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Dr. Raina J. P. Khanam
Dept. Of Periodontics
2nd year PG
• Introduction
• Classification
• Clinical features
• Symptoms
• Disease distribution
• Radiographic features
• Disease severity
• Disease progression
• Prevalence
• Risk factors for disease
• Pathogenesis
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
• Conclusion
 Chronic periodontitis is defined as “An infectious
disease resulting in inflammation within the supporting
tissues of the teeth, progressive attachment loss and bone
loss.” (Flemmig TF 1999)
 Chronic periodontitis, formerly known as “adult
periodontitis” or “chronic adult periodontitis” is the most
prevalent form of periodontitis.
 It is generally considered to be a slowly progressing
CATION1. Localized form (<30% of sites
2. Generalized form (>30% of sites
1. Supra and subgingival plaque accumulation
(frequently associated with calculus)
2. Gingival inflammation
3. Pocket formation
4. Loss of periodontal attachment
5. Loss of alveolar bone
6. Occasional suppuration
In patients with poor oral hygiene, the gingiva typically may be
 slightly to moderately swollen
 Alterations in color ranging from pale red to magenta
 Loss of gingival stippling
 Changes in surface topography such as blunted or rolled gingival margins
 Flattened or cratered papillae
In advance cases of chronic periodontitis
 Furcation involvement
 Tooth mobility
Bleeding gums during brushing or eating
Spacing between teeth as a result of tooth movement
Loosening of teeth
As chronic periodontitis is painless, patients are totally unaware that they have the disease
Sensitivity to exposed roots by heat, cold or both
Localized dull pain, sometimes radiating deep into the jaw
Gingival tenderness or itchiness
Food impaction may lead to discomfort
ONChronic periodontitis is considered a site-
specific disease.
For example, a proximal surface with chronic
plaque accumulation may have loss of
attachment, whereas the plaque free facial
surface of the same tooth may be free of the
Localized periodontitis:-
when less than 30% of
the sites are involved
demonstrating attachment
loss and bone loss.
Generalized periodontitis:-
when 30% or more of
the sites are involved
demonstrating attachment
loss and bone loss.
FEATURESRadiographically, pattern of bone
loss is observed :-
1. Vertical (angular) bone loss
2. Horizontal bone loss
Vertical bone loss:-
When attachment and bone
loss on one tooth surface is
greater than that on adjacent
 Associated with intrabony
pocket formation.
Horizontal bone loss:-
When attachment and
bone loss proceeds at a
uniform rate on the
majority of tooth
Associated with
suprabony pockets.
SEVERITYDisease severity may be described as
1. Slight
2. Moderate
3. Severe
Slight (mild) periodontitis:-
Periodontal destruction is generally considered slight
when not more than 1 to 2mm of clinical attachment loss
has occurred.
Moderate periodontitis:-
Periodontal destruction is generally considered moderate
when 3 to 4mm of clinical attachment loss has occurred.
Severe periodontitis:-
Periodontal destruction is considered severe when 5mm
or more of clinical attachment loss has occurred.
SIONThe rate of disease progression is
usually slow but may be modified by
systemic or environmental and
behavioral factors.
Because of its slow rate of
progression, chronic periodontitis
usually becomes clinically
significant in the mid-thirties or
Chronic periodontitis does not progress at an
equal rate in all affected sites throughout the
Some involved areas may remain static for long
periods, whereas others may progress more
More rapidly progressive lesions occur most
frequently in interproximal areas.
Several models have been proposed to
describe the rate of disease progression.
(Socransky SS, Haffajee AD, Goodson
JM, et al)
In these models, progression is
measured by determining the amount of
attachment loss during a given period, as
1. The Continuous Model
Its suggests that disease progression
is slow and continuous, with affected
sites showing a constantly
progressive rate of destruction
throughout the duration of disease.
2. The random or episodic–burst model
It proposes that periodontal disease
progresses by sort bursts of
destruction followed by periods of no
3. The asynchronous or multiple burst
It suggests that periodontal
destruction occurs around affected
teeth during defined periods of life.
 Chronic periodontitis increases in prevalence and severity with age,
generally affecting both genders equally.
 Periodontitis is an age associated, not age related, disease.
 In other words, it is not the age of the individual that causes the increase in
disease prevalence, but rather the length of the time that the periodontal
tissues are challenged by chronic plaque accumulation.
Risk - is the probability that an individual will get a specific
disease in a given period. The risk of developing the disease will
vary from individual to individual.
Risk factor - is a characteristic, an aspect of behavior, or an
environmental exposure that is associated with destructive
 Prior History of Periodontitis
 Local Factors
 Systemic Factors
 Environmental and Behavioral Factors
 Genetic Factors
 Although not a true risk factor for disease but rather a disease predictor, a
prior history of periodontal disease puts patients at greater risk for
developing loss of attachment and bone, given a challenge from bacterial
plaque accumulation.
 This means that a patient who presents with persistent gingivitis or
periodontitis with pocketing, attachment loss and bone loss may continue to
lose periodontal support if not successfully treated.
 In addition, a patient with chronic periodontitis who has been successfully
treated will develop continuing disease if plaque is allowed to accumulate.
S1. Plaque accumulation
2. Calculus
3. Overhanging
4. Carious lesions
extending subgingival
5. Furcation exposed
due to bone loss
6. Crowded and
malaligned teeth
7. Root grooves and
8. Microorganisms
 Dental plaque is composed primarily of bacteria. One gram of plaque (wet weight)
contains approximately 10¹¹ bacteria.
 In a periodontal pocket,
Healthy crevice - 103 bacteria.
Deep pocket - 108 bacteria.
In chronic periodontitis, the bacteria most often detected at
high levels include
P. Gingivalis
T. Forsythia
P. Intermedia
T. Denticola
P. Nigrescens
C. Rectus
Eikenella cordens
F. Nucleatum
A. Actinomycetemcomitans
P. Micra
E. Nodatum
Leptotrichia buccalis
Recent studies have documented an association between
chronic periodontitis and viral micro organisms such as:-
Herpes virus
Epstein Barr virus (EBV-type 1)
Human cytomegalovirus (hCMV)
(Contreras & Slots 2000).
The identification and characterization of these and other pathogenic
microorganisms and their association with attachment and bone loss have led to
the specific plaque hypothesis for the development of chronic periodontitis.
This hypothesis states that only certain plaque is pathogenic and its
pathogenicity depends on the presence of or increase in specific
microorganisms. (Loesche WJ 1968)
This concept predicts that plaque harbouring specific bacterial pathogens
results in a periodontal disease because these organisms produce substances
that mediate the destruction of host tissues.
Both the prevalence and severity
of periodontal disease increases
with age.
(Burt 1994, Papapanou 1994,
Lindhe (1991, 1992) – minimal loss of
attachment in aging subjects enrolled in
preventive programs throughout their lives.
 Intake of medications,
 Decreased immune function, and
 Altered nutritional status interaction
The rate of progression of
chronic periodontitis is
generally slow.
However, when chronic
periodontitis occurs in a
patient who also has a
systemic disease that
influences the effectiveness
of the host response, the rate
of periodontal destruction
may be significantly
Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) is
a systemic condition that can
increase the severity and extent
of periodontal disease.
The synergistic effect of plaque
accumulation and modulation
of an effective host response
through the effects of diabetes
can lead to severe and extensive
periodontal destruction that
may be difficult to manage with
standard clinical techniques
without controlling the systemic
Smoking has been shown to
increase the severity and
extent of periodontal disease.
When combined with
plaque-induced chronic
periodontitis, an increase in
the rate of periodontal
destruction may be observed
in patients who smoke and
have chronic periodontitis.
As a result, smokers with chronic periodontitis have more attachment and
bone loss, more furcation involvement and deeper pockets.
There is appearance of more supragingival and less subgingival calculus
and demonstrate less bleeding on probing than non smokers.
Emotional stress has
previously been
associated with
necrotizing ulcerative
disease, perhaps because
of the effects of stress on
immune function.
Increasing evidence
suggests that emotional
stress also may influence
the extent and severity of
chronic periodontitis.
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is essential for the formation of collagen and intercellular
material, bone and teeth.
Low levels of ascorbic acid influence the metabolism of collagen within the
periodontium, thereby affecting the ability of the tissue to regenerate and repair itself.
Ascorbic acid deficiency interferes with bone formation, leading to loss of periodontal
Ascorbic acid deficiency increases the permeability of the oral mucosa to titrated
endotoxin and titrated inulin.
Periodontal destruction is
frequently seen among family
members and across different
generations within a family,
suggesting a genetic basis for the
susceptibility to periodontal
A study of monozygotic twins
suggest a genetic component to
chronic periodontitis, but the
influences of bacterial
transmission among family
members and environmental
effects make it difficult to
interpret a complex interaction.
Although no clear genetic determinants have been described for patients
with chronic periodontitis, a genetic predisposition to more aggressive
periodontal breakdown in response to plaque and calculus accumulation
may exist.
(Page RC, Kornman KS
1. Probing pocket depth
Periodontal probing is done on all surfaces of
every tooth in the dentition.
During probing, a thin periodontal probe should
be used with gentle pressure and it should be
‘‘walked’’ around the entire circumference of
each tooth.
2. Clinical attachment loss
It is the distance from the cemento-enamel junction to the
apical extent of the pocket and represents the best clinical
measure of disease severity in terms of loss of support for the
Ramfjord et al. proposed that loss of attachment was
considered the best measure of disease progression.
3. Bleeding on Probing
Gingival bleeding has universally been considered an
indicator of gingival inflammation and by some investigation,
an indicator of disease activity (Polson 1985).
Lang NP and Joss A et al (1986) reported Bleeding on
probing is a predictor for the progression of periodontal
disease. They reported that pockets with a probing depth of >
5 mm had a significantly higher incidence of BOP.
4. Gingival recession is recorded during periodontal probing as the
distance of the free gingival margin to the cemento-enamel
junction .
Miller’s classification is widely accepted classification to
determine the gingival recession:
 Class I: Recession that does not extend to the mucogingival
junction and is not associated with loss of bone or gingival
tissue in the interdental area;
 Class II: Recession that extends to the mucogingival junction
and is not associated with loss of bone or soft tissue in the
interdental area.
 Class III: Recession that extends to or beyond the mucogingival
junction with loss of bone or soft tissue in the interdental area.
 Class IV :Recession extending to or beyond the mucogingival
junction with severe loss of inter- dental bone and/or soft tissue
and/or severe tooth malposition.
5. Mobility
 Tooth mobility is a clinical expression of periodontitis.
 Many attempts have been made to develop mechanical or electronic
devices for the precise measurement of tooth mobility.
 Mobility is graded clinically by holding the tooth firmly between the
handles of two metallic instruments or with one metallic instrument and
a finger.
Mobility is graded according to the ease and extent of tooth movement as
 Normal mobility
 Grade I: Slightly more than normal.
 Grade II: Moderately more than normal.
 Grade III: Severe mobility faciolingually and/or mesiodistally,
combined with vertical displacement.
Device to check mobility – Periotest
-8 to +9 : Clinically firm tooth
10-19 : Palpable mobility
20-29: Visible mobility
30-50 : Mobility in response to lip & tongue movements
6. Furcation
 It is important to document furcation involvement
because teeth with periodontal pockets in furcation have
been shown to have increased loss of attachment and a
poorer prognosis following periodontal therapy than
teeth without furcation involvement. (McGuire MK, J
Periodontol 1996)
 Furcation can be probed with naber’s probe to determine
extension of pockets into areas between roots.
 Grade I involves incipient bone loss
 Grade II involves partial bone loss (cul-de-sac)
 Grade III involves total bone loss with a through-and-
through opening of the furcation.
7. Pathological tooth migration
 Pathological tooth migration is a characteristic
sign of an advanced form of chronic
 Microbial plaque-induced periodontal
infection is considered to be the most common
causative factor. (Kim et al. 2012)
DIAGNOSISWidening of PDL space
Loss of interdental crestal margin
Localized or generalized loss of alveolar
supporting bone.
Blunting of the alveolar crest due to
beginning of bone resorption
Bone loss may be either horizontal or
Successful periodontal therapy is dependent on anti-
infective procedures aimed at eliminating pathogenic
organisms found in dental plaque associated with the
tooth surface and within other niches in the oral cavity.
Slots J. Subgingival microflora and periodontal disease. J
Clin Periodontol 1979: 6: 351–382
Mechanical therapy consists of debridement of the roots by the meticulous use
of hand or power-driven scalers to remove plaque, endotoxins, calculus and
other plaque-retentive local factors.
The term mechanical therapy refers to both supra-gingival and sub-gingival
scaling as well as root planing.
Numerous studies since the 1950’s have indicated that manual instrumentation
in general takes from 20% to 50% longer to achieve the same clinical end-
points than that of sonic and/or ultrasonic scalers (Badersten A et al 1981).
The American Academy of Periodontology 1996 World Workshop consensus
report states that ultrasonic and sonic instrumentation have shown similar
clinical effects as manual scaling and root planing.
 Chemotherapeutic approaches include topical application of antiseptics or
sustained-release local drug delivery agents that are designed to prevent plaque
accumulation and to disinfect the root surfaces and adjacent periodontal tissues.
Vandekerckhove et al. were among the first to report a new innovative treatment for
periodontal infections using a partial-mouth disinfection protocol that consisted of a
thorough supragingival and subgingival chlorhexidine application (rinses, irrigation and
tongue brush) followed by four quadrants of scaling and root planing within 24 hours.
In disease sites that are more difficult to control, local drug delivery devices
such as chlorhexidine chips (PerioChipTM) or 10% doxycycline gel
(AtridoxTM) may be placed directly adjacent to the infected site.
Radvar et al. and Kinane et al. compared three types of local delivery devices,
tetracycline fiber, metronidazole gel and minocycline gel in combination with
scaling and root planing, to scaling and root planing alone. All treatments
improved attachment levels over the 6-month testing period, but there were no
significant differences between treatment.
Another new nonsurgical approach includes using a systemic sub-anti-
microbial dose of doxycycline (PeriostatA) that targets tissue breakdown by
blocking bacterial and host-derived enzymes associated with loss of alveolar
bone and connective tissue .
Surgical techniques includes
Undisplaced flap
Modified Widman flap with and without osseous re-contouring
Apically positioned flap with and without osseous re-contouring
Chronic periodontitis is an infectious disease resulting in
inflammation with in supporting tissues of the teeth,
progressive attachment loss and bone loss. With all
emerging technologies, a successful diagnosis and
treatment will only be achieved through open sharing of
ideas, research findings and thorough testing .

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Chronic periodontitis

  • 1. CHRONIC PERIODODONTITIS Dr. Raina J. P. Khanam Dept. Of Periodontics 2nd year PG 1
  • 2. • Introduction • Classification • Clinical features • Symptoms • Disease distribution • Radiographic features • Disease severity 2
  • 3. • Disease progression • Prevalence • Risk factors for disease • Pathogenesis • Diagnosis • Treatment • Conclusion 3
  • 4.  Chronic periodontitis is defined as “An infectious disease resulting in inflammation within the supporting tissues of the teeth, progressive attachment loss and bone loss.” (Flemmig TF 1999)  Chronic periodontitis, formerly known as “adult periodontitis” or “chronic adult periodontitis” is the most prevalent form of periodontitis.  It is generally considered to be a slowly progressing disease. INTRODUCT ION 4
  • 5. CLASSIFI CATION1. Localized form (<30% of sites involved) 2. Generalized form (>30% of sites involved) 5
  • 6. CLINICAL FEATURES 1. Supra and subgingival plaque accumulation (frequently associated with calculus) 2. Gingival inflammation 3. Pocket formation 4. Loss of periodontal attachment 5. Loss of alveolar bone 6. Occasional suppuration 6
  • 7. In patients with poor oral hygiene, the gingiva typically may be  slightly to moderately swollen  Alterations in color ranging from pale red to magenta  Loss of gingival stippling  Changes in surface topography such as blunted or rolled gingival margins  Flattened or cratered papillae In advance cases of chronic periodontitis  Furcation involvement  Tooth mobility 7
  • 8. SYMPTOMS Bleeding gums during brushing or eating Spacing between teeth as a result of tooth movement Loosening of teeth As chronic periodontitis is painless, patients are totally unaware that they have the disease Sensitivity to exposed roots by heat, cold or both Localized dull pain, sometimes radiating deep into the jaw Gingival tenderness or itchiness Food impaction may lead to discomfort 8
  • 9. DISEASE DISTRIBUTI ONChronic periodontitis is considered a site- specific disease. For example, a proximal surface with chronic plaque accumulation may have loss of attachment, whereas the plaque free facial surface of the same tooth may be free of the disease. Localized periodontitis:- when less than 30% of the sites are involved demonstrating attachment loss and bone loss. Generalized periodontitis:- when 30% or more of the sites are involved demonstrating attachment loss and bone loss. 9
  • 10. RADIOGR APHIC FEATURESRadiographically, pattern of bone loss is observed :- 1. Vertical (angular) bone loss 2. Horizontal bone loss Vertical bone loss:- When attachment and bone loss on one tooth surface is greater than that on adjacent surface.  Associated with intrabony pocket formation. Horizontal bone loss:- When attachment and bone loss proceeds at a uniform rate on the majority of tooth surfaces. Associated with suprabony pockets. 10
  • 11. DISEASE SEVERITYDisease severity may be described as 1. Slight 2. Moderate 3. Severe Slight (mild) periodontitis:- Periodontal destruction is generally considered slight when not more than 1 to 2mm of clinical attachment loss has occurred. Moderate periodontitis:- Periodontal destruction is generally considered moderate when 3 to 4mm of clinical attachment loss has occurred. Severe periodontitis:- Periodontal destruction is considered severe when 5mm or more of clinical attachment loss has occurred. 11
  • 12. DISEASE PROGRES SIONThe rate of disease progression is usually slow but may be modified by systemic or environmental and behavioral factors. Because of its slow rate of progression, chronic periodontitis usually becomes clinically significant in the mid-thirties or later. Chronic periodontitis does not progress at an equal rate in all affected sites throughout the mouth. Some involved areas may remain static for long periods, whereas others may progress more rapidly. More rapidly progressive lesions occur most frequently in interproximal areas. 12
  • 13. Several models have been proposed to describe the rate of disease progression. (Socransky SS, Haffajee AD, Goodson JM, et al) In these models, progression is measured by determining the amount of attachment loss during a given period, as follows:- 1. The Continuous Model Its suggests that disease progression is slow and continuous, with affected sites showing a constantly progressive rate of destruction throughout the duration of disease. 13
  • 14. 2. The random or episodic–burst model It proposes that periodontal disease progresses by sort bursts of destruction followed by periods of no destruction. 3. The asynchronous or multiple burst model It suggests that periodontal destruction occurs around affected teeth during defined periods of life. 14
  • 15. PREVALENCE  Chronic periodontitis increases in prevalence and severity with age, generally affecting both genders equally.  Periodontitis is an age associated, not age related, disease.  In other words, it is not the age of the individual that causes the increase in disease prevalence, but rather the length of the time that the periodontal tissues are challenged by chronic plaque accumulation. 15
  • 16. RISK FACTORS Risk - is the probability that an individual will get a specific disease in a given period. The risk of developing the disease will vary from individual to individual. Risk factor - is a characteristic, an aspect of behavior, or an environmental exposure that is associated with destructive periodontitis. 16
  • 17. RISK FACTORS FOR DISEASE  Prior History of Periodontitis  Local Factors  Systemic Factors  Environmental and Behavioral Factors  Genetic Factors 17
  • 18. PRIOR HISTORY OF PERIODONTITIS  Although not a true risk factor for disease but rather a disease predictor, a prior history of periodontal disease puts patients at greater risk for developing loss of attachment and bone, given a challenge from bacterial plaque accumulation.  This means that a patient who presents with persistent gingivitis or periodontitis with pocketing, attachment loss and bone loss may continue to lose periodontal support if not successfully treated.  In addition, a patient with chronic periodontitis who has been successfully treated will develop continuing disease if plaque is allowed to accumulate. 18
  • 19. LOCAL FACTOR S1. Plaque accumulation 2. Calculus 3. Overhanging restorations 4. Carious lesions extending subgingival 5. Furcation exposed due to bone loss 6. Crowded and malaligned teeth 7. Root grooves and concavities 8. Microorganisms 19
  • 20. ROLE OF MICROORGANISMS  Dental plaque is composed primarily of bacteria. One gram of plaque (wet weight) contains approximately 10¹¹ bacteria.  In a periodontal pocket, Healthy crevice - 103 bacteria. Deep pocket - 108 bacteria. 20
  • 21. ROLE OF BACTERIA In chronic periodontitis, the bacteria most often detected at high levels include P. Gingivalis T. Forsythia P. Intermedia T. Denticola P. Nigrescens C. Rectus Eikenella cordens F. Nucleatum A. Actinomycetemcomitans P. Micra E. Nodatum Leptotrichia buccalis 21
  • 22. ROLE OF VIRUSES Recent studies have documented an association between chronic periodontitis and viral micro organisms such as:- Herpes virus Epstein Barr virus (EBV-type 1) Human cytomegalovirus (hCMV) (Contreras & Slots 2000). 22
  • 23. The identification and characterization of these and other pathogenic microorganisms and their association with attachment and bone loss have led to the specific plaque hypothesis for the development of chronic periodontitis. This hypothesis states that only certain plaque is pathogenic and its pathogenicity depends on the presence of or increase in specific microorganisms. (Loesche WJ 1968) This concept predicts that plaque harbouring specific bacterial pathogens results in a periodontal disease because these organisms produce substances that mediate the destruction of host tissues. 23
  • 24. AGE Both the prevalence and severity of periodontal disease increases with age. (Burt 1994, Papapanou 1994, 1998). Lindhe (1991, 1992) – minimal loss of attachment in aging subjects enrolled in preventive programs throughout their lives.  Intake of medications,  Decreased immune function, and  Altered nutritional status interaction 24
  • 25. SYSTE MIC FACTO RS The rate of progression of chronic periodontitis is generally slow. However, when chronic periodontitis occurs in a patient who also has a systemic disease that influences the effectiveness of the host response, the rate of periodontal destruction may be significantly increased. Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) is a systemic condition that can increase the severity and extent of periodontal disease. The synergistic effect of plaque accumulation and modulation of an effective host response through the effects of diabetes can lead to severe and extensive periodontal destruction that may be difficult to manage with standard clinical techniques without controlling the systemic condition. 25
  • 26. 26
  • 27. ENVIRON MENTAL AND BEHAVIOR AL FACTORS Smoking has been shown to increase the severity and extent of periodontal disease. When combined with plaque-induced chronic periodontitis, an increase in the rate of periodontal destruction may be observed in patients who smoke and have chronic periodontitis. As a result, smokers with chronic periodontitis have more attachment and bone loss, more furcation involvement and deeper pockets. There is appearance of more supragingival and less subgingival calculus and demonstrate less bleeding on probing than non smokers. 27
  • 28. 28
  • 29. Emotional stress has previously been associated with necrotizing ulcerative disease, perhaps because of the effects of stress on immune function. Increasing evidence suggests that emotional stress also may influence the extent and severity of chronic periodontitis. 29
  • 30. NUTRITION Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is essential for the formation of collagen and intercellular material, bone and teeth. Low levels of ascorbic acid influence the metabolism of collagen within the periodontium, thereby affecting the ability of the tissue to regenerate and repair itself. Ascorbic acid deficiency interferes with bone formation, leading to loss of periodontal bone. Ascorbic acid deficiency increases the permeability of the oral mucosa to titrated endotoxin and titrated inulin. 30
  • 31. GENE TIC FACT ORS Periodontal destruction is frequently seen among family members and across different generations within a family, suggesting a genetic basis for the susceptibility to periodontal disease. A study of monozygotic twins suggest a genetic component to chronic periodontitis, but the influences of bacterial transmission among family members and environmental effects make it difficult to interpret a complex interaction. Although no clear genetic determinants have been described for patients with chronic periodontitis, a genetic predisposition to more aggressive periodontal breakdown in response to plaque and calculus accumulation may exist. 31
  • 33. CLINICAL DIAGNOSI S 1. Probing pocket depth Periodontal probing is done on all surfaces of every tooth in the dentition. During probing, a thin periodontal probe should be used with gentle pressure and it should be ‘‘walked’’ around the entire circumference of each tooth. 2. Clinical attachment loss It is the distance from the cemento-enamel junction to the apical extent of the pocket and represents the best clinical measure of disease severity in terms of loss of support for the teeth. Ramfjord et al. proposed that loss of attachment was considered the best measure of disease progression. 3. Bleeding on Probing Gingival bleeding has universally been considered an indicator of gingival inflammation and by some investigation, an indicator of disease activity (Polson 1985). Lang NP and Joss A et al (1986) reported Bleeding on probing is a predictor for the progression of periodontal disease. They reported that pockets with a probing depth of > 5 mm had a significantly higher incidence of BOP. 33
  • 34. 4. Gingival recession is recorded during periodontal probing as the distance of the free gingival margin to the cemento-enamel junction . Miller’s classification is widely accepted classification to determine the gingival recession:  Class I: Recession that does not extend to the mucogingival junction and is not associated with loss of bone or gingival tissue in the interdental area;  Class II: Recession that extends to the mucogingival junction and is not associated with loss of bone or soft tissue in the interdental area.  Class III: Recession that extends to or beyond the mucogingival junction with loss of bone or soft tissue in the interdental area.  Class IV :Recession extending to or beyond the mucogingival junction with severe loss of inter- dental bone and/or soft tissue and/or severe tooth malposition. 34
  • 35. 5. Mobility  Tooth mobility is a clinical expression of periodontitis.  Many attempts have been made to develop mechanical or electronic devices for the precise measurement of tooth mobility.  Mobility is graded clinically by holding the tooth firmly between the handles of two metallic instruments or with one metallic instrument and a finger. Mobility is graded according to the ease and extent of tooth movement as follows:  Normal mobility  Grade I: Slightly more than normal.  Grade II: Moderately more than normal.  Grade III: Severe mobility faciolingually and/or mesiodistally, combined with vertical displacement. 35
  • 36. Device to check mobility – Periotest Ranges: -8 to +9 : Clinically firm tooth 10-19 : Palpable mobility 20-29: Visible mobility 30-50 : Mobility in response to lip & tongue movements 36
  • 37. 6. Furcation  It is important to document furcation involvement because teeth with periodontal pockets in furcation have been shown to have increased loss of attachment and a poorer prognosis following periodontal therapy than teeth without furcation involvement. (McGuire MK, J Periodontol 1996)  Furcation can be probed with naber’s probe to determine extension of pockets into areas between roots.  Grade I involves incipient bone loss  Grade II involves partial bone loss (cul-de-sac)  Grade III involves total bone loss with a through-and- through opening of the furcation. 37
  • 38. 7. Pathological tooth migration  Pathological tooth migration is a characteristic sign of an advanced form of chronic periodontitis.  Microbial plaque-induced periodontal infection is considered to be the most common causative factor. (Kim et al. 2012) 38
  • 39. RADIO GRAPHICAL DIAGNOSISWidening of PDL space Loss of interdental crestal margin Localized or generalized loss of alveolar supporting bone. Blunting of the alveolar crest due to beginning of bone resorption Bone loss may be either horizontal or vertical. 39
  • 40. TREATMENT PLANING Successful periodontal therapy is dependent on anti- infective procedures aimed at eliminating pathogenic organisms found in dental plaque associated with the tooth surface and within other niches in the oral cavity. Slots J. Subgingival microflora and periodontal disease. J Clin Periodontol 1979: 6: 351–382 40
  • 41. Mechanical therapy consists of debridement of the roots by the meticulous use of hand or power-driven scalers to remove plaque, endotoxins, calculus and other plaque-retentive local factors. The term mechanical therapy refers to both supra-gingival and sub-gingival scaling as well as root planing. Numerous studies since the 1950’s have indicated that manual instrumentation in general takes from 20% to 50% longer to achieve the same clinical end- points than that of sonic and/or ultrasonic scalers (Badersten A et al 1981). The American Academy of Periodontology 1996 World Workshop consensus report states that ultrasonic and sonic instrumentation have shown similar clinical effects as manual scaling and root planing. MECHANICALAPPROACH 41
  • 42. CHEMICAL APPROACH  Chemotherapeutic approaches include topical application of antiseptics or sustained-release local drug delivery agents that are designed to prevent plaque accumulation and to disinfect the root surfaces and adjacent periodontal tissues. Vandekerckhove et al. were among the first to report a new innovative treatment for periodontal infections using a partial-mouth disinfection protocol that consisted of a thorough supragingival and subgingival chlorhexidine application (rinses, irrigation and tongue brush) followed by four quadrants of scaling and root planing within 24 hours. 42
  • 43. In disease sites that are more difficult to control, local drug delivery devices such as chlorhexidine chips (PerioChipTM) or 10% doxycycline gel (AtridoxTM) may be placed directly adjacent to the infected site. Radvar et al. and Kinane et al. compared three types of local delivery devices, tetracycline fiber, metronidazole gel and minocycline gel in combination with scaling and root planing, to scaling and root planing alone. All treatments improved attachment levels over the 6-month testing period, but there were no significant differences between treatment. Another new nonsurgical approach includes using a systemic sub-anti- microbial dose of doxycycline (PeriostatA) that targets tissue breakdown by blocking bacterial and host-derived enzymes associated with loss of alveolar bone and connective tissue . 43
  • 44. SURGICAL THERAPY Surgical techniques includes Gingivectomy Undisplaced flap Modified Widman flap with and without osseous re-contouring Apically positioned flap with and without osseous re-contouring 44
  • 45. CONCLUSION Chronic periodontitis is an infectious disease resulting in inflammation with in supporting tissues of the teeth, progressive attachment loss and bone loss. With all emerging technologies, a successful diagnosis and treatment will only be achieved through open sharing of ideas, research findings and thorough testing . 45
  • 46. 46

Editor's Notes

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