimportantthatyouhave yourowndomainname andhostedsite,whetherthisisablogor an html site doesn’treallymatter,youwill notbe consideredaviable affiliate toany network if you donot have and ownyour ownwebpresence. Do not be temptedto cut corners and use a free bloggeraccount or free hostedspace,most of these companies,donotallowanykindof affiliatepromotiontobe runfromthese kindsof sites. If you are serious about earning money as an affiliate marketer you really needto invest the fewdollarsrequiredtohave yourowndomainname andhostingaccount.Itdoesn’tmatterif your source this from the cheapest domain registrar and the cheapest hosting provider, but you must be in control of your own site. Imagine the heart break of waking up one morning and findingthatyour free hosthas deletedall yourhard work,justsimply do not letyourself be at the mercyof others. Withthe plethoraof templatesavailable toworkwith,hostingyourownwordpressblogis the quickestandeasiestwaytosetup a webpresence. If youhave no ideahow to seta blog up,there are lotsof people on http://www.fiverr.comwhowill dothisforyou. Here isa linkto a free downloadonhow to setup your blogonyour ownhostingaccount
  • 25. 2 5 Try and stay away from ready made templates provided by some affiliate programs, this is where the vendorprovidesyouwithyourownaffiliatepage.Whatyoureallyneedisforyour site to be unique,nota clone of the original.If possible stayaway from flashingandrotating bannerstoo. The products you choose to promote should compliment your sites Niche / theme. For example it is no use promoting get rich on the internet type products on the site anythingtobe promotedonthatsite needstobe relatedto, Yes,you guesseditkeepingorrearingchickens,oranyotherbreedof foul. We have startedto monetize the sitewiththe Clickbankproductandanaffiliateprogramthat will pay8% commissionpersale onany productbought fromthe vendors’site. Fornow that isall we are goingtouse,we donot wantthe site to looklike one bigadvert,we wantthe site tobe builtintoanauthoritysite,sothatwhenthe surferislookingforinformationonChickens, theywill be directedtothe site bythe searchengines. Building your site into an authority site takes time and a lot of dedicated hard work. Try to discipline yourself to add at least one article / post per day or every other day, use as many targeted keywords in your articles / posts as you can, but don’t be tempted here to use too many. Keepyourcontentfreshanduptodate andontopicforyourniche.If youhave usedaproduct you are promoting, write an in depth review on it. Say why you like it or don’t like it,list it’s positive andnegativesetc.bydoingthis,youare prequalifyingforvisitorandwhentheyleave yoursite formore information,they’llspendtheirtimelookingforthebuybutton,notreading the salespage ingreat depth.
  • 26. 2 6 Do’s • Do make sure you save youraffiliate linkstoatextfile onyourcomputer. • Do make sure yousave anygraphicstoyourcomputeranduploadtoyourwebhosting space. • Do make sure that your imagesshow upon yourwebsite. • Do make sure that the images are clickable and go to the right site when they are clickedon. • Docheckthatyouraffiliate linkgoestoyouraffiliate accountusethe trackingstatistics providedbythe programyou are using. • Do make sure you can accept payments in the currency offered by the Vendor / Network. • Do check that any CPA offers you are promoting are still current; sometimes campaignsare haltedor replacedbynewerones. • Do join affiliate marketing forums, ask questions, interact and learn from other affiliate marketers. • Do make sure that you understand any terms and conditions placed upon you the affiliatebythe networkyouare promoting.Don’tmix programsifyouare notallowed to. • Do keepyourwebsite current,andupto date withfreshcontent. • Do periodically test your order links to ensure that any vendors’ product you are promotingthroughClickbankisstill usingClickbankastheiraffiliate program. • Do periodically test your links to products you are promoting and are listed on PayDotCom,PaySpree orRapBankto ensure theyare still live andinbusiness. • Do work hard to drive traffic to your site. If you have time, write articles on your chosenNiche /topicand submitthese tothe populararticle
  • 27. 2 7 directories. • Do joinin discussionforumsrelatedtoyourniche / site theme,use the signature file to linkbackto your site. Don’ts • Don’texpecttoearnafortune overnight,itjustdoesn’thappen.Anyonewhotellsyou otherwise islying. • Don’t breakthe rules of any agreementsyouhave signedwiththe networksorother affiliate programmanagers. • Don’tspam anyone withunsolicitedemail messages. • Don’t forget to place a notice on your site and a warning in your email communicationssoyoucomplywiththe FTC guidelines. • Don’tkeeppromotingaproductor service if youare not makingcommissions/sales, or if the vendorhasmade changesto the program. • Don’t forget to make use of any marketing materials the program vendor may have provided. Banners,Graphics, email messages or text ads. Remember though to stay away fromany duplicate content,rewrite the emails,re wordthe advertssotheyare unique toyouand yoursite. • Don’t loadyour site withlots of flashing,rotating,blinkingbannersthatmake it look like afireworkdisplay! • Don’tgive up,if you are rejectedbyone network,tryanother.