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Contentsof section13: Model village andModel nation.
Chapter6-Chapter6: Facts and figuresonHealth.
6.1-F&F – The factors forhealthproblemsof childrenare interrelated.
6.2-F&F - Familyincome isthe central tothe healthandwell beingof children.
6.3-F&F – Familyandchildhealth.
6.4-F&F - One thousandinfantsdie eachhour;970 of these deathsoccurindevelopingcountries.
6.5-F&F - 10.5 millionchildrenyoungerthan5 yearsdiedin1999. Of these,99% livedindeveloping
6.6-F&F - Primaryhealthcare - thisapproachcontributesonimprovingpublichealthandbasic
healthcare at the communitylevel.
6.7-F&F - Institutionsfororphanchildrenhasincreased.
6.8-F&F - Foodinsecurity,HungerandUndernutrition.
6.9-F&F - Environment,Watersupply,sanitation,andHealthcare.
6.10-F&F - Indiaranks 67th among developingcountriesindoctor-populationratios.
6.11-F&F - Total publicexpenditure onhealthwasaround1.1 percent of GDP duringthe year 2008-
6.12-F&F - The numberof bedsinthe countryis 540330 in11614 Governmenthospitals.
6.13-F&F - The governmenthastakenanumberof measurestofacilitate settingupmore medical
6.14-F&F - The governmenthasalsoliberalisedMedicalCouncil of India'snorms/regulationsrelated
to land,bedstrength.
6.15-F&F - Approximatelytwomillionwomenandchildren,die eachyeardue toinadequate
6.16-F&F - 9.2 millionU5deathsinthe world.
6.17-F&F - The MillenniumDevelopmentGoals.
Views to make this ‘World’ developed and this ‘Earth’
as the lovely place for every ‘Human’.
Shelter in a better way, for everyone;
Pollution free atmosphere and greenery everywhere;
Life full of joy, prosperity and peace;
Chapter 6: Facts and figures on Health.
6.1. F&F – The factors for health problems of children are
[The healthproblemsof childrenandyouth vary widely among the nations of the world depending
on a numberof factors,whichare ofteninterrelated. These factors includes (1) the prevalence and
ecology of infectious agents and theirs hosts, (2)climate and geography, (3) agricultural resources
and practices, (4)educational, economic, social, and cultural considerations, (5) stage of
industrialization and urbanization, and (6) in many instances, the gene frequencies for some
disorders. Source [140]
So,to solve the problemsrelatedtohealth,itisnecessarytoimprove the agricultural resources,give
better education, practice better social and cultural practices, planed industry – manufacturing –
urbanisation, and all these are possible with the VPA – MV – MN.
6.2. F&F - Family income is the central to the health and well being
of children.
[Familyincome isthe central tothe healthandwell beingof children.Childrenlivinginpoor families
are much more likely than children living in rich or middle class families to experience material
deprivationandpoorhealth,die duringchildhood,score loweronstandardizedtests, be retained in
grade, drop out of school, have out of wedlock births, experience violent crime, end up as poor
adults, and suffer other undesirable outcomes. Source [141]
Family income can be made better with VPA – MV – MN, and thus we can prevent many problems
like poor health, child hood death and so on.
6.3. F&F – Family and child health.
[In 1998, 18% of all children in the United States lived in poverty (Weighted average poverty
threshold in 1998 in the united states was $16530 for four person families). White 14%, black 36%,
hispanic34%. Eight percent of children in United States live in extreme poverty (in families with
income less than 50% of the poverty line). Many of these children live their entire childhood in
poverty. Children who live in single parent families with poorly educated, young, minority
(particularly black), or disabled adults are more likely to be poor and live in poverty longer than
those who do not live in such families.
The aforementioned findings have generated three sets of goals. The first set includes that all
families have access to adequate peri natal , preschool, and family planning services; that
government activities be effectively coordinated at national and local levels; that services be so
organizedthattheyreachpopulationsatspecial risk;thatthere be no insurmountable orinequitable
financial barriers to adequate care; that the health care of children have continuity from prenatal
through adolescent age periods; and that every family ultimately have access to all necessary
services,includingdevelopmental,dental,genetic,andmental healthservices.A second set of goals
addressesthe needsforreducingaccidentsandenvironmental risks, for meeting nutritional needs,
and forhealtheducationaimedatfosteringhealthpromoting life styles. A third set of goals covers
needsforresearchinbiomedical andbehavioural science,infundamentalsof bioscience and human
biology, and in the particular problems of mothers and children. Source [142]
Some of the things are common for all the nations, the magnitude of poverty may be different, in
different countries, but the measures to decrease the problems will have common approach with
minimal changes.VPA –MV – MN can effectivelyaddresssuchissuesandcan bring changes in many
fields.WithVPA –MV – MN,all the familieswillhave access to adequate peri natal , preschool, and
familyplanning services, the government activities will be effectively coordinated at national and
local levels and it reaches the populations at special risk, there will not be any insurmountable or
inequitable financialbarrierstoadequate care,the healthcare of children will have continuity from
prenatal through adolescent age periods, and every family ultimately will have access to all
necessary services, including developmental, dental, genetic, and mental health services, it will
reduce the incidence of accidentsandenvironmental risks,itwillmeetthe nutritional needs, it will
provide the health education aimed at fostering health promoting life styles, it will promote the
researchinbiomedical andbehavioural science,in fundamentals of bioscience and human biology,
and in the particular problems of mothers and children.
6.4. F&F - One thousand infants die each hour; 970 of these deaths
occur in developing countries.
[Child health in developing world:
Accordingto currentUNICEF data,there are 71 millionchildren younger than 18 years in the United
States and 2.1 billion children younger than 18 years in the rest of the world. The mortality rate of
children younger than five years is 8/1000 in the United States and 86/100 for the overall child
population of the world. One thousand infants die each hour; 970 of these deaths occur in
developingcountries.Inaddition,humanpotential is unrealised because of poor health, especially
cognitive impairment caused by health problems, with negative effects on individuals, families,
communities, and countries in terms of productivity, economics, and politics.
Source [143]
WithVPA – MV – MN, itis possible tobringdownthe childmortality, infant mortality by effectively
utilisingthe humanpotential toincrease the productivityandeconomy,thustohave positivehealth.
6.5. F&F - 10.5 million children younger than 5 years died in 1999.
Of these, 99% lived in developing countries.
[Health problems of children in the developing world:
Accordingto the worldhealthorganization(WHO),10.5millionchildrenyoungerthan5 yearsdiedin
1999. of these,99%livedindevelopingcountries. Causesof death were attributed to malnutrition
(54%), perinatal conditions (20%), pneumonia (19%), diarrhea (15%), measles (8%), malaria (7%),
HIV/AIDS (3%), and other (28%). One third of births in the developing world are not registered.
Malnutritionamongpregnantwomen leads to stunting of an estimated 182 million children. From
1990 to 2000, more than 10 million children younger 15 years had lost one or both parents to AIDS.
There isan increasingnumberof streetchildreninthe world;manysufferinfectiousdiseasessuchas
hepatitisandtuberculosis.Inmuchof the developingworld,there are noresourcesforpoorchildren
withconditionssuchasleukaemia,brain tumours, AIDS, head injuries, congenital heart disease, or
metabolic disorders.
Between 1980 and 2000, there were dramatic increase in the percentage of children immunized in
developing countries and as a result, disease such as poliomyelitis and measles are much less
common. However, immunizations for diseases such as hepatitis, hemophilus influenza b, and
varicellaare rarelyavailable inthe developingworld. The number of children infected with HIV has
increased dramatically, as has the number of children suffering from malnutrition associated with
disasters. Malaria and tuberculosis also affect greater numbers of children than they did a decade
ago. Malaria is the leading cause of hospitalization, mortality, and morbidity in children younger
than 5 years wholive insubSaharanAfrica. Malnutrition , including both calorie and micronutrient
deprivation, causes acute and chronic morbidity, contributes to reduced immunity , and increases
the likelihood of mortality and morbidity in association with infectious diseases. Source [143]
WithVPA – MV – MN, itis possible toprevent malnutrition from the entire population, give better
antenatal – intranatal – postnatal care,the incidence of the infectiousdiseaseswill come downwith
better nutrition – immunity – immunisation – infrastructure - education, all the health related
documents will be well documented including the births with PIN. With the decrease in the
incidence of infectious disease including HIV, it is possible to decrease the number of children
becomingorphan.If anyorphan childrenare present–theywill be taken care by the VPA, thus they
becomingthe streetchildrencanbe avoided. The nation will be able to manage most of the health
relatedproblems in a better way with better economy. Immunisation for most of the diseases can
be done with better economy.
6.6. F&F - Primary health care - this approach contributes on
improving public health and basic health care at the
community level.
[Approach to child health in the developing world.
Traditionally,effortstoimprove childhealthinthe developingworldhave focusedonprimaryhealth
care. Thisapproach contributesonimproving public health and basic health care at the community
level,usuallybythe trainedvillagehealthworkerstorecognize andmanage childhoodillnesses such
as diarrhoeaandpneumonia.The primaryhealthcare approachisessential indeveloping countries,
where access to basic medical facilities and trained health care professionals is often lacking and
where the majority of child hood diseases are preventable. However the primary health care
approach teaching village health workers to recognise and refer sick patients to acute health care
facilities. Currently, there are inadequate resources devoted to training health professionals and
establishsuchreferral centresin mostdeveloping countries; they often do not exist and therefore,
sickerchildrensufferordie.Dependingonthe resources available and the socioeconomic situation
of a given country, these outcomes may be unavoidable. However as the public infrastructure
improves in a developing country, it becomes increasingly important to train local child health
specialist.Thesechildhealthspecialistsprovide referral care to individual children and serve as the
backbone forlongtermimprovementinchildhealthby providinglocal expertise and knowledge for
the formulation of child health policy in their own countries.
Paediatriciansand child health professionals can contribute in improving both primary health care
and higher level of medical care for children in developing countries. The field of paediatrics has
excelled at integrating primary health care and preventive care in to the practise of curative
medicine.Paediatricianshave longrecognised the need to provide comprehensive care to children
and to use any pointof contact as an opportunitytoassessthe overall healthof the childandfamily.
Source [144]
Primaryhealthcare may not be accessible byall the people inIndia especially those who live in the
remote villages,the reasons may be, the primary health care provider may not be available all the
time inthe day and all the days in the week, the time gap between the onset of symptoms and the
newsreachingthe trainedvillagehealthworker may be more and by this time the child might have
deterioratedmuch,laterevenif the trainedvillage health worker refers the child to the PHC, there
the childmay notget the appropriate treatmentif the childreachesthe hospitalother than the OPD
hours, going to the far places will further delay and thus by the time the child reaches the
appropriate health care facility it is either dead or will recover with some irreversible damage /
morbidity.All the trainedhealthworkersmaynotbe verygood inpickingupthe earlysignsof illness
and thusthe initiationof the treatmentforthe illnessmaybe delayed or may be wrong, the trained
healthworkermaynotbe seeingsome problemsfrequentlyandif he missesit(e.g.Meningitis),then
the possibility of permanent damage or the mortality is more. Trained health workers may not be
gettingregulartrainingandthustheymayforgetsome of the thingsrelatedtothe recognitionof the
problem and its management.
Such problems can be solved well with VPA – VPH – MV – MN, where the accessibility to specialist
care at all the time of the day can be made, even for minor looking problems which may land up in
morbidity or mortality if the recognition and treatment is delayed.
The Paediatriciansandchildhealthprofessionalsworkingatthe VPHin the MV will work both as the
primaryhealthcare providerandwill also involve in higher level of medical care, apart from taking
the classes at the district medical college once in a week (One clinical class and two theory class),
which makes the medicals colleges to run better and to prepare the required number of medical
graduates to the serve the people of the nation. With VPA, it is possible to give comprehensive
health care for all the children who come in contact with the paediatrician apart from the curative
6.7. F&F - Institutions for orphan children has increased.
The number of children institutionalized in developing countries is unknown, but the number of
institutions for orphan children has increased in countries of the former Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics,EasternEurope,subSaharanAfrica,India,andChinainthe past decade. Reasons include
deathof parentsfromAIDS,povertyinfamilies who might ordinarily adopt child relatives, political
upheavals,andcommunitychaos. A small percentage of the institutionalized children are adopted
by NorthAmericanorEuropeanfamilies. Eighteenthousandchildrenfromabroad are adapted in to
American families each year. About half of children adopted from orphanages abroad are
malnourished. Rickets is common, as are intestinal parasites. Many children have been infected
with tuberculosis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or syphilis. Of great concern are the frequent
developmental delaysandattachment problems, which increase after the first year of life of these
orphan children. Source [144]
VPA will make the family to lead the life happily with parents – husband and wife - with their
children,byprovidinggoodincome forthe worktheyexertatthe VPA, a house of their own, a good
school for their children where the education is free, a caring hospital close to their house, where
theygetthe free treatment. The parents will be getting the income in such a way that, they do not
dependonthe moneythattheirchildrenisgoingto earn or they will not have the problems to look
aftertheirchildren even if they are not working, thus number of children that they are going to be
institutionalized is going to decrease.
All the communicable diseasesincludingthe AIDScanbe effectivelypreventedwithVPA – MV – MN,
where the awarenessforthe disease –mode of transmissionwill be well understood, all the people
will sleep with their families in the night, even if they are going for some work outside the MV.
Povertywill be eradicatedwith VPA.The nationwill getbetterleaderswith good mind to think with
certainty in political carrier if they have good name in their village from their childhood, the
communityasa whole will practise onlynecessarythingswhichare scientifically proved and safe as
they get better education through VPS. With better economy – infrastructure – nutrition, it is
possible toeradicate thingslike malnutrition, nutritionals rickets, worm infestations, tuberculosis,
and hepatitisandsoon.The childrenbecoming the orphansasa whole will decrease with VPA – MV
– MN.
6.8. F&F - Food insecurity, Hunger and Under nutrition.
[Food insecurity, Hunger and Under nutrition:
Foodinsecurity,hunger,andundernutritionare often viewed as a continuum, with food insecurity
resulting in hunger and, in under nutrition. According to this view, food insecurity indicates
inadequate accesstofoodforwhateverreason,hungeristhe immediate physiologic manifestation
of inadequate intake,andundernutritiondescribesthe biochemical and /or physical consequences
of chronically or acutely inadequate intake.
Foodinsecurity:the broadestdefinitionis‘limitedoruncertainavailability of nutritionally adequate
and safe foods in socially acceptable form and by socially acceptable ways.
Prevalence of foodinsecurity:foodinsecurity is much more prevalent in developing countries than
in developed countries. Current estimate of the prevalence of food insecurity in developing
countries, based on estimates of under nutrition, indicates that about 18% of all individuals in the
developing countries are undernourished.
Consequences of food insecurity: biologic consequences of food insecurity are secondary to
inadequate intake. However, the social and behavioural consequences can be secondary to the
aspectsof food insecurity experienced at the house hold or individual levels well as the biological
consequences.Forexample,foodinsecurityamongwomenof sufficientseveritytoresultinnutrient
insufficiencyand,hence,undernutritionleadstoa higherprevalence of low birthweightinfantsand
may affectthe breastmilkproductionadversely. These effects in turn results in impaired cognitive
and neurologicdevelopmentof the offspring, lower educational achievement, and, hence, a lower
likelihoodof findingproductiveworkinadulthood.The more severely affected individuals may also
have poor capacityto work,furtherdecreasingtheirabilitytobe foodsecure. This vicious cycle may
continue fromone generationtothe otherand perpetuate both the biologic consequences of food
insecurity and consequences secondary to the behavioural responses to food insecurity.
Hunger is the uneasy sensation that results from lack of food. It is a potential, although not
inevitable, consequence of food insecurity.
Hungry children also were more likely to have a history of academic failures as well as to
demonstrate higherlevels of anxious, irritable, aggressive, and oppositional behaviours than their
low income, but ‘not hungry’ peers.
Under nutrition: the problem of under nutrition is multi faceted, and solving it at a national level
requiresunderstanding,trust,and cooperation among diverse governmental agencies accustomed
to dealing solely with health, agriculture, education, or finance issues.
Prevalence of under nutrition: In 2000, 20.7% of preschoolers in the developing world were
estimated to be underweight, as reflected by low weight for age, and 32.5% were estimated to be
stunted based on low height for age.
Consequences of under nutrition: the cumulative evidence suggests that under nutrition has a
pervasive effect on immediate health and survival as well as on subsequent performances. These
include notonlyacute effects on morbidity and mortality but also longer term effects on cognitive
and social development,physical workcapacity,productivity,andeconomic growth. The magnitude
of both acute and long term effects is considerable. Prospective studies suggests that severely
underweight children (less than 60% of reference weight for age) have more than an eight fold
greaterriskfor mortality than normally nourished children, that moderately underweight children
(60-69% of reference weight for age) have a four to five fold greater risk, and even mildly
underweightchildren(70-79%of reference weightforage) have a twoto three foldgreater risk. The
highprevalence of mortalityinthose withmildtomoderate under nutrition suggest that more than
half of the childdeathsmaybe causeddirectlyorindirectly by under nutrition. A major factor is the
potentiating of infectious diseases by under nutrition.
Survivors of childhood under nutrition frequently have deficits in height and weight that persists
beyondadolescentintoadulthood.These deficits are often accompanied by deficits in frame size,
as well asmuscle circumferenceandstrength.The implications of these deficits with respect to the
work capacity of both men and women and to women’s reproductive performances are obvious.
Survivors of childhood malnutrition also deficits in cognitive functions and school performances
relative to normally nourished children from the same environment. Source [145]
Food insecurity, hunger, and under nutrition can be completely eradicated with VPA – MV – MN.
Food insecurity leading to hunger leading to malnutrition, which in turn causing the biologic
consequencescan be prevented as all the people are going to get adequate income and food with
VPA apart from preventing the social and behavioural consequences resulting from the food
Under nutrition leading to low birth weight children and improper - insufficient breast milk
production, which in turn leading to impaired cognitive and neurologic development of the
offspring,lowereducational achievement,and,hence,alowerlikelihoodof finding productive work
in adulthood can be prevented.
The viciouscycle of poor capacityto workleadingtodecreasing theirabilitytobe foodsecure can be
breaked with VPA.
Academicfailuresinthe school,anxiety,irritability,aggressiveness,oppositional behaviour, that the
hungrychildren show can be effectively prevented with VPA, where their parents are going to get
adequate income with VPA to have adequate food in for the family.
With better productivity in the agriculture, good health care, good education, and with better
economy,itispossible toeradicate undernutrition,thisinturndecreasesthe incidence of infection,
morbidityandmortality.Withbetternutritionall the children will have better school performance,
gains good adult height and weight, with good capacity to work for long time.
6.9. F&F - Environment, Water supply, sanitation, and Healthcare.
[Environment and health:
Environment in India, Water supply and sanitation in India, and Healthcare in India.
About1.2 billionpeople in developing nations lack clean, safe water because most household and
industrial wastes are dumped directly into rivers and lakes without treatment. This contributes to
the rapid increase in waterborne diseases in humans. Out of India's 3119 towns and cities, just 209
have partial treatment facilities, and only 8 have full wastewater treatment facilities (WHO 1992).
114 cities dump untreated sewage and partially cremated bodies directly into the Ganges River.
Downstream,the untreatedwaterisusedfordrinking,bathing,andwashing.Thissituationis typical
of many rivers in India as well as other developing countries. News Week describes Delhi's sacred
Yamuna Riveras"a putridribbonof black sludge" where focal bacteria are 10,000 over safety limits
despite a 15-year program to address the problem. Cholera epidemics are not unknown. Open
defecation is widespread even in urban areas of India.
Indoor air pollution from burning wood, coal and animal dung is widespread. 70% of rural
householdsinIndialackventilation.Particulate concentrationsinhousesare reportedto range from
8,300 to 15,000 μg/m3
, greatly exceeding the 75 μg/m3
maximum standard for indoor particulate
matter in the United States.
Changesinecosystembiological diversity, evolution of parasites, and invasion by exotic species all
frequently result in disease outbreaks such as cholera which emerged in 1992 in India. The
frequency of AIDS/HIV is increasing. In 1996, about 46,000 Indians out of 2.8 million (1.6 % of the
population) tested were found to be infected with HIV.
Even in the rich regions, health care is poor. World Bank reports that "a detailed survey of the
knowledge of medical practitioners for treating five common conditions in Delhi found that the
typical quality doctor in a public primary health centre has a more than 50-50 chance of
recommendingaharmful treatment".The competencerating of India's doctors is below Tanzania's.
Source [146]
No waste water will be left to any water pathways untreated and also after the treatment. The
watergeneratedwiththe treatmentof waste waterwillbe made toirrigate the tree plantation near
the townsand citiesdedicatedforit.The housesthat are going to be constructed in the MV, will be
plannedinsucha way that,it will have withgoodcrossventilation,adequate entryof sunlight, safe,
connects all the offices – hospital – school with inter building bridges, will be supplied with clean
water,full time electrical supply,systemtokeep/collectthe solidwaste generated in the house and
the system to collect the same by the solid waste collecting people, better sewage and sullage
system that goes directly to the treatment plant. Thus the water flowing in the natural and the
artificial water pathways will be kept clean. This in turn is going to prevent, many water born
diseases.Bettereducation,safe sex practices,goodandfaithful life withthe family, people going to
stay withthe familyall the daysasthe systemmakesthemtostayin hishouse all the days will make
the incidence of diseaseslikeHIV togo down. VPH – NHS will have qualified and skilled doctors, no
place for illegal practice nor,withgoodfacilitytotreat all most all the diseases possible in the VPH,
will make the health care system to serve the people in a better way.
6.10. F&F - India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-
population ratios.
[India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios:
AlthoughIndiaremainedamajorsupplierof doctorsandnursesto the developedcountriesover the
years, the domestic scenario looked bleak with the country ranking 67th among the developing
nations in the case of doctor-population ratio.
Accordingto the official statisticsavailable with the health ministry, the total number of registered
allopathic doctors in the country is 5.5 lakh. The doctor-population ratio works out to 1:2000
approximately. There are around 3.72 lakh nurses in the country and the nurses-population ratio
comes to 1:2950.
As per the latest data, India stands at 67th rank amongst around 133 developing countries with
regard to the number of doctors while in respect of number of nurses, India is at 75th rank. Source
It is not necessary to become the first in the world in doctor population ratio. It is very much
essential to know the number of patients coming to the OPD, the number of admissions the
hospitals gets, the average number of case a doctor can handle in 6 to 8 hours of duty by giving
adequate time for things like history taking, general physical examination, systemic examination,
time to go through the past reports, time spending in writing or computerising the patient
information,givingadvisesandsoon.Like thishow manydoctors will be requiredinone VPHtogive
such goodservicesroundthe clock,and how many are required for the entire nation, including the
doctors working at the urban areas and those who go abroad. This calculation will be done by the
respective universityandwilleitherincrease the seats in the individual college or vice versa. In the
same way the need of the nursing graduates are also calculated. Thus the need of the society will
decide about the doctor patient population with the establishment of VPA – MV – MN.
6.11. F&F - Total public expenditure on health was around 1.1 per
cent of GDP during the year 2008-09.
[India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios
The total publicexpenditure onhealth(incurredbyCentral and State Governments) was around 1.1
per cent of GDP during the year 2008-09. Source [147]
As the governmentislookingafterthe entire health system, it needs to spend more on the health,
but the government will be getting more income from the VPA, so it need not compromise on
spendingonothersegment,butwhateverthe extraincome thatthe governmentgetsfromthe VPA,
has to be spent on the health and education.
6.12. F&F - The number of beds in the country is 540330 in 11614
Government hospitals.
[India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios
According to the latest Central Bureau of Health Intelligence's survey, the number of beds in the
countryis 540330 in11614 Governmenthospitals.However,asperthe World Health Statistics 2009,
there is no global norm for the density of hospital beds in relation to total population. In the
Europeanregion,there are 63 hospital beds per 10,000 people, compared with 10 per 10,000 in the
African Region, sources said. Source [147]
The bedscan be maintainedasperthe requirementinthe VPH, it basically depends on the number
of inpatientsthatare goingtoadmitto the hospital.The numberof patients who are going to admit
to the hospital will decrease with better nutrition, decrease in communicable disease, better
infrastructure, less pollution, healthy life style and so on.
6.13. F&F - The government has taken a number of measures to
facilitate setting up more medical colleges.
[India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios
The governmenthastakena numberof measurestofacilitate setting up more medical colleges and
nursing institutions, improve the doctor/nurse- population ratio in general and also correct the
urban bias in the availability of doctors/nurses, sources claimed. A sum of Rs 1350 crore has been
earmarked for providing financial assistance for strengthening and up gradation of State
Governmentmedical collegeswhile the measurestosetupsix AIIMSlike institutionsare inprogress.
Source [147]
NES will calculate the requirementof the doctorsandnurses,andwill setup medical colleges one in
each district,andthe seatmatrix will be basedonthe populationdistribution,andthe intake will be
decided by the demand and the colleges may be taking more seats in the initial few years in the
needed segment to full fill the deficiency existing in the rural areas for service.
6.14. F&F - The government has also liberalised Medical Council of
India's norms / regulations related to land, bed strength.
[India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios:
The government has also liberalised Medical Council of India's norms/regulations related to land,
bedstrength, enable openingupof new medical colleges. The ratio of post graduate medical
teacher to the student has been relaxed from 1:1 to 1:2 which will result in availability of more
medical specialists. It has been proposed in the scheme of development of nursing services for up
gradation of existing schools of nursing into colleges of nursing, sources said. Source [147]
The MCI, need not liberalise the norms with VPA – MV – MN, in terms of infrastructure, but full
fillingthe qualifiedstaff maytake fewyears.Makingthe staff whois working at the VPH, to take the
class on rotation basis (Two theories and one clinical class in one day of the week in their district
medical college) will solve the problem teaching staff in the medical colleges to certain extent.
6.15. F&F - Approximately two million women and children, die
each year due to inadequate healthcare.
Approximately two million women and children, die each year due to inadequate healthcare.
700 million people have no access to specialist care
80% of specialists live in urban areas
In addition to poor infrastructure India faces a shortage of trained medical personal especially in
rural areas. Source [94]
Health care can be made accessible, adequate with VPA – VPH – MV – MN and thus the morality
and the morbidity can be brought down.
VPA – VPH – NES – MV – MN will make the specialists accessible for all the people.
Subjectwise university,seatsdistributiononthe basisof populationdistribution,assessing the need
of the societywhile deciding about the intake, good education and infrastructure with VPA – VPS –
MV – MN, will make the specialists to distribute evenly both in the rural and urban areas and the
NES will manage the shortage that is seen in the health segment focussing both rural and urban
6.16. F&F - 9.2 million U5 deaths in the world.
[Global Scenario, Some facts
9.2 million U5 deaths
4 million neonatal mortality.
More than half a million MMR
India& Nigeriatogetheraccountforone third of maternal deaths due to pregnancy related causes
and child birth worldwide.
150 million children live with hunger
50 million children are stunted. Source [94]
VPA – VPH – MV – MN, will make the better health care accessible to all and thus the MMR, NMR,
IMR, CMR can be decreased. Better economy with VPA, will make the families to have nutritious,
balanced diet.
6.17. F&F - The Millennium Development Goals.
[The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were adopted by 189 member states in the
Millennium Summit of United Nations in 2000.
These states have pledged to achieve the MDGs by 2015.
 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
 Achieve universal primary education
 Promote gender equality and empower women
 Reduce child mortality
 Improve maternal health
 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
 Ensure environmental sustainability
Develop a global partnership for development. Source [94]
We neednotthinkof poverty,hunger,achievingthe universal primary education, gender equality,
reducing child mortality, improving the maternal health, combating infectious diseases, gender
equality, and environmental sustainability and so on. All these things can be achieved without
saying through VPA-VPH-NHS-MV-MN.
[140] Page no 1, Nelson text book of paediatrics, 17th
[141] Page no 2, Nelson text book of paediatrics, 17th
[142]Nelson Text book of paediatrics, 17th
[143] Nelsons text book of paediatrics. 17th
edition. Page no. 12.
[144] Nelsons text book of paediatrics, 17th
edition, page no.13.
[145]Nelson text book of paediatrics. 17th
edition. Page number 167 to 171.
[146] 22 February 2009, at 23:16. Economy of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.mht.
[147] internet: India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios
[94] Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

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S13c6 chapter 6- facts and figures on health

  • 1. Contentsof section13: Model village andModel nation. Chapter6-Chapter6: Facts and figuresonHealth. 6.1-F&F – The factors forhealthproblemsof childrenare interrelated. 6.2-F&F - Familyincome isthe central tothe healthandwell beingof children. 6.3-F&F – Familyandchildhealth. 6.4-F&F - One thousandinfantsdie eachhour;970 of these deathsoccurindevelopingcountries. 6.5-F&F - 10.5 millionchildrenyoungerthan5 yearsdiedin1999. Of these,99% livedindeveloping countries. 6.6-F&F - Primaryhealthcare - thisapproachcontributesonimprovingpublichealthandbasic healthcare at the communitylevel. 6.7-F&F - Institutionsfororphanchildrenhasincreased. 6.8-F&F - Foodinsecurity,HungerandUndernutrition. 6.9-F&F - Environment,Watersupply,sanitation,andHealthcare. 6.10-F&F - Indiaranks 67th among developingcountriesindoctor-populationratios. 6.11-F&F - Total publicexpenditure onhealthwasaround1.1 percent of GDP duringthe year 2008- 09. 6.12-F&F - The numberof bedsinthe countryis 540330 in11614 Governmenthospitals. 6.13-F&F - The governmenthastakenanumberof measurestofacilitate settingupmore medical colleges. 6.14-F&F - The governmenthasalsoliberalisedMedicalCouncil of India'snorms/regulationsrelated to land,bedstrength. 6.15-F&F - Approximatelytwomillionwomenandchildren,die eachyeardue toinadequate healthcare. 6.16-F&F - 9.2 millionU5deathsinthe world. 6.17-F&F - The MillenniumDevelopmentGoals. Views to make this ‘World’ developed and this ‘Earth’ as the lovely place for every ‘Human’. SECTION 13 MODEL VILLAGE AND MODEL NATION Shelter in a better way, for everyone; Pollution free atmosphere and greenery everywhere; Life full of joy, prosperity and peace;
  • 2. Chapter 6: Facts and figures on Health. 6.1. F&F – The factors for health problems of children are interrelated. [The healthproblemsof childrenandyouth vary widely among the nations of the world depending on a numberof factors,whichare ofteninterrelated. These factors includes (1) the prevalence and ecology of infectious agents and theirs hosts, (2)climate and geography, (3) agricultural resources and practices, (4)educational, economic, social, and cultural considerations, (5) stage of industrialization and urbanization, and (6) in many instances, the gene frequencies for some disorders. Source [140] ] So,to solve the problemsrelatedtohealth,itisnecessarytoimprove the agricultural resources,give better education, practice better social and cultural practices, planed industry – manufacturing – urbanisation, and all these are possible with the VPA – MV – MN. 6.2. F&F - Family income is the central to the health and well being of children. [Familyincome isthe central tothe healthandwell beingof children.Childrenlivinginpoor families are much more likely than children living in rich or middle class families to experience material deprivationandpoorhealth,die duringchildhood,score loweronstandardizedtests, be retained in grade, drop out of school, have out of wedlock births, experience violent crime, end up as poor adults, and suffer other undesirable outcomes. Source [141] ] Family income can be made better with VPA – MV – MN, and thus we can prevent many problems like poor health, child hood death and so on. 6.3. F&F – Family and child health. [In 1998, 18% of all children in the United States lived in poverty (Weighted average poverty threshold in 1998 in the united states was $16530 for four person families). White 14%, black 36%, hispanic34%. Eight percent of children in United States live in extreme poverty (in families with income less than 50% of the poverty line). Many of these children live their entire childhood in poverty. Children who live in single parent families with poorly educated, young, minority (particularly black), or disabled adults are more likely to be poor and live in poverty longer than those who do not live in such families. The aforementioned findings have generated three sets of goals. The first set includes that all families have access to adequate peri natal , preschool, and family planning services; that government activities be effectively coordinated at national and local levels; that services be so organizedthattheyreachpopulationsatspecial risk;thatthere be no insurmountable orinequitable financial barriers to adequate care; that the health care of children have continuity from prenatal through adolescent age periods; and that every family ultimately have access to all necessary services,includingdevelopmental,dental,genetic,andmental healthservices.A second set of goals
  • 3. addressesthe needsforreducingaccidentsandenvironmental risks, for meeting nutritional needs, and forhealtheducationaimedatfosteringhealthpromoting life styles. A third set of goals covers needsforresearchinbiomedical andbehavioural science,infundamentalsof bioscience and human biology, and in the particular problems of mothers and children. Source [142] ] Some of the things are common for all the nations, the magnitude of poverty may be different, in different countries, but the measures to decrease the problems will have common approach with minimal changes.VPA –MV – MN can effectivelyaddresssuchissuesandcan bring changes in many fields.WithVPA –MV – MN,all the familieswillhave access to adequate peri natal , preschool, and familyplanning services, the government activities will be effectively coordinated at national and local levels and it reaches the populations at special risk, there will not be any insurmountable or inequitable financialbarrierstoadequate care,the healthcare of children will have continuity from prenatal through adolescent age periods, and every family ultimately will have access to all necessary services, including developmental, dental, genetic, and mental health services, it will reduce the incidence of accidentsandenvironmental risks,itwillmeetthe nutritional needs, it will provide the health education aimed at fostering health promoting life styles, it will promote the researchinbiomedical andbehavioural science,in fundamentals of bioscience and human biology, and in the particular problems of mothers and children. 6.4. F&F - One thousand infants die each hour; 970 of these deaths occur in developing countries. [Child health in developing world: Demographics: Accordingto currentUNICEF data,there are 71 millionchildren younger than 18 years in the United States and 2.1 billion children younger than 18 years in the rest of the world. The mortality rate of children younger than five years is 8/1000 in the United States and 86/100 for the overall child population of the world. One thousand infants die each hour; 970 of these deaths occur in developingcountries.Inaddition,humanpotential is unrealised because of poor health, especially cognitive impairment caused by health problems, with negative effects on individuals, families, communities, and countries in terms of productivity, economics, and politics. Source [143] ] WithVPA – MV – MN, itis possible tobringdownthe childmortality, infant mortality by effectively utilisingthe humanpotential toincrease the productivityandeconomy,thustohave positivehealth. 6.5. F&F - 10.5 million children younger than 5 years died in 1999. Of these, 99% lived in developing countries. [Health problems of children in the developing world: Accordingto the worldhealthorganization(WHO),10.5millionchildrenyoungerthan5 yearsdiedin 1999. of these,99%livedindevelopingcountries. Causesof death were attributed to malnutrition
  • 4. (54%), perinatal conditions (20%), pneumonia (19%), diarrhea (15%), measles (8%), malaria (7%), HIV/AIDS (3%), and other (28%). One third of births in the developing world are not registered. Malnutritionamongpregnantwomen leads to stunting of an estimated 182 million children. From 1990 to 2000, more than 10 million children younger 15 years had lost one or both parents to AIDS. There isan increasingnumberof streetchildreninthe world;manysufferinfectiousdiseasessuchas hepatitisandtuberculosis.Inmuchof the developingworld,there are noresourcesforpoorchildren withconditionssuchasleukaemia,brain tumours, AIDS, head injuries, congenital heart disease, or metabolic disorders. Between 1980 and 2000, there were dramatic increase in the percentage of children immunized in developing countries and as a result, disease such as poliomyelitis and measles are much less common. However, immunizations for diseases such as hepatitis, hemophilus influenza b, and varicellaare rarelyavailable inthe developingworld. The number of children infected with HIV has increased dramatically, as has the number of children suffering from malnutrition associated with disasters. Malaria and tuberculosis also affect greater numbers of children than they did a decade ago. Malaria is the leading cause of hospitalization, mortality, and morbidity in children younger than 5 years wholive insubSaharanAfrica. Malnutrition , including both calorie and micronutrient deprivation, causes acute and chronic morbidity, contributes to reduced immunity , and increases the likelihood of mortality and morbidity in association with infectious diseases. Source [143] ] WithVPA – MV – MN, itis possible toprevent malnutrition from the entire population, give better antenatal – intranatal – postnatal care,the incidence of the infectiousdiseaseswill come downwith better nutrition – immunity – immunisation – infrastructure - education, all the health related documents will be well documented including the births with PIN. With the decrease in the incidence of infectious disease including HIV, it is possible to decrease the number of children becomingorphan.If anyorphan childrenare present–theywill be taken care by the VPA, thus they becomingthe streetchildrencanbe avoided. The nation will be able to manage most of the health relatedproblems in a better way with better economy. Immunisation for most of the diseases can be done with better economy. 6.6. F&F - Primary health care - this approach contributes on improving public health and basic health care at the community level. [Approach to child health in the developing world. Traditionally,effortstoimprove childhealthinthe developingworldhave focusedonprimaryhealth care. Thisapproach contributesonimproving public health and basic health care at the community level,usuallybythe trainedvillagehealthworkerstorecognize andmanage childhoodillnesses such as diarrhoeaandpneumonia.The primaryhealthcare approachisessential indeveloping countries, where access to basic medical facilities and trained health care professionals is often lacking and where the majority of child hood diseases are preventable. However the primary health care approach teaching village health workers to recognise and refer sick patients to acute health care facilities. Currently, there are inadequate resources devoted to training health professionals and establishsuchreferral centresin mostdeveloping countries; they often do not exist and therefore,
  • 5. sickerchildrensufferordie.Dependingonthe resources available and the socioeconomic situation of a given country, these outcomes may be unavoidable. However as the public infrastructure improves in a developing country, it becomes increasingly important to train local child health specialist.Thesechildhealthspecialistsprovide referral care to individual children and serve as the backbone forlongtermimprovementinchildhealthby providinglocal expertise and knowledge for the formulation of child health policy in their own countries. Paediatriciansand child health professionals can contribute in improving both primary health care and higher level of medical care for children in developing countries. The field of paediatrics has excelled at integrating primary health care and preventive care in to the practise of curative medicine.Paediatricianshave longrecognised the need to provide comprehensive care to children and to use any pointof contact as an opportunitytoassessthe overall healthof the childandfamily. Source [144] ] Primaryhealthcare may not be accessible byall the people inIndia especially those who live in the remote villages,the reasons may be, the primary health care provider may not be available all the time inthe day and all the days in the week, the time gap between the onset of symptoms and the newsreachingthe trainedvillagehealthworker may be more and by this time the child might have deterioratedmuch,laterevenif the trainedvillage health worker refers the child to the PHC, there the childmay notget the appropriate treatmentif the childreachesthe hospitalother than the OPD hours, going to the far places will further delay and thus by the time the child reaches the appropriate health care facility it is either dead or will recover with some irreversible damage / morbidity.All the trainedhealthworkersmaynotbe verygood inpickingupthe earlysignsof illness and thusthe initiationof the treatmentforthe illnessmaybe delayed or may be wrong, the trained healthworkermaynotbe seeingsome problemsfrequentlyandif he missesit(e.g.Meningitis),then the possibility of permanent damage or the mortality is more. Trained health workers may not be gettingregulartrainingandthustheymayforgetsome of the thingsrelatedtothe recognitionof the problem and its management. Such problems can be solved well with VPA – VPH – MV – MN, where the accessibility to specialist care at all the time of the day can be made, even for minor looking problems which may land up in morbidity or mortality if the recognition and treatment is delayed. The Paediatriciansandchildhealthprofessionalsworkingatthe VPHin the MV will work both as the primaryhealthcare providerandwill also involve in higher level of medical care, apart from taking the classes at the district medical college once in a week (One clinical class and two theory class), which makes the medicals colleges to run better and to prepare the required number of medical graduates to the serve the people of the nation. With VPA, it is possible to give comprehensive health care for all the children who come in contact with the paediatrician apart from the curative health. 6.7. F&F - Institutions for orphan children has increased. [Institutionalization: The number of children institutionalized in developing countries is unknown, but the number of institutions for orphan children has increased in countries of the former Union of Soviet Socialist
  • 6. Republics,EasternEurope,subSaharanAfrica,India,andChinainthe past decade. Reasons include deathof parentsfromAIDS,povertyinfamilies who might ordinarily adopt child relatives, political upheavals,andcommunitychaos. A small percentage of the institutionalized children are adopted by NorthAmericanorEuropeanfamilies. Eighteenthousandchildrenfromabroad are adapted in to American families each year. About half of children adopted from orphanages abroad are malnourished. Rickets is common, as are intestinal parasites. Many children have been infected with tuberculosis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or syphilis. Of great concern are the frequent developmental delaysandattachment problems, which increase after the first year of life of these orphan children. Source [144] ] VPA will make the family to lead the life happily with parents – husband and wife - with their children,byprovidinggoodincome forthe worktheyexertatthe VPA, a house of their own, a good school for their children where the education is free, a caring hospital close to their house, where theygetthe free treatment. The parents will be getting the income in such a way that, they do not dependonthe moneythattheirchildrenisgoingto earn or they will not have the problems to look aftertheirchildren even if they are not working, thus number of children that they are going to be institutionalized is going to decrease. All the communicable diseasesincludingthe AIDScanbe effectivelypreventedwithVPA – MV – MN, where the awarenessforthe disease –mode of transmissionwill be well understood, all the people will sleep with their families in the night, even if they are going for some work outside the MV. Povertywill be eradicatedwith VPA.The nationwill getbetterleaderswith good mind to think with certainty in political carrier if they have good name in their village from their childhood, the communityasa whole will practise onlynecessarythingswhichare scientifically proved and safe as they get better education through VPS. With better economy – infrastructure – nutrition, it is possible toeradicate thingslike malnutrition, nutritionals rickets, worm infestations, tuberculosis, and hepatitisandsoon.The childrenbecoming the orphansasa whole will decrease with VPA – MV – MN. 6.8. F&F - Food insecurity, Hunger and Under nutrition. [Food insecurity, Hunger and Under nutrition: Foodinsecurity,hunger,andundernutritionare often viewed as a continuum, with food insecurity resulting in hunger and, in under nutrition. According to this view, food insecurity indicates inadequate accesstofoodforwhateverreason,hungeristhe immediate physiologic manifestation of inadequate intake,andundernutritiondescribesthe biochemical and /or physical consequences of chronically or acutely inadequate intake. Foodinsecurity:the broadestdefinitionis‘limitedoruncertainavailability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods in socially acceptable form and by socially acceptable ways. Prevalence of foodinsecurity:foodinsecurity is much more prevalent in developing countries than in developed countries. Current estimate of the prevalence of food insecurity in developing countries, based on estimates of under nutrition, indicates that about 18% of all individuals in the developing countries are undernourished.
  • 7. Consequences of food insecurity: biologic consequences of food insecurity are secondary to inadequate intake. However, the social and behavioural consequences can be secondary to the aspectsof food insecurity experienced at the house hold or individual levels well as the biological consequences.Forexample,foodinsecurityamongwomenof sufficientseveritytoresultinnutrient insufficiencyand,hence,undernutritionleadstoa higherprevalence of low birthweightinfantsand may affectthe breastmilkproductionadversely. These effects in turn results in impaired cognitive and neurologicdevelopmentof the offspring, lower educational achievement, and, hence, a lower likelihoodof findingproductiveworkinadulthood.The more severely affected individuals may also have poor capacityto work,furtherdecreasingtheirabilitytobe foodsecure. This vicious cycle may continue fromone generationtothe otherand perpetuate both the biologic consequences of food insecurity and consequences secondary to the behavioural responses to food insecurity. Hunger: Hunger is the uneasy sensation that results from lack of food. It is a potential, although not inevitable, consequence of food insecurity. Hungry children also were more likely to have a history of academic failures as well as to demonstrate higherlevels of anxious, irritable, aggressive, and oppositional behaviours than their low income, but ‘not hungry’ peers. Under nutrition: the problem of under nutrition is multi faceted, and solving it at a national level requiresunderstanding,trust,and cooperation among diverse governmental agencies accustomed to dealing solely with health, agriculture, education, or finance issues. Prevalence of under nutrition: In 2000, 20.7% of preschoolers in the developing world were estimated to be underweight, as reflected by low weight for age, and 32.5% were estimated to be stunted based on low height for age. Consequences of under nutrition: the cumulative evidence suggests that under nutrition has a pervasive effect on immediate health and survival as well as on subsequent performances. These include notonlyacute effects on morbidity and mortality but also longer term effects on cognitive and social development,physical workcapacity,productivity,andeconomic growth. The magnitude of both acute and long term effects is considerable. Prospective studies suggests that severely underweight children (less than 60% of reference weight for age) have more than an eight fold greaterriskfor mortality than normally nourished children, that moderately underweight children (60-69% of reference weight for age) have a four to five fold greater risk, and even mildly underweightchildren(70-79%of reference weightforage) have a twoto three foldgreater risk. The highprevalence of mortalityinthose withmildtomoderate under nutrition suggest that more than half of the childdeathsmaybe causeddirectlyorindirectly by under nutrition. A major factor is the potentiating of infectious diseases by under nutrition. Survivors of childhood under nutrition frequently have deficits in height and weight that persists beyondadolescentintoadulthood.These deficits are often accompanied by deficits in frame size, as well asmuscle circumferenceandstrength.The implications of these deficits with respect to the work capacity of both men and women and to women’s reproductive performances are obvious.
  • 8. Survivors of childhood malnutrition also deficits in cognitive functions and school performances relative to normally nourished children from the same environment. Source [145] ] Food insecurity, hunger, and under nutrition can be completely eradicated with VPA – MV – MN. Food insecurity leading to hunger leading to malnutrition, which in turn causing the biologic consequencescan be prevented as all the people are going to get adequate income and food with VPA apart from preventing the social and behavioural consequences resulting from the food insecurity. Under nutrition leading to low birth weight children and improper - insufficient breast milk production, which in turn leading to impaired cognitive and neurologic development of the offspring,lowereducational achievement,and,hence,alowerlikelihoodof finding productive work in adulthood can be prevented. The viciouscycle of poor capacityto workleadingtodecreasing theirabilitytobe foodsecure can be breaked with VPA. Academicfailuresinthe school,anxiety,irritability,aggressiveness,oppositional behaviour, that the hungrychildren show can be effectively prevented with VPA, where their parents are going to get adequate income with VPA to have adequate food in for the family. With better productivity in the agriculture, good health care, good education, and with better economy,itispossible toeradicate undernutrition,thisinturndecreasesthe incidence of infection, morbidityandmortality.Withbetternutritionall the children will have better school performance, gains good adult height and weight, with good capacity to work for long time. 6.9. F&F - Environment, Water supply, sanitation, and Healthcare. [Environment and health: Environment in India, Water supply and sanitation in India, and Healthcare in India. About1.2 billionpeople in developing nations lack clean, safe water because most household and industrial wastes are dumped directly into rivers and lakes without treatment. This contributes to the rapid increase in waterborne diseases in humans. Out of India's 3119 towns and cities, just 209 have partial treatment facilities, and only 8 have full wastewater treatment facilities (WHO 1992). 114 cities dump untreated sewage and partially cremated bodies directly into the Ganges River. Downstream,the untreatedwaterisusedfordrinking,bathing,andwashing.Thissituationis typical of many rivers in India as well as other developing countries. News Week describes Delhi's sacred Yamuna Riveras"a putridribbonof black sludge" where focal bacteria are 10,000 over safety limits despite a 15-year program to address the problem. Cholera epidemics are not unknown. Open defecation is widespread even in urban areas of India. Indoor air pollution from burning wood, coal and animal dung is widespread. 70% of rural householdsinIndialackventilation.Particulate concentrationsinhousesare reportedto range from 8,300 to 15,000 μg/m3 , greatly exceeding the 75 μg/m3 maximum standard for indoor particulate matter in the United States.
  • 9. Changesinecosystembiological diversity, evolution of parasites, and invasion by exotic species all frequently result in disease outbreaks such as cholera which emerged in 1992 in India. The frequency of AIDS/HIV is increasing. In 1996, about 46,000 Indians out of 2.8 million (1.6 % of the population) tested were found to be infected with HIV. Even in the rich regions, health care is poor. World Bank reports that "a detailed survey of the knowledge of medical practitioners for treating five common conditions in Delhi found that the typical quality doctor in a public primary health centre has a more than 50-50 chance of recommendingaharmful treatment".The competencerating of India's doctors is below Tanzania's. Source [146] ] No waste water will be left to any water pathways untreated and also after the treatment. The watergeneratedwiththe treatmentof waste waterwillbe made toirrigate the tree plantation near the townsand citiesdedicatedforit.The housesthat are going to be constructed in the MV, will be plannedinsucha way that,it will have withgoodcrossventilation,adequate entryof sunlight, safe, connects all the offices – hospital – school with inter building bridges, will be supplied with clean water,full time electrical supply,systemtokeep/collectthe solidwaste generated in the house and the system to collect the same by the solid waste collecting people, better sewage and sullage system that goes directly to the treatment plant. Thus the water flowing in the natural and the artificial water pathways will be kept clean. This in turn is going to prevent, many water born diseases.Bettereducation,safe sex practices,goodandfaithful life withthe family, people going to stay withthe familyall the daysasthe systemmakesthemtostayin hishouse all the days will make the incidence of diseaseslikeHIV togo down. VPH – NHS will have qualified and skilled doctors, no place for illegal practice nor,withgoodfacilitytotreat all most all the diseases possible in the VPH, will make the health care system to serve the people in a better way. 6.10. F&F - India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor- population ratios. [India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios: AlthoughIndiaremainedamajorsupplierof doctorsandnursesto the developedcountriesover the years, the domestic scenario looked bleak with the country ranking 67th among the developing nations in the case of doctor-population ratio. Accordingto the official statisticsavailable with the health ministry, the total number of registered allopathic doctors in the country is 5.5 lakh. The doctor-population ratio works out to 1:2000 approximately. There are around 3.72 lakh nurses in the country and the nurses-population ratio comes to 1:2950. As per the latest data, India stands at 67th rank amongst around 133 developing countries with regard to the number of doctors while in respect of number of nurses, India is at 75th rank. Source [147] ] It is not necessary to become the first in the world in doctor population ratio. It is very much essential to know the number of patients coming to the OPD, the number of admissions the
  • 10. hospitals gets, the average number of case a doctor can handle in 6 to 8 hours of duty by giving adequate time for things like history taking, general physical examination, systemic examination, time to go through the past reports, time spending in writing or computerising the patient information,givingadvisesandsoon.Like thishow manydoctors will be requiredinone VPHtogive such goodservicesroundthe clock,and how many are required for the entire nation, including the doctors working at the urban areas and those who go abroad. This calculation will be done by the respective universityandwilleitherincrease the seats in the individual college or vice versa. In the same way the need of the nursing graduates are also calculated. Thus the need of the society will decide about the doctor patient population with the establishment of VPA – MV – MN. 6.11. F&F - Total public expenditure on health was around 1.1 per cent of GDP during the year 2008-09. [India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios The total publicexpenditure onhealth(incurredbyCentral and State Governments) was around 1.1 per cent of GDP during the year 2008-09. Source [147] ] As the governmentislookingafterthe entire health system, it needs to spend more on the health, but the government will be getting more income from the VPA, so it need not compromise on spendingonothersegment,butwhateverthe extraincome thatthe governmentgetsfromthe VPA, has to be spent on the health and education. 6.12. F&F - The number of beds in the country is 540330 in 11614 Government hospitals. [India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios According to the latest Central Bureau of Health Intelligence's survey, the number of beds in the countryis 540330 in11614 Governmenthospitals.However,asperthe World Health Statistics 2009, there is no global norm for the density of hospital beds in relation to total population. In the Europeanregion,there are 63 hospital beds per 10,000 people, compared with 10 per 10,000 in the African Region, sources said. Source [147] ] The bedscan be maintainedasperthe requirementinthe VPH, it basically depends on the number of inpatientsthatare goingtoadmitto the hospital.The numberof patients who are going to admit to the hospital will decrease with better nutrition, decrease in communicable disease, better infrastructure, less pollution, healthy life style and so on. 6.13. F&F - The government has taken a number of measures to facilitate setting up more medical colleges. [India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios
  • 11. The governmenthastakena numberof measurestofacilitate setting up more medical colleges and nursing institutions, improve the doctor/nurse- population ratio in general and also correct the urban bias in the availability of doctors/nurses, sources claimed. A sum of Rs 1350 crore has been earmarked for providing financial assistance for strengthening and up gradation of State Governmentmedical collegeswhile the measurestosetupsix AIIMSlike institutionsare inprogress. Source [147] ] NES will calculate the requirementof the doctorsandnurses,andwill setup medical colleges one in each district,andthe seatmatrix will be basedonthe populationdistribution,andthe intake will be decided by the demand and the colleges may be taking more seats in the initial few years in the needed segment to full fill the deficiency existing in the rural areas for service. 6.14. F&F - The government has also liberalised Medical Council of India's norms / regulations related to land, bed strength. [India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios: The government has also liberalised Medical Council of India's norms/regulations related to land, bedstrength, enable openingupof new medical colleges. The ratio of post graduate medical teacher to the student has been relaxed from 1:1 to 1:2 which will result in availability of more medical specialists. It has been proposed in the scheme of development of nursing services for up gradation of existing schools of nursing into colleges of nursing, sources said. Source [147] ] The MCI, need not liberalise the norms with VPA – MV – MN, in terms of infrastructure, but full fillingthe qualifiedstaff maytake fewyears.Makingthe staff whois working at the VPH, to take the class on rotation basis (Two theories and one clinical class in one day of the week in their district medical college) will solve the problem teaching staff in the medical colleges to certain extent. 6.15. F&F - Approximately two million women and children, die each year due to inadequate healthcare. [IN INDIA, Approximately two million women and children, die each year due to inadequate healthcare. 700 million people have no access to specialist care 80% of specialists live in urban areas In addition to poor infrastructure India faces a shortage of trained medical personal especially in rural areas. Source [94] ] Health care can be made accessible, adequate with VPA – VPH – MV – MN and thus the morality and the morbidity can be brought down. VPA – VPH – NES – MV – MN will make the specialists accessible for all the people.
  • 12. Subjectwise university,seatsdistributiononthe basisof populationdistribution,assessing the need of the societywhile deciding about the intake, good education and infrastructure with VPA – VPS – MV – MN, will make the specialists to distribute evenly both in the rural and urban areas and the NES will manage the shortage that is seen in the health segment focussing both rural and urban areas. 6.16. F&F - 9.2 million U5 deaths in the world. [Global Scenario, Some facts 9.2 million U5 deaths 4 million neonatal mortality. More than half a million MMR India& Nigeriatogetheraccountforone third of maternal deaths due to pregnancy related causes and child birth worldwide. 150 million children live with hunger 50 million children are stunted. Source [94] ] VPA – VPH – MV – MN, will make the better health care accessible to all and thus the MMR, NMR, IMR, CMR can be decreased. Better economy with VPA, will make the families to have nutritious, balanced diet. 6.17. F&F - The Millennium Development Goals. [The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were adopted by 189 member states in the Millennium Summit of United Nations in 2000. These states have pledged to achieve the MDGs by 2015.  Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger  Achieve universal primary education  Promote gender equality and empower women  Reduce child mortality  Improve maternal health  Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases  Ensure environmental sustainability
  • 13. Develop a global partnership for development. Source [94] ] We neednotthinkof poverty,hunger,achievingthe universal primary education, gender equality, reducing child mortality, improving the maternal health, combating infectious diseases, gender equality, and environmental sustainability and so on. All these things can be achieved without saying through VPA-VPH-NHS-MV-MN. Sources: [140] Page no 1, Nelson text book of paediatrics, 17th edition. [141] Page no 2, Nelson text book of paediatrics, 17th edition. [142]Nelson Text book of paediatrics, 17th edition, [143] Nelsons text book of paediatrics. 17th edition. Page no. 12. [144] Nelsons text book of paediatrics, 17th edition, page no.13. [145]Nelson text book of paediatrics. 17th edition. Page number 167 to 171. [146] 22 February 2009, at 23:16. Economy of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.mht. [147] internet: India ranks 67th among developing countries in doctor-population ratios PharmaTutor. [94] Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).