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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019, pp. 1100~1109
ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v9i2.pp1100-1109  1100
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A hybrid bacterial foraging and modified particle swarm
optimization for model order reduction
Hadeel N. Abdullah
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq
Article Info ABSTRACT
Article history:
Received Jul 16 2018
Revised Oct 17, 2018
Accepted Nov 10, 2018
This paper study the model reduction procedures used for the reduction of
large-scale dynamic models into a smaller one through some sort of
differential and algebraic equations. A confirmed relevance between these
two models exists, and it shows same characteristics under study. These
reduction procedures are generally utilized for mitigating computational
complexity, facilitating system analysis, and thence reducing time and costs.
This paper comes out with a study showing the impact of the consolidation
between the Bacterial-Foraging (BF) and Modified particle swarm
optimization (MPSO) for the reduced order model (ROM). The proposed
hybrid algorithm (BF-MPSO) is comprehensively compared with the BF and
MPSO algorithms; a comparison is also made with selected existing
Model order reduction
PSO Copyright © 2019 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.
Corresponding Author:
Hadeel N. Abdullah,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Technology,
Al-Sinaa Street, Baghdad, Iraq.
Scientists and engineers are often challenged with the analysis, design, and synthesis of real-life
problems due to the regularly increasing size of system models showing up by the present technology and
societal and environmental processes. In such studies, the initial step is the refinement of a mathematical
model which can be an alternative to the real problem. Modelling and controlling of complex-dynamic-
systems (CDS) is the farthest essential areas of study in many engineering fields and sciences [1]-[3].
In various cases and engineering applications, the dynamic system model under the study can be complicated
to some extent and pose challenges when used. Where there is high and complex mathematical model show
exactly the problem at hand, but it is not suitable for the numerical simulation. To overcoming this problem,
model order reduction (MOR) approach is used, which aims to convert a system model from higher order to a
lower order to facilitate the computational complexity of such problem and has lately been intensively
sophisticated for use with piecemeal more CDS inclusive both optimization and control [4]-[5] .
Various popular MOR methods for linear and nonlinear large-scale dynamical systems, are available
in the researches for MOR [6]-[8]. The need for new innovative and advanced approaches is justified.
Theories of evolutional computation are proposed [9] and mathematically formulated as a new way to model
and control of CDS [10]-[12].
All the above-mentioned methods didn’t take into account the merge between the BF and PSO for
the reduced order model. This paper comes out with a study showing the impact of the consolidation between
the BF and PSO for the reduced order model. As well as, the results are counterweight with the original BF
and with the proposed MPSO.
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 
A hybrid bacterial foraging and modified particle swarm optimization for model… (Hadeel N. Abdullah)
A straight time-invariant single-input single-output framework can be described by the following
2 1
0 1 2 1
0 1 2
( ) ...
( )
( ) ...
n n
n n
n n
N s a a s a s a s
G s
D s b b s b s b s
   
 
   
: 0 1
b : 0
a i n
i n
   
   are known as scalar constants.
To get the ( )th
r r n ROM ( ( )rG s ) which is represented in the form:
2 1
0 1 2 1
0 1 2
...( )
( )
( ) ...
r r
r r
e e s e s e sN s
G s
D s f f s f s b s
   
 
   
Where :0 1, :0i ie i r f i r     .The integral-square-error (ISE) between ( )rG s and ( )nG s models is
calculated to gauge the quality of the ROM. ISE is known by:
 
( ) ( )
i r i
ISE y t y t
 
Where ( )iy t and ( )r iy t are the unit step responses of the original and ROM, correspondingly. The transfer
function matrix of the multi_input multi_output system can be symbolized in the formula:
11 12 1
21 22 2
1 2
( ) ( ) ... ( )
( ) ( ) ... ( )1
( )
... ... ... ...( )
( ) ( ) ... ( )
m m mp
a s a s a s
a s a s a s
G s
D s
a s a s a s
 
 
 
 
 
   (4)
. . .where p no of input and m no of output 
( )
( )
( )
a s
g s
D s
1, 2, ..., , 1, 2, ...,where i p j m 
To get  th
r n ROM represented in the form of:
11 12 1
21 22 2
1 2
( ) ( ) ... ( )
( ) ( ) ... ( )1
( )
... ... ... ...( )
( ) ( ) ... ( )
m m mp
e s e s e s
e s e s e s
G s
D s
e s e s e s
 
 
 
 
 
   (6)
The overall form of ( )ijR s from ( )rG s is reserved as:
( )
( )
( )
e s
R s
D s
 ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019 : 1100 - 1109
To obtain the th
r order reduced transfer matrix ( )rG s , the factors of the communal denominator
( )rD s and the numerator ( )ije s of the ( )rG s are designed by decreasing the ISE between the ( )ijg s and ( )ijR s
order models.
2.1. BF algorithm
Recently, BF has become increasingly suitable as a global optimization technique in science and
engineering subjects [13], [14]. The basic structural details of the BF algorithm are depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Basic structural of the BF algorithm
2.2. MPSO algorithm
PSO has seen many changes since it's introduced by Eberhart and Kennedy [15]. Whenever
researchers learn about this technology, new versions are discovered, incorporated into new applications.
PSO is a populace grounded streamlining tool in which the framework is set through various arbitrary-
possibility elements famous as particles. Every particle takes a position ( )iXt and speed(V )i
t , which are
refreshed by the accompanying equations:
1 1 1 2 2. ( ) ( )i i i i i i
t t Lbest t Gbest tv wv c r P x c r P x     
1 1
i i i
t t tx x v   (9)
Where _ ,w is the inertia weight factor
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 
A hybrid bacterial foraging and modified particle swarm optimization for model… (Hadeel N. Abdullah)
1 2_ _ ,the cognitive social acceleration facc c tors  1 2 0, 1 ,_ r randomllyr 
Lbest thebest result achieved by i par= ticle
result all=Pi
Gbest the best achieved by particle
Different approaches are beneficial in texts for adjusting [16]-[19]. The proposed MPSO described
as follows:
Step 1: Identify the factors of PSO.
Step 2: Create an initial populace with M particles.
Step 3: estimate the fitness of each particle.
Step 4: Update according to one of the strategies proposed by us in [19].
Step 5: Update
tX and
tV for each particle by using Equations (8) and (9).
Step 6: Check the termination conditions.
2.3. BF-MPSO algorithm
To improve the performance; recent methods combine the PSO and BF algorithms
together [20]-[22]. Here we propose a hybrid algorithm (combining the features of BF and the proposed
MPSO (BF-MPSO) to acquire a ROM as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Basic structural of the proposed BF-MPSO algorithm
In this segment, the proposed advancement strategies are attempting to limit the ISE as indicated
in (3). The proposed techniques were actualized on a Pentium IV 3-GHz PC in the MATLAB 2010
condition. The exhibitions of the BF, MPSO, and BF-MPSO calculations were assessed utilizing consistent
estimations of the underlying elements proclaimed in Table 1.
 ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019 : 1100 - 1109
Table 1. Factors Used for Modified PSO, BF and BF_MPSO Algorithms
Parameters Value
Swarm size 50
Maximum-number of generations 50
Cognitive-social acceleration factors 1 2( , )c c 1.2, 0.8
Inertia-weight min max( )w w 0.4–0.9
Number-of-bacteria ( )S 20
Chemotactic-steps ( )cN 200
Maximum swim length ( )sN 2
Dispersal-number-of-bacteria ( )Ned 2
Reproduction number (Nre) 2
Dispersal probability ( )Ped 0.05
Example 1: Consider the 4th order system given in [4]:
3 2
4 4 3 2
14 249 900 1200
( )
19 102 190 120
s s s
G s
s s s s
  
   
The step-responses of the full and ROMs are displayed in Figure 3(a). Likewise, to assess the
feature of the model in the frequency space Figure 3(b) shows the frequency-amplitude attributes of the full
and ROMs. Keeping in mind the ISE and mean square error were computed, to compare the proposed
method with different ROMs, as appeared in Table 2. A comparison for the conjunction of the fitness
function with the number of generations for the two MPSO schemes is presented in Figure 4. Likewise,
Figure 5 displays the variant of the minimum fitness with the number of chemotactic steps.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Original and reduced models responses for example 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Step Responce
Bode Diagram
Frequency (rad/s)
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 
A hybrid bacterial foraging and modified particle swarm optimization for model… (Hadeel N. Abdullah)
Figure 4. Evolution processes of the MPSO strategies
for example 1
Figure 5. Evolution processes of BF and BF-MPSO
methods for example 1
Example 2: Consider the 8th
system model presented in [5]:
2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
40320 185760 222088 122664 36380 5982 514 18
40320 109584 118124 67284 22449 4536 546 36
s s s s s s s
s s s s s s s s
      
       
The step responses of the full and ROMs are presented in Figure 6(a). Also, Figure 6(b) displays the
frequency-amplitude attributes of the full and ROMs. Also, the ISE and mean square error were computed, to
compare the proposed method with different ROMs, as appeared in Table 3. A comparison for the
conjunction of the fitness function with the number of generations for the two MPSO schemes is presented in
Figure 7. Figure 8 displays a plot of the variation of the minimum fitness with the number of
chemotactic steps.
Table 2. Evaluation of Error Index Values for
Example 1
Table 3. Evaluation of Error Index Values for
Example 2
Method ROM
154.6 46.31
12.82 18.74 4.66
s s
 
0.0631 0.4020
836.5 399.1
69.39 112.9 40.03
s s
 
0.0615 0.3820
BF 2
148.3 466.4
12.5 51.73 46.64
s s
 
0.0917 0.8504
53.46 25.5
4.421 7.196 2.55
s s
 
0.0677 0.4638
Ref. [4] 2
30 40
3 6 4
s s
 
0.1428 2.0609
Ref. [22] 2
12.0166 12.0226
1.016 2.1155 1.202
s s
  0.0665 0.4472
Ref. [7] 2
2.8863 51.4892
4.15032 5.1489
s s
 
0.3146 9.9998
Ref. [8] 2
14 12.53
2.138 1.253
s s
 
0.3016 9.1872
Ref. [23] 2
5.2941 7.0588s s 
0.3301 11.003
Method ROM
340.4 104.3
19.97 137.7 104.3
s s
  0.0095 0.0092
682 208.8
40.13 277.4 209.8
s s
  0.0075 0.0057
BF 2
40.89 14.96
1.908 17.15 14.65
s s
 
0.0569 0.3281
90.75 28.23
5.316 36.5 28.12
s s
 
0.0086 0.0076
Ref. [4] 2
1.99 0.43184
1.17368 0.43184
s s
 
0.4371 19.296
Ref. [5] 2
6.7786 2
3 2
s s
 
0.1651 2.7825
Ref. [22] 2
88.04 26.48
4.021 28.59 2.648
s s
  4.6467
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Iteration Number
FitnessValue Convergence
Original PSO
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Number of Chemotactic steps
 ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019 : 1100 - 1109
(a) (b)
Figure 6. Original and reduced model responses for example 2: (a) step responses; (b) frequency responses
Figure 7. Evolution processes of two MPSO methods
for Example 2
Figure 8. Evolution processes of BF and BF-MPSO
methods for example 2
Example 3: A system model specified in [9], which is 6th order 2-input 2-output:
2(5 ) (4 s)
(1 s)(10 s) (2 s)(5 s)
( )
(10 s) (6 s)
(1 s)(20 s) (2 s)(3 s)
G s
  
     
  
 
    
, 11 12
21 22
( ) ( )1
( )
( ) (s)( )
a s a s
G s
a s aD s
 
  
 
2 3 4 5 6
( ) (1 )(2 )(3 )(5 )(10 )(20 ) 6000 13100 10060 3491 571 41D s s s s s s s s s s s s s             
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
( ) 6000 7700 3610 762 70 2
( ) 2400 4160 2182 459 38
( ) 3000 3700 1650 331 30
( ) 6000 7700 3610 601 42
a s s s s s s
a s s s s s s
a s s s s s s
a s s s s s s
     
     
     
     
By utilizing the second procedure of the MPSO calculation, the ROM system 2 ( )G s was:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bode Diagram
Frequency (rad/s)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Iteration Number
Original PSO
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Number of Chemotactic steps
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 
A hybrid bacterial foraging and modified particle swarm optimization for model… (Hadeel N. Abdullah)
(1.317 2.998) (1.031s 1.202)
(0.5782 1.499) (1.781s 3.014)
( )
( 3)(s 1)
G s
  
 
  
 
The step responses of the full and ROMs are displayed in Figure 9(a). Likewise, Figure 9(b)
displays the frequency-amplitude features of the full and ROMs. To compare the proposed method with
different ROMs, the ISE and mean square error were computed, as shown in Table 4.
Figure 9. Original and reduced model responses for example 3
From: In(1)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
From: In(2)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Step Responce
Time(sec) (seconds)
From: In(1)
From: In(2)
Bode Diagram
Frequency (rad/s)
Original Model
Reduced Model
 ISSN: 2088-8708
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019 : 1100 - 1109
Table 4. Evaluation of Error Index Values for Example
Method Reduced Model R11 R12 R21 R22
1.317 2.998
1.031 1.202
0.5782 1.499
1.781 3.014
( 4 3)r
r s
r s
r s
r s
D s s
 
 
 
 
  
r =
7.465 104
4.  104
Ref. [9]
1.328 3.104
1.034 1.241
0.5818 1.552
1.824 3.104
( 4.109 3.104)r
r s
r s
r s
r s
D s s
 
 
 
 
  
4.068 104
Ref. [23]
1.541 8.946
0.9941 3.579
0.994 4.473
0.5468 8.946
( 6.511 8.946)r
r s
r s
r s
r s
D s s
  
 
  
 
  
RMS Error =
6.634 105
8.845 107
RMS Error =
ISE = 0.127719
RMS Error =
Ref. [24]
1.079 0.7091
0.9031 0.2837
0.1955 0.3546
0.6895 80.7091
( 1.548 0.7091)r
r s
r s
r s
r s
D s s
 
 
 
 
  
RMS Error =
RMS Error =
RMS Error =
RMS Error =
In this paper, we presented a comparative study of three algorithms for ROM optimization
problems, namely: MPSO, BFO, and MPSO_BF. From Figures 3, 6, and 9, unmistakably observed that the
suggested techniques keep up steady state value and stability in the ROMs, while Figures 4 and 7 delineate
that the convergence speed of the second MPSO strategy is the fastest among the two strategies. Figures 5
and 8 illustrate that the speed of convergence and additionally the precision of the proposed BF-MPSO is
better than that of BF. In addition, these algorithms can use a smaller number of chemotactic steps, which
makes them faster. At long last, the information showed in Tables 2, 3, and 4 exhibits that the proposed
calculation performs well in contrast with other accessible procedures.
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Analytical Model of Cage Induction Machine Dedicated to the Study of the Inne...
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Optimal model of vehicular ad-hoc network assisted by unmanned aerial vehicl...
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Strengthening data integrity in academic document recording with blockchain a...IJECEIAES
Design of storage benchmark kit framework for supporting the file storage ret...
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Detection of diseases in rice leaf using convolutional neural network with tr...
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Detection of diseases in rice leaf using convolutional neural network with tr...IJECEIAES
A systematic review of in-memory database over multi-tenancy
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Agriculture crop yield prediction using inertia based cat swarm optimization
Agriculture crop yield prediction using inertia based cat swarm optimizationAgriculture crop yield prediction using inertia based cat swarm optimization
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Three layer hybrid learning to improve intrusion detection system performance
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Three layer hybrid learning to improve intrusion detection system performanceIJECEIAES
Non-binary codes approach on the performance of short-packet full-duplex tran...
Non-binary codes approach on the performance of short-packet full-duplex tran...Non-binary codes approach on the performance of short-packet full-duplex tran...
Non-binary codes approach on the performance of short-packet full-duplex tran...IJECEIAES
Improved design and performance of the global rectenna system for wireless po...
Improved design and performance of the global rectenna system for wireless po...Improved design and performance of the global rectenna system for wireless po...
Improved design and performance of the global rectenna system for wireless po...IJECEIAES
Advanced hybrid algorithms for precise multipath channel estimation in next-g...
Advanced hybrid algorithms for precise multipath channel estimation in next-g...Advanced hybrid algorithms for precise multipath channel estimation in next-g...
Advanced hybrid algorithms for precise multipath channel estimation in next-g...IJECEIAES
Performance analysis of 2D optical code division multiple access through unde...
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Performance analysis of 2D optical code division multiple access through unde...IJECEIAES
On performance analysis of non-orthogonal multiple access downlink for cellul...
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Phase delay through slot-line beam switching microstrip patch array antenna d...
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A simple feed orthogonal excitation X-band dual circular polarized microstrip...
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A simple feed orthogonal excitation X-band dual circular polarized microstrip...IJECEIAES
A taxonomy on power optimization techniques for fifthgeneration heterogenous ...
A taxonomy on power optimization techniques for fifthgeneration heterogenous ...A taxonomy on power optimization techniques for fifthgeneration heterogenous ...
A taxonomy on power optimization techniques for fifthgeneration heterogenous ...IJECEIAES

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Cloud service ranking with an integration of k-means algorithm and decision-m...
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Improving cyberbullying detection through multi-level machine learning
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Comparison of time series temperature prediction with autoregressive integrat...
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Design of storage benchmark kit framework for supporting the file storage ret...
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Advanced hybrid algorithms for precise multipath channel estimation in next-g...
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Performance analysis of 2D optical code division multiple access through unde...
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A hybrid bacterial foraging and modified particle swarm optimization for model order reduction

  • 1. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019, pp. 1100~1109 ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v9i2.pp1100-1109  1100 Journal homepage: A hybrid bacterial foraging and modified particle swarm optimization for model order reduction Hadeel N. Abdullah Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq Article Info ABSTRACT Article history: Received Jul 16 2018 Revised Oct 17, 2018 Accepted Nov 10, 2018 This paper study the model reduction procedures used for the reduction of large-scale dynamic models into a smaller one through some sort of differential and algebraic equations. A confirmed relevance between these two models exists, and it shows same characteristics under study. These reduction procedures are generally utilized for mitigating computational complexity, facilitating system analysis, and thence reducing time and costs. This paper comes out with a study showing the impact of the consolidation between the Bacterial-Foraging (BF) and Modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO) for the reduced order model (ROM). The proposed hybrid algorithm (BF-MPSO) is comprehensively compared with the BF and MPSO algorithms; a comparison is also made with selected existing techniques. Keywords: BF BF-MPSO ISE Model order reduction PSO Copyright © 2019 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. Corresponding Author: Hadeel N. Abdullah, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, Al-Sinaa Street, Baghdad, Iraq. Email: 1. INTRODUCTION Scientists and engineers are often challenged with the analysis, design, and synthesis of real-life problems due to the regularly increasing size of system models showing up by the present technology and societal and environmental processes. In such studies, the initial step is the refinement of a mathematical model which can be an alternative to the real problem. Modelling and controlling of complex-dynamic- systems (CDS) is the farthest essential areas of study in many engineering fields and sciences [1]-[3]. In various cases and engineering applications, the dynamic system model under the study can be complicated to some extent and pose challenges when used. Where there is high and complex mathematical model show exactly the problem at hand, but it is not suitable for the numerical simulation. To overcoming this problem, model order reduction (MOR) approach is used, which aims to convert a system model from higher order to a lower order to facilitate the computational complexity of such problem and has lately been intensively sophisticated for use with piecemeal more CDS inclusive both optimization and control [4]-[5] . Various popular MOR methods for linear and nonlinear large-scale dynamical systems, are available in the researches for MOR [6]-[8]. The need for new innovative and advanced approaches is justified. Theories of evolutional computation are proposed [9] and mathematically formulated as a new way to model and control of CDS [10]-[12]. All the above-mentioned methods didn’t take into account the merge between the BF and PSO for the reduced order model. This paper comes out with a study showing the impact of the consolidation between the BF and PSO for the reduced order model. As well as, the results are counterweight with the original BF and with the proposed MPSO.
  • 2. Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  A hybrid bacterial foraging and modified particle swarm optimization for model… (Hadeel N. Abdullah) 1101 2. PROBLEM FORMULATION A straight time-invariant single-input single-output framework can be described by the following function: 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 ( ) ... ( ) ( ) ... n n n n n n n N s a a s a s a s G s D s b b s b s b s            (1) Where : 0 1 b : 0 i i a i n i n         are known as scalar constants. To get the ( )th r r n ROM ( ( )rG s ) which is represented in the form: 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 ...( ) ( ) ( ) ... r rr r r r r e e s e s e sN s G s D s f f s f s b s            (2) Where :0 1, :0i ie i r f i r     .The integral-square-error (ISE) between ( )rG s and ( )nG s models is calculated to gauge the quality of the ROM. ISE is known by:   2 0 ( ) ( ) n i r i i ISE y t y t    (3) Where ( )iy t and ( )r iy t are the unit step responses of the original and ROM, correspondingly. The transfer function matrix of the multi_input multi_output system can be symbolized in the formula: 11 12 1 21 22 2 1 2 ( ) ( ) ... ( ) ( ) ( ) ... ( )1 ( ) ... ... ... ...( ) ( ) ( ) ... ( ) p p n n m m mp a s a s a s a s a s a s G s D s a s a s a s              (4) . . .where p no of input and m no of output  ( ) ( ) ( ) ij ij n a s g s D s  (5) 1, 2, ..., , 1, 2, ...,where i p j m  To get  th r n ROM represented in the form of: 11 12 1 21 22 2 1 2 ( ) ( ) ... ( ) ( ) ( ) ... ( )1 ( ) ... ... ... ...( ) ( ) ( ) ... ( ) p p r r m m mp e s e s e s e s e s e s G s D s e s e s e s              (6) The overall form of ( )ijR s from ( )rG s is reserved as: ( ) ( ) ( ) ij ij r e s R s D s  (7)
  • 3.  ISSN: 2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019 : 1100 - 1109 1102 To obtain the th r order reduced transfer matrix ( )rG s , the factors of the communal denominator ( )rD s and the numerator ( )ije s of the ( )rG s are designed by decreasing the ISE between the ( )ijg s and ( )ijR s order models. 2.1. BF algorithm Recently, BF has become increasingly suitable as a global optimization technique in science and engineering subjects [13], [14]. The basic structural details of the BF algorithm are depicted in Figure 1. Figure 1. Basic structural of the BF algorithm 2.2. MPSO algorithm PSO has seen many changes since it's introduced by Eberhart and Kennedy [15]. Whenever researchers learn about this technology, new versions are discovered, incorporated into new applications. PSO is a populace grounded streamlining tool in which the framework is set through various arbitrary- possibility elements famous as particles. Every particle takes a position ( )iXt and speed(V )i t , which are refreshed by the accompanying equations: 1 1 1 2 2. ( ) ( )i i i i i i t t Lbest t Gbest tv wv c r P x c r P x      (8) 1 1 i i i t t tx x v   (9) Where _ ,w is the inertia weight factor
  • 4. Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  A hybrid bacterial foraging and modified particle swarm optimization for model… (Hadeel N. Abdullah) 1103 1 2_ _ ,the cognitive social acceleration facc c tors  1 2 0, 1 ,_ r randomllyr  Pi Lbest thebest result achieved by i par= ticle result all=Pi Gbest the best achieved by particle Different approaches are beneficial in texts for adjusting [16]-[19]. The proposed MPSO described as follows: Step 1: Identify the factors of PSO. Step 2: Create an initial populace with M particles. Step 3: estimate the fitness of each particle. Step 4: Update according to one of the strategies proposed by us in [19]. Step 5: Update i tX and i tV for each particle by using Equations (8) and (9). Step 6: Check the termination conditions. 2.3. BF-MPSO algorithm To improve the performance; recent methods combine the PSO and BF algorithms together [20]-[22]. Here we propose a hybrid algorithm (combining the features of BF and the proposed MPSO (BF-MPSO) to acquire a ROM as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Basic structural of the proposed BF-MPSO algorithm 3. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS In this segment, the proposed advancement strategies are attempting to limit the ISE as indicated in (3). The proposed techniques were actualized on a Pentium IV 3-GHz PC in the MATLAB 2010 condition. The exhibitions of the BF, MPSO, and BF-MPSO calculations were assessed utilizing consistent estimations of the underlying elements proclaimed in Table 1.
  • 5.  ISSN: 2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019 : 1100 - 1109 1104 Table 1. Factors Used for Modified PSO, BF and BF_MPSO Algorithms Parameters Value Swarm size 50 Maximum-number of generations 50 Cognitive-social acceleration factors 1 2( , )c c 1.2, 0.8 Inertia-weight min max( )w w 0.4–0.9 Number-of-bacteria ( )S 20 Chemotactic-steps ( )cN 200 Maximum swim length ( )sN 2 Dispersal-number-of-bacteria ( )Ned 2 Reproduction number (Nre) 2 Dispersal probability ( )Ped 0.05 Example 1: Consider the 4th order system given in [4]: 3 2 4 4 3 2 14 249 900 1200 ( ) 19 102 190 120 s s s G s s s s s         The step-responses of the full and ROMs are displayed in Figure 3(a). Likewise, to assess the feature of the model in the frequency space Figure 3(b) shows the frequency-amplitude attributes of the full and ROMs. Keeping in mind the ISE and mean square error were computed, to compare the proposed method with different ROMs, as appeared in Table 2. A comparison for the conjunction of the fitness function with the number of generations for the two MPSO schemes is presented in Figure 4. Likewise, Figure 5 displays the variant of the minimum fitness with the number of chemotactic steps. (a) (b) Figure 3. Original and reduced models responses for example 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time(sec) Amplitude Step Responce Original MPSO1 MPSO2 BFO BF-MPSO 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 -90 -45 0 Phase(deg) Bode Diagram Frequency (rad/s) -20 -10 0 10 20 Magnitude(dB) Original MPSO1 MPSO2 BFO BF-MPSO
  • 6. Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  A hybrid bacterial foraging and modified particle swarm optimization for model… (Hadeel N. Abdullah) 1105 Figure 4. Evolution processes of the MPSO strategies for example 1 Figure 5. Evolution processes of BF and BF-MPSO methods for example 1 Example 2: Consider the 8th system model presented in [5]: 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 40320 185760 222088 122664 36380 5982 514 18 40320 109584 118124 67284 22449 4536 546 36 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s                The step responses of the full and ROMs are presented in Figure 6(a). Also, Figure 6(b) displays the frequency-amplitude attributes of the full and ROMs. Also, the ISE and mean square error were computed, to compare the proposed method with different ROMs, as appeared in Table 3. A comparison for the conjunction of the fitness function with the number of generations for the two MPSO schemes is presented in Figure 7. Figure 8 displays a plot of the variation of the minimum fitness with the number of chemotactic steps. Table 2. Evaluation of Error Index Values for Example 1 Table 3. Evaluation of Error Index Values for Example 2 Method ROM RMS- Error ISE Proposed MPSO1 2 154.6 46.31 12.82 18.74 4.66 s s s    0.0631 0.4020 Proposed MPSO2 2 836.5 399.1 69.39 112.9 40.03 s s s    0.0615 0.3820 Proposed BF 2 148.3 466.4 12.5 51.73 46.64 s s s    0.0917 0.8504 Proposed BFMPSO 2 53.46 25.5 4.421 7.196 2.55 s s s    0.0677 0.4638 Ref. [4] 2 30 40 3 6 4 s s s    0.1428 2.0609 Ref. [22] 2 12.0166 12.0226 1.016 2.1155 1.202 s s s    0.0665 0.4472 Ref. [7] 2 2.8863 51.4892 4.15032 5.1489 s s s    0.3146 9.9998 Ref. [8] 2 14 12.53 2.138 1.253 s s s    0.3016 9.1872 Ref. [23] 2 70.588 5.2941 7.0588s s  0.3301 11.003 Method ROM RMS Error ISE Proposed MPSO1 2 340.4 104.3 19.97 137.7 104.3 s s s    0.0095 0.0092 Proposed MPSO2 2 682 208.8 40.13 277.4 209.8 s s s    0.0075 0.0057 Proposed BF 2 40.89 14.96 1.908 17.15 14.65 s s s    0.0569 0.3281 Proposed BFMPSO 2 90.75 28.23 5.316 36.5 28.12 s s s    0.0086 0.0076 Ref. [4] 2 1.99 0.43184 1.17368 0.43184 s s s    0.4371 19.296 Ref. [5] 2 6.7786 2 3 2 s s s    0.1651 2.7825 Ref. [22] 2 88.04 26.48 4.021 28.59 2.648 s s s    4.6467 2.37 102 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Iteration Number FitnessValue Convergence Original PSO MPSO2 MPSO1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of Chemotactic steps MinimumcostfunctionforeachChemotactic BF BF-MPSO
  • 7.  ISSN: 2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019 : 1100 - 1109 1106 (a) (b) Figure 6. Original and reduced model responses for example 2: (a) step responses; (b) frequency responses Figure 7. Evolution processes of two MPSO methods for Example 2 Figure 8. Evolution processes of BF and BF-MPSO methods for example 2 Example 3: A system model specified in [9], which is 6th order 2-input 2-output: 6 2(5 ) (4 s) (1 s)(10 s) (2 s)(5 s) ( ) (10 s) (6 s) (1 s)(20 s) (2 s)(3 s) s G s                    , 11 12 6 21 22 ( ) ( )1 ( ) ( ) (s)( ) a s a s G s a s aD s        Where: 2 3 4 5 6 ( ) (1 )(2 )(3 )(5 )(10 )(20 ) 6000 13100 10060 3491 571 41D s s s s s s s s s s s s s              2 3 4 5 11 2 3 4 5 12 2 3 4 5 21 2 3 4 5 22 ( ) 6000 7700 3610 762 70 2 ( ) 2400 4160 2182 459 38 ( ) 3000 3700 1650 331 30 ( ) 6000 7700 3610 601 42 a s s s s s s a s s s s s s a s s s s s s a s s s s s s                         By utilizing the second procedure of the MPSO calculation, the ROM system 2 ( )G s was: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Time(sec) Amplitude Original MPSO1 MPSO2 BFO BF-MPSO -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Magnitude(dB) 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 -90 -45 0 45 Phase(deg) Bode Diagram Frequency (rad/s) Original MPSO1 MPSO2 BFO BF-MPSO 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Iteration Number FitnessValue Convergence Original PSO MPSO2 MPSO1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Number of Chemotactic steps MinimumcostfunctionforeachChemotactic BF BF-MPSO
  • 8. Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  A hybrid bacterial foraging and modified particle swarm optimization for model… (Hadeel N. Abdullah) 1107 2 (1.317 2.998) (1.031s 1.202) (0.5782 1.499) (1.781s 3.014) ( ) ( 3)(s 1) s s G s s           The step responses of the full and ROMs are displayed in Figure 9(a). Likewise, Figure 9(b) displays the frequency-amplitude features of the full and ROMs. To compare the proposed method with different ROMs, the ISE and mean square error were computed, as shown in Table 4. (a) (b) Figure 9. Original and reduced model responses for example 3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 From: In(1) To:Out(1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0.5 1 1.5 To:Out(2) From: In(2) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Step Responce Time(sec) (seconds) Amplitude Original Reduced -100 -50 0 From: In(1) To:Out(1) -90 -45 0 To:Out(1) -100 0 100 To:Out(2) 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 -135 -90 -45 0 To:Out(2) From: In(2) 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Bode Diagram Frequency (rad/s) Magnitude(dB);Phase(deg) Original Model Reduced Model
  • 9.  ISSN: 2088-8708 Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019 : 1100 - 1109 1108 Table 4. Evaluation of Error Index Values for Example Method Reduced Model R11 R12 R21 R22 Proposed MPSO2 11 12 21 22 2 1.317 2.998 1.031 1.202 0.5782 1.499 1.781 3.014 ( 4 3)r r s r s r s r s D s s            = 0.004504 ISE = 0.004077 r = 0.001927 ISE = 7.465 104 = 0.001475 ISE = 4.  104 = 0.017657 ISE = 0.062667 Ref. [9] 11 12 21 22 2 1.328 3.104 1.034 1.241 0.5818 1.552 1.824 3.104 ( 4.109 3.104)r r s r s r s r s D s s            = 0.004332 ISE = 0.003772 = 0.002527 ISE= 0.001283 = 0.001423 ISE = 4.068 104 = 0.018692 ISE = 0.070228 Ref. [23] 11 12 21 22 2 1.541 8.946 0.9941 3.579 0.994 4.473 0.5468 8.946 ( 6.511 8.946)r r s r s r s r s D s s              = 0.047831 ISE = 0.459849 RMS Error = 6.634 105 ISE = 8.845 107 RMS Error = 0.025207 ISE = 0.127719 RMS Error = 0.004436 ISE = 0.003955 Ref. [24] 11 12 21 22 2 1.079 0.7091 0.9031 0.2837 0.1955 0.3546 0.6895 80.7091 ( 1.548 0.7091)r r s r s r s r s D s s            RMS Error = 0.027311 ISE = 0.149925 RMS Error = 0.059892 ISE = 0.720996 RMS Error = 0.039632 ISE = 0.315713 RMS Error = 0.069859 ISE = 0.980948 4. CONCLUSION In this paper, we presented a comparative study of three algorithms for ROM optimization problems, namely: MPSO, BFO, and MPSO_BF. From Figures 3, 6, and 9, unmistakably observed that the suggested techniques keep up steady state value and stability in the ROMs, while Figures 4 and 7 delineate that the convergence speed of the second MPSO strategy is the fastest among the two strategies. Figures 5 and 8 illustrate that the speed of convergence and additionally the precision of the proposed BF-MPSO is better than that of BF. In addition, these algorithms can use a smaller number of chemotactic steps, which makes them faster. At long last, the information showed in Tables 2, 3, and 4 exhibits that the proposed calculation performs well in contrast with other accessible procedures. REFERENCES [1] Leitch, R.R., “Modelling of Complex Dynamic Systems,” In IEEE Proceedings D (Control Theory and Applications) (Vol. 134, No. 4, pp. 245-250). IET Digital Library, July 1987. [2] Feldmann, P. and Freund, R.W., “Efficient Linear Circuit Analysis by Padé Approximation Via the Lanczos Process,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 14(5): 639-649, 1995. [3] Yavarian, K., Hashemi, F. and Mohammadian, A., “Design of Intelligent PID Controller for AVR System Using an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System,” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 4(5), pp.703-718, 2014. [4] Friedland, B. and Hutton, M. F., “Routh Approximations for Reducing the Order of the Linear Time-Invariant System,” IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 20(3): 329-337, 1975. [5] Shamash, Y., “Linear System Reduction Using Pade Approximation to Allow Reduction of Dominant Model,” International Journal of Control, 21(2): 257-272, 1975. [6] Enns, D.F., “Model Reduction With Balanced Realizations: An Error Bound and a Frequency Weighted Generalization,” In Decision and Control, 1984. The 23rd IEEE Conference on (Vol. 23, pp. 127-132). IEEE, 1984, December. [7] Vishwakarma, C.B., and Prasad, R., “A Clustering Method for Reducing the Order of Linear System Using Pade Approximation,” IETE journal of research, 54(5): 326-330, 2008. [8] Mukherjee, S. and Mittal, R.C., “Order Reduction Using the Mixed Method,” In IECON 2012-38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (pp. 2384-2388). IEEE, October 2012. [9] Vasu, G., Santosh, K.V.S. and Sandeep, G., March. “Reduction of Large-Scale Linear Dynamic SISO and MIMO Systems Using Differential Evolution Optimization Algorithm,” In Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), 2012 IEEE Students' Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE, 2012.
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