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Contentsof section6: Agriculture.
Chapter1-Facts and FiguresonAgriculture.
1.1-Land pollution.
1.2-Transportationof Agriculture products.
1.3-Waste lyinglandsbeside veryproductive lands.
1.4-Insectsandpestsin the foodarticles.
1.5-Dehydrated anddyingplantsdue tolessrain.
1.6-Loss or Gain – uncertainforthe farmer.
1.7-Uncertaintyinthe availabilityof needythingsinagriculture.
1.8-Consequencesof improperstorage of foodarticles.
1.9-Indiaisgenerally30%to 50% of the highestaverage yieldinthe world.
1.10-Cultivatable landof India.
1.11-Economical and environmental sustainabilityof agriculture.
1.12-Dailycalorie consumption.
1.13-Ill effectsof roadagriculture processing.
1.14-Properstorage is the needof the nation.
Views to make this ‘World’ developed and this ‘Earth’
as the lovely place for every ‘Human’.
Let, all of us have nutritious, balanced, poison free diet,
For better mind and muscle power,
To live long with health and happiness;
Chapter 1: Facts and Figures on Agriculture.
1.1 Land pollution:
[Land pollution in India is due to pesticides and
fertilizers as well as corrosion. Source [64]
It has been thought by me many times each time when I treated patients with organophosphorus
poisoning. All of us consuming poison every day may in terms of micrograms. All of us know
especiallythe people whocommitssuicide know thatconsumingverylittle amount of this poison in
terms of milligrams will cause death; they want to die so they use it for dying. It is the matter of
milligram and microgram. The people who want to die will take this poison in milligrams and the
people whodon’twanttodie but wantto sufferwithailmentswillconsume these poisonseveryday
interms of micrograms.All of us will rush to the hospital immediately if one person consumes this
poisonbecause we know‘if we leave himforsome more time then that person is going to die’, and
the medical fraternityknowsall the signsandsymptomsof acute poisoning, they know to clean the
stomachif the patientreachesthe hospital inappropriatetime,theywillgive goodtreatmentforthe
patients with poisoning and lot of research has been done to update the knowledge on acute
poisoning, and all these are possible because we are getting the patients with acute poisoning in
plenty. But no one knows what happens to the people living with lot of ambition to live and
consuming micrograms of these poisons every day with the water and the food they consume,
nothing has been studied on such microgram issues because the people are not available for such
types of studies. We know the people who eat food in a better way will not get the disease. If we
consume the foodcontaminated with poison then what is going to happen to our health and life is
the points to be analysed. With extensive use of pesticides and fertilisers the land is extensively
pollutedthusall the plantswhich theygrow inthislandwill absorbthese poisons which may be in a
minute quantitywhichmaynotbe able to measure andthese we consume.Consumingsuchminute
quantityof poisonmayleadto some ailmentsinourbody(that we do not know) if the same poi son
causes sudden damage to our body if it is consumed in little higher quantity. From the history we
know that pesticides and fertilisers were not present long back. In the history of Mahabahratha it
has beenwrittenlikethatpeople like ‘Beeshmacharya’ lived for more than 300 years and at the age
of 300 years he was healthy and was able to fight in the war, and it was not the natural death for
him, he was killed in the war and if there was no Mahabarath he might have lived for some more
years.We see sighof earlyagingand treatmentforthe same inthe advertisements.Onone side the
mass inoculation has decreased the death of people from the infectious epidemics, with better
nutritionthe life expectancy became better, but people used to suffer from chronic problems like
arthritis, diabetes, liver and renal damages and so on. Whether consuming poisons in minute
quantitywill leadtosuchproblemsneedto be assessed. If there is known damage caused by some
substance in milligrams then it should definatly cause damage in minute quantity to our body that
we are not able tocorrelate.SoI wishwe needtostop usingall the pesticidesandthe fertilisers and
go for natural methods of increasing the yield in agriculture. This may not be possible with the
presentsystem.Itisbecause afarmerputs hiseffortsforplowing,formatting, sowing, irrigating the
land and so on. A farmer invest money on his land for purchasing the seeds, fertilisers, employs
expenses apart from his personnel efforts and this he may do with the loaned amount. With all
these efforts if the grownup plant gets some infection then he cannot keep quiet and he need to
treat it with the available technology or with the pesticides. Sometimes two or three rounds of
insecticidesmaybe sprayedto control the problem. The farmer knows he used lot of chemicals for
hiscrop and thushe ishesitanttouse the product inhis house but he will happily sell this item and
he thinkshe will getthe productwhichissafe for hishouse andthat product may contain the higher
quantityof poisoninit.Thus all of us are exposed for poison may be in a minor quantity every day.
All the middle class families and small scale farmers will not have heavy amount of money in the
house towithstandthe lossinagriculture or in the profession for many years, thus everyone wants
to earnsome money and no one will think that pesticides and fertilisers is going to cause land and
water pollution and thus all us are going to suffer with chronic poisoning.
The natural methodslike early identification of plant diseases, safe transportation of the diseased
plantto the place of burning without making the insects / pests to fall on the other healthy plants,
burningthe crop involvedinadesignatedincineratorwillnotbe possiblewiththe present system of
agriculture, and no one will be ready to pluck their infected plant and burn it and face the loss,
instead they spray the pesticide and sell the product in the market where no one knows which is
grownwithpesticide andwhichisnotgrownwithpesticide. The natural methods of controlling the
plant problems is possible with VPA where the loss is not going to affect one individual and VPA
members will get the income from some other item which is not affected by the disease.
1.2 Transportation of Agriculture products:
Photography by Dr. Shivu.
Let uslookat thisexample.A lorryisloadedwithpumpkinsandmovingtowardsMysore city.On the
way some of the pumpkin may fall and may go waste. The pumpkins which are present at the
bottomwill be crushedandif those crushedonesare storedfor one or twodays then they are going
to be spoiledasthe cellsare alreadyinjured.Since this was the journey one day prior to the ‘day of
Ayudhapoojafestival’,mostlythe whole lotwill be usedinthe process of pooja and thus the whole
nutritional value of this food item will go waste.
With the establishment of Model village and model nation, we can go for better storing and
transportation system and thus we can make all these vegetable available in all the days of all the
seasons.Optimumtemperature, special storage and transportation cages designed specifically for
different food items will prevent injuries to the vegetable and thus we can keep the items for a
longer time thus we can avoid changes in the rate in different seasons. With the better education
people may go for better pooja vidhans with minimal wastage of edible items.
1.3 Waste lying lands beside very productive lands.
Photography by Dr. Shivu.
We can see a goodgrowth of paddyhere.It isthe picture takenbeside the Kaveryriver,where there
isadequate availabilityof watertocultivate plantslike paddy. This type of growth we are not going
see everywhere.The landwhichliesuncultivatedis the government land between the road and the
owners land, it may be few meter in length, but it is very long. The government had kept this land
only for few decades keeping in mind if there is widening of road then they can utilise it.
With the establishment of VPA and model village, every square inch of land can be utilised
effectively for any amount of period for that matter and that income will go towards the
government for its land. When there is creation of roads the needed land can be utilised.
1.4 Insects and pests in the food articles.
[Many a times we see insects moving inside the rise
bag, black gram container, food articles and so on]
The basic reason for all these thinks are we do not follow scientific methods in processing and
storingthe foodarticleswhichleadstolossof foodarticlesandproblemsrelatedtothe spoiled food
With the establishment of VPA and VPAF it is possible maintain uniform protocols for all these
aspects starting from the time of plucking the grain in the plant till we cook and eat thus we can
prevent all the possible loss occurring due to faulty techniques of storage (usage of better food
storing containers which are reusable, maintaining sterility like foot and hand washing before
entering the processing area and so on).
1.5 Dehydrated and dying plants due to less rain.
[ Less raining and Dehydration to the plants and
Photography by Dr. Shivu.
Dried coconut plants. The government will give
remuneration for these dried trees, but this type of
supporthowlongthe governmentcancontinue isthe
thought we need to keep in mind.
Photography by Dr. Shivu.
A dried pump set open well; with this how farmers
can thrive is the question. All farmers put together
constitute the nation. Think about the solutions.
Photography by Dr. Shivu.
Lot of money is used to construct the check dams, if
the nature is not cooperating then the sufferers are
the people.
Photography by Dr. Shivu.
Deforestation,extensive utilisation of surface water
at all levels due increased population may be the
cause for waternot flowingall alongthe course of its
path.Absorptionintothe earthoutersurface ismore
at the upperlevel because of the dehydration of the
soil. All the water in the earth is removed through
many bore wells.
Photography by Dr. Shivu.
Most of the water pathways remain as dry water
pathways for most of the days in the year. The
amount of raining is not sufficient make the flow all
alongpath of the natural water pathways because of
increased absorption of water in to the soil at the
upper level itself.
Photography by Dr. Shivu.
We can see the dried/ deheydrated jower plants,
which are not growing in full swing and utimatly we
get very less yield from this plants if at all if they
survive other wise all the money spent on it will be
the waste and it is the loss for the farmer.]
All these problemscanbe solvedwiththe establishmentof RCS.All the landwill required amount of
water throughout the year throughout the nation.
1.6 Loss or Gain – uncertain for the farmer.
[Fluctuation in the rate:
Source [65]
We see the agriculture product rates are raising in days time and some time it may be due excess
rainingandlossdue to spoilingorlessrainingandlossdue tolessyield,impropertransportationand
storage which leads to damage to the product. Items are grown in excess but the demand for it is
lessanditemsare grown lessbutthe demandforit is more, reasons like this will continue and thus
the rates of the commoditiesare notstable.Thiscanbe solvedandwe can make all the products are
available all the time with stable rate with RCS – VPA – MV - MN.
1.7 Uncertainty in the availability of needy things in agriculture.
[Timely availability, needy quantity and assured
Source [66]
Most of the time we will notbe utilizinganytype of fertilizersforthe landswiththe establishmentof
VPA,we will be usingonlythe natural fertilizerslike cow dung,cowsurine,plantproductsand so on.
If the soil testing report strongly recommends the utilization of some fertilizer then it will be well
planned by the VPA and the stocks will be kept in the VPA gowdons as per the prescription of the
agriculture experts.
1.8 Consequences of improper storage of food articles.
[Improper storage and its consequences:
Photography by: Dr. Shivu. P]
Will you recognise what is present inside these bags? One day it will reach your house.
Poisonswill notstopenteringthe bodyafterthe usage of fertilisersandthe insecticidestothe crops.
Most of the timeswe use bagswhichwere usedtostore cementand fertiliserslike this. Most of the
time they are not washed scientifically to remove the cement and chemical particles attached to
them, and we store rice – ragi – wheat – Grams / Dhal in it. Thus we expose those edibles to the
chemicalsandtheywill be contaminatedfurther.We neverthinkeating such edibles will expose us
for chemicals that can injure our body, but we eat them, later we may suffer from some chronic
ailments and we will never correlate that with the mistakes that we made during the storage of
With VPA we can create the reusable designated containers for fruits – vegetables – cereals –
legumes and so on. No chemicals are used from the stage of implanting the seeds to the stage of
transportation and storage, thus we will not be exposed for chemicals causing injury to our body.
1.9 India is generally 30% to 50% of the highest average yield in the
India is the second largest producer of rice in the
world and Andhra Pradesh is the 3rd largest rice
producing state in India.
India ranks second worldwide in farm output.
Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry, logging
and fishing accounted for 16.6% of the GDP in 2007,
employed 60% of the total workforce and despite a
steady decline of its share in the GDP, is still the
largesteconomicsectorandplaysa significantrole in
the overall socio-economic development of India.
Yields per unit area of all crops have grown since
1950, due to the special emphasis placed on
agriculture in the five-year plans and steady
improvementsin irrigation,technology,applicationof
modern agricultural practices and provision of
agricultural credit and subsidies since Green
revolution in India. However, international
comparisons reveal that the average yield in India is
generally 30% to 50% of the highest average yield in
the world.
India is the largest producer in the world of milk,
cashew nuts, coconuts, tea, ginger, turmeric and
black pepper. It also has the world's largest cattle
population (193 million). It is the second largest
producerof wheat,rice, sugar, groundnut and inland
fish. It is the third largest producer of tobacco. India
accounts for 10% of the world fruit production with
first rank in the production of banana and sapota.
Source [67]
With VPA, it is possible to increase the yield in agriculture segment to 100% or even more of the
highest average yield of the world as in comparison with the International yields.
1.10 Cultivatable land of India.
[India'stotal cultivable area is 1,269,219 km² (56.78%
of total land area), which is decreasing due to
constant pressure from an ever growing population
and increased urbanisation. Source [67]
WithVPA – MV – MN, itis possible todecrease the number of villages and thus the area consumed
by the village proper and the roads connecting it. It is possible to maintain the constant number in
population with VPA – NES – NHS, thus the lands consumed by the urbanisation. With VPA it is
possible to utilise all the lands, which are suitable for agriculture.
1.11 Economical and environmental sustainability of agriculture.
Agriculture in India
Slow agricultural growth is a concern for
policymakers as some two-thirds of India’s people
depend on rural employment for a living. Current
agricultural practices are neither economically nor
environmentally sustainable and India's yields for
many agricultural commodities are low. Poorly
maintained irrigation systems and almost universal
lack of good extensionservicesare amongthe factors
responsible.Farmers'access to markets is hampered
by poor roads, rudimentary market infrastructure,
and excessive regulation.
– World Bank: "India Country Overview 2008"
The low productivity in India is a result of the
following factors:
According to "India: Priorities for Agriculture and
Rural Development" by World Bank, India's large
agricultural subsidies are hampering productivity-
enhancinginvestment.Overregulation of agriculture
has increased costs, price risks and uncertainty.
Governmentinterventionsin labour, land, and credit
markets are hurting the market. Infrastructure and
services are inadequate.
Illiteracy,general socio-economicbackwardness,slow
progress in implementing land reforms and
inadequate or inefficient finance and marketing
services for farm produce.
The average size of land holdings is very small (less
than 20,000 m²) and issubject to fragmentation, due
to land ceiling acts and in some cases, family
disputes.Suchsmall holdingsare oftenover-manned,
resulting in disguised unemployment and low
productivity of labour.
Adoptionof modernagricultural practices and use of
technology isinadequate,hampered by ignorance of
such practices, high costs and impracticality in the
case of small land holdings.
World Bank says that the allocation of water is
inefficient, unsustainable and inequitable. The
irrigation infrastructure is deteriorating. Irrigation
facilitiesare inadequate, as revealed by the fact that
only 52.6% of the land was irrigated in 2003–04,
which result in farmers still being dependent on
rainfall, specifically the Monsoon season. A good
monsoonresultsin a robust growth for the economy
as a whole,while apoormonsoon leads to a sluggish
growth.Farm creditisregulatedby NABARD,whichis
the statutoryapex agentfor rural developmentinthe
Indiahas manyfarm insurance companiesthatinsure
wheat, fruit, rice and rubber farmers in the event of
natural disasters or catastrophic crop failure, are
underthe supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture.
One notable company that provides all of these
insurance policiesis agriculture insurance companyof
India and it alone insures almost 20 million farmers.
India'spopulationis growing faster than its ability to
produce rice and wheat. The most important
structural reformfor self-sufficiencyisthe ITCLimited
plan to connect 20,000 villages to the Internet by
2013. This will provide farmers with up to date crop
pricesforthe firsttime,whichshouldminimise losses
incurred from neighbouring producers selling early
and inturn facilitate investmentinrural areas.Source
Current agricultural practices which are neither economical nor environmentally sustainable, and
the yieldsformanyagricultural commoditiesare low,canbe convertedin to the practices which are
economical, environmentally sustainable, with better yield. RCS will solve all irrigation related
problems. Extension services can be made better with MV – MN. All the people in the VPA will be
buyingthe needyitemsonlyformtheirVPA shopping complex, and the agriculture products grown
inthe VPA,whichneedstobe soldwill be directlysoldto the needy place on whole sale basis, with
uniformpricing,thusnoone will gounderthe loss,thatis the farmers and the customers in a stable
market. CRS – CRTS will make the roads and railway tracks, very much good for transportation,
marketinfrastructure canbe made well at the major needy places. Regulations can be according to
our convenience, so that the agriculture products do not go waste and no one goes for loss.
All the subsidies can be cancelled; in fact the VPA will be in a position to supply money to the
government when once it becomes stable in its establishment, until that the government will be
supporting the VPA financially, technically, through its skilled and qualified people. Uniform
regulationall acrossthe nationas perthe convenience of the people will workoutbetterforsmooth
runningof the system in larger scale in long run. Government will not be intervening in any way in
the activities of the VPA, but it will suggest standard protocols in all the fields to have uniform
system all across the nation. Adequate infrastructure and services can be created with VPA – MV –
100% literacy rate can be achieved NES – MV – MN. Socioeconomic status become well with VPA.
Providing the needy finance to the VPA, will not become the problem till the VPA completely
establishes keeping the accounts on, and once the VPA works in full bloom, then it will be able to
supplythe finance tothe government. Any programme can target at least 100 square kilometres of
agricultural land instead of small – fragmented land, where the investment and income will not
match. All the family disputes related to land can be prevented with PIN and Family tree based
propertydocumentation.Large scale farming can utilise the labour force in a effective way and the
things like disguised unemployment will not arise.
Adoption of modern agricultural practices and use of technology can be made to the maximum
extentpossible in large scale with VPA, targeting 100 square kilometres of land, with single owner
for the land,that is,VPA.Sufficientwatercanbe suppliedtoall the agricultural land, which is to the
100% of agricultural land, in all the seasons of the year, without any impairment, in a continuous
manner (Excludes the short periods in which the RCS team may have to work for repairing or de
siltingthe RCScanals.All the agricultural lands,willbe fedbythe canalsof the RCS, thus the farmers
dependingon the rain at the local places will decrease, thus will lead to steady supply of grains all
the years, thus the things like scarcity of growth, thus its effect on the economy can be prevented
with RCS.
Insurance can be continued based on the present insurance system, which may be providing the
helponlyduringthe natural catastrophes like earth quake, floods and some unexpected disasters.
All the VPA will come under the web.
The population can be well controlled with VPA, and the agriculture products can be grown as per
the requirement of the nation. The nation will estimate the population, its diet, the grains –
vegetables –fruitsrequirement,the grainsthatcan be storedforlongtime as national food security
and so on, thus it will advise the VPA to grow certain food articles based on the soil and climate
suitable for growth of particular type of agriculture product.
1.12 Daily calorie consumption.
[Growth in per capita income raises India's rank.
JUNE 30:
Daily per capita supply of calories improved from
2,082calories per person in 1970 to 2,496 calories in
1997. Daily per capita supply of protein increased
12.9 per cent during 1970-97 to 59 grams while that
of fats grew 46.5 per cent to 45 grams in 1997.
Source [68]
WithVPA – MV – MN, all the people willbe able toconsume adequate calorie,protein, fat, vitamins
and minerals as per the requirement.
1.13 Ill effects of road agriculture processing.
Photography by: Dr. Shivu.
Road agriculture processing and its ill effect on health:
We see many people putting their agriculture product and wait for the vehicle to move on it, this
separatesthe huskandthe grain.It maylooksimple forthe farmers,itiseasy to put the product on
the road to process,andit lookscost effective forthem. There are many problems associated with
it.There is lotof grain going to waste as the fast moving vehicles move on the road spreaded with
the agriculture products and the grains will spill on either the sides some times which will not be
recoverable.The vehicle whichismovingonthe agriculture productmighthave alreadymovedover
the filth(because of roadside defecation) andwhen it moves on the agriculture product the filthy
materialswill mix with it and lead to diseases like worm infestation, typhoid and other food born
diseases.Cleaning of the food grains is mandatory after the processing because the grains will be
mixed with lot of stones and mud. It adds burden to the department of health, educations
achievementsof the childrenwill godownbecause theywill be sufferingfromthe multiple ailments
like stomachache whichmaybe ina subclinical state andwill notbe expressedverballybythe child
and thus continue to suffer and will not concentrate on the education.
Withthe establishmentof VPA we cansee that the cleanproceduresare followed from the time of
pluckingthe planttill itreachesthe mouthof the consumer like directly shifting the plucked items
to the clean vehicle, which moves directly in to the processing field after the tyres have been
thoroughly washed, the people who washed their hands and foot wearing the mask will shift the
materialsfromthe vehicle toprocessingfield,no one will be allowed to enter the processing filed
withoutwashingtheirhandsand foot and wearing proper gloves and sax meant for it, the people
who process the food grains will wear the mask, gloves, sax and other necessary materials in a
designatedhygienicconditionandthiswill continue till packing, storing, dispensing the same. The
hygienic way of preparing the food, storing, healthy family diet and so on will be taught to all the
people who involve in it by the trained people at the VPA.
1.14 Proper storage is the need of the nation.
Source: News paper.]
With proper storage we can utilise the food items for longer time. Storing the food articles
scientifically, in large scale, is possible with VPA.
1.15 Few statistics related to agriculture.
[Indiastatistics,factsand figures data on agriculture
- number of cows globally: 1.5 billion [NATURE oct
- numberof cows inIndia: 200 million[Timesof India
aug 04]
- number of buffaloes in India: 90 million [Times of
India aug 04]
- annual number of cattle smuggled from India into
Bangladesh: 6 million.
- milk production 2001-2002: 84.6 million tonnes.
- people whoare farmers: almost550 million[Sahara
Time, Mar 04]
- numberof agricultural labourers: about 200 million
(many withdailywages below 10 Rs per day) [Sahara
Time, Mar 04]
- cultivation which is rain-dependent: nearly 60
percent [Sahara Time, Mar 04]
- area in which pesticides are used: 1980: 6 million
hectare -- 1990: 125 million hectare.
- people in Andhra Pradesh who depend on
agriculture: 60 % (of population of 76 million) [HT
May 04]
- number of farmers in Andhra Pradesh: 12 million
[HT May 04]
- number of small/marginal farmers in Andhra
Pradeshwhodependonrainfor irrigation: 10 million
[HT May 04]
- numberof debt-riddenfarmerscommitting suicide
every day in AP: 5-7 [HT May 04]
- * numberof farmersuicidesdue to bad debt in the
Vidarbha region of Maharashtra within the past 3
years (2006): 1,500 according to revenue records --
930 since 2001 according to Maharashtra state
Government [DNA Jun 06]
- interestrateschargedby"moneylenders" and local
"businessmen" for a small agricultural loan: 100 to
450 % [Sahara Time, Mar 04]
- GDP from agriculture: 24 % of total gross domestic
product [BBC Jul 04]
- government spending for the agricultural sector: 8
percent of the annual budget [Sahara Time, Mar 04]
- total of arable landwhich is not irrigated: nearly 63
percent [Sahara Time, Mar 04]
- bank credit allocated for agriculture: 12% of total
bank credit in India [Sahara Time, Mar 2004]
- money allocated for various irrigation policies by
the government: 620 million Rs for the 2003-2004
budget [Sahara Time, Mar 2004]
- disparity in average income between farmers and
non-farmers:5times(non-farmersearn5 timesmore
than farmers) [Sahara Time, Mar 2004]
- productionof fruit and vegetables by India: 14% of
world wide production [BBC Sep 04]
- India'sexportof fruitand vegetables: 1% of world's
fruit/veg exports [BBC Sep 04]
- India's tea production in 2003: 856 million kg [BBC
Sep 04]
- tea produced in Assam: 55 % of India's total tea
production [BBC Sep 04]
- daily tea production in Assam in high picking
season: 2 million kg [BBC Sep 04]
- decrease of Assam'sbestqualityteaprices within 5
years: 10 % [BBC Sep 04]
Source [69]
Each VPA will maintainatleast5000 cows withgoodproductivity,sothe total numberof cows from
all the VPA (around20000 VPA) becomes100 millionsin VPA, excluding the cows that come under
urban area.No one will be able to smuggle the any animals as they are monitored round the clock
by the differentgroupsmeantforcowkeeping.The milk production will increase as the individual
cowswill be fedwithqualityfreshhuskandnutrients.The huskwill be growninthe areasmeantfor
growing the husk in the area of the VPA.
The total numberof farmersas suchmay decrease,butthe number of members working as VPWM
may be more, and the different groups may be involved in different works in the VPA.
There will notbe any dailywage labours in the agriculture, all will be employed as the permanent
members of the VPA, and will be getting the share as per the productivity. They will have leave
pattern similar to the present leave system existing in the government.
All the agriculture landswill be fedbythe canalsof the RCS, and the RCS will provide the sufficient
waterto all the lands,all the time of the year, thus the cultivation depending on the rain will stop.
Pesticide usage will come near zero, thus it is possible to make the land - water - food article to
become free from poison.
All the farmersbecome economicallyproductiveandwill have a life without uncertainty with VPA.
They will be able to support the nation in terms of economy, thus the nation can invest more
moneyonresearch,education,health,infrastructure,andso on. With this type of situation no one
will everthinkof committingsuicide,butwill enjoy the life by spending the time in the sports and
recreation,whichare presentinthe MV,guidedbythe people of ‘Degree in Physical education’ by
VPS - NES, which is necessary for ‘Positive health’.
Single farmer going for loss and thus getting the money from the ‘moneylenders’ will not exist,
insteadthe VPA will be assistedbythe Government from all the angles, till the VPA proceeds with
productivity, then the farmers will start supporting the government.
GDP from the agriculture segment will increase with better productivity, less loss, agriculture
related industries.
The governmentneedtogive the salaryforitsemploysworkingwithVPA,andthe VPA will give the
share to the Government as per the policy. Thus the government spending the money on
agriculture will exceedthe income that it gets from the agriculture and related industries and that
money can be invested for providing free health and education for its people, and for creating
better infrastructure.
The present63% of non irrigated arable land can be made in to land with adequate irrigation with
All the loansof all the farmers can be cleared with the full functioning of the VPA. It is possible to
complete the work of RCS and get water for all the lands which are suitable for agricultures, with
the money that we spend on irrigation for five years and it becomes the life time solution and
recurrence in spending will not arise except for the maintenance.
The disparity in economy among the farmers and non farmers can be decreased to the maximum
The production of fruits and the vegetables can be increased, as they are more water dependent
and that will be provided by the RCS, thus their export can also be increased.
The constancy inrate can be maintained,withbetterstorage technologyandmaintaining the better
heathof the agriculture productsevenintransportation.The interVPA web will keep a track on the
price of the products,inorderto preventthe blackmarket.Since VPA involve both in the process of
production and business, the chances of ‘Black market will not arise and all the activities will be
transparent.Transportationwill persistbasedonlyonthe need,butnoton the purpose of business.
[64] Internet: Environmental issues in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia.
[65]DNA News paper, Bangalore, Page number 1, dated 12.07.09.
[66] Prajavani News paper.
[67] Economy of India. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. This page was last modified on 22
February 2009, at 23:16.
[68]IndianExpressNewspapers(Bombay) Ltd. Growth in per capita income raises India's rank.mht.
[69] Internet: India statistics facts and figures neoncarrot travelog.

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S13c18 chapter 18-different blocks in the model village (auto cad drawings).
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S6c1 chapter 1 facts and figures on agriculture.

  • 1. Contentsof section6: Agriculture. Chapter1-Facts and FiguresonAgriculture. 1.1-Land pollution. 1.2-Transportationof Agriculture products. 1.3-Waste lyinglandsbeside veryproductive lands. 1.4-Insectsandpestsin the foodarticles. 1.5-Dehydrated anddyingplantsdue tolessrain. 1.6-Loss or Gain – uncertainforthe farmer. 1.7-Uncertaintyinthe availabilityof needythingsinagriculture. 1.8-Consequencesof improperstorage of foodarticles. 1.9-Indiaisgenerally30%to 50% of the highestaverage yieldinthe world. 1.10-Cultivatable landof India. 1.11-Economical and environmental sustainabilityof agriculture. 1.12-Dailycalorie consumption. 1.13-Ill effectsof roadagriculture processing. 1.14-Properstorage is the needof the nation. 1.15-Fewstatisticsrelatedtoagriculture. Views to make this ‘World’ developed and this ‘Earth’ as the lovely place for every ‘Human’. SECTION 6 AGRICULTURE Let, all of us have nutritious, balanced, poison free diet, For better mind and muscle power, To live long with health and happiness; Chapter 1: Facts and Figures on Agriculture. 1.1 Land pollution: [Land pollution in India is due to pesticides and fertilizers as well as corrosion. Source [64] It has been thought by me many times each time when I treated patients with organophosphorus poisoning. All of us consuming poison every day may in terms of micrograms. All of us know
  • 2. especiallythe people whocommitssuicide know thatconsumingverylittle amount of this poison in terms of milligrams will cause death; they want to die so they use it for dying. It is the matter of milligram and microgram. The people who want to die will take this poison in milligrams and the people whodon’twanttodie but wantto sufferwithailmentswillconsume these poisonseveryday interms of micrograms.All of us will rush to the hospital immediately if one person consumes this poisonbecause we know‘if we leave himforsome more time then that person is going to die’, and the medical fraternityknowsall the signsandsymptomsof acute poisoning, they know to clean the stomachif the patientreachesthe hospital inappropriatetime,theywillgive goodtreatmentforthe patients with poisoning and lot of research has been done to update the knowledge on acute poisoning, and all these are possible because we are getting the patients with acute poisoning in plenty. But no one knows what happens to the people living with lot of ambition to live and consuming micrograms of these poisons every day with the water and the food they consume, nothing has been studied on such microgram issues because the people are not available for such types of studies. We know the people who eat food in a better way will not get the disease. If we consume the foodcontaminated with poison then what is going to happen to our health and life is the points to be analysed. With extensive use of pesticides and fertilisers the land is extensively pollutedthusall the plantswhich theygrow inthislandwill absorbthese poisons which may be in a minute quantitywhichmaynotbe able to measure andthese we consume.Consumingsuchminute quantityof poisonmayleadto some ailmentsinourbody(that we do not know) if the same poi son causes sudden damage to our body if it is consumed in little higher quantity. From the history we know that pesticides and fertilisers were not present long back. In the history of Mahabahratha it has beenwrittenlikethatpeople like ‘Beeshmacharya’ lived for more than 300 years and at the age of 300 years he was healthy and was able to fight in the war, and it was not the natural death for him, he was killed in the war and if there was no Mahabarath he might have lived for some more years.We see sighof earlyagingand treatmentforthe same inthe advertisements.Onone side the mass inoculation has decreased the death of people from the infectious epidemics, with better nutritionthe life expectancy became better, but people used to suffer from chronic problems like arthritis, diabetes, liver and renal damages and so on. Whether consuming poisons in minute quantitywill leadtosuchproblemsneedto be assessed. If there is known damage caused by some substance in milligrams then it should definatly cause damage in minute quantity to our body that we are not able tocorrelate.SoI wishwe needtostop usingall the pesticidesandthe fertilisers and go for natural methods of increasing the yield in agriculture. This may not be possible with the presentsystem.Itisbecause afarmerputs hiseffortsforplowing,formatting, sowing, irrigating the land and so on. A farmer invest money on his land for purchasing the seeds, fertilisers, employs expenses apart from his personnel efforts and this he may do with the loaned amount. With all these efforts if the grownup plant gets some infection then he cannot keep quiet and he need to treat it with the available technology or with the pesticides. Sometimes two or three rounds of insecticidesmaybe sprayedto control the problem. The farmer knows he used lot of chemicals for hiscrop and thushe ishesitanttouse the product inhis house but he will happily sell this item and he thinkshe will getthe productwhichissafe for hishouse andthat product may contain the higher quantityof poisoninit.Thus all of us are exposed for poison may be in a minor quantity every day. All the middle class families and small scale farmers will not have heavy amount of money in the house towithstandthe lossinagriculture or in the profession for many years, thus everyone wants to earnsome money and no one will think that pesticides and fertilisers is going to cause land and water pollution and thus all us are going to suffer with chronic poisoning.
  • 3. The natural methodslike early identification of plant diseases, safe transportation of the diseased plantto the place of burning without making the insects / pests to fall on the other healthy plants, burningthe crop involvedinadesignatedincineratorwillnotbe possiblewiththe present system of agriculture, and no one will be ready to pluck their infected plant and burn it and face the loss, instead they spray the pesticide and sell the product in the market where no one knows which is grownwithpesticide andwhichisnotgrownwithpesticide. The natural methods of controlling the plant problems is possible with VPA where the loss is not going to affect one individual and VPA members will get the income from some other item which is not affected by the disease. 1.2 Transportation of Agriculture products: Photography by Dr. Shivu. Let uslookat thisexample.A lorryisloadedwithpumpkinsandmovingtowardsMysore city.On the way some of the pumpkin may fall and may go waste. The pumpkins which are present at the bottomwill be crushedandif those crushedonesare storedfor one or twodays then they are going to be spoiledasthe cellsare alreadyinjured.Since this was the journey one day prior to the ‘day of Ayudhapoojafestival’,mostlythe whole lotwill be usedinthe process of pooja and thus the whole nutritional value of this food item will go waste. With the establishment of Model village and model nation, we can go for better storing and transportation system and thus we can make all these vegetable available in all the days of all the seasons.Optimumtemperature, special storage and transportation cages designed specifically for different food items will prevent injuries to the vegetable and thus we can keep the items for a longer time thus we can avoid changes in the rate in different seasons. With the better education people may go for better pooja vidhans with minimal wastage of edible items.
  • 4. 1.3 Waste lying lands beside very productive lands. Photography by Dr. Shivu. We can see a goodgrowth of paddyhere.It isthe picture takenbeside the Kaveryriver,where there isadequate availabilityof watertocultivate plantslike paddy. This type of growth we are not going see everywhere.The landwhichliesuncultivatedis the government land between the road and the owners land, it may be few meter in length, but it is very long. The government had kept this land only for few decades keeping in mind if there is widening of road then they can utilise it. With the establishment of VPA and model village, every square inch of land can be utilised effectively for any amount of period for that matter and that income will go towards the government for its land. When there is creation of roads the needed land can be utilised. 1.4 Insects and pests in the food articles. [Many a times we see insects moving inside the rise bag, black gram container, food articles and so on] The basic reason for all these thinks are we do not follow scientific methods in processing and storingthe foodarticleswhichleadstolossof foodarticlesandproblemsrelatedtothe spoiled food articles. With the establishment of VPA and VPAF it is possible maintain uniform protocols for all these aspects starting from the time of plucking the grain in the plant till we cook and eat thus we can prevent all the possible loss occurring due to faulty techniques of storage (usage of better food storing containers which are reusable, maintaining sterility like foot and hand washing before entering the processing area and so on). 1.5 Dehydrated and dying plants due to less rain. [ Less raining and Dehydration to the plants and trees:
  • 5. Photography by Dr. Shivu. Dried coconut plants. The government will give remuneration for these dried trees, but this type of supporthowlongthe governmentcancontinue isthe thought we need to keep in mind. Photography by Dr. Shivu. A dried pump set open well; with this how farmers can thrive is the question. All farmers put together constitute the nation. Think about the solutions. Photography by Dr. Shivu. Lot of money is used to construct the check dams, if the nature is not cooperating then the sufferers are
  • 6. the people. Photography by Dr. Shivu. Deforestation,extensive utilisation of surface water at all levels due increased population may be the cause for waternot flowingall alongthe course of its path.Absorptionintothe earthoutersurface ismore at the upperlevel because of the dehydration of the soil. All the water in the earth is removed through many bore wells. Photography by Dr. Shivu. Most of the water pathways remain as dry water pathways for most of the days in the year. The amount of raining is not sufficient make the flow all alongpath of the natural water pathways because of increased absorption of water in to the soil at the upper level itself.
  • 7. Photography by Dr. Shivu. We can see the dried/ deheydrated jower plants, which are not growing in full swing and utimatly we get very less yield from this plants if at all if they survive other wise all the money spent on it will be the waste and it is the loss for the farmer.] All these problemscanbe solvedwiththe establishmentof RCS.All the landwill required amount of water throughout the year throughout the nation. 1.6 Loss or Gain – uncertain for the farmer. [Fluctuation in the rate:
  • 8. Source [65] We see the agriculture product rates are raising in days time and some time it may be due excess rainingandlossdue to spoilingorlessrainingandlossdue tolessyield,impropertransportationand storage which leads to damage to the product. Items are grown in excess but the demand for it is lessanditemsare grown lessbutthe demandforit is more, reasons like this will continue and thus the rates of the commoditiesare notstable.Thiscanbe solvedandwe can make all the products are available all the time with stable rate with RCS – VPA – MV - MN. 1.7 Uncertainty in the availability of needy things in agriculture. [Timely availability, needy quantity and assured quality?
  • 9. Source [66] Most of the time we will notbe utilizinganytype of fertilizersforthe landswiththe establishmentof VPA,we will be usingonlythe natural fertilizerslike cow dung,cowsurine,plantproductsand so on. If the soil testing report strongly recommends the utilization of some fertilizer then it will be well planned by the VPA and the stocks will be kept in the VPA gowdons as per the prescription of the agriculture experts. 1.8 Consequences of improper storage of food articles. [Improper storage and its consequences: Photography by: Dr. Shivu. P] Will you recognise what is present inside these bags? One day it will reach your house. Poisonswill notstopenteringthe bodyafterthe usage of fertilisersandthe insecticidestothe crops. Most of the timeswe use bagswhichwere usedtostore cementand fertiliserslike this. Most of the
  • 10. time they are not washed scientifically to remove the cement and chemical particles attached to them, and we store rice – ragi – wheat – Grams / Dhal in it. Thus we expose those edibles to the chemicalsandtheywill be contaminatedfurther.We neverthinkeating such edibles will expose us for chemicals that can injure our body, but we eat them, later we may suffer from some chronic ailments and we will never correlate that with the mistakes that we made during the storage of edibles. With VPA we can create the reusable designated containers for fruits – vegetables – cereals – legumes and so on. No chemicals are used from the stage of implanting the seeds to the stage of transportation and storage, thus we will not be exposed for chemicals causing injury to our body. 1.9 India is generally 30% to 50% of the highest average yield in the world. [Agriculture India is the second largest producer of rice in the world and Andhra Pradesh is the 3rd largest rice producing state in India. India ranks second worldwide in farm output. Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry, logging and fishing accounted for 16.6% of the GDP in 2007, employed 60% of the total workforce and despite a steady decline of its share in the GDP, is still the largesteconomicsectorandplaysa significantrole in the overall socio-economic development of India. Yields per unit area of all crops have grown since 1950, due to the special emphasis placed on agriculture in the five-year plans and steady improvementsin irrigation,technology,applicationof modern agricultural practices and provision of agricultural credit and subsidies since Green revolution in India. However, international comparisons reveal that the average yield in India is generally 30% to 50% of the highest average yield in the world. India is the largest producer in the world of milk, cashew nuts, coconuts, tea, ginger, turmeric and black pepper. It also has the world's largest cattle population (193 million). It is the second largest producerof wheat,rice, sugar, groundnut and inland fish. It is the third largest producer of tobacco. India accounts for 10% of the world fruit production with first rank in the production of banana and sapota. Source [67]
  • 11. With VPA, it is possible to increase the yield in agriculture segment to 100% or even more of the highest average yield of the world as in comparison with the International yields. 1.10 Cultivatable land of India. [India'stotal cultivable area is 1,269,219 km² (56.78% of total land area), which is decreasing due to constant pressure from an ever growing population and increased urbanisation. Source [67] WithVPA – MV – MN, itis possible todecrease the number of villages and thus the area consumed by the village proper and the roads connecting it. It is possible to maintain the constant number in population with VPA – NES – NHS, thus the lands consumed by the urbanisation. With VPA it is possible to utilise all the lands, which are suitable for agriculture. 1.11 Economical and environmental sustainability of agriculture. [Agriculture Agriculture in India Slow agricultural growth is a concern for policymakers as some two-thirds of India’s people depend on rural employment for a living. Current agricultural practices are neither economically nor environmentally sustainable and India's yields for many agricultural commodities are low. Poorly maintained irrigation systems and almost universal lack of good extensionservicesare amongthe factors responsible.Farmers'access to markets is hampered by poor roads, rudimentary market infrastructure, and excessive regulation. – World Bank: "India Country Overview 2008" The low productivity in India is a result of the following factors: According to "India: Priorities for Agriculture and Rural Development" by World Bank, India's large agricultural subsidies are hampering productivity- enhancinginvestment.Overregulation of agriculture has increased costs, price risks and uncertainty. Governmentinterventionsin labour, land, and credit markets are hurting the market. Infrastructure and services are inadequate. Illiteracy,general socio-economicbackwardness,slow progress in implementing land reforms and inadequate or inefficient finance and marketing services for farm produce. The average size of land holdings is very small (less
  • 12. than 20,000 m²) and issubject to fragmentation, due to land ceiling acts and in some cases, family disputes.Suchsmall holdingsare oftenover-manned, resulting in disguised unemployment and low productivity of labour. Adoptionof modernagricultural practices and use of technology isinadequate,hampered by ignorance of such practices, high costs and impracticality in the case of small land holdings. World Bank says that the allocation of water is inefficient, unsustainable and inequitable. The irrigation infrastructure is deteriorating. Irrigation facilitiesare inadequate, as revealed by the fact that only 52.6% of the land was irrigated in 2003–04, which result in farmers still being dependent on rainfall, specifically the Monsoon season. A good monsoonresultsin a robust growth for the economy as a whole,while apoormonsoon leads to a sluggish growth.Farm creditisregulatedby NABARD,whichis the statutoryapex agentfor rural developmentinthe subcontinent. Indiahas manyfarm insurance companiesthatinsure wheat, fruit, rice and rubber farmers in the event of natural disasters or catastrophic crop failure, are underthe supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture. One notable company that provides all of these insurance policiesis agriculture insurance companyof India and it alone insures almost 20 million farmers. India'spopulationis growing faster than its ability to produce rice and wheat. The most important structural reformfor self-sufficiencyisthe ITCLimited plan to connect 20,000 villages to the Internet by 2013. This will provide farmers with up to date crop pricesforthe firsttime,whichshouldminimise losses incurred from neighbouring producers selling early and inturn facilitate investmentinrural areas.Source [67] Current agricultural practices which are neither economical nor environmentally sustainable, and the yieldsformanyagricultural commoditiesare low,canbe convertedin to the practices which are economical, environmentally sustainable, with better yield. RCS will solve all irrigation related problems. Extension services can be made better with MV – MN. All the people in the VPA will be buyingthe needyitemsonlyformtheirVPA shopping complex, and the agriculture products grown inthe VPA,whichneedstobe soldwill be directlysoldto the needy place on whole sale basis, with uniformpricing,thusnoone will gounderthe loss,thatis the farmers and the customers in a stable market. CRS – CRTS will make the roads and railway tracks, very much good for transportation,
  • 13. marketinfrastructure canbe made well at the major needy places. Regulations can be according to our convenience, so that the agriculture products do not go waste and no one goes for loss. All the subsidies can be cancelled; in fact the VPA will be in a position to supply money to the government when once it becomes stable in its establishment, until that the government will be supporting the VPA financially, technically, through its skilled and qualified people. Uniform regulationall acrossthe nationas perthe convenience of the people will workoutbetterforsmooth runningof the system in larger scale in long run. Government will not be intervening in any way in the activities of the VPA, but it will suggest standard protocols in all the fields to have uniform system all across the nation. Adequate infrastructure and services can be created with VPA – MV – MN. 100% literacy rate can be achieved NES – MV – MN. Socioeconomic status become well with VPA. Providing the needy finance to the VPA, will not become the problem till the VPA completely establishes keeping the accounts on, and once the VPA works in full bloom, then it will be able to supplythe finance tothe government. Any programme can target at least 100 square kilometres of agricultural land instead of small – fragmented land, where the investment and income will not match. All the family disputes related to land can be prevented with PIN and Family tree based propertydocumentation.Large scale farming can utilise the labour force in a effective way and the things like disguised unemployment will not arise. Adoption of modern agricultural practices and use of technology can be made to the maximum extentpossible in large scale with VPA, targeting 100 square kilometres of land, with single owner for the land,that is,VPA.Sufficientwatercanbe suppliedtoall the agricultural land, which is to the 100% of agricultural land, in all the seasons of the year, without any impairment, in a continuous manner (Excludes the short periods in which the RCS team may have to work for repairing or de siltingthe RCScanals.All the agricultural lands,willbe fedbythe canalsof the RCS, thus the farmers dependingon the rain at the local places will decrease, thus will lead to steady supply of grains all the years, thus the things like scarcity of growth, thus its effect on the economy can be prevented with RCS. Insurance can be continued based on the present insurance system, which may be providing the helponlyduringthe natural catastrophes like earth quake, floods and some unexpected disasters. All the VPA will come under the web. The population can be well controlled with VPA, and the agriculture products can be grown as per the requirement of the nation. The nation will estimate the population, its diet, the grains – vegetables –fruitsrequirement,the grainsthatcan be storedforlongtime as national food security and so on, thus it will advise the VPA to grow certain food articles based on the soil and climate suitable for growth of particular type of agriculture product. 1.12 Daily calorie consumption. [Growth in per capita income raises India's rank. PRESS TRUST OF INDIA. JUNE 30: Daily per capita supply of calories improved from
  • 14. 2,082calories per person in 1970 to 2,496 calories in 1997. Daily per capita supply of protein increased 12.9 per cent during 1970-97 to 59 grams while that of fats grew 46.5 per cent to 45 grams in 1997. Source [68] WithVPA – MV – MN, all the people willbe able toconsume adequate calorie,protein, fat, vitamins and minerals as per the requirement. 1.13 Ill effects of road agriculture processing. Photography by: Dr. Shivu. Road agriculture processing and its ill effect on health: We see many people putting their agriculture product and wait for the vehicle to move on it, this separatesthe huskandthe grain.It maylooksimple forthe farmers,itiseasy to put the product on the road to process,andit lookscost effective forthem. There are many problems associated with it.There is lotof grain going to waste as the fast moving vehicles move on the road spreaded with the agriculture products and the grains will spill on either the sides some times which will not be recoverable.The vehicle whichismovingonthe agriculture productmighthave alreadymovedover the filth(because of roadside defecation) andwhen it moves on the agriculture product the filthy materialswill mix with it and lead to diseases like worm infestation, typhoid and other food born diseases.Cleaning of the food grains is mandatory after the processing because the grains will be mixed with lot of stones and mud. It adds burden to the department of health, educations achievementsof the childrenwill godownbecause theywill be sufferingfromthe multiple ailments like stomachache whichmaybe ina subclinical state andwill notbe expressedverballybythe child and thus continue to suffer and will not concentrate on the education. Withthe establishmentof VPA we cansee that the cleanproceduresare followed from the time of pluckingthe planttill itreachesthe mouthof the consumer like directly shifting the plucked items to the clean vehicle, which moves directly in to the processing field after the tyres have been thoroughly washed, the people who washed their hands and foot wearing the mask will shift the materialsfromthe vehicle toprocessingfield,no one will be allowed to enter the processing filed withoutwashingtheirhandsand foot and wearing proper gloves and sax meant for it, the people who process the food grains will wear the mask, gloves, sax and other necessary materials in a designatedhygienicconditionandthiswill continue till packing, storing, dispensing the same. The
  • 15. hygienic way of preparing the food, storing, healthy family diet and so on will be taught to all the people who involve in it by the trained people at the VPA. 1.14 Proper storage is the need of the nation. Source: News paper.] With proper storage we can utilise the food items for longer time. Storing the food articles scientifically, in large scale, is possible with VPA. 1.15 Few statistics related to agriculture. [Indiastatistics,factsand figures data on agriculture - number of cows globally: 1.5 billion [NATURE oct 04] - numberof cows inIndia: 200 million[Timesof India aug 04] - number of buffaloes in India: 90 million [Times of India aug 04] - annual number of cattle smuggled from India into Bangladesh: 6 million. - milk production 2001-2002: 84.6 million tonnes. - people whoare farmers: almost550 million[Sahara Time, Mar 04] - numberof agricultural labourers: about 200 million (many withdailywages below 10 Rs per day) [Sahara Time, Mar 04] - cultivation which is rain-dependent: nearly 60 percent [Sahara Time, Mar 04] - area in which pesticides are used: 1980: 6 million hectare -- 1990: 125 million hectare. - people in Andhra Pradesh who depend on agriculture: 60 % (of population of 76 million) [HT May 04] - number of farmers in Andhra Pradesh: 12 million [HT May 04] - number of small/marginal farmers in Andhra Pradeshwhodependonrainfor irrigation: 10 million
  • 16. [HT May 04] - numberof debt-riddenfarmerscommitting suicide every day in AP: 5-7 [HT May 04] - * numberof farmersuicidesdue to bad debt in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra within the past 3 years (2006): 1,500 according to revenue records -- 930 since 2001 according to Maharashtra state Government [DNA Jun 06] - interestrateschargedby"moneylenders" and local "businessmen" for a small agricultural loan: 100 to 450 % [Sahara Time, Mar 04] - GDP from agriculture: 24 % of total gross domestic product [BBC Jul 04] - government spending for the agricultural sector: 8 percent of the annual budget [Sahara Time, Mar 04] - total of arable landwhich is not irrigated: nearly 63 percent [Sahara Time, Mar 04] - bank credit allocated for agriculture: 12% of total bank credit in India [Sahara Time, Mar 2004] - money allocated for various irrigation policies by the government: 620 million Rs for the 2003-2004 budget [Sahara Time, Mar 2004] - disparity in average income between farmers and non-farmers:5times(non-farmersearn5 timesmore than farmers) [Sahara Time, Mar 2004] - productionof fruit and vegetables by India: 14% of world wide production [BBC Sep 04] - India'sexportof fruitand vegetables: 1% of world's fruit/veg exports [BBC Sep 04] - India's tea production in 2003: 856 million kg [BBC Sep 04] - tea produced in Assam: 55 % of India's total tea production [BBC Sep 04] - daily tea production in Assam in high picking season: 2 million kg [BBC Sep 04] - decrease of Assam'sbestqualityteaprices within 5 years: 10 % [BBC Sep 04] Source [69] Each VPA will maintainatleast5000 cows withgoodproductivity,sothe total numberof cows from all the VPA (around20000 VPA) becomes100 millionsin VPA, excluding the cows that come under urban area.No one will be able to smuggle the any animals as they are monitored round the clock by the differentgroupsmeantforcowkeeping.The milk production will increase as the individual cowswill be fedwithqualityfreshhuskandnutrients.The huskwill be growninthe areasmeantfor growing the husk in the area of the VPA.
  • 17. The total numberof farmersas suchmay decrease,butthe number of members working as VPWM may be more, and the different groups may be involved in different works in the VPA. There will notbe any dailywage labours in the agriculture, all will be employed as the permanent members of the VPA, and will be getting the share as per the productivity. They will have leave pattern similar to the present leave system existing in the government. All the agriculture landswill be fedbythe canalsof the RCS, and the RCS will provide the sufficient waterto all the lands,all the time of the year, thus the cultivation depending on the rain will stop. Pesticide usage will come near zero, thus it is possible to make the land - water - food article to become free from poison. All the farmersbecome economicallyproductiveandwill have a life without uncertainty with VPA. They will be able to support the nation in terms of economy, thus the nation can invest more moneyonresearch,education,health,infrastructure,andso on. With this type of situation no one will everthinkof committingsuicide,butwill enjoy the life by spending the time in the sports and recreation,whichare presentinthe MV,guidedbythe people of ‘Degree in Physical education’ by VPS - NES, which is necessary for ‘Positive health’. Single farmer going for loss and thus getting the money from the ‘moneylenders’ will not exist, insteadthe VPA will be assistedbythe Government from all the angles, till the VPA proceeds with productivity, then the farmers will start supporting the government. GDP from the agriculture segment will increase with better productivity, less loss, agriculture related industries. The governmentneedtogive the salaryforitsemploysworkingwithVPA,andthe VPA will give the share to the Government as per the policy. Thus the government spending the money on agriculture will exceedthe income that it gets from the agriculture and related industries and that money can be invested for providing free health and education for its people, and for creating better infrastructure. The present63% of non irrigated arable land can be made in to land with adequate irrigation with RCS. All the loansof all the farmers can be cleared with the full functioning of the VPA. It is possible to complete the work of RCS and get water for all the lands which are suitable for agricultures, with the money that we spend on irrigation for five years and it becomes the life time solution and recurrence in spending will not arise except for the maintenance. The disparity in economy among the farmers and non farmers can be decreased to the maximum extent. The production of fruits and the vegetables can be increased, as they are more water dependent and that will be provided by the RCS, thus their export can also be increased. The constancy inrate can be maintained,withbetterstorage technologyandmaintaining the better heathof the agriculture productsevenintransportation.The interVPA web will keep a track on the price of the products,inorderto preventthe blackmarket.Since VPA involve both in the process of production and business, the chances of ‘Black market will not arise and all the activities will be transparent.Transportationwill persistbasedonlyonthe need,butnoton the purpose of business.
  • 18. Sources: [64] Internet: Environmental issues in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. [65]DNA News paper, Bangalore, Page number 1, dated 12.07.09. [66] Prajavani News paper. [67] Economy of India. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. This page was last modified on 22 February 2009, at 23:16. [68]IndianExpressNewspapers(Bombay) Ltd. Growth in per capita income raises India's rank.mht. [69] Internet: India statistics facts and figures neoncarrot travelog.