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Phrasal Verb = Verb + Preposition / Adverb
Eg: Put on, come up with, call on, set aside etc....
Put on = to wear/ to dress (ധരികക)
Put up = to build/establish/raise (പണിയക, ഉയരതക, സാപികക)
Put across = to make understand/communicate/convey (ധരിപികക)
Put down = to suppress (അടിചമരതക)
Put off = postpone (മാറിവയക)
Put down = to humiliate (അപമാനികക)
Put in = to spend time/insert/install(സമയം െചലവിടക)
Put up with= to tolerate/ bare with (സഹികക)
Put out = extinguish fire/disconnect (തീ അണകക)
Put back = restore (പനസാപികക)
Get on = make progress/manage (ൈകകാരയം െചയക)
Get about = to go from place to place (സലങള ോതാറം ോപാവക)
Get across = communicate (വിനിമയം െചയക)
Get along = to live in harmony (ോസഹതില ജീവികക)
Get around = overcome (അതിജീവികക)
Get at = reach (എതിോചരക)
Get away = escape (രകെപടക)
Get down = decend/alight (ഇറങക)
Get hold of = grasp/understand (മനസിലാകക)
Get in = enter (പോവശികക)
Get off = alight (ഇറങക)
Get over = recover from (മകിോനടക)
Get through = pass (കടന കടക, വിജയികക)
Get up = rise up (ഉണരക)
Get-together = social assembly (കടിോചരല)
Get back = retrive (തിരിെക ോനടക)
Go off = explode (െപാടിെതറികക)
Go down = decrease/descend (കറയക)
Go away = depart (യാത പറെപടക)
Go for = attack (ആകമികക)
Go on = continue (തടരക)
Go through = examine (പരിോശാധികക)
Go out = be extinguished (ഇലാെതയാവക)
Go up = rise (ഉയരക)
Call on = visit a person (ഒരാെള സനരശികക)
Call off = cancel (നിരതല െചയക)
Call at = visit a place (ഒര സധലം സനരശികക)
Call up = to summon for military service (വിളികക)
Bring up = educate and train children (ോപാറക)
Bring about = cause to happen (സംഭവികക)
Bring down= to reduce/cause to fall (കറയക)
Bring out = produce/publish (ഉതപാദിപികക,
Bring forth = produce/give birth to (ജനം നലകക)
Bring forward = move to earlier position
(മന സാനോതക ോപാവക)
Bring in = introduce / produce as profit (അവതരിപികക)
Carry on = continue (തടരക)
Carry out = perform (നടപിലാകക)
Come about = happen (സംഭവികക)
Come across = to meet or find by chance
(അവിചാരിതമായി കണമടക)
Come forward = make progress (പോരാഗതിയണാകക)
Come down = decline (തകരക)
Come into = inherit (ൈപതകമായി ലഭികക)
Come off = succeed (വിജയിചവരിക)
Come up with = produce (ഒരാശയം മോനാട വയക)
Come out with = declare (പഖയാപികക)
Give away = give it to someone (നലകക)
Give back = restore (തിരിെകെകാടകക)
Give in = yeild / surrender (കീഴടങക)
Give out = announce (പഖയാപികക)
Give up = abandon/stop doing some thing/surrender
Keep back = prevent form advancing
(മോനാട ോപാകനതില നിനം തടയക)
Keep on = continue (തടരക)
Keep out = prevent from entering (പോവശനം തടയക)
Keep up = maintain (നിലനിരതക)
Look after = take care of (വളരതക)
Look at = regard (പരിഗണികക)
Look back = consider past (ഭതകാലം കണകിെലടകക)
Look for = search (അോനവഷികക)
look forward to = expect with pleasure (പതീകികക)
Look in = pay a short visit (ഹസവ സനരശനം നടതക)
Look into = investigate (അോനവഷികക)
Look out = be watchful (ശദയിലായിരികക)
Look through = examine (പരിോശാധികക)
Look up = examine (പരിോശാധികക)
Make for = travel towards (സഞരികക)
Make off = run away (ഓടിോപാവക)
Make out = discover the meaning of/ understand
(മനസിലാകക, അരതം കെണതക)
Make up one's mind = decide to do something (തീരമാനികക)
Make up = put together (കടിവയക)
Set in = begin (ആരംഭം കറികക)
Set off = start (തടങക)
Set off/ out = start a journey (യാത തടങക)
Set up = start a new business/ achieve (പത സംരംഭം തടങക, ോനടക)
Take after = resemble (സാമയം ോതാനക)
Take back = withdraw (പിന വലികക)
Take down = write (എഴതിെയടകക)
Take for = attribute wrong identity (െതറായി പരാമരശികക)
Take in = deceive (വഞികക)
Take off = remove/leave the ground (നീകക, സലം വിടക)
Take on = undertake work (ഏെറടകക)
Take over = assume responsibility (ഉതരവാദിതവം ഏെറടകക)
Take to = begin a habit (സവഭാവം ആരംഭികക)
Turn away = refuse admittance (നിോഷധികക)
Turn down = refuse/reject offer (ഉോപകികക)
Turn into = convert into (മാറക)
Turn on/off = switch on (സവിച് ഓണ െചയക)
Turn up/down = increase/decrease the pressure (മരദംകറകക)
Turn out = assemble (ഒരമിച കടക)
Turn up = arrive/appear (എതിോചരക)
Complete the following choosing the right phrases given in brackets and fill in the
blanks in the passage given below.
The banker had ____(a)_____ a plan to murder the lawyer. But when he came
into the room he ______(b)______a letter on the table. In it the lawyer expressed
his decision to renounce the two millions and explained how he planned to
______(c)_______ from the prison five hours before the time fixed. The banker
____ (d) ______ his plan and waited for the next day.
(get away, call for, give up, set up, come across, go on)
(a) set up
(b) came across
(c) get away
(d) gave up
Rewrite the passage given below replacing the verbs that can be substituted by
the phrasal verbs given in bracket.
When my uncle visited (a) Paris he was detained at the airport. As he could
speak only Malayalam and Hindi the airport officials could understand (b)
nothing. His request for an interpreter was also declined (c). He was kept under
custody but fortunately he was released (d) later because of the intervention of
the Indian embassy officials.
(call at, turn down, let off, make out)
(a) call at (c) turn down
(b) make out (d) let off
Read the following telephonic conversation between Asha and Mary and complete the
conversation by choosing suitable phrasal verbs from the bracket given below:
(get on, go off, get back, hold on, look after, take after)
Asha : Hello, can I speak to Mary please?
The voice : ______a________ please, I'll call her.
Mary : Hello, who is this?
Asha : It's me, Asha.
Mary : Oh Asha, tell me. How are you____b__? What are your plans for the day?
Asha : I'm fine. My youngest daughter is not well. So I have to _____c____ her.
Mary : Oh, can you be there, on the line?
Asha : What happened?
Mary : There is somebody at the door.
Asha : Well, I will _______d_______ later
(a) Hold on (c) look after
(b) getting on (d) get back
Choose the appropriate phrasal verb and complete the passage
I ________a______ (came across/came up) the screenplay of a movie that
was going to be shot. Though I liked the storyline, I was _______b______
(taken aback/taken for) by the climax. I asked the director to
_______c_____ (bring about/bring down) certain changes. But he
_____d______ (turn off/turn down) my suggestions.
(a) came across
(b) taken aback
(c ) bring about
(d) turn down
Complete the following note using suitable phrasal verbs given in brackets
The king could not -------(a)----- the loud cry for food from the beggar. The
beggar ......... (b) ............ crying in a horrible voice . The king ordered the
servant to ........ (c) .......... the cry by driving the beggar away. The wise
servant ........ (d) ...... a plan to stop the beggar's cry.
(put forward, put up with, went on, put an end to, put in)
(a) put up with
(b) went on
(c) put an end to
(d) put forward
Replace the underlined words with the right forms of the phrases given in
The mother rejected her children's demand to play outside and
suggested indoor games, but the children were not willing and
continued with the demand. At last, the mother yielded and allowed
them to play outside.
(go on, put forward give in, turn down, give up)
(a) rejected – turned down
(b) suggested – put forward
(c) continued – went on
(d) yielded – gave in
Replace the underlined words with the right forms of the phrases given in
The night was so hot that the narrator found it difficult to tolerate
the weather. Hence he went out for a walk in the street. Suddenly a
man appeared before him and asked for his eyes. Somehow the
narrator escaped and reached the hotel. The frightened narrator
started his journey as the place was quite strange to adjust with
(turn up, put up with, set off, get away)
(a) tolerate – put up with
(b) appeared – turned up
(c) escaped – got away
(d) started – set off
Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the phrases given in brackets
The hungry beggar ___(a)____ for bread in the street. The annoyed
king ordered his men to ___(b)___ him brutally but the determined
beggar was not ready to ___(c)_____ before the king and to
___(d)____ his demands
(give in, give up, put down, put up, call out)
(a) called out
(b) put down
(c) give in
(d) give up
Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the phrases given in brackets
Balthazar, the artist ___(a)___ Jose Montiel's house to ____(b)____
the marvellous cage to Pepe. But Jose Montiel, the father
____(c)_____ with Pepe and asked Balthazar to ____(d)_____.
(go off, give away, take back, take in, call at)
(a) call at
(b) give away
(c) went off
(d) take back
Fill in the blanks in the passage given below with the right phrases given in
The man I saw on the road had ___(a)___ very expensive dress.
When asked he told me he was a tourist and wanted to ___(b)___
the museum. He really struggled to ___(c)___ his ideas in English.
He ____(d)____ explaining his interest in history but I hardly
understood anything.
(went on, call at, put on, put across)
(a) put on
(b) call at
(c) put across
(d) went on
Complete the following choosing the right phrases given in brackets and fill in
the blanks in the passage given below.
The banker had ___(a)___ a plan to murder the lawyer. But when he
came into the room he ___(b)___ a letter on the table. In it the
lawyer expressed his decision to renounce the two millions and
explained how he planned to ___(c)____ from the prison five hours
before the time fixed. The banker ____(d___) his plan and waited
for the next day.
(get away, call for, give up, set up, come across, go on )
(a) set up
(b) came across
(c) get away
(d) gave up
Replace the underlined words with the right forms of the phrases given in
When my uncle visited (a) Paris he was detained at the airport. As
he could speak only Malayalam and Hindi the airport officials could
understand (b) nothing. His request for an interpreter was also
declined (c ). He was kept under custody but fortunately he was
released (d) later because of the intervension of the Indian
Embassy officials.
(call at, turn down, let off, make out)
(a) visited - called at
(b) understand - make out
(c) declined – turned down
(d) released – let off
Read the following telephonic conversation between Asha and Mary and complete the
conversation by choosing suitable phrasal verbs from the bracket given below.
( get on, go off, get back, hold on, look after, take after)
Asha : Hello, can I speak to Mary please?
The voice : ________(a)_______ please. I'll call her.
Mary : Hello, may I know who is calling?
Asha : It's me Asha.
Mary : Oh Asha! Tell me. How are you? _____(b)____? What are
your plans for the day?
Asha : I'm fine. My youngest daughter is not well. So I have to
____(c)____ her.
Mary : Oh, can you be there, on the line?
Asha : What happened?
Mary : There is somebody at the door.
Asha : Well, I will _____(d)_______ later
(a) hold on
(b) getting on
(c) look after
(d) get back
Choose appropriate phrasal verb and complete the passage
I ______(a)______ (came across/came up) the screen play of a
movie that was going on to be shot. Though I liked the storyline, I
was ______(b)______ (taken back/taken for) by the climax. I asked
the director to ______(c)______ (bring about/bring down) certain
changes. But he ______(d)______ (turn off/turned down) my
(a) came across
(b) taken back
(c) bring about
(d) turned down

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Phrasal Verbs new updated

  • 1.
  • 2. Phrasal Verb = Verb + Preposition / Adverb Eg: Put on, come up with, call on, set aside etc.... Put Put on = to wear/ to dress (ധരികക) Put up = to build/establish/raise (പണിയക, ഉയരതക, സാപികക) Put across = to make understand/communicate/convey (ധരിപികക) Put down = to suppress (അടിചമരതക) Put off = postpone (മാറിവയക) Put down = to humiliate (അപമാനികക) Put in = to spend time/insert/install(സമയം െചലവിടക) Put up with= to tolerate/ bare with (സഹികക) Put out = extinguish fire/disconnect (തീ അണകക) Put back = restore (പനസാപികക)
  • 3. Get Get on = make progress/manage (ൈകകാരയം െചയക) Get about = to go from place to place (സലങള ോതാറം ോപാവക) Get across = communicate (വിനിമയം െചയക) Get along = to live in harmony (ോസഹതില ജീവികക) Get around = overcome (അതിജീവികക) Get at = reach (എതിോചരക) Get away = escape (രകെപടക) Get down = decend/alight (ഇറങക) Get hold of = grasp/understand (മനസിലാകക) Get in = enter (പോവശികക) Get off = alight (ഇറങക) Get over = recover from (മകിോനടക) Get through = pass (കടന കടക, വിജയികക) Get up = rise up (ഉണരക) Get-together = social assembly (കടിോചരല) Get back = retrive (തിരിെക ോനടക)
  • 4. Go Go off = explode (െപാടിെതറികക) Go down = decrease/descend (കറയക) Go away = depart (യാത പറെപടക) Go for = attack (ആകമികക) Go on = continue (തടരക) Go through = examine (പരിോശാധികക) Go out = be extinguished (ഇലാെതയാവക) Go up = rise (ഉയരക) Call Call on = visit a person (ഒരാെള സനരശികക) Call off = cancel (നിരതല െചയക) Call at = visit a place (ഒര സധലം സനരശികക) Call up = to summon for military service (വിളികക)
  • 5. Bring Bring up = educate and train children (ോപാറക) Bring about = cause to happen (സംഭവികക) Bring down= to reduce/cause to fall (കറയക) Bring out = produce/publish (ഉതപാദിപികക, പസിദീകരികക) Bring forth = produce/give birth to (ജനം നലകക) Bring forward = move to earlier position (മന സാനോതക ോപാവക) Bring in = introduce / produce as profit (അവതരിപികക)
  • 6. Carry Carry on = continue (തടരക) Carry out = perform (നടപിലാകക) Come Come about = happen (സംഭവികക) Come across = to meet or find by chance (അവിചാരിതമായി കണമടക) Come forward = make progress (പോരാഗതിയണാകക) Come down = decline (തകരക) Come into = inherit (ൈപതകമായി ലഭികക) Come off = succeed (വിജയിചവരിക) Come up with = produce (ഒരാശയം മോനാട വയക) Come out with = declare (പഖയാപികക)
  • 7. Give Give away = give it to someone (നലകക) Give back = restore (തിരിെകെകാടകക) Give in = yeild / surrender (കീഴടങക) Give out = announce (പഖയാപികക) Give up = abandon/stop doing some thing/surrender (ഉോപകികക) Keep Keep back = prevent form advancing (മോനാട ോപാകനതില നിനം തടയക) Keep on = continue (തടരക) Keep out = prevent from entering (പോവശനം തടയക) Keep up = maintain (നിലനിരതക)
  • 8. Look Look after = take care of (വളരതക) Look at = regard (പരിഗണികക) Look back = consider past (ഭതകാലം കണകിെലടകക) Look for = search (അോനവഷികക) look forward to = expect with pleasure (പതീകികക) Look in = pay a short visit (ഹസവ സനരശനം നടതക) Look into = investigate (അോനവഷികക) Look out = be watchful (ശദയിലായിരികക) Look through = examine (പരിോശാധികക) Look up = examine (പരിോശാധികക)
  • 9. Make Make for = travel towards (സഞരികക) Make off = run away (ഓടിോപാവക) Make out = discover the meaning of/ understand (മനസിലാകക, അരതം കെണതക) Make up one's mind = decide to do something (തീരമാനികക) Make up = put together (കടിവയക) Set Set in = begin (ആരംഭം കറികക) Set off = start (തടങക) Set off/ out = start a journey (യാത തടങക) Set up = start a new business/ achieve (പത സംരംഭം തടങക, ോനടക)
  • 10. Take Take after = resemble (സാമയം ോതാനക) Take back = withdraw (പിന വലികക) Take down = write (എഴതിെയടകക) Take for = attribute wrong identity (െതറായി പരാമരശികക) Take in = deceive (വഞികക) Take off = remove/leave the ground (നീകക, സലം വിടക) Take on = undertake work (ഏെറടകക) Take over = assume responsibility (ഉതരവാദിതവം ഏെറടകക) Take to = begin a habit (സവഭാവം ആരംഭികക)
  • 11. Turn Turn away = refuse admittance (നിോഷധികക) Turn down = refuse/reject offer (ഉോപകികക) Turn into = convert into (മാറക) Turn on/off = switch on (സവിച് ഓണ െചയക) Turn up/down = increase/decrease the pressure (മരദംകറകക) Turn out = assemble (ഒരമിച കടക) Turn up = arrive/appear (എതിോചരക)
  • 12. Complete the following choosing the right phrases given in brackets and fill in the blanks in the passage given below. The banker had ____(a)_____ a plan to murder the lawyer. But when he came into the room he ______(b)______a letter on the table. In it the lawyer expressed his decision to renounce the two millions and explained how he planned to ______(c)_______ from the prison five hours before the time fixed. The banker ____ (d) ______ his plan and waited for the next day. (get away, call for, give up, set up, come across, go on) (a) set up (b) came across (c) get away (d) gave up
  • 13. Rewrite the passage given below replacing the verbs that can be substituted by the phrasal verbs given in bracket. When my uncle visited (a) Paris he was detained at the airport. As he could speak only Malayalam and Hindi the airport officials could understand (b) nothing. His request for an interpreter was also declined (c). He was kept under custody but fortunately he was released (d) later because of the intervention of the Indian embassy officials. (call at, turn down, let off, make out) (a) call at (c) turn down (b) make out (d) let off
  • 14. Read the following telephonic conversation between Asha and Mary and complete the conversation by choosing suitable phrasal verbs from the bracket given below: (get on, go off, get back, hold on, look after, take after) Asha : Hello, can I speak to Mary please? The voice : ______a________ please, I'll call her. Mary : Hello, who is this? Asha : It's me, Asha. Mary : Oh Asha, tell me. How are you____b__? What are your plans for the day? Asha : I'm fine. My youngest daughter is not well. So I have to _____c____ her. Mary : Oh, can you be there, on the line? Asha : What happened? Mary : There is somebody at the door. Asha : Well, I will _______d_______ later (a) Hold on (c) look after (b) getting on (d) get back
  • 15. Choose the appropriate phrasal verb and complete the passage I ________a______ (came across/came up) the screenplay of a movie that was going to be shot. Though I liked the storyline, I was _______b______ (taken aback/taken for) by the climax. I asked the director to _______c_____ (bring about/bring down) certain changes. But he _____d______ (turn off/turn down) my suggestions. (a) came across (b) taken aback (c ) bring about (d) turn down
  • 16. Complete the following note using suitable phrasal verbs given in brackets The king could not -------(a)----- the loud cry for food from the beggar. The beggar ......... (b) ............ crying in a horrible voice . The king ordered the servant to ........ (c) .......... the cry by driving the beggar away. The wise servant ........ (d) ...... a plan to stop the beggar's cry. (put forward, put up with, went on, put an end to, put in) (a) put up with (b) went on (c) put an end to (d) put forward
  • 17. Replace the underlined words with the right forms of the phrases given in brackets The mother rejected her children's demand to play outside and suggested indoor games, but the children were not willing and continued with the demand. At last, the mother yielded and allowed them to play outside. (go on, put forward give in, turn down, give up) (a) rejected – turned down (b) suggested – put forward (c) continued – went on (d) yielded – gave in
  • 18. Replace the underlined words with the right forms of the phrases given in brackets The night was so hot that the narrator found it difficult to tolerate the weather. Hence he went out for a walk in the street. Suddenly a man appeared before him and asked for his eyes. Somehow the narrator escaped and reached the hotel. The frightened narrator started his journey as the place was quite strange to adjust with (turn up, put up with, set off, get away) (a) tolerate – put up with (b) appeared – turned up (c) escaped – got away (d) started – set off
  • 19. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the phrases given in brackets The hungry beggar ___(a)____ for bread in the street. The annoyed king ordered his men to ___(b)___ him brutally but the determined beggar was not ready to ___(c)_____ before the king and to ___(d)____ his demands (give in, give up, put down, put up, call out) (a) called out (b) put down (c) give in (d) give up
  • 20. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the phrases given in brackets Balthazar, the artist ___(a)___ Jose Montiel's house to ____(b)____ the marvellous cage to Pepe. But Jose Montiel, the father ____(c)_____ with Pepe and asked Balthazar to ____(d)_____. (go off, give away, take back, take in, call at) (a) call at (b) give away (c) went off (d) take back
  • 21. Fill in the blanks in the passage given below with the right phrases given in brackets The man I saw on the road had ___(a)___ very expensive dress. When asked he told me he was a tourist and wanted to ___(b)___ the museum. He really struggled to ___(c)___ his ideas in English. He ____(d)____ explaining his interest in history but I hardly understood anything. (went on, call at, put on, put across) (a) put on (b) call at (c) put across (d) went on
  • 22. Complete the following choosing the right phrases given in brackets and fill in the blanks in the passage given below. The banker had ___(a)___ a plan to murder the lawyer. But when he came into the room he ___(b)___ a letter on the table. In it the lawyer expressed his decision to renounce the two millions and explained how he planned to ___(c)____ from the prison five hours before the time fixed. The banker ____(d___) his plan and waited for the next day. (get away, call for, give up, set up, come across, go on ) (a) set up (b) came across (c) get away (d) gave up
  • 23. Replace the underlined words with the right forms of the phrases given in brackets When my uncle visited (a) Paris he was detained at the airport. As he could speak only Malayalam and Hindi the airport officials could understand (b) nothing. His request for an interpreter was also declined (c ). He was kept under custody but fortunately he was released (d) later because of the intervension of the Indian Embassy officials. (call at, turn down, let off, make out) (a) visited - called at (b) understand - make out (c) declined – turned down (d) released – let off
  • 24. Read the following telephonic conversation between Asha and Mary and complete the conversation by choosing suitable phrasal verbs from the bracket given below. ( get on, go off, get back, hold on, look after, take after) Asha : Hello, can I speak to Mary please? The voice : ________(a)_______ please. I'll call her. Mary : Hello, may I know who is calling? Asha : It's me Asha. Mary : Oh Asha! Tell me. How are you? _____(b)____? What are your plans for the day? Asha : I'm fine. My youngest daughter is not well. So I have to ____(c)____ her. Mary : Oh, can you be there, on the line? Asha : What happened? Mary : There is somebody at the door. Asha : Well, I will _____(d)_______ later (a) hold on (b) getting on (c) look after (d) get back
  • 25. Choose appropriate phrasal verb and complete the passage I ______(a)______ (came across/came up) the screen play of a movie that was going on to be shot. Though I liked the storyline, I was ______(b)______ (taken back/taken for) by the climax. I asked the director to ______(c)______ (bring about/bring down) certain changes. But he ______(d)______ (turn off/turned down) my suggestions (a) came across (b) taken back (c) bring about (d) turned down