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Digital Marketing Plan for Trinity
Executive Summary
The aim of thisreport wasto identifylimitationin TrinityKitchen’scurrentDigital Marketingstrategy
and throughthe analysisof the internal andexternal analysis,propose SMART objectives.
An in-depthanalysisof TrinityKitchen’sdigitalmarketingactivitieswasconductedtohighlighttheir
currentposition,andprovide directionthroughthe use of objectives.These werethem
implementedintoaGantt chart to give a specifictime frame,andmake the objectivesSMART.
- To create and improve individual social media presence, separate to that of Trinity Shopping
Centre,ultimatelyincreasingsocial visibilityto6,000+, withinthe next6months.
- To create an individual website for Trinity Kitchen, keeping the link with Trinity Shopping
Centre to maintain keyword rankings, but allowing for specific social share buttons, email
sign ups and create its own online presence. Within the next 6 months, they will maintain or
increase SEOvisibility,andincrease theirfocusonthe foodindustryinrelationtokeywords.
- To increase m-commerce through the use of online promotions, mobile purchasing (Google
Wallet,PayPal) andthe developmentof aTrinityKitchen‘App’,withinthe next6months
Contents Page
1.0 Introduction Page 1
1.1 The Company Page 1
1.2 Market Insight Page 1
1.3 Report Purpose Page 1
1.4 Current Digital Activity Page 1
2.0 Key Findings Page 2
2.1 Micro Environment Page 2
2.1.1 Porter’s 5 forces Page 2-3
2.1.2 Customer Analysis Page 4
2.1.3 CompetitionAnalysis Page 4-5 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Marketing Page 5 Website/Content Page 5 Social Page 5
2.2 Macro Environment Page 6
2.3 TOWS Analysis Page 7
3.0 Digital Marketing Objectives Page 8
Objective 1: Page 8
Objective 2: Page 8-9
Objective 3: Page 9
3.1 SMART Objectives Page 10
3.2 5S’s Page 11
4.0 Strategy Page 14
4.1 RACE Page 14
4.2 Online Value Proposition Page 14
4.3 SegmentationTargeting Positioning(STP) Page 15
4.3.1 Segmentation Page 15
4.3.2 Targeting Page 15
4.3.3 Positioning Page 15
5.0 Tactics Page 16
5.1 8 P’s Page 16
5.1.1 Recommendations Page 16
Recommendation1 Page 16
Recommendation2 Page 16-17
Recommendation3: Page 17
6.0 GANTT Chart Page 18
7.0 Control & Measurement Page 19
8.0 Bibliography Page 21
9.0 Appendix Page 25
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The Company
TrinityKitchendescribesthemselvesas “'a unique mix of vibrantrestaurantsandstreetfoodvans'”
(,2014) TrinityKitchenwasestablishedaspart of TrinityShoppingCentre,Leeds,in
autumn2013. It followsthe everincreasinglypopular‘popupshop’foodculture,withchanging
monthlyvenues (,2014).Each month5 of the UK’s verybeststreetfood tradersare
invitedtojoinTrinityKitchen,these include;genuine streetfoodcans,carts,shedsandtrucks,
ensuringthere isalwayssomethingnew.These rotatingfoodtradersworkalongside seven
permanentcages,barsand restaurants. (,2014)
1.2 Market Insight
Althoughthe ‘popupshop’foodculture hasbeentradingformany yearsinthe formof foodvans, it
isa relativelynewconceptbringingthemaltogetherintoajointfoodhall.Itsnearestcompetitors
therefore canbe classedasup marketfast-food(,2014).Althoughbigbrandfood
outletsdominate the high-street,itisthe non-brandedin-store cateringoutletsthatbettermeetthe
needof convenience-ledconsumers,appealingtoalmosthalf (44%) of consumers.
1.3 Report Purpose
Throughthe use of the SOSTACframework,the currentdigital marketingsituationwillbe analysedin
relationtothe macro and microenvironmental,andinternal analysis.Thiswillformasetof SMART
objectivesthatwill aimtoimprove TrinityKitchen’sdigital marketingactivities;thiswill create a
digital marketingplanthatwill be implementedovera6 monthperiod.
From the macro and microenvironmental andinternal analysis,aTOWS analysiswill be createdto
linkthe strengths,opportunities,andweaknessesandthreatstogether,togive TrinityKitchenaview
of impactsof theirdigital environment.Thiswillallow forTrinityKitchentobe aware of potential
strengthsandopportunitiesandact uponthem, andalsoto advise onhow bestavoidthe potential
threatsand weaknesses.Relevanttheoriesandmodelswillbe usedtodevelopthe digital marketing
plan,withattentiontocompetitors,toensure thatTrinityKitchenmaintainstrongadigital
1.4 Current Digital Activity
As showninAppendix1(Section1.3.1/1.3.2),TrinityKitchenhave shown astrong increase indigital
activity,since theiropeninginautumn2013, through a selectionof mediaplatforms.Theyhave
strongSEO visibility,witharatingof 7,893, due to a vastnumberof organic keywords,returnedby
such sitesasGoogle. (Guardian,2014)
TrinityKitchenhas12,266 Facebookusers‘checkedin’,whichincreaseswordof mouthadvertising
for TrinityKitchen,which O'Connor(2014) describesasthe ‘bestad’,as people trustfriends.
Howevertheydonotcurrentlyhave theirownTwitteraccount,there isonlya TrinityShopping
Centre twitter,althoughtheyfrequentlyuse hashtagsanduser-generatedcontent(#trinityleeds) to
create trends,thisisa flawin their digital activity,asthe more social platformstheyenter,the more
twoway communicationcanbe created.
2.0 Key Findings
TrinityKitchen’sSEOimplementationhasvastlyincreasedsince itsopeninginautumn2013.
(SearchMetric,2014) Due to the website beingpartof the largerTrinityShoppingCentre website,it
has ledtoincreasedorganickeywordsandSEOvisibility,leadingtoincreasedtraffic.Thishasalsoled
to a widerspreadinthe break-downof keywordsbyindustry (see Appendix1,(Figure 1)),resulting
ina cross cultural spreadof digital marketing,;there isavastcultural diversity indigital marketing,
(Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012), especiallyasminoritypopulationsbecomeheavyusers
of electronicdevices,the more backlinkstoTrinityKitchen,the easieritisto tap intothisnew
market. (Mintel,2014)
Theyare currentlymissingoutonkeydigital mediaplatformopportunitiessuchasTwitter,and
email updates.TrinityKitchendonothave theirownTwitterpage,theyrelyonhashtags
(#trinitykitchen)andtrendsfromthe TrinityShoppingCentre Twitterpage,fortheironline presence
on Twitter,thismeansthattheyare missingouton a keydigital marketingactivity.Although,aswith
SEO, the linktoTrinityShopping Centre will increasetraffic,the additionof theirownTwitterpage
wouldexpandtheirsocial mediapresence.
Withthe wide expansionof technological advances,(see Appendix1, Section1.1.4),digital
marketingisbecominganincreasinglyimportantcommunicationtool.With77% of UK households
havingaccessto the internetand80% of TrinityKitchen’smaintargetmarket,aged18-34 own
smartphones;thiscreatesincreasingpressuretocreate new andinnovative digital activities,to
remaincompetitive,andasTrinityKitchenare lackinginsome aspects,these will be focusedonin
the digital marketingplan.
2.1 Micro Environment
To evaluate the microenvironmentof TrinityKitchen,Appendix 1(Section1.2) theoretical toolswill
be used,to evaluate the controlledforces.
2.1.1 Porter’s5 forces
Porter’s5 forces,isusedto understandthe fundamental forcesthatdetermine the profitsinan
industry (Ahlstromand Bruton, 2010) The tool is usedtoevaluatedexternal influencesonthe
orgnisation:Threatof NewEntry,Competitive Rivalry,SupplierPower,BuyerPowerandThreatof
Substitution.Once acompanyunderstandstheseforcesitcanthendevelopabusinesslevel strategy
that allowsthe businesstoeithertake advantage of,orshieldthemselvesfromthese forces.
(Ahlstromand Bruton, 2010)
A digitally-adaptedPorter’s5Forceswill be evaluated,asshownbelow;
Figure 1: Porter’s 5 Forces: Trinity Kitchen
2.1.2 CustomerAnalysis
Accordingto the ‘popup shop’foodculture isbecomingincreasinglypopularin
the UK. Schefsky(2013) statesthat withthe morphingof offlineandthe virtual,Facebook,
Instagram,and Snapchat,whichmimicthispop-upbrandculture,itcreates emergingdemographics
withsignificantbuyingpower:urbancultural creatives,technoratis,andexperience seekerswho
favorshort-lived,dynamic,andlow-brandedengagement.Althoughthere are notmanystatistical
reportson ‘popup shops’asof yet,we can assume a similardemographicasthe ‘fastfoodoutlet’
culture;The majority(58%) of UK 16-24 year oldshave declared‘FastFoodOutlets’astheirmost
popularvisitedvenuesforlunch (Mintel,2014)
In total,the MOSAICUK groupsand types,demographicof TrinityKitchenconsistedof 38.57% of the
UK. The customer group identified to be focused on for this report will be the ‘Rental Hubs’ category;
061: CareerBuilders,062:Central Pulse,066: StudentScene (,2014). The justification
for thisselectionisdue tothe correlationbetween Schefsky(2013)’sdemographicsof the ‘popup
shop’culture,andtheiraccessto the digital worldsuchas;
 Social Media
 Technological hardware:SmartPhones,Tablets,
 Internet‘savvy’
Furthercustomeranalysis: (see Appendix1,section1.2.1)
2.1.3 CompetitorAnalysis
As the ‘popup shop’foodculture becomesevermore popular,there are boundtobe competitors,
howeverinLeedsthere are noother‘popup shop’competitors.Therefore the competitorslooked
at for thisreportfollowthe same foodtypes,andup-market‘fast-food’cultures,asTrinityKitchen;
NandosandWOKON. The competitoranalysisconsistsof presentrivals,inrelationtotheirdigital
activities,thatTrinityKitchenmustovercome inordertoreachits objectives,byanalysingtheir
strengthsandweaknessesandpredictbothstrategicandtactical initiatives.(Fleisherand
The selectedcompetitorsof TrinityKitchen,beinganalysed,NandosandWOKON,are onfairly
differentscales;Nandosbeingaglobal chainwhereasWOKON isindependentlyowned,thiswillhelp
to give a wide insightintoavarietyof digital activitiesof bothsmall,andlarge competitors. The key
elementsof eachcompetitorare:
Table 1: Competitor Analysis Overview (see Appendix 1, section 1.2.2.)
Nandos WOKON
 No paidvisibility
 Good use of visual brandingonwebsite
 Range of online social share buttons
 Social mediapresence
 Highsocial visibility:4,371,894
 Hightraffic:107,376
 SEO visibility:973
 No paidvisibility
 Good use of visual brandingonwebsite
 Range of online social share buttons
 Social mediapresence
 Low social visibility:2,921
 Low traffic:46
 SEO visibility:0
HoweverTrinityKitchenopenedin autumn2013, and alreadyhasa large, increasing,digital
presence,almostonparwithNandos,a global chain,withinamatterof months.
Furthercompetitoranalysis: (seeAppendix 1,section1.2.2) SEO (SearchEngine Optimization) Marketing
TrinityKitchencurrentlyhasthe mid SEOvisibilityof the three.AsTrinityKitchenonlyestablishedin
autumn2013, ithas quicklymanagedtoestablishadigital presence higherthanthatof its
competitors. Thistherefore showsthattheyare alsostill increasingtheirSEOvisibility(See Appendix
1, 1.3.2), whereasNandos,althoughsomewhatrecoveredhave seen adecrease inSEOvisibilityin
the same time span,and WOKON althoughtheyhave aSEO visibilityscore of 0, doshow a
fluctuatinggradient (Suite,2014). As WOKON have a social visibilityscore of 0, itcannot be
determinedhowtheydistribute theirkeywords, andhoweveritcanbe assumedthat theydonot
purposelycreate them.
Furthercompetitoranalysis: (seeAppendix1,section1.3.1) Website/Content
Both NandosandWOKON bothhave social share buttons,whichallowsforeasytravel between
digital activities,whichmakesiteasyto“strike while the ironishot”,andencourage the audience to
share or networkat the momentof consumingthe content.Thiswill increase shares,likes,tweets
and pinsculminatinginincreasesocial visibilityandultimatelyincreasingtheironlinepresence
(Garner,2012). Althoughthere isasocial share buttonon the TrinityKitchenwebsite,asitispart of
the TrinityShoppingCentre website,theylinktothe TrinityShoppingCentre socialmediapages.
Waldowand Falls (2013) suggestthat email signupshouldbe the mostprominentcall-to-actionon
any website. All three websiteshave easyaccesstoemailssignupsfor promotions,newsandoffers
which are easily accessed. However Trinity Kitchen’s email signup, similar to the social share buttons,
are sign-upsforthe TrinityShoppingCentre,whichcoulddeterthose whodonotwishto receive
emailsaboutotherindustrieswiththe Centre.(See appendix1,section1.2.2) Social
As WOKON have a social visibilityscore of 0, theyare of no competitivethreatinthisinstance;
howeverNandosasa global chainhave a grand score of 4,371,894. AlthoughTrinityKitchen’ssocial
visibilityscore isafractionof Nandos,at 31,529, theywere onlyestablishedinautumn2013,
showingthe generationof popularityandactivityonmajorsocial networks (seeappendix1,section
Both WOKON andNandoshave theirownFacebookandTwittersites,withlinksviasocial share
buttonson theirwebsites,enablingconsumerstoshare,like,tweetandpinculminatinginincrease
social visibilityandultimatelyincreasingtheironline presence (Garner,2012) Howeveralthough
TrinityKitchenhave the social share buttons,theydirectthe consumertothe TrinityShopping
Centre social sites,whichwill losepossibledirectinteractionswithTrinityKitchen.AlthoughWOKON
has social share buttonsonthe webpage,the Facebooklinkisbroken;thisalsocreatesalossin
interactionbetweenthe consumerandthe company.
2.2 Macro Environment
The macro environment,sometimesreferredtoas‘the remote environment’,consistsof five key
forces,whichcan significantlyaffectorganisational success;Political,Economical,Technological,
Environmental andLegal. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012).
Table 2: Macro Environment (see Appendix 1, section 1.1 for more details)
H = High
L = Low
U =
or Threat
Not Yet
Increase in
Technological Medium Long Opportunity Increasing High
Licence for
Political Medium Medium Opportunity Not yet
privacy laws
Political Low Medium Threat Not yet
drops 2%
Economic Medium Long Threat Reducing Medium
23% of UK
have no
access to the
Socio-cultural Low Long Threat Reducing Low
14% increase
in mobile
Technological Medium Long Opportunity Increasing Medium
Google Wallet Technological Low Medium Opportunity Increasing Low
Increase in
Technological Medium Long Opportunity Increasing Medium
Legal Low Short Threat Not yet
Increase in
Legal Low Long Threat Not yet
Environmental Medium Long Threat Not yet
2.3 TOWS Analysis
A ‘TOWS’analysiswill linkandsummarise the strengths,weaknesses,opportunitiesandthreatsof
the SWOT analysis (see Appendix1,section1.4) Howeverexternal andinternal environmentsare
dynamic,andsome factorsmay change overtime,therefore evaluationof these factorsshouldbe
continuous;TOWSanalysisof the past,and continue withanalysisof the present. (Koontz,
O'Donnell andKoontz, 1974)
Table 3: TOWS Analysis (see Appendix 1, section 1.4 for more information)
TOWS Analysis Strengths (Internal)
1. 14% increase inmobile
2. Increase intechnology
3. 80% of target audience
use smartphones
4. Increase inSEO visibility
5. Increase inkeyword
rankings,due tolinkwithTrinity
6. Hightrafficrating
7. Good use of hashtags
Weaknesses (Internal)
1. Keywordindustrytoo
2. 23% of householdslack
3. Lack of directsocial share
4. Lack of directemail signup
5. Lack of social media
6. No payper clickmedia
7. No individual Twitterpage
for TrinityKitchen
Opportunities (External)
1. Licence for 4G network,aimed
at 99% of population
2. Increasedprivacylaws,
consumersfeel saferonthe
3. Newtechnology:NearField
Communications(NFC) expands
the abilityof purchasing
4. Minoritypopulationsbecome
heavyusersof electronicdevices
SO Strategies
Create individual social media
presence and conjoined yet
separate to Trinity Shopping
(S4, S5, S7 – O1, O4)
Use Google Wallet to allow
online purchasing at the POS
(S1, S2, S3 – O3)
WO Strategies
Focus on m-commerce as mobile
internet users increase faster than
home internet users
(W2 – O1, O4)
Focus on individual online presence,
separate to Trinity Kitchen; email,
social media
(W3, W4, W5, W7 – O1, O4)
Threats (External)
1. Privacylawsmay affectthe
amountof data collectedonline
2. Householdspendingdrops
3. Competitorshave
individualwebsites; whilstTrinity
Kitchenremainspartof Trinity
4. Competitorsuse online
5. Lack of ownTwitterpage
ST Strategies
Continue as part of Trinity
Shopping Centre, to maintain
SEO visibility and keyword
rankings, but create individual
online presence:website,social
(S11, S12 – T3, T5)
WT Strategies
Through the use of an increase in
independent social media; Twitter,
trends, pins, shares and likes, to
implement the use of online sales
(W3, W5, W7 – T4, T5
Throughthe use of the TOWS analysis,aset of digital marketingfocussedaimsandobjectivescanbe
produced;thiswill be incorporatedwiththe original marketingplanpurpose (seesection1.3)
3.0 Digital Marketing Objectives
Using information gathered from the macro and micro environmental analysis and TOWS analysis,
digital marketing objectives for Trinity Kitchen have been created. These objectives must be SMART
(Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realist and Time), this SMART test will ensure that the objectives
are well-definedandtominimize misinterpretation (Richman,2006)
Objective 1:
To create and improve individual social media presence, separate to that of Trinity Shopping
Centre, and create the Trinity Kitchen App, ultimately increasing social visibility to 6,000+, within
the next6 months.
1. Create individual TwitterAccount
Trinity Kitchen does not currently hold their own Twitter account; their only presence on Twitter is
the Trinity Shopping Centre hashtags (#trinitykitchen). Although this is a common trend, the
implementation of their own individual site will increase the social media following lead to an
increase insocial visibility.
2. Pre-approvedupdatestoallowforconstantsocial presence
Trinity Kitchen needs to create pre-approve updates, as they lack social media content updates (see
Appendix 1, section This is a more efficient way to increase social media presence, as it
saves individual research each time content is needed; this should be done weekly to ensure that
the contentisup to date. (IAG Blogs, 2014).
3. TrinityKitchen‘App’
With the increase of digital marketing, organisations need to ensure that they are using the right
platforms. Not all consumers will go straight for the web browser, but instead turn to an App for
information, guidance and promotions. As these Apps become integrated and allow users to sign up
using Facebook and Twitter, it gives the organisation the power to share on the users’ wall. (Evans,
2010) This will help to work towards the aim of increasing social visibility to 6,000+ in the next 6
Objective 2:
To create an individual website for Trinity Kitchen, allowing for specific social share buttons, email
sign ups and create itsown online presence,withinthe next 6 months.
1. Website
The creation of their own website will not take away from their SEO visibility as they will still have
the links, and it doesn’t matter where the links originate (Schrenk, 2006) However the creation of
their own website will help to differentiate them from the other restaurants and bars in trinity, help
to focus on the food industry in relation to keywords, and allow for the implementation of social
share buttonsand email signups.
2. Social share buttons
Although there is a social share button on the Trinity Kitchen website, as it is part of the Trinity
Shopping Centre website, they link to the Trinity Shopping Centre social media pages. Once the
individual website and Twitter page has been created, social share links to Facebook and Twitter can
be implemented;thiswill create easytravel throughoutdigital platforms.
3. Email signups
As with social share buttons, once an individual website is created for Trinity Kitchen, it will allow for
email sign ups solely for the purpose of Trinity Kitchen. This may increase the amount of email
signups as it is more specific, there is less risk for the consumer of spam. It also allows for more
detailedemail marketingandpromotions.
Objective 3:
To increase m-commerce through the use of online promotions, mobile purchasing (Google Wallet,
Pay Pal), withinthe next6 months
1. ContactlessPayment
With the introduction of Near Field Communications (NFC) it gives consumers access to their bank
accounts through software such as the Google Wallet. This allows for sales promotion and
contactless purchasing through the Google Wallet, allowing consumers to pay via digital format, in
store. Through the use of promotions via these NFC tools, it will allow Trinity Kitchen to send
promotions instantly via mobiles, and with 80% of the target market owning smart phones, this will
allowdirectcontactwiththem(see Appendix 1,section1.2.1).
3.1 SMART Objectives
Objective Specific Measureable Achiev
Realistic Timing
1. To create
and improve
social media
1. Create separate
social mediafrom
2. Increase social
3. Create the Trinity
increase insocial
visibility. (Suite,
Yes Thisis relevant
to the company,
as the target
social media
The Twitterpage
and App will be
14/06/14, to run
for the whole 6
social visibility
will be monitored
shall reach6,000
by 01/12/14
2. To create
an individual
website for
1. Maintainlink
2. Individual
social share buttons
3. Individual
email signup
4. Increase SEO
5. Increase
focuson the food
to keywords
measurable as
SEO visibilityand
can be monitored
email andsocial
share buttonscan
be measuredby
the increase in
and shares.
Yes Thisis relevant
to the company
as all objectives
will helpto
achieve an
increase in
digital activity.
The individual
website will be
21/06/14, to run
for the majority
of the 6 month
plan.The rest will
be monitored
shall be evaluated
3. To
increase m-
1. Online promotions
2. mobile purchasing
(Google Wallet,Pay
measurable by
the numberof
online promotion
and mobile
Yes Thisis relevant
as it makesit
more incentive
for consumers
to purchase.
The promotions
will use apulsing
throughoutthe 6
months.Each will
be evaluatedat
the endof the 6
3.2 5S’s
A significantchallengefordigital marketingisthatthere are goingtobe manydifferentmeasures
that will have tobe groupedto be meaningful.The categorisationof the aforementionedobjectives
intogroupswill helptoidentifysuitable objectives.The 5Sframeworkof sell,speak,serve,save and
sizzle providesasimple frameworkforthis. (Chaffey,2000)
Sell:Objective 3
As a ‘popup’foodstore,consumersare unable topurchase online,howeverobjective 3,statesthat
withthe implementation of NearFieldCommunications(NFC),assoftware suchasGoogle Wallet
and PayPal,consumerswill be able topayonline fortheirproductseveninanofflinesale.
Speak:Objective 1
As the keytargetmarketis aged18-24, social mediaisan importantpart of the digital marketing
plan.The individual Twitteraccountandpre-approvedcontentup-dateswillaimtocreate an
ongoingandsocial presence.AsconsumersoptforAppsoverthe conventional webbrowser,The
TrinityKitchenAppwill also seektolinkthisinformationwithFacebookandTwitterapps,makingit
easierto‘strike while the ironishot’.
Serve:Objective1& 2
Withan individual website,socialmediaandemail itwill make iteasierforconsumerstodirectly
contact TrinityKitchen,meaningabetterservice toitscustomers.
Save:Objective 2
AlthoughdifferentiatingitselffromTrinityShoppingcentre inrelationtosocial mediaandtheir
website,the linkwithTrinityShoppingCentrewill share costs,makingthe digital activitiesof Trinity
Throughthe use of NearFieldCommunications(NFC)promotionscanbe usedin conjunctionwith
online paymentmethodstoofferinstantdiscounts;somethingthatcompetitorsare notoffering.
3.3 8P’s: Objectives
The table belowhighlightswherethe “8P’s” marketingmix have beenidentifiedwithinthe three
mainobjectives forTrinityKitchen:
Table 3: 8 P’s marketing mix
Marketing Objective 1 Marketing Objective 2 Marketing Objective 3
Product X
Price X
Promotion X X
Process X X X
Performance X X
Philosophy X X
(See section3.4for detailsonnewobjectives)
4.0 Strategy
4.1 RACE
As a digital marketingplan,the frameworkfollowedinthisinstance isRACE;Reach,Act,Convertand
Engage.Thishelpscompaniestotake bestadvantage of opportunitiesavailable fromdigital
marketing. (Chaffey,2014) Inorder to implementthisstrategy the currentsegmentation,targeting
and positioning(STP) mustbe identified.
Reach - buildawarenessonothersites
Act - engage audience withbrand
Convert- achieve conversiontomarketinggoals
Engage - buildcustomerandfanrelationships
As the keywordandbacklinkrankingsare high(see Appendix 1,section1.3.2.1),the ‘reach’section
of RACEis fairlystable,meaningthatthe objectivesshouldbe focusedonAct,ConvertandEngage.
4.2 Online ValueProposition
The online value propositionisthe customervalue proposition,the online unique sellingpoint.Itis
importantto clearlycommunicate onlineexperiencesandcontentTrinityKitchencanofferforeach
site,appand social media.Contentmarketingiscore tothisas shownbelow:
Thisshowsthe importance of contentmarketing,andthe needforclearcommunicationacrossall
platforms.Thereforethe individual website andTwitterforTrinityKitchen,andthe pre-approved
contentwill helptoensure thatthe contentiseasilyunderstoodbythe consumer.
Audience use of
digital and social
media > Personas
Commercial goals >
engagement > OVP
> Marketing Mix
Digital platform
tactics and tools
4.3 SegmentationTargetingPositioning(STP)
Marketersneedtoknowthe wantsandneedsof theircustomers,sothat theyare able to provide
productsand servicestosatisfythem. (Strydom,2004) Thismakes the STP process;segmentation,
targetingandpositioning,avital part of a digital marketingplan.
4.3.1 Segmentation
Accordingto the MOSAICUK groupsand types,demographic,itcanbe assumedthatTrinity
Kitchen’stargetmarketis38.57% of the UK.
4.3.2 Targeting
As there are not manystatistical reportson‘popup shops’asof yet,we can assume a similar
demographicasthe ‘fastfoodoutlet’culture; The majority(58%) of UK 16-24 yearoldshave
declared‘FastFoodOutlets’astheirmostpopularvisitedvenuesforlunch (Mintel,2014) The
customergroupidentifiedtobe focusedonforthisreportwill be the ‘Rental Hubs’category;061:
CareerBuilders,062: Central Pulse,066: StudentScene (,2014). (See section2.1.2)
As almost80% of 18-34 year oldownssmartphones,andalmost50% of those aged25-44 own a
tablet(Mintel,2014) thistarget marketisideal tobe targeted throughdigital activates.
4.3.3 Positioning
Competitive positioninginvolvesthe identificationof competitors, inthe same market,target
segmentsorniches,todevelopacompany’sownpositioning. (Hooley,SaundersandPiercy,2004)
Through the use increase use of social media and digital platforms, it will increase online value
proposition (see section 4.2). This help to increase brand values and aim to generate a more positive
consumer perception. It is essential the social media and digital platforms reflect Trinity Kitchen’s
attitudes and values in a way that differentiates them from their competitors, and the content will
helptocomplete the RACEframework(see section4.2)
Below is a perceptual map highlighting Trinity Kitchen’s position in relation to its identified
competitors:WOKON andNandos.
5.0 Tactics
5.1 8 P’s
The marketingmix variablesare keydecisionsacompanytake toensure theysatisfytheircustomers
and remainprofitable(Pride,2011) Therefore itisimportantthatthe recommendationsgivento
TrinityKitchenfollowthese variables.
5.1.1 Recommendations
To create and improve individual social media presence, separate to that of Trinity Shopping
Centre,ultimatelyincreasingsocial visibilityto 6,000+, withinthe next 6 months.(See section3.0)
Product: Trinity Kitchen needs to ensure that they stay whilst expanding their online presence and
social mediaactivities,thattheymaintaintheirstandardof customerservice.
Promotion: By creating an individual Twitter Account it allows for external communications, such as
word of mouth, using social media platforms. Users can tweet, re-tweet andfavourite Trinity Kitchen,
whichwill increase theirsocial visibility.
Process: As consumers turn to Apps before the conventional web browser, it is important for Trinity
Kitchentocreate an App to ensure thatthe processisthe most suitable forthe consumer.
Physical Evidence: The new Twitter account, as described above,will create physical evidence. Social
media activities, such as the integration of online and offline marketing, swapping free samples and
promotionsinreturnforsocial mediaposts,will alsogainphysical evidence.
To create an individual website for Trinity Kitchen, keeping the link with Trinity Shopping Centre
to maintain keyword rankings and SEO visibility, but allowing for specific social share buttons,
email sign ups and create its own online presence.(See section3.0)
Physical Evidence: The creation of a new website for Trinity Kitchen will allow them to use their own
email sign ups and social share buttons. This will help to focus the keyword rankings on the food
industry, and weighted so much on the other industries within Trinity Shopping Centre. However,
the links between Trinity Kitchen and Trinity Shopping Centre need to be kept to maintain keyword
rankings,backlinksandSEO visibility.
Process: By having social share buttons that are directly linked to Trinity Kitchen’s social media it
makes it easier for the consumer to move from one platform to another. This is important in terms
of ‘striking when the iron is hot’ as consumers will not search for the social media sites, they need to
be presentonthe website.
Promotion: The implementation of individual email sign-ups for Trinity Kitchen makes it easier to
create more personal email marketing for each customer; as they have signed up to Trinity Kitchen
and not just Trinity Shopping centre, all food promotions, news and information can be directed at
them,withpromise forahigherresponse rate.
To increase m-commerce through the use of online promotions, mobile purchasing (Google Wallet,
Pay Pal) and the developmentofa Trinity Kitchen‘App’,within the next 6 months
Process: The introduction of Near Field Communications (NFC) allows customers to pay online, when
purchasing in an offline environment. This will increase the capacity for consumers to pay when
Promotion: The Google Wallet for instance, NFC software, also allows for promotions whilst paying
withthisservice.This createsanurgentneedforthe productand will thereforeincreasesales.
Table 5: Usage of 8 P’s in recommendations
Recommendation 1 Recommendation 2 Recommendation 3
Product X
Promotion X X X
Process X X X
6.0 GANTT Chart
7.0 Control & Measurement
Marketingperformance analyticsisessential forTrinityKitchentodeliverbetterresultsandbigger
returns.It allowsthe capabilitytomeasure andjustifythe impactof the digital marketingactivity
effortsonthe bottomline. (IBM,2014) As TrinityKitchenaimtowardsincreasingtheironline
presence asan individual entity,separatetothatof TrinityShoppingCentre,theyneedtoensure
that the appropriate measurementguidelinesare inplace tooptimize planning,budgetingand
execution. (IBM,2014)
Website analytics/explorertoolssuchasSearch Metrics,MajesticSEO and PageRank Statuswill be
usedto measure the following:
- SEO Visibility
- BacklinkProfile:tosee whatnew siteshave,determiningif
theywere ethicallyacquired(throughContentMarketing)andtosee the value of the
- Google PageRank
These will be measuredonaweeklybasis,particularlybecause SearchMetricsSEOVisibility
crawlsand returnsdata fromsitesbasedona week’scollectionanddetermineswhetherthere’s
beenanincrease or decrease fromp.
Objective 1
Website analyticstoolssuchasSearchMetrics,MajesticSEO and PageRankStatus,aswell associal
mediameasurementsuchas (,2014) will be usedtoanalyse andmeasure the
 Social visibilityscore
 Individual socialvisibility:FacebookandTwitter
 Backlinkprofile:see whatnewsiteshave beenlinkingtoTrinityKitchen,andevaluatingthe
progressintofocussingonthe foodindustry
 Numberof tweets,shares,likesandcommentsonFacebookandTwitter:since new
implementedindividual Twitteraccount
 Monitormobile Appusage
Objective 2
SearchMetrics will be usedto analyse:
 TrinityKitchenindividual websiteSEOvisibility
 Keywordrankings
 Backlinks
Google analyticswill be usedtoanalyse:
 Email signups
 Social share buttons
Objective 3
Google analyticswill be usedasthe Google Walletisamainaspectof this objective:
 Google WalletAPI
 Google WalletinstantbuyAPI
 Google WalletobjectAPI
 Google Walletfordigital goodsAPI
These objectiveswill be monitoredonaweeklybasis,inparticularasthe SearchMetricsToolssuch
as SEO and social visibility,keywordrankingsandbacklinksare performedonaweeklybasis.This
makesiteasyto collectand determinethroughasystematicapproach.
8.0 Bibliography
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9.0 Appendix
1.0 Context Analysis
Thispaperwill be comprisedof a SOSTACsituationanalysis,SOSTACstandsfor
 Situation – where are we now?
 Objectives– where dowe wantto be?
 Strategy – howdo we getthere?
 Tactics – how exactlydowe getthere?
 Action – what isour plan?
 Control – didwe get there?
The current situationof Trinitykitchenwill therefore be determinedusingamixture of macroand
microenvironmentalanalysis,andaninternal analysis.
1.1 Macro Environment
1.1.1 Political
 In 2013 parliamentpassedthe licence forOfcomtoauctionof spectrumto allow the new roll-out
of 4G, thiswas aimedtocover 99% of the population,withoutsubjectingthemtoan undue level
of cost.Thiswill be extremelybeneficial tothe companyinrelationtodigital marketingas,using
mobile internetbecomesfasterandeasier,withnoundue change incost. (UKParliament, 2014)
 “Britainseeksopt-outof newEuropeansocial mediaprivacylaws”thiswill allow social media
usersto be in control of theirpersonal data;thisiscalledthe “rightto be forgotten”,inthe data
protectionregulation. (Bowcott,2013) Thiswill affectdigital marketingasthere willbe lessdata
available throughsocial media;howeveritcouldalsogive consumersconfidence toshare data,
knowingthattheyhave the powerto retract.
1.1.2 Economic
 In the fourthquarterof 2008, householdspendingdropped2% whichwasthe firstfall in
householdspendingsince 1968; and it continuedtofall.Althoughthe economyhasbegunto
recoverfromthe recession,consumersare still warywhenitcomestospending.Thiswill directly
affectthe digital marketingof trinity,astheyneedtoensure thattheyare usingpersuasiveand
cost effectivesalespromotiontoentice moneyconsciousconsumers. (,2014)
1.1.3 Socio-cultural
 There isa vastcultural diversity,inrelationtodigital marketing;inthe UK,23% of householdsdo
not have internetconnection,therefore theyare indangerof beingleftbehindasbanks,retailers
and manyconsumersincreasinglyturntomobile devise inalmosteveryaspectof theirdailylife.
(Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012) thiswill effectdigital marketingactivitiesasitmeans
that thismarketcannot be reached.
 Due to cultural differences,notall organisationsreportpositiveimpactsfromdigital
technologies,suchas;museums,inparticularrelationtorevenue andaudience development.
1.1.4 Technological
 There has beenahuge increase inthe amountof people accessingthe internetontheirphone;
the national statisticssurvey(2011) showeda14% increase inusage,fromthe previousyear.
 In the UK, 77% of householdshave accesstothe internet,whichhave turnedtoonline banking,
and retailers. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012)
 The newestcategory,establishingitself inthe UKiscontactlesspayment,throughthe use of
NearFieldCommunications(NFC) Forexample,Googlehave the google wallet,whichallowsfor
salespromotionandpurchasingthroughthe google wallet.Thisisestimatedtoreachtotal
paymentsof $50 billionby2014. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012)
 Pay Pal isanotherexample of onlinepaymentsolution,whichprovidessafe online purchasing;
the online service ensuresthatbankdetailsare notsenttothe retailers. (,2014)
1.1.5 Legal
 A recentreportshowsthe effortstheyare takingtominimise copycatwebsites.Although
monitoredbythe advertisingstandardsagency,theydonothave the powerto take action,
meaningthatit isan increasinglycommonpractice. (,2014)
1.1.6 Environmental
 Althoughdigital marketingmayhave areducedcarbonfootprint,due tothe negationof print
advertising,howeveritwill still have environmental impacts.Withthe rise insocial mediasuch
as; twitter,Facebook,Instagram,andemail marketingconsumersare beingconstantlyspammed
by online retailersandorganisation.Aswellasthistheyare at risk of personal informationbeing
sharedonline,theseare corporate social responsibilityissueseffectthe communitysurrounding
trinitykitchenandneedtobe ensuredthattheyare careful not to crossboundaries.
1.2 Micro environmental
1.2.1 Customer analysis
 As trinitykitchenhasa‘popup shop’culture,withchangingmonthlyvenuesitcreates
urgencyto the consumer.Thiswidensthe targetmarketasit reliesmore heavilyonfootfall,
and physical featurestoentice the customertoeachstall. (,2014)
 The foreverchangingmix of streetfoodretailers opensup the targetmarket;different
 Accordingto MOSAICUK groups andtypes,demographic,itcanbe assumedthat trinity
kitchen’stargetmarketconsistsof 38.57% of the UK. (,2014)
 Although‘popupshops’are not generallyassociatedwiththe stigma of ‘fastfood’theycan
be classedinthe same category. The majority(58%) of UK 16-24 year oldshave declared
‘FastFood Outlets’astheirmostpopularvisitedvenuesforlunch (Mintel,2014)
 Since the majorityof trinitykitchen’stargetmarketare aged16-24, itis essentialto
understandwhatdigital platformstheyuse;
o 2011 saw the strongestgrowthinrecentyearsfor the purchase of mobiles, (Mintel,
2014), as well astabletsinthose aged18-34. (Mintel,2014)
o Almost80% of 18-34 yearold ownssmartphones,andalmost50% of those aged25-
44 owna tablet. (Mintel,2014)
o Minoritypopulationsare becomingheavyusersof electronicdevicesandtheir
populationsare growing (Mintel,2014)
Thisshowsthat TrinityKitchen’scurrenttargetmarketare becomingincreasinglyactiveon
digital platforms,therefore thisisakeycommunicationforthem.Asthere isalsoanincrease
inminoritypopulation’sonline presence,thiscreatesapotential newmarkettocontact
throughdigital marketing.
1.2.2 Competitor analysis
As there are no other‘popup shop’retailersinthe centre of Leeds,similarupmarket‘fastfood’
establishmentswillbe usedtocomplete acompetitoranalysis.BurgerKing WOKON (
 Website:
o Good use of visual branding, to ensure the consumers they are on the right
o Use of pricing promotions and special offers
o Range of onsite social share buttons – Twitter, Facebook – although the link
to Facebook is broken.
o Easy access to email signups for promotions, news and offers
 Social Media:
(,2014) gave WOKON a magnitude score of 2/10 betweenthe 05/05/14-12/05/14
o Twitter:
 Link to Facebook account
 Information of nearest restaurant
 Poor use of hash tags, which allows for trends to develop
o Facebook:
 The Facebook site name on WOKON’s website and Twitter is a broken
page, and the page is unavailable.
 Another page, created by visitors who tag themselves there, has 114
likes, and 2,102 people have tagged themselves there.
o SEO: (Suite,2014)
 Traffic of 46 in the time period: 31/10/13-01/05/14
 Theyhave no paidvisibility
 They have a social visibility of 2,921
 SEO visibility score of 0
28 Nandos (
 Website:
o Good use of visual stimulus; moving images – to show more promotions
o They have one social share button – Twitter
o Easy access to email signups for promotions, news and offers
o A range of visible sales promotion and offers
 Social Media:
(, 2014) gave Nandos a magnitude score of 5.5/10 between the 05/05/14-
o Twitter:
 Good use of hash tags, for example #wingroulette and #fingerselfie,
which is a promotion of theirs at the moment, this will lead to trends
 Consistent style as the website
 Link to website
o Facebook:
 Continuous visual theme with twitter and website
 At least one post per day, maintaining their online presence
 Nandos Trinity (in the same outlet as Trinity Kitchen) has 337 likes,
and 1,656 people checked in there.
o SEO: (Suite,2014)
 Traffic of 107,376 in the time period: 31/10/13-01/05/14
 They have no paid visibility
 They have a social visibility of 4,371,894
 SEO visibility score of 973
1.3 Internal analysis
TrinityKitchen’swebsiteandotherdigital activitieswill be analysedinordertoassessitscurrent
strengthsandweaknessesinrelationtodigital marketing.
1.3.1 Current Digital Activity
Industry Spread (SearchMetrics, 2014)
The industry spread refers to the backlinks connected with Trinity Leeds, through the use of
keywords, these can be web pages, and directory’s or top level domains. This can help to
show popularity and trends of cultural or semantic interest. These have then been
categorised into industry sectors, the percentage of key words are shown in the pie chart
As expected the industry sector that holds the majority of the keywords linking to Trinity
Kitchen is “food”, followed closely by media/events.
Figure 1: industry spread
Figure 3 – TrinityKitchenKeywordIndustrySpread
Food:18.81%; Media – Events:12.75%; Home – Garden:10.98%; Gifts – Occasions:10.64%; Apparel:
10.64%. Travel – Tourism:8.56%; Sports – Fitness:5.22%;ConsumerElectronics:4.53%;Health:
3.81%; Other:14.06%.
1.3.2 Strengths SEO visibility
SEO visibilityinvolvessearchvolume andthe positioningof rankingkeywords.Since TrinityKitchen
openedinautumn2013, it hasshowna positive influx of SEOvisibility,asshownbelow,withaSEO
visibilityratingof 8,094. Thisis due to the numberof organic keywords,returnedbysitessuchas
Google. (The Guardian,2014)
Figure 2: SEO Visibility Website
The website forTrinityKitchen,asitislocatedina shoppingcentre,ismerelyasectiononthe
‘Trinityshoppingcentre’website.Thismakesitlooklessimportantasitisnot a single entity,and
comesunderthe Trinityumbrella,insteadof anindividual brand.However,asthe Trinitywebsite
has variouslinkstootherfoodanddrink,retailersandwebsitesinincreasesthe keywordrankings.
As shownbelow,the top10 keywordrankingsare all denominationsfromthe Trinityshopping
centre website. (SearchMetrics,2014) There are also Range of onsite social share buttons;Twitter,
Figure 3: keywordtraffic
31 Social
(, 2014) gave Trinity kitchen a magnitude score of 1.9/10 between the 05/05/14-
 Twitter:
o Although Trinity Kitchen does not have their own twitter, Trinity shopping center
and the popup shopshash tag: #trinitykitchen,resultingintrendsonTwitter.
 Facebook:(
o 1,093 likes
o They tend to only post when there is an event, making their online presence un-
regular,thisneedstochange inorderto create a solidonline presence.
o 12,266 have checkedinonline,atTrinityKitchen
 SEO: (Suite,2014)
o Trafficof 17,840 (top5 keywordrankings) in the time period: 31/10/13-01/05/14
o Social Visibilityscore of: 31,529
o SEO Visibilityscore of: 8,094
1.3.3 Weaknesses Website:
 The website for Trinity Kitchen, as it is located in a shopping centre, is merely a
section on the ‘Trinity shopping centre’ website. This makes it look less important as
it is not a single entity, and comes under the Trinity umbrella, instead of an
individual brand.
 They currently have no pay per click media; this would enhance their targeting, as it
is a cost-effective way to target consumers who are currently interested in a product
or service offered by Trinity Kitchen. (TechnicallyMarketing,2014)
 Each individual restaurantpage isthe same,andhas no character;this makesitharderto
distinguishbetween the restaurants.(,2014)
 The linksonthe website tosocial mediaare notto‘TrinityKitchen’social mediasites,rather
to the TrinityShoppingCentre,sothere isnodirectlinkbetweenthe TrinityKitchensection
of the domainandthe social mediaplatforms. (,2014) Social:
 Twitter:
o There isno separate twitterpage forTrinityKitchen,althoughitistrendedthrough
TrinityShoppingCentre,throughthe use of hashtags,#trinitykitchen,if theywere
to have theirown twitterpage itwouldcreate a higheronline presence and
 Facebook
o The last poston TrinityKitchen’sFacebookpage was20/03/14, theytendto only
poston Facebookwhenthere isanevent, andthis doesnotmaintaina constant
online presence,whichisneededtocreate a solidonline presence.
32 Industry (Keyword) Spread
Although the industry sector that holds the majority of the keywords linking to Trinity
Kitchen is “food”, this is followed closely by other industries such as; media, home-garden,
apparel, and other. Although this could be due to the Trinity Kitchen website being part of
the Trinity Shopping centre website, it shows that the keywords aren’t targeting or
dominating the “food” industry. (Suite,2014)
1.4 SWOT analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
 Huge increase inthe amountof people
accessingthe internetontheirphone;
showinga14% increase inusage in2011.
 77% of UK householdshave accesstothe
internet. (Chaffey,Ellis-Chadwickand
 Increase intechnologyhasledtothe
decrease inpricesforcomputers,phones
and tablets,makingthemeasiertopurchase,
leadingtoan increase ine-commerce andm-
commerce. (Macro environmental forces,
 The main targetmarketof TrinityKitchenis
aged16-24. As80% of 18-34 yearsoldsown
smart phones,itmakesitincreasinglyeasy
to contact the target marketthroughdigital
marketing. (Mintel,2014)
 TrinityKitchenhave hada vastincrease in
theirSEO visibilitysince openinginAutumn
2013 and have a SEO visibilityratingof 7,893
(the Guardian, 2014)
 Withthe Trinity Kitchenwebsitebeingpart
of the TrinityShoppingcentre website,ithas
increase the keywordrankingssubstantially,
and increasedtrafficthroughthe other
 AlthoughTrinityKitchendoesnothave their
popup shopshash tag: #trinitykitchen,
resultingintrendson Twitter
 Trafficof 17,840 (top5 keywordrankings) in
the time period: 31/10/13-01/05/14
 23% of UK householdsdonothave accessto
the internet,meaningthatthistarget market
ismissedbyany digital marketingactivities.
 The social medialinksonthe TrinityKitchen
website,donotlinktothe TrinityKitchen
social mediaplatforms,butthe Trinity
 Lack of visual stimulusonthe website,
whereas Nandos have movingimageryfor
have a verystandard layoutforeach
 There isno individualsignuptonewsletters,
onlythe TrinityShoppingcentre.
 Althoughthere isalogofor TrinityKitchen,
theydo nothave a consistentlayout,soitis
no alwaysclearthat social mediaplatforms
are related.
 The last poston TrinityKitchen’sFacebook
page was 20/03/14, theytendto onlypost
on Facebookwhenthere isanevent,and
thisdoesnot maintainaconstantonline
presence,whichisneededtocreate asolid
online presence.
 They currently have no pay per click
media; this would enhance their
targeting, as it is a cost-effective way to
target consumers who are currently
interested in a product or service offered
by Trinity Kitchen. (TechnicallyMarketing,
 Each individual restaurantpage isthe same,
and has nocharacter; thismakesit harderto
distinguishbetweenthe restaurants.
 There isno separate twitterpage forTrinity
TrinityShoppingCentre,throughthe use of
hash tags,#trinitykitchen,if theywere to
have theirowntwitterpage itwouldcreate a
higheronline presence andinteractionwith
Opportunities Threats
 In 2013 parliamentpassedthe licence for
4G, aimedat99% of the population.This
makesaccessto the internetfasterand
easierforconsumers, withoutanundue
price rise.Allowingforanincrease in
communicationsviam-commerce anddigital
marketing. (UKParliament,2014)
 As governmentbringsinnewprivacylaws
online,itwill improve publicsafety,which
will ease consumeractivitiesonline, andlead
to an increase inusage (Telegraph,2012)
 Newtechnology,NearFieldCommunications
(NFC) expandsthe abilityof purchasing
online;suchasthe Google WalletandPay
Pal. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,
 Minoritypopulationsare becomingheavy
usersof electronicdevices,thisopensupa
newpotential markettobe communicated
throughdigital marketingactivities. (Mintel,
 Privacylawscouldaffectthe amountof data
collectedonline,asconsumerswill gainthe
rightto remove theirpersonal information
permanentlyonline. (Bowcott,2013)
 In 2008 householdspendingdropped2%,
the firstfall since 1968, due to the recession,
thiswill effectTrinityasconsumerbecome
more moneyconscious(,2014)
 Keycompetitors;Nandos andWOKON,have
theirownunique website,whereasTrinity
Kitchenhasa sectiononthe TrinityShopping
 The keycompetitorsalsouse sales
promotionthroughtheirwebsite andsocial
couldentice customersaway.
 Nandoshave a veryup to date Twitterpage
that has hightrendingpromotionsthatcould
take businessawayfromTrinity,astheydo
not have theirownTwitterpage.

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Digital Marketing Plan for Trinity Kitchen

  • 1. 1 Digital Marketing Plan for Trinity Kitchen
  • 2. 2 Executive Summary The aim of thisreport wasto identifylimitationin TrinityKitchen’scurrentDigital Marketingstrategy and throughthe analysisof the internal andexternal analysis,propose SMART objectives. An in-depthanalysisof TrinityKitchen’sdigitalmarketingactivitieswasconductedtohighlighttheir currentposition,andprovide directionthroughthe use of objectives.These werethem implementedintoaGantt chart to give a specifictime frame,andmake the objectivesSMART. It’srecommendedthatTrinityKitchen: - To create and improve individual social media presence, separate to that of Trinity Shopping Centre,ultimatelyincreasingsocial visibilityto6,000+, withinthe next6months. - To create an individual website for Trinity Kitchen, keeping the link with Trinity Shopping Centre to maintain keyword rankings, but allowing for specific social share buttons, email sign ups and create its own online presence. Within the next 6 months, they will maintain or increase SEOvisibility,andincrease theirfocusonthe foodindustryinrelationtokeywords. - To increase m-commerce through the use of online promotions, mobile purchasing (Google Wallet,PayPal) andthe developmentof aTrinityKitchen‘App’,withinthe next6months .
  • 3. 3 Contents Page 1.0 Introduction Page 1 1.1 The Company Page 1 1.2 Market Insight Page 1 1.3 Report Purpose Page 1 1.4 Current Digital Activity Page 1 2.0 Key Findings Page 2 2.1 Micro Environment Page 2 2.1.1 Porter’s 5 forces Page 2-3 2.1.2 Customer Analysis Page 4 2.1.3 CompetitionAnalysis Page 4-5 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Marketing Page 5 Website/Content Page 5 Social Page 5 2.2 Macro Environment Page 6 2.3 TOWS Analysis Page 7 3.0 Digital Marketing Objectives Page 8 Objective 1: Page 8 Objective 2: Page 8-9 Objective 3: Page 9 3.1 SMART Objectives Page 10 3.2 5S’s Page 11
  • 4. 4 4.0 Strategy Page 14 4.1 RACE Page 14 4.2 Online Value Proposition Page 14 4.3 SegmentationTargeting Positioning(STP) Page 15 4.3.1 Segmentation Page 15 4.3.2 Targeting Page 15 4.3.3 Positioning Page 15 5.0 Tactics Page 16 5.1 8 P’s Page 16 5.1.1 Recommendations Page 16 Recommendation1 Page 16 Recommendation2 Page 16-17 Recommendation3: Page 17 6.0 GANTT Chart Page 18 7.0 Control & Measurement Page 19 8.0 Bibliography Page 21 9.0 Appendix Page 25
  • 5. 1 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Company TrinityKitchendescribesthemselvesas “'a unique mix of vibrantrestaurantsandstreetfoodvans'” (,2014) TrinityKitchenwasestablishedaspart of TrinityShoppingCentre,Leeds,in autumn2013. It followsthe everincreasinglypopular‘popupshop’foodculture,withchanging monthlyvenues (,2014).Each month5 of the UK’s verybeststreetfood tradersare invitedtojoinTrinityKitchen,these include;genuine streetfoodcans,carts,shedsandtrucks, ensuringthere isalwayssomethingnew.These rotatingfoodtradersworkalongside seven permanentcages,barsand restaurants. (,2014) 1.2 Market Insight Althoughthe ‘popupshop’foodculture hasbeentradingformany yearsinthe formof foodvans, it isa relativelynewconceptbringingthemaltogetherintoajointfoodhall.Itsnearestcompetitors therefore canbe classedasup marketfast-food(,2014).Althoughbigbrandfood outletsdominate the high-street,itisthe non-brandedin-store cateringoutletsthatbettermeetthe needof convenience-ledconsumers,appealingtoalmosthalf (44%) of consumers. 1.3 Report Purpose Throughthe use of the SOSTACframework,the currentdigital marketingsituationwillbe analysedin relationtothe macro and microenvironmental,andinternal analysis.Thiswillformasetof SMART objectivesthatwill aimtoimprove TrinityKitchen’sdigital marketingactivities;thiswill create a digital marketingplanthatwill be implementedovera6 monthperiod. From the macro and microenvironmental andinternal analysis,aTOWS analysiswill be createdto linkthe strengths,opportunities,andweaknessesandthreatstogether,togive TrinityKitchenaview of impactsof theirdigital environment.Thiswillallow forTrinityKitchentobe aware of potential strengthsandopportunitiesandact uponthem, andalsoto advise onhow bestavoidthe potential threatsand weaknesses.Relevanttheoriesandmodelswillbe usedtodevelopthe digital marketing plan,withattentiontocompetitors,toensure thatTrinityKitchenmaintainstrongadigital environment. 1.4 Current Digital Activity As showninAppendix1(Section1.3.1/1.3.2),TrinityKitchenhave shown astrong increase indigital activity,since theiropeninginautumn2013, through a selectionof mediaplatforms.Theyhave strongSEO visibility,witharatingof 7,893, due to a vastnumberof organic keywords,returnedby such sitesasGoogle. (Guardian,2014) TrinityKitchenhas12,266 Facebookusers‘checkedin’,whichincreaseswordof mouthadvertising for TrinityKitchen,which O'Connor(2014) describesasthe ‘bestad’,as people trustfriends. Howevertheydonotcurrentlyhave theirownTwitteraccount,there isonlya TrinityShopping Centre twitter,althoughtheyfrequentlyuse hashtagsanduser-generatedcontent(#trinityleeds) to create trends,thisisa flawin their digital activity,asthe more social platformstheyenter,the more twoway communicationcanbe created.
  • 6. 2 2.0 Key Findings TrinityKitchen’sSEOimplementationhasvastlyincreasedsince itsopeninginautumn2013. (SearchMetric,2014) Due to the website beingpartof the largerTrinityShoppingCentre website,it has ledtoincreasedorganickeywordsandSEOvisibility,leadingtoincreasedtraffic.Thishasalsoled to a widerspreadinthe break-downof keywordsbyindustry (see Appendix1,(Figure 1)),resulting ina cross cultural spreadof digital marketing,;there isavastcultural diversity indigital marketing, (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012), especiallyasminoritypopulationsbecomeheavyusers of electronicdevices,the more backlinkstoTrinityKitchen,the easieritisto tap intothisnew market. (Mintel,2014) Theyare currentlymissingoutonkeydigital mediaplatformopportunitiessuchasTwitter,and email updates.TrinityKitchendonothave theirownTwitterpage,theyrelyonhashtags (#trinitykitchen)andtrendsfromthe TrinityShoppingCentre Twitterpage,fortheironline presence on Twitter,thismeansthattheyare missingouton a keydigital marketingactivity.Although,aswith SEO, the linktoTrinityShopping Centre will increasetraffic,the additionof theirownTwitterpage wouldexpandtheirsocial mediapresence. Withthe wide expansionof technological advances,(see Appendix1, Section1.1.4),digital marketingisbecominganincreasinglyimportantcommunicationtool.With77% of UK households havingaccessto the internetand80% of TrinityKitchen’smaintargetmarket,aged18-34 own smartphones;thiscreatesincreasingpressuretocreate new andinnovative digital activities,to remaincompetitive,andasTrinityKitchenare lackinginsome aspects,these will be focusedonin the digital marketingplan. 2.1 Micro Environment To evaluate the microenvironmentof TrinityKitchen,Appendix 1(Section1.2) theoretical toolswill be used,to evaluate the controlledforces. 2.1.1 Porter’s5 forces Porter’s5 forces,isusedto understandthe fundamental forcesthatdetermine the profitsinan industry (Ahlstromand Bruton, 2010) The tool is usedtoevaluatedexternal influencesonthe orgnisation:Threatof NewEntry,Competitive Rivalry,SupplierPower,BuyerPowerandThreatof Substitution.Once acompanyunderstandstheseforcesitcanthendevelopabusinesslevel strategy that allowsthe businesstoeithertake advantage of,orshieldthemselvesfromthese forces. (Ahlstromand Bruton, 2010) A digitally-adaptedPorter’s5Forceswill be evaluated,asshownbelow;
  • 7. 3 Figure 1: Porter’s 5 Forces: Trinity Kitchen
  • 8. 4 2.1.2 CustomerAnalysis Accordingto the ‘popup shop’foodculture isbecomingincreasinglypopularin the UK. Schefsky(2013) statesthat withthe morphingof offlineandthe virtual,Facebook, Instagram,and Snapchat,whichmimicthispop-upbrandculture,itcreates emergingdemographics withsignificantbuyingpower:urbancultural creatives,technoratis,andexperience seekerswho favorshort-lived,dynamic,andlow-brandedengagement.Althoughthere are notmanystatistical reportson ‘popup shops’asof yet,we can assume a similardemographicasthe ‘fastfoodoutlet’ culture;The majority(58%) of UK 16-24 year oldshave declared‘FastFoodOutlets’astheirmost popularvisitedvenuesforlunch (Mintel,2014) In total,the MOSAICUK groupsand types,demographicof TrinityKitchenconsistedof 38.57% of the UK. The customer group identified to be focused on for this report will be the ‘Rental Hubs’ category; 061: CareerBuilders,062:Central Pulse,066: StudentScene (,2014). The justification for thisselectionisdue tothe correlationbetween Schefsky(2013)’sdemographicsof the ‘popup shop’culture,andtheiraccessto the digital worldsuchas;  Social Media  Technological hardware:SmartPhones,Tablets,  Internet‘savvy’ Furthercustomeranalysis: (see Appendix1,section1.2.1) 2.1.3 CompetitorAnalysis As the ‘popup shop’foodculture becomesevermore popular,there are boundtobe competitors, howeverinLeedsthere are noother‘popup shop’competitors.Therefore the competitorslooked at for thisreportfollowthe same foodtypes,andup-market‘fast-food’cultures,asTrinityKitchen; NandosandWOKON. The competitoranalysisconsistsof presentrivals,inrelationtotheirdigital activities,thatTrinityKitchenmustovercome inordertoreachits objectives,byanalysingtheir strengthsandweaknessesandpredictbothstrategicandtactical initiatives.(Fleisherand Bensoussan,2007). The selectedcompetitorsof TrinityKitchen,beinganalysed,NandosandWOKON,are onfairly differentscales;Nandosbeingaglobal chainwhereasWOKON isindependentlyowned,thiswillhelp to give a wide insightintoavarietyof digital activitiesof bothsmall,andlarge competitors. The key elementsof eachcompetitorare: Table 1: Competitor Analysis Overview (see Appendix 1, section 1.2.2.) Nandos WOKON  No paidvisibility  Good use of visual brandingonwebsite  Range of online social share buttons  Social mediapresence  Highsocial visibility:4,371,894  Hightraffic:107,376  SEO visibility:973  No paidvisibility  Good use of visual brandingonwebsite  Range of online social share buttons  Social mediapresence  Low social visibility:2,921  Low traffic:46  SEO visibility:0
  • 9. 5 HoweverTrinityKitchenopenedin autumn2013, and alreadyhasa large, increasing,digital presence,almostonparwithNandos,a global chain,withinamatterof months. Furthercompetitoranalysis: (seeAppendix 1,section1.2.2) SEO (SearchEngine Optimization) Marketing TrinityKitchencurrentlyhasthe mid SEOvisibilityof the three.AsTrinityKitchenonlyestablishedin autumn2013, ithas quicklymanagedtoestablishadigital presence higherthanthatof its competitors. Thistherefore showsthattheyare alsostill increasingtheirSEOvisibility(See Appendix 1, 1.3.2), whereasNandos,althoughsomewhatrecoveredhave seen adecrease inSEOvisibilityin the same time span,and WOKON althoughtheyhave aSEO visibilityscore of 0, doshow a fluctuatinggradient (Suite,2014). As WOKON have a social visibilityscore of 0, itcannot be determinedhowtheydistribute theirkeywords, andhoweveritcanbe assumedthat theydonot purposelycreate them. Furthercompetitoranalysis: (seeAppendix1,section1.3.1) Website/Content Both NandosandWOKON bothhave social share buttons,whichallowsforeasytravel between digital activities,whichmakesiteasyto“strike while the ironishot”,andencourage the audience to share or networkat the momentof consumingthe content.Thiswill increase shares,likes,tweets and pinsculminatinginincreasesocial visibilityandultimatelyincreasingtheironlinepresence (Garner,2012). Althoughthere isasocial share buttonon the TrinityKitchenwebsite,asitispart of the TrinityShoppingCentre website,theylinktothe TrinityShoppingCentre socialmediapages. Waldowand Falls (2013) suggestthat email signupshouldbe the mostprominentcall-to-actionon any website. All three websiteshave easyaccesstoemailssignupsfor promotions,newsandoffers which are easily accessed. However Trinity Kitchen’s email signup, similar to the social share buttons, are sign-upsforthe TrinityShoppingCentre,whichcoulddeterthose whodonotwishto receive emailsaboutotherindustrieswiththe Centre.(See appendix1,section1.2.2) Social As WOKON have a social visibilityscore of 0, theyare of no competitivethreatinthisinstance; howeverNandosasa global chainhave a grand score of 4,371,894. AlthoughTrinityKitchen’ssocial visibilityscore isafractionof Nandos,at 31,529, theywere onlyestablishedinautumn2013, showingthe generationof popularityandactivityonmajorsocial networks (seeappendix1,section Both WOKON andNandoshave theirownFacebookandTwittersites,withlinksviasocial share buttonson theirwebsites,enablingconsumerstoshare,like,tweetandpinculminatinginincrease social visibilityandultimatelyincreasingtheironline presence (Garner,2012) Howeveralthough TrinityKitchenhave the social share buttons,theydirectthe consumertothe TrinityShopping Centre social sites,whichwill losepossibledirectinteractionswithTrinityKitchen.AlthoughWOKON has social share buttonsonthe webpage,the Facebooklinkisbroken;thisalsocreatesalossin interactionbetweenthe consumerandthe company.
  • 10. 6 2.2 Macro Environment The macro environment,sometimesreferredtoas‘the remote environment’,consistsof five key forces,whichcan significantlyaffectorganisational success;Political,Economical,Technological, Environmental andLegal. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012). Table 2: Macro Environment (see Appendix 1, section 1.1 for more details) Notes PESTEL Factors Potential Impacts Implications & Importance Political Economical Technological Environmental Legal H = High M= Medium L = Low U = Undecided Time Frame: Short Medium Long Type: Opportunity or Threat Implication: Increasing Reducing Not Yet Determined Relative Importance: H=High M=Medium L=Low Increase in technology (Tablet, smartphones) Technological Medium Long Opportunity Increasing High Licence for 4G Political Medium Medium Opportunity Not yet Determined Medium European privacy laws Political Low Medium Threat Not yet Determined Low Household spending drops 2% Economic Medium Long Threat Reducing Medium 23% of UK households have no access to the internet Socio-cultural Low Long Threat Reducing Low 14% increase in mobile internet usage Technological Medium Long Opportunity Increasing Medium Google Wallet Technological Low Medium Opportunity Increasing Low Increase in digital channels Technological Medium Long Opportunity Increasing Medium ‘copycat’ websites Legal Low Short Threat Not yet determined Low Increase in consumer rights(online) Legal Low Long Threat Not yet determined Low Online Spamming Environmental Medium Long Threat Not yet determined Low
  • 11. 7 2.3 TOWS Analysis A ‘TOWS’analysiswill linkandsummarise the strengths,weaknesses,opportunitiesandthreatsof the SWOT analysis (see Appendix1,section1.4) Howeverexternal andinternal environmentsare dynamic,andsome factorsmay change overtime,therefore evaluationof these factorsshouldbe continuous;TOWSanalysisof the past,and continue withanalysisof the present. (Koontz, O'Donnell andKoontz, 1974) Table 3: TOWS Analysis (see Appendix 1, section 1.4 for more information) TOWS Analysis Strengths (Internal) 1. 14% increase inmobile users 2. Increase intechnology (Tablet,Smartphone) 3. 80% of target audience use smartphones 4. Increase inSEO visibility 5. Increase inkeyword rankings,due tolinkwithTrinity ShoppingCentre 6. Hightrafficrating 7. Good use of hashtags Weaknesses (Internal) 1. Keywordindustrytoo diverse,notenoughfocusonfood 2. 23% of householdslack internetaccess 3. Lack of directsocial share Buttons 4. Lack of directemail signup 5. Lack of social media Updates 6. No payper clickmedia 7. No individual Twitterpage for TrinityKitchen Opportunities (External) 1. Licence for 4G network,aimed at 99% of population 2. Increasedprivacylaws, consumersfeel saferonthe internet 3. Newtechnology:NearField Communications(NFC) expands the abilityof purchasing 4. Minoritypopulationsbecome heavyusersof electronicdevices SO Strategies Create individual social media presence and conjoined yet separate to Trinity Shopping Centre (S4, S5, S7 – O1, O4) Use Google Wallet to allow online purchasing at the POS (S1, S2, S3 – O3) WO Strategies Focus on m-commerce as mobile internet users increase faster than home internet users (W2 – O1, O4) Focus on individual online presence, separate to Trinity Kitchen; email, social media (W3, W4, W5, W7 – O1, O4) Threats (External) 1. Privacylawsmay affectthe amountof data collectedonline 2. Householdspendingdrops 2% 3. Competitorshave individualwebsites; whilstTrinity Kitchenremainspartof Trinity ShoppingCentre 4. Competitorsuse online salespromotion,whereasTrinity Kitchendoesnot 5. Lack of ownTwitterpage ST Strategies Continue as part of Trinity Shopping Centre, to maintain SEO visibility and keyword rankings, but create individual online presence:website,social media (S11, S12 – T3, T5) WT Strategies Through the use of an increase in independent social media; Twitter, trends, pins, shares and likes, to implement the use of online sales promotion (W3, W5, W7 – T4, T5 Throughthe use of the TOWS analysis,aset of digital marketingfocussedaimsandobjectivescanbe produced;thiswill be incorporatedwiththe original marketingplanpurpose (seesection1.3)
  • 12. 8 3.0 Digital Marketing Objectives Using information gathered from the macro and micro environmental analysis and TOWS analysis, digital marketing objectives for Trinity Kitchen have been created. These objectives must be SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realist and Time), this SMART test will ensure that the objectives are well-definedandtominimize misinterpretation (Richman,2006) Objective 1: To create and improve individual social media presence, separate to that of Trinity Shopping Centre, and create the Trinity Kitchen App, ultimately increasing social visibility to 6,000+, within the next6 months. 1. Create individual TwitterAccount Trinity Kitchen does not currently hold their own Twitter account; their only presence on Twitter is the Trinity Shopping Centre hashtags (#trinitykitchen). Although this is a common trend, the implementation of their own individual site will increase the social media following lead to an increase insocial visibility. 2. Pre-approvedupdatestoallowforconstantsocial presence Trinity Kitchen needs to create pre-approve updates, as they lack social media content updates (see Appendix 1, section This is a more efficient way to increase social media presence, as it saves individual research each time content is needed; this should be done weekly to ensure that the contentisup to date. (IAG Blogs, 2014). 3. TrinityKitchen‘App’ With the increase of digital marketing, organisations need to ensure that they are using the right platforms. Not all consumers will go straight for the web browser, but instead turn to an App for information, guidance and promotions. As these Apps become integrated and allow users to sign up using Facebook and Twitter, it gives the organisation the power to share on the users’ wall. (Evans, 2010) This will help to work towards the aim of increasing social visibility to 6,000+ in the next 6 months. Objective 2: To create an individual website for Trinity Kitchen, allowing for specific social share buttons, email sign ups and create itsown online presence,withinthe next 6 months. 1. Website The creation of their own website will not take away from their SEO visibility as they will still have the links, and it doesn’t matter where the links originate (Schrenk, 2006) However the creation of their own website will help to differentiate them from the other restaurants and bars in trinity, help to focus on the food industry in relation to keywords, and allow for the implementation of social share buttonsand email signups.
  • 13. 9 2. Social share buttons Although there is a social share button on the Trinity Kitchen website, as it is part of the Trinity Shopping Centre website, they link to the Trinity Shopping Centre social media pages. Once the individual website and Twitter page has been created, social share links to Facebook and Twitter can be implemented;thiswill create easytravel throughoutdigital platforms. 3. Email signups As with social share buttons, once an individual website is created for Trinity Kitchen, it will allow for email sign ups solely for the purpose of Trinity Kitchen. This may increase the amount of email signups as it is more specific, there is less risk for the consumer of spam. It also allows for more detailedemail marketingandpromotions. Objective 3: To increase m-commerce through the use of online promotions, mobile purchasing (Google Wallet, Pay Pal), withinthe next6 months 1. ContactlessPayment With the introduction of Near Field Communications (NFC) it gives consumers access to their bank accounts through software such as the Google Wallet. This allows for sales promotion and contactless purchasing through the Google Wallet, allowing consumers to pay via digital format, in store. Through the use of promotions via these NFC tools, it will allow Trinity Kitchen to send promotions instantly via mobiles, and with 80% of the target market owning smart phones, this will allowdirectcontactwiththem(see Appendix 1,section1.2.1).
  • 14. 10 3.1 SMART Objectives Objective Specific Measureable Achiev able Realistic Timing 1. To create and improve individual social media presence 1. Create separate social mediafrom TrinityShopping Centre 2. Increase social visibilityto6,000+ 3. Create the Trinity KitchenApp Thisis measurable,by using‘Search Metrics’to monitorthe increase insocial visibility. (Suite, 2014) Yes Thisis relevant to the company, as the target audience,aged 18-24 increasinglyuse social media The Twitterpage and App will be createdby 14/06/14, to run for the whole 6 monthplan.The social visibility will be monitored throughout,but shall reach6,000 by 01/12/14 2. To create an individual website for Trinity Kitchen 1. Maintainlink withTrinityShopping Centre,tomaintain keywordrankings 2. Individual social share buttons 3. Individual email signup 4. Increase SEO visibility 5. Increase focuson the food industryinrelation to keywords Thisis measurable as SEO visibilityand keywordrankings can be monitored using‘Search Metrics’.The email andsocial share buttonscan be measuredby the increase in likes,comments and shares. (Suite,2014) Yes Thisis relevant to the company as all objectives will helpto achieve an increase in digital activity. The individual website will be createdby 21/06/14, to run for the majority of the 6 month plan.The rest will be monitored throughout,but shall be evaluated usingsearch metricsby 01/12/14 3. To increase m- commerce 1. Online promotions 2. mobile purchasing (Google Wallet,Pay Pal) Thisis measurable by the numberof online promotion and mobile purchasingused. Yes Thisis relevant as it makesit easier,andgives more incentive for consumers to purchase. The promotions will use apulsing strategy throughoutthe 6 months.Each will be evaluatedat the endof the 6 months; 01/12/14
  • 15. 11 3.2 5S’s A significantchallengefordigital marketingisthatthere are goingtobe manydifferentmeasures that will have tobe groupedto be meaningful.The categorisationof the aforementionedobjectives intogroupswill helptoidentifysuitable objectives.The 5Sframeworkof sell,speak,serve,save and sizzle providesasimple frameworkforthis. (Chaffey,2000) Sell:Objective 3 As a ‘popup’foodstore,consumersare unable topurchase online,howeverobjective 3,statesthat withthe implementation of NearFieldCommunications(NFC),assoftware suchasGoogle Wallet and PayPal,consumerswill be able topayonline fortheirproductseveninanofflinesale.
  • 16. 12 Speak:Objective 1 As the keytargetmarketis aged18-24, social mediaisan importantpart of the digital marketing plan.The individual Twitteraccountandpre-approvedcontentup-dateswillaimtocreate an ongoingandsocial presence.AsconsumersoptforAppsoverthe conventional webbrowser,The TrinityKitchenAppwill also seektolinkthisinformationwithFacebookandTwitterapps,makingit easierto‘strike while the ironishot’. Serve:Objective1& 2 Withan individual website,socialmediaandemail itwill make iteasierforconsumerstodirectly contact TrinityKitchen,meaningabetterservice toitscustomers. Save:Objective 2 AlthoughdifferentiatingitselffromTrinityShoppingcentre inrelationtosocial mediaandtheir website,the linkwithTrinityShoppingCentrewill share costs,makingthe digital activitiesof Trinity Kitchenmustcheaper. Sizzle:Objective Throughthe use of NearFieldCommunications(NFC)promotionscanbe usedin conjunctionwith online paymentmethodstoofferinstantdiscounts;somethingthatcompetitorsare notoffering.
  • 17. 13 3.3 8P’s: Objectives The table belowhighlightswherethe “8P’s” marketingmix have beenidentifiedwithinthe three mainobjectives forTrinityKitchen: Table 3: 8 P’s marketing mix Marketing Objective 1 Marketing Objective 2 Marketing Objective 3 Product X Price X Promotion X X Place Process X X X Performance X X People Philosophy X X (See section3.4for detailsonnewobjectives)
  • 18. 14 4.0 Strategy 4.1 RACE As a digital marketingplan,the frameworkfollowedinthisinstance isRACE;Reach,Act,Convertand Engage.Thishelpscompaniestotake bestadvantage of opportunitiesavailable fromdigital marketing. (Chaffey,2014) Inorder to implementthisstrategy the currentsegmentation,targeting and positioning(STP) mustbe identified. Reach - buildawarenessonothersites Act - engage audience withbrand Convert- achieve conversiontomarketinggoals Engage - buildcustomerandfanrelationships As the keywordandbacklinkrankingsare high(see Appendix 1,section1.3.2.1),the ‘reach’section of RACEis fairlystable,meaningthatthe objectivesshouldbe focusedonAct,ConvertandEngage. (Chaffey,2014) 4.2 Online ValueProposition The online value propositionisthe customervalue proposition,the online unique sellingpoint.Itis importantto clearlycommunicate onlineexperiencesandcontentTrinityKitchencanofferforeach site,appand social media.Contentmarketingiscore tothisas shownbelow: Thisshowsthe importance of contentmarketing,andthe needforclearcommunicationacrossall platforms.Thereforethe individual website andTwitterforTrinityKitchen,andthe pre-approved contentwill helptoensure thatthe contentiseasilyunderstoodbythe consumer. Audience use of digital and social media > Personas Commercial goals > Customer engagement > OVP > Marketing Mix Branded Content Marketing Strategy Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy Integrated Digital platform tactics and tools
  • 19. 15 4.3 SegmentationTargetingPositioning(STP) Marketersneedtoknowthe wantsandneedsof theircustomers,sothat theyare able to provide productsand servicestosatisfythem. (Strydom,2004) Thismakes the STP process;segmentation, targetingandpositioning,avital part of a digital marketingplan. 4.3.1 Segmentation Accordingto the MOSAICUK groupsand types,demographic,itcanbe assumedthatTrinity Kitchen’stargetmarketis38.57% of the UK. 4.3.2 Targeting As there are not manystatistical reportson‘popup shops’asof yet,we can assume a similar demographicasthe ‘fastfoodoutlet’culture; The majority(58%) of UK 16-24 yearoldshave declared‘FastFoodOutlets’astheirmostpopularvisitedvenuesforlunch (Mintel,2014) The customergroupidentifiedtobe focusedonforthisreportwill be the ‘Rental Hubs’category;061: CareerBuilders,062: Central Pulse,066: StudentScene (,2014). (See section2.1.2) As almost80% of 18-34 year oldownssmartphones,andalmost50% of those aged25-44 own a tablet(Mintel,2014) thistarget marketisideal tobe targeted throughdigital activates. 4.3.3 Positioning Competitive positioninginvolvesthe identificationof competitors, inthe same market,target segmentsorniches,todevelopacompany’sownpositioning. (Hooley,SaundersandPiercy,2004) Through the use increase use of social media and digital platforms, it will increase online value proposition (see section 4.2). This help to increase brand values and aim to generate a more positive consumer perception. It is essential the social media and digital platforms reflect Trinity Kitchen’s attitudes and values in a way that differentiates them from their competitors, and the content will helptocomplete the RACEframework(see section4.2) Below is a perceptual map highlighting Trinity Kitchen’s position in relation to its identified competitors:WOKON andNandos.
  • 20. 16 5.0 Tactics 5.1 8 P’s The marketingmix variablesare keydecisionsacompanytake toensure theysatisfytheircustomers and remainprofitable(Pride,2011) Therefore itisimportantthatthe recommendationsgivento TrinityKitchenfollowthese variables. 5.1.1 Recommendations Recommendation1 To create and improve individual social media presence, separate to that of Trinity Shopping Centre,ultimatelyincreasingsocial visibilityto 6,000+, withinthe next 6 months.(See section3.0) Product: Trinity Kitchen needs to ensure that they stay whilst expanding their online presence and social mediaactivities,thattheymaintaintheirstandardof customerservice. Promotion: By creating an individual Twitter Account it allows for external communications, such as word of mouth, using social media platforms. Users can tweet, re-tweet andfavourite Trinity Kitchen, whichwill increase theirsocial visibility. Process: As consumers turn to Apps before the conventional web browser, it is important for Trinity Kitchentocreate an App to ensure thatthe processisthe most suitable forthe consumer. Physical Evidence: The new Twitter account, as described above,will create physical evidence. Social media activities, such as the integration of online and offline marketing, swapping free samples and promotionsinreturnforsocial mediaposts,will alsogainphysical evidence. Recommendation2 To create an individual website for Trinity Kitchen, keeping the link with Trinity Shopping Centre to maintain keyword rankings and SEO visibility, but allowing for specific social share buttons, email sign ups and create its own online presence.(See section3.0) Physical Evidence: The creation of a new website for Trinity Kitchen will allow them to use their own email sign ups and social share buttons. This will help to focus the keyword rankings on the food industry, and weighted so much on the other industries within Trinity Shopping Centre. However, the links between Trinity Kitchen and Trinity Shopping Centre need to be kept to maintain keyword rankings,backlinksandSEO visibility. Process: By having social share buttons that are directly linked to Trinity Kitchen’s social media it makes it easier for the consumer to move from one platform to another. This is important in terms of ‘striking when the iron is hot’ as consumers will not search for the social media sites, they need to be presentonthe website. Promotion: The implementation of individual email sign-ups for Trinity Kitchen makes it easier to create more personal email marketing for each customer; as they have signed up to Trinity Kitchen
  • 21. 17 and not just Trinity Shopping centre, all food promotions, news and information can be directed at them,withpromise forahigherresponse rate. Recommendation3: To increase m-commerce through the use of online promotions, mobile purchasing (Google Wallet, Pay Pal) and the developmentofa Trinity Kitchen‘App’,within the next 6 months Process: The introduction of Near Field Communications (NFC) allows customers to pay online, when purchasing in an offline environment. This will increase the capacity for consumers to pay when visitingTrinityKitchen,whichleadsontopromotion. Promotion: The Google Wallet for instance, NFC software, also allows for promotions whilst paying withthisservice.This createsanurgentneedforthe productand will thereforeincreasesales. Table 5: Usage of 8 P’s in recommendations Recommendation 1 Recommendation 2 Recommendation 3 Product X Price Promotion X X X Place People Process X X X Physical Evidence X X Productivity
  • 23. 19 7.0 Control & Measurement Marketingperformance analyticsisessential forTrinityKitchentodeliverbetterresultsandbigger returns.It allowsthe capabilitytomeasure andjustifythe impactof the digital marketingactivity effortsonthe bottomline. (IBM,2014) As TrinityKitchenaimtowardsincreasingtheironline presence asan individual entity,separatetothatof TrinityShoppingCentre,theyneedtoensure that the appropriate measurementguidelinesare inplace tooptimize planning,budgetingand execution. (IBM,2014) Website analytics/explorertoolssuchasSearch Metrics,MajesticSEO and PageRank Statuswill be usedto measure the following: - SEO Visibility - BacklinkProfile:tosee whatnew siteshave,determiningif theywere ethicallyacquired(throughContentMarketing)andtosee the value of the inboundlink - Google PageRank These will be measuredonaweeklybasis,particularlybecause SearchMetricsSEOVisibility crawlsand returnsdata fromsitesbasedona week’scollectionanddetermineswhetherthere’s beenanincrease or decrease fromp. Objective 1 Website analyticstoolssuchasSearchMetrics,MajesticSEO and PageRankStatus,aswell associal mediameasurementsuchas (,2014) will be usedtoanalyse andmeasure the following:  Social visibilityscore  Individual socialvisibility:FacebookandTwitter  Backlinkprofile:see whatnewsiteshave beenlinkingtoTrinityKitchen,andevaluatingthe progressintofocussingonthe foodindustry  Numberof tweets,shares,likesandcommentsonFacebookandTwitter:since new implementedindividual Twitteraccount  Monitormobile Appusage
  • 24. 20 Objective 2 SearchMetrics will be usedto analyse:  TrinityKitchenindividual websiteSEOvisibility  Keywordrankings  Backlinks Google analyticswill be usedtoanalyse:  Email signups  Social share buttons Objective 3 Google analyticswill be usedasthe Google Walletisamainaspectof this objective:  Google WalletAPI  Google WalletinstantbuyAPI  Google WalletobjectAPI  Google Walletfordigital goodsAPI These objectiveswill be monitoredonaweeklybasis,inparticularasthe SearchMetricsToolssuch as SEO and social visibility,keywordrankingsandbacklinksare performedonaweeklybasis.This makesiteasyto collectand determinethroughasystematicapproach.
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  • 29. 25 9.0 Appendix 1.0 Context Analysis Thispaperwill be comprisedof a SOSTACsituationanalysis,SOSTACstandsfor  Situation – where are we now?  Objectives– where dowe wantto be?  Strategy – howdo we getthere?  Tactics – how exactlydowe getthere?  Action – what isour plan?  Control – didwe get there? The current situationof Trinitykitchenwill therefore be determinedusingamixture of macroand microenvironmentalanalysis,andaninternal analysis. 1.1 Macro Environment 1.1.1 Political  In 2013 parliamentpassedthe licence forOfcomtoauctionof spectrumto allow the new roll-out of 4G, thiswas aimedtocover 99% of the population,withoutsubjectingthemtoan undue level of cost.Thiswill be extremelybeneficial tothe companyinrelationtodigital marketingas,using mobile internetbecomesfasterandeasier,withnoundue change incost. (UKParliament, 2014)  “Britainseeksopt-outof newEuropeansocial mediaprivacylaws”thiswill allow social media usersto be in control of theirpersonal data;thisiscalledthe “rightto be forgotten”,inthe data protectionregulation. (Bowcott,2013) Thiswill affectdigital marketingasthere willbe lessdata available throughsocial media;howeveritcouldalsogive consumersconfidence toshare data, knowingthattheyhave the powerto retract. 1.1.2 Economic  In the fourthquarterof 2008, householdspendingdropped2% whichwasthe firstfall in householdspendingsince 1968; and it continuedtofall.Althoughthe economyhasbegunto recoverfromthe recession,consumersare still warywhenitcomestospending.Thiswill directly affectthe digital marketingof trinity,astheyneedtoensure thattheyare usingpersuasiveand cost effectivesalespromotiontoentice moneyconsciousconsumers. (,2014) 1.1.3 Socio-cultural  There isa vastcultural diversity,inrelationtodigital marketing;inthe UK,23% of householdsdo not have internetconnection,therefore theyare indangerof beingleftbehindasbanks,retailers and manyconsumersincreasinglyturntomobile devise inalmosteveryaspectof theirdailylife. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012) thiswill effectdigital marketingactivitiesasitmeans that thismarketcannot be reached.  Due to cultural differences,notall organisationsreportpositiveimpactsfromdigital technologies,suchas;museums,inparticularrelationtorevenue andaudience development. 1.1.4 Technological  There has beenahuge increase inthe amountof people accessingthe internetontheirphone; the national statisticssurvey(2011) showeda14% increase inusage,fromthe previousyear. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012)  In the UK, 77% of householdshave accesstothe internet,whichhave turnedtoonline banking, and retailers. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012)  The newestcategory,establishingitself inthe UKiscontactlesspayment,throughthe use of
  • 30. 26 NearFieldCommunications(NFC) Forexample,Googlehave the google wallet,whichallowsfor salespromotionandpurchasingthroughthe google wallet.Thisisestimatedtoreachtotal paymentsof $50 billionby2014. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012)  Pay Pal isanotherexample of onlinepaymentsolution,whichprovidessafe online purchasing; the online service ensuresthatbankdetailsare notsenttothe retailers. (,2014) 1.1.5 Legal  A recentreportshowsthe effortstheyare takingtominimise copycatwebsites.Although monitoredbythe advertisingstandardsagency,theydonothave the powerto take action, meaningthatit isan increasinglycommonpractice. (,2014) 1.1.6 Environmental  Althoughdigital marketingmayhave areducedcarbonfootprint,due tothe negationof print advertising,howeveritwill still have environmental impacts.Withthe rise insocial mediasuch as; twitter,Facebook,Instagram,andemail marketingconsumersare beingconstantlyspammed by online retailersandorganisation.Aswellasthistheyare at risk of personal informationbeing sharedonline,theseare corporate social responsibilityissueseffectthe communitysurrounding trinitykitchenandneedtobe ensuredthattheyare careful not to crossboundaries. (,2014) 1.2 Micro environmental 1.2.1 Customer analysis  As trinitykitchenhasa‘popup shop’culture,withchangingmonthlyvenuesitcreates urgencyto the consumer.Thiswidensthe targetmarketasit reliesmore heavilyonfootfall, and physical featurestoentice the customertoeachstall. (,2014)  The foreverchangingmix of streetfoodretailers opensup the targetmarket;different culturesandtastesinterestedineachfoodretailer.  Accordingto MOSAICUK groups andtypes,demographic,itcanbe assumedthat trinity kitchen’stargetmarketconsistsof 38.57% of the UK. (,2014)  Although‘popupshops’are not generallyassociatedwiththe stigma of ‘fastfood’theycan be classedinthe same category. The majority(58%) of UK 16-24 year oldshave declared ‘FastFood Outlets’astheirmostpopularvisitedvenuesforlunch (Mintel,2014)  Since the majorityof trinitykitchen’stargetmarketare aged16-24, itis essentialto understandwhatdigital platformstheyuse; o 2011 saw the strongestgrowthinrecentyearsfor the purchase of mobiles, (Mintel, 2014), as well astabletsinthose aged18-34. (Mintel,2014) o Almost80% of 18-34 yearold ownssmartphones,andalmost50% of those aged25- 44 owna tablet. (Mintel,2014) o Minoritypopulationsare becomingheavyusersof electronicdevicesandtheir populationsare growing (Mintel,2014) Thisshowsthat TrinityKitchen’scurrenttargetmarketare becomingincreasinglyactiveon digital platforms,therefore thisisakeycommunicationforthem.Asthere isalsoanincrease inminoritypopulation’sonline presence,thiscreatesapotential newmarkettocontact throughdigital marketing.
  • 31. 27 1.2.2 Competitor analysis As there are no other‘popup shop’retailersinthe centre of Leeds,similarupmarket‘fastfood’ establishmentswillbe usedtocomplete acompetitoranalysis.BurgerKing WOKON (  Website: o Good use of visual branding, to ensure the consumers they are on the right website. o Use of pricing promotions and special offers o Range of onsite social share buttons – Twitter, Facebook – although the link to Facebook is broken. o Easy access to email signups for promotions, news and offers  Social Media: (,2014) gave WOKON a magnitude score of 2/10 betweenthe 05/05/14-12/05/14 o Twitter:  1,558 followers  Link to Facebook account  Information of nearest restaurant  Poor use of hash tags, which allows for trends to develop o Facebook: Bar/162333457115757  The Facebook site name on WOKON’s website and Twitter is a broken page, and the page is unavailable.  Another page, created by visitors who tag themselves there, has 114 likes, and 2,102 people have tagged themselves there. o SEO: (Suite,2014)  Traffic of 46 in the time period: 31/10/13-01/05/14  Theyhave no paidvisibility  They have a social visibility of 2,921  SEO visibility score of 0
  • 32. 28 Nandos (  Website: o Good use of visual stimulus; moving images – to show more promotions o They have one social share button – Twitter o Easy access to email signups for promotions, news and offers o A range of visible sales promotion and offers  Social Media: (, 2014) gave Nandos a magnitude score of 5.5/10 between the 05/05/14- 12/05/14 o Twitter:  1.35M followers  Good use of hash tags, for example #wingroulette and #fingerselfie, which is a promotion of theirs at the moment, this will lead to trends  Consistent style as the website  Link to website o Facebook:  2,753,185 likes  Continuous visual theme with twitter and website  At least one post per day, maintaining their online presence  Nandos Trinity (in the same outlet as Trinity Kitchen) has 337 likes, and 1,656 people checked in there. o SEO: (Suite,2014)  Traffic of 107,376 in the time period: 31/10/13-01/05/14  They have no paid visibility  They have a social visibility of 4,371,894  SEO visibility score of 973
  • 33. 29 1.3 Internal analysis TrinityKitchen’swebsiteandotherdigital activitieswill be analysedinordertoassessitscurrent strengthsandweaknessesinrelationtodigital marketing. 1.3.1 Current Digital Activity Industry Spread (SearchMetrics, 2014) The industry spread refers to the backlinks connected with Trinity Leeds, through the use of keywords, these can be web pages, and directory’s or top level domains. This can help to show popularity and trends of cultural or semantic interest. These have then been categorised into industry sectors, the percentage of key words are shown in the pie chart below: As expected the industry sector that holds the majority of the keywords linking to Trinity Kitchen is “food”, followed closely by media/events. Figure 1: industry spread Figure 3 – TrinityKitchenKeywordIndustrySpread Food:18.81%; Media – Events:12.75%; Home – Garden:10.98%; Gifts – Occasions:10.64%; Apparel: 10.64%. Travel – Tourism:8.56%; Sports – Fitness:5.22%;ConsumerElectronics:4.53%;Health: 3.81%; Other:14.06%.
  • 34. 30 1.3.2 Strengths SEO visibility SEO visibilityinvolvessearchvolume andthe positioningof rankingkeywords.Since TrinityKitchen openedinautumn2013, it hasshowna positive influx of SEOvisibility,asshownbelow,withaSEO visibilityratingof 8,094. Thisis due to the numberof organic keywords,returnedbysitessuchas Google. (The Guardian,2014) Figure 2: SEO Visibility Website The website forTrinityKitchen,asitislocatedina shoppingcentre,ismerelyasectiononthe ‘Trinityshoppingcentre’website.Thismakesitlooklessimportantasitisnot a single entity,and comesunderthe Trinityumbrella,insteadof anindividual brand.However,asthe Trinitywebsite has variouslinkstootherfoodanddrink,retailersandwebsitesinincreasesthe keywordrankings. As shownbelow,the top10 keywordrankingsare all denominationsfromthe Trinityshopping centre website. (SearchMetrics,2014) There are also Range of onsite social share buttons;Twitter, FacebookandYouTube. Figure 3: keywordtraffic
  • 35. 31 Social (, 2014) gave Trinity kitchen a magnitude score of 1.9/10 between the 05/05/14- 12/05/14  Twitter: o Although Trinity Kitchen does not have their own twitter, Trinity shopping center and the popup shopshash tag: #trinitykitchen,resultingintrendsonTwitter.  Facebook:( o 1,093 likes o They tend to only post when there is an event, making their online presence un- regular,thisneedstochange inorderto create a solidonline presence. o 12,266 have checkedinonline,atTrinityKitchen  SEO: (Suite,2014) o Trafficof 17,840 (top5 keywordrankings) in the time period: 31/10/13-01/05/14 o Social Visibilityscore of: 31,529 o SEO Visibilityscore of: 8,094 1.3.3 Weaknesses Website:  The website for Trinity Kitchen, as it is located in a shopping centre, is merely a section on the ‘Trinity shopping centre’ website. This makes it look less important as it is not a single entity, and comes under the Trinity umbrella, instead of an individual brand.  They currently have no pay per click media; this would enhance their targeting, as it is a cost-effective way to target consumers who are currently interested in a product or service offered by Trinity Kitchen. (TechnicallyMarketing,2014)  Each individual restaurantpage isthe same,andhas no character;this makesitharderto distinguishbetween the restaurants.(,2014)  The linksonthe website tosocial mediaare notto‘TrinityKitchen’social mediasites,rather to the TrinityShoppingCentre,sothere isnodirectlinkbetweenthe TrinityKitchensection of the domainandthe social mediaplatforms. (,2014) Social:  Twitter: o There isno separate twitterpage forTrinityKitchen,althoughitistrendedthrough TrinityShoppingCentre,throughthe use of hashtags,#trinitykitchen,if theywere to have theirown twitterpage itwouldcreate a higheronline presence and interactionwithconsumers,leadingtoevenhighertrends  Facebook o The last poston TrinityKitchen’sFacebookpage was20/03/14, theytendto only poston Facebookwhenthere isanevent, andthis doesnotmaintaina constant online presence,whichisneededtocreate a solidonline presence.
  • 36. 32 Industry (Keyword) Spread Although the industry sector that holds the majority of the keywords linking to Trinity Kitchen is “food”, this is followed closely by other industries such as; media, home-garden, apparel, and other. Although this could be due to the Trinity Kitchen website being part of the Trinity Shopping centre website, it shows that the keywords aren’t targeting or dominating the “food” industry. (Suite,2014) 1.4 SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses  Huge increase inthe amountof people accessingthe internetontheirphone; showinga14% increase inusage in2011. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012)  77% of UK householdshave accesstothe internet. (Chaffey,Ellis-Chadwickand Chaffey,2012)  Increase intechnologyhasledtothe decrease inpricesforcomputers,phones and tablets,makingthemeasiertopurchase, leadingtoan increase ine-commerce andm- commerce. (Macro environmental forces, 2013)  The main targetmarketof TrinityKitchenis aged16-24. As80% of 18-34 yearsoldsown smart phones,itmakesitincreasinglyeasy to contact the target marketthroughdigital marketing. (Mintel,2014)  TrinityKitchenhave hada vastincrease in theirSEO visibilitysince openinginAutumn 2013 and have a SEO visibilityratingof 7,893 (the Guardian, 2014)  Withthe Trinity Kitchenwebsitebeingpart of the TrinityShoppingcentre website,ithas increase the keywordrankingssubstantially, and increasedtrafficthroughthe other relatedtrinityretailers.  AlthoughTrinityKitchendoesnothave their owntwitter,Trinityshoppingcenterandthe popup shopshash tag: #trinitykitchen, resultingintrendson Twitter  Trafficof 17,840 (top5 keywordrankings) in the time period: 31/10/13-01/05/14   23% of UK householdsdonothave accessto the internet,meaningthatthistarget market ismissedbyany digital marketingactivities. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey,2012)  The social medialinksonthe TrinityKitchen website,donotlinktothe TrinityKitchen social mediaplatforms,butthe Trinity shoppingcentre.  Lack of visual stimulusonthe website, whereas Nandos have movingimageryfor salespromotionandinformation,Trinity have a verystandard layoutforeach restaurant.  There isno individualsignuptonewsletters, eventsorpromotionsforTrinityKitchen, onlythe TrinityShoppingcentre.  Althoughthere isalogofor TrinityKitchen, theydo nothave a consistentlayout,soitis no alwaysclearthat social mediaplatforms are related.  The last poston TrinityKitchen’sFacebook page was 20/03/14, theytendto onlypost on Facebookwhenthere isanevent,and thisdoesnot maintainaconstantonline presence,whichisneededtocreate asolid online presence.  They currently have no pay per click media; this would enhance their targeting, as it is a cost-effective way to target consumers who are currently interested in a product or service offered by Trinity Kitchen. (TechnicallyMarketing, 2014)  Each individual restaurantpage isthe same, and has nocharacter; thismakesit harderto distinguishbetweenthe restaurants. (,2014)  There isno separate twitterpage forTrinity
  • 37. 33 Kitchen,althoughitistrendedthrough TrinityShoppingCentre,throughthe use of hash tags,#trinitykitchen,if theywere to have theirowntwitterpage itwouldcreate a higheronline presence andinteractionwith consumers,leadingtoevenhighertrends  Opportunities Threats  In 2013 parliamentpassedthe licence for 4G, aimedat99% of the population.This makesaccessto the internetfasterand easierforconsumers, withoutanundue price rise.Allowingforanincrease in communicationsviam-commerce anddigital marketing. (UKParliament,2014)  As governmentbringsinnewprivacylaws online,itwill improve publicsafety,which will ease consumeractivitiesonline, andlead to an increase inusage (Telegraph,2012)  Newtechnology,NearFieldCommunications (NFC) expandsthe abilityof purchasing online;suchasthe Google WalletandPay Pal. (Chaffey,Ellis-ChadwickandChaffey, 2012)  Minoritypopulationsare becomingheavy usersof electronicdevices,thisopensupa newpotential markettobe communicated throughdigital marketingactivities. (Mintel, 2014)  Privacylawscouldaffectthe amountof data collectedonline,asconsumerswill gainthe rightto remove theirpersonal information permanentlyonline. (Bowcott,2013)  In 2008 householdspendingdropped2%, the firstfall since 1968, due to the recession, thiswill effectTrinityasconsumerbecome more moneyconscious(,2014)  Keycompetitors;Nandos andWOKON,have theirownunique website,whereasTrinity Kitchenhasa sectiononthe TrinityShopping website,makingitalongerprocessto search.  The keycompetitorsalsouse sales promotionthroughtheirwebsite andsocial media,whereasTrinityKitchendoesnot,this couldentice customersaway.  Nandoshave a veryup to date Twitterpage that has hightrendingpromotionsthatcould take businessawayfromTrinity,astheydo not have theirownTwitterpage.